#happy birthday my darling crystal!
kimtaegis · 16 days
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three superheroes, anpanman! for @sopekooks ♡
cr. jung-koook
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calaisreno · 21 days
621 words / Prompt: Family
Today’s mini-fic is a little bit that didn’t make it into The Last Envoy. After the war, Sherlock returns and visits Mummy. 
Mycroft told me that Mummy was failing a bit, but that was not what I saw when I looked through the garden door and saw her snipping flowers to put in a vase. She looked like the woman I’d last seen four years ago, before I went to Oxford, still tall and straight, graceful and beautiful.
Four years seemed a lifetime. Years filled with separation and waiting, spent in places only war can create. 
“Happy Birthday, Mummy,” I said, smiling. 
She turned then, and I could see that her hair was whiter, her movements slower. She lay down the scissors and put her arms around me, still holding two roses. I felt her hands tremble against my back.
“My boy,” she whispered. “My dearest darling.”
She knew me, but in her mind I was always the son she’d lost, so many years ago. A bright little boy she’d called Sherlock, as well as the man Mycroft had named after that child. 
“How are you?” I could see a brightness in her eyes and was glad that her mind was still active. 
“I’m fine,” she replied, holding me at arm’s length now and examining me with that sharp gaze. “You look surprisingly well. Doctor Watson has been taking good care of you.”
“He has. Switzerland is a very healthy place to live. Up in the mountains, the air is crystal clear. I’m sure I’ll miss it and will need to visit again some day, but for now I’m happy to be back.”
We sat, and Rose brought us tea. 
“Mycroft told me about your experiences. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. It’s heart-breaking that people can do such things.”
I did not speak; a question should not be answered until it is asked.  
“How is John?” she asked.
“He’s fine. He would have come with me, but he had to be at the hospital today.”
“He’s a good man. I’m glad you have him.” 
“I’m very lucky.” 
We sipped our tea in silence. I could hear the bees humming in her flowers. Closing my eyes, I recalled the first time I saw bees travelling between the flowers in Mycroft’s garden. I imagined a day when I could no longer sit in Mummy’s garden, watching the bees and talking to her.  
As if she could hear my thoughts, she smiled and spoke to me. 
“I’m seventy-five years old today, Sherlock. With luck, I may have several more birthdays.”
“I hope so, Mummy.” 
She gave me that familiar look, the one that means she wants to share something personal, words for my ears alone. “You once described to me how the Beta view time as an arrow, always travelling up, leaving the past behind. It’s a good way to look at ageing, which often feels like loss. I’ve decided that as the years pile up, I will rise above them, into the future.”
In my mind I sometimes felt myself looking back as my ship moved up and away from Beta, my home planet, until it sparkled, a tiny point of light in the trackless black universe. I remembered everything about my home, every one of the people who loved me. They were moving quickly into the past, growing smaller as I looked back. I was flying away from them, but still too far away from my destination to see the life I would have on a planet that couldn’t be seen from Beta. In my memories, they were always looking up, watching me leave them.
That is how it would be for this woman who had become my second mother. In my memories, she would always live. 
One day, I would be a Memory too.
I smiled. “We all rise.” 
For a bit of context, an excerpt from The Last Envoy, Chapter 2:
“How old are you?” I asked.
She raised her chin, a sign of pride. “I am sixty-seven years old.” She leaned forward and patted my knee. I wasn’t sure what this meant. “You’re a lovely boy, Sherlock. I want to teach you something important.”
I smiled. “Thank you.”
“Women don’t like being asked their age,” she said. “I don’t mind because I’m an old woman and you are a lovely young man. You don’t know all of the social nuances, but you’re a quick learner.”
“Why do women not like to be asked their age?” It seemed to me that any human ought to be proud of living so long. 
She sighed. “It’s a bit complicated. Men don’t mind saying their age. You must understand that the role of women in our society is to produce children and raise them. For that, we have to project youth and good heredity, as evidenced by our beauty. A woman hates to think that she is no longer useful, so we continue to foster the illusion that we are still young and beautiful, even when it is a ridiculous fantasy.”
“Why do you think you are not useful?” I asked. “Women are not just breeding machines; they have brains. You had an important job; you’re obviously an intelligent woman who would do a better job running the country than most men.”
She sighed and leaned back in her chair. “I do not disagree. But these are the roles that nature has given us and society requires. Perhaps one day, we will rise above nature and society.” 
@totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes
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bakugoushotwife · 2 months
for ena <3 happy birthday loml, genuinely my other half i hope you have had the BEST day and as far as im concerned…you’re having a birthday MONTH! i’m still gonna buy that star and you can’t stop me hehehehe @suguru-getos
birthday bash || satosugena
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you wake up when you feel something pressed against your nose. more aptly, someone else’s nose bumping up against yours. when your eyes flutter open, you’re met with the nearly frightful sight of satoru’s white lashes blinking over wide and crystal clear blue eyes.
“happy birthday princess!! i said it first just remember that—“
strong arms secure you fight against his abdomen and morning…excitement. “happy birthday, darling girl…” he purrs next to your ear. suguru. he smirks, a lazy little number. he knows that despite satoru’s hovering, his gravelly morning voice is enough to make you press your legs together on instinct. “we’ve got a big day planned for you, it’s going to be a lovely day.” he assures, nose nuzzling against your cheek.
satoru hums in agreement, diving down a bit to kiss your face, concentrating most of his affections on your lips. your own lips part in a smile, their warmth and excitement and love radiating off of them. “n it starts with breakfast in bed!”
splurging on breakfast isn’t inherently special. they usually order your favorites once or twice a week, the rest of the cooking usually done by the two of them together—with you happily kicking your feet on the nearby barstool bouncing conversation with them or humming along to the music to relax.
but today, they got all of your favorites. mocha lattes worthy of your growing instagram blog, nutella crepes and fruit, even the savory option of chicken sausage, scrambled eggs, and breakfast potatoes. some of geto’s servants bring it in already beautifully plated. it’s clear your fiancé’s have been busy this morning.
you won’t eat half of it—and it’s not about how much you eat. it’s about that satisfied grin on your face. you know they know you. to the core, they understand you completely. every detail you’ve mentioned, they’ve memorized. because you are their person. and their person is deeply worshipped. no other day but your birthday could showcase their utter devotion to the woman that ties them all together. satoru poses the plates together for you to snap a picture of—of course starting a birthday reel. instagram will eat first today. and while it’s not your intention—many a follower will fall for you and stew in jealousy all at once. satoru and suguru are going to put on a masterclass.
after eating, they urge you to shower and get ready in something casual. of course they never really specified, and even your casual is runway worthy. they’re antsy and ready to go by the time you step out of your own hair and makeup booth.
it seems your birthday falls during festival season all the way around, and what a beautiful coincidence. the start of spring suits you so well, it’s almost as if they’re celebrating you like your soon to be husbands are. the cherry blossoms are so bright and the vendors line the streets to the fair.
they take turns buying you hand crafted earrings from one stall, silk dresses and wraps, organic candles from the next. all the way into the arcade area, naturally. whose idea do you think that one was? satoru is very intent on winning all the games and getting you a huge fucking prize. suguru is proud to push him to lose his mind over arcade games meant for children by being unnecessarily competitive—and you actually make satoru lose his mind by beating him by being genuinely better. he’s tweaking. and it’s your birthday—but he’d never insult you by letting you win. or apparently even being a decent graceful loser.
“oh you’re CHEATING!!” he whines once your digital streetcar passes the finish line three milliseconds before his.
“i don’t think that’s even possible in one of these.” suguru chuckled out in your defense. you turn your nose up and just roll your eyes at him.
don’t even mention the punching bag okay. that was a mishap. if he could just simply do it over again he would have gotten a higher score.
“900?!” he yelps as the numbers keep rolling higher. he only got 846. “I barely hit the thing goddamn i didn’t know we were going all OUT—“
at least he still won enough tokens to pick out the nicest stuffed toy in the entire place for you. no matter how old you three get together—satoru will be sure to capitalize on the inner child.
you spend hours at the fair and festival, getting all kinds of treats and gifts and trinkets. this is what they can get the girl that has everything—new experiences and quality time!! soon it’s time for dinner, and suguru has all of that planned out.
the car takes you three back to the estate a little after sundown. you’re weighed down with bags and the giant stuffed animal you were so graciously gifted. shortly after getting back to suguru’s home turned the sole base of operations, suguru tells you not to get un-ready.
“woah woah, i hope you don’t think that was it?” he raised a brow when he saw you slipping off your shoes. “time to go out to the lake. let me guide you, my love.” he smirks, holding an arm out for you to take. satoru grins, knowing what to expect. you thread your arm in suguru’s and let him escort you out to the gorgeous lake under the willow in the back of your home.
before you even arrive at the lakeside, you can see the small intimate table set for three. candlelit, with the help of the moon and stars, a traditional italian course. wine paired with your salad, then another wine perfectly suited to your chicken alfredo and chicken parm duo, a third wine to compliment the tiramisu birthday cake with your name dripped in extra mocha. it’s like something out of a storybook. it’s just for you three, their gifts bringing you that peace of mind you had wished for. their joy was so evident—the tender crease of suguru’s brow as he watches you wiggle happily in your seat; satoru’s absolutely puppy lovesick stare even though you’ve been together for three years at this point—it all just makes you feel so safe. it’s always been hard for you to let yourself be loved wholly; almost like you believe you don’t need it or deserve it at times. they make you understand that not only are you a deity in their lives—but you should never feel anything less than this feeling right now. you should always feel cherished. like you’re a gift. that’s not spoiled or entitled or bratty, that’s just true. women like you are few and far between—you’re called princess and angel for a reason. you are holy, you are royalty. that’s why your feet don’t even touch the ground as satoru carries you back to the main house, up the winding stairs to the shared bedroom.
by now, you’re truly exhausted—but blissfully happy. part of you feared they’d go insane—have a full blown party to shower you in materialistic gifts you already have. especially with satoru’s tendency to throw money around like it’s free to him. this was perfect. suguru helps you get out of your birthday outfit, peppering kisses to the exposed skin of your wrist, your shoulder, your collarbone.
now it’s satoru in your ear, brushing the silky locks of yours away, “how about some birthday spankings?”
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hey not sure if your requests are open as I’ve had an idea based on this picture. The reader could be having an extremely stressful day and tommy comes home to find her looking out their bedroom window and he gives her a cuddle knowing it always calms her down. Or you can do whatever
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Hello Chloe! Thank you so so much for sending in this beautiful photo! I hope you enjoy this (is longer than a drabble but shorter than a one shot) ☺️
🎉 I wrote this little piece to celebrate my dear Aimee @dandelionprints 100 followers congratulations darling!! You probably have more now, I’m just so glad that I found your blog here, thank you for the beautiful stories you share!
Close your eyes, make a wish
Modern Tommy Shelby x reader
This is pure fluff 🥰
Taking off the jacket of his suit, Tommy discarded it over the bed, his eyes roaming across the bedroom finding you looking outside, leaning on the window frame. His eyes stopped for a moment in the dandelion he bought for one of your anniversaries.
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It was beautifully captured in a resin crystal ball, the smile you gave him when you opened his present was priceless.
In silence, he wrapped his arms around your midsection, earning a little jump of surprise to feel him suddenly.
“Is everything alright?” He asked. His breath fanning over the skin of your neck.
“Yes… it’s just a bit overwhelming with the wedding, the guest list and I don’t have a dress yet.”
His lips stopped kissing your neck, a smile replacing.
“But why are you so worried, darling?” You found his eyes looking at you in the window reflection. “I’d still marry you if you show up wearing a potato sack.”
That made you chuckle before turning around in his arms. “I know you would.”
“Then it’s all set.” Tommy winked squeezing his hands on your hips slightly while you shook your head. “No? Fair enough… as I can’t and won’t be doing the wedding planner’s job, my only suggestion is forget about the wedding for one day, Charlie’s coming tomorrow to spend the weekend with us, so why don’t we have some fun?”
“Oh! You know how to?” You joked earning an eye roll from your fiancé.
“What kind of fun?”
“Family fun, I don’t know you’re the creative one from us.” He added playfully bumping his nose with yours before pulling you to the en-suite bathroom.
“Hi Y/N!” Charlie shouted you from the door, a big smile decorating his face as he saw you waiting in the queue.
You waved at him and immediately felt his positive energy bring you back to life, all other worries melted away.
But his teacher made you go through a hard time when she mentioned they didn’t get a call to notify that Tommy wouldn’t pick up Charlie from school. As if they were friends.
“Is alright, Y/N and my Dad had a sleepover and-” But you covered his mouth before Charlie could continue with his explanation, while a soft blush covered your cheeks.
“I understand, let me call my fiancé.” You stated taking out your phone, flashing your engagement ring at the teacher. Your Tommy asked last minute if you could pick up his son from school.
A few minutes later, you were giving Charlie a little speech of how important safety was, and how only Grace, Tommy and sometimes you were the only ones allowed to pick him up. Kids could get tricked so easily, get taken away in a blink, besides taking care of Tommy’s son was a huge responsibility.
But Charlie, being a kid, he quickly changed the topic.
“Yes sweetheart?”
“Can we make a water balloons war for my birthday?”
“But it will be in winter, it’s going to be cold...”
“Oh.” Charlie looked down, his happy bubble was deflated.
Anthony, Tommy’s new driver looked at you through the review mirror, he suddenly felt concerned. “Mr. Shelby instructed to drive you straight home.”
“We’ll be quick, I promise.”
“If I get in trouble...”
“Don’t worry Anthony, I will tell Dad it was Y/N’s idea.”
“Hey!” You protested, but then went on to tell Anthony to stop at the shopping mall. You only needed a few things.
After all Tommy asked you to think of something fun, didn’t he?
“Mr. Shelby, you got back earlier.” Frances frowned, but took his suit jacket from his hands.
Frowning back, Tommy stopped to look at her. “Y/N texted me, said something important came up.”
Squinting his eyes at her, Tommy tilted his head confused. Why was Frances acting like that?
In a reflection, he moved his hand to the holster, to take his gun.
“You might want me to keep that one away and use this instead.” Frances explained, offering him a piece of paper and a plastic gun.
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But before he could react, Tommy got a shot of water straight in the back of his head.
Time seemed to stop right there. Frances was holding her breath.
Slowly, Tommy turned around to find you pointing your water gun at him.
Even Charlie stopped laughing.
His eyes were covered by his Raybans, but you had an idea of the dead look he was giving you.
“Pum pum!” You imitated the sound of a gun. But as a mischievous smile appeared on his face, you added: “Shit... run Charlie!”
Frances was worried about the decorations, terrified of a flower vase falling to the floor, but felt more relieved when you and Charlie took the water war outside.
Tommy was used to guns, all kinds. Apart from horses, he had a massive collection of weapons, yet he had never used a water gun.
“Charlie get down!” You advised, shooting Tommy again, failing this time.
Tommy laughed, a deep and contagious sound that took him by surprise.
Charlie rolled over the grass in a very dramatic motion, as if with that Tommy wouldn’t point his weapon and shoot Charlie straight in the forehead.
“Hey that's not fair, he’s only a child!” You scolded him coming from behind a tree.
But it was a mistake, because Tommy took the chance to shoot you straight at breasts-level. Now you had two wet circles that made your bra visible.
Making a face and giving him a dead stare, you asked him; “Are you kidding me?”
“You are the one who came up with the idea, love.” Tommy winked at you and for the first time in a very long time, you noticed he was having fun.
“Yes you need to relax.” Splash. “Urgently.” Splash.
In response you shot him straight in the face.
Taking his handkerchief from his pocket, Tommy stared into your eyes intensely.
“You know you’re going to pay for this later right?”
Biting your lower lip, you nodded. Excitement running to the spot between your legs.
Heart beating fast, happiness pouring, deep laughs was all could be seen right there in that moment. Even Cyril joined the outside fun at some point, but soon he preferred a quiet time and went to rest under a tree.
“All against Charlie!” You shouted directing the water gun to Charlie’s back.
The kid squealed in delight and ran off to hide behind his father’s car.
Tommy stared at the scene before him, how did he become so damn lucky?
Charlie would spend the entire weekend with the two of you, so you would be able to enjoy some time together, and with you hanging around, Charlie surely would be having a good time granted.
After calling for a truce because he was really tired, so the three of you went to sit on the picnic blanket Frances set up thinking Mr. Shelby would want some rest, she really thought of everything; setting a jar of cold lemonade, sandwiches and some cookies. She knew listening to Mr. Shelby laugh was one of those very rare moments that doesn’t happen everyday, so she thought of prolonging it as much as possible.
As spring started to blossom, the flowers around Arrow House got impossibly gorgeous, the clean fresh air from the country house combined to the incredible weather relaxed her.
You needed this, after so many days planning, worrying, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“I don’t know how you will be able to make me move from here.” Tommy joked too content resting his head on your lap.
“We can camp out!” Charlie proposed.
“I can get a snake bite here.” You made a terrified face to Charlie.
The kid chuckled, dimples showing just like his father’s. “There are no snakes around Y/N and if they are, Dad can defend you.”
You chuckled. Starting to run your fingers through Tommy’s hair, the longer parts at the top anyways.
Opening one of his eyes, Tommy found a dandelion right next to his body. Taking it into his hand carefully he placed it in front of your face.
“Make a wish.” Tommy requested.
“Do you remember?” Your face was full of surprise.
“Of course I do, that’s how I got you to accept be my woman. I wished for it.”
Closing your eyes momentarily, you remembered the afternoon when Tommy asked you to be his girlfriend, he showed a dandelion and said he made a wish, he wanted to get to spend the rest of his days with you.
“Should we make a wish?” Tommy proposed.
Wrapping a hand around the one in which he was holding the dandelion, you and Tommy blew watching the small piece flying away.
“Charlie I want to ask you something really important.”
That caught the Shelby’s attention. Both father and son looked at you intensely.
“You know how I don’t have anyone to walk me down the aisle… would you like to give me away to your father?” You tried to fight the lump that had created in your throat.
Tommy held his breath, he didn’t expect it, but deep down he knew how much it would mean to you.
As seconds passed by, Charlie’s smile grew bigger until he threw himself into your arms squealing a loud yes!
“This is the bestest day ever!” Charlie beamed, wrapping his arms around each other, bringing their heads together. “Do I get to wear a tux just like Dad?”
But he couldn’t wait for a answer and immediately took off running telling Cyril what you just asked him.
You looked at Tommy touched by his son’s words.
Knowing that Charlie was a happy kid was all your fiancé wanted.
“Can I ask what your wish was?” You asked resting your head on his shoulder.
A/N ☺️ thank you for reading! I hope you liked it 💕
Master list
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @gypsy-girl-08 @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @ange-thoughts @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @thenattitude @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @strayrockette @forbidden-forest-witch @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @zablife @peakyscillian @moral-terpitude @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel @rangerelik @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @dandelionprints @thomashelbyswhore
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your-garden-rose · 2 years
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Taglist : @crystal-yukio , @ruler-of-hades , @onigirinchanowo , @ellie3467 , @k1ngan0n , @demon-tears , @heizis , @soggywafle , @nukilol , @happy-smiley , @obeyme-stuff , @tonedeafbard2 , @r-0-tt-3-n-m-1-lk , @syke-1-7-3-8-ay, @hornyf0ckers , @the-horroredits-home , @obeymediasimp , @celestialbluebed
I’m sorry if i didn’t tag anyone, or if I’m not able to tag them <33
TW: Violence, Minor cusses, if I left anything let me know please <33
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Ch 5: Shut it.
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Ever since Cecilia’s birthday, any respect for the brothers, the royals, and even the angels and the Solomon was gone. No one even bothered to hide their disdain for them as they all ignored them and carried on with their day. The boys on the other hand? Miserable. To hear those very words come out of your mouth as you looked down at them with a burning hatred made them flinch just by remembering it. Cecilia on the other hand, was still shameless as ever, as she continuously acted scared around you. It was really pathetic, to even breathe in their general direction, as you simply chose to be with Lamia, and Mephistopheles and enjoy their company. One fine day you were hanging out with Mephistopheles when suddenly you were yanked into an empty classroom. You clutched your head in pain as you groaned and looked around you. Your vision was still hazy as you heard the door being locked. “What the fuck..” you muttered as you got up, trying to process everything as someone muttered “look what you’ve done, scumbag. You’ve hurt them again.” Scowled Asmodeus. You immediately realised the situation as your face darkened. “What the hell were you all thinking?!” You yelled at them as they flinched at your harsh tone. “D-Darling, we’re sorry-“ “Can you shut it already?” You stated as you raised your hand at Asmodeus. “Mc! Are you okay? Did Mammon hurt you-“ “Honestly you’re more annoying than Mammon, Simeon. Please keep quiet.” He immediately shut his mouth, he honestly looked more pathetic. “So. What was I dragged in here for? I thought you guys didn’t want to associate yourselves with someone like me?” You asked mockingly, as you eyed Lucifer. “Mc..” “stop being fucking slow and answer me, surely you did not drag me into a fucking classroom and lock the door just to act pathetic, right?” “We want to apologise.” “Oh? The Lucifer wants to apologise? Damn.” You chuckled as you sat yourself on a desk. “Well? You gonna waste my time or gonna apologise?” He immediately flinched as he started, “I’m sorry, I’m extremely sorry Mc, I shouldn’t have believed Cecilia, I shouldn’t have abused you I shouldn’t have embarrassed you, I’m-“ “Dude, you sound so fucking desperate right now. Are you actually Lucifer?” “Mc, dear, please, hear us out” pleaded Asmodeus as you immediately scowled back at him. “And why is that? You all seriously expect me to hear you out after what you’ve done? Just how fucking entitled are you all ?”
It was then the prince, he kneeled in front of you as he looked at your eyes. “Hmm? What sort of display of shame is this? Do you have something useless to say?” He immediately took your hands in his as he stated. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the way I treated you, the way we treated you. If this has hurt you in anyway I’ll take responsibility Mc, please don’t leave us, nothing will be the way it was before without you. Please, I’ll take the appropriate punishment and I’ll suffer for what I’ve done, but please just-“ it was then you yanked your hand out of his and slapped him across the face. The prince only looked more and more dejected as he knew he deserved it. He stopped Barbatos from helping him as he chose to bear your full wrath, “You have no right to talk.” You stated as you grabbed his hair. “You have no idea, NO absolute idea how I felt from the beginning. YOU kidnapped me from MY normal life. I never asked for this” you then turned your attention to the butler as you walked towards him, your wrath now radiating through out the room. “You.” You stated as you walked towards him with your fists clenched “you knew. Didn’t you? You knew this was going to happen. You still let this happen. You never cared. You are just like the pathetic lot behind you.” You stated as you slapped him across the face. He said nothing. “Atleast they had the decency to apologise. But you? Nothing.” “Mc darling I-“ he was interrupted with another slap. “You do not talk until I fucking ask you to. Am I understood” silence. “Did you not hear what I fucking said? You fucking demon?” “I understand Mc.” “I hate you. I hate the fact that I trusted you. And you? You aren’t sorry for what you did to me, aren’t you? You’re only sorry for the situation. Not me. It was never me, wasn’t it? You all never cared. I was just a pesky human you all were ordered to look after. Wasn’t I?” Everyone’s eyes widened as Mammon spoke up “Mc it’s not what you think-“ “then? Go on, explain. I’d love to hear what you have to say, Mammon” You stated. It was then for the first time Mammon noticed how tired you were, tired enough to not feel anything. Everyone then noticed how far they had gone. Luke then made his way to you. His small hands trembling as he held your big ones “Mc I-I’m-“ he stopped when he noticed you didn’t hold his hands like you used to your hand was dangling as your face held nothing. He wanted to cry as he knew, he too, was one of the reasons you were like this. “Im sorry.” “Don’t apologise.” “Huh?” He looked surprised as he looked up at you. “Don’t look at me like that. You’re just a kid, you did what your guardian did, it’s natural. Besides, you didn’t do anything wrong, you just wanted to spend time with Cecilia.” You stated as you removed his hands from yours gently “I don’t want to hear anything more. I need time to process this. Please, let me be.” You stated, as everyone suppressed the urge to hold you. To see you so broken, and to know, that they were the cause of this, oh god they wanted to cry. “I understand. This won’t be easy, take all the time you need Mc.” “Shut it.” And with that you immediately ignored everyone as you ran back to the nearest restroom as you cried locking yourself in the closest stall.
Will you ever forgive them for what they did? Did they even deserve it?
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
hi!! today is my birthday and the thought of getting older, having so many responsabilities, my work, etc. It makes me really tense and stressed 😭 can u write something about loki trying to cheer reader on her birthday?
Hey lovely Anon 😊Happy birthday! Here's a little gift from me to you.
Fluff, w/c 300ish
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"You just don't get it, Loki..." you scoffed, pulling the bed sheet over your face as the god stood at the door to your bedroom, grin fading.
The dainty cupcake nestled in his palms seemed superfluous in the face of your annoyance. He blew the candle out with a pointed huff. "I know you said you didn't want a fuss darling but really, tis but a sponge."
"Tis not just a sponge." you said sarcastically, muffled beneath the duvet. "It's a reminder that I'm another year older, and I just want everything to stay the same. I don't want pressure and all that shit...it's just..it's too much."
Loki's chuckle took you by surprise as you felt his weight ease onto the mattress by your knees. "And I wouldn't 'get' that because...?"
You pulled the duvet tighter around your head. "Because you're a god, dummy. You don't understand these things."
The sound of Loki chewing filled the silence. "Are you eating my cake?" you said incredulously, breaking your own mood.
"I don't think you understand the gift that this day represents, love." he spoke calmly, ignoring your protestations. The sound of him licking frosting from his lips was crystal clear in your mind. You peeked over the duvet.
His smile greeted you. It was small, but knowing. "Every year for you is filled with possibilities only limited by your own doubt. Can you not see that?"
You frowned, as he took another small bite from the quickly diminishing cupcake. He chewed twice, and swallowed. "I have seen many beings, with lifespans many times that of your own squander their own potential as they thought time was limitless. Believe me, it was not." His words were firm, but a twinkle in his eye betrayed his amusement.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" you drawled, running your eyes down his chiselled bicep to the finger tracing a pool of crumbs on the plate. He shrugged, pressing the tip to the porcelain and bringing it to his lips. He sucked it thoughtfully.
"My point is, that the general premise of life is to live it. To celebrate it." he raised an eyebrow. "It is my understanding that in order to do that, one must accept that in order to grow and thrive...one must change. Adapt."
A smile tugged at his lip, likely recalling the way that you saved him from himself all those years ago. God, how you loved him.
"There is beauty and hope in places you cannot imagine. In every step you haven't taken, your possibilities are endless. Would you throw that away to wallow in your own misery?" he said slowly, echoing the words you had spoken that day which changed his life. Perhaps he did understand after all.
You felt a reluctant smile begin to creep to your cheeks as Loki tentatively offered the plate forward. The half cupcake lay on its side.
His dark brows rose as you snatched it and popped it in your mouth, letting the vanilla sponge melt against your tongue with a satisfied sigh.
"Happy birthday, love." he murmured gently, leaning forward to press a tender kiss to your forehead with a smile.
You might like this Idk :) @fictive-sl0th @holdmytesseract @theaudacitytowrite @thomase1 @peaches1958 @wheredafandomat @lovelysizzlingbluebird @gigglingtigger @mochie85 @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @loopsisloops @cheekyscamp @maple-seed @coldnique @justjoanne242
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Alastor X Human Reader: Arson Cat
You adopted your cat when finding them playing with an old box of matches in an alleyway nearby your place.
The poor thing was soaking wet. Good thing you had a rag on you. They were at least a few weeks old.
Once at home you set the fire on at the fireplace, getting tuna and water. Before anything you had to warm them up.
The cat purred while getting pets, feeling warm and cozy. Watching the fire.
Love at first sight lol🔥
When the fire place wasn't on, your cat would meow. Looking around for you to turn it back on.
Of course you couldn't do that during the summer, so you bought candles.
So. Many. Candles.
Mistake #1: Leaving your cat unattended with a candle.
A rug you had caught on fire because the cat pushed the candle over the edge of your coffee table.
They got fussy when you put the fire out.
"Mroow", your cat meowed, obviously upset with how much their tail was flicking.
"Yes, fire is pretty but when it gets really big we won't have a place to live in anymore.", you said, sweeping up what was left of the rug.
Mistake #2: Letting your cat on the kitchen counters. Specifically, the one side with the stove.
Your cat likes to watch you cook. At least that's what you thought, but really they were just interested in the pretty blue and yellow flames coming from the stove top.
All it took was one minute. You went to get something from the fridge and your cat brought a napkin to the stove, placing it right by the fire.
The fire alarm nearby went off, making you drop everything from your hands to cover your ears.
You quickly opened a window and turned on the kitchen fan that you keep forgetting to do when cooking. Then you got rid of the fire and cleaned up.
Again, your little arsonist was not happy. Meowing in an offended tone.
"You are banned from sitting on this side of the counter.", you boop their nose and move them to sit by the sink. "You can't get close."
Mistake #3: Not telling friends/family/pet sitters about your cat's fascination with fire.
You got a call during work. Thankfully you were on break and could take the call. "Hello?"
"Your cat started a fire."
That's all it took for you to tell your boss that an emergency came up and you had to leave early.
With your hands on your hips, you stared down at the cat who was licking their paws as if nothing happened.
"You can't start fires when other people are watching you.", you cross your arms.
Your cat doesn't like fireworks. Ironic right?
They do like sparklers.
You'll leave your t.v. on with a YouTube video of just fire for ten hours when you're out. Sound and everything.
You hide anything that can start a fire. Gotta cover that crystal ball and put it away. All the candles you bought? Stored and replaced with fake battery operated ones.
Birthdays are..ok. Your cat watches the candle flame as you sing happy birthday. You have to blow it out quick and replace it with a fake one.
All in all, your cat is well behaved....
And then Alastor comes along~
Lol 🎤and then a hero comes along🎵🎶
You thought your cat was bad? Hoho.. Alastor just encourages your little baby.
He makes a fire ball in his hand one day and your cat is hooked. Following the red man around for him to make more fire. They started to get along.
He lets your cat sit somewhat close by when cooking. "Not too close! We don't want fur in the food!"
Then theirs times when its quiet. Too quiet...
When you notice the silence, you get up and look around for your cat. They are eventually found but somehow they have soot on their paws.
It confuses you a ton when you look for a possible fire but see absolutely nothing burnt.
One day you find out why there's been so many house fires. Seeing your demon roommate literally teleport your cat.
"Wha-", you blink and your cat is brought back.
"Meow!", your cat paws at Alastor.
"Hello my darling!", he smiles innocently as if he did nothing.
"I-", you take a deep breath. "Why are you teleporting my cat?"
"Just letting them stretch their legs!"
Your phone buzzes and you see a news update. Clicking on it, there's a story on another house fire.
Mistake #4: Letting Alastor know about your cat starting fires.
Arson cat deserved their own headcanons.
~Seline, the person.
From this headcanon➡ 🔥here🔥
@c4rved-pumpk1n @ducky-is-dead-inside @stolas-thebirb
ML for Alastor🎙
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mommyghostface28 · 1 month
Mommy it’s been a minute since I interacted (school is kicking my ass, I’m about to go start a 5 page research paper that is due Wednesday….I’d much rather be playing with you for your birthday 😉) just wanted to say happy birthday!!!!! I hope you have the best day ever! Also your birthday present is me coming of anon!
-🔮 (I’m keeping the emoji you can pry it from my cold dead hands)
awww hi darling! Wow it has been a while since I’ve seen that lovely crystal ball pop up in my ask! I’m happy to hear you’re doing well aside from being busy with school! 🥰
Thank you for the birthday wish! And I would much rather be playing with you as well 😘
The emoji will always be yours love!
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minato-division03 · 5 months
ARB Birthday Special: Miku Shirazuki
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~ January 13th ~
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.”
Login Lines
“Happy Birthday to myself. May the universe bless me with a new year of cherished memories and also inner peace.”
“It’s been another 365 around the sun. Hopefully, this time around, I’ll learn to make the most of every moment.”
Voice Lines
“If I’m gonna be honest… I don’t know what to make of my birthday… so much has been happening that my own birthday was sorta the last thing on my mind. But I guess since I’m still here, I should be grateful that I’m still surviving.”
“I don’t really know how to celebrate my birthday now that I’m not an idol… I used to do long zatsus on SNS with my fans. But that’s not really an option now. I know I asked for peace this time around, but now I actually don’t know what to do with all this… free time?”
“Oh, Your Majesty… You? Made something for me? What is this? Holy shit, it’s a sun catcher… I… I don’t… thank you… thank you so much…”
“Your Majesty… I don’t know what to do… I’m a whole year older and yet… I can’t seem to grow up past the age of thirteen… I’m stuck down here… The future is in my hands… thank you… I’ll do my best to remember that.”
“Oh, hi, Reiaki. Oh, thanks… Well… I told the Queen that I still don’t feel like I’m a whole year older yet… She told me that I’ve learned and grown since I was thirteen… So you too? I figured that’s what she intended… I just hope I can live up to her expectations.”
“A new lunar calendar… it’s really pretty… I didn’t get to find one for the new year yet. But you found like the perfect one… Okay… thank you, Reiaki… Let’s do it.”
Queen Card Lines
“Miku-chan, a happiest of Birthdays to you. For a day to celebrate the day of your coming into this world, I am bestowing you with a gift, made with my own two hands. Trust me, my dear, you know what this is. Right on the money, my darling. And it is designed to hang in your window. Infuse it with the crystals you cherish so and it shall turn ordinary sunlight into a scattering waltz of rainbows, turning your room into a whimsical world of colors.”
“It would seem something is troubling you, my dear. Talk to me, what is the matter? Miku-chan. Miku-chan, listen to me. Your thirteen-year-old self was unaware and was searching for something beyond her. You’ve learned from then, and you’ll continue to learn and get stronger as you continue to grow. You’ll turn fourteen one of these days. Until then… do me a favor, love, and remember this… the past is in your head. Your future is in your hands, now. Our future is in your hands.”
Reiaki Lines
“Happy Birthday, Miku-chan! How does it feel to be another year older? I see… So you’re also stuck in the past… She’s right, you know. I still feel like I’ve never moved on from that day… and I don’t think I ever will. But I think Her Majesty doesn’t expect us to fully grow past our pasts. Just for the both of us to know that there’s a future to look forward to.”
“How about this? I might have the perfect present for you. Go ahead! Take a look! Hehe! You like it? It’s a lunar calendar for the new year! It tracks the lunar cycle and it also is an astrology planner. I got one for you before you could buy or make one yourself! Keep track of the upcoming days with this. Happy Birthday, kiddo… you deserve peace for yourself… Let’s both grow up at own paces, okay?”
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Happy Birthday, my darling Taiki Kou!
'As Long As There is Forever, I Will Love You'
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Last year at this time, I was rushing to finish the final of my 'Crystal Tokyo' romance portraits! :laughs:
I've been so busy and after an illness, too, I wasn't able to finish my planned 'Wedding' portraits of all the couples from my sister's fan fiction novel "Sailor Moon Eternal" in time for this day, but I did manage to complete three of them! (All the other couples will be coming as well this year, hopefully sooner than later.)
Most importantly, I finished the Taiki x Setsuna wedding portrait, in time for his birthday! Yay!!
Taiki x Setsuna: 'As Long As There is Forever, I Will Love You'
God bless!
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msfeyredarling · 1 year
Seven days of Solstice
Merry Christmas everyone!
Summary: On Feyre’s fiftieth, Rhys decides to celebrate Feyre following the seven days of the winter solstice.
My @acotargiftexchange present for @charliespringsleftconverse. I hope you enjoy <3
Read on Ao3
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The city beyond the frosted glass was bustling with life. Buildings were decorated with crystal lights, banners wrapped in tinsel and shop windows filled with solstice ornaments. The streets were teeming with citizens, everyone preparing for the start of the Solstice holiday. The citizens of Velaris began the celebrations seven days before the holiday. It was said the ancient night gods awoke for seven days before slumbering again when the sun began to rise the day after the longest night.
Feyre stood by the windows in the river house, snow falling outside the warmth of her home as she watched her people begin the festivities for the first day of the solstice holiday. Her pointed ears picked up a whoosh behind her and as she turned she noticed a crisp white envelope with her name. Inside was a letter filled with beautiful and delicate scrawl, she recognised all too well.
To my dearest Feyre, 
Solstice is upon us once again which means your birthday is not far. This birthday happens to be a very special one. To celebrate fifty years of my Feyre Darling, we will follow the traditional seven days of solstice partaken by lovers. To start, on the first day of solstice you’re true gave to you a riddle. When you solve the riddle, the answer will appear. 
‘You made me perfect but eventually I’ll be destroyed. You hide me but you will give me away forever. When we depart, you'll be happy that I'm gone.’ 
I wish you luck. With all my love,
Rhys x
Feyre chuckled at her mates extravagance. She should have expected it, her mate did have a flair for the dramatic. It was typical of him to make her work for it, he made everything a challenge so it should be no surprise she would have to use her mind to figure out the riddle to receive her gift. Feyre paused, then gasped aloud. A gift was made perfect, a gift was hidden, a gift was given away forever. A gift was the answer to the riddle. 
As if the magic could hear her thoughts, in a blink, a black box with a red bow appeared. She slowed pulled the red ribbon and inside was a piece of card. 
Today is the day of riddles, my love. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
After unsuccessfully interrogating her mate through the bond, she sighed as she sat down at the kitchen bend. Her head turned as a new letter fluttered towards her. 
To my brilliant mate, 
On the first day of solstice your true love gave to you another riddle, just to keep you on your toes. 
‘I am every colour but I can be just one. I am wet but I can be dry. You can change me on a whim or keep me forever. You can probably see me right now. What am I?’
Sending my love,
Rhys xx
Feyre glanced up, brows drawn together in confusion. She couldn’t see anything that matched her clues. The riddle asked for something that was a rainbow but a single colour, something dry and wet. Water? Towels? Trees? Flowers? She thought about the last one, flowers came in an array of colours, could be wet or dry but didn’t match the last two parts. 
She searched her brain for anything, her hand tangling in her wild curls. Feyre huffed in frustration as she began to pace the halls. Whatcouldbewhatcouldbewhatcouldbe raced through her mind. Her mate was certainly a trickster and he knew exactly how to leave her a confused and desperate mess. She glanced at the letter again, re-reading for any hidden meanings. Below the riddle began to sparkle as words appeared. 
Need a hint, darling?
She snarled down the bond, a laugh echoed in the back of her mind. If he was going to toy with her and make it a game, she would make damn sure she was going to win. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The sun had begun to set, the horizon sparkling as the light glinted of the snow. She still had not a clue what the answer was. Feyre was sitting on the floor, back resting against the wall. She looked around again, all she could see was the kitchen, chairs, walls and walls. Mats on the floor, art hung up, even chipped paint. 
She sighed, ready to give in but she paused, the answer may be simpler than she thought, maybe she was looking too hard when the answer might be simple. The next time her eyes scanned the room, she really looked. Door handles, stained glass, a marble bench, six cabinets painted a dark blue. Her eyed glanced around, her mind trying to figure out the connections. Everything had a colour that was painted on. Her face lit up as the dots in the mind connected. Paint. The answer was paint. 
A slip of paper appeared before her eyes. 
Meet me where you decided to be mine. 
Feyre smiled, she knew exactly where her mate was. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
She trudged through the snow to the place that was like a second home. She didn't feel the cold, her excitement filling her with adrenaline. The door to the cabin opened, inviting her inside. 
As she stepped over the threshold, she was startled by what she saw. The inside of the cabin had been decorated in fairy lights and candles which casted a soft glow for the dark room. As she walked futhur in, she saw an area littered in many canvas on stands and surrounded by paints of beautiful colours. In the centre of it all was a dark blue couch in which Rhys laid, his head resting on his fist. He was completely nude and as she took him in, he smirked. 
“You found me Feyre darling,” he purred, adjusting his position so the light fully illuminated every glorious inch of him. “Happy first day of solstice.” 
“My first gift is you nude?” 
“Feyre darling, if you wish to see me clothless more often you only have to ask,” his eyes glittered with a devilish glint. “I do remember your thoughts drifting to how I’d look on a canva, especially if I was naked,” Feyre blushed at his words. So he did her artistic rambling. 
She approached the first canvas, a brush already in hand. Her eyes drifted to the many paints. Each was different from the last but all shimmered with the light. She had never seen anything like them in Velaris, her mate must have searched far for these. 
Feyre dipped her brush in the unique paint and she began to sketch a ruff outline before she truely began the art. 
As the night dragged along, Feyre filled many canvas and Rhys experimented with different positions. Many times Feyre laughed at the absurdity of it. When she finished, she began to paint on a different surface, one of hard muscle and golden brown skin. Their painting session lasted for hours and wouldn’t be close to ending until the sun began to rise. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The next morning, Feyre awoke blissfully happy. She rolled over, seeking the warmth of her mate as her arm reached out. All she meet was cold sheets. 
Blinking the eyes open, she saw that Rhys was nowhere to be found. The only thing left was another letter. She groaned as she read its contents. 
To my true love,
Our fun has only just begun. Today is a new day which means a new hunt. 
On the second day of solstice, your true love gave to you all of his heart. All of his love. All the air he needs to breathe. 
Find me where you first captured the air from my lungs. 
With all of my heart, 
P.S. I love you
A sleepy smile bloomed on her face. She rubbed her eyes as she stretched. She trudged out of the comforting warmth of her bed and put on whatever she could find. Wings bloomed from her back and she launched into the sky. 
The flight was short and as she approached the house of wind, she dropped out of the sky. Feyre followed the tug in the chest, the bond that would forever lead her to Rhys. 
She found her mate on the balcony, the place she first realised she was falling in love. As she neared, Rhys turned. His eyes twinkled with stars as he smiled at her.
“My love,” he held out his hand to her. She placed her hand in his, entwining their fingers. 
“My darling Feyre. You are the sunshine of my day, my shining star of my night. You guide my path and bring light to my soul. You are the minutes in my hour, the hours in my life. You are the wings upon which I fly, the ground upon which I tread, the air in which I breathe. You are the one that lights my fire, the light within my eyes, within my heart. You are the love that's taken hold of my heart forever. You are my everything. As your birthday fast approaches, I want to share my love with you in every possible way. I want you to know of the love that has continued to deepen all this years,” she wiped out the tears that had fallen. Rhys let go of her hands and suddenly a box from his pocket world appeared. The box was black and wrapped in a red bow. 
Her hands shook as she pulled the string on the bow. She lifted the lid of the box and inside were dozens of letters. Each one addressed her in perfect scrawl and was dated. “Over the years, on every one of your birthday’s, I wrote you a letter, saving them to give you now. Each explains how my love for you has and will always be eternal,” his hand copped her cheek, she leaned into it. She took the box from his hand and began going through letters, starting from the most recent.
Feyre hadn’t even made it halfway before she was a complete and utter mess. Her chest hurt with how much she loved her mate. Nothing in the continent or beyond could  fully express her love for him. 
It took her many hours before she could make it through the letters. Once her tears had faded, she lounged on the couch, Rhys behind her and a fire in-front, warming her toes. 
“Today was beautiful,” Feyre said as she rested her head on Rhys’ chest. “Thank you.”
Her mate placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Just wait until tomorrow.”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“Rhysand, it’s too much,” she said as she pushed it back towards her mate.
“No it’s not, you deserve everything. On the third day of solstice I am giving you everything you deserve.” 
Feyre sighed, she knew her efforts would be fruitless. She glanced down to her newest gift. Shinning studs and sparkling jewels greeted her eyes. Her mate had gifted her the most beautiful piece of jewellery. 
At the centre of the necklace was a crescent moon with bordering stars. It was set with the most beautiful diamonds and would sit just above her clavicle. It had already become her favourite piece. 
“Thank you Rhys, it’s gorgeous,” he grinned, pulling her in for a kiss. 
“That’s not all.”
“There’s more?” She whispered. She didn’t understand what she did to deserve her mate. Her feet were quiet as she trailed after him. He led a path into their room, then the wardrobe. 
At the centre of the room was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. A long black dress hung on the model. Glittering black fabric started at the bodice and cascaded down, slowly changing back into plain black satin. Black silk hung as the sleeves and lined the neckline. Feyre simply stood and stared. This dress was as beautiful as her starfall gown and it was almost the total opposite. 
Her mate placed his hand on her back, guiding her forward. “My mother made this dress, for you,” he whispered, his breath fanning over the shell of her ear. 
A lump formed in her throat. His mother had made these dresses before Feyre even existed, yet somehow through the dresses, it was like she knew Feyre all along. 
“I would be honoured if you wore it tonight, along with the necklace.” 
Feyre sharply turned to Rhys. “I would be honoured to wear anything of hers.” 
“Good because we have dinner at six. I look forward to seeing you in it.”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The person who stared back in the mirror was almost unrecognisable. The dress fit her perfectly, hugging her curves to pool at her feet. It sparkled and shimmered with each movement. What she hadn’t realised was the slit that travelled up very far. She still loved the dress all the same.
Her hair had been swept to one side in a single curl. Her eyelids has been darkened and her lips were painted red. She wore the necklace her mate gifted her. 
Feyre walked down the stairs, heels clicking against the floor with each step. As she reached the bottom, he came into sight. Rhys had his usual form fitting black attire. Feyre stopped, just to take him in, he seemed to do the same. 
She finally broke their reverie as she walked up to him, he offered his arm. They walked the streets of Velaris, arm in arm, occasionally stopping to take in the sights of their beloved city. They finally arrived at a familiar location. 
“Sevenda’s place?”
“The first restaurant you visited in Velaris,” he confirmed. 
Over the years, they became regulars at her restaurant, dining there whenever they could. As they entered, Sevenda showed them to a table in the corner that overlooked the sidra. Wine was poured into both of their glasses. They talked about everything, every now and then stopping to listen to the band. The food began to be brought out as they dined under the stars. 
Rhys lifted his glass in the air, Feyre followed suit. “To my beautiful mate, happy birthday,” he clinked his glass against hers. He was truely making this the best birthday and solstice. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The snow had begin to fall, blanketing the city in a white wonderland. The sleepily citizens had yet to awake for the Winter Solstice. 
Feyre stood in her studio, adding the finishing touches to her Solstice gift for Rhys. She glanced out the window again, a smile forming on her face recounting the last week. Rhys had shown his love for her through the seven days of solstice. 
On the fourth solstice day he gave her one of the best gifts she could ask for. A surprise visit from her son. She rarely saw him and missed him dearly. They spent the day sledding down the steeps just outside the city. 
The fifth day consisted of a trip down memory lane. They recreated all their precious moments and at the end of the day he gave her a wrapped gift. Inside was a small canvas filled with a mirage of colours. She remembered how the painting sparkled with the light as she opened the wrapping. She remembered gasping as she stared at the artwork of starfall, Feyre’s first one. It was the first time she ever smiled at Rhys, the painting capturing their happiness of the moment. 
Her eyes burned with unshed tears. She placed the picture on her desk where she could see it daily, a reminder of the journey and sacrifice she made to have what she did now. 
On the six day of solstice, Feyre had complete control of Rhys. She throughly enjoyed it, especially when she got him to wear an ugly solstice sweater. It was the most hideous thing and looked ridiculous on him since he never wore anything but black. She had laughed herself horse as he pouted. That was until she brought out her own sweater, to match his. He spontaneously decided he quite liked the sweater, for the most part with how it looked on her. 
Feyre chuckled, her mate had made this solstice the most memorable. She lifted her brush back to the canvas and became enthralled in her work. 
That’s where Rhys found her when the sun was shining high in the sky. His arms encircled her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek as he watched her. He couldn’t see what she was painting, she made sure to cloak it in darkness. 
“Happy fiftieth Birthday, darling,” he whispered into her ear. 
“Don’t remind me,” she grumbled. “You make me feel old.”
Rhys chuckled. “Well if you don’t want to talk about your birthday let’s talk about solstice,” Feyre turned around, her mouth parted. “Happy Solstice my love,” he grinned, knowing he beat her to it. “Come with me.” 
She took his offered hand as he lead her out of the studio. “On the seventh day of solstice, your true love gave to you the best birthday party.” 
The area has been over decorated in balloons and streamers, how she hadn’t noticed, she wasn’t sure. All her friends and family stood in the room. “Happy birthday Feyre!” They said in unison. 
And she would have a happy birthday. With her friends and family she could enjoy celebrating her fifty years of life. And when the day progressed on, they could begin the festivities of the winter solstice. This holiday season would be the most memorable for many years to come, all because her mate loved her enough to celebrate her for the seven days of solstice. These memories, this time, the love shared, was a gift. All of it. 
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Nelson, Murdock,Page and Toadstool Showtime!!!!!
Hello everyone, in addition to my Daredevil au, decide to do a crossover au of Peach's Showtime and Daredevil and we start with the Prologue so enjoy, like, reblog and follow me to support so good luck my dear friends!!!
Prologue - Sparkle Theather
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Just a normal day in Hell's Kitchen, well it was a special day it was "Karen's birthday"!!! Karen had never celebrated her birthdays properly since her brother's death and the disagreements with her father, but this year was different she had her best friends Matt and Foggy and their entire family, a brood of little cousins, relatives, uncles and more. and today was a day of celebration in Nelson, Murdock and Page and Nelson's Meafs!!! Happy birthday Karen!!! everyone screamed with joy and Karen was thrilled and super happy "I can't believe this is all for me?” Yes Karen because you are the best that has happened to us and you are part of the family and we love you so much!!! Karen hugs Matt and Matt blushes and Foggy joins in the hug “Looks like Cupid hit someone again….!! says Foggy whispering jokingly.Foggy my dear brother I don't know what are you talking about?….. says Matt half red!!! Anna Nelson arrives and takes her children (her 2 babies) out of the way to show that she has a surprise for Karen…
Karen!!! Mrs Nelson!? Call me Anna darling and well I have something for you!?? Anna reveals holding a paper being a leaflet of something exceptional, curious, mysterious, fantastic and magnificent that Karen could not believe
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This was a theater but not just any theater it was the Sparkle Theater, Karen dreamed of going there since she was a child and thought it was just an invention her mother told her when she was little!!! Anna is Amazing!!! Oh dear I knew you would like it and Matthew and Franklin will accompany you because I got three tickets for the shows at Sparkle Teather I got it from Foggy's friend who did an exchange and stayed with us, he always wore red and I think now he's a plumber and I found him once in Broklin with his brother in green a long time ago and... Mom, I don't think Karen wants to hear one of those long stories!!! Franklin Percy Nelson!!! Don't interrupt other people's conversations, because you are not more polite than your brother Matthew!!! It's not my fault Matt is your favorite son!!! Matt, Karen and the others just laughed at this situation and meanwhile Karen looked at the leaflet with admiration because she was going to fulfill a dream she had been waiting for for a long time.
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So we go to Sparkle Teather, they had to go through the sewer and find a bright blue crystal pipe to get there and Foggy didn't believe it because obviously unusual things happened in New York but this is a magical world beyond belief and Karen was in awe of all the magic she believed really existed and now it's the theater she dreamed of going to with her friends/family!!! The theater was illuminated golden, beautiful, full of lights, splendor, sparkle, luxurious, large, reddish roofs, stars and shows on display, Karen was amazed, Foggy was bright-eyed and excited because he wants to meet a real dragon and see magic like in the movies and RPGs that Matt and he played in college and Matt was feeling like he was a kid here, it's incredible and his senses are advanced. They are bubbling and showing the magical and grand version of Las Vegas only more beautiful
Then Karen bumped into someone: Karen..!!! Princess…!!!! Matt,Foggy and the little mushroom guys screamed
Karen turned to the blonde human woman as she dressed in a royal pink dress, wearing white gloves, blue brooch and blue earrings. and a golden crown on your head
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Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you, I was really excited because theater is incredible…! Karen awkwardly tries to apologize Okay, I was also very excited and after all it's you because I'm surprised that there are more humans besides me and some of my friends??!! the other blonde speaks…My Name is Karen Page and this is my friends Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson. Foggy and Matt wave and Foggy immediately falls in love with the blonde with the crown because she is so beautiful, Then the woman introduces herself: I'm Princess Peach Toadstool from Mushroom Kingdom but you can call me Peach!!! Peach smiles and she points to the little mushroom guys and these are the toads, my loyal guards and company today and then Matt, Foggy and Karen already bow knowing that she is a princess and Peach laughs saying that she doesn't need all this formality as she wanted to explore and see the mysteries and incredible things of the theater and Karen excitedly goes with Peach and they both go talking and they become friends and Matt, Foggy and the toads follow behind to accompany the 2 curious people, but little do they know that the nightmare will soon begin
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mx-kamisato · 2 months
(tapping mic) hello 🤨 is this thing on 🤨🤨 okay hi arty !!! i’m so sorry i wasn’t able to draw you something on your birthday like i usually do, my hands are really shaky and it was just really difficult </3 so here’s a fic of your acey pooh <3
Today was a special day, especially for you. The day you were born, and it was one of ACE’s favorite days. A day all about you he calls it, and you think he’s so extra and dramatic when he talks about it. But you have to understand that people he holds close and dear to him, he’ll always go above and beyond for. Which is why you were surprised to wake up and not see him there next to you in the morning.
But your surprised reaction was cut short as you heard a familiar voice start humming from outside the door. And like that, you relaxed your body and turned your head in the direction of the window. It wasn’t a rainy day in Fontaine, it was warm with the sunlight breaking through the curtains. Normally, you would’ve been in the tents with Ace but he took a whole week off just for you so you could rest somewhere more comfortably for your birthday week.
The sound of the doorknob twisting caught your attention, your partner, Ace- no, Claude came into the room. A bright smile on his face, reaching up to his eyes when he looks at you.
“Happy birthday mon amour!” He says cheerfully, holding a tray of your favorite breakfast foods that he’s learned how to make for you. He gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and the on the forehead, placing the tray down  on your lap when you sat up to thank him. He sits on the edge of the bed, funnily enough still in the matching pajama set you decided to get for yourselves. His heart feels warm when you giggle at the sight.
He quickly stands up, seeing you try to look for a hair tie so he walks over a little behind you. “Go ahead and eat love, I’ll take care of this.” He reassures you, he gathers the hair away from your face as you start your meal. He grabs the brush on the night stand, being gentle with your hair when it came to tangles. 
You initially thought he was just going to put your hair into a low ponytail, but was happily surprised to feel him separate your hair into three parts. Ah, he was going to braid your hair. He makes light work of it, quick to finish off the braid despite the long length of your hair and tie it securely. “You have pretty hair dear, I could never get bored of playing with it.” He tells you, chuckling to himself slightly.
He takes the ribbon out his hair and uses it for your braid instead. He goes back to sitting on the edge of the bed in front of you, happily chatting with you about what you wanted to do for the day. Things with him, despite him being quite extravagant, never felt too much or overwhelming. He had a patience and understanding that goes smoother than a peaceful stream. He stops abruptly, a soft ‘hold on’ comes from his mouth and he stands up again.
He goes to the nightstand, pulling a box out from one of the drawers. You blink in confusion, trying to figure out what it could be. You had already finished your food at this point so he places the box next to you, taking your tray. “Go on, open it darling. Let me put this back.” He tells you, kissing your forehead once again before leaving. 
Your hands reach for the box, examining the packaging. This looked expensive. Really, really expensive. Opening the box, revealed to you a gold chain necklace with a matching set of earrings. The box had something ingrained on the inside, ‘For my dear Artem.’ A beautiful shade of amethyst-like crystal in the shape of honey droplets that shined prettier than diamonds. The earrings had a matching design as well.
You wanted to gasp at the sight, Claude walked back into the room already without you noticing. He chuckles and sees your pleasantly warm reaction, making him grin in return. “Do you like it? I saw it and I just thought it suited you so well. Of course that’s not the only gift I have for you, there are a bunch more in the living room.” He tells you casually, making you shake your head and laugh.
“Would you like for me to put it on you?” He asks, offering his hand out. You nod your head, gently taking the braid out of the way of your neck. He takes the necklace out and gently wraps it around, guiding the hook into place so it stays. You let go of the braid and he walks back to see how it looks on you. He giggles, holds your face and kisses your nose. He had that adoring look in his eyes as per usual.
“Happy birthday darling. I can’t explain how happy I am to have you in my life.”
OKAY now time for letters from the family <3
Happy Birthday Artem,
You’re now one year older and I’m proud to see you make it this far. I know these years haven’t came easy to you, and I know that you struggled deeply within times. Words cannot describe the amount of joy it brings me to see and hear you continuing to live your life. Though you’re older now, I still consider you my child if you’ll allow me too and I hope this year brings you much happiness and perseverance through it all. I know that I unfortunately am not around all that often, and that I am in the Inner World majority of the time but just know that no matter the distance, my support and care for you does not waver in the slightest. Thank you for being here and we love you.
Love, Mora. :)
Qiqi does not know how to start this letter. But Qiqi wishes you a happy birthday. You’re now an even bigger sibling to Qiqi. This makes Qiqi very happy. Qiqi isn’t in front often, but Qiqi does miss you a lot. Qiqi hopes you’re well. Qiqi loves you.
Qiqi .
HIIIII ARTEM !!!! OH MY GOD LOOK AT YOU !!! I HAVEN’T TALKED TO YOU IN SO LONG BUT AAAAAHH !!! IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU GROW AND GET OLDER !!! LOOK AT YOU GO !!! <3333 I’m SO SO SO happy and proud to be a part of your life and I KNOW I’m not in front often anymore but just know that I LOVE YOU AND I CARE FOR YOU AND I’M SO PROUD. YOU MADE IT THIS FAR AND I KNOW YOU’RE GONNA GET EVEN FARTHER !! I hope this day is AMAZING for you and I hope the rest of the year becomes easier as you grow as a person!!! I know growing up can get really really scary but I promise you that you will be okay and that things do get easier !!! YOU GOT THIS !!!! <3333
Hey kiddo !! 
Look at you growing up, I’m starting to feel old already. :] It’s been a tough few years for you huh? I’m glad to see you’re pushing through it all with strength and perseverance. I’m proud to see your progress and growth as you get older but you’ll always be my little sibling to me. I know growing up get can real scary and I know things can get even more confusing than they were when you were younger. But you have a good head on your shoulders, I trust that you can make it out there okay? And if you need support, you have us to count on. I know this letter sounds a little more serious than what you’re used to hearing from me, but really I am proud and happy for you kiddo. Keep pushing through.
Your big brother, Childe. :]
— from lailai + the fam <3
Aurgghehshs but thank you for believing in me carrot head 🫶🫶
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lumiereandcogsworth · 9 months
First of Many
Happy birthday to Adam! <3
Word count: 873 | Tags: Fluff, Engaged
on Ao3!
The ball had been over for only an hour or so, but Adam and Belle had escaped long before that. They usually weren’t ones to miss a chance to dance under crystal chandeliers and the sound of fine, lovely music, and by all accounts they had danced much of the evening, but the couple was still very much infatuated with each other; still amidst a phase of courtship that left them dizzy from the other’s presence and in need of time away from the world.
The pair of fiancés, (they’re engaged to be married now) enraptured and giggly from champagne, escaped the party to retreat to the castle gardens. It wasn’t the most proper thing for the hosts to do, especially when it was for Adam’s birthday, but they couldn’t help themselves. They enjoyed their time apart from others; when social graces and mundane conversation could be set aside. When they could truly be themselves.
They laid together on a blanket in the grass. The sun had already set and they were laughing and kissing, as young lovers ought to do. Nothing too improper, mind, Adam was always a gentleman with his beloved Belle, but they still indulged in an innocent playfulness, one that this author believes is quite well-deserved.
“Do you think anyone is wondering where we are?” Belle asked, grinning mischievously.
“I doubt it. Most everyone in there is well past that level of consciousness.”
Belle laughed. “Oh, what a day it’s been.”
“Indeed. You did far more than I could have expected, darling.”
“It took so much planning.”
“When on earth did you find the time?”
She shrugged, playing with the rings on his fingers. “Here and there. I had a lot of help from everyone else, keeping you distracted, creating diversions…”
Adam scrunched his face. “You mean to tell me I listened to Cogsworth ramble on about battleships throughout history for two hours for nothing?”
Belle burst out laughing. “I think the fact that you stayed that long says more about you than anything else.”
“It did start to get interesting around the first half-hour mark…” Adam muttered.
His fiancée laughed again, then sighed and looked at him, smiling fondly.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
Adam’s eyes softened. He had heard that phrase a hundred times today, from all sorts of people and in all tones of excitement and well-wishing. But all of it paled in comparison to the way she said it. Her genuine, gentle voice soothed him like a midnight breeze after a warm sunset.
He took her hand and squeezed it. “Thank you,” he replied.
Belle pushed herself closer, smiling and overcome with affection. She kissed him; first on the lips, but soon everywhere: cheeks and nose and forehead, peppering him with little sparks of her adoration.
“Darling,” Adam laughed, eyes closed in surrender. “Darling…” he said again, reaching a hand to her waist.
“What is it?” she asked, pulling away but still hovering above him.
He looked up at her. How was she so beautiful in every possible light? The moon barely lit their hideaway, and a single lantern was hardly enough to make anything clear. And yet, Belle was breathtaking.
“Your kindness…” Adam began, his hand finding hers to allow their fingers to dance. “It overwhelms me, sometimes.”
Belle’s eyebrows drew together. “You’re just not used to it.”
“I’m not,” he agreed.
“You will be,” she promised. She started tracing the lines on his waistcoat as she continued. “In fifty years… When our children are all grown up… and their children are all grown up… it’ll just be me and you. And you will greet my kindness like a friend. You’ll expect it.”
Adam felt a lump in his throat, heard his heartbeat in his ears. “Fifty years?” he coughed out a laugh. “I never thought I’d see one more. Let alone fifty.”
“Have you not hope? Now, after everything?”
“I do. And if we are to be wed, I know that I can plant my hope firmly at your feet.”
“Plant it everywhere,” she replied. “I am going to make you see the beauty in this world, if it’s the last thing I do!”
Adam smirked. “This marriage is going to be fun.”
Belle laughed, “It will be! No sarcasm,” she said, touching the tip of his nose.
“Oh, always sarcasm, darling. But I mean what I say when I tell you that I am excited to marry you. I never looked forward to the future, but now, when I do, I feel warmth and joy gather up inside of me. I see your light at the end of a very dark tunnel.”
Belle’s heart fluttered. She leaned down and kissed him again; slowly this time, soft and tender and just long enough to feel a bit of that warmth and joy. She pulled back and looked at him, drawing imaginary lines around his face. They were silent awhile, Belle studying the curvature of his nose, Adam studying the way her eyes shined in the candlelight.
“Did you have a good birthday?” she asked.
“The best, thank you,” he answered. “First of many?”
Belle smiled, moving to press one soft kiss to his forehead before returning her fond gaze upon him. “Absolutely, my love.”
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your-garden-rose · 2 years
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Taglist: @crystal-yukio , @ruler-of-hades , @onigirinchanowo , @ellie3467 , @k1ngan0n , @demon-tears , @heizis , @soggywafle , @nukilol , @happy-smiley , @obeyme-stuff , @tonedeafbard2 , @r-0-tt-3-n-m-1-lk , @syke-1-7-3-8-ay, @kathibear
I’m sorry if i didn’t tag anyone, or if I’m not able to tag them <33
TW: Violence, Insults, Mc going feral on the boys, bl*od, if I left something please let me know <33
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Ch 4: Karma is a bitch~
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You grinned at the tense atmosphere in front of you as you noticed how the faces of everyone darkened at the group with Cecilia that was sat in the corner. Diavolo stood up and walked towards you with his face darkening and his brows furrowed. He made his way to you as the sea of demons paved way for him, his mood only darkening more and more. “Mc.” “Ah! My Lord! Didn’t I tell you to sit?” “What is the meaning of this.” His voice boomed as he glared down at you. “My lord? It was a surprise! But since you’re up here, might as well start the next segment” you giggled as you looked him in the eye. “Now everyone, I present our next segment! Which will be now carried by you all!” You said as you gestured to the crowd. “You all, will be stating, YOUR honest opinions about not only the birthday queen, but, also, the bunch of clowns sitting back there!” You smiled as you pointed at the group sitting with Cecilia. “Let’s start with our Crown prince himself!” You stated as the light immediately shifted onto him as the prince stood there awkwardly. Soon, the demons stated everything they felt about him, and it really wasn’t any friendly. You chuckled as you watched everyone, insult the brothers, the royals, the angels, and finally, the two humans.
Once it was over, you finally grabbed the mic and said your parting words. “Well everyone, I suppose this is the end, thank you all for coming! You all were absolutely amazing! It was so much fun being with you darlings! As for you all…” your eyes narrowed at Cecilia and her “lovers” “you all were absolute pieces of trash for all of us to dispose of! You all were useless, pathetic, and surely, the most arrogant and annoying assholes anyone has to deal with! Honestly? It’s no surprise to me, that the comments about you all were not really that friendly to be fair” you shrugged. It was then Mammon, got up to charge at you. “YOU BIT-“ “Down.” He was immediately forced to kneel. He only growled at you as you grabbed his jaw and forced him to look at you. “Scumbag.” You spat at his face as his eyes widened. It was then, when everyone were staring at the scene in front of them. “Now! Would you darlings be comfortable to stay much longer for another extra segment? You all can join in you know!” you then commanded the rest of the avatars to immediately kneel before you in a circle.
You then immediately walked towards the second born as you grabbed his jaw and gripped it tightly. “Useless piece of shit.” You stated as your hands slowly trailed towards his neck, to the necklace you brought him a month before Cecilia came. “Trusting, and loving you was a mistake.” You stated as you yanked his necklace harshly and stomped on it in front of him, as his eyes widened and as tears started forming in his eyes. “You are the same useless piece of shit that I met at the beginning of the program. Why did I even waste my time with you?” You asked with venom in your voice. Your hands kept clenching onto his jaw tighter, and tighter, until you heard a sick crack and black liquid started oozing out of his mouth. He really couldn’t say anything as he clutched his mouth in pain. You then harshly kicked him on his jaw once more, before moving on to Leviathan. You then stomped on his foot as Cecilia watched with horror. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM YOU BIT-“ “Silence her, Belphegor.” And with that swift command, Belphegor seized her by her neck and closed her mouth harshly as she cried out in pain. “Shut your filthy mouth, slut. You really aren’t in a position to speak, you know?” You stated as you kicked Cecilia harshly. “As you all can see, the seven avatars are now utterly helpless. But darlings~ this can’t continue in the presence of those vermins, now can’t we? Shoo them out for me please~” and with that, the prince was kicked out of the auditorium as he looked at you with teary, pitiful eyes to which you only responded with anger and annoyance which only made him, and his butler get escorted out faster than before. You only smiled and continued walking towards leviathan. You stomped his head as you whispered “pathetic shut in. You can’t really do anything good, can’t you? Useless. Really. So much for the grand admiral of hell’s navy.” You scoffed as you kicked his nose once more and made your way to Lucifer.
You slowly tilted his chin upwards and cooed at it mockingly. “Awwwh, poor lapdog.” You tutted as you suddenly grabbed his perfectly styled hair and smashed his head on the ground. “Useless.” You muttered, as a chill went up his spine. “Useless, good for nothing piece of shit.” You muttered as you yanked his head harder, the hair threatening to detach from the scalp. “I couldn’t be more disappointed in you since the day I met you.” “You filthy mutt.” His eyes widened at that name. “You can be as prideful as you want, just remember. Without this pride you are nothing.” And with that you left to Satan. “Well! If it isn’t the copy cat!” You grinned cheerfully as you knelt down beside him. “How does it feel, having no identity huh? Useless, right?” You chuckled as you got up and kicked his gut. You then walked over to Asmodeus, as you noticed him squirm under your glare. “If it isn’t hell’s sex toy! Or not… I don’t really care. I mean, who would? You’re nothing but a flesh light after all.” You spat as you looked at him. “You could be as pretty as you want, Asmodeus. Just know that you will never be loved the way you want to.” He watched as tearfully as you grinned at him. “All the makeup in the world will never make your insecurities go away, remember this, Asmodeus.” You whispered and got up, ignoring his tears falling freely. You then made your way to the twins, as you noticed the twins together, with Cecilia now passed out, as Beezlebub and Belphegor both trembled under your sharp glare. You knelt down between them, and whispered “pathetic. Useless. Fools. What can you both do right? You’re literally born to disappoint people, you know that right?” Their eyes widened. “You disappointed Lilith, you disappointed your father, you disobeyed him. Infact, you both should’ve been the ones locked away for failing, since that’s all you can do.” And you walked away with delivering a kick to the whimpering Belphegor and walked towards the center, as you announced the demons to have a try, as you casted a spell to bind them in place.
You smiled at the scene in front of you, as you only sang along
“Karma’s a bitch~”
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the-darkdragonfly · 1 year
NEW TALE: Silly Love Songs - A SilverHook Tale
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Wishing the beautiful and talented @donteattheappleshook a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is some SilverHook to help you celebrate, my darling friend. But more importantly, William Scarlet is here too, being all... William Scarlet...
(and thank you to @elizabeethan who fixed all my grammar. you are an angel.)
“I was asked not to give a speech today,” William gestured casually to Emma as she pressed her hands to her face, red with embarrassment. “But, I never listen,” he took a swing of the expensive champagne he had browbeat her into supplying- it’s your wedding you hussy, you need to serve the good stuff- before becoming utterly serious, his voice bellowing now from the podium he had commandeered from Belle, her golden dress shimmering as if in mild exasperation, as she stood to the left of the low stage. 
“Dearly beloved,” he started and Killian sputtered into his glass, “we have come together on this day, to drink free booze, and to celebrate a miracle.” 
His audience tittered, laughter tinkling like the light clinking of crystal which preceded William’s overthrowing of the stage moments before as Emma hid behind her hands.
“I met Emma Swan,” he paused for dramatic effect, “sorry, sorry, I forgot why we’re all here,” he held his free hand up in placation, “Emma Jones,” they tittered again, “long before she met Killian.” 
“Oh no,” Emma whispered, turning her face to rest her chin on her new husband’s shoulder. 
“And while I have a fair number of good stories about those days, that’s not why we’re here,” Emma sighed in relief, “I was there that night, The Night, as it were,” William had settled into storytelling mode and had, as usual, wrapped his audience up with his tale. “In fact, Emma! I almost forgot!” He feigned shock and turned once more to Emma, and she buried her face deeper into Killian’s neck, “aren’t you glad you didn’t have a quarter on you?” 
Read the rest here.
@elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @sailtoafarawayland @teamhook @wefoundloveunderthelight @caught-in-the-filter @batana54 @ultraluckycatnd @veryverynotgood @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @jrob64 @kmomof4 @artistic-writer @gingerpolyglot @xarandomdreamx @justanother-unluckysoul @zaharadessert @xsjax @karlyfr13s @tiganasummertree @wyntereyez @klynn-stormz @onceratheart18 @rkrbirdgirl @ouatdaily @blowmiakisscolin @courtorderedcake @winterbaby89 @pirateprincessofpizza @superchocovian @deckerstarblanche @jlsadphoenix @alexa-fangirl-forever @stahlop @undercaffinatednightmare @lostintheskyfaraway @anmylica @motherkatereloyshipper @last-tsarina @lfh1226-linda @hookedmom @yikes-00 @midnightsuki @paradiselady19
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