#hanging up a picture of herself is 100% something my character would do so i had to commit
indecisive-v · 8 months
rare indecisive-v art post, you will not see another one for several months
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yes i did make this with the sole purpose of putting it on a roblox boat
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mod-ibuki · 2 years
Can you do Himiko, Angie, Tenko and Celestia with a super affectionate S/O? As in they love cuddling, hugging and just physical attention all the time! If 4 characters is too much feel free to cut out anyone!
“No exceptions!”
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M-I: I woke from my nap to 12 notifications, hello! Also, I forgot to mention this but 7 characters is the limit :) I apologize if some characters are OOC. Super sorry this is short, I’m kinda rushing.
Summary: Super affectionate S/O!
Pairings: Himiko/reader, Angie/reader, Tenko/reader, Celestia/reader
Okay, I honestly do not hang out with Himiko in free time events or anything so I don’t know shit about her. Anyway
Oh what’s that? You’re cuddly? You are 100% affectionate anywhere? She honestly can’t tell if she dislikes it or not, but here’s a secret, she definitely, absolutely loves it. Especially when you’re both gonna sleep together, that’s a huge yes.
But, that’s mostly in private only. When it comes to the public, she doesn’t want that much affection. As much as she loves it in private, Himiko would really rather not when it comes to the public eye. You, on the other hand, do the opposite of what she wants. You randomly hug her from behind, hold her hand (by the pinkie too, if she’s in a good mood!), do all sorts of affection. If it’s in front of her classmates, she’ll turn beet red and quietly excuse herself, saying something about “doing inportant magician things”, while dragging you with her.
Speaking of doing it in front of her classmates, expect lots of teasing from Ouma, the Ultimate little shit. He has some pictures about you guys cuddling and hugging each other (somehow..), and will expose them to the entire class.
“Guys, look! These two are the Ultimate Lovebirds!” He held up the photographs he had, each of them showing both of you in private, doing your privately things (In this case, it’s being adorable). Saihara probably tries his best to stop it, but will get kindly bullied, while you and Himiko are watching everything go down. You probably have no shame in it, while Himiko is well.. gone. She literally left the room.
You can imagine how that went. :)
It is currently her birthday in my time zone and I completely forgot about making a birthday special for her. I thank myself for this request /j
Angie enjoys it, of course. She has no shame in being physically affectionate anywhere. I mean, why would she? You’re her partner, and you seem to have no problem since you initiate it before she does. You are obviously very joyful about this, attacking her with your amazing skills of being an insanely physical person.
“You don’t mind, right?” You asked one day, when you were cuddling on Angie’s bed, in her dorm. She made a questioning hum, “What do you mean, S/O?” She was smiling so happily as always, that you just shrugged and brushed it off. “Nevermind, it’s a dumb question.” Angie didn’t bother pushing you about it, and continued to cuddling with you, humming a peaceful tune with her energetic voice.
Yes, you initiate physical affection in public too, neither of you object to it and enjoy it. None of you care about the opinion of others anyway. Iruma makes strange comments on it, saying something about you two probably go at it like animals in Angie’s dorm, you ignore it, your girlfriend scares Iruma with her stare and creepy smile. “That’s not very nice of you.” “Eeek..!” Oh, and you have her to serve as a passive-aggressive woman who will be passive-aggressive to those who comment on your physical affection with her. <3
Made the reader female for this one because I find it strange to write Tenko with a male!S/O. But, the readers gender isn’t specified.
She has some type of tough persona around males, but with women, her personality shifts. Tenko doesn’t really want you to show affection with her around men, but she’s more content with you being affectionate with her around women. Most of the time, you’re seen clinging onto Tenko like you’re about to fall Mount Everest, and blushing so hard that it could be considered Mars.
Tenko is basically this emoji: "👉 👈" in personality when you show pyshical affection to her around other people, and she’s the same thing in private. She will gladly return the affection, but in public? The least she’ll do is hold your hand and allow you to cling on her like a Koala, but she won’t show anything other than that.
“S/O..!” She “complained,” since you were hugging her too tight (right, we know you like it), but she didn’t let go as you continued hugging her, the side of your face on her chest and your eyes closed. You weren’t asleep, you just waited until she told you to let go so that you could. Catch is, she never did tell you to let go, so you ended up sleeping anyway. She, soon enough, went into slumber with you, cuddling you, and although it wasn’t as tight as you cuddled her, it surely felt like Tenko never wanted to let you go.
She isn’t fond of the affection, private or public. Although she’s going to slightly open up more in private, it’s subtle. If you try cuddling her or initate affection in public, she will “humbly” decline it. By humbly, I mean she will lightly push you off of her.
If the relationship lasts long though, she will be more open to affection, she’ll hold your hand in public, she will kiss you as she gets more comfortable and all, but in private, it gets better. Celestia will cuddle you, but do not hug her too tight or, well, she won’t really like it.
Although Celestia will open up, she won’t do those very touchy types of affection such as cuddling in public, because she wants to keep her “serious yet not serious, passive-aggressive” persona around people. When it comes to certain people, such as a certain group of her classmates, she will feel more obliged to cooperate with your affection.
“This is comfortable,” she said, and she watched as your expression became more cheery, you seemed glad that she was fine with you clutching onto her like she was your favorite teddy bear that you didn’t want to share with anyone. “That’s good.” Your response was short, and some nice silence followed after.
How amazing this was.
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orphicrose · 2 years
𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚛𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜// 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝙰𝚞
𝙰𝙽- sorry theres less for Ekko and Vander I didn’t have as many for them ^^
𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚜 - Mylo, Clagger, Powder, Vi, Vander and Ekko!
He’s definitely that one kid in school that always has his headphones in or is starting unnecessary trouble
Constant detentions for late homework, gluing the teachers to chairs and fighting but never turns up to them.
Usually only gets into fist fights over something “moral”. Like standing up for his friends.
Refuses to join any after school clubs
“I have better stuff to spend my time on”
Those better things consist of playing video games or drawing a character he made up.
Thriving in maths, music, art and PE
Failing horribly In science
Probably has a pet lizard
Or a spider
His room is only clean because Vander will ground him if not
Falls asleep constantly in class
100% a Rick and morty fan
Sleeps in an oversized Rick and morty shirt
Collects dream catchers
Cried when Arthur died in rdr2
Probably lives in cargo shorts or baggy clothes
Loves Halloween
Overall a menace to society, more so than he is in zaun
Avoids relationships at school. He says it’s a waste of time but In reality he is just terrified of messing it up.
Got made fun of for his hair, so he started putting it a man bun
Really interested in history but not good at it.
Went through a massive fnaf phase and still isn’t completely over it
Thriving in every subject, other than art and PE
Gets money out of tutoring others
Tries to help powder and mylo in subjects they aren’t doing great in
Cleanest room in the house
Lives in hoodies and flannels.
Has pictures and articles of space stuff all over his walls
Followed by a professional telescope kept tidy in the corner of his room.
The main one who gets bullied at school and the main one Mylo sticks up for.
Always looking for his glasses. A l w a y s
Usually the one to clean up Powders room
Does extra maths after school… for fun…
Massive Marvel fan
Definitely has an innocent crush on black widow
Also loves comics
He wants to draw but he just can’t get the hang of it. So he dropped art
Imagines himself being an astronomer or chef one day
Strangely good with cars
As soon as Vander introduced him to star wars he got hooked
Him and mylo bond over it
Has Lego figured of darth vaders headgear
Doing well in school but not classed as one of the good kids
Always playing pranks on teachers
Regularly scolded by Vi for stealing the teachers stuff
Very good at cross country
Does a lot of sports
Adored by her art teacher
Her best friend is definitely ekko
Anime lover
Has Disney princess bed sheets for sure
Followed by hundreds of old princess dresses in her wardrobe from when she was younger
Obsessed with bath bombs
Massive sweet tooth and Vander limits the amount of fizzy drinks she’s allowed
Always sneaks to the shop after school to get a coke
Does gymnastics and competes
You can imagine the whole gang will be there cheering her on
Im sorry but she would definitely went through a roblox/gatcha kid phase 😭
She’d also hate herself for it
She’s the ‘popular’ girl in her year but only because she’s brave enough to mess with the teachers. And because everyone knows she’s related to mylo and vi.
Mainly gets picked on my older kids, who vi ends up beating the living shite out of.
Definitely in a boxing club
Frequently gives herself stick n pokes
Pierced her own ears
Loves artists like p!nk, lady gaga, Amy winehouse, Radiohead and Lana del ray and has posters of them.
Would also like the occasional punk rock
Gives of massive Chloe vibes from life is strange
She is an average student in school, not caring too much about her grades but still passing.
Spends her free time working out, skating, helping Vander, playing minecraft with powder or out doing something sketchy.
Doesn’t quite understand minecraft but tries to play anyway.
“Everythings a cube?”
“Yeah vi… that’s kinda the whole point”
The first to get their drivers licence out of all the kids
Gets a motorbike instead of a car
She’s usually the one to shove mylo in lockers at school
Gets the most phone calls home too if you Couldnt already guess
Gets asked out by thousands of guys till everyone catches on that she is 💅
Openly flaunts her relationship with cait cause she adores her so much.
Went through a hunger games phase
Mainly because she had a massive thing for katniss
Massive top gear fan
Still Owns a bar (which they all live above) but works part time as a mechanic
Has a massive family car for everyone
Tried online dating but stopped when he got catfished
Does NOT understand technology and is honestly a little scared by it
Is that dad to turn up at school and intimidate the kids when he finds out one of his children are being bullied.
Frames powders drawings and hangs them around the house
Goes all out for holidays
Especially for powder, he will dress up as Santa and everything
Loves playing Lego with the kids
They made an entire Lego city together once until ekko tripped over claggers toy lightsaber and broke everything
Gives the kids weekly pocket money
Rolling Stones and a Queen lover
Blasting Bohemian rhapsody when picking the kids up from school
Very into the guitar and attempted to teach all the kids. Mylo was the only one to take interest
Probably takes the piss out of Americans
I don’t know why, he just likes to mock their accent when they do it to him.
It’s his main source of entertainment
Massive Disney fan
above average in everything
Loves dance and takes after school club in street dance and tap
Emotional wreck
If he gets told off he will burst into tears and purposely make everyone feel bad
Is smart enough to help vi and mylo with their homework
Went through a Creepy pasta phase and gave himself nightmares
He then shared the stories with powder and infected her with nightmares too
Now he regularly checks his wardrobe at night to make sure slender man isn’t waiting for him.
Him and powder write little stories together. He does the writing and she draws the pictures for them.
Has a crippling fear of elevators
The kinda person to pet every single dog he sees
“Ekko!! That’s not a dog that’s a possum!!”
When he is older he would dye his hair every single colour.
Has a minecraft world dedicated to red stone contraptions
He blew up his console once with the amount of power it used
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upat4amwiththemoon · 3 years
The Villain
Summary: Wanda is an Avenger, a hero. Wanda’s girlfriend’s father is a villain, though Wanda doesn’t know that. What happens when Tony Stark successfully kills him?
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, some descriptions of violence, me not knowing how guns work (please tell me if I missed any!)
Word count: 1859
Prompts (taken from thecharactercomma.com): ‘A character finds out their best friend is destined to be the next villain’ and “You’re so convinced that I’ll hurt them that you haven’t considered that’s the last thing I’d ever want to do.”
a/n: If you want to, you can send me a request for a fanfic! I can write to any MCU, GOT, OUAT and TVD/TO characters. If you have some other show/movie in mind, request it and I’ll see if I have seen it! I’m not 100% sure how requesting works, so if someone would like to tell me I’d really appreciate it! But for now, I’ll just tell you all here. Feedback is greatly appreciated :)
Y/D/N = your dad’s name
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A knock on the door awakens Y/N from her slumber. She grumbles, looking at her surroundings for a moment. A blue hue hits coming from the TV hits her face gently. She fell asleep to her couch while watching Wanda’s favorite sitcoms to understand the references she threw around their conversations. Knocking comes from the front door again. Y/N stands up and quietly walks to the door, looking through the peephole to see who could be at her door at this time of the night. She sees Wanda’s ragged face.
Y/N opens the door. “Wanda, what are you doing her?” She pulls her girlfriend into a tight hug. “Are you okay?”
Wanda nods, breathing in Y/N’s comforting scent. “I am now. Can I come in?”
“Of course, come on. I’ll make you something to eat and you can take a shower if you want to, okay?” Y/N starts walking around the apartment after sitting Wanda down to the couch. She starts going through the kitchen cabinets, looking for something to make for her. Deciding a sandwich would do for now, she starts taking out the ingredients.
“Bewitched.” Wanda comments from the couch.
“You’re watching Bewitched.” Wanda smiles widely, her heart fluttering. She knew sitcoms were never Y/N’s favorite genre of TV shows, but the fact she was watching them for Wanda, made her feel warm inside. “How do you like it.”
Y/N giggles. “It’s actually better than I thought. I see why you like it so much.” She comes to sit next to Wanda, giving her the sandwich she made. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” She asks, nodding at the dirt and small bruises on her face.
“A mission.” Wanda sighs. “It was a rough one, but still successful I suppose. We almost had him, but people would’ve died if Tony hadn’t killed him.” She takes a pause, taking a piece of the sandwich and swallowing before talking again. “It would’ve been better if we got him alive, but this is a victory nonetheless.”
“Who? A big bad villain?” Y/N smirks playfully.
Wanda giggles, shaking her head. “One of the baddest, Y/D/N.”
Y/N freezes on her place. Her eyes turn wide and her breathing shallows. Wanda doesn’t notice the change in her posture right away, instead, she continues talking about the mission. How he had kidnapped bunch of people and murdered two men, who were most likely ex business partners. Y/N knew that already, her dad had told her very early on that he hurts bad men. That some people might call him a bad man, and her was okay with that, because there were even worse men in the world. He never killed innocent people, he did hurt them for his own advantage, to distract the heroes from stopping him doing his main goals. The two men he killed today were in fact previous business partners, but they did horrible things for fun. Shot endangered animals, drugged and did bad things for women, there were even rumors they hung around in pedophilic rings. When Y/D/N found out about these allegations, he stopped working with them and killed them. Just like that. Killing was never a problem.
“Love?” Wanda touches Y/N’s shoulder, bringing her out of her head. “Are you okay?”
Y/N nods, looking straight ahead. “I need to do something.” She stands up, brushing Wanda’s hand off of her. “You can stay here and do whatever, I’ll be back before morning.” She starts changing her clothes into more decent ones than her oversized t-shirt and sweats.
“Where are you going at this time?” Wanda stands up, following her around, the sandwich now forgotten.
“I just need to go, don’t worry about it.” She gives Wanda a quick kiss. “I’ll be back before you know it.” She walks out of the door, leaving Wanda to stand in front of it all alone.
Y/N sobs inside Stefan’s, who is her father’s right hand man, arms. He is holding her tightly, also feeling devastated from the loss of his best friend. Three other men stand around them, hanging their heads down, sad and ashamed they couldn’t save him. Other people liked to call them a gang or a mafia, but they didn’t see themselves like that. To them, they were just a big family that happened to kill bad people. Of course, others wouldn’t see it like that.
“You know what happens now, right?” One of the men ask as Y/N’s tears subside.
She backs away from Stefan. “No, I don’t.”
“Your father left you a list of names, you have to continue his legacy.”
Y/N stays quiet. She had to wear his mask and become a new him. It was always meant to be hers, just not this soon. She picks up the slightly broken and dirtied mask from the ground, turning it around in her hands. It feels heavy. The mask is originally black, though now it’s coated in blood red paint. That’s what they did, made the mask redder after every kill. Now it had to be cleaned back to its original color. The cycle begins from the start after the mask passes to the next generation.
“I don’t think I’m ready.”
Stefan sets his hand on her shoulder, rubbing it in a comforting manner. “I know this is sooner than we thought, but you have to be ready. It’s your job now.” He digs a paper from his pocket, giving it to her.
The paper is full of names, some of them crossed off. Every name on the lost had done something horrible to get a place on the list. What was considered horrible, was up to the maker. All of the leaders made a list, it was their life goal. Unless they died, then the next person had to cross off the rest of the names. Only after it they could build their own.
“You have to finish it. Kill them for your father.”
“And Stark.” Another man comments, his voice full of venom when he spits out Tony Stark’s name.
“I’m not going to kill Stark.”
They don’t know she is friends with him and the rest of the Avengers, or that she is dating the Wanda Maximoff. Even her father was in the dark about this. It’s not like Wanda knows about her father either. She just couldn’t get the words out of her mouth.
“What? He killed your father! He deserves to die.”
“He is not on the list. I’m not killing him and that’s final.” Y/N commands, her voice rough. She didn’t recognize it. It wasn’t like her to yell or to be cold. Now, she had no other choice.
The man nods, silencing himself.
Y/N glances at the list. Sighing, she stands up straighter and gives the mask to Stefan. “Clean it up, we have work to do.”
After a week, four names have been crossed off the list. The Avengers never got close to catching Y/N, because she knew them. She knew their priorities when it came to missions. Get every civilian out of danger. It was easy to cause a distraction that included innocent people without actually hurting them. Just like her father did.
Y/N punches the man. She is at a bank vault with the owner while the rest of the men are holding the workers and customers hostage in the main area of the bank. It was working flawlessly, at least so far.
“Do you know what you’ve done?” The man whimpers and shakes his head. “No? You have no idea what these pictures were doing in your computer?” Y/N shows him a few pictures she printed out. The man is looking away, not wanting to show any reaction to the photos. “You’re disgusting.” She holds up a gun to his forehead, clicking the safety off.
“No, no! Please, please let me go! I was forced to take them! I didn’t want to, please.” He starts pleading.
“So, you did take the pictures?” The man nods, his whole body is shaking in fear. “I need you to say it.”
“I took the pictures!”
Y/N hums and shoots him straight through his brains. Spitting on the man’s dead body, she starts walking away from the vault. “I’m done down here, we’re ready to leave.” She communicates to her men through an ear piece. When she hears confirmation from Stefan, she starts jogging to the back door, ready to leave everything behind.
But life wasn’t on her side today.
A familiar with descends in front of her, stopping her to her tracks. “You aren’t going anywhere.” She growls, her eyes gleaming red.
Y/N stares at her. She raises her hands over her head slowly, dropping her ear piece and smashing it under her foot. Her men knew what to do, they didn’t need her guidance anymore.
Wanda frowns slightly, but covers it up quickly. She didn’t expect her to give up so easily. Y/N rips off her mask and throws it to Wanda, showing herself. Wanda gasps. Her stance falters. “Y/N?”
“Hey, you.” She gives her a weak smile.
“Wh-What are you doing here? Why are you wearing that mask?”
“He was my father, Wanda.” She nods towards the mask. Wanda’s eyes widen even more if that’s physically possible. “I had to continue what he left behind.”
“Killing people?”
“Bad people.”
“What are you talking about? Those people up there aren’t bad people!” Wanda glances at the gun in Y/N’s hand. “Drop your gun.”
“You’re so convinced that I’ll hurt them that you haven’t considered that’s the last thing I’d ever want to do.” Y/N ignores Wanda’s command. “My intention was never to hurt them, they were merely a distraction.”
“A distraction?” Wanda scoffs. “They are people, Y/N, not distractions.” Her stance changes again, it goes back to the hero Wanda. “Did you do everything that happened this week?” Y/N nods. “Drop the gun.”
“I’m not killing innocent people, only those who deserve it. So did my father.”
“Your father killed the previous president!”
“He was a rapist and a liar!” Y/N yells, making Wanda waken her magic. “He was a bad person and he deserved to die.” She says, now more calmly.
“No one deserves to die.”
“What about Hydra? Thanos and the chitauri? Ultron? My father? They are all dead. Did they not deserve it?”
“We had no other choice.”
“Neither do I.”
The two are staring at each other, quietly, both wondering what was going to happen now.
“I’m not going to come with you.” Y/N whispers. “I have a job to do.” When Wanda doesn’t answer, she picks up her mask and puts it back on. It covers her whole face. “I still love you.”
“I know.” Something takes Wanda’s attention away from Y/N, most likely someone talking to her through comms.
Y/N uses the moment to her advantage and runs away. Wanda could’ve stopped her, easily, but she didn’t. She chose not to.
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nillabeam · 4 years
thirst texts at 2 am
synopsis: ah the queen of the drunk text. that’s you. but what happens when the person on the receiving end of your drunken sexting is none other than bakugo katsuki himself?? 
pairings: bakugoxf!reader
warnings: 18+ for sure, alcohol mention, phone sex, mutual masturbation, lANGUAGE bc bakugo is in it so that a given 100%, reader being a little brat, slight age gap but both characters are aged up
a/n: hi it’s me again bringing you another thirst post but Bakugo’s a little tiny bit of a sub in this one and i’m probably making a part two which will probably be pure sin but we’ll see! thanks for reading as usual please ignore all my shitty grammar and spelling mistakes <333 
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You were more than lucky to score an internship straight out of UA, and even luckier to be scouted by Endeavor’s agency. And luckier still, to be able to work with Bakugo Katsuki, Ground Zero himself, the boy you had a school girl crush on since the day you watched him in the sports festival on TV. Feral and an obvious asshole, needless to say for reasons you couldn’t quite explain, you were smitten. You even managed to get into UA, granted he had graduated the year before you actually attended UA, still it was hallowed ground to you since so many great heroes were a product of the prestigious high school. What started as a shallow reason for attending became the best decision of your life. You left UA a strong pro hero to be, and your quirk made you a perfect addition to the fiery ranks of your new agency. 
You fit in quite nicely, most of your co-workers took a liking to you immediately. Except, of course, Bakugo, who always seemed to keep his distance from everyone. The loner rockstar of the agency, honestly it was very on brand for him. You could count on one hand how many times you’d interacted, and you only needed half the amount of fingers to count how many times you’d actually spoken to one another. Lucky for you your school girl crush had wavered a bit since graduation. After all, you were a full fledged hero now. That didn’t mean you steal a few peeks of the hero here and there on the rare occasion he would show up at the office. Honestly, you forgot he even worked there most of the time. Since you were a rookie and he was an established hero you two rarely crossed paths. You doubted he even knew who you were. 
It had been a little over six months since you started at the agency so you were eager to oblige when some of your old classmates extended an invitation to get some drinks and go dancing. The night was great, but like usual you went a little overboard at the bar, but you figured you’d let loose for once. Besides, you had the next day off from work.   
It was a little past 2 am when you fumbled out of your Uber, into your apartment, giggling to yourself as you kicked your heels off by the door. Clumsily, drunkenly, you drop the small purse you were carrying, effectively spilling everything out of it. “S-Shit--” you mumble and begin to shove the contents back into the bag. Your hands linger on your phone which is vibrating with texts from your friends asking if you made it home okay. You tap out a few replies to assure your friends you were safe just kinda drunk before you lazily stroll through your messages. Your eyes widen slightly as they rest on a name at the bottom of the list. 
Bakugo Katsuki.
A single message he sent when you were lucky enough to work on one of his missions a few months back buried beneath all the other messages. You forgot you had saved it. 
You shouldn't. 
You wouldn't. 
Fuck it. 
Quickly you type out a text, deleting and retyping until you’re completely satisfied with it before you hit send. 
A dull buzz against his nightstand stirs the blonde from his light slumber, his large hand smacking around in the dark before it finally lands on his phone. His eyes are heavy with sleep and it takes a second to read the screen properly. It’s from an unsaved number. He tosses the phone away with disinterest, rationalizing it as a wrong number. He starts to drift back to sleep when the phone buzzes again. “Fuck’s sake-” He opens the message to drill in a angry reply when his breath hitches in his throat. 
hi! remember me??, the first message reads. 
The second an expertly taken photo of you clad in matching lace bra and thong, posed in such a way that he could admire all of you. 
how about now? The third message makes him throw his phone away from his face. 
He definitely remembered you. You were a sidekick, he saw you around sometimes, that tight little body clad in your hero costume. Or sauntering around the office in that fucking pencil skirt/thigh high combo. He tried to remember your name but his mind came up blank. 
His phone buzzed again and he rubbed his face with both hands before grabbing it and opening the message. Another goddamn picture. This time you were on your back, on your bed he assumed, because your hair was slightly messy, forming a halo around you. One hand holding the phone, the other at your lips a finger pressed against your perfect pink tongue lolled out of your mouth. Your eyes were glassy and half lidded. He let out groan at the sight of you. 
does this help? 
He could feel his prominent bulge straining against his sweatpants. His hand dipped beneath the waistband, his first instinct was to palm at his growing length. He chewed his bottom lip, going back to the first picture to inspect your assets more thoroughly this time. He groaned, his strokes long and languid. He closed his eyes, his mind about to wander when he was suddenly hit with a pang of guilt. Tearing his hand from his pants he tossed his phone away. No, no, no, no- he wasn't this fucking desperate. He was not going to get off on some lewd pictures of his coworker just because she was clearly thirsting over him. The thought made his cock twitch in disrespectful betrayal. 
His phone began to buzz again. This time it didn't stop, it was rhythmic and slightly lower. Shit. A call. He stared intensely at the number on the screen. His ego got the best of him. He answered it, against his better judgement, promising himself to put this extra in her place. There was a long pause and he nearly hung up. 
“Bakugo?” The sweet voice finally rang out of the speaker and his confidence faltered. “You know it’s rude to leave people on read.” There was an obvious teasing tone to your voice, which he swore had a slight slur to it. 
“Listen, I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing you shitty extra but stop texting me that shit.” He growled into the phone. 
“You didn’t like it-”
“I don’t even know your fucking name, asshole.” 
“That’s okay, you’ll learn it soon enough.” 
“I’m going to tell you one more goddamn time if you keep sending me that shit i’m going to-” A soft moan completely derailed his train of thought. Fuuuck. Another slightly louder groan followed. “W-What the fuck are you doing?” He barks into the phone, face flush with embarrassment. 
“Don’t stop, aren’t you going to tell me what you’re going to do to me?” You mewl breathlessly, your fingers dancing along your wet folds as you imagined all the things he could do to ruin you.
He licked his lips, wetting them, he had to grip his bedsheets to keep his free hand from wandering back beneath his sweats. “Are you touching yourself right now?” He tried to sound disgusted, but it ended up sounding a little more desperate than he intended. 
“I wish it was you touching me instead, Katsuki.” You ask, your tone breathless and dripping with lust. The way his name sounded coming out of your mouth had his eyes rolling back. He wondered how you knew it in the first place. 
(Honestly, you saw it while you were helping Burnin’ with some paperwork one night at the office but that wasn’t really the point right now.)
He covered his mouth to stifle a groan that dared escape his lips. The way he saw it he had two options: let you continue and shove his hands down his pants the way he so, so desperately wanted to OR hang up the fucking phone. 
“Mmm-! K-Katsuki-” He snapped out of his daze and scrambled to hang up the phone. He tossed it away and thew himself back onto the mattress shoving his hands into his messy blonde hair. “F-Fuck.” He mumbled, groaning at the thought of you getting off to only the sound of his voice. 
It wasn’t fair. For you to look the way you did and sound the way you did. He figured you were drunk. The slight slur in your breathy voice, the dazed expression you wore in those sinful selfies you sent him, all idicating as such. That had to be it. There was no other rational explanation. He did the right thing, ending the call. 
He wasn’t so pathetically desperate that he had to get off to some drunken extra throwing herself at him. 
He was Bakugo Fucking Katsuki. 
Ground Zero. Soon to be #1 he—
 His phone buzzed again, louder now that it was pressing up against the headboard. Bakugo reluctantly checked the caller id. A fucking video call. No, no. He couldn’t. It would be too much. He was a man after all. With carnal, primal desire welling within him, and right now he was barely keeping those desires at bay. He ignored the call. 
Another buzz. 
He was fucking stupid. 
His fingers greedily swiped to answer the call. He was immediately greeted by your beautiful face, you offered a sweet smile and wave. “That wasn't nice, Katsuki, hanging up like that when I was so close.” You were lying on your stomach, feet swaying back and forth in the air behind the curve of your ass. He drank in the sight of you, your face flushed, messy hair framing your face perfectly, your lips plush and slightly pouting. 
He cursed himself internally. “So fucking desperate.” His voice was huskier than before, and his words were more akin to a growl. 
“Only a little.”
You sat up and rested the phone on something so you no longer had to hold it but ensuring Bakugo still had a great view. You stared at him through the screen and he felt his cheeks heat up, even though you weren’t in the room with him he still felt a little intimidated by your boldness. 
You dipped a finger to rub over your clothed entrance, “Now where was I?” You teased, your other hand trailing over your cleavage. Bakugo fumbled with his sweats, sliding his hand down them to palm his aching cock. His ruby orbs memorizing every movement you made. You stop suddenly and he stopped too, a little annoyed. “Something wrong?” He growls, his tone low and thick with want. 
“I’m gonna need you to do something for me first.” You say your fingers hooking into the strappy waistband of your thong pulling it away from your full hips teasingly before releasing it, the material hitting your skin with a slight ‘snap’. He ponders it for a moment, but his desire gets the best of him. 
“For fucks sake-”He rolls his eyes, “What now?” He asks, clearly skeptical. 
“Turn a light on or something, this isn’t a free show-” There's yet another long pause and Bakugo weighs his options. You start to get a bit impatient when a sudden ‘click’ catches your attention. Finally. There he is in all his glory. Well, not all his glory but some of it. It’s still a little dark but those piercing red eyes of him are unmistakable. His gaze makes you flush two shades darker. His appearance is slightly disheveled, his hair is messier than normal, probably bedhead since you most likely woke him up, his cheeks are tinted pink and he looks a little fucked out already. Probably from all the teasing. He looks absolutely perfect. 
“Fucking happy now, brat?” He growls. 
“Yes! Much better.” You comment, feeling your heat drip from the mere image of him. “I guess I can reward your good behavior..” You trail off, reaching back to unhook your bra, you catch it before it can fall, teasingly biting your lip. You can hear him groan at your teasing, finally you let the lace fall away from your body, giving him a full view. The liquor in your system keeping the shame and embarrassment you would normally be feeling at bay. 
“Fucking perfect.” Bakugo groans lowly at the sight. You’re caught off guard by the compliment and you feel your body heat up. He slides his sweats down enough to free his cock from its confines, he makes sure you can’t see him first, only visible from the chest up. He swipes his thumb over the tip spreading the pre cum along the length of his cock before starting slow, languid pumps. 
You notice his eyes roll back slightly at the sensation and you almost threaten to stop again if he doesn't show you what he’s doing, but you’re afraid he’ll stop entertaining this foolish idea entirely so you fight the urge to call him out. 
Instead you trail your hands along the top of your thighs, “Tell me what you want, Katsuki.” His breath hitches at your words, he smirks darkly before biting his bottom lip. 
“Touch yourself.” 
You feel a wave of lust wash over you and you pull your panties off eager to please. You spread your legs exposing your soaking folds, you rub a hand lazily along your slit. “Fuck-” You hear him groan at the sight of you.
 “Such a dirty little, slut.” A bolt of electricity shoots through you at his words and you can't stop your fingers from dipping into your mess of a cunt. 
“So fucking desperate for my attention.” 
You are moving your fingers feverishly now, chasing the release you were denied earlier, his words pushing you closer to that blissful edge. Soft moans fall from your lips, your free hand moves to rub clumsy circles against your clit. 
He’s keeping pace with you, his strokes matching your movements. “Fuck, Princess, you’re so beautiful like this.” He can’t help the moan that follows his praise. “K-Katsuki, i’m close-” You whimper, eyes watering from the building pleasure in your core. “Did I say you could cum?” He asks his breathing ragged as his own climax sneaks up on him, his strokes become more desperate.  
“P-Please, I can’t help it-” You whimper, you can feel your orgasm about to crash down on you. 
He can knows how close you are. He can see it.
“Beg for it.” 
“K-Katsuki! Please let me—ahh!—cum! Please, K-Katsuki, p-please I really can’t—mnn help it.” You whine, trying your best to be good and hold back for him.  
“Cum for me then, Princess.” 
You manage a hurried nod and your ministrations become hurried and sloppy. Bakugo’s not doing much better as his shirt is now in between his teeth, the camera tilted slightly giving you a view of his perfect chest. His muffled groans push you closer and closer to your release, as he thrusts up into his hand imagining its you instead. Finally, it all becomes too much and the coil inside snaps, you whine, tossing your head back, “Fuck. Katsuki!” Your fingers move from your core to your clit, wanting to prolong the orgasm as long as possible. 
Bakugo bites down even harder on the material between his teeth, desperate to stifle the whimpers falling from him, his face contorts and his eyes nearly roll all the way back. Thick, white ropes of cum make a mess of his exposed stomach. He lets the fabric of his shirt fall from his mouth, his jaw sore from how hard he was biting down. His body relaxes a bit too much as he comes down from his high and he accidentally drops the phone.
“Shit-” You refocus on your own screen, forgetting it was there for a second, you hear him cursing under his breath and fumbling around until you are graced by the view of his flushed, fucked out expression. You offer a sweet smile and he smirks a little in response. “That was great, but i’m a little disappointed it wasn't the real thing.” You admit, forcing a slight pout. You see him visibly stiffen, his pupils dilating at the thought. 
“You couldn't handle the real thing, Princess.” He taunts. 
“Prove it.” 
Fuck now you’ve done it. 
“Come over tomorrow.” 
“Don’t play games with me, Princess, I don’t like to be teased.” 
“I’m serious.” You disappear from the screen for a moment while you type out a text. His phone buzzes in his hand. “That’s my address. Tomorrow around 8 work for you?” He drags his teeth over his bottom lip. Fucking bet. 
“You’ll regret that. ” He offers a deliciously devilish smirk. 
“We’ll see.” You tease back. 
“I’m going to bed, it’s fucking—” He moves to look at the time, “-three in the morning—shit.” 
“You’re right big day tomorrow! Goodnight, sleepy head!” You muse rolling onto your back. You move to end the call when his voice stops you. 
A pause. 
“Tell me your name first.” 
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Ashe // SFW alphabet
​Request: Okay, okay. So I read your McCree SFW alphabet and WOWIIEEEE! I love it, so so so so much! I was hanging onto every word, and I 100% agree with everything that you put on there. So I kinda just wanted to request a lil something... 🥺Could you possibly do Ashe next? Like, she's amazing too. I love Ashe I mean like HhNnnng- An Ashe SFW alphabet would be SOO cool! If you actually take this request, THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! I'm sure good writers like you get tons of requests, so I'll just leave this here. 💞😚
Requested by: Anon
Summary: A sfw A-Z for Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe, from Overwatch!
Warnings: mentions of alcohol.
Notes: Would you be shocked if I told you this is my second request in nearly two months or so?   Also some of these are a little short, so I do apologise-  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!
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Not my gif
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
When it comes to affection, Ashe is like two sides of the same coin. In public, she doesn’t show all that much affection to anyone. Even you can’t make her stray from that mindset- she doesn’t want people to think she’s gone soft. In private though, very different story, for the most part. She can sometimes be a bit awkward with affection, be it giving or receiving, but she tries her best. 
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
Ashe is very much a no-nonsense sassy friend.She’d tell it to you straight, leave out everything that’s necessary to her point. The bond between you would probably start when you where speaking to Reyes about McCree. She’d jump in to tell you a few embarrassing tales of him before she informed you of the practical backstabbing he’d done. 
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Ashe isn’t too much of a cuddler, or a hugger for that matter. She was deprived of physical affection for most of her life, so affection is often very awkward. She’d attempt to cuddle you with your head on her chest, but she finds it a little bit easier to cuddle and hug from behind. 
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?)
No. Ashe is most certainly not a domestic woman- she can just about cook, never really bothered with cleaning as she didn’t need to, and she has never thought about settling down properly, even with you. 
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She’d be blunter than the butt of her rifle- again, no nonsense. She wouldn’t beat around the bush, she’d would get straight to her point. Life’s too short for euphemisms.
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?)
Commitment, like settling down, was nothing that Ashe really considered. And to be honest, she probably still isn’t considering it. 
G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?)
Not overly gentle. She can be pretty rough- linking to both her upbringing with absent parents and gang activity. She will try, rarely, when she thinks it’s needed. 
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?)
She isn’t keen on hugs, either. (See C- cuddles).
I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?)
Like hugs, cuddles, and most forms of affection, the L word isn’t one Ashe eagerly wants to let past her lips. She has said it to you once or twice, when she thought you were asleep, and wouldn’t hear her. 
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Ashe is an incredibly jealous woman. She gets very angry, and very confrontational when jealous too. Not always the best emotions to course through the hot-head’s veins, but she doesn’t shy away from her negative emotions at all. 
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Quick, heated, passionate. When they do happen at least. Usually her kisses come before some very lustful scenes, so.. There’s that. 
L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Please keep Ashe away from children. Please. She is not good around them, at all. Not even as a family friend.She is not a good role model in any sense of the word. 
M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?)
Ashe is usually up pretty early, and doesn’t hang about too long- she doesn’t like wasting daylight. She’ll occasionally stay for a few minutes longer for a cup of coffee, but apart from that she’s usually gone just after you wake up. 
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
She’ll spend a lot more time with you in the evening, winding don with you by her side. When I say by her side, I mean at least vaguely around her. 
O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?)
Much like McCree, almost never. Though, if you gave her enough whiskey, you could probably wrangle at least a few details out of her. 
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Needless to say, though Ashe tries to be reasonable at times, she has a very short fuse. Almost anything can set her off- a small, repetitive noise, someone telling her to repeat herself or even just waking up in a bad mood.
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?)
Almost everything. She knows your star sign, your favourite colour, the way you have your favourite hot beverage, and every date important to you. Just because it seems like she is absent doesn’t mean it’s entirely true. 
R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)
Her teaching you to shoot glass bottles and porcelain plates with her rifle. It was a fun day, for both of you. You have a picture of it too, and she keeps a copy tucked on the dash of her bike.
S - Security (How protective are they?)
Very protective. She is aware that you, in theory, could fight your own battles, but insists on doing them for you regardless. It was almost no effort for her, her sphere of influence was larger than it may first appear. 
T - Try (How much effort do they put in?)
About average, overall. When she’s out, not all that much. When it’s just the two of you alone, she tries her best to put her heart out to you, though it’s hard for her. 
U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?)
Swearing, violent tendencies (though not towards you), and manageable drinking. 
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She does put some effort in, but she isn’t precisely vain. Her looks come naturally to her. 
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
She would certainly feel like something is missing from her life, for a little while at least. She would eventually move on, 
X - Xtra (Random HC)
Ashe had B.O.B tear off McCree’s arm because he was looking at you “With heart eyes, dove.” 
Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?)
Too much back-chat- she doesn’t like getting sassed. 
Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
Ashe is a rather light and restless sleeper, hence why she always gets up so early. She wakes up at first light and can’t get back to sleep. 
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rbbalmung · 3 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Character Analysis P2
Hey all! I was going to call this “Gym Leader Analysis”, but I really wanted to talk about Leon and Sonia too. We’re just keeping this series going! Keep an eye out for P3 (It’ll probably be posted in the same night).
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AGE: 26
ETHNICITY: Half Hispanic, Half Black
Leon is definitely cool uncle friend. I know he is a hot mess and can barely look after himself, but I just feel like he is so good at taking care of other people. 
Leon is a man of many faces. He can pump up a crowd one moment and rid his face of emotion the next. It is definitely jarring when someone first gets to know him. 
Leon is pansexual. He pretty much flirts with anyone (within his age range, of course). That being said, he isn’t out to the public yet. He isn’t ashamed of it at all; he just doesn’t want his sexuality to be the only thing he’s known for. 
Speaking of flirting, there is nobody he flirts harder with than Raihan ;) 
Leon was 12 when his dad died, and it hit him really hard. Since the rest of his family took it even harder than he did, he internalised a lot of his pain and focused on trying to help raise Hop. He doesn’t really feel like he ever got the closure he needed. 
Oh boy, is Leon protective over Hop. There is a 10 year age difference between them, so he will always feel like Hop is his “Baby Brother”. 
(Fun fact: He develops a similar relationship to Gloria when he becomes her Champion Mentor). 
Leon is a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He doesn’t really process the fact that some of the things he deals with are incredibly dangerous, which is a bit concerning to his friends. On a more lighthearted note, this means that he will ride any roller coaster without breaking a sweat. 
Cannot cook to save his life. 
Leon, like Hop, has ADD. That’s why he’s always getting lost/seems to have trouble keeping focus. 
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AGE: 26
Sonia is the smartest out of our gaggle of characters and she knows it. 
She and Leon entered the GPL together, but she dropped out before going to Hammerlock. Sonia originally joined the league thinking it was something she wanted to do because she was good at pokemon battles, but she quickly learned that the rigorous lifestyle trainers live wasn’t for her. 
Sonia had an uncertain period of her life where her best friends had all become gym leaders and she was stuck in Wedgehurst helping her grandmother. She definitely had imposter syndrome when hanging around them, so for a few years, she kept her distance. Attending University really helped her start to find her footing, though she wasn’t sure what branch of pokemon studies she wanted to focus on (until the game starts). 
She has a strong pokemon team, but she doesn’t fight with them anymore. She mostly keeps them around for company and they help her with her research! 
Sonia is super close with Hop. After becoming champion, Leon asked her to keep an eye on him. They very much have a sibling relationship (though neither will admit it). 
She is the friend that is overly invested in everyone’s love lives. Sonia is constantly trying to set everyone up together because she “just loves love”. 
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AGE: 25
Tall boy! Raihan is freaking huge, and being around everyone else in the League only heightens this fact. He jokes that the one thing he will always hold over Leon is their height difference. 
You would think Sonia is the biggest gossip, but we all know that Raihan is. You can trust him if it’s something serious, but you have to preface that. If you don’t, you may as well kiss your secrets goodbye. 
Raihan is the best person to go to when you need help. He has big Gryffindor energy and will literally do anything you need him to. If he doesn’t, you just have to call him out for “being a coward”. His pride will definitely be the death of him. 
Raihan has the biggest social media presence despite not being champion. He is really good to his fans and will try to interact with them as much as possible. Will always sign autographs or stop to take a picture. 
He met Sonia, Leon, and Nessa through the GPL (they were all in the same season). He beat out Nessa but lost to Leon in the finals. Raihan took the defeat pretty hard and made it his goal to dethrone Leon, so he fought Hammerlocke’s previous gym leader and the rest is history. 
He really wants to impress Leon ;)
Bede once challenged his for his throne, but lost. Raihan always brings this up to him now that they’re both gym leaders just to piss Bede off. 
He really likes egging on his friends. Raihan never crosses the line, but he’ll say just the right thing to make you challenge him to a pokemon battle. 
Puts on a brave face, but definitely lets negative comments get to him.
The chaotic one in the friend group. 
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AGE: 22
Such a pure, soft boy. Literally the nicest, chillest person. He just scares people off with his edgy demeanour. 
He cares a lot about the people in his town. Since Spikemuth is small, it definitely feels like everyone there is a family. It was the main reason he refused to move the Dark Type Gym to a different location to obtain a Dynamax hotspot. (That, and he hates Dynamaxing). 
Speaking of, he is fairly new as a gym leader! Leon nominated him to participate in the GPL after noticing his raw talent in the GJPL (Galarian Junior Pokemon League). Piers didn’t expect to make it as far as he did, but he was truly the dark horse of his season. He made it all the way to finals and wiped the floor with the gym leaders he went up against. He did end up losing, but he used the newfound fame he received from participating to kickstart his band.
Two years later, Leon approached him again and asked if he was still interested in becoming a new gym leader. It started as a small, non league Gym, but his notoriety quickly gained Spikemuth new attention. He joined the League only one year after debuting. 
Despite being crazy talented at being a pokemon trainer, Piers really isn’t interested in it anymore. He likes the freedom that comes with pursuing his music career. (It definitely helped that his little sister shaped up to be an astounding pokemon trainer herself). 
Coolest big brother ever. Marnie chastises him for pampering her, but they are definitely best friends. They’re the type of siblings that, if one of them goes to the grocery store, the other will just tag along. 
Dad Friend. 100% a Dad Friend. Literally adopts Marnie’s friends the second he sees them. (Who are these twerps? Ok, I guess they’re my children now). Would never admit to this fact. 
Piers and Marnie grew up in an artsy family with three other brothers (he is the exact middle child). They weren’t rich, but they are all super close and supportive of each other. 
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AGE: 25
Looks are definitely deceiving with this one. Nessa is good at keeping a serene face, but if she loses, she is definitely seething underneath. 
So pretty, oh my god. She was scouted by a modelling agent during her GPL season. Nessa only signed after she lost the Finals Tournament. Her career started as something to keep food on the table now that she couldn’t become champion, but she has grown to respect her craft. She likes to use it to promote small businesses and make political statements. 
Nessa was trained by the previous gym leader of Hulbury (another water type trainer), so it was no surprise to anybody when she tried to hand their title off to her. Nessa refused to take it without winning a pokemon battle, fair and square. 
She is super athletic! Nessa was on the swimming team throughout school and won several region championships! Sometimes during the off season, she’ll help teach swim classes to younger kids. 
Best friends to lovers with Sonia! They met during their GPL but didn’t start to get romantic feelings towards each other until 6 years later. Everyone knows that Nessa has a girlfriend, but she keeps the fact that it is Sonia private because she doesn’t want the crazy fanboys to target her. 
Nessa takes on a big-sister-role to all of the new female gym leaders (Gloria, Marnie, and Bea). She and Melody will literally strike down anyone who even looks at their girls funny. 
Her relationship with Milo is hilarious to anyone who isn’t them. Nessa is convinced that they are rivals and must constantly train against each other in order to get stronger. Milo sees her as his best friend and will bake her treats for when they meet up. (Also, Kabu is their dad. I’m just stating facts). 
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sailorfailures · 4 years
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I fell in love with these postcards from the Girl’s Night Out popup cafe the moment I saw them! I knew I had to get my hands on them, and the lovely @blaze-rocket was able to help that happen.
I cannot get over how perfect these postcards are. To me, this is what Sailor Moon is; a testament to the little moments from the series that made us fall in love with the characters, especially how their personal preferences were reflected in their fashion choices. In a world of merch where it’s easy to just slap a random crescent moon on something pink and say “look, it’s Usagi,” the designer responsible for these graphics went the extra mile to take imagery from the show itself that needles its way deep into our nostalgia-cortexes.
How many references do you recognise? Quiz yourself against this comprehensive (image-heavy) list! 👇
The inners’ postcards all reference the eye-catching sign for Game Center Crown, the iconic arcade where Motoki Furuhata worked and the gang would all congregate to play games and share information.
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Starting in R they switched to hanging out at Fruits Parlor Crown, a cafe attached to the arcade staffed by Motoki’s sister Unazuki, which the Inners’ postcards all also reference. They would often get brightly-coloured drinks there, but the drinks pictured on these postcards seem to specifically line up with the real drinks available at the Girls Night Out popup cafe.
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Sailors Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto’s postcards all reference “Café Étrangère,” which was the name of the cafe they were seen dining at in the Sailor Moon S movie. Even the logo is replicated faithfully from a scene only a few seconds long.
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All the girls’ clothes are hanging on coat hangers shaped like Luna/Artemis/Diana.
Ami / Sailor Mercury’s references:
Ami’s casual outfit is an unusual choice since she only wore it a handful of times over the entire series, and half the times she wore it, it was given a different colour scheme with a green jacket instead of the yellow version pictured here.
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Her “mini data computer” is her most iconic tool/weapon/accessory, revealed in episode 009, directly after her introduction.
The pink package is how Usagi and the other girls wrapped up her transformation stick and communicator watch as Ami’s going-away present in episode 062.
The ice cream may be a reference to the same episode, as she shared a cone with Chibi-Usa before she left, and returned to the store to protect her friends from the Droid Nihpasu.
The flash cards are a method Ami commonly used to help her study, and are particularly similar to the ones shown in the SuperS short “Ami’s First Love”.
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Rei / Sailor Mars’s References:
Rei wore her casual outfit fairly frequently, starting and most notably in the beginning of the Sailor Moon R movie.
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The small red o-mamori charm is from Hikawa Shrine, seen frequently but introduced in episode 010.
The paper ofuda ward was used frequently by Rei to fight evil, even before she could transform, but most notably in the attack sequence for “Akuryou, Taisan” (“Foul Spirit, Begone”).
To my knowledge the purple bag isn’t a specific reference, but Rei did throw a similar purse at a Cardian as a makeshift weapon in episode 048 before she got her Guardian memories back.
The gift-wrapped shopping boxes are the exact same ones as carried by Rei in the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars opening sequence before she trips and falls, right down to the patterns on the paper...
... which in itself may be a reference/callback to Rei’s tendency to make Yuuichirou carry her shopping (maybe so she doesn’t trip).
The phoenix-shaped pendant is a reference to episode 183; it’s made of glazed ceramic, crafted by Rei’s cousin Kengo Ibuki, given to her as a child after she convinced him not to smash it even though he his pottery a “failure”.
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Makoto / Sailor Jupiter’s References:
Makoto didn’t start wearing her casual outfit until around S, but she wore it frequently after that, especially as she became more confident wearing “feminine” clothing. They even remembered her iconic gold wrist watch worn over her sleeve!
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Her uniquely decorated bento bag debuted in episode 026, her introductory episode, along with the rounded green cutlery. The pouch has been featured a few more times since and its design is a mainstay in almost every Sailor Moon canon.
The teal hairtie and the rose-shaped earrings are two of Makoto’s iconic accessories, some of the only non-magical fashion accessories in the entire series to stay the same whether the character is transformed or not (the other being Minako’s infamous red bow). Her earrings also served a dual purpose as makeshift projectile weapons in episode 025.
The blue book is 月夜の天馬 (Tsukiyo no Tenma, “The Moonlit Pegasus”), a novel which was written by Tomoko Takase and introduced in epsode 134. Makoto knew Tomoko from her old middle school, before she transferred, and was the first one to read her first draft after retrieving it from bullies. She encouraged Tomoko to try and get it published. Makoto meets with her again and helps her overcome her writer’s block to finish her sequel, 天馬幻想 (Tenma Gensou, “Pegasus Fantasy”).
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Minako / Sailor Venus’s References:
This is one of Minako’s most-worn casual outfits, especially if you consider the additional outfits based off it. Despite its prevalence, she didn’t start wearing it until the beginning of S.
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Minako’s red hair ribbon is her most iconic accessory, but did you know why she started wearing it? The Codename: Sailor V prequel manga explains that she started wearing the ribbon instead of her usual red hairtie on the suggestion of her “first crush” Higashi. But when he turns out to be an enemy in disguise, she decides she looks good with a ribbon anyway, and keeps wearing it for her own benefit.
The red mask is a reference to Minako’s role as Sailor V before joining the team as Sailor Venus. Sailor V was known as a mysterious vigilante superhero and a fictional video game character as early as episode 001, but in episode 033 Minako revealed herself to the rest of the Sailor Team, dramatically removing her mask one final time.
Minako was known to be a skilled volleyball player, especially in the manga, and it was especially relevant in episode 100 where she had to delicately return the serve of an energy sphere containing the Pure Heart of her old volleyball crush, Asai.
The sign with Minako’s name can be seen hanging off the front of her bedroom door in episode 192.
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[Manga scan courtesy of Miss Dream.]
Usagi / Sailor Moon’s References:
Usagi wore this outfit in the Sailor Moon R movie, making it a memorable choice. Although the movie aired roughly midway through R, Usagi didn’t start to wear this outfit casually again until the S season.
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Usagi is shown eating a lot of food, especially sweets, but she seems to have a particular fondness for crepes, snacking on them in several different episodes.
In episode 143 we can see that Usagi is very technologically trendy - for the times. She’s carrying that blue-and-pink pager which she and Mamoru use to contact each other by way of goroawase, that is, deciphering messages based on the different pronunciations of numbers, a precursor to modern texting. Mamoru pages her the numbers 84 51, which could be read as hachi yon go ichi; reading only the first syllables, and substituting go for the related sound ko, Usagi would interpret the message as hayo koi, which sounds a bit like “come quick” - she’s late for their date. Oops!
By the way, pagers were often called “pocket bells” (pokeberu) in Japan, and became so rapidly popular they even found their way into the lyrics of Rashiku Ikimasho, the ending song for the SuperS season; 「泣きたい時には ポケベルならしてよんで、戦士の休息」 [Nakitai toki ni wa POKEBELL narashite yonde, senshi no kyuusoku] “If you feel like crying, send a page thru the Pocket Bell, take a break from [being a] Guardian”
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Chibi-Usa / Sailor Chibi Moon’s References:
Chibi-Usa doesn’t technically have a school uniform, but her casual clothes are often styled after sailor suits as a reflection of both her idolisation of the figure of “Sailor Moon” and of her desire to be seen as older and more mature than she appears. She changes “uniforms” every season, and this pinafore outfit is the version she wears in SuperS. She wore the other outfit in the SuperS premiere episode.
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The handgun is from episode 060, Chibi-Usa’s introduction to the series and arguably one of the most iconic absurdist scenes in all of Sailor Moon. The gun itself is actually a toy, probably a transformation of the Luna-P sphere, which Chibi-Usa uses to try and threaten Usagi into giving her the Legendary Silver Crystal. When she “shoots” Usagi, the bullet is revealed to be nothing but a suction-cup flower, also pictured. (By the way, if you were wondering, Chibi-Usa’s fake gun is based on a real Colt M1911A1.) She transforms the Luna-P into a toy gun to shoot Sailor Moon again in the Sailor Moon R movie, this time as a way to motivate Usagi to fight.
The Luna-P sphere was a mysterious gadget Chibi-Usa kept with her for the duration of R and parts of S. It’s unknown where it came from, but it could be assumed to have been created from advanced 30th century technology. It was a combination toy and tool which could transform itself into a variety of objects, formulas, and even weapons, though none were shown to be particularly powerful. It could also be used to communicate with Sailor Pluto at the Time-Space Door. When Chibi-Usa was manipulated into becoming Wicked Lady in episode 085, the Luna-P sphere also transformed into an “evil” and much more dangerous version.
The Space-Time Key was a special tool given to her by Sailor Pluto that allowed her to travel between the past and the future, though it was difficult for her to wield effectively.
The sunhat was given to Chibi-Usa by Ikuko, so she treasured it greatly. In episode 112 it got blown away and was retrieved by Hotaru Tomoe, which allowed her to meet Chibi-Usa and marked the beginning of their close friendship.
The blue-and-red package was a gift containing two manga books (”Drop Drop” vol. 1 & 2 by Ukon Katakuri) which Chibi-Usa intended to give to her new friend Hotaru in episode 113.
In episode 127, Chibi-Usa returned home to the future, and the girls all made her some going-away gifts. Ami made her a floppy disk (lol) to help her study, Rei made her a casette tape (double lol) of her music, Makoto packed her a lunch, and Minako made her a photo album of their time together. Usagi hand-sewed Chibi-Usa the rabbit-shaped backpack using a real outfit she used to love when she was a child.
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Michiru / Sailor Neptune’s References:
This is a somewhat unusual choice for Michiru’s casual outfit, as she only wore it for two episodes, and that’s only because they made up a two-part story. But perhaps because the episodes were so pivotal - with Haruka and Michiru almost learning Usagi’s true identity - the outfit itself became more memorable.
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Not only do they include Michiru’s violin, but they included the lemon she bounced off the instrument as she played to show off her skills in episode 093.
The teacup, teaspoon and saucer are the same set Michiru was seen drinking from at Fruits Parlor Crown in episode 094.
Michiru and Haruka both reference episode 095, where they had to enter a “true love” contest as part of their investigation. The contestants were asked to find their partner’s hand in an anonymous lineup, and Haruka was able to identify Michiru’s hand immediately.
Michiru used Haruka as a model for an illustration in her green sketchbook in episode 106.
Michiru’s Talisman is the Deep Aqua Mirror, revealed in episode 110 and used in her attack Submarine Reflection. She could also use it to receive prophetic visions. Visually, it was based on real-life art nouveau hand mirrors, and symbolically represented the mirror from the Three Sacred Treasures.
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Haruka / Sailor Uranus’s References:
Conversely, Haruka wore this outfit a lot. Maybe more than she should’ve.
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The teacup and saucer is the same set Haruka was seen drinking from at Fruits Parlor Crown in episode 094.
Haruka’s postcard also references the lovers contest in episode 095 (see above).
The purple scarf is from episode 096; Haruka was wearing it as a necktie when she almost ran into Makoto on her motorcycle. Haruka used the scarf to bandage Makoto’s road rash, which she returned later, though now smitten.
Not only is Haruka’s motorcycle included, they also referenced (one of) her car(s), the 1968 Toyota 2000GT.
Haruka’s Talisman is the Space Sword, revealed in episode 110 and used in her attack Space Sword Blaster. Symbolically it represented the sword from the Three Sacred Treasures.
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Setsuna / Sailor Pluto’s References:
Setsuna didn’t have a school uniform, since she wasn’t a student, so she got to double-up on her casual outfits. Her mauve outfit is her most recognisable, wearing it so often it may as well have been her uniform. In fact, she was rarely seen wearing anything else until Sailor Stars, where she started experimenting with other outfits, including the Time Lord-esque suit on the right.
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The potted plant is a Tellun, the energy-draining plant created by Tellu in episode 121. Setsuna was investigating it when it attempted to attack her, but she was protected by her Talisman, the Garnet Orb (also pictured, representing the jewel in the Three Sacred Treasures). She then went on to destroy the remaining Tellun plants and defeat Tellu with the help of Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, and Tuxedo Mask.
The teacup and saucer are the same set Setsuna is seen drinking from at Cafe Etranger in the Sailor Moon S movie.
In episode 182, the girls are discussing the mysterious arrival of Chibi Chibi while eating ice cream on a hot summer’s day. Setsuna appears out of nowhere to confirm their suspicions... carrying that popsicle of her own.
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Hotaru / Sailor Saturn’s References:
Hotaru tended to wear the same thing, mostly all-black, but she did occasionally adventure into rich colours like this bottle green two-piece outfit and iconic raspberry beret.
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The sunhat belonged to Chibi-Usa; it symbolises the beginning of their friendship, when Hotaru caught it after it blew away in episode 112.
Chibi-Usa gave Hotaru the rabbit backpack in episode 116, using it to pass a note inviting her on a picnic.
Hotaru collects lamps, and the two referenced here are seen in her bedroom, which she keeps dimly lit to manage her pain.
The window might seem random, but it was random in the series, too - it’s one of the curtained window which looks out from Hotaru’s bedroom, and when a Daimon experiment goes terribly wrong in episode 118 and transforms her house into a Bamboozled-like inter-dimensional maze, one window overlooks a vast ocean while the other overlooks a strange jungle.
Hotaru’s weapon as Sailor Saturn is the Silence Glaive. It’s said that she possesses enough power to destroy the world with a single drop of her scythe.
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That’s it! You made it! How many references did YOU know? 🌙
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cuinnamonbun · 3 years
I really love ur headcanon about Hijabi Mc with the brothers! I really love it cuz there is no one writing about us in any fandom =(
I was thinking would u do the (un)datebale characters with Hijabi Mc if u can ? =3
If u don’t want then u can ignore the ask 🖤
Hello there, angel! I assume you meant the chaotic Hijabi MC headcanon that I wrote, so I hope you enjoyed these xx
she/her pronouns!!
The (Un)Dateable Characters' + Luke’s Reactions to a Hijabi MC That Looks Extremely Pious and Quiet but is Actually a Chaotic Mess
As future king of the Devildom that wishes to strengthen the relations between the three realms, prejudice and discrimination against the human exchange students’ choice of religion is a HUGE no-no
Diavolo would not mind the fact that she is wearing a symbol of her devotion to God on her head, but he would be so intrigued by this human at first meeting
Not about her religion, of course, he is well aware of all the religions in the world; Abrahamic religion being the one he is most familiar with (obvi)
What excited him was the fact that this human was so. friggin. hilarious.
He’s not even sure if this human is doing it on purpose because something would happen that would catch her off guard and she would just say?? the most random shit???
Like say, she got jumped by Mammon and her response to that would be a monotone scream and a “sTOP i could’ve dropped my croissant!” but she was actually genuinely startled
He’d be so fascinated like wow! Go girl, give us nothing!!
He would invite her over for tea so many times just so she could explain slang to him
Diavolo: Tell me MC, what is the meaning of DILF?
Due to personal reasons, MC will now be passing away
He would abuse the usage of slang everywhere and he would be so excited to finally understand what Leviathan is talking about
Lucifer: Diavolo, we must talk about the student council budget
Diavolo: That wasn’t very cash money of you
Lucifer: ....excuse me?
Diavolo: Periodt okurrr slay queen
MC has to go hide to avoid being slaughtered like a sacrificial lamb by Lucifer
Diavolo would be also be curious and impressed at the intricate planning of each and every one of her pranks
Like sure, it may be annoying to be the one at the receiving end of it, but understanding the details behind it?? All the logic, physics and patience put into it just to ensure a flawless delivery??? Absolutely stunning
MC has him mesmerised
He would absolutely want to learn the art of pranking from her
Honestly, at this point it’s no longer the human exchange student and the Devil King, it’s now the mentor and the mentee
Lucifer has to demand MC to stop teaching him these things for the sake of his sanity because it’s taking him away from his royal duties that’s keeping the Devildom from falling apart
They still meet up in secret though screw you, Lucifer
This is another demon whom would not mind the fact that their chosen exchange student is a Muslim
Lord Diavolo’s reputation hangs on this exchange program going extremely well, he would not let simple prejudices put a smear on that
He has prepared himself well to receive people from different walks of life just so he can provide all students a comfortable stay during their term in the Devildom
But wait...what is that human doing?
Oh...this poor man
Not only does he have to keep that ginormous labyrinth of a castle spotless and immaculate at all times and ensure that every event being hosted by the castle is going perfectly without a hitch, but he also has to take care of an overgrown man-child that is also known as the future king of the Devildom
Now, he has to make sure this...mess of a human doesn’t go stir up trouble anywhere?
Barbatos is a calm and collected man, but he’s still a demon; virtues aren’t exactly something they practice 
He would need to down three cups of melancholy coffee and squeeze a stress ball whenever he catches MC in her antics whether it is alone or with someone in tow
Somehow he’s the only one whom MC would find almost impossible to prank
Like she managed to catch Lucifer off guard once (that was her proudest achievement) but BARBATOS???? yeah, it’s like he has a pair of eyes on the back of his head or something
MC: *tries to sneak up on him*
Barbatos, not even turning back: Enough of that now, MC, come enjoy this tea I’ve made
Pranking Barbatos will become her number one mission during her entire term in the Devildom
Barbatos would be really amused and impressed at the lengths she would go through just to see that shocked look on his face
Why, it might even be—dare he say—endearing
Though MC will cause this man stress and grey hairs, Barbatos couldn’t help but appreciate her company every time she came around
When she’s not up to her daily shenanigans, she would simply opt to help Barbatos out with some of the chores or preparing the treats for a tea party with the student council members and the exchange program, even though he’s mentioned that she should do no such thing
But knowing that this girl is constantly energetic and restless, Barbs agreed to let her help since he would not want to deal with her breaking some priceless antiques or getting herself in trouble with Devildom law again
She helps to remind him that it’s okay to be laidback once in a while and that he doesn’t need to be so uptight all the time
These two have an unusual friendship but it’s only good vibes all around ^^
Before she leaves the Devildom though, he would pretend that she actually managed to startle him with her last grand prank and the look on her face was worth his reputation taking a slight hit
He totally has a soft spot for her
Solomon and MC would be the best of friends man
The minute this shady sorcerer laid his eyes on her, he KNEW...this would be his new BFF
They would wreak so much havoc together that they give Lucifer a migraine the size of Lord Diavolo’s castle because they’re rUiNiNG tHe iNtEgRiTy oF tHE eXcHanGe pRoGrAm
Psh, as if that’d stop them
Honestly, it was like they each have one braincell that cancels each other out every time they get together
Lucifer: You two better have an explanation for this
MC: We have three actually. 
Solomon: Pick your favourite
Lucifer hates it whenever they get together and he would always try to prevent them from meeting up 
But his wits are no match for the power of their friendship!!
Solomon would defff try to persuade MC to get more pacts with other demons
Solomon: C’monnnn MC, we could be powerful! :c
MC: Bold of you to assume we’re not powerful now, bestie
So we have established that MC loves to pull pranks right?
She would have so many ideas on the top of her head that she would never use because 1) they either defy the laws of physics or 2) she would need magic to pull it off perfectly
So imagine her excitement when she found out Solomon is the greatest human sorcerer
She would 100% reel him in her plans and schemes and NO ONE (except the angels, they have immunity bc they’re babies :] ) would be safe from them
Despite all the fun they would have though, Solomon definitely treasures her as his greatest friend
I imagine life for Solomon would be quite lonely and he appreciates the constant joy and company that MC would provide him
He would definitely fuck a bitch up if someone dares to mess with his bestie 🙄
These two adore each other so much but they would be caught DEAD before they would admit that to each other 🤭
When they first met, Simeon was so happy to find a person so devoted to God such as MC
He takes it upon himself to become MC’s guardian angel around the Devildom
He would helicopter them for a while and would (reluctantly) back off if MC finds it a bit suffocating 
(don’t be mean MC, he just cares about u alot that’s all :( )
This man is capital P patient
I mean, that’s a given with him being an angel and all
But seriously,,, one has to be in awe at how calm and collected he is even when MC would pull pranks that would cause a normal person to wanna punch the living daylights out of her
Eventually she would feel bad and stop pulling these pranks on him though, he’s just too sweet and she can’t take advantage of that </3
They would be really close though (along with Luke) because he would frequently invite her to pray the 5 essential prayers together with Luke or read the Qur’an together and it’s just wholesome vibes all around man 🥺
As angels, him and Luke would have such beautiful recitations of the Qur’an and I can picture MC frequently dropping by Purgatory Hall just to listen to him recite the kalimahs with the perfect tajweed (Non-Muslims if you’d like to hear an example, check out Sheikh Mishary reciting Surah al-Kahf, it’s beautiful man 🥺)
He would frequently invite MC and Luke out for walks too and these three would look so domestic together people often mistake them as a little family (much to the brothers’ chagrin and Simeon’s amusement)
Simeon has such a calming presence that he could even tame a chaotic MC down and have her sit still enough, it will be as if she turned into a completely different person
MC, violently shaking like a hamster on crack: U CANT STOP ME LUCI, URE NOT THE BOSS OF-
Simeon: Hello, MC! Would you like to come and have a pleasant chat with me? ^^ 
MC, as if in a trance: ...anything for you, Beyonce
MC is such a simp for Simeon and honestly, who can blame her?
Luke was extremely happy when the two of them met
This cutie is a proud servant of God and he loves humans who loves Him as much as he does
So it comes as to no one’s surprise when he attaches himself to MC
This would heighten when MC stepped between him, Beel and Lucifer during that,,,,incident
His favourite time of the day is praying in congregation with MC and Simeon and baking with MC
MC would steer clear from involving Luke in her pranks and/or outright pranking him
He’s just a precious little child okay, MC has a soft spot for this angel
She would definitely try to tone down her chaotic energy around him, but she would NOT hesitate to verbal + cyber bully any demons that dare to bully her child
Rando demon: haha shortstack
MC: So you have chosen death
Seriously, Luke would gawk at the obscenities coming from MC’s mouth
He would have to physically drag her away before the demons could devour them both
He would be absolutely SHOOKETH at the language she used because she has been nothing but sweet and polite to him. It was like she switched into a whole different person right in front of his eyes
Luke: MC! I knew living with those horrid demons is a bad idea! They’ve corrupted you now!! *crying Luke noises*
MC: Lil buddy, I was born this way
He would definitely feel really touched that MC is so protective of him though, but he would have to tell her to never say those words again, even if she’s trying to protect him
She would (hesitantly) tell him she would try her best but that would literally only last for half a day because another demon has foolishly decided to mess with him with her present
MC is Luke’s mother point blank period.
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free-pancakes · 3 years
A Fire in the Shadows
LeviHan - Avatar the Last Airbender AU fic
Characters: Levi, Hange, Erwin, Mike, Nanaba, Moblit, Kenny, Zeke, Sasha, Jean, Armin, Kuchel, Porco, Pieck
Summary: Levi, the nephew of a fire nation captain, stumbles upon a ragtag group of 5 known as the Scouts, formidably known for foiling the plans of local fire nation control, living in the forests a few miles north of Ba Sing Se.
Chapter 5: Interconnected Chapter 4: The Fire from the Shadows Chapter 3: Bonds  Chapter 2: Trust  Chapter 1: The Scouts
(crossposted to ao3)
CH 5: Interconnected
A 10 year-old Hange sat by the edge of the river running right outside her home, listening to the happy quacks of little turtle ducks swimming by. She smiled as she molded the fire in her palm into a small ball of flame, tossing and kicking it back and forth to herself. Erwin walked quietly towards the river, and stared at Hange from afar. He couldn’t help but watch, mesmerized at the finesse of her movements—she was a natural, more adept than even the adult firebenders he knew, at just 10 years old. She was just a kid, but she was skilled beyond her years. He was so proud of her, but admittedly, a little jealous. He looked down at his hands, sad that he wasn’t gifted with the ability to bend an element. He lowered them and shook his head—despite this, the pride he had for his best friend far outweighed any sadness he felt being a non-bender. He’d always stand by her side.
“Hange, I got the stuff you asked for.” He pulled off his backpack and shook its contents onto the grass—a metal funnel, metal clamps, and wax adhesives. Hange’s eyes glowed with fiery excitement as she squealed with joy. “These are perfect!” She gathered the supplies and ran towards the house. “Come on Erwin, race you back to my room!” She sprinted ahead, and Erwin laughed as he ran to catch up with her.
Hange ran into her home, tracking dirt all over the wooden floorboards. “Hange dear, come on, I just mopped the floor!”
She disappeared into her room and yelled, “Sorry, Mom! I got a super-top-secret-urgent project to work on!”
Before she could ask Hange to come back and clean up her mess, she turned around to find Erwin already sweeping up the dirt.
“Oh Erwin, you’re so sweet, you don’t need to do that!” She gently took the broom out of his hand and ruffled his hair. “Go join Hange, don’t worry about it,” she said softly.
“Thanks for having me, Mrs. Zoe,” he politely nodded his head and walked into Hange’s room, closing the door gently behind him. He looked down to find Hange busy producing a tiny fire at the tip of her index finger, welding the metal to the rest of her contraption. Erwin knew better than to talk to her while she was engrossed in conjuring up her newest invention, so he put his backpack down on the floor and sat neatly across from her. He stared up at the wall, at the same picture frames he always looked at whenever he waited for Hange to finish her latest project. The picture was that of a man who resembled Hange’s father, his arm around a young Avatar Roku and a few other people, all of them smiling together.
According to Hange, the bespectacled man in the painting was her great grandfather, a good friend of Roku. Beneath this was a picture of Erwin’s grandparents arm-in-arm with Hange’s grandparents and all of their friends. The picture below that was one from a few years before either Hange or he was born, showing his and Hange’s parents laughing together, and in the center, a beautiful woman with long, black hair and the most gentle eyes. Generations… lifetimes of the most powerful firebenders, yet the most kind people were displayed there before him, and it was almost crazy to think that he and Hange, along with their new friends, Mike and Nanaba, were probably next in line to join that wall—a wall displaying both genuine friendship and deep loyalty to the peaceful and harmonious land the fire nation once was. Erwin smiled as he remembered his father’s words to him one night not too long ago—“Friendships really do transcend lifetimes.”
“Success!” Hange held the contraption in her hand, a mess of metal tubes swirling into a metal funnel at the end. Before he could ask what it was, Hange was dragging him by the hand and climbing out the one window in her room. “Hurry up ya slowpoke! Before my mom or Moblit hears us!”
They ran towards the small barn marking the halfway point between their houses. Hange walked along the edges of the barn to a spot in the dirt marked with a small scarf of hers. “Here! Help me dig, Erwin!” They used their hands to scoop piles of dirt out, deep enough to fit the end of the funnel under and inside the barn.
“Ok! Can you stay right here and listen to me through the pipe? Tell me how clear the sound is.” Hange ran around the corner and into the barn, and began to speak and whisper, alternating between the two. Erwin’s eyes widened in shock at the clarity—even Hange’s whispers were audible through the pipe. “How did she even manage to do this?” he thought to himself. Now they could listen clearly to their parents’ secret meetings, and he was quite excited with their new tool.
“From the look on your face, I take it that the acoustics are perfect, no?” Hange smiled deviously, and Erwin returned it. The two friends happily bumped fists. “Now we can hear about their next mission without taking turns pressing our ears against the wall!”
Ever since she and Erwin stumbled upon a meeting about a year ago, their minds became hyper-fixated on discovering their parents' work and uncovering the secrets behind it all. Since they were probably the two most dangerously curious kids of all the fire nation, it was only natural that they’d figure it all out eventually. They had spent the past year trying to listen to the group meetings in the barn, and learned all about their missions. Ridden with curiosity, the two eventually found years of hidden documents containing information on their families, kept in boxes under faulty floorboards of their homes.
When Avatar Roku mysteriously died nearly 100 years ago, his group of friends awaited their friend’s reincarnation as a child from one of the air temples. But after the fire nation attacks on the airbender monks, they feared the worst. The world began to tip out of balance, and when no avatar seemed to appear in the earth kingdom, they wondered whether the avatar was gone for good. But among Roku’s friends, hope was not lost—they passed down their stories from generation to generation, and as the fire nation grew in power, the Zoe family was the face of those defending from the inside, attempting to do what they could to restore balance. They became the crux of movement within the shadows of the fire nation, thwarting plans of conquering villages and cities of the world, keeping as many citizens and innocent people safe from fire nation soldiers’ violence. Their numbers have dwindled over the years from fighting for their cause, and most of them eventually moved into the earth kingdom colonies to help out the villages more closely, though a few stayed behind in the fire nation to continue retrieving intel from the inside and kept correspondence with any information gleaned.
Hange was quite keen on listening for more every week, confident in her desire to follow in her family’s footsteps. As much as Erwin shared Hange’s excitement, part of him was deeply concerned about Hange’s safety. Out of the families that moved out into the earth kingdom colonies, she was the only firebender in their generation, and he was afraid that she’d have to take on too much responsibility and carry the brunt of the work in order to live up to their families’ names. But they were only kids, right? He waved away his own worries—it’s not like they’d have to join in on this right away. Their parents didn’t even know that we found out about all of this yet.
-------- When the sun just began to set, the two friends snuck their way back to the barn under the calm, orange glow of the sky. They crouched down at the spot where they lodged Hange’s invention through the ground and listened in—but to their disappointment, the adults were simply chatting and enjoying each other’s company. “Booooring,” Hange sighed. “Maybe we should just call it a night, huh Erwin?” As Erwin readied himself to walk Hange home, he overheard the quiet closing of a door and a new voice sound through the pipe. They locked eyes and quickly threw themselves down to press their ears close and listen.
“Kuchel!” Hange’s mother exclaimed, and they heard the soft sound of sniffles and happy cries of the reunion.
“KUCHEL??” Hange exclaimed loudly.
“Who’s Kuchel?”
“My mom’s friend! Her best friend!” Hange clasped her hands together and jumped around in excitement. “Oh I’ve always wanted to meet her, she sounds so nice and—“
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Hange and Erwin spun around to see Hange’s dad staring at the two of them and eyeing their little listening device. “Eavesdropping now, are we? You might have made something where you can hear us loud and clear, but did you consider the possibility that we could hear YOU loud and clear from the other side?” Erwin and Hange nervously laughed at his words—they really did forget to consider that. He bent down to look at Hange’s creation and his facade of playing “bad cop” parent melted away quite quickly, and he turned to his daughter and chuckled. “So how did you make it?” As the two Zoe’s babbled on about the intricacies of Hange’s ideas, Erwin continued to listen into the barn.
“Oh yes, Kenny’s alright, as annoying as ever, telling me we should give up on all this and that my son and I should just move out here with all of you. But how else would we get more intel without me on the inside?”
“But you can move in with us! We can adjust. Our plans can change! Kenny’s right, it’s probably safer for you to stay here. On top of that, I’m sure your son would love to meet Erwin and Hange,” Hange’s mother answered.
“I’m sure he would. He’s very quiet and doesn’t really have any friends. But I have no doubt they’ll all meet someday.” She smiled at the thought of Levi making new friends, but her smile slowly transitioned into a concerned frown. “It might have to wait a year or two, though. I don’t know if I trust Zeke anymore...”
“Well what do you mean by that? Hasn’t Zeke proved himself to us?” Erwin’s father asked.
“I’ve seen him spend some more time with Ozai recently. I can’t put a finger on it... but I think something in him has changed. I think we may be able to trust him for now, but we’ll have to see.”
The doors of the barn slammed open, revealing Hange’s father holding Hange in one arm and Erwin in the other. “I think we found our culprits!”
Mike and Nanaba’s parents burst into laughter, while Hange’s mother and Erwin’s father darted looks of deep disapproval at their children.
Hange’s dad playfully threw the two down into the pile of hay that the horses were working on, who seemed to neigh at them in disapproval. Hange and Erwin lost themselves in a fit of giggles that simply lightened up the room from the bleak conversation about Zeke. The rest of them began to catch up again and reminisce about the “good old days” while Erwin and Hange pet and fed the horses.
A few hours later, Kuchel made her way over to them, and the two suddenly felt shy, falling quiet.
Erwin’s eyes widened in recognition as she sat close to them. “You’re the beautiful lady in the picture,” Erwin accidentally whispered loud enough for Kuchel to hear.
Kuchel laughed, “You’re Erwin, right? You’re the spitting image of your father, and from what I hear, the only person smart and strong enough to keep this one under control right?” she said as she looked over to Hange.
“What, me?” Hange questioned. “Yes, you! Come here, dear,” she waved Hange towards her and gently pulled her glasses off, and wiped them clean with her sleeve, and carefully pushed them back onto Hange’s face. “And you’re the infamous, reckless Hange Zoe, correct?” She laughed, and Hange was simply mesmerized by her kind soul and the loving twinkle in her eyes.
After warming up to each other, Hange soon begged for stories from Kuchel about how all their parents became friends and both she and Erwin eagerly listened. The three of them talked for what felt like hours, until Erwin and Hange could barely keep their eyes open, their sheer curiosity and interest in Kuchel the only thing keeping them awake enough to listen.
“So that’s the sign of you all being undercover firebenders right?” Hange asked sleepily as she pointed to the little charm peeking out from pocket of her skirt. Kuchel was startled by her question, and sighed in defeat. “Well, neither of you should know anything about this until you’re old enough, but it was silly of me to think that you two wouldn’t figure that out by now being the nosy little kids you are,” she said with a small laugh. She pulled out the charm to show them. “When the time is right, we’ll all pass them down to you. It might not be as significant now—it was once used to prove that you were one to be trusted, but now that there’s not too many of us left...” Erwin noticed the hint of sadness that showed in her eyes.
“Well, it‘s still important, something to remember who you are and where you came from. Whenever you look at it, I hope it brings you peace and reminds you that it’s our responsibility to bring back stability and light to our nation, no matter how dark it may become. But who knows, it still might be important in recognizing who is a friend or foe someday. Whoever holds one is someone you can trust—I can promise you both that.”
Hange asked, “Kuchel, will we ever get to meet your son?”
“I have no doubt you will,” she said with a smile. “Hopefully soon. I think you both would be really good influences on him.” With a yawn, Hange asked one more question.
“What’s his name?”
But before they could hear Kuchel’s answer, both of them were fast asleep. Kuchel smiled lovingly at the two. She gently pulled off Hange’s glasses, pocketed them before picking her up. She chuckled at the sound of her snores as Hange’s face leaned against her chest— “Just like her mother,” she thought and suppressed full-on laughter. She then whispered quietly into Hange ear, hoping it would somehow register in her heart, despite her being asleep. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Hange. And.... I can’t wait for you meet Levi someday. Don’t let his little scowl fool you—he has a good heart.” Kuchel beckoned Hange’s mother over to pick up Erwin. “Come on, let’s go put these two to bed.”
-------- Levi could not believe Erwin’s story. But... there was no denying the description of his own mother.
He remembered the day before his mother died, and her words that morning echoed in his mind, “Levi, did you know that some friendships are strong enough to transcend lifetimes?” He wondered if that applied here—an explanation as to why his bond with Hange ran so deep, and why he felt like he’d known Erwin, Moblit, Mike, and Nanaba for much longer than he actually did.
They had been interconnected this whole time. As much as it frustrated him that knowing this would have made their meeting 3 years ago much easier, he felt a wave of happiness fall over him, and he was absolutely overwhelmed from head to toe.
“So, you’re Kuchel’s son.” Erwin remembered her kind eyes and gentle voice, and began to laugh.
“Oi, what the hell are you laughing on about?”
Erwin continued to laugh and started to wipe tears from his eyes. “I was just thinking about how you’re just...well let’s just say I never thought Kuchel’s son would turn out to be such a small, angry man.” He laughed, along with Nanaba and Mike. Levi grumbled but couldn’t help but let out a tiny smile.
After their laughter died down, Levi let the information sink in a little along with the situation at hand. “I didn’t know you met her...” he sighed. It seems there was a lot he didn’t know, and he wished he could turn back time and ask his mother everything.
Mike asked, “What did happen to your mom anyway? I know you said she was gone but...”
“She died after she saved a child from a house fire. My uncle and I were gone training for a weekend. I was only 12 at the time,” Levi said as he stared down at the ground.
“Since you and Hange are the same age... that must mean she died around the same Zeke betrayed everyone and had fire nation soldiers kill our parents,” Nanaba said quietly.
Each of them held their parents’ charms tightly in their hands. All was silent except for the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze and the crackle of logs from their campfire. Dusk quickly fell upon them, the glow of the moon peeking through the light cloud cover.
Erwin’s eyes softened as he looked at Levi. “Well, we got some work to do, don’t we? Hange and Moblit are in trouble—I can only imagine what Zeke wants to do with them.”
Levi looked up at Erwin, noticing a minuscule flicker of worry in his eyes. “My bet... is using an Agni Kai versus Hange as public display to destroy anymore hopes of internal rebellion.”
The other three furrowed their eyebrows at this, gritting their teeth in anger.
“And... killing the last firebending Zoe would be the ultimate symbol of crushing any hope that may be left.”
Levi stood up and looked out into the horizon, in the direction Zeke and Kenny escaped the night before. He had a good idea of where they might be, but the exact coordinates of that base was kept hidden from everyone except for high ranking officials. However, knowing Hange, he had utmost confidence that she marked a way for them to find her. They'd just have to figure that out—and soon.
Levi balled his hands into tight fists and fierce determination flickered in his eyes.
“Well, we’re not gonna let her face Zeke alone, are we?” he whispered, not taking his eyes off the horizon.
As Hange’s screams grew silent, Armin breathed a sad sigh of relief—either they stopped torturing her or she finally just passed out from the pain. Either way, she at least had some respite. He looked at the thick wooden bars of their cell, cross hatched like a solid net, trapping them inside. He could only assume that at least one guard was standing watch outside the metal door about 8 feet away from their cell—the only exit point in the room. How in the world were they supposed to get out of this mess? And more importantly, why were they targeting Hange? Where were the rest of the Scouts, anyway?
He turned back towards Moblit, “Hey so... what happened? How did you get captured?”
Moblit used his sleeves to wipe at his tears, revealing his swollen eyes, filled with a terrifying swirl of anger and hopelessness. “They ambushed us, Zeke and Kenny. They set everything on fire and we didn’t stand a chance—and they told us...” He looked down, tangling his fingers in his hair anxiously, like he was trying to pry the memories out from his mind.
“Told you what?”
“That Levi led them to us, and...that he was a firebender and... that he’s Kenny’s nephew.”
Sasha and Armin’s jaws dropped at the news, and Jean looked away, as he knew Levi’s secret. He wrestled with the possibility that he might have made a mistake in trusting him. “No... there’s no way I made the wrong call,” he thought.
“I’m not sure if I believe it, though. Hange was very adamant that we should trust Levi.” Happy memories of his relationship with Levi came rushing relentlessly into his head. “No, I don’t think we should stop trusting Levi.” He paused. “After that, the next thing I knew, I woke up restrained on the komodo rhino, and then saw all of you.”
“Moblit, why did they only take you, and no one else?” Sasha asked.
“Well Hange and Levi were in Ba Sing Se that night. And I think they were just using me as bait.”
“But why not any of the others, why just you?” Armin asked. “It doesn’t make any sense. Couldn’t they have just taken Erwin since he leads the Scouts?”
Moblit sighed. “I guess I better just fess up and explain everything, right? All of this would be easier if we were just on the same page.”
He fished a small, metal keychain from his pocket, a fire nation emblem etched into it, matching the one stitched into the red tapestry behind him. He held it up for them to see.
A dull pain ached against the left side of Hange’s face, the skin around her eye throbbing alongside her steady heartbeat. She felt a warm hand pressing a dressing over her left eye, and saw strands of black hair hanging over her. She blinked her right eye, confused as to why she wasn’t still in the barn back home, laying in the hay next to Erwin and Kuchel.
“K-Kuchel?” Hange croaked.
She was answered with a soft whisper, “No, I’m sorry, I’m not Kuchel. My name is Pieck.”
“Oh…” Hange sighed, wishing she could return to dreamland, back to her old, yet comforting memories.
A harsh, gruff voice sounded from the dark corner of the room, “Kuchel’s been long gone, dearie.” From the shadows, Kenny stepped out into the light next to Pieck. “My dumb sister died saving some stupid kid a long time ago.” He peered down at Hange and scoffed. “Didn’t think she’d go that way, to be honest. I thought she’d at least have gone doing the pathetic work your parents and her other friends got into.”
“Yeah, my dumb old sister. What, the genius Hange Zoe hadn’t figure it out yet?”
“Sister… then… you’re Levi’s uncle??”
He let out a chilling laugh and began clapping—pathetic applause at her realization. Kenny stepped closer and bent down, staring right into Hange’s face. “Zeke told Porco to do much worse than what he ended up doing to you. You’re lucky I happened to walk in and stop him—what kind of self-respecting uncle would let his wonderful nephew’s girlfriend suffer right in front of him?”
Hange felt her brain short-circuit at his comment. “Oh I know how my nephew works, I saw how he looked at you after your cute little group took down that fire nation camp in the forest. All of you trying to be like your parents—their work was pathetic and so are you.”
Hange tried to make sense of everything and it was difficult to concentrate against the throbbing pain in her eye, but she quickly focused on the situation at hand—no need to show him weakness at anything he decided to say to her. She wasn't sure if she could trust him, though his tone seemed genuine underneath the rough exterior. She laughed to herself--she knew how to read and communicate with Ackermans.
“Their work wasn’t stupid, you pathetic old man,” Hange retorted.
Kenny laughed. “I told my sister not to get into that business. World’s gone to shit anyway, why not just live for yourself at this point?”
Hange began seething at this response. The only reason why she didn’t burst out flames at Kenny was because she was completely disoriented to her surroundings. Sadly, she figured she’d kiss her left-sided vision goodbye. Plus, she didn’t want to injure the girl next to her, as she was clearly very kind, tending to enemy’s wounds. “Maybe if you actually joined your sister back then, you could have helped them!”
“Well maybe if they all just gave that up, none of them wouldn’t have died and left you all as orphans. Have you ever thought of that?”
She stared back at him and spat as she spoke, “Well if you’re arrogant ass is ‘living for himself’ then why the hell do you care about that, and why would you decide to lay your loyalty to Zeke?” Kenny stepped away to make sure no one was within hearing range in the corridor. He walked quickly back towards Hange and leaned down close to her face.
“Listen here, little girl. My loyalty is to no one but myself. Zeke is simply offering the best deal I’ve gotten over last few years—we’re protected among his crew, plus the money’s good. And don’t get all disrespectful now, you’re lucky I didn’t let Porco take out that other eye of yours!”
“Or maybe you did it to keep Levi safe too, you DO care about him don’t you?” Hange teased.
Kenny scowled and grumbled at her comment—Hange stifled laughter as she now knew where Levi got it from.
“You’re delusional, Zoe. You’re just like your parents.” He turned around and slammed the door behind him—the metal reverberating around the walls of the room, the force causing her sensitive eye to throb again. Hange winced in pain.
Pieck held a cold compress to Hange’s face, and she sighed in relief. “Thank you,” Hange breathed out.
“Of course.”
Hange looked curiously at Pieck—“So, why are you helping me, anyway?”
Pieck answered softly, “Hange, I know what Zeke wants to do with you. But I don’t want him to go through with it.”
Hange held back the fear in her heart. She abandoned her curiosity at Zeke's plans with herself for a second--she needed to clear up other information with Pieck first.
“We’ve been friends since we were kids, and… I think he’s truly lost himself. This isn’t him, and it hasn’t been him in a long time. A lot has happened, Hange, and I think you’re just unfortunately stuck in the midst of it." She peeked out the doorway for any listening ears, and sat back down, whispering to Hange.
"There are guards everywhere though, and I can’t just let you out, plus your friends are still trapped somewhere in the building, and I don’t know exactly where. All I know, is that we have a decent amount of time before Zeke returns. In the meantime, rest.”
Hange breathed a sigh of relief—she was ridiculously lucky, she thought. Her mind scrambled to put together all the information she’s gathered and started on mustering up a plan to get everyone out of here safely. But one thing was really bothering her—was being friends with Zeke enough for this girl to help her, a Zoe, a target of the fire nation? There had to be something else--could it be?
“Pieck, can I ask you one more thing?”
She nodded, inviting her to continue.
Hange nodded back, “Is there any more reason why you’re trying to help me?”
Pieck smiled—Hange was just as sharp as the rumors told. She reached into her pocket and held out a luck charm, identical to everyone else’s, the fire nation emblem shining brightly back at Hange. Hange closed her eye and laughed, feeling nothing but hope and happiness. She wondered if Levi felt the same way at this same moment--after all the events of the past few hours, she thought it'd be quite likely that Levi, Erwin, Nanaba, and Mike were likely revealing their charms to each other right around now. It was about time.
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athenagrantnash · 3 years
Athena Grant-Nash herself for that character ask thingy..
Ooh yay! Thank you anon! I was afraid that one was gonna be so obvious nobody would send it 😂
favorite thing about them: Everything I seriously love how she has managed to find this perfect balance between strong and gentle. Athena is fierce and badass and could probably kill a man with one well placed glare, but at her heart she is a woman filled with gentleness, and who probably has the biggest heart of anybody in the cast (only Maddie gives her a run for her money). She has the strength to hold her entire world together single-handedly, and the gentleness to grasp it tightly to her without breaking it.
least favorite thing about them: Well it’s not necessarily a “least favorite thing” since it’s a really really good and interesting part of her character, but… There is literally none better at compartmentalizing than Athena, she doesn’t take the horrors of the day home with her because she’s that good at separating out her work from her home. However, that ability has proven to bite her in the ass when something too personal happens. The best example is when she was attacked, and she tried so hard to compartmentalize her fear and trauma she ended up shutting Bobby out.
favorite line: Basically anything she says in Treasure Hunt, her monologue in the season 2 finale, and “It's not real. But maybe, just maybe, it can be enough. Enough for you to say good-bye. Enough for you to hear her say it's okay. Enough so that in the morning, when your head is right and your eyes are clear, you can remember that you caught a glimpse of what's around us every day. [Bobby: She's right there.] Right here, right now. You're real, I'm real. We can be real together.”
brOTP: Prior to season 4 I actually would have said Hen. But now I’m going to have to say her relationship with May is my favorite. I also have high hopes for more Maddie and Athena stuff 🥺
OTP: is this even a question? Bathena 100%! Ultimate most perfect ship. It’s literally the first and only ship that has ever bumped a ship I’ve been shipping for 20 years down to #2
nOTP: No real nOTPs over here, although if I see anybody trying to ship her with the creep that attacked her THERE WILL BE BLOOD!!!
random headcanon: Hmmmm… my brain is too tired to come up with headcanons right now… … … I do love the idea that at some point Bobby takes her to an ice skating rink to teach her how to skate, and while she does get the hang of it fairly quickly they end up spending most of the time with Bobby dancing skating on the ice while she’s content to just lean against his chest while he holds her in his arms and let him guide them over the ice together
unpopular opinion: The fact that she’s a cop does not lessen how good of a character she is in any way
song i associate with them: Rise Up by Andra Day, for probably some very obvious Athena Begins reasons
favorite picture of them: there’s too many, but this one is one of my favorites ❤️🔥
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tossawary · 3 years
Chapter 19: “Weddings and Funerals” of “pride is not the word I’m looking for” random favorite lines with commentary because I’m doing a re-read. Not a full list or full commentary. 
 When Shang Qinghua told Mobei-Jun that he didn’t need Shen Qingqiu assassinated, it wasn’t because he thought everything would somehow work out if he just sat back and didn’t do anything. It definitely wasn’t because he was planning a so-called “perfect murder” and didn’t want the demon lord messing up his plans. The Problem of Shen Qingqiu has always been a lot more  complicated than “just get rid of the guy potentially making my nephew’s life a living hell”. That’s why it’s a real problem! 
AN: Shang Qinghua’s thought process: “Can this problem be solved by: 
A) Waiting for the problem to go away? 
B) Murder? 
C) None of the above? 
If the answer is C... 
Fuck, it’s a real problem.” 
 Shang Qinghua thinks that might actually be possible, though he’d have to do some research and smack his head until his Author God memories hopped into line. He thinks that the youth-restoration procedure would probably do the job, but he also thinks that Shen Qingqiu would probably rather be dead than be physically sixteen again or something (super fucking understandable) and have to start the cultivation process over from scratch (ah, that would be so annoying and embarrassing). 
AN: Given that I actually invented a de-aging potion for this fic (if one that’s difficult to put together), the AU of “Original Shen Qingqiu is physically 16 again” has been rattling around inside my head ever since I wrote these lines. Shen Qingqiu was like, “Wait, let me picture how unbearably overprotective Yue Qingyuan would be... hmm... no, I’ll just stay like this.” 
 Luo Jiahui seems a little anxious about the empty spaces at the table, but she fills the space as best she can by chattering about assorted restaurant business. At least until she abruptly takes a deep breath and says, “Hua-Ge, I have something to tell you.” 
 Shang Qinghua freezes in the middle of taking a drink. His unhelpful brain immediately races to guess the worst possible conversational subjects. His sister-in-law has somehow figured out that he’s a transmigrator?! His sister-in-law has decided that her son is not going to the Demon Realm under any circumstances?! His sister-in-law knows Binghe better than he does and has realized that the young protagonist is being abused after all?! Oh,  fuck, what is it? 
 “I’m getting married!” Luo Jiahui announces, breathlessly. 
 “Oh,” Shang Qinghua says, heart rate going at the speed of sound. “Wait,  what?” 
AN: This chapter is why I didn’t go into the details of LJH/LQG in the last chapter, immediately post-timeskip. I wanted to blindside everyone with an “Oh, it’s THAT serious?!” moment. The last chapter established that “SQH is handling things”, then this chapter establishes that, as the plot goes on, “SQH is only barely handling things”. Which helps prep the following breakdown with the System World Update in chapters 20-22. 
 “You didn’t have any time for yourself,” Shang Qinghua agrees, following this conversation of very obvious things that he already knew so far. He didn’t have any time for himself back then either, between organizing a conference and finding a cure on top of the usual day-in-day-out of the sect. “You did a really good job looking after them all by yourself!” 
 “They don’t always agree with that,” Luo Jiahui says, smiling but self-deprecating. 
 “Aha, well, they’re young.” 
 The disagreements of what was best for the children is why Shang Qinghua really had to get Fanli (who didn’t see herself as a child) out of the house by any means necessary. He was at a bit of a loss at how else to help. She was never part of  Proud Immortal Demon Way! Not even as a fragment of backstory mentioned in passing! Shang Qinghua struggles to compensate for these extra people who were never characters sometimes. 
 “Qingge was very understanding,” Luo Jiahui says. “But… well… then Fanli was gone and I had the restaurant keeping me busy, but that was all my own choice… and what good was waiting really doing us? It didn’t have to be everything or nothing. So… we talked… about what we wanted and what- what we were afraid of… and we decided to go forward slowly.” 
AN: I said in the Author’s Notes on AO3 that I was going to use Jiage to shame Moshang and Qijiu, and I meant it. TALK TO EACH OTHER!!! Shang Qinghua, you need to talk to Mobei-Jun about what you want! Shang Qinghua, you can’t keep putting things on hold because of the plot! 
 No offense to either his sister-in-law or his junior martial brother, but aren’t love stories supposed to be a little more… fiery? 
 “When I was younger, I thought that falling in love was supposed to be all excitement and passion and not being able to live without someone even for a second,” Luo Jiahui admits, a little wistfully. “I thought that it was supposed to be thinking about them all the time, not being able to stay away from each other, and needing to know what they’d been doing every second they were away. It was like becoming a completely different person. I thought that being in love was about one of us getting horribly jealous every time we even talked to someone else, doing things I didn’t really understand and changing myself just to keep him happy, and keeping secrets and sneaking around just to keep things from exploding. Because love is not being able to help yourself like that, right?” 
 Shang Qinghua can’t really manage to speak right now. 
 It’s like someone has cut his fucking throat. 
 Which is fine! 
 “But that ended really badly for me,” Luo Jiahui says, with a nervous huff at her own understatement. “It was very exciting, but looking back, being in that kind of love was also very frightening sometimes… and it was a little lonely too… being in love with someone I couldn’t really talk to or trust.” 
AN: This is more specifically vagueing SVSSS Bingqiu than Moshang, but it’s also shaming Moshang too. Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky wrote some extremely messed-up romances and he would have said, “Yes! It’s all super messed-up! That’s kind of the point!” But it also means that the man can’t really conceptualize (at least at first) or articulate the kind of relationship he would actually be happy to have with Mobei-Jun, especially when his relationship with Mobei-Jun had such violent beginnings 
 The first person he tells himself is, weirdly enough, Qi Qingqi. Liu Qingge apparently already told both Liu Mingyan and Luo Fanli before he left, so Shang Qinghua heads over to see how the girls are handling it. (Also, he wants to pump Liu Mingyan for information on her mother’s opinions on weddings and marriage, in a really pathetic attempt to ready himself for the rumble.) He makes her agree to keep the information to herself before telling and she does, like a bro! 
 And then he tells and she laughs in his fucking face! Eventually, she realizes that he’s looking for sympathy, he’s not just here to let her enjoy his suffering, as a form of payment after everything he and Liu Qingge have inflicted on her. Then she laughs at him again, even louder. 
 Sure, he’d laugh too if he was in her shoes! But not to her face! Rude! 
AN: Qi Qingqi also pointed while laughing, I think. It’s funny because it’s not her dealing with Liu Family shit this time. 
 Shang Qinghua expected, this time last year, to be laser-focused on the plot! His attention was not going to stray even a little bit, he promised himself; he was going to be 110% dedicated to making sure that everyone he tripped into caring about made it through the least shitty version of  Proud Immortal Demon Way  possible. He was going to be a  machine  of a transmigrator! No distractions! All he wanted was for his family to make it through the quickest, least shitty bare bones of a plot! And he was going to  achieve, damn it! 
 Instead, he finds himself planning his sister-in-law’s wedding and it eats up time he didn’t fucking know he had to give. Immortal Alliance Conference, eat your fucking heart out! Cang Qiong Mountain Sect? Did he work there? Nope, he’s never heard of the place! He’s the Peak Lord of wedding planning now! 
AN: This is me telling myself I’m going to get my life 100% together and then getting into a new video game and baking cookies instead. Or ditching my housecleaning plans to hang out with friends at a moment’s notice. 
 At the wedding itself, Fanli tells her sister’s father-in-law that Binghe is also  very into birds and Shang Qinghua’s nephew spends a good chunk of the rest of the celebrations (and his precious time away from Qing Jing Peak) held hostage by his own politeness, listening to his new grandfather earnestly tell him about the various migration habits of demonic birds. 
 Well! Better him than Shang Qinghua, honestly! 
AN: Inspired by that time we went on vacation and one of my brothers got mistaken by one of our travelling companions for a budding serious birdwatcher instead of someone who just thinks they’re neat - and also likes to point at them and intentionally call them by the wrong name. 
Also, LQG’s Dad in this fic and SY would probably get along super well. 
LQG and his dad in this universe have gone out on month-long camping trips to in which they pretty much don’t talk the entire time. They stalk monsters through the wilderness and have a great time.
 Shang Qinghua is too busy keeping an eye on Luo Fanli and being  not talked to by Liu Mingyan, who is eighteen-ish years old now he thinks and still deeply embarrassed by the fact that he told her off for her real person fiction. (He doesn’t want to discourage her passion for writing! She’s pretty good for a kid! It’s pretty cute! Everyone needs their escapist hobbies! He just doesn’t want identifying information about his family being spread around freely, even if the characterizations of the couple are… uh… wildly reimagined, and he doesn't want to have to spend his very valuable time keeping a lookout for more illicit fiction.) It’s difficult to read her expression through the ever-present veil, but… yeah, she’s still pissed off at him.
 Ugh, teenagers. 
 Binghe is not allowed to bring several hundred nieces-in-law into Shang Qinghua's life. Just... no. Fuck, no. 
 He doesn’t even get a date to commiserate about this with. 
 It’s a very small wedding, family only (Luo Jiahui’s shitty parents  don’t count  and her older brother was forced to decline the invitation), so that Luo Jiahui and Liu Qingge can keep their privacy. Madam Liu huffed about it - the battles in talking her down were both great and terrible - but her son stood his ground! Sure, people might whine someday about not being invited, but the great thing about Liu Qingge is that they can more or less just say,  “Well, we couldn’t stop him from doing whatever he wanted!”  And people just have to take that unless they want to claim they could take on the Bai Zhan Peak War God! 
AN: Trying to imagine the AU in which SQH brought MBJ as his date to this wedding. SQH would’ve liked to be able to bring MBJ as a date, but alas, they are not dating and the groom would probably try to kill the man. 
 Shang Qinghua is not expecting, soon after returning from his sister-in-law’s happy and long-awaited wedding, to be solemnly informed that Shen Qingqiu’s health has only really deteriorated these past months. Wow, that’s a huge downer. 
 Also, he already knew that? He’s been getting Mu Qingfang all the right supplies to treat their shixiong. He didn’t actually abandon his duties to the sect for a family wedding. He knew that Shen Qingqiu had fallen sufficiently ill to need tending on Qian Cao Peak in the past month and he considered it, well, convenient timing in regards to Binghe’s permission to attend his mother’s wedding not being randomly revoked. Cold-hearted, maybe! But he had lots of other things to worry about at the time, like informing Mobei-Jun that his sister-in-law was getting married and so he’d be regrettably absent to attend the wedding. 
 Then he’s told that Shen Qingqiu is not expected to improve this time. 
  “Oh, shit, they really think he’s dying,” Shang Qinghua realizes. 
 This really wasn’t in  Proud Immortal Demon Way. 
AN: I seriously contemplated cutting this chapter in half because of this mood switch. Like, I went in intending on writing a serious mood switch, but in practice, wow. It felt like a lot more in practice. 
 “Our sect leader asks about the boy and his progress,” Shen Qingqiu rasps, his voice turning more and more accusing. “He’s  so very  concerned about the boy. We can’t have such a beloved child  crying  to his devoted family that he’s been mistreated or neglected, can we? How flattering these assumptions are. It makes a man wonder what exactly people think he’s going to  do to the boy.” 
 Shang Qinghua might have an itemized list somewhere, honestly. 
 “Ah, I can’t speak for anyone else,” Shang Qinghua says finally. “But please don’t take it personally, Shen-Shixiong. I don’t really trust anyone. Anything can happen behind a locked door, you know?” 
 Some honest cynicism can go over well with the man. 
 Shen Qingqiu laughs bitterly now. 
AN: It can be fun in media where Character A is like, “Ahhh, I hope no one discovers my secret!” And Character B is like, “So, about this extremely obvious thing that you’re doing...!” 
Shen Qingqiu is as honest and open as he is throughout this scene because he honestly thinks that he’s dying. He’s determined to be blithe about it. 
Shang Qinghua at least gets to see Mu Qingfang’s face journey as Shen Qingqiu accuses their sect leader of letting him think that he’d left him to die. As Shen Qingqiu yells about being treated like an unwanted ghost, as a potential blackmailer, as an embarrassing disappointment, as a petty troublemaker, as a spoiled child, as a problem to be solved, and as the last blemish on Yue Qingyuan’s reputation - anything but as someone worthy of being trusted with Yue Qingyuan’s problems and of being treated like an equal friend. 
 Yue Qingyuan tries to explain that he didn’t think Shen Qingqiu wanted to hear his excuses, and Shen Qingqiu shoots back that he would rather fucking die than beg the man he’d thought had forgotten about him to explain when exactly he became not worth rescuing as soon as possible. 
 Yue Qingyuan tries to explain that he didn’t want Shen Qingqiu’s pity or to force the man to be grateful that he’d  tried. 
 Shen Qingqiu tells the man to go fuck himself. How could it not hurt for someone he loved to hurt him and then just…  move past the hurt  like the pain wasn’t  who they were? 
 “All the world could revile me… reject me… leave me to die… and I would pay their hatred no heed! What do they truly know of what I am? Of who I am?” Shen Qingqiu demands. “But if  Qi-Ge  could throw me away… decide that I just wasn’t worth the  trouble anymore now that he’d had a taste of a better life… then I really must be wretched beyond all things at the root! If he believed it, then… then it had to be true.” 
AN: Because I just wrote a Qijiu confrontation over this exact thing, like, a few days before, I thought that I could get away with writing out this entire confrontation in full. I think it works better if the audience has to imagine some of it. And because SQH is the POV character, it felt right that he not be in the room and not be a full witness to this scene. He doesn’t get to see everything. 
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(Here are links to the character pages if you need a quick recap of who is who for this story 😂 // Mixed POV - This is going to jump between Valentina and Sabrina)
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Sabrina and Tucker are married! It was surreal to watch them as they joined their lives together in holy matrimony, the more people get married and the more people that move away means that with each wedding the guest list rises by at least 100 people! Sabrina has been a big ball of nerves and excitement whilst trying to plan this wedding, whenever she’d be on the Crawford’s farm she’d come over to my house and we’d go through the details. Since the Crawfords travel around the country singing at different churches, they’ve gotten to know so many people, add in our side of the family and the guestlist for this wedding was almost 1000 people! My mum was running herself ragged back in Newcrest trying to make plans for visitings friends and family, as well as planning the reception and making sure everything was happening according to plan. Helping Sabrina plan the wedding definitely brought me back to planning my wedding almost 9 years ago now, we had almost 750 people attend which was staggering for me to plan but 1000 beats all of that.
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We’re married! It felt so surreal hearing my uncle Allan call us Mr and Mrs Tucker Crawford, it’s been many months of planning for this and I’m so happy that the day turned out so well. I have to say, getting to kiss Tucker whenever I want is probably my favourite part, but that’s a given. I’ve helped plan weddings for my sisters and cousins, and afterwards all of them say that their favourite part of the wedding is getting to kiss their new husband for the first time 😂 Now that it’s over, my mother and I can put our feet up and relax, she and I were running around planning the decor for the church, the guestlist, and the food for the reception. Getting my dress was a whole new journey of its own, I didn’t want the princess style that my sisters and cousins chose, but I also wanted something that would still be my style yet modest. I found this dress at a bridal expo, and with some quick thinking from my cousin Macie and my sister Celeste, they put together a design to modify the neckline as well as creating a cute bolero as the dress had very thin sleeves. They also added the peplum waist style to the dress as it originally had a part of see through lace by the torso - how grateful I am to have such talented family!
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It was definitely an emotional day for me, I spent the last few days just hanging around with my parents, chilling with my younger brothers, and spending time with Celeste to really soak up my last few days at home before the wedding. I’m so thankful that both Tucker and I come from families that put the Lord first in everything and who constantly push us to be better people, both my mother and Anna Mae are fountains of wisdom at how to be a great wife and (hopefully) mother. I can’t wait to travel around with them now that we’ll be living and working near and with one another, their family band travels around for half of the year singing at different churches and events whilst spending the other half caring for their family farm, it’s definitely going to be a different lifestyle than what I’m used to but I’m ready and willing to learn.
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Having our brothers and sisters stand up with us was also something that I cherish! Kristyn was the Matron of Honour, with Celeste, Valentina, and Tucker’s sister Jolene as bridesmaids; Tucker’s brother Jimmy was his Best Man, with my brothers Jarrod, Zachary, and Alan as his groomsmen. My niece Aria and Tucker’s sister Shania were our junior bridesmaids, it felt great to be able to bring our families together and include them in our special day.
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Kristyn and I had so many special moments at the church, she got married before I did and whilst I was overjoyed at her marrying the love of her life, it was hard seeing her move away to Oasis Springs. Now that I’m moving all the way to by Brindleton bay, there’s going to be even more distance between us. I’m hoping that we can continue to nurture our relationship, as twins we’d done everything together until Kristyn got married, and once she got married I used every opportunity to go visit her, especially once she had little Kayla.
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A talented sister in our church offered to bake the cake at a discounted price for us, it tasted amazing and was the perfect cake to fit the vibe I wanted. We had sheet cake for the majority of guests, and kept the nicely decorated cake for us to cut as well for our families to have. We practiced feeding each other cake ahead of time so that we didn’t embarrass ourselves when it came time to do it at the reception 😂 It was great having my extended family come into town, we only see each other at holidays or at weddings and everytime we do we seem to be adding a new member/members to the family. So far it’s just Alan and Tessa who are expecting, with Tessa in her 3rd trimester with their 2nd baby in almost 3 years! If they keep going at their current pace, they’ll soon overtake our parents in family size! Charity, their little girl is almost a year old, and it was great getting to see her again, they live in San Myshuno, so we were accustomed to seeing them at conferences or when they came into Newcrest to see us. It was great having a picture with my sisters, with me getting married there’s only Celeste left at home, and at 27 years old she’s been such a great example at waiting for the one that the Lord has destined for you. She and I had a good little cry when she was helping me pack up my stuff for it to be taken over to Brindleton after the wedding, the years at home with just her and I brought us so much closer than we already were with the other 2 sisters gone.
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aknosde · 3 years
Fátima I’ll have you know that I wasn’t actually going to drop all of this but then you told me to and I can’t fucking resist you. This is really long I’m sorry. Percy Jackson tiktok au:
This au is like 99% fluff. The only thing that keeps it from being 100% is that I’m maintaining Percy’s history of child abuse, Annabeth's tenuous relationship with her parents, Leo’s mom’s death, The death of Carter and Sadie’s parents, as well as Hazel’s issues (minus the dying), but these things don’t actually come into play.
As you can deduce above, the characters are Percy, Carter, Sadie, Hazel, Annabeth, and Leo. For the sake of my sanity, they are all sophomores in high school.
Character Histories
Percy and Hazel met when he was five and she was four. Hazel’s mom brought her into Sweet on America while Percy was hanging around Sally. They quickly became inseparable, had playdates most weekends until they could control their own schedules, and at around 8/9 years old they started referring to each other as siblings.
Percy: *standing, having a serious conversation with another child at the park*
Hazel: *climbing him*
Percy: WHy are you doing this? The jungle gym is right over there?
Hazel: *continues to climb him*
Percy: You’re a gremlin *pats her affectionately*
      Annabeth and Leo met when they started middle school. Annabeth’s relationship with her father and stepmother has reached a nice area, not perfect, but good, and she doesn’t really talk with her birth mother. Leo’s mom died when he was in fourth grade, he’s fostered by a middle class family, and goes to private school with Annabeth on an academic scholarship.
Leo: –so the problem is that this formula doesn’t work with the diameter of a cylinder but I need...
Annabeth: speak english please
*fifteen minutes later* Annabeth: I think I’ll put vertical supports her, although triangular would be more stable, but according to the building codes...
Leo: I beg of you,,,
     Cater and Sadie’s history stays much the same, they were raised separately until Julius died, except he died during a cave in on one of his digs, and Ruby died in a construction accident. (She was walking by when the supports failed) They started living with Amos in eighth grade. Yes, Amos still has a baboon, an alligator, and an indoor basketball court.
Carter: And so that’s why Amos named his baboon Kufu.
Sadie: You are literally the most annoying person alive, can I have your fries?
    Carter and Percy met on the subway when they were ten, going to a day camp in the summer while Julius was giving some lectures in the city. They were inseparable for the week, and then didn’t speak to each other for four years.
Hazel’s mom has a few mental illnesses that developed when Hazel was around 10, she’s still present in Hazel’s life, and they live together, but she’s not always all there. Once Gabe is out of the picture Hazel spends a lot of time at the Jacksons’ apartment, enough where she keeps a toothbrush there.
As for Gabe, he remains his normal abusive self. Things come to a climax when Percy is 11/12 after Gabe throws a bottle at him. There’s no reasonable excuse for this, and Sally comes home while Percy’s still crying. Gabe’s dealt with swiftly, but Percy has some scarring on the left side of his face.
Also quick note: in this au Percy is 1/2 black, 1/4 moreno, and 1/4 native american. (Moreno and native from Sally and black from his dad)
Their Accounts
So as in the post that got this all started, Percy’s account is largely Ancient Greek and Roman mythology and history. He also does some stuff for indigenous mythology, but he’s super into the greek and roman stuff. (Insert this meme (it’s the thirteenth one down)) He also does skateboarding and some light gymnastics/parkour/acrobatics.
    Hazel is a gymnast. She’s also just super nice and supportive so she makes those motivational videos, but mostly it’s gym stuff and her and Percy hanging out. She’s not quite as popular but she doesn’t really care. She is also the #1 horse girl, and rates horses. Percy would tease her, but he’s also a horse girl.
    Sadie does comedy. Some if it’s scripted or little skits, but there’s a lot of her just ranting at her camera. Also her life is just weird (*cough* alligator and baboon *cough*) so people just like to see what she’s doing. Also a theatre kid™, sorry, I don’t make the rules.
    Carter gives detailed accounts of every Egyptian myth he thinks is cool (all of them), but he makes more comedic abridged versions too. He’s also known to make videos laying out archeological digs. About a quarter of his videos feature Sadie insulting him in the background.
  Leoooooo! He has a lot of comedy, the first video of his to do well was a situational comedy, he always has a sarcastic comment or a bad joke. Most of his stuff now is for robotics. He’s on the robotics team at his and Annabeth’s school, but he does a lot of stuff on the side just making crazy cool contraptions. He has a series of him going scrounging for parts because he doesn’t exactly have the money for a lot of his stuff. Also skateboards occasionally.
 Annabeth’s account in verging on booktok. Every time she reads a book she reviews it, and if it’s popular she’ll record herself reading it and put the best clips together. She’s still really into architecture, she talks about it often, shows some of her sketches, and has a series where her followers can pick videos in New York and she’ll go and critique them. Also has some lifestyle videos about staying organized, but only for school stuff because otherwise she’s pretty messy.
Prequel Stuff
Carter and Percy reconnect when they start duetting each other’s mythology busting videos. They have two series together, one on parallels between Greek and Egyptian myths (called Percy and Carter’s Mythological Mashup) and another about hellenistic culture, specifically about Egypt during the Ptolemaic Dynasty. (Working title: Colonizers suck,,, but the Aesthetics)
Them getting closer forms a friend group of Percy, Hazel, Sadie, and Carter, and they hang out most weekends. Their parents are all friends now.
Okay, The Actual Thing
I lied, there’s a prologue: everything starts at the very end of freshman year when Percy posts a video of him, Hazel, Carter, and Sadie at central park. (caption yet to be determined). It ends up on Leo’s fyp and his though process goes something like ‘oh, it’s a bunch of pretty people who aren’t white.’ He follows Percy and forgets about it.
 So Leo’s life is going pretty normal, Percy’s videos pop up on his following and for you pages. Nothing really happens until Percy makes a video detailing a type of ancient greek technology (im thinking torsion catapult but its not set in stone). Leo thinks it sounds really cool, so he makes it and duets Percy’s video
From there, their friendship develops. Leo keeps making models and prototypes of ancient tech for some of Percy’s videos, and eventually he starts doing his own research. And in turn, Percy duets Leos videos and talks about the historical significance of certain mechanisms or their origins. By now, they’re mutuals and talk pretty often. 
 Annabeth also follows Percy after one of his videos appears on her fyp, but much later then Leo. In fact, he’s on her page because she follows Leo. She’s with Leo when this happens, and asks him about Percy and checks his profile before following him. He follows her back the next day. 
The first time they interact beyond liking each others videos is when Annabeth takes part in one of those ‘creators are struggling like you’ with her ADHD and dyslexia, which Percy continues from her.
 One day Percy and Leo (quite literally) run into each other, and as they’re mutuals and do text, they decide they might as well hang out in person, thus Leo is indicted into Percy’s friend group.
Leo eventually brings Annabeth along too
And the rest of it would be shorter 4+ panel comics and maybe a few mini arcs. I have specific videos outlined for each of them.
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fanfictionsrookie · 4 years
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It’s difficult to guess what exactly Cinder’s background is from this. But by her hands alone you can tell that she is working nonstop. Nice little detail. Those pigtails are adorable though.
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It does make me wonder how prelevant these memories are, what triggers them, and if Cinder even realised she was doing this while experiencing that memory.
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Neo being rightfully afraid. I’m scared for her at this point.
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And even Cinder is afraid. She knows she messed up and she’s mentally preparing for the repercussions. Of course, she easily slips on that calm facade of hers, which honestly confirms it to me that her attitude in vol 1 to 3 was just a farce and her way of trying to be like Salem.
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Salem looks genuinely surprised in this shot. She didn’t think Cinder would be able to get it in the first place...
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...granted it was Neo. While Neo has every right to be upset, her being there is entirely dependent on Cinder’s usefulness.
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THIS LOOK! This and the shot thereafter, just confirms that Neo and Cinder did have a form of companionship between them, that in Neo’s eyes, they were equal. But what Neo doesn’t understand is that Cinder can’t admit or tell Salem that. Cinder refers to Neo as an asset, because it is the way Cinder can protect Neo from Salem and keep her around.
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These outfits where definitely worth the wait. I love Emerald’s outfit but Mercury looks fine AF XD
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Poor Emerald. While I kind of expected that kind of retort from Cinder, I have a feeling their interactions will be different with no one looking. Excited for it. Also, can be talk about how JACKED Hazel is? And that outfit... I’m sorry, I don’t know how to feel about it.
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Well, what IS Salem’s plan for Cinder? Surely it can’t be just to hang back? Although that time alone is bound to bring up repressed memories.
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She looks so disappointed in this shot. Like this power isn’t just something she wants, but something Cinder genuinely thinks she NEEDS.
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That’s awesome. You can see Alas’ forcefield up already. Salem, biding her time until it’s destroyed.
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So this shot has an entirely different context. Salem is not making her say it to reaffirm loyalty. Cinder is doing it out of her own will, to convince Salem of that. Perhaps to convince herself as well.
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And it worked! Salem is 100 percent convinced Cinder is still under her thumb and she is reveling in it. Now I’m wondering who’s really manipulating who.
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Nawww baby! Such a soft moment.
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Heh Six Swans Vodka.
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I know it’s for narrative purposes. Like there is no time to unpack Ozpin returning in this episode as well. But still, keeping secrets is not the best decision right now.
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I don’t think I’ve seen Ruby this angry and annoyed at any of her teammates, especially not Yang. As much as I dread it, I’m still exited to see how at odds Ruby is gonna become with everyone else.
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I love how they cut between the current scene and future through the dialogue, really compacted everything nicely in terms of pace.
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Heh the poster in the back. Rumpel Stilkskin.
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The fact that Penny suggested giving Salem the relic, only to get shot down, just confirms it that she will have to resort that in the end.
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He’s in a hospital room but he looks pretty dead to me.
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I know she’s still beat up but damn I’m living that hairdo.
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I KNEW IT! Although I was kinda surprised that James didn’t kill the woman too. Vine seems much to at ease with all of this.
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CRWBY really going for the nostalgia huh. Also. ZWEIIII.
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An interesting choice to put both on them on the same clover petal. Could Harriet also be defecting?
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I’m just glad Qrow has Robin to pick him up. poor mad needs some support.
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Winter’s colours and uniform looks too much like Ironwood for my liking. I doubt she will defect. Weiss forging her own path ahead.
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Salem has her loyal minions...
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...while Ironwood only truly trusts himself. I love this visual.
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The way everything is positioned makes me think that Penny will sacrifice herself, or will be instrumental in getting Amity’s final launch up and running.
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I don’t know it if it was intentional, but this tells me that Cinder is willing or forced to walk away from even RUBY to get the power she wants. 
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And would even walk past the people who are actually there for her. And while this does give Neo probably cause to betray Cinder, after seeing what Salem is capable of, I’m willing to be that Neo will stay with Cinder just so that she can be on the “winning side”
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Oh gods. We knew this was coming right. I’m hoping this will make Cinder realise that she is on the wrong path. Is Neo there as a symbol of possible support, or will she watch Cinder go up in flames. DON’T DO THIS TO ME CRWBY. PLEASE!
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WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Like it can’t be just as shot CRWBY are fond of using, this must mean something! It connects her to both Cinder and Salem and I don’t know what to make of that? Usually this shot is after one of the characters has made a mistake in a monumental conflict and often rise from the surface to the dangerous consequences of their actions. WHAT DID YOU DO RUBY?
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For a second I thought that was Cinder’s Grimm hand, and I honestly think that says enough.
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This visual..... I don’t think Ruby is gonna make it out of this safety.
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If anything it makes me think that Ruby’s drive and will to save Remnant, only looking at the big picture will leave her at odds, if not alienated to her team through this volume.
But there is only one way to find out.
Hey guys, so there is a lot more I wanted to bring up, but I think in the future Imma cap it to 30 screen shots. It’s has been damn exhausting writing this but I am so excited and terrified for this volume!
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g3tth3l00k · 3 years
[ ISSUE 2 ] [ LOLA CEP ]
And were backkkkk !!! If you haven't heard of this absolute fashion icon or the movie, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, go straight to disney plus and watch it ! Its cheesy, and I didn't know what to expect on my first watch but its quickly become one of my comfort movies and I watch it ALL THE TIMEE. And I mean that. SOOO without further a due, lets get into the analysis of Mary Elizabeth Cep (or better known as Lola Steppe)'s style :)
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Lola is definitely unique, and her style isn't really for the more casual so even if you wouldn't wear any of these iconic fits in their entirety, these are great examples of places to borrow little pieces and add them to your every day to spice it up a little !
I should mention that this is the section where I normally do a bit of intro about the person whose style we're analyzing, but since this is a movie character, their personality is very accessible in the film/show they are in since it's self-contained anddd there is only enough background info that is necessary to the plot ! okayyy let's get started
Lola's style is eccentric, as is her personality, and her outfits follow my favorite formula which is whatever she thinks looks good. The writer of the film states that she is a Pisces, and every outfit shows depth and thought put into it and exemplifies good style knowledge that is essential to making good outfits (psst. need 2 know more abt that ? I have a post coming out ;)
Let's looks at some key details of Lola's outfits !
Accessories! One of the most important parts of these fits is the accessories ! Lola is a sucker for a good hat (as am I) and my favorite type of hat right now is the baker boy/newsboy hat we see here. The grommets make it even better (one of my personal fav details rn) She wears other types of hats too though, including baseball caps, beanies, and scarves tied around her head. Accessories normally make an outfit, but her use of hats, belts, outfit-appropriate necklaces, and jewelry, commonly seen in large silver hoops, and of course her signature bottlecap necklace (you can make it! see link below) totally make most of her outfits.
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Layering (Jackets !!) Lola wears many types and builds of jackets in this movie, my favorites being her army green zip-up, feather-trimmed mesh duster, and don't even get me started on the amazing patchwork leather jacket ! The outfits without these layers are okay but often her jacket is a statement piece and totally makes the outfit She also employs layering in her earliest outfits, layering the fishnet top over the "I <3 NY" tee I'm sure you've already seen on Pinterest and her first day of school outfit that is topped off with a scarf-like shawl tied around her shoulders
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Graphic tees/ Patterned tops Now if you hadn't seen the last image on Pinterest I'm 100% SURE you've seen this iconic photo. I love this outfit and the color story is dramatically made better by Lola's red and black simple graphic tee she wears with her green cargos that is dejavu to Freaky Friday (issue coming soon) This is the top she chooses from Stu Wolff's house nearing the end of the movie and colored metallic is so very early 2000's
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Customization I absolutely LOVEE customization (issue coming soon, geez how many times have I said that now lol) and it is a big part of Lola's outfits. This handmade-looking NY Knicks jersey is to die for and I'd like to believe she made it herself, and you probably could recreate or do something inspired by with materials from the thrift ! As you can see in some of the previous photos as well she adds her own decorative flair to all of her things, like the pins on her bag in the bike pic and her customized name hat in the same image.
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Dressing for the Occasion One of Lola's biggest fashions strengths, I think is dressing for the occasion/ situation she is put in. You can see this in her outfits for the "death" of her favorite band Sidarthur (not pictured, can't find for some reason), her audition for the school play (modern pygmalion), and this 80's workout fit she wore to dance practice. This makes her outfits seen on key and perfect for the event she is at, and she never seems out of place, just more dressed than the rest
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Last Call !! Makeup and Hair !
Lola's hair is Lindsay Lohan's natural orangey-red, but more blonde on top making it seem a bit sun-bleached (doesn't make much sense in context but still very pretty). She doesn't do many hairstyles in this movie, instead opting for hats when there is detail missing on the top of her outfit. This being said her hair is down for 99% of the movie, which means it's in loose spiral curls (Let's be honest nobody's hair does that naturally) so a blowout is probably necessary.
Her makeup is veryy minimal, but you can tell she is wearing some. To me, her character seems like someone who would experiment a lot with her makeup looks, but if anything it lets the outfits shine even more. I would guess she is wearing nude or pinkish eyeshadow, maybe a bit of brown to darken right under her eyes and where eyeliner goes on top of the eye. I also see a pinkish blush (choose what's right for your skin and undertones :) and most likely mascara with black eyeliner on both waterlines. Highlight could be added to make the look more modern but make sure it's light !
Lola's character is very outgoing and I think we could all learn from her a bit. She wears all of her outfits with confidence, isn't afraid of what others think, and believes in herself and her abilities. She is eccentric, sure, but very fashionable and isn't afraid of failure. She always gives it her all and I think that is very admirable.
TL;DR of this article :) aka. Basics of how to look like Lola Cep <3
Accessories!! Hats (baker boy hats, baseball caps, beanies, scarves, you name it), statement chokers, big silver hoops, belts, and her signature bottlecap necklace are key
Layering! Jackets and statement jackets are key, and also fishnet shirts and big sheer shawls
Graphic tees :) simple and cute, stick to 2-3 colors for maximum wear potential
Personalize your shit ! buttons, patchs, pins, custom jerseys and tees are perf
Dress for the occasion ! Play audition = dress like the time period the play was written, Athletics ? 80's workout inspired ! Death ? PAINT IT BLACK (respectfully ofc)
Hair is not that important, as it is in loose curls and down in 99% of the movie, and the color is also not too crucial but the original Lola's was sunbleached orangey red
makeup is minimal, neutral eyeshadow, mascara, pinky blush, and black eyeliner in the waterlines, maybe highlight to modernize it but LIGHT !
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Thanks so much for reading  !! dms are open for style analysis requests or just in general <3<3
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