#he likes that shes younger and dumb :) easy to manipulate
br0therfuckers · 8 months
thinking about price cheating on his wife with a younger girl :)
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pianocat939 · 1 year
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YAY I FINALLY GOT ONE OF MY RAFFLE FICS DONE AFTER SLACKING OFF FOR 5 MONTS- I leaned toward a slight bit of horror cuz my followers wanted some so just a little bit
Ok so I did this really stupid thing of switching from 2nd person to 3rd person at random times, so I apologize if it gets confusing at any point. Just know for the most part if it says "they" or "you", it's referring to MC.
A Butterfly's Death
Synopsis: Younger Sibling MC goes out alone and gets hurt and Platonic Yan turtles go a tiny bit crazy and panic a lot.
Tw: blood, injury, murder, degradation, decapitation, mildly(?) explicit horror, manipulation, fear, implied panic attacks (I didn't write it that descriptive), I can't think of anymore-
Word Count: 2.1K
You walk through the stone brick paths of the Hidden City, observing the numerous yokai and the questionably-shaped buildings. When you look up, the sky's endless walls of minerals and the earth's rocks greet you, creating a vast colour of brown and grey. The glowing sign lights and the vivid colours of mystic powers thrown around everywhere blind your eyes a small bit, but you don't mind at all. Being able to walk through the streets on your own was exhilarating for you enough.
After leaving the tangles of your brothers' firm rules, you managed to slip out to the Hidden City on your own; with April being the slick butter needed to slide out from their harsh grip. You are forever grateful she was willing to make a cover-up for your disappearance, a genius she was at people. You knew you only had an hour or perhaps another half more at best, so you needed to explore briefly; otherwise, your brothers might come for you and lock you down again. You didn't even want to imagine the consequences Donnie would give with his undying protectiveness: he could be even worse than Raph at times. You wondered when it'll be your turn to have permission to leave alone since Mikey already got his 6 months ago.
While roaming the marketplace, you notice a red glowing spectre behind another yokai. Oddly allured to it, you approach it subtly without causing any suspicion and see a vibrant vermillion-coloured butterfly fluttering slowly through the bustling street. Out of everything that was going on, it was the only thing you could keep your eyes on. How its crystallized wings flap elegantly through such a diminished place is fascinating. You can't help but pursue the butterfly, your feet automatically shuffling toward it. The creature's shine was nothing compared to Donnie's monitors or the neon signs that cover New York City.
After following it through a few streets, you step close enough to it to graze your fingers upon its rouge wings. You reached out your arm slowly to feel the butterfly, your eyes slightly widened in glistening wonder. But right then, you feel a choking pressure on your chest, pain pulsing through your upper body every second. You realize your arms are pinned by some rose-coloured elastic tape binds. With a yelp, you're swished upwards into the air, restrained with only your legs to kick around in a fruitless struggle.
"H-Hey wha- what's going on?!" They stammer in panic, looking around wildly in panic. But then they hear a harsh shrill laugh, loud enough to make you wince from the volume.
"Ah...Look at the stupid little turtle who fell into my trap! I knew I could effortlessly fool a dumb youngling like you!" The villain declared with raging pride. It smiled with a devilish smirk, seemingly finding itself ingenious.
The mutant stares at the yokai in cold fear, their breathing shallow and uneven. Tears welled in their eyes, on the verge of bursting into a stream of terror and helplessness. They were so idiotic to think they could go out alone: in a city full of powerful yokai. They would eventually end up in danger; they should have complied with their brothers' rules. They regret even trying, as look where they ended up: trapped and no means of escape. They knew this villain wasn't an easy douchebag; they could see it was an imaginative mind filled with strategy and max concentration.
While the young one meddled in their guilt, the tape slowly tightened around them, applying more pressure. They immediately winced with the increase of pain, squinting their eyes slightly as if it would block the torture. But the tightening only grew, and soon it was excruciating. As their cries of pain got more voluminous, the villain only laughed with more insanity: enjoying their pain.
But then the turtle started to feel a slow cracking of their leg, bringing more pain with every fracture, and that's when they screamed: their leg had broken into two. Their scream pierced the whole vicinity, startling Yokai from nearby streets, and a small crowd formed. Some tried to save the mutant, but the villain was too powerful. The people ended up getting smacked by the elastic tape.
The villain cackled sadistically before yelling at its captive, "You're nothing but a silly little weakling! Look at you, screaming like a pitiful child!"
Their demonic giggling continued until a distant scream came from above, "YOU DIRTY WATERED MONSTER BETTER GET YOUR NASTY BUBBLEGUM TAPE OFF MY SIBLING, YOU DEMON!" It was Mikey, one of their brothers, and he did not look pleased by any means. Within a few seconds their siblings: Raph, Mikey and Donnie, fire attacks at the villain. From fire to crushing the villain with a mighty fist: it was pure warfare. Meanwhile, the elastic band that restrained them was sliced, and they fell into a pair of stable arms: Leo.
"I got you. Now, let me see your injuries." He softly muttered, his eyes with a look of concern, but they could see the dark fury swirling in his eyes. Leo carried them to a more secure place. Surprisingly the elastic tape didn't follow the pair, as it was too distracted fighting off the others. Once Y/n felt safer about their environment, they clung to Leo, trembling in horror. Leo hugged them, rubbing their back, "Hey, hey, what happened?"
Their voice was shaky and practically silent as they whispered, "I think my leg is broken..." They glance at their right calf, noticing it's visibly swollen and bruised; it was obviously distended in some places. A few tears drip from their eyes, as the pain fully sets in after leaving the danger zone. They glance back at their brother once more and notice his fury, and for a moment, they were terrified of his expression. His face was in a gritted frown, his eyes wide with absolute hatred. Leo rarely revealed his anger, but the times he did: it was a true menace. "L-Leo?" They mumbled, wondering why he didn't say anything.
Suddenly, in a flash, Leo created a portal and cut the now-weakened villain's head clean off, blood gushing and splattering everywhere. "Burn in hell, bastard." He advised quietly; you would almost think he was calm about the situation, but he wasn't. With the fact the villain was slain, all of your brothers rush back to you, surrounding you with worried looks.
"Can you walk?"
"How bad did it hurt you?"
"We're here now ok? You're safe!"
You didn't answer their questions, as you were processing what happened within the last hour. But there was one thing that was putting you through the most shock: you could have died. If it weren't for your brothers arriving in time, you could have been crushed or maybe even worse. You were grateful that you at the very least screamed, as who knows what more could have the villain done to you if you hadn't? In amidst processing all of the events, you burst out into tears, your breathing off the charts.
At the sight of this, your three brothers tried to calm you down. Mikey was hugging you, Raph was patting your hand, and Donnie was scanning your body with his goggles for all the injuries.
"Hey, hey! We're here, we're right here, no need to be scared anymore. You're out from that hellhole now!"
"Yeah, you got your big bros right here to save you. You're gonna be ok."
"Signs of bruises and swelling, increased blood pressure, a broken fibula along with some fractures on the tibula..."
Then Leo pushed himself between Raph and Donnie, holding a small, straight plank of wood along with some gauze and medicinal tape. He kneeled down and wrapped your calf into a makeshift splint. His anger had melted away from his expression, and now replaced with a concentrated face. He hummed a small tune as he worked, the tune sounding grim. When he was done he sighed, before standing up. "There. Now let's go home, where it's safe."
You're then heaved up into Raph's ginormous arms and carried off, as Mikey and Donnie wait for Leo to swiftly form a portal. Right before you leave through the turquoise-coloured glowing gateway, you stare back at the scene. Blood covers the ground and body of the villain; the colours of the elastic tape have dimmed. It's as if a horror scene the main character would stumble upon in a horror movie. You notice the butterfly you chased earlier landed right on the neck of the corpse: right where the head used to be attached. The wisp then slowly faded away into dust, as if it was never there.
Back at the lair, inside the med-bay, you lay on the bed as Leo gives more proper treatment to your injuries. While Donnie and Raph sit next to your bed. Raph held your hand and Donnie typed on his phone, seemingly writing down something important. The sound of an occasional machine beeping is the only noise in the room. Then Raph breaks the silence, "Why did you go out to the Hidden City alone?"
You froze. You knew the time to confess your doings was to come eventually. You felt intense stares at you, and you hated the thick, silent atmosphere. You didn't wish to utter a single sound; just keep your mouth shut and let Leo do his work. But you knew there was no choice, they wouldn't let you sleep for the night unless you confessed. So with all your courage you stated, "Because I hate having to constantly be with someone to go out alone. I...I felt smothered."
"But out of all the places you could have picked to sneak out to, you picked the Hidden City?" Raph interrogated, his tone sad and disappointed. His grip tightened slightly on your hand as he spoke.
"Well there's tons of cool stuff to do there, plus I didn't have to worry about people seeing me." You explained, hoping they would understand at least a small bit of your justifications.
"You know how dangerous it can be. Not only is it Big Mama's domain, but there's yokai who can do far worse things than a human could ever possibly fathom doing." Donnie added, glancing up from his phone. He frowned more, just a slight change.
You knew there was no point in arguing when Donnie's explanation is factual. "I guess you're right about that."
While placing a cast upon your broken calf, Leo chides, "I know you felt like you were smothered, but you really should stick with us when you go out. We can protect you and still let you have fun. We're your brothers, after all, we know your position better than anyone else, right?" He has a slightly humorous tone to his words, slowly returning to his usual self.
"I mean...I guess." You mumble, disappointed you're still not allowed to leave alone.
"I agree. We've lived with you our entire lives; we know what you like best. As well as our older age making us have more experience in combat and being in the public in general." Donnie confirmed, typing on his phone with purpose. Unknown to others, he was typing notes to upgrade the defences and surveillance of the lair.
You then felt gentle but firm arms around your shoulder blades and the feeling of scales slightly nuzzled against your cheek. "You worried me so much! I thought something was gonna happen to you!" Raph whimpered, embracing you close as he was on the verge of tears. "Maybe next year you can go out on your own..." never
After Leo finished up and a few more questions, Mikey walked in, holding in a freshly cooked dish of some sort: your favourite. He sauntered up to you, and carefully put the dish into your lap. "You've gone through a lot today, so I made you your favourite. Bon appétit!" He chirped, attempting to lighten up the silent gloomy atmosphere.
"Oh, thanks a lot, Mikey." You accept the food and started to eat it, hungry from not eating for quite a bit. It was delicious, as expected. Mikey is an excellent chef after all.
"So...I think we can all agree that you shouldn't go out on your own until you can prove to us you'll be safe. Agreed?" Raph proposed, looking around at all the other brothers who nodded in response. "Great. Now you just rest up and heal." He started to caress your head, smiling softly. You felt like a little kid in this situation. You felt like a little kid.
Maybe they were right: you shouldn't go out on your own. Not after what had happened to you in the Hidden City. You were just a little kid, who couldn't fend for themselves. Just a little kid.
And just like the butterfly who dwindled away into dust, so did your urge to rebel.
YAY FINALLY- I GOT ONE OF MY 500 SPECIAL DONE- @lilajjs for the winner-
I think it was like idk January/Febuary when I hit 500 help omg=
Well I hope you enjoyed this random bs-
- Celina
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abloomingsunflower · 5 months
Meet Snowflake!
[E.L.A oc's go brrrr-..]
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[I haven't introduced her yet so- I'm doing it now. This is her official design because I wasn't sure about the old one-]
Basic information:
Snowflake is Albedo's adopted daughter, who apparently can control winter. But she can't control her ice power very well, which results in little accidents to happen often. Hope is training her.
She's 18 years old, a month younger than Lux, 5'6 ft tall and enjoys reading Marvel comics.
Snow is a menace to society/aff
She is Lux's non-blood related long lost twin/j/nsrs
Snowflake is a descendant of Quetzalcoatl, the deity of war. Corr.Nightmare tried to kill her once he found out about her existence. The girl fought back as best she could but was quickly overpowered. Luckily she was saved from "an mysterious winged lady".
Now Snowflake is striving to control her power better and learn more about her ancestor.
(Fun fact: Her real name is Estelle. Snowflake is just a nickname.)
It's unknown who her parents are or where they are. But Snow never bothered to find that out.
"They abandoned me, whoever they are. Valid reason or not, I'm better off without them right? I'm sure they must've thought the same. My life is fine as it is, I already have an amazing adoptive father."
Snowflake is actually a part of Quetzalcoatl's soul, his will. All those years ago when he died, a part of him refused to give up. He refused to succumb to the fatal wounds. He refused to let his kingdom fall in the hands of his enemy.
So that strong determination caused a part of his soul to separate from it's owner. It reincarnated as different people over the years, while Quetzalcoatl wandered the earth as a spirit.
Now, Snowflake is the current reincarnation.
Only when Corr.Nightmare gets killed and the kingdom is free, Quetzalcoatl will finally rest and his will shall return to him.
-Summoning weapons made out of ice.
-Manipulating the weather.
-Control over ice in general.
-Can survive just fine in extremely cold temperatures.
-Can sense and distinguish people's different auras, including the dead's. (But she can't see the dead, which makes it difficult to guess who it is. She can find out from the aura alone if the spirit is a threat or not.)
-Can create snow giants and creatures.
[Will be updated.]
Her opinion on the people she knows:
"We met when I tried to run away from the orphanage. Then as I went further and further away, I bumped into him. He asked me why was I crying, and he comforted me. He took me back to the orphanage and on the way we were talking and getting along. When we arrived, he told the caretaker he wanted to adopt me. Much to my own surprise. Now here we are. He's actually a very supportive dad, the kind of dad everyone would want, to be honest. No matter what, he always thinks about me first. He comforted me when I cried, defended me on arguments, never turned a blind eye on me, and even gives great advice. He is the reason I'm happy."
"That baker my dad likes so much. His pastries are awesome! He's a nice guy, really. I genuinely think him and Albedo would make a good couple, I mean- Have you seen the way they look at eachother?? They NEED to get together already, I swear to god-"
"I love and respect uncle, but- Someone needs to teach him how to be less oblivious of your surroundings. He's blind when it comes to love, and I can tell he would be an easy target to manipulate..- I noticed he looks down sometimes, maybe because of his marriage?"
"The second most beautiful woman? Her? Are you kidding me? Ink is nice and all but not only does her sense in fashion suck, she's also kinda dumb. I'm just being honest! She's a mother, a grown ass woman, yet she's almost never by her husband's or kids' side, or anywhere near the castle. I swear I saw her in a bar drinking once. No, twice. That second time there was a strange man with her. I just kept walking to avoid being seen by her."
"We only really meet when uncle Dream invites me and dad over. Sometimes we talk. Lux told me he used to bully her and frame her for things she didn't do when they were younger. Even now, he's doing some pretty bad stuff. But he looks..Well. Miserable. I almost feel bad for him sometimes. Maybe he is getting his stress out on her? Anywho I can only suggest one thing for him: Therapy. And I will drag him there by the feet if I have to."
"We're complete polar opposites, and still get along just fine. I can't help but see her like a sister I never had. She's got everything! Is a princess, does nice things, is rich and lucky in lottery, has amazing dresses, has a handsome fiancée, is famous and all, and she's very pretty! Like, damn!- I think she really deserves all those. I'm glad she's not like those corrupt rich people, she actually donates to charities and orphanages. I look up to her a lot. In fact, I want to be like her."
"Miss Hope is the one training me and Lux's fiancée. They are so skilled..! It's hard to keep up with them sometimes during sparring. They've beat me countless times.. But I won't give up there! No way in hell. This is to get revenge on that bastard for nearly murdering me.."
"Him and Lux seem perfect, to be honest. We get along very well. I've read almost all the books he wrote. He's like an older brother to me. Apparently, he wants to be a wizard. He's trying to make fire, like Miss Hope. Though..once I accidentally froze him- I don't understand how it happened, I was just patting his shoulder and then BAM! Thank god we had Miss Hope and their fire. I apologized so much that day..I'm still embarrassed."
"..I've heard about that guy. Isn't that the one that can see spirits? I think he could help me, something with a powerful aura has been following me around for days on end and I need answers."
"She's that famous singer, and Merciless' little sister. Not gonna lie, she makes amazing music..I listen to it all the time. Some of her songs are calming and perfect for reading. She's also Palette's best friend. I think these two are in love, even their fans are making rumors about them being together-"
"She used to make fun of me and bother me at every chance she got. Along with that group of fans- Until..well, I snapped one day. I caused a snow storm, since I felt overwhelmed. It blew everyone away but her. I think I shoved her away after that, but then realized I didn't die. At first I thought 'Maybe it's my power', until I found out from Idiotka that a grim reaper's soulmate doesn't die from their touch. ..Nothing is confirmed yet. Because apparently Lux and Palette didn't die from Goth's touch either. This situation is very confusing. Anyways, we became friends in hopes of finding out. All we do is hang out and gossip about every single thing we can think of. It's actually nice being around Idiotka.."
"Can you believe Artemis speaks good about a moron like that? He clearly didn't think twice before deciding to attempt murdering a little girl, so why should I feel sympathy for a tyrant? I still remember his face... ... He scares me. What if I fail to kill him?"
"I don't believe she chose to marry him on her own will. What kind of psycho would?? I feel bad for her. She's very pretty too."
"Isn't that the priest in that one church..? I dunno, I'm not religious. So I don't visit churches at all. But his face reminds me so much of that bastard.."
"My ancestor! I'm gonna call him grandpa, it's easier. Man, I wish I could meet him.. Idiotka took me to this secret library and I've been studying about his history. I have to say, I admire him even more now. As I read all those history books, I pictured the sceneries of the old kingdom in my head. For some reason, everything described there feels so familiar.."
Fun facts:
-She's allergic to chocolate, so she is always eating fruit pastries or vanilla. She found that out when she once tried chocolate cake in Cross' café.
-Snowflake is a fan of horror games and movies, even playing with Goth sometimes.
-She never really had real friends until she met Goth. Snow only had a small group of online friends.
-Albedo's nickname for her is "Tuna", which Snow is always complaining about.
-Snowflake always wondered about the identity of the winged woman who saved her that day. She wishes to thank her.
-She has a true/guardian form <3
-She is the key to Surprise Ending in Sunflower AU.
[If she interacts with Angst and Angst decides to tell her about the timelines, the two of them will try to make Cross and Hope tell the truth to everyone and the game will end.]
Evil Lux AU and all the characters made by @anotherrosesthatfell <33
Snowflake belongs to me.
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zwy01 · 11 months
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Jia doodles!!!
Doodles of my noblesse oc from my Millennium AU, Jia Ru! She is the second child of Kei Ru and Claudia Tradio, and the younger sister of Luzia Tradio.
Jia’s hobby is sparring and she likes to train for strength just as much as her father Kei does. She loves her musclehead Ba very very much, and inherits his incredibly burly build. Smashes bedrock like styrofoam.
1. Jia painting!!! She has messy white hair just like Kei. She leaves her bangs as is and keeps the rest in two braids on either sides of her head. Her hair accessories were gifts from her mother Claudia; she cherishes them very much and wears them everyday. Though Jia is so powerful if she turns her head just a little too quickly her braids might slap someone unconscious. Free nap time. Oopsie, sorry hehe. You shouldn’t stare at her for too long not because she minds; she actually doesn’t. Instead to her prolonged eye contact means an invitation to spar so if you’re not ready for an unforgiving workout session, mayybe move on lol.
2. Jia side profile! She loves to spend time in the Ru territory’s bamboo forest. The breeze is nice and cool, and she loves her heritage.
3. The moment lil’ Jia gets her hair accessories from her mother Claudia! Jia’s hair is naturally messy and Kei doesn’t really know how to style hair either, so her hair just flies everywhere. Jia is curious about her mother’s hairstyle, and mommy Claudia gets an idea. She had always wanted to give her second daughter a gift but she never knew what to give, until now! Jia is super happy. Her parents are amused. Claudia promptly teaches Kei how to style their bab’s hair.
4. Kei is stoic and dense. Very very dense. He doesn’t really express love in the conventional way, maybe just one or two nicknames in private, but that’s it. No matter what, Jia knows he loves her, and Kei knows she loves him. He gets super flustered and confused as to what to do when his daughter pulls him into a massive hug. He rarely hugs back and in return just “praises” her but she knows what it really means. Cmon just say those three words Kei. They share a close relationship throughout their entire lives.
5. Jia likes Alois hoooooooo. Alois is the firstborn of the entire nextgen cast and being the shy and reserved boy he was, he spent a lot of time with the Clan Leaders before his peers were born. Specifically, he liked hanging out with Kei because Kei doesn’t talk much and he’s a good person. Alois feels relaxed around him and visits the Ru manor often. He especially enjoys the company of the Ru tigers, and routinely visits and takes care of them even after becoming an adult. Jia is curious about this random dude and accompanies him in her home. Gradually she begins to realize how caring, delicate and beautiful he is and falls for him. She’s usually loud and blunt but around him, she’s super shy. Girl is totally in love. Probably even already imagining their beautiful red and silver haired kids together (lol). Holddd up girl. Right now she doesn’t know that Luzia also likes him, and that he likes Luzia. She will find out one day and it’s gonna be quite chaotic. But at the moment muscle girl is happy with just hanging with him. Though she can’t seem to hear anything but her own heartbeats. Dammit, who’s rolling the drums at this hour.
6. Jia is kinda… dense. In a dumb way. People go “huh?” when they learn that she and Raegyn Kertia, son of Rael Kertia and Regis K. Landegre, are actually good friends. Because Raegyn doesn’t hang out with nobodies. He’s a picky extrovert, because he’s a smartass and being super smart means he finds most company to be dull and boring, and manipulating people with his charm is always easy. So in order for him to genuinely enjoy hanging out with someone, they have to be completely immune to his manipulation either by being super smart/just as smart as him, or…. by being SO dumb his smartassing just doesn’t work. Jia is… clearly not the first type. But their unusual friendship just so happened and they always have a lot to talk about. Jia is always so flattered because Raegyn “compliments” her so often. Ehh maybe try to analyze it just a bit more? Maybe asking too much from her one active brain cell tho. Lol.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 7 months
Director's Cut! Tell me about how the concept of the story came about and why you chose to go in this direction! (my body is ready for spoilers). Daemon's portrayed as a good father, we know he loves his kids even if the show wants to leave that on the literal cutting room floor, so how do you manage this approach with this story?
Oh boy. This...this is good. I am going to get rambly, & I will probably wind up delving into my version of Daemon like I did with my Rhea here, so it's below the cut!
In my heart of hearts, I truly believe that, even though Daemon likes his kids (even within show canon, what with the deleted scene of him with his daughters), he would not be able to let go of how much he resents Rhea Royce for not being someone he picked (nor would have picked if given any input on the situation). I just kind of revel in writing Severe And Complicated Daddy Issues (SOTF ain't my first Daddy Issues rodeo, I've got a whole drabble collection of that with one of my older OCs), & the idea of Rhea/Daemon kids who want to get vengeance for their mom is just kind of a concept that spoke to me.
In terms of my approach to Daemon & how it works within the world of my fic: it's just sort of "he's making how he feels about their mom & the fact they aren't wholly Valyrian his kids' problem." He doesn't hate the Royce siblings, he hates what they represent. And that combined with his selfishness, easy boredom, lack of forethought/planning ahead, & disregard for responsibility just make an absolutely delicious cocktail that I am sipping up & having the time of my life exploring. He built up in his mind that was going to have Valyrian looking sons (exclusively), and then he didn't get that. He's got a son with brown in his hair, a daughter who "can't even have heterochromia the right way," & his youngest son he had exclusively to claim a dragon looks so much like a Royce that the only proof he was even in the room is that boy's purple eyes. So now every time he looks at them he's just reminded of what "his dumb wife he doesn't want because she's not Valyrian & she's a bitch who doesn't think he's cool" has "denied him."
They were all cool when they were brand new & he could be a little delusional about it, but they stopped being fun pretty quickly so he just decided to dip. Don't have to address the issue & let your kids know you're taking things out on them if you aren't around them! And they're partly him, so there is something redeeming there, he can't hate them! But he doesn't view them at all in a healthy way, so it screws everything up. He wants admiration, loyalty, & respect from his kids with Rhea. He wants whatever they can do to benefit him. He manipulates them & tries to mold them in a way that can compensate for being part Andal/part First Men, while projecting both himself & prescribed faults from not being 100% Targaryen onto them.
The oldest/the twins are denied cradle eggs & never encouraged to claim dragons because he doesn't think they're capable of it just because they aren't 100% Valyrian, but when they both claim dragons & prove capable he immediately wants to have a son that can claim another of the older dragons. Meanwhile, Aemon exists solely to claim Silverwing, & Daemon puts basically no effort into him because he's not old enough to do so yet. He lost valuable years of trying to endear himself to his younger son by scaring him off with his explosive temper, & then going off to war & missing his first years of being, like, aware. He's genuinely surprised that the literal toddler who sees him 3 times a year thinks another man is his father.
Dinner was tense and awkward. Failed attempts at gaining his brother’s attention and at being reinstated as heir, the faltering relationships with his oldest children as they grew too old to be easily manipulated as pawns, living in the same place as his wife for two weeks, and his youngest son’s insistence that it was Ser Gerold who was his father had made Prince Daemon even more sullen and volatile than he usually was. He sat at the opposite end of the table from Lady Rhea, picking at the wing of a chicken that was on his plate.  Yorick and Ella sat on either side of their mother, both awkwardly eying their father from where he sat so far from them. Aemon was in his nursery. Even after a fortnight, the memory of the prince’s outburst at being adamantly denied the title of either “papa” or “kepa” had apparently stayed fresh in the little boy’s mind, and he had taken to hysterics to keep from having meals in the same places as the prince.
- Yorick 5: Zaldrīzdōron
He wants Yorick to be a tiny him so bad it makes him look stupid. He only keeps him around instead of being physically absent because he knows Viserys loves him [Yorick] in the most weird, projectiony way due to looking an alarming amount like the late Prine Baelon, blatantly ignoring him unless it's to train him to the point of exhaustion to try & wring perfect technique out of a literal child. He knows zero things about his own son, & because he beat his ability to speak up back with with a stick Daemon just thinks he's cool with whatever & will happily go along with his wants because he has no choice but to be molded into A Model Valyrian™. "Of course my son will be happy to curry favor with my brother for me, lose his virginity at 13 to a prostitute I hand picked for him, be a sex pest to other young teen girls, & then marry his sister as soon as she gets her period! That's what I want for him!" And then he's surprised when Yorick is unhappy with him...only then go on to actually feel pride when Yorick decides to resort to threats to get what he wants (even if they're against him). Because "yes, finally, he's acting how I've been trying to make him."
Meanwhile, he does have a kid that has the capacity to become just as fucked up as he wants Yorick to be...and he does nothing with that because he doesn't like the gender. He literally only puts in the effort to manipulate Ella into staying loyal & affectionate because that's simply what he does with young girls because he thinks that's all he needs to do & then he'll just get what he wants. "Insert kindness coins till she wants to be a child bride who has sex with her brother. Girls aren't more complex than that." He doesn't know how to extrapolate how he normally is into something he can't be a creep about, so he just doesn't really try that hard with her.
By the time episode 5 (chapter 13) roles around Yorick hates Daemon because of everything he made him go through & put up with before he was old enough to be independent from him, Ella has finally started to see how much he sucks because she's old enough that people have stopped shielding her, & Aemon simply doesn't know him. And as soon as he realizes he can't get what he wanted after 17 years of "trying," that they are all more loyal to their dead mom than the man who killed her, he starts burning bridges. And, on a level, I don't think he ever stops wanting the loyalty & the respect & the affection he initially did from them, because this is Daemon & he just wants people to pay attention & love him, but at this point none of them can give each other that. He can't be a father to Yorick, Ella, or Aemon, & they can't be the children he wants, so it all just gets...weirder & worse & more complicated. None of them get over each other no matter how hard they try.
And that's what it's all about. Toxic, co-dependant resentment.
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kankuroplease · 4 days
I have just discovered this blog a few days ago and I am completely in love with KPZ Firestorm/Distance Between casts. Love Inari, Tenko, and Kota. Love Kawarama and Itama.
Can I ask what is Mate’s backstory and why does she keep trying to escape from Izuna? Who is Sara and how is she related to the Senju Clan?
Thank you! Kawarama and Itama, although they had small parts, were easy to build on from canon and I love the idea of actually knowing Madara’s brothers.
I’m putting the answers under the cut to not have a long post~
As for Mate;
she’s based of the anime’s mysterious nomadic clan that can control the weather. Her life was pretty simple, but she longed for have an actual place to call home.
She stumbled across Konoha in her travels and fell in love with its scenery, so she decided to make it her home (even if she had to live in a hole in the wall place). She kept her weather manipulation to herself and lived life as a citizen until Sumi (Izuna’s mother) wandered into her life and befriended the young woman.
Why she tried to escape Izuna?
Simple answer, he wasn’t friendly at first and she felt a bit trapped because she basically agreed to marry any of Sumi’s sons assuming they would be sweet like their mother lol
The longer answer is she doesn’t want to be with a man who doesn’t want to be with her (no matter how attractive she finds him) and his words cut deeper than intended. She had always assumed that when she got married, it would be to someone who was kind and gentle. Izuna doesn’t show her those qualities as he’s annoyed about having a wife suddenly thrown in his path. His grievances with Mate as a partner are small;
He calls her a dullard not because she thinks she’s truly dumb, she just doesn’t think into what she does all the time and he calls everyone that when they act like a dumbass. Mate just takes it personally.
She’s clearly scared of him, but won’t leave, it’s aggravating because he hasn’t done anything she should be so frightened of and if she said something, maybe they both could change Madara and Sumi’s mind.
Mate sees his sour mood as permanent, but doesn’t want to upset the Uchiha by trying to convince them they’ve made a mistake. So running just feels like her best option to not have to deal with it. It’s another one of her half thought out plans that doesn’t help with her escaping the dullard nickname 💀
Who is Sara?
She’s a Senju and Tsuna’s (Butsuma’s younger brother in the founders au) legal wife, who he protected against societal pressure to live as someone she wasn’t. She later goes on to be a maternal figure to friend Ebba’s son (Tsuna’s son) and second mother to her lover Kane’s daughter (Butsuma’s daughter).
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adasknife · 9 months
[non canon ada wong lore]
ada doesn't know why she wants to protect leon. in simple terms, leon is a completely dumbass who thinks everything is good versus evil. not everything is black and white, if i were why would the world be in color. ada was convinced that it was probably because she liked him- in a romantic sense, but then again that didn't make sense either. she saw him once in 1998, a rookie cop who wanted to be good and then back again in 2004 in spain. but this time he was different. the world took an effect on him and ada quickly felt guilty.
leon though was demanding to know about her. if she would betray him like she did years ago, but once again it didn't make sense to ada. why was a police officer be so naive? sure, he was a rookie but so naive?
then, it made sense to her. leon reminded her a boy she meant when she was younger. children are easy to manipulate, a simple kiss in the forehead and they trust you. she didn't remember the boy's face or name- but she remembered his screaming. ada was a dumb teenager trying to prove that she was ready to become a mercenary. so, her first mission was to get this child and return him to his father.
this child and leon were almost the same. demanding to always be around ada and easily controlled.
like a dog.
the child was always playing with his coloring pages as ada spoke to her employer. the child held ada'a hand tightly and said that ada was like mommy but better. when the child was taken to his father... ada should've asked more questions... the child didn't want to go back home. he was crying and begging. stomping his little feet on the ground and he let something fall to the ground. ada picked it up and it was a little toy.
nothing too horrible happened to the child but the child had the same sad face like leon had. ada attempted to talk to the child but the child refused to speak to her.
apparently, his mother was trying to run away from her husband and ada brought the son back. after that mission became sometimes too bloody and little by little all ada began to wear was red. no matter how much ada washed her hands- the blood, the betray, and her humanity began to fade. the money in the world won't make her feel better about herself.
ada looked at herself in the mirror.
ada's eyes were numb, can she really come back to a good world? can... ada be good? ada didn't know. but she was willing to try.
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styxnbones · 1 year
(gehenna-calling) 3&26 for cass, 21&35 for kellen, 4&21 for leora, and 1 for all of them!
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most? answered here!
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon? butterfly knife, though they're pretty handy with all kinds of knives, they chose it specifically for the intimidation factor- idly flipping your knife around while waiting for your contact to approach makes you look pretty cool (and also its just fun)
26. how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids? they've got a solid 2 dots in dexterity, so they aren't clumsy by any means and w another two dots in stealth and some obfuscate they can be pretty light on their feet. they also don't tend to move without purpose- she's not the sort to pace a room or mindlessly wander about. i also imagine they subconsciously match their stride length to whoever they're walking with, out of habit from years of tailing people.
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most? deep reds/burgundy and deep blues are what i mostly associate them with, as those tend to be the accent colors they go for in a wardrobe of lots of bright neutrals.
21. their favorite place to be? at the museum, hands down. that's Their Hoard! (even if it's technically Bernadette's, she's given them full permission to think of it as an extension of their own collection) they love the feeling of being surrounded by such rich history and vast knowledge, it's like a total escape- frozen in time and insulated from the frantic scramble of the world outside.
35. do they ever return home? far more often than they should. their sire still holds a blood bond over their father, and continues to actively cleave off their family- and since Kel was embraced instead of their terminally ill mother, they feel responsible for both her death, and the subsequent involvement of their father's new wife and her children in the shitshow that is their family. so they go back pretty often, they try to have as much of a presence in the house as they can, build up relationships with their new family members, and attempt to subtly work against their sire's manipulations, and protect them from him as much as they can. their younger brother also still lives at home, and he's the one they really worry about. even though they have tried again and again to explain to him what's happening and to get out, their sire just keeps wiping his mind so every time they see him he just seems more depressed and resigned than before, which only adds to their frustration/guilt. all in all its an uphill battle and a massive emotional drain that they would be vastly better off to just drop all together, but these things are never that simple. so they keep going back.
1.are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most? gold/yellow, and she mostly wears that as accents to pristine whites. (another instance of me visually coding a character as a terrible person by making them wear white)
4. how crafty/resourceful are they? quite a bit, i'd say. she certainly knows how to make the best of a bad situation. she's by far the most dangerous when she's underestimated, and as an actor by profession that's a perception that's easy for her to instill- whether it's the 'dumb blonde' act, or taking advantage of peoples assumptions about caitiff and thin-bloods, she's always ready to pull something out of her sleeve to turn the tables that no one would have thought possible
21. their favorite place to be? on the stage baybeee! what the bard said certainly rings true, since she's happiest wherever she's performing and these nights that seems to be 24/7 everywhere she goes. she's been dead nearly a hundred years, but (crises of faith notwithstanding) nothing has managed to kill her joie de vivre.
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lavishedinjimin · 2 years
aa can i get angel!reader and demon!jikook (it could be one member too if you're comfortable with it hehe) for the drabbles? thank u so much for opening request and have a nice day 💌🐇
tags: angel!reader x demon!jikook, ropes, nothing too extreme but hey they're literally demons so it is pretty extreme :P
despite having a close age gap in the human world, jimin was more, let's say, mellow than jungkook when it comes to decisions. their moral grounds were both far beyond ethical standards, but with that in mind, the boys still had a divergent choice of judgment.
which, in comparison to jungkook's provoking, taunting stare he gives you, jimin inhales sharply from the sight. a random angel like you in his lair, wrists tied by ropes around a thick stalagmite and your naked body laying down on the cold floor. jungkook had no remorse in ravishing you, an angel who was so easy to manipulate. he didn't even have to use that much of his power to make you submit to him. just his mere presence alone made you drop down to your knees and crave for a demon's touch.
"took you long enough," jungkook smirks, glancing at jimin before returning his attention to you. he slowly traces his index finger along your tear-stained cheek, his black-colored eyes running all over your body, "look what i've found roaming around the place."
"jungkook, did you just tear its wings off?" jimin exclaims, dropping down to his knees beside you where your wings lay, charred along the edges. his hands gently touch along the feathers that were once your magnificent pride but were now all ripped away from you.
"it's what she gets," jungkook shrugs, "but c'mon, jimin. at least admit that you like seeing her like this. it's rare to catch a dumb angel wandering around hell, you know?"
jimin does not feel any remorse, contrary to the pitiful expression that was on his face. he tends to hide his devilish nature unlike jungkook does. still, the sight of a poor little angel like you, vulnerable, looking do fucking delicious sparks a flame inside of him.
"oh dear," jimin forges a pout, "what did he do to you, hm?"
he looks down and pushes your legs apart, cooing as he sees white cream dripping down your pussy. "did jungkook fuck you good, huh?"
the younger one who kneels in front of you chuckles before proceeding to stroke his throbbing dick that still leaks in cum. he was still hard, as demons like them could go for multiple rounds at once without getting tired. he thrusts his hips into the roughness of his hand as jimin reaches your breast. you moan as he pinches your erect nipple, body twitching.
"you're such a sweet girl," jimin grins, feeling your soft skin, "it's a shame that you had to be bruised up like this. but who's fault is it, hm? what made you end up in hell?"
jungkook laughs, eyes turning into little slits as he stares at jimin taking out his dick from his pants.
"for being a slut, who knows."
jimin turns his head to jungkook, "how many times?"
jimin scoffs and prods his tongue against the inside of his cheek, "fuck, angel. he's made you his toy, huh? bet this pussy's so sore—ohh there you go..." jimin whispers the last phrase when you quiver profoundly after he inserts his fingers inside your aching, inflamed cunt. he fingers you for a moment, feeling a huge wave of satisfaction entering his soulless body. jungkook watches you shake, proud of the mess he made you into. jimin's job was now to finish you off.
"let me take care of this, shall i?" jimin states before he cuts the rope with a flick of his finger against it, releasing you from the rough constraints. you sigh in relief but was quickly replaced with a yelp when jimin carries you into his lap as quick as a whiff of air, immediately aligning the tip of his thick cock along your entrance.
"ow, fuck," you cry, tears falling down your cheeks as he bounces you up and down using the strength of his arms. you were facing away from him, and jungkook takes this opportunity to look you directly into your eyes.
he no longer sees the purity angels were supposed to have. you were now just like them; eyes purely black, skin bruised and scarred. the scab on your shoulder blades from the extraction of your wings was jimin's view, and he gets turned on by them. those scars will never heal that will forever signify your eternal damnation in hell.
wet, filthy, and loud sounds were echoing across the lair as jimin drills your cunt from below. jungkook takes the opportunity to come close and kiss your battered lips from all the biting, kissing you intensely. jungkook was drinking up all the whimpers and screams that came from your mouth, feeling a fifth orgasm building up.
"fuck, angel," jimin jeers, feeling your walls tighten around him, "you're cumming already? i've barely started with you." he spanks your ass sharply, your upper body struggling to keep its composure so you lay your hands on jungkook's torso.
jungkook wasn't done masturbating as well. the louder your moans were, the faster he strokes his cock. "she's being filled up so well, jimin," jungkook moans, "such a good angel for us, letting us do whatever we fucking want."
"i'm—i think," you didn't have the energy to finish your sentence as your body experiences a strong, agonizing orgasm. your body falls onto jungkook, holding onto him as jimin was still pumping his cock up into your pussy, fucking you into oblivion. jungkook holds your head up with two hands, one thumb finding its way inside your mouth for you to suck.
"good slut. take all of his dick," jungkook growls, "i hope you know this is how you'll live each of your day."
your eyes were barely keeping themselves open, your mind almost shutting down.
"your cunt belongs to us now," jungkook says in a low voice, pushing his thumb deeper inside. he smiles in amusement, "welcome to hell, angel."
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Azula - Double Standards And The Curse Of Being Gifted
One of the things that was always very clear in fandom is that Azula was just never talked about as a literal child who was intentionally raised, groomed and practically brainwashed by Ozai into. I’ve seen people who didn’t realize that not only was not an adult, she was actually younger than Zuko. There are many, many, many reasons why fans either get confused about her actual age or flat out deny that her being 14 has any effect on her character and story (spoilers: it does) - mysoginy, racism, ableism, anti-azula bias, the way she was drawn, the age of her voice actress - however, there is one thing that I think is mainly responsible for how Azula is perceived: the characters the narrative is constantly pushing as the good guys (Zuko, Ursa, and especially Iroh) don’t think of her as a child, and that point of view is rarely questioned in the show, and full on endorsed in the comics.
The first time we see her in the series, is when Iroh is telling the story about Zuko’s scar. Her reaction is compared to Zhao’s, an adult man who is a dick to Zuko for no real reason other than liking to kicking someone when they’re down. We didn’t even know her name, or that she was related to Zuko in any way, or that she wasn’t just a random background character, but we were already being encouraged to see her as a completely horrible person mocking the suffering of someone who was in a very dangerous situation.
When we do find out who she is, she’s once again shown as someone who is at a greater advantage than Zuko. “ Everything always came easy to her. She's a firebending prodigy, and everyone adores her. My father says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born”
Yet that’s not actually true, is it? Azula might be a prodigy, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t work hard to be as powerful as she was, and everyone’s “adoration” for her is so shallow that is completely lonely and it drives her mad. And while Zuko has every right to be mad that his father has no faith in him and thinks he is worthless, he never stops to think “Is it fair that he is putting so much pressure on my sister and then dismissing her success at every task he puts her to as just dumb luck?” and the writers don’t seem to think of that as a problem or as a potential scenario to explore and help him grow as a character. Ozai robbed his children of the possibility of having a healthy sibling relationship and caused BOTH of them some serious psychological damage, and not only do the writers not allow Zuko to see through this manipulation when he is older, the war is over, and Azula is at her lowest, but they also seem to think that Azula is just as guilty as Ozai, if not more, for the exact same thing. Zuko gets a pass despite being older, Azula should just know better.  The comics double-down on this to an absurd degree, to the point that one scene implies that Azula was already evil when she was 2-years-old because Zuko had a nightmare about her. I repeat, the writers said that 4-year-old Zuko was traumatized, and that the person responsible for that trauma was not, say, his abusive father, but rather a literal toddler.
In “Zuko Alone” we see Ursa’s parenting skills. They’re not great, to put it mildly. When Zuko does something wrong - throwing bread at a turtleduck’s head) she is shocked, but asks him why he did it, explains why it was wrong, and then laughs at the situation and gives him a hug to lighten up the mood (it’s also telling that this scene is meant to show Azula is cruel to animals, but does it by showing Zuko imitating her behavior, and being forgiven for not knowing any better despite being older). Azula, at best, gets a somewhat cold “We don’t speak this way”, and at worse gets an angry “Young lady, not another word” followed by a completly inappropriate “What’s wrong with that child?” And the worse part is that if you look at the situation critically for two seconds, you do find out what exactly is wrong with that family: They’re imperialist that see nothing wrong with laughing at a joke about how Iroh will burn Ba Sing Se to the ground, but Ursa also expects Azula to know that this kind of joke is only okay when it’s at the expense of someone who is not “one of them”, doesn’t understand why that confuses Azula, doesn’t try to help her understand it like she did with Zuko, and doesn’t recognize that the cruel comments at Iroh’s expense quite clearly came from Ozai, who was always jealous of his brother. Once again, Azula is expected to just magically know better and to correct her inappropriate behavior, even though what her family and her entire nation considers appropriate is some completely fucked up shit.
In “The Chase” when Zuko so much as mentions that he expects his uncle to say he should try to get along with Azula since they’re siblings, Iroh immediately goes “No, she’s crazy and needs to go down” and that sentiment is quite clearly how the show (and especially the comics) expects us to see Azula’s actions of trying to capture the people Ozai told her to capture (something Zuko is still trying to do and that Iroh helped him with for three years) and conquering Ba Sing Se (something Iroh tried to do). Her older brother and their uncle, a fully grown adult, get as pass. She gets labeled as crazy. 
In “The Awakening” Azula throws Zuko under the bus to save her own skin when she realizes the Avatar might be alive. It is a completely fucked up, unfair thing to do, especially to your family. Is also exactly what Zuko unknowingly did to her by not telling her Aang might have survived and what he KNOWINGLY did to Iroh by stabbing him in the back and letting him be captured so Ozai would accept him back. On “The Day Of Black Sun” he also tells Ozai that Azula was the one who failed to kill Aang. Zuko is forgiven for his betrayal towards Iroh, and the fact that he threw Azula under the bus twice is not acknowledged, ever. Azula is demonized, because, say it with me, she was supposed to just magically know better, see past Ozai’s manipulation, and figure out that she should not be loyal to him after all. She was expected to do that imediately. Her older brother got to screw things up and not be labeled as a lost cause pretty much the entire show.
Iroh never tries to reach out to her in any way. He tells the story about Sozin and Roku solely to Zuko, says he is THE ONLY ONE who can choose between good and evil and that is not too late FOR HIM, and is outraged that his brother challenged him to an Agni Kai when he was 13. He refuses to kill Ozai, and in The Legacy Of The Fire Nation he expresses regret over not having done more to help him. In the finale he tells Zuko to fight and kill 14-year-old Azula, and in the comics he has no problem with the fact that Zuko sent her to an asylum the abused her for at least an entire year (likely more), while Ozai is in a regular prison. In one of the novelizations of the show, he mentions how “defeating” Azula was Zuko becoming a real man. Even Ozai is treated with more humanity than 14-year-old Azula, by Iroh, Zuko, and the writers. You’ll easily find fans claiming she’s worse than he ever was, even though he made her be that way, and unlike him, she actually demonstrated regret - despite no one ever bothering to actually teach her how to.
Azula is a smart, powerful, dangerous character. Her firebending is unique, both in it’s color and in how she uses it (using just two fingers instead of a fist, to be more precise) despite there being no indication anyone taught her that since, again, she seems to be the only one who knows how to do it. She knows everything about her nations history (or at least about the very biased and incorrect version she was taught), and she knows how to copy the behavior we see in adults, mostly her father. She’s incredibly mature. All of that is used against her at many different points by many different characters, and the same happens outside of the avatar-verse.
But she’s still 14. She’s still a child-soldier. She was still failed by every adult around her. She doesn’t know the basics of how a minimally healthy relationship should work (be it romance, friendship, or family dynamics) or of why her nation was wrong for starting a war.
She knows how to pretend she’s an adult. It doesn’t mean that everyone in her life should have treated her as one, it doesn’t make the fact that Ozai took advantage of her any less real and disgusting, it doesn’t mean that it was okay for Iroh and Ursa to never offer her any guidance, and it sure as fuck doesn’t mean that it was okay that Comics!Zuko is treating her the same way Ozai treated him.
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dyns33 · 3 years
The Tiger and the Rabbit entry (and ending ?) : 
God bless the fucking dogs.
And especially this Jason Brody doggie. Maldito californiano blanquino.
At first Vaas hated him. He had also found him a bit funny, but he had hated him above all, because he had run away, he had survived, he had started to kill his men, take his camps, and above all, he had been inked by Citra.
The tiger was very territorial. No one was touching what was his.
His men, his outposts, his sister.
But it was not the most important. From the start, his instinct told him to beware. Even before he found out that no matter what he was doing, he couldn't kill the puppy. He was crazy, but he was not mad.
           "Vaas, no !"
           "You have to, nena. Just in case."
           "I want to stay with you !"
           "Me too cariña, but it's too dangerous right now. You're going to stay with Benny. He's nice Benny, huh Ben ? Pequeño cocodrilo. I know, you prefer Carlos, but I need him. I will call you, okay querida ? Every day."
           "... Okay."
Y/N obviously disagreed, pouting, and fuck Vaas really didn't want to let go, hugging her one last time.
But his rabbit had to be brought to safety. He didn't know if Citra knew about his mate, he didn't know if Jason would have the balls to go after her to get to him, proving he wasn't a true warrior but a fucking coward, but Vaas didn't want to find out.
The small island he had chosen for the day they would have a family was very useful.
He couldn't go to see her, so no one would know where his conejita was, but as promised he called her every day, sometimes several times.
Hearing her voice, knowing that she was fine, kept him strong and not going completely crazy. He would do it, for her.
He really needed that.
Three times he tried to kill Jason. The dog seemed indestructible. Yet they said the third time was always the charm.
Maybe he was more powerful than the tiger would have liked to believe. But damn it, a dog.  Un puto perro ! He couldn't lose against a dog. Was he the great warrior of the prophecy, his sister's mate.
When Citra sent the knife at him, Vaas wanted to laugh. Well, he laughed for hours like a maniac, scaring his men a bit.
This bitch.
There was no message with it, but it was clear.
           "My mate is coming for you. I offer you the possibility to kill him. I give you my mate. Kill him, then kill your bunny, and come join me. I forgive you. We can finally be together. Make the right choice. Vaas. Them or me, me or them."
She was really nuts.
It would have been easy to kill Jason knowing he was coming. Too easy. Not very fair. Besides being betrayed and manipulated, the dog was drugged, totally lost.
He looked a bit like him now, when he was younger and blinded by love.
So Vaas had an idea. He was going to save Jason. And at the same time, he was going to save himself, and give his conejita a good life. Y/N deserved to be happy, after months hidden in a pirate camp, then on a small island.
The dose he gave to the dog might have killed him, but he was a beefy bastard. As he moaned on the floor, waving his arms like he was fighting, Vaas whispered in his ear.
           "Well done Jason. The big bad tiger stabbed you, but you survived, again. You killed him hermano. You're worthy of fucking that puta now. Almost. There are still a few pendejos left on the island. That would be very nice to get rid of them. I'm sure Citra will enjoy it."
Then he went to join Y/N, letting everyone believe he was dead. Or almost.
Carlos was put in the confidence. He knew he could trust the bear, who continued to run his operations, telling the others to avoid the dog, not to kill him, to let him do his bullshit.
Kill Bambi and Hoyt.
It was a bit annoying to lose Hoyt, he was going to have to take care of the customers afterwards, but not having Bambi in his paws anymore, that would be wonderful.
Then either Jason would be killed in the ritual, or he would leave, if he wasn't too dumb.
And, God bless the fucking dogs, he chose his family and friends, returning to California, after seeing that his mate was completely out of control. Poor Citra.
He was crazy too, but his bunny had accepted him anyway. Because he was crazy, but he didn't treat her like shit. He respected her, he didn't lie to her, and he hadn't tried to kill her.
It was still hard to hear that she was dead. His hermanita.
Y/N didn't say anything upon hearing the news, kissing him tenderly before rocking him, understanding how he was feeling.
A bad for a good. The Rakyats no longer had a leader. They had no more reason to run after him.
Vaas was truly the King of the island now.
           "... Are you going to continue the kidnapping ?" Y/N asked with a sigh.
           "A bit. I don't know nena. It's very lucrative. But there is the drug sale too, it's not bad. We have to replace the doc, and replant weed. Look, we will try to kidnap people less, okay ? And I will not torture them anymore, got it. And if the family pays, I really give them back this time, I only slavish the ones that nobody wants. And, well, I kill the ones that nobody wants, because I can't free them."
           "... Hmm."
           "... You are going to turn into a rabbit and run around the island to let me know that you disapprove, nena ? Then, I will run after you, apologize, beg you, manage to charm you with my cara angelical and some purring, we are going to fuck, and am I will do what I said anyway ? Is that a good summary, mi amor ?"
           "You love chasing me."
           "... True. I'm giving you a head start hermosa, your little paws put you at a disadvantage. But know that when I catch you, in the middle of the jungle, I'll take you here and we will make a baby."
His conejita leapt out of the hut, disappearing between the trees, as he was counting to ten. Vaas thought that she was running slower than usual, as if she wanted him to catch her quickly, to let him put a little tiger or a bunny inside her.
Yeah, God bless the fucking dogs.
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wallwriterstuff · 3 years
Hi! Can I please request a Demetri x mate!human!fem!reader where she’s Bella’s younger sister, and when the Volturi come for Renesmee, the Cullens tell her to stay with Charlie, since they had a bunch of vampires with them plus the Volturi showing up, it’d be bad with a human in the mix. Being related to Bella (haha) she doesn’t listen, choosing to hide behind a tree to try to see how Bella and her family are (she was worried what the Volturi would do). I’m sure everyone would realize there’s a human there, and Aro sends Demetri to check it out, who finds Y/n, and quickly realizes she’s his mate. Ooo that would be nerve racking to Bella because she’d see Dem speed her younger sister over to where all the Volturi are. I’m sure she’d have to go back to Volterra with them, and she’d be a little freaked out. Awhhh it’d be so cute to see them bond, and on New Year’s, she wants to watch the ball drop (because it’s a tradition), and when it’s the New Year, she kisses Dem for the first time!
Little Red Riding Hood Part 1 ||Demetri Volturi x Female Reader||
Part 2: The Big Bad Wolf 
Part 3: What Soft Lips You Have 
Part 4: And They Lived Happily Ever After 
Warnings: None, just Aro being a manipulative little meanie 
Words: 4793
Summary: Against her sister’s advice, Y/N Swan sets off on a one woman mission to protect her family, unaware of the price she will have to pay to do so. 
One of the worst habits you had was wondering the house late at night when you shouldn’t be. It wasn’t your fault really, insomnia didn’t have an easy cure and your sleeping medication was…well, when you woke up in the morning you felt drunk, they weren’t really something you enjoyed using. It had been an innocent quest really, a simple mission – get a warm mug of milk to go back to bed with. If anything, you were perfectly in the right to go wandering your own home. It should have been safe, even at 3:24AM.
Riley Biers shouldn’t have been there.
But he was.
In your living room.
And so were you.
Until you weren’t.
Alice had seen it all in advance of course and whisked you out of that room so fast the venom hadn’t even had time to properly enter your system after Riley bit down. Charlie hadn’t even been woken from his slumber by the time you were whisked into the depths of the forest to a nice little clearing where you could scream to your hearts content and nobody would hear you. Carlisle had saved you that night, sucking the venom out as quickly as Riley had injected it. The night that had followed was a surreal, whistle stop tour of the vampire world and its laws, laws you were technically breaking since you knew about the Cullen’s now. Of course, that meant you knew about the newborn army to, but you decided to stay out of that one. Some things however…some things demanded your attention, and whether you were human or not you simply had to at least see your family would be okay.
After a whirlwind few months your sister was saved, married and knocked up. Come Christmas, your hybrid niece was looking to be nine years old and your father was suspicious but none the wiser to the world you knew all too much about. You had carefully hidden your bitemark with polo necks, a sudden and bizarre choice your father had commented on once but quickly dismissed after you spouted some fashion facts Alice had prepared you with – fashion and Charlie did not mix and he dropped that conversation faster than one might drop a saucepan on fire. Of course, Renesmee (who you had created a variety of nicknames for just to tease Bella because otherwise you…well you’d have to call her Renesmee, and that was just cruel) was unique in every way, and unique and unknown equated to threat and danger in many minds, many minds the Cullen’s had slowly swayed over the few weeks since Alice had informed them of their impending death sentence.
You hadn’t been allowed to visit since the nomads and covens had started arriving, and though you understood the reason it didn’t make it any easier to know your sister, your niece, your extended family, were all in danger and you weren’t getting to spend what might be their last moments with them. It was only made worse when Bella and Edward had brought your father tickets to go fishing out of state, and tried to do the same to you. You loved your TV shows, truly you did, so for them to somehow get you backstage passes for Supernatural of all things was…immense. What you hated the most was how tempted you were to go. Who would say no to a long stay in a five star hotel, all expenses paid for and any bills you accumulated paid for by a Cullen, bottomless credit card?
When Edward and Bella had dropped you at the airport, part of you really had been ready to say goodbye to them, but as you stood in line for the gate the heavy weight of guilt settled in your gut and wouldn’t stop squirming. You had to turn back, you had to go. Nobody knew when the Volturi were going to land exactly, but you knew the day, and with Charlie and Sue gone for their fishing trip you would have nobody to stop you doing the incredibly dumb thing you had set your heart on. The taxi fare home had been extortionate but you couldn’t exactly have called anyone for a lift could you? You called the hotel and told them you were cancelling your stay, having to push your backstage pass for the Supernatural set deep into the depths of your bag to manage the grief of missing that opportunity, but family came first.
A restless night’s sleep later and you were dressing for the snow. It had fell fast and thick since Christmas day, so you had to set out early if you were going to get anywhere fast. Bella was your sister and you loved one another dearly, so of course you had spoken all about the upcoming battle, her hopes and her fears, her plans.
“There’s a clearing to the North of the house, we’re hoping if we engage them there it’ll be far enough away from people to stop anyone else getting involved by accident.”
Clearing to the North of the Cullen residence, right. With your Grandfather’s old compass you had set out, bundled in your thickest woollen coat and decked out the whole nine yards with scarves and hats and gloves. The air was freezing, nipping harshly at your exposed skin till your ears and nose were tinged red. Sniffling, you trudged through the layers of snow, stumbling over your own feet once or twice in the hereditary Swan way before regaining your footing and ploughing on. The trees seemed never-ending, an identical blanket of white on each and every one that towered above you, encroaching from all sides and making you lose all sense of direction. If it wasn’t for the compass in your hand you could have easily gotten lost in the winter wonderland, but a break in the treeline finally made an appearance. Numb as your extremities were, you forced your tired body to cooperate and propelled yourself forward, stumbling towards a tree you might be able to see past.
The forest was eerily silent, not a single scuttling animal or twittering bird to be found today, and the clearing itself was so large and the covens spread so far apart you could barely see a thing either, not with your dull, human eyes. A swarm of black gave away the Volturi, the mismatch of beiges and neutral tones on the left letting you know your family had yet to be taken down. A sigh of relief escaped you and you clapped a hand over your mouth in alarm, heart skipping a beat in your chest. Vampires had extremely sensitive hearing, there was no way somebody hadn’t heard you, and if it wasn’t the sigh that gave you away then it would surely have been the sound of mitten slapping flesh. Pressing into the bark you peeked around the tree trunk, heart hammering in your chest now as you tried to establish what was happening. You couldn’t hear a thing, could barely see. Ness sat atop Jacob, his russet fur glinting in the bright white of the snow-covered landscape.
“It all looks so terribly interesting from this distance does it not?” the smooth voice was right by your ear, and you screamed louder than you ever had in your life. Whirling around you shrunk back from the vibrantly red eyes of an admittedly handsome man, his expression devoid of any emotion as he looked you over. He had boxed you in against the tree trunk, his cloak billowing about him, the shiny, golden ‘V’ hanging around his throat making your chest constrict. Volturi, he was a Volturi guard. With wide eyes you stood in a silent stare-off, unable to decipher the emotions flickering through his eyes as he stood a step toward you.
“Stay away from me!” you cried, cringing back into the bark behind you. His head tilted.
“You came to spy and did not expect there would be consequences?” he asked, not stopping till he was almost on top of you. Your breath hitched. He had the most gorgeous looking face but you could identify the features of a killer in it. The glowing red irises didn’t look at you with malice however, more…confusion. His sharp, pearl white teeth weren’t bared to take your throat out but carefully sealed away behind plush lips. You could almost believe he didn’t intend on hurting you if his hands weren’t still reaching for you.
“You’re here to butcher my family, I had to…” you trailed off, because in reality what could you do? What could you possible say to this vampire that wouldn’t make him laugh? You were human, you stood no chance. He had paused, waiting patiently for your answer, yet when you gave him none he proceeded to pick you up like you weighed next to nothing, your feet being whisked out of the numbing snow to dangle over his arm. His eyes never left yours.
“Hold tight little one.” He suggested, his voice devoid of any emotion. If there had been any part of him you might have been able to appeal to before it was gone now, hidden behind a stony exterior. The world blurred around you and the jarring movement thew you off balance as he set you on your feet again, your body tilting in a way it shouldn’t till he was forced to grab you and hold you steady. Nausea rose quickly in the back of your throat, the world still spinning and blurring your eyes. You could see the edges of black cloaks swirling in your vision as you fought back the urge to be sick. There was no way to hide your anxiety now, your heart hammering away for all to hear, your breathing too quick to be normal.
“You seem to have distressed our dear friends, Demetri.” The smooth voice was sickeningly sweet, entirely false to your ears. Trying to take a steadying breath, you forced yourself to look up at the three imposing figures before you. A giant stood behind them, two young twins to their right. The three were quite obvious to you form the stories you’d heard, and your shudder had nothing to do with the cold this time. Demetri, the man holding you, had yet to let go of your waist, and his hands felt strangely soothing, their firm grip something that felt grounding and reliable despite your terror in this moment.
“An intruder who has already seen too much, end her now as yet another of the Cullen’s mistakes.” The blonde sneered. You swallowed, mind spinning. You were dead either way, right?
“My niece is not a mistake.” You retorted. You were proud that your voice didn’t waver once, though the grip on your waist tightened slightly and you weren’t sure if it was to warn you or scold you. Caius hissed, eyes narrowed in a vicious glare.
“Your niece? May I, my dear?” Aro stood before you, taller than you had expected with hair almost as long as yours. You knew it wasn’t a request, but you found yourself desperate either way to avoid touching him and shrank back from his extended hand, straight into Demetri’s chest. His hand was hesitant, but it lifted from your waist to lightly skim down your arm, his lips close to your hairline as he whispered, “Do as you are told now, little one.”
He carefully extended your hand for you, noting the tremor in it once more as Aro’s eyes flickered between you. He removed your mitten with a flourish, your hand immediately clenching and unclenching at the sudden blast of arctic cold it had previously been shrouded from. Aro’s skin was somehow even colder and your shivering grew in intensity. Very vaguely, you could hear Bella shouting something, but the distance was so great and the clearing so vast it swallowed the sound. His eyes flickered over yours, completely pinning you to the spot, and then they looked past you to whatever was happening behind you. Demetri was blocking your view when you tried to see what Aro was seeing.
“Sweet Y/N, your bravery in coming here is applaudable. I can only hope our own dear ones are as dedicated to our family as you are to yours.” Aro sighed, a hint of melancholy in his voice. You flinched, knowing the next words from his mouth would most likely be spelling out your death sentence. The sound of the breeze was all that filled your ears for a moment, the anxiety and anticipation growing in your stomach making it difficult to hold onto the meagre breakfast you’d forced yourself to eat. It occurred to you in that moment that this would be your final moments with your family, your last chance to say goodbye, and they could hear it. Squaring your shoulders, you held your head high.
“I came because I love them, and I don’t regret that. You can’t destroy my family, their witnesses are proof of that. My niece was created out of love and the legacy of love they would leave behind will be far too great for you to overcome. So go ahead and do what you have to to me, if I can die with half their grace then I know I’ve done them proud.” You clenched your fists at your side, prepared for the bite that Aro would deliver, maybe Demetri. Caius looked most upset by your little speech, hissing quietly and looking prepared to spring towards you. More muffled noise from behind you let you know your family had heard, even if you couldn’t hear their goodbyes you felt them in your heart.
Aro’s head tilted slightly, his expression cold, and then his mouth opened slightly and he was leaning forward. You closed your eyes, flinching as you braced for the pain of a bite you knew well, but instead you felt cold air, and when your eyes snapped open you were shielded from Aro’s bite by a tall, lean body, one strong arm curled backward to keep you caged against his spine. Demetri.
“Master…please.” He extended his hand, ripping off his glove with his teeth as he went. Aro eagerly took his hand, probably as desperate as you were to know why one of his most treasured guard would so openly defy him. Some of the Volturi’s people were starting to whisper behind them but a lethal look (from the giant of a man you guessed was Felix from Bella’s stories) silenced them. His grip on your hip tightened for a moment, the silence deafening before Aro chuckled.
“Ahhh…così si forma un legame eterno.” he murmured. You scrunched your nose, having no idea what he meant since you didn’t speak Italian. When Demetri carefully moved aside, giving Aro as slim a chance to access you as he possibly could, and your heart twisted with gratitude that he would even bother to try. You swallowed, doing your best to keep your fear from your face.
“Aro.” Caius growled. Aro held his hand up, forcing his brother to heel even if he couldn’t placate him.
“You are intriguing, Y/N. The Volturi do not offer second chances, but for the sake of our dear Demetri we are willing to bend the rules just this once,” Aro smiled, a shark-like grin that made your stomach sink, “You have a choice before you. Your family are quite innocent in regards to the accusation against your niece, for that we will deliver no justice-“ there was some uncomfortable shuffling behind him Aro dutifully ignored, “-however you are a law broken, yet another example of the Cullen’s inability to guard our secret from humans. An example must be made, you must be dealt with appropriately. Either you turn here, now, or you come with us, and we turn you.”
It was a Hobson’s choice. What Aro was really asking was how dead did you want to be? Dead dead? Or undead dead? If you let Carlisle bite you now in the clearing there were so many unpredictable nomads around. Bite your wrist and it would take forever for the venom to reach your heart and really start the change, you would be tortured right in front of them, a punishment for them all no doubt. Bite your throat and blood would spill, blood so many of those nomads wouldn’t think twice about feeding from in any other situation. So, what did you do? Did you choose the option where you ended up far from home but safe? Or did you choose the option that did not guarantee your safety but did guarantee your family would suffer watching you suffer?
For the first time since you entered the snow you felt warm, warm with so many eyes on you. Swallowing thickly, you tried to will your mind to work faster to outwit the vampire before you. In the end, you could only think of a compromise.
“My father’s not home right now. If I chose to come with you, could I have time to pack some clothes?” your voice was slightly weak, your heart aching in your chest. Your father would never see you again, he’d have to believe you just ran off, that you were the same flighty woman your mother was. Bella might never get a chance to see you again either, an eternity of knowing you would never lose your sister, but that you would never be reunited. It was painful however you spun it. Aro’s smile only widened, knowing he had successfully backed you into a corner.
“But of course! Such a…noble, sacrifice, must be rewarded. You have earned that much my dear. Demetri will take you now.” Aro gave his tracker a nod and Demetri seemed to relax, swiftly turning on his heel to march you across the snow. His hand was gentle on your arm, but the speed he set almost had you running to keep up, like he was desperate to get you out of there lest Aro change his mind. As you were escorted out of the clearing, you dared a single glance back at Bella, her face the very picture of horror as Edward held her back. All you could manage was a weak smile as your sister disappeared from view for what was possible the last time.
Once you were far enough into the trees that the clearing was out of sight for you, Demetri suddenly came to a stop, exhaling sharply and dropping his hand from your arm. It ran through his hair but barely ruffled it. Whatever he was thinking, you weren’t about to be privy to it as he slung you across his back with ease. You gasped, clinging on tight.
“Hey! What are you doing!” you protested.
“Taking you to your home. You are slower than I am.” He retorted, his voice quiet and his grip on your thighs firm. You held on tight, heart rabbiting in your chest.
“You don’t even know where I live.” You squeaked. Demetri chuckled, the sound vibrating through your gut.
“No, but I know where the Cullen’s live, and I find it hard to believe that in all this snow you walked all the way here. Now hold on tight and try closing your eyes, it may help with the nausea, cara mia.” He gave you seconds at most to bury your face in his shoulder before he took off, maybe…or not? You weren’t really sure but you didn’t dare lift your head to look. He made sure his gait was smooth, every stride flawless so he didn’t so much as jostle you, and by the time he gently encouraged you to unwind your legs from his waist you were in front of the Cullen’s house. The only reminder you had ever ran anywhere with him at all was the windswept state of your hair – it was unfair his still looked perfect.
He had been right of course, you had driven to the Cullen’s today. It was hard to imagine him sitting beside you in your small car, his cloak about him and his outfit all…well, what even was he wearing? Why did that even matter when this Volturi guard was escorting you to pack things that would be your only reminder of home? Demetri was quiet, watching you carefully as you stared at your car. Nothing made sense. Why had Demetri saved you when he was the one who hauled you out in front of Aro? Why had it felt like he was protecting you? Why was everything so…comfortable? Being around him was like being in the company of an old friend, it was familiar and warm, inviting, the silences felt natural.
Demetri quietly called your name, his expression questioning, but you didn’t bother to give him an explanation, simply pulled out your car keys and got into the driver’s seat. The radio chased away the silence, your fingers clenched tight around the wheel as you tried to figure out what to pack.
“Where are we going?” you asked him finally. Demetri kept his eyes on the horizon.
“To our home, to Volterra. You will be joining us in Italy.” He answered. Italy? You didn’t know the first thing about Italian culture. What was the food like? The people? The language? You’d need to pack warmer clothes, and they didn’t accommodate turtle-necks – not that you needed to hide a bite from vampires. It wasn’t really until you pulled up in the driveway of your home that it really struck you, the weight of the deal you made hanging heavy on your shoulders as you idled in front of your childhood home. In your mind you could see yourself running up the drive, your suitcase abandoned for your father to pick up as he welcomed you to stay for the summer. Other winters where you had opted to spend Christmas with Charlie over Renée flashed through your mind next, dilapidated snowmen and strung up lights over the porch flashing bright. Tears stung your eyes.
“I’m never coming back here, am I?” you whispered. Demetri remained silent, and you were grateful for it. There was nothing he could say to make this better and you suspected he knew that. Furiously wiping at your eyes, you rummaged for your house keys and cleared your throat. “You should wait until I open the front door, it’ll look suspicious if you follow me in and any of the neighbours see.” You muttered, already climbing out of the car before he could argue. It was a slow walk up the drive, a walk where you desperately tried to imprint the bumps in the concrete, the muddy smells of the forest surrounding you, and the awful netting in the windows’ you father hadn’t changed since your mother moved on, into your memory.
The smell of stale beer from the cans in the recycling box beneath the sink hit your nose as the door opened, the familiar smells of Charlie’s aftershave and Sue’s perfume coming next. The house was cold, quiet, desolate even. Demetri was in front of you in the blink of an eye as you shut the door behind you, nobody would have seen him enter for sure. He glanced around himself, obviously curious at the choice in décor and the photographs along the walls – you couldn’t bear to look at them. With a soft sigh, you left him in the living room, knowing he would do what he liked anyway regardless as to whether or not you invited him upstairs.
The suitcase you had packed for your trip would need to be unpacked, some of your jumpers and long-sleeved shirts would not be needed in Italy after all. It would be hot, and heat was not a friend to wool. Your wardrobe doors flung open, you were contemplating what to put back when Demetri interrupted you.
“Vampires do not feel temperature the same way humans do. When you turn it will be no issue to wear jumpers, if they are what you prefer.” He said. Brows crinkling, you subconsciously lifted a hand to your throat.
“It’s not really a fashion choice,” you murmured, “But I guess I don’t need to really hide a bitemark from a bunch of vampires, do I?” Just like that the air changed; you no longer felt comfortable with Demetri, not when he was giving off such a sour energy. He radiated danger, anger. He took a breath to visibly compose himself, but his eyes were still darkened by anger, near black with the rage he radiated. The leather of his gloves squeaked as he clenched and unclenched his fists. You took a step back from him, biting down on your lower lip as your heart skittered.
“Show me,” he said, eyes blazing. You shook your head. “Show me.” He growled, stepping forward this time. Gulping, you reached up with a shaky hand to pull the turtle-neck down as far as you could, thankful the material stretched slightly. Demetri peered past the fabric to the silver crescent shapes of Riley’s teeth, emblazoned on your skin until Volturi venom decided to buff out that imperfection. He hissed quietly, his fingertips tracing the mark and sending shivers down your spine. He was freezing cold, cold as a corpse actually since that was technically what he was, so why did his fingers leave a blazing trail of fire across your skin?
“It’s just small, it’ll go away anyway if-“
“It will not, go away.” Demetri ground out, his eyes fixated on the scar. He looked genuinely disgusted and you couldn’t tell if it was at you or the bitemark, you couldn’t tell quite why it bothered you so much either. Why did you care so much that this upset Demetri?
“It won’t?” you asked weakly. He winced a bit, letting his hands drop and looking away. You counted ten whole seconds before he dared turn back to you.
“No, it will not. Venom is what will immortalise you, petrify your system, it has had a chance to do so to those cells it has touched already and they will be forever changed by it. My only hope is to bite down there, that by breaking the surface with my teeth it heals over with my venom.” He almost growled the word at you in his frustration and you swallowed, blinking in surprise.
“You’re going to be the one that turns me?” you questioned. Could he even do that? Did he have the self-control? You had thought Aro would do it if you were honest, though you couldn’t say you were over the moon to have that old coot’s teeth in your throat it was guaranteed to at least be safe. What right did Demetri have to steal your life? Why was he so angry over the thought of another vampire biting you? Had he claimed some weird sort of vampire dibs?
“Of course. The Volturi have laws they enforce but when it comes to affairs between mates, they leave well enough alone.” He informed you, head tilting. Your breath caught in your throat.
“Mates?” you whispered, mind reeling.
“You do not feel the pull?” he asked. He had yet to step back from you, unbearably close and yet somehow not close enough. For a moment you couldn’t say anything, simply trying to desperately scramble to think coherently enough to consider answering.
“I don’t…I barely know you, you can’t just…say that.” You stammered. Demetri very gently grasped your chin between his fingers, tilting your face upward so you were forced to maintain eye contact with him. You weren’t sure what he was searching for, if he found it or not, but he dropped your chin with a sigh.
“Pack, tesoro, we have little time.” He murmured. You were relieved when he stepped back – it gave you a chance to breathe.  Mate? Demetri thought you were his mate? You knew what that meant, Edward had explained to you what his connection with Bella was like after Riley had introduced you to his world, trying to help you understand how awful the months leading up to Bella’s running away to Italy had been for both of them. Is that why he had been so protective of you on the field? Is that why he was so furious another vampire had dared mark you? It crossed your mind then just how selfish your decision actually looked to the outside world. In your head, you had been saving your family from suffering, but to them it probably looked like you had chosen to run off with your mate because you didn’t trust they would take care of you. How were they ever going to forgive you for this?
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floatinginwords · 3 years
Saved by the Devil (17/?) - Thomas Shelby
Summary: Father and reader are reunited, Reader faces her past and future at once. (Im getting better kind of?) 
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader (Romantic)
Warning: Unhealthy father and daughter relationship.
A/N: This chapter took oh so long but I’m glad that we get to see this relationship between Father and Daughter in this one. Also i named the father George so sorry if you know someone named George. Comments and feedback is always appreciated and as always have a good night and take care of yourselves. 
Italics = flashback
George (L/N), your father was a man that everyone feared. You knew this ever since you were a little girl. You saw the air he prided himself with, the way people parted like the red sea whenever he walked, the way no one would look him in his eye. You used to worship the ground he walked on. You would cry on to your mother why you couldn’t spend more time with the man, she would give you a look that you didn’t understand then. She was horrified when George did decide to take you for a tour of his ‘office.’ She could do nothing but watch you bounce happily away on your father hand. You still remember the day.
 “You can’t take her, not there.” Your mother cried to him
 “Shes gonna need to learn sooner or later.”
 “Then later!” She yelled.
 He ignores her cries as he drags you along. You had a big smile at finally getting time with your father. You didn’t understand why she was against this.
The walk was brisk, you even stopped for a treat. You ended up jumping from one place to another. Your father talking to people, shaking their hands. You noticed how they looked to him like a leader. So you asked.
 “Im a boss honey,” He answered, “You will be too one day. You’ll help me run all this.”
 “Really?” you said
 “You just gotta be tough. Can you do that?”
 You nodded pulling off your toughest face. The next place he leads you is some old train tracks that aren’t used anymore. A group of men stand around in a circle. All of them waiting for him.
 “You brought a kid to this?” One of them says.
 “You got a problem with that?” George says cocking his gun you didn’t realize he had.
 The man shakes his head no and pints where the rest of them gather, “They got him over there.”
Your father no longer holds your hand as he walks ahead of you. You follow slowly. You can see the man in the middle of the circle. Looking worn down and beaten. Your father stands ahead of him, he plays with gun in the air. He talks words you block out. You just watch the man as is eyes loosely follow your father. He cries uncontrollable begging for his life. You see his body fall before you hear the gun. You don’t cry, you don’t say a word. Your father pats you on the head and says you did good.
 Soon he took you everywhere and anywhere, spending more time with him less with your mother. You became a different person as you became used to the violence. You saw different side of your father more than once but he still treated you like a good. He wanted you prepared for anything and you just wanted to prove that you could be. So learning wasn’t an issue and neither was the perfection you set yourself up for. You became a mini version of him, you didn’t mind unlike your mother who was just horrified. She fought for you to stay in school when he would convince you to leave. She wanted to to date, have a normal job. But you wouldn’t listen to her. You father was your hero at the time you saw nothing wrong with anything that was happening.
 “Your tainting her. Its not good for her to be around this stuff.”
 You listen from atop of the stairs, now only seventeen.
 “Son or daughter, my child is gonna learn the business and learn it right!” He yelled
 “Then ill tell the police, everything I know. Ill take her away or- or”
 “Are you threatening me?”
 “I want my daughter back! You’re running her.”
 “She’s growing up, deal with it.” He turns away from her, gives her the side eye before walking out. You go to sleep, hoping for them to forgive and forget.
 You wake in the middle of night for a glass of water when you found your mother dead. You cry for the first time over a dead body. Holding your mothers hand close to her face, hoping for  a reaction. Your father walks in and pauses. You can see through your lashes that his hands were stained red. You don’t say anything. He brings  out two shovels and hands one to you. George tells you nothing more but to dig in the backyard.
 You don’t. He scolds you for not listening, for not working faster. He digs it himself. He doesn’t look you in the eye as you watch his bury dirt on top of your mother. You share a tea later in the night. You just watch the inside of your cup, the steam rising up. He drinks his greedily, eating cookies as if it’s a regular Sunday morning.
That’s when your relationship changed. You begun to bicker and challenge everything he said or did. You couldn’t understand why he would do that. Or how he even could. You didn’t know what you could do, so you held the emotions in for a long time. Growing distant with your father. He confronts you on your behavior and you no longer hokd your tounge with him.
 “You killed her. Why?”
 “You wouldn’t understand.”
 “I had to bury her, do you know what that was like?”
 “In this business you’ll have to bury a lot more like her.”
 “she had nothing to do with it.” You state.
 He looks at your small figure, your eyes welling up with tears. “Don’t cry.”
 “Why did you do it? Why did you kill my mother?” You press the issue your voice growing louder wanting , needingthe answer. Wanting all this to make sense.
 “Why does it matter? So you can tell the whole city?” He turns on you quick.
 “What if I did, does that scare you?”
 “Watch your mouth girl.”
 “Is that why you killed my mother? Cause she didn’t watch her mouth.” He gets up quickly punching a hole in the wall near your face. You stay still as tears fall from you eyes slowly.
 No longer were the two of you a pair. The father daughter duo was dead. He iced you of the business. Meeting happening without you, transactions with your knowledge. He treated you like a stranger he shared a house with. But every chance you got when you would see him. You questioned him, wanted him to feel bad. No answer at this point would satisfy you, you know that. But you hoped the guilt would eat at his soul for the rest of time. You were there to remind him. And he didn’t like that.
It was the day before you turned eighteen, when you were surprised with a knock on the door. The men claimed to be doctors as they grabbed you by the wrist, throwing you in their car, declaring you insane. You didn’t understand what was happening and that only made them laugh sealing their opinion on what state your mind was as you panicked. The doctors told you nothing but that your father had expressed concerns over your health. And that he was doing this for your own good. Being there made you feel insane but you tried your best to repeal the order to get out. But the doctors were well played off, some of the nurses being Georges goons, no one would let you out unless he said so. Until Tommy Shelby came in, of course you were finally free from that cage.
 So now you stand in front of this man, you had idolized and called father. A man who now is only a murderer, a thief, a low life, your enemy. You clench your jaw as he opens his arms to you. The wrinkles on Georges face crease as he smiles. He’s older in the face and hold a cane in his hand.
 “What? No hug?”
 “Fuck off.”
 “What a lovely choice of words. Im glad to see your okay. I meant to visit…” You glare at him, “but I’ve been busy. Its good to finally find you.”
 “You don’t have to play dumb. How long have you been following me. Ive noticed since a month ago.”
 “Hmm you’re slacking. Its been longer than that. You really think I would let my daughter be out and about, not knowing shes safe.”
 “I had hoped the rumors of your death were true. Guess I hoped too much.”
 “Ah yes your little hit on me. Didn’t go as planned did it.” He glances over at the smoke floating in the town miles from us, “Your work I assume.”
 “Did you do that to Trinity?”
 “It wasn’t anything personal. No need to throw a tantrum.”
 You huff and hold yourself back from stabbing right where he stood. “You had no right-“
 George interrupts you, “After the stunt you pulled. Asking Thomas Shelby to kill me in exchange you tell him a few locations. You know what he did when he found me. He shook my hand. The man helps me fake my death, im off to America. Can you guess where?”
 “New York.”
 “That’s right and its bigger and its booming, honey. And here you are sleeping with a man who lies to you, who is no different than me or the other men ive killed or hurt.”
 “Im not-not” You blush at the accusation your father throws to you. You had forgotten for a second how Tommy Shelby was involved in this. You remember asking him and never getting a clear answer. Especially when you were so unsure with what was going on, you should have pressed more. Not been so easy to trust him. You could have been more prepared for this, left the country sooner.
 “Listen, I’m just here to help you-“
 “By locking me up calling me crazy, or was it when you killed my mother, or had me followed or when you killed my friend.”
 “I understand your mad. But honey we are better as a team than not. Remember me and you fighting the world together.” He uses a funny light hearted voice. One that he would use only to manipulate you when you were younger.
 “What do you want from me?”
 He sighs, “I need a peace treaty. And the family’s got this son.-“
 You scoff, “Are you kidding me?”
 “its what best for our family. And honestly you have no choice in the matter. Ill drag you there myself if I have to.”
 “I’d like to see you try.” You pull put your knife and hold it out in attack position.
 “You’re gonna kill me, your old man,” He uses a mockingly sad voice before erupting into a mad laughter, “You might as well do it now cause you wouldn’t want me as your enemy.”
 “I think it might be too late for that.”  You press the knife against your own throat, pressing hard against your skin. You can feel a trickle of warm blood run down. Now George finally panics.
 “Hey, Hey! Don’t do that!” He yells.
 “Walk out of here and don’t turn back.  Now! “You command.
 Your father follows your orders because you knew it as well as he that in this game you were now an important chess piece. And he wouldn’t have no use with a dead bride.
 “I’ll be seeing you very soon.” He says as he walks further and further away. You watch until his figure is nothing more than a blur. That’s when you finally release the grip on your knife.
You sit down on the ground and quietly sob into your hands. You don’t know the time when you finally stop but its still night and still no train. You hear the sound of a lighter flicking on. You curse under your breath as you get up, ready to die tonight if it meant not being in your fathers plan.
 “You are really testing my patience tonight.” You say turning around. Only it wasn’t your father standing there.
 “Cigarette? You look like you could use one.” The deep voice says. And there you are, Face to face once again with Thomas Shelby.
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miserabull · 3 years
A very long meta-analysis on P2 Bad Grief
So, I've gone over every dialogue with this guy a few times, and there is some stuff I've never seen addressed before. This is a mix of analyzing and theory that have been in my head for a while, and I’d love to know if it all also makes sense to other people
The thing about Classic and P2 Grief, is that they are very different characters playing the same role. Who is Bad Grief? A thief, a kingpin of the town's criminal underbelly, and a smuggler working for Big Vlad. In P1, he's also a dangerous murderer who kills people for fun, but denies it, even claims that he kicks people out of his gang for daring to take up knives. Dude lies a lot. In fact, he maintains the lie up until the last route, the Changeling's, and then tries that on her too but ends up confessing. This is my very wordy way of saying that while I kinda agree with people who are like "he's not a violent murderer like P1 Grief", P1 Grief also claimed to not be one up to the last minute. I don't think they are making him a sadistic killer this time, yeah, but I'm pretty sure he's a liar, and that there's a darker secret. The game implies Grief keeps his cards close to his chest and there is more to him several times, like here, when you talk with Lara's reflection
Lara's Reflection: You see, she puts her stock in deeds and not in words. So Stakh was always close to her; for he would hear his heart, and act. A trait you share, Burakh.
Haruspex: And the most taciturn of us all, Bad Grief.
Lara's Reflection: He speaks so much yet does so much more.
or when Artemy confronts him at Aspity's Hospice:
Bad Grief: You heard about Rubin? Know why the Kin wants him dead? He's walkin' around all downcast, doesn't sleep. Says not to ask. Says it's safer like that. What's he done, I wonder? I wanted to ask Sahba, but maybe you know?
Haruspex: You're lying. That's not what you wanted to ask. I can tell.
Bad Grief: If I did lie, I wouldn't tell you the truth now anyway, would I? So back off. 
I'm not gonna go over the blowing-the-train tracks quest now, though I have some thoughts on it/what I think might be his plan there. For now it suffices to say that that whole thing is very odd, that his plan doesn't make sense(yeah, blowing up the tracks is a bad idea for his business. kinda meaningless though if the alternative is being hanged). That is to say, I'm pretty sure there's a hidden agenda there that we're probably only finding out in Changeling route.
So, what I mean is, if you think P2 Grief is harmless, or just a clown, or became a gang leader by accident, then, well. I think honey, you got a big storm comin'
A few more notes on Grief's character, and what I think of what we got so far:
-I believe the reflection(I have some thoughts about the nature of those too, actually lmao) is telling the truth, mostly. He is terrified, he doesn't want Artemy to think badly of him, he never wanted violence. P2 Grief is younger, more sympathetic, and very obviously more scared than his P1 counterpart. I don't think he's out there killing for fun. Still, I think he has a lot of blood on his hands anyway.
-I think his loyalty to his friends is sincere. He's kind of really big on companionship and loyalty, which fits, as a gang member. I really think that he wants to belong, to a gang, to a friend group, somewhere. Artemy mentions he's "always been weird" a couple of times, or stuff like "I knew you'd end up like this." and that thing with Lara's reflection... I think Grief was always a little bit on the margins, even in his own friend group, and that's why he made a place for himself as the leader of the misfits, of the people who don't fit what the town considers to be good society. I gotta get on with this because this is gonna be long enough without me rambling about every single thought and feeling I have about this bastard though
-He doesn't give away Stakh's hideout accidentally because he's goofy and dumb. He mentions more or less where it is like, three times. I think it's obvious that he's practically asking Artemy to go check on him, but he doesn't want to be a snitch, so he plays the fool like "Oooh no I gave you a hint, I sure hope you don't go looking for him now, don't ask me because I’d never tell!!". He's playing the clown, he's not that stupid
Okay, now we're getting to the heart of things. In P1, along with the reveal that he's actually a violent murderer who played another violent murderer(Barley) into taking the fall for his crimes, we get something else: he's working under the patronage and protection of Vlad Olgimsky. In P2, they put a lot more emphasis on that, Grief will tell you about it in the first AND second conversation you have. There is even a certain imagery associated with it... actually, allow me a quick digression here, I wanna go over some motifs around Grief. 
Grief is pretty into clockwork and gears, going by his choice of decoration for his Lair. The town itself is compared to a machine several times, by himself, by Big Vlad, and regarding how the Kains view it. I risk to say that the way Grief sees it is rather different from the Kains, at least at first.  For him it seems to be more of a blunt factory machine, while to the Kains...it means something else, more complex. Grief seems to have glimpsed what that is inside the Cathedral, near the end. That reminds me of something else, in the Diurnal End when Grief talks about how he used to be a clocksmith before, and now he's going to be "another kind of clocksmith", I don't think he's necessarily being literal in either case. Curiously, there's also a Clocksmith inside the Cathedral in Marble Nest...but I'm going off topic again
Bad Grief: Not a keeper of stores, but stories. This town, this great machine, the gears don't turn on their own, no, not till they're slick with secrets. 
But so, webs and puppets. We return to Vlad Olgimsky(old), who uses the metaphor of his “web”. There's also an important character in Grief's journey that is strongly associated with (spider)webs and strings, and that's Aglaya. The most notable time Grief himself refers to it though, I think, it's in the Theatre of Death, if you let him die:
“My path was not called 'The Spider'. No, think wider. It was 'The Silkworm'! The end of a railroad, I pulled strings firm; unaware someone more cunning pulled mine upstairs.”
So about that. He’s referring to the PTB right? Probably, but not only. A theme in Patho is like...these layers of manipulation. I’m gonna pass the mic to P1 Clara and Saburov for a second:
Alexander Saburov: Begin with the Olgimskys. That is the most important sin for me, and the least for him, for it is not his fault. So did Olgimsky protect his illicit trade? Did he benefit from it?
Changeling: He didn't just benefit; he presided over it. Grief was his stooge.
Alexander Saburov: Now then, we shall skip the issue of the barber gang, since it's clear now who their true mastermind was... thanks to your courage, my brave girl.
Changeling: Don't skip it just yet. Barley was as much of a puppet in Grief's hands as Grief himself was for Olgimsky. Everyone has their toys.”
Grief is a puppet in Vlad’s hands both in P1 and P2, as there he says he’s Vlads “eyes and ears” in the warehouses. In the Cathedral, he seems to more or less realize the extent of it, and how it goes against what he always wanted in the first place: to not be trapped by anything. 
Bad Grief: I used to be a thief, yet they made me a storekeeper. And what a perfect fit I made! I got my Warehouse kingdom, and with it, the insides of the Town's great machine. I kept Vlad's riches while havin' all I could dream of. Can't imagine a sweeter life.
Funnily enough, by that time he’s trapped in someone else’s web: Aglaya’s. That seems to be his thing, he thought he was in control and playing everyone, knowing all the secrets and pulling strings. In the end, he’s a Silkworm in the web of bigger fish. I mean, spiders.
Bad Grief: ...Yet they, too, are controlled by someone. Insane to think what kind of teeth you need for that.
But okay. Back to the start, I believe Grief has a lot of blood in his hands even before shit breaks loose. The things he seems to be most afraid of are also… interesting. This ties to his connection to Big Vlad, and the Kin.
Grief’s role in the payroll seems to be as a stool pigeon. He knows where everyone goes, what people are talking about, what they don’t want to become public. And he responds to Big Vlad. What I think is, hm, you know, even after Victoria passed it seems like the Kin and the Bull Enterprise never really defied Olgimsky, or had a leader in any way. Grief, too, seems to enjoy a pretty comfortable life for a gang leader. As an important piece to Vlad, he really doesn’t have that much to fear, since the guy “owns everything” and is very explicit to Artemy about how he can destroy anyone who doesn’t obey him. And probably has done that before. My guess is, Grief kept the machine working right by tattling, so no leadership or enemy to Vlad’s Enterprise could rise. I’d speculate that Vlad possibly paid the favor not only financially, but by maintaining Grief in that position. Basically, I think with Grief’s info, Vlad could eliminate any potential problem. That would mean that maybe without even having to shed blood himself there might be a lot of deaths Grief is responsible for, not to speak of the maintenance of that horrible system in the town. I think the route they are going for here is that Grief is a class traitor.
Why do I say that? Well, first let’s look at Grief’s relationship with the Kin: he’s remarkably close to them for a townie. Geographically, obviously, and also in the sense of living on the margins of society, but he also shares many of their superstitions, and seems to hold Aspity’s opinion in high regard(even calls her Sahba). I find it easy to believe that many of his men are part of the community as well, due to not being welcome in the town. At that time we see him in the Hospice though, and talking with the Kin people there, it’s pretty clear that they are planning some sort of uprising. That it’s imminent. Grief seems to know it. Seems to be absolutely terrified of that too, and to feel betrayed by Vlad.
Bad Grief: It's too late for me, Cub. I've only got one road ahead of me now. Perhaps the outbreak is for the best... Plagues are like fires, people forget old scores. And all hell will break loose here soon.
Haruspex: Any dark prophecies to share? You're the criminal mastermind here, after all.
Bad Grief: No need to prophesize. People fear hunger. Even honest workers will turn their hatchets and hammers to crime. Burglin' houses, lootin' corpses, guttin' each other. They will. Oh, they will.
Haruspex: Not all of them, Grief. Not all.
Bad Grief: The turf's so dry, you don't even need a match-a glare would start a fire. And when the Kin bares its teeth, that's when we'll all dance! They're slow on the start, but oh so fast on the draw! The Master likes them mute and obedient, but apathy makes them that way, not stupidity. They're only obedient till the time comes. And here it comes.
And the people who lose their jobs? They won't be too fond of staying home. They'll find new hobbies, like looking for food, or venting their anger. ...And Fat Vlad shut his facilities down the day before yesterday, didn't he? Crafty... Didn't whisper so much as a single word to me. Do you think he knew?
At the same time he seems to think that he deserves this, and it’s inevitable. “We reap what we sow”, paraphrasing him. He talks a few times about how there’s a vile beast inside each person in the town, about how they are all wretched and everything, including him, which I think might just be a way of coping like “yeah, I sold out, but anyone would do the same if they were in my place”. 
So, yeah. What I think is that Grief was a guy that had no power and money, with absolutely no perspective, who due to his very particular skills had an opportunity to climb up and took it(all while still getting to pretend he’s an outlaw, free from the chains of society!). And it’s...very bad. And he knows it’s very bad, and he’s not evil or sadistic, but he’s immature, cowardly, and desperately wants to be in control of his own destiny, and to not be alone, and all that. He’s still Artemy’s childhood buddy, a loyal friend, and someone who never really wanted to cause that much damage. He also knows that what he did is unjustifiable, and that no matter what he truly feels, the damage is done and he’s guilty of horrible shit.
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sodascherrycola · 2 years
Introductions (Oscar & Juliette’s Kids)
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Mateo Claude Beau Diaz (@teodiaz)
DOB: July 19th 2011 Age: 28 years old Hometown: Freeridge, California Nicknames: Mat, Teo S/O: Mariana Rodriguez Kids: Noel and Olivia Aesthetic: Calm kid, was a daddy’s boy until his dad went away and came back to fighting with his mom, now he can’t stand his dad, though he’s a lot like him.
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Milo Denis Paris Diaz (@milo.di)
DOB: April 11th 2014 Age: 25 years old Hometown: Freeridge, California Nicknames: Miles, Miley, Mile S/O: Sara Evans Kids: None Aesthetic: Was a very exciting and extroverted kid growing up, was a mama’s boy and loved following her around the house, and loved cooking with her. He has a mean strike and can get quite violent when he wants, and is also allergic to dogs.
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Eléonore Valentine Elena Diaz (@ellie101)
DOB: November 22nd 2018 Age: 21 years old Hometown: Freeridge, California Nicknames: Elle, Ellie, Nore, Nora S/O: Jean Pouillac Kids: None Aesthetic: She has been a very creative person ever since a young age, she is also very smart. She is also the last of her siblings to be fluent in both French and Spanish, her younger siblings can only understand it.
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Diego Jacques Leo Diaz (@djdiaz)
DOB: December 2nd 2020 Age: 19 years old Hometown: San Diego, California Nicknames: DJ S/O: No One Kids: None Aesthetic: He was another quiet kid growing up, not the smartest of his siblings but he is definitely the most lovable. He was a very gentle child, barely cried and was all together a really easy baby. He loves listening to music and gets high and sleeps a lot.
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Mariposa Madeleine Victoria Diaz (@maddy.luvs.u)
DOB: December 2nd 2020 Age: 19 years old Hometown: San Diego, California Nicknames: Maddy, Posey S/O: Michael White Kids: None Aesthetic: Very outgoing and loves attention. She loves being in the spotlight and is the life of the party always. Has a bit of an issue with drugs and partying but isn’t trying to work on it. Is a very manipulative and vulnerable person in relationships and isn’t dumb or naive in the slightest.
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Sophie Xiomara Marisol Diaz (@phie_)
DOB: January 16th 2023 Age: 16 years old Hometown: San Diego, California Nicknames: Soph S/O: Noah Peterson Kids: None Aesthetic: She is definitely a ride or die kind of person. She is a lot like her mom, she is stubborn but always puts her family before her and would absolutely kill anybody if they try to harm her loved ones.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Killer Queen (Five Hargreeves x reader)
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Summary: [from s2e10] Five comes and saves Y/N as she fights Lila at the Cooper’s barn. 
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: Killer Queen x Queen
Word Count: 1.1k words
Warning: swearing, violence
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'You don't give up, do you?' Lila clenched her fist, following me from behind as I dashed into the Cooper's farm. 'How did you even get here?'
Wiping the blood off of my cheek, I chuckled. 'Are you really dumb? I used a briefcase like everyone else. Perks of you being obsessed with stalking Diego is that I have easy access to the rooms.'
'You won't be doing that anymore if you're dead.'
Being part of the commission wasn't a choice; well, it sort of was considering I said yes but I had nowhere else to go. The Handler found me one day and manipulated me, thinking this was going to be better than living off in the streets like I was.
Instead of making the world a better place, The Handler wanted what was best for herself. She made sure the timeline was specifically in her arrangements. Even when an innocent person could've been saved, if it didn't benefit her, she wouldn't bat an eye.
Shortly after I was hired I met Five, when The Handler helped him from being all alone in the apocalypse. He was just an old geezer with a mannequin in his hand, I wasn't sure why she was even interested in him.
Then realizing that that old man was one of the heroes from the Umbrella Academy, it all made sense. Why The Handler wanted the apocalypse to happen in 2019, why she had a monitor surveillanced 24/7 specifically for a man she called Five.
After befriending him at work, I decided to be by his side to cooperate with him. Five was a grumpy old man, but he cared so much about the world and especially going back to 2019 to save his siblings from dying in the apocalypse.
Or at least I though I'd help him, until he disappeared after he was sent to assassinate JFK in 1963. The Handler found him instantly, back in 2019, then sent Cha-Cha and Hazel to hunt him down back to the commission.
Except he was younger now. Much younger.
It was a huge surprise seeing him in a kid suit but after seeing how he acted, Five was still the grumpy but caring person and that gave me quite a relief.
And after all the things Five and I went through to save his siblings and the world, now we were in 1963 running away from The Handler as she ordered her daughter to kill the both of us once and for all for disobeying her orders.
'I always hated you, you know?' Lila snickered, glaring at me as she clenched her fist tighter. 'You thought you can do anything you want at the commission but it's over for you.'
'That's the stupidest reason to hate but whatever helps you sleep at night, Lila.' I grabbed onto her arm, twisted it and pinned her to the ground with my knee on her back. 'You and your insane mom are done being the top of commission.'
Lila let out a devilish laugh. 'Sweetie, it's only just begun.'
Without effort, she turned around and pushed me off as if I was a rag doll. I crashed against the wall, groaning as I felt the pain all over my back. She must of mirrored Luther's powers while she was fighting him in the Cooper house. That would explain why she had so much strength.
'You and Five just need to stop and accept the faith that's in front of you.' Lila towered over me as I laid on the ground, still trying to get up from when she pushed me. 'You're one of our best fighters in the commission but with my powers, you can't fight me. It's over.'
I swallowed the lump on my throat, realizing that my life was going to be over right here and now. As Lila swung her fist into my head, everything went black.
Five POV
Knowing that Y/N was alone with Lila, I quickly rushed into the barn leaving my siblings inside the house.
When I got there, Lila was punching Y/N in the face continuously even when she clearly was unconscious. As I watched blood coming out of her nose, I screamed.
'I have a surprise for you Lila. My siblings and I just killed your mama.' It wasn't how I wanted to approach her, I'd rather just stealth killed her as she was busy with Y/N but I had to taunt her.
Lila's eyes widened, quickly turning around to see my face. She was furious, the only person she ever called family was dead and she couldn't do anything to stop it. 'How dare you.'
'You're defending a mother who killed your biological parents.'
'Five, you killed them!' She yelled.
'The Handler gave me the order. You know it, you just don't want to accept it.' I yelled back at her, 'And now you hurt Y/N. You're going to pay.'
Lila charged towards me but before she reached, I teleported elsewhere. She was good but she wasn't that good to where she can beat me.
In the corner of my eye I saw Y/N slowly waking up, looking left and right as she tried to grasp what was all going on.
Then out of nowhere Lila swung at me, punching me across the face while I was distracted. 'Rookie mistake, Five. That was way too easy. Now I have you power too.'
'What a bitch, why did you even date her Diego?' The rest of the siblings joined in, Klaus making petty remarks as he saw what Lila did to Y/N and I.
'I was manipulated, okay? That's why she's my ex.' Diego sighed.
'Well, she's going to have to go down.' Allison smirked.
All the siblings started fighting Lila, out numbering her despite her power of mirroring other's abilities.
While Lila was distracted with my siblings, I ran towards Y/N. Seeing the bruises formed in her face made my heart hurt, feeling guilty about not being able to be there for her when she needed me. 'I'm sorry, Y/N. Are you okay?'
Y/N got up in her pace, wincing as she stood up. 'I'm okay, Five. What are you sorry for?'
'That I wasn't there.' I sighed, gently wiping off her blood off of her chin. 'But I'm here now.'
She smiled, then hugged me tightly. Even when there was a fight going on behind us, it still felt as though we were alone in the world. Like whatever was coming for us, we'd be alright. 'Thank you Five, for everything.'
Even though it was rare of me to smile, Y/N made me do it so often. She made me happy, really happy. Something that I haven't felt in a very long time, especially after the apocalypse from 2019 where I was all alone.
'Come on, lets go help my siblings.' I gave her my hand, ' You know they're going to need us.'
She giggled, taking my hand as she stood up with me. 'I got your back, Five.'
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