#go looking for answers/might find more than you wished for | ask meme
blacklight-shadows · 2 years
Tag Dump! (General)
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Alright, go crazy, go stupid ✌️
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
For the Bloodborne girl cast!
uhhh, Maria, Doll, Annalise, Henriett, Gratia, Queen Yharnam, Ebrietas, Rom, Flora, Kos, Arianna, Adella, Eileen, white church doctor, black church doctor, Fausefka, Iosefka, Old Lady lol, Viola, Gascoigne’s daughters, Mergo’s Wet Nurse, Vicar Amelia, Witches of Hemwick, uhhhhhhh, Yurie, Bell Women, Cainhurst portrait women, Dores, Adeline,…..uhhhh….well….dammit if I have forgotten someone very important then I apologize to all women.
(Ask from this ( x ) meme) Ohhhh boy, look who heard out my wish to discuss the design features!! Thank you very much!
48) What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
ATTENTION: for some of these characters I might use my own headcanons on their appearances as an answer!
Maria and Doll: their lovely super pale eyelashes! As usual, common Fromsoft W putting effort into a detail that is hard to notice by normal means!
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As for the distinct design elements (which in their case their clothes), for Maria I love the cute smaller broches by either side of her main one, and for the Doll I love her cute floral-patterned gloves!
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Annalise: I love her big forehead. I am worried that I miss out this feature on accident sometimes in my drawings of her (just need more art skill), but I am mindful about it!
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Henriett: I love that she either 1) is implied to wear a makeup (gotta stay class no matter what) or 2) just has naturally different color for brows and eyelashes? Common Fromsoft W on details no sane person would detect yet AGAIN. Close second is her awesome top hat that no one wears like her.
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Gratia: I love her red hair so much. She has the most red hair in the setting. I love this so much. Hers is more red than Cainhurst red, even.
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(From this ( x ) page with datamined corpse models, some of the following ones will also be from here)
Queen Yharnam: This is exclusive for her pregnant/boss variant, the one we interact with peacefully doesn't have them. But I love cute rose-themed decorations around her gown! Adorable detail!
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Ebrietas: Her big anime girl green eyes, what else I can say? x) The very distinct feature, and they look like there are green cosmic nebulas shining inside them!
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Rom: This is hard to choose because this IS the perfect female body, I think her existence alone should prove how useless beauty standards are dhfsdh I will never be her 😔 Her adorable tails is the close second, but I love that she is a forest. What grows on her back is more resembling of tree branches with glowing buds! This is not lumenweed, this is lumenWOOD! XD
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Flora: The small wings. Of the 'skinny' type and not birdlike type, same as Ebrietas' and celestial children, but kinda damaged, or undeveloped? These wings tell a story. Feels similar to how Amygdalae have just lump of flesh in the place of wings, but their Kin, Gardens of Eyes, do have beautiful butterfly wings! It feels like a theme of needing humanity (?) to be truly fulfilled. Jealous Moon, eh?
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Kos: I love her fins, especially the fin on her back! Well, it doesn't look very fin-like anymore, and there is clearly better look at it on the concept art! Just...... fish
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Arianna: I love her purple eyes! Really stands out! I was really excited to find out she had such unusual feature!
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Adella: Similarly to Henriett, I love how her brows and eyelashes color has a contrast with her hair color! Hers is paler!
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Eileen: The only truly notable feature about her design is her unique mask, as Bloody Crow wears the same garb, and I feel like it won't really say anything.. The girl doesn't even have canon face data! So let me pull my own out uhhh..
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I am quite happy with her beak! x) I needed the resemblance of 'crow' in her visual design, you don't understand! My initial idea for her design, though, was making her blonde in earlier life and then have silver, basically white hair in her old age, while still having skin dark because contrast is so good. It would be to symbolise a change, from "sunshine" to "moonlight".. I got discouraged when I was told it was 'unrealistic' feature for dark skinned people (and should not have listened, because Bloodborne already has two characters canonically who are blondes with dark skin). If I ever backtrack on that idea for her, consider the beautiful white hair and how it contrasts to be the answer!
White Church Doctor: In this case I will go for the obvious answer. This is her cute mole! I am so happy when other people notice it too!! When someone draws this character and does feature the mole, I am so happy ;-;
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Black Church Doctor: I love the shape of her eyes! Interestingly though, she uses the same sliders as female preset hunter (in initial character creation), and her eyes are green like Brador's and have a similar shape, also her eyelashes are same color as his. Both Brador and Paleblood Hunter come from the same foreign land as their clothes lore suggest, so... same country? Or even relation to Brador? Hello....?
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Fauxsefka and Iosefka: Eyelashes. Eyelashes. They use the especially long variant of eyelashes. I always enjoy drawing them, especially Fauxsefka's!
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Lonely Old Dear: This is the hardest one yet, because there is nothing particular to point out. There are no other distinct old female characters we are shown in the game, nor her outfit is unique as there are many corpses in this outfit in Yahar'gul (and one in the woods). I do like the cute setting-appropriate hat, but I think a more fair one is to say that they bothered showing her eyes condition!
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Viola: I love her red brooch! ...that we never do see on her in the game. But I think it is a really good detail for her design, and the best color to contrast with both her hair and clothes!
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Older Daughter: This is an interpretation liberty, since this can and likely is a blood drop, but I like to think she has a spot on her forehead!
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Younger daughter: Another case where I gotta use my own design! I like how her appearance mixes that of both parents rather than resembling one or another x) Gascoigne used to have auburn hair and green eyes, so hers mix those colors with Viola's blonde hair and blue eyes!
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Mergo's Wet Nurse: Uhhhhh everything?? She is so incredibly stylish? fdsjfdshfd I fucking LOVE the absurd amount of heavily detalized trinkets all over her body! Get it.... because crows love shinies...... haha....
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(Take a closer look at all her glory in wiki's gallery ( x ))
Amelia: Her very tiny tail. :3
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Witches of Hemwick 1 and 2: The fact that!!!!! the eyes are all different colors??? How sick is this??? Look at this! Some also have iris whitening, same as what happened with Djura's eyes, and others have fully enlargened pupil!
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Witch of Hemwick 3: Okay, you absolutely saw this one coming lol. I love how wide is her nasal bridge! Very distinct feature! (Also coming clear with my skill issue, as I do not give a justice to her eyes; in reality they're smaller and located wider from each other!)
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Yurie: I really like her lips shape, actually! Very full, very smoochable.
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Bell-Ringing Women: I love the decoration circling around their cape! This really adds to the design, it looks so much better this way than if it was just plain cape as is!
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Cainhurst portrait women: Damn, they are all so beautiful! I guess as for Bell-Ringer resembling one, the previous point applies! Though she looks like she could be mother of Iosefka and Fauxsefka? And the knight woman has a very distinct nose shape! With Annalise's mother (I am not sure who else would wear a crown on portrait whereas not being Annalise..), I of course love how long her neck is x) Her posture is so regal, and this emphasises it!
Similar feature shared with the one who wears silver variant of the Noble Dress (basically Arianna's dress, and even identical shoes, but a bit more detailed in a couple of places). I'm gonna say though, I do love the silver variant more than burgundy one, especially with Forsaken Castle Ghosts whose hair became platinum! And the old lady has not only the necklaces, but also earrings and the bracelet which are quite modest and harder to see, but they are here! I love this attention to small details!
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Dores: As iconic as her wearing a scalp of Pthumerian face like a mask is, but my favourite bit is, actually, the ungodly amount of tools dangling from her belt! My Mico in his Research Hall surgeon era can only dream about the same level of unsettling x)
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Adeline: Again, she has the appearance of a Research Hall patient with the exception of larger amount of belts (she is feral!) and unique bandana around her neck! It feels unfair to point out either of these, because... yeah, sure. They just make her distinct. So I'll refer to my version of her and say that I love her hair buns and want to squeeze them every time I draw her. x) The bandana IS precious, though!
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Okay that was WILD, thank you for letting me go mad dfhahds You HAVE forgotten Hemwick Gravewomen, Evil Labyrinth Spirits, Snail/Slug Women, Mergo's Chief Attendants and female Beast Patients though XD I've met Tumblr images limit so I have to combine into one image.
But, Hemwick Gravewomen have strangely elongated skulls, and I love this bit. Considering the bandage over their forehead, perhaps, they've found their own way to place eyes on their brain? With statue behind Memory Altar and in the dungeons featuring a stitch over forehead and Rune Tool being found in Hemwick, would not be surprising. And with Evil Labyrinth Spirits, I guess I love the cool feature that is only in the concept art, but didn't make it into the actual model?? The evil red spirits erupting from her belly area are so badass??
With Slug Women, I guess the only thing I can tell is which variant I like more... And it is the shell one, of course x) Or simply red eyes with female Beast Patients! But with Chief Attendants, the plate on their bellies features upturned wings, and this is my favourite detail! They could represent wings of Wet Nurse or Flora! I love the mystery hidden on the plain sight so much!! Why could not Bloodborne give us a way to farm armour from mobs so we could read the description that would explain... ;-;
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Okay, now my brain is OFFICIALLY fried (in a good way), and this post definitely will help me as a good self-reference! This is, however, now one of my favourite posts by myself, because.. many women.
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istadris · 8 months
👀 very interested in that peach headcanon there
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[Related to this ask meme I answered ]
OKAY SO ABOUT THAT HEADCANON, I also want to actually write it into a fic but here's the main gist (@elitadream @scribeprotra this might interest you):
In my general headcanon, kings and queens of the magic world usually hold the strongest magic of their kingdom, even if they don't always use it; sometimes it's active, and sometimes it's "passive" (meaning they have a huge potential as recipient of magic, like Bowser being turned into GIGANTIC things by other's magic or Peach's Sprite powers).
In some games Peach's "active" powers involving telepathy and sleep-inducing, as well as healing; in general, relying a lot on empathy and soothing, and a theme of hearts. As the princess of a fungal people, connection and empathy are essential qualities.
I also think she holds herself back a LOT.
In my headcanon, her heart power allows her to "learn" about someone's emotions, but also to "change" them to heal...or for other purpose.
Mind-control. Hypnosis. Affecting one's perception of reality. Leading them to believe what she desires. Playing with their wishes. You can imagine how far this could go.
As her power is inherited, there is documentation about her ancestors' powers and how they used them; as a kid, when she learned about some of them, she was horrified and took that oath of never using her powers to affect an enemy's mind. As she grew up, she held to that oath, especially after facing enemies who would use possession and brainwashing for their evil deeds. She would never stoop to their level.
And then. Something happened with Mario.
He's a hero, he's brave, he's resilient...and deep down, that pressure is slowly tearing him apart. The more he saves the kingdom, the more everyone looks up to him, to the point he's terrified of failing, of making mistakes. Sometimes he wishes he could forget about all of it, that he could let that burden go and have someone else take absolute control.
At some point Peach noticed his ill-being and gently but firmly confronted him about it. When she realized he needed to hand over that control, and after some error and trial...they experienced.
Mario trusted her. Absolutely, without any hesitation. So Peach was extremely careful when she finally started using these powers after so long, and only in specific occasions.
But she would lead him to relax, to fall asleep; then she would weave a spell, clouding his mind, leading him to wake up with his senses fooled, his brain guided in a different direction than usual. Crafting scenarios (discussed beforehand, always) in which he is helpless yet enjoys it; making him believe he's a simple animal like a cat; making him forget, for some hours, about his role and his responsibilities.
Sometimes innocently...sometimes not so much >:>c
They both gain from it. Mario gets these breaks, these breathers. Peach slowly gains control of something she's always been afraid to use, but here she has control and most of all, she has the trust of her dear friend and lover. Both share this strange, enticing secret and find pleasure in these private moments.
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solmints-messyocdiary · 3 months
Hi Sol!!! Got these from the oc meme but I cannot recall the numbers. For Wysteria my pookie and maybe Akrasiel, if you want! 🩷
Describe a memorable childhood experience that shaped your character's personality or outlook on life.
What is something your character is deeply passionate about, and how does it drive their goals and motivations
What is your character's preferred method of self-expression? Do they have any artistic talents or creative outlets?
Wysteria is absolutely your pookie~🪻🩷
With Akrasiel, I did the last two because I still don't have his backstory. He's an amnesiac~ 👀
Wysteria Charybdis
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2. What is something your character is deeply passionate about, and how does it drive their goals and motivations?
Wysteria's goal is to find answers to all her questions. It's what drives her and what has prevented her from completely losing her mind... or life in the process.
And even if people might see necromancy as a vile thing to do... she quite enjoys learning and using it. Death is something fascinating for her, it does not necessarily mean the end, just a new start. So if you wish to talk to her about that she's more than happy to indulge you.
3. Describe a memorable childhood experience that shaped your character's personality or outlook on life.
The time when her mother and father decided to send her away to be taken by the clergy...
The moment when her mother told her she didn't want her. The moment her father refused to even look at her. The moment her siblings became scared of her because she told them about the voices...
Those moments shaped who she is now. Someone unwanted and feared and hated. People know there is something off with her, animals as well. Not even her family wants her.
She knew that since a young age and she has accepted that even her charity will be met with distrust and rejection.
14. What is your character's preferred method of self-expression? Do they have any artistic talents or creative outlets?
Reading, studying and writing are her go-tos. Her grimories are extensively written along with small reflections hidden in the pages of her notes. She enjoys coming up with creative ways to hide secret messages.
Besides that, she enjoys brewing tea with medicinal purposes or just finding ways to make it more yummy or unique to taste.
Akrasiel the Accursed
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2. What is something your character is deeply passionate about, and how does it drive their goals and motivations?
His Goddess (the lady of strategy) is his reason for existing. He strives to become someone worthy of her grace and follow her steps. How he breathes, walks, speaks, fights is all because of her.
Her and his order have given him a reason to exist, and his mission is to spread the teachings and ways of the red knights.
14. What is your character's preferred method of self-expression? Do they have any artistic talents or creative outlets?
His swordsmanship.
He's worried? He trains.
He's angry? He trains.
He's sad? He trains.
He's happy? He trains.
The sword is an art form in his eyes, and he knows how to use it well.
Even if he gets a bit feral and barbaric about it.
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hyperifictrashlazi · 2 years
" 𝑺𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 " ˢʰᵘ ʸᵃᵐⁱⁿᵒ ˣ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
I have fallen into the Vtuber hole, and I love it here. I stan NijiEN for life now and reading all the Luxiem X Readers in Tumblr got me melting and squealing and punching the air. THEY'RE ALL SO GOOD!
I couldn't help writing this prompt in the end out of pure inspiration, I just - csildbvlainele the possibilities and imagination is ENDLESS.
Anyway, have a sweet School Romance AU with Shubert X Reader
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
Slightly quiet. Incredibly smart. Thoughtfully considerate. Steadily calm. Those were some of the myriad of words that describes Shu Yamino.
And despite being openly friendly, everyone still kind of wonders what exactly is in his mind, finding his constant tranquility as intimidating as it is soothing.
Shu himself doesn't really think of it much, rather he can say that the things in his mind are pretty simple.
Funny Memes. His Family. Things he has to do. His packed lunch for the day. The shenanigans with his friends. Ligma balls.
Yes, they were all definitely pretty simple.
"Uhm, sorry to bother you Shu, but... do you know to solve this one? I think my head's malfunctioning..."
All but You.
Shu immediately smiles softly as he turns your way, feeling his heart slightly melt at the sight of you being shy. "Oh, you do this..." and as always, he reaches out to help you.
Having you in his mind was anything but simple. You were definitely pretty, but simple? Goodness, not at all.
You weren't the smartest, your grades being above average at most and at least average at the subjects you hate.
You weren't the prettiest, rather he thinks you're more on the cuter side of pretty rather than downright beautiful.
But nonetheless, you were the most precious person to him.
The way your voice would hum little catchy tunes or call out his name that he hopes you keep reaching out to him.
The way your hand feels so warm at the simplest touches to the point that he wishes you don't let him go.
The way your eyes always seemed to be brightly gleaming in the most endearing way possible that he couldn't look away.
The way your presence alone assures him with safety and heart sworn promises in a skip of a heartbeat.
You were a constant in his mind, swarming him with overflowing emotions that defies logic at every turn. Despite how easy it is to label his feeling for you as love, it brings so much more complicated thoughts plaguing his head.
As strange as it is, the most complicated thought in Shu Yamino's mind is the thought of his seatmate, (Name) (Last name).
"I see... that's where I got it wrong." You mumbled before smiling up to your seatmate. "Thanks a lot, Shu!" you then chirp.
"It's no problem." Shu replied nonchalantly, watching you refocus to your problem as you solve it correctly this time.
He tried suppressing a smile, why is it that even when you're busy seriously concentrating, he still finds you so adorable?
(Name) who is the Theatre club's best actor.
(Name) who is a talented singer and dancer.
(Name) who is friendly and outgoing in nature.
(Name) (Last name) who is so passionate that the fire within send Shu's heart ablaze on the few times he saw it shine so bright.
"Shu? Are you okay?" You ask, snapping the boy out of his daze. Look at how you were worrying about something so small, he swears that sometimes you might be an angel.
"Sorry, I was a bit distracted." Shu admitted, slightly flustered that he got caught spacing out. Still, he glances his averted gaze back at you.
And with a moment of courage, Shu's fingers gently tucks loose strands of your hair behind your ear.
"There you go. It was a bit distracting for the both of us, right?" Shu said, smiling sincerely.
Slightly taken aback by the affectionate action, you touch the side of your head, right behind your ear where the locks of hair were securely tucked into.
"Yes, it was..." you answered before chuckling sweetly at how considerate he is, "Thanks Shu." you gratefully said.
Shu bites his inner cheek, trying to stop a grin but to no avail, a small smile slips into his lips. "Anytime." he ended up saying.
Because you were always in his mind, wistfully thinking of a forever by your side and wondering if you were thinking the same.
Because despite it all, Shu Yamino was a brilliant but simple person.
He was simply a Boy in Love hidden under the brilliance of his subtlety.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
I don't know if I should make a part 2 from the Reader's POV.
Anyway, thanks a lot for Reading!!
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crazycatgirl420 · 1 year
Reincarnation as Danielle Fenton-Masters
(Danny Phantom Self Insert Fanfic)
Danielle Jasmine Masters. Honestly, as if having my reincarnation half-assed with my memories of my last life intact wasn't bad enough, I was tossed into the newly created body of a fictional character.
Not fictional anymore though, I supposed, if this was to be my new reality. I stared up at 'Vlad Masters', the wannabe super villain of this series, and I supposed he was technically my life-giver now.
"Hey," I said, interrupting his monologue lecture. "Do I call you mother or father?"
Vlad's face did a few meme-able expressions as he processed my question. Wish I had a camera. I waited, letting the lonely mad scientist find an answer.
I came to life in a lab, likely Vlad's basement lab in Wisconsin, unless he'd already moved to a mansion in Amity Park? It's been so long since I actually watched the show, and the Phandom online ended up being much more entertaining anyway. Oh! What if this universe was a crossover universe? There were so many of those, and the 'Ghost Zone' was also known as the Infinite Realms for a reason right?
I would have to figure out what to call my species. I'm pretty sure 'Halfa' was a phandom term, and even if it wasn't, I don't think it actually fits what I am. I'm not a ghost or spirit, this body hasn't died. I might qualify as a being from the realms, but I was created on Earth. Ah wait, hybrid? Human-Plasmic hybrid. Kinda sounds like demon hybrid from folklore stories, or maybe a car...but it sounds more honest to my situation than what 'halfa' does.
"...Father" Vlad said. "You may address me as Father,"
"How's my health Father?" I asked, glancing at the piles of failed Danny Fenton clone goop. "How long do you think I have?"
Vlad seemed to freeze, actually being acknowledged as my parent, my father,brought some light to his eyes. Green ectoplasmic light. Then it faded, and he looked horrified. He scooped me up in a panic and rushed me to a more medically inclined part of the lab.
Several tests later, and I learned I was unstable. Vlad would need Danny, or his dna, to make me stable. Lots of science words I didn't listen to and was unlikely to learn, but Vlad sent me on a quest to meet Danny. Technically it was a mission to kill Danny, but like...I wasn't going to do that. Vlad would regret if I actually succeeded anyway so what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
I had seen my own reflection in the mirror during the health tests. I looked way younger than Dani from the show had looked, I looked like I could pass as a small four-year-old actually. How exactly Vlad thought I was going to get to Amity Park when I didn't look like I was even potty trained yet I had no idea, but I'd bring him back a parenting book or two. Did this universe have a 'Parenting for Dummies' ?
Now...how to get to Amity Part from...wherever this is. Oh look! Vlad has a personal driver.
"Scuse me Ma'am?" I said, gently pulling on her pant leg. "Could you take me to Aunt Maddie's house in Amity Park?"
Of course Vlad's employees knew who Maddie Fenton was. Hopefully Danny Fenton was as good natured as he was in the show. lots of things were already so different, if this was an evil Danny universe things would suck.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 1 year
Do you have any fics in the works? Tell us about them!Looking forward to any other writer's upcoming fics? Tell us about them too!
My wip folder is never empty, darling. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing to say it, given the number of unfinished works I have there, but oh well...
I haven't had much time to write. You know... real life, bills, family, more bills... 😵 and of course I procrastinate a lot (I blame Netflix Brasil for getting Downton Abbey and all the Turkish diziler I find online 🤦🏻‍♀️). But I write sometimes. Not every day. Not most days of the week as I used to do before. But I'm still writing.
The one wip I'm actually half way through is a Hamid x MC xmas fic. I know you're thinking "but it's almost February! And Prince Hamid is Muslim!" and you're right. But Daphne is Christian, very fond of Christmas, Hamid loves a nice social gathering and finding any reason to tease his favorite girl and we do not follow the real life calendars in here, so why not?
Among the series I write, earlier this month I was working on Meant To Be (Desire & Decorum modern day AU) chapter... 27? (I lost count... 🙈) Anyway, I think the next two chapters will finally explain why I label it as a Soulmates AU. There's a Sinclaire and Daphne awkward scene here, a little Sinclaire x Alisha moment there... But nothing too dramatic for now.
There's also Jade and Liam's For The World to Know. Tbh I have no idea what chapter I am (I'm getting super lazy on this because Tumblr and AO3 count the chapters automatically for me 😅). They're just a couple of weeks away from the wedding, they're getting joint a bachelor and bachelorette party, there's some heart to heart talk with Hana (these girls need it), Leo is joining them in Vegas (and we all know he often brings drama) and there's Drake situation to be solved. I'm close to reaching the end of FTWTK and I wish I could really start Happily Ever After (instead of just posting a few one shots of them married) because I've been daydreaming about the plot for years (the story will be soooooo good, ugh!), but I don't know... If I managed to finish FTWTK (or just The Fives Stages since there's only two more chapters left), I'll take it as a win.
Last year, I also remembered I never finished my Bloodbound series. A while ago, I got a comment on AO3 from someone who wanted me to extend the series and I thought about doing it, but at this point I wouldn't know how to do it. I'd probably have to create a new plot since the one I started back then is nearly solved. But that would demand time to replay Bloodbound to find inspiration and, unluckily, that's something I don't have lately. I started planning a chapter with Adrian x OC (any Adrian stans still out there?), then I'll write one more chapter to wrap it up.
There are other Desire & Decorum AUs and a TRR AU, but I haven't touched those wips in months... I rather not make any promises regarding any of those stories for now.
Other than that, there are a few one shots planned:
A Thomas Mendez x Ayla (+ Stephanie and Luz) inspired by one of my favorite Brazilian memes and a scene of a 2010 romcom. I can't explain why I'm doing this... The muse wants what the muse wants 😂
A few ficlets (or short stories, depending on how inspired I am when I actually sit down to write) to answer some OTP asks for Hamid x Daphne and Nate x Stella (TWC). I was debating if I'd include Liam x Jade, but I might give away the plot of Happily Ever After in one of the questions, so nope 😅
When it comes to other people's stuff, I don't know... I'm not super active on Choices (or any fandom, for that matter) and I'm not familiar with most of the fandom and what people have been writing lately. I do have my faves (@missameliep @lilyoffandoms @storyofmychoices @princess-geek @noesapphic ) and they still write from time to time, but I'm not going to pester them for new fics. They have their own lives and write whenever they can. As a fan of their work, I respect their writing pace and I'm simply glad they're still here.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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dujour13 · 1 year
Aaah I'm excited to see you do this meme, your character perspectives are always so good. I'm gonna try and pick ones that you probably won't get lol.
I'd like to see Siavesh and 🎨Sosiel during the gargoyle attack/Lost Chapel, 🦋 Arueshalae during her act 5 quest, and 👑 Galfrey in Act 2 when she first hires him!
Thank you so much 💕 good challenges 😅
Siavash and 🎨Sosiel during the gargoyle attack/Lost Chapel
Oh thank the gods, that poor lad from Carpenden’s still alive at least. Thank the Dreamer, one fewer death on my watch than I thought, and one fewer letter home I was dreading.
I don’t have the heart to say it, but that a Hellknight has his brother’s shield is not a good sign. He’s going to regret coming to Mendev more bitterly than I think he imagines. He might wish the gargoyles killed him when he finds his brother dead.
Or worse than dead.
And what will become of him then? If the war twisted a paladin of Shelyn into Hellknight, what will happen to this gentle priest?
Gargoyles turning people into ghouls, just like this damned war.
🦋 Arueshalae during her act 5 quest
I’ve been so foolish, filling my dreams with clutter when they should be filled with ideas. Desna, when you asked me what I dream of, I looked for easy answers. I thought I should want the things mortals want, so I filled my dreams with things.
All those times I brought him here to my dreams, and he never knew that when I came here alone I filled my dreams with him, too, like a loaf of bread or a grazing duck. But he was just a signpost. I thought if I had him I would have love.
But to have someone is not to love.
To love is not to have but to give. That’s what I really want. I want to fight to close the Worldwound and make the world safe and—to—to—make my friends tea and cookies! I want to make them happy. And when they’re happy, I’ll be happy!
Oh—the shadows… Will they ever leave me alone? At least he’s here to help me fight them off. He always is.
Wait! He—he gives me his trust, he helps me fight my shadows, he even bakes me cookies. I’m such a fool, why didn’t I realize it before?
I do have love.
This is my true dream!
👑 Galfrey in Act 2 when she first hires him!
(Siavash’s pov because I wrote one from her at the Defender’s Heart already)
Haha good one. Wait. She’s not kidding.
No no no—all that business with the angelic sword and the Wardstone, it’s all just a coincidence. Desna’s luck’s gotten me out of hot water more than once. I’m not fit to lead a quartet, let alone a crusade. Gods I don’t even want to think about the look on my dad’s face when he gets wind of this.
Although I do seem to have rallied people. I guess I do have that, if nothing else. If it’s speeches and rousing tunes she wants I can certainly deliver those, and somebody ought to nudge the crusaders in a better direction than using Iomedae as an excuse for kicking tieflings around and burning beggars at the stake. I mean, what better cause to rally people around and direct their spite toward than fighting the Abyss? The Abyss within too, while we’re at it.
Not to mention, it could be kind of fun. Isn’t that why I’m here? Travel and adventure? (Or is this my punishment, Desna?)
“All right, Your Majesty, I’m game.”
Probably shouldn't have shrugged, oops.
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miscling · 11 months
Call me Lin. She/her. If you're not at least 18 dni at all. Don't follow me, don't message me. If I think you're under 18 I'll block you. I'm very interested in finding blogs by people in the UK, who are in the 30-45 age range (similar to myself!). It's okay to follow/interact outside that range though! I'd really like to make lots of new friends of any age!
I'm not new to tumblr, but I've started this blog for hornyposting about kinks and to follow blogs for the fet stuff I like. I'm also queer as fuck, so I'm esp into looking for queer shit to follow. I live in a really dull part of the UK (NE, near Grimsby) so it's also a kind of way to feel like a part of a kinky and queer whole.
I'll probably just sporadically rb stuff based on my kinks. I might start posting some of the kinky fantasies that get stuck in my head, and maybe even write some stories (since I am also a writer). I'd like to find someone to beta-read them at the moment, so I can build up the courage to post some! Scratch that this blog has become a hyperfixation and I'm definitely gonna post stories that pass muster.
I'm using the tag 'Ask Meme' for ask memes, feel free to look one up and send me questions to answer! Copy the questions in so I know which ones to answer! I tag my answers with 'Miscling Answers'. I really like ask memes (I am a complete ask meme slut please don't hesitate I will answer literally anything) so don't be shy! If I reblog an ask meme I'll also send some asks back to you, I'm nice like that.
I also have a lovense wishlist: https://www.lovense.com/wish-list/939q and it would be swell if someone were to gift me toys I could use to play with people on here. I'm a slutty set of holes, a toy for others to use. Fill my mouth, cunt, and ass.
Kinks I practice:
I'm mostly a bottom, but I can switch, I'd be into a sub/sub or switch/switch dynamic with someone.
bondage, the more inescapable the better. Rope especially, but I also love cuffs and padlocks. I am a big fan of stocks and bondage frames, and basically anything that restrains my body.
tickling. I'm a lee, and it's more about the stimulation than anything else. I can't say I'm that ticklish, if I'm being honest.
sensation and sensory play. Stuff like slime, mud, and other goops.
masochism. sharps and biting! I like getting hurt sometimes, and I wouldn't mind a good beating every so often. I'm especially into medieval type tortures and gear.
latex wear, bunny outfits, bondage wear, maid outfits. Dressing up is really fun, if only I was brave enough to post selfies. and it's really east to goad me into sharing my pics if you're nice.
Exhibitionism! I love showing off, from pics to my endless ramblings, I really like just being at the centre of attention.
masks and hoods. I have more than a few masks and I always love adding new ones to my collection. I love wearing masks, even casually.
praise and worship. I'm a good girl, the best. I like being revered and put on a pedestal, but I don't like false or empty praise.
breast milking and nipple play, hucow stuff (moo!). I regularly milk my breasts, though I haven't quite got a good flow yet I'm getting there! I've got some hucow pics on here too: link
Edging. This one's new for me. I knew what edging was, but I didn't know how to get it to work. Someone taught me how, and now I'm a dumb edgeslut who stays horny and compliant. Good girls don't cum without permission, they stay horny and help others get off first.
Hypnosis and conditioning. If I reblog something with a spiral in it, I will tag it as 'hypno gif' so it can be filtered. I am finding hypno and conditioning stuff so hot atm I might just boil off. I am really getting into hypno, and love the idea of being switched off like that. I'm still super new to it, but I'm gaining lots of experience.
Kinks I'm curious about/breaking into:
group, freeuse, drugging, kidnapping, and cnc. I'm definitely not going to go into this sort of thing until I know I'm with someone I can actually trust with my safety, but the thought turns me on.
probably some rp stuff but not much. I want to interact with kink as myself, and get real with it. When I write, I much prefer to work with original characters and settings than work in other canons.
petplay, but I'm a cat, like one of those that sleeps in the corner most of the day, but really likes affection and nuzzles you like a lot.
Into some shit that's more fantasy than reality:
size kinks (I wish I could be like 12in tall or like 12ft tall, I can never decide. I definitely prefer being small, though.)
stuff with ovipositors and breeding, tentacles, and just general purpose monster-fucking.
stuff with robot girls, slime girls, and that sorta thing.
Probably some other things that'll get awakened in me and I'll have to edit in later.
And not into this shit at all:
unnegotiated submission (don't come at me acting like a 'dom')
puppyplay (don't refer to me as anything dog related)
humiliation (don't talk me down and treat me as lesser)
ageplay (I might want a mommy, but I'm so far past being a kid)
sissification (I get it, I do, but I'm a woman, and I do not want to ever be called a sissy or associated with sissification.)
shit and piss (just makes me feel sick)
Basically I like being treated with respect even if we're doing fun kinky shit and I'm not really a person any more. I'd like to talk to people as people, before we negotiate any kind of dynamic.
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masschase · 1 year
idk if you’ve answered any of these before, so sorry if you have, but 9. 12. and 16. for the boss ask meme
- snail-eggs :)
Boss ask meme
Thank you for asking. I really wanted to do some more asks for inspiration but didn't take into account that my brain is all over the place at the moment so I hope my answers are adequate 😅
9. What family does your Boss have or if they have a lot, what family are particularly important to them?
Blood family... yikes is all I can say. I have written about her parents elsewhere (i will find and rb the post soon) but the only person who is particularly important as in she still misses/is upset about once the earth blows up is her older sister Phoebe, who was more or less responsible for raising her when her mom went off the rails. They lost touch after Phoebe left home and Casey regrets that deeply. Matt made the time text/voicemail thing primarily because of seeing her go through this.
She has an uncle on her dad's side who taught her to shoot and fight, and cousins she doesn't know. She realises her mom might have kept that side of the family away from her.
Anything else I say in this regard is massive spoilers for written but unposted!
Of course she finds familial connections elsewhere, her friend Mori's mom is more like a mom to her than her own parents, Johnny is very much like a brother to her and Julius was a poorly chosen father figure.
She sees Kinzie as a sister, and that actually mirrors her experience with her blood sister: they have a 4 year gap, the oldest has a lot of responsibility on them but can be a little silly and comes across as quite carefree, the youngest comes across as more intelligent, more socially awkward, more highly strung but overall they are not under the same amount of pressure. Might make a longer post on this at some point. I noticed when they meet they even have some physical resemblance since Casey had red hair and wore a purple hoodie near-permanently.
12. One or more ways your Boss is different to you.
I seem to recall I put a few for reasons she's the same, so... I'm going to do a few for ways she's different, especially because I find that more interesting!
She's a woman, she's American, she's anti-love whereas I'm a hopeless romantic.
More interestingly, once she gets over her teenage awkwardness she's quite friendly and sociable but doesn't much like the side of fame that comes with her wealth and power whereas I'm shy and socially anxious but secret(ish)ly an attention whore! I like public speaking, performing etc. but can't make friends for shit!
Pretty much her entire family/backstory is considerably different. And she likes Jane Austen and other period romance type authors! I've just never been interested in that kind of thing. Had to do some serious research there!
I'd consider myself a "grown up but not grown out of it" goth so I'm pretty lazy with it now, whereas Casey was always interested in that aesthetic but only really has a chance to get into it later in life. I'm a decent cook and I'm not completely hopeless with tech, though I do have my moments! But I can't brag too much because put me in any sort of gang battle and clearly I'd be dead within 5 seconds.
16. Is there anything from the games you've drastically avoided or downplayed in your headcanon?
Ooh so as many people will know, I tend to swing towards using the canon so I needed some time to think about this one and I'm still struggling!
I'm going to go with the obvious: she's a cis woman (though I often wish I'd made her trans because narratively that makes so much sense!). Although percieved as a boy, her voice was never any of the SR1 voices and I doubt she could be made effectively on SR1's character creator, even though the events of the game are canon to her. This is my attempt on SR2 but when you compare to her SR4 self it doesn't really look like the same person:
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Sorry, any excuse to use that adorable shot of her in the hoodie 😊
There are some lines by 'her' voice about being in college and being in a co-ed curling team, and she definitely didn't make it to college, but I can see her doing some form of online study during some of the downtime/gaps between big in-game events.
She is a SR4 Boss at heart and because of where her story starts, I feel like her SR1-3 history is pretty downplayed in my fanfic, in a 'we already know this so I'm not going to talk about it too much' kind of way. But I'm sure over time I will get into it more on here. I might even write some oneshots, I'd like to get one about the familial bond she felt with the original Saints because it's really very sweet.
Thank you for asking!
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babvblue · 1 year
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@oretscvs​ sent ⤿ 🖤 + noah & tai :)
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1) my muse’s initial impression of yours
if we’re talking first FIRST impressions, tai thought noah sterling was someone that would not even look TWICE at him & for the most part he was correct - at least in high school . & when he was younger he ... did hold that against her . it was Dumb Teen things ya know . everything was very black & white & all of his friends did Not like the crowd noah was with ( could argue that they had valid reasons tho ) so she was guilty by association . it was very much us against them mindset . though i can���t say he ever really had Strong feelings about her , partly bc he was a little older than her & bc he ... was a little more openminded about people & she wasn’t the worst of the lot . 
2) my muse’s favourite physical attribute of yours
how does 1 have a single favourite when everything is a favourite ya know ?
3) my muse’s favourite personality attribute of yours
the fact she’s actually a bit of a Weirdo & is not actually as Together as she seems . he very much likes when she’s being her Authentic self & not the self she thinks he ( or anyone else ) might want her to be
4) a moment that made my muse realise how much they care about yours
you Could say it was that night at the bonfire & they had their first Actual conversation bc it made him go huh . but it’s likely to be a few weeks down the line when something happens ( positive or not so ) & noah - not nicky , not frankie , or any of the others - is the first person he wants to tell
5) something my muse never found the words to say to yours
tai says whatever the fuck comes into his brain , there is no filter , so honestly ? that man is not about to not be able to find the words to say something . but with even that aside tai is the type to be very open about everything , good or bad , so he wouldn’t really .... keep anything from her ?
6) something my muse wishes they had never said to yours  
i...we haven’t got that far in <3 he’s probably gonna say something some time though that’ll hurt her feelings & he’s gonna regret it !!
7) something your muse does that makes mine feel safe  
tai’s the only man i have that doesn’t need to feel safe bc he himself is just big ol’ security blanket & he’s very content but ya know , it’s always nice to be held & have your hair played with !!
8) something your muse does that makes mine smile
the fact that every time she swears she blushes . that shit is so gd endearing to tai & he hopes she never gets fully comfortable swearing 
9) something my muse wants to protect yours from
his friends ( specifically frankie ) SODFHUSKFN I’M KIDDING ( but i’m also not ) but in all seriousness , it’s not so much what he wants to protect her from but he just wants to encourage her to actually ... believe in herself & not let the opinion of people that don’t actually support her get to her
10) ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words
he just...supports her in literally anything she does . wants to do a tiktok? sign me up! oh you need a model? i am here! you need people’s opinions? lets put a lil poll on my insta. want to go surfing at 4 in the morning? wake me up, i’ll come with you. also actually adopts writing lists like she suggests & he (un)surprising stops forgetting shit
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
How do I find true friends as an ISFP? I feel like I’m the one always reaching out to people, making plans and texting first. And I mean, I understand people can be busy, but if I don’t text people first, then they wont text me back and i don’t understand why. Like I wanna have a connection with people, but it seems like they never reciprocate. Ik I tend to like spam messages cuz I get excited sharing stuff about my day or just random stuff, but I usually get lackluster responses or get left on read. Now I haven’t really been texting people as much and I mean I did reach out to those who dont text me much, asking maybe they could start the convo for once, but it didnt really last long. So idk what to do.
I wish I knew, since I'm in the same boat (being the initiator and not having much response in person), but there are a few things to think about. It's probably not a problem with your personality, but rather that other people are busy, over-worked, less social than they used to be (due to the pandemic, which has changed us all... possibly forever), preoccupied, busy with social media, self-absorbed, and some of them aren't sure how to maintain relationships. People can get caught up in drama, be busy with their kids, trying to stay ahead of school work, etc. Life tends to be busy for most people, so they prioritize what matters the most and sometimes that doesn't include their casual relationships, especially if they are still at home dealing with family members.
A few things to look out for when meeting new people / potential new friends is...
Other people who seem to want to connect as much as you do.
Look for other people with a strong social instinct. Social is the Enneagram instinct that wants to stay connected to people, to maintain and build by sharing time, experiences, conversations, etc. A social-dom is going to be eager to connect more often.
Look for extroverts. When dealing with introverts, you are finding people with limited capacity for social engagement. At the end of a long day at school or work, they are often 'zapped' of energy and need down time. Extroverts are often energized at the end of the day and want to talk to people some more.
Consider who you are talking to, and what they might "want" from you. You might find it fun to share memes, but are they a meme person? Do they care about what you want to talk about? What do they want to talk about? Cater how you interact to the person you are talking to (this isn't just something Fe's do, you can learn it as well). And also, figure out what works for your friendship. If someone is way more enthusiastic about "in person," they may not want to text and don't get around to it -- instead of texting, set up a time and place to hang out. Or try e-mail with some people. Or a phone call.
Take an avid interest in people (you may be doing this already) -- but people LOVE to share their opinion on things usually. Ask them what they think about X (Star Wars, lasagna, the Olympics, anything), and then listen to them. People like other people who are interested in them. Also, if they don't contact you back... consider what the reason might be (finals week, company at their house, stress from a family situation, etc). It might not be personal.
This goes without saying but... a lot of people are 9s and 9s are the type most likely to pull away from people and be "withdrawn." They think about the people they like a lot, but don't necessarily reach out to connect to them -- because it doesn't occur to them that it's their job to do so. Some of the people who might not be answering you could be sp-dom 9s who care about you, but who withdraw from the world to cleanse themselves of its influences (9s can only be truly themselves when they are away from other people's influences), and don't realize that doing so is making you feel like you're carrying the weight of the relationship. 9s often don't initiate or think it's on them to maintain a relationship unless they prioritize it (or are social doms). The solution is to look for types that move toward people (the super-ego types and the assertive types) rather than pull away, AND (this is important), keep the 9s in your life, but learn to expect this behavior from them. This will help you avoid building expectations of them that they cannot fill. ("I don't expect them to stay in constant contact, and I know they're gonna disappear regularly." This also happens with 4s and 5s.)
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iztopher · 2 years
hi. at this point it may be evident what i'm about to say. but for that ask meme: ALL OF THE QUESTIONS
JHFDASK YESSSS okay here we go!!!
1. Art programs you have but don't use: Clip Studio Paint!! I pretty much ONLY use it for the grid and text feature, otherwise I don't like the workflow haha
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even): Drawing in profile is the same to me from either direction, but for 3/4 view, I naturally gravitate towards / find it easier to draw people facing left
3. What ideas come from when you were little: Since I've been into Aveyond for so long, and that's what I mostly draw, I have a lot of ideas that pretty much originated as "I wanted to draw this as a kid and didn't have the skill to"!
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw: Te'ijal and also Galahad. it's the hair.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself: Finished art I'd say I share a good 90% of it! Once we get into sketches... hoo boy, maybe 40%?
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it): Whatever this is, it's either too specific to the piece or too subconscious for me to think of it
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate: traditional illustration, painting, watercolor...
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in: A heads up that my answer to this is sad but I'm trying to talk about this type of stuff relatively openly, so: spring 2021, I watched Willy's Wonderland for the first time w/ Ishti + Moonie; we kept talking about a Galahad & Mel AU for it. I had two pictures for it planned, and I drew one of them, and... the timing worked out where Moonie never got to see it, and I've lost the motivation to do the second one. But I like the first one and I'm glad I drew it and I take some comfort/peace in the fact that I was working on something I was excited to share with her at the time.
9. What are your file name conventions: I have a folder for all my art, a subfolder for every year, and then a subfolder for every month, which means there isn't that much overlap! so unless I have a funny title idea my file name conventions are generally pretty straightforward: "mella1.sai", "teijalahad.sai", "teijalstudy.sai" etc etc
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw: Does armor count? If not, gambesons.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what: Yes!!! Pretty much always music, occasionally video essays. Usually I'll pick a song and play it on loop, or if I'm in the mood for more variety I'll pick a playlist or an artist and listen through that. I also really like drawing while on call with people.
12. Easiest part of body to draw: I'm so sorry for my answer. Boobs.
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing: I'm not sure I have an answer for this one, actually - there's a lot of artists I like the work of who I wouldn't want to emulate, but that feels different to me?
14. Any favorite motifs: Not really, in theory I really love flowers but I almost never draw them
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth): I used to draw pretty much everywhere, but post chronic pain it's my desk only because using a tablet hurts wayyy less than a sketchbook!
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing: Landscapes / natural areas from photographs lol
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what: Water ALL the time, coffee if it lines up properly
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken: Very few!! Probably less than 10. I mostly draw digitally
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.): ARMOR AND WEAPONS
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy: Hands and armor!
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways: Honestly the art styles unlike mine that I like tend to be ones... I wish I had... I'm really drawn to realistic, somber, softer stuff
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any: Tendon gliding exercises! Tbh I should start doing more, it might help
23. Do you use different layer modes: VERY rarely, mostly not
24. Do your references include stock images: Yessss
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by: I KNOW this has happened but I'm totally blanking on it
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended: I'm not sure if this counts but pretty much any time I get a "cute!" response on a te'ijalahad picture I'm like oh no please do not say that,
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with: I tend to warm up by drawing a headshot of the character I'm going to be drawing, but lately I've been trying to shift to warm ups that are more focused on like, the action of drawing and loosening up
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines): I participated in a zine that ended up not happening, and I've done several fandom exchanges!! Mostly the Aveyond Winter Exchange, but also the Oneshot Podcast Network exchange on AO3 (yeah it was AO3 but I did art for it)
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically: Infinity Train!!! absolutely adore it, the art style doesn't really inspire me at all & because I got into it in the thick of my hand pain I never got used to drawing it
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated: None! I mostly draw Aveyond so pretty much all of my art is in the 1-10 response zone so it all feels pretty consistent gdjkgklsdf
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ladiemars · 2 years
been meaning to ask, how do you plan or outline your fics? i keep wanting to write one myself but properly planning and detailing the fic before I write it is pretty difficult for me. wants and wishes obviously has a lot of time and effort put into it so I’m just curious!!
i'd be glad to!
just be warned that i'm a hobby writer with absolutely no idea what i'm doing, or the right process for kinda stuff (if there even is one)...so i might be inadvertently teaching you really bad habits.
...but i'll do my best to answer this under the cut!!
i basically start my outline by writing a messy list, not in chronological order, of ideas. these include events, quotes, memes. just a brainstorm of as many things as possible. for w&w, that kinda looked like:
they trigger the spell in the forest! / telepathic sex! / frankie getting drunk and adam feeling it! / "i'm so greedy for you" / oh no he can hear my thirst / mason punching adam and frankie feeling it! / "how can i expect you to look at what's terrible and forgive it" / what if adam saw a chinese crested and is like what the fuck is even that / "falk help us" he does not help them
once you have that, then start to order the events chronologically. create events that get you from point a to point b. like, i knew i wanted them to get drunk in w&w and i knew i wanted frankie to almost get fired as a result of the spell, so during this stage i linked these by decided her hangover in combination with adam's neglect of his hunger compromises her ability act professionally. boom.
also during this stage you'll know what parts of the fic don't work or are a time waster and should be cut out. if you have enough concepts during the brainstorming stage, you'll also find that you cut inessential things out as you write the story, which is way better then having to fabricate them as you go along with nothing in the earlier text that leads up to it. there were a lot of super interesting concepts i cut out of wants and wishes because they either didn't fit thematically or had no purpose other than me going "that would be so based!"
once you've done that you'll have a pretty light outline. you can now go in and flesh out certain scenes with more ideas, descriptions, potential conversations/quotes, and so on. i find at this stage, my outline kinda looks like a movie script. just dialogue and really basic descriptions.
then you can take that text and start breaking it up into chapters. once i have the chapter outlines broken up, i'll add page separators and then write each chapter one by one. sometimes i jump ahead to chapters i'm really excited about as a treat. but i try to go in order as much as i can so i can keep the updates coming.
but my biggest piece of advice is that you should always, ALWAYS, have a finished outline before you start actually writing if you want a finished product. DO NOT come up with your ideas chapter by chapter, because then your fic will be filled with unnecessary content which not only makes it harder for the reader to finish, but you as the writer, too. i can tell when i'm reading a fic and that's what they did, because it ends up kinda incoherent in theme and mood, and i'm just like "uh, what's this got to do with anything?"
anyway, i hope this helps you! it took me like a year (...maybe more...) to figure out what works for me. all my fics were stuck in wip purgatory. so, i feel ya.
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orangeshinigami · 5 months
“Ichigo… how do people from where you are from… confess their feelings of feeling more then friendship to one another ? ”
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unprompted asks/memes - @adversitybloomed
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The question was an UNEXPECTED one-- Mulan was always asking him one thing or another about the world of the living, but usually her questions were always either about food or some device/machine that she had no idea how to use. But what she wished to know now... She had never asked him something like that before.
Why did she want to know that? He wondered, head tilted to the side slightly as he looked at her, trying to read her expression & find out what was going through that head of hers right now. There was a hint of nervousness & something else, something he couldn't quite name in her eyes & CONFUSION wrapped its arms around him tightly.
What was going on?
"Um, that-- It's not so simple to answer that 'cause... It depends? On like, many things?" Deeming that too vague of a response & knowing that must not have cleared up any of her doubts, the shinigami continued: "Each person might do it differently, depending on how long they've felt that way, how close they are to the one they have feelings for and on whether they're shy or more on the extrovert side-- But I guess usually people buy the person they like gifts? Write them letters? Meet up under a sakura tree and confess their feelings? I don't know! You should have asked Yuzu that, she's always watching shoujo anime so maybe she would've given you a BETTER EXPLANATION."
He supposed he could have just told her about the way a classmate & long time friend of his had told him she liked him as MORE THAN JUST A FRIEND-- But since that hadn't gone very well for either of them, he'd rather not talk about it.
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 years
3, 6, 10 and 14 for the fandom ask meme, please? (Sending my best wishes and hugs for whatever you might be going through currently, I wish I could help you in any way... much love 💗💕💗)
Hi!! Augghh yeah it's a bit tough at the moment ngl, thanks so much for the love...!
3. characters you would marry in an instant?
Heh. Aramis from BBC's Musketeers. Douxie if he looked like Hiccup. Possibly Robin Hood. Oof and Prince Proteus from Sinbad. I have an oc called Kelsin, he is my dream guy... very passionate, very emotionally empathetic, a leader nonetheless and has this brown curly hair...ouch. I have a type and I know my type, I'm not going to go into more detail here!!! XDDDD
See, the problem about Hiccup is that while I find him physically attractive, I couldn't marry him because I already personally identify with his soul as if I *were* him. And I can't marry myself now, can I. The person you marry is typically someone who compliments your type - that doesn't work if the character *is* you. Shame lol.
6. Do you read fanfiction? If so, do you have any favorite authors or fics?
I don't read fanfiction, sorry! It's because my head is a mad galaxy that already makes up enough stuff to last me a lifetime about the universes that I like! :) I prefer to daydream my favorite tropes as movies within my mind! Writing prompts are always welcome as food for thought. But reading fanfiction on top has never worked for me tbh. As much as I'm theoretically interested, the experience itself has been sort of overwhelming. I'll sometimes take a peek into a mutual's work because I want to support them, but, alas, I never get far.
Suffering As I Suffer You by @/wilderwestking is an unfinished Hiccstrid fic that has stayed with me forever. It's probably my favorite piece out there.
10. characters that deserved worse? >:]
Kinda every shady side character in ToA...? look, Strickler killed the former principal of Arcadia Oaks High without repercussions and Jim lets him date his mother. Dude. Merlin never got a true redemption arc, we just got more insight into his perspective. His personality stayed pretty much the same. Then there's Nomura... Morgana... STEVE. Bro. Steve. Idk did he ever apologize to anyone??? He just "changed" and everyone welcomed him onto the team. Idk. I guess I would have needed a little more talk than that. ToA was very forgetting of people's actions of the past lol. Nobody ever really needed to own up or even reflect verbally about what they did.
14. Sorry, this ask makes me a little uncomfortable, I'll just skip it.
Thanks for asking!! It cheered me up to answer these. I love being asked for my thoughts <3 You really brightened my day!!!
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