#goin off the deep end fr
sassafras--manson · 4 months
Tagged by my friend @weirdness-is-good to do 15 questions and tag 15 friends 👽
1. Are you named after anyone?
my first name’s from a non recurring character in a soap opera my mom had watched since she was like 14. she swore that’s what she’d name her first girl and kept it a secret so no one could steal it for That Long (and i have 2 older brothers and i’m rly glad they weren’t girls cuz idk who i’d be without this name) // my middle name is after a close family friend that i rly don’t know much about, other than seeing a photo of her holding me as a baby. she passed when i was super young so i never met her when i was any older. i should ask my dad about her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
i’ve started coming off my ssri so i been at least tearing up if not full on wailing every day of january so far hahaha effexor withdrawals are no fuckin joke
3. Do you have kids?
i could see myself fostering kids some day. otherwise being the cool aunt is perfect for me (and i just got a brand spankin new niece on the 12th!)
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i did gymnastics/dance, basketball, track, and cheerleading growin up. i wanna get back into gymnastics/dance classes tho (i wanna do pole dance so bad) cuz my muscle memory and flexibility without practicing or stretching is still crazy
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
their style and like their attitude
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
i love scary movies and movies that get me all soul searchy and weird, but sometimes you need something happy that’s not that deep. i just love movies. i should keep a letterboxd. i got one and just never use it cuz i haate ranking/scoring things. but i watch so many movies
9. Any talents?
turning cigarettes into smoked cigarettes 😤
but fr i’m a pretty decent singer. some friends’ band broke up recently so a couple of them and i are talkin bout startin a band where i get be somewhere between a punk and the 80s hair metal star of my dreamsss
10. Where were you born?
in a small hospital in a snowstorm
11. Hobbies?
goin to shows a lot. stick n poke tattooing. i wanna do every art n craft imaginable. but mostly i take film photos (i wanna take more AT shows but i get self consciouss), make jewelry, paint, upcycle clothes. watchin movies (usually while i’m doin art). one of these days i hope i’ll start writin poetry again like i used to but it feels awful far away as a concept
12. Any pets?
2 black cats, my fluffy lil spunky lady Elvira and my slinky v sweet and polite boy Houdini
13. Height?
14. Favorite school subject?
i’m not in school, but it was always art, even tho i barely got to take any art classes
15. Dream job?
i’d love to be a tattoo artist and stick n poke for a living, traveling to different shops or just traveling n poking independently (help me gain traction plzz n follow me @ stab_worthy on insta 🥺) and honestly i think i could make it happen. pointillism just *made sense* to me when we did a project in my one high school art class and in the same way stick n poke *made sense* as soon as i started doin it. it’s one of the few things i don’t feel weird about saying “i’m good at this”. i’m self taught and always learning, but yeah, i’m good at this :3
tag 15 ppl
idk if i even know 15 ppl on here now that i’m rebuilding, post blog deletion 😭 so even if we’re kinda new or distant mutuals ur still makin the list (plus then i won’t be as new or distant) 🤡
@sea-wolfe @tangledupinblue8 @inertiatic @carbonfootprince @wastedefforts @ectrica @msf-diamond-dog @diegc @wonderfulcaricatureof-intimacy @oneafter909blues @corpest @lily-of-elysium @venusmolting @vulpeasera @delusionsofamor
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sofiessketches · 2 years
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I love . Her
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hey it's me again ❤️
I'm just gonna whisper something in your mind (is that even possible?)
Having a baby with Hybrid Katsuki.
Just that. Imagine girl. Perfection.
Ok, real talk here. Every time I see a request from you I uwu a little bit bc I know for a fact whatever you're requesting will make me get so immersed and involved and I'm gonna 💕💞AAAAAA💕💞 while writing AND [lemmecatchmybreath] it happened once again skdjdkfkf Hope you enjoy and sorry it took longer than normal~
Word count: 1.8k
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× listen 🥺 I already started and I'm melting, ok?
× when he finds out you're having a smol baby together?
× he freezes and looks at you in a whole different light
× if you're getting pregnant, he will definitely smell the change in your scent and will know even before you do; he'd be instantly by your side with a bewitched expression on his face, taking your cheeks into his palms to just soak everything in yet he's shaking slightly
× and even if you adopt [hopefully a smol hybrid], something deep inside of Katsuki, burried and long forgotten surfaces
× this is the life he always wanted, he always craved even in his darker moments
× this happiness, this fulfillment, this joy
× I absolutely believe he will diligently read and learn everything about the baby to come; will educate himself like no other, deciding to be the very best father he could ever be
× his life was rough and he was stolen away from his biological family, he will now have a chance to have his own and he will not fail you or the baby
× when you hold the little bundle of sunshine in your hands, head down admiring the beauty of a new life, he will stand there, again in shock, again soaking this moment in... so beautiful, so perfect
× will he ever tell you that? of course not; angry ass wild pomeranian—
× but his face gives him away every single time and when you tilt yourself to hand him his new son or daughter, he falls in love for the second time in his life;
× he burries his nose in the soft and fragile skin of the baby's head and breathes in, his instinct kicking in to defend, protect, care, look out for...
× watch carefully because once the baby makes a noise, he'll still, unsure of what to do, but smile so softly as the baby coos in his arms securely; that right there is the best image you can have of soft Katsuki.
× the first few weeks are actually horrible, sorry to break it to everyone aksjskdj not because he doesn't know what to do or does not want to help; on the contrary, he is so incredibly attentive but he also recites the books he learned by memory at this point and it's getting absolutely infuriating;
× although understand him, please; he wants to prove he's a good dad 🥺 except you wanna smack him bc he scoffs if you suggest something he isn't sure about.
× you will find him standing by the baby's crib as it sleeps; he's just???? making sure this is not a dream????? don't question anything though
× can we hc Bakugou with a daughter too? [ already established in the Hybrid!Kiri hcs that Kiri'd have daughter bUT i just really really like beefy men with tiny daughters;;; my heartttt;;; ]
× his little angel, no discussion, no argument, his daughter can do NO WRONG!
× he's very down to earth though, don't get me wrong, he just absolutely adores spoiling her
× speaks softly into her ear, the lowest you'd hear from him
× gruff, raspy, gutural voice ofter overused to scream now low and soft as he holds her into his chest; doesn't do baby-voices or anything like that, but calls her his angel then smirks at you if you're watching;;; then starts softly complaining and bitching about you to the baby 💀 all while rubbing her back
× omfg his hand is as big as her tiny back; guys, call an ambulance, I'm—
× Katsuki would be the type of little shit to pull what I just said then grab you and glue you to his chest too; he'd look down at you both, eyes shining in such adoration he'd take your breath away just before he continues his ranting about you;
× once the baby starts being more interactive, her giggles specially the ones induced by her daddy will make him melt; absolute diminute baby with a small wiggling tail clapping her chubby hands at her dad? his eyes would widen suddently, ears snapping high in surprise and he's taken back by the emotions overtaking him
× he's gone, man; she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger and you can't do anything about it
× instantly acts all in denial if someone is around though; scoffs to hide is obvious smile, placing a palm on his mouth to further block it out and tickles her with the other, earning another fit of giggles
× please, don't tell him his whole tail is waving from side to side
× the only clear giveaway apart from his ears and it's;;; a d o r a b l e;;;
× specially when your daughter also starts wagging her tail in response whenever he does it;
× "Hey, come see what the dumbass is doing!" or "Look at what she did" while showing you a video; proud pappa 🥺
× we're bringing back Proud Bakugou bc hIS DAUGHTER iS tHe BeSt; no, seriously, his kid is the mf best in the world and he will start this presentation with—
× now sit down with me and accept this: the baby; yes, your sweet daughter; mhm, that adorable screeching angel; mhm;;; she'll talk so early it's disturbing.
× at 6 months or so she's already saying mamma, dadda, kitty, woof-woof
× seriously terrifying how sharp she is and how she cannot shut up; for the love of gOd, Katsuki, this is all your fault... it doesn't matter, he just smirks as he has another reason to brag to anyone about his child
× did that street vendor look at him funny? "I'M GONNA FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT MY DAUGHTER—"
× super-protective of her and fucking hates with a burning passion if anyone dares to do that thing where they match up babies saying "Maybe they'll get married when they grow up"
× hands down, no filter, he just looks deep down in whoever had the audacity and says "Like fucking shit they'd deserve her."
× drag him away before he throws fists
× he will definitely if you don't drag him away and you know it, they know it, the baby knows it and cheers for pappa, the whole world knows it at this point and they're buying tickets to watch the shitshow
× chest carrier and walks around with the kid like a boss
× man has shit to do, don't even dare to judge him;
× handles fits really well, he's impressive to say at least
× she's spoiled, yes and always has new toys, coloring books, whatever she wants but the moment she throws fits, he puts his foot down
× baby would be smol angery bb all adorable in all her Bakugou genetics anger and he'd just stare, tapping his foot
× literally waits in place until she calms and looks up at him with big, round eyes, puffy red cheeks and ears lowered
× mission accomplished; he nods then picks her up;
× and you're there amazed??????
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" lil shit still has a foul mouth tho, but make him get just as pouty and embarrassed as the child in his arms by saying something cheesy like "How amazing you are as a dad 💕"
× all rainbows and unicorns until she starts repeating insults and fr tho, Katsu almost shits his pants, fearing your reaction. Will, hands down, chill out with the insults even if he meant no damage with them; he has this unreadable expression on, a mix of shame and fluster, dread too? he's sorry, ok????
× loves, loves, loves cooking for you both and once the kiddo has her own special chair to sit at the dining table together, that's when he sees it: his dream
× you, wiping some food off her cheek with a loving expression, talking about your day casually, baby giggling while she moves her face away playfully; he loves you both so much.
× has these rare moments where, at the end of the day once you're settled in bed, he'd hug you tight and thank you in his mind for... for this... all of it...
× once she starts walking they're both a disaster
× seriously, do not expect the household to be silent ever again [ well, that dream was gone long ago anyway lol ]
× "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?"
× rapid giggle running around from place to place
× "Oh, for fucks—"
× "Katsuki." you only need to say, catching him in his insults
× 😳 ... "Kid, come back, we're goin' to the park." Skdjkdfkl
× sudden adorable tiny fast steps approach him bc they're going for walkies!
× he is very careful with her and teaches her about stranger danger; also teaches her how to growl and even if her attempt is a total failure, small rawr leaving her lips, he's like "Yes. Good job. Now give it more heart."
× he growls as an example
× she growls back, sounding like a cute lil pup 🥺💕
× as she grows up, she obviously acts more like her father yet he knows when to stop the bad behaviors and it only takes a warning growl from him to get her to cease
× yet somehow you're the strict parent at the end of the day??????? tf????????? who made the rules??????
× starts calling her brat, squirt, lil shit 💕lovingly💕
× "your child" if she did something bad
× "Your fucking child kicked the ball into the vase and broke it." Aha, nice one, Katsuki. Good job.
× not to brag but her puppy eyes don't work on him but yours do; the problem is her puppy eyes do work on you bc she's the light of your life so if she wants something; she'll puppy-eye you knowing you'll get it for her bc daddy loves you very much 💕💞
× literally evil mastermind; didn't I tell you she's sharp? pft, she's playing you both so hard
× every day he comes back from work she runs to him at the door, tail wiggling happily behind her as she stretches her arms to be picked up and he always does, without a doubt, then proceeds to kiss the top of her head
× come out to greet him too? the whole loving routine is his absolute thing and wants to see you, have you kiss his cheek; he complains but adores it soooooo much!
× you have a family night; BONDING WITH MOODY POMERANIANS. Yes, plural, and it sounds perfect~
× even if it's just one of those animated movies he hates so much, he'll watch through all of it and make sarcastic comments just to make you both laugh; will grin satisfied asf if he manages to do so bc he's the best.
× will definitely want another kid, so how about maybe a boy??? hmm???
× asks you if you're up for the idea and if you agree, he'll roll his eyes and crack his shoulders, acting so very uninterested and purely exhausted yet his smirk would give him away:
× "Knew you'd torture me with another devil"
× throw him out, istg— 💀
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imagines-mha · 4 years
League of villains and the type of s/o they need
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Toga, Spinner, Compress, Kurogiri
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➟ Did someone say patient??
➟ Before you guys date, be prepared for a LONG, SLOW, AGONISING wait
➟ He’ll push you away 93817 times before even letting you know his favourite colour smh
➟ You'll have to be thick-skinned. He has a tendency of saying things he doesn’t mean to test your ability to put up with him
➟ It wouldn’t be surprising if he tried his best to turn you off him cus he doesn’t believe he deserves ur love :(
➟ Affection is key, but in small doses
➟ When you’re alone and he’s being vulnerable- don’t treat him like he’s weird. Don’t even point it out, just let it happen and he’ll love you forever cus it takes a LOT for him to put down his guard
➟ Run your fingers through his hair, lace your pinky with his- cliché little reminders of your love. Remember how utterly touch-starved he is- the tiniest touches mean everything
➟ Having a motherly nature would be helpful. He forgets to shower, eat, drink water, function, and he’ll really appreciate your gentle reminders as opposed to kurogiri’s nagging ones
➟ Also- he’s a tantrum child with both mommy and daddy issues. You’re gonna need to be there for him when he gets out of hand
➟ Someone like his mother would be ideal for him: soft, understanding, gentle, caring
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➢ Yeah ur gonna have to be able to throw a few punches when the time comes
➢ He’s gonna run ur ass deep into the ground with his hard-hitting comments and straight-up insults. And he’ll probably pick a fight with you just to see how your body moves 🙄
➢ He doesn’t rlly mean what he says. He just finds it hot when you get mad
➢ If you’re good at arguing then dam 😳😳 he’s gonna be SHOOK
➢ You gotta like to tease, and like to be teased. He’ll pull your hair while he walks past you, you’ll shove him into the door when he’s not on guard. Simple things, yaknow?
➢ Enemies to lovers; slow burn; 500k
➢ He’s a secret glutton for your touch tho. Has no issue with grabbing your ass in public or dragging you into his room to fuck you whenever he wants. Be spontaneous 🧚🏻‍♀️✨
➢ If he sees you being too friendly with one of the members the league, then good luck bro cus his punishments HURT LIKE A BITCH
➢ Remind him he’s the only one you want- the only one you have eyes for. Then he’ll be satisfied
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➟ please give him your heart. All of it.
➟ He’ll nourish it and water it and care for it like he’s never done with anything else before
➟ Boy has got so much love to give and he wants to give it ALL to you
➟ Someone spontaneous would suit him well. He’s excitable, and operates on a lot of last minute decisions. If you’re regulated with schedules and times, he’s not the guy for you
➟ You gotta be versatile. Able to take high ass doses of energy one second and snarky comments the next
➟ Also thick-skinned. If he splits and calls you a bitch, he doesn’t mean it. It hurts but you gotta understand it- plus he’ll make up for it with thousands of apologies afterwards
➟ Someone who can take a LOT of affection and PDA. If he’s in the same room as you, you can bet your ass he’s gonna be HOLLERING about how much he loves you. His hands will NEVER stop touching you when you’re together in public
➟ He’s so soft. Listen to him bro. Like hear his struggles and trace your fingers over his scars and tell him all he means to you
➟ He’s a baby when it comes to comfort man he just wants someone to hold him
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➢ Oh my god DUDE you have got to have SO MUCH SKILL
➢ She’s a problem child at best. If you ain’t gonna at least guide her in the direction of right and wrong, you and your family might end up dead
➢ Just a reminder of her love
➢ Sometimes you gotta talk to her like she’s a child to make her understand. Her moral compass was blown to bits years ago- she’s gonna need someone firm
➢ But also someone who can handle her extent
➢ She’s very forward- and she’ll probably try to take your blood more than you’d probably want her to
➢ But once you tame her, she’s a cutie
➢ Talks a lot calmer with you- and seems a hell of a lot more human than before
➢ She’s really good at listening to you, and even better at taking you into her arms and treating you like you’re the most important thing in the entire world
➢ because to her, u are 🥺
➢ When she chills out, falling in love with her is as easy as pie
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➟ He genuinely doesn't believe he deserves love. Like ik it’s emo but he’s been thru some shit and he thinks he’s gonna die alone
➟ u gonna need to prove him wrong
➟ Any kind of affection makes him red in the face and dizzy. With that in mind, give him all the affection you have
➟ You gotta be clean too cus his room is a MESS and he’s gonna need the reminders and help fixing it up
➟ Same interests would be nice, or at least have an understanding for gaming and why he loves it sm
➟ If you’re a girl who plays grand theft auto tho,,, he’s 😳 simping respectfully
➟ But fr you gotta treat this man like he’s the cutest guy in the world. He’s flustered as fuck, but he has SO much love in him
➟ You gotta have some level of maturity. He has no time for lackadaisy, over-bubbly girls who are never sad
➟ Show him your depth and then he’ll knock down his walls
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➢ Can you handle a tease??
➢ God i fuckin hope you can cus this man is RELENTLESS
➢ You gotta have some level of class like let’s not lie
➢ If you’re well-versed in poetry, got that dark academia aesthetic goin on, read a lot- he’ll FALL SO HARD
➢ he just wants that live-mysteriously-in-the-woods-with-my-lady aesthetic
➢ Act surprised and impressed when he graces you with his magic tricks. He’ll want to show you first, since your acceptance is his top priority so u better act like one direction has reunited to give you a personal bedroom concert u hear me x
➢ You gotta be a romantic. Man’s gonna perform the most GRANDIOSE expressions of love
➢ Kissing your knuckles, dipping you into his arms, bridal style carrying you everywhere, cheesy old-fashioned pet names???? Atsuhiro has GOT it
➢ And he loves to hear it all back
➢ He’s a dad, too. And he wants a girl who is motherly. It may sound traditional, but if you know how to cook and clean etc like a housewife, he’ll be swooning
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➟ Oh my god you have got to be delicate. And you have to be okay with being babied
➟ He’s a quiet man with a hell of a lot of strength. He does manage the entire league of problematic kids after all
➟ If you’re mature like he is with a romantic side, he’ll be drawn to you so fast like SNAP. U got his whispy heart beating
➟ But also- be a little carefree yakno like he loves to relax as much as the next genetically modified ex-hero-in-training rip shirakumo
➟ Loves the type of girl who’s unafraid to be truly romantic. Slowdance with him in the bar at 3am and he’ll believe his entire life is worth living
➟ Also pls support him when he cracks his dad jokes 😭 ik theyre terrible but he needs the love smh 😔
➟ He’ll ask if you want to go mountain climbing and oh my god SAY YES HE’LL MELT
➟ If you’re good at tending to the league (whether it’s by being a good listener or patching them up after fights) he’ll be more attracted to you. The league are his greatest treasures, and you being friendly with them will only make his love for you grow
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kwantified · 4 years
nct dream on social media!
excluding weibo, messenger apps, and dating apps
note: this is purely my personal opinion. kinda inspired by my irls :)
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he loves to share what he does when he can
on instagram he’s the kinda guy who isn’t really... there
busy boy finding out about news a whole week late
when he posts stories it’s usually like... super vague pictures of music or lyrics he’s working on
probably one or two basic shots of food
shares what he’s listening to on spotify I Kid You Not
if mark lee posts a story it’s probably going to be what he’s listening to on spotify
he’s more active on twitter because uh
mostly quoted retweets tbh
his replies are always just “HAHAHAHAHA” or “LMAOOOO” and some goofy one-liner
has mutuals on stan twt because he likes to steal the memes
it’s honestly like ????
tweets mostly in english but korean is always there
you would find him laughing his ass off and why? because one of his mutuals tweeted something off of punhub
“can you perform under pressure?”
“no, but i can perform bohemian rhapsody”
“doctor, it hurts when i do this”
“then don’t do that”
not only because of punhub trust me
he’s mostly on local twt just on about netflix shows and music because he doesn’t have enough to time rlly branch out into one community other than his own
has tried uploading his works on soundcloud but just feels more comfortable uploading covers and stuff on youtube
he’d accidentally get in everyone’s recommended because hey here’s a talented man on the guitar who’s goofy and cute
overall since he’s a very busy person he’s not too active, but social media kind of gives him a little laugh every once in a while so that’s great
say it with me, instagram
the prettiest golden hour selfies
your resident pretty boy
says he Doesn’t Care About Fashion but then posts a body shot of his fit smh
can’t complain because he’s mad fine let’s be real here
he has an account for every single social media out there but isn’t always active on every account
i swear to god he;s made a linkedin account
the way he’s probably made a mf foursquare account…
he’s just such an all-around sociable guy he just has mutuals everywhere
i mean the entertainment industry is all about connections so
go get it reonjeon!
makes an appearance in everyone’s social media like he’s EVERYWHERE
jaemin’s instagram? check. jisung’s tiktok? check! chenle’s twitter? check. he’s in everyone’s mentions fr
his stories are always reposts of other posts and of the stories he’s tagged in
work socmed! he makes his career look so comfy and homey from his posts and stories
was one of those guys who used to be super active on snapchat but gave up after insta stories became a thing
mans stalks more people than you think… he’s just a sly dude
not in a creepy way ofc he just gets pretty lost within the internet
you could actually play any trending tiktok audio and you’d hear him sing along every word in the background… what has this mf been doin??? uhm???
sends posts he thinks are funny to ig and twt gcs
mostly to jisung because he’s the only one who actually leaves SOME sort of reaction whether it be double tapping the text or going ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
likes to visit pinterest every once in a while because it’s like a nice eye cleanse
it’s also good outfit and food inspiration in the cases that he feels like creating something non career related
in general he just likes looking for new ideas and sometimes pinterest is just a great outlet for a visual layout like that
renjun and jisung, THESE TWO
they scour the internet together
goin wild with the crack videos with jisung
this dude is nowhere
like. he has thousands of followers on instagram and for WHAT
twitter page: empty
snapchat: gave up after insta stories
but he’s like almost always actively liking everything on your timeline
like... every post on your feed is “liked by jeno and xx others”
texting him becomes a game through all the different dm platforms online
like will he open his twitter dms today or will he only answer if you furiously facetime him
some days it’s katalk and somedays he just chooses to ignore you
anyways when he does post on instagram it’s usually just his surroundings and daily activities
or his cats
does a lot of things with his friends so you’ll probably find him tagged in the dreamies’ stories
but not anywhere else for some reason
he’s more active on twitter!
he kind of feels more relaxed on twitter since it isn’t based on images
tweets out of context things
like a random “fml” out of nowhere and you’re like okay i guess
pretty vague too
doesn’t really make an effort to make any mutuals because it’s kind of like a vent place for him
stays on private
friends only so... about 30 followers and that’s it
people who follow his Instagram don’t really know his twt so it relieves him a bit
food videos on youtube
not mukbangs but like
very nice cooking videos
like have y’all heard of Nino’s Kitchen
he loves that shit BET
the greatest mix between dry sarcasm, humorous attacks and beautiful food
mans just likes real life interactions i guess
youtube addict! 
gamer haechan
he could spend DAYS on youtube and just forget about time and space altogether
just finds the best rabbit holes to go into from music to snails to gaming to fancams
also on tiktok but his tiktok is on instagram ya feel
finds it stupid but so, so entertaining
loves watching those makeup and art tiktoks because they’re so well done
humor tiktoks on his explore page
number one edit fanatic
mans loves watching edits on instagram and how they’re so well made like 
he’s truly one to appreciate art
his stories are uploaded on the weirdest times of day
want a video of him serenading the camera at two in the morning? sign yourself up
twitter is lowkey his diary
he just tweets whatever is happening all day errday
sometimes he completely forgets about the existence of twitter altogether so there are days where he’s on twitter every second but there are weeks where it’s just CRICKETS
loves to listen to other people’s playlists
open to new vibes (but no hateful vibes!)
still does snapchat streaks... hm 
and who might he be talking to?
his snapchat streaks are always the same shot of the window or some scenery from his apartment
the kind of guy who snaps you until goddamn 4am
make room for online boyfriend hyuck
goes on twitch for the fun of it when he’s too busy to play
finds it real satisfying to just see the streamers engage with the audience while being real good at what they do
either way he’s just always on youtube but when he isn’t he’s usually just consuming content instead of uploading content
but when he does post anything it’s like quality!!
unlike jeno, this man is EVERYWHERE
and when i mean everywhere i mean he’s also on letterboxd (!!!) and soundcloud
maybe this is just an excuse for me to force the jaemin film and photography student agenda
this man has customised every part of every profile on social media
except for linkedin
folks, his instagram is just pictures of everyone else but him
even on soundcloud his self-written songs are sung by other members in nct
his insta stories are the only place you can actually hear his voice
insta stories are just food and friends
and by friends i mean wtf moments at the dream dorm
memes all over twitter
steals memes pretty regularly
like he’d always like the tweets before stealing and those tweets would always end up in your tl so whenever he uses those memes in your convos it’s just like
aHa i see
posts “mood” tweets
mostly replies to other people rather than making his own tweets
loves to do deep dives on youtube because he always discovers the cutest music
also gets the best inspiration from youtube
has a few favourite youtubers and genuinely appreciates their content
again, inspiration
watches lots of movies but doesn’t really leave any reviews so he just gives a few stars (or none) on letterboxd
the kind of guy who’s glued to his phone
i don’t blame him
his phone is full of content
still on snapchat apparently
but he’s the kind of dude that just sends streaks every day and updates his snapchat story like never
his streaks... lmao
usually goes for a black screen with a plain “s” or just a random shot of his bedsheets
but if he considers you a close friend he might get distracted and send you a bunch of videos of him playing with filters
he really does think they’re quite the fascination
maybe he’s just bored lol social media is pretty expansive
he’s like jeno but gives less fucks
so... instagram and twitter are equally chaotic
such a mood
just makes you go WHAT IS THIS DUDE UP TO
this dude is usually just Chillin
and he gets bored so he just brain farts into twitter
whenever there’s a basketball game he’s watching he’ll fill your entire timeline with out of context reactions
also kind of a random out of context dude who posts things at the weirdest times of the day/night
doesn’t give enough fucks to go on private
gets a lot of followers on twt solely because so many people find his life so fascinating like hm...
what might zhong chenle be doing at this time of day
on instagram it’s kind of a different story because uh he might have to think twice about whether or not he wants a certain picture on his feed
but then again, no fucks
so he’s like meh okay sure i’ll post it
pics of food and places he’s been to and laid back selfies and #tbt type beat
but he does a lot of promo for nct and wayv
get that bag boy!
chenle on instagram is like hyuck on twitter: he can go weeks being completely inactive but one day he suddenly remembers the existence of instagram and posts five pictures in a day
all with either no caption or like the vaguest “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ” or “哈哈哈哈”
if y’all have seen his weibo then y’all would know his twt would be filled with “哈哈哈哈哈”
mentions everyone (especially jisung) in each and every single one of his insta stories
replies to random comments
eternal chenle menpa how bout that
goes on wattpad and ao3 for the fun of it
actually kind of enjoys some of the work on wattpad... his fav trope is enemies to lovers
that one mutual that casually likes all your tweets
he would literally spam like all your pictures/tweets as soon as you guys become mutuals and it’s sweet
comments on everything
always dragged in jisung’s tiktok antics
knows all the tiktok dances by heart even though it looks like he’s so unbothered
thinks tiktok is cringey but HIGHKEY gets into it
now this dude is on tiktok but he doesn’t really fetch for clout
he likes doing short freestyles
the challenges are cool too and he’s had a few mutuals on tiktok so that’s nice
but this dude screams TWITTER and YOUTUBE
watches shit like vox and jubilee because it’s so interesting to him
has been through a vsauce phase but eventually got bored because they didn’t upload a lot
youtube is there for his deep dives and curiosities
also is subscribed to a lot of youtubers so his recommended page is super diverse
comments on videos with the most candid thoughts
youtube has been a big part of him honestly especially as a child who didn’t really get a formal education
he’s just kind of learning from the internet
doesn’t bother with instagram because... he can post pictures on twt too...
eventually gets instagram anyways so 
the pictures/videos jisung sends on lysn bubble are literally his insta feed
but on twitter he’s just kind of vibin
says he goes on twt 5 times a day so there we go
likes those generational tweets and tiktoks that go like
“kids born after 2005 will never understand this”
his retweets bruv
he just retweets funny one liner replies from viral tweets
also keeps up with the news (ehem this was the boy on the political section of daily korean news let’s hear it)
rather than just korea he’s pretty interested in international news too so he’s a pretty outspoken guy
doesn’t really do a lot of tweeting himself though since he just kind of goes “헐” or “대박” or “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”
him and renjun are youtube buddies just because. yes.
usually spirals into crack compilations
like renjun, he’s also seen pretty often in other members’ mentions
but he honestly really likes being mentioned and being active online because he’s spent most of his life either practicing or online so
feels like home huh
kinda gen z spirit there lmao
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goodproofingwater · 5 years
Chapter 9 | Tinder Tommy
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Word count: 2392 
Notes: drum roll pls it’s what ya’ll been waiting for. Contains graphic sexual content. Taglist (if you would like to be added just ask!): @a-dorky-book-keeper@ishoutmarcoandyoushout @idesiretomhardy @theamuz @blinderscaps @peakywriting@justanothershelby @contemporary-mary @auroravipers @moonyscardigans @peakysxshelby@miss-shelby-barnes @vintage-fantasyyy @ly—canthrope @morgan-1830 @i-love-you-green
He didn’t tell the cab to leave at first, made a show of walking you to your doorstep as if you could deny him again, and as you turned to face those beautiful eyes you knew you were done for.
“Want to come in for a nightcap?” You spoke first, his lips quirking in a smile which told you he had expected this although he was going to play along anyway.
“A nightcap?”
“I’m hardly going to try Shelby’s finest whiskey without the man himself being present am I?” You motioned to the bottle in his hand which he had presented you with at dinner, and he glanced down as if he had forgotten it was there.
“I suppose I could use the opinion of a more… feminine pallet.” Your eyes rolled at his words, and he stepped forward, his hand moving to hold your face and as his thumb ran along your bottom lip.
“Unless you had other ideas for this beautiful mouth…”
You were at a loss for words, the tension between you palatable and delicious as his eyes danced from your own to parted red lips, and in that moment you knew you would do whatever he wanted.
“I have a few ideas Sir,”
A flick of his wrist was all it took for the car to pull away, the hand moving to rest on your back as you fumbled with the key in the lock, totally unbelieving that this man stood behind you until his long fingers wrapped around your wrist and helped you turn the key.
“Do you live alone?” He whispers against your hair and the chill down your spine only gets more prominent as you watch him take the first step into your building, the parallels between this and inviting a vampire across the threshold not lost on you.
“No I don’t, I live with my Flatmate Sarah.” You know that Sarah is out with her boyfriend, that she won’t be back that evening but divulging that information seems to come across too eager when you play the conversation through in your mind, and it’s when the elevator doors close and he slips a hand around your waist to pull you flush against him that you give in, his hand on your face enough to allow the red wine to inhibit your senses, the alcohol a perfectly reasonable excuse should you choose to make one in the morning.
His lips are surprisingly soft and gentle and he pulls away at the correct floor, following you and allowing his eyes to take your body in for the hundredth time that evening as you make quick work of your door, pressing your back against it and biting your lip as you watch cerulean corneas graze their way up your figure.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Are the words he chooses as he moves toward you like a predator assessing his prey, and you shake your head with a smirk as you bite your bottom lip and he mirrors it. Stepping closer his hands are on you again, and while you had intended on back into your apartment slowly his grip on your waist pushes you through the door, the kiss suddenly fervent and desperate, the bottle of whiskey finding its way to the cabinet beside the door as he turns to push you against the door.
There was no more time for playing but he does anyway, pulling away only to bite on your bottom lip, his hands pressing against your thighs and pushing your dress up.
“You going to show me what these gorgeous lips can do?” His words were so dipped in lust that you had no choice but to nod, and his hand was on the back of your neck, forcing your lips to his in a searing kiss which forced you to your knees of your own accord.
“Fuck,” he whispered almost inaudibly as you made quick work of his suit pants, soft kisses placed along his boxers before you tugged both items of clothing down enough to expose him.
His length was much like him, bold and alluring and his hand fisted in your hair as your tongue ran around the head.
“You gonna suck me off where your Flatmate could find us?” He smirks, expecting you to blush and move but instead you take him deep in your throat, the moan which leaves his lips involuntary. He usually had much more control than this, usually found women would bend to his will a little easier and it was your constant defying of his expectations which made him all the more intrigued. Gripping your hair in his hand he began to thrust his hips against your mouth, and you opened your throat to let him, innocent eyes looking up at him as he rest his hand against the wall behind you,
“Fuck you take my cock in your throat so well” he moaned, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment but his pleasure was interrupted as you dug your nails into the exposed skin of his thighs.
He hissed as you moved back off him slowly, swallowing thickly and you stood before he had the chance to pull you up, his hand quickly finding your throat as he pinned you against the wall once more.
“Did I say you could stop?” Were the words which filled the space between you, but his eyes searched for a hint of reluctance in your own, his hand moving from your neck as he realised that this was your first time and he had no idea if you had the same tastes as him.
You shook your head, the domination making you so wet you could barely handle it and he licked his lips as your eyes searched his in turn.
“Want you to cum while you’re inside me Sir…” you speak, and he smirks with a nod, his nose running over yours in a moment of softness before he picked you up once more, moving to lay you down on the couch.
He knelt on the floor before you, leaning in for a searing kiss as he pushed your panties aside, simultaneous moans filling the silence between you as he ran two fingers along your core.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell love you’re soaked” he groaned, accent stronger with his lust and you let out another whimper as he slipped two fingers inside of you, bending them immediately to stroke against your g spot
“You goin’ to be good for me?” He questioned, his forehead on yours and you nodded, completely at his disposal as he began to finger fuck you, and you had just the right amount of semblance left to reach into your bra and pull out a condom.
He let out a soft laugh at the timing, taking it with his teeth and ripping it open with his other hand as his thumb began to circle your clit expertly.
“That feels so good Tom…” you moaned and his face turned to one of mocked concern.
“Oh yeah?” He asked and a moment later he pulled his fingers from you. You knew it was to roll the condom down his shaft, but you felt empty without him, your clit throbbing so hard that it took everything not to start touching yourself. His fingers slip back inside you when he’s done with the latex, and he licks his lips as he watches your face contort, “want me to make you cum like this aye?”
His shaft twitches as you whimper and shake your head, and he moves his fingers harder, pressing down on your spot so intensely that you can feel your orgasm fast approaching.
“Tell me what you want, or I won’t give it to you” his voice is dark with lust and you grip the back of his head as he rests his forehead against yours again.
“Please fuck me Tommy..” you whimper, and he smirks at the desperation in your voice, licking his lips as he continues his fingers until you are dancing on the edge of your orgasm only to remove contact from you.
He waits for a moment and you take the opportunity to crash your lips to his, tongues lashing at each other as you fight for control although you want him to win, and just as the knot in your stomach is about to loosen he slips his sizeable shaft within you.
You pull back to gasp, watching the space between you as his sinks right to the hilt, and your moan is so strangled it barely sounds like you.
“So fuckin’ tight,” he groans, “you been savin’ yourself for me?”
You nod and bite your lip, letting out another loud moan as he pulls out and pushes back into you once more, “haven’t used any toys in days…”
He grins and allows your body to get used to him for a moment and he grips your face as he kisses you.
“Such a good girl..” and with that he kisses you and then pulls back, holding onto your hips as he slams hard into you, the noise of skin slapping on skin filling the room with your moans.
To say he looked attractive while he was staring down at your bouncing body would have been an understatement, his shirt and his hair disheveled from your touch, his hands gripping hold of your waist as his hips slammed home and his thumb moved to continue its tortuous circling on your clit.
“Fuck, Tommy I’m so close” you found yourself a whimpering mess, his shaft pushing against you so perfectly that you found yourself trying to recall a time when a man had ever made you feel so good. A man certainly had never made you cum the very first time you slept together.
“Cum on my cock love come on, let me see you” you realise he’s referring to the fact that he has heard you cum for him too late to comment and instead fly over the edge, his own lips parting at his own end.
“Fuck” He exhales, Birmingham accent strong and clear as he pulls out and moves to dispose of the condom, his chest heaving as he collapses on the couch next to you, glass of whiskey in hand for both of you.
You can’t help the smirk which washes across your face at the action, and you take the glass from him wondering how the hell he found glasses and poured them so quickly.
“Part of the service?” You joked and he offered you a rare smile, licking his lips as he reached inside the jacket he was still wearing and pulled out a cigarette.
“May I smoke?” You realise it’s a courtesy rather than a question when he doesn’t wait for your response before flicking the top off what looks like an antique lighter, and you have to hurry your words before he fills your front room with smoke.
“Please don’t, my landlord might evict me” you chuckle and he looks slightly frustrated before he puts the cigarette back in its case and you’re about to muse on the fact that he is the only person you have seen with a silver cigarette case when he asks you what you think of the whiskey.
Even though you know so little about him, you can tell he is the mastermind behind the whiskey from the moment it caresses your tastebuds. Strong and smokey like the small part of Birmingham that he had told you he was from, it envelopes your mouth and demands attention while somehow remaining smooth. It has you coming back for more the second you’re finished, and you look up into expectant eyes before you answer.
“Delicious.” He smiles again and leans in to press a soft kiss to your lips, warmth spreading through you which has nothing to do with the alcohol but it’s stunted as he checks his watch moments later and sighs.
“I have an important meeting tomorrow morning with the shareholders,” he speaks and you try not to let your face fall, the excuse one you should have known was coming but even so, you didn’t expect it.
“Right..” you nod as he slings back the remainder of the glass, his fingers itching toward his jacket pocket for a cigarette before he remembers that you have forbidden him to divulge his nicotine addiction.
Careful eyes survey you as you stand and adjust your dress so you’re no longer indecent, his hands fixing his belt as you moved with him to the door.
Fingers which had given you such pleasure less than half an hour ago graze your door handle before he turns to look at you, “I really do have a meeting,” he speaks deliberately and you can imagine it’s out of character for him to explain himself, even more out of character for him to hold your face with both hands and run his nose along yours, “I can’t tell you how much I want to stay..”
You’re weak to his movements even when you still suspect they are well choreographed, melting as his gaze meets yours for a second before he grazes his lips against yours and closes the gap between you, nodding as if the kiss sealed something in his mind “I will make it up to you”
These are the last words he speaks to you before he kisses you deeper than before, hands still cupping your face as if you were made of porcelain and then he left, slipping a cigarette between his lips as he descended the stairs and called for a car to collect him.
Tommy Shelby was a man of simple tastes; Whiskey, cigarettes and women, the latter having always been the most intoxicating and disposable. His relationships with women had always been mutually insubstantial, had been about him getting a fast fuck from someone he had chosen and them getting treated to expensive wine and multiple orgasms. This was the first woman he had ever wanted to stick around with, the first woman who he felt had something to say that he wanted to listen to.
As he sat in the back of the black car which arrived to pick him up, he found himself regretting leaving a woman after sex for the very first time.
Next Chapter -->
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
gruvia drabble
author's note: im SORRY im really not over the last chapter. i fr never will be. but yea this one is based on the last chapter a lot more strictly. ALSO the very end issss ooc for gray but it was a cute ending soooo yea hehe. ok enjoy cutiessss<333
After a long, grueling train ride, the team had finally made it to the city of Draseel, ready to search for the wood god dragon and take the next step in their mission.
Happy let out a long, obnoxious yawn. "I'm sleepy."
"Yeah, I'm pretty tired, too." Wendy admitted.
"I suppose it is late." Erza agreed. The team sorted out the nonsense with Erza and Erkis, got them switched back, and scolded Erza for being careless. That alone put them back another three hours.
"On the map it says there's a hotel right next to this station." Lucy looked up from the map.
"Alright, snoozing it is!" Natsu cheered. He was happy enough to be off the train, and now he got to rest on top of it.
The group got two rooms for the night, one for the boys and one for the girls. They quickly departed into their two rooms, ready to get some sleep and take on the next day.
Gray barely got a chance to breathe before Natsu and Happy were completely knocked out on their beds. They didn't bother to get under covers or anything, they were just out like a light.
"Why am I not surprised?" Gray sighed. He followed their lead and got ready for bed.
Gray flicked off his bedside light and turned over. After a few moments, he tossed over to the other side. Then onto his back. When a few slow minutes passed, he finally realized he wouldn't fall asleep right then. There was something that was picking at his mind, something he couldn't just easily sleep off.
He let out an exhale and turned his bedside table back on. He made sure not to wake up Natsu, as he didn't feel like dealing with his teasing. He carefully brought the lamp over to a desk that was in their room and quietly sat down. He rummaged through the drawers and to his luck he found just what he was looking for, a pencil and paper.
For awhile, he just stared at the blank paper. He even said "forget it" and tried to go back to bed, but he soon knew that wouldn't happen. So at the table he sat, head in his hands, thinking of how to put words from the pencil onto the paper.
Finally, he thought of something.
"Dear Juvia," He wrote at the top. Then, he hit another block. He was out of ideas once again.
"Ok, Gray, just chill out." He thought to himself. "Just write what's in your head." But that was just that--he didn't know how to translate his feelings into words.
To put it in the simplest words possible, he missed Juvia.
He didn't realize how much he did until he saw her doppelgänger and contemplated love, but he most certainly did. He wondered what she was doing, he thought about what he would be doing with her if they were together, he imagined their reunion when he got back to Fairy Tail, and actually thought fondly about how he would be showered with her love.
He couldn't seem to get her off his mind.
"Gah, this is so embarrassing." Gray thought and scratched the back of his head, his cheeks turning pink.
Again, another deep breath, and he brought the pencil back to the paper.
"Dear Juvia,
The mission is going well. I know you're probably worried sick, and you wish you could be fighting with me right now, but don't worry, I'm fine. The first dragon god on our quest was a water dragon god. Of course, I naturally thought of you." He paused. He went back and erased "thought of you" and wrote "thought of your magic." After a few moments of back and forth, he ultimately decided on "thought of you."
"He was crazy powerful. It made me wonder how your magic would've matched up against him. You're almost as scary as he is, so I'm sure you would've given him a run for his money." Gray smirked at his joke, and he began to think of all the times Juvia's magic had gotten scary strong when she was in a serious fight.
"But no worries, we beat him even though your water magic would've made it a hell of a lot easier. And actually, he's a really nice guy. His magic was thrown all out of whack by this wizard that can steal people's magic. We'll definitely have to take care of them eventually, but for now, we moved onto the wood dragon god in Draseel.
Before we got on the train today we ran into a guild of celebrities that look just like us. The whole thing was super bizarre. Your doppelgänger's name was Juvina, and she was a topless dancer. Hopefully that doesn't give you any ideas for a hobby, because I'll tell you right now, it ain't happening." Gray paused and smirked once again.
"But what really got me thinking was" Gray paused. He wasn't sure how to word all of this without exploding with embarrassment, but he tried his best.
"when we met this girl Ervis; she's an actress. Her next role focuses on love, so we kind of got to talking about that. I can't lie, you're the first person that popped in my head. From there, I couldn't get you off my mind, so I figured I'd write you a letter. It's not like it'll go unwanted. I'm sure you're gonna' eat all this up.
Basically, I just wanted to say" He paused. His hand began to shake a bit, and he took a deep breath.
"I miss you, and I'm excited to see you when we get back to Fairy Tail. Make sure you have your best hug and cheery 'Gray-sama' ready for me when I get back. Honestly, I'm going through withdrawal." Gray finally let go of his breath after he wrote that. Almost everything in him was telling him to go back and erase that bit, but after reading it over for the 30th time, he knew it felt right. It was pretty much exactly what he was thinking, and he knew he had to work on his way of expressing his feelings lately, and this seemed like a good step.
"So I hope all is well at Fairy Tail. I'm sure you're taking lots of missions with Gajeel, and I'm sure you're both kicking ass. I'd expect nothing less. Oh and make some of those Juvi-buns for me. They're pretty damn good.
Sincerely, Gray."
He looked the letter over and over and over. He went back to make little changes, but ended up changing them back. After he finally wore his eraser down to nothing, he decided it was good.
"Ooo is this a love letter?" Gray jumped at the sound of Happy hovering over his shoulder.
"Hey! I thought you were sleepin'!" Gray snatched the letter from the desk and held it close to him.
"I was sleeping. Now I'm awake. Just needed a little catnap." He said.
"Ok, well let's not wake up Natsu." Gray whispered.
"Why don't we wanna' wake up Natsu?" Gray jumped again, hearing Natsu talking over his other shoulder.
"Shit! Since when are you two ninjas?!" Gray held onto the letter tighter, catching his breath from two scares.
"Since when are you a writer?" Happy grilled, notioning towards the paper in his hand.
"I-I'm not!" Gray stood up. "I'm goin' to bed!"
"Is it a looove letter?" Happy teased.
"N-no! Don't be stupid!" Gray was focused on defending himself to Happy and he lost his grip on the paper. Natsu took the opportunity and snatched the letter out of his hand.
"Dear Juvia," Natsu began to read.
"Hey! Give that back!" Gray reached for it, and Natsu pulled away.
"So it is a love letter!" Happy giggled. "What else does it say, Natsu?"
Natsu began skimming the words to which Gray began chasing him around the room.
"Does this say what I think it says?" Natsu's voice boomed. "'I miss you'?!"
"Just give it back, ya' creep!"
"Ah, ah, ah," Natsu paused, and in his free hand he lit a flame, hovering the paper over it. Gray froze.
"One more move, and it goes up in flames." Natsu raised a brow. Gray said nothing. He stood promptly, but on edge.
Natsu continued skimming over the letter. "Juvi-buns?!" He bursted "I thought you thought they were weird?!" He cackled.
Gray folded his arms and looked to the side. "Yeah. They were tasty, alright?" He murmured.
Happy and Natsu exchanged looks and began rolling with laughter.
"What else Natsu?!" Happy said through laughter.
Gray took the opening and grabbed the letter out of Natsu's hand. "I think that's enough story time for tonight."
"We're just teasing, Gray!" Natsu said, still laughing.
"Yeah, yeah, well I'm goin' to bed." Gray practically stomped his way to bed and threw the letter into a random drawer before flopping onto the mattress.
"Hey man," The laughing finally stopped. Gray turned over and saw Natsu and Happy finally collected themselves. "In all seriousness, it's pretty cool that you wrote that."
"Aye!" Happy chimed in.
"Juvia deserves to hear that kinda' stuff. You better mail it out before we leave tomorrow." Natsu smiled at Gray and got back into bed.
"...Thanks." Gray reluctantly said and turned back over.
Once he heard Natsu and Happy snoring again, Gray sat up a bit. He carefully pulled the paper and pencil back out from the drawer. He decided there was one more change he needed to make.
He erased the "Sincerely, Gray." and replaced it with "Love, Gray."
He decided the letter was perfect, and finally rolled over to get a good night's sleep.
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Across Time and Space (Chapter 5)
Summary: Sequel to I’ll Take Her Place.  Slav is showing off a piece of experimental equipment, when it malfunctions and blasts Katie and Keithir to another universe. At the same time, it drags Pidge and Keith over into theirs, effectively swapping places. With their fate resting in the hands of Slav, will they be able to get back home? Or are they stuck to live the rest of their lives in the wrong universe?
Also posted on AO3 and fanfiction.net under the username “kishirokitsune”.
Sorry this one's a few days late! After only having two short chapters for the last updates and then taking a week off for Kidgeweek, I thought you all deserved something longer. I hope you all enjoy it!
Edit 6/6/19 - fixed a mistake where I left out an entire line of Hunk’s dialogue (where he’s teasing Lance about snoring)
Chapter 5
“You have a son?” Hunk asked softly.
He and Lance had been rendered speechless with surprise after the newest revelation, which also included the fact that Keithir was Galra royalty.
Keithir tugged a small, violet colored device from his pocket and tapped at the screen for a moment before passing it over to Hunk. “His name is Yorak.”
Hunk “aww'd” over the picture, which was of Keithir and a small Galra child perched on his shoulders, both grinning at the camera. He took a few ticks to look it over before handing it to Lance.
Lance cocked his head to the side. “Don't take this the wrong way, but he doesn't look anything like you, Katie.”
“He's adopted,” Katie explained, amused. “There was an outcry from some of the Galra when we got married. They worried that any cub we had would be too human to lead, so when the opportunity to adopt Yorak came up, we took it.”
“He's the nephew of my father's top commander. Yorak's parents were killed in a raid on one of the outlying colonies, but his uncle isn't the best with kids, so he asked us,” Keithir said, taking the device back from Lance.
“Your reality sounds so nice. No war, you two are married with a kid...” Hunk paused. “But what about us? I mean, the Hunk and Lance of your world. You haven't talked much about them.”
Lance brightened up. “Yeah! Am I married? Is she pretty? I mean, obviously, since it's me-” (Hunk snorted in amusement.) “-but is she?”
Katie covered her mouth to hide her grin.
Keithir put his device away, while struggling to keep his composure. “Ah, well... you're both happily married,” he said elusively, kind of enjoying dragging it out.
“Yes!” Lance happily pumped a fist in the air. “What's she like? I wonder if she's someone I'll meet in the future. Or maybe I already know her! Is it Allura?”
Hunk stared at them with wide eyes. “I'm married?”
“On a serious note, are you both sure you want to know?” Katie asked. “We already know how different our realities are, and I don't want to make things weird for all of you. Just because it happened one way for u, doesn't mean it'll be the same for you.”
“Now I really want to know,” Lance said, eagerly leaning forward.
Hunk looked a little more apprehensive about what they had to say, but there was still a burning curiosity there that made him want to know. “It'll be nice to hear what we're like in a reality that isn't mind controlled by Alteans, like in that one that we ended up in a few months back. Not that we ever actually saw ourselves there. Just this odd version of Shiro...”
That statement nearly derailed the entire conversation, except Hunk refused to say another word about it. It was a sneaky tactic and as frustrating as it was to have a potential answer for how to get home, Katie mentally applauded him for that bit of cunning.
“We're revisiting that,” Katie told him.
Hunk nodded.
Keithir looked as though he was about to demand carrying on with that line of conversation right then and there, but with a look from Katie he stayed quiet. They had teased Hunk and Lance enough and they deserved to get their answers. Then the two could tell them more about their other interaction with a different reality.
“When we left, the two of you were visiting Nalquod to renew your wedding vows for a fourth time,” Katie said, giving them a moment to process the information.
“I, uh,” Lance stammered, looking wide-eyed at Hunk. He cleared his throat, struggling for a moment, and then gave his friend a lopsided grin. “Anything you want to tell me, buddy?”
Hunk appeared mildly uncomfortable. “I don't – I mean, not anymore! There was this teeny little crush I had, but I'm over that, I swear!”
There was a moment of silence as Lance gaped at him. Clearly that wasn't a response he had expected. He recovered fairly quickly and jokingly responded with: “I can't say I blame you. I am pretty cool.”
Hunk let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding and relaxed, relieved he hadn't messed things up between them with his revelation. It felt good to come clean after hiding it for so long. “Yeah, you are. Unfortunately, you also snore and that's why I knew we wouldn't work.”
“I don't snore!” Lance protested.
“As the person who was your roommate at the Garrison, I'm uniquely qualified to say that yes, you do,” Hunk teased.
“Oh yeah? Well you-! You, uh...” Lance paused as he tried to think of a good comeback. “You hoard food and don't share!”
Hunk gasped in mock outrage.
Katie and Keithir sat back and enjoyed listening to their friendly banter back and forth. As much as they wanted to hear a possible solution to their problem, they understood their friends needed a few minutes to reassure one another that nothing was going to be weird between them.
“You know, I don't think we ever told Shiro about Sven,” Hunk said, seemingly out of the blue. He shared a glance with Lance, who followed along with the change of topic with an easy shrug.
“That whole day was weird. It's kind of like we all agreed to never talk about it again without actually saying we'd never talk about it again,” Lance said. “Because, honestly, Shiro's alternate self was probably the least weird thing about it.”
That was it.
That was what Katie and Keithir were waiting for.
“You guys saw an alternate reality and got back home on your own?” Katie asked, sounding amazed. “How did you do it? Tell me everything!”
“It all started when we picked up on this Altean distress signal...”
Someone was knocking at the door.
Pidge wasn't sure how she should handle it. Allura had payed them another visit to bring them food and an update, promising that she'd have more answers in the morning, which Pidge assumed meant they were being left alone for the night.
So who was knocking at the door? And why was Keith taking so long in the bathroom? She knew he liked to be alone, but it was getting ridiculous.
She stood, glancing at the bathroom and then to the main door as whoever was there knocked again. “H-hello? Allura, is that you?”
Not Allura.
And not Shiro either. Or anyone she whose voice she recognized.
What was she going to do? Allura and Shiro specifically said they wanted to keep the number of people who knew about the switch to a minimum; understandable, given that Keith was a Galra prince in that reality.
Had she stayed quiet, she could have just ignored them until they went away, but it would be rude to do that after speaking up.
“Just a second!” Pidge called out, hoping that Keith would wonder what all of the noise was about and come out to help her.
No such luck.
Pidge quietly grumbled as she shuffled over to the door, where she took a deep breath and stood up straight before opening it. A tall man with salt-and-pepper hair and the faint trace of a beard stood on the other side, blinking down at her with oddly familiar eyes. He stared for a moment and Pidge shifted, thoroughly uncomfortable.
“Sorry,” he blurted out, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “Shiro told me what was goin' on and that I shouldn't bother you, but I had to come down and make sure you kids are alright.”
The automatic response of “we're okay” hung on the tip of Pidge's tongue even as she tried to puzzle out who the man was. He was human, that much was obvious, but beyond that she honestly had no idea. She ended up giving no answer as Keith exited the bathroom at long last.
She turned to face him when she heard the click of the bathroom door in time to watch him go perfectly still, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of the man standing in the doorway. He swallowed thickly and (to Pidge's immense surprise) tears welled up in his eyes.
“Dad?” he asked, his voice breaking.
Pidge's heart clenched as she registered the pain in his voice. She could only step aside and watch, feeling as though she was witnessing something so deeply personal that it would be wrong for her to stay, as Keith broke down and his dad strode across the room to comfort him.
But Pidge had no place to go. All she could do was watch, helpless to do anything.
She reached up and rubbed her eyes, blinking back her own tears that threatened to fall. In that moment, listening to Keith try and talk, she began to realize just how little she knew about her teammate.
Hunk and Lance talked about their interests and families all the time and she'd heard so many stories of Shiro from her dad and Matt; even Allura and Coran, when they were in the right mood, would tell stories of Alfor and the way things were on Altea.
But Keith had always stayed quiet. Everything she knew about him was what she observed for herself and when it came down to it, it wasn't enough.
“It's alright, son. It's alright. I'm here now,” said Keith's dad.
Pidge didn't know how long they'd be stuck there, but she was going to use that time to her full advantage. She'd get to know him better and convince Allura to let him spend more time with his dad, on top of helping Slav with whatever he needed. It was a lot, and she was sure she'd find more to add to her list, but she had the determination and drive to see it through.
Keith spent an hour talking to his dad and recovering from the shock of getting to see him again. He never could have imagined being in a reality where he was still alive, but there he was: older, but still the same as he remembered.
Saying goodbye felt like an impossible task, even with the promise of another visit, and the moment his dad walked out of the room, Keith sank down onto the bed, completely drained.
A few seconds later, the space next to him dipped down as Pidge settled in next to him.
With a start, Keith realized she'd been in the room all along and he hadn't once stopped to consider how uncomfortable she must have felt standing there and watching. He guiltily looked over at her. “I'm sorry, Pidge.”
“Sorry? Sorry for what?” she asked, sounding genuinely confused.
“I – the whole thing with my dad. I didn't think.” He had no idea how to properly put it into words. He just knew that apologizing was the right thing to do.
Wasn't it?
Pidge frowned. “What? Keith, no. You don't have to be sorry for that! He's your dad! I'll admit I wasn't expecting that and next time I'll leave the room, but that's not something you need to apologize for. If anything, I feel bad that I couldn't give you more privacy.”
“That's not your fault either,” Keith pointed out.
He started to see what she meant though; neither of them were at fault. They were rooming together under strange circumstances and all they could do was their best, which meant that he needed to pull it together.
He'd never been the best at that without a little help, but he though he could do it for Pidge's sake.
She smiled up at him. “It's getting late. We should sleep.”
“Oh, yeah,” Keith responded, getting up to look around some more. There had to be some extra blankets somewhere. Or maybe he could use a couple of towels? It wouldn't be ideal for sleeping, but it was better than nothing.
“Keith, what are you doing?”
“You can take the bed,” Keith said, debating with himself over whether or not it was right to go through the closet. Even if it did belong to another version of him, it still felt like an invasion of privacy to open up something so personal.
“And where will you sleep? On the floor?” Pidge asked, sounding as though the very thought was absurd.
When Keith turned back to her, it was to the sight of her rolling her eyes.
“And what would you suggest?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Pidge mirrored his pose. “In the bed.”
Keith's jaw dropped. Had he heard that right? She couldn't really be suggesting they share the bed, could she? It wouldn't be appropriate! “But that isn't – I can't!”
“It isn't right, Pidge!”
“Why?” Pidge repeated, uncrossing her arms. “Give me one good reason why. Do you think I'm going to molest you in your sleep or something?”
“What? No!” Keith protested.
Pidge pressed on. “Okay, then are you planning on doing something to me?”
Keith shook his head before she even finished speaking. “No! I'd never do that to you. Or anyone else!”
“Then I really don't see what the problem is,” Pidge said with an air of finality. “There's nothing wrong with two friends sharing a bed. And look, it's big enough for both of us to spread out without touching! If it really bothers you, then we'll figure something else out, but I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor.”
Keith stared at her with wide eyes.
That was the first time she'd ever referred to him as a friend. The first time anyone – outside of Shiro – had done so. He knew most people didn't need to hear it in order to know it was true, but it made it feel so much more real to him to be able to hear it.
Pidge was his friend. Close to his heart in such an unexpected way.
He looked at the bed and then back at her.
If Katie thought the Slav from her reality was unhinged, he had nothing on the manic personality that was the Slav rambling on in front of her. No one seemed to know what to do except let him keep talking, as any attempt to redirect him let only to frustration.
He rambled on about probabilities and had two panic attacks over whether or not he knew how to breathe, before focusing on Katie and Keithir with razor sharp attention and falling silent for the first time since they entered the room.
It was so unsettling that Katie thought she'd rather listen to him lose his mind over Shiro stepping on a crack in the floor again.
“Fascinating,” he murmured, looking them up and down. “You two really are from another reality! How spectacular!”
And just like that, the moment was broken as he unleashed a tidal wave of words that left them all scrambling to keep up. Details of his own theories intermixed with almost incoherent ramblings of someone who rarely knew what was happening in the world around him, punctuated by brief moments of what was almost clarity.
Katie started to wonder if he'd really be able to help them after all.
“And you two are married!” Slav said, sounding delighted as he broke away from detailing how parallel universes differentiated from alternate realities. “Congratulations, by the way!”
“Thanks?” Keithir replied, completely baffled. “We've been married for eight years.”
“Not for that! For the baby!”
Katie's breath caught in her throat, one hand automatically rising to her belly.
Keithir was even more bewildered by that statement. “But Yorak's four,” he said, looking to Katie for assistance. He took one look at her and knew there was something more to it than that. “Katie?”
Guilt clawed its way through her chest. “I was going to tell you and then all of this happened and I... I just didn't want you to worry. You're already worrying so much about all of this!”
She knew she was babbling and needed to calm down and breathe, but it was so hard! It was the completely wrong way for Keithir to find out. They were supposed to be on vacation! They were supposed to be sitting back and relaxing, not stuck in the middle of a ten-thousand year old war with their only hope of getting home resting in the hands of a complete lunatic!
Slav blithely continued on, unaware of the distress he was causing. “A little princess! Quite the honor for Galra! Or is that another reality...?” And just like that, he was off on another topic.
Keithir ignored him, stepping in front of Katie to block out everything else and give her something familiar and comforting to focus on. He lifted up her free hand and gently kissed hr knuckles. “We're having a baby?” he asked softly.
Katie nodded, her whole body trembling as she sucked in air. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.”
That was a discussion for another time, when they were both calm and there was no one else around to interrupt.
“You wanted to surprise me,” he guessed. “Well, I can definitely say that I'm surprised.”
She giggled, lifting her head to peer up at him with teary eyes. “We're having a baby. A princess, if Slav's right.”
“Hunk!” Lance hissed.
Hunk looked mildly abashed. “Sorry! It's just that they're so cute! And they're having a baby! Can you imagine it? A little Pidge and Keith running around!”
“Which means that it is even more imperative that we return them home quickly,” Allura said, stepping forward. “There must be something we can do. Slav, do you have any ideas? Perhaps a beacon of some kind?”
Slav looked panicked by the very idea. “Are you crazy? Do you have any idea the very horrors that could attract to us?!”
“Okay, then lets not do that,” Shiro spoke up before Slav could go into details about said horrors. “Could we build something that any other versions of you would be able to hear or know about?”
Slav swayed and opened his mouth to say something, but Shiro grimaced and held up his hand.
“On second thought, never mind. That sounds like a bad idea.”
Keithir wondered if it had more to do with not wanting to potentially deal with more than one version of Slav than whatever nonsense was about to spew out of the genius's mouth next.
“What if we use the Lions?” Hunk suggested. He looked uncomfortable as everyone's attention shifted to him. “Okay, I know we figured that we can't use Voltron to travel through realities, since we don't know where we'd end up, but I've been thinking about it since our conversation last night-” (He nodded to Katie and Keithir.) “-and since the Lions all exist in both worlds, maybe we could use them as some kind of focal point. There had to be some kind of connection between them and if we use that, I bed we could trace it back to their reality!”
“But that still leaves us with the problem of how we'd do that,” Katie pointed out, frowning as she considered the idea.
“Aren't we supposed to have some kind of 'mystical connection' with the Lions? Maybe we just do more of those mind bonding exercises like we did when we first got the Lions.” Lance blinked as everyone turned to him instead. “What? No good?”
“Actually, that's a very good idea,” Allura said, sounding surprised. “It's worth a try, unless Slav has a better idea?”
Slav stood there for a moment, not blinking or speaking.
Allura sighed. “Slav.”
“Oh, you mean me?” he asked, pointing at himself with all four left hands.
Allura's right eye twitched as she struggled to retain composure. “Yes. I mean you.”
There was a moment of silence as everyone waited for Slav to catch up and answer.
“What was the question again?”
Everyone groaned and prepared for an even longer afternoon than expected.
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lanasaved · 5 years
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sssslithers onto the scene like nagini.... hlo! i’m nai n i’m rly excited to finally return 2 rp. uni is officially Over n i’m living bk at home nw so i actually hav free time again to write. c’est une.... how do u say.... Miracle! some of u might b familiar w lana already bt if not u can find out mre abt her under the cut n feel free 2 like this or hmu fr plots!!!
p.s. this is her pinterest for those of u tht like tht kind of thing
CIS-FEMALE — ever hear people say LANA JAMESON looks a lot like KRISTINE FROSETH? I think SHE is about 22, so it doesn’t really work. The DANCE major is a JUNIOR that is from ALBANY, NEW YORK. They can be + VIVACIOUS, but they can also be - IRRESPONSIBLE. I think LANA might be SHEEP. They are living in BALTA. ( nai. 22. gmt. she/her. )
some random aesthetics: a red water pistol topped up with caribbean rum and covered in stickers of cartoon pin up girls, a vinyl record whirring silently because you got too distracted by a stranger’s hands to reach over and flip sides, giant inflatable flamingos floating in the aftermath of a pool party, smudgy lipstick kisses left like an autograph on someone else’s mirror
ic im sayin she jst got bk from going abroad w louis, this kind of sleazy older man tht manages the camgirls on the website lana works fr. he calls himself a “big exec” at “the company” n mkes it all sound a lot more professional than it is. he also owns this big house w all these different rooms/settings fr the girls to film different kinds of scenes in n is looked up by a lot of ppl bt when asked why they look up to him, nobody ever rly seems to have an answer. jst...a shady figure. lana kind of.... went off the deep end lst semester n ended up deferring her next one after missing her big graded ballet recital. it’s a whole big mess n she’s wearin horse blinders to it. truly jst.... goin on holiday to ignore hw much she’s fuckin things up at school. queen of burying her head in the sand!
frm this point on ive jst pasted her old intro bc im the laziest woman alive n that’s jst life Babey
grew up in a big house in albany, NY, bt also spent time all over the place n was in the city a lot
okay so her mum is an old money socialite / three time campaign model way back when n her dad is a big record label mogul. he owns a label called jameson records n they repped a few big rock bands back in the eighties, altho they’re mostly known for ‘poppy injects’ whose lead singer had a big heroin scandal tht brought down his career. lana p much grew up around musicians snorting lines instead of spooning down cereal fr breakfast n her parents were v much absent her whole life
they’re pretty well off obviously n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pastel coloured fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her. it was v clear that she was an accident after her older brother caleb n that even when they just had him alone they weren’t cut out for parenthood. they always kind of jst… ignored her n hoped she’d go away. she had to mke herself microwave meals when she ws only like 12 bc they’d forget to get her anything. once she went like 6 days without her mum even looking her in the eyes once
despite this tho!!! she’s always been insanely close w her brother caleb. he’s her whole world. thts why when he decided to sign up to the army she ws understandably scared bt supported him regardless. bt then he wound up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed his best friend die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home n he was never the same n lana kind of felt like he’d died out there too. he’s in n out of hospital a lot n it’s rly hard on her bt she doesn’t tlk abt it to anyone rly
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. jst literally…. knew everyone n everyone definitely knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character
she’s always been insatiably spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
anyway so after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. in fact she’s so… shameless in her endeavours tht she’s actually currently having an affair w her ballet instructor tanya who’s engaged to b married
she also currently? is working as a cam girl. she found this website bc she trawls… porn stuff a lot n she wound up applying to work as one bc she thought it’d b fun n wld earn her some disposal income (even tho she frankly doesn’t need it bc she’s already well off). the guy tht manages all of the girls on the site is kind of suspect n it’s a whole plot i’m gna unravel where it’s actually like the front for a cult or something wild so. stay posted ig. kgjdkgjh
new development!!!!!!!! cue me trottin around doin jazz hands. she’s actually been cut off by her dad so she’s….. living off the money she has left n has to look to find a job which is jst. a nightmare fr someone like lana bc she’s insatiably irresponsible n destined to be fired from anything she tries to hold down bt. it’ll be interesting bc this means she genuinely has to keep on camming even tho she’s starting not to want to any more bc of other circumstances i won’t elaborate on jst yet winks
personality/some fun facts: uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. her fav book as a child used to b alice in wonderland n she’d fantasise abt having her own little wonderland too where everyone knew her name n asked her things n took her on adventures. at the time it didn’t rly strike her how evident it was tht that was bc she was so lonely. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s strawberry laces or gummy bears or cherry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. wildflowers r her favourites bc they’re the brightest and u can’t buy them. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
plot ideas: exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. let’s get wildt!
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karenpage · 6 years
For your Kastle prompt: Karen finds a stray dog and doesn't know the first thing about caring for it, so she calls Frank.
@mostlyactorsandfood this was the sweetest thing and it sort of got away from me, I hope you enjoy!
“Fr—Frank, stop– stop laughing I’m serious. He’s chewed through half of my shoes. And I mean that literally, only the left pair — I think he’s trying to make a statement.” She’s snapping into her phone, rapid-fire, trying to talk while fielding Frank’s gut-busting laughter – he’s in absolute stitches while Cujo claws plaintively at the bathroom door. She’s holed up in there, like an anti-canine bunker, pacing the short distance between the bathtub, and the sink.
Frank finally does calm down, she can hear the crinkle of something, a newspaper, maybe? through the static connection “What, Page? Never had a puppy before?” The smile in his voice is as clear to her as if he was standing by her side. She’s too annoyed to be endeared, and her face twists up into a scowl.
“No, Frank. My parents didn’t let us have pets and – well – I’m more of a cat person, anyway.” She lies, and whatever Frank’s doing, he stops.
“Makes sense.”
Karen’s not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but she certainly doesn’t take it as praise. The stomp of her heel is audible over the phone, “Please. Help.”
A deep, brooding sigh on his end, but he grumbles out, “Okay okay, ‘m on my way. Don’t worry little red.” The line drops, and Karen stares down at the blank screen of her phone in a combination of dismay and annoyance.
Very funny.
This dog just might be the actual big bad wolf.
An absurd thought while she runs her hand through her hair and pleads with it in a hushed, panicked whisper: does that make Frank the Huntsman?
Whatever. Fairy tales are bullshit and her phone charger is on the other side of this door, so she puts on a brave face, and opens it.
Fear makes things larger than life, and this knee-high pit bull’s tail thumps happily against the hardwood floor. “Oh, so now you’re happy to see me.” A raspy ‘woof’, Karen purses her lips, alright. Fine. Okay.
“Do you want … something to eat? Food?” He rises on all fours, tail going Mach 3. Now they’re getting somewhere.
Karen sticks close to the wall, like some housewife from the 1950’s lifting her skirt to escape a mouse. Only this mouse is about eighty pounds with a wide mouth full of teeth and looking at her with a glob of drool caught in its low hanging jowls.
“I don’t have dog food,” conversationally, the click-clack of nails on the hardwood floor trailing after her is kind of endearing, as are the happy little snuffling sounds that accompany whatever she says to him. Like he understands.
“But–” Karen taps her finger on her chin, grabs a bowl from the cabinet and sets it on the floor. He goes up to it, sniffs the empty porcelain, and looks up at Karen like ‘what gives?’  “Hold on I’m improvising.”
Another woof, “You’re impatient. Wait. Sit.”
He listens to that last command, tail thumping even louder now that it’s against her kitchen tile.
Karen lofts a brow, pulls a steak and some frozen vegetables from her fridge, a quick google search says that all the ingredients would meet his nutritional needs, and so she sets to cooking it.
“I don’t need to season the sirloin, do I?” More to herself, as her own stomach growls once the meat is cooking – the realization that this dog is about to eat better than she does, and she’d been saving that steak for Frank – well, it’s his fault that she saw the damn thing and felt bad enough to bring him up to her apartment.
He was sitting on her complex’s stoop for Christ’s sake, all mopey eyed, half-soaked from the rain and seeking shelter from it under the meager awning. Karen’s compassion outweighed concern and now she’s got a giant grey shadow with soft brown eyes that seem far wiser than any dog’s ought to be.
Time passes by in companionable silence, Karen won’t admit it, not even to herself, but it’s nice to have another … living, breathing soul in her home. It’s less lonely, she even catches herself smiling as she spoons out the food into the bowl.
“Now–it’s hot, let it cool down.” She sets it on the counter out of his reach for good measure, he barks once, loud. “Don’t get mouthy with me, I just cooked you a three-course meal and all I’ve had today is a half a cup of coffee and some cheese-its I stole off of Ellison’s desk.” Not that a dog would understand any of what she’s said, but his mouth hangs open in a canine approximation of a grin, and Karen returns it.
When she tests the heat of the food, and it seems palatable, Karen kneels with the bowl in hand, eyeing him warily.
“Alright, don’t get it in your head that I’m going to be feeding you like this daily. This is a special occasion. Because I didn’t have anything else.” He licks his nose, Karen takes that as a ‘get on with it’, and he immediately buries his face in the food.
No sooner had she sacrificed the only groceries in her fridge, than Frank comes through her front door, a bag of dog food on one shoulder, and a black plastic bag in the other.
“– you been cookin’?” Karen resents the disbelief in his voice, but he’s smiling at her so she’ll forgive him. “Seems like you got ‘Cujo’ under control here, Miss Page.”
Karen’s rebuttal is offered when she rises, dusting her knees off and adjusting her now-wrinkled skirt, “Yes. He was starving and just because I’ve never taken care of a dog before doesn’t mean I’m going to be cruel to this one.”
But Frank’s not really listening, just staring at the dog - or what he can see of him, since he’s half-immersed in the too-big bowl, teeth rattling against the bottom of it as he practically strips the paint from the porcelain.
“Where’d you say you found him?” Voice unerringly even, it startles Karen, given the domesticity of the moments just before. She blinks, tucks a strand of hair over her ear, and follows Frank’s hardened line of sight, watching the dog push the empty bowl around the kitchen floor while searching for scraps.
“He was on the building’s doorstep. Trying to hide out from the rain.”
Frank sets his supplies down on the couch before making his way to stand right beside the dog, looking like he’s seen a ghost all the while.
“Hey boy,” gruff, but the dog’s ears perk up at that and if at all possible, his tail’s wagging harder than it ever has before. “You come back for me? Huh?” Now he’s sitting on the floor and there’s a torpedo of solid-dog muscle launching itself into Frank’s lap, full body wiggles and happy, high pitched whines fill the quiet.
“You two know each other?” She can’t mask the amusement from her voice, and so Karen doesn’t try. Seeing Frank Castle with a dog in his arms is about the sweetest thing, so she’s not about to ruin the moment. Frank’s so rarely happy, or genuinely, thoroughly happy but the smile on his face right now? It’s the before smile, the one he’d had in the pictures all over his house, and it makes her heart tighten just a little.
“Yeah, he was one of the fightin’ boys for the Kitchen Irish, stole him when I uh, interrupted their operations. Hadn’t seen him since they cut him loose.” He’s scrubbing blunt nails over his scalp, happy as can be.
“Does he have a name? Now that you’re here and he’s basically a marshmallow with teeth, I don’t think Cujo’s all that fitting.” Even if she’d only ever said it jokingly.
Frank gives him some consideration, “Nah, but he looks like a Beretta to me, don’t you boy?” More tail wagging, and a loud series of happy barks– bouncing between lying on Frank, and zooming around the small apartment.
“After a gun? Really, Frank?” Karen isn’t actually chastising him, if anything she’s amused but Frank looks up from where he’s still sitting, and reaches for Karen’s hand, the rough pad of his thumbs sweep over her knuckles. A fond, reserved gesture but it’s enough to make her bite her lip and look over her shoulder to watch ‘Beretta’ get his head stuck in the bag Frank had brought in - turns out it’s full of toys, a dish for food, and one for water; Karen learns this because the contents spill out and he’s got a tennis ball in his mouth that he presses wetly against her calf.
“I’ll take you out to play when it’s not raining, okay?”
Frank chuckles, sniffs, wipes the drool from where it stuck to her leg with his sleeve, “Yeah, the m9 was uh, my ‘go to’ during my years in the Corp, security. Safety. Familiarity. Kept my brother’s safe, my family–” He stops nose wrinkling as he sniffs again, looking at the dog that’s gnawing happily on his new toys, “figure since he’s goin’ to be stayin’ with yo– us, there’s gotta be a reason he came back, you know? So he can keep you safe when I can’t.”
Karen’s not a dog person, but as it turns out, this mutt with scars on his ears and the worst breath she’d ever smelled (and she used to work in a pro bono defense office) is not just some four-legged hellhound, but a part of her family that just sort of fit. It didn’t take long to win her over and maybe that’s okay.
They have their little piece of happiness here because sometimes a family is the punisher, a persistent journalist, and a dog named after a handgun.
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enstaries · 6 years
Hello! What about a scenario (I love your scenarios) for Nazuna and Mika trying to spend Christmas together but they're afraid fr telling Shu they're dating?
i love writing scenarios too they just take. a while hnff  _ (┐「ε:)_ but! i wrote this in mika’s third year bc christmas/starfes was still messy between valkyrie + nazu-nii, so have some nice nazumika closure
 He's running late, so he doesn't have much time to worry over the things he has spent nights worrying about: is his hair fine? Did he remember to bring his gift for the present exchange? Is he going to be late - well, yeah, he's definitely late.
  Mika pushes the door to the diner open, and scans the room for that familiar crop of yellow hair - ah! There he is! He slides into the opposite booth, already mumbling a string of apologies.
  "It's alright, Mika-chin," Nazuna tells him, and his smile is understanding. "I didn't wait too long - look, you're only fifteen minutes late."
  Mika shifts in his spot, uncomfortable by how he isn't being rebuked for making someone wait. "I-I guess that's true, yeah."
  "But it's been so long since I've seen you," breathes Nazuna, and he reaches out to touch Mika's hand. Physical contact... physical contact with his boyfriend; it's been something Mika's been longing for, what with Nazuna studying in a university out of town and Mika living in Shu's apartment to finish his third year of high school. It's almost too sinful, and he retracts his hand a little too fast. Nazuna notices. "So... why were you late?"
  "Uh..." He'd been drinking in the sight of Nazuna ever since he'd sat down, and now he finally finds it within himself to look away, abashed by his answer. "I had to explain to uh... Oshi-san that I was gonna meet some friends today for Christmas... instead of stayin’ at home. Took me a while."
  "I see."  Nazuna's smile dips into something disapproving, and Mika already knows what's coming: why haven't you told Itsuki about us? When are you going to? He wouldn't be mad - would he?
  Mika doesn't know, but it's been a sensitive subject between the two of them ever since he confessed to Nazuna over text a few months ago, and they started going out. He doesn't want this to ruin the limited time they have together, so he tries to change the subject. "H-how's school been goin’ for ya?"
  "Oh! School's been going quite well - except for this big project we have due in two weeks time. Did I tell you about it? No? So basically..."
  Almost immediately, Nazuna perks up again, chattering away about life in university, and how he'd made the most of the short break to meet up with his family and the boys from Ra*bits. Mika doesn't know if Nazuna is really that oblivious, or that he too doesn't want this dispute to ruin their day together.
  So they enjoy their lunch together, happy to be able to see and touch the other in real life rather than through the walls of their tiny phone screens. The present exchange goes smoothly too - Mika is delighted by the prime selection of candy Nazuna had assembled for him, and Nazuna is smitten by the handkerchief with a little embroidered bunny that Mika had sewn for him. The rest of the day is wonderful too, and Mika can't help but enjoy every moment of walking around town with his boyfriend hanging off his elbow, excitedly pointing out the shops he used to frequent when he still lived here, or the stages he had performed on with Ra*bits.
  That's why it almost physically hurts when the day ends, and Mika has to finally let go of Nazuna's hand.
  "S-so I'll see ya tomorrow, yeah?" Mika asks, hopeful. "Ya don't mind me sendin' ya off at the station, d'ya?"
  Nazuna laughs. "No, not at all," he says, but then he pauses, and his smile tightens. "But Mika-chin, I do mind that you're not going to tell Itsuki about our relationship."
  Almost immediately, he feels his body stiffen again. Mika doesn't want the day to end on a bad note and yet... and yet Nazuna is so serious, there's nothing he can do to run away from the issue at hand.
  "I... uh..."
  "I know that you're scared to tell him - I-I'm too, y'know?" goes Nazuna, face turning a little red. He takes a deep breath, exhales, and fumbles for something in his back. "H-here. I got this for him - a Christmas present."
  The parcel is pushed into his hands, and just by feeling the material within the thin packaging, Mika can tell Nazuna had purchased some sort of fabric, and that of a really good material. All of a sudden, he feels helpless.
  "Nazuna-nii... I..."
  "Thank you, Mika-chin." Nazuna smiles the sweetest smile he's smiled all day, and Mika's breathless all over again. Then he pulls Mika down, tippy-toeing to kiss his boyfriend on the lips. He's a little shyer when he moves back, and definitely redder in the face. "I-I'ww see you tomowwow, I guess."
  Nazuna slips off into the darkness, leaving Mika standing there, trying to relive the best Christmas present he'd ever received.
 It's past the Itsuki family curfew when Mika slinks back into the apartment, and he expects Shu to be so furious at him that he would've gone straight to bed; curiously enough, the light is still on in Shu's room.
  Mika stands before the door for a few seconds, unsure of whether to leave the gift before it with nothing else so Shu can put two and two together himself, or whether he should knock on it and give it to him directly. No... maybe he should just pass it to him tomorrow-
  "Kagehira?"  Mika jumps when the door opens, and Shu peers at him. "You just returned, did you not? Where were you this whole time?"
  "I... I was out w-with..." Under Shu's scrutiny, Mika almost bursts into flames, and is beyond relieved for Shu's attention to be drawn to the gift in his hands.  "What is that?"
  "This? It's a... Christmas gift for ya," Mika says, placing it in Shu's hands. "F-from... it's from..."
  The gift tag tied to the wrapping paper has Nazuna's name, and having it read out by Shu... the shame burns hot. Shu can probably feel it radiate off Mika from inches away, so he mutely unwraps the present.
  "Ribbons," Shu mutters as the slivers of fabric reveal themselves to him. "Oh, and what beautiful ones too... There's so many outfits I embellish with these."
  "O-Oshi-san!" Mika blurts out, pained by the awkwardness of the situation. He screws his eyes shut, and his hands grip helplessly at the hem of his shirt. "I-I'm so sorry for lying' to ya all this time b-but- I've actually been seein' Nazuna-nii for a few months already, behind yer back! I-I was scared of how yer'd react, but... but I..."
  He trails off when he realises that Shu's gaze is soft on the ribbons; soft on him. "I knew it all along, Kagehira," says Shu, his voice quiet and resigned. "I've known about your budding relationship with Nito all along - don't look at me like that now, your phone doesn't have a password feature, does it? - and I was just waiting... waiting for you to tell me. For you to trust me with this knowledge."
  Somehow, the fact that Shu knew he had been hiding it from him all along makes everything feel worse. Mika shifts a bit in his spot.
  "It is laughable, is it not?" goes Shu, and he smiles at the ribbons. "I should be upset with you, and yet... I find myself being rather happy, to be quite frank. That's why... thank you for letting me know, Kagehira. Thank you."
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 9 - “He just told me what side of the fence to fall on” - Corey
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Well that went my way for sure!! While unanimous, literally five minutes into the warzone I told Ian we have to go after Madison and Jacob. He agreed and then we rallied the troops. Love when a plan works out. 
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An alliance called M&M&M was made between Matt, Madison, and I. We were thinking of doing Ian but we didnt want to push too hard because we didnt want to reveal our cards that we had something. I just hope us sacrificing Jacob will be a positive thing for us and not a negative. Im glad theres allinces forming now. Hope i can stay away from warzone this next round but who knows. Im going to try my hardest tho.
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help. who knew that my blood revenge for wanting Nehe out resulted in ALL of the other Kilimanjaro reps to be voted off one by one. parting that with chips, there was 5 people repping that season... and now I'm the lone Survivor from that season. pray for me yalls.
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Ugh!!! I blame Johnny for this. Scavenger hunt is usually my favorite challenge except the both times im doing it with Johnny :p  these are soooo weird again. Dealing with this challenge and moving my stuff from my apartment on friday/saturday will probably not get me immunity. Im still trying so hopefully everyone else is busy as well. I Curse Johnny but like only a small one. Like him spilling his fries on the floor. 🍟
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Hosts: Another Ian confessional, hopefully he shuts up about his idol and actually give some insight into his game. Me: MY IDOL!!!!11!!1 IT IS MINE, MY OWN, MY PRECIOUS. On a real note, I'm not sure if I confessed this round yet that one of the reasons behind the Jacob vote was to put Nar in a numbers advantage should that come into play at anytime.  The point of the premerge phase is to build as many pathways to alliances/mutually beneficial voting blocks as possible that also have a vested interest to vote with you.  I have Maynor asking to be a duo with me, sure yeah man I do like you and hope to work with you deep in this game as someone that can help me cut Corey or Trace if working with them in the game becomes problematic, but I also know Maynor has a vested interest in Kait, which I do like Kait well enough but she can't be allowed to go on a run if I want a chance to make a run myself.  Corey wants to keep our partnership as secret as possible, which yes I do think is smart, it also relies heavily on trust.  At this moment in time I have no reason but to trust Corey.  That may change in the future, he wants to keep it secret, that's chill, but I'm going to have my own backdoor deals should shit hit the fan. Devon/Matt one of them put me as the scapegoat to Jacob, I don't know which and honestly I do not care which one of them it was. They are both standing in my way at this moment for the win.  That could change in the future.  The game is long and full of terrors.
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this is it this is the round im goin to the w a r z o n e 
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Im safe!!! Im glad cuz tomorrow is graduation party from my parents and didnt wanna attend tribal. But i feel like Drunk Maynor is being cheated out for this season. I dont have my drinking buddies. Maybe this season wont see Drunk Maynor and I could actually be good in this game.
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Me: goes to warzone a bunch People in warzone: don’t target me at all ———— Last round: People in warzone: mention my name Me: flips that ish on Jacob REAL quick also me: HA NOT GOING TO WARZONE AGAIN FOR A HOT SEC BEST BELIEVE IM FINALLY IMMUNE. imagine that! I kinda tried for once! and I placed exactly where I needed to hehe.
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Thomas is a fucking idiot honestly. Like, he has been to the war zone enough times to know that the WORST possible thing you can do is throw a name out on the first night. Everything always comes together a couple hours before tribal, and by putting names out there this early, he is basically just MAKING SURE that the vote will come down between him and Adrian. For background, Thomas came to me, still butthurt about being called inactive, telling me that he wants to vote Adrian. I am very into that plan, don't get me wrong. Adrian is one person that I have literally nothing in common with. But to come in, guns blazing, this early in the war zone is a HUGE mistake, one that will probably end in a lot of extra stress for Thomas. But, it is good for me, because even though Thomas likes to spill all the tea to me, he is someone that I could very well afford losing. Kait is finally in the war zone. This could also be a pivotal moment because I would be shocked if people do not gun for her this round. I don't really want her out yet because I feel like she's a great shield for the merge, but we shall see what people want. basically, even though I don't really have any of my closest allies in the war zone (ian, Corey, Madison), I might be okay because of Thomas v Adrian, and MAJOR threats being here. The only thing that could fuck me up is if Owen tries to pull something. I do not trust that kid and want him out early merge. But for now I am just trying to lay low and vote with majority.
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against all odds, I'm still safe! Warzone looks like a crackden tonight and I'm nowhere near it. I hope Owen makes it out okay. Kait, though chaotic, is someone I'm getting closer to. I would like to have her around until around f9??? we'll see. Same kind of story w Maynor. I need Thomas and Stephen OUT. Timmy as well. They are on my Arya-style kill list. I've been immune for ??? 4 tribals in a row now??? I still have my save vote to use as I have not been to tribal since obtaining it. I have also acquired a rock-save thing that Ian and I dug up together. Basically, if we go to rocks, I can use it to save myself (immune from my rock being picked). Nifty lil power... Hopefully I also get this save vote and don't become the owner of a dead power. After tomorrow's tribal, we'll be final 14. 10 gone. only 11 more to go before I'm in FTC. or 12. I don't care. As long as I'm there in the end. Ideally, with Ian and Owen and I come out victorious. I am playing nice girl, liar AND schemer. The game is outwit, outlast and you can't outwit Corey Rae Jepsen baby! and if you want the truth, this is Corey. I suspect Owen-Kait-Thomas to vote the same way. i expect Adrian-Matt to vote the same way. Chloe and Stephen are wild cards. Trace... I am praying for to be okay as well. If Chloe-Stephen-Trace-Matt-Adrian work together, they could get Thomas or Kait out. We'll see! I feel bad wanting Kait out as I do like her but if she goes w/o me having a hand in it... I'll be sad bc I like her but happy bc I think she's too smart to keep very long. She'll catch on to me. She'll plan my demise, which is exactly why I need her close to me as long as she's here. Also - Maynor coming in 2nd? I'm out here busting my butt and they're gonna rank me number three? after someone who can't even barely walk and barely do anything and all he does is sit around and fuss and curse everyone.. I was VERY insulted. (this a crystal cox quote sgflksgls) But fr he said he barely did any. mmhmmmm.. If i was on the fence about him before, he just told me what side of the fence to fall on. 
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Im glad Im safe. Idk how this  vote will actually go. I wish luck to thomas matt kait. And ithers but cant remember who from other side is in it. Today imma just keep talking to ian and corey to make deeper bonds with then and enjoying my grad party. Drunk maynor may leave a confessional later.
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This warzone is by far the most crucial one in my game. I’m absolutely PARANOID at this point because Kait gave me some info that Ian is mad at me for telling Jacob to vote him, wasn’t my idea but okay. I’m at a point where playing in the middle will leave me getting absolutely squashed in the middle. My allies Kait and Adrian are totally at odds with each other, and Thomas is targeting Adrian and Adrian is targeting Thomas and like, I just wanna vote Chloe. I have the feeling that Adrian needs to go this time around, it would free me of the threat of being sign partners in this game and I’d rather leave bitter betrayals for the pre jury portion of the game. As long as I’m not getting votes and I can keep holding on to this idol and some semblance of good graces with everyone in the game I’m satisfied.
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Well I forgot to submit the video confessional I will later lol but I want Adrian out. He seemed very d*ckish about me being inactive and I am not taking kindly to it. It seems Trace is with me and so it Kait and Owen. I hope I can get on more person so we can get Adrian out.
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I'm highkey getting 15th again... and I'm gonna cry. Like this fucking hurts so much. People aren't talking to me and the few people are just talking about life and pretty much anything but the vote. Getting a third 15th placement will literally crush my heart and soul so much, so I pray that something works out in my favor.
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So happy to be safe, didn't think I would be. Ummmmm, looking at who is going to tribal, i'm not sure who is going to get voted out. I would be so sad if Kait goes, but it would be a smart move in all honesty because this is the first time she's gone to tribal. Getting her or Owen out would be a big move, but I need them in the game for the time being because they are some of the only people who are seen as bigger challenge threats than me. Although I am only safe because of the tribe I'm on, I've never scored the best overall and so really it's an interesting scenario, if I was on the other tribe I would be at the warzone, yet on mine I got 3rd. I just hope it's not a unanimous vote because I want people to come back to camp with drama.
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I feel more sick than I ever have and now I’m back in the war zone. How fun. I just hope I can manage to stay safe yet again, I feel like that’s unlikely though 
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Okay so I’ve been busy af with my friends all of a sudden it’s almkst tribal nnnnn and it’s between Chloe and Adrian rn. Adrian allegedly wanted me and Kait out earlier YIKE so I originally wanted him but now it’s like matt pushing for Chloe This is rlly good for my game tho because it gives me and Kait something to bond over that sets us apart from matt. I literally am never going to turn on Kait in this game.... fuck. I hope she do the same .
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Its Alcohol Time!!!!!!!!
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Show just got out and barely anyone messaged me the whole time whoops! I think I’m about to get blindsided tbh this is too quiet lmaooo but Kait and I pushed Adrian so hopefully that’s it. If not then it’s been fun. This seems too easy so I’m not expecting much nnnn but if I’m here.... I’m goin for it 
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Im drinking more now. And im nervous who is leaving tonight. Hope the people im working with stay alive.
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Good news! I won the past two challenges and have been safe!  That is awesome. Even better news is I just searched Q10 and got a hit which means I’m near an idol :)
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Okay so I’ve been busy af with my friends all of a sudden it’s almkst tribal nnnnn and it’s between Chloe and Adrian rn. Adrian allegedly wanted me and Kait out earlier YIKE so I originally wanted him but now it’s like matt pushing for Chloe This is rlly good for my game tho because it gives me and Kait something to bond over that sets us apart from matt. I literally am never going to turn on Kait in this game.... fuck. I hope she do the same .
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I am drunk. And i miss havjng my drinkjng buddies in dani alyssa n jess. And havung jones be on call. I need to find some drinking buddies here to have more fun. Plus monty alyssa n johnny r doing amazing as hosts this seasob.
0 notes
weaponizedhorse · 7 years
Sierras music list
AC/DC - Back in Black
AC/DC - Moneytalks
AC/DC - Hells Bells
AC/DC - Highway To Hell
AC/DC - Thunderstruck
AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
Aerosmith - Dream On
Akon - Sexy Bitch
Alan Jackson, Jimmy Buffett - It's Five O' Clock Somewhere
Alesso - Heroes (we could be) ft. Tove Lo
Alesso - Sweet Escape ft. Sirena
Aly & AJ - Potential Breakup Song
Andy Grammer - Honey I'm Good
Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman
Ariana Grande - Focus
Avril Lavigne - Complicated
Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
Avril Lavigne - Happy Ending
Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi
Avril Lavigne - Nobody’s Home
Avril Lavigne - When your gone
B-38 -
Backstreet Boys - Everybody
Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way
Bastille - Pompeii
Becky G - Can't Stop Dancin'
Becky G - Shower
Benny - Little Game  
Big & Rich - Big Time
Big & Rich - Comin' To Your City
Big & Rich - Save A Horse
Big & Rich - 8th Of November
Big Sean - I Don't Fuck With You (Explicit) ft. E-40
Blake Shelton - Boys 'Round Here ft. Pistol Annies & Friends
Blake Shelton - Kiss My Country Ass
Blake Shelton - Some Beach
Blake Shelton - The More I Drink
Bloodhound gang - The Bad Touch
Bob Dylan - Hurricane
Bob Dylan - The Lonesome Murder of Maggie Caroll
Bob Dylan - Times They Are A-Changin
Boston - More Than A Feeling
Bridgit Mendler - Ready or Not
Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time
Britney Spears - Circus
Britney Spears - Gimme More
Britney Spears - If You Seek Amy
Britney Spears - Oops!...I Did It Again
Britney Spears, Iggy Azalea - Pretty Girls
Britney Spears - Toxic
Britney Spears - Womanizer
Britney Speaks - Work Bitch
Britney Spears - 3
Bruno Mars - Grenade
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are
Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
Burlesque - But I Am A Good Girl - Christina Aguilera
Burlesque - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend - Marilyn Monroe and Christina Aguilera
Burlesque - Guy What Takes His Time - Christina Aguilera
Burlesque Soundtrack -Tough Lover
Burlesque - Welcome To Burlesque
Butterfly Boucher ft David Bowie- Changes
Calvin Harris & Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love
Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats
Carrie Underwood- Jesus Take The Wheel
Charli XCX - Boom Clap
Charli XCX - Break The Rules
Cher Lloyd - I Wish ft. T.I.
Cher Lloyd - Oath ft. Becky G
Cher Lloyd - Swagger Jagger
Cher Lloyd - Want You Back  
Cher Lloyd - With Ur Love
Christina Aguilera - Dirrty ft. Redman
Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya, Pink - Lady Marmalade
Chumbawamba - Tubthumping
Ciara - Goodies ft. Petey Pablo
Ciara - 1, 2 Step ft. Missy Elliott
Cinderella - Nobody's Fool
Cobra Starship - Bring It!
Cobra Starship - Hot Mess
Cobra Starship: You Make Me Feel... ft. Sabi
Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
Coldplay - Princess Of China ft. Rihanna
Coldplay - Viva La Vida  
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time
D -25
David Bowie - Changes
David Bowie - Fame
David Bowie - Heroes
David Guetta - Hey Mama ft Nicki Minaj
Deas Vail - Birds
Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water
Def Leppard - Armageddon It
Def Leppard - Animal
Def Leppard - Hysteria
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages
Demi Lovato - Confident
Demi Lovato - Cool for the Summer
Demi Lovato - Heart Attack
Demi Lovato - Made in the USA
Demi Lovato - Neon Lights
DEV - Bass Down Low (Explicit) ft. The Cataracs
DEV - Booty Bounce
DEV - Fireball
DEV - In My Trunk
DEV - In The Dark
Diddy - Dirty Money - Coming Home ft. Skylar Grey
Dillion Francis , DJ Snake - Get low
Dr. Dre - Forgot About Dre ft. Eminem, Hittman
Dr. Dre - I Need A Doctor (Explicit) ft. Eminem, Skylar Grey
Elle King - Ex's and Oh's
Ellie Goulding - Lights
Eminem - Berzerk (Explicit)
Eminem - Cleanin' Out My Closet
Eminem - Guilty Conscience ft. Dr. Dre
Eminem - Guts Over Fear ft. Sia
Eminem - Just lose it
Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
Eminem - Mockingbird
Eminem Ft. D12 - My Salsa
Eminem - No Love (Explicit Version) ft. Lil Wayne
Eminem - Not Afraid
Eminem - Rap God (Explicit)
Eminem - Role Model
Eminem - Survival (Explicit)
Eminem - The Monster (Explicit) ft. Rihanna
Eminem - We Made you
Eminem - When I'm Gone
Eminem - Without Me
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams
Fall Out Boy - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
Fall Out Boy - Alone Together
Fall Out Boy - Centuries
Fall Out Boy - Dance Dance
Fall Out Boy - Death Valley ft. Tommy Lee
Fall Out Boy - Immortals
Fall Out Boy - Irresistible ft. Demi Lovato
Fall Out Boy - Just One Yesterday ft. Foxes
Fall Out Boy - Miss Missing You
Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark
Fall Out Boy - Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued
Fall Out Boy - Phoenix
Fall Out Boy - Rat A Tat ft. Courtney Love
Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin Down
Fall Out Boy - The Mighty Fall ft. Big Sean
Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
Fall Out Boy - Thnks fr th Mmrs
Fall Out Boy - Uma Thurman
Fall Out Boy - Where Did The Party Go
Fall Out Boy - Young Volcanoes (Explicit)
Far East Movement - Like A G6 ft. The Cataracs, DEV
Fergie - Barracuda
Fifth Harmony - Bo$$
Fifth Harmony - Work from home feat. Ty Dolla $ign
Fifth Harmony - Worth It ft.Kid Ink
Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Low
Flo Rida - Right Round
Fountains Of Wayne - Stacy's Mom
Frou Frou- Holding Out For A Hero
George Thorogood - Bad To The Bone
Guns N’ Roses - Welcome to the Jungle
Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Heart
Gym Class Heroes: The Fighter ft. Ryan Tedder
Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl
Gwen Stefani - Rich Girl Ft. Eve
Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape ft. Akon
Gwen Stefani - Wind it Up
Haddaway - What Is Love
Hanson - MMMBop
Heart - Barracuda
Hillary and Haily Duff - Our Lips Are Sealed
Hollywood Undead - Comin In Hot
Hollywood Undead - Everywhere I Go
Hollywood Undead - We are
Hollywood Undead - Young
Iggy Azalea - Black Widow ft. Rita Ora
Iggy Azalea - Bounce
Iggy Azalea - Change Your Life ft. T.I.  
Iggy Azalea - Trouble ft. Jennifer Hudson
Iggy Azalea - Work
Lil Mama - Lip Gloss
Imagine Dragons - Demons
Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life
Imagine Dragons - It's Time
Imagine Dragons - RadioActive
Jamie Foxx - Blame It ft. T-Pain
Jamie Foxx - Just Like Me ft. T.I.
Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nick Minaj - Bang bang
Joan Jett - I love Rock N Roll
Joe Nichols - Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off
Jonas Brothers - Goodnight And Goodbye
Jonas Brothers - That’s Just The Way We Roll
Jonas Brothers - When You Look Me In The Eyes
Journey-Dont Stop Believing
Justin Bieber - Beauty And A Beat ft. Nicki Minaj
Justin Bieber - Boyfriend
Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean?
Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River
Justin Timberlake - Like I Love You
Justin Timberlake - Mirrors
Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body
Justin Timberlake - Sexyback
Justin Timberlake - Suit and Tie
Justin Timberlake - TKO
Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around...Comes Around
Karmin - Hello
Kansas - Carry On My Way Ward Son
Kelis - Milkshake
Kenny Chesney - Don't Blink
Kenny Chesney - No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems
Kenny Chesney - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
Kenny Chesney - The Good Stuff
Kenny Chesney - When The Sun Goes Down
Kenny Chesney - Young
Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah ft. 3OH!3
Ke$ha - Blow
Ke$ha - Die Young
Ke$ha - Take It Off
Ke$ha - Tik Tok
Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug
Ke$ha - We R Who We R
Kid Rock - All Summer Long
Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire
Lady Gaga - Applause
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Lady Gaga - Born This way
Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
Lady Gaga - Til It Happens To You
Led Zeppelin-Stairway to Heaven
Linkin Park - Numb
Lipps Inc- Funkytown
Little Mix - Wings
Little Mix - Salute
Little Mix - Black Magic
Little Mix- How ya Doin ? ft. Missy Elliott
Little Mix - Word up
LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
LMFAO - Shots ft. Lil Jon
LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking
LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem ft. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock
Lorde - Royals
Luke Bryan - Country Girl
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free bird
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
Macklemore X Ryan Lewis - And We Danced
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can’t Hold Us Feat. Ray Dalton
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Downtown
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Same Love Feat. Mary Lambert
Macklemore "THE TOWN"
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Thrift Shop Feat. Wanz
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - White Walls Feat. School Boy Q and Hollis
Macklemore x Ryan Lewis - Wings
MAGIC! - Rude
Maroon 5 - Animals
Maroon 5 - One More Night
Maroon 5 - Maps (Explicit)
Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger ft. Christina Aguilera
Maroon 5 - Payphone (Explicit) ft. Wiz Khalifa
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Maroon 5 - Sugar
Maroon 5 - Won’t Go Home Without You
Madonna - 4 Minutes
Madonna - Hung Up
Mark Ronson - Uptown funk ft Bruno mars
Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On
Meek Mill Ft. Nicki Minaj & Chris Brown - All Eyes On You
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass
Meghan Trainor - NO
Meghan Trainor - No Good For You
Melanie Martinez - Cry Baby
Melanie Martinez - Doll House
Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter
Metro Station - Shake It
MGMT - Electric Feel
MGMT - Kids
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Michael Jackson - Beat It
MIKA - Popular Song ft. Ariana Grande
Miley Cyrus - Party in the USA
Miley Cyrus - Wrecking ball
Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
Miley Cyrus - 7 things
Miley Cyrus - Fly On The Wall
Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop
Muse - Super Massive Black Hole
Muse - Nights of Cydonia
My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words
My Chemical Romance - Helena
My Chemical Romance - SING
My Chemical Romance - Teenagers
My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade
Nelly - Hot In Herre
Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous ft. Timbaland
Ne-Yo - Beautiful Monster
Ne-Yo - Because Of You
Ne-Yo - Closer
Ne-Yo - Mad
Ne-Yo - Miss Independent
Ne-Yo - Money Can’t Buy ft. Jeezy
Ne-Yo - One In A Million
Ne-Yo - She Got Her Own ft. Jamie Foxx, Fabolous
Ne-Yo - So Sick
Nicki Minaj - Pound The Alarm
Nicki Minaj - Starships
Nicki Minaj - Super Bass
Nicki Minaj - The Night Is Still Young
Nick Jonas - Chains
Nickelback - Rockstar
One Direction - Drag me Down
OneRepublic - Counting Stars
OneRepublic - I Lived
OneRepublic - Secrets
OneRepublic - Stop and Stare
Omarion Ft. Kid Ink & French Montana - I'm Up (Official Video)
Omarion Ft. Chris Brown & Jhene Aiko - Post To Be
Owl City - Fireflies
Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
Ozzy Osborne - Crazy Train
Panic! At the Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies
Paramore - Brick by Boring Brick
Paramore - crushcrushcrush
Paramore - Decode
Paramore - Emergency  
Paramore - Misery Business
Paramore - That's What You Get
Paramore - The Only Exception
Pia Mia - Do It Again ft. Chris Brown, Tyga
Pitbull, Ne-Yo - Time Of Our Lives
Pitbull - Timber ft. Ke$ha
Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Poison- Rock And Roll All Nite
Poison - Talk Dirty To Me
Quiet Riot - Come On Feel The Noize
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
Queen - Fat Bottom Girls
Queen - Radio Ga Ga
Queen - Somebody To Love
Queen - Under Pressure
Queen - We Are The Champions
Queen - We Will Rock You
REO Speedwagon - Can't Fight This Feeling
Rihanna - Bitch Better Have My Money (Explicit)
Rihanna - Diamonds
Rihanna - Disturbia
Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music
Rihanna - Shut Up And Drive
Rihanna - Umbrella
Rihanna - We Found Love ft. Calvin Harris
Rihanna - What's My Name? ft. Drake
Salt-N-Pepa - Push It
Scissor Sisters - Let's Have A Kiki
Sean Kingston- Fire Burning On The Dance Floor
Sean Paul - Got 2 Luv U Ft. Alexis Jordan
Sean Paul - Temperature
Selena Gomez - Come & Get It
Selena Gomez - Good for you
Selena Gomez - Hands to my self
Selena Gomez - The Heart Wants What It Wants
Selena Gomez & The Scene - Love You Like A Love Song
Selena Gomez - Same Old Love
Selena Gomez - Slow Down
Selena Gomez - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Shakira - Hips Don't Lie
Shakira - She Wolf
Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello - I Know What You Did Last Summer
Shawn Mendes - Stitches
Sia - Chandelier
Sia - Elastic Heart
Skillet - Awake and Alive
Skillet - Hero
Skillet - Monster
Skillet - Sick Of It
Skillet - Whispers In The Dark
Skylar Grey - C'mon Let Me Ride ft. Eminem
Smashing Pumpkins - Despite All My Rage
Smash Mouth - All Star
Starship - We Built This City
Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child ft. John Martin
Swedish House Mafia - Save The World
Taio Cruz - Break Your Heart ft. Ludacris
Taio Cruz - Dynamite
Taio Cruz - Hangover ft. Flo Rida
Taio Cruz - Higher ft. Travie McCoy
Taylor Swift - Bad Blood
Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble
Taylor Swift - Out Of The Woods
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off
Taylor Swift - Style
Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
The All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret
The All-American Rejects - Gives You Hell
The All-American Rejects - It Ends Tonight
The All-American Rejects - Move Along
The All-American Rejects - Swing, Swing
The Beatles - Twist And Shout
The Cataracs - Top Of The World ft. DEV
The Cataracs - Big Dipper ft. Luciana
The Chainsmokers - #Selfie
The Clash - I Fought The Law
The Clash - London Calling
The Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go
The Go Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed
The Go Go’s - We Got The Beat
The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
The Knack - My Sharona
The Pierces - Secret
The Police - Every Breath You Take
The Police - Message In A Bottle
The Police - Roxanne
The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
The Script - Breakeven
The Temptations - My Girl
The Who - Who Are You?
Three Days Grace - I Hate Every Thing About You
Three Days Grace - Let’s Start A Riot
Three Days Grace - The Animal I Have Become
Tiesto - Red Lights
Timbaland - Apologize ft. OneRepublic
Timbaland - The Way I Are Ft. Keri Hilson, D.O.E., Sebastian
Tinashe - All Hands on Deck
T.I. - No Mediocre (Explicit) ft. Iggy Azalea
Toby Keith - As Good As I Once Was
Toby Keith - Beer For My Horses ft. Willie Nelson
Toby Keith - How Do You Like Me Now?!
Toby Keith - I Love This Bar
Toby Keith - I Wanna Talk About Me
Toby Keith - Red Solo Cup
Trace Adkins - Honky Tonk Badonkadonk
Trace Adkins - Hot Mama
Trace Adkins - You're Gonna Miss This
Train - Hey Soul Sister
Twisted Sister - Blastin’ Fast & Loud
Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock
Twisted Sister - Were Not Gonna Take It
Uncle Kracker - Follow Me
Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love ft. Pitbull
Usher - OMG ft. will.i.am
Usher - Yeah! ft. Lil Jon, Ludacris
Vampire Weekend - A-punk
Vitalic - Stamina
Warrant - Cherry Pie
Weezer - Buddy Holly
Weezer - Island In The Sun
Weezer - Say It Ain’t So
Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
Willam & Rhea Litre - Let's Have a Kasai
Willam - RuPaulogize
Will.i.am, Nicki Minaj - Check It Out
Will.i.am - Feelin' Myself ft. Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa, French Montana
Will.i.am - Scream & Shout ft. Britney Spears
Will.i.am - #thatPOWER ft. Justin Bieber
Wolfmther - Joker & The Thief
X 1
X Ambassadors - Renegades
Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
Ylvis - The Fox
Zac Brown Band - Chicken Fried
Zedd - I Want You To Know ft. Selena Gomez
Zedd - Stay The Night ft. Hayley Williams
Zendaya - Replay
#- 9
'N Sync - Bye Bye Bye
'N Sync - It's Gonna Be Me
'N Sync - I Want You Back
*NSYNC - Pop
3OH!3- Double Vision
3OH!3 - Don’t Trust Me
3OH!3 - First kiss ft. Ke$ha
3OH!3 - Starstruck ft Katy Perry
3OH!3 - Touchin On My
5 notes · View notes
megankoumori · 7 years
AU Fic: Kale
So I’ve been experimenting with an AU “Toy Story”. I don’t know how far I’m going to take it since AU isn’t really my thing, but I had an idea and you know how that goes.
Some background:
It’s set in the same universe as the fic I did for Rain’s “Don’t Distract the Driver” but takes place before.
Woody and Bo are newly engaged. She’s a daycare teacher, he’s the local Sheriff.
It’s 20 Minutes into the Future, where the existence of extraterrestrial life, Star Command, and the Space Rangers are common knowledge. The town they live in is the only American city with a Crystallic Fusion plant. Naturally this makes it a target for Zurg…
Woody actually lives outside of the town on a ranch.
Woody and Jessie are twins. He’s five minutes older and still not the boss of her.
My own experiences cooking kale may have totally been recreated here.
Rated T.
As he stared out the window across the golden grassy fields, Woody inhaled deeply from the mug he was holding. The early summer sun was just beginning to rise in the Oklahoma sky and for the briefest of moments, he contemplated taking the day off.
There were soft footsteps behind him and he turned. Bo was standing in the kitchen doorway, wearing his yellow button up shirt and precious little else. On her head she had placed his trusty hat. “How do I look?” she asked playfully.
He chuckled. “Ready for the round up, Partner.” Offering her his hand, he guided her to the window and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Made some coffee.”
“Thanks. I don’t really drink coffee.”
“Okay. Well I have milk and…tap water.”
Bo smiled at him dreamily. “Milk will do. In fact,” she grasped his hands. “Why don’t I make you some breakfast?”
“Well sure, I suppose I’m going to have get used to cooking for you.” Taking off his hat, she put it on his head. “How about some eggs?”
“I, uh…”
As she walked to the fridge door and swung it open, she froze. “What…”
“I don’t have any eggs.”
“You don’t have anything!” she exclaimed. “Nothing but milk and…and…” She pulled out a tray of something ancient wrapped in bacon and speared with toothpicks. It was covered in a carpet of fuzz.
“Oh yeah I forgot about those,” said Woody. “That was from the office Christmas party.”
Shuddering, Bo quickly dumped the offending food into the trash. “Woody, how do you live like this? How can you eat?”
“I eat,” he said. He motioned with his head. “Food’s in the cabinet.”
Turning, Bo tugged open the cabinet doors indicated…and was instantly greeted by a wall of identical cans. She pulled one out to examine it. “‘Uncle Walt’s Fine Chili and Beans’? That’s all you eat?”
“Of course not!” Moving past her, he reached in the cupboard and pulled out a long white train. He held it up so she could see. “I have crackers!”
“Oh my…” Bo took a deep breath and sat down at the table. “Woody!”
“Woody, you can’t subsist solely on chili and crackers!”
He gave a little shrug. “But I like chili.”
“It’s not healthy!” she said. “You need a proper nutritional balance!”
Woody rubbed the back of his neck. “Well I guess I have gotten used to eating like a bachelor…”
Bo shook her head. “Well if I’m going to be your wife, the first thing I’m going to do is make sure you’re properly fed. No wonder you’re so skinny.”
The Sheriff looked down at his stomach in surprise. Then he smiled coyly at her. “I thought you liked my body.”
“I do like your body. And that’s why I’m going make it healthy.”
“Well all right. You’re not going to make me drink raw eggs and punch meat in a freezer are you?” Bo stared at him as if he had suddenly sprouted another head. “It’s…it’s a ‘Rocky’ joke,” he said lamely. “Because Rocky drinks eggs and punches meat and…and Jessie watches the ‘Rocky’ movies way too much…”
Bo stood up and kissed his cheek. “I’m going to cook you a nutritious dinner. A real dinner.”
Pulling her close, Woody smiled. “Sounds like a plan…” He leaned in, eyes closed…
The sound of his cellphone echoing through the kitchen killed whatever was to come next. Growling, Woody snatched it off the table. “Yeah?” he paused, listening to the voice at the other end. “All right, all right. I’ll be there in twenty.” Clicking off, he sighed. “And here I was thinking about taking the day off.” Looking up, he offered apologetically, “Bank robbery. Hostages. I have to go.”
“A Sheriff’s work is never done.” Bo gave him a hug. “Just remember, tonight you get a home cooked meal. And after that,” she smiled wickedly. “You get me.”
Woody turned red from the top of his scalp to the bottom of his collar bone as he laughed loudly. “Go,” Bo said as she turned him toward the door. “Be a hero. Woody saves the day again.”
Bo stared at the plastic bag full of greens as she read to herself. “Let’s see. ‘Vitamin A, Vitamin C…’”
A grocery cart suddenly wheeled next to her. Jessie had her boots planted on the front bottom bar as she rode it like a skateboard. “Hey, ya know they say the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
Bo nodded absently as she continued to scan the package. “Mmm…”
Jessie waved a bottle of Jack Daniels in the air. “But I say the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his liver!”
Bo looked up and rolled her eyes. “Oh Jessie, put that back! We’re here for ingredients!” She dropped the bag in the cart. Jessie hopped off the front and Bo began to guide the cart further down the produce section.
“You’re sure goin’ through a lotta trouble for that dorky brother of mine.”
“You should’ve seen his kitchen, Jessie. Nothing but milk and a hundred cans of chili.” Bo paused and began examining some garlic cloves.
“Don’t forget about the crackers.”
Bo stopped and looked at her. “You knew?”
“Duh, he’s my brother.”
“You knew he eats like that and you never did anything?”
Jessie shrugged. “What could I do? Food’s just not somethin’ that’s ever been really important to Woody, I guess. He could be happy eatin’ chili outta the can for the rest of his life.”
Bo squared her shoulders, a determined look coming over her face. “Well, that’s not going to happen. Not if I have anything to do with it.”
As she pushed the cart again, Jessie hurried to catch up. “Well, even if my brother is a chili eatin’ dork, I think it’s sweet of you to care about him so much.”
“Well thank you, Jessie.”
“So can we pick up some Crunch Berries while we’re here? And some jumbo jerky?”
Bo sighed. “I’m beginning to think your family has a problem…”
It was dusk when Woody’s marked pickup truck drove up the dirt road and parked in front of the ranch. As he let himself in the door, he pulled off his hat, twisting the brim in his hands. “Bo? You here?”
“In the kitchen.”
He smiled, remembering her promise from that morning, then cleared his throat. “Ah, Sweetie, I hope you don’t mind…I know I should have called but…”
Bo poked her head around the doorframe. Her curly blonde hair was held back by a pink bandana and her cheeks were unusually flushed. Woody guessed she had been working hard all afternoon. “Oh! Buzz!”
The Ranger stood behind Woody. He saluted politely. “Ma’am. Forgive the intrusion…”
Woody look apologetic. “Room for one more? Turns Buzz here’s never had a real home cooked Earth meal.”
“It’s actually been years since I’ve had a home cooked anything,” Buzz confessed. “Star Command favors function and practicality so all of our food is given to us in capsule form. It’s been a long time since Nana Lightyear’s Banthaloaf.”
“Yeahhhh…” Woody turned. “So whaddya say, Hon?”
“Well…” Bo put a playful finger to her cheek. “I guess I don’t mind your guest…if you don’t mind mine.”
There was a shriek inside from the kitchen. “MY BISCUITS ARE BURNIN’!”
As Bo rushed back into the kitchen, Woody followed. “Is that Jessie?”
The redhead was standing by the stove, holding a pan of blackened biscuits and blowing on them desperately. “They’re fine! Just gotta scrape a little off the top!” she said as she waved her oven mitted hand over the smoking tops.
Woody smirked. “You never could cook anything that didn’t involve pasta and a powdered cheese packet.”
Jessie snatched a biscuit off the pan. “I will throw this at you, Chili Boy!”
Bo clapped her hands. “All right, Boys and Girls! Let’s settle down!” Jessie dropped the biscuit. “I guess we’re going biscuit free tonight.”
“I smell smoke,” Buzz made his way into the kitchen. “Is something on fire?” He froze. “M-Miss Jessie…I had no idea…I mean…” His face turned the color of strawberries. “I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight.”
Jessie giggled, grabbing her red braid with her mitt. “Howdy Buzz.”
He smiled at her dopily. “Hiii…”
Bo coughed, hiding a smile behind her hand. “Jessie, why don’t you go and wait for dinner with Woody and Buzz? I’m sure all three of you have some catching up to do.”
“‘Catching up to do?’” Woody echoed. “I just saw Jessie yesterday…”
Bo pointed with a large slotted spoon. “Living room, Chili Boy!”
“That’s not going to be my nickname from now on is it?”
“Go socialize!”
Woody sighed and rolled his eyes playfully. Leaning over, he gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Okay. If you say so.” Then, making sure Buzz and Jessie had already left the kitchen, he gave her a quick pinch on the bottom.
She jumped, letting out a surprised squeak, then whipped around. “Woody!”
He had already beat a retreat out the door. “I’ll see you at dinner!”
In the living room, he found Jessie curled up on the couch next to Buzz. “It’s called beef jerky.”
Curiously, Buzz took the piece she was offering him, examining it as he rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. “And you say this is real meat?”
“It’s dehydrated.” She grabbed the jerky back. “Say ‘ah!’”
Buzz raised his eyebrows in confusion. “Uh, ah?” Jessie quickly put the jerky in his mouth.
“Don’t that taste good?”
“Um, it’s very chewy. And salty.”
With a naughty grin, Jessie leaned in close, causing Buzz’s face to become enflamed. “Know what else tastes good?”
He audibly swallowed the jerky. “M-Ma’am?”
“Call me Jessie.”
Woody coughed loudly and Jessie sprang back away from Buzz. The Ranger looked at him guiltily while she glared. “Nice timin’, Killjoy.”
Woody rolled his large brown eyes as he plopped into a recliner. “Must you two flirt in my living room?”
“We could flirt in your bedroom,” Jessie said saucily. Buzz choked.
Woody scowled at her. “Deliberately ignoring that remark, you are going to be on your best behavior tonight for Bo’s dinner?”
“What are you talkin’ about?”
“I mean, she’s worked very hard and I want both of you to be nice.”
“Well, there goes my plans to paint the walls with mashed taters and have a fartin’ contest,” said Jessie. “Of course I’m goin’ be nice!”
“Must you always be so sarcastic?”
“It must run in the family,” said Buzz under his breath. Both looked at him in surprise. He straightened. “Woody, I give you my word as a Space Ranger that Jessie and I will be on our best behavior tonight.”
Woody smiled at him gratefully. “Thanks, Buzz.”
Jessie shrugged, then smiled too. “Okay, I’ll behave. For Bo. She’s…the nicest person I ever met and I don’t wanna let her down.” Her smile widened into a grin. “Gotcha yerself a real keeper there, Bro.”
Woody looked down at his fingers, knitting them back and forth as he smiled almost shyly. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“Dinner’s ready!”
Woody placed himself on the end of the table. Bo had folded the napkins into little swans and as Jessie took a seat beside him, she picked one up.
“Fancy,” she giggled.
“Best behavior,” Woody said gently. She dropped the swan just as Bo placed a pot in the center of the table.
“I hope you all like it,” she pulled off the lid. “Garlic kale! Bon appétit!”
Woody stood up slightly so he could take a look. What was in the pot didn’t even fill it halfway. “Um, is that all there is?”
Bo frowned. “There was more, but it cooked down so quickly. I turned around and most of it was already gone.”
“Well I’m sure it’s fine. We just won’t have leftovers.” Woody grabbed a serving spoon. “Allow me, my Dear.” Scooping out the green vegetable, he placed some on each plate.
Lifting some on his fork, Woody smiled at Bo. “Well, here’s you, Sweetie. And to hundreds of more wonderful meals to come.”
“Oh Woody…”
He took a bite…and with everything in his willpower, did not spit it out. Instead, he chewed slowly, thoughtfully, and prayed he wasn’t making a face. “It’s…different.”
Next to Jessie, Buzz looked confused. “I’m unfamiliar with this Earth vegetable. Is it supposed to be this coarse?”
Jessie groaned and pushed away her plate. “I want my whiskey…”
Bo was watching their reactions with utter confusion and now she took a bite herself. Her eyes widened and she grabbed a napkin. Placing it over her small, delicate mouth, she spit the offending food out and folded the napkin over so it couldn’t be seen. “I don’t understand!” she said. “I followed the recipe! Why…why…” Her face fell into utter dejection as tears sprung to her big blue eyes.
Woody stood. Circling around her he placed his arms around her shoulders. “Hey now, it’s okay. Maybe it was a bad recipe.”
She turned to look at him. “But it seemed so simple! How could I mess it up?”
“Did you boil it?”
They looked at Buzz. “What?”
Buzz had pulled out his Smart Phone and was typing. “According to your internet, this Earth vegetable you call kale is naturally tough and does best when boiled first.”
Bo’s mouth dropped. “The recipe didn’t say anything about boiling the kale.”
“Perhaps it’s common knowledge…”
“Yeah, thanks Buzz.” Woody knelt as Bo buried her face in her hands. “Look, don’t worry about it. So it wasn’t a great first attempt. It’s not that bad…”
“I just…wanted to make sure you were healthy,” she said into her palms. “Kale is so healthy…I just thought if I could make you something good, you would…”
“Oh!” Woody wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close for a hug. “Oh Honey!” She rested her face on his shoulder, sniffling. “Okay, so I’m not much of a vegetable guy. That shouldn’t worry you.”
“Well it does.”
He smiled at her affectionately. “Tell you what. Why don’t we toss this kale mess, and then I’ll order us a pizza. It might not be the healthiest thing but…”
“Cheese, vegetable, meat, grains,” she said, smiling up at him from his shoulder. “Sounds okay to me.”
“‘Atta girl,” he touched her chin gently. “And I’ll even order one of those Caesar side salads. For me. Would that make you feel better?”
Bo jumped up as if she had been electrocuted. She threw her arms around Woody and gave him a kiss that nearly knocked him off his boots. He grinned and giggled as she planted kisses all over his face. The laugh died in his throat however as his head turned slightly to the left.
Buzz and Jessie were still at the table watching them. Jessie had her chin propped up in her hands as she smiled impishly. “What happened to ‘best behavior’, Sheriff?”
Woody waved her off. “Awww…” Bo hugged him again and he embraced her tightly, placing a kiss on the top of her bandanna’ed hair. “That’s my favorite girl…”
@jessiejanelightyear @heathinator @rain1940 @a113cowgirl @jessienevergivesup
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