#he has that lame dad swag
molqr · 10 days
the psycho nuts for the ask game lalala
YAUY C: i love to think of The Characters!!! X <- ask game link lalala
blorbo - fav character(s) - ouh god how could i not go for sasha and milla. its obviously them. oleander and loboto are great too but ohh those two have permenant residence in my mind. i tend to think about sasha more because he's an off-putting and very autistic green science man but theyre both great. milla makes me want to fall down on my hands and knees thinking about her for too long. no milla your swag is too strong. they'll kill you. they should watch austin powers movies together and smoke a bunt. they come as a set tbh. do not seperate!!
scrunkly - the 'babies', cuteness aggression character - half the games cast are teens/kids and raz is Literally Ten so the baby half of this is answered for!! why are you a child! anyway real answer though? no idea. i hardly see characters as the baby unless its for the bit. i want to comfort the kid versions of the adult characters you see in memory vaults though, does that count? enough horrors, lets go get you guys an oversized lollipop!!!
scrimblo bimblo - underrated/underappreciated fav - i think frazie aquato, raz's older sister, definitely has horrors and things going on and i wouldnt object to seeing her side of things during psychonaut's story. like, shes a psychic too! but she kept it hidden from her family because they hated them! and then thats suddenly flipped on its head and everything she was taught to hate about psychics, and by exstention herself, was just a big contradictory lie?? dude. i'd kill. theres more i could add onto this but the context is some pretty big spoilers so i shall zip my lipz.... i also need to think about cassie o'pia more. the tall bee lady!!! i really like her level in pn2, ive gotta dig my teeth into her story more. also her and compton qpr realness!!!
glup shitto - obscure fav - i cant think of anybody who feels obscure to me tbh! even the campers in psychonauts 1 have their own quick moments. speaking of, i'll probably go for chloe from pn1. shes just a weird alien girl!! sheegor too, she's great. a true obscure one though?
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this thing. god i love the stupid lungfish baby its so stupid. it only shows up for like 5 seconds and its so fucking funny god
poor little meow meow - pathetic fav - i cant think of any favs i have that fall into the controversial category so im going for guys who are just lame. and i think loboto has plenty of those moments, it has to be coach oleander. hes really lame. i think hes just neat. i should rewatch a gameplay of the rhombus of ruin again just for him he has some great moments. sasha, are you holding the talking turtle. we love a short king etc. ...oh and maybe raz's dad just a little bit. nothing wrong with him besides being naturally flawed i just think hes a bit lame in pn2 and thats fun actually. does his wife know if hes single? i mean what. who said that.
horse plinko - character i'd torment for fun - oh theres a guy i have in mind but his entire identity is a spoiler. so, besides him, probably sasha. not because i hate him but rather i just want to throw him at the walls and see what would happen, lovingly. i mean i constantly used raz's psi-powers to attack other characters so i guess i was built for this but definitely sasha. i want to turn him into one of those gooey alien toys and throw him as hard as i can at the ceiling <3
eeby deeby - character i would send to superhell - ford cruller. why did he fucking do that. i'd let him out after a while im sure he'd be fine. also those scary children from the milkman conspiracy level because they were creepyyyy...
ask game complete!!!! thankes for reading, wahoo :3
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Poll #94
Character 280:
product of mpreg
probably has some sort of dissociative disorder with all the people he pretends to be, but also is a shapeshifter
got that Batman autism (he really likes Batman)
abandoned on earth by both bio dads, one of which thinks he is lame and hates him
has been pulling a long con this whole time (about something literally so unimportant no one cares)
found out he was the uncle of one of his only friends
half the protagonists hate him for his weirdboy swag
inexplicably the main love interest of one of the main characters (target of the long con, it only made him want him more)
messy bitch who lives for drama
Character 281: He's done war crimes. He's illiterate. Everyone is scared of who he used to be, and they're right. Canonically has a great ass. Fought back grief-induced alcoholism for the sake of his son.
Character 282: He's definitely bisexual, he's a former mercenary (and strongly alluded to be an assassin as well), who swears loyalty to both of the protagonists, one of whom is a prince. He's in love with both of them 100%. He's playful and loves to tease, but he's deeply devoted to those he has decided to protect. The artist always draws him with cat-like eyes, and he's the only character in the series to have them.
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matoitech · 2 years
hollyleaf and/or hawkfrost for the warriors bingo thing!
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hollyleaf is one of my fave charactersi have said much about her. shes one of the few characters w genuinely good writing tho how much of it was super intentional is debatable which is why i didnt check off my headcanons > the actual character for her, cuz like Yeah but also her writing is some of the best we get. shes great, i love her, crazy girl swag. i think its funny when the fans try to make her a girlboss when a big part of the reason she killed ashfur was just being Scared and angry. her panic and pain unraveling her and leading her to make these rly interesting choices. the fact that it was hollyleaf who killed ashfur, as the sibling who had grown up defending the code so furiously, understanding her place in the world and it all being uprooted and finding out her birth broke two codes... that she wasn’t even in the prophecy when her brothers were and this alienation from them is so painful and real... chefs kiss. i also rly love that after she came back she was much more chill and i think understanding to leafpool and squirrelflight than her brothers were and i cant remember exactly but i think she had a better relationship w them by the time she died than jayfeather and lionblaze did. i rly love her characterization and growth. by far one of the best characters in wc and she deserves all the attention she gets. she gets the bitch section marked off bcuz it was important to her character that she be kind of like an obnoxious rule follower that ends up going off the deep end, not like, shes a bitch >:( obv lol. those who have the strongest beliefs in the fucked up parts of their society going the farthest... she has wasted potential bcuz she died but at the same time..... she could be stuck in the nursery with her third litter of kits w some random tom rn, that wasprob her future otherwise knowing how much the series hates women
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one of those characters made who he was bcuz of the fans more than the books themselves bcuz in the books hes rly boring but FAN content abt this guy is WAY more fun. ive said it b4 i think the fan designs for him is a big part of what makes him continue to be popular. i think fan interpretations and rewrites of his character and goals make him more fun than canon, i do like him bcuz of what he culd be more than what he is, like as he exists in my brain. i think the best versions of him r kind of just like a lame villain whose bad at being a villain more than like a cool manipulator or whatever. i think hes just kind of bad at it and wants to be Evil bcuz his dad was evil and he has like no personality outside of that, and thats funny to me, but also like he could be more than that rewritten lol. in canon he just exists to tempt brambleclaw off the beaten path or whatever. i like that oots hawkfrost just doesnt exist to ppl like we never talk about him we only talk abt arc 2 hawkfrost lol but thats fair
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haneys · 2 years
thank you geralt for being a comfort character since always god bless
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laladellakang · 2 years
en-o’clock — seven
masterlist | wattpad | requests / ask enhypen 
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italics dialogue = english | bold + [] = video captions
let's go quad update! 
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[Charisma and swag overload]
Della walked into frame with one hand in her lab coat pocket and the other brushing through her hair (that she forgot was not in layers anymore).
"Enhypen Lab's Doctor Della has arrived," she looked into the lens and pushed up her glasses.
[Doctor Del / Studying ways to be less clumsy]
"If a doctor holds a pen, is it a fansigning?" Jay made a dad joke.
[아제(이) have arrived...] [aje(i) = dad j(ay)okes]
While no one found it funny, Della thought that it was absolutely hilarious. She genuinely laughed really hard.
"Wow," Jungwon plainly said. "That lame joke and this broken-humoured patient needs to be treated."
[Fix this...]
"He's in deep thought right now," Jungwon covered for Jay as he was still facing the back wall after drinking sophora tea.
[Doctor JAY is left speechless]
"Hey, someone call a doctor!" Sunghoon pat his shoulder while Della made her way over to him to hug his head.
"Hyung, take some candy," Jungwon handed Della the sweets so she would open the wrapper and feed him.
[Doctor Yang's emergency prescription]
"I'm gonna try the tea," Della grabbed the cup to taste the drink, hoping to make Jay feel slightly better.
[Brave Doctor Del]
"Oh?" the others (even Jay) watched as she sipped out of the straw.
The same straw Jay used- which was definitely suspicious but people figured that they were just great friends.
Her face held a straight expression. Her head was still tilting down and she was edited to look like she was encased in ice.
[Even Ice Princess is frozen]
What she did did actually make Jay feel better as he laughed along his other members.
"Wait- I don't understand the objective," Della furrowed her eyebrows at the first experiment. Baby noises were edited as they showed her confused face.
What made the scene funny was how Jake and Niki (mainly Niki) were the ones explaining to her.
[Foreigners explaining to Korean DELLA]
"I remember showing my friends these and one nearly threw up," Della and Jay were showing off their flexible fingers.
[1% skill scares certain people]
"Especially this one," she started with her hand facing down normally. Then she lifted it up slightly and dramatically went back down again with just the upper part of her fingers bent.
"Oh my God!" the members cringed a little. "It looks like a spider."
[Scary fingers]
She decided to mess around and wiggled her fingers to Sunghoon's direction, making him push her hand away with a yelp.
[Spider fingers startled Doctor Hoon]
"Cute!" Della hugged his arm as a brief apology.
"I think Della can do it," Jungwon predicted when Sunoo, Niki and Jake failed to swallow ten geonbbangs and whistle within one minute.
[Will foodie DELLA succeed?]
"I've tried doing this before but with a different snack so I don't know," Della, Sunghoon and Jay prepared for their turn. "I ate them one by one last time so I'm gonna do that."
[Next up are Doctors JAY, Hoon & Del]
The girl was calm the whole time while she popped the geonbbangs into her mouth like she was snacking normally.
"Oh! I think Della can do it!" Sunoo exclaimed when there was still time left and Della had finished all her hardtacks.
[Can baby do it...?]
With twenty seconds left, she quickly swallowed the snacks and whistled to prove it.
"Wah! She did it!" Jake cheered. He gave Della a side hug, jostling her from side and side.
"How did you do that?!"
"Practice, darlings. Practice."
"Ahjussi who enter hot water say, 'ah, so refreshing!'"
"Isn't that Della?" Heeseung asked with a chuckle.
"That's right! That's right!" the boys laugh as Della dropped her head to the table out of embarrassment.
"If we use the shower after her, the whole bathroom feels like a sauna," Jungwon said in between laughs.
[Kang Della (19): Not an ahjussi]
"When she eats hot soups like haejangguk, she goes- 'ahh, so refreshing,'" Jay imitated, making everyone laugh more. "Everyone blows on it or waits for it to cool down but she immediately dives in."
"When she drinks hot beverages! 'Ahh it burned my throat,'" Niki added.
[Ice princess also fire princess]
"Do you have a temperature issue?! You eat ice cream when it's really cold too-" Sunghoon placed a hand on her thigh.
"I do that too!" Jake and Jungwon said at the same time.
[In sync]
"It helps you even out the temperature. So you won't feel the cold as much," Della explained.
"What about the heat?" Heeseung asked with a smile.
The girl only stayed silent, causing everyone to laugh again.
[I just like the heat]
"Sunoo-ya, let's do jumpropes together," Della offered.
"Let's go," Sunoo got flustered when they faced each other, due to how close they were in public. "One, two, three."
"Oh!" Heeseung and Jay watched them successfully do quite a few jumps.
[03z great teamwork]
Usually, people will gradually move away but these two only got closer until they eventually bump their head against the other's.
"Ack!" they stopped and touched the spot where their head collided before hugging each other as an apology.
"Are you okay?" Heeseung chuckled.
"Where's Jungwon?" a staff came into the green room to call for Niki when she realised the leader's absence.
The members tried to not look panicked. They weren't supposed to be done with their break for another ten minutes. Good thing Sunoo was quick on his feet.
"With stylist-noona in the bathroom," the staff gave a slight nod before noticing that another member was missing.
"Also in the bathroom. Noona's fixing both of their outfits," it was definitely suspicious. If the stylist needed to adjust something, she would just do it in the green room. Enha was really lucky that this particular staff seemed to be clueless.
"Okay then. Ten minutes remaining."
"Wonie- you owe me big time," Sunoo mumbled when she shut the door.
"Niki-yaa!" Della yelled, running towards Niki. "Who did this to you?!" she gave everyone a small glimpse of her protective-mode, scary voice. Though she held back since it is just a concept and nowhere near real.
But you know- she still wants to show everyone how they shouldn't mess with her men.
[Doctor Del is protective of her members]
"I'm gonna get you out, yeah?! And we'll get our revenge!" she aggressively said, squashing Niki's cheeks and forced him to look into her eyes.
[Let's save our maknae!]
"Calm down, darling," "Calm down, Lala," Heeseung and Sunghoon chuckled. They pulled her away from Niki.
Heeseung immediately wrapped his arms around her while Sunghoon still pulled them both away.
[Calm down, our baby]
"Ah, I know," Jake said as everyone was figuring out how to get the eggs out of the containers.
"Break the glass!" Della and Jake said at the same time with the same gesture.
[Doctors know each other well]
The two laughed before hugging each other.
"Wait wait- What am I thinking now? What am I about to do?" Jake pulled away excitedly.
"Nothing and watch the others do the experiment," Della stared into his eyes with a squint as if she was concentrating.
"Yeah! That's right!" they high-fived and hugged again.
[In their own world]
"What about me? What am I thinking?" Della asked this time.
"I think-"
"Guys.. Niki is in trouble," Sunghoon interrupted the two with a chuckle at the end.
[Guys.. don't forget about your maknae..]
taglist! @hoonstrology​​ @jaetint​​ @afiaaaa19​​ @1-800-enhypennabi​​ @studioreader @one16core​​ @sarang-wonie @sleepyenhasasha​​ @ilyxion​​ @toriluvsfics​​ @i90snoo​​ @fairydosii @danyxthirstae01​​ @seulgifted​​ @clar-iii​​ @hiqhkey​​ @nichmeddar​​ @jiwlys​
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malcomjordan · 4 years
「( KEITH POWERS, 27, CIS-MALE, HE/HIM ) I just saw ( MALCOM JORDAN ) walk out of the ( PHI SIGMA KAPPA ), that she are a ( RECRUITMENT CHAIR ) for. As far as I know, his ( BASKETBALL  ) scholarship got them out of ( ATLANTA, GA ) and into the ( PSYCH ) major in Kingshill. His brothers always say that ( #GIRLDAD TSHIRTS, DARK LIQUOR AND LATE NIGHT BOOTY CALLS  ) can describe the ( JUNIOR ) year student, and I can see that, since the last blast totally described them as ( ( GENEROUS ) and ( TRUTHFUL), but come off as ( LUSTFUL ) & ( IMPATIENT )  Honestly, I can see where they come from, ‘cuz whenever i see him, I swear, I can hear MARVINS ROOM by  DRAKE  in the background.(a, 26, est, she/her) 」
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21 years old
zodiac sign: cancer 
right into it, malcom, mack or mj is what you can call him.
clearly, his daughter, ryder k jordan calls him daddy. 
he got a girl pregnant during his freshman year like the idiot he is and didn’t use a condom during sex while he was drunk out of his mind.
at the request of his overbearing father, he got a DNA test done much to the disgust and anger of his daughters mother.
he knew with just one look at her that she was his, but his dad was so convinced that since his son is a huge basketball star that she was just pinning a child on him to try and get that nba money one day.
speaking of his dad, he’s a total nut job and that’s why mj accepted the scholarship offer from one of the schools farthest away from his home town.
growing up without a mom in his life resulted in major mommy issues and seeking validation through girls and women in all the wrong ways. his mom couldn’t handle the stress and overbearing husband she had. 4 kids in 5 years just weighed way too heavily on her so she peaced out. 
he has 3 other brothers, 2 younger and one older that’s already in the nba. he plays for the lakers so you can catch mack catching flights to california on the reg.
with 50/50 custody, he is not ashamed to use his daughter to pick up women and get them back to his place.
also, he thinks he’s the king of recruiting and can be constantly found all over searching for pledges.
he thinks dating is for lames, though his secret would prove absolutely otherwise. yikes on bikes.
works out on the regular and can be found in the basketball gym always working on his three pointers and foul shots.
he moves with swag and is pretty blunt to call you out when you don’t have any.
married to the game of basketball in regards to his future, so he doesn’t do drugs because of random test? but drinking is his thing and he loves to turn up. clubs, bars, parties, anything and all of the above is what he does on the weekends.
he drives a fancy sports car - a white mercedes benz 718 boxster - that his brother gifted him when he got the scholarship.
his daughter is his world, he’s proud to be a #girldad and wants to be the next kobe in the NBA. he studies his every move, his every play and game tapes on game tapes.
ryder is super outgoing, funny and loves to be the center of attention. she repeats what you say around her, so be careful or else she’ll literally yell ‘shit’ at you. 
give me them all; here’s some ideas but i like to plot out based on our characters bios/likes/dislikes
all the hookups - messy, still going on, threesomes. give me them baby mama would be bomb? best friends - any and all takes care of his daughter - can help babysit ryder from time to time when he needs help unrequited crushes social media dm slides the girl he was dating before he knocked up someone else - i want this so bad and it to be so much angst and hurt! basketball buds brotherhood bonds someone who he knows from back home
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flakandforay · 7 years
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171129 // 10.21AM KST edited: 3.56PM KST
[Starcast] my success is already golden~BTS x steve aoki x desiigner’s ‘MIC Drop’ MV shooting site!
the strong hip hop vibes in the poses of bts at the bts, steve aoki, desiigner ‘MIC Drop’ remix version music video shooting site.
bts is overflowing with swag in this hip hop song, at this music video site, what kind of episodes will there be? mic drop~mic drop~let’s go!
EP. complete MIC Drop up till the completed choreography
they are familiar with this choreography. it can be expected how much they can express our coolness in the music video.
because of the strong big movements in the choreography, to not get hurt, they need to stretch our bodies. ( strong jhope...forever doing it...★ )
this is how they unfold each other’s big muscles.
to get a perfect shooting, they continue to practice.
meticulous monitoring.
!power!modern!hiphop!sexy! this was how it was born.
if put together, these 2 sayings will be the strength of the helmet can be defended by force. ( given failure at the site )
members who are in the middle are outside of the angle, with most of the flow of the members nimbly finding their places. this is how they breathe.
jhope nimbly entering. and again they wait.
suga nimbly entering!
hoseoks’ mates
while catching their breaths, they follow, dance and practice the choreography even when their bodies are against the wall. ( where is jimin, i have no clue! )
too many hurried movements, need caution and guidelines
newsflash newsflash! in the middle of jhope’s rap part, it’s jin and RM’s collab choreography shooting. ( heart beat heart beat )
both of them were so nervous but it was a complete successful mission! dance team leader, how was it?
jhope: it’s oh so good jhope who had a soft dad smile while cheering on both members
throughout the shooting, it exploded with coolness
EP. suga hyung with the dongsaengs who are too cute
in the middle of suga’s rap part
jungkook was monitoring closely couldn’t help to hold in suga’s cute appearance without the soaring of the acrobats who are main ones. ( upon seeing it is cool, the scene was right )
either way, does jimin feel the same way ?! jimin: suga hyung is too cute
( even at a secluded place, he is working hard practicing for the shoot ) suga hyung is too cute
in our eyes, he is the best, the best, cool
while for suga’s part of the shoot, there’s wires being mobilized.
surprisingly, all the members who had the experience of shooting with the wires was a cool success! ( BGM: bts-butterfly )
of course, the dangling wire shooting was the best. ( its not bad )
jungkook was feeling great when the wire shooting was a success, as a momento, he became like jhope.
who is jhope, we’ll never know !
EP. music video viewing outside of the screen
while taking a short break during the group dance meeting, the time was filled with their noises. just watching the dead leaves fall is fun...
In his own free time, V made a new way of greeting. ( this is a teaser of the greeting )
MIC Drop’s flower! and the light! salt! highlight! suga doing the micdrop scene
holly’s dad is cool, a success ( -ㅅ- )◜
while in the middle of doing the cool shooting, the youngest was teaching self-defense martial art. this is definitely not a joke
hahahahahahahahahahahaha this is a really lame excuse
Q. who among here are the people who needs self defense martial art suga: jungkook, you’re the one who can suppress, you can’t jungkook: yes, cannot ha
in the middle of RM’s personal shooting, there’s no price for the admiration of his height model fit, true story
RM is not fairy...
the strongest hip hop behind the scenes
since it was cold, he used the bonnet as a heater
~sope’s kont~ suga: ah hope ah, say it’s an investigation, i don’t know what’s at the front jhope: look here, min hyung investigator, the criminal has already ran away jin: lets go to the reporters at Oryudong
the puppy at the shooting site has grabbed everyone’s attention and love jhope was one of those people truthfully it was cute, the puppy’s personality is the same as jhope’s
EP. music video supplement music video
today, jungkook is in charge of the music selection
jimin started danced while feeling the selection of music...
the producer of the music video was impressed with the charming dance of the Team Dance Leader
the camera has heard that the director say that is there anything jungkook cannot do.
jimin’s solo music video is highly anticipate at the shooting site.
and also, the selcas cannot be excluded from the music video shooting site. ( an honest hyung tae selca )
let’s both do Vs Vv
( •ɛ •  )  ( •ө•  )v
EP. excuse me? what? an explosion?
even before shooting, members received the expectations.
there’s a car explosion that will straight away give a taste of the music video.
there’s only one chance. they didn’t want to make an obvious mistake in the choreography by being surprised at the big explosion. ( a cautious trap )
of course, bts who is the center of world business, the explosion couldn’t stop their passion. can’t stop.
lastly, their back appearances were a complete success. ‘you’re rushing to run away’ *the explosion scene was filmed safely.
for the fans who like our music and our performances, bts worked hard and had fun filming each scene from all the small to large ones!
we ask for you to give the newly developed MIC Drop remix much love ♥️
Words/Picture= bighit entertainment *the content, production company, source
Credits: Naver © DO NOT REPOST
trans by: maxine ☕️ do give credit if you’re using my translations 🌊
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thefreshfinds · 5 years
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Most likely to not give two f*cks about you or your mama's opinion, Belak is well known for splurging out some hilarious yet solid mind-to-mouth rhymes that are just in your face.
Out of the stack of manilla folders in his creative chamber, he picks out a series of compelling tales to lay out on any beat that is presented to him.
Belak then becomes the main character & speaks in first person (the Internet Jesus even uses abidexterous flows to back it all up!).
However you look at it, Belak is a dominant force that's striking down the competition one day at a time. His advantage? The voice that's in the back of his mind.
There's nothing that stops this follied rhymester from getting the day started. If he isn't balling harder than everyone else then he works until it happens. "I can't let any lame a** h**s touch my swag." Belak says "I have to be the best. I'm a very sore loser. I hate losing."
His rapping skill was always praised by friends & family but when an important figure pulled him aside to say that he should pursue a career in music, it had a different effect on him. "I use to dance competitively & perform in my school's talent show every year. I did ballet, hip-hop, & breakdancing. I was listening to a lot of electronic music at the time as well." Belak adds in "I loved coming home to check out what was new on Trap City & Trap Nation. I just started googling stuff every chance I got. Then I ended up making mixes to dance to. I started my own label & everything just kind of grew from there but that's the mixing/engineering & production side of my music. My project is actually focused on me as a vocalist. I've been writing short stories since I was in 1st grade but at the end of my sophmore year in high school we had to write a poem as part of our english final. I asked my teacher if I could write it as a rap and she said yes. After we all finished reciting our poems, she pulled me aside at the end of class & said "Hey, that was actually really good, maybe you should do this for real." That was the first time anyone other then my loved ones had said anything good about my music, so I started taking it more seriously after that." but not everyone agreed with his plan, "My aunt raised me for a large portion of my childhood & she used to say things like "You're never going to change" or "You're a piece of crap just like your mom & dad" just all sorts of rudeness I dont even want to dive into. Long story short though, when I get to the point where I consider myself successful, I will get in touch with her & we'll see what she has to say then!"
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*His album Professional Soundcloud Rapper got me hooked first!*
In his music, Belak tries to give his fanbase something new to think about with every song because generally he just wants people to be happy (he even has some unreleased music that hes made for charity & music to help people through their ups & downs.) "Give me any genre or any combination of genres & I can make it. I don't limit myself to making one type of music." Belak goes on to say "I might make an anthem one day & the next day I'll be making a song where im sampling napkin noises for the beatwith lyrics about cleaning up after yourself. Feel me?"
Although he come from the foothills of Northern California known as Georgetown & there isn't a lot of people in the town, he is still able to move audiences across the globe. "Cities are so overpopulated & they always have so much happening. Where I'm from life is very simple." says Belak "I just moved to Nevada, so I don't really know anybody out here but while I was living in California I would work with King Theta, Jae Killa, George Washington & Dusty Sanders. I also just worked on some new music EGOVERT & SadBoy Prolific. We're all going to the next level.
Yet Belak isn't only giving praise to these MC's. He also pays homeage to his friends & himself. "Anytime they [his friends] do something cool, I feel like I have to one up them or I'm a little a** b**ch. I'm always trying to go 100% harder then anybody else I know."
All things considered, Belak's approach on complexual beats can either offend one or have them amped up for more.
Ultimately he is a master who brings verses & hooks to life through storytelling music.
It really works in everyone's favor - including his own.
By: Natalee Gilbert
Fun Facts:
1. He is inspired by G-Eazy, Hooligan Chase & Joji/Pink Guy.
2. His favorite song to create was No Nut November "It came together in such a perfect storm. When I dropped that my Soundcloud went crazy. I really found a new inner peace after making that."
1. Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/oxymoradox
2. Snapchat, Instagram & Twitter: @oxymoradox
3. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChGXG-A_IwkmKY8F2P6X3yA
** CHECK OUT INTERNET JESUS NOW!! Available on all platforms **
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How would you describe each bts member to someone who is getting into kpop 🙄
Lol good question. be ready of a sh*t tone of writing…
Jin- the oldest that acts like the youngest, but is actually one of the most hardworking poeple I’ve ever heard of. PRECIOUS, PLEASE PROTECT. Actually really deep and serious when he wants to be. Loves BTS and ARMY way too much, but not as much as himself. Super good looking, and knows it, and I love that fact. I need ¼ of his confidence. F*CKING MEME I LOVE IT *insert dad jokes that hurt my soul*. SUPER HARDWORKING Fave quotes: “I’m worldwide hansome”, “If you think its delicious, its zero calories”, “Win, lose, but at the end of the day I’m still the one with this face so who’s the real winner here?”, and “No its not” x10.
Yoongi (Suga)- can you say ‘swag’?, litterally the coolest person you’ll see, and yet the cutest? like? how? One of the fastest rappers in Korea (not kidding hes like 11th), SUPER CARING SHUT UP, people keep calling him the devil and robotic and I hate it, cuz he cares a sh*t ton, you don’t understand, not everyone is as expressive as J-hope or Jimin, let him live, like amazing producer/lyricist, works too hard, TAKE A F*CKING BREAK PLEASE. TOTAL MEME DON’T LET HIM FOOL U. Fav quotes: “I have dimples too, but I won’t tell you where they are”, “swag”, “I think I can live in America” *after using his hands to order ice cream*, “Hoseok grill louder to assert dominance”.
Hoseok (J-hope)- SUNSHINE, PROTECT SMILE, TOO PRECIOUS FOR WORLD, how has he lived in this world, the only one that can get Yoongi to do ANYTHING, MEME, THE BEST FACES, TOO HANDSOME FOR ANYONE, the best dancer I’ve seen, like he has no bones, I’m so jealous of his skills, but he’s the reason I got back into dancing and my interest for popping and twitching, TALENT AF, known as the Golden Hyung (brother) for a reason, got into Bighit with singing not dancing or rapping, taught himself Hip-hop and how to rap and LOOK AT HIM GO, my fav rapping style in Bangtan. SUPER HARDWORKING Fav quotes: “You (Suga) look like a turtle”, “Osacar” *insert lame word puns*, “I’m your hope, I’m your angel, you’re my hope, I’m J-hope”, “HANWO (Korean beef), HANWO, HANWO”.
Namjoonie (Rapmonster)- LEADER, LET HIM LIVE, PLEASE LOVE HIM, OMG PLEASE GIVE HIM UR LOVE, lowkey savage af, deserves so much more love, another awesome ass rapper/lyricist, supper supportive to his bandmates in whatever they do, like a soccer dad, sometimes I question his clothes, DIMPLES, PLEASE PROTECT, used to think he didn’t belong in BTS even tho HE’S THE F*CKING REASON THEY WERE STARTED, the reason Jungkook chose Bighit, he loves cute things so he should love himself, wrote Cypher pt. 4 in 5 min, like WOW. SUPER HARDWORKING Fav quotes: “You got no jams” (yes I know but he actually doesn’t have many), *incert speach at WINGS in Newark that I was there and nearly cried at*, *incert deep thoughts I can’t follow*, *incert falling and breaking things* (my poor boy).
Jimin- CAN YOU SAY SMILE AND GIGGLING, THE OTHER SUN, cute, cutie, can’t handle the puppy, Tae’s bestest of all friends, Bangtan would have a hard ass time without him, litterally doen’t know any other emotions but love and happiness and I want it to stay that way, literally the scariest when angry cuz he’s the quiet type of angry, the one that plots ur death and succeeds, friendship too pure for me, I’m jealous of his friendships, like my friends aren’t making songs about me, I love him too much, perf voice, like I can’t hadle it, RUDE AF PREPARE YOURSELF, if you make him your bias I pray for you. SUPER HARDWORKING Fav quotes: “excuse meeeeee”, “good morninggggggg”, “JEON JUNGKOOOOOOK”, “ I was born in Busan first” (to Jungkook).
Taehyung (V)- PUPPY, loves any animal, DEEP AF VOICE, its beautiful, I can’t get over it, he’s living art that appreciates art, EYES, RUDE TOUNGE, GIGGLING, loves Jimin too much, friendship too pure, can you say Gucci? Very unique mind, does’t like being called a 4D alien, but he thinks of things nobody else does, but he thinks of the cutest things, like his mind is all butterflies and rainbows, I aint lyin, is becoming a songwriter and I’m not ready becuase he WILL kill me, loves Jungkook too much, can you say handshakes up the wazzo? Tae Tae, Twae Twae. SUPER HARDWORKER Fav quotes: “One night in a strange sh*tty (city)”, “MY PANTS ARE FALLING” *as he jumps rope*, *kisses camera 75682692495 times*, *just one day dance practice vid*
Jungkook- BUNNY, MUSCLES, MUSCLE BUNNY, loves to work out too much, maknae (youngest) on top, laugh is too pure for my ears, can you say angel voice?, so many mannerisms it’s easy to recognize him even when he’s masked, ANIME NERD (me too tho), will be Japanese in his next life, DRAWING, Golden Maknae cuz anything physical he can accomplish easily, but don’t ask him english or math cuz it will take him a while, still a baby, no matter what he says, DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL YOU OPPA OR NOT BECAUSE UR CONFUSING ME TO NO END, loves GD too much, loves Tae too much, says his biggest pain is when his hyungs struggle and it makes me UGLY CRY TO SLEEP, my bias and I hate myself, MEME, JUNGSHOOK, SUPER HARDWORKER Fav quotes: “Men don’t wear hand cream” *puts on hand cream*, “Hyung” *all on Bangtan looks at him*, *annonamous note* “V-hyung” Jin- “YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN CALL V HYUNG” JK- *to himself* “Stupid”, “Everyone, what lookes like potatoes is acutally a part of the plate”/ “Adhesive strength”.
Wow okay that’s a lot, but thats only half of what I have to say about them, but I love them too much to keep going. I hope this helps for any new people to k-pop/ BTS and I hope this doesn’t completly scare my followers or the person that asked this question. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ASK, it feels really good to answer these.
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authorjagiya-blog · 7 years
BTS as your mother
Jin: Makes the best meals and always packs your lunch in cute plastic containers with a note with some sort of lame (but pretty interesting) joke. // "Honey, did you see the joke I wrote you? It was pretty.. leJINdary." // Also runs the community book club for young adults.
Yoongi: Always sleeping + becomes late to work. Doesn't care about anyone else but you & the dog. // "Oh yeah, you know our next door neighbor Jamie? Yeah, I ran him over with the car today." // Commands you to roll over and get belly scratches.
Namjoon: The clumsy mom, but swag too. Can't cook or understand texting. Warns you about boys' cooties. Feels more like a dad. // "Shh, I just broke two plates and a glass bowl. Don't tell dad." // challenges you to UNO but loses constantly
Hoseok: Literally happiest mom ever. Will not fail to cheer you up. Dances well, makes your friends jealous. // "I'ts okay, sweetie, he wasn't good enough for you" *suddenly starts dancing "PACITO PACITO--THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG!" // also hates snakeu
Taehyung: Overprotective mom + doesn't like the people you hang out with. Monitors your social media and disciplines your friends. // "Rachel! Did you just throw a rock at my daughter??!! I'm calling your mother right now!" // Will start cursing at your best friend's mom.
Jimin: The short mom that looks like an 18 year old + the guys from your school try to flatter her but then they realize she's 32. 0 wrinkles and doesn't try. Took your older brother out to prom and everyone got jealous. Has no jams. // "I bought you a phone, so you can call me when I get lost in the supermarket again."
Jungkook: Most extra mom. Asks if she's cool and then proves it to your friends. Admires your friends and invites them to Family Night + bets them at every game. A hardcore believer, has a whole shelf of JB merch in the basement. // "Have you heard Justin Bieber's new song?? I already memorized the lyrics within 5 minutes!"
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jikook-love · 7 years
Amusement Park Tag!
So I was going through my old drafts from my main blog and I found this goody old post that I never got to finish. It’s kind of an old thing, but it would be fun to bring back nowadays. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen one of these ^^ They’re actually a lot of fun cause they’re like writing prompts without the commitment, and you can make it as thorough as you want :’)
And since this is a BTS blog, I’ll make it BTS focused this time :P
Without further ado:
Write the names of 10 of your favourite Kpop idols in no particular order, yourself being 5 (or not, if you’d rather not be involved ^^).
1. Jimin
2. Namjoon
3. Hoseok
4. Jungkook
5. Me
6. Taehyung
7. Jin
8. Yoongi
9.  Jimin and Jungkook (cause they are one. totally.)
10. Jimin (again? because I ran out of BTS members)
1. Who is the designated driver?
Jungkook. Cause we all wanna test out his license. ._. jk, most likely namjin: one of them drives while the other navigates. 
2. Car space is tight and 2, 3 and 6 ends up being squished together in the back. What happens?
Hoseok and Taehyung would probably be flirting extremely loud with their lame ass jokes and Namjoon would somehow find a way to sleep through it all. 
3. Driver change. 8 volunteers, what is everyone’s reaction?
Yoongi can drive...right? (swag.)
4. 5 & 10 have a huge fight on the way there. Why?!
Obviously because Jimin literally ruins my life. And I need to let him know that. 
5. The car suddenly lurches and 1 & 7 fall on top of 4.
Jin would probably get off tactfully but suddenly starts screaming for them to stop as Jimin “takes advantage of the situation” since he already on top of Jungkook....ummm...
6. There’s a big traffic jam. 2 & 9′s reaction?
Namjoon would probably be sleeping through it while Jikook are extremely restless and just wanna get out. 
7. Who’s paying? 
Jungkook. Cause he’s the youngest. LOL.
8. Someone cuts in front of 7. His/her reaction?
Of course mother Jin gets cut in front of >.> He’d probably be like “Nobody is cutting in front of my boys” and start doing that weird scream to scare them away (can you imagine dough)
9. The person at the counter tries to flirt with 3. What happens next?
Hoseok offers Jimin up instead and then everyone just leaves.
10. What ride does 5 suggest they all go on together?
Teacups. So I can arrange them all by OTP and take incriminating photos. 
11. 4 attempts to drag 2 onto the _____________ ride at the park.
Merry-Go-Round. lmao. The biggest roller coaster there cause Jungkook wants to prove to his father that he truly is a man.
12. Who gets everyone lost?
Taehyung. Cause he decided reading the map upside down would be better. 
13. Someone doesn’t even care about the rides and is just hovering around the food stands, who is it?
Eat Jin. (and me tbh.)
14. Someone bumps into 4 and unnecessary skinship occurs. What is 10′s reaction?
omg. #thestoryofjikook Jimin will probably glare at the person and then assert his dominance by making out with Jungkook clinging to Jungkook for the rest of the entire day. 
15. 6 & 8 go off on their own. For what?
Washroom break. Probably. It’s mean it’s Tae. And Yoongi. 
16. Who attracts the most attention inside and why?
Jungkook. Cause he being very loud and obnoxious and running everywhere wants to prove he’s a man by going on all the “tough rides” he ends up spinning exhausted in the teacups at the end of the day though, i can imagine and leaning on jimin’s shoulder
17. Who goes crazy just looking at it?
Hoseok~ ^^ and jimin probably
18. Who’s running up to line up early?
Jungkook and Tae.
19. 2 & 7 are finally sick of waiting in the long line. How do they react?
LULZ. Namjin again. idk. tell dad jokes to lighten up the mood. jokes that only the two of them enjoy. ha. 
20. Seating arrangements?
Is it bad to do by OTP -> Jikook, Namjin, VHope and--oh why hello there Yoongi  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) why don’t you comfort my reluctant soul
21. Who screams that they think they gonna die right before the drop?
Me. lbr. 
22. An emoji to represent 8′s expression while on the ride?
._. (LOL)
23. 3 is scared out of their wits. What does 4 do to comfort them?
Laughs. :/ (i mean it jungkook @hoseok what else would it be lol)
24. Finally the ride is over! 10′s condition?
realistically, he’d probably be walking around happily saying it wasn’t so bad but you know what i’m going to picture him draped tiredly over jungkook’s shoulders as they walk out :)
25. Assign the following “entrees” to each person: salad, funnel cake, fries, pizza, hot dog, ice cream, cotton candy, corn dog, fruit salad, onion rings.
me - ice cream, Namjoon - pizza, Seokjin - everything. ._., Yoongi - fries, Hoseok - onion rings, Taehyung - salad, funnel cake and cotton candy, Jimin - hot dog, Jungkook - Jimin’s hot dog ._.
26. 2 steals 6′s food. What is the reaction?
Tae probably doesn’t notice, and even if he does, he’d give it to Namjoon anyways :)
27. Who’s the most likely to throw up at this point?
Taehyung because of his life choices and Hoseok probably just in general
28. Everyone casually ditches 3 & 9. What happens after?
Hoseok + Jimin & Jungkook. Welcome back to the adventures of thirdwheeling. I can totally imagine Hoseok trying to get a seat next to Jimin but then Jungkook keeps shooing him out, and when he finally gets it Jungkook is sat behind them looking extremely salty. 
29. 4 decides to try out a carnival game. Results?
RIP. LOL IT’S JEON. Well I guess he stays for the rest of entire day without realizing the game is rigged,  as he insists on winning the grand prize (which he does eventually probably so he has to lug a giant bear on his back around for the rest of the day)
30. Who gets the tired the quickest?
31. 2 & 8 are tricked into going on an extreme ride all by themselves. Their reactions?
LOL. The genii of BTS, Namjoon and Yoongi, would probably not even realize it until they were actually on the ride. And when things finally start going way faster than they expected it to, it would probably end up with a lot of futile screaming and profanities...all of which are captured on camera by the remaining,snickering members. Everyone runs away when they’re about to get off.
32. Who eagerly accepts the merry-go-round?
Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung. omg. they would run up with giant smiles on their faces and traumatize all the children probably.
33. Who has to be dragged out to the car because they don’t wanna go home yet?
Jeon. Jungkook. 
34. Last ride?
The biggest roller coaster again. Because Jungkook was whining and they all felt bad so Hoseok had to sacrifice his soul one last time. 
35. Who gets lost just before the group leaves the park?
...VHope. They wanted one last ride in the teacups to restore their souls. 
36. Who passes out cold in the car?
Jungkook (on Jimin’s shoulder) from going too hard. And Namjoon’s already snoring. 
37. 7 is forced to drive. How does he/she react?
Seokjin is cool with driving with Namjoon’s snoring in the passenger seat. 
38. Who is still a bundle of energy and probably could spend another three hours in the park if they were allowed to?
39. 5 is in charge of the music. What songs do they play on the way home?
On the Road Again. lol jk. probably the very best BTS slow songs ^^
40. Who realizes they lost their wallet at the park?
o m g. not this. but it probably namjoon ._. everyone just screams.
And that’s it! I hope you guys have fun with this and create your own even! ^^ 
I remember there were a lot of scenarios back then but I can’t find them anymore haha. 
Everyone’s free to try and reblog this but just for completion’s sake I shall tag @yourpinkpill @fanficsandnochill @gracefulweather @tanktoptiger @strawberrywhaliens @drpuffles @jikookiejar @jikookielove @yildiz-blackthorne @jiminatthepark @confidenceatitsfinest to try it out for themselves :’) 
Have fun~
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Round L1, Poll #9
Remember, the winner of this poll will move on, and the loser will be revealed!
Character 280:
product of mpreg
probably has some sort of dissociative disorder with all the people he pretends to be, but also is a shapeshifter
got that Batman autism (he really likes Batman)
abandoned on earth by both bio dads, one of which thinks he is lame and hates him
has been pulling a long con this whole time (about something literally so unimportant no one cares)
found out he was the uncle of one of his only friends
half the protagonists hate him for his weirdboy swag
inexplicably the main love interest of one of the main characters (target of the long con, it only made him want him more)
messy bitch who lives for drama
Character 160: He’s a guard on a plot important and advanced planet at the center of our galaxy. He is a bit of a nazi, has an helmet always with him, and he shots the main character.
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Round L2, Poll #16
Remember, this is the losers bracket. The winner of this poll will move on, and the loser will be revealed.
Character 113: he sticks around with a certain group that isn't too key to the plot but it's kind of key to the plot. anyways he isn't actually there to help them, he just believes in one of their group to such an extent that it's kind of gay. they have a lot of banter scenes it's nice. he's almost always described in relation to the other guy. they're narrative foils. i bet one wouldn't exist without the other. they even die together! they're compared to greek mythology characters that come in pairs a lot also. he heavily relies on the other dude to the point where it's almost unhealthy
Character 280:
product of mpreg
probably has some sort of dissociative disorder with all the people he pretends to be, but also is a shapeshifter
got that Batman autism (he really likes Batman)
abandoned on earth by both bio dads, one of which thinks he is lame and hates him
has been pulling a long con this whole time (about something literally so unimportant no one cares)
found out he was the uncle of one of his only friends
half the protagonists hate him for his weirdboy swag
inexplicably the main love interest of one of the main characters (target of the long con, it only made him want him more)
messy bitch who lives for drama
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195th place
195th place goes to character 280, aka Hermie the Unworthy from Dungeons and Daddies!
product of mpreg
probably has some sort of dissociative disorder with all the people he pretends to be, but also is a shapeshifter
got that Batman autism (he really likes Batman)
abandoned on earth by both bio dads, one of which thinks he is lame and hates him
has been pulling a long con this whole time (about something literally so unimportant no one cares)
found out he was the uncle of one of his only friends
half the protagonists hate him for his weirdboy swag
inexplicably the main love interest of one of the main characters (target of the long con, it only made him want him more)
messy bitch who lives for drama
NOTE: I could not find a picture of this character. If anyone would like to send one in, please do! UPDATE: My messages have been restored.
In round 1, poll #94, he received 32 votes out of 113, or 28.3%.
In round L1, poll #9, he received 81 votes out of 107, or 75.7%.
And in round L2, poll #16, he received 25 votes out of 59, or 42.4%.
So in all, he received 138 votes out of 279, or 49.5%.
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