#happy 500 dorks
eggyrocks · 1 month
#53 with my babygirl suga pls....
suga is sooooo babygirl.........
500 follower special: #53 “Who crawls through someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream?!”
sugawara x gn reader, established relationship, fluff, nonsense, goofy shit, reader doing weird shit (crawling through windows at 4am) not proofread
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Their fingers move in a way that would suggest that they've done this before. They know what they're doing when they fiddle and twist at the outside of the window lock, biting down on their bottom lip in concentration.
Once the lock finally pops, they grin brightly, unbothered by the fact that it is their eighteenth straight hour without sleep or how soon enough the world will start to awake around them. All the can think of as they pull the window open and climb through, is the plastic bag they have dangling from their wrist, and their sleeping boyfriend, twisted up in bedsheets and half-hanging on the bed.
They step carefully through his room, depositing the bag on his bedside table. Sugawara's light snores fill the room, and they can't help but smile as they approach his bedside, sitting on the edge of the bed and admiring him for a moment, thinking fondly of how cute he looks before they lean in and gently shake at his shoulder.
"Koshi," they say, not bothering to keep their voice low. "Babe, wake up."
His expression twists in his sleep, brow furrowing and upper lip twitching. "Hmmph," he groans, stirring slightly.
They lean closer, placing a kiss on his slightly-sweaty forehead before they lean back, and flick the center of it.
Sugawara flinches, jerking back at the contact. His eyes flutter open slowly, and he twists his head at the sight of them. "Babe?" he questions. "Am I dreaming?"
They giggle. "Nope, I'm real," they say, and lift their arm to reveal the plastic bag of ice cream they smuggled through his window. "Brought this for you."
Eyes still heavy with sleep, Sugawara sits up, placing his weight on his forearm and reaching for his phone. The brightness of his screen makes him flinch again. "It's four in the morning."
"Yeah, and I brought you ice cream," they explain, settling back to sit cross-legged on the floor of his bedroom. Sugawara practically rolls off the bed, scooting closer to sit beside them. He rests his head on his shoulder as they pull out a pint of strawberry. "I was gonna get toppings but I stopped at three different twenty-four hour stores and they didn't have anything good."
"Who the fuck crawls through someone's window at four in the morning for ice cream?" he asks through a yawn, nuzzling in closer to their shoulder.
They're struggling with the plastic around the pint, trying to rip away at it with their nails. "The love of your life," they reply lowly, eventually giving up and tearing into with their teeth. "You know my birthday?"
Sugawara's arms slowly wrap around their waist, pulling them in closer, eyes closed as he tries to get as close to them as possible. "I know of it."
"Well, you broke into my house at five in the morning to take me for breakfast on my birthday, because you said you wanted to celebrate as early as you could," they explain, finally ripping the plastic clear off and popping off the lid. "And now, I'm beating your record. Happy birthday, Koshi."
They can feel his lips pull into a smile against the skin of their neck. "You're such a dork," he says, voice heavily laced with affection. "Thank you babe, love you."
'Love you, babe," they reply, slightly unfocused. The plastic spoon they brought is no match for the frozen pint. It just scrapes along the top, and they can't get a good scoop out. "Fuck, this is hard. I was hoping it would've melted by now."
His eyelashes tickle their skin. "It still counts as a birthday celebration if I go back to sleep, right? Your record will still count?"
"No," they insist, "you have to actually have the ice cream in order for it to count."
Without opening his eyes, Sugawara reaches down for the pint and sloppily licks along surface of the ice cream. "There, I had the ice cream. Now come to bed with me."
He looks up at them, sleepy eyes half-closed and a lazy grin on his lips. "Please, babe? It's all I want for my birthday."
All it takes is one look at him and his dopey, sleep filled smile for them to relent.
Their legs are tangled together, and Sugawara's holding onto them so tightly they wouldn't be able to pull away if they tried. He snores lightly. The sun rises, and the ice cream melts on his bedroom floor.
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an: why was i sleeping on suga i love him
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sandy-the-glader · 4 months
Is That Me?
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Character: Adrian Chase x Gn!Reader
Type: Fluff
Length: Drabble (500 words)
Summary: All month you have been ranting to your best friend about your celebrity crush and Adrian gets a little jealous. Little does he know that the face is quite familiar.
Trope: established relationship
A/N: Since Peacemaker confirmed that a lot of celebrities exist in the DC universe I thought this was adorable. Also, I saw someone do this with a different celebrity a long time ago so credit to them! Hope this will tie you guys over until I finish the requests since they are taking longer than I thought they would.
"Who is he?" Adrian stood in the doorway of your guy's shared bedroom with folded arms and a concerned look on his face. You looked up from your phone with a confused look.
"Who are you talking about?" You sat up on the bed with your phone in front of you. Adrian sighed heavily
"You know who. The dude you've been talking about non-stop." You couldn't help the smile that broke out on your face. You had been ranting to your best friend over the phone for weeks about this really handsome actor you came across recently because he looked exactly like your boyfriend.
A giggle bubbled up inside you and you started to laugh hard. You couldn't keep hiding the celebrity from Adrian.
"What's so funny?" He frowned at my reply. You almost felt bad but once he realized who it was he would feel much better.
"Are you jealous Adrian?"
"Gonna be honest yes I am a little bit! Who is he?" He came closer to me making me look up at him. Seeing him jealous was honestly really attractive.
"Do you really want to know?" You teased trying to keep pulling a reaction out of him.
"Yes." He whined. You unlocked your phone and typed up the actor you had been obsessing over. You hesitated to show him because the joke was really enjoyable. But you finally flipped over the phone to him and showed him.
At first, he squinted and adjusted his glasses to see the man better. Then his face morphed into confusion and shock.
"Is this me?" He exclaimed scrolling through the images that popped up of him. "He's me but blonde?" He looked so startled.
"No! Freddie Stroma." You giggled. Adrian sat down on the bed absolutely starstruck by the information of him having a look alike.
"Oh my god, I was in Harry Potter." He muttered. You continued to smile and laugh at his reaction. "Are you sure this isn't me? Did you like photoshop my face on some random guy's body?"
"I definitely did not." You watched his face morph into so many emotions. Curiosity, confusion, and some sort of happiness.
"So this whole time you've been obsessing over a guy that looks like me?" He still continued to scroll and look at everything he's done. You nodded a couple of times. "But I'm right here." He shrugged his shoulders. Adrian narrowed his eyes at the screen still flabbergasted by the whole situation.
"But do you have a hot British accent?" you joked.
"Yes. I do now!" He put on a fake voice making you kiss his cheek.
"I just wanted to see how you would react baby." You hummed hugging him from the side. "And now there's an actor that looks like my boyfriend," You repeated to kiss him on his cheek making his face go all warm.
"Please don't say you're going to leave me for actor me." He turned his head and had a look of genuine fear in his eyes for a minute before you cupped them and told him no.
"No honey I'm not going anywhere." He leaned in to capture your lips in a heartfelt kiss that made your heartbeat quicken. You didn't need a celebrity that looked like your boyfriend because you already had him in your arms.
"Are you still jealous?" you joked making him smile.
"Defiantly not because it's me." He smiled like a dork. You were happy to have your love in your life. "I guess I'm an actor now." You shook your head.
"Nah my boyfriend is the badass Vigilante."
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formulawonu · 1 year
mingyu & shopping
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summary: best friend!mingyu is arguably the best thing that has ever happened to you but everyone else is in love with him so you have the lucky privilege of humbling him all the time 
a/n: i wanted to post this on mingyu day but i clearly didn’t make it ://  just a small blurb for our birthday boy. belated happy birthday, gyu. i hope you’re smiling everyday <3 also this isnt proofread sorry! also thank u for 500 followerssssss <3 <3 <3
wc: 605 😸
“not everything looks good on you, kim mingyu. reel it in a little.” 
—and that makes lie number three you’ve told your best friend today. the first was telling him how tiring it was seeing his face every morning when he picked you up (it was actually the best part of your otherwise dreary day) and the second was you telling him you didn’t care if he asked this one girl out (it bothered you more than it should have).
mingyu makes eye contact with you in the mirror and scoffs at the look on your face. “i don’t know why i always bring you along with me. you never say anything looks good on me.” he starts angling himself and squinting at the mirror, probably trying to figure out if he really didn’t look good in the outfit. 
it was funny to you that mingyu took everything you told him to heart. whether it be teasing him on how clumsy he could be to how much of a closet dork he was, his reactions to it all always made you laugh. you befriended mingyu in the fifth grade because you were the lone person who had the guts to tell him being tall wasn’t as big of an advantage as he thought it was; you thought it just made him more susceptible to being bossed around to do favors for everyone else shorter than him. he bickered back, saying you were just jealous because you were shorter than him. you replied saying you didn’t want to have his height if it meant not being able to handle the truth of the matter. 
that was the first time someone wasn’t praising mingyu for the things he was simply born with. he thought you were being real and you thought he was cute. it was the perfect dynamic to becoming best friends.
“that’s what best friends are for,” you say. you flash him a smile and he rolls his eyes. “you know i’m hopelessly in love with you regardless of how ugly you look in that sweater anyway.” 
your best friend groans then turns away from the mirror to face you. he starts striking the silliest poses at you (still managing to look good, you add in the back of your head.) he sends you a genuine smile. “i know. and i love you too.” 
your heart flutters even when you know he doesn’t mean it in the way you wished he would. you continue to watch him try on clothes, happily content with wasting away your saturday afternoon like this. 
“are you excited for our date tonight?” he asks you as he pays for his clothes at the register. 
“i’m always excited when you’re paying.” you reply.
mingyu jokingly frowns. “sometimes i feel like you’re just using me for my money.”
“okay, but who else will put up with you?” 
he reaches over and pinches your cheek, knowing you hate it when he does that. you attempt to swat his hand away but he catches it and interlocks your fingers. the cashier looks at the both of you and smiles as she hands over his bag of clothes and receipt. mingyu takes it with his free hand. “you two are so cute. enjoy the rest of your day!” you’re about to protest but mingyu simply says thank you and pulls you out of the store. 
as you walk down the street with your best friend, still hand in hand, you let yourself revel in the simplicity of the moment. this would do for now – maybe forever – as long as it meant always having kim mingyu by your side.
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razorblade180 · 6 months
Aether: *gardening*
Furina:*watching intently*
Amber:It’s been a while since I seen someone stare with such intensity.
Furina:I am not staring. I’m just…watching from afar.
Amber:But why? If you want to bug him he won’t mind.
Furina:I’ve been told he’s very considerate of everyone’s feelings when it comes to the teapot and public spaces. I have no interests in making enemies.
Amber:Pfft, “enemies.” Yes, he’s considerate, and that’s not to say we aren’t about each other, but we’re way more normal about it than he is. I’ve kissed that dork at a meeting.
Furina:That sounds like a power move.
Amber:I was half asleep. Anyways, no need to walk on eggshells. From what I’ve told, you’ve been…lacking basic intimacy for a long time.
Furina:That’s an…understatement to say the least. 500 years to be exact.
Amber:Yeah nobody is going to judge you for anything. I know it’s not technically the same but there was a solid period of time you could find Nahida on his shoulders.
Furina could see that easily. She took Amber’s words to heart and decided to walk over, sitting right next to Aether and waving awkwardly when he noticed her. He gave a smile before putting a Lake Lily in her hair.
Amber:Another job well done!
Keqing:This is your job now?
Amber:Oh hey. Have you been watching this entire time!?
Keqing:Most of it. I would’ve said something but I think Furina might be a little wary of me.
Amber:You are very intimidating at first glance.
Keqing:*pouts* But that’s just my face! I’m as friendly as you!
Amber:I know you are. *hugs her* Happy Birthday by the way.
Keqing:Thank you.
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mthofferings · 8 months
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See Writer_Lethogica’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: thatmexisaurusrex
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: Fluff, Crack Treated Seriously, Wing Fic, Canon Compliant, No Powers AU, Fantasy AU, Getting Together, Established Romance, 5+1, Dorks in Love
Will not create works that contain: Rape, Incest, Non-Con, No Happy Ending, Torture, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1074
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - MCU Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson - MCU Bucky Barnes/Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson - MCU Riley/Sam Wilson - MCU Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson - MCU Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson - MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson - MCU Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson - MCU
Work Description: The bid will start at 500 words at $5. Each additional $5 will add 500 words ie: $5 - 500 words $10 - 1K words $15 - 1.5K words The increase in words along with the $5 increases will continue until it hits 10k words, which will be the cap. You can check my Tumblr and my AO3 account to see what kind of fics I write. A lot of what I do is thoughtful dives into canon compliance like BuckyQuest or Back in the Gulf, fantastical AUs like If We Are Celestial Bodies or His Wingless Stranger, or romcom AUs like A No Snow Christmas or My Best Friend's Brother. I am open to writing other Sam Wilson-centric fics and certain other ships that aren't listed, but message me on Tumblr if that's something you'd want rather than the ships listed above to check if I'm okay with writing the ship you want.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 2040
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - MCU Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson - MCU Bucky Barnes/Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson - MCU Riley/Sam Wilson - MCU Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson - MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson - MCU Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson - MCU Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson - MCU
Work Description: The bid will start at 500 words at $5. Each additional $5 will add 500 words ie: $5 - 500 words $10 - 1K words $15 - 1.5K words The increase in words along with the $5 increases will continue until it hits 10k words, which will be the cap. You can check my Tumblr and my AO3 account to see what kind of fics I write. A lot of what I do is thoughtful dives into canon compliance like BuckyQuest or Back in the Gulf, fantastical AUs like If We Are Celestial Bodies or His Wingless Stranger, or romcom AUs like A No Snow Christmas or My Best Friend's Brother. I am open to writing other Sam Wilson-centric fics and certain other ships that aren't listed, but message me on Tumblr if that's something you'd want rather than the ships listed above to check if I'm okay with writing the ship you want.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Ahhh squiggly! I just got a chance to read my request you fulfilled and I loved it so so much!!! And I’m extremely honored you enjoy my messages, I’m glad they make your day better! If Pokémon requests are still open, may I please request another one with Roark? I headcannon he gives really good bear hugs! 10/10 bodies the person (and tooootally dosent spin his s/o) and if it’s not a big deal, can you also do another x reader? But, if your Pokémon requests are full, no worries friend! Just ignore this request and have a lovely day! Thank you so so much!! -⚡️
Aww!!! That makes my heart happy! Thank you friend :) And gah, my heart is BLOOMING! Roark beloved- I always love writing for him! This is beyond precious! I've gotcha covered, friend! Have an amazing day aswell!
There was a lot of things you loved about Roark.
For one- he was an absolute dork about fossils and rocks. He could ramble for hours about the history of various prehistoric pokemon and their habits, forms, and the mythology associated with them. His excitement for said things was incredibly endearing, and he had a way to him that made even what seemed like the most boring aspects entertaining.
He was also incredibly supportive of you in all your plans and decisions. As long as you were doing it for you and weren’t putting yourself in harm's way, he was your number one cheerleader, encouraging you to take risks and being there for you if you stumbled. 
Both in the metaphorical and literal sense. He’s a strong guy- there had been more than one occasion where he carried you home after you hurt or exhausted yourself.
All these are great, but by far your favorite part of Roark came in his hugs. There were two types when it came to the fossil loving redhead: the first was softer- a gentle squeeze when the day’s been long and you needed physical affection. They could last forever if you desired it.
The second was even better.
“ROARK! ROARK I GOT IN!” You all but screamed as you raced through Oreburgh, flying past trainers and workers alike. In your hand you were waving a piece of paper, the words “We welcome you to Naranja Academy” sprawled across the top. “THEY ACCEPTED ME!”
“They did?” Roark, who had come running at your screams, whooped in joy as he gathered you up in his arms, spinning you around as you laughed and laughed. “That’s my (Y/N)! I knew they'd accept you! I knew it!”
“I’m going to Paldea!” You cheered, hugging him just as tight as he let you down on your feet. Then the reality of what was happening kicked in, dampening your mood. “I’m leaving Sinoh..”
“Hey, hey- no tears.” Roark smiled as he reached up, brushing your cheek. “This is a good thing! You’ll finally get to travel like you’ve always wanted!” He pinched your cheek gently. “My dear (Y/N)’s gonna be famous! Don’t forget me when you're the new champion, okay?”
“Ugh, you’re annoying!” You laughed, shoving him lightly. “Really though- I won’t be home for a year. I’m gonna miss you.”
“I will, too.” Finally, a drop of sadness entered his voice, the two of you sharing the moment as the world went on. “But,” he shook himself out of it, smiling once more. “I’ll come visit! Once you're settled in, you can give me a tour of the region and introduce me to all your new friends.”
“Hm, we’ll see. I might be too famous by then.” Yout teased, laughing as he pulled you along, the two of you arm in arm as you walked back to your shared apartment. You were gonna miss him when you were gone. “Promise you’ll at least video call me?”
“Everyday.” He swore, raising a pinky finger.
You tucked yours around his, smiling.
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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javierpena-inatacvest · 9 months
500 Followers Celebration!!
You guys... I got back from work and hit 500 followers today??? UH WHAT??? Okay, because I am having writer's block and in honor of hitting 500 followers, I thought it would be fun to do some requests for some one-shots/drabbles from these fun prompts for our one and only Javier Peña (or Frankie Morales maybe bc I've been on a Frankie kick lately and am trying to branch out???) Send me a prompt number and let's have some fun hehehehe
Thank you guys SO much for the love and support, giving each and every one of you a big ole' kiss on the forehead, ILYYYYYY 🥹💖
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“I was never a morning person, but then I started waking up to your face and you know… Maybe mornings aren’t that bad, after all.” 
“Why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” 
“I fucking hate you.” “No you don’t. Take that back right now.” 
“You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”  
“Oh, fuck. Do that again.” 
“You look stupid as all hell right now.”
“I want to believe you, but I don’t know if I can.” 
“You’ve given me so many reasons to walk away.” “Then why don’t you walk away? It’s not like I’m keeping you hostage here.” “You still don’t get it, do you? It’s because I love you.” 
“…Damn it all to hell, if I don’t get to have you tonight then I’m never going to be able to have you.” 
“Let me call you mine, just for tonight.”
“I think you and I make an amazingly stupid pair.” “I know! Our two brain cells combined together make for quality entertainment and a unique kind of stupidity.” 
“I’m going to have so much fun with you.”
“Oh God, yes, right there— oh my God, just like that, please don’t stop.” “…Can you stop that? You’re making it sound like we’re in a porno and now I’m highly uncomfortable.” 
“Bet you they don’t make you sound like that, do they?” 
“Fuck, you’re such a wreck, and because of me, too.” 
“Can you stop moaning? I’m trying to help you relax but you’re making it hard for me to concentrate.” “Sorry, your hands just work a little too good.” “I’m going to pay for a masseuse next time if you keep doing this.” 
“You are driving me insane and I’m this close to losing my shit because of you.”
“Is hating me your only personality trait?”
“Never scare me like that again!” 
“Oh, don’t worry. I have every plan to make you submit to me.”
“I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” 
“That could be us.” “That is us.”
“Was it worth it?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you— slow down, you’ll get what you want soon enough.”
“I want you to remember every single second of this.” 
“Bet you they can’t make you feel the way I do.” “Bet’s on.” “Wait, what? That was not my intention—”
“Hm, but I think I like having you spread out like this. Such a gorgeous sight.” 
“Come and get your fix.”
“…You’re an addiction I never want to quit.” 
“I had nothing to live for, but then you came into my life. So thank you.” 
“Why’d you— why’d you do that?” “B-Because I promised you I’d do anything to keep you safe.” 
“I swear if we get caught then I’m actually going to kill you.” 
“You think I wanted this to happen?!”
“Just when I was about to give up…”
“I trusted you with my life.” “Well, I’m sorry but you’re clearly very gullible.”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel the same as I do, then I’ll leave you alone.” 
“You know, maybe you should bet on something else the next time instead of betting on someone’s fucking feelings.” 
“You’re such a dork.” “Yeah, no wonder you’re so in love with me.”
“Does me doing all these things not account for anything?” “I never asked you to do those things for me, though, did I?”
“You nearly foiled our plan, you idiot!”
“I… I think I’m happy.” “You think? So you’re not one hundred percent certain?”
“Who’s laughing now?” “…Clearly not you. You’re crying, dear God.” 
“I’m tired of being on the sidelines.” 
“You actually came back.”
“Christ on a fucking bike, I could kiss you right now.”
“That was a bold move.”
“We’re going to be late, all because you couldn’t stop scrolling through that damn phone of yours while taking your damn sweet time to shit!” 
“Kinda sucks that I can only have you like this.” 
“I fell in love, so hard, and so fast, but a part of me knew it wasn’t going to last.” 
“Your heart’s always on your sleeve.” “Only around you, because you’re the only one who knows me so well. Too well, in fact.”
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allagogtoreblog · 1 year
Marry Christmas
Eddie x Reader
Word Count: 500
Warnings: No gender or descriptions - although the reader does celebrate Christmas, no use of Y/N
You grin as Eddie hands you an envelope, eager to see its contents. Rather than buy generic, commercialized crap (his words), your boyfriend preferred to make you cards for every holiday, and you cherished every one of them – even the dirty ones he made for Valentine’s Day.  
As you pull the homemade card out, your smile becomes a laugh when you see the same demon head from the Hellfire Club logo - a Santa hat covering the left horn and the sword and mace replaced by flaming candy canes.
“Dork,” you mutter affectionately, your heart swelling at Eddie’s dimpled grin in response to your teasing. Your eyes drop to the words scribbled above the demon’s head, the letters alternating in green and red colors.
“Marry Christmas?” you read off bemusedly. “Eds… You know that’s not how you spell Merry, right?”
He snatches the card from your hand and looks down at the word before cursing softly. “I stayed up late to draw this last night, and I guess I was more tired than I thought.” He stands up and darts towards the kitchen. “Lemme fix this real quick.”
“Eddie!” you yell after him, “you don’t have to –”
“Two seconds!” he yells back.
“It really wasn’t a big deal,” you gently chastise when he reappears, triumphantly waving the card over his head.
“Nope,” he says, with a shake of his messy curls. “Gotta be perfect.” He hands the card back. “Now, is this better?”
You roll your eyes at his dramatics before returning your gaze to the card. Your brow furrows when you realize that, instead of fixing the error, he’s crossed out the word Christmas and written a different word above it. “Marry Me? Eddie, what…” you trail off when you look back up to see Eddie has dropped down to one knee, a ring box in his hand, and a nervous look on his face.
“Remember when you asked me what I wanted for Christmas a few months ago?”
You nodded hesitantly, too stunned to speak.
“Do you remember what I told you?”
Your mind immediately flashed back to the (what you thought was a) cheeky response he had given you at the time.
“Just you, sweetheart.”
You whispered the words out loud, your voice choked up with tears.
“So what do you say,” he continued, a fragile hope blooming in his chocolate-brown eyes as he opened the box and revealed the ring within. “Will you make my Christmas wish come true?”
You flung yourself at him, knocking him to his back and screaming, “Yes!” repeatedly in between planting kisses all over his tear-stained cheeks before landing on his plush lips.
Eddie pulled back from the kiss, murmuring, “I love you,” against your lips.
You repeated it as you felt him reach for your hand, followed by the sensation of cool metal slipping over your ring finger. He pulled your hand towards his lips and softly kissed the small gemstone.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” he murmured.
“Merry Christmas, Eddie.”
To everyone who has made it to the end, hope you all have a happy holiday and a great new year! Thanks so much for all the likes and follows. :)
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cavewomania · 2 years
Danganronpa 1 Ship Names List
Inspired by ship names of old, these are ship names I made for Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc that aren't portmanteaus of their names. Some were created by others but most were made by myself. These were made for fun, not for war, and most are rather stupid, please enjoy.
Asahina Aoi x Celestia Ludenberg: Hold the Salt Enoshima Junko: Fashion Forward Fujisaki Chihiro: Water Damage Fukawa Toko: Tampons Need Apply Hagakure Yasuhiro: Tides of Fortune Ikusaba Mukuro: Cutting Knife Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Dress Code Jill: Busty and the Brash Kirigiri Kyoko: Donut and Coffee Kuwata Leon: Beachballs Maizono Sayaka: Picture Perfect Naegi Makoto: Seaweed Ogami Sakura: Beauty and the Beast Owada Mondo: Butter Spread Togami Byakuya: Sea of Green Yamada Hifumi: Sweet n' Salty
Celestia Ludenberg x Enoshima Junko: Jingūbashi Meetup Fujisaki Chihiro: Deep Blue Fukawa Toko: Fahrenheit 451 Hagakure Yasuhiro: Yasuhiro Party Ikusaba Mukuro: Cut-Throat Methods Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Orderly Fashion Jill: Blackjack Kirigiri Kyoko: Poker Face Kuwata Leon: Tounge Tied Maizono Sayaka: Platinum Album Naegi Makoto: Royal Flush Ogami Sakura: Cherry Pits Owada Mondo: Drag Party Togami Byakuya: Money Maam Yamada Hifumi: Beauhemian
Enoshima Junko x Fujisaki Chihiro: Digital Edition Fukawa Toko: Gal's Alphabet Hagakure Yasuhiro: Doomsday Predictions Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Modeling Careers Jill: Criminal Minds Kirigiri Kyoko: Luckster's Roommates Kuwata Leon: Childish Dreams Maizono Sayaka: Bubblegum Pop Naegi Makoto: Ultimate Despairs Ogami Sakura: Ouroboros Owada Mondo: Tough Love Togami Byakuya: Glass Ceilings Yamada Hifumi: Alpha and the Omega
Fujisaki Chihiro x Fukawa Toko: Shrinking Violets Hagakure Yasuhiro: Telescope Duo Ikusaba Mukuro: Landmines Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Line by Line Jill: Dust Bunnies Kirigiri Kyoko: Access Codes Kuwata Leon: Cyberpunk Maizono Sayaka: Vocaloid Naegi Makoto: Bug Tester Ogami Sakura: Iron Hearts Owada Mondo: Man's Promise Togami Byakuya: Bitcoin Yamada Hifumi: Inside the Screen
Fukawa Toko x Hagakure Yasuhiro: Fortune Smeller Ikusaba Mukuro: Memwar Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Admiration Party Jill: ...?! Kirigiri Kyoko: Mystery Novel Kuwata Leon: Sports Journal Maizono Sayaka: Poetry Stars Naegi Makoto: Papercut Ogami Sakura: Writers Block Owada Mondo: Smoke n' Mirrors Togami Byakuya: Stinking Rich Yamada Hifumi: Fantasy Party
Hagakure Yasuhiro x Ikusaba Mukuro: Battle Plan Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Odds and Evens Jill: Organ Donor Kirigiri Kyoko: Fog Cutter Kuwata Leon: Weather Forcast Maizono Sayaka: Starry-Eyed Naegi Makoto: Lucky Charms Ogami Sakura: Ogre and the Idiot Owada Mondo: Biker's Instinct Togami Byakuya: Fortune 500 Yamada Hifumi: Just Deserts
Ikusaba Mukuro x Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Historical Accuracy Jill: Hungry Like a Wolf Kirigiri Kyoko: Secret Service Kuwata Leon: Strike Out Maizono Sayaka: Pop Grenade Naegi Makoto: Herbivore Party Ogami Sakura: Martial Law Owada Mondo: Built Like a Tank Togami Byakuya: Bounty Hunters Yamada Hifumi: Commission Work
Ishimaru Kiyotaka x Jill: School Scissors Kirigiri Kyoko: Lavender Detergent Kuwata Leon: Batting Average Maizono Sayaka: Radiowave Standards Naegi Makoto: Honesty is King Ogami Sakura: Protein Bars Owada Mondo: Motormouths Togami Byakuya: Suit Up Yamada Hifumi: Dork Party
Jill x Kirigiri Kyoko: Splitting Hairs Kuwata Leon: Punk Goes the Weasel Maizono Sayaka: Tounge Twister Naegi Makoto: Lucky Buns Ogami Sakura: Not for Hire Owada Mondo: Bike Jam Togami Byakuya: Two for One Deal Yamada Hifumi: Danganronpa Fans
Kuwata Leon x Maizono Sayaka: Disco Ball Naegi Makoto: Lucky Strike Ogami Sakura: Strongarms Owada Mondo: Pancake Batter Togami Byakuya: Dyed Blond Yamada Hifumi: First Second and Third
Maizono Sayaka x Naegi Makoto: Shooting Star Ogami Sakura: Power Ballad Owada Mondo: Stereo Speakers Togami Byakuya: Golden Voice Yamada Hifumi: Waltz
Naegi Makoto x Ogami Sakura: Pushing Our Limits Owada Mondo: Bears, Seriously? Togami Byakuya: Jackpot Yamada Hifumi: Antennas n' Arrows
Ogami Sakura x Owada Mondo: Honorable Delinquent Togami Byakuya: Rich n' Richer Yamada Hifumi: Calligrapher's Punch
Owada Mondo x Togami Byakuya: Beyond Words Yamada Hifumi: Hot Potato
Togami Byakuya x Yamada Hifumi: Copyright Infringement
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saeyoungs-angel · 7 months
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⨳​ writing event! — aot
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rules. one request per person please! once the promt has been picked, it can't be picked again! requests can have up to three promts! must include a genre type if one is prefered! must include a character and prompt(s)! must read over my wills and won'ts before requesting, thank you!
characters. eren yeager, levi ackerman, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, hange zoe, annie leonhart, pieck finger
fic types. drabble(100 words), ramble(200-300 words), full fic(500 and up)
notes. hey there guys, long time no see! got a bit of my mojo back and decided to run an event celebrating the drop of the last episode. depending on what kind of request, there may be spoilers for people who haven't watched that far, please keep that in mind! with that said, if there's a second request you'd like to make, feel free to leave it in my inbox for when the event is over. :) have fun!
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1. “i don't think me being here is a good idea.”
2. “never leave my sight again.”
3. “be more careful next time, i don't wanna bandage you up again.”
4. “i like the way your hand fits in mine.”
5. “no like, it's just.. i can't believe you're wearing my clothes.”
6. “you're a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
7. “i can sleep when i'm dead.”
8. “that doesn't sound healthy.”
9. “oh god, is that.. blood?”
10. “you're doing great, don't look at it.”
11. “bite down on this, it's gonna hurt.”
12. “come here, let me fix it.”
13. “it's not heavy, i'm stronger than i look.”
14. “can i kiss you?”
15. “stop telling me you're okay.”
16. “don't talk to me, someone might think we're friends.”
17. “if it makes you feel better, you can slap me. lightly.”
18. “judge if you want, we're all going to die. i intend to deserve it.”
19. “i lied, you believed me. who's the stupid one?”
20. “do you believe in love at first sight?”
21. “i don't have time to feel guilty, and neither do you.”
22. “you're going to start drinking already?”
23. “might kill god just to feel something.”
24. “that's a bit dark, even for you.”
25. “i love when you talk like a dork.”
26. “why didn't you say goodbye?”
27. “it wasn't your fault.”
28. “i just need some time to myself.”
29. “i don't wanna lose you, too.”
30. “it's better this way.”
31. “don't make this harder than it already is.”
32. “stop pushing everyone away.”
33. “you haven't been yourself lately.”
34. “is s/he really just a friend?”
35. “you're making me think that what they told me about you was true.”
36. “not everyone is going to hurt you.”
37. “please don't misunderstand me.”
38. “can you just kiss me? one last time? that's all i ask.”
39. “i swear i'll do things differently this time.”
40. “i know i shouldn't be here.”
41. “i didn't mean to ruin your life.”
42. “i had a nightmare.”
43. “were you happier with him/her?”
44. “stop acting like you're happy, i know you're not.”
45. “do we like, hold hands now?”
46. “i didn't ever think we'd be here, like this.”
47. “can i trust you?”
48. “do you wanna watch the stars?”
49. “there's nothing i wouldn't do for you.”
50. “is there a reason you're blushing like that?”
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chnsfairy · 5 years
today crept up on me so quickly i barely realized its already been so long. it kinda shocked me too, i got a bit emotional thinking about it, i've been with my 9 favorite dorks for 500 fucking days. and i've made some really close friends when i joined this fandom so i'm really grateful for all of you as well.
january 22nd 2018, the first day felix started filling up my camera roll. it's how i tell i've started stanning a group, and well, from that day on that's all my camera roll and life seemed to consist of. and i've never regretted it one bit.
so, to my two precious angels, the two people who mean more than anyone in this world this is for you, even though you'll never see it i just wanna get it out of my chest.
𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱, 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
honestly i don't know where to start, maybe a simple thank you because it's seems to be the only thing i want to say to the two of you. thank you for being family, thank you for being there when it seemed like no one else was. even if i sound stupid cause lmao you don't even know i exist. well maybe you do after the concert idk oh well. but thank you. words might never express the way i feel about the two of you, so anything i'm saying now would never do justice to the big ball of butterflies you guys constantly put in my stomach. heck you >:(( anyway i'll get more specific now heh
𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧
i know i've already written a lot about you, and pages and pages of my life to you through a letter which i don't even know if you'll read but here we are again. when i told you you saved my life during group photo, and when i said thank you you just held your heart and said "no thank YOU". i feel like those three words will always confuse me. why on earth are you thanking me ? after all you're the one doing everything and i literally owe you my life so why am i being thanked ? you're more kind and thoughtful than you realize and not only have you saved my life but you, and the rest of skz ofc, have given me a reason to keep on living. although it's really really hard i'm trying my best, i'm trying my best for you, because you're the only person who's seemed to make life worth living at this point. so these 500 days have been a blast, even though my friends are probably tired of me talking about you i hope you aren't akfjakdkjs cause that would be bad cause guess who's back ranting about you. oh well,, happy anniversary baby, i'm looking forward to the next 500 with you, i'm sure they'll be some of the happiest days of my life
𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱,
oh jesus where do i even start with you. my baby, my little ray of sunshine who has the stars plastered on his cheeks. i think that if i was put in a room with you for 5 minutes i would just cry the whole time, i wouldn't even know why. it's strange, with chan i know exactly what i want to say and how i want to say it. but you ? you're still this whole mystery to me, yet you manage to make my stomach to flips whenever i see a photo of you. you always manage to put a smile on my face one way or another, i'll be watching some videos of you in class and everyone is probably really worried because of my starry eyed look lmao. anyway, you're one of the reasons as to why i'm pushing through each day, one of the reasons why my confidence has definitely risen and you're one of the reasons as to why i'm going to push myself and go abroad next year. if you could do it so young, then so can i. so thank you, you're a major inspiration and you don't even know it. i wish i could tell you not just through this, maybe if i got 7 minutes alone with you and not just 5 i could properly tell you but i guess this'll just do for now. so thank you again for your stupid dorky smile that i get to wake up to, cause you're my lOCKscREen rip, thank you for encouraging me to do something i never would've done two years ago. thank you for just- being you, being just so- perfect. thank you for an incredible 500 days spent, all worth it, and i cannot wait to see where the next year takes us
and to all of skz
ily you fucking crackheads >:(( i miss you already
sorry this is weird and stupid i'm emotional and khajaidjsjhskk
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usertimothee · 6 years
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“I remember.  I forgot who I was.  You made me remember.  I remember that feeling, walking with you that day.  Like I finally knew who I was for the first time in my life.  Thing is, we were walking side by side, but you were bringing me somewhere.  Bringing me here.  Bringing all of us to the new world.  You showed me the new world.  You made it real.  I see it.  I remember.”
goodbye (for now), rick grimes ❤
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anjizu · 7 years
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aokagamonth 2017 • Day 2: Birthday
Happy Birthday Kagami Taiga 「 2.8 」 (*≧∇≦)ノ<※*・:*:`♪:*:。*・☆*
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markets · 2 years
my cousin made me read the new dork diaries books And Srsly i could write an essay on the fall from grace that dork diaries had esp[ecially when compared to diary of a wimpy kid bc like i bett i could pick up one of the new wimpy kid books and still like it if not just as much as i did when i was like 8 then still a fair amount but present day nikki maxwell makes me want to stick a shotgun in my mouth. the appeal of dork diaries tto me as a kid was that she was this normal girl who was kind of a loser and had the odds stacked against her at this fancy school but still had friends and a semihappy ending most of the time like i could relate to her. diary of a wimpy kid was similar in some ways too Except greg was significantly cuntier (sorry) and also a boy. but over the years diary of a wimpy kid took away every single accomplishment of greg's in a funny way (like in the valentines day one where he lost the girl bc he thought she had chicken pox). he never gets a super happy ending but i never like grieved for him or anything as a kid. it wass always funny and kept him a normal kid i could relate to, made him a blank slate for whatever adventure hed have in the next book. meanwhile, over the years dork diaries has given nikki TOO much. a tv show a band the guy shes been chasing after the mean girl leaving the school (Literally the worstttt fucking writing decision ever btw.why would you take out your MAIN ANTAGONIST for no reason). and it never takes anything away so not only does this make the author have to make up somme totally mundane problems to fill pages (like in the birthday book where she complains about her parents not giving her a $500 party) it also just makes her not relatable to anyone at all. the most poignant example of this is like Ok do u guys remember in the first book when shes talking about how she is not the stereotypical girl who lays in bed writing about her hot boyfriend in her diary and eating chocolates. well guess what she does in book 13. iknow its a kids series not fine liiterature BUT IM SICK OF THISSS Like they massacred my childhood losergirl she was the blueprint for this blog and they took out her heart and soul. at least we still have mackenzie hollister Bc the book where she stole nikkis diary and wrote about her richgirl problems was the most interesting of the recent ones
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Intern Year - 5 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
It had been a month since Bailey's wedding.
In that month, Jo had befriended Karev and started hanging around at his house more.
Leaving you to either spend time with Brooks, or to head out to more garage sales in the hopes of finding those childhood things you'd missed out on.
Brooks had given you a list of what she deemed classic children's literature to be on the look-out for, much to Jo's amusement.
"What did you read in that library then if you weren't reading fairytales?" Brooks had asked, leaving Jo to look up from the pot noodle she was eating.
"A lot of encyclopedias and children's science books. I knew the Dem Bones song before I even knew which bone was which." You explained, frowning as Jo and Brooks exchanged looks.
"What's that face for?" You asked, but Brooks just shook her head and Jo was staring at the kitchen cupboards.
"You know, Alex doesn't really have any furniture. He doesn't even have mugs or glasses, he just sticks his face under the tap." Jo began to ramble, leaving you to pause as you twiddled the apple slice between your fingertips.
"We have a perfectly good couch and fun mugs..." Your meek reply when unheard by Jo as she continued to rant about Doctor Karev not owning plates either.
Brooks raised her eyebrows as you just huffed, throwing the apple slice up before catching it in your mouth.
Since Stephanie had managed to also work on Doctor Avery's service with Leah, you were stuck on scut.
"Didn't you play ping pong at Yale?" Jo's question immediately had Shane glaring at you whilst Doctor Shepherd raised an eyebrow.
"Ping pong at Yale, S/n?"
"It helps with wrist movements, so my dormmate, Cody and I would play ping pong whenever we had spare time." You explained, raising an eyebrow as Doctor Shepherd smiled.
"What's happening?" Doctor Karev enquired as he spotted Jo looking into the conference room window.
"Braces is kicking Shane's ass at ping pong. You want to make this interesting? Hundred bucks says Braces wins." Jo proposed, leaving Karev to shrug.
"You don't have a hundred bucks."
"I won't eat for a month." Jo retorted, watching intensely as you beat Shane again.
"Hey, who's winning?" Torres asked, glancing in at you playing against Shane.
"Braces has Shane on the ropes. Winner plays Shepherd. 500 bucks." Jo upped the stakes, watching you beat Shane again.
"Let's go, bitch!" Shane shouted, leaving you to withhold a laugh at Callie's face due to how Shane had called you a bitch.
"Oh, it's on!" You retorted, setting up another play as Shepherd and Torres exchanged looks.
"Wilson, you're working, not playing ping-pong." Yang told Jo off, leaving Jo to huff slightly as she realised you'd just won against Shane and now she was going to miss you playing against Shepherd.
"500 bucks, let me know how it goes." Jo whispered to Karev as Shane was left to do your scut work.
"You got here just in time. Shepherd is about to lose to Braces. It's the final point."
"Shepherd's got this."
"Double or nothing. What's wrong, you scared?" Jo offered her hand, leaving Karev to shake it.
"Fine, a thousand bucks."
You didn't even glance at the window as you heard Jo squealing in celebration.
"This was fun, I'm just happy I wiped the smirk off Shane's face." You admitted, leaving Shepherd to tilt his head to the side.
"You and Ross don't get along?"
"He and Murphy spread a lot of rumours about me to try ruin my confidence." You explained, watching as Shepherd switched hands.
"One more game, this time I'll play with my dominant hand." Shepherd stated, leaving you to nod before you laughed at Jo following Karev past the window, dancing.
"She's such a dork." You laughed before you spotted the ping pong ball flying at you.
"Ooh, nice!" You grinned, barely hitting the ball back at Shepherd.
A sigh left your lips as your text you sent to Jo an hour ago still went unread.
You didn't even feel like gloating about the fact you got to have the first shower without fighting her for it.
Because the only message Jo had sent you all day was about her winning a thousand bucks from Karev and that she was buying him a couch with it.
Your hair was still damp and Jo's hoodie was warm against your skin, but you didn't want to stew on the couch alone all night.
It didn't take you long to find a bar on google or to get changed.
Your text to Jo to say you were going out was also left unread.
She was busy drinking beers with Karev on the new couch.
Whilst you ended up on someone else's.
The bar wasn't too busy, so you were able to find a seat and get a drink. You'd given up on Jo acknowledging you by the time the girl had taken the seat next to you.
"Hey." Her voice was raspy as she watched you take a sip of your drink.
"Hi." You shrugged, finally done with it all, you were lonely.
"This is such a girlfriend thing." Alex tentatively pointed to the couch, not seeing how Jo rolled her eyes.
"What you're supposed to say is, thank you for the awesome couch." Jo corrected him, leaving Alex to shrug.
"You're like my brother, we drink beer and hang out." Jo nudged him in the shoulder before heading over to the couch.
"That explains a lot, especially since you're with S/n. I've never really had a friend whose a girl who didn't want to do me, except Mer-" Alex paused as Jo spluttered on her beer at the mention of you.
"You're less pent up than yesterday..." Jo rambled to herself, staring at you as you avoided her gaze.
"Oh my god, you got laid!" Jo realised, watching as you finally met her eyes for a moment before going back to writing on the chart.
"So, what was she like? Where did you meet her? Was it good?" Jo began, leaning in closer to whisper the questions.
"Braces, please." Jo whined before her eyes widened.
"Was it that good you lost your voice?" Jo asked, making you raise your eyebrows at her.
"Well, either way, I should spend more time at Karev's, you're clearly getting something out of it," Jo chuckled, ruffling your hair as you grimaced, "good for you, Braces!" she grinned but you just pushed the chair back to stand up.
"Or maybe you didn't get any..." Jo mumbled herself as she watched you walk away, "don't worry, we'll have a good time tonight to make up for it!" Jo exclaimed, loud enough that it turned a few heads as you sped up down the corridor.
The heat in your ears wouldn't stop as you realised how bad what Jo had said sounded to everyone else.
"Anyone else feel like they're being watched?" Brooks' question had you glancing up from your phone, quirking an eyebrow.
"You mean, more than normal? It's the cameras in the CCU." You explained, turning to stare at the camera.
"They keep following me around." You whispered, leaving Brooks to frown.
"How can you tell?" She asked, watching as you shivered.
"I know when someone's staring at me."
"Yeah, it's her sixth sense... now shush, I'm trying to see... it's about new hospital procedures, and we weren't invited!" Jo exclaimed, waving her arms around as Leah admitted that that lecture sounded boring.
"Don't you get what's going on?" Jo glanced over everyone as Shane explained the ER was getting closed and the hospital was being streamlined.
"They're gonna fire us. Why bother teaching us new protocols if we're going to be gone anyway-"
"Nurses are stockpiling! The end is coming!" Jo exclaimed, leaving you to immediately pick up the tablet next to you to go over patient notes.
"You're right, if she's planning for the future-"
"Maybe have cameras that don't follow you around the hospital and make you look like you're talking to yourself." You interrupted, walking over to sit next to Jo.
"Your sixth sense bothering you?"
"I'm bothered by all the eyes watching us, waiting to strike, like a snake going after its prey." You retorted, freezing as you heard Doctor Torres laughing.
"You'll get used to that feeling eventually, but, the future, kids? It's completely out of your control." Doctor Torres laughed, pouring the cold cup of coffee on the floor before crushing the paper cup.
"I'm needed in the skills lab, apparently there's a hernia repair workshop or something." You replied, nudging Jo in the ribs gently before getting up.
"Nooo, I feel like I haven't seen you all day."
"Because you haven't." You deadpanned, trying not to chuckle at Jo's whining as you headed back inside.
You were laying on the couch wrapped in a blanket when Jo walked into the apartment.
"Did you already have dinner?"
Your eyes followed Jo as she trailed to the kitchen, waiting for your reponse.
"There's leftovers in the freezer."
You could hear the rustling of the freezer drawer before Jo managed to get the microwave to work. Her eyes on you had shivers running up your spine but you pretended everything was fine.
You'd zoned out long ago, long enough that you had no idea what the documentry you were watching was even talking about anymore.
"Not watching Adventure Time?"
"I usually watch that with you." You replied, turning your head to look over the couch at Jo eating leftover lasagne.
"I thought you'd be at Karev's again." You admitted, pulling a corner of the blanket closer to you as you heard the tap running.
"Aw, did you miss me?" Jo teased, raising an eyebrow whilst you just turned to face the tv again.
"You're a dork." You shouted from your spot on the couch.
"Takes one to know one." Jo countered, climbing over the couch to lay with you, "move over, your knee is in my stomach." Jo nudged you over, letting out a gasp as half your body almost rolled off the couch in your shuffling.
Tags: @nnightskiess
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fluffy-lee-boa · 2 years
Misilanious Edward headcanons bc I love him
He's chubby as an adult bc he's overcompensating for when he was starving in the orphanage and he has a big sweet tooth- namely pumpkin pie and dumb nerd has gotten sick on raw cookie dough since he's an impatient dork. Also the contrast between Bruce being angular/ toned and Edward being round and soft is s teir. He's sort of insecure about it but he's never risking starvation again since he's so used to not knowing when his next meal will be
He's taller than Bruce Wayne but shorter than Batman bc Batman wears boots and the ears on the mask (Edward takes jabs at Bruce by referring to him as a spoiled dwarf on his livestreams even tho he's literally only 1-2 inches taller)
The whole "all my strength is up here *points to head* 🥺" schtick is obviously total bs. Dude bludgeoned the mayor to death (albeit awkwardly). He just said that to let Batman know he's incharge of their dynamic since he's a simp 🙄. He's very physically strong and capable he just looks soft and disarmingly sweet so nobody would think he is
He'd sing to the younger orphans if they were having trouble sleeping from nightmares or if they were sick (predominantly lighthearted songs like Beach Boys songs or other hymns). He'd also read to them as a group before bed every night (he'd do funny voices and everything).
One of the main games he'd play with the younger orphans was a variation of hide and seek but when he found them he'd tickle them and would stop when they answered a riddle correctly ("come on you aren't even trying that one was easy! Now you're just getting them wrong on purpose aren't you? What's that? You need to speak up kiddo!"). Inevitably after everyone was found they'd all gang up on him and wreck him.
He'd cry like a proud dad whenever one of them would get adopted but at the same time be mad at himself for being sad that they were leaving. He gave up on trying to get adopted around when he turned 13-14 since he cared more about the younger ones getting out of the "hellhole" orphanage.
When he was able to leave when he turned 18 it broke his heart how sad the remaining kids were to see him go
"It's alright buddy you're all grown up now. You don't need me anymore" "But Eddie I'll always need you 🥺"
Cue Edward crying for hours on end in his new apartment when he's supposed to be happy that he's finally free but he realizes he won't feel free until all those other kids are
He forms VERY strong attachments if he likes someone/ something which is obviously evident with Batman but also extends to his pet rats and his followers. If he finds out one of his 500 followers is in a financial bind he'll send them money orrrr "deal with" their landlord. He highly values loyalty.
After he knows someone for awhile and they gain his trust he gives the best bear hugs ever (he will also use them to initiate tickle fights. He's an effective ler bc of how long/ lanky his arms are so he can very effectively trap people. Once he's got you it's hard to break free but the second you do he's done for and will start giggling before you even touch him)
He's the type of person who gets very worked up when he's angry or passionate about something/ has a tendency to angry cry which is another reason why he likes the Riddler mask so much. It hides vulnerability
He gatekeeps certain bands bc he's an annoying nerd ("*sees someone wearing a Radiohead shirt* oH REALLY? Name 3 songs!1!1!") Shut up Edward
He streamed Among Us and played with some of his followers *ONE time*. It was absolute anarchy. He raged multiple times complete with audible voice cracks and ended up banning a person for falsely accusing him of being the impostor and succeeding.
"I nEVER VENTED YOU MORONS!1!1!" "Idk... Riddler is looking kinda sus rn..."
"nO I'M N O T YOU'RE LITERALLY 14 WHAT DO YOU KNOW?" "How- how do you know that-" "See chat, Dave here wouldn't have had his personal information hacked if he used my sponsor: Nord VPN"
These are all so much and so perfect I cant even handle it-
I want to squish his cheeks. I want to listen to him sing. I love how he just feels emotions so strongly like same, the bit about feeling free matches with his journals and makes me so so so sad-
And don’t even get me started on the strength bit. He literally just went 🥺🥺🥺 im the brains here remember, you’re so big and strong and wow look at your mask heehee its so cool- and like 2 days earlier it was like a different guy at the mayor’s house.
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