#golden girls rpg
hiddenwashington · 2 months
@ivehurtpeople said: Hiya, can I please reserve and get possible fc(s) for Rose Nylund? <3
sure thing! rose nylund is reserved for ck until 4/2 at 1:21pm est! as for fcs, we can rec alisha wainwright, brenda song, ana de armas, teresa palmer, esther yu, lucy hale, laura harrier, or willa fitzgerald!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
The Golden Girls were playing a Star Wars TTRPG where they all had their own Star Wars OCs. Blanche’s character was a sexy C-3PO with massive honkers.
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disastrousfeline · 1 month
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ship nhp girls save me. save me ship nhp girls
(as usual, more doodles and edits under the cut)
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she's like a #girlfail. to me
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cropped and colored for discord emoji purposes! you can nab this if you want
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cg edits are pretty fun
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doctorslippery · 7 months
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We need to put together a Grandma party and play. Golden Girl personalities required.
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leaph77 · 2 years
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I love Naoto, she's my favorite character in Persona 4
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mrrubbersuitman · 2 years
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20% off sale now until Midnight 9/12. All comics, toys, games, RPGs and other vintage geekery. Check it out at rubbersuitstudios.com
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cristianorohling · 4 months
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Anyone Brazilian will understand the joke. Here in our country, there's an alcoholic beverage called "catuaba," which is a kind of wine infused with herbs, supposedly with aphrodisiac effects. Almost all the labels on the bottles feature sensual and voluptuous women...
The thing is, in the 80s, there was the golden age of video games (at least in my opinion). There were incredible games, such as Golden Axe, which usually featured the beautiful Tyris Flare in her skimpy bikini. As teenagers, we used to say that "a good game has a cover that looks like a catuaba label"...
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starletofaurum · 2 years
𝐀𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧 ✦ 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥
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Original Character based on Twitter
Username: StarletOfAurum
What would you do if you were a household name before you could even speak? Would you want to be normal, or would you just deal with the fame? Aryianna Baldwin came from a family that had been a part of Hollywood long before her parents ever met, she had no choice but to be a star and follow in her family's footsteps even though she wished that she had a normal life, she was a Baldwin and fame was in her blood. She couldn’t run from it even if she wanted to but instead of being an actress, she found stardom in her voice, and by the time she was 21, she had racked up her own name in Hollywood so when her now, ex-boyfriend, released her nudes to TMZ–she went from Pop Princess to outcast in a snap of a finger. Her family and publicist told her that all she had to do was pretend it never happened, and everything would work out but that was far from the truth. She had spent her whole life trying to be this innocent golden girl but now the truth was out, she wasn’t perfect, and she never would be. What happens when her best friend Lucas Lennox asks her to be a part of his band and rid herself of the pop princess title, will she? And, if she does join Sweet Venom, will she be able to rid herself of the Baldwin legacy? Anything can happen in Hollywood and the only person that can tell the story of Aryianna’s fall from grace will be her. She refuses to let anyone tell her story because even though she is a Baldwin, she is more than her last name, and can’t wait for the world to see who she really is.
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titanrpg · 5 months
you got a minute? I need a favor
Hey everyone, it's Lex. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Today, I have a huge announcement about Titanomachy RPG and its future. This month marks 3 years since I joined TTRPG Twitter. I've met so many incredible people and learned so much from y'all. Your support has allowed me to take one HUGE step in my life. 
I recently moved to Maryland from Florida to get some basic human rights. I also left my job of 7 years to try and live unburdened by selling hours of my life to some random rich guy. And now, I'm taking Titanomachy RPG full-time.
Here I am, already having taken the leap. I have some money saved up, yes, but ultimately I am trusting in the generosity of others to help me build out a life I can truly love.
So yes, this is a Patreon announcement. And there's a link to Caltrop Core below (if you want to make a one-time contribution). But before anyone exits this email, I want to talk about all the cool stuff everyone can expect from me, regardless of Patreon status or donor status. I have a lot of exciting things coming in 2024, like:
a NEW open license d12 system called DODECA!
physical copies of my games becoming available via Indie Press Revolution, starting with NIGHTHAWKS!
more consistent game & system releases
seeing more of my work in some upcoming Evil Hat projects (look for me in the Girl by Moonlight stretch goal zines)
prints of "prayer to curse ron desantis", bunny girl osr posters, and perhaps shirts/hats/merch?
ttrpg workshops IRL in the Maryland area
and much much much much more!!
Now, here's the link to my Patreon before I forget: https://www.patreon.com/TitanRPG
I have an AWESOME founding patron bonus. There are 3 tiers of membership, and no matter which you choose to join today, you'll get a pre-release PDF of GOLDEN BEETLE PLAYGROUND, my Medabots-inspired TTRPG built on Caltrop Core EX.
This bonus is ONLY for people who join this month. After January, I'll take it down to work on the game further (and eventually do a full release later this year). 
For tiers 2 and 3, I'll be releasing one short RPG every single month. These games will remain Patreon exclusives until I can put proper polish on them (or the patrons vote to release their favorites).
There's a bunch more goodies and details on my actual Patreon page. Click that link to see!
Eventually, I'll be putting merch up on that page, so even if you can't support with a monthly pledge, you'll be seeing posters, shirts, hats, all that very soon!
These days, I'm on tumblr every so often, but no other social media. Patreon will be my dedicated page for updates, game mechanics, design discussions, everything! Even if you join at the $3/month tier, I want to provide a ton of value, starting with GOLDEN BEETLE PLAYGROUND!
Click here to see the three membership tiers and support a trans game designer today!
Thank you for your support over the past 3 years. I hope to remain worth of it for many more years to come.
All my love,
Lex Kim Bobrow
Publisher, Titanomachy RPG
P.S. Here's the link again. Take a moment to check out the page please, and if you can't contribute, please tell your friends! I've lost touch with so many people after leaving Twitter, so any help in getting the word out is 10000000% appreciated!!
P.P.S. If you could reblog this post ASAP, I'd really really appreciate it. Thank you!!!
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Obscure Character Showdown FINALE
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[image ID: the first image is of image is of No Significant Harassment, a shadowy figure standing behind a sleeping pink-red, fox-like creature. their green hands seem to be holding up the floating creature. the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
No Significant Harassment
[NSH has beaten Akama (The Idiot (1951)), Libby Day (Dark Places), Sally Swing (Betty Boop), Shrimp (The Upturned), Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series)), Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu), and Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods)] They're just a silly little guy. A jokester. Significant harassment if you will. Anyway, a more in depth run down: They're a city sized supercomputer built by a Buddhist adjacent society to figure out how to transcend the 'Great Cycle' (semi-metaphorical cycle of death and rebirth) in a safer way than the previous method (submerging oneself in the 'void sea' which is a mysterious golden liquid that dissolves whatever it touches). Despite being built for this express purpose NSH never really shows a pressing interest in ascension, even cracking jokes about those who are still looking for a solution. Whether this is due to indifference, dislike of, or humor to cope with being unable to ascend is not clear and really up to interpretation. Example: NSH: I wish them super good luck in that endeavor. How is it going to happen? Have the overseers gnaw through bedrock until their entire can crashes down in the void sea? BSM: Please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea. Grey Wind, where did you hear this? CW: I really shouldn't say. He's going to attempt some sort of breeding program. Thought you might want to know. NSH: Haha with the slimers, lizards and etceteras? Surely the answer was in a lizard skull all along! He's very flippant, but does care very intensely for those close to him. NSH: Moon? It's me again. NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can. NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay. NSH: … NSH: Its difficult for us to assist you over this distance. NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums. NSH: Were going to try everything that we can. NSH: Just hold on a little longer. (Context for previous convo: They genetically engineered a super organism of a slugcat (the species you play as in Rain World) to help reset his coworker/sibling after her collapse and restart her systems. He was so desperate to fix her that he accidentally messed up the slugcat's (Hunter) genetic code and as a result it became riddle with the Rot (relatively similar to aggressive cancer) :( which parallels his other coworker/siblings condition who also has the rot. ) He canonically uses he/they pronouns too! Nonbinary swag! NSH has major internet troll vibes. He has sent a data pearl of "something distasteful" to his neighbors on several(?) occasions and causes chaos. If he had access to the wider internet he'd probably be an influencer So…yeah! Vote NSH this website likes the allure of heavy machinery and stuff like that so… there you go. Kind of a blorbo. End post.
[Granger has beaten Chopfyt (Oz), Wolfman (Darkwood), Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Forest Friend (Gris), Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale), Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity), and Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)] so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda (including art) !]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
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feith-rikya · 3 months
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of Vampire The Masquerade. Feel free to ask any questions!
This is a redesign of Devon Esakarra, he didn't change much, except for the hair that helped convey the idea of an abyssal creature of the sea.
I really like Devon as a NPC and I love the friendship he has with Danya. The ex Sabbath and Angelis Sater put on earth just to ruin it, one of the worst serial killers Spain had ever seen, became the BFF of a almost saint Ravnos girl with a golden heart. It's very interesting also the passionate relationship he has with the other pg Elizabeth De Lacy, the uptight but intriguing Ventrue. (one of my favorite ships outside Danya's ships!)
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pagesofkenna · 2 years
there's a post in the tag about someone wishing to see more Omar in D20 and I agree, but it also reminded me about how a year ago a few RPG streamers I like started Power Play, and I never ended up watching it, and I just recently learned that Omar was in that and I could have seen what an awesome player he was long ago if I just had watched it
and then I got to thinking about how many cool actual plays are out there that don't have the budget that Dimension 20 or Critical Role have, but tell really cool stories with really good players regardless! And a lot of these players deserve recognition, but there's so little space to showcase new players for audiences who only watch D20 or CR
so anyway I compiled a list of every single actual play Omar has been in (at least, those I could find VODs for)
Power Play: actual play of Icons, a silver-age inspired superheroes rpg, hosted by QueueTimes! It's played remotely, about 59 episodes long, and includes several one-shots where (I think?) they play some other game systems as well
The Borros Saga: Banesbreak: actual play of Dungeons and Dragons, hosted by PixelCircus! Played in person, about 12 episodes long, with some one-shot vignettes. Aabria is also a player here!
Monsters and Fables: actual play of Dungeons and Dragons, hosted by the official D&D channel! Played in person, 6 episodes long
Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG: actual play of Dungeons and Dragons, hosted by Hyper RPG! Played in person, about 9 episodes long, and half the time Omar is DMing!
Balboa Cantrip Academy: actual play of Kids on Brooms, a rules-lite magical school rpg, hosted by Hyper RPG! Played remotely, and only 3 episodes long (Episode 2, Episode 3, on Twitch)
Pugmire: Homeword Bound: actual play of Pugmire, a simplified D20 with dogs, hosted by Saving Throw! Played in-person, only 3 episodes long
The Last VHS Store: a 3-episode series hosted by Saving Throw, where Omar GMs a lite D20 system he designed himself! All in-person
Carrier Penguins: a series of 4 one-shots hosted by Saving Throw, playing Lasers and Feelings, an easily hackable lite system. Ep1, Ep2, Ep3, Ep4, all in-person
Oneshots specifically:
Aces in Space charity stream with QueueTimes, playing Blue Shift - remote
The Golden Girls charity stream with PixelCircus, playing Lewd Grannies - remote
The Gauntlet s2e2 with Hyper RPG, playing Pathfinder (Omar later GMs the 8-episode s4) - in-person
Spy Island ep1 with Hyper RPG, playing ?? (an ad-hoc mafia/werewolf rpg) - remote
(And here's just a truncated list of his Saving Throw oneshots, bc there's a lot: Scooby-Doo rpg playing Wildlings, Lasers and Feelings with the Doubleclicks, House of 100 Nightmares GMing Dread, John Wick charity stream playing Lasers and Feelings)
Game the Game (board games instead of tabletops RPGs) with Geek and Sundry, playing Pitchstorm, Aftermath, and Scott Pilgrim - in-person
He was also a campaign guest player in Failed Save c2e3 (D&D, PixelCircus), Damsels, Dice, & Everything Nice s3e2 (D&D, PixelCircus), and Ironkeep Chronicles ep21 (D&D, Saving Throw)
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reblip-reblog · 1 year
Where to find Link:
(+characters dressed like him/referencing his appearance)
Will reblog with images
Standard "Legend of Zelda" Games -
Skyward Sword
The Minish Cap
Four Swords
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess
Four Swords Adventures
Breath of the Wild
Tears of the Kingdom
A Link to the Past
Oracle of Seasons/Ages
Link's Awakening
A Link Between Worlds
Tri Force Heroes
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
The Wind Waker
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
Outside Standard "Legend of Zelda" Games -
Pre-Minish Cap
Pre-Four Swords
Pre-Breath of the Wild
Hyrule Warriors
Age of Calamity
Cadence of Hyrule
BS The Legend of Zelda
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets
Link's Crossbow Training
The Legend of Zelda Game Watch
Zelda (Game & Watch)
Link: The Faces of Evil
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
Zelda's Adventure
My Nintendo Picross: Twilight Princess
Other Nintendo Picross Games
Pre-Skyward Sword Manga (Akira Himekawa)
Valiant Comics (George Caragonne)
Other LoZ Mangas/Comics/Books
DIC Legend of Zelda Cartoon
Captain N: The Game Master
Super Smash Brothers series
Mario Kart 8
F1 Race
Uniracers (Unused)
Super Mario Maker
Animal Crossing Series
Soul Calibur II
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
NES Tetris
Tetris DS
NES Remix
Death Road to Canada
Sky: Children of the Light
Monster Hunter
Dynasty Warriors VS/Samurai Warriors Chronicles3
Kirby Series (Sword Ability)
Yoshi's Woolly World
WarioWare Series
nintendogs + cats
AR Games
StreetPass Mii Plaza
Find Mii
Nintendo Land (LoZ: Battle Quest)
Nintendo Badge Arcade
NES Remix 2
Nintendo Cereal System
World of Warcraft
Yoshi's Island 4
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Sonic Lost World
Dino Run
A Hat in Time
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Jump Rope Challenge
Phantasy Star
Final Fantasy (sort of)
Google Maps
Ittle Dew
Mable & the Wood
Super Mario Bros. & Friends: When I Grow Up
The Cat Mario Show
My Little Pony
Powerpuff Girls
Nintendo E3 x Robot Chicken
Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Unused; source code)
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Unused)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Unused)
((There may be more than one "Link"-type character in a single entry -- Hero's Shade, Fierce Deity, Linkle, Ravio, Animal Crossing player in Hero's Outfit + W. Link, Mario Kart Links + Outfit for Miis, the pre-characters listed above, etc.))
((I am counting characters who can dress up as Link, such as in BS Zelda, Sky: Children of the Light, Animal Crossing, the Badge Arcade rabbit, etc.))
((The same Link can appear in multiple entries.))
Got a lot of information from these sites:
‎Let me know if I missed or skipped over any that I should add to the list!
I might reblog this with images.
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 months
Festival Season
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I am a massive fan of MegaTen games. I love everything about them; the battle systems, characters, and overall world. I fell in love with the summoning and fusion systems of these games almost immediately and longed for other franchises to do something similar. It was basically Digimon Fusion before Digimon was a thing. Who wouldn’t want to Lego two Pokemon into a goddamn MewTwo? The missus introduced me to this brave new world with the purchase of Digital Devil Saga so long ago. It was one of the first gifts I ever got her. Watching her play that sh*t really awakened something within me. It was like watching my kid brother playing Final Fantasy IX for the first time but with, you know, violent monstrosities. Way back then, during the golden age of the JRPG, on the PS2, we made it a point to play all of the obscure titles. Nippon Ichi and Atlus were our bread and butter. We had copies of Stella Deus, every DIsgaea available, and even Soul Nomad. No one talks about Soul Nomad. One day, she came home with Persona 3. On that list was Persona 3 vanilla. Bro, after we booted it up and those first few notes of Burn My Dread popped, I was hooked. I must have put three hundred hours into that game. I conquered everything I could in that game, romanced every option, and completed one hundred percent of that sh*t. I unlocked every Persona on just two runs and readily did it again when FES released. The Answer was kind if disappointing but I didn’t mind running through the enhanced world of P3 once again. And then I did it one more time when P3P dropped, though, admittedly, Portable is my least favorite of the lot. Persona 3 opened my eyes to a world of RPGs beyond just your Final Fantasys and Dragon Warriors. Because I enjoyed this one game so much, I was open to trying out others. I wouldn’t have touched Magna Carta if not for Persona. I would have missed out on Rogue Galaxy. Wouldn’t have given Shining Force EXA a second thought. If I had never played Persona 3, I would have never played 4 or 5, and that sh*t seems so bewildering to me because those games are some of my all-time favorites. In fact, for a long while, Persona 5 was my favorite of these games. I wrote a whole thing about, about how, while I loved 3, 5 was a close second. It had legitimately closed that gap after Royal dropped but then Persona 3 Reload was announced. Guess who pulled ahead once again.
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I got Reload day one and immediately dove into to. It felt familiar, yet, new. It definitely got all the bells and whistles that made Persona 5 so enjoyable but was still definitely Persona 3. I got my copy for the PS4 so, while the presentation is loads better than the original, and it shows, it’s comparable to Persona 5. Having that “side-by-side” experience just solidifies that P3 IS my favorite Persona title and one of my all-time favorite games, period. I was a little bummed Burn My Dread wasn’t the opening song but Full Moon Full ain’t too shabby on its own. More than that, the quality of life changes are amazing. It’s the little things like the Online Saves or the fact you don't get fatigued in Tartarus anymore. I love how the original character designs got a remix, bringing them closer in line with that Persona 5 aesthetic, and boy do they steal from that P5 aesthetic let me tell you! The thing is, though, it feels full circle to me. I remember, way back when I was playing P5 (shout out to Tae Takemi, best girl in the entire game), that P5 feels like the spiritual successor to P3 in every way P4 is not. Don’t get me wrong, P4 is a classic, but it feels out of place in the trio, almost disconnected. Also, I remember hating Teddy. It’s like, did P3 influence P5, only to have that sh*t bleed back into Reload? I don’t know, and I don’t really care. I get to play Persona 3, on my PS4, with the look of Persona 5. I cannot stress how dope that is. Also, Satanael is DLC. You KNOW I bought due and have been decimating the early game! Thanatos is my second favorite Persona, always, Alice is the first (especially after I customize her), but Ren’s ultimate Persona is a strong third. Like, laughably so. There’s just something about summoning a Demon God that feels so…powerful. Also, you shoot God in the face. How can you not love that?
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I’m ten hours into Reload and it is everything I ever dreamed  a full-on Persona 3 remake should be. This isn’t that bait and switch FFVII pulled with Remake. No, for all intents and purposes, this IS Persona 3 but with modern game play and graphics. It’s like I’m popping ion the game for the very first time, damn near twenty years later. The Protagonist is as stoic as ever and the city of Tatsumi Port Island is alive with a vibrancy only the power of PS4 could bring. Building this game on the Unreal engine was a stroke of genius because the models are crisp, detailed, and fluid. There are so many little particle effects that make everything pop. The biggest upgrade is the UI. The thing is, I’m old as f*ck. I’ve been gaming since the old NES days. I’ve seen the evolution of video game and, for me, they peaked way back in the PS3 era. When P3 originally came out, I had no problem with how the title was presented. It got a little flashier with P3P and Persona 4 added their own flair, but Persona 5 really went in on the showmanship. P3R gets a bit of that and it goes a very long way to captivating the player. I thought modern hardware would affect the charm of these OG designs, but it doesn’t. It actually enhances them considerably. It’s subtle, but the bodies are longer, the eyes are smaller, and the overall proportions feel more realistic. I kind of love it. I also love the redesigns, so far. I mean, Mitsuru is gorgeous and I adore the new-ish Elizabeth model, but I’m holding judgment until the very end when I get to see Nyx again. And definitely get my ass throttled by her. Now, admittedly, not all that shimmers is gold. The fact that the Answer, the additional part of FES, isn’t included in what is a very obvious FES remake, kind of bones. I hear that it will be DLC down the line and that sucks. I like Metis. Her design was dope. I’m also not that huge a fan of Thanatos’ first reveal being made with in-game models. The visceral nature of that genesis feels lost when not in animation. It’s good in its own way but, goddamn, did that sh*t hit different way back when. These are, of course, superficial gripes because I am having the time of my life with this game! And it’s only the first play through. That New Game is about to slap crazy hard! I cannot wait to run it back with my heavy hitters on deck. Satanael be damned, getting Thanatos and my laughably OP Alice in the mix is going to be the best!
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
Thank you @nova-leaf for this tag too 🥰
wow i get to talk about myself so much im nervous
•How many tumblr accounts have you had before this one?
This is gonna be my fith tumblr account lol. I lose track of them really easily because I'm a silly funky guy with so much wrong with me.
• How long have you been in fandom?
Oh like. Since I was 10? God I remember my firat forays into fandom culture on amino it was an experience good god. My first fandom was Tolkien. I've only recently gotten into the Avatar fandom though. Still not sure how that happened but I'm having fun 🥰
•Your favorite trope in fiction?
I adore found family, cause I'm basic lol. The power of friendship is also a cheesy beloved of mine.
•Your favorite random fact?
Tolkien had beef with the Beatles. Hayao Miyazaki hates the Beatles. Junji Ito loves the Beatles.
•Your favourite game or kind of game?
Skyrim is my favourite game. Open world RPGs are my escape. I love them so much I try not to play them too often or I'll never get up lol.
•A place you’d like to visit? (If carbon emissions, logistics and money weren’t in question)
Hm. This is a tough one. I like to travel and I want to go to many places. But if I had to pick one point off that list, it would pribably be mount Shasta. I'm just curious, I guess, with all the legends and disappearances and odd happenings around it. Like I just wanna see the place not even have anything supernatural happen. Just be there for a bit? Call it morbid curiosity. Also the area seems beautiful even of itself like even if the aliens don't get me i think it'd be a nice hike.
•An animal you’re irrationally afraid of?
Ants. I like most bugs. I like spiders. But ants? Ants give me straight up panic attacks? I don't know why. There's just something very terrifying aout them.
Also. Swans. But that's not an irrational fear. Geese and swans are in my opinion the true successors of dinosaurs. If you haven't been a girl scout cowering in a flimsy tent with your three other girl scout friends, in the middle of a thunderstorm, while a pair of feral swans is trying to peck their way into your tent you do not know true fear.
Their pecks hurt like a bitch too. Their beaks are serrated like a fucking saw.
•What’s your favourite season?
Autumn. In Poland we divide Autumn into two mini seasons. Golden Autumn, which is early autumn, when the freshly fallen leaves are all crispy and beautiful. And then we have Rainy Autumn, which is when it has rained and gotten much colder. I love both.
•A smell that brings you nice memories?
Tea. I started drinking tea when I was very young. My dad is an Englishman and the moment i stopped drinking breastmilk i was immediately given tea with milk.
I think I associate tea very strongly with my family and feeling loved by them. When I was younger, my parents would often wake up before me, so they would often make me tea and wake me up with it.
Making tea for someone is still a huge gesture of affection to me and there's nothing quite like the smell of a nice hot cup of tea.
(If you’re ok talking about food. If not, delete this part)
•What’s your favorite food from where you were born? And what’s your favorite food from some place else?
My favourite food from Poland, huh? I love a lot of Polish foods, but I if I had to pick something it'd probably be krówki [which translates to 'little cows']. They're fudgelike candies, similair to Scottish Tablets and White Rabbit Creamy Candy. They're delicious.
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For food from a different country? @nova-leaf has put the idea of Shortbread into my head now so that's all ill be thinking about I have to see if I have the stuff to make some at home or I'll go insane.
•What’s your favorite drink (if you drink alcohol, alcoholic and non-alcoholic)?
Alcoholic: Salty Caramel flavoured Krupnik. It is very difficult to explain what a Krupnik is? Its kind of like a liqueur.
Non Alcoholic: Orange Juice. It used to be diet coke but my addiction got so bad i had to quit cold turkey lest I completely wreck my health.
•Do you give your pets random table scraps?
Not random table scraps, but if I have any extra of whatever I'm cooking, and if they can eat it, I'll sometimes give them some as a snack or as an incentive while training them.
Thanks for the tag honey!
Tagging: @linnorabeifong @thatoneguy56fanfic @novaae @thenamescaba
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ammstify · 6 months
Persona 4 and "Wants vs Needs"
One thing that I have always loved about the Persona series, in particular Persona 4, is how the various characters and stories of the game represent quite a few interesting writing tactics and representations of life. From hiding your true self from others, to assuming how people truly are based on their outwards appearance, to overcoming your fears in order to improve yourself.
Today though, I'd like to touch upon the writing concept of "wants vs needs", and how it is represented within two particular Social Links in Persona 4 Golden.
But what exactly are wants vs needs, you might ask? And how exactly is this connected to a Japanese game about summoning weird, fashionable beings to fight freaky monsters in a TV world?
Well, to start simply, wants are defined as "(to) have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for," whereas needs are defined as "(to) require (something) because it is essential or very important."
The concept of "wants vs needs" is a common dichotomy that is not only shown throughout MANY forms of media (including the Persona series), but is also an important part of our own lives as well. Many of us having vary forms of wants, whether it be to get rich, to be successful, to find the person that loves you. But many of us also have varying forms of needs too, such as paying your bills, having enough food to eat, or taking care of your body.
As such, there are two important examples within the characters and story of Persona 4 Golden, among many others, who represent this dichotomy very well within their social links: Ryotaro Dojima and Nanako Dojima
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(Source: RPG Site)
From the very beginning of the game, when the protagonist just meets Dojima at the train station with Nanako, we learn many interesting key facts about him; Dojima is a detective for the local police station in Yasoinaba, who typically works most nights, while being a single father for his daughter Nanako Dojima.
While he does seemingly love and care for his daughter, as the murder investigations begin, he starts to become rather absent throughout the story, with him only appearing every so often at night during the nights where he has no work. And during quite a few of these nights, Dojima is shown to be tired and visibly stressed about the investigations, yet tries to interact with both you and his daughter. But there are also a few nights where he is left in an inebriated state, or even has to leave partway into spending time with Nanako to help with the investigation.
As a young pre-teen, I had originally viewed Dojima as a selfish, neglectful father, who cares more about an investigation than spending time with his young daughter and caring for her. But as I played the game for the first time as an adult and experienced his social link.... My perspective changed dramatically.
As early as May 6th in the game, the player can begin Dojima's social link at nighttime, just a bit after completing Yukiko's dungeon and saving her from the TV World. By now, many players have already interacted quite a bit with Nanako, who we learn a bit about in terms of both her life and her fathers. Nanako is a seven year old girl who throughout most of her day, either stays home alone watching television or walks to school by herself. A few years ago, her mother passed away, and since then her father has been the one to take care of her.
However, due to Dojima's obligations as a police detective, he often is absent from home and is unable to do much around the house other than make coffee and bring home food. This has left Nanako to deal with the duties her mother often would do in the past; Cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc. Over the course of the main story, along with both Nanako and Dojima's social links, we learn that he struggles quite a bit with being a single father, not only due to his disconnection with his young daughter, but also because the fact that he is a detective and often is on the job.
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(Source: IGN, "May 8th - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Golden Guide")
We can see how the investigation has taken a toll upon their relationship, with Dojima struggling with how to talk to Nanako about her others passing, helping with her homework, or even just interacting with her outside of small talk and watching TV. Though, we see that he tries his best nonetheless, such as bringing home little gifts like the platypus t-shirt for Nanako on children's day, or special sushi from Junes during the holidays. Though, as we begin to further develop a social link with Dojima, we begin to learn why he actually struggles quite a bit with being a father.
Years ago he details about how his wife, Chisato, was killed in a hit-and-run accident that has been a cold case for many years, and has tried to solve constantly by himself over these past few years. In some sense, we learn that Dojima actually blames himself for the death of his wife and struggles often to face Nanako, not only because she reminds him of his wife, but also because he feels guilty for not being able to explain how and why his wife, and in turn her mother had died. This situation has caused Dojima to be a bit neglectful unintentionally of Nanako, not allowing himself to really develop a deep relationship with his daughter, and therefore digging burying himself within his own work while trying to chase a case that he may never be able to solve.
Throughout all of Dojima's social link ranks, you discuss about his struggles with his wife's death, and slowly begin to encourage him to try and find a balance between his work life and home life, for Nanako's sake. The want in this situation essentially is Dojima wanting to try and solve the death of his wife, and to learn about why she had died, without realizing that his situation is not what he actually needs.
What Dojima needs at that moment is to actually spend time with his young daughter and give as much love and cares he physically can to her, and show that he truly loves his daughter, because she is all that he has left. Rather than burying himself in his own work, Dojima needs to learn about how he has a situation that he needs to focus on: His own life without his wife and the daughter that relies on him, which we eventually help him learn as he tries to balance both his relationship with his daughter as well as trying to learn and find a way to bring Chisato's killer to justice.
But Dojima is not the only one aware of his unintentional neglect, as Nanako herself also begins to realize and recognize the rift between her and her father. In Rank 4 of Nanako's social link, the young girl begins to question her fathers choices, wondering if the "bad people are more important to" her father than she is. As we reassure her that he's trying to protect her though, she does begin to think about it, yet still seems sad at that possibility. After all, what seven year old girl wouldn't think that if her father wasn't around as often as she was used to?
This is further explored on within Ranks 5 to 8 of her social links as she questions if her father still cares for her and her passed mother, wondering if he will "throw her away" just like she did photos of her mom, or never smile again. During her 6th rank, she even grows anxious about asking her father to sign a school visitation form, and attempts to give to to him in her 7th rank while he's busy on the phone. After he finally looks at it and worries about what to put down, she runs away crying because all the worry and stress had finally affected her.
This pushes both you and Dojima to search for him among many of your friends, and eventually find her alone by the river through Dojima's help. Though, you end up meeting her alone, with Dojima believing you can talk to her better than he can since she's upset with him, and help bring her home. The next rank, you help look for Nanako's survey and end up finding it signed in Dojima's writing, with it saying "Anytime... I'll try," showing that Dojima has begun to try and be there more in his daughters life.
Among it, she also finds a photo of her mother, her father, and herself as a baby, and wonders why her father had stopped smiling. With your comment on him also "being lonely", she realizes that both her and her father were equally suffering from the loss of her mother, and realize that in a way, they both have been suffering.
This same realization comes to Dojima in his later ranks as he realizes how much Nanako means to him, and how you as the protagonist have begun to repair their relationship as a father and daughter. In the end, with both their ranks at a near close, Dojima decides to spend a day with Nanako and you as "a family", eating cake together and admiring how strong his daughter is, realizing how much he loves her. He admits in the past he couldn't even look at is daughter because of how much she reminded him of Chisato, and in turn through your help and his care for you as his nephew, is able to begin anew, balancing both his wants an needs, and Nanako's wants an needs.
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(Source: JohneAwesome "Persona 4 Golden - Max Social Link - Justice Arcana (Nanako Dojima)")
In the very end, Dojima, Nanako, and you go and walk by the river just like they used to with Nanako's mother, happily playing in the water and for the first time in a long time, being a happy family. Of course, Dojima in the end is called to go chase some local neerdowell's, but with Nanako's support this time, cheering him on happily as her father goes to bring them to justice!
Now knowing all this, I've come to realize the truth of the situation now as an adult: That Dojima is a flawed man, struggling with the balance of work life and home life, and being a single working father to a wonderful daughter he hardly gets to spend time with, not a selfish deadbeat dad. And that Nanako is a young, empathetic girl, who like her father misses her mom, and learns to help her father find that balance they need in their lives. The relationship of father and daughter in this story, and how the writers of Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden masterfully weaves the themes of "wants vs needs" into their story, will always remain within my mind as I write, and inspire me each and every time.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this fun little analysis, and take care!
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