#havent been on this account in years man
musicalhqs · 1 year
bring this back pls
as much as i miss this place myself nowadays... i'm not sure we can or should. i feel that the community is a place that has changed beyond recognition? i wouid not even know where to start. however, never be a stranger though! 😊
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ungodlylaw · 3 months
[WIP] not posting on main for reasons but, im doing a leyendecker study with kenstewy....i'm still learning how to draw em.....+ another wip of stewy and his hairy chest that i've had for uhhh like two months
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arckiaym · 10 days
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what if hyper light drifter? what then?
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ophexis · 4 months
trying not to think too hard about how quickly a certain art site that shall not be named went downhill the second they started doing their opt-in/out bullshit
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cannot believe that slime rancher 2 came out and i still havent been able to play the first one despite literally owning it <//3
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mondaymelon · 6 months
first time in this account lol Idk if you're taking requests but I saw that post some minutes ago and... Idk, wanted to request something lol, if you didn't do it yet! What about headcanons with a reader who doesn't show physical attention until some years of knowing them? Like, they know each other for about 5 years and just then the reader decides to do some small act of physical affection... I wanted the headcanons to be with Childe, Arlecchino, Wanderer and Furina! If you can <3
₊˚ෆ 𝐈𝐅 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔… | childe, wanderer, arlecchino, furina x gn!reader
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( childe's part might be a little ooc. havent done that part of the archon quest yet cries. also mwah arlecchino we love her in this household !! )
[ You were always someone who wasn’t fond of physical attention. Fleeting touches and kisses to the cheeks were never your forte, yet what should happen if the lover you’ve had for years is suddenly on the receiving end of such affections? ]
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"physical affection... ah- it's okay if you can't show that to me, there's plenty of other ways to tell that you love me!"
CHILDE was the one to say those words to you, and the held the most certain truth. You were his lover, and a hug or two couldn't sway the fact! While the harbinger is quite the puppy and often yearns for your warmth, he'll respect your boundaries and allow you whatever. A lover like Childe places your happiness as a priority over his, wanting more to see your eyes sparkle than his own.
"Love, you wouldn't believe what happened in the courthouse today." You glance up from your spot where you're curled up on the couch, snuggled into a fluffy blanket and holding a warm drink in your hands, one of Inazuma's light novels sitting on the armrest. You hear the door to the two of you's home shut and lock, and listen to... Childe's footsteps. How strange, is he stumbling?
Glancing up, you internally gape at the cuts on his body, your eyes instantly drawn at the red splattered across his features. "'Taglia, what hap-"
He lets out a dry chuckle, grinning sheepishly as he rids his shoes at the door. "No worries, the blood isn't mine. Most of it, at least. I managed to get out of there in time, so all's well, yeah?"
As if that'd provide you any comfort. You narrow your eyes, glaring at him unyieldingly, until Childe has no choice but to force out another tasteless chuckle. "Come on now, I'm home, so let's do something fun instead of just being mad at me, 'kay?"
The man flinches, his deep ocean eyes rounding. When you call him that and not his nickname, he knew that he had landed himself in deep shit. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." He says that, but the sentence rounds up in a change of his tone, sounding almost suspiciously like a question. "It won't happen aga-"
The world itself seems to stop.
Your head is buried into his chest, arms wrapped around his waist. Archons, can you hear how fast his heart is beating? You've made him into a complete and utter mess. He's blushing, his ears practically on fire, and any thoughts once in his brain have been seared away in single second. It takes him to the count of three to remember how to breathe once more, his chest erratically heaving up and down as his shaking arms wrap around you hesitantly, wondering if it'd be okay to do so.
"I- I thought you-"
"If it's with you, I'm okay."
Oh, how those words tug at his heart. You look so perfect in his arms - yes, you looked simply perfect all the time, he'd admit in a split-second. The messy nest of hair atop your head when you woke up in the early mornings, the dark bags under your eyes when you didn't sleep until late at night, your smile, your laugh, even your scowl. It silenced any effort to not fall in love with you.
A smile tugs at his lips. A bright one, a warm one, if that was even possible. Perhaps his eyes are shining with tears, or perhaps it was merely a trick of light, but he holds you all the closer, not wanting to let you go.
"Love, I... Archons, I don't think I'd be able to love anyone but you." ₊˚ෆ
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"..great. i don't want your filthy hands on me anyways, so there shouldn't be a problem, hm?"
WANDERER's words were just that, would it kill him to be a little nicer? It didn't matter... you knew your lover well, or at least well enough to tell that what he said wasn't the complete truth.
Sure, you had seen him shrug off and make expressions of disgust directed towards particularly touchy people that he'd become somewhat acquainted with. And you most certainly had witnessed his frustrated outbursts and rants when he returned home to your shared abode, whining and grumbling about any trivial error someone had made - that is, brushing fingers with him while passing him papers. Something that couldn't exactly be avoided, yet he had glared at the wall for a good amount all the same.
Ah, but then there were moments when he thought you weren't looking, and that was when his eyes would drink you in. Grazing over your eyes, to your lips, then to your hands, where'd they linger on your fingers for perhaps longer than they should.
And you'd catch the times where you were inclined to say something flirtatious - words that were never all that flirtatious in the first place, Wanderer just happened to be unusually susceptible. Chin resting on your hand, eyes staring into his, you'd say something about how pretty he was, and then he'd just about go into neurogenic shock, likely not speaking to you the rest of the day, the tips of his ears, if one squinted to a certain extent, pink.
"Love." You glance up at him, a slight pout fixed on your lips. He'd been immersed in minor tasks, and those pesky things were what stole his attention away from you. An ironic twist of fate, as you were usually the one to be drowning in work, and he'd be the one practically begging for affection.
He hums, yet doesn't even bother to look at you.
"Do you want to go for a walk?"
"Go get something to eat?"
"Visit the... House of Daena?"
"Shall we feed the finches?"
A slight pause. "...No."
"Then... let's hold hands?"
He froze at your words, and it seemed that the male lost the function of inhaling, for he sat there unmoving for what seemed like hours, his expression petrified in its form of his large eyes, raised eyebrows, and mouth slightly ajar.
"...Excuse me?" It seemed that he doubted his own ears, for he set his work aside and fixed his focus upon you, fingers trembling just the slightest.
"Hmph, have you suddenly forgotten how to think?" You frowned, yet your eyes curved into crescents all the same, and Wanderer felt his breath hitch at how ethereal you were. The sly fox you were, you took his moment of shock, settling by his side and intertwining your fingers with his. "Like this, is it not?" You were smiling now, and for the first time you glimpsed the red on his ears, but now on his face too, a rosy red descending upon his cheeks.
"What's..." Perhaps you were right. His vocabulary had suddenly dwindled, and now he had nothing but questions - that, and the growing warmth in his chest. "What do you think you're doing right now?"
Whatever attempt he had to sound "mean" had failed. You knew him too well for that. "Holding hands, what else? Your hands are cold you know-" And at that he flinched. "But it feels nice."
D...Did it really?
"You, no... love, let's stay like this. You're... warm." ₊˚ෆ
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"when you sought me, i thought it'd be a serious matter. there's no trouble in it, truly, so there's no need to look so dejected."
ARLECCHINO hadn't even batted an eye. Was there a reason to? Yes, this certainly crossed off any thought of romantic couple things like kissing and hand holding, but it wasn't like she'd gasp dramatically and fall to the ground, blaming you for setting boundaries-
As if she'd ever. Your imagination was running wild today, perhaps it was the lack of sleep finally catching up to you? It was a stark contrast compared to Arlecchino, who went days without rest, shuffling through paper after paper on her desk and constantly relaying messages to her subordinates. She was a hard worker - a trait most easily overlooked, but it was a point of adoration for you. A point among many. Arlecchino was an easy person to love, despite the bristling thorns she'd show at first glance.
"Darling, a cup of tea, please?" Her gaze flicked up from her work to you, a thin smile decorating her lips. It was more a less a habit the two of you established - that is, pouring her tea. Her favorite cup was the one you had gifted her when you first started your relationship, shaded in a dark hue and embellished with roses, their blooms, petals, and thorny branches spreading across the expanse of porcelain. You placed said cup on her desk with a breath of satisfaction, tilting you head in questioning at the unusual amount of papers on her desk.
"Arle, did something happen?"
She merely chuckled to herself, her eyes shining with delight. "Ah, why don't you wager a guess?" You were her "subordinate" of sorts, although your true association was far more intimate. You knew of her plans with Fontaine, and helped carry them out. She revered your loyalty, but your warmth far more.
"...Has the hydro gnosis been secured?"
She snapped her fingers in one swift motion, her small smile widening into a true one that played across her ruby lips. "Correct, I'd expect nothing less of someone as capable as my lover."
"Then, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet..."
"They've done well." It'd be hard to forsake the note of pride in her voice. Setting down the sheets in her gloved hands, she stood from her seat slowly, letting her eyes scan over your body. "You've asked your question, now shall I ask mine? Darling, I did quite well myself, did I not?"
Her expectant gaze read one thing, but instead of the usual quality time spending the two of you'd share, this time, you had rather differing plans. Smiling, you walked up to her, not letting the way her eyes sparkled just the slightest escape your sight. Promptly, sneakily, you flung yourself upon her, beaming as your hands found refuge winding about her torso, nearly instantly trapping her into your death hug. "You did, Arle~!"
"..." At her silence, you glanced up, only to be met with a sight that drew blush upon your own cheeks. Her usually composed, mystery-shroud features were now conflicted with crossing emotions... of what, however, was rather indecipherable. Arlecchino was a person of many masks, yet now it seemed that her "mask" displayed but one thing - love.
"Darling, I... you look perfect in my arms, so shall we stay like this a moment longer?" ₊˚ෆ
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"is that so? a trivial matter, is it by law that i must hold you in my arms in order to prove my love for you?"
FURINA's multicolored irises and teardrop pupils twinkled, their shine dancing on the moonlit breeze. A hand daintily held a teacup, its fragrant contents swirling about the porcelain basin. Her laugh accompanied the cool evening wind, and she fluttered her eyes shut in a smile that brightened her expression. "Come now, why so shocked? Wouldn't this be expected from someone as benevolent as I?"
It was a scene that would remain forever painted in your mind, like a beautiful mural that one's eyes could not possibly forsake. The way her mouth tugged upwards and the manner in which her eyes curv-
"Hey, are you even listening to me right now?" A familiar voice tugged you out of your reminiscence of the confrontation months prior. Furina displayed a childish frown on her lips, her partly furrowed eyes sharpening her gaze into a rather particular one.
Oh, lost in thought once more. You let out a soft sigh, nodding sheepishly. "Yes, love, I am.."
"Mhm..." Your words left a no, you clearly aren't!" Furina sat up, her intensifying discontentment apparent on her features. "I said I got you access to front ticket seats to the hottest new court case! You know, the one involving the robbery... the one that's quite literally got the entire Steambird in a chokehold? Yet, you're not excited in the slightest!?" She sounded offended, and she likely was, for her cheeks were flushed the slightest in rash frustration and her narrowed eyes creased at their corners. "Appreciate my efforts, why don't you?"
"Appreciate" indeed.
Ah, but was a sudden, tight embrace overshooting it? For she tensed in your arms, her frame absolutely suspended in your hold, her slack jaw giving the slightest tremor. "Mon amour, just w-what are you-?"
"Come now, Furina, am I not permitted to hug my own lover now?" The jesting in your voice faded as the sarcastic grin on your face formed a smaller, more genuine one. "I'm... ah, I'm okay, if it's with you. I'll be okay."
She paused at your words, contemplation of them flashing in her gaze, and let out a gratified exhale. "Then..." she nearly melted in your embrace, leaning her head into your arms compliantly.
"Don't you dare think I've forgotten about your previous transgression, but... ah, it can be forgiven, can't it, mon amour?" ₊˚ෆ
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(a/n) hc hc hc hc furina calls youfrench petnames because french oui oui baguette.. AHEM my sincerest apologies to any french or french speakers...
REBLOGS APPRECIATED!! please consider following me as i amm soosososoo close to a follower goal ive been wanting to reach and itd be crazy if i could reach it before christmas!!!
໒꒱ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open! send an ask or a comment ♡) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @scara-is-my-wife, @lupicalbestwolf, @justyoureader
-> teehee what if yall left a message on my christmas tree 😶😶😶
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oflgtfol · 2 years
Ok apparently bank statements are a valid proof of address so i checked my bank info and oh my god i have shivers down my spine. my bank statements have been being sent to my moms email this whole time??? im crying my eyes out
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bearfools · 8 days
a few things i think people should know.
not directed at anyone in particular, but ive received multiple messages (some deleted, some not) from people and i think ill make a post about some stuff i wanna clear up as a therian.
i am aware that im bodily human, im aware that this will not change.
i am aware that acting wild (or as someone said, "gross" and "ill mannered") does not make me an animal
no, i am not a little kid discovering new terms on the internet and using them for clout. i am an 18 year old man who had been questioning therianthropy for a very long time
no, i am not offended by people saying silly hateful things, ive seen about every basic piece of therian hate (directed at me and also other people) and none of it bothers me
no, i am not in any way attracted to animals and i do not partake in any kind of animal abuse. its weird that people assume that right after saying "youre human!!" like am i a beast or not make up your mind lmao?
no, i dont mind if you ask "silly" questions, in a community as misunderstood as therians/alterhumans i am always happy to help people understand
yes, i believe in past lives. though i do not believe theyre fully to blame for my therianthropy and i dont think every kintype of mine has a detailed backstory. i was likely many animals before i was human and i dont kin anything but bears
i had like one person ask if this was a religious thing, its not, idk how common of a misconception that is but i wanted to put it out there. im not outwardly religious, im agnostic but unbothered by any other beliefs
yes, im aware that animals live outside in the cold with diseases and predators, i am grateful for the things i am given that wild animals are not.
no, you cant hunt me (and also, what the hell? again, if youre arguing that im human then why would you hunt me?)
"how do you know your beliefs are real?" i dont. im simply a person on this earth, same as you, i dont know what lies after death, i dont know what lies before birth, but i prefer my "weird" beliefs over never believing in anything.
after i made that post about young therians (thank you all for the love by the way!) i had a few comments along the lines of "messy eating is human/making faces and acting like an animal doesnt make you an animal" i know, i know that im not a bear, i know that what i do is not limited to therians. I know kids play as animals all the time! but at the end of the day i'm happy. are you? does leaving spiteful messages make you happy?
do you send a comment on tumblr and stare at your reflection in the screen and feel fulfilled? im asking genuinely, because if it doesnt make you happy, then why do it? it doesnt affect me, worst case scenario im annoyed and then dont interact. Do you think that ill hear you say "youre not a bear" and then go "oh my bad" and delete my account? as if i havent been told those exact words my whole life (even before i knew what the internet was!)
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lesbiansforboromir · 11 months
Just because I havent seen this on tumblr yet;
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And just to be clear, they had to close replies to this thread because of the wash of comments like this;
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and on and on and on ad nauseum, there are even fouler things in here like people just openly stating that tolkien is for white people but honestly I find comments about how 'well they should have just done x with the show' almost as horrible, the act of being so callous as to hear a man say someone hacked his financial accounts and doxxed his home address because of specifically racist driven hate screed and then somehow think it's appropriate to respond 'if they hadn't made a show I hated so much maybe his phone wouldn't have been hacked' it just displays such an outstandingly self serving callousness and willful ignorance of the racist environment the tolkien fandom exists in, this is what I meant when I said a year ago that these comments are indistinguishable from the racist stuff, it is sitting next too and supporting and agreeing with the racists!
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onefourone · 1 month
gaz x gn!reader drabble (no warnings)
also im sorry for not posting for a while, i havent been doing too great 🥲 but i hope yall like it + sorry for any mistakes
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having been with kyle (or gaz, as he's referred to by his friends) for years now, you've come to appreciate every single way he expresses his love and affection for you.
the way he looks at you. kyle has always had this gaze that made your breath stutter in your chest. but you feel safe. you feel protected under his watchful eye. not a single thing goes unnoticed as long as he's there to see it. sometimes even when he isn't. he maps out every part of your body and soul with his eyes, committing every inch of you to his memory. he loves making eye contact with you whenever it's possible, just so you can see the extent of his devotion.
the way he touches you. gaz is a military man. his hands have caused so much death in his service, which is something you hate thinking about (and so does he). those same hands come home to you and cradle you like you're the most precious jewel on the planet. his hands dig into the knots on your back. they rub lotion onto your skin after a shower. they rub your stomach when it's upset. they care for you.
the way he cooks for you. it's not an uncommon sight, seeing gaz in the kitchen. he loves to cook for you more than anything. he loves to bust out his mother's old recipes to make for you. he's always keeping you fed. nothing makes him happier than the seeing the thankful smile on your face before eating what he prepared. while he would never turn down a cooked meal from you if you wanted to make it, he never wants you to feel like you're forced to make anything if you don't want you. he wants you to relax and eat good food like the royalty that you are.
the way he speaks to you. kyle's voice was a big part of why you fell for him in the first place. it's silky smooth, and so relaxing to listen to. you often ask him to read to you or tell you a random story just so you can sleep. you could hear him speak forever and never get tired of it. you constantly run out of space on your phone because you save every single voicemail and voice message he leaves you, just so you can hear his beautiful voice when you're feeling anxious.
the way he's loyal to you. you know that loyalty is supposed to be a given in any relationship. but kyle is loyal in a way you've never experienced before with previous partners. he actually advocates for you. family putting you down? he tells them off and reminds you of your worth. "friends" treating you badly? he tells them to fuck off and let's you know they don't deserve you. you've never had anyone put you first like this before and it's such a refreshing feeling with him. if you ever feel like it's too much, he will never push it. but you know he always has your back regardless.
the way he comes back to you. it's no secret that you hate kyle's work. you hate that he constantly had to leave. you hate barely being able to contact him while he's gone. you hate stewing in your anxiety for weeks, not knowing if you'd ever get to see him again. but he always comes back. he says as much whenever he can. there's no "if" or "maybe" with him. he says he will come back to you, and he always does.
the way he spoils you. kyle makes a decent amount of money from his work. decent enough that he constantly begs you to quit your shitty office job. you refuse on account of needing a way to busy your mind while he's gone. to compromise, he buys you gifts constantly. it never works to try and pretend you have nothing you're interested in. he is extremely perceptive and pays attention to everything you say and do. you'll constantly find yourself on the receiving end of all your favorite things.
the way he marries you. when you bring up the idea of getting married, he practically collapses onto his knees in relief. he's so incredibly happy that you want that with him, because he can't see a reality where he isn't yours for all of eternity. when he eventually proposes to you under the stars in your favorite park, you can just tell he is going to make you the happiest person in the world. when you get back home, he reveals (the most sheepish you've ever seen him) that he actually bought the ring ages ago, but he was afraid he'd been moving too fast. he couldn't help but laugh at the adorable look of shock you had.
the way he cherishes you forever. the married life with kyle was really not that different. he still treats you like he just fell in love with you, even years later. he finally took you to meet his team, after years of brief greetings while you video called kyle. you felt indebted to this group of people for keeping the love of your life alive (though, his captain was quick to let you know that kyle does the same for the rest of them often). you smile when his other teammate, soap, tells you about how kyle never shuts up about you ever. he even carries a picture of you on him at all times for good luck. you try your best (and fail) not to cry.
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piscesbae7 · 8 months
“ Let him be ”
Elijah Mikaelson x Y / N
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* ੈ✩ .˚ A T T H E M I K A E L S O N
C O M P O U N D .  . .
" Jesus, hurry up. " I mumble angrily to myself, waiting for my soon to be ex boyfriend to come home.
Klaus and I have been dating for nearly 2 years,  last summer I moved to New Orleans to be with him.
But, I recently found out he cheated on me  with his bitchy therapist, Camille.
So, i'm sitting in his study, waiting to confront him.
" Y/N? " Klaus yells from a distance.
" Y/N, there you are. " He says as he walks into his study.
" Here I am. " I say dryly, taking a sip of the drink in my hand.
He sighs, rolling his eyes. " What is it now? "
" Don't play dumb." I reply.
" I'm not. But please, enlighten me. What have I done now? " He says.
" Oh, I don't know. Fucked your
SHRINK?? " I yell, now standing up.
" What! You're crazy, I- " He rambles on.
" Go to hell, you pretentious bastard! " I say, knowing exactly what to say in order to hurt him.
" Ah yes, bastard. You've been waiting for oh so long to throw that in my face, havent you! " He replies, raising his voice.
" We're done! " I scream in his face, stomping into the hall.
Why the hell would he choose her over me?!
I mean, i'm younger, not to mention I don't psychoanalyze him constantly!
I stomp down the stairs, noticing that Elijah and Rebekah are there, obviously eavesdropping.
" Your brother is a fucking c*nt! " I say to them, walking to the door.
" Y/N, wait. " Elijah says, following me outside.
" If you're planning on convincing me to forgive Klaus, don't. " I say, not stopping.
" I wasnt - im not. I just wanted to say i'm sorry for my brothers behavior. Niklaus often does things without thinking of anyone but himself. " He tells me.
" you're...sorry? " I ask in disbelief.
" He never deserved you. " Elijah says, tucking a fallen piece of hair behind my ear.
I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.
" Elijah.. I don't know what to say. " I tell him, trying to hide the fact that i'm blushing.
" Then don't say anything. " He says, pulling me in and kissing me softly.
I immediately kiss him back, putting my hands in his hair.
He pulls away.
" I'm sorry Y/N. I. I shouldn't have. " He says.
I stand there for a second, contemplating.
Without giving it a second though, I passionately kiss him again.
He kisses me back without hesitation, grabbing my waist and pulling me against him.
I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
We make out for a few minutes before I pull away, needing to take a breath.
He looks like he's trying to hold back laughter, slyly smirking.
" What's so funny? " I ask, smiling at the man in front of me.
He chuckles. " Niklaus will be furious. "
" Then let him be. " I say, kissing him again.
** this is an old imagine from my wattpad account , i’d like to think my writing has improved since this , but i still thought i should post on here !! lmk if i should do more <3:) **
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t4transsexual · 9 months
when i was going through a rough breakup with someone who was very bad to me, i told my now-girlfriend (but at the time was just an instagram friend) that i had missed reading but developed depression at around 10-11 years old due to childhood abuse and bullying for being autistic and gender non conforming and since then havent picked up a book, but didnt know where to start. she then pushed me to go to the bookstore and pick out a book to read, and i read and finished that one (hell followed with us by andrew joseph white). recently i bought another book by the same author, "the spirit bares its teeth" that apparently has an st4t subplot which is very fitting for me, as well as the main character being an autistic trans man and coming from an abusive household, and ive never related so much to a character in a book it's unreal. representation is important and the first book was great but the main character wasnt autistic and i cant relate to a non autistic character. and shoutout to my girlfriend for getting me back into reading after all this time, shes a reader herself. im putting this on my t4t blog because we're trans people in love. heres a pic i took of me laying on her while she was reading (she moved her book out of frame)
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its one of my favorite pictures with her, and she makes me so happy, and i really am happy. im glad she got me back into reading. i know transphobes who see my account will harrass us for being who we are publicly, but i also get a lot of trans people who are happy to see two trans people who love each other, and i just wanna remind yall that you can be really happy too, not in spite of your transness even, but as a direct result. the community ive been blessed to have as a trans person and the people ive met and have bonded with because im trans and we're trans have been so valueable and important to my happiness. this post is all over the place but if you take anything from it, its that you can be happy as a trans person and you should prioritize your community🏳️‍⚧️💜
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coltrainbat · 2 years
✨Masterlist ✨
Please note I don’t write anything that is illegal or borderline inappropriate. This includes sibling smut, adult baby kink (I dont even know what its called), teacherxstudent relationships and anything else I deem off. I also havent been to high school for many years so even if it’s innocent fluff I do not write HS AUs. If you’re unsure just ask! Can even be anon and if you don’t get a reply to your request then it’s a no. I’m fine with Daddy kink and most sex stuff as long as it doesn't cross lines into over infantilising, acting like an actual baby. 
As much as I’d love to sit in my bed all day and write fics... I have a big girl job and answer my requests in order I receive them (lol OCD tings) and I cant start one until the other is done (again sorry OCD tings). So please note there is a 3 week ish turn around for requests at max. And sometimes if I get a good idea I’ll write my own first cause I have to get it out of my head. But if you want updates feel free to message me or I’ll post an update if I get caught up in life! 
I’m always up for a chat and am pretty active on here so you’re welcome to talk to me about whatever, ask questions or just chat! Please note it’s an 18+ account and if you don’t specify that I won’t reply. 
Ty x
Clover ☘️
Dividers from the brilliant @firefly-graphics 💕
Gifs and images are not mine! 
☁️ - Fluff 🔥 - Smut/NSFW 🌤 - Platonic 
🌧  - Tear Jerker / Sad
🌪 - Angst
COMING SOON: Third Times A Charm | A Chris Evans X RDJ Sister!Reader (description here)
Take Me Home | Nick Vaughan X Reader:
Part 1 -  Meet Cute ☁️
Yes, No, Maybe | Chris Evans X Curvy!Reader:
Part 1 - Chris meets you and has to have you. ☁️🌪
Part 2 - your first date. ☁️
Part 3 (Virgin!Reader) - Chris takes your virginity 🔥☁️
Bubba | Dad!Chris Evans X Pregant/Mom!Reader):
Part 1 - You tell Chris he’s going to be a dad for the first time. ☁️🌧
Part 2 - Protective!DadChris ☁️
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Chris Evans
You’re Mine (Curvy!Reader) - You’re Chris’s FWB and you wonder if you’re the only one 🔥☁️
All Worth It (Curvy!Reader) - You and Chris go public with your relationship. ☁️
Chris Evans Alphabet (Curvy!Reader) - smut implied but mainly fluff. ☁️
Chris Evans Alphabet NSFW - 🔥
What A Girl Wants - You’re a str!pper and Chris wants you for the night. 🔥
Happiest Man Alive - You’re a florist and Chris proposes at the Oscars ☁️
No One Disrespects Chris’s Girl - A journalist insults you to Chris’s face. 🌪
Best Birthday Ever (Curvy!Reader) - You usually dread your birthday but Chris has a surprise in stall. ☁️
Bed. Now. - Finals week has hit but Chris wants you to sleep. ☁️
Boston Boy Documentary - Your segment in Chris’s documentary. ☁️
Can’t Believe They’re Real - Chris is an ass guy but with tits like yours he cant help be obsessed.  🔥
Favourite Pillows - Chris’s favourite pillows are conveniently on your chest. ☁️
My Angel (Model!Reader) - You’re a Victoria Secret Angel ☁️
Because I Want You - Your bestie, Chris gets a bit jealous...  ☁️🌪
Cookie - Baking cookies doesnt go as planned.  ☁️🔥
High On You - You and Chris enjoy a joint together. ☁️
I’m in Chwarge (Blurb) - No one tells you whhat to do besides Chris ☁️🔥
Tik Tok Leggings - You could say Chris likes your new leggings… 🔥☁️
Eat Shit Ransom - You’ve got a huge crush on Ransom 🌪☁️
Pork or Pasta? - You meet Chris for the first time but arent so sure about him... 🌪☁️
Mint Condition - Captain America Roleplay  🔥
Sexiest Girl Alive (Curvy!Reader) - You get hate for your body and Chris comes to your defence. 🌪☁️
Headcanon!Chris Evans - Chris start to cheer his gf up. How? With stupid cheesy pick up lines ☁️
Steve Rogers 
I’m The Captain Now - Taking Steve’s virginity 🔥
Off to College - You & Steve send your little girl off to College ☁️🌧
Family Matters - Steve’s sister dies 🌧🌤 
Roped Up - Steve ties you up 🔥
Soxs - You get Steve a cat to help with his nightmares. ☁️
Prettiest Girl In The World (PreSerum!Steve X Plussize!Reader) - Steve thinks you’re the best even if you don’t. 🔥☁️🌧
Get A Life - Shortsized!Reader working for Bruce Banner as a lab assistant and Steve has a total crush on her. ☁️
Frank Adler 
Disneyland - You and Frank take Mary to Disney ☁️
Put It On My Tab - Frank introduces Female Bartender!Reader and introduces her to his niece. ☁️
Andy Barber
What To Wear (Curvy!Reader) - Andy helps you find a shirt that fits for your date night. ☁️
Sparks Fly - Soulmate AU ☁️
You’re Sick (Blurb) ☁️
Our Home - Laurie shows up unannounced. 🌪☁️
Knock Knock - You surprise Andy at work. 🔥
Lloyd Hansen
You’re Not Sorry - You act like a brat but Lloyd is going to make you pay for it. 🔥🌪
Ari Levinson
I’ll Take Care of You - Ari is married to your sister but he has you on on his mind. 🔥
Neighbours - You get very friendly with your neighbour, Ari.  🔥
Ransom Drysdale
Good Bunny - Ransom wants to explore the hole God can’t see... 🔥
Liam Hemsworth
Nostalgia - You and Liam reunite but its a little different now. ☁️🌪
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crabussy · 2 months
oh did you get like. a shit ton of followers recently? has it been. okay
for SOME bizarre reason I have around 4600 followers. I used to have like 50 a few years ago and always wanted to make a hit post it was something I tried to do pretty much every day right. and um ^_^ I finally made one. and then another. and then another. and now I have like 20-30 massive posts circling WHICH IS AWESOME. IM HAPPY PEOPLE LOVE MY STUFF but oh man its amazing what strangers will say to you on posts past 10k. I have had some Very interesting interactions.....
multiple people have informed me through the tags that they want to fuck a sea creature. not like. a sea MONSTER. I mean a real animal
I have confidently been called a homestuck about 40 times on my post about indigo vs blue vs purple. I tried to read it but never could
one guy getting ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS about my inclusion of brown sugar in my absurdly famous pasta sauce post. it was reposted on tiktok and he was absolutely ballistic he would NOT even try it. even when I told him that LITERAL HUNDREDS of people have tried it and said they loved it. this guy was so stubborn its hilarious
my posts keep randomly reaching people I follow?? I'll look in my notes and an artist I look up to like a god has just. liked one of my hit posts before disappearing again. this keeps happening to me
were-ralph has reblogged my posts before. surreal experience very cool
Theres A Reason Anonymous Asks Are Off. my god dude the things people have sent me. abhorrent. I have considered remaking my account multiple times to avoid this but turning them off seems to have worked [: havent gotten any non-anonymous hate literally ever
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yourmoonie · 5 months
Hello! I love your blog! Ive been trying (I know we dont try but that's the word I can think of for this rn) to manifest but I'm having a little but of an issue. I know a lot of people say think in your favor, embody the person in imagination and dismiss the 3d. And I've been but I havent received my manifestation in the 3d for months. Ive also heard people say to feel the wish fulfilled but I've been on strong medication so I can't really "feel" in a sense. I know I can manifest, I practice witchcraft but a part of me is still doubting the law. 😭 I know that's a lot and I'm sorry I was just really hoping I'd have my desires before the new year.
Hey darling
Thank you for the question
I mean, if you want to check the 3D, it's your right, but do we really have to remind ourselves every 2 seconds that we have got slippers at home? (Just an example), No! we don't, because we know we have them, even if you are 2 hours away from home and have different shoes on you still are IN THE KNOWING that you have got those slippers.
Can you remember my cat example? If not, here is the link
When we talk about a feeling we don't mean an emotion
Emotion is the byproduct
Emotions are neither good nor bad
Emotions are just there
But FEELING is different
Feeling = inner knowing
You don't need to have billions in your account to walk in this world as a wealthy person (everything starts from inner knowing)
Because wealth is a mindset it's not about money
Nobody is holding you from entering a specific building and feeling like you own the building
Nobody is holding you back from experiencing whatever you want within
Also about the 3D:
- You are free to acknowledge what's going on in the 3D, don't put your human wants and needs on hold "just because you are ' manifesting' " live your life. You aren't going to "ignore" the 3D. What you are going to do is "become indifferent towards the said circumstances." this means that you are simply not going to "identify" with them or let them get in your and your desires' way.
- also just be in the present moment. That's all that you can truly do, be in the present moment, and know that you and your desires are ONE. You wouldn't be "desiring" something if it wasn't "meant" for you
- You aren't "ignoring" you are just "choosing" to see things differently and well according to your awareness things shift
- When you order a coffee, do you go up to the barista every 2 seconds and ask where your coffee is? I am pretty sure you don't
Your assumptions about yourself and your reality shift your character and your world
So it's like, "If you see and treat yourself like a queen, that's how you are going to be perceived" like is there anything else you need to do ? No because being a queen is a STATE of mind/ a state of being
It's simple
Neville has 3 really powerful sayings about this topic:
1. Doubt is the only force capable of disturbing the seed or impression; to avoid a miscarriage of so wonderful a child, walk in secrecy through the necessary interval of time that it will take the impression to become an expression. Tell no man of your spiritual romance. Lock your secret within you in joy, confident, and happy that someday you will bear the son of your lover by expressing and possessing the nature of your impression. Then will you know the mystery of “God said, Let us make man in our image.
2. So go out wisely today – go out determined to become more selective, more discreet in your choice of ideas you will entertain and single out the idea that would bless an individual and produce in yourself the emotional response that you have witnessed that state in his world, and know at that moment of response, you planted for that individual, and he is rooted in you, there is no such thing as he will not be found in your world for he is rooted in you. Everyone is rooted in you – therefore you will not lose them. It is planted relative to that being, and that being is going to harvest it, and you will know the harvest when it appears in his world. You simply plant and let the harvest take care of itself.
3. This is a reminder for you to realise that it is done. Once pregnant, you don’t need to wonder how you just need to know that you have been impregnated by your wish fulfilled. Once the seed is planted, we must let it grow in the darkness of the soil. It cannot see the sun and the darkness around it shows a reality of not being a beautiful flower but surely enough if you let it grow with the assumption of being that flower even in the darkness then it shall see the sun and bloom ever so brightly. When you stop digging up the seed after planting it, then it will have time to grow. You seek validation of how and when too often, and if you remained faithful, then you will give birth to your wish fulfilled in this physical reality. No longer will your wish fulfill miscarriage or never sprout. You will bloom in full awareness of your wish fulfilled as if it was so natural you didn’t even know it was your own creation. It was meant to be. So let it be. Your reality may be dark now, but as you remain faithful to your wish fulfilled, you shall know inside yourself that you already are that flower and that you already have given birth. When you experience it in your mind, you have already experienced it in your mind you have already experienced in your reality. When you feel it real with the sense, then it must be real in this physical world. You are God, and this is your world pushed out. A private dream for you to express yourself. Your awareness is the answer to all of your questions. As you walk through life, you are constantly dropping seeds into the soil that you walk upon. Which ones do you water with your awareness and let be? And which ones do you keep digging up?
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lem0nicle · 2 months
this will probably be a cringe post, but whatever, you never know💀
i will probably also regret posting this and delete it, but you never know
i am looking for moots!✨
and because i have no idea how these posts work and (i have a hard time making friends irl and online) i am going to indroduce myself here??
so i am lem0nicle (idk how to shorten this) and i am a minor (so please no NSFW) and on my blog i post mosty my drawings (which are not good, but i really enjoy doung them)😅😌
i like💫
- star wars (like. a lot. been obssesed for years) - mostly i love the high republic!😌 (i even have an sw ig account guys😅💀)
- gravity falls and the owl house
- dc comics, specifically batman and the riddler
- mafia - i love the games (they come from my country!), although i only watched them on youtube and currently i am playing the original mafia😌 (i LOVE the original czech dub, it's hilarious)
- and fallout, even though i just watched the tv series and havent played any games. yet. (does this count?😅) EDIT: i started playing fallout games and man, I LOVE THEM SM
and probably more, but these are my current favourites :)
if any of these interest you i would be glad if you contact me!
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