#gulags the wall etc etc
snekdood · 1 year
if you’re so convinced you know what happened, then kill me.
#im not gonna be the one to do it.i might self harm but yall aregonna hafta kill me bc unfortunately i cant kill myself over a lie.#nor can i kill myself to appease assholes who are short sighted and are only out for bloodl#and will only ever actually question if they were wrong when im dead.#like go fuck yourselves.#since you're so intuitive and just *know*. how aboutyou kill me with that confidence#if you just know so well#i mean you would just know so well random personwho literally wasnt in the room when it happened#oh but you can just *tell* based on my vibes huh?? right? is that your metric?#yall are horrible people. please try to see your behavior from the point of view as you being a nazi doing this to trans ppl#how in tf is your behavior literally any different when you treat ppl like this in your own fucking community.#none of yall can coalition build for shit.#have fun with your hyper left friend group of 5 who agree on everything and god forbid one guy doesnt#gotta kill him or whatever yall wanna do to people#gulags the wall etc etc#freaks#im gonna continue to hate everyone i think because im still being given 0 reasons to trust and like humans#dont worry abt me 'leaving the left' im leaving humanity#fuck yall imma go swing from trees.#infact i can feel the politics leaving my body as we speak#i think ill listen to some kid cudi and smoke weed and not think about anything for 5 hours#just do nothing at all not even speak my truth or spread awareness of things#nah its cool#whatever dawg.#nothing matters after all.#oh the worlds gonna end? sorry iwas too busy becoming dependant on marijuana and watching dumb shit on tv to notice#oh well who cares#itd be cool to do something about it. but well. you see.#not much i can do to helpanyone or the world when the worlds letting me sink in mud#idk so uhm... bye.#fuck yall.
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gentiltrueshunter3345 · 7 months
Hace 100 años, los comunistas judeo-bolcheviques, asesinaron al Zar Nicolás II, a su esposa, a sus hijos, a sus familiares y a sus siervos - Grandes memoriales durante toda la semana.
Con los servicios y conferencias de la Iglesia, monumentos y museos, galerías de arte y películas, será difícil olvidar la tragedia, excepto en el ateo occidental. Tal vez la falta de interés se deba a ser anticristiano y, por tanto, a ser rusofóbico, ya que la esencia de la rusofobia es el odio al Cristianismo.
El centenario de la masacre del zar Nicolás II de Rusia imperial y su familia. El 17 de julio de 1918, sus captores extranjeros llevaron a la familia al sótano de una casa en Ekaterinburg, en el punto de encuentro entre Europa y Asia.
El zar Nicolás y la zarina Alexandra, sus hijas Olga (22) Tatiana (21), María (19), Anastasia (17) y Alexei (13) cayeron bajo una lluvia de balas. En un ritual de maldad, los cadáveres de la familia y los de tres sirvientes leales y el médico de la familia fueron desnudados, mutilados, desfigurados, quemados con gasolina y ácido y secretamente enterrados. Así cayó la Rusia cristiana, que durante más de 900 años resistió a las hordas mongoles-tártaras del este y las hordas católicas-protestantes del oeste, manteniendo el equilibrio en el mundo de estos extremistas.
A lo largo de 'Heartland', desde Kaliningrado hasta el estrecho de Bering, se extiende casi la mitad de la mitad del tercio norte del mundo a tres continentes, y más allá de eso en oasis de Holy Rus fuera de las Tierras Rusas, los cristianos ortodoxos rusos celebran este año. Celebramos el martirio del último emperador cristiano y lamentamos la caída del Imperio cristiano después de 1600 años.
Con los servicios y conferencias de la Iglesia, monumentos y museos, galerías de arte y películas, será difícil olvidar la tragedia, excepto en el ateo occidental. Tal vez la falta de interés se deba a ser anticristiano y, por tanto, a ser rusofóbico, ya que la esencia de la rusofobia es el odio al cristianismo. Después de todo, el ateísmo es siempre negativo, ya que comienza con una negación.
La mal llamada Revolución Rusa, fue un golpe de estado similar a la mayoría de los "cambios de régimen" de ingeniería occidental anteriores y posteriores.
Jacob Schiff, (1847-1920), el banquero de Wall Street que había financiado a Japón durante la Guerra contra Rusia (1904-1905), se jactó públicamente de su éxito en lograr el golpe, con la ayuda principalmente de traidores y apóstatas rusos aristocráticos .
Las reservas de oro de los cristianos imperiales pesaban 1.311 toneladas: iban a Occidente y no a la gente.
En 1911, el St. Louis Dispatch había publicado una caricatura del experto bolchevique Robert Minor. Sus dibujos animados publicados retratan a Karl Marx con un libro titulado Socialismo bajo el brazo, de pie en medio de una multitud de vítores en Wall Street.
Reunidos y saludándolo con entusiastas apretones de manos, se encuentran los personajes identificados como John D. Rockefeller, JP Morgan, John D. Ryan de National City Bank, el socio de Morgan George W. Perkins y Teddy Roosevelt, líder del Partido Progresista. Las corporaciones occidentales se movieron para matar; General Electric, International Harvester, Caterpillar, etc. Los esclavos del Kulak, a quienes Trotsky-Bronstein apodó negros-negros, trabajaron más duro y costaron menos que los empleados en Occidente.
Más de 1.000 campamentos de Gulag (Archipiélago Gulag), se dispersaron por la colonia bankster. Los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña invirtieron fuertemente en el régimen soviético empapado de sangre.
La dinastía Romanov, estaba compuesta principalmente por las casas reales de Europa. La sangre de los mártires era la de Inglaterra, Dinamarca, Grecia, Alemania, Rumania, Serbia y los Habsburgo, así como la de Rusia. Los mártires Romanov, podrían decir que son la esencia de las casas reales de Europa, no tanto un ruso como una dinastía europea.
Había 53 Romanov, viviendo en Rusia cuando el zar Nicolás II fue retirado de su trono el 15 de marzo de 1917. Dieciocho de ellos fueron asesinados en circunstancias desgarradoras.
100 años después, esperamos la llegada del Zar, el próximo emperador cristiano de la familia Romanov, que solo a través de Cristo puede restaurar la cordura en este mundo enloquecido..
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longwindedbore · 9 months
Perhaps it’s time to consider that what conservatives call ‘white culture’ is essentially *White Fright* and little else?
Frightened that it will be uncovered that there is nothing but an empty void that lies at the heart their culture?
A culture that cannot define itself by any inherent attributes?
Being anti-intellectual, *White Fright* doesn’t lay claim to the accomplishments of British culture: to Chaucer, Shakespeare, Bacon, Dickens, Darwin, etc.
Is *White Fright* generated by embracing an identity that defines itself by what it’s not - NOT liberal, non-egalitarian, unwelcoming, uncharitable, non-inclusive of non-white and non-binary, peoples, etc.?
Certainly *White* NEVER self-defines as ‘immigrants’, ‘or enslavers’.?
ALWAYS the passive ‘Colonial’; NOT the active ‘colonizer’.
Never as any of those criminalized poor shipped in chains to the American Gulag?
Not as any the large number of Dutch or German immigrants of the 1600s and early 1700s.
Clinging to slogans of calumny: ‘clearing the land’, ‘Manifest Destiney’, ‘States’ Rights’, ‘Segregation Now and Forever’, ‘Carter/Clinton/Obama/Biden is coming for your guns’, ‘MAGA!, ‘build the wall’ , if they can do this to Trump they can do it to us’.
Is the GOP, the Party of NO!, therefore perfectly reflective the culture of *White Fright*? No policies, no improvements? Confused about what happened in the Past.
- inspired by listening to MTG’s Turning Point speech which, to my Libertard ears, is one long ode to Joe Biden, LBJ, JFK, and FDR.
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alliements · 1 year
We had a great week exploring the beautiful state of Arkansas hiking, spa’ing, and art-ing. Hot Springs in the Ouachita Mountains was bohemian, outdoorsy, and fun. The trailheads are directly behind bath house row. Goat Rock Trail is a great hike, you could see natural springs bubbling up at various places. We visited two bathhouses, Buckstaff, and the Quapaw. At Buckstaff you soak in tubs, and are given a toga-sheet to wrap up in as you go from station to station (steam, sitz, etc). Quapaw has 5 large communal pools and everyone wears a bathing suit. Tbh, Buckstaff was the Gulag of spas. Everything was cold except the water they gave you to drink. My towel got wet, which made it even colder, and my attendant refused my request for a dry towel. I sipped my ketchup cup of hot water and tried to relax. The folks at Quapaw were delightful and we went all in.
Bentonville, a 4 hour drive north, has poured big money into developing mountain biking trails. It has a cute downtown with great restaurants, bike shops, etc. If you don’t mountain bike, the only thing to do is the Crystal Bridges Museum, but you can make a day of it hiking their 120 acre estate with trails and outdoor sculpture. They had a nighttime interactive exhibit called the Listening Forest which was beautiful. The museum itself is stunning architecturally, and the contemporary art collection is outstanding. It’s all American art—think Thomas Moran/Hudson River School and Georgia OKeefe.
Founded by Alice Walton, the WalMart empress, the museum is built with Walmart money, celebrates everything American, and as one might expect, is quite flashy. The building itself is stunning, and it seems the building is perhaps of greater value than what’s inside. Some of the exhibits are as much American history as they are art, so one might guess, bias exists. Remember that money talks, and in this case, this is a private museum with a single conservative donor. I am sure the curators walk on eggshells a bit. While I appreciate this massive support for the arts by one of America’s largest corporations, it just can’t go unsaid that money talks, and is this case, so does one of Walmart’s largest stockholders who funded a rather white-washed exhibit on American democracy.
·        The exhibit We the People is called a “diverse perspective of equality and democracy.” It includes documents and art about the struggle for civil liberties in America. There were wonderful pieces about the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, art by indigenous Americans, and Japanese Americans during the WWII internment camps.
·        Shockingly, there was NO mention of women’s rights. the 19th amendment, or the ERA, other than one painting of suffragettes; and nor do they mention LGBTGA rights. As I exited, I thought, surely there must be another room? Nope. So, I turned around and went back in via the exit door to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. I didn’t. I did enjoy seeing the Mark Bradford painting in that section. There is some hidden  text, but it is obscured to such a degree that the reference is unknown. Bradford is one of my favorite painters but I don’t understand the meaning of this piece in this exhibit.
·        I did some research. This exhibit is sponsored by Kenneth C Griffin, a wealthy hedge fund manager who owns a large stake of WalMart stock and is one of the richest men in the world. He bought the copy of the Constitution on display ($43 million) and is also a GOP mega doner. It sounds like the museum curator attended the Sotheby’s auction alongside Griffin when he purchased it.
·        Also of note is the exhibit does not state the documents are copies, it implies they are originals which is rather showy, IMHO. There are 26 copies of the Declaration of Independence, 11 of the Constitution, and whew, they can be bought. I don’t get it.
·        I like my art hung at eye-level where I can see it. They got fancy and thought it would look good to hang art all the way up some 20 foot walls. It does look good but I can’t actually see it.
·        Some sections had NO tags identifying the painting, just one QR code for the entire section, and it was difficult to navigate. QR codes should be used in addition to tags not in lieu of.
·        Lastly…half the main building is dedicated a snack bar.
Headed home we again saw the lovely Bass Pro Shops Memphis Pyramid Mega Store complete with saltwater aquarium, indoor quail hunting, a piranha pool, zip line over an alligator pit. And the floor is hot lava, I hear.
‘Merica, baby!
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camthesolemnone · 2 years
All yall simping over Scout, Medic, Sniper, etc, but listen to me here for a moment, k?
Heavy is like, the perfect man, and here’s why.
Physique - Yeah I’ll say it, overweight people are attractive too. Everyone is! Heavy got the stronk, and the soft! He can lift you up on his shoulders no problemo and punch any perverts who come your way. Plus, you can cuddle his tummy! He is a human pillow!
Appearance - So what if he has no hair? So what if he has tiny legs? So what if his stubble ain’t the cleanest? We accept everyone in this house! He is a giant, lovable teddy bear! 
Optimism - He’s really goofy and happy despite all of the horrible things he’s had to withstand. He fought his way out of a Siberian gulag yet smiles at the most simple sandwich. On that note he’s probably an excellent cook.
Smart - Everyone forgets that Misha is super intelligent! Don’t let his bad English fool you, he has a PhD in Russian literature. This man is a poet!
Loyal and Caring - Heavy loves his family so much. He burnt down a prison and killed a bunch of guards to save them, and he promises that they will no longer have to eat bear meat once the war against Team Classic is over. He also cares deeply about his friends, especially Medic, to the point where he punched Team Classic Heavy into a wall for killing him. Even though he dislikes Scout and Soldier because he’s dating Zhanna, and even though Medic betrayed the team, he still acts kind to his teammates.
Has A Nice Accent - He just does.
Ultimate Defense - Big man has many gun. Sasha is very powerful, will rip baby men to shreds.
Case in point: Give Heavy more love! But uh, if you want to stick to your support classes, that’s fine. More Hoovy Weapons Guy for me.
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beepiesheepie · 3 years
the tf2 mercs and what atla elements they’d bend cause you follow me and you signed up for my ramblings
this is literally gonna be that meme or mike wazowski hunched over and mike and that slug lady are looking at him like ‘wtf’. also these thoughts will not leave my brain until i write them down so feel free to ignore.
Scout: Airbender, hands down. Just look at him, look at everything he is and look at everything air represents. He’d likely be a rogue/non-monastery  airbender cause he’s so self absorbed and worldly attached that he can’t follow their customs (which also makes him a weaker airbender by default, why? see Kyoshi’s mom). Air is the element of freedom, fun, and humor, and just look at Scout, its his most defining traits. Imagine this kid just zipping around on the battlefield with a huge cloud of dust following him, or using a glider to fly in some way. He absolutely would.
Soldier: At first I thought he’d be a non bender, but then I began to think it over, and fire is what kinda bender he’d be (if he was one, he could still be a non bender). Fire is the element of power and passion, and not only can it become wild or unhinged in the wrong hands but it can be very destructive. That fits Soldier’s bill pretty well, he’s a passionate man of raw power. You could also make the argument he’s an Earthbender, what with his and its elements of machismo, courage, and physical strength, which Soldier is not lacking in. He could maybe bend lava if he was an Earthbender, and I don’t see him as a metalbender- metalbenders go through some form of major display of strength, something that forces them to be stronger than they are and work harder (see: Toph discovering metalbending and Toph teaching her metalbending students in the comics). Overall I’m pretty mixed on Soldier, but it is cool to imagine him using fire to blast himself upward or normally rocket jumping but when he comes down there’s a big wave of rocks going everywhere. If you have thoughts I’d love to hear them. Overall he’s more likely to be a fire or non bender in my eyes, non especially. (Imagine him going “I don’t need to throw fancy rocks or toss fireballs to shove this boot up your ass.”)
Pyro: It’s literally in the fucking name, its right there, their entire being, pyro. Firebender, hands down. Considering how mysterious Pyro is already I don’t know what else to say about them, but from my own personal vibes, I think they’d draw firebending from life, energy, passion, etc.
Engineer: I think this man’s an Earth and Metalbender, he’s courageous, strong physically (how else do you lift all those damn toolboxes), and generally a down to earth kinda guy. And of course he metalbends cause it’s Just A Very Engineer Thing. Also imagining this tiny lil dude earthbending massive rocks is really cool.
Heavy: Now hear me out. Waterbender. Yeah Heavy is a big dude, yeah he’s strong and masculine and powerful and huge and all that, but people forget- he’s a man of family. He has three sisters and a mom and they were shoved into a gulag at a young age. He’s also smart and has a PhD in Literature. He’s smart, and family oriented, and gets along with his team in game and out of the game. He protects and is a wall for those he cares about, which is a huge trait of waterbending. Feel free to share your own thoughts, I’d love to hear em.
Demoman: Tbh I don’t have that much on him. he strikes me as a nonbender, as a real Sokka kinda guy where his brains and strategic mind shine as a replacement for his no bending. Sticky traps and planning projectile arcs or using demoknight is a huge part of strategy when playing him. Also, combining alcohol and firebending never sounds like a good idea.
Medic: You’d think he’d be a waterbender cause of healing right? Lmao no this man gives 0 fucks for anyone near him, that’s a surface level analysis. This man strikes me as a nonbender. He heals using what he’s got and he doesn’t need no bending to magically fix things. Sweat and blood prevail.
Sniper: Also a nonbender. Doesn’t strike me as any of the four elements in any particular way, other than maybe air or water. Don’t have much thoughts on him either.
Spy: Oh my god I am so torn. On the one hand, he’s Scout’s father, and also imagine him as another rogue airbender, or maybe an ex monastery airbender so he has tattoos? Him being an airbender is solely for the rule of cool factor. On the other hand he could also be a nonbender, but having all the support classes be nonbenders is a bit disappointing. On the OTHER hand though, and I expect controversy for this, waterbender. He’s not the most community oriented, in fact he hates everything he works with, but this man absolutely would not hesitate to use bloodbending if it meant the job’s done stealthily, also, he has a weapon in the game that’s an ice spike. Not a lot of reasons for waterbending here I just think it’d be cool
Ok rant’s over I’m gonna eat a pint of ice cream ok byeeeeee
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etirabys · 5 years
One thing I didn’t realize before reading Against the Grain was how dependent early states were on slavery and coercion. I would have guessed that they had lots of it, sure, but I wouldn’t have guessed that they would totally fall apart if they didn’t have slavery and coercion. Almost no one who wasn’t at the top wanted to be in an early state, keeping the state’s population where they were creating surplus for the elites was the project of statecraft. They won’t just naturally make surplus either, you have to force them to do it.
An early state’s population tends to run away and die fast (early city dwellers have worse nutrition and higher disease rate than hunter-gatherers), so the state had to frequently go get more population by waging war and bringing back the captives.
If the purpose of war was largely the acquisition of captives, then it makes more sense to see such military expeditions more in the light of slave raids than as conventional warfare.
You also acquire material loot, horses, cattle, etc in the raid. And burn the defeated villages, so the captives have nothing to go back to.
The most obvious advantage is that the conquerors take for the most part captives of working age, raised at the expense of another society, and get to exploit their most productive years. In a good many cases the conquerors went out of their way to seize captives with particular skills that might be useful—boat builders, weavers, metal workers, armorers, gold- and silversmiths, not to mention artists, dancers, and musicians.
James C Scott lists three reasons shy slavery was crucial in early Mesopotamian states:
To be the property/reward of the elites
To get labor for textiles, which were Mesopotamian states’ main export to non-state peoples who paid with resources which early states couldn’t do without, and also couldn’t produce on their own, like metals.
Uruk basically had a textile gulag at one point that engaged as many as 9000 women (at a time when Uruk’s population was ~45,000)
To get labor for onerous work like canal digging and wall building, which normal non-slave subjects won’t do without high rebellion risk
There isn’t much information about how male war captives were used in Mesopotamia, but Greco-Roman states would use them for the most brutal work: stone quarrying, timber felling, pulling oars in galleys. This was work that needed doing for state projects, but was hard to force its normal population to do. “The numbers involved were enormous, but because [the male war captives] worked at the sites of the resources, they were a far less visible presence—and far less a threat to public order—than if they had been near the court center. It would be no exaggeration at all to think of such work as an early gulag, featuring gang labor and high rates of mortality.”
Also, one really interesting point the book brings up that I’d never considered:
Only much later, when the world was, as it were, fully occupied and the means of production privately owned or controlled by state elites, could the control of the means of production (land) alone suffice, without institutions of bondage, to call forth a surplus. So long as there are other subsistence options, as Ester Boserup noted in her classic work, “it is impossible to prevent the members of the lower class from finding other means of subsistence unless they are made personally unfree. When population becomes so dense that land can be controlled it becomes unnecessary to keep the lower classes in bondage; it is sufficient to deprive the working class of the right to be independent cultivators”—foragers, hunter-gatherers, swiddeners, pastoralists.
Huh, yes. There was a world before this, where the parameters of human-created value were different.
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decolonize-the-left · 3 years
I don't know how other leftists are still being so nice. So this is me formally asking other leftists: how?
It's the end of 2020. We had 3 huge movements for anti-racism this year and PDX is still going strong last I checked.
Racists, bigots, the unaware, the silent, and the stubborn heard about it. There were global headlines about BLM, even about landlords for a month or two. There's no way anyone is unaware of racism or high costs of living.
Like I don't have the patience. Between the wildfires and COVID-19 people had every opportunity to learn that they should care about other people. That people are better off when other people care about them. They had every opportunity to learn. Every headline they didn't like, every online argument, every fact they weren't sure about.
So how many opportunities are we going to give people that are choosing to be ignorant while the rest of us die from it?
Like this is really testing my whole belief system tbh cuz like everyone deserves their life housing, food, water, etc. Regardless of their past, regardless of beliefs. Right?
But even people who are awful by choice and on purpose?
Because SOME DAY they might be better?
I don't get it
How is that logic any different from a liberal saying 'yeah but at least they're an imperialist of color' like???? Cool so the rest of us have to keep dying so you can say you were woke enough to give the oppressor apologists a fair shot to be better?
How and why are we still being nice to them? I really genuinely need someone to explain it to my neurodivergent ass because I don't get it. And I'm out of the patience to keep trying when we can just open the gulags instead. Which is a thought I never wanted to have btw, like I said that's never what I believed. I never wanted to be this exhausted or frustrated but people genuinely don't care and I'm tired of screaming at walls.
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Hypothetical plot outline for the season premiere of “Stranger Things 4″
(written purely for fun, not meant to actually reveal spoilers)
We start off in some city that we’re not told where. Kali Prasad, who we last saw being shot at by police, is hiding underneath a bed. Sounds of gunfire are heard. As she tries to remain quiet, we hear someone talking about making sure “Brenner’s daughters” are dead and that they’ve already killed 001-007. After the unknown killers leave, Kali exits the bed and sees that they’ve killed her entire crew. She starts to breakdown as we cut to the opening credits. 
It’s Christmas 1986. The Wheelers, the Hendersons, the Sinclairs, and Max and her mother are headed off to Illinois to spend Christmas with the Byers family. Steve, unfortunately, has to go to New York City due to a family trip. Robin stays behind in Hawkins. 
Meanwhile, in the Soviet Union, the “American” is revealed to be...Martin Brenner. Turns out, Brenner was kidnapped by the Soviets sometime after season 1 and told them everything about his work, from Eleven to the Upside Down. The Soviets keep him in the gulag with a constant reminder that he will be fed to the Demogorgons once they have no use for him. And...that’s it for Brenner this episode, obviously we’ll see more of him the rest of the season. 
The rest of the episode is spent on building up the main arcs this season. I’ll split the next part of this post into three sections based on how the cast was split up. 
In Hawkins
Robin is having a normal Christmas until she starts hearing about mysterious incidents occurring around the area. Curious, she goes back to the mall, which has been torn down since the “fire” last year. It’s deserted and Robin sighs happily, believing that the gate is still closed. She leaves. As soon as she leaves, the wall where the Upside Down gate was starts to open. 
But it’s opening from the other side! Someone (or something?) is opening the gate from the Upside Down end, which will be Robin’s arc this season.
As a side note, Martin Brenner’s arc is tied closely with Robin’s arc as the Soviets return to Hawkins when they learn about a new gate opening in the abandoned mall.
In Illinois
It’s revealed that Joyce moved to Illinois in order to work closer with Murray Bauman, who is convinced that Jim Hopper isn’t dead. For the most part, the reunion between the group is happy. Mike and Eleven start making out almost immediately, Will changed his hair since they last saw him (looking more like Noah’s actual hair), Jonathan enrolled in community college, etc. 
During a hangout session between Mike, Eleven, Max, Will, Dustin, and Lucas, Will suddenly feels the presence of the Mind Flayer. He starts looking around and is surprised that his Mind Flayer senses were set off by a new girl. The girl tells Will to stop following her and runs off. 
For the most part, the Illinois segment is focused on the group reconnecting after a year apart. However, the sequence with Will and the mysterious girl will be the main focus of the Illinois group.
The twist for later on in the season: The girl (after she joins the group) reveals she is FROM the Upside Down and that she crossed over in 1983, when El opened the gate for the first time. That’s why Will’s Mind Flayer senses were activated by her presence, she’s from the Upside Down. 
The girl from the Upside Down says that there are people on the other side of the gate, just trying to survive the Mind Flayer’s wrath (implying that the Upside Down is an alternate Earth and that the Mind Flayer took it over). Also, she reveals that the Mind Flayer is just one of many threats on her world. 
In New York City
Steve is bored with his family and wishes he was spending Christmas with Robin and Dustin. One night, he decides to go off on his own and visits a nightclub. While there, he bumps into Kali Prasad, revealing that this sequence is right after the opening scene. Steve sees that Kali is crying and visibly terrified. He asks her if she’s hurt and Kali says that she’s hiding from “them”.
Just then, the assassins from earlier (who we’ll learn later on are CIA assassins sent to kill all of Brenner’s subjects, including Eleven) arrive at the nightclub. Steve, not wanting to leave Kali alone, tries to get her to leave with him. She tries pushing him away but this leads to the assassins noticing them. A huge fight occurs (the climax of the episode). Steve and Kali escape the nightclub and run off into the night.
End Scene 
Before the episode ends, we cut back to Illinois. As we zoom in on Murray’s hideout, the camera starts to turn upside down. The setting grows more and more grotesque as it does, signifying the shift to the Upside Down.
In the Upside Down version of Murray’s hideout, we see Jim Hopper fortifying himself, muttering to himself that he needs to do a supply run the next day since he’s running low on ammo. He’s incredibly disheveled, having spent a whole year in the Upside Down. But he’s alive. 
To recap
The main arcs this season:
1) The Illinois group, which is most of the main cast, meets a girl from the Upside Down and learns that there are people in the Upside Down. I didn’t mention this before but the girl reveals that her people wants to cross over into regular Earth in order to escape the Mind Flayer.  
But there are problems with working with the girl from the Upside Down. 
The group learns about a new monster from the Upside Down wreaking havok in the area. The monster, for some reason, is going after the girl from the Upside Down and that it was unaffected by the two previous times that the gate was closed. It’s implied that the Upside Down is more fucked up than we imagined, with monsters OTHER than the Mind Flayer inhabiting it.
In addition, the group is unsure if they can trust the girl from the Upside Down. The girl does prove her trustworthiness later on the season but for most of the season, she’s portrayed as a neutral anti-hero. 
That said, she does have a moment where the group temporarily stops trusting her. She reveals that her people have been developing a way to cross over into other Earths, hence why the gate in Hawkins is being opened from the other side. 
2) Robin learns that something/someone is opening the gate to the Upside Down from the other end. Her arc is focused on dealing with the Soviets and Martin Brenner returning to Hawkins after they learn about the gate. 
Also, this shouldn’t come as a surprise, but Jim Hopper learns about the gate in Hawkins early in the season and uses it to make it back to normal Earth. Although he wants to find Joyce immediately after crossing over, he’s forced to help Robin as she deals with the Soviets and Brenner.
So, basically, Robin’s main partner this season is Hopper. 
3) Steve, by accident, is forced to go on a road trip with Kali Prasad after he helps her escape from CIA assassins sent to kill her and the rest of Brenner’s test subjects. Steve’s subplot is mostly self-contained but near the end of the season, he and Kali meet up with the group like the previous seasons. This leads to Kali and Eleven’s reunion and we learn more about Brenner’s dark legacy through Steve’s trip with Kali.
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So, I learned something recently...
Mary Kate Olsen (the top billed twin; I feel kinda bad for Ashley) is married to a man 17 years her senior, who also happens to be the half brother to the former President of France.
That sounds like the plot to one of their movies! Like, there’s a foreign exchange student at their school and they discover that he’s secretly foreign royalty.  I can picture the whole thing in my head, I’ve thought about this a lot:
It has a late 90s/early 2000s aesthetic; kinda grungey and “totally radical, dude!”
Twins Mary Jane and Kelsey are just your average upper middle class teenagers living in multi-million dollar beachfront property with their widower dad, a security guard with dreams of being a detective.  His firm just got a big contract to provide security for the visiting diplomats of the vaguely Eastern European kingdom of Slovotia (it’s generically foreign; funny accents, weird customs, offensive Slavic stereotypes, the works. The writers based it on Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Austria-Hungary, Ruritania, Backwardistan, etc)
At school, the girls are introduced to hunky Slovotian exchange student Nico.  He’s, like, SO cool, but he doesn’t flaunt it.  He’s quiet, tries not to make waves, and sneaks away at lunch to be by himself; the girls follow him and find him talking to a a burly bodyguard.  Turns out, he’s the Crown Prince of Slovotia!  His uncle, Count Bartok (who is clearly the antagonist but SHHH don’t tell anyone, we don’t know that yet) is visiting America as part of the Slovotian delegation; his brother, the King, wants to normalize relations with the west, but the Count doesn’t really like America.
Nico and his bodyguard Dolf (a hulking man of few words) ask the girls not to reveal his secret; he just wants to live a normal life, and be a normal teenager.  The girls decide to show him around town and introduce him to hip American concepts like the mall and beaches and fast food.
They buy a hot dog from a street vendor, and Nico looks appalled.  “My uncle, he say Americans, they are dogs, but I did not know they were to be eating them, yes?”
“They’re not really made out of dog, Nico!  Try it, you’ll like it.”
He takes one bite, and is enraptured.  “This is best thing I have ever to be eating!”  He walks over to the vendor and offers to buy him out.  “You there, meat monger. This dog that is hot, it is food fit for king!  I buy your shop, I pay ten million Slovotian Kronle, good price yes?”
“Sure thing, whatever you say boss!  Good price!  Great price!  My ticket’s finally come it, it’s easy street from here on out!”
They show him around “the city.”  It’s never specified which city that is though; they live on a beach and go surfing, so it might be LA, but there are hotdog vendors and people with Brooklyn accents, so it could just as well be New York.  Maybe there’s a shot in the middle of the film where the bad guys are looking at a satellite map of the USA, and the camera zooms into the center of the country, or there’s a blinking red dot somewhere on a random coast.  The point is that there is no definitive location; it’s just meant to represent whatever city is closest to the viewer’s hometown (the writers didn’t put that much effort into it because this is a no budget direct-to-VHS Mary Kate and Ashley movie.  What did you expect?)
Dolf follows them everywhere they go, and Nico complains that he wants to have some privacy.  “You do not be seeing other kids with bodyguards, yes?”  Wacky hijinks ensue as the trio try to evade him; there’s definitely a chase scene set to a punk rock song like SR-17′s ‘Right Now’ or something by Bowling For Soup.  They sit on a park bench reading newspapers as Dolf runs by, then hightail it in the opposite direction.  They casually steal hats and sunglasses from passersby to blend into the crowd.  They walk in line behind a couple buys carrying a sofa.  The chase ends with them hopping into a taxi and laughing with one another as we see Dolf give chase for a second before giving up in frustration.
Nico confides in the girls that life as a prince is not easy.  His father, King Vladimyr XVI, is always telling him how big a responsibility he has, how important he is to Slovotia’s future.  “My father, he tell me, Nico, you will one day be King, so you must to be acting like one, yes?”  It’s so hard to be royal, he can never just be himself, he has to act a certain way to make his parents happy.  The girls tell him that they know exactly what he means; high school isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either.  They have homework and chores, and they too have to act a certain way or the cool kids will think they’re a couple of losers with a capital L (Nico doesn’t understand what the word cool means, “what does temperature have to be doing with this?”)
Suddenly, the trio is attacked by some dude in a track suit and gold chains with a jersey accent; he tries to kidnap Nico, and just when all hope seems lost Dolf appears from nowhere and lifts the would-be abductor up by the collar.
They interrogate him; Dolf holds him by the ankles from a second story window.  “I ain’t sayins nothin, youse will never get a word outta me.”
Dolf says that if he doesn’t start talking he will disappear.  “Maybe you wake up in gulag, yes?”
He sings like a canary.  He was hired by Count Bartok to kidnap Nico.  Bartok hates America and thinks his older brother Vladimyr is foolish for trying to normalize relations with them.  He hoped that by having Nico kidnapped, he could blame the American government and end the diplomatic mission early.  If anything were to happen to the boy, Bartok would become next in line to be king!  He’s going to blame the girls’ father for Nico’s disappearance because he was supposed to be head of security.
“That’s everything I know. Hey, I’m sorry, okays?  I just needed the money, ya know? I ain’t a bad guy, I’m just in a bad sitchy-ation.”  The girls tell Dolf that he can let the kidnapper go, but he takes this literally and drops him out of the window (onto a bush! He’s fine)
They have to race to city hall to meet the Slovotian delegation and stop Bartok from doing anything drastic.  Mary Kate plays the edgy tomboy, so she teaches Nico and Dolf how to skateboard so they can get across town super fast.  This sequence is filmed with a fish eye lens so it looks “totally bodacious.” As the group barrels down the crowded sidewalk, pedestrians leap out of their way.
They make it just in time to be locked out of the ceremony.  Bartok is giving a big speech condemning the Americans for kidnapping his poor nephew, and the girls have to watch helplessly as their dad is taken away in handcuffs.  Dolf uses his espionage training to break into city hall and get the trio into the sound booth undetected.
“Hey Dolf, where’d you learn to do all this stuff?”
“I have many skills” (he is implied to be ex-KGB and it’s played for laughs)
The girls interrupt Bartok’s speech with video they took of the kidnapper revealing his entire plan.  Bartok denies it, but the girls’ dad pulls some as-yet-unseen sleuthing skills out of his ass to prove that Bartok is lying, finally living his dream of being a detective.  Nico bursts into the room and orders the Slovotian guards to arrest his uncle, but Bartok pulls a pistol and holds one of the twins hostage.  Nico uses some of the American skills he learned to free her (he kicks his skateboard towards Bartok’s feet, and he slips on it)
Bartok is taken away, screaming that he would have gotten away with it were it not for those meddling twins, and the girls break the fourth wall by making a Scooby-Doo joke to the camera.  Nico delivers a heartfelt speech to the gathered crowd at city hall about how much he has come to love America and how he’s proud to be representing Slovotia and normalizing relations with the west.  He wants to open malls and hot dog stands and skateboard parks in Slovotia, and he gets a standing ovation as the mayor awards him the key to the city.
The girls are so proud of their dad, and he is just as proud of them.  Just then, King Vladimyr and Queen Anastasia themselves make a live appearance, apparently having flown all the way from Slovotia (it’s never explained how they got there so fast).  They thank the girls for helping their son, and award their father their kingdom’s highest honor. They even offer him a job as Dolf’s second in command, but he declines, saying he’d rather remain at his humble career and raise his family in the states.
The girls encourage Nico to tell his father how he feels.  He knows he will be king someday, but that is very far off, and he would like some time to just be a kid instead of a prince all the time.  The King decrees that Nico may stay in the United States and have a normal high school experience, “you are to be having twelve bodyguards instead of twenty now, good compromise, yes?”  The girls roll their eyes and laugh; Nico’s dad still has a lot to learn!
Nico tells the girls that they are “very cold” (he meant “cool,” but it’s the thought that counts)  He and Mary Kate kiss, and Ashley jokingly asks if he has a brother.  As it turns out, there’s a nerdy kid at school who is played by the same actor as Nico who’s had a crush on her for years, so she gets with him instead (once he takes off his glasses)
Freeze frame
Roll credits
80 minute run time
Return the tape to Blockbuster and never watch it again
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rekkingcrew · 5 years
Rek DMs, Some Thoughts
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Buckle up, it’s Edge of the Empire tabletop Roleplaying time.
Yeah, I know I don’t post here much. I’m still doing the devaron’s angels thing, which is scratching a lot of my online itches, and I’ve got a part time job and full time parenting. 
I’d really planned on doing regular updates of what happened each session. Aaaaand that didn’t happen. Which is a shame, I’d love to be able to have those summaries to look back on. But here’s the short version:
The gang, who are a crew of space chancers and criminals rolling around in a stolen police ship, were doing odd jobs together for a while, including some for the empire. Their contact, a Pantoran spymaster whose cover was as a children’s entertainer, congratulated them on their most recent heist job (where the campaign started in medias res), and gave them a new job: deliver a mysterious sealed orb to the leader of the peskiest rebel cell in the general area, led by a Rodian pirate by the name of Cheng Maxeda. They said maybe, took the orb, and then checked around and picked up a delivery job for their local Hutts going the same direction for some extra cash. 
They were brought in because the Hutt shipments had been interfered with by somebody. Their Hutts weren’t sure who, but were damn sure they were going to pay. The gang defeated a whole crazy mess of people who were being lead and bolstered by a falleen who had been surgically altered to boost their pheromone output. Then they picked up the package and made the poor decision of looking inside. It was the carbonite frozen but still living body of the cop who’d previously owned their ship that they were now knowingly handing over, because they couldn’t bring themselves to cross the Hutts. 
Moral issues aside, it was an easy job, they got well paid, the team failed a bunch of social roles and divulged more information than they should have to the Hutt point man, and Brick, the party’s wall of meat, got signed up for a pit fight. He won his round, but imperial troops broke up the match before he could win completely. TK cornered but lost a rebel bomber, and Eshi got contacted by a rebel who recognized him from a bit of backstory. Nyla chased down one of the other gladiators, an old clone with a sword who’d entered the fight because the prize included a bacta dunk and he had a friend who was hurt and dying after being caught by the Hutts trying to bust up a slaving operation. And that’s when the bomb went off, destroying some major imperial instillation bits and projecting a 40 foot holo-image of Cheng the punk rock rodian pirate queen striding across the smoking crater proclaiming she had come to liberate the outer rim. The party was presented with three job options: 1) after Brick’s pit win, the Hutts were down some muscle for a convoy and ready to pay reliable thugs 2) the rebels were looking for a study ship to bust up the hub of a spy satellite network 3) the clone and his weequay buddy (Edge and Horm) still wanted to stop the slave convoy (which was, as the party figured out, job 1). They opted for job 2, leaving town amidst a firefight with the imperials, and brought along Edge and Horm, providing Nyla with a sword fighting trainer who’d studied under a jedi, without being a jedi himself. 
The guys busted up the satellite base by hijacking a shipment truck coming in (I’d provided them information for a couple of routes, including asteroid hopping amidst giant vacuum-proof winged frog monster creatures, and they figured this best matched their skillset). Inside they found tech that looked a whole lot like our droid character TK, a completely brainwashed cyborg engineer, and the control rods that were their target. TK, who is a droid with multiple program personalities, suddenly and without warning displayed a program personality they had never seen before and destroyed the computer mainframe, remembering nothing afterward. The cyborg also had hardware a good deal like Nyla’s, and contained a message begging for help from someone held against their will and being moved between facilities. They blew up the station, retrieved valuable tech, and flew off, triumphant, to get their payment from the rebels. 
The rebels welcomed the gang, who got to know the faction a little bit better. TK nearly started a gunfight, Nyla got a haircut, and Brick and Eshi developed mouse droid beer pong in order to provide historically unique droid bits to an eccentric collector for the last bit Eshi needed to build his machine from the prototype he’d stolen from the corporate sector in his backstory, which runs on two kyber crystals and provides a similar benefit to the force power “foresee”. He used this to figure out the sphere they were carrying contained an intensely virulent ship killer plague that would likely kill them as well, and they resolved to throw that in the sun. The gang foiled an assassination attempt on Cheng and got a new assignment: break her old pirate buddy out of maximum security prison (again, they were presented with several possible assignments, some of which tied in to other plots.) Nyla and Cheng also worked out mutually that they were both force sensitive. 
The prison break went off well. It was a sort of siberian gulag set up on an ice planet, plus some eight foot carnivorous burrowing worms- yeah, those walls are pretty short, prisoners, but where are you gonna run? The gang picked up some extra supplies by agreeing to break out a Hutt operative while they were there anyway. After some exciting sky battles, Nyla and Eshi turns the ship’s forward shields into a battering ram. They made short work of the guards inside, but discovered that there was an unexpected other party there- a wookie bounty hunter who was looking into the disappearance of the guy they handed over to the hutts. That guy was a tough fight even for the team’s big heavies, and they set a load of prisoners free to help them- taking the risk that the maximum security violent shipjackers would not decide to jack their ship to escape. Luckily between the two heavies and the giant devaronian pirate they just released, they were able to intimidate them into just accepting a ride off planet. Nyla, meanwhile, fought the wookie’s cat beast in an enclosed tunnel and nearly died, but won a pretty hard solo battle, enabling her to pick up the Hutt contact and a delirious nautolan who she had a force feeling about. Eshi forgot he was a reptile and went out in the ice with no coat, then defeated his own personal corpsec bounty hunter’s attempts to come at him with robots. With great success, they headed back to rebel space, got paid, and received a message that their former imperial employer was officially fucking pissed at them. Also, the nautolan was force sensitive and having visions of the inquisitor who tried to murder Nyla. 
Faced with mounting tension and the inability to continue lying to each other, the team pretty much spilled all their secrets to each other in the absolute most fun room mate meeting I have ever witnessed. Nyla is a force sensitive ex-imperial pilot ace, TK has an extra personality, Eshi has an I-assassinated-a-king level bounty and a machine that tells the future, Thirteen (the bothan spy) knew all this and told no one, Brick likes light beer, etc. They decided they really need to murder the children’s TV spy master as their next move. Their bothan spy provided them with a dossier on him and his six lieutenants. Nyla and Thirteen went to go meet the spymaster and try to throw him off, and had to fight the stealth assassin lieutenant, which they survived. Eshi hacked the slicer lieutenant and stole her state of the art surveillance droids. Brick checked up on the Hutt-embedded spy and learned she was a pretty awful person. He also ended up scheduling a rematch with the douwutin he beat in the pit fight, who the Hutts later dropped a word in that they wouldn’t mind if he just happened to kill in that fight. The group’s one cop friend, a red-string and corkboard conspiracy melitto, got attacked by assassins, because the spies and the governor were working against each other. Nyla and TK accidentally killed the master of disguise spy lieutenant without realizing who he was. They turned the surveillance droids on the Hutts and found out the Hutt-embedded spy was working against the spymaster as well. 
The spymaster was scheduled to attend the Chancellor’s day gala on Naboo, which is fancy far outside of anything the party is probably capable of pulling off, but I wanted to give them the opportunity to try. One of the spy lieutenants there, a slimy alderaanean lesser noble, has found a packet of forbidden information that had been stolen and hidden there, and the spymaster is going in person for the hand-off. Rebuffing an offer from the planetary governor, the group made a very temporary alliance with the Hutt spy to kidnap the noble spy and use him to force a meeting with the spymaster on their terms. And that’s where we are now. 
All in all, I’m really pleased with how this is going. I’m having a lot of fun and my players are absolutely great. I’d... assumed that would take less time to type up, and it’s leaving out a whole lot of stuff. I started this in October, so that’s about seven months worth of weekly sessions. That it breaks pretty easily into arcs, I feel, speaks pretty well for what I’d intended of it. I have SO MANY FUCKING named NPCs. It’s over 50 at last count. Factions are helping a lot. Each faction has a main plot that’s going to move along no matter what the PCs do, hitting beats whenever I need something interesting for the background. 
I’d like to keep making some posts here about what I’ve learned, what’s worked and what hasn’t, and about each player and their character. I personally think it’s interesting, and it helps me collect my thoughts. But for now I think I’m going to bed. 
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davidpwilson2564 · 2 years
Monday, March 14, 2022
David Hurwitz gives a little talk, with excerpts, on Ukrainian composer, Thomas de Hartmann (the name rang a bell; I had no idea he was Ukrainian).  Hurtwitz speaks of de Hartmann’s association with (so called philosopher and charlatan) Georges Gurdjieff (”Meetings with Remarkable Men” etc.) but I keep thinking he’s saying Gergiev.  
More anti-war protests in Russia.  More arrests.  You’re not even supposed to say the word “war”...sentences are severe for repeat offenders.  Not the gulag, as in the old days, but lengthy jail sentences.  
In the N Y Times I see that the music director of  Wall Street Trinity Church (male) has been fired for groping a singer (female).  Trinity is one of my many lost accounts.  When my “guy”...funny, his name was Larry King...died, the new person, as often happens in the freelance world, brought in his own crowd.  No letter of  thanks or anything like that.  They just stop calling you.  It was an interesting run.  I especially liked the post-Christmas “Feast of Lights” celebration.  One thing I didn’t care for was the unisex bathroom, a woman in the adjacent stall.  Something I’d never get used to.  
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
A book review.  David Sipress, New Yorker cartoonist.  I knew his sister but didn’t realize, all the time I knew her, that her brother was the Sipress who did those wacky cartoons.  Linda was a Harvard grad and overqualified for the job she held in the Little Orchestra office.  The person she had to answer to was not particularly nice to her (jealousy?).  I was saddened when I head she had committed suicide (I had left by that time) and now wonder if she was dealing with, but silent about, great physical pain. 
Beautiful weather.  
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Zelensky addresses a joint session of Congress via Zoom.  Asks for more help.  Shows film clips of atrocities, the killing of civilians, etc.  War crimes.  
Nice weather continues.  I have to get out.  Can’t bear to watch any more of the news.  
Note: A former Starbucks barista talks of dealing with difficult customers.  One trick: give them decaf.  
This: Odd little scene...towards evening the sidewalks in my neighborhood, weather permitting, begin to fill up, as in the prepandemic days.  A Black guy, walking a bit faster than everyone else, brushes into people as he passes them.  (There are few Blacks in the Lincoln Center area. Maybe that’s one reason he’s pissed off.)  Clearly he’s trying to get something started.  I watch him, after he’s brushed against me...he continues, but no one takes the bait.  
Movie.  “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.”  Not giving it my full attention, I didn’t realize it was a Quentin Tarantino movie.  I am (generally) not a fan.  Odd movie...moves at a clip...and offers an alternate conclusion to the Manson Family murders.  (Odd how Manson sought revenge on Terry Melcher [Doris Day’s son] and, though at the right address, murdered the wrong people. Cf “Helter Skelter” by Bugliosi.)
to be continued
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psychsounds · 7 years
Observations on Kick Kennedy
Protestant and Catholic separate communities in Boston
In her mémoires, Rose Kennedy describes Boston as having two societies, one of them almost entirely Protestant (mainly of English descent) and the other Irish Catholic.
Interesting (think about Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Boston policing, Catholicism).
The Kennedy parents methods
Planned parenthood, ‘exacting standards.’ Rose and Joe (Kennedy parents) set high standards for the kids.  For example, they prioritised fresh air and exercise, eating the right sorts of food, reading good books, encouraging the kids to contribute to family discussions around the table about politics.  Joe Kennedy wanted his children to be sleek and clean (in his own words, he did not want his children to be seen as fat Irish peasants).  ‘Thus the Kennedy children were raised as upper-class British children are, by the nanny and emotionally distant from their parents.’  It made them tough and independent but it also left psychological wounds.
All the children were ‘trust-fund’ babies.  They had the cushion of money, which also bestowed confidence but carelessness.
Most nights Joe and Rosemary would pick a newspaper article or a theme to discuss and encourage them to debate over dinner.  Namely, History or Geography, everyone was expected to have an opinion.
In parenting, the Kennedys viewed lived experience as better than classroom knowledge.
The younger children were expected to listen and contribute if and when they had something to add.  He drew them out, prodded them to back up their arguments and filled in the blanks.’   (106).  
Hollywood Scandal + Economic Depression
Research Fatty Arbuckle affair - the rape and murder of young starlet.
1926 Joe Kennedy becomes movie mogul for Columbia Films Inc.  Has an affair with Gloria Swanson (parallels with JFK’s relationship with Marilyn.)  Father imprinting behaviours?  “Boys will be boys!”
1929 Wall Street Crash, Joe Kennedy leaves movies due to financial losses.
Differences in education between Kennedy daughters and sons
Kick sent to Catholic school - Sacred Heart convent school.  She had a ‘lovely interest in all that was happening around her.’  Joe and Jack Kennedy sent to private school.  More money spent on elder boys educations?
Joe Kennedy’s career progression, mixture of religion, wealth and social connection
Joe Kennedy allied to Roosevelt and New York Times Head = beneficial for his career.
1936 Roosevelt’s landslide victory, Vatican Sec of State said he wished to meet Rosemary - the family are gaining influence within political and religious circles.    
Kick’s religious beliefs
Kick regularly attended midnight mass.  
Mum Rosemary and daughter Kick attend Soviet Russia
Rosemary and Kick go to Soviet Russia before WWII and remarked ‘the masses were really better off in a good many ways than they had been under the Czarist system.’(61).  Look at this critically, limited experiences - bourgeois, spoke with travel guides who have to up sell positives or would be denounced and sent to the gulag.  There were a great deal of dissidents that were anti-communist at that time.  
JKF visits UK, in touch with his Irish Catholic roots
JFK goes on a trip to Ross Castle, re-discovers Irish Catholic roots (72).  ‘When he returned, he saw England as the political anchor of Europe, the guarantor of peace between the arrogant Germans, complacent French, noisy Latins and Communist Russians.’  (packed with cultural stereotypes there).  Also Kennedy family treated like royalty by British aristocracy.
Kennedy family gather clout when they visit = model family
(76) ‘As Debo Mitford recalled, when they arrived it caused a sensation in London because no diplomat had ever arrived with nine children before.’
Link between Mitfords and Kennedys = same social circles, similar methods of parenting, old money, privilege etc.
Young Joe Kennedy remarks about Unity, “she is the most fervent Nazi imaginable, and probably in love with Hitler.”
Kick becomes party of debutante high society circles
Kit attends the same debutante parties as Debo Mitford (high society, concerned with using ‘successful marriage’ to protect private property.)
Joe uses his social connections to give Kick a prosperous start
Father Joe pulls some strings and gets Kick a job at a newspaper office.  Kicks boss Waldrop recalled that ‘soon after Kick began working for him, he was called up by Joe Kennedy with an invitation to dinner..Waldrop also knew that Joe was sussing him out, ever careful of his adored daughter.  Joe might have said ‘get out and get a job,’ but he wanted it to be the right sort of job and environment.’  (164).  (You know what I’m going to say about this and middle / upper-class protectionism that w. class people do not have.)
Pre-WWII decadence, affluent partying of summer of 1939 had even greater intensity than Season of 38.  Think about this, in terms of decadence and decline.  Just before societal shifts or breaks in structure occur, the level of debauchery and ‘end of world’ opportunism increases.  (Parallel this with 20s decadence before Wall Street Crash, 60s Cold War parties, even late 80s East Berlin before Wall is destroyed.)
On WWII bombing warfare, ‘some perished as the powerful blast sucked the air of their lungs, a deadly phenomenon which caused the victim to display no outwards signs of injury, but instead they were statue-like, frozen in the post they’d been in at the moment of impact.’  (154).
Sister Rosemary’s forced lobotomy
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farroupimblog · 3 years
“O Novo Normal”- Totalitarismo-Transhumanismo = Crédito Social. https://farroupim.com/
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Segundo uma narrativa oriental um rei mostrou um elefante a vários cegos. Mas a nenhum deixou apalpar o elefante inteiro. Lhes disse apenas que era um elefante. Mais tarde os reuniu a todos e perguntou: “O que é um elefante?” Um elefante é como um leque, dizia o que ficou perto das orelhas, o que ficou perto da perna dizia que era uma árvore, outro perto do rabo dizia que era como uma escova…. Cada um além de expor a sua narrativa, queria impor a sua visão no meio da uma gritaria. Tendo acabado tudo à pancada, sem que se chegassem à verdade.
A conclusão é óbvia, muitos perdem o tempo a discutir entre si, incorrendo na contradição das pessoas que só vêm uma parte da realidade e da verdade.
Nas redes sociais ou eventos físicos, temos discussões com pessoas de opiniões firmes, no entanto, na ética da vida, vemos os chavões do costume com apenas o superficial, apenas aplicam em sua mente uma só das vertentes humanas, as restante ficam eclipsadas ou inexistentes, com o perigo de se enfrentar cegamente com aqueles que contemplam outra distinta.
O erro quase sempre vem de ver as coisas sem a conveniente perspectiva, pegada a uma rua afunilada, sem chegar a uma síntese. Por isso se confundem realidades distintas(panteísmo) ou se divide ou contrapõe ao unitário(dualismo). O segundo caso se apresenta como uma bifurcação: Jesus, Deus ou homem? A Bíblia, palavra de Deus ou dos homens? Imortalidade da alma ou existência ressuscitada? O erro nasce quando se opta por um dos temas.
Aristóteles começa sua Metafísica destacando a ânsia humana em adquirir conhecimento: “ todo o homem tem um desejo natural em adquirir conhecimento”. Posso concordar, constatando que o conhecimento abarca uma série de temas, embora a realidade demonstre, quando se trata por exemplo da imprensa tradicional, jornais, televisões, tudo aquilo é mastigado sem que ninguém pergunte nada: quem é o cozinheiro? Fresquidão dos ingredientes? Etc. Enfim, toda aquela palha, é tudo tido como da melhor qualidade, mesmo que o aspecto seja como um excremento, um enorme estrume decomposto, ninguém se dá ao trabalho de cheirar, examinar, observar com atenção, fazer perguntas. Excepto quando alguns provam, os que têm melhor paladar, ou quando chega a hora do pasto começar a dar azia, diarreia, vómitos, febres, refluxo, e o paciente precisar de uma unidade de cuidados intensivos.
Isto leva a que na Dinamarca, um político liberal no sentido ibérico, alertasse em vídeo para uma proposta de lei epidémica bolshevik, do partido social democrata e da sua líder Mette Frederiksen, em obrigar tudo e todos a vacinas compulsórias, confinamentos, gulags, campos de concentração, passaportes intravenosos, tudo muito high-tech e humanista, vindo de um partido que herdeiro “estado social de bem estar”, bem estar do estado, herdeiro de um  promotor da guerra, uma herança que já está a dar lugar a muitos internados. Afirmava o dito senhor que na educação dinamarquesa não falta vontade aos professores e decisores da educação, de enfiar máscaras nos alunos, tendo também sido proposto como trabalho aos alunos escrever “um texto de forma positiva, sobre uma de duas personalidades: Obama ou Bill Gates. Hello!!!
Um prato indigesto, é preciso ter vários estômagos para o digerir, só que os ruminantes possuem vários, os humanos não.
Vamos a alguns exemplos.
Na União Soviética, nem mesmo a casa era um refúgio para os ouvidos do estado totalitário, Svetlana Aleksievitch narra no seu livro que é um monumento ao sofrimento, se aproveitava para falar na cozinha com o rádio ligado. O historiador Orlando Figes, em seu livro The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin’s Russia, cita a memória de uma mulher soviética de sua infância:
“Fomos criados para manter a nossa boca fechada. ‘Você terá problemas com a sua língua’ — isso é o que as pessoas diziam para nós, crianças, o tempo todo. Passamos a vida com medo de falar. Minha mãe costumava dizer que todas as outras pessoas eram informantes. Tínhamos medo dos vizinhos e principalmente da polícia … Ainda hoje, se vejo um policial, começo a tremer de medo ”.
Porque será que existem tantas pessoas que outrora viveram no bloco soviético e dizem encontrar grandes semelhanças com a sociedade ocidental de hoje?
Há dias ouvi de uma dinamarquesa amedrontada com o vírus da moda: “temos de nos cuidar uns aos outros, temos de ter responsabilidade com o próximo, você ao não usar máscara está a comprometer a sociedade”, como o grande reset prevê abolir a propriedade privada, há-de haver um dia que esta senhora denuncia a colega de quarto de não tomar a vacina, não usar máscara, de não ter lavado as mãos com a sopa salvítica. Svetlana Aleksievitch conta uma história verídica que acabou em suicídio, quando descobriu nos arquivos do KGB depois de 18 anos nos campos de concentração, que a denúncia partiu da pessoa que lhe criou a filha, porque simplesmente tinha inveja do quarto.
À luz da Lei de crimes de ódio e ordem Pública apresentada por um governante do Partido Nacional Escocês. Em depoimento perante um comitê parlamentar o mês passado, o secretário de Justiça, Humza Yousaf, disse acreditar que o alcance da lei proposta deve abranger palavras faladas na privacidade nas casas das pessoas. Quando isto se tornar lei, os pais aprendem a temer os filhos, treinados nas escolas do rígido catecismo das ortodoxias da “justiça social”. E não apenas ler a Bíblia ou o Alcorão para os filhos, mas simplesmente possuir um determinado livro, poderá levar um escocês ao banco dos réus sob a acusação de “possuir materiais inflamatórios”. J.K. Rowling, em princípio, seria presa, simplesmente por ter defendido as mulheres biológicas diante de militantes transgéneros — nem as suas convicções políticas de esquerda seria atenuante. Os que se opõem a isto correm o risco de serem considerados fanáticos, teóricos da conspiração, irresponsáveis, pessoas que precisam de ser reeducadas, no Canadá já há campos de concentração para separar os “contaminados”, não será preciso muito perspicácia para perceber que os motivos não são a saúde, mas políticos.
Mesmo que o projecto de lei sobre crimes de ódio não se transforme em lei, o fato de uma legislação tão chocantemente totalitária ter chegado tão longe é um sinal muito sombrio dos tempos. O projecto é mais um exemplo de totalitarismo terapêutico, marchando pelas instituições das democracias liberais ocidentais, reescrevendo leis, regulamentos e códigos sociais de acordo com uma “lógica terapêutica”: tornar a vida “mais segura” para as minorias raciais, sexuais e religiosas.
Isto leva a que um casal cristão donos de uma pizzaria em Indiana, tivessem de fechar por tempo indeterminado, no twitter apelava-se à in“tolerância”, o incêndio do negócio com os donos lá dentro, o negócio recusou fornecer serviços a um casal gay, o que nos leva a confronto entre liberdades dos gays versus liberdades religiosas. Custava muito ir a uma pizzaria de gays, ser atendido por gays, servido por gays, eu quando quero ir à missa, como sou católico, vou a um templo católico, não vou a uma madrassa arranjar problemas. O problema também está na agenda dos políticos, que utilizam as minorias para aumentar o poder. Se os políticos estivessem preocupados com os gays começavam logo por alertar que tais práticas reduzem a esperança de vida para 35 anos nos transgéneros, nos casais gays para os 54. Não parece assunto de menor importância quando temos tanta preocupação com os gays.
Eles também vêem a categorização das pessoas pela esquerda de acordo com os padrões da política de identidade, e julgando-os com base nessas categorias, como uma repetição do totalitarismo marxista. No bloco soviético, a classe social determinava o status e o destino. Você não era julgado com base em seu carácter, mérito, e acções individuais, mas sim como um representante de sua classe. Na Argentina o porta-malas do Soros, Alberto Fernandez diz que é preciso acabar com a meritocracia e promover a “justiça social”. Em nossa época, a classe social deu lugar à identidade racial, sexual e outras formas de identidade.
Essa é a essência do totalitarismo. O autoritarismo é uma condição em que a vida política é controlada por um único líder ou partido, mas as pessoas são mais ou menos livres, daí os portugueses terem votado Salazar como a personalidade do século XX. O totalitarismo é uma forma extrema de autoritarismo, a pior de todas, em que toda a vida é considerada política. O autoritário quer apenas sua obediência política, o totalitário quer sua alma.
Os médicos nos Estados Unidos observaram um aumento de quatro vezes em meninas adolescentes que fazem cirurgias de transição de género em 2016/2017. Na Grã-Bretanha, o aumento na última década foi de impressionantes 4.400%. Em seu livro lançado em Agosto, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters”, a repórter do Wall Street Journal, Abigail Shrier, investiga porquê. Ainda não o li, com estas quarentenas impostas tenho livros que demoram mais de dois meses a chegar, o que antes era questão de uma semana. De qualquer maneira estes já são os dados que deviam alarmar qualquer alma, como a cartilha da ONU, braço político da Nova Ordem Mundial, para retirar soberania aos povos e transferir para as elites não eleitas, está a destruir de forma irreversível as crianças de hoje e as próximas gerações. A ideologia do género é uma ferramenta de poder, tirânica, a pior de todas.
O aborto é a maior causa de morte do planeta, todos os que nos apresentaram outrora estas “evoluções” como muito humanistas, fazem a devida censura na consequente depressão pós-aborto, nos riscos que o aborto comporta, nos interesses financeiros por detrás que têm comprado políticos que são recompensados com reformas na ONU, nas histórias dos que não abortando estão felizes por não o terem feito, e claro, não lhe pesa uma grama por terem assassinado milhões de seres humanos, que não estão mais aqui para se lamentar. Esta gente diz-se muito científica, no entanto, o aborto contradiz todos os manuais e de embriologia, há um ser humano, apenas precisa de protecção uterina e que lhe respeitem os direitos humanos.
Quem nos promoveu estas pautas? Não são os mesmos que nos têm proposto: o covid como uma pandemia, a revolução sexual como uma evolução, o antisemitismo, a ideologia do género como avanço nos direitos, o apartheid e ao mesmo tempo o comunismo do terrorista Mandela que resultou num apartheid ao contrário que assassina brancos e lhes retira a propriedade, apenas por serem brancos, ou toda revolução comunista em África como uma libertação das garras do colonialismo e do capitalismo opressor, ou o informe “Kissinger”, ou dos mesmos que deram um prémio nobel ao Obama da paz, pasme-se, ao Mandela que foi toda a vida classificado como terrorista, treinado pelo KGB, que metia dentro de pneus a arder, os que se atravessavam na revolução comunista, apresentando ao mundo estas personagens como grandes salvadores do comunismo a cair de podre e de popularidade. Os mesmos que nos têm propostos o Grande-Reset, O Novo Normal, o Aquecimento Global e a nova profeta, a Greta, uma menina que é usada e abusada pela elite global para implantar os seus projectos de eugenia e poder totalitário.
Não é e admirar que sejam as mesmas pessoas, as mesmas ideias, os arquitectos são na sua maioria mações panteístas, uma seita que se encontra em contradição permanente, inimigos do ser humano e até dos próprios animais, a eugenia é o objectivo perseguido, o panteísmo é o marketing. O gnosticismo, dispensa Deus da equação, com um ódio visceral ao Cristianismo, a salvação é obtida através de um Grande Arquitecto do Universo, o portador da luz, do suposto conhecimento salvítico, o “deus” ciência, eutanásia e o aborto são relativizados e até necessários para “salvar o planeta”. Os rituais são reveladores, contra Deus, um recambolesco argumento que protege os graus mais altos (Albert Pike) e sustenta assim mais abaixo o mistério, um marketing perfeito para manter rebanho útil e ganhar tentáculos. Já conseguiram em 300 anos colonizar quase todos os organismos de opressão que eles próprios fundaram. Todos partilham a solução de redução da população em níveis realmente assustadores, a eugenia é um dos troncos da árvore que implementam com financiamento em várias frentes, nomeadamente ONGs,daí que apareceu a nova profissão “activista”. As mesmas pessoas que o promovem de forma discreta, são os donos das farmacêuticas, das clínicas de aborto, das patentes de um novo antibiótico que é necessário e específico para aplicar escamas de peixe num excerto para “troca de sexo”, mutilação, de modo a não causar choque repulsivo, uma mutilação que custa 500 000 dólares promovida através da ferramenta de poder — Ideologia do género. A Engenharia Social produzida no Instituto Tavistock, nas fundações dos socialistas fabianos, pelas mesmas famílias de sempre, Rotschild/Rockefeller/Ford/Bill Gates/Soros/Warren Buffet, entre outros da grande mídia, agora com os gigantes do Big Tech a aportar com quantidades maciças de dinheiro assim como o braço armado da censura, ou com a lavagem cerebral em massa, que resulta por exemplo em que pessoas normais pensem que Biden é o presidente eleito nos estados unidos, ou que um embrião não é um ser humano desde a concepção, ou que o transhumanismo proposto no falso Capitalismo 4.0 não vá a ter repercussões tremendamente nefastas e irreversíveis para a saúde do indivíduo.
Em julho, o Barclays informou a Mike Davidson, fundador da Core Issues Trust, que o banco encerraria suas contas em Setembro, devido às suas práticas terapêuticas.
A Core Issues Trust oferece suporte para indivíduos com atracção indesejada pelo mesmo sexo “que procuram voluntariamente abandonar comportamentos e sentimentos homossexuais”.
Também chamada de “terapia reparadora”, essa terapia foi amplamente condenada por muitas “organizações psiquiátricas” que sucumbiram ao politicamente correcto e à tirania, pois há muitos médicos em off a afirmar que se consegue tratar a homossexualidade, quando o médico dinamarquês Peter C. Gøtzsche faz a denuncia com propriedade dos medicamentos para tratamento de doenças psíquicas, a ineficácia em mais de 90% deles e as mortes que causam, os crimes da indústria farmacêutica são assuntos tabu. No entanto, o actual primeiro-ministro Boris Johnson, conservador apenas de nome, prometeu eventualmente banir a Core Issues Trust no Reino Unido, se Mike Davidson fosse fundador da Pfizer, o Barclays também se atreveria a fechar a conta? Será que o pseudo-conservador Boris Johnson atrevia-se a tentar banir a Pfizer do Reino Unido? Quando a Pfizer não cumpre com a transparência dos passos para aprovação dos medicamentos, ou falsifica testes e métodos, e o historial é gigante neste campo, os decisores políticos pretendem aplicar vacinas compulsórias ao mesmo tempo que isentam de responsabilidades as farmacêuticas por futuras contra-indicações. Bem vindos ao Admirável Mundo Novo. James Poulos chama-lhe Pink Police State. Uma distopia que parece passar despercebida segundo alguns professores universitários, raros são os alunos que ao apresentar o livro de Aldous Huxley a reconhecem.
Vamos chamá-la de Laura. Em Setembro, Laura estava no centro da cidade de Leeds fazendo compras, quando seu cartão foi recusado. Ela não tinha a conta no vermelho. Mas essas coisas acontecem, correu para o próximo caixa de levantamento. Mas o cartão dela também não funcionou. Ela tentou outro. Com o mesmo resultado. Laura abriu o aplicativo do banco em seu telefone. Dizia apenas ‘erro’, depois fechava automaticamente. Ela finalmente abandonou suas compras e foi para a filial mais próxima do Santander. Lá, o bancário parecia tão perplexo quanto ela. Após cerca de uma hora de espera, Laura foi chamada ao escritório do gerente.
“Vou ler uma declaração para você”, disse o gerente. “Mas não vou ser capaz de responder a nenhuma de suas perguntas depois disso.”
Ele leu em voz alta:
“Nós bloqueamos sua conta bancária. Não podemos fornecer mais informações. Poderemos entrar em contacto no futuro com mais informações. Mas não sabemos quando será. ”
Ela poderia ter seu dinheiro? Não. Mas como ela deveria voltar para casa? Afinal, ela morava a 13 quilómetros de Leeds. Aparentemente, este não era o “negócio” do banco. Frequentemente, Laura telefonava para o atendimento ao cliente do Santander. Eles responderam: não estavam interessados ​​na reclamação dela e não iriam levar isso adiante. Enquanto isso, sua renda de casa, pedidos permanentes e débitos directos se acumulavam, as multas e penalidades atrasadas cresciam em torno deles, enquanto a vida mergulhava no caos.
Quase um mês depois, ela recebeu uma carta de Santander:
De acordo com os termos e condições … podemos retirar facilidades bancárias a qualquer momento e, de acordo com a política da empresa, não fornecemos mais detalhes.
A conta foi encerrada. Sem ironia aparente, o dinheiro devolvido em cheque.
Laura podia ser qualquer um de nós. Mas ela também é Laura Towler, uma das fundadoras da Alternativa Patriótica. Towler é branca e faz campanha contra a migração em massa e, ocasionalmente, faz publicações para seus seguidores do Telegram. Parece que Towler foi expulso de Santander por causa de suas opiniões. Mas de acordo com as condições do banco, isso não ficou claro.
Por uma estranha coincidência, no mesmo mês, a mesma coisa aconteceu com Mark Collett, seu co-fundador da Patriotic Alternative. Só que Collett não faz transações bancárias com o Santander — ele é com o HSBC. De alguma forma, a mesma coisa também aconteceu, em diferentes países, com os principais jovens brancos da Europa: Brittany Pettibone e Martin Sellner.
A coincidência é abundante no mundo moderno. No ano passado, do outro lado do Atlântico, várias figuras conservadoras quando acordaram já não tinham conta no JP Morgan. Eles eram o presidente dos Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio, ex-funcionário do InfoWars Joe Biggs, Laura Loomer associada ao Projeto Veritas e Martina Markota, uma artista de performance coadjuvante de Trump.
Ainda não percebeu caro leitor o que lhe estou a apresentar? Isto é o sistema de crédito social da China. Tudo o que estamos a viver é o grande sonho comunista.
A China tem já 200 milhões de câmaras de reconhecimento facial, tudo integrado, o povo é controlado como se fosse um robô, há relatos de pessoas a reclamar que na vez da sua foto tem um número, “eu não sou um número eu sou uma pessoa”e não é um número qualquer para o identificar, é a pontuação social.
Mas por que essas pontuações importam? Com base na leitura de documentos do governo chinês, as consequências de uma pontuação ruim:
“… Pessoas com classificações baixas terão velocidades de internet mais lentas; acesso restrito a restaurantes, discotecas ou campos de golfe; e a retirada do direito de viajar livremente ao exterior com, cito, “controle restritivo sobre o consumo em áreas de férias ou negócios de viagens”. As pontuações influenciarão os pedidos de aluguer de uma pessoa, sua capacidade de obter seguro ou empréstimo e até benefícios de previdência social. Cidadãos com baixa pontuação não serão contratados por determinados empregadores e serão proibidos de obter alguns empregos … ”
Um relatório recente de Peter Dockrill no ScienceAlert explica a natureza abrangente do sistema:
“Para actos pessoais e sociais positivos — como pagar contas em dia, fazer caridade e separar adequadamente o lixo, os cidadãos aumentam sua pontuação, o que lhes dá acesso a vantagens, como melhores facilidades de crédito, transporte público mais barato e até tempos de espera mais curtos para os serviços hospitalares.
O World Economic Forum é apenas mais um organismo vassalo dos tecnocratas e do partido comunista chinês. Este é o “Grande-Reset” e todo o aparato de quarentenas que não existe na china, pois lá já está implantado, não é necessários vírus ou cataclismos climáticos convenientes.
Há dias Ricardo Arroja um elemento da Iniciativa Liberal, doutorado, todos na IL são doutorados e muito eruditos, só não conseguem ou não sabem explicar o que deviam, R. Arroja fez um artigo superficial, causa indigestão tanta inocência, o tema era o dinheiro digital, acontece que dinheiro digital já temos, o Bitcoin, e o consenso não é obtido por monopólio de políticos e tecnocratas não eleitos, sendo o projecto de dinheiro digital dos donos do mundo em conluio com o partido comunista em acabar com o dinheiro físico tem outros fins mais escabrosos. R. Arroja não teve coragem de denunciar que o fim desta intenção é principalmente implantar o sistema de controlo social já a funcionar na china, os mesmos que fazem aí umas declarações anti-trump, indignados com a “iliberdade”.
Já percebeu porque a conferência de imprensa mais importante dos últimos 50 anos, dos advogados de Trump, no dia 19/11/2020, não deu manchetes em nenhum jornal, não foi apresentada em directos com a importância devida devida, goste-se ou não de Trump?
Todo este artigo serve como alerta, pois até aqueles que se apelidam de liberais, por ignorância ou por interesses pessoais, escondem a verdade, os inimigos do povo não são só aqueles que estão instalar o totalitarismo, são também aqueles que vivem das mentiras. O grande anti-comunista dissidente Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn acreditava que o problema da modernidade era espiritual e não político. Ele afirmava que os fundamentos do totalitarismo era a mentira(censura), avisava para “não vivam da mentira”, por isso mesmo que a Igreja católica tem dogmas. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn também denunciava que um dos problemas do homem é que tinha abandonado Deus.
O autor do Arquipélago Gulag deixou um alerta:
Há sempre uma fé nesta falácia: “”não seria o mesmo aqui, aqui tais pensamentos são impossíveis.” Infelizmente, todo o mal do século XX é possível em qualquer lugar da terra.
Alguma Bibliografia:
“All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept a New World Order.” David Rockefeller
“This pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” Klaus Schwab (WEF)
“The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perception.” — Henry Kissinger
Mark J. Perry, “The environmental costs of renewable energy are staggering,” fee.org, September 15, 2019
Philip Rossetti, “What it costs to go 100 Percent renewable,” americanforum.org, January 25, 2019
“Germany’s renewable energy program, Energiewende, is a big expensive failure,” energyskeptic.com, July 20, 2019
Paul Driessen, “How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels?”, wattsupwiththat.com, March 16, 2020
Tom Finnerty, “The false promise of affordable green energy,” principia-scientific.com, November 14, 2020
Frederic Simon, “Eleven million jobs at risk from EU green deal, trade unions warn,” euractiv.com, March 9, 2020
Hayden Ludwig, “The green road to serfdom,” capitalresearch.org, December 24, 2019
Jack Crowe, “AOC’s chief of staff admits the green new deal is not about climate change,” nationalreview.com, July 12, 2019
0 notes
momzoneonline · 4 years
MOVING TO CANADA IS A JOKE...The Economic, Military, and Social Integration of North America
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Eh? I can think of scores of reasons to move to Canada (or opt for the Mexican Riviera) . . . any place but Babylon the Great: The USA. The War in Iraq . . . or better yet: The entire Military-Industrial Complex sucking the life-blood out of Americana for starters. Or, how about the whole hedonistic culture of greed, avaricious appetites, and super sizing all things godly and ungodly--from Hollywood to Mega Churches; indeed, ours is a "city set on a hill which cannot be hid" but the closer you get to this glittering jewel, the more it resembles the "Little Shop of Horrors," you know, that flesh-eating plant crying out: Feed me, Seymour! Conspicuous consumption of a nation which spends $1.8 Billion more each day than the whole earth combined and finds herself some $14 Trillion in debt (National Debt + Balance of Payment/Trade Debts) is a bit too much, wouldn't you say?--after all, she represents but 5% of the world's population.
Come on, half the eagle is in a declared state of emergency and the overt identification by Big Brother of all things human is prepared and/or is itching to pounce upon American liberties once thought sacrosanct by both the ACLU and the NRA by euphemistic legislation called Patriotic Acts, and finally, a cashless society where all of us are implanted with chips awaiting true identity and debit through scanning devices at your local Safeway.
The clock is ticking. Peak oil, where American's "zero sum game" is played out--for you to gain I must loose--refuses to share her bounty with the Asian tigers of China and India; and, of course, they are more than pleased with our indulgence. Like Rome, our legions amongst the world's "provinces," are stretched thin--and the draft can't be all that far off if we're to maintain our economic edge and SUV-lifestyle (latest stats for the past two years show that 58% of all vehicles purchased in the USA are SUVs, pickups, or plain old gas guzzlers). And, as if these outrageous consequences weren't enough to abandon ship--toss in the worst natural disaster ever to afflict the homeland: Katrina; man, wait till we finance that one!
So . . . isn't it about time to flee to Canada or head for the Mexican Riviera? Eh? Canada's a safe haven for pot-people and same-sex marriage is the rage. Crime's relatively low compared to the lower 48 and the death penalty's been outlawed for nearly thirty years. Finally, most of the 125,000 Viet-Nam Era draft dodgers who fled to Canada stuck around and now constitute the leading edge of all the above progressive life-style. Wow, we're talkin' about socialized medicine for all--a veritable paradise compared to the inflictions of them patriots down under. Cheap drugs (includes tons of cannabis), affordable housing, tiny military budget, etc., etc.--a little cold, but you'll get used to it.
Finally, if Hollywood's collective apoplexy over President Bush's election can be believed--we're outta here . . . a few of these righteous indignations (unfulfilled) are duly noted, if for nothing else, their entertainment value. Notwithstanding the Hollywood stars and directors who claimed exodus was their only option under Bush--Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Michael Moore, Robert Altman, Lynn Redgrave, Pierre Salinger (now deceased), and Cher--all found the allure of Babylon on the Hudson irresistible; so much for leftist vibratos. Misquoted or just plain fluff--they all abide within the walls of the crystal palace celebrating the party atmosphere, as they star in a movie sequel to the "Left Behind Series" entitled: Talk is Cheap, Follow Us falling in love with a single mom quotes.
Patriots would exclaim we're selling off and out America; globalists would see dollars galore; socialists would see an on-going rip off; and a whole bunch of people in the middle could care less (a.k.a. "victims anonymous").
Meanwhile Deanna Spingola in "Building a North American Community" (July 15, 2005) keeps telling it like it is:
"While our sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers having been spilling their blood in the sands of Iraq under the guise of restoring the country to the Iraqi citizens, our president is in the process of giving our country to the elite One World Order insiders. While our president is requiring protected borders in Iraq, he is obliterating, not only our southern, but our northern borders." Actually, Deanna (and you've got to read her entire article) is referring to the Bush/Fox/Martin meeting (USA/Mexico/Canada) held at Baylor University in Waco, Texas on 23 March 2005, where they were busy about establishing the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" - to wit, the SPPNA's troika:
"We, the elected leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, have met in Texas to announce the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
"Over the past decade, our three nations have taken important steps to expand economic opportunity for our people and to create the most vibrant and dynamic trade relationship in the world (i.e., NAFTA; my insert). Since September 11 2001, we have also taken significant new steps to address the threat of terrorism and to enhance the security of our people. "But much still remains to be done. In a rapidly changing world, we must develop new avenues of cooperation that will make our open societies safer and more secure, our businesses more competitive, and our economies more resilient.
"Our Partnership will accomplish these objectives through a trilateral effort to increase the security, prosperity, and quality of life of our citizens. This work will be based on the principle that our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary, and will reflect our shared belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic values and institutions. It will also help consolidate our efforts within a North American framework, to meet security and economic challenges, and promote the full potential of our people, by reducing regional disparities and increasing opportunities for all."
Now don't go conspiratorial on me . . . hee-hee . . . don't need to . . . let the truth speak for itself:
It was on May 17, 2005 the CFR formalized its "Independent Task Force" to review at length the parameters of such a three-pact agreement among the USA, Canada, and Mexico. This 31-member force de jure was chaired by John F. Manley, Pedro Aspe, and William F. Weld and vice-chaired by: Robert A. Pastor, Thomas P. d'Aquino, Andrés Rozental. Cooperating with the CFR's efforts were the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales.
Indeed, the composite document released by the aforementioned is the very title of Spingola's article . . .
No wonder that Spingola and other American patriots view this as the "Great American Give-a-way!"
Take a gander at their timid prognostications and guess why moving to Canada's a joke . . .for what NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) could not destroy, FTAA (Free Trade Area/Agreement of the Americas . . . a.k.a. "Building a North American Community") fully intends:
"We are asking the leaders of the United States, Mexico, and Canada to be bold and adopt a vision of the future that is bigger than, and beyond, the immediate problems of the present . . . they could be the architects of a new community of North America, not mere custodians of the status quo." (Canadian co-chair, John P. Manley, Former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance). CHRISTIANS ARE THE MOST VULNERABLE
Now, listen to Spingola's assessment of all this--and, don't think she's some brainless Libertarian gone amok down in Texas somewhere . . .
"This basically means that Americans must give up their freedoms and hard won sovereignty along with all resources for the greater good of the 'New Community.' It is a socialistic equalization designed to make slaves of everyone in all three countries. This will occur as a result of the secret, subversive activities of our ruling elitist who have never sacrificed anything except their integrity. When it comes time to sell this socialistic venture, Bush will adopt his multipurpose 'Christian' stance and use every possible guilt maneuver to encourage this good hearted Christian country to open our hearts to the less fortunate. This is a ploy to make all of us less fortunate. There will be many who will fall for this scam under the pretext of Christianity. If we think Christians are media maligned now, just wait! We will be the most hated inmates in the camp!" Wow! Powerful projections here, right? I'm sure we'll somehow meet up with Spingola one day--if not in glory, then in some gulag cell contemplating how all of this got out of hand . . . I mean, if Shirley McClain went out on a limb, Spingola's going out on a twig:
"All of this is done under the facade of protecting us - from terrorists? The worse terrorists we face are those who serve in our government. Another day that shall live in infamy, 9/11, has done much to serve the purposes of those whose main goal is to establish the One World Order. What an opportunistic event! It couldn't have worked any better if they had planned it!" O CANADA - VIVA MEXICO - Life is good!
Of course most Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans can't stomach all of this unification at once; thus, the GREAT TRANSITION awaits us all:
Unified military command? Listen to what the CFR plans for your future:
1. Establish a common security perimeter by 2010. 2. Develop a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers. 3. Develop a unified border action plan and expand border customs facilities. The CFR web site is effusive in its sacrifice of sovereignty:
4. Create a single economic space: 5. Adopt a common external tariff. 6. Allow for the seamless movement of goods within North America. 7. Move to full labor mobility between Canada and the U.S. 8. Develop a North American energy strategy that gives greater emphasis to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases - a regional alternative to Kyoto. Hey, and let's shoot the gap - listen, we're talkin' INTEGRATION BIG TIME . . . and we're not whistling Di
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beepiesheepie · 2 years
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#these bitches rly said 'hey you know how our post human relatives have successfully made not only civilization but a galactic unified empire
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16 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 03:53:56 GMT
asteromorphs be like
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17 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 01:07:23 GMT
the tf2 mercs and what atla elements they’d bend cause you follow me and you signed up for my ramblings
this is literally gonna be that meme or mike wazowski hunched over and mike and that slug lady are looking at him like ‘wtf’. also these thoughts will not leave my brain until i write them down so feel free to ignore.
Scout: Airbender, hands down. Just look at him, look at everything he is and look at everything air represents. He’d likely be a rogue/non-monastery  airbender cause he’s so self absorbed and worldly attached that he can’t follow their customs (which also makes him a weaker airbender by default, why? see Kyoshi’s mom). Air is the element of freedom, fun, and humor, and just look at Scout, its his most defining traits. Imagine this kid just zipping around on the battlefield with a huge cloud of dust following him, or using a glider to fly in some way. He absolutely would.
Soldier: At first I thought he’d be a non bender, but then I began to think it over, and fire is what kinda bender he’d be (if he was one, he could still be a non bender). Fire is the element of power and passion, and not only can it become wild or unhinged in the wrong hands but it can be very destructive. That fits Soldier’s bill pretty well, he’s a passionate man of raw power. You could also make the argument he’s an Earthbender, what with his and its elements of machismo, courage, and physical strength, which Soldier is not lacking in. He could maybe bend lava if he was an Earthbender, and I don’t see him as a metalbender- metalbenders go through some form of major display of strength, something that forces them to be stronger than they are and work harder (see: Toph discovering metalbending and Toph teaching her metalbending students in the comics). Overall I’m pretty mixed on Soldier, but it is cool to imagine him using fire to blast himself upward or normally rocket jumping but when he comes down there’s a big wave of rocks going everywhere. If you have thoughts I’d love to hear them. Overall he’s more likely to be a fire or non bender in my eyes, non especially. (Imagine him going “I don’t need to throw fancy rocks or toss fireballs to shove this boot up your ass.”)
Pyro: It’s literally in the fucking name, its right there, their entire being, pyro. Firebender, hands down. Considering how mysterious Pyro is already I don’t know what else to say about them, but from my own personal vibes, I think they’d draw firebending from life, energy, passion, etc.
Engineer: I think this man’s an Earth and Metalbender, he’s courageous, strong physically (how else do you lift all those damn toolboxes), and generally a down to earth kinda guy. And of course he metalbends cause it’s Just A Very Engineer Thing. Also imagining this tiny lil dude earthbending massive rocks is really cool.
Heavy: Now hear me out. Waterbender. Yeah Heavy is a big dude, yeah he’s strong and masculine and powerful and huge and all that, but people forget- he’s a man of family. He has three sisters and a mom and they were shoved into a gulag at a young age. He’s also smart and has a PhD in Literature. He’s smart, and family oriented, and gets along with his team in game and out of the game. He protects and is a wall for those he cares about, which is a huge trait of waterbending. Feel free to share your own thoughts, I’d love to hear em.
Demoman: Tbh I don’t have that much on him. he strikes me as a nonbender, as a real Sokka kinda guy where his brains and strategic mind shine as a replacement for his no bending. Sticky traps and planning projectile arcs or using demoknight is a huge part of strategy when playing him. Also, combining alcohol and firebending never sounds like a good idea.
Medic: You’d think he’d be a waterbender cause of healing right? Lmao no this man gives 0 fucks for anyone near him, that’s a surface level analysis. This man strikes me as a nonbender. He heals using what he’s got and he doesn’t need no bending to magically fix things. Sweat and blood prevail.
Sniper: Also a nonbender. Doesn’t strike me as any of the four elements in any particular way, other than maybe air or water. Don’t have much thoughts on him either.
Spy: Oh my god I am so torn. On the one hand, he’s Scout’s father, and also imagine him as another rogue airbender, or maybe an ex monastery airbender so he has tattoos? Him being an airbender is solely for the rule of cool factor. On the other hand he could also be a nonbender, but having all the support classes be nonbenders is a bit disappointing. On the OTHER hand though, and I expect controversy for this, waterbender. He’s not the most community oriented, in fact he hates everything he works with, but this man absolutely would not hesitate to use bloodbending if it meant the job’s done stealthily, also, he has a weapon in the game that’s an ice spike. Not a lot of reasons for waterbending here I just think it’d be cool
Ok rant’s over I’m gonna eat a pint of ice cream ok byeeeeee
24 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 17:25:50 GMT
new machines be like
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65 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 22:15:04 GMT
does anyone have that post about how the kiss at the end of the legend of korra completely fucking changed everything in animation and how queerness is in animation today i need it for an essay
84 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 21:06:38 GMT
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