#gracefully glances at ur balls
z0mbclit · 6 months
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“No wonder people r homophobic this is scary AF!!”
Scene context: Motherfucker got spat on his face by a friends oc.
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ghostdrew22 · 3 years
angst fic where ravenclaw!reader has thalassophobia and is playing with the water by the shore in the dark lake with the necklace draco gave her before they broke up a few years back when the new girl he’s been going out with throws the necklace into the middle of the lake in spite, and the reader cannot afford to lose it djeiwis sorry if it’s messy u dont have to do it ure uncomfyyy
If you die, I’m going to kill you.
Jump In || Draco Malfoy
Requested: Yes Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: ANGST, a bit of swearing, panic attacks and thalassophobia mentioned. Summary: Years after breaking up with Draco you find that the last gift he gave you is still the only thing comforting you, and his new girlfriend doesn’t like that.
WORDS : 3546
Gleaming, twinkling Eyes like sinking ships on waters So inviting, I almost jump in
The crescent moon outside begs for your company and you oblige, preferring to be alone than stuck in a room full of people who pity you. You lift the bottom half of your dress from the ground and sneak out of the ballroom nonchalantly, anxiety dissipating as the soft breeze comes in contact with your face.
The sound of your heels clacking against the cobblestone fills the air as you walk toward the boardwalk hanging above the lake, and it reminds you of a time when Draco would bring you down here. The lake behind the Malfoy Manor has always been subject to your fear, and you rarely ever go toward it, but tonight you’ll do almost anything to feel alone and normal for once.
The tiny ripples forming on the surface send shivers running down your spine and you look up at the sky immediately in an attempt to subdue your anxiety. A few meters away lies the ballroom, full of dignitaries and old family friends of the Malfoy’s who attend their annually ball every time without fail, and you can hear the faint sound of laughter mixed with a beautiful crescendo. You shut your eyes, take a deep breath and drag your fingers up to your neck to toy with necklace lying around it, as you try to imagine that you’re anywhere else.
You’d thought that it would be easier, coming to the ball and seeing him with his new girlfriend, but it had proved to be a bigger challenge than you’d anticipated, and residual feelings that you’d been trying to stuff down for months had resurfaced like anchors being pulled up from the bottom of the sea. It reminded you of what he said that day, “I’m yours forever, even if you’re not mine.”, and the only thing that stopped you from running back into his arms was the chain hanging around your neck.
A silver chain with a midnight blue sapphire dangling on its end, worth one of your arms and a gift from the blond himself. He had given it to you as a promise, one to love you till the sun stopped rising, and at the time you had thought that it was the perfect gesture. But reality hit and you soon realized that a life with Draco Malfoy would be one filled with envy and uneasiness, and you knew then that you both deserved more.
The necklace’s monetary value reminds you that Draco belongs to a long and esteemed family line which demands attention that you cannot cope with. But the fact that it had been his proclamation of love reminds you that in order for you both to lead happy lives, you must be apart. The way it gleams beneath Chandeliers is so captivating that it always brings you back to earth; a life with Draco is inviting, but some invitations mustn’t be accepted.
But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
All eyes instantly fell on him the second that he appeared; sporting that notorious smile which always brought people to their knees, and a priceless suit that hugged his figure so well it made all the straight men positively envious. A true Malfoy; charming, rich, attractive, easily the whole package. You didn’t get a chance to speak with him because he was instantly preoccupied with the ramblings of his mother as she dragged him around the room with pride, showing off the son that she’d done such a good job at raising.
Draco’s life had always been politics and he’d been raised to invariably stand tall, look presentable, get good grades, converse well. You watched him in awe every time, admiring the grace and ease with which he conducted himself. But it made you wonder when he’d been taught the art of letting the spotlight go, to focus all of his attention on the one he loves instead of the search for approval. And the answer was that he hadn’t, Draco never grew out of the desire to have everyone’s praise and approval.
‘If everyone loves you, if everyone wants to either be you or be with you, then you’ve succeeded.’ He’d told you late one night after one these balls. You’d looked at him with pity, not having the heart to tell him that love and validation are not synonymous, and you’d hugged him so hard that somehow you both knew it was all coming to an end soon.
He grew up being a magnet to both jealousy and admiration, a symphony of applause being the background track to the movie of his life, and he didn’t know how to live any other way. When all you’ve ever known is lustful stares from fellow peers, stolen glances at the back of your head, and unbridled acclaim masked behind attraction, then it’s hard to put that life behind and settle for the love of only one person.
Walk past, quick brush I don't like slow motion, double vision in rose blush I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush Everybody wants you But I don't like a gold rush
He truly was magnificent though, even you couldn’t deny. Years ago, when he’d walked down the stairs in one of those clad black suits, he had met you at the bottom of the stairwell and you could’ve sworn that you were floating on cloud 9. He had smiled so brightly at the sight of you, had laughed so sweetly in the space of your ear, and fit so tightly into your side like it was a home made only for him, that you were intoxicated on the feeling of him and hadn’t noticed what was happening.
You were falling in love. You weren’t flying, no, you didn’t have wind beneath mystical wings that you’d somehow managed to grow. You were falling, and at a speed so treacherous that you didn’t even realise it was happening until it was too late. One day you were falling, and the next you were ruins buried so far into the ground that you couldn’t even tell where the earth stopped and you started.
Falling in love with him was fast, like a bullet train, but everything after was so slow that you felt as if you weren’t even moving at all.
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominos I see me padding 'cross your wooden floors With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town we wandered 'round had never seen a love as pure as it And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea 'Cause it could never be
Promises to run away together and start a life somewhere off in a distant town.
Fingertips, laced with the narcotic effect of young love, tracing lines across the expanse of each other’s faces and trying to figure out which of the other’s features would be inherited by your children.
Dreams about a time when your lives would no longer be dictated by the paths your parents had set out for you, but instead by the spontaneity and reassurance that came with endearment.
Tastes of tea replaced instead with the taste of each other as long-forgotten tisanes made home on bedside tables because you both got lost in the haze of tenderness.
Arguments about mundane and useless concepts that would go on for longer than necessary, because he insisted on disagreeing with everything, and always ended with your acute responses.
Lives that had once lacked passion, that had once been so dull they compared to Snape’s drawling, instead replaced with all the colours that the world had to offer.
It was the perfect life, the one you two had planned.
But it was too perfect to ever be real.
You take a deep breath and unhook the necklace to observe it once more, hoping that it’ll provide some comfort for the ache in your chest.
'Cause I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick brush I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush Everybody wants you But I don't like a gold rush
“Y/N.” A voice slurs behind you.
You turn with furrowed eyebrows and roll your eyes when you see who it is, “Pansy.”
“Don’t be rude.” She hisses and hiccups as she stumbles toward you, “What are you doing out here?”
“Could ask you the same thing.” You narrow your eyes at her, “Are you drunk?”
“Just a tad.” She replies as she hiccups again and finally stands before you. You watch silently as she gracefully sits on the wood below her, making sure not to create creases in her dress or fall over in her heels.
“Shouldn’t you be in there? On his arm like a trophy?” You ask, and inwardly groan when you hear how jealous you sound.
“Probably.” She shrugs and looks out into the water. “It doesn’t matter though, I’m not you.”
She looks up and into your eyes, you look away immediately. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to take from that.”
“Yes, you do.” She states bluntly, “He told me why you left him. That was really selfish of you.”
You gasp and turn to look at her, “How dare you? You have no idea-“
“No, actually, I do.” She gets up from the ground swiftly as a fire rages in her eyes, “You think I don’t know what it’s like to be like him? We’re the same, we were practically raised on the same blueprint. Despite what you think, there’s a lot more to the issue than what lays on the surface.”
“Oh and I guess you have all the answers?” You spit out with a scoff.
“I thought Ravenclaws were meant to be smart.” She shakes her head and hiccups as she turns to face the water, “Draco’s entire life has always just been this.” Pansy turns and gestures toward the Manor with a grimace.
“It’s always been about being the best in the room, just so that he can earn five seconds of approval from his parents. But you came, and you showed him more, you gave him a glimpse of what love feels like. Then, because you were scared and couldn’t hack it, you left him.” She continues and you grip the necklace tightly in anger.
“That’s not what happene-“
“How can you possibly expect him to come back to me, to this bullshit, when he’s experienced actual happiness? How is he supposed to come back from you?” She finally turns to face you and you hear a slight crack in her voice with the last words, “I love him so much and if I could make him half as happy as you do then I would.”
“You can.” You breathe out shakily, “If you two try a little more then you’ll realise why it just makes sense.”
“Love isn’t about sense Y/N. It’s not about appearances, it’s not about applause, it’s not about any of the crap that him and I were raised to prioritize.”
“You call it crap but that’s all he knows, and he just isn’t ready to give it all up.”
“Why do you get to decide that for him?” She tilts her head to the side and raises her eyebrows, you look away from her.
“I should probably get back inside.” You mutter as you start to turn toward the manor.
“You’re righ-“ She gasps and you turn to see what’s shocked her, “You still have it?”
“Have what?”
“The necklace.” She points to your hand and you nod awkwardly in agreement, “I helped him pick it out.”
“A sapphire to match your virtue and faithfulness.” She says absent-mindedly as her eyes lock on the piece of jewellery. “Guess he got that wrong.”
She laughs coldly and you scrunch your face in confusion, “Excuse me?”
“You’re just like the rest of them.” Before you even know what’s happening she’s reached for the necklace in your hand, “You love him until it’s no longer convenient, until the paint starts to chip.”
“That’s not true.” Your voice comes out shaky and lacking conviction, it makes her laugh again in disgust.
“And then who has to pick up the fallen pieces? Me.” She continues to ramble as she walks toward the edge of the boardwalk, you feel your breathing start to pickup as you try to focus on her instead of the lake behind her. “As if I don’t have my own pieces to pick up.”
“Pansy, please just come here so we can talk about this nicely.” You respond and swallow.
“No. You don’t deserve a civil conversation.” She spits out as she finally reaches the edge of the boardwalk and hangs the necklace out by her arm, “In fact, you don’t deserve anything. You don’t deserve his love and you definitely don’t deserve this pendant.”
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore
Everything after falling in love with Draco happened in slow motion. You don’t know how, or when, but your life had become a slackening slideshow of bad decisions.
You hold your breath as you watch the necklace fall into the lake. It’s as though minutes, hours, days pass in that moment, but you know that it’s merely a few seconds. When the splash finally sounds, you let out a huge gasp and Pansy laughs as she turns to leave.
Panic sets in and you start to contemplate your options. You could jump in and get it yourself? No, that’s absurd, you’re not going to overcome your fear that easily. You could rush into the manor and find someone who’s willing to get it for you? No, no one would take you seriously.
You shake your head and decide to just do the easiest thing; try and work up the courage to get it yourself. You start to pull off your heels and scrunch up your dress so that you can step into the water and you walk toward the edge of the boardwalk.
But as soon as you’re near the water you realise that you can’t do it and your panic rapidly worsens. You step back a few paces before falling to the ground and pulling your head into your knees as silent sobs begin to shake your core.
Breaths, in rapid beats, are going to and from your lungs as the sound of the water swishing fills your ears. Nausea begins to set in your stomach as you think more and more about your terrible predicament, your fear of bodies of water and your sadness at losing the necklace combining to form one indestructible lump in the pit of your stomach.
“Y/N? Are you out here?” A voice calls out from a yard or two away and you try to recognize it, but everything is foggy in your state of trepidation.
“Shit, Y/N!” The voice calls out once more and you hear footsteps pick up to a run as the person approaches you. “I swear to Merlin, if you die I’m going to kill you!”
You realise that the person still hasn’t noticed you, and is probably assuming the worst, so you try your best to croak out a word- any word.
“Here.” You manage to rasp out between sobs and wheezes, and the person immediately runs toward you.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” They ask as they pull your head out from your knees and you try to nod slowly.
You blink back a few tears and try to focus on the face in front of you, “The- the-“ You try to say and shake your head of the confusion as the words refuse to formulate.
“Hey, breathe princess.”
You recognize the nickname and then soon enough your eyes register that Draco’s kneeling in front of you. “Draco?”
“Yes, it’s me.” He responds softly as he cups your face in his hands and tries to wipe a few of your tears, “Take a few deep breaths for me, yeah?”
You nod and do as told, breathing until you finally calm down and manage to think clearly again. “I’m okay.” You breathe out and he sighs in relief.
“I was so worried, Pansy came in rambling about getting back at you and something about tossing and water- And I was just so scared that she’d thrown you in or something, because I know that you can’t swim and you’re terrified of the lake so I-“
“Hey, slow down, I’m okay. I’m right here.” You respond and manage a weak smile. He nods and sighs again. “She didn’t toss me into the water, though I think she would’ve liked to. She threw in the necklace. Shit! The necklace, it’s still down there!” You exclaim as you try to stand up but find that your legs are asleep, and end up coming back down instantly.
“Calm down. What necklace?”
“The one you gave me, the one with the sapphire that you said was a family heirloom?” You ramble and he furrows his eyebrows.
“You still have that?”
“Yes, I do. And it’s at the bottom of the lake and I need to get it back!” You stand up and Draco immediately does the same, placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you still.
“It’s just a necklace Y/N, you don’t need it.”
“It’s not just a necklace, it’s-“ You pinch your nose and sigh, “It just means a lot to me, okay?”
He narrows his eyebrows but nods in understanding, “Okay.” He steps back from you and pulls off his suit jacket, looking absolutely magnificent with his toned shoulders showing beneath the well-fitted shirt.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to get it for you.” He shrugs and you shake your head.
“You don’t have to, I can figure something out.”
“You tried to figure it out and you had a full on panic attack, I’m the best option.” He says sternly as he looks at you and you nod in agreement, “Now just wait, very far away, and let me find it for you.”
“Thank you.” You call out behind him but he doesn’t respond.
At dinner parties I won't call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it 'Cause it fades into the gray of my day old tea 'Cause it will never be
“Here you go, in perfect condition.” He says as he drops the necklace into your hands and runs a hand through his hair. He looks gorgeous and you look down to avoid getting lost in his eyes.
“Your suit is wet.” You mumble with a sniff and he chuckles, the sound makes your heart race.
“We have magic, I’ll dry up.”
“Thank you.” You whisper as you finally look up at him and he smiles, that same hypnotic smile. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without it.”
“It’s just a necklace Y/N.” He smiles softly and you shake your head as tears begin to stream down your face again.
“No, it’s not just a necklace.” You sniff, “It’s you and I. It’s all that I have left of the love that we had, it’s all that I have left of the life we were going to build together.”
“Y/N.” The sternness in his voice makes you swallow hard, but you pull your hand up to indicate that you’re not done.
“Let me talk, please.” He nods and you continue, “This little gem is all the words that we never had the chance to say. It’s the nights we would’ve spent climbing into bed together, in our little house that’s tucked safely into a small town. It’s the cups of coffee I was going to make you when you woke up in the mornings, and the cups of tea you would’ve made me when we went to sleep. This little gem is the only thing I have to remind me that our love was real.”
“It also doesn’t hurt that it costs a fortune huh?” He asks with a grin, despite the fact that there’s sadness in his eyes, and you nod with a choked out laugh.
“Definitely a bonus.” You say as you laugh a little more and wipe away a few tears.
Draco pulls the necklace out of your hands and opens it to put it around your neck once again, and you turn around so he can put it on. “Look, Y/N, life is too short to fill up with ridiculous mistakes. You left me, like I never mattered to you, and it broke me.”
You turn back around quickly, “That wasn-“
He twists you back around abruptly, “Let me talk now.” You nod and he continues to hook the chain around your neck. “It took me months to decipher what you meant when you said that I had too much love for the spotlight, that I didn’t have the capacity to let it go. It took me months to finally grasp what you meant when you said that people fall at my feet, that my contrarian demeanor is a crowd-puller. And the recognition hurt, a lot, because I realised that you we right about most of it.”
You feel his fingers leave your neck as he places a soft kiss on your shoulder, “What was I wrong about?”
He pulls you back to face him and smiles as he looks down at you, “The only thing you were wrong about was my unwillingness to let it go.” He pulls you into his arms for a hug, and you sigh in his arms.
“You can’t just leave this life Draco, we both know it isn’t that simple.” You muffle into his chest and the vibrations of his chuckles make you smile.
“That’s where you’re wrong angel, I can just leave this life. You never gave me the option but,” You pull apart and he smiles so wide that you think his face might come apart, “I would give it all up, for you.”
Gleaming, twinkling Eyes like sinking ships on waters So inviting, I almost jump in
His eyes are shining as they look down at you with adoration and commitment, and it takes all the strength you have left inside to not pull him back into your arms. He brings his fingers up to the sapphire and rubs his thumb along it.
“It’s not all you have Y/N.” He pulls your chin up so you look him in the eyes, “I’m still right here.”
get added to my taglist 
taglist: @dracoscene @dreaming-about-fanfictions @astoria-malfcy @gwlvr @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @dracomalfoyposts
hi lovies! guess who’s finally feeling good enough to write again! :) we’re going to ignore the fact that the FOOLWAG sequel is beating my ass though
I will not lie, I had a great time writing this, possibly one of my favourite requests by far. I was originally going to make the ending angsty but I figured  @evermoreeve (thx sweetie<3) reminded me that we all deserve a happy ending now and then.
anyway, i love you all,
jean <3
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Mr. Blue Sky
Prompt: if ur still taking prompts could you maybe write Patton having a bad depression day and the other sides helping him out! ps your writing is amazing
Thanks for the prompt, babe! I hope it’s what you wanted!
Read on Ao3
Warnings: depressive episode, nothing graphic
Pairings: LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, I don’t care, all or none. Can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 2554
de•pres•sion – a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection, and hopelessness.
Patton feels grey today.
Sometimes he doesn’t even have to open his eyes to know it’s going to be a bad day.
 Patton’s gonna be honest. He doesn’t have bad days most of the time. No, really, he doesn’t. Not like this.
 Most days it’s just kind of…there, you know? It’s like looking up into a clear, blue sky, as blue as it could possibly be, and there’s just a little grey cloud near the horizon. Not bothering anyone, not making it shady anywhere, but it’s there. Unmistakably there. That’s not a bad day. It’s just a day.
 Today he wakes up and the whole sky is grey.
 His room responds to emotion. It fills with soft air, vibrant color, all the things that make Thomas feel—well, anything. So many, so many, so many. Not today.
 Today the room is grey.
 Shadows cast darkness onto almost every surface in his room, from the desk to the closet to the bare walls where every memory is blurred out into static. The whole room looks flat. Like someone stuck a black and white photo of what it’s supposed to look like into a projector and the projector is shaky, spinning out of time, artifacts appearing in the photo. He blinks. Tries to clear his vision. It doesn’t help.
 Patton blinks again and his eyelids feel like they’re glued shut. He can’t open them. Why should he? He doesn’t want to see this version of his room. Better to just lie here and wait for the rainclouds to go away. Are they rainclouds? They don’t feel like rain clouds. They just feel like clouds. How do we make clouds go away?
 Logan would know how clouds go away. But Logan is not here and every inch of his body feels like it weighs too much. Is he imagining it or is he sinking further into his bed?
 The blankets on top of him aren’t weighted, he knows that, but even their faint pressure is insurmountable. He can’t summon up the will to move them so he doesn’t. He just lies there. Still. Trying to see if he can open his eyes.
 He should get up. He has to get dressed. He has to make breakfast.
 But why? None of them need to eat. Logan’s probably made himself breakfast in the time it’s taken him to not get out of bed. Roman’s probably eaten already. Virgil doesn’t normally join them for breakfast. Janus has a sleep schedule he hasn’t figured out yet. And Remus…well, Remus likes his own type of food.
 Patton doesn’t need to go anywhere, what would be the point?
 He can’t fall back asleep. There’s too much static. It whines in his ears and makes him want to scrunch up, block it out, if only he could move. But he can’t. So he won’t.
 Will the others worry? Maybe. It’s not like he can do anything about it. He remembers—does he? Does he have enough energy to remember?—they told him if he ever needed help or support on bad days he should come get one of them. Or summon them. But summoning means moving.
 Doesn’t really matter. Moving won’t make the clouds go away. Might as well just…lie here, wait for them to go away.
 Patton lies there, in his bed, on his side, his room turning grey.
 He blinks. Oh. The light is different. Was the light different a moment ago? It was coming in low, wasn’t it? Why is it super bright now? It’s too bright. It’s too grey.
 But closing the curtains means moving.
 He blinks.
 The light is gone now. It’s back to being low in the sky. Did he imagine it being really bright?
 Doesn’t matter. The room is still grey.
 Something buzzes at the corner of his mind. Is that…is something making noise? It happens again.
 Oh. Is that Roman? Why is Roman here?
 “Patton, are you in here?”
 Speaking means moving.
 “…Patton, I’m coming in, okay?”
 The door creaks open and there is a quickly stifled gasp. The room is still grey.
 “Patton? Patton, where are—oh, oh, Padre…”
 Oh. Roman’s here now. Roman’s sash is so red.
 “Patton,” Roman murmurs as he crouches next to the bed, “Patton, can you hear me?”
 Patton manages a small sound in his throat. Oh. He can speak. A little. He tries again.
 Roman breathes a sigh of relief. His expression changes into something a little sad. “Bad day, huh?”
 “When was the last time you ate something,” Roman prompts gently, “drank something?”
 Patton furrows his brow. Isn’t it still morning? In response, Roman carefully moves his clock into his line of sight.
 His eyes must widen a little when he realizes it’s late in the afternoon. Roman sets the clock aside and glances at the door.
 “I’m going to take that as you haven’t eaten today,” he says quietly, “is that right?”
 Patton closes his eyes and makes a frustrated noise. What good is this? What good is he? If he can’t make the clouds go away—
 “Hey,” comes the soft voice and a warm hand on his cheek, “stay with me here.”
 Roman smiles at him and runs his fingers through his hair as he peers up at him. Roman is warm. Really warm. Does warm make the clouds go away?
 “Here’s what we’re gonna do, okay?” Roman tucks his other hand under Patton’s head, cradling it gently. “We’re going to have you sit up first, then we’re going to go get you something to eat. Is that alright?”
 “Shh,” Roman says as a little wrinkle appears between Patton’s brows again, “I won’t move until you’re ready for it.”
 Patton’s about to try and say he’s been unable to move all day, apparently, when Roman leans forward and rests their foreheads together, warm breaths puffing over his neck. Roman is warm. Roman is red.
 He closes his eyes and lets Roman’s warmth bring a little color back to his cheeks.
 “Okay,” he mumbles after a little, “okay.”
 “You want to try and sit up now?”
 “Alright.” Roman adjusts his grip, getting one hand around Patton’s waist. “We’re going to go slow. If at any point you feel dizzy, or you can’t keep going, you have my full permission to fall on me and we’ll lie you back down.”
 For some reason, the image of him just full-on collapsing onto Roman makes a giggle bubble up in his throat. Roman chuckles too, his arms tightening.
 “Ready? Here we go…”
 Sitting up is slow. It’s fuzzy. But it works. Roman rubs his arm encouragingly as they get him seated on the edge of the bed.
 “Next step is standing up. You need a moment before we do that?”
 “Okay. You take your time, I’m not going anywhere.”
 Roman is warm. Roman is so, so warm. Patton’s fingers idly toy with the cord on his shoulders.
 “Oh, of course, Padre.” A warm hand runs over his cheek. “It’s no more than you’ve done for us.”
 Roman gives him a smile. “You don’t think the others are going to let me have all the fun, do you?”
 As if on cue, there’s another set of footsteps approaching the door.
 “Hey, Princey, you get lost or something?”
 “In here,” Roman calls as Virgil rounds the corner. Virgil is purple. So, so, purple.
 “Heya, Pop-star,” Virgil says softly, crouching down next to Roman, “you havin’ an off day?”
 “Okay. We’re gonna get you downstairs, okay? The others are waiting.”
 Virgil’s mouth tugs up into a smile. “Yeah, Pat. You didn’t show all day and we got worried.”
 Roman gives his arm a squeeze. “You about ready to stand?”
 Patton nods and holds his arms out for help.
 “Easy, easy—“
 “There you go, Padre, go slow.”
 “Great job. You wanna lean on us for a little?”
 “I got you, don’t worry.”
 Roman loops his arm gracefully through Patton’s, holding him like they’re walking down the path to his castle again as they move out of the too-grey room. Virgil hangs beside them, following down the stairs into the living room. As soon as they hit the bottom, Logan looks up from the kitchen and smiles.
 “Hello, Patton.” He gestures toward the seat next to him. “Please, come join us.”
 Roman deposits him carefully next to Logan, who immediately sets a small plate in front of him. Virgil gives him a wink before striking up a conversation with Roman that immediately fills the room. There’s no pressure for Patton to join, no pressure to do anything other than try and eat the easy food in front of him and lean against Logan’s side. Logan’s warm too. Is everyone warm? Logan is blue. Dark blue.
 “Here,” Logan murmurs as Janus sends a barb back at Virgil, “try and drink this for me?”
 It’s just water. It does little to clear the static in his throat, but it does make him feel a little more like a person. He goes to try and take another bite only for it to turn to ash in his mouth.
 Remus catches his grimace from his other side. “Had enough?”
 “Think so.”
 Reaching out in a blur of green, Remus scoops Patton’s food onto his own plate and scarfs it down, artfully dodging the balled-up receipt Roman tosses at him.
 “What are they talking about,” Patton mumbles to Logan as Remus immediately shouts something about lizards and coniferous trees.
 “I have absolutely no idea,” comes Logan’s bemused reply. “I believe it started off with a debate about what exactly separates reptiles from mammals but I’ve quite lost the thread of the conversation.”
 “It’s not my fault that you decided dragons are a subspecies of platypuses!”
 “Does that make every single dragon a relative of Perry the Platypus?”
 “Well, somehow we’ve gotten to Phineas and Ferb,” Logan murmurs as Virgil immediately starts clamoring for Janus to change his hat.
 And somehow the image of seeing Janus as a gold snake with a fedora makes the static clear enough for Patton to giggle.
 Of course, the instant he does that, the entire table just stops to stare at him. Virgil is so distracted Janus swipes his hat back and stands, sweeping around to Patton’s side.
 “Shall we keep going?”
 “What are we doing now?”
 “Let’s get you changed into something else,” Janus says softly as he helps Patton up, leaving the others to talk about…whatever they’re talking about now, “it’ll help you feel better.”
 “Would you like to talk about it?”
 Patton shakes his head as they get back to his room. “Just a grey day.”
 Janus nods and gently pushes him toward the bathroom. “Take a shower for me, honey, then we’ll get you into some new clothes.”
 He pauses on his way to Patton’s closet. “What is it, honey?”
 “Can I, um…” Now that he’s seen the others, the cold greyness of his room makes the numbness flood back. “Could you…hug me?”
 “Oh, of course, honey, come here…”
 Oh, Janus is warm. Janus is really warm. Really warm and really yellow.
 “You’re doing so well today,” Janus murmurs, stroking up and down Patton’s back, “we’re so proud of you.”
 They stand there for a little while, until Patton can pry himself out of the hug and toward the bathroom. The tiles are grey but the sink is cream. He peels himself out of the pajamas that are starting to feel a little gummy and tosses them in the hamper. The shower handle is cold but the water is warm. He doesn’t have the energy to wash. The water beats over his shoulders, warm, steady, reassuring. If he closes his eyes, the clouds have started to rain. Warm, summer rain that smells like sleep.
 A light knock on the door a few moments later and Patton turns the water off. He hears Janus open the door and leave something on the counter. He takes the towel from the rack and dries himself off, curling his fingers in the soft clothes left for him.
 Janus smiles when he opens the door, holding his hand out for Patton to take.
 “Come on,” he coaxes when Patton blearily makes a noise of protest, “the others are downstairs waiting.”
 “Wha’re we doing?”
 “Well,” Janus drawls as they make their way into the hall, “I’m sure it couldn’t be letting us spoil you with cuddles, now, couldn’t it?”
 Sure enough, Roman’s summoned a mattress big enough to cover the entire floor of the living room. Remus is already sprawled on top of Roman, but he looks up with a grin as Patton gets to the bottom of the stairs.
 “Remus, no—!”
 Roman just manages to grab his brother around the waist as Remus lunges for Patton.
“Let me go!”
 “You have to wait for him to get to the mattress first!”
 “Ugh,” Remus rolls his eyes, “fine.”
 Janus chuckles as Patton crawls to the center of the mattress and, after a brief nod, Roman lets Remus go. Sure enough, Remus almost bowls them back off the mattress.
 “Remus,” Roman huffs in exasperation, even though Patton can hear his smile.
 “What?” Remus shifts on top of him, his weight warm and green and perfect, his arms wrapped around Patton’s waist as he tucks a pillow under his head. “I got it.”
 He can hear Roman roll his eyes as red tucks itself against his side. “Yeah, you sure do.”
 Virgil snickers from somewhere above him and Patton cranes his neck back to see a flash of purple curling above his head. “You comfy, Pat? Breathing okay?”
 “Good.” The purple looks over to Patton’s other side. “So’re you two just gonna sit there and pretend you don’t want in or what?”
 “We’re coming.”
 Sure enough, a moment later, Janus takes a seat with his back against the couch, Virgil’s head in his lap. He reaches down with a golden hand and runs his fingers through Patton’s hair. Dark blue lies down next to him and Logan reaches to gently remove his glasses, laying them on the side table.
 Everything is fuzzy static clears. Something dull and achy wells up in Patton’s chest, asleep all day, forming a lump in his throat that suddenly makes it hard to breathe. As if they can feel it, the twins share a look.
 Remus frees one of his arms and carefully takes Patton’s right hand, gently pressing it to the mattress next to his head. Roman takes his left, pressing a kiss to the back of it and clasping it to his own chest. Logan shifts as Janus’s hand cards through Patton’s hair. Virgil murmurs something that gets lost in the warm haze.
 Amidst the warmth, Patton’s eyes flutter closed.
 The sky is filled with clouds, splashed with dark blue, fading into purple, the lightest touches of gold at the very edges, shimmering in the fading light. The deep red at the horizon fades into pink, into yellow, into the slightest hint of green before spilling into an endless stretch of blue, blue, blue sky.
 General Taglist: @frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes @iminyourfandom @bullet-tothefeels @full-of-roman-angst-trash @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83 @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious  @firefinch-ember @fandomssaremysoul @im-an-anxious-wreck @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch @enby-ralsei @unicornssunflowersandstuff @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @such-a-dumbass
If you want to be added/taken off the taglist, please let me know!
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omgkatsudonplease · 3 years
[ficlet, bagginshield] thorin and messrs fundinson (bridgerton au)
After the ball at Long Cleeve Hall, Thorin returns to the smial he has rented in Bywater. It is one of the few bigger-folk-sized smials available in this part of the Shire, for although the numerous cultures of Middle-earth are largely at peace and happy to intermingle, the Shire is still known to be less hospitable to long-term foreign residents.
Even Erebor is a little more accommodating, and that is saying something considering the entire kingdom is within a Mountain. 
He is greeted, upon his return, by his valet Dwalin. Dwalin takes his coat and gloves, and Thorin immediately wraps himself in his favourite blue brocade robe before heading to the parlour for a glass of brandy. 
“How was the dance?” wonders a voice from behind one of the fireplace screens. Smials, like the halls of Erebor themselves, are rather cool due to the insulation from the earthen walls, which means an old Dwarf like his advisor Balin needs to spend a great deal of time in front of the fireplace warming up his joints.
Thorin chuckles, taking a seat on the settee opposite his advisor and old friend. “Eventful,” he says. “A couple announced their engagement, and someone fell into the punch.”
“How in Mahal’s halls did that happen?” wonders Balin, swirling around his own brandy in its glass. Thorin takes a sip of his, smiling. 
“I was not there to witness it,” he admits. “I spent a good deal of the dance out in the gardens. The flowers were incredible, though I could not begin to tell you what any of them are.”
“I thought the point of going to a Shire dance was to dance,” remarks Dwalin as he enters the parlour as well, this time with tea for the three of them. Thorin removes the stock and cravat at his neck with a relieved sigh. 
“I did dance,” he says. “Eventually.” 
“Oh?” Balin raises an eyebrow, his gaze sliding to the latest copy of Lord Stormcrow’s Society Digest on the table beside him. Thorin resists the urge to seize the gossip-rag and toss it into the fire.
Dwalin asks the question on behalf of his brother. “With who?”
“With Mr Baggins,” replies Thorin. Unwittingly, he remembers their first meeting at the Party Field Dance, as well as their second meeting at Bag End with Gandalf chaperoning the two of them. Mr Baggins had looked wonderful at both events in his fashionably-cut coats and brocade waistcoats with golden buttons. And at this latest ball in Long Cleeve he had looked quite dashing in red and gold. 
“The Golden Hare?” wonders Balin, tapping the gossip pamphlet with a knowing twinkle in his eye. “And how did you secure yourself such a treasure?”
“Brother, you speak as if our King is incapable of finding a spouse,” teases Dwalin as he pours the two of them their tea. Not as well or as gracefully as how Mr Rison pours tea back in Erebor, of course, but Thorin isn’t going to complain about that.
“I daresay the two of you have that much in common,” muses Balin as he lightly fans himself with the pamphlet. Dwalin moves to add another screen between him and the fire. “Lord Stormcrow has noted that Mr Baggins has rejected several potential matches in the past. Not unlike our King.”
“Thank Mahal for Dwarvish sensibilities,” remarks Thorin drily. “The last thing I would want is to accept a proposal out of pity rather than love.”
“Or alliance rather than love,” chips in Balin. “Speaking of alliance, the House of Ur is offering a separate mansion in the Blue Mountains for the hunt, since they know Dís will be joining you there with Fíli and Kíli.”
In these long years of peace and prosperity, the roads between the Kingdoms of Middle-earth have grown strong and well-travelled. The trip between Erebor and the Blue Mountains, a journey that used to take several months and was fraught with danger from Orc bandits in mountain passes and Spider ambushes in Greenwood, now takes but a month or two on the Great East Road in one’s fastest coach.
“I presume Prime Minister Dáin will handle Erebor in our absence,” says Thorin, with another sip of brandy. 
“He will, though he urges your safe and speedy return before the snows come,” says Balin. “I’ve been replying to his ravens with reports of your movements, of course, but these days I find my job has been taken from me somewhat by Lord Stormcrow.”
Thorin scowls. “Do not send such pernicious lies to him.”
Balin chuckles. “Stormcrow doesn’t know you, Thorin,” he points out. “But he does pass judgement on your actions. So if you don’t act so cold...”
“I have a plan for that,” replies Thorin. “In fact, that is where Mr Baggins comes in. We have an agreement to spend this season in each other’s company.”
Dwalin’s brows furrow. “Odd way to say that you are courting him,” he remarks.
“We are not courting,” replies Thorin. “Rather, we are only giving others the appearance of a courtship.”
“To what end?” wonders Dwalin.
“To the softening of my image for my goodwill trip through Eriador?”
“And what’s in it for Mr Baggins?” asks Balin.
“To ward off unworthy suitors.”
Both of the Fundinson brothers snort at that. “I fear you may have just doomed the Golden Hare to another failed social season, Your Majesty,” remarks Balin drily. “No suitors would dare rival a King.”
“Mr Baggins’s One may,” replies Thorin.
Balin and Dwalin exchange a glance. “Thorin,” says Balin after a moment, his advisor voice pointedly soft and gentle. “I know your intentions are good, but... matters of the heart often hang upon a knife’s edge. If you stray but a little...”
“I will not fall,” insists Thorin. “Love is a madness that I cannot afford to experience.”
“Cannot afford to, or are scared of?” wonders Balin. 
Thorin does not dignify that with an answer. “All that is required of me is to send flowers to Mr Baggins’s residence, walk with him every day, and dance with him twice at every ball. It is completely doable without feelings becoming entangled in it. Doubly so when Mr Baggins has a chaperone present.”
Balin sighs at that, looking over at his brother. Dwalin says nothing, only refilling his own cup of tea. Thorin pours the contents of his own teacup into his brandy, and downs the whole thing without a second thought. 
“I can only advise you on your actions, Your Majesty,” says Balin after a moment. “So all I can say to this is... be careful.”
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The Color Green (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
Prompt: hi there! i real/love all ur works they’re so good!! can i jealous/possessive natasha? take ur time nw!!
Words: 2305
Warnings: Jealousy
A/N: This turned out differently than you probably imagined, anon, but this is what happened. I hope you like it. It’s more jealousy than possessiveness but there is a brief moment of it.
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Strolling confidently through the halls of the Compound, you found the team scattered about the kitchen. Pietro and Wanda were sitting at the counter while your girlfriend was standing in front of the toaster. Sam and Bucky were on a mission so they were absent and you had no idea where Tony or Steve were but you didn’t think too much of it.
They would show up eventually for breakfast.
Stopping beside her, you pressed a kiss to her cheek, sighing internally when she flinched away from the contact.
You didn’t understand Natasha. Sometimes she was so sweet, accepting your love without question while other times she acted cold and uncaring. You hated those days; all you wanted was for your girlfriend to act like your relationship meant something to her – that you meant something.
Was that too much to ask for?
You turned your attention to the twins, watching Pietro devour his food like it was his last meal. You wondered how he never choked. Wanda was staring at you with a sympathetic smile, her eyes full of worry as she took in the slump of your shoulders. She was your best friend; she knew how much Natasha’s attitude bothered you.
Heavy footsteps echoed up the stairs and you glanced over, catching sight of an exceptionally beautiful woman with short hair and a cocky smile trailing behind Steve. She wasn’t exactly your type but if you were single, you probably wouldn’t say no either. Her gaze lingered on you and you couldn’t stop the blush blooming on your cheeks.
You were completely oblivious to Natasha bristling beside you.
“Team, this is Carol Danvers,” Steve announced, stepping aside so the woman could stand beside him.
You pursed your lips thoughtfully. You were fairly certain you’d heard that name before. Why did you know that name?
“She’s a friend of Fury’s,” Steve explained.
Realization rushed over you and you blurted out excitedly, “Captain Marvel.” Everyone’s eyes fell upon you and you smiled sheepishly. “Fury has told me stories about you. You guys worked together back in the 90’s, fighting the Kree.”
Carol grinned, walking over to you and offering her hand. “That’s me. It’s nice to meet you…”
“(Y/N),” you supplied, shaking the extended appendage briefly.
“Oh, Rogers was just telling me about you. I’ve heard you’re the strongest Avenger,” she praised, earning another blush.
You were a former HYDRA experiment that the Avengers had rescued some time ago. Your strength was legendary in the SHIELD Compound. The only person who might be stronger than you was the Hulk, but you’d never tested to see if that were true. You didn’t feel like fighting such a beast. It would only end badly.
“I…” you didn’t know what to say.
“We should train together sometime. I’d love to see what you can do,” Carol said, unfazed by your lack of response.
You nodded, a little starstruck by the notion of training with the Captain Marvel. Fury had told you about her one day when he was feeling a little sentimental and you couldn’t help but be in awe of her. She sounded amazing and to train with someone so powerful…
Well, you couldn’t wait.
Natasha inched closer, a tadbit aggravated by the instant connection you seemed to have with this newcomer. You were almost fawning over Carol and that bothered Natasha more than she cared to admit. She knew she wasn’t always the best girlfriend but she did her best. It was hard forgetting the lessons the Red Room had instilled in her.
She had a feeling she was not going to like this stranger.
Not one bit.
A few days later, you found yourself in the training room Captain Marvel herself. You were dressed in shorts and a tank top; you were prepared for battle. Carol wore a similar outfit, though her shirt clung to her abdomen, leaving her abs on full display beneath the material. You didn’t know it but it was intentional. Carol liked you – she too thought there was a connection – so she wanted you to be impressed by her physique.
Bouncing on the balls of your feet, you brought your fists up and steeled yourself. Carol eyed you, searching for an opening. Steve had sung you nothing but praises when it came to fighting. She was curious to see what happened.
“Ready?” Carol wondered as she mimicked your stance.
“Bring it on,” you taunted teasingly, rushing at the blonde.
The two of you clashed, fists flying as you attempted to knock her on her butt. She swung her arm at you and you caught it mid-swing, your strength coming in handy as you brought her up and over your shoulder, dropping her onto the mat. You mentally cheered though your face remained impassive. You attempted to help her up, but she easily wrapped her legs around you and dragged you down, straddling your waist.
You laughed, staring up at Carol. “That’s cheating.”
“Never underestimate your opponent,” she warned, getting off your hips and helping you stand.
Nodding, you brushed off your shirt. “I know. Nat tells me that all the time.”
Carol’s brow arched. She’d seen you coming out of the other woman’s room in the mornings but she hadn’t thought much of it. During the day you hardly acted like a couple so she had assumed you were just friends. She wondered if there was more to it than that.
“Ready to go again?” Carol inquired, falling back into her stance.
“Absolutely,” you agreed, lunging at Carol.
What you didn’t know was that Natasha was lingering in the doorway, staring intently at you as you trained with the former Kree. She was disheartened. You were never that free when you fought with her. She knew it was because your strength scared you when it came to her but she wished you wouldn’t hold back so much with her. Ironic, right?
Watching you knock into each other, Natasha sighed. Jealousy wasn’t something she’d experienced before. She knew you cared about her but it was difficult to see you this way with another person.
Actually, she hated it.
Rage bubbled up in her chest when Carol managed to knock you down and straddle you again, her face dangerously close to yours. She looked at you like she wanted to devour you and it drove Natasha crazy. Natasha thought you were gorgeous but apparently so did Carol.
Natasha left the room, her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed. What made all of this worse was how oblivious you were to Carol’s advances. Because you only had eyes for Natasha, you never paid attention when someone hit on you. You just assumed they were being nice, often forgetting that people might find you attractive.
Growling, Natasha stormed through the Compound. She had to do something. She didn’t know what, but something needed to change.
Tony’s form of welcoming Carol to the team was throwing an extravagant party at the Tower. Sure, it no longer housed the Avengers but it was far nicer than the Compound so here you were, dressed in one of your nicest outfits, chatting with your friends. Bucky had returned home from his mission with Sam so you found yourself in a deep conversation with him discussing what they’d found at the former HYDRA base.
Bucky was a good friend, second only to Wanda. He was a sweetheart despite what had happened. He was a calm voice of reason when the others fought and he was genuinely a good man. You were the only person who knew about his crush on Steve and you felt bad for him. Steve – as far as you knew – was straight and it broke your heart that Bucky wouldn’t get his happy ending with him.
He’d been through enough.
He caught sight of Steve and excused himself. You weren’t alone for long though. Carol was quick to join you.
“What’s a beautiful woman like you doing all by yourself?” Carol jokingly flirted, glancing over your shoulder to stare at Natasha.
Natasha was in a sleek red dress that clung divinely to her lithe body. You’d practically drooled when you’d seen her earlier but you hadn’t gotten much time with her. Maria had dragged her away the moment you’d stepped into the party and hadn’t let her go since.
She was watching you with a look of thunder marring her features. She seemed beyond pissed and it confirmed what Carol had suspected. Apparently you were coupled with the redhead and while Carol would bow out gracefully, she was still going to tease the woman a little. She needed to get over whatever trepidations she had. You were wonderful and if Natasha couldn’t learn to show you that, then she didn’t deserve you – at least in Carol’s opinion.
You shoved Carol playfully, shaking your head. “That was a terrible line,” you laughed.
Carol shrugged. “It hasn’t failed me yet.”
“Well, it just did,” you grinned, strolling over to the bar with Carol behind you. You had no idea that her gaze was lingering on your backside, earning a scowl from Natasha.
Ordering a drink, your attention fell upon the woman again. “So, how are you enjoying Earth?”
“It’s nice,” Carol replied diplomatically, earning a giggle.
“You sound so impressed,” you smirked.
“It’s…different,” Carol admitted with a lift of her shoulders. “My life on Hala was a lot different from this. And I’ve traveled to so many worlds that it’s almost bizarre to be settling down. I’ll still help other planets but to call Earth home is strange.”
Nodding sympathetically, your hand fell to Carol’s arm. “It’ll get easier and if you need someone to talk to, I’m always here.”
Carol patted your hand gratefully, smiling at you. “Thank you, (Y/N).”
The two of you stood in silence for a moment before a hand found yours atop the bar. Glancing over your shoulder in surprise, you found emerald eyes staring back at you. “Nat,” you greeted with a sweet smile. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything is fine,” Natasha replied, glaring at Carol. “I was just wondering if I could steal my girlfriend away for a dance.”
You were a bit shocked. You’d only danced with Natasha a handful of times and they’d all been in the sanctity of one of your rooms – Natasha found it too personal to dance in front of others – so you didn’t know what to say. Nodding dumbly, you twisted your hand over beneath hers and linked your fingers. You shot Carol a parting smile.
Carol nodded in concession at Natasha and the weight in the woman’s chest began to dissipate. She returned the gesture and led you out onto the floor, sweeping you up in her arms. You swayed together, your arms around her neck as you grinned at her.
“We’re dancing,” you whispered, acting as though it were some big secret.
Shaking her head at your antics, Natasha buried her face in your neck, causing your arms to fall to her waist. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled against the skin residing there.
Brows furrowing in confusion, you continued to dance with your lover. “Why?”
“…I was jealous,” Natasha admitted softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your throat. “Of Carol.”
You leaned back, gazing into hypnotic emerald eyes. She looked so apologetic but you could see the underlying vulnerability staring back at you. “Baby, you have no reason to be jealous. There’s no one I’d rather be with,” you assured her, cupping her cheek. “I love you and only you. Carol’s just a friend.”
Natasha’s smile was watery. “Ya liublyoo tibya. And in my heart I know that, but I was scared,” she whispered.
Sighing, you leaned in and pecked her lips, startled when Natasha deepened the embrace. She’d never kissed you like this before, every emotion she felt poured into it. It was soft, but you could taste residual fear on her tongue. It was obvious that she was trying to reassure herself but you didn’t mind. You’d happily kiss her for as long as she wanted.
“You know she wanted to be more than friends, right?” Natasha asked as her lips left yours with a quiet pop.
Eyes widening, you glanced over your shoulder at Carol. The blonde waved, a cheeky grin splitting her cheeks. “You’re joking.”
Natasha laughed, kissing your reddening cheek. “You’re so cute, my oblivious malysh.”
“You’re serious?” you squeaked, your eyes falling back on Natasha. You couldn’t believe it. You’d thought Carol was just being nice. Had she liked you?
Walking you over to the bar, her arm firm around your waist, she locked eyes with Carol, waiting to see what the other woman had to say.
“You make a cute couple,” Carol acquiesced, lifting her drink in surrender. She could see the love shining in both your eyes and she was happy for you. Truly.
Natasha’s stiffened spine relaxed and she smiled at Carol for the first time. “Thank you.”
“No offense to Tony but this really isn’t my scene so I think I’m going to head out,” Carol announced, finishing the beer in her hand.
“It’s not really ours either,” you admitted, leaning into Natasha. “You going back to the Compound?”
“Probably,” Carol shrugged. “I don’t really know New York that well so…”
Natasha hesitated for a moment before offering, “We know a pizza place that’s open all night if you’d like to join us?”
Carol studied Natasha, trying to see if her offer was genuine. When she was satisfied that it was, she nodded appreciatively. “That’d be nice.”
“C’mon,” you said, locking arms with both Natasha and Carol, “We keep spare clothes in our old rooms for after parties like this. You can change out of your fancy clothes and into something more comfortable.”
Smiling, Carol followed you without hesitation.
She was going to enjoy Earth.
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
A short Drabble with Feeder reyson and feede Tibarn where Tibarn is just too much with his addiction of food that is brought to him by reyson every once in a while. Thank you for ur support btw!
I know you said short but like, Tibarn;;;;;; he’s just too good and like I haven’t written enough about this good big bara bird boy so I had to make up for it lol. Admittedly, Reyson kinda doesn’t show up until later though. Janaff almost stole the whole show ngl before I reeled him back in lol
So I hope you enjoy how it came out!! 
And no problem! Thank you for your support and kind words~
"Agh, Tibarn!" Small curved elegant wings fluttering behind him, characteristics Jannaf would gleefully brawl upon hearing someone say such things about him, he rushes through the sky. Newly budding trees means he doesn't have to fly too terribly high, though his astounding vision makes the small benefit pointless. Able to clearly spot an ant half a mile away, the portly Hawk King is as easy as spotting a needle in a haystack-- a feat that Janaff has never done, but a feat he’ll still boast. Diving down, branches and the like avoided, Janaff’s feet gracefully flitter the floor. A few centimeters above the forest floor, he lands down, leaving his wings untucked.
“Of course Ulki was right,” Grumbling to himself, Janaff keeps up his whining. “Here you are, trying to sneak in another meal again,” Sighing, Janaff turns away from Tibarn and takes a measured three paces forward. A fallen lone branch crunches under his step.
The deer in the vicinity hearing the snap, it dashes off without a second thought. Svelte body aiding the deer’s dash, its hunter turns to face Janaff. Tibarn having been shooed away by a busily cooking Reyson for one too many intrusions and early taste tests, he had went off into Serenes Forest.
Tibarn anything but svelte, his portly face is contorted into a frown. His bandages all but torn, the coverage he once had is gone. His jacket never buttoned, even Tibarn’s added poundage does nothing to sway his preference for a more revealing look. The straps of his jacket only reach half way past his bouncy breasts as they rest on Tibarn’s gut. The lining has no hope of resting on his engorged stomach. The large soft mass makes itself known through its prodigious girth, the hefty sagging ball for a stomach jutting out from Tibarn. Resting past his crotch, all sense of power and musculature is long gone. Belly button for all to see, the spot looks cavernous from all his weight. His love handles graciously covered up, the resting coasters for flab are revealed by the way the fabric tightly wedges itself into each crevice of a roll. One sleeve torn in an attempt for a more rugged look, the sense of style had originally worked with Tibarn’s adonis figure. But with plush dough wet dough for arms, the sagging wings for arms make him appear even fluffier. A hint of a bicep no longer even traceable, the blobby cylinders for arms hang completely free on his right arm. His left arm concealed, the sleeves jut from the fat contained within. Tibarn developing a distinct apple shape, his lower half still puts the other bird laguz to shame. Especially the much trimmer Ravel laguz. Beige pants ruffle and crease from Tibarn’s bulging fat. Rolls visible in all directions, his heavy footsteps only cause the creases and fat to shift around. His thighs still wider than the average bird laguz, the broadt fat thighs make walking somewhat of a constant struggle for Tibarn. Which would usually be alleviated by simply flying, but even Tibarn’s impressive 8ft wingspan can barely muster up enough energy for a simple stroll of a flight. Tibarn’s ass protruding proudly behind him, the tight material of his pants contribute to Tibarn’s top-heavy figure, a prominent muffintop appearing on Tibarn at all times.
“Damnit Janaff,” Frustrated, Tibarn’s double chin seems more prominent as Tibarn scowls. Stomping towards Janaff, his wide waddling doesn’t diminish Tibarn’s imposing self. His cocky nature mixed with his great height and weight along with status as king of the Unified Bird Clans would make anyone a scary figure indeed. And despite Janaff and TIbarn having known each other far longer than any Beorc could possibly ever live, even Janaff feels that Tibarn just might seriously squish him under his serious poundage as Tibarn stands far too close for comfort. A fact Janaff had known about and scoffed when Reyson had tried to warn him of all people. Tibarn far too invasive of people’s personal space, his rolling hills for a belly does nothing to stop said habit. Instead, it only worsens it, Tibarn never quite taking into his far extra weight into account.
“Reyson finished making dinner,” Janaff cheekily grins, his eyes nearly fully closed from how wide his grin is. Taking a step back, he more easily spots Tibarn’s face, his wide moobs no longer so dangerously close to his face. “And y’know Ulki’s too-”
“I’m too what? Janaff,” The ears to Tibarn showing up, he stands by Janaff.
“Too serious and way too easy to make fun of,” Janaff at the ready, he grabs Tibarn’s left arm linking it with his right arm.
“Are you ready, King Tibarn?” Ulki avoids the bait, instead linking his arm with Tibarn’s right arm.
“But he never makes anything with meat…” Tibarn rubs his chin, glancing back at the forest for a second.
“Your majesty, Prince Reyson is a Heron, you must understand,” Ulki offers his dry words.
Tibarn lost in thought, still in want of meat, Janaff leans back, Ulki looking at him.
“Really! That’s what you had to say!” Janaff mouths at Ulki. Gesticulating with his free arm, Tibarn doesn’t even take note of his body getting pulled to the left.
“Then you say something,” Ulki mouths back. Passive as ever, Ulki returns back to his upright stance.
“What long-faced over here is trying to say-”
“Hmph,” Is all Ulki has to respond..
“What Ulki is trying to say,is that Prince Reyson goes through great lengths to prepare these meals just for you. I’m sure anyone would fawn over being taken care of by a heron,”
“His meals are damn great, but there’s no meat,” TIbarn grumbles, rubbing his hungry stomach; the flabby mass sinks under his sausage-like digits.
“You seem to constantly praise how wonderful Prince Reyson’s dishes taste, your majesty. Even comparing the taste to completely mimic meat,” Ulki responds.
“Yeah, who needs stinkin’ old meat? Reyson cooked you up some of that tofu steak with cauliflower you seem to like so much,” Janaff choicely chooses to leave out the fact of how much TIbarn enjoys all of Reyson’s cooking.
“Well, why didn’t you two say so earlier, let’s go,” Flapping his wings, Tibarn quickly takes off to the sky. Soaring off, Janaff and Ulki struggle to keep up with their arms attached to Tibarns. Tibarn sets the pace for the three.
For all of a couple minutes.
Unable to ever pace himself, Tibarn’s astounding stamina had prevented any such issues of maintaining long distance flights. But with his wide corpulent body, said impressive stamina had quickly evaporated.
Janaff and Ulki now setting the pace, the two struggle to force their king going, his fat body panting as he flies a bit lower than him.
“Ugh, C’mon Tibarn!” Janaff the weaker of the two, his body digs into Tibarn’s side, even sinking in a bit. “Just think of how you learned to fly last and we had to help you,”
“Janaff,” Face doused in sweat, Tibarn’s flapping wings peter out, the loud swooshing ceasing. “Less talking, more flying,” Grunting, he sags in both Janaff’s and Ulki’s arms, both struggling to carry him even together.
“Same for you, your majesty,” Ulki putting in most of the work, his wings keep on strong. “Janaff, we’re going to carry Tibarn by his hands,”
“Fine by me!” Grunting, Janaff slowly readjusts his grip. Ulki does the same.
Tibarn slowly let down, he simply wheezes as he continues to drop down bit by bit. Breasts and stomach shaking alike, the bundle of fat bounces up and down as they adjust their grip on him.
Janaff and Ulki now holding Tibarn by his meaty mitt of a hand, they fly as if swimming on their stomach. Carrying a bundle of fat, they quiet down as they focus on getting the hefty Tibarn back to the castle.  
“We better be near,” Tibarn meanwhile catches his breath, offering only slight quips whenever his stomach decides to speak up. Ulki and Janaff simply glance at each other upon a remark, both aware of Tibarn’s, as Ulki and Janaff like to call it, small addiction to Reyson’s cooking.
The two having a simple conversation about the issue of eating meat Tibarn’s voracious appetite for meat had caused a bit of a rift between the two. Eventually, Reyson had settled on cooking for Tibarn to show him the wonders of going vegetarian. His food enchanted by his own Galdr, the addictive nature of his food had made Tibarn wanting more. And Reyson kept giving Tibarn more.
When Ulki and Janaff had raised the issue to Reyson, some not so subtle bribery of meat had made the two keep quiet. Alongside Tibarn’s still healthy reports, despite being swaddled in fat, the two had agreed to such a thing. And while Reyson’s white wings clearly marking him of Heron royal lineage, his years of living with the Hawk Tribe and TIbarn had clearly toughened him up, the Heron Prince even managing to take charge at times.
“Finally,” Catching his breath, Tibarn visibly perks up as the castle finally shows itself.
Ulki and Janaff slowly begin to descend, careful with the several jagged trees still recovering from the fires. Tibarn’s feet making contact with the floor, the lack of such a burdensome weight is a huge relief for the two.
“With your leave, King Tibarn,” Ulki keeps his straight face, but even the light perspiration glistens his face, his chest rising far more than it normally does as he breathes in air.
“Yeah what he said,” Janaff making no show of hiding his weary state, he rests his hands on his knees, grunting.
“Thanks for the help,” Grinning, TIbarn ignores the two. HIs stomach leading the way, Tibarn heads as fast as his big body lets him, ass wobbling behind him.
Reyson already in his and Tibarn’s shared room, the spread of food is placed on their table. Admittedly a smaller portion, Reyson had ventured off more in the realm of desserts as of late, wishing to round out Tibarn in all areas. The dessert still baking, Reyson sits on their shared bed. Crossing his legs, he blows out a puff of air to move the strand of golden hair covering his face. “If Janaff and Ulki failed then I’m-” The sound of heavy lumbering footsteps drawing near, Reyson shuts his mouth. Quickly standing up, he rushes to his vanity. Everything in check, he patiently stands in front of the door. Waiting for Tibarn, he swings the door open with perfect timing, Tibarn’s gut an inch away from the doorway.
“You’re finally here,” Tucking a flick of hair behind his curved ear, Reyson steps to the side. Tibarn’s bouncing gut entering the room first, Reyson’s eyes don’t stray from how TIbarn’s gut brushes against the edges of the frame. Gently closing the door, Reyson stands behind Tibarn. Wrapping his arms as far as he can, Tibarn’s body prevents him from going far. Resting his neck on the crook of TIbarn’s neck, Reyson nuzzles Tibarn’s chipmunk cheeks. “I made some of your favorites,” Wrapping an arm around Tibarn’s, Reyson gently guides him to his reinforced chair.
“Just two plates,” Resting a hand on his gut, Tibarn looks at the two dishes skeptically.
“Yes, just two. I-”
“I’m gonna need way more than that. I mean, just look at me,” Bringing a heavy hand under his gut, TIbarn slowly lifts it up, the fat bunching up. Letting go, his body shakes like waves, the mass jiggling.
“Coughing for a second, Reyson brings a hand to his chest, lightly patting himself. “As I was saying,” Reyson helps Tibarn sit down, Tibarn letting a sigh of relief as his feet get a break. “I made a bunch of dessert to make up for it. I decided to try and vary it to see what you like,”
“Hah, what don’t I like,” Grinning, TIbarn rests back into his chair, letting out an exaggerated groan. “Now can I eat, I’m starving,”
“Y-yes,” Always cracking under TIbarn constant idiocies, Reyson mentally scolds himself. Grabbing the tofu steak, already cut into pieces, Reyson sits on Tibarn’s lap. Enough space to fit three of him, most of the space is occupied by Tibarn’s bulging gut. Resting against Tibarn’s stomach, Reyson grabs a piece of the faux meat. TIbarn eagerly staring at him, Reyson clenches his toes, hoping the sear from his blush isn’t as obvious as he feels it is. Bringing it to Tibarn’s lips, he greedily chews on it, finishing it before Reyson can grab another piece.
“You can’t think that’ll keep me busy,” Bringing his right arm in front of him, Tibarn digs it under his hefty breasts. Resting it under them, his sagging tits suddenly seem much larger, Reyson holding back the thought of touching them.
“Please be more refined,” Shaking his head, more to clear out his intruding thought than to scold TIbarn in any meaningful way, Reyson produces a napkin, Wiping the juice from his blubbery cheek, Reyson crumples it up. This time grabbing two pieces of steak, Tibarn happily accepts those as well, making sure to enjoyably chew and offer his appreciation with hums. Rolling his eyes at Tibarn’s childish antics, yet not doing much else, he grabs some more.
Giving in a tad bit, Reyson admits, he finds himself feeding TIbarn a bit faster than even he can chew, Tibarn’s cheeks increasingly ending up more stuffed and rounded out as more of the tofu steak ends up in his greedy gullet.
“Knew you had it in ya,” Sighing, Tibarn digs out his arm from underneath his breasts, instead resting both hands on them. “Now, about that second dish,”
“You can feed it to yourself, I’m going to go check on the dessert,” Reyson stands up, unwillingly removing himself from Tibarn’s plush doughy body and hands him his cauliflower burger. Getting rid of whatever imaginary dust rests on his pristine white robes, Reyson heads out.
“Hey, Reyson,” Tibarn grins as Reyson turns to face him. “Love, ya” Winking at him, TIbarn tears into the replacement burger, a good quarter ending up in his maw with one bite.
“I love you too,” Reyson softly whispers with a blush. Tibarn’s advanced hearing only barely catches it. Rushing out the door, Reyson pats his hair, combing it with his fingers.
Unable to quite keep up the charade of being in charge with Tibarn, Reyson curses his weakness to his charms, Tibarn’s broad barnside body so tantalizing with his brusqish charm. Wiping that thought away, Reyson walks off to the kitchen to grab Tibarn’s dessert.
A plate of custard, a dozen cookies, and an entire loaf of banana-nut bread, he carefully pushes it all onto a cart. Originally meaning to just turn Tibarn into a vegetarian, the rather addicting and fattening side effects of his galdr are perfectly fine with Reyson, wishing to see just how addicted he can get Tibarn to be as he wheels Tibarn’s cart of desserts to him.
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savvyqueen18 · 4 years
SilveeLocke|Let’s Go Eevee ZombieLocke|Pt. 1
This is currently being posted on an Amino, but I am posting it here in hopes of it reaching a bigger audience. I'm trying to make this story very appealing to the reader more than anything else, and as this is my first NuzLocke that I am doing AND making a story of I wanted to put in rules that would test fate and change the game. Like any other NuzLocke I suppose. Thank you, enjoy!
Here are my rules:
➺ No Duplicates Clause, so I cannot catch the same pokémon in a different area or it's evolution
➺ If I end up going further beyond a Route and I have not caught a pokémon I cannot go back and catch one
➺ Catches besides the first are to be counted as Exp Fodder since battles only occur with people
➺ Starter pokémon is Starter Locked for plot purposes (besides the fact that the Eevee/Pikachu in these games is SUPER OP so it's probs not gonna die anyway... but ur here for the story...)
➺ This is a ZombieLocke so these additional rules apply:
➻ Fainted Pokemon/Death: Any pokemon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokemon Storage System permanently (Exception: The New Life Rule, and The Sacrifice Rule)
➻ Nicknaming Pokémon: You must nickname all pokémon. This encourages bonds.
➻ The New Life: You are allowed 3 Revives during the whole run. This revive can be used at any point during the run. You are allowed to revive a fainted pokémon only immediately following their death. The penalty of reviving the pokémon is from that point you are only allowed to use 2 of its moves from its moveset. If the New Life pokémon wants to learn a new move you can only pick one of the two moves you picked as its usable moves to swap for the new one, and once a pokémon has been revived once it may not be revived again. You may not use 2 revives on the same pokémon.
➻ The Sacrifice: If a pokémon dies that you can't bear to part with you may use a randomized sacrifice to attempt to save it. Each pokémon in your party will be assigned a number between 1-6 (or however many pokes) in descending order from how they are organized. From there you must roll a die and whatever number it lands on is who will die in their stead. This cannot be undone! Whatever pokémon is chosen by the dice is gone even if it happens to be the same pokémon you tried to save. The sacrifice may only be attempted once.
Part 1: Coincidence? I think not!
> Next Part
>Meet Silviana
>Meet Xander
>Part 1 Cover Art
The morning sun beamed through the curtain striking the girl square in the face. With a groan, she pulled her fluffy covers over her.
Once again trying to drift off to sleep she thought about flying. Flying high over her home town of Pallet Town. She approached a cloud to land on it when the cloud burst with a loud BANG! She groaned again, the thumping sound of someone running upstairs filled her room and she peeked out of the blanket with one eye. A blurry dark shape came striding into her room.
"Oh come on Sil! You're STILL in bed?!"
She reached for her glasses to see her friend and neighbor, Xander, walking up to her bed. With one swift movement, he ripped the sheets off of her.
"Hey!" She grabbed the sheets once again and pulled herself into a ball of fluffy blanket mess.
"I don't want to be late getting my pokémon! Get up!"
She flung off the covers and rose from her bed, glaring daggers at the boy she said, "The only reason that I'm joining you is because you practically BEGGED me to join you!"
The voice of her mother came from down the hall, "Silviana Esperanza Ruiz! I hope you aren't fighting with Xander again. Xander why don't you come out of her room and both of you come down to enjoy breakfast?"
As soon as Silviana heard that, she turned and pushed Xander out of her bedroom.
"I can walk you know!" He said as he stumbled from her room.
"Not fast enough," and with a final shove she pushed him out and closed the door behind him. She slid down her door with a big sigh. After taking a moment to clear her thoughts, she went over to her closet. She had packed her bag about a week before when Xander first told her. Rechecking the leather bag she made sure she had all the necessities, then picked out a pair of shorts and a graphic tee.
She looked at her closet mirror as she did her hair up in a high ponytail. Double and even triple checking that she looked nice enough to meet a pokémon professor she hauled her bag onto her back and headed down to get breakfast.
As she rounded the corner to the kitchen, the first sight she saw was Xander shoveling pancakes into his mouth. Gasp! Mom made pancakes!... Sigh... Mom made pancakes... She quickly wiped the tears that were starting to form in her eyes and proceeded to make herself a plate.
She stopped when her mother gave her a big side hug, "Ooohh, I can't believe you are grown enough to go on your pokémon journey! Your brave enough to go younger than I did that's for sure," she finished with a smile and flipped the pancake in the pan.
"Thanks mom, but I could really do without the'I'm so happy for you, good luck' mushy stuff. I'm really just doing this for him," she pointed her fork at Xander and stabbed a piece of pancake.
"Okay, okay, I'll tone it down," she chuckled. She flopped another pancake onto the pile she was creating on the island. As Silviana took another bite of pancake her mother plopped a small box next to her as she sat down.
Silviana looked at the box, then at her mother, and back at the box. With one last look at her mother, her mother nudged her head towards the little box. Silviana took the little box carefully, she popped it open and inside of it rested a little black locket.
"It's got your dad and I's pictures in it," her mother carefully picked up the little locket, "and I made it into a bracelet, I know you don't like much jewellery." Mrs. Ruiz went to put it around Silviana's wrist and Silviana immediately pulled away.
"I'm not wearing that," Silviana said calmly.
Her mother sighed, "Of course, I'll just put it on your bag so it's safe," she gently clicked the bracelet around one of the straps on Silviana's backpack.
Silviana went back to eating her pancakes, they didn't taste as good now. After she finished three quarters of her pancake, she stood up and walked to the door.
"Hey where ya goin'?" Xander said with a mouthfull of pancake.
"You wanted to get a head start on this thing right?" Silviana said with sarcasm and a spin. She opened the door and waltzed right out.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Xander jumped from his seat, grabbing his bag from the ground and turned around to wave to Silviana's mom, "Bye Mrs. Ruiz! I'll be sure to make sure she doesn't get into trouble!"
Mrs. Ruiz chuckled, "Be safe!" She called out.
Silviana let Xander run off ahead of her to the professor's lab. She would rather enjoy the peace that this morning brought before she got into whatever craziness Xander was going to put her through.
"Hey! No no! Give that back!"
A strange voice called to her left. From where she stood, she saw a small man with graying hair frantically grabbing at the tall grass. He had a white jacket on and was blocking the road that lead out of her small town.
"Woah!" A brown case came flying at him and and he was thrown backward.
With a gasp Silviana rushed over. She helped the old man up by the arm, she glanced over him again and realized the jacket was actually a lab coat. This is the professor?!
"I am probably getting too old for this, haha," he stood up and gave a greatful smile to Silviana, "Hello my dear, thank you for coming to help me. I was just on my way back from the pokémart when I got attacked by this eevee."
An eevee? What's that?
"Well then I suppose by the way you're dressed, you're probably one of the two new young trainers I'm supposed to give starters to!"
Silviana gave a silent nod and something caught her attention in the tall grass behind the professor. A brown blur shot out from the grass.
"Professor!" Silviana pushed the professor away and was hit by the brown blur. Closing her eyes and clutching her hands around the blur she tumbled back out of the tall grass. She landed on her backpack, still holding on tight, she peeked her eyes open and looked aghast when she saw that in her arms she held the little pokémon the professor told her about.
The pokémon shook its head ruffling its fur. It looked around then at Silviana with narrowed eyes.
"Uh... Hi there little fella? Oof!" The Eevee pushed off of her to propel itself over Silviana. Landing, and turning gracefully on the ground, it latched onto the golden chain of the locket Silviana's mom gave her.
"HEY! That's not yours!" Silviana turned to grab at it, but the little pokémon was too lithe for her bumbling movements. It dodged every attempt she tried to grab at it.
"My dear," she looked up to the professor stood next to her, "might I suggest another option?" Something clicked in his hand and it opened to reveal a pokéball.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" She took the ball from his hand.
He laughed, "Why throw it of course!" He gestured to the Eevee that was sitting on the ground now.
Silviana could have swore it had a smug look on its face. She scowled at it and underhandedly tossed the ball. It completely missed going right over the pokémon's head. The little pokémon in return flicked its ear in amusement.
Silviana growled, "Gimme another!" She turned to the professor holding one hand open.
Professor Oak smiled and graciously put two more pokéballs in her hands. Immediately Silviana threw them. One flew off to the right while the other flew over the head of the Eevee again. The little pokémon simply watched the pokéballs fly around and looked back at Silviana almost... smiling.
With more growls of frustration, she took two more of the pokéballs from Professor Oak. She wound up to throw the pokéballs simultaneously at the Eevee. They took a path straight toward it, but the little pokémon dodged them.
"UGH!" She threw two more, "Just get in the pokéball!" The Eevee jumped up toward one of the balls that flew toward it, with a flip, it pushed off the pokéball sending it flying back to Silviana. With a smack, it hit her straight in the face. Grunting she covered her face with both hands.
Silviana peeked through her fingers just in time to see the second pokéball hit the little brown pokémon in the tail. In a red flash the creature was sucked into the little red ball. She slowly pulled her hands down.
The ball moved three separate times, but Silviana stayed where she was. She felt a hand on her shoulder.
"You can breathe now my dear, that means you caught it." The professor kindly said.
Silviana let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Walking over to the pokéball she carefully picked it up.
"Are you going to name it?" The professor asked after he had grabbed his belongings. He stopped in the grass where she had caught the Eevee and picked up the little trinket the pokémon had snagged, "I believe this is yours as well." He clipped it back onto her bag while Silviana continued to stare at the ball.
"What do I name it?" She looked confusedly at the professor.
The professor gave a chuckle, "Whatever you want to! It's your first pokémon, yes? Take your time," he patted her shoulder, "a name will come to you." He walked off toward the center of town, "But for now, we should head to the lab! I think your friend will be waiting for a special pokémon himself."
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
I have a really weird request! A kihyun fluff (+ smut if u want) With some sort of masquerade/ball theme? Like glamorous and ballroom-ish and elegant? Be creative with it though! I want you to have fun! Thank you!! (I love ur writing ;))
Hi anonie! I’ve set this in a modern day au rather than a medieval one so I hope that’s ok. I’m not 100% satisfied with the finished result but the idea has stricken me so I’d actually like to make this into a longer and more detailed oneshot (perhaps with some smut) or a two part series. Regardless, I hope you like!
[WARNINGS] fluff, a lil angst
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You flutter on the edge of the ballroom, watching everyone else excited by the thrill of the unknown while you sulk over your half finished flute of champagne. You hated these mandatory social gatherings, hated your obligation to interact with everyone else even more and your expectancy to fulfil your duties as the heiress to the company seemed to loom even closer overhead.
But what you did enjoy was in fact the mystery. The lavish gowns and jewelled masks provided an air of mystique that no other charity dinner did and perhaps it’s why you’re a little more disappointed that your promised “date” hadn’t showed.
The description of his attire so far hasn’t matched anyone in the ballroom and your faith in his showing is slowly dissipating with every sip of your drink. You place it down on a passing tray and take another, choosing to nurse this one a little slower.
Your skirts start to itch and your corset starts to hug your ribs a little too closely, your face getting slick behind your ceramic mask. You stare down at your dress, admiring the way the emerald silk shimmers in the light of the chandeliers and the way the diamonds twinkle like the stars above.
Your ears perk up to a little shift in the noise level and you notice a slight commotion further away. You brush it off as the shenanigans of the drunken CEOs, always misjudging their alcohol intake, relying on liquid courage to get through the nights of meeting other executives.
The mini orchestra finishes one song, pausing to prepare for the next and it’s in this moment, this lull in time, he chooses to strike. Winding and weaving through the throng of sirs and dames, swiftly fabricating out of thin air, he sidles up beside you. You barely have time to notice before he plucks your glass out of your hand and discards it behind you, his hand slipping around your waist and waltzing you to the dance floor, your skirts fluttering behind in your wake.
Your eyebrows raise in shock behind the mask as you finally get a moment to asses him, gasping in disbelief when you realise it’s him. Your lips purse together, unimpressed at his tardy yet suave entrance. The orchestra begins the next song and you sway to the rhythm, gracefully gliding across the marble in his arms.
“Unimpressive. I’d rather you show up on time with much less of an entrance than two hours late.” You deadpan, your hand firmly gripping his gilded shoulder.
“A tough nut to crack. As expected by the heiress.” His lips curl into a smirk before shooting a not so furtive glance over his shoulder.
You notice the disturbance in the crowd again and observe one of the security personnel frantically searching the floor. You frown and decide to prove deeper into his late appearance.
“And why are you late?”
He’s too busy looking over his shoulder to hear so a quick, firm squeeze to his shoulder is enough to get his attention.
“Why are you late? Just so I know what to tell my parents when I dismiss your interest in being my suitor.” Your eyes simmer behind your mask; first he’s late and now you can’t even hold his attention?
“I… I got lost,” he lies, bold-faced.
“Try again,” you quip back, not falling for the lame excuse.
He spins you around dramatically in time to the strings, guiding you further from the staircase and closer to the balcony doors. You dont see the security on the edge of the floor anymore and instead spot them winding discreetly through the crowd.
Coupled with his nervous glances and the strange behaviour of the guards, you easily put two and two together, surely getting four.
“They’re looking for you, aren’t they?” You sigh and lower your head in shame. This is the last time your parents set you up with a date.
“I lost my invitation,” he admits, though his eyes seem to twinkle mischievously behind the slits of his black and emerald mask.
“Maybe that was for the best. So far you’ve done an awful job in swooning me.” You reply drily, although there is a slight mistruth to it.
Off the bat he is unique, unlike anyone you’ve courted before and almost childlike in his behaviour. He’s lively and, although you don’t want to admit it, a little humorous. Perhaps he isn’t such a lost cause.
The music comes to an abrupt halt and the ballroom is filled with shouting as someone spots him. A string of profanities are yelled in his direction as security gain on him, though something tells you he won’t go down that easily.
Using the crowd’s confusion to his advantage and his proximity to an exit, he unceremoniously slips out the balcony doors, pulling you along behind him. You bunch up your skirts to avoid tripping on the hem, quickly descending the steps that lead into the garden.
You frown as he navigates his way expertly through the garden you’d grown up in, leading the way to your secret and most treasured spot.
The shouts and commotion of the ball slowly fade away behind you, losing the security in the cover of shrubs and trees and the blanket of the night.
You don’t trust anyone in your life, not even your parents; the nature of your future job and current title call for you to be alert at all times, trusting no other soul but your own, yet something tells you it’s ok to follow him. You trust him and yet have no idea why.
You silently crawl through the little opening in the shrubs and step into your familiar clearing sheltered by the weeping branches of the trees above. It’s almost cave-like, only made out of twigs and leaves. A little pond twinkles on the other side of the clearing, housing the koi fish you’d looked after since you were a child.
You both take a minute to catch your breaths, hunched over with your hands on your knees, chests heaving with the painful memory of running.
“How did you know about this place?” You demand, wanting answers.
“You still haven’t figured it out yet?” He gasps in between breaths, removing his jacket and placing it on the grass.  
“Figured what out? Who areyou?” Your heart starts to flutter as your childhood memories come flooding back, assaulting your nostalgia. There was only one other person you’d shared this space with, only you hadn’t seen nor heard from him for years.
It couldn’t be–
He reaches up and removes his mask, tossing it to the floor also. The thick brush overhead obscures any light the night has to offer and his cheeks are flushed red but it’s undoubtably him.
“Kihyun?” You whisper, afraid that if you speak his name aloud, the mirage will disappear.
He rolls his eyes. “Took you long enough.”
Your jaw clenches, eyebrows knit together and your heart starts racing again for another reason entirely. You hadn’t seen him in years and this is how he shows up? Late, wanted and under the guise of someone else?
You shove a hand into his chest, pushing him away. “I haven’t seen you in years,” you hiss. “You never wrote, called, texted. Nothing! You left and cut me off. I thought we were friends! You were my best friend.”
“I know,” he admits, his hands up in surrender. “It was out of my control. There was nothing I could do.”
“You could’ve looked for me. I looked for you. I searched everywhere and your name never came up once.”
“I changed my name.” But he offers no further explanation.
You tear up at the unexpected reunion, hurt beyond words yet happy beyond explanation. The last time you’d seen him had been in this very spot, eight years old. He hasn’t changed, aside from the obvious. His eyes still sparkle with no good, his cheeks still full and round like you remember. But the things you don’t remember are the things that have made him into the man he is before you; his defined nose, broad forehead and sharp jaw. His lithe frame and agile feet.
“I’m sorry,” and it’s genuine, his apology. It soothes the ache in your heart you’d been nursing all this time, calming your nerves. Though it doesn’t seem to quell your anger, as fresh and raw as the moment you’d realised he’d left and was never coming back.
He grasps your hand in his and pries your fist open, lifting it up to his face and presses a kiss to your palm. He places your open hand over his heart, his eyes prompting and questioning.
“You remember,” you whisper, memories of the time spent together flashing before your eyes; kissing each other’s palms in promise and holding them to your hearts. It was a silly, childish ritual, one that only served as a special sort of handshake. But this, this means so much more.
“I’ve never forgotten,” he hold out his free palm for you to do the same, but you intertwine your fingers through his instead, pulling him closer.
You lean up on your toes and press a sweet, gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. Suggestive but chaste. “I just… fucking missed you.” You lean your head on his chest and hold him close, vowing to never let him go again.
“I missed you more.”
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baldtaelovemaze · 6 years
Love me for me (1)
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What kind of love story starts with two people locked in a classroom and ends with the two same people in a courtroom? This one. After unfortunate circumstances, Venice is forced to illegally change her identity and live as a boy in a all boys school.
She planned everything out. Every. Single.detail. but no matter how much she tries, she can’t stop herself from falling for the son of one of the biggest lawyers.
Is loving the man of her dreams worth  years in jail?
Reader (OC) X jungkook ft.Taehyung
Warnings: mature language
Words: 3k
"Dear Miss. Abass, unfortunately, your demand at Yale University has been Rejected-"
Orbs clouded, I rip apart the letter. The torn cream pieces dance with the wind my fan generates and I watch them gracefully fall to the floor, blending perfectly with the wood. 
Years of studying, isolation, practically not having a social life I forced upon myself to proudly become a valedictorian graduate but everything i did was in vain.
On the floor lays the last piece of hope I once clung on to. Now crushed under the weight of disappointment and failure, my chest hitches as I desperately try to hold back a sob. Water gathers at the rims of my heterochromia eyes. Left one a muddy green and the other a murky blue with a tinge of that same muddy green who manages to stick out no matter what like I do so very well. Intentionally or not.
I don’t cry, instead, I sniff away all the mucus who threatens to slide down my nasal passages and roll myself into bed.
For a moment, the smell of the freshly cleaned sheets and my dearest pillow make me forget of the hell hole I am in, of the chains that confine me.
That moment is short-lived when it all comes back rushing down on me like a wave. These chains that I have, invisible to the human or anything supernatural expect me. This rope around my neck who never ceases to tighten as time goes by.
I ponder on this fact. Or is it a question? It’s something I definitely know the answer to. So a fact it is.
The chains that hold me aren’t emotional or even close to physical. Nor did I ever do anything to earn them but that’s how the system works.
The system refused every single application I sent to prestigious universities. Not one of them accepted me even after they had contacted me for scholarships offers. Claiming that “my chosen classes were already full and to try elsewhere.’
It wasn’t a coincidence. Out of everyone, I should know that. Because I knew the system far too well.
That system chained me without even binding my wrist to chains, that system took my freedom away without truly stripping me of my rights, that system tied a noose around my neck and is waiting for any given occasion to rip away the chair from under my feet.
The system doesn't want my education to blossom. the system wants me to settle for less every time then die. That’s our government. the system is our government and it’s trying to kill me off. 
I could apply at a community college and get accepted in mere seconds but that's what they want. That is their plan and no matter what, I will not succumb to it, not after seeing how it ended for father. Not after seeing that.
I gulp at the thought of him. My body and mind react instantly at the mere idea of my father. My breathing becomes ragged and I sense my palms get clammy and sweaty. The noose around my neck feels like it got ten times tighter. Even though nothing is truly there, my brain acknowledges the hard rope covered in sharp split ends digging at the skin of my neck. My hands who once were tucked underneath the pillow flock to my neck, grasping around nothing but my own skin.
I seal my eyes shut and begin chanting the only thing that calms me down during my breakdowns.
the alphabet, something you often associate with learning toddlers full of life and not a 19-year-old having a nervous breakdown.
“J, K, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S!!” I scream loud, frail body shaking like a leaf as I try my best to block out the nose, block out the shots and the footsteps who are threateningly close. I hiccup between a sob when I feel his big greasy hands grip my long ebony hair, yanking me back painfully, he throws my whole body across the room.
what letter was I at? I forgot. Now I can barely breathe. I frustrate the man furthermore. I know this when he yells  “shut the fuck up. Make another sound and your lovely mother gets it.” I open my eyes and stop breathing altogether. She lays on the floor.
I shake my head, clearing my mind of theses awful flashbacks as I shoot up from bed to reach for the pieces of paper, crumble them into a tiny ball and neatly shoot them in my plastic dollar-store basketball net who hangs just above the door. It hits the rim before falling on the floor with a plop. 
“damn, where did my basketballs skill go?” I ask my self, feeling slightly better due to the self-pity that seems to have eaten me whole.
 The alphabet always calms me down, it brings me back to earth when I need it the most -when my anxiety decides to lock me in my painful past.
My back now on the bed, I look at my white ceiling, its time to think rationally, like an adult - I smile to myself. Like an adult, huh? I quickly recognize the fact that most adults don’t actually know what they are doing. Most of the time they let themselves get dragged with the wave. Some try to overpower the water while others succumb to it and others find a way to float, to stay on the surface no matter how strong the storm gets.
I huff a breath of defeat "what am I going to do? It was the last one on the list.” I toy with my phone. I run my fingers against its smooth metal surface all while making sure to not unlock it by accident with the touch ID.
I've been ignoring Haerin’s messages for a while now. 
I frown, hoping that she won’t misunderstand and think that I a mad at her.
the screen lights up.
Haerin: Don’t worry I know that you’re not mad at me or anything but I'm just worried.. plus I kinda miss your ugly ass so text back soon. I can’t believe you’re making me seem like a desperate hoe by ignoring all my text. Your fuckgirl mode has, unfortunately, been activated :/ [2:45]
I snort. Not being able to ignore her for any longer, I text back. 
Me: I usually don’t text girls back after we fuck... but ur kinda special so come over or whatever... [2:46 pm]
Haerin: omg okay daddy! I’ll bring take out that way my ass won’t be the only thing you’ll eat today! I'm omw bitch you have some explaining to do. [2:46]
I chuckle and lock my phone.
 With the stretch of my limbs, I'm out of bed and I beeline straight to the bathroom.
I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. “fucking hell, I barely look alive.”
after peeing and a quick face wash, I stand in front of the mirror and notice that my pixie cut may need a trim soon. I can’t ever let my hair grow past my ears and I rather not think about the reason behind this -not yet at least, not yet.
I watch the clear droplet of water cling on to the curl near my forehead before dropping and rolling down my tawny skin. I can’t help but to glance down at my neck, it’s red. I pray that I won’t bruise. I take in the fact that my new skin care routine has been working marvelously. From my high cheekbones, my narrow chin and slightly protruding forehead my skin is spotless.
"Venice, you little thot, I have arrived in your domicile"
I jump in surprise at first. After a smile covers my plump lips when I realize who that voice belongs to. I step out of the bathroom which is linked to my room and meet the fake redhead. 
In a matter of seconds, I am engulfed in her tight embrace. Face hidden in the crook of her armpit I notice that the tall girl is wearing her favorite mustard hoodie.
I break the hug. “ I missed you too,” I say, gazing up at her through my short lashes. I see the worry in her slanted eyes but I know she isn’t judging, she never does.
“let’s talk, okay?” her voice is soft when she speaks. I nod and lead her to my bed.
A couple tears, three hugs, and many heartfelt words later, we lay diagonally on my bed. Looking up at the ceiling. With a shift in position, I look over at Haerin’s toes who never fail to not be ugly and stinky but who can blame her? She's an aspiring basketball player. Now I look up to her profile. It seems like the ceiling is long forgotten and that she is currently deep in thought, I can tell by the way her straight thick brows furrow and how she chews almost aggressively her full bottom lip. I Am caught red-handed when she suddenly turns at catches me staring.
“I've got an idea.” her lips part as she smiles, revealing the gap in the middle of her two front teeth that fits her so well.
“How about we watch old Disney movies to take off some of your stress for today? let's deal this fucktard of a situation tomorrow. '' She pushes her elbow underneath her to lift herself. Her round glasses droop down the bridge of her nose but she's quick to push them back with the help of her lanky fingers.
I smiled at the idea. I ask myself how can someone be so pure and genuine sometimes.
''Okay, but just don't put anything with romance in it. I don't want to be reminded of the fact that the only thing I wake up next to in bed is my life-sized Makoto Tachibana pillow.'' My feet drag on the warm floor as Haerin intertwines her arm with mine. '' That's extremely sad and I hope that you'll throw it out once you get a boyfriend-'' she stops in her tracks and looks at me.
we both stare at each other only to explode with laughter.
 ''BAHAHA! I can't believe I just said that! You? a boyfriend? I think WinWin would finally be getting lines in songs before that happens.'' wiping away the tear that escaped, we go down the stairs and she grabs the laptop on the kitchen counter before plopping herself beside me on the sofa.
''Shut up you shouldn't be the one to speak here.'' I laugh back with her.
''Whatever ugly loser, go grabs snacks that way we can stuff our faces and I'll pick a movie'' She orders and am up in seconds.
''I know you said no romance but I still picked the Amanda Bynes movie She's the man '' Haerin informs me as I come back into the living room
I shrug my shoulders, indifferent.
''I don't care what we watch at this point, anything to get my stress down.'' I slur on my words near the end, taking a big fat handful of popcorn and shoving it down my throat.
'We could watch porn then'' she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and I pinch her left nipple.
''shut up and play the god damn movie.''
And with a click, the movie is playing and I am finally relaxing.
About an hour and forty-five minutes later the movie is done and you're left with a strange idea in mind.
''hey Haerin..'' you start off
her eyes squint, which suggests that she's thinking . ''hm?''
''Are you possibly thinking the same thing as me ?'' now my eyes squint, trying my best to read her expression.
 '' If you are thinking about dressing yourself up as a male and infiltrating the all-boys prestigious Uni then yes, we are thinking the same thing!'' her grip on my wrists is tight and I feel light headed when she shakes me like a polaroid as soon as I nod.
"You called me here because am what?" Christian took place on the sofa beside me. Brows creased together, he leaned forward, as if he hadn't heard me the first time. He heard me perfectly fine. "Because you're the dude-dest dude I know and I need to learn how to become a dude."
He drowns himself deeper in the couch, taking a chunk of his locks between his fingers, he let out an exasperated "what kind of fucking drugs do you guys take to come up with this shit?" And shortly after "Okay, I'll help."
This was our relationship. Christian Yu a very stable young adult that happened to be my childhood neighbor. Even when I moved out of my mother's home, he never left me behind. Kind of like a big brother that allows me to do dumb shit only with his supervision.
"This might seem crazy but just trust me on this. It might work,"I reassure.
His eyes bulge “What exactly might work Venice please don’t tell-”
“I can’t keep living on like this. I don’t want to live a meaningless life all while knowing that I can achieve so much more. Just entering that school and studying to become a lawyer would be a huge step for me” my jaw clenches “Its a step towards my goal and..” nostrils flared, I watch Christian tense, the weight of my words slowly seep into his pores, completely changing his first resolve. “ I will fulfill it no matter what”.
“I understand what you want to do but wouldn't that be proving what the government is doing to people like you -no offense, right? You're just doing what they expect of the children of criminals, you're becoming one too” He remains tense. Lower lip stuck between his pearly teeth, Christian avoids eye contact. 
“Reflect on this: What do criminals have in common?” I get up from the couch under the perplexed gaze of my friend.
Lips puckered, brows screwed together, he comes up with an answer quickly “Its simple, they do illegal things!”
“That's partially true but I want you do think of the biggest names in the dark world, the infamous one. What brought them together besides the fact that what they did was prohibited?” I am patient, smiling down at my friend who racks his brain fora retort. His wide shoulder slump, not knowing where exactly am I go going with this. I give in, choosing to spare him a brain burn out “they were all selfish.”
“yes, it really is that simple.” I smirk “ Just think about it, All their lives, their goal was to enrich themselves, gain profit or some form of power. They were ready to do whatever it took to gain these things. Kill, steal ect. What separates me from them is that I am not only doing this for me but the others who suffer alongside me in silence. We both know that the system is wrong and should be taken down even if that means sacrificing the little freedom I have.” I exhale, coming back to sit near Christian on the couch.
He sighs, elbows now up on his tighs, he rubs his eyes. “Fine, I support you in this but please don't you dare end up in jail or else-”
“You’ll lose your mind since you can't live without her.” Haerin finally speaks. She had remained so silent I forgot that she was even there.
“Y-yeah, you're probably right actually, I don't think I can't live without either of my girls” he pipes, scooping both of us in his toned arms and engulfing us in a tight hug.
“Let me go, Chris, my face is literally buried in your armpits”  Haerin whines.
“Then smell them!”
“Oh no, you don”t-”I send my knee in his crotch in a matter of seconds, making him groan in agony all while curling into a ball on the floor. Haerin stares unbothered, pulling out her phone and calling someone. The conversation is short but it leaves a smile on her lips when she hangs up.
"Okay whores, I just called the best makeup artist in town. After you get your lesson on how to become an owner of a dick and get a makeup lesson cuz god knows you struggling in that.." Haerin shakes her head and muffles a laugh with her hand when I pipe out “bitch.”
 "You will go in the room and do what you have to do to make the world believe you are a man."
"Okay, let's start then!" the serious and somber mood is gone, excitement is now what is left behind. Am thrilled, justice pumps through my veins and it's only fueled more by the support of my friends. I can do this
"Okay let's start then...but no homo"
"I know I taught you to use 'no homo' but it doesn't mean you need to say it in every  sentence, Venice," Christian shouts from the kitchen, watching the makeup artist teach me the basics on how to make my face look more masculine and the brands that stay on the longest.
Haerin had told her that we were just filming a really weird porno and the women weirdly enough, nodded as if what Haerin said was something that she had seen often.
A couple more minutes spent by my side and she was out of the house, I shooed Christian and Haerin out as well.
With years of fraudulent knowledge in my hands, creating a new identity would be a breeze. 
What should my new name be?
I grab my phone and open the group chat
Me: I need Name ideas, got anything? [5:15]
Chris: keep it simple... something like Steve Duncan or whatever [5:17]
Haerin: Don't listen to this loser, Bob Mcniplecoker shall be your new name, beloved  ;)  [5:17]
Chris: i-  [5:18]
Me: 00Ooo thank you Haerin! very cool! [5:18]
Chris: please don't tell me you're actually using that- why am I the only sane person in this group? [5:19]
I shut off my phone, content with the name and ready to get down to serious business. Hours and hours of serious business.
Creating a whole new identity sure was time-consuming.
The wait was over.
The letter who held my fate had arrived to my surprising displeasure. I huffed a breath of frustration. Why am I so nervous? With the grades I have, it is certain I’ll be getting in but why can't I open it?
The pretty creme letter waited for no one other than me to open it. I was first made known of its presence when I was taking a shit and my uncle so kindly slid it under the door when he was staying over for a couple days.
All Boys: Great Jeon University
I had just finished taking a shit but after re-reading the letter I felt like taking a second shit.  Curling on the floor, my nose rose up in defiance as I glanced at the paper, still centimeters away from under the door.
Let's just open the letter and get this over with.
With trembling hands, I reached over to the letter but I at last second I let my hand fell back to my side.
This Is so stressful! Is it possible to vomit and shit your pants all at the same time? I shot up, heading to the sink determined, with a couple splashes of cold water on my face I stared at myself in the mirror, determined.
I pursued my full lips, taking in a pimple that formed right next to my thick brows. This stress is really getting to me. I know damn well that a pimple wouldn't have been there otherwise.
"Okay you big wuss, tear that shit open !" I gas myself up, finally picking up the letter, I rip the envelope, already expecting the worst.
"Dear Mister. Mcniplecocker, we are glad to inform you that you have been accepted-"
“Oh thank God...” relief washes down on me like a ton of bricks. ”Thank 
god..”I exhale, I can't contain the small smile that forms on my lips.
"THIS CALL FOR DANGEROUSLY HIGH AMOUNTS OF CALORIES !" Haerin shouts, grabbing the takeout menu to order too much food and possibly max out her credit card. She is reckless and often thinks of the consequences after she does something but if she ever got in trouble with the law due to her shenanigans, me, a soon to be law student would help her.
Christian took his usual seat at my right and Haerin at my left on our favorite brown couch. They were here so often on this couch that their butts were permanently imprinted.
"I need to tell you guys about this girl I've met. She's older but I swear I've never seen a woman more beautiful" Christian gushed, tugging on my shirt. "Oh, my man is finally getting some action! I started getting worried for you I was almost going to ship you with Haerin."
The girl snapped her head to look at me at the mention of her name. "Excuse me? Me and Christian? I'd rather let your creepy pillow anime guy date me." She snickered and I scoffed "Bitch, you wish Makoto Tachibana would be with your dusty crusty ass plus you're acting like Christian is ugly! I mean he might be a lil on the grandpa side since he's so old but-"
He deadpanned. "I'm literally 25 ???"
"Anyways, in two months I'll be going to one of the most prestigious schools and I'll be a lawyer. If one of you ever gets in trouble with the law don't call me because I'll be the one making sure you go to jail." I joke, picking a movie on the laptop.
I was over the moon. Things were going my way and it felt good, so good.
"If you ever do get caught, who will defend you ?" Christian hesitated when he asked, not wanting to stress me.
"Don't jinx it, idiot. I won't happen, don't worry." Haerin leaned forward, taking my hand in hers and gave me a small smile not knowing that the damage was already done.
 It was something that I ridiculously tried shoving at the back of my brain. It was something I needed to face. I was going to be a lawyer for crying out loud, I knew that I could face time in jail and fines I wouldn't be able to afford to pay.
It was something I was ready to risk. For my education. I was breaking the law in order to work as a person who enforced the law. How ironic.
"Yeah, don't jinx it, Chris." 
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49scribes-a · 7 years
Fantasy AU {1}
Witch Junior started the chat 45 seconds ago
Princess Colette (Witch Junior) joined the chat
Queen Alma (Princess Colette) joined the chat
Knight Doug entered for the first time
Witch Lavi entered for the first time
Kelpie Crown Clown entered for the first time
Tengu Kanda entered for the first time
Kelpie Crown Clown I'm a beautiful horse
Witch Junior that you are
Kelpie Crown Clown a very pretty horse
Knight Doug u m Knight Doug pretty horse, yes
Kelpie Crown Clown trots around the forest looking for pr-er, friendly faces
Thief Nea entered for the first time 8 seconds ago
Witch Junior riiiight Witch Junior "friendly faces"
Witch Lavi is munching on an apple
Knight Doug bitch if you come anywhere near the princess, ur dead Knight Doug @ nea Knight Doug stay away from the precious smol
Witch Junior: Okay so }
Kelpie Crown Clown pretends to eat the grass but ew, plants
Thief Nea uhmmm are you stereotyping me??? Thief Nea i dont steal princesses you ignorant fuck
Knight Doug bitch i might be Knight Doug u wannA GO?!
Knight Doug aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Knight Doug wait a minute- did you just
Tengu Kanda Children plz.
Knight Doug did you just call me tin man?
Thief Nea uh, yeah?
Knight Doug ur gOIN DOWN
Kelpie Crown Clown tin humans are easier to d-MAKE FRIENDS WITH
Witch Junior: BASICALLY -- There are two major kingdoms that have been at war for forever. Doug and Colette are part of one. Alma is recent queen of another, recently inherited from their parents' passing. After Queen Alma became ruler, she extended an offering of peace and now the kingdoms are meeting in the port trade city of Palance for a peace treaty thang, which is fairly neutral territory and home to those from all walks of life. Big old party n shit going on. Do whatever and be wherever 😎 }
Knight Doug: ;; NICE NICE Knight Doug listen, every single one of you can mcfuckin fight me
Thief Nea: || gotcha
Princess Colette don't fight, we're here to stop the fighting aren't we? :'(
Knight Doug ,,yes Knight Doug desole
Thief Nea for 8000 gold pieces a month, I will Stop
Tengu Kanda: ( Also don't fuck with Alma because Kanda is her vanguard. -fingerguns- )
Knight Doug you'll stop if the princess tells you to, you slut
Kelpie Crown Clown why fight when we can all get along. I'll give you a nice ride. We can go for a summer stroll in the forest.
Thief Nea not my princess
Knight Doug :I Knight Doug hey, colette Knight Doug can i like. stab this guy?
Princess Colette noooo no stabbing people :'( You'll make me cry
Knight Doug ,,,alright
Witch Junior look at this great big party. Lavi we should crash it
Knight Doug is most likely by colette's side, back straight and eyes locked ahead
Witch Lavi we should definitely crash it, Junior
Knight Doug try me, witch Knight Doug t r y m e
Witch Junior is that a challenge
Witch Lavi I think it was
Knight Doug maybe, maybe not
Princess Colette is watching all the people and the pretty decorations and festivities like oooooooo
Kelpie Crown Clown changed name to Horse Crown Clown
Knight Doug takes a small glance at colette and smiles softly
Thief Nea wow look at all these important people and all their important jewelry
Tengu Kanda Of course he is being anti-social while leaning on a wall, but keeping an eye out on the entire party near Alma but boy does he stand out.
Queen Alma softly nudges him Queen Alma: Don't be so grumpy, Yuu~ Its a party. A day for celebration!
Tengu Kanda A huff softly leaves his lips, while it was he was not so easily swayed from his guard. Tengu Kanda: "I am doing my job Princess Alma, this may be a peace party but I need to keep an eye out."
Princess Colette is kind of excitedly watching all the performers that are setting up inside the city
Witch Junior hums at Lavi
Knight Doug takes a deep breath and chuckles softly, keeping his pike on the ground, but not letting his guard down for a single moment
Witch Junior: You going to come with while I mingle in with the performers?
Witch Lavi looks over at his twin Witch Lavi: Think it'd be a good idea? Might draw a lot of attention
Queen Alma shrugs a little bit Queen Alma: True, I suppose. You did come as my vanguard. Still, you could try not to look so sour. Queen Alma she just laughs softly tho
Witch Junior: Hmm... true. One of us stands out well enough.
Knight Doug you both stick out like a sore thumb Knight Doug :I
Horse Crown Clown walks a bit closer to the town in the distance. It won't go inside and it tries to stay hidden but h-uh, the urge to seek a friend was making it desperate.
Witch Lavi: I'll mingle, you go with the performers
Tengu Kanda: "This is how I naturally appear, Queen."
Witch Junior: Sounds like a plan. Witch Junior gives Lavi a little shoulder pat and goes to slip in amongst the performers
Queen Alma: I suppose you're right
Thief Nea is honestly just lurking around
Queen Alma she's going to go take an interest in the food stands because it all smells so good. Much better than the food aboard the ship.
Thief Nea like a rude ass lurker
Tengu Kanda: "Besides, humans are not too keen on Tengu and I on humans for the most part, it is for the best I remain distant."
Witch Lavi: [Have fun~]
Knight Doug looks at colette again, closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again, voice muffled from the armor around his face Knight Doug: this is nice.
Witch Lavi smirks before slipping into the crowd of people
Horse Crown Clown changed name to Traveler Allen
Princess Colette nervous little head nod. THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE and she is a smol
Thief Nea guys the food here is rlly good Thief Nea like holy fuck
Traveler Allen he's has a patch over his eye, he's got a costume and makeup on, and he's in the thick of the entertainers, balancing on a ball and juggling! Festivals, what a great way to get money!
Knight Doug kneels down and places a hand on colette's shoulder Knight Doug: ...whatever happens will be fine.
Queen Alma: Yes, but you are here with me as an envoy of the queen, aren't you?
Knight Doug: i'm right here.
Witch Junior is just gonna slip in through the gates among the performers being let through, looking all dressy-like like another performer
Tengu Kanda: "That I am, but that does not stop the hateful glares I keep receiving. Through I suppose it is warranted, Tengu and humans have never had a good relations."
Princess Colette nods timidly and eyes the performers Princess Colette: ...Can we go closer?
Knight Doug grins and nods Knight Doug: of course.
Traveler Allen he's balancing the balls on his head while he balances on a giant ball with great concentration.
Knight Doug stands up once more and glances around before taking colette's hand gingerly and beginning to walk slowly and carefully
Queen Alma: Well, anyone who has a problem with it can take it up with me.
Knight Doug: ...just hold on to me.
Princess Colette nods and holds onto his hand before following along kind of peeking around him
Tengu Kanda: "No need for that Queen Alma, I am used to it and find it amusing by now. I can deal with glares all that matters here is your safety."
Queen Alma hums quietly and resumes looking at and trying food stalls Queen Alma: As you wish.
Princess Colette is watching the performers balancing on balls and flipping and doing acrobatics with great interest
Knight Doug: it's quite beautiful, isn't it? Knight Doug hums softly,,
Witch Junior hums and kind of looking over all the performers with a searching eye
Princess Colette little head nod Princess Colette: ...mhm...
Traveler Allen carefully but gracefully does a handstand on the ball with stuff still balanced on his head.
Thief Nea why is this Ball Guy so flashy
Tengu Kanda A nod is given in response while glancing at a few other people here, but he does not look to one place for long anything could happen here.
Traveler Allen I Want Money
Knight Doug: perhaps we'll have parties like these more often.
Thief Nea then just Take Money
Knight Doug: now that there's finally peace.
Traveler Allen I am an honest man
Witch Junior that is quite the flashy performer
Knight Doug hands some money to allen before nodding to him
Traveler Allen collects the money in his Money Hat and gives the knight a bright smile.
Witch Lavi: [See anything interesting over there?]
Witch Junior: [Yeah. I do.] Witch Junior: [Gonna have myself a little bit of fun~]
Witch Lavi: [I see something pretty interesting too.]
Princess Colette gives the performer a sheepish little smile
Knight Doug nods to allen once more, holding tightly to his pike with his free hand Knight Doug glances at colette and grins
Witch Junior hears a drop in the festival music going into another song and lightly taps the flashy performer on the shoulder
Witch Lavi hums quietly while eyeing some guards through the crowd.
Traveler Allen he's up on his feet again and thinking of what to do next when someone taps him on the shoulder. He spins on his toe towards the tap, blinking rapidly.
Witch Junior smiles and offers his hand with a small bow Witch Junior: Care for a dance? Witch Junior: I dance well.
Knight Doug Watches TM Knight Doug s q u in  t s
Witch Lavi ooh, this food smells great
Knight Doug gives colette's hand a gentle squeeze before continuing to walk
Princess Colette shyly ducks behind her knight
Witch Junior: also, because Junior's a slut for dancing to it, the song is gonna be this one B ) } Witch Junior: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xxkgpm }
Knight Doug: ;; N i c E Knight Doug: ...would you like me to take my armor off for a bit so that we can dance?
Traveler Allen well, it was a festival, he might as well have fun! He'd gotten a lot of money, anyway. He hops off the ball and dumps his things into a hidden pocket. The ball was supplied to him, so he kicks it back gently to the side.
Knight Doug looks at colette and quirks a brow
Traveler Allen: "Sure!" *He takes Junior's hand.*
Princess Colette kind of looks at him in surprise Princess Colette: Can we?
Knight Doug nods and takes off his helmet Knight Doug: ...of course we can.
Witch Junior hums and takes Allen's hand, starting to lead the steps to the music, starting off with some slow basic back-forth steps
Queen Alma oh, it looks like there's dancers! Queen Alma can't go anywhere without her vanguard tho so just grabs Kanda's arm and tugs him along
Princess Colette happy Colette noises
Traveler Allen humors Junior by stepping with him, bouncing between steps.
Tengu Kanda glances over at the two now dancing, perhaps more will follow suit and start dancing too -- When he's pulled there's a bit of a surprised expression, but he follows without resistance.
Witch Lavi slips between food stalls casually, startling a few guards before he grinned and uncovered his magic eye. It doesn't take long to hypnotize them, quietly giving them their orders as he covers up his eye again. The guards nod and Lavi leaves them be, blending into the crowd again.
Knight Doug laughs quietly before quickly guiding her back so he can remove his armor and picks her up to rush back to the dance, setting her down Knight Doug: may i have this dance, mademoiselle?
Witch Junior just kinda warms up into the slower parts of the tune until it gets into more of the fast beats and picks up his pace : )
Princess Colette giggles a little bit and takes his hand Princess Colette: Mhm!
Queen Alma stops at the edge of the crowd to watch the dancers happily
Traveler Allen is happily picking up the pace, he's hip-shimmying in excitement occasionally, come on, let's spin around! He's trying to stay at a pace Junior's comfortable with, although.
Queen Alma: Isn't it wonderful, Yuu?
Knight Doug spins her around before picking her up and holding her close to him as he bounces around to the beat
Witch Lavi watches as the guards as they leave while they chat as though nothing was wrong, their visors down as they head off to orbit near their queen, Alma. Lavi hums quietly, he supposes that'll be good enough for now. They were technically guarding their queen along with that tengu.
Witch Junior Kek. Its fine. I'm a high energy dancer : ) Picks up his pace again to the music and jingle-jangles all his little bangles and gold rings to add to the music
Tengu Kanda: "It is interesting at least, I have never seen so many people enjoying themselves before."
Witch Junior Everyone lookit me dance!
Witch Lavi: [Do you see the Tengu, Junior?]
Knight Doug "accidentally" bumps into junior Knight Doug: ah! excuse me!
Witch Junior does a little twirl and-- Witch Junior stumbles a bit but recovers and offers a small bow Witch Junior: No trouble, my lord!
Knight Doug glances him over before dipping his head
Witch Junior: [...yeah. I do.] Witch Junior: [Hard to miss.]
Knight Doug goes back to twirling around with colette :I
Traveler Allen gives a short bow to that handsome tipper and soon he's back into the music, gosh, he should buy some more bells with how pleasant his partner's bangles sounded with the music!
Witch Lavi taps his fingers while humming along with the music. (Get closer, boys.) The guards move to be a little closer to their queen, after all, even if her vanguard is there, it's a big crowd.
Knight Doug whispers to colette Knight Doug: perhaps it's time for us to go. Knight Doug: after this dance...
Princess Colette and now you get the big child whine
Witch Lavi: [He's the Queen's vanguard from what I gleaned off the guards. Interestin' choice.]
Princess Colette: But why?
Witch Junior goes back to dancing and twirling Witch Junior: [Interesting choice indeed.]
Queen Alma hums curiously Queen Alma: Have you ever learned to dance, Yuu?
Guard (Queen Alma) joined the chat
Tengu Kanda he seems to be watching the guards moving closer, did they not have a different patrol route? That was strange to see them come close, so he walks much closer to Alma. Tengu Kanda: "No, I have not."
Queen Alma: Its a little bit more... dramatic than what I'm used to doing, but perhaps I could show you a little bit?
Knight Doug: ...there was something in that man's eye. Knight Doug: the one i just bumped into. Knight Doug: i don't like it.
Witch Junior wow, rude. My eye is gorgeous : (
Knight Doug mhm Knight Doug sure
Traveler Allen spins Junior around, was he a bit distracted? The idea of the end of this dance sort of saddened him, but he enjoyed it while he could.
Witch Lavi: @Guard [You don't want the peace. Do your duty for your kingdom.]
Tengu Kanda: "Perhaps, but not right now my queen not until I am sure of something."
Witch Lavi peeling an orange now.
Knight Doug starts twirling away from the dancers Knight Doug something's about to go down
Witch Junior dances a bit closer to the edge of the crowd and jingle-jangling the bangles. He playfully reaches out and swipes a hand out to tug a strand of Tengu hair out and let it drop playfully, giving a little one-eyed wink
Knight Doug i'm certain of it Knight Doug hHHHH Knight Doug TWIRLS A LITTLE FASTER
Queen Alma gives a little laugh
Knight Doug: we need to go.
Traveler Allen Well uh that was mighty brave of ya, touching the bird man.
Queen Alma: I think that one isn't so against Tengu at least
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Pfft, nice one.]
Princess Colette whiNES MORE Princess Colette: But I wanna watch the dancers!
Knight Doug hhhhh Knight Doug s tops and pants for a moment
Witch Junior: [Thank you, I try~]
Knight Doug: ...alright.
Tengu Kanda The action causes his eyes to narrow upon the action at was taken aginst him, he would have already swipped the man's head off with his sword but this was not the place. So he does not even bother to look at the man, merely reach out and take Alma's arm and lead her off to a different area.
Witch Junior pouts and just goes back to dancing thEN fine be a stranger
Knight Doug: can we at least let me get my armor, princess?
Princess Colette hums and pouts Princess Colette: I suppose...
Queen Alma indignant squawk Queen Alma: Yuu! Where are we going?
Knight Doug hums nervously and starts walking back
Traveler Allen gonna just, end up doing some cartwheels and flips he's still so pumped up.
Knight Doug: i don't trust them. Knight Doug: i'm very sorry.
Princess Colette kind of smol nervous look Princess Colette: Are they bad?
Tengu Kanda: "Away from the guards who have left their designated posts my Queen, I do not like what is going on here and your safety is the utmost importance. I do not trust it, even if it seems silly." His voice is quiet while whispering to her.
Knight Doug: i'm not so sure yet. Knight Doug: just... the look in his eye.
Queen Alma huffs a little bit and pulls her arm free, crossing her arms over her chest Queen Alma: Maybe they are chasing thieves or some other thing? Queen Alma: There are many people here. Surely there are thieves too. It does not mean I am in any danger.
Knight Doug sets her down to put his armor back on and just... soft hhhhhh
Tengu Kanda: "Unless they consider me a thief I doubt it, I have been the only one near you thus far."
Knight Doug: please stay close to me, princess.
Princess Colette nods a little bit Princess Colette: Okay...
Witch Lavi hums to himself, he guessed that those two wouldn't be much use. He mentally ordered them to go about their 'routes'.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [The Tengu's skittish as hell. Ugh.]
Queen Alma: Are you truly so worried? Queen Alma you're making her nervous now Kanda
Knight Doug takes colette's hand once more and guides her back to the dancers, holding to his pike closely
Witch Junior goes back to dancing with Allen and grabs his wrist to twirl him around
Tengu Kanda: "Just stay close to me, that is all I ask I will protect you no matter the cost my queen."
Knight Doug Watches That One Redhead
Witch Lavi closes his eye and mentally reaches out to another while eating his orange and tapping his foot to the beat.
Witch Junior: [Not making this easy, huh?]
Traveler Allen twirls around easily, and then jumps up to twirl the taller stranger back!
Witch Junior twirls and dips Allen when he comes back so their faces are close together and his little eye cloth thingy hangs out but its fine his hair is in the way. Hi how ya doin, like my magic eye?
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Not one bit. I might have to get a few more guards or maybe even one these 'lovely' people to do the job.]
Princess Colette slightly happier to be watching the dancers again
Queen Alma nods a little bit
Knight Doug has to go back into serious mode and just. squints at junior Knight Doug Something Tells Me To Arrest You
Queen Alma: You did come along even though you didn't have to to ensure my safety... I trust your judgement. Shall we head back to the festivities or elsewhere?
Witch Lavi: @Guard [When you do strike, make sure that you get her on the first hit.]
Traveler Allen oh, an odd-eye?! Don't worry, he'll keep quiet about it. He's wearing an eyepatch himself! He sticks out his leg and arm during the dip for flair.
Knight Doug hhHHH Knight Doug HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Knight Doug glances at colette Knight Doug looks back at the dancers
Witch Junior Not shy? Good. I've got a little job for you, street performer.
Tengu Kanda: "Yes, that seems much better in the grand scheme of things my queen, I don't trust this area now the air feels off." A part of it reminds him of the fude that took place at his home it was sickening.
Guard faint nod at Lavi's command.
Traveler Allen is trying to figure out if he can lift Junior into the air. Probably, but would he stay balanced?
Knight Doug fidgets nervously hhh
Queen Alma: Where shall we head, then? Queen Alma going to follow Kanda
Witch Junior don't strain yourself
Princess Colette is just kinda happily bouncing to the music at Doug's side, holding onto his hand and smiling
Tengu Kanda: "..." That was a good question where should they head to, well it should not matter if they merely stayed near. "How about that stand over there?"
Queen Alma nods and smiles at him Queen Alma: It seems as good a place as any so long as you are at my side.
Traveler Allen If he failed he could always try to uh, cushion Junior's landing with his own body, would he be up for it?
Witch Junior I mean, you're pretty small, dude. Like I said, don't strain yourself.
Knight Doug glances at her, and yes, he's glad she's happy, but... Knight Doug watches junior again
Witch Junior just going to keep dancing and twirling, making playful flirty motions at a few people in the crowd. Kinda plucks a more enthusiastic girl out and into the dance for a few steps before continuing to be playful with the rest of the crowd's edge
Tengu Kanda there is a small hidden smile only she could see, before leading her over to the stand in question.
Knight Doug growls softly,,
Princess Colette a little bit hoppy Princess Colette: Can we dance again too?
Knight Doug looks at her Knight Doug: ...yes. Knight Doug it'LL BE HARD TO DANCE IN ARMOR BUT Knight Doug for the princess
Traveler Allen is gonna do it. If his partner jumps into his arms he'll-wait, aw, he was dancing away, but he meets more dancers and dances his way through after him.
Princess Colette yay!
Knight Doug sets his pike aside and takes her into his arms again Knight Doug taKES A DEEP BREATH
Witch Junior smiles and twirls on over to the armored knight and taps his shoulder pauldron, offering a hand to dance Witch Junior: May I have this dance, my lord?
Knight Doug starts twirling around with her even if he does almost lose his balance a few t- Knight Doug: ... Knight Doug slowly glances back Knight Doug hhh Knight Doug: colette, go wait where it's safe. Knight Doug: i'll be there as soon as i can.
Princess Colette gives him a confused blink and kinda backs away a few steps at a time, nodding shyly
Queen Alma is just humming to the tune happily and watching the festivities from a safe distance
Knight Doug swallows hard and takes off a few pieces of armor before humming Knight Doug: yes, you may. Knight Doug smiles softly
Witch Junior bows his head down and takes his hand Witch Junior: I am honored~
Knight Doug blinks a few times before chuckling Knight Doug: aren't you polite? Knight Doug i still don't trust you
Witch Junior: I do try, my lord Witch Junior pulls him into a dance
Tengu Kanda There's another glance at the area before reaching out with his hand to lift something from one of the stalls they walked by, offering what looked to be a rose colored like a rainbow to Alma.
Queen Alma blinks in surprise before smiling softly and taking it and admiring it. Its so pretty~
Knight Doug soft noises of surprise but follows after him into the dance
Queen Alma: You spoil me so, Yuu...
Tengu Kanda: "Not so much." Through he does smile at her again out of other's sight.
Traveler Allen there was the stranger! holding out his arms to him, telling him to come towards him with his eyes, and so he darted forward, his hands moving to his pockets to grab his ribbons, it would be a grand pickup, and suddenly his darting forward passed by his partner and his hand was grasping a knife and it was buried within a girl's neck. He was being lifted!
Princess Colette loudly squeaks in surprise!! And-- Princess Colette down she go
Witch Junior dances for a bit before the gasping and screaming "draws" his attention and he gasps in feigned horror Witch Junior: Oh no-- Witch Junior: Lordship!
Witch Lavi keeps himself from smiling and dons a confused face as he looks towards the screaming crowd where his brother is.
Knight Doug: colette!
Queen Alma perks up a little bit. Oh, did something exciting happen? It sounds like there's ooing and awking maybe?
Witch Junior my work here is done. Kek. Witch Junior quietly slips into the panicking crowd
Princess Colette is coughing blood and whimpering
Tengu Kanda: Snaps his gaze over to the screams and gasping before he reacts swiftly. "Those are not sounds of excitment my queen, they are fear and panic." Quickly he turns and picks her up from the ground, this place was dangerous.
Knight Doug k NEELS DOWN BESIDE OF HER, HANDS HOVERING OVER HER Knight Doug: c-colette.... Knight Doug: colette, please...
Princess Colette: ...S-sir Douglas... Princess Colette she's bleeding a lot
Knight Doug: i'm here... Knight Doug: i'm here, shh... i'm here...
Queen Alma yelps in surprise
Knight Doug swallows hard and just.... feels tears gathering in his eyes
Queen Alma: Yuu?! What's happened?
Knight Doug: it's... it's going to be alright.
Princess Colette: ...m-m-m... scared...
Knight Doug: shhhh...
Traveler Allen the cheers were so loud, what an amazing lift, he twirled around with the bloodied hands, the blood spatters looking like streamers to him.
Knight Doug rips a piece of his shirt and presses it to the wound
Guard mobilizes along with the other guards as the panic starts to guard their queen
Tengu Kanda: "I do not know but we can see, I hope you don't mind heights." With a small smile his wings unfold and he darts up into the air where they could see what just transpired.
Knight Doug doesn't dare move her and just Knight Doug stays strong for now lma o
Witch Junior hums and watches all the chaos and screaming and rage unfold in the streets and also-- ope, there goes the Tengu up into the sky
Princess Colette whimpering and holding onto his wrist with a terrified, glassy look
Knight Doug pets her hair and swallows hard Knight Doug: shhh... Knight Doug: it's... it's okay. Knight Doug kNOWS THERE'S NOTHING HE CAN FUCKING DO NOW
Knight Doug: je t'aime.... je t'aime.....
Traveler Allen these cheers were turning into panic, and he was somehow on the ground instead of in the air. Why was his hands wet? He wiped it on his pants onto to see... blood?
Tengu Kanda there's a small bemused smile but his hold on the queen is tight, he would not drop her no matter the cost before his eyes land on the horrible sight. "... Princess Colette is bleeding with her knight standing above her, it looks fatal."
Witch Lavi glares where the Queen was taken before slipping through the crowd. Time to get back up.
Princess Colette softly whimpers and chokes a few times before falling very, very still
Queen Alma a gasp catches in her throat and she just looks utterly horrified
Knight Doug stares for a long moment
Queen Alma: Why? Why would anyone do that? Queen Alma are those tears? Those are tears
Knight Doug fe els a tightness in his chest and picks her up
Queen Alma: @Lavi [How are things on your end?]
Witch Lavi finds some archers, it's so easy to get them under his command and he motions towards their target before leaving them to be somewhere else. He needed a good spot.
Knight Doug: EVERY GUARD IS TO SEARCH FOR THE REDHEAD! Knight Doug: AND WHEN YOU FIND HIM, KILL HIM! Knight Doug so b s and looks down at he r
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Annoying. He flew up into the sky with her]
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Noticed.]
Witch Lavi: @Junior [I got back up on it.]
Witch Junior oooh so. That's a thing. Thought he was less obvious than that but oh well.
Knight Doug f eels something... snap Knight Doug hands her off to another guard and grabs his pike
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Good. We have to make this quick. They're onto me a little faster than I'd hoped.]
Knight Doug has blood all over him now but
Tengu Kanda: "Someone clearly does not want this peace treaty to go through, you are not safe here." Glancing at all the people running along the ground he thinks about leaving, but instead he merely flys up higher to move in the direction of the gathered crowd.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Paranoid guards. Always the most troublesome.]
Knight Doug: i'll do it my damn self.
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Indeed.]
Traveler Allen he feels a heavy weight on his chest. Oh dear, oh dear, something odd happened around him again. He stayed with the crowd, putting up his hood.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Maybe I should just do this myself.]
Queen Alma is getting a little bit a i r si ck oh gods they are very high up Queen Alma: Y-Yuu I must confess... I think... I am a little less used to heights as you are--
Tengu Kanda: "Forgive me." With a swift motion he lands on the ground next to the terrible little crime, setting Alma on the ground while looking to Doug. "What happened?"
Knight Doug doesn't speak, just keeps walki n g
Queen Alma give her a moment to just.... catch her breath oh lords
Witch Lavi: @guard [Now!]
Witch Junior is just gonna quickly head along through some alleyways and crowds with a little bit of hurried spring to his step. Good thing there's people running EVERYWHERE.
Guard charges out of the panicked crowd and draws a sword, swinging it towards Alma Guard: FOR THE PRINCESS!!
Traveler Allen is gonna leave this town before more people freggin die. Little does he know.
Knight Doug quickly turns Knight Doug: DON'T YOU DARE!! Knight Doug: THAT'S NOT YOUR TARGET!!
Guard sorry he ain't listening
Tengu Kanda the sound causes him to turn and rush an arm in front of the queen, but he can't get his wings up in time.
Knight Doug th ough t s o Knight Doug: STAND DOWN!
Guard swings his sword at Kanda then if he's going to get in the way
Witch Lavi throws his knife in the air, controlling the knife as it cuts through the air and sinks into the back of Alma's neck.
Queen Alma she jumps startled at the guard charging at her and Kanda getting in their way Queen Alma: Yu--!!! Queen Alma and she just cuts off and chokes. Down she go now
Tengu Kanda The sword swing hits as he was not going to move out of the way of Alma, because he was distracted with the guard the flying knife wasn't even noticed. But he does hear her voice and glances back to-- NO.
Witch Lavi hums as he slinks away into one of the alleyways quickly. Witch Lavi: [Got her, Junior.]
Witch Junior: [I knew you could do it~]
Knight Doug you know those tears in his eyes earlier? they're gone
Witch Lavi: [Had to use a knife I nabbed earlier but it did it's job.]
Queen Alma feebly kind of pushes herself up and then slumps back down choking horribly Queen Alma: Y-Y--
Knight Doug is just... staring
Witch Junior: [Good. Now its time for us to get out of here. Just pissed off two kingdoms in one day. I'd say that's an accomplishment, right?] Witch Junior kek
Traveler Allen more QUICKLY leaving town goodbye Traveler Allen those screams did not bode well
Tengu Kanda: There seems to be a demonic growl eliminating from his chest, it's enough to echo in the small area as his eyes turn just as red as the blood now staining he floor. "You..." With a swift movement of his hand he stabs it clean through the guard in front of him.
Guard screams and goes down bloody
Knight Doug j u s t s t a  r es
Witch Lavi: [It's a record. I'm almost out. You?]
Knight Doug all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put me back together again
Tengu Kanda With the guard down he swiftly turns to Alma, he can't do anything but he tries to hold her in a comforting postion the best he could both wings now covering them.
Knight Doug is tempted to stab kanda because that was one of his men but
Witch Lavi goes through the town gates after a while.
Queen Alma is only faintly breathing and choking
Witch Junior: [Just passing through a gate now. Easy peasy~]
Knight Doug slumps, pale eyes burning with hatred and anger
Traveler Allen decides to take a shortcut through an alleyway and with his head down and eyes on the ground and terrible sense of direction he may or may not slam into somebody
Tengu Kanda: "... Alma, I cannot save you I am sorry I failed." Lowing his head in shame he couldn't bring himself to even look her in the eye.
Witch Lavi: [Same. Pretty sure I pissed the Tengu off but, oh well~]
Knight Doug turns and starts walking again
Witch Lavi glances around looking for his brother while he moves away from the town.
Witch Junior: [Think we pissed off more than that, just not necessarily knowingly at us~] Witch Junior he's just skirting around the outer wall towards the other gate to find his brother
Knight Doug oNE WAY Knight Doug OR ANOTHER Knight Doug I'M GONNA FIND YA
Witch Lavi: [True~]
Witch Junior: NO } Witch Junior: XD }
Knight Doug: ;; LA UGH S
Witch Lavi: || OH MY GOD
Tengu Kanda: ( LOL )
Knight Doug: ;; N O R E G R E TS
Queen Alma: Y-y--
Tengu Kanda: ( I LOVE YOU DEAK )
Queen Alma chokes a few times and falls still, her eyes glassing over
Knight Doug: ;; 💗
Traveler Allen nearly gets knocked over from someone and goes with the crowd again. A crowd's fleeing the town, he easily blends into the entertainers rushing out.
Witch Lavi spots Junior!
Witch Junior spots Lavi! Witch Junior skippidy skip
Knight Doug hah u fuckers Knight Doug uR DEAD Knight Doug die, die, we all die
Tengu Kanda: "..." Shakes his head slightly before standing up and taking Alma with him, a part of him wondered if he should have just stayed in the mountain to avoid this.
Witch Junior you and what fucking magic
Witch Lavi pats Junior's back.
Knight Doug my fucking pike
Witch Junior makes a rolling wrist motion towards the woods and grins Witch Junior: After you~
Horse Crown Clown (Traveler Allen) joined the chat
Witch Lavi: Why thank you~
Knight Doug nOT SO FAST U FUCKERS Knight Doug NO
Horse Crown Clown hey you people need a ride
Witch Lavi practically skips towards the woods
Witch Junior practically nothing. LITERALLY skips towards the woods.
Witch Lavi smirking while they go.
Witch Junior is so proud of us
Witch Lavi very proud of us
Knight Doug r eaches the outskirts of town and glances around
Witch Junior oh hey its a horse-- Witch Junior well
Knight Doug g r o w l s
Witch Junior kind of a horse
Horse Crown Clown looks at them witches and struts towards them heyyy
Witch Lavi is already in the woods and looks at the....kind of horse.
Knight Doug: ...........
Horse Crown Clown you need a ride boys. Can a horse wink? Yeah, it winked.
Knight Doug glances back at the town
Witch Junior: ...that thing just winked at me
DS Timcanpi (Tengu Kanda) joined the chat
Knight Doug starts back into town
Witch Junior kinda skipped around it and is skipping backwards and watching the kelpie
Witch Lavi: That's....new. But c'mon! Let's head home. The old man probably misses us.
Horse Crown Clown no I didn't grazes peacefully even though grass tastes like shit
Witch Junior: Mhm~ Boy d'we have a story fer him!
Witch Lavi: Heh
Horse Crown Clown *Allen's hiding in the forest somewhere, washing the strange blood off his hands.*
Witch Junior just skipping along alongside Lavi Witch Junior: Hey, y'think Gramps knows anything about winking horses?
Knight Doug comes out the other gate Knight Doug >:I
DS Timcanpi don't mind the small dragon piratically tackling into Juniors shoulder.
Witch Junior better skip fast Sir Knight
Knight Doug ur dead
Witch Lavi we're far from your sight Witch Lavi: Uh, Junior
Knight Doug still dead
Horse Crown Clown hey sir knight need a fantastic horse
Witch Junior small yelp!! and jumps to the side HI there little dragon thing where did you come from--
Witch Lavi: Small dragon
Horse Crown Clown tosses head proudly.
Knight Doug n o Knight Doug walks past Knight Doug the,,, horse thing
DS Timcanpi squeaks at them both and just climbs on Junior's shoulder, things were pretty noisy.
Knight Doug not today, satan
Horse Crown Clown follows doug. I'm a horse I swear. Feed me your... carrots.
Witch Lavi: It's kinda cute
Witch Junior scratch scratches the little dragon head
Witch Junior: Kinda like Tatsui only... less... flamey
Knight Doug: back!
Witch Lavi searches pockets, he knows he nabbed some-- Aha! Pulls out a bag of jerky.
Witch Junior wow rude don't swing weapons at random horses didn't your mother ever teach you manners
Knight Doug turns and keeps walking
DS Timcanpi flops over and paws at Juniors hand, tickling him with the feathers he has rather than scales.
Knight Doug leave me alone
Witch Lavi: Want some food, lil guy? Witch Lavi holds out a piece of jerky.
Knight Doug are u fuckers standing still?
Witch Junior I guess so?
Knight Doug good
DS Timcanpi glaces at the jerky being offered, reaches out with his tail to bring it closer and nibble on it.
Witch Lavi nah, we're gone
Horse Crown Clown huffs and follows Doug at a greater distance.
Witch Junior its so adorable~
Knight Doug quickens his pace a little bit
Witch Junior: Where'd you come from little guy?
Witch Lavi it's very adorable
DS Timcanpi squeaks at Junior through the mouse like nibbling, his tail pointing to the woods they were walking through.
Witch Junior scratch scratches and follows the tail point
Horse Crown Clown you can't outrun a horse angry boy
Witch Lavi: Guess he was lost?
Witch Junior tilts his head Witch Junior: I think its... pointing?
Knight Doug s tops and just stares for a moment
Witch Lavi shrugs at Junior before offering the little one another jerky.
Knight Doug: ...she's dead. Knight Doug glances back at the horse Knight Doug: she's dead and it's my fault.
DS Timcanpi jumps up on the should, bounding around slightly before latching onto the jerky like it was being hugged.
Witch Junior: ...I hope its not trying to lead us somewhere cuz I'd be a little suspicious right after... Witch Junior trails off
Knight Doug ,,holds the pike against his chest, turning his attention ahead once more
Witch Junior: you know
Witch Lavi scratches the dragon's head a little. Witch Lavi: You're always suspicious
Witch Junior gives Lavi a look
Horse Crown Clown snorts in sympathy.
DS Timcanpi Gives Lavi's hand a little face kiss.
Witch Lavi gives Junior a smile
Knight Doug: .....she's dead.....
Witch Lavi is quite charmed by the little dragon. Wut.
Witch Junior: ......
Knight Doug la ug hs  qu i e t l y Knight Doug: dead. dead, dead, dead, dead, she's dead........
Witch Lavi it's adorable, okay? Can't help it.
Witch Junior sees that charmed look and you are definitely gonna get shit for it Lavi Witch Junior: you gonna marry it now?
Witch Junior kek
DS Timcanpi stares at junior with little dragon eyes.
Horse Crown Clown sniffs at Doug. He smelled so much like blood that it can't leave him alone even if it wanted to.
Witch Lavi: You mean like how you married Tatsui? Nah
Knight Doug narrows his eyes and keeps walking, snickering quietly
Witch Junior: ...You'll never understand our love Witch Junior fake sniffles
Witch Lavi offers more jerky to the cute dragon. Witch Lavi: Woe is you
DS Timcanpi rejoices at there being more jerky! Squeaks in delight!
Witch Junior: Anyway, shall we be off? Before all the kings horses and men come running. Witch Junior: You can take your new honey with you Witch Junior snickers
Witch Lavi fond eye roll at Junior Witch Lavi: Yeah, yeah, let's head out.
Horse Crown Clown trots on after this knight kiddo at a leisurely pace.
Witch Junior skips--
Witch Lavi holds the small dragon now, wow it's got some soft feathers.
Witch Junior head tilt
Witch Lavi: Hm?
Witch Junior: Did'ja hear that or am I goin' crazy?
DS Timcanpi paws at Lavi's hand sofly, even going so far as to nuzzle into his hold and curl into a feather ball.
Witch Lavi: No, I heard it.
Witch Junior: Time to skippity doo daw way awa-AAAAAAHH
Witch Lavi pets the small dragon--
Witch Junior he leaps aside SHIT that was CLOSE
Witch Lavi eye narrows angrily
Knight Doug pa nts and stops, grinning Knight Doug: you killed her. Knight Doug: you killed dearest colette.
DS Timcanpi uncurls to glance over where the pike flew from, but he stays in Lavi's hold.
Horse Crown Clown hey, a battle in the forest, fresh meat!!! Shifts from hoof to hoof excitedly nearby.
Witch Junior: ...oh. Witch Junior: Him.
Witch Junior: D'you want the honors or should I? Witch Junior talking like he's not even there tbh
Knight Doug s obs and clenches his jaw
Witch Lavi: I got it Witch Lavi telekinetically throws the knight's pike back at him at an alarming speed.
DS Timcanpi climbs up onto Lavi's shoulder.
Witch Lavi pats the small dragon
Knight Doug gets hi t?? Knight Doug g a sps and g rips his shoulder Knight Doug lowers himself to the groun d
Witch Lavi: If you want to stab him with a branch, be my guest. It was funny the last time you did it.
Witch Junior: ...branches are fun Witch Junior: everyone underestimates them Witch Junior snickers
Witch Lavi: Same with roots
DS Timcanpi nuzzles into Lavi's hand from the pat, he knows to stay out of a witches hands in times of battle.
Knight Doug looks at lavi and junior
Witch Lavi mentally twists the pike in the wound
Witch Junior just kinda finds a branch and pins it under his boot while he pulls until it snaps into a nice, fine point and saunters forward. He's gonna have a little fun
Knight Doug h is s e s and doubles over, panting
Witch Junior: Oh Sir Knight~ Won't you please dance with me again?
Knight Doug narrows his eyes
Witch Junior he's just idly twirling his branch around like a baton all casual like
Witch Lavi chuckles at the display, tilting his head a bit
Knight Doug: ...i'd... love a dance. Knight Doug looks up at junior, eyes soft
Witch Junior: Mm... good. I wouldn't want it ta be too one-sided now...
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails while watching the display.
Witch Junior squints a little bit tho Witch Junior looking a little too nonchalant about dying for my tastes there buddy. Needs more dramatic
Knight Doug dips his head Knight Doug places a hand on the pike's shaft
Witch Lavi: [Illusions? Maybe to rile him up?] Witch Lavi: [He's way too docile. Less fun.]
Horse Crown Clown trots back and forth in the background
Witch Junior: [Hm. Maybe.] Witch Junior: Oh... that livened things up a bit
Witch Lavi: A little bit.
Knight Doug and there's blood spilling everywhere now, ew
DS Timcanpi cants head to the side a bit at the sight.
Witch Lavi: [Maybe he'd like to see his little princess again]
Witch Junior smiles a bit
Knight Doug forces himself to his feet
Witch Junior: Hm... and t'think... you scream more than a little girl...
Knight Doug: l...let's da...nce. Knight Doug ch uc kle s Knight Doug: aren't yo...u.... funny?
DS Timcanpi something a bit off about that one, but he's not going to move from his spot it's nice and warm for now.
Witch Junior grins a bit and hums, stepping off to the side. Is that a dead little princess revealed right behind where he was standing, bleeding everywhere? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Who can say where she came from~
Witch Junior: As a matter of fact I am...
Knight Doug stares Knight Doug looks at junior, vision darkening
Witch Junior: No. Scratch that. I'm hilarious~
Witch Lavi pets the little dragon, watching the show.
Knight Doug: wha...t kind of... sick joke is this....?
Witch Junior feigns surprise Witch Junior: You said you wanted funny?
DS Timcanpi cue another face kiss to the hand, curls up into a dragon ball head poking out like a snakes as his tails hang off the back of Lavi's shoulder.
Knight Doug stumbles towards him, weakly swinging the pike at junior
Horse Crown Clown neighs impatiently in the background before catching itself and dropping its head to try to hide behind a bush.
Knight Doug pa nts, dropping the pike and gripping his shoulder
Witch Junior dances out of the way nimbly before casually inspecting his nails and humming, still holding his branch and twirling it Witch Junior: Tough crowd... and here I thought that one would be a real show-stopper. My apologies.
Witch Lavi hums fondly at the little dragon, keeping an eye on things still.
Witch Junior casually walks over and stabs the branch through the illusion, "killing" collete again Witch Junior: I guess that joke's dead...
Knight Doug: libera... me... de ignem....
Witch Lavi snorts.
Knight Doug h is s e s Knight Doug is shaking and just. stares Knight Doug: please stop.
Witch Junior: Stop what? Witch Junior feigns innocence
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails a bit at the display, tilting his head a tiny bit to the side.
Witch Junior: This? Witch Junior stabs the illusion again Witch Junior this time it screams
Knight Doug: what you're... Knight Doug fl inches Knight Doug: stop...
Witch Junior lifts his pointy branch up and points it at Doug Witch Junior: Make me.
Witch Lavi eats some jerky, sharing it with the little dragon too.
Witch Junior: [Doug voice] "I'll get you and your little dragon too" kek }
Knight Doug: ;; p mU CH
DS Timcanpi: ( Lmao )
Witch Lavi: || LOL
DS Timcanpi nibbles on the jerky that was offered to him, coils up with it happily.
Knight Doug pi cks up the pike again and tries to drive it through junior's shoulder, breathing heavily as his vision continues to darken
Witch Lavi mentally diverts the pike from his brother, no no, sir knight.
Witch Junior twirls and dances away, jingle jangling all the way
Knight Doug f alls forward and pa nt s
Witch Junior awws Witch Junior: Done already? How sad.
Knight Doug tr ies to push himself up, growling
Witch Lavi: I did make him lose a lot of blood. He's gonna run out of it eventually.
Witch Junior: ...true...
Witch Lavi: I could always just Witch Lavi snaps his fingers as a way to say 'set him on fire'
Witch Junior getting tired of sitting on the sidelines?
Knight Doug is shaking so much tho before he just. falls to the ground Knight Doug is out
Witch Junior: ...oh... now he's suddenly looking very hot Witch Junior .... and down he go
DS Timcanpi huffs out a small fire ember just to slightly cook the jerky in his claw-paws.
Witch Junior goodbye sir knight
Witch Bookman joined the chat Witch Bookman: haven't you had enough fun for today?
Witch Lavi: Gramps!
Witch Bookman :I Witch Bookman: that's enough.
Witch Lavi turns to look at the old man with a grin
Witch Junior: When have we ever had enough fun?
Witch Bookman :I Witch Bookman looks at the knight on the ground Witch Bookman takes a deep breath
Witch Lavi: Heh, alright. I'll head back~
Witch Bookman: which one of you killed him? Witch Bookman: no. Witch Bookman: stay.
Witch Junior: ....uh Witch Junior: not me.
Witch Lavi: Hm Witch Lavi: He died of blood loss Witch Lavi: So neither of us.
DS Timcanpi Oh look it's the old man Cross knows about! Time to flutter to him.
Witch Bookman: ...hm
Horse Crown Clown walks on over to Doug
Witch Bookman: fine.
Witch Junior is gonna just creep after Lavi's heels
Witch Bookman: we can't just leave him here. Witch Bookman: junior.
Witch Lavi: You sure I can't fry him?
Witch Junior freezes and gives Bookman a pout Witch Junior: Yea?
Witch Bookman: get the... whatever he is. Witch Bookman: we'll bury him at home.
Witch Junior: ...I guess
Witch Lavi: Ew. Can't we just give him to the Kelpie
DS Timcanpi lands on the knights back and paws a little at him.
Horse Crown Clown come onnnn pleeeassse Horse Crown Clown just give him to meeeee
Witch Bookman: no. we're not giving him to the kelpie.
Horse Crown Clown puppy horse eyes
Witch Bookman: and if he's alive....
Witch Junior: puppy horse eyes }
Witch Bookman looks at him Witch Bookman: ...we'll figure something out.
Witch Lavi: Whatever, gramps. I'm goin' home.
Witch Junior: If he's alive, he'll want us dead...
Witch Lavi leaves.
Witch Bookman: not if we erase his memory somehow. Witch Bookman si g h s
DS Timcanpi squeaks a few times he can tell this man is alive, just passed out cold PAWS MORE INTENSELY.
Witch Junior: ...again, I guess Witch Junior unhappy witch bro noises Witch Junior: ...can I go now? Witch Junior hopeful look
Witch Bookman: carry him. Witch Bookman: i can't. Witch Bookman turns and starts walking
Horse Crown Clown lowers head in unhappiness, it's so hungry... Horse Crown Clown I'll carry him
Knight Doug d e d but not really
Witch Junior and if you listen not at all closely you'll hear a really loud U G H
Witch Bookman hums,,
Witch Junior pushes the probably dead anyway knight over and unlatches some of his armor cuz he ain't carrying all that weight no sir
DS Timcanpi flys off the knight and lands in Junior's hair to get out of the way.
Knight Doug groans softly, flinching and twitching
Witch Junior also he's going to use a little fire to cauterize those wounds b/c he doesn't want to be bled all over RIP if ur still at all conscious
DS Timcanpi: ( You could say Doug is smokin hot )
Knight Doug rIP Knight Doug: ;; lAUGHS
Witch Junior: feelin' Hot Hot Hot }
DS Timcanpi: ( He's burning up )
Witch Junior aaand up he go because APPARENTLY they can't just let the idiot die noooo they gotta save him or bury him or some shit instead of just give it to the KELPIE
DS Timcanpi Oh setting the knight on fire he can help! You knwo for such a small dragon that's quite the plume of burst fire he just breathed at Doug.
Witch Bookman: ...the knight's name. Witch Bookman: it's douglas.
Witch Junior ....kinda glances back at the Kelpie... if ur real quick to eat him up maybe you could have a meat snack after all...
Witch Bookman hums,,,,,
Witch Junior: And y'know that becaaauussse?
Witch Bookman: don't ask questions.
Witch Junior: ....but that's all I ever do
Witch Bookman glances back at him with a sharp glare
Witch Junior kinda inching over to the Kelpie like HEY THERE buddy you want a snack?
DS Timcanpi squeaks in Bookman's direction.
Witch Bookman: i just know.
Knight Doug bitch, don't you dare feed me to that kelpie
Horse Crown Clown oh hell ye just put him on it's back!!!
Witch Junior : >
Horse Crown Clown kneels on the ground and everything, come on
Witch Junior Bookman's not watching right?
Witch Bookman: junior. Witch Bookman i'M WATCHING
Witch Junior: ...... Witch Junior: yeah...?
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails as if snickering.
Witch Junior innocent look Witch Junior: Did'ja need something?
Witch Bookman narrows his eyes Witch Bookman: ...in front. now.
Witch Junior sweats Witch Junior: ...fine. Fine...
Horse Crown Clown innocent horse blinks
Witch Junior real quick not-so-stealthy whisper at the Kelpie Witch Junior: Come by my place later
Witch Bookman: as soon as we're home, i'll wipe his memory of everything he's ever known.
Witch Junior aaaand he's following Bookman like a Good Little Witch yep
Witch Bookman: besides his name.
Witch Junior: If that's what ya want ta do~
Horse Crown Clown snorts, you got it.
Witch Bookman: ...and he'll be our servant
Witch Junior: .......... Witch Junior: so.... Witch Junior: I'll have someone that does anything I want 'em to?
Witch Bookman nods slowly
DS Timcanpi he's just going to brush out Junior's hair with those claw-paws carefully, trough he does drop a tail in the witches face in the process.
Witch Junior oh the possibilities Witch Junior blows that tail out of his face Witch Junior follows along behind Bookman towards home
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