#haikyuu drunk
lowkeyremi · 4 months
Kiyoomi Sakusa who is an absolute emotional drunk. He didn't want to go to dinner tonight but his manager already put him on the reservation list for the celebratory dinner. Of course you accompanied him as his plus one, but boy did he get drunk only after a few drinks.
He was less willing to answer questions and scowling way more than usual too. "Hey Omi! Those were some nice serves earlier!!" Hinata praises and Kiyoomi doesn't say anything, he just glares at his teammate. Did I mention he's clinging onto you like a sloth? His arms are wrapped around you and his face is buried in your neck. He wants to go home.
"Sorry about him Hinata, I think he's ready to go home..." Hinata nods enthusiastically as you say Kiyoomi's goodbyes for him and haul him out of the restaurant to his car. He suddenly out of no where grumbles, "I don't like the way that waiter was looking at you."
"'yoomi what are you talking about? He wasn't even looking at me." He reluctantly gets into the passenger seat. He's acting like a toddler the way a pout braces his face and he has his arms crossed.
"Yuh huh. He was eyeing you like I wasn't right there. I had to stop myself from punching that bastard." This overly emotional state of his has you giggling to yourself because you know if you were to giggle too loud he would think you were making fun of him.
"Well, it's alright now, he's not looking at me anymore." You assure him. You close his car door and run over to the driver side to make sure you two make it back to the apartment safely.
"I'm the only one who can look at you." He concludes from this whole ordeal. "That's not fair to anyone but you, Kiyo." He sighs dramatically and you think he's been spending a little too much time with a specific blond that he claims to hate.
"I don't care if it's fair. You're mine." No more words are spoken of him so you look over to check on him. Only to find his head pressed up against the window with his eyelids closed. His breaths are even and he sleeps peacefully. You cherish how cute he looks because you know as soon as he wakes he's going to be complaining about how his hair is flattened on the side that was pressed up against the window.
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viviaj · 1 year
you’re housing a glass of something brown.
it’s definitely alcohol and it’s definitely strong. which isn’t surprising, since it’s kiyoomi’s.
kiyoomi is tall amongst his team mates. black slacks and a black shirt loosely tucked in to his frame; he looks vampiric as his skin glows in the shitty house-party lights.
his waist is slimmer than the other’s around him. the curve of his shoulders into his stomach and down to his hip bones are perfect.
you watch him snort and cover his mouth as he laughs at something, quickly waving it off as shoyo asks to do a shot with him. kiyoomi rolls his eyes, and they take the shot.
it’s maybe half an hour later when you see kiyoomi stumble his way back to you and your couch. his hair is sticking to his face, and his shirt looks like it’s been untucked in places.
the sunken-in brown leather couch dips when kiyoomi slides into your side.
“you having fun?” you ask as kiyoomi presses his nose into your cheek, you giggle a bit as his breath tickles your skin.
“so much fun,” he says as he’s pressing open mouthed kisses on the side of your face, his lips moving towards the base of your neck, and all the way up to the bottom of your ear.
“you’re so cute over here, jus’ sittin’ by yourself,” he mumbles, “holdin’ my drink for me.. so sweet and kind,” he’s talking nonsense.
you nod along because what do you even say to that? it’s hard to argue with him as he’s sliding his hand up and down your thigh, teeth nibbling at your ear.
“can’t stop touching you,” you squirm as his hand sinks higher up your thigh, “i want you so badly baby, please.” he’s practically begging you, with his hand moving towards your inner thigh you can’t help but inch closer to him— he’s so close.
“not here omi,” you turn to try and return his kisses but he just whines.
“no, no you don’t— you can’t say that,” he presses his hand in further, all whiny, “please just— baby just let me do this, i can’t help myself.”
there’s an insatiable feeling coiling in your stomach.
“people are looking.” you try to calm down, slightly pushing against kiyoomi’s hands.
“i don’t care,”
you can see his cock hardening in his slacks, and he looks so good.
there’s a distant whoop and cheer in the distance and you have half a mind to think it was aimed at the two of you.
“kiyoomi..” you sigh.
“don’t. just stop talking— please,” he grabs your hand and slowly places it on his clothed cock. his hips immediately buck up into you. you’ve never seen him so needy before.
“you’re so hard,”
“yeah? you feel it?” he’s mouthing against you, “it’s all for you. you know that, yeah?”
and no. you didn’t really know that. kiyoomi has never been so vulnerable. usually the quiet and stern type during these moments, this is the first time he’s ever been so open.
you slowly rub your hand up and down, enough for kiyoomi to whine his way to your lips, pressing light kisses in a way that can only be seen as desperate.
“i love when you touch me. so much. shit,” he mumbles, “i don’t say it enough. i swear,” his lips are so warm.
“kiyoomi, let me take you home,”
he shakes his head no against you, “no. need you now.”
“i cant give you what you need here,” you mutter, embarrassed at even saying anything like that in public.
“you don’t need to,” his slender fingers move over your underwear, slowly touching you. your chest gets caught in your throat and you’re suddenly aware of everything in the room, “feel good?” he kisses your jaw.
he slips his hand under your clothes, his fingers tracing over you and your thighs. your hand covers your mouth as kiyoomi feels you.
you jerk back into the seat as shoyo approaches the two of you. to your horror, omi doesn’t even pretend to stop, his fingers moving over you like it was his job.
“yes?” he sounds bored.
and at that point their voices are gone. all you can feel are his fingers and his breath and his body. it’s just him him him.
and then it’s not.
kiyoomi’s stroking your cheek slowly, “gonna get another drink,”
“wait. what? kiyoomi? why did—”
he looks devilish as he presses a small kiss on your forehead.
“i’ll be back.” voice full of sweetness as you’re writhing on the couch, “i’ll take care of you at home.”
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salsakiyoomi · 10 months
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"i want to get married."
iwaizumi's head snaps up at your statement his attention diverted from his phone to you and his brows furrow in confusion "what?"
"i want to get married." you repeat yourself again, leaning back against the couch cushions and throwing your legs over the armrest.
iwaizumi scoffs, a confused smile on his face "this is the last joke, right?" he questions, frowning down at you as you're looking up at him — it's a bit late into the afternoon, but too early for you to start saying nonsense since you've always been so adamant about not getting married.
you roll your eyes at him, "no." and iwaizumi's frown deepens, "are you okay?" he asks.
you scowl at him "the hell's that supposed to mean?"
he shrugs, his gaze turning back to his screen "just...you're being weird again."
"you're so rude and for what." you huff, rolling your eyes again, you cross your arms, now staring at the ceiling above, "i want to get married, haji."
"can't help you with that." he's still scrolling through his phone, not paying much mind to you.
"i want to have like, a las vegas wedding." you say, and iwaizumi turns off his phone — now you've captured his attention since he stares at you as if you've grown two head, you grin at his expression and iwaizumi assumes the worst — is it that you're suggesting you want to go to las vegas? it is only a four hour drive from california after all.
"a las vegas wedding?" iwaizumi questions as if making sure he heard you correctly.
"yeah like, you know, the ones in those casinos?" you gesture around with your hands as if to emphasize your point, "like i wanna throw on a white dress — but like, not the puffy ones, like a party dress, sequins and glitter one — or you know what, actually, a puffy dress would be awesome." you ramble on, iwaizumi's looking down at you, amused, "anyway, what i'm saying is that i wanna get absolutely hammered, throw on a white dress and get married in vegas."
iwaizumi snorts, "who you gonna get married to?"
"i don't know." you shrug, you reposition yourself now so that your head is laying in his lap and you look up at him, grinning mischievously, "you."
iwaizumi's eyes slightly widen, the tips of his ears turning pink and he groans, pushing you off of him, "you're so weird." he may have pushed you a little too hard that you fell off the couch with a dull thud.
he tries to ignore his skipped heartbeat as your laughter echoes through the living and iwaizumi's hand is curled at his mouth to hide his smile, "come on." you chide, "you know — say, we do get married in vegas, technically then, you'll only be married in vegas."
iwaizumi frowns, "that's not true, who told you that?" you're looking up at him with an entertained smile on your face, "you know, it's way too easy get married in vegas, right? why do you think so many people get married accidentally when they're drunk?"
iwaizumi scoffs, and leans back on the couch, arms crossed — it was a calm afternoon on his day off until you started on with your marriage shit, but unfortunately ( fortunately ) for him, you were his best friend, and roommate, so he had to put up with it, even if he has to pretend to be annoyed sometimes.
he says, "i really hope one day you'll finally mature enough that you stop saying weird shit all of the time."
you laugh, "you're just jealous you can't be as creative as me." iwaizumi rolls his eyes, watching as you get up from the ground and walk closer to him, too close actually that your face is right up his, "but it's fine, i'll get that vegas wedding one day."
you laugh, drawing back away from him and iwaizumi looks away, a slight blush tinting his cheeks, "yeah, dream on."
you hum in response, and with the way your gaze seems to be a bit too distant, iwaizumi assumes you've gone off on to your own little world now, you're no longer looking at him, instead staring at the tv that has a spanish show playing that neither of you understand, but he knows you're not listening when he mumbles a soft, "maybe even a real wedding." under his breath.
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narumi-gens · 10 months
Drunk Mind, Sober Heart
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Miya Atsumu x gn!Reader
summary: They say that drunk words are sober thoughts. Unfortunately for you, that means Atsumu is about to find out about your big, embarrassing secret.
warnings: pure fluff, reader is a drunk mess, mention of vomiting and alcohol, husband!atsumu, established relationship, you and atsumu are simps for each other
notes: we’re back on the haikyuu train! I’m actually not sure if I like this but just wanted to get it out of my wips since it was already 75% written.
words: 1.2k
minors, ageless, and blank blogs do not interact
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Atsumu hadn’t left you alone for long, just long enough to grab his phone charger from the nightstand. He was gone for a minute, maybe two. What could go wrong in a minute?
Apparently a lot. 
You’re still in the same spot that he left you. You’re still curled up on the bathroom floor next to the toilet. You’re still clutching tightly onto the pillow he gave you to keep you from being too uncomfortable on the hard tile. 
But when he left, you were completely passed out, drunkenly snoring and giving him a short break from “rubbing your back and making sure that you’re throwing up in the toilet and not on the floor” duty.
Now, you’re sobbing loudly into your pillow as you lay in a puddle of water, having knocked over the uncapped bottle he had set aside for you. 
The sight instantly has him panicking, dropping his charger onto the counter and kneeling down next to you in the puddle. He picks up the bottle and sets it aside, not that doing so is much use considering most of the water is now on the bathroom floor.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he tries to gently shush you. “What’s wrong? Do ya gotta puke again?”
It seems to be the wrong question to ask because it only has you crying harder. 
“Baby, it’s okay,” he assures you, running his hand soothingly up and down your side. 
“S’not!” you wail and Atsumu finds himself impressed by his own sense of hearing to have been able to comprehend what you’re saying through your sobs.
“Yeah, it is. C’mon, it’s alright,” he says, still doing his best to try and talk you down. “What’s wrong? Let me help.”
“No!” you continue to protest, burying your face even further into your pillow. Your sobs have devolved into loud, pathetic hiccups. “Don’t wanna tell you. S’embarrassing…”
“Ya don’t gotta feel embarrassed!” he says. “At least ya puked in the bushes and not in the Uber. Yer ahead of me on that one.”
“No! S’not that!” you argue, looking up from your pillow to give him a pitiful glare that makes you look like an angry kitten. Atsumu is overcome with the urge to grab his phone so he can take a picture but knows that it would send you into another fit of sobs.
“Then what is it?” he asks patiently and you flop onto your back, your head resting on your pillow as you frown at the ceiling. 
“M’embarrassed,” you sniffle, tears continuing to leak from your eyes. 
“Baby, about what?”
Your features scrunch together unattractively before you cover your face with your hands. 
“I’m so in love with you that it’s embarrassing!” you cry, your voice muffled, and Atsumu is at a loss at your…confession. It takes a moment before he knows how to respond.
“…we’ve been married fer two years,” he says slowly, his eyebrows furrowing together. “I would hope ya love me.”
“You don’t get it!” you whine, dropping your hands and doing your best to sit up and face him, although you end up needing to rest your entire weight on the toilet. “It’s like I have this huuuuge crush on you.”
He can feel the grin threatening to break out across his lips and quickly bites down on the inside of his cheek before it can. Instead, he reaches out a hand to affectionately play with the ends of your hair only for you to weakly slap him away.
“Sometimes when you send me a text saying you love me, I squeal into a pillow,” you softly tell him through sniffles, big fat tears rolling down your cheeks. “And sometimes I just look through my pictures of you and get all flustered.”
The grin he was trying so hard to hold back begins to peek through and he has to slap a hand over his mouth to hide it. Thankfully, you’re too drunk to notice. 
“And it’s so embarrassing to be such a mess in front of my crush,” you pout before wiping your messy face with the back of your wrist, not that it really does any good.
“Ya don’t gotta feel embarrassed about any of it,” he repeats with a fond look. “If anything, this makes me love ya even more.”
Your expression finally seems to soften, your drunken angst beginning to fade into something much more shy.
“Really?” you ask through another sniffle.
“Yeah, I promised to love ya in sickness and in health, didn’t I?” he smiles and you giggle.
But before he can make a dumb joke about drunkenness being the worst kind of sickness out there, a look that he’s become only too familiar with over the last few hours crosses your face. You rush to turn away from him and he’s back on “rubbing your back and making sure that you’re throwing up in the toilet and not on the floor” duty.
The next morning sees you doing better, but not by much. The lights in the apartment are all off and the blinds on all of the windows are closed. The only source of light comes from the tv, which is quietly playing some trashy reality show that’s ostensibly about selling real estate but is actually about who’s sleeping with the owner of the brokerage. 
The duvet from your bed is wrapped around you like a burrito as you’re laid out pathetically on the couch with a sports drink clutched tightly in your grip like a lifeline. You’re grateful that Atsumu keeps so many of them in the refrigerator and you swear to yourself that you won’t make fun of him anymore for how much space they take up.
You’re roused from wallowing over your pitiful state when you hear the front door opening and you slouch further into the couch. But when Atsumu finally appears around the corner, your face lights up as you see that he’s proudly holding up a takeout bag coated in grease stains. 
“I got ya just what the doctor prescribed,” he grins and you sit up as best you can with the blanket wrapped so tightly around you. 
“Oh, you’re a godsend,” you moan as you grab the bag from his hands. You open it and happily inhale the scent of the burger and fries inside. 
He preens at your praise and lifts your legs so that he can sit down beside you before setting them down in his lap. You’re too busy shoveling the fries into your mouth to even care. But after a few minutes, you feel his gaze on you.
When you look up, you freeze at the sight of him watching you with big heart eyes and a wide, dopey grin. 
“What?” you ask him through an unattractive mouthful of half-eaten fries. 
“Nothin’,” he shrugs. However, the look on his face says anything but and your eyes narrow suspiciously. “Just, I heard from a little birdie that ya got a pretty big crush.”
Your hand pauses in mid-air, halfway to shoving another handful of fries into your already full mouth. Atsumu’s grin grows wider at your reaction.
“Y’know, I got a pretty big crush too.”
All you can do is mutter in embarrassment what he thinks is, “shut up,” but sounds like “shha amph,” as you refuse to meet his gaze and Atsumu feels his crush on you growing bigger, even as he laughs obnoxiously in your face. 
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 11 months
oikawa’s birthday today the seijoh 4 are ordering large pizzas to share they compromise on toppings preferences by getting everything but they pick off the olives and onions on tooru’s pieces so he doesn’t have to do it himself he tears up. also they get him a cake that says “pretty boy” he tries to complain but is smiling So big he takes lots of selfies where only he looks good and posts them all iwa comments “??” logs off. the next day hajime walks him home and carries his bags matsukawa says “gay” then walks hanamaki home
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xareios · 7 months
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It’s 11/7 in the western hemisphere now, so… 🍙🦊
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osamusriceballs · 1 year
The Hardships of Love
Oikawa x reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 1,7k
About: Centered this around the prompt: "Can't you see that I love you?"
A/n: I saw a small list of prompts and I'll go through them- five more to go! If you want to see a certain character for the next prompt, feel free to send an ask! Won't reveal the prompt for it though, so it'll be a surprise~
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You're certain about very few things in your life, and one of them is Oikawa Tooru.
Oikawa Tooru is warmth.
Oikawa Tooru is your friend.
Oikawa Tooru will always be by your side.
Or at least, that's what you wish for.
"Hey, I need your help."
"What for?" He looks up and smiles when he sees you. His smile makes his face look softer, and your heart skips a beat at that sight. He exceeds kindness, but there is still something mischievous about him. Maybe it's his eyes, which reveal what's behind his usual mask, or maybe you just like to think that you are actually able to see the real Oikawa Tooru.
However, that couldn't stop you from swooning for him. He is not only attractive and incredibly skilled at volleyball, his passion and job, but he is also caring, thoughtful, easy to be around, and supportive. He is basically perfect boyfriend material. But you don't dare to go down that road. You're convinced that he has tons of beautiful women lining up on his—rather, your shared—doorstep and wouldn't spare a single romantic thought about his roommate—you.
How you both stayed in this flat after your college years have been behind you for quite some time is a miracle to you. He always insists that it's easier to stay here and that most people wouldn't expect him to live in a neighbourhood like this, and you somehow couldn't separate yourself from him too. There is something about Oikawa Tooru that makes you want to stay close to him.
"It's kind of stupid. I talked to Hajime last week..." Oikawa's smile gets wider when you mention Iwaizumi, and you are certain that you now have all of his attention.
"Go on." He nods, and you take the encouragement to keep going. He'll probably laugh at you, at his roommate that hasn't had a date for such a long time that his best friend felt pity and decided to set you up. But you still continue, hoping that he won't tease you for it.
"Hajime said that I need to go on a date," you say. It's the way he keeps eye contact with you that makes you squirm in your place. You don't miss how his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, his smile faltering for a short second.
"A... date?" He slowly repeats your words, as if he was checking that he got it correctly. You nod carefully, observing his reaction to see if he is about to burst out in laughter—and much to your surprise, he does not.
"Like... a date with Iwa-chan?" His eyes drop to the two dresses in your hands. It seems like he only noticed the fabrics in your hands now, and his face instantly turns blank.
"And... you want fashion advice from me? For your date with my best friend?"
"It's not with Hajime! It's with a friend of his—he said he knows him from work and that he plays volleyball too. He also joked that both of you play the same position, and that he is a former—"
You stop rambling when Oikawa abruptly stands up, his phone tightly clutched into his hand, and his jaw clenching.
You know that your cheeks are probably coated in a faint pinkish hue, quite embarrassed about the whole situation, but he doesn't seem to notice that. His eyes are solely focused on the ground, his body motionless for a few moments. It takes him a few seconds before he raises his gaze again, suddenly sporting a smile that you have never seen on him in real life before, but only in countless interviews. It's his practiced professional smile.
He looks at you as he would look at one of those reporters who would ask him about his beauty products after he literally won the World Cup.
"It's fine. No need to tell me more. Enjoy." His tone matches his expression, and you know instantly that something is off. Very much so.
"What's wrong with you, Tooru? Shouldn't you congratulate me for finally having a date?" You frown, and your fingers clench into the fabric of the dress that you're still holding in your hands, your knuckles turning white from the pressure already.
"Why should I? Y/n..." His hand runs carelessly through his hair, and God, you can't help but admire him for a second when his biceps flex under the loose white shirt that he's wearing. However, your attention quickly returns to the conversation. He suddenly looks at you, a shattered expression on his face, the professional tone gone as quickly as he had put on the facade.
"Y/n, can't you see that I love you?" His words are accompanied by glossy eyes, a sight that almost breaks your heart - as well as the meaning of his words when it finally hits you.
He... Oikawa... Oikawa loves you.
"No. Don't." He raises his hands to stop you from talking, a defeated and tired expression on his face. "I didn't mean to say that. I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position. Forget it. I'll leave."
Despite being a very observant man, you can tell that Oikawa didn't think this through and acted on instinct. He needs to squeeze through you in the doorframe to get to his room, and that would undoubtedly be very awkward for the two of you. It takes him exactly seven steps to reach you, his gaze avoiding yours as much as he can while he tries to get past you without accidentally touching you - but it seems like the seven steps have been enough to help you recover from your initial shock, and you drop the dress in your hands to grab his arm.
"Please, Tooru, listen to me. Please. Don't go now." You let your hand wander down to his, and he quietly wraps his hand around yours - and at this very moment, you are insanely aware of everything - of the way he is standing so, so close to you, of how he is holding your hand tightly with his big, strong hand - of how his shoulders are slumped forward, of the sadness in his eyes, as well as regret - and the lump in your throat threatens to bring tears to your eyes too.
"I didn't know that you liked me in that way. I wouldn't have agreed to the date if I had known."
"You don't have to say that out of pity. Am I that pathetic right now?" The hurt in his eyes is barely concealed, and it surely breaks something inside of you to see him like that. To see your cheerful and easy-going Tooru broken and self-conscious - and that because of you? When he literally has everything he could ever wish for-
"You are a world-known star, Tooru. You have the contact numbers of countless supermodels, you get invited to every single hot party, and you-"
"Wait, wait, I don't have the number of any model saved. I don't think I even have a single number of a woman in my phone - besides my mum and sister. And my manager. And also Shoyo's manager friend from high school- okay, I do have some women's numbers on my phone, but that's not the point. I'm not interested in any of them in that way. I'm used to focusing on one thing at a time - the ball when I'm playing, my goal... and...." His eyes stay glued to yours, the implication of his words clear. He has been focused on you only. No other person. Just you.
The honesty in his eyes makes your knees weak, and you feel like falling any second - but you're pretty sure that he would manage to catch you in that unlikely scenario thanks to his crazy reflexes and observing skills.
"I... Tooru - I," your breathing is erratic, your mind failing at voicing your feelings right now - but that's when you think action might help.
The bravery that suddenly rushes through you is probably rooted in the fact that Oikawa Tooru just confessed his feelings to you - and you let go of his hand, noticing how his eyes harden at the action and how his body makes an attempt to turn - and at that moment, it feels like one of his descriptions of how it feels when he's playing volleyball. Everything seems to be in slow motion - when you bring your hands to his shoulders, feel the muscles and stability that he exudes and then how his expression changes to a surprised and overwhelmed one, and then you basically jump into his face, taking one last deep breath before you press your lips against his. Your hands subconsciously claw into his collar, your movements stiff and awkward, your body not fully knowing what to do - but it takes Oikawa just the fraction of a second to bury a hand in your hair and to turn the kiss into a soft connection of your lips.
His arm wraps around your back and pulls you closer, so much closer, his lips against yours moving smoothly and gentle, causing a warmth to rush through your body - you feel electrified, warm, loved, and all because of the man right in front of you.
It feels like forever, but also too short when he finally pulls back. Oikawa exhales slowly and opens his eyes - and your knees suddenly feel like pudding when you notice the loving expression on his face that you're probably mirroring in more or less the same way.
"I'll tell Hajime that I lost my heart to another setter." You finally break the silence, and you notice that your hands still rest on his shoulders, but you have no intention of moving them away.
Oikawa grins at your words and swiftly tilts his face to press a quick peck to your lips that sends tingles through your whole body. You could definitely get used to this.
"Too bad for Tobio-kun." You raise your eyebrows at his words-
"How did you know his name?" You're convinced that someone like Oikawa knows a few setters, but still...
Oikawa just playfully rolls his eyes and scoffs before he answers.
"I'm sure Iwa-chan chose him to get a reaction of me. But I don't think that he is open to a relationship right now, he only focuses on his career."
"But aren't you the same?"
"Me? No."
He smiles- an honest and sincere smile- a smile that you adore so so much-
"I only focus on what I love- and that means you."
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phant0m-ch3rry · 11 months
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some lesbians! kyouhaba on this fine saturday <3
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iwaoiness · 8 months
When Iwaizumi is drunk
Iwaizumi has a high tolerance for alcohol, but when he gets drunk, he gets clingy -like really clingy-, and possessive -like really possessive-. And, as twisted as it sounds to admit it, Oikawa has fun with this Hajime.
A lot of fun.
The first time he discovered it was a couple of years ago, at a party in a popular Tokyo bar. While Tooru was talking animatedly with Sugawara and a nice guy they hit it off with, Iwaizumi appeared behind him, wrapping his strong arm around his waist to pull him close, sticking Tooru's back to his broad chest, their hips fitting snugly together.
"Hey, my pretty boy, I've been looking for you" He spoke, throaty and low over the music, kissing the sweaty skin of Oikawa's neck with hot lips.
Tooru blinked, blushing up to his eyebrows as his smile faltered in the face of the new boy's confused look and Sugawara's amused gaze, who took a swig of his drink trying to hide the laughter.
"A-Ah, Iwa-chan, sorry, Koushi-chan and I got caught up with Aoi-kun" He replied, feeling his knees weaken as Hajime tightened his grip a little more, pulling him closer to his solid body. Iwa's thumb began to trace delicate circles along his hip bone through the thin fabric of his blue shirt.
"Mmh" He hummed, resting his chin on Oikawa's shoulder and raising his darkened and intense eyes to the new boy, scrutinizing him up and down.
Aoi smiled, tense and uncomfortable, wiping his palm against his jeans before extending it in Iwaizumi's direction.
"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm Ao-"
"I didn't ask you."
Suga couldn't hold back his laughter this time, and Aoi flushed with embarrassment. Tooru turned his face toward Iwaizumi with round eyes and mouth open. Who is this Iwa-chan and where is my Iwa-chan?
And why the hell is this so, so hot?
"Iwa-chan," he uttered slowly, instantly grabbing Iwaizumi's attention. Iwaizumi glared back at him, his cheeks tinged with a blush. "Are you drunk? What happened to your renowned alcohol tolerance?"
Hajime frowned, and, to Tooru's added surprise, he stuck out his lower lip in a pout.
Iwaizumi Hajime, pouting.
"I'm not, why do you think I am too?" He whined like a toddler in a tantrum and Oikawa's heart nearly stopped dead in its tracks when Hajime hid his face in his neck, snuggling.
"He's fucking drunk" Sugawara assured with amusement, watching Iwaizumi in fascination while Tooru continued to stare wide-eyed, his cheeks and ears turning crimson. "And I think you should take him out for some air."
"But Oikawa-san promised me a dance" Aoi protested, scowling. Tooru began to open his mouth, intending to clarify that he had promised a dance involving all three of them. However, Iwaizumi stepped forward, raising his head from Tooru's shoulder to narrow his gaze at the young boy.
"Tooru is mine, and I don't share what's mine with anyone" He growled, his tone resolute and unwavering. He then let go of the waist of the tomato-red Oikawa to interlock their fingers and lead him toward the door, leaving Aoi standing there in confusion, while Suga playfully patted him on the back.
What happened next, well, it was scarred on Oikawa's neck and thighs.
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prettyboytsum · 5 months
bokuto who doesn't know what baby trapping or having a breeding kink means. who can't even fathom the fact that there was a word that described how addicted he was to cumming in your pussy. even if you begged him to pull out, he'd never remember the promise when he feels how tight you are around him. and with the way he whines? god, isn't he just a poor baby who can't help but come buckets when he's with you </3
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dalandanii-danayaaa · 6 months
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i love them so much 😭💖💖 so i made them besties hehe
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touchlikethesun · 3 months
so while i do think hinata loves parties and dancing and all that - i mean just look at him, he is the most extroverted energy-filled guy, ofc he loves parties - he does all of it stone-cold sober like there is no universe where hinata gets drunk on nights out, don't you know he has training in the morning?? also like the main reason people drink on nights out is like as a social lubricant or to relax and let loose, and hinata - besides being mindful of his health - does not need anyyy help in that regard that little sunshine is just as bubbly and enthusiastic as a normal person might be three drinks in
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aibaishere · 2 years
My most recent arts 🤗
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white-poppie · 1 year
Wish you were sober
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Character: Timeskip!Sugawara x Reader Genre: Fluff to Angst to Fluff again (Hurt/comfort) Warnings: alcohol WC: 1.1k+ Writer:@white-poppie
~ Synopsis: "God how I wish what you say is true, but how do I believe you when you are drunk?"
A/n: I am the bartender by the way :/ It's because of me yall are together. You are welcome *cries in single*
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𝟷𝟷 : 𝟷𝟷
Why does a human's heart torment them so? Why do you need a purge to eliminate your unwieldy emotions that blossom out of nowhere?
"You should call someone to pick you up," the bartender scrunched his brows, "it's really late and you've drunk too much."
You pout and fidget in your purse to find your phone, pausing when you remember the actual reason for your state.
Would you much rather be passed out on the cold road than call your co-worker to pick you up? The co-worker for who you had a tsunami of feelings hidden?
You take a deep breath and press the 'call' button.
He picks up after 4 rings. His voice all syrupy and raspy that sends a swarm of butterflies in your belly.
"You sound shoo hot," you giggle bashfully, swinging your legs as the bartender tries not to snort.
"Y/N are you drunk?" he clears his throat in embarrassment and asks.
"Only a littol bit," you say and he can almost hear the pout in your voice. Quite adorable in all honesty.
A quick shuffling of cloth is heard from the other side, accompanied by the clanking of keys, "where are you right now?"
You hazily look at the bartender and speak, "I am with an old, weird-looking man right now, it's dark here."
The bartender's eyes widen at how wrongly your words could be interpreted.
Suga's movements halt by your words, the heart suddenly beating faster in concern, "Y/N are you okay? What's going on?"
The agitated bartender snatches the phone from your hand despite your protests. The 'no' and 'give it back' made Suga even more anxious than before.
"Hello, kind sir..uh...I am a bartender at 'Heaven's delight bar' and I think your significant other is not in their right mind," he side-eyed you, "for now at least. Please pick them up as soon as possible, I'll message you the location through this number only."
Suga sighs in relief completely ignoring the fact that he called you his 's/o', "Thank you, I'll be there in a few minutes, please take care of them till then."
The grip he had on the steering wheel was chummy, palms so sweaty that the leather of the wheel was coated with precipitation.
He shut the car door like it was a mere piece of plastic, walking into the bar with quick strides. The smell of booze, alcohol and sweat made him dizzy. His eyes crinkling in relief once he noticed you.
The bartender visibly relaxed as he saw him walking towards you.
"Are you their s/o?" he asked.
A visible blush crept onto his face, "Not yet...I mean no!"
He sighed and pointed at you, “take them home, young man.”
Suga fidgeted with his wallet before he was stopped, “they have already payed.”
Koushi bowed in respect, “thank you for taking care of them sir.”
He tapped you gently, “L/N, let’s go.”
You slowly opened your eyes, squinting to adjust to the lighting, “Suga~” you stretched his name, “you look like a snack right now.”
His eyes widened at how…forward you got while drunk, before you uttered any other nonsense, he had you lifted up through you arms.
“There you go,” he said a little strained, “just lean on me.”
You squealed in delight as you leaned. His heart thumped due to the close proximity between the two of you.
“Is it the alcohol or are your eyes always this pretty,” you laughed.
"Its the alchohol," he said, "my eyes are really boring."
With great care he had you sit in the car somehow. Your head lolled towards his side, yet the silly grin that adorned your face shined brighter than any satellite in the dim night sky.
He was petrified like a stone, looking at your face as if you would dissipate if he blinked. You had absolutely no idea of the mark you had on him, he had spent the last few months yearning for you like some parched man seeking chaste pleasures.
"Koushi," you pulled him by his collar, and a small squeak of surprise left his mouth. His hand was planted on the car wall beside you, preventing him to topple over your intoxicated self.
He cleared his throat and moved away, tucked you in with theseatbelt and drove towards your house. The first few minutes of the ride were silent, he didn't say anything but soon his nerves got the best of him and he made a stop.
"So this is why you have been smelling of booze," he questioned,""You know alcohol won't solve your problems""
You chuckled almost soberly and looked at him, "indeed. Its because I cannot handles the problems I am facing now while being sober."
His brows scrunched into one straight line, "what do you mean."
"God, can't you just leave me alone!? This is my burden to carry, not yours!" you shouted angrily.
"Do you expect me to just leave you alone in- in this state? Itt kills me to see you like this!" he shouted back.
"So I've killed you huh?" you joked, "makes sense why you cant *hic* see me."
You grit your teeth and muttered silently, or so the alcohol made you think, "you are the problem."
"What?" he tilted his head in confusion.
You let out a sound that was a mix between a groan and a giggle. You unbuckled your seatbelt and leaned to catch his lips in yours.
Suga was petrified like a stone. While you were snogging his face, it took all the human effort to pull you down and caress you like he dreamt of.
This was so wrong.
He broke from the kiss and looked down, at his jaw. clenched and voice angry, "this wasn't supposed to happen, this wrong, you are drunk-"
His blabbering was cut off by your soft sobs, "'M sorry Kou. I-didn't. Oh god I love you-I am sorry."
Without thinking his arms quickly enveloped you, "Calm down, okay?"
You nodded softly on the crook of his neck. He sighed as he played with your hair, "I can't believe I am about to ask this to a drunk person even though your answer might change if you are sober. But if I don't get a yes now I will never be able to muster the courage."
His voice broke as he spoke, the intense splurge of emotions watering down, "God I have no idea what I am even doing, I am so pathetic."
You pulled away from the hug and cupped his face, "Koushi whether I am drunk or not, my answer stays the same."
"The reason I have been getting drunk is that I crave and think of you so much and we are not even together, it hurts me."
Suga removed your hand from his face and kissed your wrist right above the veins, "I am yours."
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⤷‧₊˚ HAIKYU!! (ハイキュー!!) 
🥀 BYI/DNI ♡⌇ Request Rules 𓏸 🗝️ ₊﹒《 Join my Taglist •
TAGS: @akumicchi, @nanaseishiro, @denkis111, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @kristaline2dmensimp, @innerpurple, @sakinotfound, @oikawatoorupdf, , @juanasspirit, @renster05
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moonschocolate · 1 month
drunk oikawa is the kind of person to do the most out of context things ever
like things that make you go " ?!?!??!?!? why"
like drunk him would blast karma (joeuhjoeuh seiwuah) at three am
ask a random dude's number but when he's giving it to him (THE NUMBER) he's like "FREAK!!!!! WHY WOULD YOU GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER!!!!!!"
or burn brown clothes because "they're not really passing the vibe check"
like wtf man???!?!!!!?!?
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magma-frog0 · 1 year
Haikyuu boys reacting to you drunk. (HCs)
Characters: Daichi, Asahi, Iwazumi
-He would know when you drink too much and will help take care of you. He will snuggle you, hold your hair back, get you water, he will get whatever or do whatever you need.
-He would try so hard to get you to bed by saying something like, "look babe, I know you're having fun. But you need to get some rest," if that doesn't work, he will pick you up and take you to bed himself.
-He would give you a lecture the next morning about drinking and that bad things could happen to you when you're drunk. He stills helps you with your hangover though, sure he might be a bit mad but he doesn't want to see you in pain.
-When he finds out you're drunk, he freaks out. He does way too much, he treats you like glass, as if you would break at any moment. He would be super nervous watching you.
-He would lay in bed with you cuddling you and rubbing your back, taking you to the bathroom if you needed to throw up.
-The next morning, he would give you Tylenol and a jug of water. He would tell you how worried he was about you. "It scares me when you're drunk, I don't want you getting hurt."
-Iwa usually wouldn't let you get to the point that you're drunk at a party or something, but if he wasn't watching you close enough and you did get drunk. He's sending you home right away.
-As soon as he gets you home, he will take you into the bathroom and start a warm bath for you, putting bubbles and lavender epsom salt in the tub. He would get you water right away to help you sober up quicker.
-Once you are out of the tub, he gives you a tee-shirt to wear and cuddles you to sleep.
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