#graduate medicine
meddlecine · 11 months
Fixing broken hearts in med school.
The hardest part about med school hasn’t been med school itself. (Although, I’m scrunching my eyebrows up as I write this, so maybe that’s not entirely true).  The hardest part about med school has been having a boyfriend.  Maybe that’s why I don’t have one anymore.
I moved out of our apartment in January, just one week before starting my second year of medical school. We agreed that me moving out would be best for the relationship. He would take over the lease, and I wouldn’t have to worry so much about money. Up until that point, I felt like I’d tried everything, from dyeing my soul every colour under the sun in the hope that he would fall back in love with just one shade. I tried, I really, really did. But the exhaustion from meticulously choosing every word and placating my tone in the anticipation of the next thing to go wrong, was unlike anything else. He wasn’t being rude, he insisted, just being honest. And if I couldn’t take it, then that was my problem.  I’d been seeing a psychologist, who eventually, after many sessions, shared that she couldn’t believe how much effort I was putting into this sinking ship. She suggested couples’ counselling. He refused.
Had it been going on for some time? Of course it had, but there was never a ‘good’ time to end things (is there ever?). What a laughable concept! “I’m a little busy this week, maybe we can break up next Thursday at 7pm?” To make matters worse and prolong the inevitable even further, I was always determined that there was something that I hadn’t tried yet. It didn’t matter though, because it kept happening over, and over, and over. No matter what I tried to change about myself, nothing worked. Not even the happiest of occasions could blunt the edge I was skating on: I was a bridesmaid for my best friend from school, and felt more alive and glowing than I had in months. But despite every determination to keep the makeup pristine, I couldn’t help let a few tears slip during the ceremony. The vows were beautiful, it’s true, but I think that part of me was quietly grieving as I grew to understand that the guy attending that wedding with me would never, ever love me in the same unconditional way that the groom loves my best friend. And I knew that he would never want to try, because he told me so. It didn’t matter how beautiful I looked that day on the outside. On the inside, I couldn’t help but feel my heart sink as it caught up to my head.
My spirit and self-esteem had been slowly pushed further and further into the ground to the point that I believed that maybe he was right. Maybe I am difficult, and stubborn, and dismissive, and unappreciative. In desperation, I reached out to an old ex of mine, a gorgeous Parisian lawyer who was always kind, honest, and made me laugh. He admitted that although it’d been a long time since we were together, there was no reason to ever justify such outbursts of anger, and assured me that I wasn’t any of those things that I’d listed above. “But of course, you’re not perfect!” he added. I smiled and raised my eyebrows at the message, grateful for his candour, all the while thinking that I probably could’ve done without the last comment. It’s a shame things never worked out with him; I can only assume he is happy with his life in France, as he very much deserves, but he at least serves as a sobering reminder for how I should be treated. I paused and cast my mind back. Our time together is a memory long gone now, but I still remember enough to know that I missed how I felt when we were together: calm, safe, my cheeks often aching from laughing at his quick wit. All things that I didn’t have now. His one small message of kindness after all these years made me realise how miserable I really was.
Because, when I thought about it... could I survive the next 3 years of medical school, plus my training with chaotically unpredictable ups and downs? I’d heard that medicine puts a strain on your relationships, but with or without med school, I don’t think I could survive this. Just a week prior, only a few days before my final exams for the year, we’d had a fight. Another one. No matter my attempts of resolution, they were met with jagged stares of contempt and crushing silence, and so finally, after three days of drowning in an ocean of anxiety, I pleaded for some kind of resolve. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or study from the stress-induced migraines, and was a complete mess at the idea that I would lose my relationship and fail my exams. “So it’s my fault if you fail your exams?” he scoffed. He told me to get over it. I patched things up as best as I could, determined to not let someone who could be so indifferent towards my feelings be my downfall. Miraculously, I passed my exams. But I knew that next time I might not be so lucky.
Moving out bought me one more month.  It sucks, but everything was clearly crumbling around me.  It wasn’t all bad—no one gets into a relationship with someone who’s like this at the start. There were many wonderful, fun, whimsical moments in the years we were together, and the guy I left isn’t the guy I first met.  In the end we just...  weren’t the right fit for each other.  So, I may be alone now, but I’m okay with that. For now, I love talking to the patients and hearing their stories, and I love seeing someone’s eyes light up when I ask them how they met the love of their life.
Hopefully one day I’ll get to share mine.
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777cherryvanilla · 12 days
I want to study history I know I do but I also have the need to study science to prove I can be in STEM so badly but my passion is in history so moral of the story, whatever I choose- I will hate myself.
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machiattostudy · 1 year
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Samedi 11 février 2023 
Hello there how are you doing ? 
4 months left until graduation. 4 months before becoming a doctor :)) Life is rough and exhausting. Everyone is so stressed out and suspicious since they aren’t enough places for all of the students. I might chose internal medicine. 
I try to stay out of this toxic environnement. I hate competition. 
I hope you guys are doing good. May we all be walking safely and peacefully towards our goals. 
Take care. 
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 94
Danny has no clue what he’s just agreed to but Ellie seems happy about it, so it can’t be too bad. Ellie is honestly surprised but more than a little touched her template-dad gave her permission to let her new clone-union-totally-not-a-revolution use his lair as a home base. Now she just needs to help Klarion figure out how to make those portal-bracelets for each of them…
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nerdgirlnarrates · 3 months
Had to explain to my parents last night that women don’t pee out of their vaginas. And then they just didn’t believe me!!! My mother kept saying that she knows she only has two holes (?????????) until my dad made everyone move on.
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equinesandeducation · 2 months
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It is done!!! ☑️🎓 My thesis of veterinary medicine is finished, after taking a year in between my bachelor's and master's degree, so I could spend more time on it and also get my honours certificate! It was so much work, I was so so so nervous to present, but everything went great and our entire group got awarded their diploma's. So proud!! 🥹🥳
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My wedding ring (ft. my engagement ring) ^^ ❤️🔥
With my wedding dress (already previously shown here)
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After over 2 months away on externships, it’s proving very difficult to adjust back to normal rotations…
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angels-heap · 9 months
Trolls love to claim that there's no "proof" that Gordon didn't age in stasis (even though common sense, characters in the games, and Valve themselves all basically confirm this to be true), but it's so funny to me how bad faith actors love to overlook the most compelling proof:
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Look me in the eyes and tell me, with a straight face, that this recent, canon model is a representation of a nearly 50-year-old man. I fucking dare you.
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amedstudentonmeds · 2 months
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Due date is tonight😭
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scarfacemarston · 4 months
I know this is a long shot, but are there any historians or history graduate students willing to help me with my paper? It’s historiography and I just want opinions on that chapter of my thesis. I have no one to turn to, sadly, and the professor in charge hasn’t talked to me in months. :)/s
I’ll trade you something for your time.
If anyone is willing to reblog this for visibility, that would mean so much. I have no one to ask for help from so I’m desperate!
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meddlecine · 2 years
You haven’t studied, and it shows.
“What caused the jaundiced appearance in the patient?” the consultant asked expectantly of me.
“Errrr,” I paused, trying to give off an air that I had at least one piece of relevant information inside my head. The 5 other med students in my group stared nervously at me, probably grateful that they weren't being asked this question themselves. Or maybe they were nervous that I couldn’t answer such a simple question.
I looked up towards the ceiling as if that’s where the answer would be. (Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.) An uncomfortable amount of time had passed in silence, and disappointingly, the answer still hadn’t magically appeared in my mind. Eventually, I looked back at the consultant and muttered, “I’m not sure, sorry,” as if he didn’t already know that I had absolutely zero idea.
Without any acknowledgement, he fired out the next student’s name. “Right, Oliver, what’s the answer?”
“Excess bilirubin,” Oliver confidently answered without missing a beat. Damnit. I did know that one.
The cycle of questions continued over and over and over, the consultant either being so skilled at hiding his disappointment in my lack of ability to answer a single question today, or, he simply did not care. For weeks now I’d been prioritising my job and clients over my studies, and today, it showed.
We headed back to the elevator. “One last one for today,” he began. Oh gosh. Here we go. “What food is high in potassium?”, he asked. Finally, something I could answer.
“Bananas!” I spat out, beaming with pride that I could show that I had a glimpse of knowledge. Still counts as a win, right?
But... lesson learned. So, here’s a question that you can all answer. How should you never, ever turn up to the wards?
I’ll tell you: completely unprepared. 
Take it from someone who just spent the whole day feeling woefully out of her depth. Let’s hope that I manage to get my act together before our next placement day...!
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irhabiya · 5 months
there's so much about the way the medical field operates that i hate, from medical school to actual medical practice. so much of it just encourages these passionless, soulless practitioners who never had their hearts set on helping people in the first place and that translates in their work and affects real human lives
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I Passed My Boards
It's a preliminary result but still feels good. Now I'm starting to apply for my full license which is hella daunting but I'm making headway. I'm currently on my last vacation in residency. Then I'm in the hospital for the next three weeks, two weeks of days and a week of nights. But then it's June and I'm just in the clinic until residency finally FINALLY ends!!
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diy-fire-water-pups · 1 month
//hello to the mod! just wanna give a heads up about your blog's colors since they can get pretty straining to the eyes, other than that it's really cool! marshall! im gonna quiz you a little if you dont mind heh, (holds up TEN strips of juicy bacon)
number 1! hypothetically, if a person gets cardiac arrest what are the courses of action you should take? What if you don't know how to do CPR? I'm pretty sure you're trained to do CPR, but in the hypothetical situation where you don't, do you just do nothing while waiting for help to arrive?
number 2! what are the principles of radiation exposure?
number 3! Blood and bodily fluids must always be treated as ____________.
number 4! you came upon a casualty who has hit his head badly in a strange position: his legs are rigid and extended, with pointed and turned-in toes. his arms are straight and tense; his wrists are flexed outward and his fingers are curled, making his hands look like "e"s. Where do you think is the brain injury located?
and finally: what are the components of a fire tetrahedron?
you get two pieces of bacon for each correct answer, good luck!
A quiz? Sounds like a surprise test. Scary... But okay, let's see.
1- Well, this first one is easy. If you don't know how to perform CPR- and no, "I saw it in a movie" doesn't count as knowing how to do that- what you gotta do is call your local emergency number, like, immediately. You can't move the body under any circumstances, except if it's to take it away from risky situations such as explosion, fire, drowning, and even then, the most you can do is to place them on a flat surface and pull their head back up to open their respiratory tract. Now seriously, if you're not trained to do CPR, just DON'T, because you'll probably just make things WORSE. For example, if you do it wrong and blow air into their esophagus instead of their larynx, you'll risk making them throw up right on your face! 😖 Yuck!
2- Principles of radiation exposure... Justification, if exposure is really necessary or if it will bring benefits; Dose Limitation per individual and Optimization of Protection, like using as little exposure as possible and being as quick as possible. Now if you're talking about reducing exposure, then it's Time, Distance and Shielding, I guess.
3- Uh... Infectious substance, or object? I keep forgetting this.
4- What...? Okay, hold on, this is VERY specific, let me think. I didn't go that far with my training, I just work with whatever superficial injuries, sprains and fractures or broken bones. I leave specific stuff like that for the leveled up professionals at the actual hospitals, most I do in these cases is first aid to lessen further damage or blood loss, immobilization and take the victim to the nearest hospital for proper care. That being said... Hmm... Is it somewhere in the frontal lobe area? I forgot what it's called, but as far as I remember, that's the area responsible for limbs movement, so an injury there could result in limbs paralysis...? I think I'm shooting in the dark here.
5- Ah, now that's basic firefighting knowledge! The components of a Fire Tetrahedron are fuel, heat, oxygen, and a chemical chain reaction. You take any of these out, the fire will stop!
So... How did I go?
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(( As for the blog colors, just so other people know, we sorted things out with another ask already XD One way or another I already made a couple subtle changes in post background and text colors in this blog's theme, what I'm "unable" to change is the colors I'm using for each pup because these are the very Tumblr text editor colors, so I need to adapt everything else to make these readable enough. ))
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heardatmedschool · 3 months
“When are we getting our diplomas? (Yes, I have faith in myself).”
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