#god oh god why can't i shut up and say something short for once?
emptymanuscript · 9 months
Today's waste of life seems to be some kind of article on Bluecap Poker, which is what I'm trying to now use for resolutions in Trihorn instead of dice.
I've managed to get through all the random worldbuilding surrounding bits so far this morning today. >_< definitely way more detail and time spent than I need about anything for any reason. It's so big I can't even post it because it exceeds a post's character limit. Ack >_<
I wonder if it would fit if I took out most of the Coblynau bits. Yep. Mostly under the cut for anyone who wants to waste a little of their life on a fictional article on a fictional card game, whose ruleset I haven't finished, for a fictional world, whose fiction hasn't happened yet. >_<
Bluecap Poker
Bluecap Poker (or Coblynau) is named in reference to a mythical, mischievious burrowing dinosaur. The Bluecap was about 3 feet tall at the haunch, and 5 feet long from snout to tail tip, with scales the color of common blue Apatite which is the mainstay of its diet. As a consequence, it often makes rapping, striking, knocking, chipping, digging, cracking sounds as if it is another miner working unseen.
But the sounds in the deep that miners can hear, leading them toward the richer veins of ore that the Apatite crystalizes near. But also toward lots of worthless rock. Common Miner folkwisdom is that if you start leaving out some Apatite stone and valuables in a pile for the Coblynau to eat after quitting time, you can train the Bluecap to like the other, more valuable mineral as well, so it will favor the richer veins. Unfortunately, it will also give the Bluecap a taste for raiding any mining gear left unwatched.
The Bluecap is always hungry because Apatite is very common but only in small quantities. So it is nearly always working or bemoaning its condition. if you go down into the dark and are quiet, you can often hear it at work, and even when not, you can hear it groaning or rumbling in hunger. This also means that clever miners can go beyond training and actually tame a Bluecap. If the miners constantly leave good enough eating for the Bluecap in a solitary dark corner it will start to help them by forewarning them of cave-ins and even making their work easier. Sometimes even starting new burrows that will lead the miners in better directions.
There's a popular fairytale about a group of miners that tamed their Bluecap to the point that it became like their pet T-Rex. They dressed it up in gear they made for it like their own, even with a little fitted mining cap with a lantern which had its fire turn blue from the Bluecap's magic. Thereafter they were often lead by its ghostly blue light that never needed a new candle to more riches than any other mine and, when a cart was full, it would lash itself to the front of the mine cart and help pull it out to unload, the bobbing blue light guiding the way.
But the same fairytale emphasizes that the Bluecap can be as tricksy as helpful when it isn't treated well. When the miners become too rich and greedy, abusing its friendship, It pranks and misleads them and finally steals away every valuable thing in the mine and digs out the treasure before they can get to it with the new gear they have to spend their wealth on (that it steals again) until they are reminded of what it is like to be poor and mend their ways.
The Bluecap is said to be a particularly grotesque and ugly little dinosaur. Though actual descriptions vary from tale to tale and region to region. The only constants are that it has long, strong foreclaws and is universally agreed to be constantly quite dirty. Besides for that it's just whatever the storyteller seems to think of as ugly. Another fairytale, adapted into a popular children's story is about a prissy young noble boy who finds one and keeps trying to bathe it to get the dirt and muck out of its feathers and many flaps that run through its wrinkled frills, inadvertently teaching it to sift water for its minerals so it drinks up all the water in the whole kingdom. The boy ends up King by selling the water back for the price of the country and names the Bluecap his chief adviser, turning it into the Kingdom of children where no one ever takes a bath and every day there is a contest to see who can make the ugliest face.
The largest variation in Bluecap Poker is, appropriately, that the size of the hand, draw, and deal is variable. Players can pay chips to the dealer to alter the rules of how many cards they are able to receive and lay down. This in turn leads to a more complex variation of scoring, that can sometimes lead to scores slightly different than other types of poker would award. There is also some slight variation in terminology. For instance while hidden cards are still usually referred to as in the hole, they can sometimes be referred to as in the Adit (an underground tunnel to the surface for access or drainage purposes), and shown cards are usually referred to as being in the wash. The Blinds are sometimes called drawers, hurriers, putters, screens, or waggoners depending on the region. The dealer is also often referred to as the Deputy (most common), overman, foreman, overlooker, bailiff, gaffer, manager, reckoner, senior, or even viewer or landlord. This again depends on the mine terminology used in the region and its typical position that would be in charge of reckoning a miner's wages on payday. Landlord, as a term, is almost exclusively used in countries where both the owner of the mine was the traditional recokoner of a miner's wages and where gambling houses are common, so the dealer is set instead of rotating. Bluecap poker is very played without a rotating dealer, as the dealer receives the payments for alteration of hand rules. In gambling houses, casinos, and social clubs where Bluecap poker is played, this is typically how the house earns its cut and the Deputy, in turn, does not act as a player, just the dealer. To prevent this hurting the blinds, gambling houses usually have all players put in a set smaller amount to seed the pot before the deal, this is commonly referred to as the vein.
The most important but actually least used change in terminology is Coblynau. Bluecap Poker was adapted from Coblyanu, a much older but quite similar game to poker that yields most of the changes in how the variant is played from other variants.
The history of Coblynau itself is very difficult to trace since it was a game highly influenced by its region. The historian Collerin Despurin in her book, Coblynau in the Cave, has the most detailed study of the game and uses its regional variations between the Spefreah and Ushclec mountain ranges in the Eastern Wall to propose a pattern for human migration and settlement from an original evolution in the Punisere desert, all the way north then all the west, then back in all directions to settle the Known world.
Hoyel Vodjriele's Guide to Showdowns, 39th edition suggests the most important difference in definition between Coblynau and Bluecap Poker is that Coblynau doesn't allow wildcards where Bluecap Poker does.
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sports-on-sundays · 6 months
people change / CL16 / Part 1
Summary: dad!Charles x French!ex!reader - You wish you could just forget about the relationship. It's hard when you had a son together.
Warnings: 'Y/s/n' means 'your son's name', you are free to imagine the son as whatever age he acts because I leave that unspecified, mention of breaking up/divorce, broken family, censored cussing, getting drunk, toxic relationship, me sucking at writing kids (how do they even act???)
Requested?: No.
Author's Note: This was heavily inspired by the song People Change by for KING & COUNTRY at the end there especially. I listened to it while writing. So you're free to look that up and have a listen. Link to part 2 / Link to part 3
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"Hey, sweetie," you say as you buckle your son into the car. "How was your day at school?"
"Fun... But Mama, I didn't know what to do."
"Hm? When didn't you know what to, love?" you ask, concerned.
"Well, we did papers and pictures about our mommies and daddies and our houses and stuff and I didn't know, Mama..."
You stop after he says this, pulling your hands away as they tremble. Your heart, at those words from your son, feels like it's being wrenched out of your chest, and you cough into your arm. "O- Oh, sweetheart..." you clear your throat. "Well, why don't you first draw pictures and write about me and my house, and then you write and draw about your daddy and his house..."
Your son does a pouting face at this. "Mama..." he complains. "Why can't you and Daddy be like other kids' mommies and daddies?"
"Love, I don't think this is the time to be talking about this. Let's just get driving home now." You hate to shut him down, but he's asking too many questions that you just can't answer.
He's asking too many questions that are making you feel too confused and guilty.
"Hey, buddy. What's up?" you smile as you get out of the car to help your son pack his bags into the trunk, and then get in the backseat. You're doing this right outside Charles' house. You're picking him up from his weekend with his dad.
The little boy shrugs as you buckle him in. "I want my grey bag, Mama! Daddy gave me some food for the ride."
"What do you say?"
"Please!" he pouts.
You nod, and give him his bag. Charles is always sure to equip Y/s/n with a bagful of healthy snacks for the hour and forty-five minute drive back home.
The whole ride, Y/s/n is unusually quiet. Even when you try talking to him, he gives short answers and makes no effort to continue the conversation. Which is very unusual from the usually frisky and excitable little boy.
When you get home and go inside, he immediately goes to his room, still not saying anything.
You sigh, feeling worried.
Did Charles do something?
Even though the two of you separated for big reasons, you've never felt too worried about Y/s/n going to see him every other weekend, except for maybe at the beginning. Over the years, you're pretty sure that Charles has gotten more responsible than how he once was.
"Dinnertime, love!"
"I'm not hungry!"
You sigh, the worry sinking deeper. "You should have saved some of your dad's snack for later, then! I made dinner for you!"
Silence. Again.
You walk down the hall and knock on his bedroom door, before gently pushing it open. The little boy is sitting on his red bed. In his hand is his Ferrari hat. He's blankly staring at it.
Oh God no. What did Charles do? What did Charles say? Doesn't he understand the unspoken boundaries about this?
"Y/s/n?" you say gently, sitting down next to him. "What's wrong, sweetie? You know you can tell me. I'm listening."
The boy looks older than he is right now. You feel a sharp pang in your chest as he murmurs, "Why do you and daddy live in different countries? How come I have two houses, two bedrooms... two everything? How come, Mama?"
It takes all you have to not tear up. You wrap your arms tightly around him at this. He leans against you, hugging you back.
"Andre and Alex have a mommy and daddy who live in the same house. How come you and Daddy don't?"
"Y/s/n, it's really complicated, love. But, can I ask... What has got you thinking of all of this, love? What has got this on your mind?" You speak in a very gentle tone, rubbing his back. Obviously, this is upsetting him. Really, though, what kid wouldn't be upset?
Your son looks at you in hesitation. "I'm not allowed to say..."
You feel another pang of worry. "Love, it's okay. You can tell your mama anything."
"But Daddy told me not to."
You swallow nervously. "You're not doing anything wrong by telling me. I'm giving you permission. I can't have you feeling this upset, love. You can tell me anything that's bothering you, even if your father told you not to." Y/s/n is too much of a good kid. You don't know where he gets it from.
You wipe your son's watering eyes, trying to reassure him. He sniffs, before saying, "You won't tell Daddy?"
"Tell Daddy what?"
"What I'm gonna tell you."
You bite your lip. "Of course not, love. I won't tell your daddy."
He nods, before saying, as he starts to really cry, "Daddy cried, Mommy... I wasn't allowed to know but I couldn't sleep because Daddy forgot to read me my story. So I was going in to tell him to snuggle me... because I couldn't sleep. But Daddy was crying..." Y/s/n sniffs, and continues blubbering, "Daddy was talking to someone on the phone and he was really sad... I don't know why Daddy was crying, Mama. He said he was sad because he missed you and me to the person on the phone. Daddy was so sad so I don't know why we don't make Daddy happy and why can't my mommy and daddy be like my friends' mommies and daddies?" He lets out a sob, snuggling into you. You're speechless as your son continues, "I went and gave Daddy a hug because he was sad. He said he missed you. He asked me why I was up and said I was in trouble and said I wasn't allowed to tell you he was sad and crying. He said even daddies cry sometimes," he sniffs and lets out another sob. You hold him tight, eyes wide. "I asked him how come he was sad and he said he didn't know and he loved me and then we went to bed. I don't get it, Mama."
You try not to tremble.
Fighting off tears, because the last thing Y/s/n needs is to see his mom cry on top of it all. Not sad tears, though. Angry tears.
Why can't Charles just let go? He's so possessive and obsessive. F*ck him and his Monaco flat and his boat and his Ferrari and everything f*cking else. Why would he let his son see him so vulnerable. Doesn't he care? F*ck him.
Why can't he just let go?
You walk down the hall of the mall, your son's little hand in yours, heading to the food court because eventually, Y/s/n's complaining about how 'I'm hungryyyyy!' got too annoying, and you gave in.
Suddenly, though, his little hand slips out of yours. You look down at him in confusion, starting to say his name. He starts running away. You're about to go after him, but suddenly freeze when the little boy shouts, "Look, Mama, look! It's Daddy! Daddy! Hi, Daddy! Hiiiii!"
And sure enough, Charles Leclerc stops as soon as he sees his son, a grin spreading across his face. He adjusted his cap to be lower on his forehead, clearly trying to go incognito here. But he bends down, and the moment little Y/s/n reaches Charles, his father scoops him up into his arms, standing up with an, "Auwgh," noise, as if it were really hard for the strong man to pick up his light son. Charles holds him tight, in an embrace, before saying, "What's up, buddy? Where's your mama?" Y/s/n points, and Charles looks up.
Your eyes meet. And everything stops. The voices, the music, the whir of the escalators, the lights, heating, and air conditioning all making their own sounds, the people walking past- everyone else living their own lives disappear.
And it's just you and Charles, eyes locked, staring at each other.
Heartbeats or seconds or minutes, you don't know. You feel a certain electricity that hurts. Shocks you. Maybe Charles likes how it feels though. Maybe he loves that, with his adrenaline seeking lifestyle. Because, after all, he doesn't look away.
But in the same way, you don't either.
Finally, it's your son that breaks the trance you seemed to go into with your ex-husband, by saying suddenly words that stress you out and tear you apart at the same time: "See, Daddy?" He pats his father's cheek, which has a little bit of facial hair. "You don't have to cry anymore... You don't..." Suddenly, he looks a little scared, realizing he wasn't supposed to say that, but finishes softly with, "You don't have to miss Mama anymore, Daddy, because she's right here..."
There's almost a pleading in your son's eyes. A longing. You feel yourself start to tear up, but you strive to hold them back. Y/s/n. He loves us. He loves his parents so much. He just wishes they would love each other.
Charles shakes his head in surprise, stroking Y/s/n's hair, "Buddy, it's okay. Don't worry. I'm okay. I don't-" he falters for just a moment before finishing quickly, glancing to you nervously, "I don't miss Mama anymore. Don't worry."
"But I miss Mama." At this, both of you look at your son in confusion.
"But Y/s/n, Mama is right here," Charles says carefully, taking more steps closer to you. "See? Do you want to go with M-"
"No!" your son suddenly snaps, and says as if it is the most obviously thing on earth, "When I'm with Daddy, I miss Mama. When I'm with Mama, I miss Daddy. I don't wanna miss you guys!"
All the sudden, it's too much for you. All of it. Before Charles can do anything else you say quickly, your voice obviously cracking and your breath shaky, "Charles, can you take him home today? I'm sorry-"
"Of course, Y/n. I-"
You turns, jogging away. You need to get out of there.
But as you run out, you hear Charles call after you, "Y/n! Y/n, wait! Y/n, we're going to talk on the phone tonight, okay? There's things we still need to go over!"
At around 3:00 A.M., Charles calls. While you're worried to answer, you're also relieved. The fact that you're still awake at 3:00 A.M. shows how much anxiety you've been feeling about getting this call from Charles.
When you pick up, you murmur softly, "Hey, Charles."
"Sorry I'm calling at this hour. God. I just had to make sure Y/s/n was sound asleep. I'm, uhm," he pauses to clear his throat awkwardly, and continues in a softer, more delicate voice, "I'm sure Y/s/n told you about the phone call the other weekend..."
"Y- Yeah, he did. What did you do? Did you scare him into not telling me? He was crying," you say, your voice becoming harder and harder as you speak.
"What?! No! I just asked him please not to tell you. That was it. Maybe he was crying because..." Charles trails off.
"Because why?" you snap, although the sinking feeling within tells you exactly why.
"Y/n..." he sighs loudly. "Because our son loves us and doesn't get why... w- we... don't- don't, uhm.... love each other." The facts that he falters so much on that last phrase, that it's so hard for him to get out, sends a pit in your stomach. Of dread, and anger.
And without another hesitation, you just say it. "Charles... you still love me, don't you?"
There's silence over the phone. Sickly, disgusting, terrible silence. The anger rises up in you higher and higher, like a pressure, trying to push you on your tipping point. So finally you snap, probably way too loud, "Charles, what the hell! F*ck you. I hate you, you f*cking asshole. You're too much of a f*cking coward to even say it! Just like you've always been!" Your voice gets louder and louder. "Just like you've always been! Too much of a f*cking coward to admit anything! You tricked me! You had me thinking everything was peaches and cream, but it wasn't! You were being a terrible person and played innocent, and whenever I asked you anything, you did the same exact thing you still do. You just keep silent. Charles, I know you'll never grow, I hate that my son has to see your sorry ass every other weekend, and if I knew it wouldn't break his sweet little heart, I would wish your pathetic silent self would just fall off the face of the earth so I didn't have to ever have to listen to your stupid, pathetic silence ever again."
"Y/n, I-" You hang up. Charles doesn't try to call back.
Years ago.
Charles came in and stumbled into your arms, as if you were the one that needed to take care of him. You were tired, having stayed up with your fussy baby boy nearly all night, with no help, and you wanted to cry. You didn't want Charles to stumble in, drunk, right into your arms, as if he was the one who needed help. No. He was the one causing the problem. He had reeked of alcohol. He didn't get drunk this often, and you knew exactly why he was doing it now, although he'd been too scared while sober to admit it to you. It was the argument you'd had, and his way of coping was going out, getting drunk, and coming home to his wife and baby at three in the morning, wasted. Now, while drunk out of his mind, he was able to murmur, his words slurred tremendously, "Y/n... I'm sorry, love... You should've come with me tonight. I had fun... We could... make up for that argument..." He had a sickly seductive tone in his voice.
You felt rage fill up in you. Did you forget about your son? The son that you and I created together? Did you forget about that? Instead of letting any of that rage escape you, you just brought him to the bedroom and helped him into bed. You left him, walked to the living room, sat down on the couch, and held your aching, tired head, pulling at your hair, as tears escaped your closed eyelids.
Your world was spinning. Everything was wrong.
The argument. You had started it. And yelled at him. About how he was a coward and never told the truth. Even though you loved him. You thought. You must've. You... You had a son together. You yelled at him for telling you he was working when he wasn't. You yelled at him that he wasn't helping you at all and that you were going out of your mind. You said you felt like a single mom because he was never around, never helped, and never tried to. He lied and told you that an event he had mentioned that you were excited for was cancelled because he had found out more things about the event that he didn't want to deal with himself. He was becoming more and more selfish, showing who he really was more and more every single day. It just made you think- what is he doing when he gets drunk? What else is he being dishonest about?
Eventually you stopped loving him. You loved your son much more, so you broke it off. The final tipping point was when you suspected he had cheated, although nothing had ever proved that. But that was when you finally broke it off.
He was heartbroken. He held onto you. No, Y/n, please don't do this. I'll try better. I'll try better. You had told him that he had been saying he'd try better for the past year.
He had cried. Maybe even sobbed. You only saw him sob twice. Once was one time when he was drunk out of his mind, and the other one was that night when you told him you were breaking it off. I guess Y/s/n has seen him sob a third time, though.
He had said to you that he still loved you. You had said if you loved me, you wouldn't have done this. And that was the end of it.
Or so you thought.
You can't believe you're here. You can't believe he convinced you. You set up for your mother to watch Y/s/n while you drive into Monaco and.
Well, yeah. Go to Charles' God-forsaken house. To meet with him. 'Have a talk' as he put it. 'In real life.' So he can 'see your face and expressions.' And 'understand better.'
Charles opens the door. He's wearing a black t-shirt, grey jeans, and has his usual assortment of different bracelets on his wrists. And a disgustingly expensive watch. As you walk into his (beautiful) flat, you see that it hasn't changed much since you left and moved a couple hours closer to home, back in France. Just a little cleaner. But just like how it was when you lived here, there's still a stray toy on the floor here and there. As if reading your mind, he bends down, picking up a few of them, before putting them in a basket in the corner of the room. He runs his hand through his messy, wavy brown hair, looking a little awkward. "Why don't you sit down?" he asks softly, gesturing to the couch by a nod of his head. "Make yourself... comfortable... Uh... I made some cookies. Consider it a peace offering. And I... I really tried to make them good, too. I'm just going to go grab them." And before you can think or react, he's walking out of the room to grab them.
When he returns with the cookies, he sits down next to you, holding the little plate out to you. You hesitantly take one, nibbling off a little bite, nervously glancing to Charles. "It's fine..." you say. In your taste, too sweet (and slightly gooey) but besides that, alright. "But I just want to get this over with, okay? Charles can we just... have this talk? So I can go?"
Your ex husband stared down, before nodding slowly. "Yeah... Of course." He falters, before murmuring, "I love our son just as much as you do. And it hurts me to see him-"
"My God, Charles, shut up. I know what this is about. It's about you being selfish," the bitterness in your voice surprised even yourself, "You're being selfish because for some twisted reason, you still want to be with me, and you're using my son's pain as an excuse. You're just as you've always been- selfish, lying, and making excuses."
"Y/n, no it's not!" he snaps, his eyes pleading. "I- I- I want the best for our son."
"Charles, do you still love me?"
He stares at you. Hesitates. Falters. He inhales a shaky breath, before looking down at his hands in his lap. "All these years I've never dated another woman. All these years the guilt has crushed me."
"Shut up!" you spit. "It's not guilt, Charles, of hurting me your or son. It's guilt because you wouldn't wanted to be with me longer. It's selfish. You're f*cking selfish!"
He practically begs, "Please, babe, just listen-"
"What did you just call me?"
He stares in surprise at what he just said. He swallows. "I'm sorry- It- It just came out..."
You glare, and shout, "You still love me, you dick! I hate you! You- You cheated on me!"
He cuts you off by grabbing your arm suddenly. There's a desperate look in his eyes. "Y/n... No, I didn't... I swear it on my life.. On my job, on everything I love... I would..." You're shocked to watch as a singular tear gently rolls down one of his cheeks. He's holding back more. The salty, warm tear drops right onto your palm. You wipe it off. Charles eyes plead with you as he murmurs, his voice cracking, "I would never cheat on you..."
You stare, trying to form more words, not knowing what to say.
But Charles continues, "I don't know where you got the idea I cheated on you... I know it was hard and I was being..." Suddenly there is guilt and grief openly painted all across his face. "I was being a terrible person... Giving up the most lovely, sweet wife and baby I could've ever asked for... I was young and stupid, Y/n...Y/n... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I swear I mean it...
"I would do anything for this to work."
Another tear falls.
"Y/n... just listen... I need you to hear me out..."
He sniffs. He seems so broken. Vulnerable. Honest.
"It's all my fault, Y/n. I know. I know. I'm sorry. And I get if you're afraid... I would be, too... but, Y/n... I wish you could just understand that... that...
"Y/n, people change."
Author's Note- Just wanted to say if you guys liked this and want a part two, I'm totally open to writing that! Let me know if you want a part two, and if you have any ideas, shoot! Like should I end this happy? Or not...? And in what way? If no one gives me ideas, I'll just come up with it, but you guys are extremely welcome to let me know!!! Thank you! <3
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norrisleclercf1 · 8 months
Letter 2
Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader x Charles Leclerc
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, just plain Angst
Words: 677
A/N: Yes yes this part is short but it's supposed to be this way as it mainly just focused on Nico's letter
Our Boy Series Masterlist / Previous: Broken Hearts and Duct Tape / Next: Memories of Old and New
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"Ducky, don't be alarmed at the empty apartment. I'm coming back," 
I swear I am. I know you're looking at the apartment and thinking I've freaked out and left. I swear I haven't. 3 days ago, you told me the most incredible news anyone could ever hear from the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. 
Not once did I think about having children, but with you? I cried. You are the first person I've ever truly loved. Who cares what people will say? I'm going to protect you, Ducky, and our unborn baby. Whenever I think about us having a baby, I cry all over again. I'm sure you're scared, I would be too, but really I can't wait. 
I keep picturing a little baby with my eyes and your gorgeous hair, their little laugh. When they say their first word, everything. I'm sure you don't care about all this, but I've returned to Germany. There's something I need there: a ring. A specific ring I want you to have. My stuff is gone because I've bought us a house. 
A pretty house boarding the line of Monaco and France. Lavender is everywhere. It's just like you told me that night. Walking the streets of that little Greek town under the stars, we talked of our future. I want to win the title, and you want nothing more than to have your dream home. Well, Ducky, I got us that dream home. 
On the back are the directions. Movers are coming tomorrow for your stuff, but forget it all. I'm here waiting, painting the nursery. I picked a soft blue, not that boyish blue, but that blue that reminds me of a cloudless sky. It's perfect, you'll love it. I even have little stincles to paint ducks on the wall. 
Ducky, I love you so much. I've retired from racing to focus on our family and build on it in the future. Fuck, I have to call your Dad and ask his permission to marry you. He doesn't like me very much, probably the age gap. I don't blame him. I'd react the same way with our little one. Oh, I forgot the house has a little nook for you. Where you can read and watch the lavender fields. 
We have our problems, Ducky, but we can work through them. We always do. So please, grab your stuff and join me here at home. We can talk more when you get here. I love you. 
God, I love you so much, Ducky. 
"He called her Ducky," Elijah whispers, looking up to see his Dad with tears in his eyes. Elijah turns to his Pa, Charles, staring out into the garden, but the slight sniffles also let them know he was crying. "Charlie," Lando reaches out for Charles, who turns face crumbling. "He loved her. He loved her so much." Charles didn't understand why he was crying. 
Maybe it was because if Nico had reached out or Y/n read the letter, he wouldn't have had this life. Or it could be he was crying in relief because he was the one honored to raise Elijah and love you. He didn't know. "I have to make a call," Charles stands, ruffling Elijah's hair and kissing the crown. His hand slips out of Lando's, who moves to pull his little boy into his arms. 
"Is Pa okay?" Lando hums, fingers untangling those blonde locks as he watches Charles hold the phone to his ear. "No, Ducky. He's not okay. But, he will be." Lando refused to lie to his children. It's the one thing he wouldn't do. "Dad?" "Yeah?" Taking a deep breath, Elijah folds the letter back up. "We need to tell Mama what the letter said." Lando hates the anger that flares up but shuts it down quickly. 
"I know," Charles comes back into the room, flinging himself into the chair and rubbing his face hard. "They're on their way," "Who is?" Lando asks, sitting up, and Elijah leans in more. "Nico," 
Taglist: @thomaslefteyebrow @a-stray-soul @formulas-bitch @mickslover @myescapefromthislife @glow-ish @kittyfluffypaws28 @ryntro @copper-boom @allabouthappiness @jaydaaasworld @christianpulisic10 @lyraleclerc @daddyslittlevillain @dreamerrosie @driveswiftly13 @harrysdimple05 @sueesstuff @why4anne @nataliambc @cwiphswmwasohmm @buckybarnessweetheart @makingmyway-downtown @elijahslover @kapsylia @zeusmyster
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love-belle · 6 months
you were my summer love !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their fall-in-love-again era is them missing each other while their friends go crazy over their relationship.
for when you know they'll be your love for all eternal summers. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // pierre gasly x fem!reader
prequel - i want sweet revenge and i want him again ⋆·˚ ༘
warnings - language, mention of vodka once.
author's note - i am in fact not dead :) i hope u all like this <3 i will be back with a new post 4 months later jk I LOVE U THANK U
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liked by pierregasly, y/n4eva, gasly10 and 56,828 others
paddock.club pierre gasly and celine d'souza have called it quits on their relationship after almost three months of dating, sources close to the pair reported. the pair started dating back in august after gasly broke up with his "summer love", y/n y/l/n, affectionately named as augustine by gasly and his fans. although their break up was kept hush for a long time and so was their relationship, pierre wasted no time in moving on and with none other than social media influencer, celine d'souza. "there is no bad blood between them," sources claimed, "they just didn't fit well and it was no good trying to make it work." for more details about their short-lived relationship and the driver's summer romance with the singer, click on the link in our bio.
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liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55, landonorris and 2,518,916 others
yourusername yeah i miss the way he kisses and the way he grabbed my ass but i can't do anything about it so idk i cry
username Y/N NO!!!!!!!!! WE DO NOT GO BACK TO OUR EX!!!!!!!!!
username ngl this version of get him back is fire
username girl get UP
username no bc his dick game couldn't have been THIS good
-> yourusername TIME OUT FOR U 😭
-> username be fr is he really THIS funny
username girl WHY DO U NEVER LEARN
username im honestly gonna kms WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO URSELF
username the gasp i js gasped
charles_leclerc go stand in the corner and THINK
username every day i wake up and every day im amazed that she has managed to attain unattainable levels of delusion
-> username no bc im TIRED
username y/n have u learnt NOTHING
username the lyric change gawd dayum
username is it bad i kinda want her to do something about it ????? like do it for US im off school for weeks and i need entertainment
-> yourusername thank u for supporting my delusions 🙁
-> username GIRLYPOP NO
landonorris i say we start treating y/n like a bad kitten every time she makes a bad decision
-> landonorris that came out wrong
-> danielricciardo i see your vision here
-> charles_leclerc spray her with water DRENCH THAT DEMON
-> username OH MY GOD
username i genuinely do not know what to do with this information
lewishamilton i would genuinely appreciate it if you gave me back my son
-> yourusername he's mine now move along
-> lewishamilton i will never forget that you called me weird
-> yourusername omg i apologised??? and made u sandwiches??? and took roscoe for walks THREE CONSECUTIVE DAYS???
-> username they're FRIENDS
-> username no bc their conversations must be WILD and so RANDOM
-> username im eating up every second of this
username now i js need max and nando to be besties 🤞🤞🤞🤞 with y/n and my life will be complete
-> yourusername i don't want them they're annoying
-> fernandoalo_official this is why pierre chose the other girl
-> yourusername SO LOW
-> maxverstappen1 the reason i like you is because you were drinking pure vodka out of a sippy cup at 8 am without blinking
-> yourusername this is why charles doesn't follow u x
-> maxverstappen1 THAT'S A LOW FUCKING BLOW
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, danielricciardo and 2,156,976 others
pierregasly do something about it
username i have never ever been this invested in someone else's life THIS BETTER BE WORTH IT
username oh he's BOLD bold
username i know my girlie is panicking rn she did not MEAN for this to happen
username mf say this to HER
username bitches wouldn't be in this situation if they js TALKED FFS
username no bc i KNEW that something was gonna happen when he posted that song on his story
-> username fr like "when i touch her i feel like im cheating on u" BABE????
username cheating on u by charlie puth is actually so y/n and pierre coded it's INSANE
-> username the way my jaw dropped
charles_leclerc i should confiscate your phone for this
-> pierregasly you were the one who held an intervention for me so that i would "get my shit together"
-> charles_leclerc you don't HAVE to get your shit together if it means that i wouldn't be seeing her everyday
-> pierregasly just say that you're scared of her and MOVE
-> username charles is so valid bc she scares ME
-> username u never know what she's gonna do next and that's the scariest part
username im BEGGING y'all pls get back together
username the sigh that left me when i heard that pierre and celine broke up like 😭
username i live in fear that y/n and pierre will get back together and we won't be getting any more angry petty bitchy songs
username motherfucker MAKE A MOVE
username i know the grid is conspiring to get them together like they're MY menacea
-> username yeah and their most effective method (according to them) is locking them in a room
-> username do u think they know that one of them will not be making it out of the room and it'll probably be pierre 🧍
username i am a child of divorce this is christmas of '07 all over again 😔
landonorris i did NOT see you post this and then throw your phone up at the sky and screech as if someone just turned your ribs inside down to make you feel like a fairy
-> pierregasly stay away from me
-> oscarpiastri oh my god that was you??? i thought one of the cars ran over a cat on the track 😭
-> pierregasly okay mctwinks let's get you back in your playpens
-> landonorris unprovoked ☹️
-> oscarpiastri i would say watch your back but you're in the BACK so ☺️
-> pierregasly I WILL RUN YOU OFF
-> pierregasly i'm sorry my team told me i can't say that
username my head is wrapping itself around all this information like a shawl im going INSANE
username i know pierre is on all fours trying to get y/n to take him back
-> username as he should be idgaf
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris, lilymhe and 2,628,826 others
yourusername yeah i really missed the way he kisses and the way he grabbed my ass so i did something about it
tagged pierregasly
username im gonna scream bc wtf
username sigh ARE U SURE
username are we SURE it's gonna STICK this time
-> yourusername im 182729291% sure charles is gonna murder him if he acts a bit silly again so i'd say it's looking pretty good!!!!
-> charles_leclerc alex hates it when y/n is sad and they both make it MY problem so i'm sorry if i wanna make pasta in a peaceful and tranquil environment instead of bitching about my best mate
-> alexandrasaintmleux you were the one who came up with the most creative insults every time don't LIE like a LIAR
-> pierregasly charles???
-> charles_leclerc they're LYING they LIE they're LIARS
username why am i js figuring it out that y/n is AUGUSTINE like from august by taylor swift
-> username BABE 😭😭😭😭 HOW DID U NOT KNOW
username something about pierre going from her summer love to love love (we don't talk abt what happened in the middle ☺️)
username someone sedate me they're BACK
username i just KNOW charles is pulling at his hair rn bc i know my man has so much dirt on pierre but they reconciled a bit too quickly
-> yourusername charles ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ don't be shy ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ i always liked u the most out of ALL his friends ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ please elaborate ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
-> yukitsunoda0511 death would've been kinder than this ☹️
-> charles_leclerc for the last time, i REALLY did not see the puddle exactly in front of you and i'm really really really really really sorry that you fell in that puddle. and ruined your dress. and made me pay for it. and then pushed me into a fountain.
-> alexandrasaintmleux say away from my gf charles_leclerc 😡😡😡😡😡😡
-> username i have a migraine
username the lore slowly coming to the surface
-> username they kept us in the dark for so long we could've had it all 💔💔💔
username time to go on a vacation and make it a mission to hate the dude i meet and then fall in love with him
-> username HATE????
-> username pierre and y/n HATED each other when they first met but then long story short y/n saved him from a jellyfish and then it was lovers part of enemies to lovers ❤️
-> username oh the lore is WILD
username don't be a coward and record get him back with these lyrics 😡😡😡😡😡
-> yourusername i would but pierre would cry if i sang that song again now that he's back in my good books 😔💔
-> landonorris this is why you need to break up again x
-> pierregasly don't make me break check you next weekend
username is it a good time to mention that i saw u at lax and u looked WRECKED so im really glad ur both back together so that he can grab ur ass again
-> yourusername 😭😭😭😭 thank u my love
-> username tears
pierregasly thank you for doing something about it because i could NEVER
-> yourusername someone has to go to the counter and say "he asked for no pickles" in this relationship babe ❤️
-> charles_leclerc i have seen you both TREMBLING at the prospect of human interaction
-> yourusername why are u friends with him pierregasly
-> charles_leclerc not just him now 🥰
-> yourusername i am ready to break up with pierre if it means that i can get rid of this annoying parasite
-> charles_leclerc i go, alex goes
-> alexandrasaintmleux no you go away, i go to yourusername
-> yourusername DEVOURED AND BY HIS OWN GF
pierregasly all jokes (charles included) aside, i love you ❤️ thank you for hearing me out instead of pushing me down the stairs of instant death like charles told me you'd do
-> yourusername i love you 🫶🏼 i could never push u down the stairs, stair (singular) maybe but no ☺️
-> username why r u like this 🧍
username everyone cheer her crisis is GONE
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, maxverstappen1 and 2,578,826 others
pierregasly you were my summer love and now you'll be my forever love
tagged yourusername
username can't believe this is the guy u told y/n she was trippin (she was btw ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
-> username character development and threats from f1 drivers does wonders to ur personality
username can't believe we're not gonna get anymore petty and bitchy songs anymore 💔💔💔
-> username maybe the petty and bitchy songs were all the comments from this group we collected along the way
username y'all cannot convince me that charles didn't at least TRY to tell y/n to let pierre GO simply bc he's a little shit
-> yourusername can confirm, the reason it didn't work was because then i'd have to AGREE with 🤮 charles 🤮
-> charles_leclerc you act as if i'm not actively gagging while talking to you
-> pierregasly so good to know that the reason i have a LOVING girlfriend is that she just hates my best friend
username pierre will forever be catching strays as long as y/n and charles remain friends 💔
username everyday i wake up and thank the lord that i exist in a world where pierre and y/n are together and that a dying jellyfish was the cause of it all ❤️❤️❤️
username real talk!!!!! how did mama gasly react when y/n told her that her son sucks
-> yourusername i didn't have to, she called me and told me that herself
-> username iconic
-> pierregasly i'm leaving the country and shaving my hair
username "forever love" i will be on the highway don't test me
username god i have seen and noted what u did for the others
username i love it when men are unapologetically in love with their gfs
lewishamilton happy for you both. please tell y/n to return my dog.
-> pierregasly she's currently cuddling roscoe and asking me to tell you to fuck right off
-> lewishamilton godmother privileges PROVOKED
username i will never be able to wrap my head around the fact that lewis hamilton and y/n y/l/n are FRIENDS like how'd THAT happen
-> username do u think they exchange fashion tips and pointers
-> username they deffo talk shit abt charles' fashion choices
-> username they should add him in the gc and TALK to him bc those choices are HORRENDOUS
username y/n 🎤🎤🎤 did u really key his car 🎤🎤🎤
-> yourusername my lawyer advises me to deny this false allegation
-> pierregasly she did something worse.
-> pierregasly she put glitter ALL over the interiors
-> username u deserved it 🗣️‼️
username i need a step by step walkthrough of exactly HOW these two got together and i need it NOW
username so when y/n hates publicly on a dude, she manages to make him her bf but when i do it, i make him my mortal enemy??? make it make sense 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
username it is so sexy of me to continue life even when life (instagram) throws obstacles (y/n and pierre being cute and shit) at me
username i will lay in my grave and dream of a love like theirs
-> username aahh haha didn't mean to get so philosophical mb
-> yourusername that was crazy babe
-> username it's true 😔💔
username me patiently waiting for a summer love that will have me ripping my hair off my scalp 🧍
-> username one direction 🔛🔝
yourusername 4ever is not so bad after all ❤️
-> pierregasly with you it won't ever be enough ❤️
-> yourusername stop making me cry i have a reputation on here 🙁🙁🙁
-> username she says as if her personality isn't js crying over things all day long and being a Hater
-> yourusername OH FUCK OFF
yourusername i love you 🪤
-> pierregasly je t'aime mon cœur but the emoji? (i love you my heart)
-> yourusername it was the closest thing i could find to a tripod
-> landonorris 🔭 this is right here and also GROSS
-> username why are u all like this
yourusername off topic but i accidentally set off the fire alarm and now im locked in the bathroom bc the lock broke and im kinda Panicking
-> pierregasly why are you a fire hazard
username i love it when bitches are chaotic like yessss!!!!!!! go and show us that unhinged energy!!!!!!!
829 notes · View notes
lichenes · 3 months
PLEASEEE do a nsfw fic of reader and vincent having a big fight with some make up smut 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Thank you for the ask :D Second time writing smut bear with me. CW: arguing (brief), p in v, riding, NSFW Vincent Renzi x gn!reader wc: 621 _____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿____
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"Fine!" you shouted, red from anger. He groaned rolling his eyes and threw his hands in the air. "Why can't you just listen, sacrebleu!". You ran into your bedroom and slammed the door hoping he would leave you alone for now. Vincent though, was right behind you, opening the door and leaning against the frame of the door.
You sat on your bed your face covered with your hands, the tears in your eyes threatening to spill. "Chéri..." he said unsure of what to do next to prevent further rows. You choked back a sob and looked at him, tears already streaming down your face. "I'm... I'm sorry." You said already forgetting what you were squabbling about.
"Oh mon cœur." Vincent paused and sat down next to you on the bed. "Ma déesse." You looked up at him to say something but the only thing that came out was a sob. He put his arm around you as if to protect you from all the evils of the world, even himself.
You sat like this for a long while attempting to calm your breathing and stop shaking. Through all of this, Vincent put his head to your head and gently kissed your scalp, behaving as if you were made out of porcelain. With his calming demeanor enveloping you, you quickly forgot what it was that you were arguing about.
You both always prefered to talk things through. Rows were your last course of action. But Vincent came back tired from work and you were feeling particularly exhausted from your activities, one thing led to another and you were at eachothers throats.
"Forgive me." He sighed content with your douce form. "I know you don't mean those things." You nodded you head, still feeling a little dizzy. He got up assuring you he was returning soon and brought with him a glass of water for you to rehydrate yourself after crying.
You gave him back the glass after drinking its contents and he put it on the night stand. "Do you need anything else?" He caressed your cheek and gazed at you lovingly. "...you."
Vincent was laying on his back, his head propped up by a pillow. His hands on your hips moving along with your own pace. "Oh mon amour..." he groaned, his eyes fluttering shut. "Don't stop." Vincent commanded.
You were riding him as fervently as if it were your first time. The only thing at the forefront of your mind was making him come to make up for the argument. "Baby, baby... slow... slow...".
"I need you Vincent." You said your voice laced with nothing but pure lust. "I know, I know sunshine, just keep going and you get your prize." You whined as he thrust up into you clearly losing himself in you rythmic movements. Allowing him to breathe for a moment you stopped your movement and immediately slammed yourself down on him, chasing your own high.
"Good... g-god" he breathed out. Your faster movement made you both come in no time. You collapsed onto his chest. You both were heaving and trying to regain your composure. He stayed inside of you even after your breathing got slower and calmer.
"Chéri?" He asked after a short while but you just nuzzled your face into his chest refusing to move. He chuckled lightly and decided on letting you stay on top of him a moment longer. Not long after that you drifted to off to sleep.
You woke up dreading having to get up but when you regained your sentience you already were dressed in clean clothes and being cuddled by Vincent. You sighed contently and got embraced by Morpheus once more. How grateful you were to have him.
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿____ masterlist
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hwathinker · 3 months
"you like that, eh? aw, don't cry. shut your fucking mouth and take this cock like a good girl you are."
oh that?? well.. here's the thing. at the start of your relationship with seonghwa years ago, he has always remind you that if you feel uncomfortable whenever you have sex, you should always tell him about it. you've always keep that in mind until you finally grew comfy with him. and now.. what did you do? you fucked up, messed with him by teasing him with;
"hmm.. i think im still not comfy with the size." "im okay, i can take your cock" "wait no! i think it doesn't fit." "no, i think it does." "ahh shit! it doesn't!"
he started to lose temper, his dick pressing hard against his sweats as if he's not impatient to fill you up. as for you.. you like to tease seonghwa like he's some kind of joke. wearing such a short shorts that your fucking panties goes visible, and that your nipples literally poked out of your hello kitty crop top, also exposing half of your body. so.. thats how you ended up bending over on the bed, face buried into the pillows with the both of your hands being held by him from the back. and his cock.. don't even say it again. he plays your folds with his tip like a fucking tease.
"a-ah.. hwa.. please? let me have some of that dick inside.." you begged, voiced almost muffled by the fabrics. seonghwa chuckled, pressing the head hard to your entrance till it went it a little. only the tip. "oh you gotta be nice for that one. i only gave in earlier because you begged like a good fucking girl. but why do you have to scold how my pace is slow or not? shit makes me insane you know.. these pretty pussy are not good enough to be filled. i need the owner to beg more." seonghwa spanks your already red with hand prints ass, exciting him more by the sound you made. "c'mon princess. don't you have something to say to me?" he once again took the head back out, thrusting in between your wet ass. "mmh.. please just.. please hwa.. need your pretty cock inside me, fill your princess up please..? i swear i'll be good.." you cried, pushing your body against him to feel his dick once more.
seonghwa clicked his tongue, letting go of your hands and helping you roll to your back and facing him. you sighed in tiredness of the position for at least.. an hour? seonghwa aligned his cock at your entrance, holding your hip while the other is sliding his dick in. you arched your back to the feeling. "gosh... your dick 's so fucking good.." you moaned. seonghwa fell on your shoulder, head buried deep into it as he thrusts his hips to yours. he bit your neck, making a small love bruise on it. "oh fuck, you're god damn pretty being filled in like this.. fucking moan like a slut more and i'll cum inside you. you're mine baby." he breathed heavily, mixing them with his moans as your pussy and his cock making filthy sounds that fills in the room.
you moaned, loudly and sweetly in his ear. you knew what you were doing, and of course its on purpose. so he'd fill you up like you wanted him to. "fucking hell, im fucking close baby, please don't stop." he moaned. his hands dug deep into your skin, pace going fast as he's close to cumming. "aah.. so good. good girl hm?" his hips started to grow more slow, your breathes slowing down after coming on each other. seonghwa thrusts in a few more times to ride his high, then pulling it out ad he watches your dripping wet cunt. "god.. your pussy is so fucking pretty like this." he licked his lips, fingers weren't wasting a second to caress your wet folds. he pushed the remain liquids into you with his fingers, basically overstimulating you. "mmh,, can't take it anymore.. sensitive." you said, legs shaking from hours of teasing and a hot sex you just got.
"come on baby, let me take you to the bathroom. a good girl deserves it."
GOD I FINALLY POSTED AFTER A LONGGGGGG FUCKING TIMEEE 😫😫 i missed writing filthy seonghwa drabbles sm bro KSKSSJJSSBD but hey!!!! i found a time to finish this yayy woohoo shai is finally free!!!! 😼😼😼 hope ya'll liked this ass lol the fuck
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ilovechuuy4 · 4 months
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ᰔ୨୧ Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile ୨୧ᰔ
Characters; Chuuya, Fyodor, Dazai, Atsushi
BSD Men and what they would do for Valentines~
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Scenarios˚ ∘ ٭୨୧∘
Atsushi 🐯
→ Atsushi will go out of his way to get you multiple things, chocolate, flowers, stuffed bears/tigers etc. He'd spend million of dollars on you if he had it
It was around Atsushi come back from the ADA workplace as you sat on the couch waiting for your boyfriend, Atsushi, to arrive back. You wanted to do something cute for the 14th of February which is well, Valentine's Day. You sat directly to the left side of the couch, watching a movie until he arrives.
Meanwhile, Atsushi wasn't making his way home but to the energy markets and stores with a thought in mind. He was ready to make your day even better than before. He searches around the markets grabbing a lot of different things. He was going to spend money, money on you he didn't care how much every thing he got was.
As an hour goes by, Atsushi finally ended up at the cash register. His hands full of all types of goodies. A stuffed white tiger that was as large as his forearm, light red and pink roses and another flower variants, and different sweets and chocolates some in those heart boxes, some name branded. With a bright smile and about 100 dollars spend, he walks home seemed pretty proud of himself.
He didn't think of asking you to be his Valentines because well, your his S/O so why did it matter if he asked? He hums softly as he makes it to the apartment, fumbling with the keys of the front door before unlocking it, walking in and shutting the door with his foot. "Mhm, my precious baby? I'm home." He hums softly putting every thing on the counter.
You perk up and bit, standing up from the couch and skittering over to him. "Mmh, hi my love." You murmurs out hugging Atsushi. "Hey, will you uh- be my valentine?" Atsushi says with a soft smile. You smile back, kissing his cheek softly. "Of course, why wouldn't I not?" You say with a cheeky grin taking the stuffed tiger out the bag.
"Hey this looks like you, silly." You said with a chuckle. Atsushis arms wrapped around you, his face slightly buried in the crook of your neck. "Yes because I want you to think of me every time you see it, happy Valentine's baby.." He says with a laugh.
Chuuya 🍷
→ Chuuya, like Atsushi, goes all out but with the amount of money he has he definitely goes above and beyond, flower petals, candle lit house, fancy gourmet dinner cooked by yours truly and you can't forget the wine that will be neatly set on the table.
It was the time just half passed 6pm and you were on your way back to the home your boyfriend owned. The sun was already slowly setting the hues of the color filled sky shining I to the small puddles on the ground. The weather wasn't the best today but it was all fine if you get to spend the say with your boyfriend.
You take out your keys from your bag, carefully unlocking the door to the large apartment or well penthouse. Once you walk in you see your boyfriend, Chuuya, in some pants and apron, no shirt and lied was he attractive. "Oh, hey doll your back? How was work, hmm?" The ginger said with a smirk, his pearly whites showing off.
"Oh it was same old same old, what are you cooking?" You hum, letting down your H/C hair from the short/long ponytail you had to have up for work. "It's just something simple, steak with peppercorn sauce, that sound good darlin'?" He hummed out, the food looked delicious this wasnt just "something simple" you knew chuuya loves to go all out when it's days like this.
"Yea, something simple?" You said with a mock smile as you watched him cut up the freshly cooked steak that was medium rare(or well done) and then placed them on the plate along with Cajun potatoes and spicy slaw the steak topped with the peppercorn sauce. "I hope you're hungry because I made this special just for you." He said, cringing a bit at his own words as he slips it onto the dinning table.
You make your way to the dinning table and sit down, you watched as Chuuya poured y'all both a glass of wine. "Go ahead, dig in doll I'm not judgin'." The orange haired male said with a shit eating yet cheeky grin as he started to eat his own food. You had to admit, the presentation was amazing as you picked your fork up and began eat, Lord was it amazing it tasted as if you were at a 5 star restaurant reservation.
Y'all soon had finished eating, Chuuya stands and gently slips the glasses and plates along with the utensils into the sink before coming back to the table. "C'mere I wanna love up on you." He said gently patting his thigh, what was he some weirdo trying to get a cat to come? Either way it worked. You stood up and reluctantly slipped onto his lap. He left out a soft groan as he feels your entire body sink onto him, he loved it, he basically worships your body.
"Yea, this is nice." He mutters his arms around your waist and his face buried in total he crook of your neck, placing soft messy kisses on the nape of your neck. "Mmh? Yea a bet it is." You tease, running your nails through his messy orange hair massaging his scalp. "Yea, it really is. I love you doll, Happy Valentine's Day." He murmurs gently biting down on your neck.
→ Fyodor innitonally thought valentines day was just a cringe and corny day but now that he has you he spoils you the best he can~
You and Fyodor have been dating for almost a year and a half and for that year y'all haven't really celebrated Valentine's Day not because y'all hate it just because you both don't know what to do for one another. But obviously today was different for Fyodor he wanted to make this a good Valentine's Day for the both of you.
He saw one of those videos of someone making paper roses out of book paves and took it upon himself to make at least a bouquet of these paper flowers. He started it when he was free from work and you were off with friends. He was on the very last flower, his slender fingers trembling softly as he taped and glued each one together.
Once finally finished he put them in a paper wrapping some were painted a soft purple and others were just the paper color. He only has a few different chocolates, he wasnt 100% sure what to get you since this was his first time buying Valentine's things for a S/O. He had also worked on a hand written note that was a bit cringy but his heart was put into everything and that's what mattered.
You shortly arrive home as he finished up, he stood up quickly grabbing the things and walked to greet you. "My myshka your home? How was your day out?" His thick Russian voice seeped into your ears making you smile as you took off your coat and shoes 'nd putting them in their desired places before going over to hug your boyfriend.
"It was alright they all had their boyfriends/girlfriends around so they left pretty early." You said with a slight smile. "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't their, maybe I should just come next time?" He said with a slightly closed mouth smile. "No it's alright Fedya don't worry about it too much."
"No I will come next time it's just I was busy making this stuff for you." He said taking the paper roses, the note and a few box's of chocolates off the kitchen counter. "It's not too much but it's the best thing I could have thought of, I hope you like it my love." He said kissing your hair.
You smile softly as you read the note, you could tell he put a lot of time in this entire thing, the paper roses, the note and just going out to get the chocolates. "Awe, thank you Fedya..i really appreciate it." You said as the slight smile faded into a bigger one.
"You're very much welcome, you're my everything and I wanted to try this Valentine's Day thing out with you at least once. Happy Valentine's Day my myshka." He hums before putting a slow, tender kiss onto your lips.
→ Dazai is NOT like the others in this one bro his broke ass can't afford any of that he's bringing you to the goddamn cheesecake Factory ୨୧
When Dazai arrived home he said he wanted to bring you somewheres as he seemed to be in a rush, he told you to get ready nothing to fancy though. So that's exactly what you did you dressed in something slightly casual not too causal though and then helped Dazai fix up his bandages before y'all headed out.
It was about a 30 minute walk from yalls apartment to the place and ones you saw what it was you smile softly, the cheesecake factory. You love the effort he's put into all of Valentine's Day for the both of y'all. "The cheesecake Factory? Mmh thank you 'Samu." You said with a smile.
"Of course babe~ Let's go let's go inside now sweet cheeks." He said with a smile, he was definitely feeling all giddy as he gently tapped your ss to get you to go inside. Once inside the waiter greeted y'all, you assumed Dazai made the reservation prior or when you didn't know because how else would y'all get in so easily? Once sat in the back of the restaurant y'all ordered the drinks the two of you preferred.
Dazai hums softly his hand gently rubbing your thigh as y'all looked through the menu, Dazai ended up getting the warm crab dip as an appetizer for the both of you. "Dazai, my love, when did you make the reservation? I didn't see you make it any this week?" You said, cocking an eyebrow. "I did it some time, that's for me to know not you babe.~" He said with a cheeky grin as the appetizer came out.
The lighting of the place was warm and calming as you 'nd Dazai spoke about what food y'all should order, he told you to get what you wanted and he wouldn't hold you back which was pretty weird but oh well? Soon the waiter came back to take your orders. You ended up just ordering the filet Mignon with the green beans and mashed potatoes. While Dazai got the Cajun jambalaya pasta.
Y'all didn't wait too too long until the food arrived and y'all started to eat. The food was good it wasn't five star but it was a good 4.5. Y'all finished eating about 20 minutes later and y'all were completely full but Dazai had one last thing. The waiter came back once more and placed down a cheesecake that was to go.
You looked at it, reading the strawberry glaze that was made into words "Happy Valentine's Babe" is what is read, you smile softly as you feel Dazai's hand still rubbing your thigh. "Alright let's go home?" He asked with a cheeky grin as he stood up, leaving the right amount of cash on the table for a tip.
Once y'all leave, the cheesecake in a bag y'all walk down the sidewalk back to the apartment. You unlock the door and walk inside, the brunette placing the cheesecake on the dinning room table. "That was a nice date, my love." You say with a closed mouth smile.
"Mmh? Was it sweet cheeks? Well I'm glad you liked it." He said, he was so cocky but you still loved him. His slender arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in. "But I bet their cheesecake isn't as sweet as you~" He said as he quickly pressed his lips against yours, his tongue slipping passed your lips. "Mmh, happy Valentine's Day Babe~" He muttered against your lips.
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intimacyequalsdeath · 8 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 10: Johnny Slaughter. (Pumpkin Spice)
Double digit days baby! Not much to say at the start of this other then my broken record speech so I hope you enjoy! <3
Notes: Minors DNI, Smut, Nsfw, No pronouns or descriptions of reader used, Only "you". Johnny would totally call you "Bunny".
I've only had it for maybe two weeks and I already play this game too goddamn much.
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You had done it now, you had really fucking done it this time. You knew Johnny was going to be mad when he caught up to you, and by god you knew he was going to catch up with you.
The family had brought in a group of college kids, pretty routine shit, except this time you had be in charge of tying them down in the basement. Something or another happened and they ended up escaping.
Now Bubba had been able to round them up along with Sissy and Nubbins before they escaped the house. But you knew when Johnny caught wind of your lack to tie them down properly, you were done for.
So because you apparently loved to make matters worse for yourself, as soon as you heard Johnny enter the house and the door slam behind him, you made a run for it.
Once a would be victim of the family yourself who had countless escape attempts, you knew the Sawyer land like the back of your hand so you took off into the thick sunflower fields behind the house heading towards the slaughterhouse.
You could hear the heavy footfalls of the Sawyer that had both saved your life and declared that you were now his in front of the entire family. That was the only thing that had saved you from ending up like the rest of the group you had rolled in with.
Johnny was on you now, He grabbed the back of your shirt and brought you to the ground. His hand pressing the side of your head against the dirt as your ass ended up situated against the crotch of his pants.
"Well well well, What the fuck do we have here" Johnny spit at you, oh yeah he was totally mad.
"Johnny I'm sorry!" You yelled trying to smooth things over with him.
"The only thing I can't figure out is why you ran?" He said ignoring your apology.
"You know damn well I'm the best tracker and hunter in this family but you still fuckin ran, you KNEW I would find you but you still did it" He paused running the knife he always carried down the inside of your thigh you shivered at his action and he laughed.
"The more I think about it, the more I'm led to believe that this is exactly what you wanted. You wanted me to hunt you down, you wanted me to find you and give you a reminder of just who the fuck I am to you" The knife dug into your thigh and you could feel it slicing the fabric of your shorts.
Johnny removed the hand from your head to grip the fabric that used to be shorts and rip them off your bottom half. You knew well enough to not move your head from the dirt even if his hand wasn't there anymore. The dirt scratching against your cheek didn't even bother you anymore.
"So now darlin' I'm gonna show you exactly who the fuck I am to you"
All at once you were full, The one thing you had never quite gotten used to was the size of Johnny's cock. It stretched you and filled you more so then you had even been before. None of your old partners could ever hold a candle.
You blinked away the tears in your eyes has Johnny began to thrust, not even giving you time to adjust to his size before his hips starting snapping against yours.
"Bad bunnies don't get time to compose themselves" He had told you one time when he had bent you over the hood of his truck for mouthing on.
"Johnny" You kicked yourself when his name came out in no more then a whine.
"Shut the fuck up Bunny" His hand slammed into side of your head, holding it in place once more.
His thrusts sped up, each one filling you up and then as fast as you were full the fullness would disappear and you were left longing for it once more.
Johnny's finger gripped your hair, bringing your head up off the ground in his grip as he used this to get a better angle. He pushed himself deeper into you but his thrusts were still at the same speed.
The only noise besides screams coming out of you was his name. It reminded you of one of the cult chants Sissy had shown you when she returned the house from out west.
Your walls clenched as you came. Johnny didn't cum though, he never did the first time you came. So you knew you were in for the overstimulation of a lifetime.
Through your sensitivity, the thrusts continued. Every sweet spot inside you now even more sweet when Johnny's girth would brush up against it.
"Johnny please" You didn't realize you were crying until you spoke.
"Awe, what's wrong Bunny?, Is daddy too much for you?"
You swore you could feel each vein on his cock brush against a new part of you as it slipped into you. The thrusts were a lot smoother now that you had cum and lubed Johnny up. You could feel it dripping down in between the two of you making your thighs sticky.
Johnny gave a few grunts and let you know he was ready to give it to you.
"Johnny not insi-" You whined but it was too late.
The hot white ropes of his seed splashed into you, coating your insides with their warmness. You whined but reveled in the feeling.
"Sorry Bunny, Daddy doesn't cum anywhere but inside you know that." You nodded pathetically feeling like a scorned child.
He reached down between your legs and grabbed you where his cock had just been.
'because this is daddy's ain't that right?" Another nod.
"And if it's daddy's then that means daddy gets to cum in it no matter fuckin what" He growled into your ear as he leaned down pressing his chest into your back before gathering you in his arms and picking you up.
"Now that, that's over with you can go back to the house and get your punishment for runnin'" Your head snapped up to look him in the eye.
"B-but daddy wasn't that ?" You trailed off, He fixed you with a look.
"No bunny, fuckin' wasn't your punishment, fuckin you was just a reminder of who you belong to and who you should obey"
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mcflymemes · 29 days
PROMPTS FROM THE SOPRANOS *  assorted dialogue from the television show, adjust as necessary
i find i have to be the sad clown: laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.
i went ahead and ordered some for the table.
when you're married, you'll understand the importance of fresh produce.
we've got guns here.
he just told you to shut the fuck up.
the things i take pleasure in, i can't do.
don't you ever say you hate life.
oh, poor you!
so what, no fucking ziti now?
you want compromise? how's this?
i'll keep this short and sweet.
you're weak. you're outta control. and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else.
sometimes it's important to give people the illusion of being in control.
are you in the mafia?
tomorrow i can be on time, but you'll be stupid forever.
let me tell you a couple of three things.
you're not gonna believe this.
a wrong decision is better than indecision.
i'm like king midas in reverse here. everything i touch turns to shit.
if you can quote the rules, then you can obey them.
we're soldiers. soldiers don't go to hell. it's war. soldiers kill other soldiers.
we're in a situation where everyone involved knows the stakes and if you are going to accept those stakes, you've got to do certain things.
there's an old italian saying: you fuck up once, you lose two teeth.
someday soon, you're gonna have families of your own and if you're lucky, you'll remember the little moments like this that were good.
hey, i don't even let anyone wag their finger in my face.
it's good to be in something from the ground floor.
those who want respect give respect.
is this a woman thing? you ask me how i'm feeling, i tell you how i'm feeling, and now you're going to torture me with it.
lately, i'm getting the feeling that i came in at the end. the best is over.
my father was in it. my uncle was in it.
maybe i was too lazy to think for myself.
buy land, 'cause god ain't making any more of it.
i don't care how close you are. in the end, your friends are gonna let you down.
family... they're the only ones you can depend on.
take your hat off.
teddy roosevelt once gave an entire speech with a bullet lodged in his chest. some things are just a matter of duty.
some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they're leading.
sometimes we're all hypocrites.
other people's definitions of you, sometimes they're more about making themselves feel better. you gotta define yourself.
people only see what you allow them to see.
death just shows the ultimate absurdity of life.
you know when i was depressed i said i didn't want to live? well, i'll tell you something. i didn't want to die.
that's why dinosaurs don't exist no more.
don't touch that! my program's coming on.
i wish the lord would take me now.
our existence on this earth is a puzzle.
i'm getting my wine in position to throw in your damn face.
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808airsoftbros · 2 months
Yujin's Wake Up Call
Author: This is a simple short story nothing too special and something that came to my mind that I want to write. If you want to see more of my stories check out my Masterlist.
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Author's POV
It was another busy day at Starship, the IVE girls recently returned from their world tour and they were indeed exhausted after travelling the world for the past several months.
Yujin especially was tired along with the girls but she was disheartened when she heard that they would be visiting a patient with cancer as part of the wish foundation.
"Can you girls go for me? I'm too tired," Yujin asked and Gaeul rolled her eyes.
"Are you serious, Yujin? I get that you're tired from travelling the world but our manager says will be getting a whole month break afterward and we can do whatever we want from there," Gaeul pointed out and Yujin groaned.
"Yeah, and also our fans mean alot to us, and what about you?" Rei asked and Yujin scoffed.
"What are you on about? I'm only being nice because I have to and I hate that I have to be fake!" Yujin complained and Gaeul shook her head in disappointment.
Sadly, Yujin can be lazy at times, she'd be often caught slacking in dance practices when off camera, and you can bet every dollar that she tried every excuse you could think of to get out of her work.
This would annoy her members especially Gaeul and they'd always be fighting and arguing with one another.
"Yujin, do not start this shit again... We've been over this how many God damn times already?! When are you ever going to change?!" Gaeul angrily asked and Yujin rolled her eyes.
"When management doesn't constantly make us work to death," She answered spitefully.
"Well, if you do not behave, Ms. An Yujin, you will be one sorry woman, do you hear me?" Gaeul coldly warned but Yujin shrugged it off.
Because of how she always tends to act, the crew and management, and even her own members don't like nor respect her, but she doesn't seem to care.
Yujin also tends to have bad habits of drinking and smoking too much and Gaeul always catches her vaping when she's not supposed to.
Wonyoung and Yujin's friendship began deteriorating as she was fed up with her antics and was disheartened to see her friend changing for the worse.
One quiet night, Yujin snuck out of the dorm without waking up the girls and sat on a bench to smoke and drink.
It was quite foggy and there were hardly any noises to be heard besides the slight sounds of the breeze which was perfect for her.
"Perfect. No one to bother me," Yujin muttered as she takes a sip of soju.
"Excuse me," She heard a feminine voice asked and she turned to see a unfamiliar woman.
Yujin jumped in surprise as she didn't notice the woman approaching her.
"W-what do you want?" She nervously asked.
"Oh, sorry for startling you, it's quite a foggy night is it?" She kindly asked.
"I guess you can say that..." Yujin muttered to her and took a puff from her pod.
"Shouldn't idols be limiting how much they drink and smoke?" The woman asked as she sat down next to her.
"Why is it your business?" She snarled and the woman frowned.
Seeing Yujin's attitude, the woman just stared at her intently and then gave her a cold demeanor.
"I'll tell you why you're here... It's because you're lazy, useless, and a pathetic excuse of an idol," The woman coldly said and Yujin was taken aback.
"Who the fuck are you to judge me?! I can't help but get overwhelmed sometimes! Maybe if you were an idol then you'd understand!" Yujin retorts and the woman shook her head.
"Tsk. Overwhelmed? Only because you just have to visit a special patient? Is that your only excuse? As someone who has a chronic heart condition, you disgust me," The woman angrily replied and Yujin was now lost for words trying to come up with the words.
"I-" She was about to say but was cut off.
"Shut it! Did you know I was once an idol like you? I couldn't practice or sing on some days but I still give it my all! Unlike you, who has a management who at least cares for you and would get you the help you need... My management never cared for me, if they don't see me as efficient... Poof, they will simply get rid of me like I'm sort of a piece of garbage meant to be disposed of," The woman explained her story and Yujin gulped in fear.
"Every day I have to work through excruciating pain! The only person who ever cared for me was the custodian who works here, and I have to keep working no matter what just to survive, and here I see a spoiled rotten you always coming up with excuses just to get out of work! You leave me speechless... Do you have any idea how lucky you are?" The woman coldly asked with a tear shedding from her eye and Yujin tried to shrug off the feeling of guilt but no matter how hard she tried... It lingered inside of her but she refused to show it.
"There are many other idols left forgotten in the winds of time and talents wasted, they would give anything to be in your position yet you couldn't care less... It's pitiful," She finished and Yujin was boiling deep inside.
"And who the hell are you?!" Yujin asked her and the woman grinned.
"Consider me your wake up call, An Yujin, I hope one day you realize the error of your ways... Goodnight," The woman bid goodbye and got up from the bench.
Yujin watched as the mysterious woman walked into the fog and vanished out of sight.
After that, Yujin was left angry and confused, she wondered who the woman was as she had never met or heard of her. She quickly concludes her drinking and smoking session and goes back inside the building.
When she got into the corridor she finds the janitor Jake sweep mopping the floor.
"Hey, Jake!" Yujin called out and he paused.
"Yes?" Jake replied and Yujin sighs.
"Do you happen to know a woman who was an idol here? She claims to have a heart condition but... I don't know she's making it up or not to trick me into making me feel bad," She asked and Jake frowned before looking down.
Jake goes into his pocket pulling out a picture of the very same woman that Yujin encountered earlier and her eyes widened in surprise.
"Is this the woman you're referring to?" Jake asked as he showed the photo.
"Y-yes, that's her alright, who is she?" She curiously asked and he deeply sighed.
"Her name is Jennifer Jung, she was once a trainee here, she was also the sister of Jessica and Krystal Jung, but she had a severe and chronic heart condition... I tried my best to help her when management wasn't looking but it wasn't enough, she perished five months into her training," He explained the story and sighed once more.
Yujin froze in terror and shivers were sent down her spine as she could hardly believe that she was talking to the spirit of Jennifer this whole time.
She didn't know what to make of it but Jake didn't see her as a crazy person and he already figured she saw Jennifer. Yujin returns to her dorm and Jake continues his janitorial duties.
After that night, Yujin was a changed woman much to everyone's surprise, she eventually quit smoking and stopped drinking as much, although she mostly kept to herself, she stopped complaining and followed their schedules.
Yujin and the girls visited the hospital patient without issues or trouble much to management's delight and they were happy they were able to deliver someone's last dying wish.
Sometimes Yujin felt the urge to return to her old habits but refused and kept going no matter what. Yujin would never forget that encounter that night.
She never saw Jennifer again but on some foggy nights, she felt her presence was near but never again would she take anything for granted.
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championashley · 6 months
Alright. I said I would write this and I’m gonna stay true to my word.
I’ve been seeing a lot of takes since The Giggle has come out questioning the potency of 14’s ending. People have been citing multiple different times during the reboot era where the Doctor has “settled down” somewhere, from Darillium, the university in S10, to even Trenzalore. However, I think all of these comparisons are apples to oranges, completely missing the details of each instance and how The Giggle’s ending rebukes all of them. 
So, because I cannot leave an inaccurate take alone, I’m going through every single one of these instances and explain why 14’s ending is different from them, in chronological order.
I’m gonna start with a weird one: S7EP4, The Power of Three. Because it provides a good example of all the things we’re going to be talking about. 
Prior to this episode, long time fans already had a good idea that the Doctor…does not do well in monotonous environments, a truth that is consistent across multiple incarnations.
“I don’t do families.”
“Street corner, two in the morning, getting a taxi home. I’ve never had a life like that.”
“Here you are, Living a life, day after day. The one adventure I could never have.”
“Christmas dinner.” “I don’t do that sort of thing.”
“Oh god I had a terrible nightmare about you two!” [Talking about Amy and Rory having a normal life in Leadworth]
The entirety of The Lodger
“There’s a bigger, scarier adventure waiting for you in there.”
The Power of Three, spells this truth out in bold, montage style marker pen. The Doctor “needs to be busy”. Why, as Amy later asks?
Personally I think this answer varies slightly between regenerations, based on experiences and losses each face goes through. 9 couldn’t imagine a life of peace coming out of a war, a war that he had a major hand in. 10 continues that idea, with the added baggage of losing Rose. 11’s reasoning is a bit subtler: he says to Amy that he is running to things before they go, as if he now understands how short beautiful things last. He’s going from one thing to the next in avoidance of staying to watch things die. 
“And what’s the alternative? Me standing over your grave?”
This doesn’t change by the end of the episode. The Doctor explicitly tells the Ponds that he’s only staying to watch the cubes, and once the threat is gone, he’s already out the door. He only stops because of a potential threat, an idea we will return to in the next example. He even accepts the idea of Amy and Rory wanting to stay behind: “things to do. Worlds to save. Swings to swing on. Look, I know. You both have lives here. beautiful, messy lives. That is what makes you so fabulously human. You don’t want to give them up. I understand.” The Doctor is saying, ‘I know you have lives here, and that I can’t always be a part of that. And that’s ok.’ 
This episode in my opinion is a perfect microcosm of The Doctor regarding this topic, spelling out explicitly why The Doctor can't ever settle down. The Doctor needs to have something to run to because they don't feel secure enough in any place to not allow their altruism outweigh their need to process their trauma. The only thing that could motivate the Doctor to stop, even just for a second, is the promise that their friend(s) will be there too. The next example is the worst-case scenario of this issue.
Trenzalore is an interesting case. When I first heard of it being counted, I immediately shut it down, because Trenzalore was a literal war zone (wars are obviously not a good place for mental health time). But in doing research, there is actually way more baggage contained in this period making it unsuitable for this argument than just that fact. 
Trenzalore was set up to be the Doctor’s final resting place, where they would truly die. It wasn’t the first time a death prophecy had surrounded the Time Lord, and once again, just as with The End of Time, the thing that kills them is, what Davros would later call The Doctor's “greatest indulgence”: compassion. Tasha Leem warns 11 that she will burn the planet upon the possibility of the Time Lords returning, a warning the Doctor takes extremely seriously.
“This planet is protected.”
“Christmas has a new sheriff.”
For 300 years, 11 stayed true to his word. He fought long and hard, for the townspeople and his own. He was celebrated and was loved. But Clara returning with the TARDIS revealed how he really felt about all of it. 
“Everyone gets stuck somewhere eventually.”
“But you didn’t have your TARDIS.” “Well, that made it easier to stay.” 
There’s an unspoken sentiment in these words, echoing 11's philosophy in Power of Three: the Doctor will always want to leave, in this case, to understandably avoid his prophesied death. But he doesn’t, because “Every life I save is a victory”. Their compulsion to help, their innate capacity to help those in need. So often it’s been their greatest strength, but here it’s framed as destructive selflessness. 11 has become so wholly committed to helping others before himself that he’s willing to accept his own death. 
Clara correctly calls this out: “What about your life? Just for once, After all this time, have you not earned the right to think about that?” The Doctor didn’t stay on Trenzalore for himself, he stayed for everyone besides himself. It’s only because Clara gave the Time Lords a proper verbal smackdown that the Doctor managed to survive. Had they not intervened, The Doctor would've suffered and died, once again to protect them, despite already saving them from annihilation in the previous episode, Day of The Doctor. Trenzalore wasn't The Doctor stopping, it was a century-long effort to keep satiating the bottomless survivor's guilt they still carried from The Time War.
Darillium is yet another case of looking like a time the Doctor settled down somewhere on the surface. But the details don’t match that conclusion. The entire thesis of 12 and River’s final conversation was about the fleeting nature of their situation. 
“Times end, River, because they have to. Because there’s no such thing as happily ever after. It’s just a lie we tell ourselves because the truth is so hard.”
The Doctor says this, cries at hearing the Singing Towers, despite already knowing they have 24 years in a night. Because he knows it can’t last. There’s already a deadline on their moment of peace before it’s begun. Eventually River must go to The Library. 
The final quote of the episode punctuates this: “And they lived happily ever after.” Fading away until “happily” remains. Because they didn’t have their “ever after” and they didn’t “live”, because a person can’t entirely experience life to the fullest with a clock hanging over their head. 
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While they got their moment of happiness, it was only a moment. 24 years is just a blink of an eye for a Time Lord, and sure enough, we see by the end of “The Return of Doctor Mysterio”, the next chronological episode, 12 is ready to leap back into the fray. Still the same overall Doctor he was before.
The University is an extension of this. We find out that the only reason he has stayed is to guard Missy in the vault. When 12 tries to mindwipe Bill (an eerie parallel to both Donna and Clara), he directly says: “I have no choice, I’m in disguise. I have promises to keep.” Just like with Trenzalore, The Doctor’s altruism has trapped him somewhere he doesn’t actually want to be. The second he hesitates, he immediately runs after Bill, inviting her into the TARDIS and sneaks off to the universe behind Nardole’s back.
So, now that we’ve gone through each past instance, what’s the connection? What’s the key issue(s) that prevented the Doctor from permanently stopping in any of these cases?
The (fear of) loss of their friends, and the Doctor’s own self-loathing. Either out of fear of the march of time, or the chains that their altruistic nature binds them to, The Doctor always runs away from the picket fence life.
Now, let’s look at 14 and how this ending departs from all other examples.
Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle more prominently explains 14’s origins as a coping mechanism. The reason why 10’s face came back was to retreat to an incarnation that didn’t invoke the loss of The Ponds, Clara, and Bill. The second destruction of Gallifrey and the reveal of The Timeless Child. The Doctor’s avoidance of their trauma has now been made physical, just like how mental stress can often manifest as physical changes or ailments. 
“We stand here now, on the edge of creation, a creation that I devastated, so yes I keep running, of course I keep running!! How am I supposed to look back on that?!”
Already this is a departure from the instances we’ve discussed, because by the very nature of having 10’s face again, it’s forcing the Doctor to ask why. 
“It’s like I'm trying to tell myself something. Like I’m trying to make a point.”
But 14 chooses not to answer it, because answering it means accepting the truth: it’s too much. The trauma can’t be avoided anymore, because The Doctor would always be reminded of what they’re trying to avoid by looking in a reflection. 14 telling Shirley, “I don’t know who I am anymore.” Then asking Donna, “what am I? What am I now?” It’s not because he’s been given a blank slate and doesn’t know what to do with it, like other regeneration stories. In trying to run away again, to bury the trauma and pain, The Doctor has made it more visible than ever, and doesn’t know what to do with that. 
Ironically, the Toymaker causing the bi-generation was the greatest gift he could’ve given the Doctor, because 15 was exactly who 14 needed to see. He’s happy, energetic, full of life and wonder, but also empathetic, understanding and open. He’s the only other person in the entire universe who The Doctor will listen to (well, one person, we’ll get to the other later), because he knows all of the trauma they went through, and yet, made it through ok.
“But you’re fine.”
“I’m fine, because you fix yourself.”
15 is leading by example, their own ‘ghost of Christmas future’ but positive. 14 now has an ideal self to strive towards, a face born from love and empathy. 14 doesn’t have to ground herself out of moral obligation, 15 will now protect the universe. 
But that leaves one question: why Donna? Out of all of the people to settle down with, why her? That’s easy: because she gets it. 
Donna, out of all of the companions the Doctor traveled with, understood the soul behind the legend, because she recognized someone fundamentally similar to herself. One of Donna’s signature character flaws is her horrendously low self esteem: “I’m nothing special.” no one ever listened to her (thanks Sylvia, for at least cleaning up your act later), so she covered up the silence with noise. She held onto whatever indisputable moments of genius she had to drown out the cacophony of voices shutting her up. Wild Blue Yonder explained this perfectly: Donna believes she is both brilliant and stupid at the same time. 
She lives in two contradictory self images at once, and so does The Doctor. The genius and the idiot. The universe’s most fascinating person, and the person who would easily throw away their life for the betterment of others. She’s seen their blinding arrogance/rage (the Racnoss, Jenny) and their crippling self doubt/loneliness, and always met both with empathy and kindness. 
“Doctor! You can stop now!”
“Cause sometimes I think you need someone to stop you.” 
“It won’t stay like that. She’ll help you. We both will.” 
“Is ‘alright’ special Time Lord code for ‘really not alright’ at all?” “Why?” “Cause I’m alright too.”
Donna shouldered the burden of destroying Pompeii, she silently hugged 10 after coming back from Midnight. All because she knew what all of that would feel like in her own life. She didn’t need to know the history of The Doctor and Davros, because she saw her best friend afraid and knew he would want comfort, because she would too.
Even if Dalek Caan manipulated the timelines to get Donna to him, That friendship was completely real to both of them. We saw what Donna was like without the Doctor in Forest of the Dead and Turn Left, and she always felt some level of unhappiness. 15 years removed from them and she still felt as if something was missing. In every future/reality, she always wanted them there. Same for the Doctor too. Within only a few episodes of losing her, 10 started to fall into becoming the “time lord victorious”. 12 looks the way he does because of Donna’s plea to adhere to his name, and save people. Even before 14 came into existence, the Doctor was willing to tell other people how important she was to them, on account of River recognizing Donna by her name: “you’re Donna, Donna Noble.”
Donna didn’t just travel with the Doctor and she wasn’t just friends with them. She completely understood them, their soulmate. Two halves of a greater whole, The DoctorDonna. 14 stayed because there was a more stable incarnation to take his place, and because his best friend would be there alongside him, helping and supporting him through and through. The Doctor stayed because, for the first time in their life, they felt safe. In where they would be staying, and what they would be leaving behind. 
That's why 15 doubling the TARDIS was so significant. In giving 14 her own TARDIS, 15 is allowing his younger self to have what they always removed from the equation: free will. The Doctor can still go anywhere they want, which makes them even more motivated to stay and fix themself. 14 can feel safe staying with Donna, Wilf, Mel, Rose, Shaun, and Sylvia because the option to travel is still there.
And the truly amazing part of all of this is that the TARDIS knew it from the beginning. Was it a coincidence that very soon after 13 regenerated into 14, the TARDIS landed close to where Donna and Rose would be shopping? 
“You didn’t always take me where I wanted to go.” “No, but I always took you where you needed to go.”
The TARDIS brought the Doctor home, and this time, they stayed. Because it was a place where they wanted and needed to be. 
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pankowperfection · 2 years
Shut Up
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Summary: JJ is pissy all week and you are determined to find out why
Warnings: smut, oral (male & fem receiving), 69, mentions of male masturbation, implied sex, 18+
You weren’t sure what his problem was but JJ had been in a mood all week. His fuse was short, snapping at you and all his friends over things that didn’t even matter. You’d just about had enough, tired of him taking out whatever frustrations he had on you and the rest of the pouges.
Saturday night he stomped his way through the Chateau, heading straight to the spare bedroom and slamming the door without even greeting you, his best friend. You only caught a brief glimpse of his profile before he disappeared but you could see the tension in his jaw and shoulders. Fed up you stood quickly off the couch, making the short distance to his door in no time before throwing it open and shutting it behind you.
You weren’t expecting him to be naked. Definitely weren’t expecting him to be sprawled out on the bed, head thrown back and eyes shut as he jerked his cock hard and fast. You feel frozen like a deer in headlights, wanting to look away or walk away but body not obeying your commands. His stormy blue eyes land on you lurking by the door, anger immediately flashing over his face at being interrupted.
“What the fuck is your problem y/n? Ever heard of knocking? Jesus.” The venom in his voice only makes you angrier, deciding to end this once and for all. You walk over to the bed, towering over him as his hand is still wrapped around his length but no longer moving. “Oh no J. What is YOUR problem? You’ve been the biggest asshole all week, especially to me. Surely your excuse isn’t because you needed to get your dick wet?” You gesture down to his erection, watching it jump when your hand gets near.
“So what if it was? What if I want you so fucking bad that it pisses me off? Makes me crazy when you act like you don’t know or flirt with other guys. What are you gonna do about it? Hmm?” His chest is heaving, face flushed as he finishes yelling, watching your every movement to gauge whether he’s gone too far. Your heart is pounding in your chest, arousal flooding through your system at finally hearing him say it. You almost want to laugh, having spent so many nights touching yourself to the thought of him.
Rather than reply you climb onto the bed between his thighs, smacking away his hand before gently replacing it with your own. He moans at the contact and something inside of you snaps, desperate to please him in any and every way. Leaning down you lick the underside of his shaft from base to tip, his hands fisting into the sheets as you continue to taste him. His hot, hard cock feels so good against your tongue, you can't help but moan. The vibrations make him shiver, propping up on his elbows to watch as you slowly slide him into your mouth. As each inch disappears he loses more control, unable to help the filthy words that fall from his mouth.
"God, you look so pretty with your mouth full of my dick. Love when the only sounds you make are moans and gags over me." This side of JJ is new and you love it, wetness soaking through the thin material of your panties as you start to bob your head up and down. You can hear and feel how messy the head your giving him is, spit coating your hand that's working what your mouth can't handle and dripping down onto his balls. Loud slurps and sucking noises echoing around the small room, mixing with his groans and pleas for you to not stop. "Shit, y/n. Wait, I have an idea. Come sit on my face princess, let me taste you while you suck me off."
Eager to find out whether the rumors are true about his skills with his tongue you pull off of his cock with a pop, ripping off your clothes before hovering over his face. His calloused fingers feel so good sliding up your thighs, cool metal of his rings making you quiver as you lower yourself down onto his waiting mouth. He dives in instantly, devouring you with such ferocity that you forget you're supposed to be pleasuring him too. You bask in the feeling of his tongue expertly massaging your clit, fire burning low in your stomach as your high starts to build. He sets a rhythm that has you falling forward onto his defined abs, desperate to let him work you to your finish. As his tongue fucks into your soaking entrance you slide his cock back into your mouth, twirling your tongue around the tip and making him moan against your pussy.
You push and pull against each other, his hips rocking up into your face as you grind yourself against his nose. He snakes two fingers up your folds, teasing slowly before sinking inside and its all you can do to not cum on the spot. You gently cradle his balls in your hand, massaging as you hollow your cheeks and start to stroke him faster. "Fuck baby, just like that. I'm gonna cum." His cock jumps in your mouth, signalling his release before he paints your tongue white. You greedily keep sucking, determined to drain him completely then lick him clean. So focused on the task at hand your orgasm washes over you with no warning, his cock slipping from between your lips as you scream out his name. He continues to worship your clit with his tongue as the aftershocks roll through your body, legs shaking until he finally stops.
"Shit, that was amazing. You're amazing." He's back to regular JJ now, sweet and funny and eyes no longer hardened. "If I had known sucking your dick would turn your week around I would have done it sooner." He laughs and you can't help but join in, letting him pull you back down and tuck you into his side. You both lay there in comfortable silence for a few minutes, only sound in the room your even breathing. "So," he murmurs, fingers dancing a path down your side to your hip, "want to go for round two? Let me "get my dick wet" or whatever you said earlier?" You grin back at him, trying not to laugh at how he is using your own words against you. Your eyes travel down his toned body to see his cock standing at attention once again, resting against his stomach. "Looks like you need it huh J? Let's go then, fuck me." He rolls over on top of you, smirking as he already knew the answer. "Shut up woman, let me make you feel good."
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imaginesbymonika · 9 months
Buzz cut season.
Summary: Sam looses his hair and his siblings can't help but make jokes about it.
Warnings: humor, siblings being siblings, mentions of violence later on)
Pairings: Sam and Dean Winchester x younger sister! reader, Castiel x Winchester!reader (platonic)
A/N: This fanfiction is based on THIS post made by @myfandomhell <3
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It was a blood-curling scream, that woke Y/N up in the middle of the night. It sounded as if somebody was not only skinned alive but also thrown into the darkest and deepest pits of hell. She pauses and holds her breath while sitting up straight in her bed. Her left hand is moving underneath her pillow where she had placed her gun. Then she waits. And for a moment she almost believes that maybe she has simply imagined it, but when another scream pierces the silence the woman rapidly gets up.
A shiver runs down her spine, while she moves towards the hallway. It's dark and the tiles underneath her bare feet are cold. The youngest Winchester looks left and around, before moving towards her brother's room.
Maybe he heard it as well. "Dean?", she whispers, and peeks into his room only to discover that his bed is empty. She looks around and licks her lips:" Fuck."
A few moments later, she suddenly senses a hand on her shoulder. Y/N quickly spins around and lifts her gun, just to meet eyes with her brother. He holds up his hands:" Hey, easy. It's just me. Are you okay?", his deep voice is one loaded with concern, as his gaze scans her face for any bruises. However, once she nods his features soften almost immediately:" Good."
Y/N opens her mouth to say something in return, but before any words can leave her lips another scream fills the bunker. It echoes through the halls. "Sammy!", Dean shouts and rushes past his sister toward his youngest brother's room. He opens the wooden door and instantly raises his gun when he notices a tall man. He has his back turned to the two siblings, while he stands in the corner of the room. His hands are frantically rubbing over his short hair.
"Who are you and where is my brother?!"
Still, the stranger in Sam's room isn't moving. He seems as if he is staring at himself in the small mirror. "Answer me!" Y/N furrows her eyebrows before she pushes past Dean. "Y/N, what-? No!", he tries to stop her but she only shushes him. The y/h/ced woman moves closer… and closer… her hand slowly moves up to touch the man's shoulder. She turns him around and her eyes widen at the sight in front of her:" Oh my fucking god."
The whole room is silent while Dean and Y/n stare at their brother in pure shock. For a moment, Y/n nearly forgets how to breathe correctly and when she looks over at Dean she gasps:" Oh my god, that's- he's-... I'm...
"Why the fuck are you bald?", is all Dean can ask while he continues to stare at his younger brother. Sam swallows thickly, before once again examining himself in the mirror.
"Will you stop staring at me like that?", Sam who is sitting at the table in the kitchen can feel his sibling's eyes on him.
"Well, I'm sorry, Sammy", Dean replies and walks over to him. He sits down in front of him and makes a few hand gesticulations:" I just have never seen you this...naked." Sam rolls his eyes at his brother's comment:" I still have hair." "Barely."
Y/N chuckles. However, when Sam gives her an aggravated look she clears her throat:" Sorry." "Can I touch it?" "No, Dean., Sam shuts his laptop and stands up:" You can't touch it. And by the way, could you two stop acting like this is some kind of joke and maybe help me find out why I lost my hair in the first place?"
His sister brings her coffee mug up to her mouth:" Well, perhaps you're just getting old." Sam blinks and tilts his head:" I'm 36." "Yeah, I know. But remember Bobby said that he began to lose his hair around the time he was 25.", She explains and out of the corner of his eye she notices that Dean is hiding his smirk behind his own mug. Sam simply shakes his head, before walking out of the room. Defeated:" Shut up."
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bellascool · 1 year
Hey! An enemies to lovers with gavi?
thanks for requesting bae 💕
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request on my profile
posted : 14/02/23 (European date)
He hates you so why does he keeps stopping you from fucking other guys?
WARNINGS : cussing, slightly sexual content (smut)
"Can't you just shut the fuck up for once?" Pablo said to you as you were talking to your friend Pedri
"Mind your own damn business Gavira, I'm talking to my friend" you replied back giving him a death stare which caused him to loudly sigh
You and Pablo actually hated each other. It started in high school when that bitch always made fun of you for the slightest reason.
At first you didn't pay attention but then, it became really annoying having to listen to him judge you all day.
"Y/n are you listening to me?" Pedri asked next to you
"Oh uh no sorry I was thinking of something else" you apologized
"Of course she didn't listen, she never does" the golden boy said next to you
"Shut up no one asked" you replied with the same attitude
"I asked if you wanted to come to my friend's party tonight?" Pedri asked smiling
"Oh sure, I mean I really need to chill out if you know what I mean" you playfully said as you both laughed, Pablo didn't say anything this time which was weird
"Nice, now I have to be seen with a bitch who just wants to be fucked all night by some random dudes" he finally said making you mad
"Oh my god! Can't you just shut the fuck up for once, like LITERALLY. I fuck who I want you ain't my dad" you almost yelled before getting up and leaving the backyard still angry
He definitely crossed the line.
You put on your red dress who revealed your perfect curves, it was short but still comfortable enough to wear it. You did your makeup and put on some red lipstick, wanted to look as slutty as possible just to make Pablo mad.
After finishing your makeup and putting on your heels, you grabbed your purse and went outside where Pedri and Pablo were waiting for you, parked in front of your apartment.
You hopped in the back and kissed Pedri's cheek, leaving a lipstick mark.
"Thanks for inviting me again!" you said while doing a little dance
"You're so embarrassing" the young boy said making Pedri laugh while he drove to the place
"Shut up or I'll kiss you everywhere so you have lipstick marks" you jokingly threatened
"Do it and you'll never be able to see the light again" he threatened back with a smirk
"Bet." you were about to kiss his cheek but Pedri had to interrupt
"I'm sorry to interrupt but we're there" he said while getting out of the car followed by you and the other bitch
It was a big ass luxury mansion, you could hear people laughing and music from there.
"I'm going to meet my people, I just know it!" you said before entering the mansion while dancing with your shoulders
You immediately went to the kitchen to grab a drink but bumped into someone who spilled some of their drink on your covered chest
"Gosh I'm so sorry I didn't see you!" it was a tall man, he was really good looking, dark skinned, tall, perfect face features "please let me help you dry yourself" he apologized again
"It's fine, I should've looked where I was walking. I'm Y/n by the way" you said with a smile which he returned
"I'm Jude, nice to meet you" he had a british accent  which made you go crazy down here
He finally took your hand and went to a door next to the living room. It was the bathroom.
"Sit on the sink while I help you dry your pretty dress" he said with a smirk, you could already feel your panties get soaked while you did what he asked
"By the way I like your ring" you randomly said, cursing yourself for being so embarrassing
"Thanks beautiful" he replied back after grabbing a little towel and getting in front of you, gently pulling your legs apart so he can stand between them
Your breath was heavier and you could feel a tension when he started to slowly dry your skin, his eyes looked in your covered chest.
You didn't even notice you both leaning in but as you were about to kiss, the door swung open, making you stop what you started.
"I can't believe it! While Pedri and I were searching everywhere for you, you were getting fucked in the bathroom!" you recognized Pablo's voice and it made you 100 times angrier
You stood up, grabbed Jude's hand and walked past him, not giving a single look in his direction.
"I fuck who I want!" you yelled before going to the kitchen with your new friend "I'm sorry about him, he's always like that" you apologized
"It's fine, he's probably just protective" the man said behind you
You grabbed drinks for both of you as you started a deep conversation, feeling a gaze on your back.
Minutes passed and many, many drinks were consumed, everything was fine until Jude suddenly sighed
"y/n, you're a beautiful person like really but I don't think that I should be the one talking with you right now" he said before pointing Pablo who looked at you with a strange look.
It was a mix of anger, sadness and jealousy?
Nah you're crazy y/n, you thought to yourself.
I mean, he's Pablo Gavi, THE Pablo Gavi who absolutely hates you.
You turned to Jude and smiled a little before wrapping your arms around his neck while his found a way around your waist.
You finally pulled off and he left not before saying goodbye.
Man, you really loved talking to him and now you were all alone.
Not knowing what else to do, you poured yourself a drink, then a second, a third and-
Oh well you didn't even count anymore, all you knew was that you were drunk as fuck.
You started dancing with random people before bumping into a chest.
"Oh no not again" you mumbled as you tried to go away but stopped when you recognized the scent of the person you hated
"Y/n, there you are" he said grabbing firmly your waist
He looked as drunk as you were but you didn't care.
You both smiled to each other as you bounced your hips to the beat.
Pablo squeezed your hips, pulling you closer to him so your bodies were now glued.
Your arms around his neck, you gently put your head on his shoulder, still dancing.
"You look pretty y'know" he started with a smirk making you look at him
"You think so?" you asked with the same tone
"Your dress fits you perfectly but.." he marked a pause to slowly lick his lips, you could already feel yourself getting wet "you'd look even prettier without" he whispered in your ear making you shiver
"You should see to know" you whispered back
He didn't even hesitate to press his lips against yours, ruining your lipstick as his tongue found a way to meet yours.
The kiss was heated and soon enough, you felt something poke your lower stomach.
You broke the kiss, smirking as you took his hand and went outside.
The fresh air hit your face, helping you sober up but you still didn't regret kissing him.
You both stopped and you quickly ordered an uber since you weren't in the state to drive.
You leaned against the wall, still holding hands.
"Did you mean it?" you asked, turning your head to see him as he did the same
"Mean what?"
"All the messed up things you said to me" your question made him sigh as he looked down
"Y'know, I never meant anything, I guess I was just too scared to admit that I loved someone" he said not proud of himself
"You love me?" you asked confused
"How can I not love you?" he looked deep into your eyes
You smiled and leaned over to connect your lips but broke it before it could become heated.
Your uber arrived and you both hoped in the back of the car.
His hand was on your thigh and his pinky finger kept stroking it, slowly going upward.
As soon as you closed the door of your apartment, he pinned you on the wall, pressing his wet lips against yours as you put your arms around his neck.
His hands found a way to your hips, giving them a squeeze, making you jump and wrap your legs around his waist.
He didn't wast any time and went to your room, closing the door with his foot.
If anyone told you 2 days ago that you would be making out with your enemy, you would have laughed in their face.
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telltale-heart173 · 4 months
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I want you to know I have SO MUCH lore for this oc Ive been cooking up so i'm gonna paste what I was telling my friend on the discord here and if some poor soul reads it all they bear the curse of knowledge and binding
I wanted to make them interesting not just lore wise but gameplay wise so it would make sense and work if they were actually ingame [applause
bold claim to assume my little guy is an employee and not a punishment to people who sit on the terminal the entire fucking game because my little guy is actually a little virus that will fucking kill you if youre on the monitor for TOO FUCKING LONG (/j i'm the person who stays behind a lot) meaning as the one who stays behind its an extra threat thats not just "oh watch for dogs past 6pm and the occasional mask" and it makes it more challenging also they dont kill you instantly the first sign would be like a light breaking in the ship and youd have to fix it meaning it takes your attention away from your crewmates meaning you need to be sparse with your usage of the terminal and the longer you sit on it the more the ship breaks and you need to fix things and if you reach 3 "ship problems" (aka letting it roll over and not fixing it) it's them drawing power from the ship to become physical and once they have enough power they reach out and fucking KILL your ass and theyd function just like a masked in the way they'd linger in the ship and hide until the crew gets back wondering why their guy wasnt responding to them and HOLY SHIT ITS THE COMPUTER GUY!! GOD DAMNIT JERRY WE TOLD YOU TO FIX THOSE DAMN SHIP PROBLEMS AND LIMIT YOUR TERMINAL USAGE THIS IS ALL YOUR FAUL [dies
which means that overusing the terminal not only puts yourself at risk it also puts your teammates at risk
and theres many different problems that can ERUPT
heres like a short list of the randomly selected (only one is picked) tier thingies and what they do!!!!
Tier one - You've been looking at the monitor for 10 minutes. 3 seconds to fix and very minor, but don't let it sit for too long. You can still take off with just a tier one malfunction. This tier will always be announced via audio cue, but it isn't very loud, meaning you need to keep in tune with your surroundings. Charging station shutting off will not be noticed if you're glued to the screen.
-Lights shutting off
-Monitor shutting off
-Charging Station shutting off
Tier two - You've been looking at the monitor for 15 minutes, and you have ignored the Tier one malfunction. 5 seconds to fix. You can still take off at this point. This tier will be announced the same way you're told things in game, that little red box in the bottom right "ERROR: [randomly selected tier two thing] MALFUNCTION." This is the FINAL WARNING you get as the person who stays behind.
-Speaker box malfunction (This counts as noise, the eyeless dogs WILL hear it)
-Door controls will malfunction (That'll really suck if you're being chased by something and you can't close the door)
-Terminal Error (You won't be able to purchase anything, won't be able to transmit messages, won't be able to open doors and shut down turrets) ((keep in mind this only affects the terminal, the monitor isn't affected))
Tier three - You have been looking at the monitor for 30 minutes, and have ignored the Tier one and Two malfunctions. 10 seconds to fix. You will not be able to take off until this is fixed. If you are the one that stayed behind, you will die at this point. Crewmates coming back from scavenging will need to deal with the threat and fix at LEAST the tier three problem before they can take off. You can tell what you need to fix here if you hover over the take off lever, instead of "start ship" it will say "[tier three thing] malfunction".
-Engine Failure (Engine can be found under the ship, you will need to crouch to reach it.)
-Power Failure (Monitor, Terminal, and general power will be completely off. You will need to climb the ladder and go on top of the ship to mess with the funny little satellitte dish)
now you may be wondering HOW THE FUCK WOULD SOMEONE COMING BACK FROM SCAVENGING DEAL WITH MY LITTLE GUY BECAUSE THEY'LL BE IN THE SHIP!! so glad you asked theres actually different ways to deal with them that get more effecient the more progress you have in the game
you can fix the problems the ship is having, which'll cause them to dissapear without a power source to draw from (this is one of the harder ones because theyll still be roaming amuck in the ship BUT its one of the beginner friendly ones, can be done without needing to buy anything from the store)
hitting them with the shovel will stun them for a few seconds, you can use that time to fix the ship problems, so either be strategic with your shovel hits or have a teamate just fucking stunlock them while you fix shit.
And then, finally a use to the zap gun if you're playing solo mode, the zap gun will get rid of them INSTANTLY, BUT at the expense of also overloading your ships systems which'll break 2 more things, but they can only be tier two's or one's. you will never have more than one tier three critical failures, aka no two 10 second fixes, so its a bit easier
then finally, you could buy something from the shop in the ship upgrades category
probably like 600. be called like "Reliable Software" or something which means you will never get a tier three failure, BUT you can still die if you get three malfunctions, it'll just replace what would have been tier three with a tier two, less time fixing, and you can start the ship without fixing it!!! still punishes the person who stays behind, really its just for the people who come back to the ship tier three is the only tier that will prevent you from taking off
this is an AMAZING mechanic that really makes staying behind less boring and less "okay get the scrap.......ok opening the door..........watch out red dot....."
because currently the only real threats you have staying behind are the eyeless dogs which only spawn after 6pm (unless its eclipsed) or the masked which have such a low fucking chance of spawning
which means a solid 50% of the time youre just sitting there staring at a monitor
btw when you fix a tier one malfunction the timer resets and the next one will be tier one again
so as long as you get in a good system of fixing them when they happen, its very easy to avoid
the times to fix the malfunctions get longer as the tiers go up as a way to punish the player like "hey remember how you ignored the lights shutting off guess what fucker now you need to fix that AND this other thing thats 8 seconds at LEAST that you cant help your teammates
also in game you can move the lightswitch so one of the problems you can just move to the front of the monitor
so itll take even less time
it only gets annoying if you ignore it and go "bahh i can fix it in a second...."
i really do love this idea, it doesnt feel too out of place of vanilla
and i think it would be so fun to have to work with because as someone who stays behind a LOT
i get bored
fuckin round on experimentation with no mask spawns and dogs only spawn at 6pm so until then youre just kinda sitting there staring at the screen
and even if tier three happens and your monitor guy dies hope is still not lost!!!!!!!!
perchance you come back to the ship and see the smoke coming from either the engine or the satellite dish
youre like god damnit juan you fucking idiot warned you about those malfunctions
its an early warning so you can be like "ok its gonna be in there. need a game plan."
it wont come out of the ship unless it chases you out
so you COULD fix the tier three first
before even going in
then you can deal with the THING and just take off
then fix the minor ones in orbit
and depending on what you have, dealing with the CREATURE is super easy
also if you have literally ass nothing on you, you can lure it out by getting its attention then just fucking sprinting out of the ship so it follows
it kills you in three hits, so its not just an instant kill
meaning you have some loosey goosey leeway to get creative with how you either fix the problems or take off
really theres a lot of ways to fix it, the best thing is the more stuff you have the more effeciently you can handle it
and even withOUT stuff you can still deal with it, its just harder and has more risk, just like everything else!!!
ok look I know the ingame days are like 11 minutes
okay so since i dont plan on implimenting this ingame as a mod at ALL i can say "ermmm well actshually in my oc lore universe a day is an actual fucking day so thats 24 hours 🤓 " so the tier timing still WORKS
i guess if i were to impliment this in game tier one would be every 5 minutes, you have 60 seconds to fix this before tier two happens (6 minutes), and heaven forbid you dont fix THAT in the next two minutes (8 minutes) or youre FUCKED
this leaves 3 minutes to the surviving crew to DEAL WITH the PROBLEM if tier three happens
but whatever
fun quirks about this design!
-Semi transluscent, has a tv screen effect
-Eye is actually just an enemy dot (themself), if a player approaches them it will show up on their face (hence the 'now monitoring' their face IS the monitor)
-'oxegyn tank' straps show current time and profit quota (they dont have an oxygen tank its what they use as a power storage, if they took it off they'd poof lol)
-Constantly emitting smoke/steam from somewhere, a few wires poking out of places
-also their bestiary entry would just be "entity" if you couldnt tell
i could get into harvard with a paragraph like this
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canirove · 5 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 27
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"June, where do you think you are going?"
"To my date with Ben."
"Looking like that?" Kiera said. "No way."
"What is wrong with my clothes?" June asked.
"You can't go out on a date wearing jeans and an England hoodie."
"Why not? It's Ben, he's seen it all already, good and bad."
"But you are going to a restaurant. You can't show up looking like that."
"Well, this is all I have" June shrugged.
"Come with me" Kiera said, taking her hand.
"To Ella's room. She brought some fancy clothes."
"Why?" June laughed.
"It's Ella. Do you seriously have to ask?"
"Don't laugh, Chilwell" June said as she walked towards him. "If you dare laughing, I'm killing you."
"I won't, I promise. But you are wearing something under that coat, aren't you?"
"Of course I am, you idiot" she replied, rolling her eyes.
"It must be tiny, tho."
"It's one of Ella's dresses, that's why it is so short on me. I didn't bring anything fancy and the girls forbade me from leaving the hotel wearing jeans and one of our hoodies."
"But they allowed you to leave wearing one of the huge coats?" Ben laughed. "And how come you didn't bring anything less casual?"
"Because I came here to play football, Chilwell. Not to go partying or having you asking me to be your girlfriend and wanting to go out to celebrate."
"Sorry" he chuckled. "Are they still being annoying about it?"
"All the damn time" June sighed.
She had had to tell them. The moment they landed in Australia, they could tell something was going on, that the stupid smile on her face wasn't because she was happy the flight was finally over.
"Poor Maxwell" Ben pouted, making fun of her. "But I'm glad they force you to wear something nice, because we are going to a fancy restaurant."
"Fancy? How fancy?"
"I'm wearing a blazer and my best shirt."
"Oh my God. I'm going back to the hotel" June said, turning around.
"Oh, c'mon Maxwell. That dress can't be that bad."
"It is worse! Don't tell Ella, but I look like a… you know."
"Show me and I'll tell you if that's the case."
"No" she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
"June…" Ben said, giving her the puppy eyes he knew she couldn't say no to.
"Ok, fine. But if you laugh…"
"You'll kill me, I know" he said. "Bloody hell, Maxwell."
"Is that a good bloody hell or a bad one?" June asked.
"Good because you look smoking hot, but bad because we'll probably have everyone looking at us at the restaurant, and we want to go as unnoticed as we can."
"Great. Just great" she sighed. "Why did you have to ask me to be your girlfriend when my suitcase is just tracksuits and trainers?"
"Love works in mysterious ways" he smiled. "But c'mon, we are gonna be late."
"Ben, I'm not going to a fancy restaurant looking like I should be at a club at 3 a.m."
"Then we'll go somewhere else. But let's get into the car, I can tell you are freezing your ass off. And quite literally" he smirked, opening the door for her.
"Fuck you" June replied, showing him her middle finger.
"Now what" Ben said once they both were inside the car. 
"This stupid dress has gone all the way up to my waist" she complained, moving on her seat and trying to put the dress down. 
"Yeah, we can't go into a fancy restaurant with you looking like that. You are probably wearing your ugliest knickers too, the grandma brown ones."
"I'm so tempted to break up with you right here and right now, Chilwell."
"But you won't because you love me" he smiled.
"A bit less every time you open your mouth."
"Then make me shut up" he replied, his smile turning into a smirk. But June's mind was stuck on what she had just admitted. She hadn't said the three words, but she had told Ben that she loved him.
"June… June, hey. Are you ok?" he said, caressing her cheek and bringing her back to reality.
"Yes, yes, sorry. Just hungry. Where are you taking me, then?"
"We'll see what Google recommends" he replied, giving her one last look before checking his phone.
"You weren't lying when you said you were hungry" Ben chuckled.
"Nope" June replied, giving her burguer a big bite. 
"Just try not to get my blazer stained. I need it for work."
"I'm not a kid, Chilwell."
"Then why did you ask for not one, but two Happy Meals?" he laughed, June answering with her middle finger once again while still eating.
They had ended up at McDonald's. They had checked for other restaurants in the city that weren't as fancy as the one Ben had chosen, but after not finding a table, they had opted for something easy and where people would not judge her for wearing the shortest dress ever. 
She was now wearing Ben's blazer to try and cover herself a bit, especially when sitting down. But like had happened with her coat, it kept looking as if she wasn't wearing anything else.
"Can you imagine that someone recognizes us, takes photos and sends them to the press? I wonder what they will say."
"They'll probably call you lame. Who takes a girl to McDonald's for a date?" she chuckled. "And if they knew you are doing it to celebrate that we are officially dating…"
"You chose coming here."
"But they don't know that" she smiled. 
"I can see them say that I'm trying to corrupt you by making you eat junk food on your free day so you suck on your next game. Because we are enemies and all that."
"Ex enemies according to the last thing they wrote about us."
"Enemies to lovers" Ben smirked.
"My favourite trope" June replied with a matching smile. "What they don't know tho, is that this Happy Meal will be burned in the next few hours."
"Are you planning on going for a run?" Ben asked.
"I was thinking about riding" June replied before taking a sip of her drink, her eyes fixed on him. He was blushing.
"On that dress?"
"Maybe… I don't know… It may show my ass, but it makes my boobs look so good. What do you think?" she said, touching  them and lifting them a bit more, Ben moving uncomfortably on his seat.
"Yeah, I think… I think…" he mumbled. "I think you are gonna have to finish your other burger in the car" he finally said, getting up. 
"What? Why?"
"Do you want to go riding in there?"
"There? What… oh" June said, following Ben's eyes. He was looking at the bathroom's door.
"Yes, oh" he smirked.
"As exciting as it sounds, God knows what that bathroom has seen. And who has been there."
"My hotel room, then?" 
"Your hotel room" she said, putting what was left of her food inside the Happy Meal box.
"You look ridiculous right now, Maxwell" Ben laughed when he saw her standing up wearing his blazer and the tiny dress, her bag on one hand and the red box on the other.
"Yet you still want to fuck me" she whispered with a mischievous smile.
"Badly" he replied.
"Then let's go."
"After you, Miss Maxwell."
"Thank… Chilwell!" she yelped when he squeezed her butt as she turned around.
"Sorry. Couldn't help myself" he said, trying to give her an innocent smile.
"I'm tying up your hands."
"Ok" he shrugged. "Sounds fun."
"We'll see if you say the same after I'm done with you."
"Looking forward to it" Ben smiled, hugging June from behind as she started walking away, leaving kisses all over her neck and making her giggle like an idiot.
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