#haven’t gotten around to Janelle’s but I want to
kingofmyborrowedheart · 5 months
Genuinely don’t know who will be taking home AOTY at the Grammy’s.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 9 months
all can we get a part 4 of all i wanted was you when they have a baby 😩😩 that would be so cute
Love - Chapter 1
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Janelle is played by Justine Skye
Hopefully this is only 2 chapters but you know me lol it might be more.
Sequel to All I Need Is You: Read Here
Taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci24 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @purplehairgawdess @arination99 @alyyaanna @m3llowww @gomussy @jeysbae @hennyyybarb @babysyhsy @bebesobrielo
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“I think I'm pregnant.” Janelle said out of the blue, causing Trinity and Sefa’s wife Maya to choke on their drinks and look over at her. 
“Girl what! What do you mean you think?”  Janelle sighed and looked over to where Josh was playing football with his brothers and some of his cousins. Josh and Janelle had just moved into a new house and Josh had wanted to throw a housewarming party. 
“I mean we haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other lately and my period is late.”  Trinity sat up in her lawn chair and stared at Janelle. 
“Did you take a test?” Janelle shook her head. “Why not?” 
“Because..” She said trailing off and shrugging her shoulders. 
“I mean you and Josh moved into a bigger house for a reason right?” Maya asked, arching her eyebrow. Janelle rolled her eyes. 
“Yeah, better schools in this county for Xavi and more backyard space for stuff like this.” She said, nodding her head towards the backyard, where damn near all of Josh’s family had gathered. 
Trinity rolled her eyes. “Ok if the last part was true y’all could’ve gotten a house with 4 bedrooms like the old house, instead yall got 6 bedrooms. What y'all need 6 bedrooms for?” 
Janelle sighed and looked back over at Josh. “I bought the test. I’m just scared to take it.” Trinity jumped to her feet and grabbed Janelle pulling her into the house and Maya followed them. 
“Come on, take the test.” Janelle let Trinity lead her to the bedroom. 
“Lock the door behind you.” Janelle said to Maya as she walked over to her dresser and pulled the pregnancy test out. She looked over and Trinity who pointed to the bathroom door. Janelle ground as she made her way to the bathroom. 
What if she was pregnant? She wanted to have kids with Josh but what if she wasn’t a good mom? What if she actually turned out to be like her mom? 
She jumped when the timer on her phone went off. She wiped her palms on her tights before standing up off the toilet and grabbing the test. She let out a gasp when she seen the plus sign. 
She jumped again when Trinity called her name . “J? What's taking so long?” 
Janelle opened the door and handed Trinity the test. “I’m pregnant.”  Maya gasped and tried to contain her smile.  Maya looked between Trinity and Janelle. Trinity had a wide smile on her face and was bouncing on her toes. Janelle looked scared. Her eyes were wide and she was shaking a bit. 
“Janelle, calm down.” Maya said as she grabbed a hold of Janelle’s hands and let her over to the bed. “Here, sit down.” Janelle sat down and stared down at the test in her hands. Pregnant… She was pregnant. 
“What am I going to do?” She asked looking up at Maya and Trinity. 
“Well for now we’re going to go back outside and continue on with the party. Then you’ll tell Josh and you guys will decide from there.” Maya said rubbing Janelles shoulder comfortably. “Everything is going to be okay.” 
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Josh’s face was scrunched up in confusion as he looked around for Janelle. Maya and Trinity were missing too. 
“Hey, have you seen Janelle?” He asked one of his aunties who shook her head. Josh shrugged and made his way into the house, needing to use the bathroom. He decided to use the one in his bedroom. Before he could open the door he heard Trin, Maya and Janelle talking. 
He knew that It was wrong to listen in on their conversation but Janelle had been acting off all day. His eyebrows furrowed when he heard Janelle ask what she was going to do. He was about to walk away when the door opened and Janelle stood in front of him. 
“Josh. What are you doing?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Me? I was coming to use the bathroom. What are you doing?” He asked, peeking into the room. 
“Talking.” She said as Maya and Trinity walked out of the room, giving them privacy. 
“About what?” He asked and she sighed. It was now or never. 
“I’m pregnant.” She blurted out. He froze mid stride. 
“Josh?” She said when he didn’t move. She got off the bed and walked towards his placing a hand on his shoulder, breaking him out of his trance. 
“I uh. I have to pee.” He said pointing towards the bathroom and walking in, shutting the door. Janelle stared at the closed door, she honestly didn’t know how to feel about his reaction. She sighed and plopped down on the bed, resting her head in her hands. She looked up when the bathroom door opened and Josh walked out the bathroom. 
“So” He said, coming and squatting down in front of her. “We’re having a baby.” She nodded. 
“Yeah I think.” She whispered. “Are you okay?” 
“Are you okay?” He countered with. Grabbing her hands and squeezing them. She nodded again. 
“Yeah I'm just..” She trailed off shrugging. “Scared I guess.” He placed a kiss on the back of her hand, 
“That's understandable J.” He stood up and pulled her to her feet. He placed his hands on her stomach and smiled at her. “I love you.” She smiled and placed her hands over his. 
“I love you too.” 
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“Are you okay?” She asked placing her hand on his knee so he would stop bouncing it. He nodded and shifted in his seat. 
“Yeah, I just wish they hurry up.”  She laughed and looked back at the magazine she was reading. 
“Josh, we only been here for 5 minutes, relax.” He huffed at her and shifted in his seat again. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard her name being called. She and Josh stood up and followed the worker into one of the exam rooms. 
“So I see you’re here because you took a pregnancy test ?” She asked typing on the computer. 
“Yes. We just wanted to make sure it’s not a false positive.” The nurse nodded her head and typed something else. 
“Completely understandable.” She turned in her chair and smiled at Janelle and Josh. “I’ll be right back.” She said getting up and walking out the door. 
Janelle nodded and let out a breath that she was holding. She looked over at Josh who smiled at her. “You good?” He asked her and she nodded. 
They both looked towards the door when it opened and the nurse walked in handing Janelle a urine cup. “The bathroom is this way, you can follow me.” 
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“How long does it normally take?” Josh asked once Janelle came back in the room. She shrugged and sat down on the chair next to him. 
“I don’t know.” She said chewing on her bottom lip. “It shouldn’t be that long.”  He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 
“No matter what. I love you Janelle.” 
“I love you too Joshua.” She said as she leaned over to kiss him. They broke apart once the door opened and the nurse walked in. 
“Hi Ms Porter. So I have your results and you are indeed pregnant.” Janelle let out the breath that she had been holding. “I sent some prenatal vitamins over to the pharmacy we have on file just make sure you take one every morning, preferably in the morning and make sure you take it with food, never on an empty stomach.”  Janelle nodded and smiled at Josh when he placed a hand on her stomach. 
“Let's set you up for a follow up appointment.” Josh leaned over and kissed Janelle on her cheek. 
“We havin’ a baby Nelle.” 
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Hey guys. I've been working on this for a minute. Hopefully you all enjoy ❤️
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tchallasbabymama · 3 years
Don’t Judge Me
Chapter 2 of my Untitled (for now) Song Series. Here’s the link to Chapter 1 if you haven’t read it. 
Word count: 5348
CW: smut
The next morning, Ashanti woke up in a sweat about thirty minutes earlier than usual. She had dreamed of the mystery man again, only this time he wasn’t such a mystery anymore even though his face was still a blur. She’d recognize his gait anywhere and his warm cocoa butter scent filled her nose. She had been dreaming about the king, and this time they went further than a kiss.
She peeled off the big T-shirt she slept in and fanned herself to cool down, but then she noticed a stickiness between her legs...
“I can't believe I had a whole ass wet dream about the king.” She whispered to herself as her mind drifted back to what she was experiencing just minutes ago. It only came to her in flashes, but she could still feel his big hands all over her body and his tongue making its way down to her center before swirling around her still throbbing pussy. She felt her pussy stretch as he entered her from behind and his balls slapping against her clit. She felt his hand squeezing the sides of her throat, and just as they came together she woke up.
The memory made her pussy throb even more as more wetness dripped out of her. She couldn't help but to trace her nipples with her left hand and trail her right hand down her body, taking the same path Dream T’Challa took down to her aching pearl. Her fingers stroked her clit and she let out a moan, still thankful for the soundproof walls.
His voice played in her head.
Say my name.
“Mmm, T’Challa…”
Do you like when I fuck you like this?
“Ewe kumkani wam”
Oooh, you like it rough, don't you? Nasty girl...
“Mmm just for you, baby.”
That’s not my name. What’s my fucking name?
Uh-huh, there you go kitten. Turn over…
Look at me.
That’s right, cum on my dick just like that. Cum for your Kumkani.
Mmm, I’m not pulling out. I’m staying right here and filling you up. Oh, you like that? Good. I want you overflowing with me. Can you do that for me baby? Can I cum in this pussy?
“Cum in your pussy Kumkani.”
Ashanti’s legs began to shake and the tingling in her lower abdomen began to overwhelm her senses. Her body tensed up then she released all over her fingers with a loud jagged moan. She came down from her high while slowly playing in the pool of wetness that had collected between her lips.
She loved starting her day with an orgasm, and she hoped that maybe it would end with one too if her date went well enough.
Ashanti peeled herself from her bed and got up to get her day started. She went for her usual morning run, ate breakfast with her roommates, then went to open the store just like any other workday. The only difference being she was getting progressively more nervous about her date with the king as time went on. It was a slow day in the Bazaar, so she closed her shop down around 4 and went to visit her parents before the dinner rush.
She walked into the restaurant and saw her mom sitting at a table rolling flatware, so she silently sat down beside her and proceeded to roll with her. Five minutes passed before Ashanti gave a sigh and looked like she had something to say that she couldn’t quite get out. Bisa knew something was seriously bothering her, but she also knew her child would eventually tell her.
“So I have a date tonight.”
A crash was heard from the kitchen as her dad emerged seemingly out of nowhere.
“With who?!”
“I can’t tell you…”
Chidi and Bisa looked at each other in confusion.
“What do you mean you can't tell us? You tell us everything!”
“More than we need to know, most times…”
“Chidi, hush. Honey, who is this person?”
“Mama, Baba...if I tell you then you have to promise to keep this between us.” “Of course baby”, they said in unison. Ashanti took a deep breath.
“I have a date with King T’Challa…”
They stared at her in disbelief. Chidi looked like he had seen a ghost and Bisa’s excitement grew by the second.
“Oh my Bast! Baby, how did you...of course he’d be an idiot not to, but how...he's the king!”
“I don't like it…” Chidi grumbled as Bisa hit his arm.
“Baba! Why?”
“He just seems so...slick.”
“Chidi, hush. I’m happy for you honey, but what’s the problem? You’ve been moping around here this whole time.” Bisa held Ashanti’s cheek in one hand and moved the braids out of her face with the other.
“I’m scared, Mama. He’s sweet and intelligent and the finest man Bast ever created...I just don’t know. He’s royalty for Bast’s sake! What could we possibly have in common?”
“You never know until you talk to him, honey.”
“Your mama’s right. Get out of your head, kiddo, it’ll be fine. But if he tries anything, I’m not above treason.”
Ashanti laughed at her father, knowing he was only half joking.
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that, Baba…” Ashanti started before sighing and standing up. “Alright, I should start getting ready if I’m going to do this thing. Wish me luck!”
She kissed both of her parents on the forehead and grabbed her things to head home, but not before swiping a snack from the kitchen. On her way back to her house her nerves started to grow again, but once she arrived Binta and Kwame helped talk her out of it.
“Sis, breathe. First and foremost, you need to be alive for the date. Second there’s nothing to worry about! He already likes you after just meeting you twice, you got this!”
“It’s not just that…”
“What is it?” Binta asked with real concern written all over her face.
“I...srt of had a wet dream about him last night…”  
Both twins were in shock.
“About the King?!”
“Ooooh you’re in for it Miss Thang.”
“What do you mean?”
“Did it feel real?”
“Yes, but-”
“Then someone’s gonna get their back blown out by our kumkani!”
Ashanti looked away and she felt her cheeks and ears heat up while Binta and Kwame screamed in celebration of their best friend’s new dick supplier.
“He’s going to knock the dust off that thing, thank Bast. Girl you must tell us about that strength of the Black Panther mess, because I just know that man is packing a weapon.”
“I wonder if you can fuck him with the suit on,” Bisa thought out loud.
“He had a big dick in my dream...and that suit idea isn't half bad, I’ll hold onto that for later.” Ashanti winked at her roommates.
Kwame looked at the time.
“Ok enough chit-chat, go get ready. Prince Charming will be here soon.”
“You mean King Charming?”
“No, it’s from some European story. They actually do have a few things that aren’t half bad.”
“ Ooookay. Well I’m gonna go shower the day off.”
“Need help picking your outfit?” Binta asked with a hopeful tone in her voice. She loved a good at-home fashion show.
”I have it narrowed down to two, so I could definitely use a second and third opinion. Now let me go shower!”
Ashanti stepped under the water and her music began to play. Her nerves washed down the drain and a feeling of euphoria came over her as violins blared through her speakers followed by the sweet sounds of an acoustic guitar. Her heart swelled, and her cheeks hurt from smiling so big.
Come, let me kiss you right there Wake you up like sunrise On the backs of your thighs I'm gonna pray you this prayer That I keep in my mind As a lovely reminder
Janelle Monae somehow perfectly captured the warm and fuzzy and nervous feelings that come with falling in love. “Don’t Judge Me” had quickly become one of her American favorites, but until recently she had forgotten that feeling. It had been four years since her last first date, and one year of being single. Her ex broke her heart into a million little pieces, and she was still struggling to put herself back together again. Ashanti had just gotten to the point where she felt she could ever love again when T’Challa breezed into her shop. His timing had been perfect, almost divine.
Even though you tell me you love me I'm afraid that you just love my disguise Taste my fears and light your candle to my raging fire Of broken desire
The lyrics spoke to her nervousness to open herself up to someone new, especially someone with so much power in his hands already. What could she do if he ended up being abusive like-
She cut herself off and turned off the water, stepping out of the shower and letting herself air dry while finishing her skincare routine. Ashanti covered herself in shea butter and spritzed on the new perfume Binta got her for her birthday last month. Then she started on her makeup, deciding to keep it light. She swiped on a tinted moisturizer, added some highlight to her cheeks, and filled in her brows before swiping some mango-flavored red-ish lip stain over her plump lips.
Ashanti switched out her round septum ring for a triangular one she just made last night out of boredom. The point of the ring landed above her cupid’s bow like a giant flashing sign that reads “Put lips here!”
She parted her braids on the left side and two-strand twisted the front section before pinning it back and pulling the rest of her hair in a bun at the back of her head. She took a deep breath and threw on outfit choice number one. Binta and Kwame were already situated in the living room with a bottle of wine ready for the show.
She wore tapered, high waisted kente pants with a black lace bustier top and a layered pearl necklace.
“Ok this is outfit number one.” Ashanti turned around so they could get the full view. She could see them both trying their best to hold their tongues. “Please hold all comments until the end.”
“But girl that-”
“Aht! Not. Yet.”
Ashanti did one last twirl before Naomi Campbell walking back to her room. Binta and Kwame looked at each other and said a whole mouthful with just their eyes.
When she walked into the living area she had slid into a leather skirt and a billowy white off the shoulder top. She had topped it off with a gold choker of her own design. Ashanti did a little twirl before allowing her roommates to give their feedback.
“One at a time. Kwame?”
“Ok so, first off, where is he taking you?”
“I have no idea, he just said be ready at 7.”
“Ok then I’d go with outfit one, but with this choker. The pearls hide your titties, and girl that bustier calls for them to be front and center”
“Seconded. And you should wear those cute beaded sandals you got the other day at the Bazaar. Normally I’d say heels, but since you don't know what the date is it’s better to be safe and wear flats. You know how you are, and that is inappropriate first date behavior. You keep your shoes where?”
“On my feet.” Ashanti grumbled. She loved wearing heels, but her feet didn’t. Almost every time she wore them she ended up carrying them in her hand while walking around barefoot for some relief. This annoyed Binta to no end.
“Thank you. Now go put on the full outfit!”
“Be right back”
Ashanti made her way back to her room and changed into the same pants and bustier from earlier. She slid on the beaded sandals Binta suggested and checked out her neon purple pedicure before standing up and smoothing her clothes down in the mirror. Just as she reached for her doorknob the doorbell rang.
“6:50, he’s early.”
She heard the door open downstairs and damn near tripped over her feet to run downstairs to keep her roommates embarrassing her. She didn’t make it in time.
“Good evening, I am supposed to be taking Ashanti out for the night. Is she in?” Kwame and Binta saluted the king and stammered over their words.
“S-she just uh-”
“She’s u-upstairs, kumkani wam.”
“‘Please, call me T’Challa. Hopefully we will be seeing more of each other.” he said, sending a wink their way before he saw Ashanti enter the room from the corner of his eye.
T’Challa was startled awake by the sound of his alarm. Normally he wakes up on his own and the alarm is just an extra precaution, but occasionally it comes in handy. This was one of those times thanks to a tantalizing dream he didn’t want to leave.
He was sure the woman in his dream was Ashanti, despite the fact that he couldn’t make out her face clearly. She had the same sway in her wide hips, and he recognized the delicately rough hands that found their way up and down his body. He could taste her on his lips and his dick still stood at attention for her. T’Challa looked at the clock and determined he had enough time to take care of himself, but just as he got up to get the shea butter a knock at his door ruined the mood. The king growled in frustration.
“Ay nigga, you late!” N’Jadaka called through the door.
“I am aware, cousin. I will be there shortly.”
N’Jadaka made his way down to the dining area while T’Challa quickly got ready for his day that was already starting out on a frustrating note. He finally made it down to breakfast just as the food was being served.
The royal family ate and discussed the day ahead.
“Someone’s got a date with that cute shopgirl today…” Shuri teased her big brother and he cut his eyes at N’Jadaka.
“You told her?!”
“He told us both dear, you know Daka can’t hold water. So tell us about her. She is in Ada’s old storefront, yes?”
T’Challa sighed and removed his napkin from his lap, placing it on the table and leaning back in his chair.
“Yes mama, she bought Ada’s and the shop next to it.”
“What does she sell?”
He figured now was as good a time as any, so he called Ayo on his beads.
“Ayo, please bring the black bag from my office with “Taj’s” on the side”
“Ewe kumkani wam, right away.”
T’Challa looked back towards his family, each one with their eyes glued to him.
“She is an artist,” he started. “She has turned it into a multi-purpose artistic space, but the shop is still operational. It’s called Taj’s now after her grandfather-”
“Yeah ok, tell us about her, ubhuti.”
Ayo came in with the requested bag and handed it to her king.
“Thank you, you are dismissed Ayo,” he said before turning back to his family. T’Challa reached into the bag and pulled out two boxes before handing them to his mother and sister.
“Damn, nothing for me?” N’Jadaka feigned offense.
“Not this time, umzala. Mama, sister, I hope you like them. They were custom made by Ashanti.”
Ramonda and Shuri opened their gifts and were stunned speechless. Shuri immediately took off her current necklace and replaced it with her brother’s gift. Ramonda stared at it, still speechless.
“Thank you, brother, I love it! Ashanti is very good at what she does.”
“You are more than welcome. Mama, do you like it?”
“Like it? It's too beautiful for me to even touch. This is amazing, unyana wam, thank you.”
“Good job, T.” N’Jadaka raised his glass of mango juice to his cousin.
“Well, as you can see she is very talented. I went to visit Ada the other day, but wanted to see what became of her shop first. When I saw her, I-...she took my breath away. She has this warm energy that just pulls you in and wraps its arms around you...”
“You sound sprung, as the Americans say.”
“Mmmhm he sure is Auntie, nose wide open and everything.”
T’Challa wanted to roll his eyes, but they were right. It took everything in him to not start grinning like a fool.
The royals parted ways after breakfast and went to tend to their duties. T’Challa and N’Jadaka didn’t have time for a walk today since there was a council meeting immediately after breakfast. It turned out to be the most boring council meeting T’Challa had ever presided over. What’s worse than land disputes? DIscussing treaties and embargoes with other countries. Half the council wanted Wakanda to keep its resources, citing how the rest of Africa was stripped of its riches by Europeans. They felt there was nothing positive the outside world had to offer Wakanda. The other half of the council argued that Wakanda was too strong a nation to be controlled by western powers, and therefore should join in trade and keep the upper hand.
“My king?”
T’Challa had zoned out for the past five minutes until N’Jadaka elbowed his side, pulling him out of his daydream.
“My king, we were asking where you stood on the matter.”
N’Jadaka looked at his cousin knowingly, trying to conceal a smirk.
“I will need more time to think on it. Let us revisit this matter in a week, is there anything else on today’s agenda?” He asked his cousin.
“Nope, we’re done.”
“Thank Bast,” T’Challa whispered under his breath. “Meeting adjourned. I will see you all next week.”
As the council members left the room one by one, N’Jadaka stared at his cousin with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
“Only one of us can zone out at a time and I had some good daydreams planned for today, so what’s up with you?”
T’Challa sighed.
“I can’t get her off my mind…”
“Wide. Open.” N’Jadaka cackled as he left his cousin sitting in the throne room, still thinking about Ashanti.
T’Challa had a full agenda for the day and decided to get started. Why bother daydreaming when in just a few hours he would be in her presence.
First, he went to visit the river tribe. It was the dry season, but thankfully the river still flowed with enough water to last them until the rainy season kicked back into gear. Then, he visited his sister’s lab and the mining tribe.
“Brother! You must look at this!”
Shuri barely gave him a chance to get in the lab before she was dragging him left and right showing him her new creations. The visit lasted longer than T’Challa expected, but time always flew when he was with his usisi.
The king made his way back to his quarters to start preparing for the night. He had decided on a nighttime picnic by a private lake for their first date so they could talk and get to know each other better.
Hopping into the full bathtub that already awaited him in his quarters thanks to the palace staff, T’Challa relaxed into the water and felt most of his stress slip away. To get the rest of the stress out, he reached for the pre-roll that was placed beside the tub with a note from the royal grower.
“Snow Goddess OG -Amare”
“Snow goddess, huh? Probably Jabari…” T’Challa lit the blunt and relaxed even more into the water, letting the weed take him to another plane.
T’Challa’s body felt tingly and he couldn't keep the smile off his face. He fought a giggle as he rose from his bath and caught sight of his chubby half-erect dick hanging down his thigh in the mirror.
“She’s not even here and we don't have time. Sorry, man, I’ll get you later, I promise..or maybe she will? Either way, just be patient.”
“Shit, what was in that?” T’Challa laughed at himself for talking to his dick.
He had already gotten lined up earlier that day, and he admired the barber’s job well done while he moisturized his curls then the rest of his body. The king spritzed on a new cologne and made sure to spread some to his pulse points. He filed his nails then relocated to his closet to put together an outfit for the night.
Even though T’Challa was a relatively young king he always seemed beyond his years when he stepped into his Black Panther and kingly duties. However, outside of when he needs to be professional, T’Challa was like any other Wakandan in their late twenties. Instead of the traditional formal attire he wore when performing his duties, he dressed more modern and relaxed in informal settings. When T’Challa and Ashanti met he had been wearing a simple black shirt and jeans with his black combat boots and his Black Panther claw necklace on display. The second time they saw each other he had on an intricately embroidered black tunic over matching pants and black sandals. This time he wanted to look nice, but still relaxed. He needed to find a happy medium.
T’Challa stood naked in his closet for about 15 minutes before it finally came to him.
‘How is this man so fine?’ Ashanti thought to herself as she took in the sight before her. There stood the king, in her entryway, looking like a whole damn meal. Her eyes travelled up and down his lean, muscular frame just as his eyes did the same to her. He wore a short sleeved black button up with kente trim which was unbuttoned just enough for her to see his claw necklace resting in an almost unnoticeable bit of chest hair. He had on some simple dark wash jeans and his favorite pair of boots donned his feet. The icing on the cake was the silver hoop earring in his right lobe. Ashanti just about passed out, and that was before she even registered that they matched.
T’Challa couldn’t keep his jaw up to save his life. He already knew how gorgeous she was, but she had somehow gotten even more beautiful in 24 hours.
“Oh my Bast, how adorable?!” Kwame broke her from her daze.
Ashanti quickly grabbed her bag and hugged her roommates before pulling T’Challa out of the house.
“Sorry for rushing you, but they were absolutely going to do something embarrassing if we stayed any longer.” Ashanti reached to push her hair behind her ear, forgetting she had already pulled it back. “You uh- you look pretty alright today.”
T’Challa laughed and she nearly melted at the  sound.
“Wow, I was going for ‘just ok’, but I have to say I like that you said I’m pretty.”
Ashanti playfully rolled her eyes and he placed his hand at the small of her back to lead her to his car.
“So where are you taking me?”
“It is a surprise.”
“Ok well, one thing you'll learn about me is I hate surprises.”
“You’ll survive without knowing for 15 more minutes, I promise Miss Ashanti.”
Something about the way he said her name made her go quiet. She wanted to hear it more often.
“I guess...so tell me about your day to distract me.”
T’Challa leaned back into his seat and let autopilot do the work.
“It was a normal day for the most part. Breakfast with my family followed by a tragically boring meeting with the council. Then I had to go visit the river and mining tribes. Lastly, I stopped by my sister’s lab for a while to see what she’s up to since she’s always tinkering around with something or creating amazing new inventions. I had to check in and see what’s new.”
“That sounds fun! The last part, not the other stuff.”
The king chuckled and reached for her hand.
“It was, but truthfully I was very distracted all day thinking of you.”
Ashanti’s voice caught in her throat.
Is he serious?
“Were you now…?”
“Yes, you seem to have made quite the impression on my subconscious.”
Ashanti tried to play it cool, but her guilty-looking face gave her away.
“What is it?”
“I may or may not have been thinking of you all day too.”
The two of them looked at each other and smiled. T’Challa’s eyes had just trailed down to her lips when the car announced their arrival. The king got out first and came around to open Ashanti’s door. He held out his hand and led her down a wooded path that was lit with tiny lights among the trees. The walk was short, and when they arrived at their destination Ashanti couldn’t believe her eyes.
Twinkling lights reflected off of a lake she had never seen. She turned to take in her surroundings and noticed the large border tribe blanket laid out on the ground and a covered basket overflowing with food. Ashanti was happy she wore flats.
“So I wasn’t sure what type of food you like, but I figured that since you were listening to music from outside Wakanda, you might enjoy foods from outside as well. I narrowed it down to one area though my first idea was to have food from all over, but thankfully my cousin talked me out of that one...”
T’Challa kept rambling as he began removing dishes from the basket and every last one made Ashanti’s stomach growl. She was starting to regret the bustier.
He pulled out jerk chicken, plantain, callaloo, and rice and peas. Next he pulled out some ackee and saltfish.
“This is usually for breakfast, but it’s my favorite meal of the day so I eat it whenever”
“Anyone who thinks breakfast isn't the best meal of the day deserves to be thrown off a cliff-”
She looked at the king.
“Too soon?” She asked sheepishly, hoping she didn't offend him.
“No, do not worry, it is fine. We have a better relationship now,” T’Challa chuckled. “And for the final touch, we have rum cake. I cheated and made it with Wakandan rum, but who is going to check me?”
Ashanti busted out laughing.
“Yes you hang around your American cousin a lot it seems, but more importantly you said you ‘made it’? Like you baked that cake? You, the king?”
“Yes. I love to cook, I just don’t have much time for it. I made all of this here for us to enjoy tonight.”
Ashanti had never had a man cook for her before, and certainly not on a first date. She hoped it was good because her poker face was shit and she didn’t want to have to hurt the king’s feelings. “Shall we?” T’Challa gestured towards the food and they both dug in.
Dinner was torture for T’Challa. Not only was she loving his food, but the noises she made while she enjoyed it made his dick harden. They made conversation and got to know each other better, scooting closer and closer to each other every time they had to shift to reach another item of food. They spoke about everything, finally landing on music. They tapped their kimoyo beads together, creating a playlist of both of their favorite songs for them to listen to as they continued to eat and talk.
“Oh my Bast, T’Challa this is so good. Where did you learn to cook like this? I assumed you had staff to do it for you.”
“We do, but when I was young I loved being with them in the kitchen so much they taught me how to cook.”
“This really is amazing, and I’m not just saying this because you're the king. I’ve never had someone cook for me like this, thank you.”
“Anything for you, Ashanti.”
He looked into her eyes and she blushed.
“So where exactly are we?”
“At a private lake near the palace. I come here often to relax and unwind, you should see it during the day.”
“You’ll have to bring me back, then.”
“That I will.”
“So, since this is a private lake it’s just us?”
“Well there are Dora Milaje out near the car, but yes it is just us.”
“And no crocodiles or hippos or anything like that…?”
T’Challa laughed.
“Do you really think I’d have you by predator-infested waters? You are safe here. Plus I am the Black Panther, you are safe wherever we go.”
“I like that…” Ashanti got lost in his lips, but got nervous and went back to her original thought. She knew how to shake herself out of her nerves. “So, since we’re alone and you're the only predator out here, let's go for a swim!”
“I will send the Dora for a change of clothes-”
“No need.”
T’Challa looked up and saw Ashanti in all her naked glory. She looked like Bast herself with her soft tummy and long thick legs. Her breasts bounced as she moved and her ass sat at the perfect height for him to grab onto. He tried to quiet the growl in his chest, but failed miserably.
“See something you like?”
T’Challa stripped faster than he ever had before and now it was her time to stand in awe. His rippling muscles almost made her heart stop, but it was the monster between his legs that turned her into a puddle.
“See something you like?”
Ashanti bit her lip and stared at him before turning around.
“Maybe if you can catch me,” she shouted before running into the lake.
Ashanti was a much better swimmer than T’Challa had assumed and he actually had to put in effort to catch up with her, but once he snagged her he immediately planted a kiss on her lips. He felt her body go slack as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, deeply.
Janelle Monae’s voice carried across the lake and into their ears as T’Challa kept them afloat while his tongue explored her mouth. Ashanti gripped his hair and wrapped her legs around his waist. They pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes before laughing.
“Let's go somewhere I don't have to work so hard to keep us from drowning, eh?”
“Where do you have in mind?” Ashanti asked him while peppering his jawline with kisses.
But don't judge me I know I got issues But they drown when I kiss you Don't judge me Baptize me with ocean Recognize my devotion The water's perfectly good Let's reintroduce ourselves From a free point of view If I'm gon' sin, it's with you Tattoo your love on my heart Let the rumors be true. Even though you tell me you love me I'm afraid that you just love my disguise Taste my fears and light your candle to my raging fire The dirty desire But don't judge me I know I got issues But they drown when I kiss you Don't, don't judge me Baptize me with ocean Recognize my devotion What if I, what if, what if I touched you right there? Even though you say that you love me Is it me or do you love my disguise? If I missed you, would you think I was lonely If I say what's on my mind? Even though you say that you love me Is it me or do you love my disguise? If I kissed you, would you think I was lonely If I let you inside? Come, let me kiss you right there What if I kissed you right there? Would you tremble inside, or just call it a night? What if I gave you a show? You could touch if you like Right there If I kissed you would you think I was lonely? If I... It feels so good
Come, let me kiss you right there
Just say that you love me (just tell me you love me)
Next up:
Chapter 3
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pynkhues · 3 years
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
I was tagged by @xstrawmari​ and @ama-ssiempre! Thank you!
Tagging - @foxmagpie @mego42 @septiembur @missmaxime @bathroombreaks @bethrio @sothischickshe @delicatelingon! 
name/nickname: Sophie / Soph! 
gender: cis woman!
star sign: Virgo! 
height: 5′2
time: 9:30am
birthday: 6th September
favorite bands: Too many to name, honestly. I’ve been listening to a lot of San Cisco, The Vaccines and Arcade Fire lately though, so let’s say them for now! 
favorite solo artists: Also too many to name, haha, but defs Amy Shark, Laura Marling, Santigold, Thelma Plum, Washington, Josh Pyke and Lorde. I’ve also fallen back in love with Sally Seltmann recently, so have been listening to her albums on repeat.
song stuck in my head: Sticking with Sally Seltmann, I’ve been humming Dark Blue Angel a lot this week.
last movie: The Call (2020)
last show: Superstore! 
when did I create this blog: 2018! 
what I post: on this blog, Good Girls content mostly, but also bits of The Umbrella Academy, Chuck and a few sitcoms.
last thing googled: tragically, all COVID-based stuff with the Sydney outbreak. :-(
other blogs: I have two other blogs - @owlishgirl is my primary blog which is a mixed bag of content, haha, but I also have @theoscarsproject where I’ve been watching every movie ever nominated for an Academy Award over the last eight years or so. It’s pretty fun. I’ve watched more or less everything from 1928 through to 1975 at this point, which is around 1,600 movies, so that’s kind of cool! Or extremely nerdy as most of my friends say, hahaha.
do I get asks: Yes! Lots! 
why I chose my url: I am incredibly uncreative, haha, owlishgirl is because I love owls, and pynkhues is because I created it not long after Janelle Monae’s Pynk came out and I loved/love it a lot.
following: 287
followers: Yes! The number varies significantly blog to blog. 
average hours of sleep: 8
lucky number: 3!
instruments: piano and recorder. I also learnt flute for two years before giving it up on account of being extremely bad at it.
what am I wearing: jeggings and a black singlet! 
dream job: writer! 
dream trip: I’ve always wanted to take six weeks off work and go and see South East Asia properly, particularly Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia. I actually was booked to do this about five years ago, but had to cancel it for personal / financial reasons.
favorite food: I love love love raw salmon.
nationality: Australian! 
favorite song: Oh god, too many too!! Favourite music is so hard! Umm, a song I absolutely adore and have never gotten sick of is Etta James’ At Last.
last book read: I haven’t had much time to read lately unfortunately, but I’m hoping to change that this week! Currently though, I’ve been very slowly reading Wordslut: a feminist guide to taking back the English language by Amanda Montell and enjoying it a lot! 
Edit: I missed a question! 
top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: I love Pawnee tbh, haha, and love the inherent hope in a government with Leslie Knope involved. Also forever partial to the universe of His Dark Materials - I would like a dæmon pls, annnnnd I’m going to say the universe of Howl’s Moving Castle too.
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nerianasims · 3 years
Billboard #1s 1988
Under the cut.
"So Emotional" -- Whitney Houston -- January 9, 1988
It's either a song about cheating or about being hung up on an ex. She's got a love of her own, but she's "so emotional" with this other guy, and keeps a picture of him by her bed. Um, does the other guy know this? Maybe she needs to have sex with the other guy so she stops being obsessed with the touch of the previous one. It's a dance song, and I like the beat, but it's painfully repetitive in the second half. Also, while I've known the chorus to this song very well since it came out, I thought it was a normal love song until I looked up the lyrics just now. Houston doesn't sing it like she's in any pain -- well, except I bet her throat hurt from the oversinging.
"Got My Mind Set on You" -- George Harrison -- January 16, 1988
Super repetitive lyrics. But the music's really fun, and I love what lyrics there are. I wish there weren't so few, though. "It's gonna take a whole lot of money" harks back to the many Beatles songs where they sang proudly about spending money on women they loved. Still, this is an example of how George was the best solo Beatle eventually. The video's cute, too, and obviously lampshades the idea of George Harrison doing backflips and dancing.
"The Way You Make Me Feel" -- Michael Jackson -- January 23, 1988
Michael Jackson was no Janelle Monáe. On so many levels. In this case, he wasn't anywhere near her artistic standard. This song does have the lyrics "Oh I'll be workin' from nine to five/ To buy you things to keep you by my side," but it sounds more like a Beatles rip-off than a tribute. I actually didn't remember this song at all, and the video is one of those annoying 80s ones that takes an entire minute to start the song. Then Jackson does a whole bunch of "woos" and "ows" and all that stuff he did that worked in moderation. But "moderation" was not what he was doing in 1988. In any way. He actually oversings in this. I turned it off halfway through. And immediately turned to Janelle Monáe's "The Way You Make Me Feel," which I adore.
"Need You Tonight" -- INXS -- January 30, 1988
This is one of my favorite songs. It's incredibly sexy, obviously. I didn't really notice it until I was around 15, and then I NOTICED it. As I got older, the song got better. The lines "You can care all you want/ Everybody does yeah that's okay" have meant so much to me ever since I started dating seriously. Because caring was not what you were supposed to do.
Anyway, this song is phenomenal and I love it.
"Could've Been" -- Tiffany -- February 6, 1988
This song was #1 for two weeks, and all the previous ones from 1988 have been one week. How? It's a heartbreak song that starts with the lyrics "The flowers you gave me/ Are just about to die," which is painfully on-the-nose. They'd probably work in a country song, but this is lite pop, not country. Tiffany occasionally seems to be trying to do some country stuff with her voice, which is smart. But that's not enough. It's not a terrible song, but it does nothing for me. I don't remember ever having heard it before.
"Seasons Change" -- Exposé  -- February 20, 1988
Speaking of songs I haven't heard before. I like this one though. The music's pretty interesting, especially the melody. The singing's excellent. And the music behind "seasons change/people change" sounds exactly like some of the music from Persona 4, so I wonder if Atlus' composer was influenced by it, unconsciously or not. It's just a couple notes, though. Lyrically, the song is about being in love now but realizing it might not last. It's good. I'm gonna look up more of their music.
"Father Figure" -- George Michael -- February 27, 1988
The music for this song is great, and George Michael as usual sings wonderfully. But um. There are some kinks that make me run screaming even when they're really mild. "I will be your father figure/ Put your tiny hand in mine" are two of them. So if you enjoy this song, I'm happy for you, it's musically lovely. I will be going to take a shower now.
"Never Gonna Give You Up" -- Rick Astley -- March 12, 1988
There was a time when I would have easily been able to have an opinion on this song. That time was long ago. It's hard to hear as a song now, rather than an internet meme. But I will not give up. (The video has almost 9 million views, sheesh.)
Okay so they're friends and now he wants a relationship. He says "You wouldn't get this from any other guy," which is a total jerkass line. Other than that, the lyrics are -- oh who am I kidding, I can't do this.
"Man in the Mirror" -- Michael Jackson -- March 26, 1988
I try to separate the art from the artist. That's in both positive and negative directions. If I love someone's art, that doesn't mean they're a good person. If I hate it, that doesn't mean they're a bad person.
This song, though -- "I'm starting with the man in the mirror/ I'm asking him to change his ways" -- uh yeah. Liar. And it's wedged in with all this "oh you should care about all the starving kids and homeless people" self-sanctification that Michael Jackson always protected himself with. This song disgusts me.
"Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car" -- Billy Ocean -- April 9, 1988
Speaking of disgust. Yay street harassment!  I've never heard anything bad about Billy Ocean as a human being though. But I'm not listening to more than 5 seconds of this song. Gross.
"Where Do Broken Hearts Go" -- Whitney Houston -- April 23, 1988
She's singing to a man she wants to get back together with after they decided they needed some "space." There's a lot of naivete in the song -- "And if somebody loves you/ Won't they always love you?" No. Even if they do still love you, that doesn't mean it will work. But maybe it will. I've never gotten back together with someone after a breakup, though I've been asked to many times (percentage-wise.) I've always had an allergy to it, both because my parents got back together after divorcing and should not have, and because I had a friend who broke up with her boyfriend and got back together with him at least 8 times in the space of a year and I had to keep hearing about it.
So this song doesn't really speak to me. But it's pretty good. Houston sings it well too, reigning in the oversinging until near the end.
"Wishing Well" -- Terence Trent D'Arby -- May 7, 1988
That's an awesome name. The writer of this song said he wrote it when he was half-asleep, which makes sense. "Butterfly tears", okay, just poetry, but you want to fall in love near a well of crocodile tears too? Doesn't that mean you're faking? I like the song though. It's sort of funk, but softer than full-on funk. I like the way D'Arby sings it. The whistling part (keyboard whistling) is very enjoyable. It's a fun song, and one I do remember from the time.
"Anything for You" -- Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine -- May 14, 1988
A pretty breakup song. But, of course, I have an issue. "I can pretend each time I see you/ That I don't care and I don't need you/ And though you'll never see me cryin'/ You know inside I feel like dying." Well that makes his life a lot easier, doesn't it. The whole song is about how she'll do anything to make him happy. Urgh. She needs to tell him to get out of her life so she can make a brand new start.
"One More Try" -- George Michael -- May 28, 1988
Yet another heartbreak song. It's not surprising that I remember so few songs from this year. I feel like I'm back in the 60s before The Beatles again. Though this year is musically better, I'm still bored. Anyway, in this one, the narrator doesn't want to try again, and he keeps addressing the person he doesn't want to try again with as "teacher," which is... a thing. The only time he seems willing to try again is the very last line, which is "Maybe just one more try."
It's slow, it's pretty enough, it would be unbearably boring if George Michael weren't such a good singer. I'm bored anyway. No wonder we ran screaming from anything smacking of this kind of thing in the early 90s. I feel stupid and contagious.
"Together Forever" -- Rick Astley -- June 18, 1988
He certainly had a brand, didn't he? The song title tells you everything you need to know about the lyrics. The song sounds a lot like "Never Gonna Give You Up," but much more boring. A massive drum machine intro can't carry this. I do recognize the chorus, but that's it. The song is fine, really. But that's it. It sounds like a lesser knockoff of "Never Gonna Give You Up."
"Foolish Beat" -- Debbie Gibson -- June 25, 1988
Heartbreak song. Sigh. There's a nice cheesy saxophone that I like, at least. She left him and she regrets it and thinks "I could never love again/ The way that I loved you." Nope, it's never the same. That doesn't mean it's worse. It's often better. I'm not listening to the whole thing, not even in case the sax comes back. The song's too dull.
"Dirty Diana" -- Michael Jackson -- July 2, 1988
It's about some groupie trying to seduce poor widdle helpless Michael. I don't remember ever hearing this song, and it's musically whiny too. Yuck. So much yuck.
"The Flame" -- Cheap Trick -- July 9, 1988
Heartbreak. Song. Again. "You were the first, you'll be the last" oh no they won't. I entirely approve of being honest about heartbreak, but this year is just crushing with the monotony of it. At least there's a beat to this one.
By the way, in the video, the lead singer's hair appears to be made of straw. Ah, the late 80s, when people thought cooking their hair was the way to go.
"Hold on to the Nights" -- Richard Marx -- July 23, 1988
A heartbreak song in disguise. He's in love with this woman but they can't be together. Are they cheating? I don't know. I don't care. It's so boring, words and music both. Even the piano is blah.
Speaking of late 80s hair, it looks like Richard Marx used an entire can of Aqua Velva on his in the video.
"Roll With It" -- Steve Winwood -- July 30, 1988
This was a #1 hit for four weeks, and I know why. It's not boring! Or depressing! It's got kind of an old-fashioned soul sound: Horns, groove, lyrics. When life is too much, roll with it baby. Not profound, but this is a really good song. One I've heard quite a lot, too, on purpose and everything.
Also, Steve Winwood's hair would work fine today. Coincidence?
"Monkey" -- George Michael -- August 27, 1988
This is actually kind of a heartbreak song, but not really. The one he loves has a "monkey" on their back and he wonders if they love it more than they love him. Addiction is my guess. It's a high-energy dance song, though -- it sounds a little angry, not sad at all. I find the melody sort of dull, but at least there's a beat. But I'm sorry, "Why can't you set your monkey free" is an absolutely hilarious lyric, and I can't take this song seriously in any way.
I think I had the hat George Michael's wearing in the video.
"Sweet Child O' Mine" -- Guns N' Roses -- September 10, 1988
Okay, yeah, sort of a heartbreak song, the relationship sounds like it's a mess with "where do we go now?" sung a zillion times. But it's so good. SO good. And it's rock. It's no wonder that it's one of the few songs that have stayed around from this list. It's not some kind of mass-produced pap without personality. Only Guns N'Roses could do this. Great song, I love it, and I love it more knowing what came before it. Man, Slash can play.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy" -- Bobby McFerrin -- September 24, 1988
Yeah, I'm guessing people were horribly sick of all the overproduced depression on the charts this year. A lot of music critics, and other critics, were really nasty about it because of the simplicity of its lyrics and its earworm-ness. And we made fun of the phrase plenty as young teens in the 90s. But now? I think it's pretty good. Philosophically, it's a mess, but the music isn't serious so I don't think we're supposed to take it seriously. And I like a-cappella. It was played way too much back in the day, though.
(Robin Williams is in the video, which made me tear up. Oof.)
"Love Bites" -- Def Leppard -- October 8, 1988
Technically about heartbreak I guess, but I feel like they're lampshading all the songs from this year which may as well have had the same title. Probably not intentionally. I can't take this song the tiniest bit seriously. It's rock, but not with a lot of personality. Any hair metal band from the time with interchangeable bleached blond frontmen could have done it.
I think this guy used an air fryer on his hair.
"Red Red Wine" -- UB40 -- October 15, 1988
One is supposed to hate this song, or was I don't hate it. I was a kid when it came out, the pop reggae appealed to me, and I still find it fun. Neil Diamond, the original singer, likes it. I certainly find it more interesting than anything with Neil Diamond singing on it.
"A Groovy Kind of Love" -- Phil Collins -- October 22, 1988
It's a cover of a 60s song. "Baby, you and me/ Got a groovy kind of love." This version is incredibly slow, and doesn't have any interesting drum work from Phil. It doesn't make me angry, but it doesn't make me anything. It's there. My brain wandered off and I started looking at stuff on the internet while trying to listen to it.
"Kokomo" -- The Beach Boys -- November 5, 1988
I loved this song as a kid and no one is prying it from me. It makes me happy when I feel down. I got the Cocktail soundtrack this is on for Christmas in my stocking 1988 -- me and seemingly every other kid, I think the tape was massively on sale. I loved the soundtrack, and I especially loved this song. I will never see the movie. I always felt that the song was a middle-aged man singing to his middle-aged wife ("pretty mama".) Which I thought was sweet. I figured that's what middle-aged people did, went off on vacations to tropical islands sometimes, even though my parents never did. I want to though.
"Wild, Wild West" -- The Escape Club -- November 12, 1988
"Heading for the nineties," hm? Well one of the lines is "give me, give me safe sex," and safe sex messaging being absolutely everywhere was an early to mid 90s thing. It's always funny to hear someone with an English accent sing about something extremely American. This song does sound like it's heading for the nineties musically, which is good. Only heading toward though. It's okay, but not very interesting. The music is repetitive. I got bored halfway though.
"Bad Medicine" -- Bon Jovi -- November 19, 1988
Your love is like "bad medicine" and he's addicted. Like a monkey on his back. What's with that phrase this year? I don't recognize this song. It's overproduced, it's shouty, there's too much going on, and it feels like it's trying too hard. Nope.
"Baby, I Love Your Way/ Freebird Medley" -- Will to Power -- December 3, 1988
I'm used to the 90s cover of "Baby, I Love Your Way" by Big Mountain. And I don't think I'm being biased when I say the Big Mountain version is significantly better. The lead singer of this one, a woman, is way too breathy and mannered.
The "Freebird" portion is bad. Just plain bad. The man singing is also breathy and there's absolutely no oomph. Also a lite, bouncy pop song in which the woman is singing how much she loves the man and the man's like "no I gotta be free" is blech. It does not work.
"Look Away" -- Chicago -- December 10, 1988
This was Chicago's biggest single. The narrator's ex called him to tell him she's with someone new, and he pretends to be happy for her, but wants her to look away so she doesn't see the tears of a clown -- er, no, that's a better song. Same idea though.
A heartbreak song, but I don't mind it, because it's got some blood to it. It's not slow and there's a real beat. Also Peter Cetera wasn't with Chicago any more, so Bill Champlin's the lead singer here, and he's so much better than Cetera it's ridiculous. Champlin brings some guts to the song, he doesn't sing through his nose, and he sounds truly heartbroken. Worlds better than Cetera. So it's a good enough song, if you're in the mood for that kind of thing.
"Every Rose Has Its Thorn" -- Poison -- December 24, 1988
I never minded this song before at all, but I am so sick of this kind of song at this point. Whine whine whine every cowboy sings a sad sad song. You're no Johnny Cash, dude. He said something wrong, he doesn't know what it was, they broke up and he still doesn't know why -- okay, who does this? Actually wait, I know one person who did this, and he keeps saying he has no idea why either of his wives broke up with him and I do because I was there and they told him they would break up with him if he didn't change. Over and over and over and over. And now he's like "poor me, I don't know why this happened. " He probably doesn't, either. He cannot admit fault.
Anyway, projections of my own personal trauma onto a hair metal band aside, the narrator’s ex is now with someone new and he thinks "I never meant that much to you." Maybe, maybe not. Cowboy, change your ways today.
BEST OF 1988 -- "Need You Tonight" by INXS and "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses. WORST OF 1988 -- "Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car" by Billy Ocean
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theshinsun · 3 years
I was tagged by @gaytaiga, ily buddy <3
1.name/nickname: Shinsun/Shin
2.gender: trans man
3.star sign: Leo
4.height: 5'7″
5.time: 11:33 pm, time to Start homework eheh... (I say and then procrastinate w things like this)
6.birthday: August 20th
7.favorite bands/groups: Mother Mother, Nothing But Thieves, The Neighbourhood, Silversun Pickups, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Muse, Bad Suns, Jukebox the Ghost, Rainbow Kitten Surprise... etc
8.favorite solo artists: Hozier, Regina Spektor, Florence and the Machine, Janelle Monae, Shearwater, Gregory Alan Isakov, khai dreams, Bug Hunter
9.song stuck in my head: I’m Your Wreck by Mt Joy
10.last movie: Into the Spider-verse, for like, the tenth time I don’t care I’ll never get tired of it.
11.last show: if a youtube series counts... I watched My Pride by tribbleofdoom, an artist whose animations I’ve been following for many years (it slaps check it out if you like badass gay lionesses)... otherwise, my roommate and I binged Ouran all the way through... twice in a row bc that’s how quarantine has been.
12.when did i create this blog: I think I originally made it in 2012, deactivated for a bit, then came back in 2014.
13.what do i post: a lot of KNB/Haikyuu!! meta, select other fandom things, fanfic and some of my art, animals, cool facts and memes. 
14.last thing i googled: “how big do goldfish get” specifically to prove a point to a customer.
15.other blogs: I’ve got a few (inactive) rp blogs still floating out there in the ether, @incorrectbballboys is my incorrect KNB quotes blog, which I started after the demise of @incorrectknb. @shintillating is my current art blog (though I may be rebranding soon if my teachers have anything to say about it) @ihavefishues is my fish sideblog bc yes that’s a thing that exists, and @stuckonloop is my music rec blog, for whatever happens to be stuck in my head at any given time.
16.do i get asks: uhh... sometimes? every now and then I’ll get one about my fics or headcanons, or if I’ve reblogged an ask meme recently. my incorrect quotes blog gets some too, once in awhile.
17.why i chose my url: I’ve said this before, but some asshole has been holding onto the url “shinsun” since 2012 with a Blank Blog I shit you not... 
18.following: 1,371... my dash is never boring. honestly most of them are probably inactive now, but I’ve been accumulating for seven years, in my defense.
19.followers: 662. I still have no idea how it’s that many tbh my blog is all over the place.
20.average hours of sleep: lately? like 6? unless we’re talking consecutive hours, in which case it’s closer to 3 or 4, I am... not doing so hot.
21.lucky number: none, I cannot stress enough how little I believe in luck.
22.instruments: I have a guitar, but it needs tuning and I haven’t learned to play it. I did learn to play a recorder in elementary school but idk if I still can.
23.what am i wearing: my undershirt from work and basketball shorts that are my pajama bottoms.
24.dream job: something where I can work with animals, help people, and/or create art (preferably without pain)... otherwise the what and how have gotten pretty fuzzy now.
25.dream trip: all around the world. no, really, I want to see everything. ...for something more realistic, I’ve been really drawn to the idea of roadtripping up the west coast all the way to Alaska lately.
26.favorite food: chocolate cheesecake. anything involving chocolate and/or cake, honestly. ...also this one specific fried jumbo gulf shrimp from this one specific restaurant in my hometown; no seafood place here on the coast has even come Close to matching it.
27.nationality: 'murican
28.favorite song: f-favorite? uhh right now I’d have to say Moral Panic by Nothing But Thieves, but I know that’s not the answer I gave last time I was asked this.
29.last book i read: I just finished The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones. I also recently plowed through Alice in Wonderland in one day, I’m trying to get back into reading books again.
30.top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: Avatar universe and Narnia. once I would have said H*rry P*tter universe, but it’s been ruined for me so fuck it, Animorphs universe (yes I’d take that human and alien gore-fest over H*gwarts at this point, I’m not playing).
Tagging: @bakugoukatsuki-rising, @hybristophilica, @choking-on-roses, @vanilla-daydreams, @ruluxe, @hadenxcharm, @spaztictwitch and anyone else who’d like to tbh
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artificialqueens · 4 years
(Treat Me Nice) Never Let Me Go, 13/15 (Branjie) - Pinkgrapefruit
[ chapter 13. an open heart is an open wound to you ]
Vanessa shakes her head, sighing to herself. “When I was a little girl,” she starts, smiling at the memory, “my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was naughty. I was there often - but it wasn’t bad. I used to pretend I was a princess, trapped in a tower by a wicked queen. And then suddenly this knight, on a white horse with these colours flying, would come charging up and draw their sword. And I would wave. And they would climb up the tower and rescue me.” She looks out across Los Angeles and then to Brooke, whose face is indecipherable. “When I grew up I realised I didn’t need to be rescued, but I still wanted the fairytale.”
[ pretty woman au ]
A/N - God we’re almost at the end. This has been going for over a year and I’m almost scared? It’s going to be weird not having the doc open constantly lmao. Thanks to frey for being my ever wonderful beta and all the branjie stans who still like this!
enjoy! <3
They wake quietly, a sense of unease seeping through the crack under the curtains along with the daylight. Brooke orders breakfast while Vanessa showers (an unspoken agreement), and the shorter woman enters the dining room in an expensive robe to the sight of Brooke - newspaper in hand, coffee in front of her. She’s ordered Vanessa a smoothie bowl and a croissant and Vanessa smiles gratefully at the gesture.
She sips at her water and watches as Brooke methodically turns the pages. She’d woken up with Brooke already gone and she’s not concerned per say, but maybe confused.
“Whatcha been doin’ out here alone?” She asks, eyes softening as Brooke lowers the newspaper. She looks tired.
“Just thinking that this will be our last night together, then you’ll be rid of me,” Brooke admits, almost reluctantly. There’s a melancholy to her words and it soothes Vanessa a little to know that neither are wholly happy about this.
Vanessa smiles, trying to lighten the situation. “Well, you’ve not been the easiest,” she jokes, and it almost brings Brooke to chuckle. They share another smile before they both go silent, eating and drinking.
By the end of the meal Brooke seems to have collected herself, there’s a guard up that Vanessa hasn’t seen since the dinner and she hasn’t missed it. The blonde seems colder, more unfeeling - as if they haven’t exchanged vulnerability and expensive gifts through the week. It’s unsettling.
“Once this is over I’m heading back to Canada,” Brooke tells her, and it’s like a rod is forced up Vanessa’s spine. She sits tall and straight like if she wobbles, she will fall off a tightrope, and if she’s being honest - every breath feels dangerous. There’s a pause and then Brooke follows with, “I’d like to see you again.” And against everything she knows, Vanessa still smiles.
“You would?” She asks like it is too good to be true. Her mama always told her not to trust big businessmen, but Brooke Lynn is a lady. Mama never said nothing about ladies.
“Yes,” Brooke tells her like it’s obvious. And then she switches, because Vanessa still isn’t sure the blonde understands that people can love without money. “I would, so I’ve arranged for you to have an apartment, to have a car, a wide variety of stores guaranteed to suck up to you anytime you want to go shopping.” Vanessa almost grimaces because this is not what she wanted. “Everything is sorted.”
“It is?” Vanessa asks because it’s like Brooke has gone down a tick list and just ticked it all. No consultation, just fixing all her problems like she’s some helpless damsel - which she isn’t. She refuses to be helpless. “What else?” She exhales, palm finding her forehead. “You just gonna leave money on the dresser whenever you pass through town?” Brooke winces like her words hurt, but Vanessa just shrugs it off, because someday she will need to learn these things.
“Vanessa,” Brooke responds, quiet, too quiet. “It wouldn’t be like that.” It’s quiet and earnest, but Vanessa cannot believe it true.
“Yeah? What would it be?”
“Well for one thing it would get you off the streets.” This is the point where Vanessa stands up because this is the point where Brooke has truly hit a nerve. She’s trying to save her when Vanessa does not need saving, and she wants to tell her as much, but she cannot find the right words.
“That’s just geography, Brooke Lynn!” She almost shouts, because she’s angry. She storms out onto the balcony and hopes that Brooke won’t follow her, because she just needs the cold air to bring her back to herself.
To her credit, Brooke manages to wait a few minutes. When she does come out, she stands next to Vanessa, arms braced against the cool concrete balustrades.
“What do you want from me, Ness?” She asks and for a second Vanessa sees the same Brooke who smiled as she watched her eat ice cream at the ballet. “I can give you money, stability, whatever you want.”
Vanessa shakes her head, sighing to herself. “When I was a little girl,” she starts, smiling at the memory, “my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was naughty. I was there often - but it wasn’t bad. I used to pretend I was a princess, trapped in a tower by a wicked queen. And then suddenly this knight, on a white horse with these colours flying, would come charging up and draw their sword. And I would wave. And they would climb up the tower and rescue me.” She looks out across Los Angeles and then to Brooke, whose face is indecipherable. “When I grew up I realised I didn’t need to be rescued, but I still wanted the fairytale.”
She scoffs. “But never, never in those dreams did the knight tell me they’d put me up in a condo and pay my bills.” Brooke gulps, teeth pressing into her bottom lip. She stares at Vanessa. “That ain’t a fairytale. That’s a saviour complex.”
Brooke opens her mouth to respond, but her phone rings and she digs into her pocket to answer it immediately, putting a finger up for Vanessa to just wait a few minutes.
“Ru?” She answers, eyebrows furrowed.
“I just got off the phone with Cain. Get this. She wants to meet with you today.” Brooke shakes her head in an effort to think a little clearer.
“What about?”
“She wouldn’t say. Brooke, I think we got her. She’s on the block.”
“We got her!” Brooke exclaims, laughing in relief.
“Look, if she’s really caving in, I want to get her to commit her stocks to us this afternoon,” Ru tells her, and Brooke sighs, glancing at Vanessa before she makes her next move.
“No, it’s no good,” she relents. “If she’s really caving in, I don’t want to wait ‘till this afternoon. Have Cain meet me downtown this morning. Good bye.” She hangs up with a definitive tap and slips the phone back into the pocket of her slacks. Vanessa looks at her with questions in her eyes, and Brooke just huffs an exhale.
“I have to go now,” she tells her, almost apologetically, “but I want you to understand that I heard everything you said. This is all I’m capable of right now, and it’s a really big step for me.” Her eyes are wide again, and honest too, and they make Vanessa’s insides twist uncomfortably.
“I know,” she sighs, fingers massaging at her temples. A curl of still wet hair falls onto her cheek and she tucks it back behind her ear. “It’s a really good offer for a girl like me.”
“I’ve never treated you like a prostitute,” Brooke tells her.
Vanessa purses her lips and sighs out a long exhale.
“You just did.”
Brooke’s been gone little over ten minutes when the phone rings. Vanessa has been darting around the hotel room, drying her hair and slipping on a pair of plaid trousers with a white shirt tucked in. She pinches one of Brooke’s vintage looking watches and slides it onto her wrist.
When the jarring sound of the phone cuts through Janelle Monae’s singing, she pads across the room, picking up the phone with a huff of breath.
“It’s Nina West here, Miss Vanessa,” comes Nina’s tone, warm like honey, and Vanessa relaxes slightly picturing the matronly woman. “Could you come down to the front desk? There’s someone here who wants to speak to you.” She gives a pause clearly meants for Vanessa’s response, but the brunette’s mind is racing through anyone who would want to talk to her at the moment and she misses the cue. “She says her name is ‘Miss Ganache’,” Nina adds, and Vanessa lets out a sigh of relief.
“Could you just let me talk to her, Nins?” She asks, trying to do the vocal equivalent of fluttering her eyelashes. “Pleeeease.” She hears Nina let out a weary exhale and smiles, knowing she’s gotten her way.
There’s the noise of the phone being handed over and then Silky’s voice comes booming through. “Yo, Ness, babe. Would you come down here? The sphincter police won’t let me through.” She tells Vanessa, and the brunette just smacks her palm to her forehead with a sigh, chuckling to herself.
“Okay, she’s coming down,” Silky says, although it is clearly meant for Nina, and Vanessa slips on a pair of low heels.
When she reaches the front desk, Nina looks exhausted despite it only being a little past nine in the morning. Silky is dressed in a pair of cut off shorts and a white tank top, leaning against the antique looking front desk like she’s not aware she’s horribly out of place. Vanessa feels awful for thinking as much, knowing how she felt less than a week ago, but she’s also dressed like the wife of a respectable lawyer, so she decides nothing less can be expected.
Courtney tells Nina something about a window washer and the woman looks towards Vanessa. “Watch her,” she says, pointing at Silky, and Vanessa laughs, raising a hand in mock salute.
“Nina, yes, Nina,” she jokes and Nina just shakes her head, bemused.
Silky gives her a once over before pulling her into a hug.  “Listen, I’ve been calling you,” Vanessa says while grabbing her hand, guiding her towards a back door that opens into a gorgeous looking garden, where she reckons they can sit and talk a bit easier.
“Yeah, I know, they told me at Trixie’s,” Silky responds while they walk, and Vanessa furrows her brow as if to tell Silky that that answers exactly nothing.
“You were supposed to come by Tuesday. I left money at the desk.”
“I was hiding from Ra’Jah.”
“Well, if you picked up the money, you wouldn’t have to hide, bitch.”
“I was busy. I got a life.” They fall onto a bench surrounded by lilacs. It faces a fountain and the water twinkles in the morning sun. “Marco got beat up. We had to visit him in the hospital, Morgan got arrested. It was a mess. Anyway, I got the money. Thank you very much for saving my ass. Now Ra’Jah can get off of it.” Vanessa has to laugh at her friend’s blunt way of putting things.
“Shit for Marco,” Vanessa states lamely. She doesn’t really know him that well. Just a pot dealer by Trixie’s.
“You know, he was talkin’ about you last night,” Silky tells her, and Vanessa slumps in her seat jokingly. She rolls her eyes. “He would bust somethin’ if he saw you in this outfit.”
“Yeah?” She asks, eyes widening at the statement.
“I was afraid to hug you up there. I might wrinkle you! But yeah, you clean up real nice.”
“Well, thank you, big Silks.”
“You sure don’t fit in down on the Boulevard lookin’ like you do, not that you ever did.” Just because Vanessa knows this is true, it doesn’t make it hurt any less.
“Well, thanks, but it’s easy to clean up when you got money.”
“Yeah,” Silky sighs, looking down at her own clothes. They make quite a pair, sat in an expensive hotel’s garden together. Vanessa is starting to realise she will never fit in on Olympic anymore.
They sit in a pleasant silence for a few minutes, just watching as butterflies flutter around the plants.
“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Silky asks, but it’s less of a question and more a statement of fact.
“Silky!” Vanessa exclaims, because it is the least explanatory answer she can give.
“You’ve fallen in love with her,” Silky sing-songs again, and Vanessa shoves her playfully.
“Silk, Please.”
“Did you kiss her? On the mouth?”
“Uh, yeah, I did,” Vanessa retorts like she’s proud of it (which she is) and like she would do it again (she would).
“You kissed her on the mouth?” Silky asks in indignation.
“I did,” Vanessa replies again, a blush travelling across her cheeks. “It was nice.”
“You’re in love and you kissed her on the mouth. Does my teaching mean nothing to you?” Vanessa rolls her eyes and gives Silky another push.          
“Look, I’m not fucking dumb okay. I’m–  I’m not in love with her. I just like her,” she tries to explain it, but she just sounds like a confused and whiny teen. Silky looks at her disparagingly.
“You like her?”
“You definitely like her?” Vanessa knows the chip Silky has on her shoulder about people like Brooke and she gets it. The more human Brooke shows her, the more Brooke seems completely incapable of separating money from love, but Vanessa still likes her.
“Well,, she’s not a bum. She’s rich, and classy.” Silky raises an eyebrow, and Vanessa sighs. “Who’s gonna break my heart. Right.”
Silky winces at having crushed Vanessa’s spirit. “I mean, it could work. It happens,” she tries to add, but Vanessa just raises a single eyebrow.
“When? When does it happen, Silky?” Silky squints trying to think, and Vanessa cuts in again. “Did it work out for Skinny Marie or Rachel? No.”
Silky makes a face like she’s about to laugh. “Well,” she draws out, “those were some very specific cases of crackheads and one very drunk police officer.” They laugh together for a few seconds and then it peters out.
“I just wanna know my chances, who it works out for,” she tells her, quieter now.
“Trixie and Kat–”
“Doesn’t count. Give me a name.”
“Oh, god, the pressure of a name.”
They burst into peals of laughter again, Vanessa’s head eventually lands on Silky’s shoulder. Silky shrugs it just to bounce Vanessa’s head and gets an elbow in her ribs.
“When does she leave?” Silky asks, voice low to match the mood of the question, and Vanessa appreciates it.
Silky rubs soft circles into Vanessa’s arm and just lets the woman sit in her sadness. She reckons she needs it.
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romansrgn · 4 years
   ch. 6
taglist: @queenofthearchitect @calicina @never-sawft-princess @5dsinyourdirection @fancybarbii @aria725  @lustyromantic   @kai1996en @angelbaby908  @rebellious-desires @romans-empire-baby​
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   "I got everything you asked for including the extra lawn chairs. How many people are you expecting anyway?"
Braelin stirred the baked beans before putting them back in the oven "Thirty give or take."
"Look, obviously it's getting harder to hide my pregnancy. I'm gaining two pounds a day and I haven't even entered my third trimester. So I figured I get it over with and let everyone know before they hear it from someone else."
Briyanna nodded "Is Roman coming?"
"Yea, he's coming."
"Do you think that's a good idea?"
Braelin laughed almost nervously "No, but I extended the invitation to him a while ago so it would be weird if I went back on it. Besides, his mom and sisters are flying in as well."
Briyanna knew that Braelin didn't always have the best judgment when it came to anything pertaining to Roman and inviting Roman and his family to this barbecue has proven to be no different. Her first instinct as the big sister was to intervene but at the same time, she knew what stress could do to a pregnant woman so she decided it was probably best not to add to it.
Braelin peeked over her shoulder at her big sister who was noticeably quiet "I know what you're thinking."
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                    "I'm sure you do but in the event of full disclosure, I think this could get hella messy. But I want you to know that this is a celebration for your and you're—"
"Twins, I'm having twins."
Briyanna's eyes widen "What?"
Braelin nodded rubbing her belly "There's two growing in here."
"I'm— I don't. Are you ok with this?"
Braelin shrugged "I'm ok with it now that I've had time to process it. One was a lot but two almost seemed like too much to handle. But I'm grateful for this journey. I feel like I have a purpose outside of wrestling now that my career is basically over."
"I still think you're giving it too much. Your career is far from over."
"It's definitely shortened thanks to my knee injury but I'm ok. I want to raise my kids."
Briyanna smiled at hearing that. It's only been a few short months and it's obvious that this pregnancy is doing wonders for her sister's maturity. "Well, whatever you decide I'm here for you and" she jumped off the counter to place kisses all over her sisters baby bump "my little munchkins."
Keyon took a moment to assist the scene between his little sisters "Did I miss something?"
Braelin sighed "Nothing, outside the fact that I'm pregnant with twins."
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 Keyon practically threw the grocery bags on the table before swinging Braelin around in his arms "Baby sister! Are you good? I mean are you aight? You need me to get you something?"
Braelin laughed because Keyon reacted just like this after finding out about all three of Briyanna's kids "I'm tired and hungry all of the time but other than that I'm ok."
"I'm assuming Mama and Daddy don't know yet?"
Braelin shook her head walking over to retrieve the bags from the table "No, that's why I'm having this barbecue so please don't say anything."
Keyon held up his hands "I won't. But I do want y'all to know that mama finna look at me sideways since y'all have given her grandbabies and I didn't."
Briyanna rolled her eyes "I'm sure there are probably six or seven different mini Keyon's running around here somewhere. You hoe."
Braelin threw her head back and laughed. Keyon, on the other hand, look almost affronted "First of all, I don't dip my—"
Briyanna held up her hand "Don't even go there."
Keyon winked "So how does Big D feel about being a father."
Braelin's eyes widen "He's—"
"Surprised." Dante said wrapping both arms around his girl's waist "It's almost as if it's happening to someone else. But the best thing about this is, is that I've got our future mapped out so I couldn't be more excited about this new journey." he said looking down at his baby girl "I'm not going anywhere."
Braelin smiled before kissing him on the lips. Could this man be any more perfect?
"I'm happy for yall. For real." Keyon said before giving Dante a bro hug "Welcome to the family."
"We're not engaged."
"Y'all created a life together that bond is more divine than any marriage in my opinion."
Briyanna who noticed how tense Braelin had suddenly gotten thought it was time to change the subject "Keyon, Zayden will be here soon so I think you and Dante should get started on the grill."
Keyon rolled his eyes "Damn, just say you want us to leave and we'll leave."
Briyanna balled up a piece of aluminum foil and tossed it at her big brother's head.
Dante laughed, grabbing the rack of ribs and seasoning following Keyon outside the door.
"Thank you," Braelin mumbled.
"No problem. Was that always the plan?"
Braelin ran a hand through her hair "No, but I mean people are going to assume, right? I mean since Dante and I are together—"
"No one would expect the alternative and if you're not ready to come clean this is probably what's best."
Braelin nibbled on her bottom lip. There was no way Roman was going to go along with this especially since he has every intention of telling the truth when the time was right. But what about her? was she really willing to take on that kind of stress? She was never one to back down but this was something she couldn't defend or was willing to do so.
"I think this is for the best. I'll talk to them both tonight before making the announcement."
Briyanna wrapped her arms around her baby sister. She knew this wasn't going to be easy on anyone but it had to be done.
Janelle was always a person who thought of herself as a woman who was sought after. She was a strong, beautiful, intelligent, hardworking and self-made career woman. She was the total package. Any man in their right mind would kill to have a woman like her carrying their last name. So you can imagine her surprise that her husband and college sweetheart cheated on her not once but twice with the same woman. Hearing that kind of shit opened a door full of insecurities that she never knew existed. Roman claimed that the other woman didn't mean anything to him. Apparently, they had a few drinks at a bar a few months ago after a house show and one thing led to another. That, of course, didn't give him a pass especially since he somehow managed to fuck the same woman while she was away in Seattle. But she prayed on it and left it to god to determine what was next for her and Roman and right now he was telling her not to give up on her marriage.
"I forgive you."
Roman looked over at her in the passenger seat "What?"
"I hate what you did and there's a part of me that wants to hurt you the way you hurt me, but— I can't. I know It's going to take me a while to trust you but I think what we have is worth fighting for."
"We'll talk about it after the party."
Janelle frowned "That's all you have to say to me?"
Roman shook his head "I'm not trying to upset you and that's why I think we should discuss this later. Now it is about having a good time with our friends and family, Can we do that?"
Janelle didn't look at all placated but she nodded anyway. The rest of the drive to Braelin's house was filled with silence.
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  "I brought chips and your favorite dessert."
Braelin beamed "Upside down Pineapple cheesecake!  What did I do to deserve this?"
Patricia wrapped the small woman in a hug "Consider this a gift for a woman who has everything."
"I don't have everything. At least not everything I want."
Sika walked before walking into the kitchen "Well, isn't that a loaded statement."
"I'm just saying that a girl can have more if she wants. All she has to do is—"
"Work a little harder."
Braelin smiled at the new guest "Hi, daddy!"
Richard placed the large bowl potato salad down on the counter before kissing the young woman on the forehead  "I was wondering when you were finally going to throw a cookout in this big ole palace you call a house."
Braelin rolled her eyes "Daddy, please. This is no palace, you and mama are living larger than I am."
"Well, when you're mama finally retires we'll be living somewhere in the Bahamas like we planned on after you kids graduated from college."
"We told you to say the word and we can have you and mama living on a yacht in no time."
Richard grinned at Roman "You've always been a good man" he said pulling Roman into a hug. "How are you doing, son?"
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 "I'm good, Pop. What about you?"
Richard shrugged "I don't have to cook so I'm doing great."
Carol cut her eye at her husband "And who said you weren't going to cook Richard?"
Richard gave Sika a look who laughed "Well, a man can dream. Come on Sika. Let's go see what theses boys are out here burning up."
Patricia shook her head "How are you doing sweetheart?"
Roman kissed his mother on the cheek "I'm fine mom."
Braelin looked between Roman and Patricia and thought it was best to leave them alone "Mama can you help me finish setting up outside?" Carol nodded before following her daughter outside.
Patricia grabbed her son's face when his eyes remained trained on Braelins retreating frame "Is that what's bothering you?"
"No, Janelle and I are having a hard time getting this family thing started. That's all."
"Well, these things don't happen overnight for some people but I'm sure it'll happen soon enough."
Roman wanted nothing more than to tell his mother the truth about his impending fatherhood but it wasn't the right time. Not until he talked to Braelin about their next steps.  "Maybe you're right."
"You haven't realized by now that mama always knows best."
Roman smiled pulling his mother into a hug.
Janelle made a plate of fruit salad before sitting down at the long table. Naomi, who joined the party along with Jimmy, Jey, Jey's wife Tamika and Rikishi about an hour ago sat down next to her.
"A penny for your thoughts?"
Janelle smiled sadly "I'm just—do you ever feel like you're in a battle you can't win. Even when you didn't know it was a battle, to begin with?"
Naomi sat back in her chair "It depends on the situation. I feel like that all-time in my career. As gifted as I know I am, I'm always overlooked. I start thinking maybe I'm not as good as I think I am or that maybe someone else has that something I don't. But doubting myself does more for the people who want to see me lose than myself. I know what I'm worth and my goal is to make sure everyone else sees it and not forgets it."
Janelle soaked up Naomi's words "Thank you. That really helped."
Naomi squeezed Janelle's hand "I'm glad I can help."
Naomi knew Janelle was feeling unsure of herself at the moment. She also knew that Janelle was a smart woman. Janelle knew there was something off with her husband and despite how accurate she might be Janelle keeping Roman is what was best for everyone and she may not realize it now but it's definitely what's best for Braelin.
Dante walked into the kitchen with an empty bowl of barbecue sauce. "Everyone looks like they're having a good time."
Braelin smiled up at him "I'm glad. With everything that's happening I'm glad I can make this happen."
Dante kissed her lips "You taste like peaches."
Braelin pushed him playfully "Behave. My parents are outside."
Dante smirked down at his little beauty "Is that a challenge?"
Braelin squealed attempting to run away from her boyfriend but was quickly caught and pulled into his arms "I'm going to tell everyone about the babies."
"Are you?"
Braelin nodded "and I think we should tell everyone you're the father of my babies."
Dante raised a brow "What did Roman say?"
"What did Roman say about what?"
Braelin practically jumped at the sound of his voice "Damn it, Roman. Where the hell did you come from?"
Roman ignored her question instead of looking in between Dante and Braelin "Do I know what?"
Braelin sighed "I'm telling everyone tonight that I'm pregnant and I think— I think it's best if we tell them Dante is the father."
Roman's jaw clenched "There's no way that's fucking happening."
"It's probably what's best for every—"
"You're trying to have another man replace me as the father my fucking kids. Mine." he hissed.
"Their not fucking toys, Rome." Dante hissed back.
Braelin looked at Dante who was getting angry himself. She thought it was time to intervene "Ok, listen. I know this isn't ideal and it feels like I'm hitting you guys with bullshit after bullshit but what else can we do that wouldn't make this harder for everyone else?"
Roman ran a hand across his beard "This isn't about everyone else this is about our family."
"And whether or not you want to admit it I'm a part of the family and  in case you need further calcification I'm not going anywhere." Dante chimed.
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Roman only laughed taking a step towards the couple "That's your plan, big D. You think you can replace me in her life?"
Dante shook his head stepping around Braelin "I'm not the biological father of her kids. You hold that honor but she's my girlfriend and whether you like it or not that's my honor playboy."
Braelin went to intervene "Guys—"
Keyon stepped in the kitchen "Y'all good?"
Braelin sighed in relief "Are the ribs done?"
Keyon looked between Dante and Roman and back again at Braelin "You ok baby sis?"
"I'm fine. I'm just hella hungry right now. " She said leaving the kitchen to join the party that seemed oblivious to the tension that was happening inside the kitchen.
Dante went to follow Braelin but Keyon stopped him "Listen, I don't know what's going on between y'all three but whatever it is y'all need figure out a way to deal with it. Braelin is pregnant and the last thing she needs is all this extra bullshit between y'all stressing her out."
Roman knew Keyon was doing what any big brother did and that was protecting his sister and for that, he couldn't be more thankful to Keyon as a man and as a father. Roman looked over at Dante who was clearly having similar thoughts. "You don't have to worry about that. We all want what's best for Brae and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we'll do damn near anything to ensure she's getting the best. Now if you don't excuse me those ribs are calling me."
"What was that about?"
Dante picked up a new bowl of barbecue sauce before heading outside  "You heard what Rome said. We all just want the best for Braelin."
Keyon didn't know what the hell was going on but he was definitely going to find out.
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"Why are you so quiet?"
Braelin added more fruit to the already thinning fruit salad "What are you talking about? I haven't stopped talking since the party started."
"Well, you haven't said much to your mama."
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Braelin smiled "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make sure things are perfect. With all the craziness I think we all deserve it."
Mama Carol took the bowl of fruit out of her daughter's hand "I'm sure the fruit salad will remain a crowd favorite. I know somethings going on with you and I want—"
"Mama, I'm fine. But there is something going on with me and before you ask I will let you know everything soon, I promise." She kissed her mother on the cheek before scanning the area for Roman who was talking to Janelle.
Naomi and Briyanna noticed and decided now was the perfect time to make the big announcement. "Are you ready?" Briyanna asked standing beside her baby sister.
No, she wasn't ready. Braelin knew Dante was willing to go along with the plan if that was what she wanted to do. But Roman was completely against it and rightfully so. "I can't go along with this if Roman isn't ok with it and before you say anything I owe it to him as the father of my babies to get his approval. It wouldn't be right otherwise."
Briyanna nodded in understanding she knew what it would cost Roman to have another man claim responsibility and although it would be the best option for everyone it would further complicate things when the truth finally comes out. "I think you need to do what's best for you and the babies. Don't worry about Roman, Janelle and Dante. Worry about you and the babies."
"But I thought you said—"
Briyanna nodded "I know what I said and I was wrong. It was terrible big sister advice and I think you should completely ignore me."
Braelin laughed "This didn't help me at all."
"I know and I'm sorry."
Both girls laughed.
"I think I'm going to tell them the news and I'll deal with the rest later."
Briyanna grabbed Braelin's hand to give a reassuring squeeze "I like your idea better."
Braelin turned off the music which prompted everyone to look in her direction "First of all, I want to thank everyone for attending my first cook out. We all work so hard with working, traveling and whatnot and we don't really have time to spend moments like this together so I just wanted to thank you all for coming and I love you all dearly for it."
"Yeet! We love you too, Brae." Jey yelled.
"Yea, take that beer away from him, Tamika." Seth added, causing everyone to laugh.
"If he says yeet one more time I'm going to bury him in your backyard, Braelin." That was Dean.
Renee smacked Dean upside the head "Will you guys shut up. You're ruining Braelin's speech."
"The floor is yours queen, B."
Braelin smirked "Thank you, Becky and Renee. But, I did bring you all here for another reason. My decision to retire due to my knee injury was sudden but it wasn't the only reason for my retirement."
Jimmy looked over at Naomi who didn't seem at all surprised by this announcement "What's going on, Bug?"
Braelin looked over at Roman across the yard and at Dante who was standing next to her "I retired because four months ago I found out I was pregnant" She said revealing her baby bump "with twins. I'm having a boy and a girl."
More silence until Braelin was engulfed in two sets of arms that belonged to her parents.
Congratulations, cheers, and tears were shared between her friends and family. Everyone but one. Janelle was a smart woman and after remembering what Roman had told her knew that his first time cheating on her was a few months ago. Maybe even four months ago after a house show and considering the timing, it was more than possible that her husband was the father of Braelin's unborn babies and if that's the case:
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
AN: I'm sorry it took so long but the muse works when it wants to and due to this Pandemic I have more than enough to brainstorm and put together a chapter for you all. I hope you're all taking care of yourself during this time. Don't forget to wash your hands, don't touch your face and remain indoors. Stay safe and Happy Reading!
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det395 · 4 years
fic breakdown, March 2020
okay, this might be weird or just a huge humblebrag and Ill own that, but I rlly like hearing ppl talk about their fics n I've been proud of how I've pushed outside of my writing comfort zone in the last half of march. I've definitely been one of those people looking for a distraction during this time and writing fic was that for me, so I wanted to ramble about it!
id love to see other people do this about any of their fics!
Jigsaw Falling into Place (3.4k), 03/19/20 
so I fell in love with my same-sex best friend in highschool, what a cliche. and ill relate to dan right now, it was love but it wasn’t happy love. I've been thinking about basing a fic on the experience since literally 2017 but it always felt a bit hard. then, suddenly it just came out of me! and after all this time, it was still cathartic. despite the changes I made to fit dnp, it’s freakily autobiographical lol. the title is a Radiohead song which always reminded me of her, just that feeling of missing out on someone and not being brave enough to stop them as they’re leaving. i don't write many angsty fics, so i’m really proud of the sense of dread that I think is instilled into this writing
Dreams Tonight (1.1k), 03/20/20
a timestamp from antisocialites watch a wilting flower! maybe it’s not the best, but that fic is my pride and joy. most popular and also longest thing I've ever written @ 70k, and writing it was a beautiful experience, nothing has ever flowed out of me quite like this one and I love how i handled the complicated relationships. i always wanted to fill in that time between the last 2 chapters but it was hard to capture the giddy feelings, so I added some wine and I think this is really cute. in hindsight, I do wish I put in more dog action, though. 
it’s sometimes hard for me to write cheesy things, when I spiral about following stereotypes about fanfiction, something that has been a big source of shame for me before, but honestly, i love it. the title is from the song which has the lyric ‘antisocialites watch a wilting flower’, from the album I listened to obsessively as I wrote this. very nostalgic now. definitely a time where i jump through hoops to connect my favourite songs to a story sgdhf
Love that I give (1.6k), 03/26/20
I also sometimes feel shame around writing smut, and it often makes me question my sexuality and spiral a bit. I'm trying to get past that because i think it’s super fun. this took me a looooong time to edit this fic to something i liked, but i think it was worth it! like i said, there’s worse things in the world than posting mediocre smut lmao. i like that i managed to place in a more emotional trope into the background of the shameless smut without making it angsty! based on DHL by Frank Ocean just because i began listening to it on repeat lol. yes all of my titles are just songs
Make Me Feel: part 3 (5.7k), 03/31/20
i began this fic in January of 2019 lmao. i started it when i was in a pretty confusing poly/open relationship, and now i am single, but i still feel like my perspective has grown so much and shaped the ending in the best way. i feel guilty for having such a long break in a WIP, but im so glad i got to write the ending now. i honestly don't even remember what i planned the ending to be in the beginning, but i like where it went. i only just posted so i haven’t gotten feedback so i hope everything i wanted to portray about love and communication and feelings shines through. im glad that i discussed both a sexy side and an emotional side to polyamory, i hope it shows the dimensions to poly relationship and neither follows tropes nor intentionally refuses them. I'm also proud that i got to write some more ~steamy things~ (esp one scene in the 3rd chapter which i love) and think about my relationship to sex and whatnot. title by Janelle monae, obvs lol.
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here's the breakdown for the last half of march, when i was quarantined (date --> title --> starting word count --> ending word count --> word count/day/fic) (orange being WIP, green being posted, and purple being school essays I've handed in) courtesy of @jestbee’s wordcount tracker
I wrote 18297 words in total this month which is the first time I've reached (and surpassed) my monthly writing goal this year. on average, I wrote over 1000 words a day for the last 16 days, ranging from 93-2099 words/day
I was hoping to write a cathartic quarantined together fic this month too but I began to have a lot of doubts about it and I restarted it so maybe sometime soon it’ll be released lol
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milkshake-at-pops · 5 years
Tour of the Heart: Chapter 1
masterpost/chapter 2
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Veronica Lodge Just Announced Her Next Tour and I Am Living For It By Jughead Jones If you haven’t heard of Veronica Lodge yet, you must be living under a rock.
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She’s a pop sensation that exploded into the scene with her first song “Pearl Necklace”,  and she’s only gotten better since then.
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She recently announced her new album, and with that, her next tour with friend and fellow singer Archie Andrews.
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The tour, dubbed the Pretty Game tour begins in January in the singers hometown of New York.
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From there, she will be traveling across the country. In addition, she has dropped hints on her Instagram and Twitter implying that she might have a stop or two in Canada.
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Wherever she ends up going, I’m certainly excited for this tour!
We’re Pretty Game for Pretty Game
Elizabeth Cooper
The time has finally come for Veronica Lodge to go on her very first nationwide, and possibly worldwide tour. Two months after dropping her debut “Pretty Game” album, the freshly minted popstar is taking on the United States. Following the release of two music videos for standout singles “He Knows He’s Trouble” and “Wish of Pearls,” it appears that she has no intention of waiting around, or letting her breakout career fizzle out.
“I don’t think I’m a one-hit wonder, I want to do this as a career,” Lodge told Enquirer reporter in an exclusive interview. “Music is something I love, and something that just fuels me. I wrote songs before I had an album out, I’ll keep writing songs after.”
She’s going nowhere anytime soon, and her audience is only growing. With connections to celebrities both high and low on the Hollywood totem pole, Lodge is going to be a star to remember. You only have to listen to her voice blend with Jo Samuels to know that Veronica Lodge is simply unforgettable.
Archie Andrews, an artist known for his small-town indie EPs and jaw-dropping smile, told us that, “She’s the kind of person who walks into a room and everyone turns around. I’m not surprised Ronnie’s gotten this far.” Andrews declined to comment on rumors surrounding his and Ms. Lodge’s relationship, although we suspect that sharing a tour bus doesn’t seem like something friends do. He will be touring with Veronica, as an opening act and the guitarist on her band.
Fan hype surrounding the tour is spreading like wildfire. Pop-up shops have sold out across the country, and Veronica’s Instagram account has recently climbed to 10 million followers. The Enquirer got the inside scoop on how her fanbase feels at her recent concert at Madison Square Garden in the singer’s hometown of New York City.
“I just love the songs she puts out,” one fan said, “It’s like she takes everything in her heart and throws it into the song, and you feel that.”
“She’s an amazing performer, and her voice is even better live,” another said. As someone attending that concert, I can only agree. Lodge sings like a nightingale.
However, not everyone shares the same sentiment about the up and coming star. “She’s another pop star who writes songs about hating men,” one middle-aged gentlemen said, attending the show with his teenage son. “I don’t see what’s special or new about that.”
Yet one thing that makes Lodge stand out from the crowd of female artists is her open and vocal support of the LGBT community. She has publicly come out as bisexual, and makes it clear with the song “She Thinks He Likes You” that she doesn’t intend on staying quiet on that anytime soon.
Veronica Lodge has appeared alongside LGBT artists such as Troye Sivan and Janelle Monae, and continues to use her social media platforms to support the community. Her tour is not yet sold out, and you can purchase tickets here.
Elizabeth Cooper is a lifestyle reporter for the Enquirer, and holds a B.A. in journalism from the the University of North Carolina.
She Thinks He Likes You
[spoken]Didn’t know how to say this
But I thought I should tell someone
There’s someone I know
And there’s someone I don’t
Don’t know where this will go
But I’m not dreaming about shaved sides
Wanna run my hands through her hair
She thinks he likes you
But I think I like her
And now she’s telling me to go, go
Go for it, get him girl
But I’d rather pull her in for a kiss
Even though it’s not like that
I wish she could see
The things in my head
I wish she could hear
‘Cause he’s cute, yeah but
Gym rats aren’t my type
Even if he’s got a nice ass
‘Cause he just wants my body
But I’d let you take my heart
She thinks he likes you
But I think I like her
And I wanna, I wanna come forward
Tell the whole world I like her
Her lips want me to kiss her
I don’t know how I’ve lasted this long
Without my arms around her
She thinks he likes you
But I think I like her
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claire-de-macarune · 5 years
Get ready kids because somebody called for all the Hayley Kiyoko asks
sleepover: have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them? if it was in the past, do you wish that you told them?
Ugghhhh yea. I’ve told some and not others. The current one is rough because she’s straight (?) and we talked about her boy problems and i just wanted her to be happy, so i worked some fairy gaymother magic and now they’re dating which is… yeah.
I just kinda sucked it up and made a playlist into which i deposit all my sad gay pining. It’s about three hours long and Sleepover is the first track.
curious: do you drink? what’s your favourite drink? what drink isn’t your thing?
I am a connoisseur of fine juices. ;)
I’m a big smoothie girl, so a mango smoothie bubble tea is probably my fave. I like sodas or bitter things, for the most part. I’m a wine mom type and definitely think that it will be my alcohol go-to once I’m of age,
girls like girls: what’s your sexuality? how did you discover it? or have you just always known?
I’m a lesbean. :)
My first crush was Daphne from Scooby-Doo (i’ve given you that information, now use it wisely. by which i mean, don’t use it. please god.), so that was a landmark. I kind of always subconsciously know, but growing up I didn’t actually know what being LGBT+ was because my parents never made a big deal about it. We have straight friends, we have gay friends, so I wasn’t aware that sexuality and discourse around it was even a thing until I was around twelve. 
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feelings: how do you think others perceive you? how do you perceive yourself? 
People find me intimidating because I’m confident, intentional, verbose, and organized. That’s how I like it.
I alternate between between our class emotional support animal and class cryptid, and it’s the most fun thing ever. I am both mom and monster muahahaha
gravel to tempo: have you come out to anyone? if yes, who was the first person you told? if no, do you want to? who would you tell first?
I don’t actually remember first coming out to anyone in particular. There was one time when my group of friends (3 other girls) and i were having a sleepover and they were all like, “we’re bi” and i was like “what’s that” and they were like “we like girls too” and i was like “cool. i mean, personally i think boys suck and look like potatoes carved by a toddler and when i entertain the notion of kissing or marrying one i would literally rather eat sandpaper for the rest of my life, but cool” and they were like “how are you so comfortable with this? a lesbian GOD!” and i just went with it.
(for the record, it wasn’t a trendy thing and they were really scared and all felt really gross about it bc their religious families taught them that being gay was wrong and didn’t talk about bisexuality at all so i went out and did some research and came back and assured them that everything they were feelign was valid and okay and we were really safe spaces for each other in that shitty middle school time when everything is just awful. nothing but love and respect for my first priestesses and bi babes!)
pretty girl: who was the most recent crush you had? do you still like them? did you tell them/do you want to tell them?
(see sleepover. this song is also on the playlist.)
what i need: who are your favourite gay artists? what are your favourite gay songs?
Well, Hayley Kiyoko (obviously), Janelle Monae, and King Princess are the big ones. I’m always open to hearing more! Honorable mentions to “Know Your Name” by Mary Lambert, “Crimson and Clover” by Joan Jett, and the soundtrack of Fun Home (even though it’s got some problematic things with predatory gays) because I cry every time I listen to it, especially on “Changing My Major”, “Days and Days and Days”, and fuckin “Telephone Wire” (“Come to the Fun Home” is a whole bop. Only gay in that I, a certified gay, enjoy it.)
ease my mind: what makes you feel at peace? what is your perfect future like? what do you do at the end of a long day to unwind?
Reading, writing (in theory lol), drawing, and singing relax me (dance too, but I’m not allowed to do it anymore cuz I’m broken). I also recently started teaching myself the guitar.
I don’t really have a set perfect future, but honestly, I’d take one in which we avoid nuclear winter, world war III, and climate change. The more I think about growing up, the more skeptical I become about whether I’ll actually get to do it and that’s insanely scary.
let it be: who was your worst heartbreak? have you ever been in love? do you even believe in love?
TW: suicide
One of my best friends (⅓ of my nervous bi darlings) ended her life almost two years ago. So that fuckin’ messed me up.
I don’t know. Usually, I’d say I think I’m kind of young to really even know how, but that’s not quite true. I guess I’ll say that I have loved but I haven’t yet been in love. Theoretically speaking, there’s so much of my life ahead of me that the probability of having that experience so early, especially with a limited romantic pool (being a queer poc in the south), is low.
And I’ve just recently fallen in love with myself, thus heightening my standards. I’ve been awful about getting into relationships in the past because i was afraid of saying no and hurting that person’s feelings, but lately i value my own happiness above the appeasement of others to my detriment. I just feel like I’m still learning and getting comfortable in that space, and the opportunity hasn’t really presented itself yet. But i think that it’s possible, someday. I’m a hopeful hopeless romantic.
cliff’s edge: what’s on your bucket list? where would like to travel? what makes your heart race?
I want to try everything at least once. I want to learn how to be the truest, most fully-realized version of myself I can. I don’t have a set list of life, I just hope it will be some kind of spectacular.
I want to see the world. Everywhere. But beyond that, I want to be a part of it. I want to be a true global citizen, experience a life past myself every day. I dream of having the freedom to continuously explore and grow in hopes of doing some good, internally or externally, along the way.
he’ll never love you: were you ever in denial about your sexuality? were you ever in denial of a crush? do you like to talk about your crushes to your friends?
Not denial, per se, I just didn’t know what was going on. It was a pretty straightforward, comfortable call once I had the information I needed.
I’m able to employ logic in most situations and strip myself of an unwanted crush using that, but most i’m aware of and suffer in silence.
Yesss. I’m bad at making those kinds of decisions by myself and having people who genuinely care ask me questions or even just talk to me about it helps me process. Often, this results in being teased about said crush, but I don’t mind.
wanna be missed: how dependent or independent are you in a relationship? do you like a lot of space, or a lot of intimacy? how do you feel about electronic (vs face to face) communication?
Ummm, I kinda tend to lead, just because that’s what I’m accustomed to. It’s a role I fill because everyone else avoids it in the other arenas of my life, so I’ve mostly been independent and directing in my relationships. This last one actually threw me for a loop because the dynamic was flipped; they were so sweet and thoughtful and proactive in romancing me i didn’t really know what to do with myself. I’ve gotten over the initial shock (now, what, 5? 6 months later?) and found that I liked that too.
I like a healthy balance of distance and closeness. Fun fact: my love languages are quality time and physical touch, so when i’m with someone i pretty much just want to cuddle with them all the time. I don’t know, it really depends on the person and the relationship and whatever is going on with me individually.
I’m cool with digital communication, but i’m also a granny when it comes to technology so I can have a little trouble with more nuanced text/social media culture. Also, my phone is always on silent (not even vibrate, because i’m wacky like that) so if you want an immediate answer, face-to-face is better. Also the physical touch thing, also that way i can read expressions better.
Bonus: i can also hold your hand and kiss your cute face!
under the blue/take me in: are you happy where you are right now? if you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? what’s your favourite aspect of yourself?
I mean, I’d rather not be in constant debilitating pain, I (apparently) have some tangling with anxiety i need to do, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I’m a lot better than I have been, and I’m grateful for that. I don’t know if true happiness is a consistent, determinable state, but I take what I can get.
I don’t think there’s one big thing I would change. It’s more like a handful of small things. But if I had to choose, I’d fix whatever is wrong with my spine/neck/whatever. I feel like I’m on the cusp of my life finally beginning and I’m trapped by something as trivial as my body. It’s exhausting and I really need it to be over. It feels selfish, but I could do the most good for myself and others if I could put this behind me.
Favorite aspect of myself? That’s like asking me to pick a favorite book! Or child! Impossible: that’s a trick question. Sure, she’s a batshit, messy bitch, but I love myself. She and I are in it for the long run. ;)
palace: who is your favourite memory? what’s your favourite story with/about them? why don’t you two speak anymore?
The first girl I ever loved is mostly a memory now. It’s hard to pick a favorite story about her, but our first kiss story is pretty soft and gay, kind of like something out of a fairytale or a tropey fic, so I guess I’ll say that.
We had just finished seventh grade. 
Some background: That April, we went to D.C. for our annual class trip. There were ten of us and only four girls, so we all shared a hotel room (and they were roommates!) We split the beds (we’d all known each other for seven years, it was just like sharing with a sister) and stayed up super late, intermittently playing truth or dare and talking about life. She and I philosophized into the early morning (there was only one bed!!), she told me she liked me, and I fell asleep before I could do anything about it. Apparently, we ended up cuddling, because when I woke up, i was warm because she’d wrapped around me (and drooled down my collarbone, but whatever).
Okay, so, every spring, after graduation, our school had a picnic at the park down by a shallow length of the river where the kids would swim after lunch. We hadn’t done anything about our feelings yet, and I was leaving for another school. She took me around the bend in the river and we swam into the basin there. She wasn’t as strong a swimmer as I was, so she put her arms around my neck, and I held us both up in water deeper than both of us were tall. She said she was going to miss me, and then she kissed me. For a while.
Then, we saw a snake and frantically flailed to shore, laughing until our lungs hurt.
We don’t talk anymore because she became mentally unstable soon after that, and it wasn’t safe for either of us to continue interacting. I’ve seen her a few times since, but I don’t anticipate that we’ll ever be that close again, and that’s okay.
mercy/gatekeeper: what was a difficult time in your life? what did you do/what are you doing to get through it? who has been the most helpful?
molecules: have you ever lost anyone close to you? if yes, how did it feel at the time and how does it feel now to talk about them? do you fear death?
TW: suicide
One of my childhood best friends killed herself in the first month of our freshman year. It was totally out of the blue, and the timing was absolutely horrible. I was just getting everything I wanted, I was having the time of my life and then everything just stopped in its tracks. Except it didn’t. The world kept turning and she was gone and I had lab reports due and she was gone and there were play rehearsal and holidays and deadlines and life incessantly barreling forward and she was gone. I woke every morning with a pit in my stomach, I didn’t sleep, I didn’t eat. It was like something had been cut open inside me and life was just pouring out behind me but I couldn’t feel any of it. And no one else around me seemed to care. Every day I felt like I was dying. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe, and everyone else had a smile on their face and laughed like it was nothing and complained about stubbing toes and bad grades and fighting with their parents.
I don’t really know how I got through it. I mean, I went to therapy, but it didn’t really help. I couldn’t talk to people about it, even when I wanted to. I couldn’t cry for the longest time. I wrote about it some. I left her voicemails. I raged through glass recycling. I guess I just trudged on, dragged myself onward because stopping wasn’t an option. Because if I did, even for a moment, I wouldn’t have enough strength to start again.
I’m better now, I guess. I can talk about it and her and I feel mostly human most days, but it’s still a presence in my life I wish I could escape. I still don’t know where they buried her.
I do not fear death.
one bad night: do you like casual or serious relationships? have you ever done anything illegal, wrong, or stupid for the sake of love?
Hoo boy, I’m bad at casual relationships. I get too attached (*feelings plays in the background*), and it becomes serious. Oddly enough, it doesn’t really scare people away. The older I get the further I’ll probably get from playful dalliances, but every once in a while, as the stakes are low, I’m down for just having fun and enjoying someone’s company.
palm dreams: do you like parties or quiet nights in? would you want to/did you stay in your hometown after moving out? what’s your ideal saturday night like?
I am an introverted smol, and big parties make me nervous. I can handle and even enjoy the odd bash here and there, but too many too often wears me out. Smaller groups are better, but my favorite size is a book or maybe one other human.
Nooooooo, man, I am going to college out of state, far away, and I am not moving back here. I love my city dearly, but I need to find my own corner of the sky. :)
I love a night at the theatre, preceded by a quiet dinner with a couple close friends and followed by something sweet, some tea, and reading a good book with my feline.
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fantroll-purgatory · 5 years
Tethered AU (Us spoilers)
Saw Us, loved it, had this idea kicking around in my head for two trolls and wanted to get it out with my precious half hour of free time.
I FINALLY saw Us, after about a million years of wanting to, and I’ve gotta say that I’m surprised that we haven’t gotten any Cherubs for this concept yet. I hope we get some. But anyways this is a FANTASTIC troll. I honestly probably won’t have much to say besides praise throughout this review, because like… yeah.
AU Details:
Deliberately kept sketchy since the movie didn’t elaborate much either.
The Tethered live in sea-accessible caves on a conquered planet of the Condesce’s. The result of a seadweller experiment that involved deliberately splitting an egg and taking one of the resulting trolls belowground and injecting them liberally with burgundy blood in the hopes of forging a psychic link through which their aboveground counterpart could be controlled. Unfortunately, since this experiment was largely carried out with upper class bluebloods, their Tethered were psychically susceptible to the link and instead found themselves helplessly puppeted around. Disheartened, the seadwellers abandoned their monstrous experiment, that they might at least serve as adequate food to the feral lusii that lived in the abandoned breeding caverns.
Jordan Peele was clearly trying to go for a “Red Queen” thing with the two women’s names, so I created Radima’s first name from Romanch for “queen.” Her second name comes from “giavisch,” the Romanch word for “desire,” which is one of the meanings of Adelaide’s married name, Wilson.
Queen of Desire is a great name for this character and a character inspired by Adelaide in general. One of my favorite parts of the movie was definitely the dual sympathy and criticism of Adelaide and this hits that note well. 
Age: 18 Sweeps
Strife Specibus: pokerkind
Also kicks like Joey’s in Hiveswap.
Fetch Modus: PAS DE DEUX
Items must be put in two at a time and can only be retrieved as such. Sometimes items will “trade partners” and eject with a different one than it started with (the reasoning for new pairings is unknown).
Blood color: Mutated teal
Has burgundyblood psychic susceptibility, theoretically.
Symbol and meaning:
Teal bunny based vaguely off Limini, Bergun’s original sign.
Something like this maybe? 
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To abide, of course, meaning to acquiesce your will… Very fitting.  Trolltag: therandomMinornote [TM]
In the trailer, Adelaide’s snapping is a little off in rhythm, which is odd since she’s a ballerina. Radima, similarly, does not fit in, and it shows in the fact that her trolltag’s cadene doesn’t match the traditional two-word format. It’s from a lyric of Janelle Monae’s “I Like That,” which appears on the Us soundtrack and is itself a nod to duality and varying from the norm. Furthermore, the abbreviation [TM] is once again her trying to mark herself as sufficiently “real.”
Quirk: Sorry, I’m not one for small talk.
Only odd in that she has no quirk at all. It unsettles other trolls.
Special Abilities (if any):
Passive psychic link to Bergun in which Bergun is propelled around is Radima’s emotions are sufficiently elevated. Potentially an example of a “success” from the previously mentioned experiment.
Lusus: A massive wolpertinger.
Radima seemed distant from it every since an incident in which she wandered off at about 3 sweeps old, and flinched whenever she saw it. Seemed palpably relieved when it was killed by another, bigger lusus.
Warm and loving to those she trusts, friendly but reserved to those she doesn’t. Radima seems to lack the zeal for widespread social change characteristic of her fellow tealbloods. She prefers to keep to herself and moderate a local library, where she can help others learn of the world she calls home.
Ballet, books, music, gardening. Has a very strong aversion to water and the beach.
Title: Thief of Life
Pretty self-explanatory; she knocked out and replaced Bergun when they were 3 sweeps old. While she keeps to herself, she is relentlessly driven.
I am almost tempted to make the obvious Heart-Mind suggestion considering the fact that those are more related to concepts of identity than Life and Doom, but Bergun/Red definitely are so community-motivated that they sidestep the internalized issues/struggle of Heart-Mind. Life is about essence and growth and she did steal Bergun’s developmental energy very literally, so it’s Fair And Fitting. that’s a lot of words to say I agree. 
Land: Land of Smoke and Mirrors (LOSAM)
The land is full of references to magic, from puzzle-like mirrors to adorable fluffy bunnies. The fumes threaten to choke her if she doesn’t figure out how to restore life to the planet to sap it of its excess carbon dioxide.
Dream Planet: Prospit
Radima could not think of a way to live a happy life without hurting another, and the resulting fear is directly because she cannot believe it was a destiny she was allowed to thwart. She knows that Bergun MUST come for her.
Radima uses black and teal in excessive amounts, as if to say “how do you do, fellow tealbloods???”
She named herself. A short version of Burgundy (the blood color she’s believed to have), AND one of the names of a former Swiss municipality (Bergun/Bravuogn), a double-named place. Last name derived from the German word for “twin,” which may seem on the nose but Adelaide’s maiden name is “Thomas,” which means the same thing in Aramaic.
She presumably named herself, which makes it seem even more likely that she would think to pick something obvious like Another Word For Twin. 
Age: 18 sweeps
Strife Specibus: scissorkind
She needs to crack the cards open, which puts captcha cards at a worrying premium. If she exerts too much force she may also damage the item inside in addition to the card itself. Bee – caarefuul –
Blood color: Teal
Presents as burgundy, same as the other Tethered.
Symbol and meaning:
Burgundy bunny based vaguely off Arsci, Radima’s original sign
Something like- 
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That’s a fun one. 
Trolltag: distonicInsurgent [DI]
Both a reference to her dystonic voice and her dystopic circumstances. Insurgent is obvious but it also carries the root for rising up, which is great.
Quirk: Oonce – uupoon – aa – time –
Doubles audible vowels and breaks up her words with harsh breaths.
Special Abilities (if any):
Passive psychic link to Radima. Unclear if there’s any utility there.
Lusus: None but the feral, flayed rabbit lusii that roam the caverns.
The serve as effective guards, terrifying caretakers, and – if one can get the jump on one – a wholesome meal. They’re a reference to the Hare of Inuyaba, who used deception to cross what should have been an uncrossable barrier and was flayed alive when the deception was revealed. The actual myth resolves with the rabbit being healed after someone showed it kindness, but in this case it only serves to highlight the brutality of the underground.
Bergun was born aboveground and continues to be a tealblood to her bones, inciting rebellion with harsh and terrifying speeches.
Murder, ballet, sewing (making the jumpsuits for herself and the other insurgents is extremely grounding for her because it’s one of the few things she has that has nothing to do with Radima), sign language (a specific one crafted by the Tethered, unmappable to existing Alternian languages)
She also has a love for Rebellion. And maybe fantasy stories. One of the things Red clings onto is stories from her childhood, since she isn’t given the chance to read any more after she is taken, presumably. You could probably give her a love for that, too. Storytelling. 
Title: Page of Doom
Once again, self explanatory. Bergun was dragged underground by Radima, and while she herself was subjected to doom, she allowed it to simmer for 15 sweeps before the resulting backlash erupted from underground. She is herself the inevitable force Radima fears so much.
Land: Land of Tethers and Tightropes (LOTAT)
In a cruel twist of fate, Bergun’s land is covered in ropes, which are stretched across cliffs high above the valleys below, the Land so covered in fog that she can’t see the bottom. This is the highest above ground she’ll ever be. But is the quickest way to reach the denizen by cutting the rope and seeing where the fall takes her?
Dream Planet: Derse
Which she herself is a destiny for Radima, Bergun’s own arc is about rejecting the rules put in place for how the Tethered ought to behave.
I was just thinking the burgundy jumpsuit, and the same sprite as Radima’s but for fatigued, but I am very open to suggestions!
I love all of this and as I said, I feel like I didn’t have many suggestions. This is just an all around great troll and a fantastic interpretation of the characters in Us. Thank you for sharing!
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[I decided to attempt to create a tag meme for Part 2/? of my combatting-the-dreariness-of-January/February project! No pressure whatsoever to do this, just if you would find it fun. Cheers!]
A tag meme to combat the dreariness of winter! Answer the questions and tag ten people (if you want).
What artists are you listening to right now?
I’ve been listening to a lot of Vienna Teng, Brandi Carlile, and Janelle Monáe.
Favorite comfort book, movie, etc?
Currently, Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place!
Favorite activity in whatever the winter weather is in your climate?
As far as outdoor activities go, I love sledding, though I haven’t done it in years. Favorite cozy indoor activity would have to be writing with a nice cup of tea.
Favorite cheesy self-care activity?
I love curling up with a cup of tea, although admittedly I do that enough that it feels everyday rather than too special or fluffy. On the other end of the spectrum, I love taking footbaths but haven’t done that at all this winter, so now I want to do that some time this week.
Winter headcanon for your favorite ship(s) or character(s)?
Ripper loves materializing in the upper atmosphere of planets where snow is forming and cavorting around pretending to be a winter goddess. Ash loves cross-country skiiing; it’s his favorite way to take time to think and reflect on his day. Michael likes her hot chocolate to contain more whipped cream than hot chocolate; if you try to tease her by asking “Want some hot chocolate with that whipped cream?” she’ll just look you dead in the eye and say “Yes.” Philippa hates when anyone she knows wears scarves because she worries about them getting pulled or catching on something in unexpected combat situations, and she is, of course, terrifying in a snowball fight. Hugh is the only person who can repeatedly sneak up on her enough to get in a few good hits and, on one memorable occasion, shove snow down her collar. He claims his chosen profession gives him a psychological edge in strategizing during non-violent combat. She contests that it’s just because his uniform blends in so well with the landscape.
Current WIP (any fanwork type) you’re most excited about?
I’m resting on my laurels/feeling like I should not sink too much time into writing for a while longer after all the hours I poured into finishing my medium-longfic recently, but I definitely have some fics I’m excited about working on/posting soon. I have an almost-complete first draft of a S1 vignette ficlet of Michael in the mirrorverse, reflecting on the fear she’s felt throughout her life, and I’m about halfway done with a first draft of a fluffy Joann x Keyla ficlet after Joann gets back from the away mission in 2x02. For regular-length fics, the next one I finish will probably be my Nikos & Philippa fic 99th Percentile. I’m not sure what I’ll work on after that; I might finally finish my mirror!Ellen x prime!Philippa fic now that @michaelburnhamfanclub and @elissastillstands have gotten me on a Landry kick with all their Lanham content. :D
I no-pressure tag @30minuteloop @trekmemes @elissastillstands @tin-can-spaceship @prose-n-scripts @michaelburnhamfanclub @georgiov @onaperduamedee @thatlightsaberlesbian @romulan-commander
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izzy-b-hands · 6 years
Tagged by @sevdawn thank you so much!! I’ve been wanting to do something like this or an ask game thing for a while now; you’ve got good timing! 
Name: Aly
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: Haven’t really formally measured since like the beginning of high school, but about 5′3 (160 cm) ish? Short as fuck around most other people lol. 
Put your music on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that pop up?
Quick warning again about my all over the place music taste, so this could be...interesting.
1. The Blinding--Babyshambles
2. We Both Go Down Together--The Decemberists
3. Gallows Strung--Snow Ghosts
4. Never Land (A Fragment)--The Sisters of Mercy
Ever had a song/poem written about you? Only a few that I know of--a close friend and I were always sorta/kinda crushing on each other thru middle and high school and were big time into wanting to start a band at the time (in addition to being in creative writing classes together) so we wrote lyrics and poems and stories that we occasionally would admit were about each other, or would avoid admitting it was about the other in the awkward way kids do lol. 
Last time you played the guitar: Oh god, not recently enough! I should be practicing way more than I am, but work has kept me kind of exhausted lately--so about two weekends ago, if you count a very quick solo jam session to work on the soundtrack for the TV series I’m writing. 
Celebrity crush: Y’all are evil. I kid, most of you who follow me can probably guess these already--the guys of Avatar (Tim and Kungen in particular tbh, not that they aren’t all gorgeous and talented of course!), Teemu and Jari of Wintersun, Janelle Monae, Tessa Thompson, Ville Valo, Jessica Chastain, Richard Ayoade, Daniel Dae Kim, and A$ap Rocky are the crushes I either A: never outgrew from my teens or B: acquired as a young adult and let myself daydream about because real life is crushing as fuck--may as well let daydream version of me have all their romantic dreams come true lol. 
A sound you hate + a sound you love?
Hate: Oh god my ASD comes into play here, there are so many I could list, but one of the absolute worst for me is the sound of someone scratching their nails along silk. I recently tried listening to a new band who had a sound like that incorporated into one of their songs and my ears basically died until I turned the song off. 
Love: I could easily list music here, but I wanted to go with a different sound instead--the caw of a crow. The sound is really soothing to me, and there’s usually always a ton near our building, so their cawing even wakes me up on the few mornings I can sleep in, and it is really nice calming sound to wake up to. The one thing that is probably really silly but that I haven’t looked up is if Gothenburg or Sweden in general are home to any sort of crows (or ravens, I love listening to them too.) If it isn’t, then that might be one of the few things I’ll miss from the US. 
Believe in ghosts? Kind of? Like, I want to think that there’s some way all of our minds and souls can keep communicating after death, floating around each other, getting to meet people we’d always wanted to in life, meeting up again with people we lost touch with while alive, etc. But then part of me knows how science plays into some of it (like certain vibrations and sound waves making it feel like we’re being watched, even if we aren’t) so I sometimes wonder if I’m not just being silly in wanting to believe. But then I also remember that someday I’ll be dead no matter what, so if I want to believe and it isn’t hurting anyone, then why not believe? Life is short and painful, take your joys where you can. 
Do you drive? Nope. Anxiety and what my doctor calls ‘PTSD-like symptoms’ from past driving accidents with family behind the wheel keeps me from it. I’ve tried, over the years, to get my permit and license, but it never happens, and I’ve really lost any urge to ever want to try again. I was once at a point where even being a passenger made me terrified--I’m past that now, but idk if I’ll ever drive. I’d rather, at this point, rely on public transit and learn to bike ride so I can use a bike once I move to a more bike-friendly locale. 
Last book you read? A random collection of poetry that I had to buy for a poetry class when I was in college. It is the huge tome, and I’ve been working my way through it to find all of my favorites. 
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Shouldn’t, but yup lol. I associate the smell of it with good things--my grandfather’s garage, going out on errands with him and getting treats at the gas station, going to car shows with him. In case it isn’t obvious, my grandfather is a ‘car guy’ in that he loves vintage cars and loves taking really good care of any cars he has, so all of my best memories with him revolve around times where we were around cars, and usually surrounded by the smell of gasoline.
Worst injury you’ve ever had: I’ve got a few; would probably be my left leg being broken as a kid, and all the damage I did to my ankles--I have flat feet that as an adult I found out I should have probably gotten physical therapy for when I was young, but I never did so they were constantly spraining really badly, to the point that I nearly broke both within a month of each other when I was about sixteen. Now they hurt if I wear shoes they don’t like, wear good shoes but for too many hours, walk for too long, don’t walk enough, or if the weather changes, and maybe just whenever the fuck they feel like bothering me tbh. If I could just have my feet float and be magically connected to the rest of my leg, I probably would lol.  
Do you have any obsessions right now? I have a hard time calling anything an obsession now--work ( both my day job and my writing and music work on the side) keeps me so busy that I don’t have time to ‘obsess’ as I did when I was a teen. But I guess you could toss Avatar and Ghost in as a kind of obsession, in that they’re two of the few bands I’m really following in terms of news and tour info right now. I’ve gotten really into Pokemon again, while trying to do my own version of a Nuzlocke run on Pokemon Y, so I guess that might count. I consume a shit ton of McElroy and Polygon content whenever I’m feeling terrible, so that could probably count too. Idk, having an ‘obsession’ as an adult doesn’t really feel like an obsession--it feels more like the only subjects/things you can escape to when the rest of life is busy sucking major ass. 
Do you tend to hold grudges towards people? I try my best not to, but there are a few I still hold. The biggest one is with my father, and my various issues with him, but I recently found out he told a family friend he’d disowned me (whoops, he never told me lol) so I don’t feel bad holding that one at all. Fuck him, and I know he has a tumblr and might well see this, so if you do, J (not gonna put his full name here of course, I’m only partially petty as fuck haha) , then guess what? I disown you too. My grandfather, for all his faults, was a better father figure even on his worst days, and the male celebrities I looked up to as father figures were better too--and they don’t even know I exist!!
In a relationship? ...no. But I talk to someone who I have some sort of feelings for, but we aren’t in anything other than a friendship (or if the other person considers it to be something more, than they haven’t said and we haven’t discussed it.) But still, that’s not technically a relationship, so no, still single. 
I tag: @plupluru, @calliopinot, @apineappleheart, @feathers-andflesh, @starmoonchildfromthebeamsabove, @silversatori, @fuckdensen, @skulldr0p, @vvitchimage, and @rammchickk 
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secondsofhappiness · 6 years
85 questions meme
i was tagged by the ever lovely @sugdensquad :)
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: green tea with lemon 2. phone call: at work, been on the phone all damn day 3. text message: one of my best friends about the cinema 4. song you listened to: janelle monae - make me feel 5. time you cried: when I was in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome
— have you ever… 
6. dated someone twice: never dated someone 7. kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed someone 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: yes, too many 10. been depressed: sadly, yes, but I came out of the other side 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: very nearly but I’ve never been THAT drunk before
— fave colours
12. candy pink 13. yellow or mustard 14. bold orange
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: oh yes, quite a few which is lovely 16. fallen out of love: never been in love 17. laughed until you cried: oh god yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: nope, i leave all that nonsense back in the playground 19. met someone who changed you: yes, definitely 20. found out who your friends are: yes, that always continues to happen as you get older, i think 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: never kissed someone
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: I don’t think there’s one I don’t know in some capacity 23. do you have any pets: my mudog, Hettie, who I call Horse! 24. do you want to change your name: sometimes I want to change my surname but I like my first and middle names 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out for a meal with friends, went to London Pride and spent time with my mum in the Lake District 26. what time did you wake up today: 7:30am, first day back at work for ages, ouch 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: awake messing about on my phone, i think  28. what is something you can’t wait for: Munich in a few days, my next solo trip, being bridesmaid at the wedding of two of my best friends, more theatre 30. what are you listening to right now: Hozier - In a Week 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Haha, erm, probably. I think at Uni maybe
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: my poorly heels
33. most visited website: tumblr, instagram and lots of theatre blogs 34. hair colour: depends on the time of year but currently, dark brown 35. long or short hair: medium length with fringe
36. do you have a crush on someone: that’s a rarity for me, so no 
37. what do you like about yourself: I can spend time alone happily and easily, I am strong because of my life experiences, I like to think I’m a caring person even if I get nothing in return of the same kind, I am always up for adventures 38. want any piercings: I have ALWAYS wanted my nose pierced, maybe I’ll do it one day 39. blood type: I actually haven’t a clye 40. nicknames: Meg, Megatron, Meggie, Megs, Megasaurus... the list is endless 41. relationship status: happily single 42. sign: cancer 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: at the moment, the good place or superstore - I’m a sucker for a workplace comedy 45. tattoos: none 46. right or left handed: right handed 47: ever had surgery: unless tooth surgery counts 48. piercings: ears 49. sport: I’m not really a sporty person 50. vacation: I’m off to Munich in a few days and then I’m planning to visit Paris later this year 51. trainers: skechers - always. I don’t care what anyone says. I have poorly heels and they are magical.
— more general
52. eating: mango 53. drinking: Evian water, always 54. i’m about to watch: more episodes of superstore before bed 55. waiting for: thursday evening when I get to see my friend Andrew
56. want: to get fit again after a few medical problems 57. get married: marriage isn’t for me, it’s not something I want 58. career: I quite enjoy my job currently and who knows what will happen in the future
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: cuddles with dogs or from my mum or with my friends 60. lips or eyes: always eyes 61. shorter or taller: all of my friends are either my height or taller and I’m tall so I can’t say which I prefer 62. older or younger: does it matter to me as I have good friends of varying ages 63. nice arms or stomach: not fussed at all, we’re all different shapes 64. hookup or relationships: yeah, neither are something I’m after 65. troublemaker or hesitant: if this is about me then I’m right in the middle aka “do no harm but take no shit” etc.
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: never kissed someone 67. drank hard liquor: yes, gin counts as hard liquor right? but yes, various kinds 68. turned someone down: yes, when I was 16 69. sex on first date: I haven’t been on an actual date but go for it if it’s for you 70: broken someone’s heart: apparently when I was 16, yes, sadly 71. had your heart broken: I think I’d call it heartbreak when I was around 20, maybe but I think it was mild. I’ve had by heart broken non-romantically though, without a doubt 72. been arrested: hahahaha nope. Daughter of an ex cop here 73. cried when someone died: oh god, countless times, sadly 74. fallen for a friend: kind of but not in any significant way or the way others do
— do you believe in
75. yourself: in some ways, definitely, in others, not at all! 76. miracles: no, I really don’t 77. love at first sight: not at all 78. santa claus: I believe in the idea of time, the legend 79. angels: nope
— misc
80. eye colour: brown 81. best friend’s name: I have too many very close friends to name but Welsh, Hattie, Beckie, Dan, Andrew, Craig, Hannah and Hayley 82. favourite movie: Mary Poppins or Father of the Bride  83. favourite actor: oh god the list is endless but Keira Knightley, Colin Firth, Timothee Chalamet blew my mind recently, Sam Rockwell, Dominic West, Hayley Atwell, Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, Emily Blunt... lots really. That’s not even counting TV actors etc. There are too many to name. 
84. favourite cartoon:  I’m really not a cartoon person but I’d say Tangled and Frozen - not a huge disney person but I like the human disney movies! 85. favourite teacher’s name: johanna 
i’m tagging @memorieswarm @sugdingles (when she returns), @scrapyardboyfriends @hoodiesandelbowpatches @tonyspegasus @thisdamndesire (and anyone else who fancies it!)
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san-missouri · 4 years
The Springfield 3
People aren’t supposed to just disappear . . .but 28 years later the mystery of what happened to Sherrill Elizabeth Levitt, Stacy Kathleen McCall, and Suzanne E. Streeter remains a mystery.
Last Known Location Map
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Stacy McCall, 18, Suzanne "Suzie" Streeter, 19, were happy new graduates of Kickapoo High School.Having just graduated on June 6, 1992, Stacy was supposed to be spending the night at Suzie's home at 717 E. Delmar Street. 
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June 6, 1992, around 8:30 p.m. Stacy had told her mother, Janis McCall, she wanted to go to a party and then head to Branson later that night. Stacy knew her parents were worried about them driving to Branson late at night, so just two hours later, Stacy called to say they weren't going to Branson that night after all. The girls had decided to play it safe, and said she would be staying the night at her friend's house and she would call her mother in the morning. The next morning they’d go to the water park. 
Initially, Streeter and McCall planned to stay over at the home of a mutual friend, Janelle Kirby. But when they got there, they discovered that the house was full of people. And in the early hours of the morning, they decided to sleep at Levitt’s home, where both girls would spend the night on Streeter's new waterbed.The girls loaded up and went to another party at friend Michelle Elder's house, but the party on East Hanover street got a little loud, and a neighbor called police. An officer showed up about 1:40 a.m., shooing partiers away.Suzie and Stacy went to their cars parked at Janelle's. Her mom, Kathy Kirby, had a pallet laid out on her living room floor for Suzie and Stacy. Janelle would sleep on the couch because family members from out of town were sleeping in her bedroom.Suzie and Stacy decided they would be more comfortable sleeping on Suzie's new waterbed, and told Janelle they'd see her in the morning.
Kathy Kirby woke up when her daughter came in the front door. She heard the girls outside.
"Follow me to my house," Suzie told her friend.
"OK," Stacy answered. "I will". . .Stacy never did call her mom.Sherrill was last heard from earlier that night around 11:15 p.m. when she talked with a friend about painting a chest of drawers.
Stacy McCall and Suzanne Streeter reportedly left the graduation party in Battlefield together a little after 2 a.m. The girls drove their separate vehicles to the central Springfield home of Streeter's mother, Sherrill Levitt. That's the last known place the three missing women were believed to have been.
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June 7, 1992 friends Janelle Kirby and Mike Hensen, called the home around 8 a.m., there was no answer. Hopping out of her car barefoot, the first thing Janelle noticed was broken glass shimmering on the front steps.
The porch globe was busted, yet the yellow bulb burned bright under the midday sun and no one seemed to be home. Janelle's boyfriend Mike grabbed a broom, swept up the glass and dumped it in the garbage.They later reported that the door was unlocked and all three of the women’s cars were parked out front. Levitt's blue Corsica was parked in the carport. Streeter's red Ford Escort sat in the circle drive with McCall's Toyota Corolla right behind. All of their purses and keys were inside the small white home. The three purses were piled together at the foot of the steps leading into Suzie's bedroom. The purses appeared to be lined up with items were rolling out of them, and Suzie's bed covers were pulled back. First there was Sherrill’s purse, then Suzie’s and Stacy’s was next, sitting on top of Suzie’s overnight bag. Sherrill and Streeter were known to be heavy smokers and their cigarettes were left behind. An undisturbed graduation cake was waiting in the refrigerator.Something happened inside the home between 2:30 a.m. - when police speculate the girls arrived at the Streeter home - and 8 a.m., when a friend of the girls, Janelle Kirby, called to determine what time they would meet to go to the Whitewater theme park in Branson.Something that left Cinnamon the family’s Yorkie distraught. They said they listened to the answering machine to see if there were any messages for them, but instead Janelle and Mike say they received two obscene calls. They left without making a police report and instead went to a friend's house, wondering if Suzie and Stacy had gone there before meeting for the trip to Branson. But their friend Shane hadn't seen the girls. In fact, he was still in bed.
Janelle and Mike returned to 1717 E. Delmar St. one more time. Nothing.
It suddenly occurred to them that the women might have walked to a neighborhood sub shop for lunch, so they hurried over there but again found nothing.Nearly a dozen people came through the home before police were alerted to the scene 10 hours later, including Janis who came to look for her daughter after never receiving a call.It appeared the two girls had made it to the home that night and had gotten ready for bed, as evidenced by the makeup-smeared washcloths in the hamper. Jewelry was left on the wash basin. Inside Suzie’s room — where the TV was left on — Stacy’s flowered shorts were folded and put on top of her sandals. Stacy’s jewelry had been tucked inside the pocket of her shorts. Police believe she left the home wearing only a T-shirt and panties.Levitt’s room, too, showed signs of an unexpected interruption – including a book placed page-down as if to keep its place. Apparently, her bed looked like it had been slept in and her glasses sat abandoned beside it. All of the family’s belongings including cash, in fact, appeared untouched.
How the women left is what baffles police, family and friends. 
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Many have theorized that this crime was the work of more than one person, while authorities say a single man could have used a ruse - something as simple as posing as a utility worker warning of a bogus gas leak in the neighborhood - to lure them out.However on the evening of June 7, Janis knew whatever it was, something was terribly wrong, and she called the police.In the first days, information surfaced about an old Dodge van, a 1964-1970 Dodge panel van, light moss green in color with a white front grill - but investigators still aren’t sure if the van was actually a true clue or a distraction that was never part of the case.
Within a week, divers from the fire department had scoured Lake Springfield, police officers on horseback had searched fields, and more than 20,000 flyers had been distributed across the area.
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The FBI was called. The faces of Springfield's three missing women were broadcast on the television show "America's Most Wanted."
We did everything we felt was needed to be done. We committed untold resources to this case. -Retired Springfield Police Chief Terry Knowles
Still it turned into one of our states most well-known cold cases.Over the years that have followed many have criticized Terry Knowles, who was the Springfield police chief when the women disappeared, on the grounds he ran the investigation out of his office rather than allowing his detectives to do their jobs.Janis McCall said law enforcement officials didn't always work well together. She recalls weekly conferences on Wednesday afternoons where representatives from Springfield police, the Greene County Sheriff's Office, the highway patrol and more would sit around a table and they didn't check their egos at the door.In fact, early in the investigation the Missouri State Highway Patrol volunteered to bring a "whole truckload of computers" down to help with the investigation, but the Springfield Police Department declined.She said she still believes the organizations haven't shared all their information about the three missing women with each other.Springfield police Sgt. Todd King says that a lot of information was shared in the case's early days. However, at some point, he said, telling the public everything "to a point can hinder an investigation, because when we do look at a potential person of interest or something of that nature, they have just as much information as everyone else on the street." making it more difficult to judge whether or not they're being honest.
Those who followed the case in the 1990s will remember the name Robert Craig Cox, a highly regarded Army Ranger who previously won soldier of the year who was also a convicted kidnapper, robber, and murderer known to be in Springfield when the women went missing. He had worked with Stacy's father at a local car dealership, and in the summer of 1992 he worked as a locator at SM and P Conduit Inc., a Springfield company that locates and marks underground utilities. Cox lied about his alibi on the morning of June 7, 1992, and later proceeded to tell the authorities the three were dead and he knew where they were buried. 
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His status hasn't changed in recent years. He remains a person of interest.
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Cox was convicted of killing a 19-year-old Florida woman, Dorothy Zellers, who was somehow intercepted while driving home from work at the Walt Disney World Frontierland Trading Post gift shop one night in 1978 and was sentenced to death in that case. Although blood, hair and shoe print evidence was consistent with Cox, the conviction was later overturned. Cox was released and moved from Florida to Springfield to live with his parents. 
A composite sketch of an unidentified transient man was released in the days after the disappearances. The individual was allegedly spotted near Sherrill and Suzanne's residence in early June 1992. Authorities do not know if the man was involved in the case. Sherrill's son and Suzanne's older brother, Bartt Streeter, and one of Suzanne's former boyfriends were ruled out as suspects in the case early in the investigation.Another well known theory is that the women are buried underneath a south Springfield parking garage owned by CoxHealth, however police have declined to dig there on the grounds that it is cost prohibitive and they say construction of the parking garage began in September 1993 — some 15 months after the women went missing.
Digging up the area and subsequently reconstructing this structure would be extremely costly, and without any reasonable belief that the bodies could be located here, it is illogical to do so, and for those reasons SPD does not intend to. Investigators have determined this lead to not be credible. -SPD spokeswoman Lisa Cox
Sherrill was employed at New Attitudes Hair Salon on West Sunshine Street in Springfield in 1992. She had 250 clients at the time of her disappearance and was considered a model employee. Her family members describe her as a private person who had a close relationship with Streeter in 1992.
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Sherrill Levitt and Suzanne Streeter moved into their home on East Delmar Street in April 1992, two months before their disappearances. Sherrill's 1989 divorce from her second husband, Don Levitt, impacted her finances and she elected to relocate to the smaller residence with her daughter. Don's creditors began asking Sherrill to pay his debts after their divorce. She hired an attorney to locate him without success. 
Suzanne was employed at a local movie theater in 1992. She planned to enroll in cosmetology school in the fall of that year. Suzanne had difficulty reading and was placed in classes for students with learning disabilities. A friend speculated that Suzanne may have been dyslexic. She never lived with her father and rarely spoke about him or her stepfather.
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Stacy McCall planned to attend Southwest Missouri State University in the fall of 1992. She was employed as a secretary/receptionist at Springfield Gymnastics at the time of her disappearance, and also modeled wedding gowns for The Total Bride in the Brentwood Center. Her family members describe her as conscientious about her appearance. She dated occasionally, but Stacy did not have a boyfriend at the time of her high school graduation.
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A bench was dedicated to the women in Victims Memorial Garden in Springfield's Phelps Grove Park in 1997.
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 — 1992 —
June 6: 6 p.m. Suzie Streeter and Stacy McCall graduate from Kickapoo High School. Graduation ends at Hammmons Student Center 7:30 p.m. A friend of Suzie's drops off a graduation cake for her. 8:30 p.m. Suzie and Stacy show up at their first party of the night in Battlefield on Coach Drive 9:30 p.m. Sherrill's friend calls her at the house, where she's refinishing a chair 10:30 p.m. Stacy calls home and tells her mom that she won't be driving to Branson. They'll spend the night at Janelle's however the pair wind up at Streeter’s house at 1717 E. Delmar St. about 2 a.m. 
June 7.June 7: 1:30 a.m. Suzie and Stacy appear at another party in the 1500 block of East Hanover Street in Springfield Just before 2 a.m. They go back to Janelle's house on their way to Suzie's, where they would sleep in her new king-size waterbed. 8 or 9 a.m. Janelle calls Suzie's house. No answer. She leaves a message. 12:30 p.m. Janelle and her boyfriend go to the house on East Delmar Street looking for Suzie and Stacy, but there is no sign of the girls or Suzie’s mother, Sherrill Levitt. 7 p.m. Janis shows up at the house prepared to take Stacy's belongings and her car home. Police are called late that evening.
June 8: Police begin investigating the case and go to the house and wait for a search warrant to go inside. The unlocked house appears as if the women simply vanished while getting ready for bed. By the end of the night, police know they have something serious on their hands and the media learn about the disappearance.
June 9: The FBI is called in.
June 13: The community is invited to help in the search. Dozens of people comb wooded areas.June 14: Authorities begin a sweep of wooded areas and streams in the Springfield area and search the Bolivar road Apartments after someone leaves a letter in a News-Leader rack at Smitty's 218 S. Glenstone Ave. containing a rough drawing of the apartment complex and the phrase, “use Ruse of Gas Man checking for Leak,”. Also on this day, pictures of the women air on the television show “America's Most Wanted.” 
June 15: Police begin working a fresh tip about a transient who neighbors reported seeing near the home in the days before the women disappeared. A sketch is released, showing a man with long hair and a full beard. The Missouri Victim's Center schedules group counseling sessions for friends, family and community members struggling with the disappearance.June 16: Police release a photo of a retouched Dodge van, similar to one seen near Levitt and Streeter's home early on June 7.
June 18: Because of resources needed for the missing women case, the Springfield Police Department eliminates overtime in its traffic and DWI programs.
June 21: Police hammer out their theories. Deputy chief Ron Worsham says it appears to be an Abduction and it could go in two directions. 1. A drifting transient watched and waited, then kidnapped the women. 2. Or the answer was in Levitt's background. Police dig deeper into Levitt's past. The reward fund stands at $3,000.
June 24: Police work on a new tip. A waitress at George’s Steakhouse, one of Levitt’s favorite restaurants, says she saw the three women at the diner between 1 and 3 a.m. June 7. The women arrived and left together. The waitress said Suzie appeared giddy, perhaps intoxicated, and her mom tried to calm her down. The reward fund skyrockets to $40,000 after a secret gift.
June 28: Police end their 24-hour command post at Levitt’s home.July 19: FBI Special Agent James Wright comes to Springfield, to gather information and perhaps develop a psychological profile of the abductor. Sept. 15: Levitt's son, Bartt Streeter, considered an initial suspect, quits his job and leaves Springfield. He has not returned. It is the 100th day of the investigation. Janis McCall: "I'd hate to think of doing this another 100 days."
— 1993 —
Jan. 2: An anonymous New Year’s Eve caller to a switchboard operator of “America's Most Wanted” is cut off when the operator tries to link up with Springfield investigators. Police still seek contact with the man, whom they consider to have prime knowledge of the abductions.
Feb. 14: For the first time, police announce that they are considering the possibility that the disappearances are the work of one or more serial killers.March 9: Suzie Streeter's 20th birthday. Her grandparents offer several hundred dollars in additional reward money in a taped appeal played on local television.April 22: McCall's 19th birthday. Aug. 28: Information from an informant leads police to search farmland in Webster County looking for bodies. Police say they find items at the scene, but will not elaborate. The results of the search warrant were sealed.
— 1994 —
A lead prompts authorities to search a section of Bull Shoals Lake, where they find animal remains and pieces of clothing. The clothing does not match the description of what the women were wearing.
— 1995 —
A grand jury disbands in January without handing up indictments. Robert Craig Cox, whose name came up early in the investigation, is arrested in Texas for aggravated robbery. After information on Cox is presented to a grand jury, investigators interview him in a Texas prison. In the grand jury, Cox’s ex-girlfriend tells jurors that she lied when she told police Cox was with her at church the morning of June 7, 1992.
— 1996 —
Former News-Leader reporter Robert Keyes interviews Cox from prison. The inmate tells Keyes he knows the women were killed and buried somewhere in Springfield or close by. “And they’ll never be found.”
— 1997 —
The family of Sherrill Levitt and Suzie Streeter go through court proceedings to declare the two women dead. Stacy’s parents vow that they will not declare their daughter dead until her body is found.On the fifth anniversary, families of the women dedicate a bench in their honor inside the Victim's Memorial Garden in Phelps Grove Park. Sherrill's father isn't at the dedication - he passed away a few months before.
— 2001 —
Maj. Steve Ijames takes command of the Criminal Investigations Section and reopens several cold cases, including that of the three missing women.
— 2002 —
Springfield police write Cox a letter, requesting an interview. He declines. Also this year, Webster County authorities dig near an abandoned slaughterhouse at a concrete company, south of Marshfield. They find teeth and bone fragments estimated to be about 100 years old.
—2003 —
Following new tips, investigators check an old farm about five miles south of Cassville. Cadaver-seeking dogs show interest in various areas. Tires, trash, a motorcycle and sections of a green vehicle are dug up from the surrounding farmland. DNA samples taken from an abandoned house on the property are sent to a lab for testing, but results were inconclusive.
— 2006 —
A group of amateur detectives go to Springfield police and Greene County Prosecutor Darrell Moore with their theory that the three women are buried under a parking garage near Cox South hospital. Authorities decide not to dig under the garage, saying there isn’t enough evidence to warrant the cost of digging.— 2010 —Paul Williams, Springfield's new police chief, initiates a review of the case, which extends into 2012.— 2012 —Springfield police investigators travel to Virginia and present their review of the case to a panel of 25 criminal-justice investigators assembled by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
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: 11-01-44, 5', 110 lbs., brown eyes, short bleached-blonde hair, naturally curly hair, longer on top and short in the back. Sherrill Levitt has a thin build and has freckles on her neck and upper chest area.Clothing:Floral print dressDNA: Available
Agency Case Number: 92-40169A
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: White female, DOB 04/23/74, 5'3'', 120 lbs., blue eyes, dark blonde hair to the middle of her back with sun-lightened ends. She has freckles on her face and a dimple in the middle of her chin.
Clothing and Accessories:Yellow shirt, flowered bikini panties, brown sandles, 14" herringbone necklace, ring with small diamond, flat gold initial ring.DNA: Available
Agency Case Number: 92-40169C
NCMEC Number: 999751
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Report a Sighting
: White female, DOB 03/09/73, 5'2'', 102 lbs., brown eyes, straight bleached-blonde, shoulder-length hair, large teeth with no dental work. She has a 3-1/2'' scar on top of her right forearm and a small tumor in the left corner of her mouth, pierced ears with left ear pierced two times.CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES:White T-shirt, blue jeans, pink shoesDNA: In CODIS
Agency Case Number: 02-056012
NCMEC Number: 999755
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La ducha es un gran lugar para llorar. -Janis McCall
No se supone que las personas simplemente desaparezcan. . .
pero 28 años más tarde, el misterio de lo que le pasó a
Sherrill Elizabeth Levitt
Stacy Kathleen McCall
, y
Suzanne E. Streeter
 sigue siendo un misterio.Último
mapa de
ubicación conocidoStacy McCall, de 18 años, Suzanne "Suzie" Streeter, de 19 años, eran felices recién graduadas de Kickapoo High School.Recién graduada el 6 de junio de 1992, se suponía que Stacy pasaría la noche en la casa de Suzie en 717 E. Delmar Street.El 6 de junio de 1992, alrededor de las 8:30 pm, Stacy le había dicho a su madre, Janis McCall, que quería ir a una fiesta y luego ir a Branson más tarde esa noche. Stacy sabía que sus padres estaban preocupados de que condujeran a Branson a altas horas de la noche, así que solo dos horas después, Stacy llamó para decir que no iban a Branson esa noche después de todo. Las chicas habían decidido ir a lo seguro y dijeron que pasaría la noche en la casa de su amiga y que llamaría a su madre por la mañana. A la mañana siguiente irían al parque acuático.Inicialmente, Streeter y McCall planearon quedarse en la casa de una amiga común, Janelle Kirby. Pero cuando llegaron allí, descubrieron que la casa estaba llena de gente. Y en las primeras horas de la mañana, decidieron dormir en la casa de Levitt, donde ambas chicas pasarían la noche en la nueva cama de agua de Streeter.Las chicas cargaron y fueron a otra fiesta en la casa de la amiga Michelle Elder, pero la fiesta en la calle East Hanover se hizo un poco ruidosa, y un vecino llamó a la policía. Un oficial apareció alrededor de la 1:40 am, ahuyentando a los fiesteros.Suzie y Stacy fueron a sus autos estacionados en Janelle's. Su madre, Kathy Kirby, tenía una paleta dispuesta en el piso de su sala de estar para Suzie y Stacy. Janelle dormiría en el sofá porque miembros de la familia de fuera de la ciudad estaban durmiendo en su habitación.Suzie y Stacy decidieron que se sentirían más cómodas durmiendo en la nueva cama de agua de Suzie, y le dijeron a Janelle que la verían por la mañana.
Kathy Kirby se despertó cuando su hija entró por la puerta principal. Escuchó a las chicas afuera.
"Sígueme a mi casa", le dijo Suzie a su amiga.
"Está bien", respondió Stacy. "Voy a". . .Stacy nunca llamó a su madre.Sherrill fue escuchado por última vez esa noche, alrededor de las 11:15 pm, cuando habló con un amigo sobre pintar una cómoda.Según los informes,
Stacy McCall
Suzanne Streeter
salieron juntas de la fiesta de graduación en Battlefield poco después de las 2 am. Las chicas condujeron sus vehículos separados a la casa central de Springfield de la madre de Streeter,
Sherrill Levitt
. Ese es el último lugar conocido donde se cree que estuvieron las tres mujeres desaparecidas.El 7 de junio de 1992, las amigas Janelle Kirby y Mike Hensen, llamaron a la casa alrededor de las 8 am, no hubo respuesta. Saltando de su auto descalza, lo primero que notó Janelle fue vidrios rotos que brillaban en los escalones delanteros.
El globo del porche estaba roto, pero el bulbo amarillo ardía bajo el sol del mediodía y nadie parecía estar en casa.El novio de Janelle, Mike, agarró una escoba, barrió el vaso y lo tiró a la basura.Más tarde informaron que la puerta estaba abierta y que los tres autos de las mujeres estaban estacionados al frente. La Córcega azul de Levitt estaba estacionada en la cochera. El Ford Escort rojo de Streeter estaba sentado en el círculo con el Toyota Corolla de McCall justo detrás. Todos sus bolsos y llaves estaban dentro de la pequeña casa blanca. Las tres carteras se apilaron al pie de los escalones que conducían a la habitación de Suzie. Las carteras parecían estar alineadas con elementos que se estaban desenrollando, y las sábanas de Suzie fueron retiradas.Primero estaba el bolso de Sherrill, luego el de Suzie y el de Stacy, el siguiente, sentado encima del bolso de noche de Suzie. Se sabía que Sherrill y Streeter eran grandes fumadores y sus cigarrillos fueron dejados atrás.Una tarta de graduación tranquila estaba esperando en el refrigerador.Algo sucedió dentro de la casa entre las 2:30 a.m., cuando la policía especuló que las chicas llegaron a la casa de Streeter, y las 8 a.m., cuando una amiga de las chicas, Janelle Kirby, llamó para determinar a qué hora se reunirían para ir al tema de Whitewater parque en Branson.Algo que dejó a Cinnamon angustiada por la familia de Yorkie.Dijeron que escucharon el contestador automático para ver si había algún mensaje para ellos, pero en cambio Janelle y Mike dicen que recibieron dos llamadas obscenas. Se fueron sin hacer un informe policial y en su lugar fueron a la casa de un amigo, preguntándose si Suzie y Stacy habían ido allí antes de reunirse para el viaje a Branson. Pero su amiga Shane no había visto a las chicas. De hecho, él todavía estaba en la cama.
Janelle y Mike regresaron a 1717 E. Delmar St. una vez más. Nada.
De repente se les ocurrió que las mujeres podrían haber caminado a una tienda secundaria del vecindario para almorzar, por lo que se apresuraron hacia allí pero nuevamente no encontraron nada.Casi una docena de personas llegaron a la casa antes de que la policía fuera alertada a la escena 10 horas después, incluida Janis, que vino a buscar a su hija después de nunca recibir una llamada.Parecía que las dos chicas habían llegado a la casa esa noche y se habían preparado para la cama, como lo demuestran las toallitas manchadas de maquillaje en el cesto. Se dejaron joyas en el lavabo.Dentro de la habitación de Suzie, donde se dejó la televisión encendida, los pantalones cortos con flores de Stacy se doblaron y se pusieron encima de sus sandalias. Las joyas de Stacy habían sido metidas dentro del bolsillo de sus pantalones cortos. La policía cree que ella salió de la casa usando solo una camiseta y bragas.La habitación de Levitt también mostró signos de una interrupción inesperada, incluido un libro colocado en una página hacia abajo como para mantener su lugar. Aparentemente, su cama parecía haber dormido y sus gafas estaban abandonadas a su lado. De hecho, todas las pertenencias de la familia, incluido el efectivo, parecían intactas.Cómo se fueron las mujeres es lo que desconcierta a la policía, la familia y los amigos. Muchos han teorizado que este crimen fue el trabajo de más de una persona, mientras que las autoridades dicen que un solo hombre podría haber usado una artimaña, algo tan simple como hacerse pasar por un trabajador de servicios públicos advirtiendo de una fuga de gas falsa en el vecindario, para atraerlos. .Sin embargo, en la tarde del 7 de junio, Janis sabía lo que fuera, algo estaba terriblemente mal, y llamó a la policía.En los primeros días, surgió información sobre una vieja camioneta Dodge, una camioneta Dodge panel de 1964-1970, de color verde musgo claro con una parrilla delantera blanca, pero los investigadores aún no están seguros de si la camioneta era realmente una pista o una distracción eso nunca fue parte del caso.
En una semana, los buzos del departamento de bomberos recorrieron el lago Springfield, los policías a caballo registraron los campos y se distribuyeron más de 20,000 volantes por toda el área.
Se llamó al FBI. Los rostros de las tres mujeres desaparecidas de Springfield se transmitieron en el programa de televisión "America's Most Wanted".
Hicimos todo lo que sentimos que era necesario hacer. Dedicamos recursos incalculables a este caso. -Jefe jefe de policía de Springfield, Terry Knowles
Aún así, se convirtió en uno de nuestros casos de resfriado más conocidos de nuestro estado.Durante los años que siguieron, muchos criticaron a Terry Knowles, quien era el jefe de policía de Springfield cuando las mujeres desaparecieron, alegando que dirigió la investigación fuera de su oficina en lugar de permitir que sus detectives hicieran su trabajo.Janis McCall dijo que los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley no siempre trabajaban bien juntos. Ella recuerda conferencias semanales los miércoles por la tarde donde representantes de la policía de Springfield, la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Greene, la patrulla de carreteras y más se sentaban alrededor de una mesa y no revisaban sus egos en la puerta.De hecho, al principio de la investigación, la Patrulla de Carreteras del Estado de Missouri se ofreció como voluntario para llevar una "carga completa de computadoras" para ayudar con la investigación, pero el Departamento de Policía de Springfield se negó.Dijo que todavía cree que las organizaciones no han compartido toda su información sobre las tres mujeres desaparecidas entre sí.El sargento de policía de Springfield. Todd King dice que se compartió mucha información en los primeros días del caso. Sin embargo, en algún momento, dijo, decirle al público todo "hasta cierto punto puede dificultar una investigación, porque cuando miramos a una persona potencial de interés o algo de esa naturaleza, tienen tanta información como todos los demás en el calle." haciendo que sea más difícil juzgar si están siendo honestos o no.
Aquellos que siguieron el caso en la década de 1990 recordarán el nombre de Robert Craig Cox,
un Ranger del Ejército de gran prestigio que anteriormente ganó el soldado del año y que también fue
un secuestrador, ladrón y asesino convicto que se sabía que estaba en Springfield cuando las mujeres desaparecieron. H
e había trabajado con el padre de Stacy en un concesionario de automóviles local, y en el verano de 1992 trabajó como localizador en SM y P Conduit Inc., una compañía de Springfield que localiza y marcas de servicios públicos subterráneos. Cox mintió sobre su coartada en la mañana del 7 de junio de 1992, y luego
procedió a decirle a las autoridades que los tres estaban muertos y que sabía dónde estaban enterrados. Su estado no ha cambiado en los últimos años. Sigue siendo una persona de interés.
Cox fue condenado por matar a una mujer de Florida de 19 años, Dorothy Zellers, quien fue interceptada de alguna manera mientras conducía a casa desde el trabajo en la tienda de regalos Walt Disney World Frontierland Trading Post una noche en 1978 y fue sentenciada a muerte en ese caso. Aunque la evidencia de huellas de sangre, cabello y zapatos era consistente con Cox, la condena fue revocada más tarde. Cox fue liberado y se mudó de Florida a Springfield para vivir con sus padres.Un boceto compuesto de un hombre transitorio no identificado fue publicado en los días posteriores a las desapariciones. Al parecer, el individuo fue visto cerca de la residencia de Sherrill y Suzanne a principios de junio de 1992. Las autoridades no saben si el hombre estuvo involucrado en el caso. El hijo de Sherrill y el hermano mayor de Suzanne, Bartt Streeter, y uno de los ex novios de Suzanne fueron descartados como sospechosos en el caso al principio de la investigación.Otra teoría bien conocida es que las mujeres están enterradas debajo de un estacionamiento en el sur de Springfield propiedad de CoxHealth, sin embargo, la policía se negó a excavar allí por el costo prohibitivo y dicen que la construcción del estacionamiento comenzó en septiembre de 1993, unos 15 meses después de que las mujeres desaparecieron.
Desenterrar el área y posteriormente reconstruir esta estructura sería extremadamente costoso, y sin ninguna creencia razonable de que los cuerpos podrían estar ubicados aquí, es ilógico hacerlo, y por esas razones SPD no tiene la intención de hacerlo. Los investigadores han determinado que esta ventaja no es creíble. -SPD portavoz Lisa Cox
Sherrill trabajaba en New Attitudes Hair Salon en West Sunshine Street en Springfield en 1992. Tenía 250 clientes en el momento de su desaparición y fue considerada una empleada modelo. Los miembros de su familia la describen como una persona privada que tuvo una relación cercana con Streeter en 1992.
Sherrill Levitt
Suzanne Streeter se
mudaron a su casa en East Delmar Street en abril de 1992, dos meses antes de su desaparición. El divorcio de Sherrill en 1989 de su segundo esposo, Don Levitt, afectó sus finanzas y ella decidió mudarse a la residencia más pequeña con su hija. Los acreedores de Don comenzaron a pedirle a Sherrill que pagara sus deudas después de su divorcio. Ella contrató a un abogado para localizarlo sin éxito.Suzanne trabajaba en una sala de cine local en 1992. Planeaba inscribirse en la escuela de cosmetología en el otoño de ese año. Suzanne tuvo dificultades para leer y fue asignada a clases para estudiantes con discapacidades de aprendizaje. Un amigo especuló que Suzanne podría haber sido disléxica. Ella nunca vivió con su padre y rara vez hablaba de él o su padrastro.
Stacy McCall
planeaba asistir a la Southwest Missouri State University en el otoño de 1992. Fue empleada como secretaria / recepcionista en Springfield Gymnastics en el momento de su desaparición, y también modeló vestidos de novia para The Total Bride en el Centro Brentwood. Los miembros de su familia la describen como consciente de su apariencia. Salía ocasionalmente, pero Stacy no tenía novio cuando se graduó de la escuela secundaria.Un banco fue dedicado a las mujeres en Victims Memorial Garden en Phelps Grove Park en Springfield en 1997.- 1992 -
6 de junio: 6 pm Suzie Streeter y Stacy McCall se gradúan de Kickapoo High School. La graduación termina en el Hammmons Student Center a las 7:30 pm. Una amiga de Suzie le deja un pastel de graduación. 8:30 pm Suzie y Stacy aparecen en su primera fiesta de la noche en Battlefield en Coach Drive. 9:30 pm La amiga de Sherrill la llama a la casa, donde está arreglando una silla. 10:30 pm Stacy llama a casa y le dice a su madre que ella no conducirá a Branson. Pasarán la noche en casa de Janelle, sin embargo, la pareja termina en la casa de Streeter en 1717 E. Delmar St. alrededor de las 2 am del 7 de junio.7 de junio: 1:30 a.m. cama de agua. 8 o 9 am Janelle llama a la casa de Suzie. Sin respuesta. Ella deja un mensaje. 12:30 pm Janelle y su novio van a la casa en East Delmar Street buscando a Suzie y Stacy, pero no hay señales de las niñas o la madre de Suzie, Sherrill Levitt. 7 pm Janis aparece en la casa preparada para llevar las pertenencias de Stacy y su auto a casa. Se llama a la policía tarde esa noche.8 de junio: la policía comienza a investigar el caso, va a la casa y espera a que ingrese una orden de allanamiento. La casa abierta parece como si las mujeres simplemente desaparecieran mientras se preparaban para la cama. Al final de la noche, la policía sabe que tienen algo serio en sus manos y los medios se enteran de la desaparición.9 de junio: se llama al FBI.13 de junio: Se invita a la comunidad a ayudar en la búsqueda. Decenas de personas peinan áreas boscosas.14 de junio: Las autoridades comienzan a barrer áreas boscosas y arroyos en el área de Springfield y buscan en los apartamentos de Bolivar Road luego de que alguien deja una carta en un estante de News-Leader en Smitty's 218 S. Glenstone Ave. que contiene un dibujo aproximado del complejo de apartamentos y la frase, "use Ruse of Gas Man buscando fugas". También en este día, las imágenes de las mujeres se transmiten en el programa de televisión "America's Most Wanted".15 de junio: la policía comienza a trabajar en una nueva información sobre un transeúnte que los vecinos informaron haber visto cerca de la casa en los días previos a la desaparición de las mujeres. Se lanza un boceto que muestra a un hombre con cabello largo y barba completa. El Centro de Víctimas de Missouri programa sesiones de asesoramiento grupal para amigos, familiares y miembros de la comunidad que luchan con la desaparición.16 de junio: la policía publica una foto de una camioneta Dodge retocada, similar a una vista cerca de la casa de Levitt y Streeter a principios del 7 de junio.18 de junio: Debido a los recursos necesarios para el caso de mujeres desaparecidas, el Departamento de Policía de Springfield elimina las horas extra en sus programas de tráfico y DWI.21 de junio: la policía desarrolla sus teorías. El subdirector Ron Worsham dice que parece ser un secuestro y que podría ir en dos direcciones. 1. Un transitorio a la deriva observó y esperó, luego secuestró a las mujeres. 2. O la respuesta estaba en los antecedentes de Levitt. La policía profundiza en el pasado de Levitt. El fondo de recompensa asciende a $ 3,000.24 de junio: la policía trabaja en una nueva propina. Una camarera en George's Steakhouse, uno de los restaurantes favoritos de Levitt, dice que vio a las tres mujeres en el restaurante entre la 1 y las 3 de la mañana del 7 de junio. Las mujeres llegaron y se fueron juntas. La camarera dijo que Suzie parecía mareada, tal vez intoxicada, y su madre trató de calmarla. El fondo de recompensa se dispara a $ 40,000 después de un regalo secreto.28 de junio: la policía termina su puesto de comando de 24 horas en la casa de Levitt.19 de julio: el agente especial del FBI James Wright llega a Springfield para recopilar información y tal vez desarrollar un perfil psicológico del secuestrador.15 de septiembre: el hijo de Levitt, Bartt Streeter, considerado un sospechoso inicial, deja su trabajo y deja Springfield. El no ha regresado. Es el centésimo día de la investigación. Janis McCall: "Odiaría pensar en hacer esto otros 100 días".- 1993 -
2 de enero: una llamada anónima de Nochevieja a un operador de centralita telefónica de "America's Most Wanted" se interrumpe cuando el operador intenta conectarse con los investigadores de Springfield. La policía aún busca contacto con el hombre, a quien consideran que tiene un conocimiento primordial de los secuestros.
14 de febrero: por primera vez, la policía anuncia que están considerando la posibilidad de que las desapariciones sean obra de uno o más asesinos en serie.9 de marzo: 20 cumpleaños de Suzie Streeter. Sus abuelos ofrecen varios cientos de dólares en recompensas adicionales en un recurso grabado en la televisión local.22 de abril: 19 cumpleaños de McCall.28 de agosto: la información de un informante lleva a la policía a buscar tierras de cultivo en el condado de Webster en busca de cuerpos. La policía dice que encuentran elementos en la escena, pero no darán más detalles. Los resultados de la orden de allanamiento fueron sellados.
- 1994 -
Un líder lleva a las autoridades a buscar en una sección del lago Bull Shoals, donde encuentran restos de animales y prendas de vestir. La ropa no coincide con la descripción de lo que llevaban las mujeres.
- 1995 -
Un gran jurado se disuelve en enero sin presentar acusaciones. Robert Craig Cox, cuyo nombre apareció al principio de la investigación, es arrestado en Texas por robo con agravantes. Después de que la información sobre Cox se presenta a un gran jurado, los investigadores lo entrevistan en una prisión de Texas. En el gran jurado, la ex novia de Cox le dice al jurado que mintió cuando le dijo a la policía que Cox estaba con ella en la iglesia la mañana del 7 de junio de 1992.
- 1996 -
El ex reportero de News-Leader Robert Keyes entrevista a Cox desde la prisión. El recluso le dice a Keyes que sabe que las mujeres fueron asesinadas y enterradas en algún lugar de Springfield o cerca. "Y nunca los encontrarán".
- 1997 -
La familia de Sherrill Levitt y Suzie Streeter pasan por los procedimientos judiciales para declarar a las dos mujeres muertas. Los padres de Stacy prometen que no declararán a su hija muerta hasta que se encuentre su cuerpo. En el quinto aniversario, las familias de las mujeres dedican un banco en su honor dentro del Victim's Memorial Garden en Phelps Grove Park. El padre de Sherrill no está en la dedicación: falleció unos meses antes.- 2001 - El
mayor Steve Ijames toma el mando de la Sección de Investigaciones Criminales y reabre varios casos sin resolver, incluido el de las tres mujeres desaparecidas.
- 2002 -
La policía de Springfield le escribe a Cox una carta solicitando una entrevista. El declina. También este año, las autoridades del condado de Webster cavan cerca de un matadero abandonado en una compañía de concreto, al sur de Marshfield. Encuentran dientes y fragmentos óseos que se estima tienen unos 100 años.—2003 -
Siguiendo nuevos consejos, los investigadores revisan una antigua granja a unas cinco millas al sur de Cassville. Los perros que buscan cadáveres muestran interés en varias áreas. Neumáticos, basura, una motocicleta y secciones de un vehículo verde se excavan de las tierras de cultivo circundantes. Las muestras de ADN tomadas de una casa abandonada en la propiedad se envían a un laboratorio para su análisis, pero los resultados no fueron concluyentes.
- 2006 -
Un grupo de detectives aficionados van a la policía de Springfield y al fiscal del condado de Greene, Darrell Moore, con su teoría de que las tres mujeres están enterradas debajo de un estacionamiento cerca del hospital Cox South. Las autoridades deciden no excavar debajo del garaje, diciendo que no hay evidencia suficiente para justificar el costo de excavar.- 2010 -Paul Williams, el nuevo jefe de policía de Springfield, inicia una revisión del caso, que se extiende hasta 2012.- 2012 -Los investigadores de la policía de Springfield viajan a Virginia y presentan su revisión del caso a un panel de 25 investigadores de justicia penal reunidos por el Centro Nacional para Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados.POCO MÁS SE CONOCE EN ESTE MOMENTO.
: 11-01-44, 5 ', 110 lbs., Ojos marrones, cabello corto rubio decolorado, cabello naturalmente rizado, más largo en la parte superior y corto en la parte posterior. Sherrill Levitt tiene una constitución delgada y tiene pecas en el cuello y la parte superior del pecho.Ropa:Vestido estampado floralADN : Número de caso de agencia disponible
: 92-40169A
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# MP345
: Hembra blanca, fecha de nacimiento 23/04/74, 5'3 '', 120 lbs., Ojos azules, cabello rubio oscuro en la mitad de la espalda con extremos iluminados por el sol. Ella tiene pecas en la cara y un hoyuelo en el medio de la barbilla.
Ropa y accesorios:Camisa amarilla, bragas de bikini con flores, sandles marrones, collar de espiga de 14 ", anillo con pequeño diamante, anillo inicial de oro plano.ADN :
Número de caso de agencia
disponible : 92-40169C Número de NCMEC: 999751
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# MP350
: Hembra blanca, fecha de nacimiento 03/09/73, 5'2 '', 102 lbs., Ojos marrones, rubio liso, cabello largo hasta los hombros, dientes grandes sin trabajo dental. Ella tiene una cicatriz de 3-1 / 2 '' en la parte superior de su antebrazo derecho y un pequeño tumor en la esquina izquierda de su boca, orejas perforadas con la oreja izquierda perforada dos veces.ROPA Y ACCESORIOS:Camiseta blanca, tejanos, zapatos rosasADN : En la
CODIS Número de caso: 02-056012 Número NCMEC: 999755
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# MP3233
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