#gn!reader hotd
lady-phasma · 2 years
Your writing is delightful 🙏🏻 may I request 57 or 100 with Aemond x gn!reader? (Hope your weekend is good!)
Thank you! That is so kind. My weekend has been good and your prompt made it even better! Surprise: I chose to use both prompts! I hope it works for you. This was so much fun to write! If I’m honest, I love writing smut.
A Kindness
Aemond x gender neutral!reader 18+ NSFW
1.6k words
Smutty prompts from the list: 57 “You seem more sensitive than usual.” 100 “You’re still horny? Didn’t I fuck you hard enough last night?”
Bonus Aemond waist grab in this one. (Could be a sequel to Blessed Silence but they totally stand alone)
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After Aemond closed the door behind him you touched the back of his hand. You didn’t hold it during your walk to your chambers. You knew he cared about you but you weren’t sure how much further it went. You had shared a few kisses. Once, he had slid his hand into yours as you walked in the gardens. There had even been that kiss. Some nights you thought about that kiss when you were alone. And now here he was, he was standing with his back to the inside of your door. 
You swallowed dryly as he turned his hand and wrapped it around yours. He tugged you softly toward him. You looked up at his violet eye. A lock of his silver hair lay over his shoulder. He smoothed both of his hands up your arms when you stood in front of him. He slowly wrapped one arm around your shoulders and placed the other on your head to pull you close to him. You rested your forehead on his chest. He didn’t stroke or pet you, he was as still as he always was, but less like stone. You could hear his heart beat, feel his breathing.
You were sure Aemond could feel your heart pounding in your chest. You weren’t nervous. You wanted this and he felt amazing. Your heart was pounding because you wanted this, him. 
You lifted your head and he let his hand drop to the back of your neck. His thumb stroked the skin just behind your ear. He tipped his head down just enough for you to reach his lips with yours. His eye was still open when you closed yours. Aemond let you brush your lips against his at first. Then he pressed a bit harder, scooping your mouth toward his, tipping up his chin. His lips were parted and his bottom lip drug across yours as he sighed. You chased his lips with yours. 
Your hands went to his waist, held him close to you. Your nose grazed his as you tilted your head to catch his bottom lip with your mouth. When your tongue brushed just inside his parted lips his hand on your neck gripped you tighter. 
His tongue touched yours and you moaned into your kiss. Your fingers dug into his waist as you slipped your tongue into his mouth. His hand slid slowly down to your ass. You smiled against him. You couldn’t help yourself. Your teeth grazed his lips and he moaned softly. Aemond squeezed your ass. Finally you pressed your body against his. You wanted, needed, him to be as close as possible. You used your grip on his waist to push his back against the door. He smiled and grunted as he leaned back against it, pulling you to him by the hand on your ass. 
When your hips met you were not at all surprised by how hard he was. You felt yourself equally aroused. This man could do that to you so easily. What surprised you was how greedily he kissed you. He began to kiss your jaw, down your neck. You let your head fall back. His tongue on your skin sent shivers down your spine. He gently sucked at the hollow of your neck. Your hands left his waist and rushed up to the back of his head. Your fingers slid into his hair as you pressed his face against you. You groaned as he licked along your collarbone. He peppered kisses up your neck to your ear.
“You seem more sensitive than usual,” he whispered as he grazed your earlobe with his lips. You could only nod and exhale into his shoulder. 
“Mmmm,” his response to your inability to speak vibrated through your whole body.
Aemond gently pulled your arms down and straightened up. He was smiling. His hand went to his hair and pulled off his eye patch, dropping it to the floor. His smile softened his entire face. He took a step toward you and you instinctively took a step back. He began unfastening his jerkin, then tossed it on the floor as well. His violet eye raked up and down your body and you understood. As you started to remove your clothes his lips twitched up higher at one corner. 
He only stopped looking at you long enough to rip his boots off. By the time you both stood by the bed he was only in his leather pants. The way he looked at your naked body was a mix of hunger and pleasure. He undid the laces on his pants and hooked his thumbs in the waist. His hip muscles flexed as he stepped out of them. You hissed air through your teeth and sighed. He closed the distance between you in an instant and crushed your body against his, his hands cupping your ass. 
Aemond didn’t give you time to react. He found your lips and slid his tongue between them. You groaned. Your hands slid up his arms to his shoulders as you kissed. He moved you backward to the bed. He broke the kiss to lay you on the bed. He slid his knee onto the bed between your legs and hovered over you. Your eyes searched his. You tucked his hair behind his ear and let your fingertips linger on his neck. 
He held himself up on one hand and stroked your side and belly with the other. You smiled at him, softly, and purred his name up at him. His sapphire glinted in the candlelight as he tilted his head slightly. Before you knew you were doing it you lifted your hand from the bed and touched the scar on his cheek. His jaw clenched but he didn’t stop you. You lightly grazed your fingers over his cheek, up his brow bone, and over the scar on his forehead. His violet eye was closed and he made a throaty sound. You pushed your fingers through his hair to the back of his head and pulled him down to kiss you. 
Aemond kissed you back, pressing you down into the bed. You arched your back to him, your stomach and chest pressed against his. His hand moved from your side to your thigh, his thumb making small circles on your skin as he gripped your leg. He slid his other leg between yours, spreading them wider. You briefly felt him hard against you. His hand moved excruciatingly slowly from your thigh to the crease of your hip. You drug your lips against his cheek. You could barely breathe as his hand found the center of your heat that had been building and building. You rubbed your leg against his thigh, moved your hips, anything you could, to get more of his skin on yours.
Your hands fell from his hair as the tension mounted inside you. You scrambled for purchase on his arm, his chest, anywhere your hands could reach. He was gentle but fast. His mouth travelled frantically over your neck and shoulder and chest. Your bodies moved together, his legs sliding against yours, your hands searching his broad shoulders. 
“Please Aemond,” you whined as the heat spread from the point between you. “Please!” Your chest tightened and you could only pant as you felt the blood leave your limbs and rush back to your heart. Your vision swam and you clamped your eyes shut. The tension held for a beat, then another, then it broke. You arched against him, head falling back on the bed, but you didn’t still. Your body moved with his and in your haze your hands found his chest and slid around his torso. 
You felt his head fall against your chest, his forehead hard against your sternum. His hair felt like silk as it spread over your arms and chest. He pushed his head harder against you and you felt his body shake. Aemond groaned as he came, held in your arms. Both of you stilled and the only sound in the room was your breathing. After what seemed like seconds and hours he lifted his head.
He kissed you gently, first on the forehead, then feather-light on your mouth. He pulled away from your embrace to lay on the bed. He didn’t speak but guided you to lay next to him. He lay panting, stretched out next to you, your heads touching on the pillow, and as you curled onto your side to look at him he spoke. 
“Would you do me a kindness?” You glanced at him. His eye was closed.
“Of course, Aemond.”
“Would you allow me to stay with you tonight?”
You didn’t answer. You continued to curl onto your side next to him and kissed his cheek before laying your head next to his on the pillow. 
* * * 
The next morning you stretched somewhere between sleep and waking. Your back pressed against Aemond’s side. You were immediately reminded of how very, very naked he was in your bed. You felt him stir behind you. His arm snaked under yours, around your waist and pulled you into his chest. You closed your eyes and pressed back against him. Sleepily, he buried his face in your hair. 
You reached behind you, slid your hand onto his ass, and pulled his hips against you. A smile spread across your face as you rubbed your ass against him. His hand on your chest flexed. Aemond let out a small moan into your hair. 
“You’re still horny? Didn’t I fuck you hard enough last night?” he asked as he began to kiss your neck and roll you over to face him.
yeah, yeah, the chest hug, can’t help myself 
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devilsjacket · 1 year
Aemond: I hate you
Y/n: have I done something to offend you, my prince?
Aemond: No- I’m showing my affection towards you.
Y/n, confused: you just said you hated me-
Aemond: Don’t question my methods.
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thattargboy · 1 year
Being Helaena’s darling sibling and you’re too proud to admit you’re afraid of her insects.
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You sat with your sister in her chambers as she explained to you of all her scaly, jittery and strange little creatures. Her voice was soft, like she was in a trance, and you knew these insects were her greatest friends, aside from you.
However, you long stopped paying attention. All you could do know was count the freckles on her nose and the stars in her eyes.
“Would you like to hold one?” Helaena asked, taking you out of your own trance, as she held up a writhing little millipede, its hundreds of legs flailing about.
“Of course,” you smiled, extending the palm of your hand out to her jittery little friend. Your heart raced as she cupped your hand and held it still, and then it raced for a different reason when the creature touched your skin.
She traced the back of your hand with gentle fingertips, trying to soothe you, like you yourself was some frightened little creature your sweet sister had added to her collection.
“You’re a dragonrider,” Helaena said with an amused smile and a soft, wistful tone. “You’re not scared of a blind bug, are you?”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, looking away from the thousands of little legs skittering across your hand. “Of course not, sweet sister. What do you take me for?”
She hummed and watched the little creature crawling from your hand to your wrist, her smile growing sweetly mischievous.
“Perhaps I shall leave it there, then, and you would be trapped with me forever,” Helaena says, equal parts adoring and impish.
“How about we make a deal?” You tried to put on your usual playful arrogance, but it just came out as nervousness. “You get to keep me forever, if you take this accursed creature off of me.”
“That sounds like a good deal,” Helaena took the bug off your arm before it reached your shoulder, and you leaned down to steal a kiss.
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I’m back! Thank you so much for reading, I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in so long! I hope you have a nice day/evening/night/whatever 🫶. If you enjoyed, please comment or reblog they keep me motivated, but likes are loved too! And send in requests if there's something specific you want to see from me.
You can also read my fics on A03 if you prefer
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theunburntsblog · 9 months
I would like to note I haven't exactly finished got or hotd, but I do know the spoilers.
I just have a hard time watching shows for a long period of time, but I will eventually get to it until then. Here's my gender neutral reader headcannons on HOTD characters thus far.
Also, I'm very conflicted on some characters ermm (daemon and aegon ii) turns around. But in the faith of you guys... I guess I'll engage. If some of your favorite characters aren't here, just request them!!
Reader is non-specific, and no pronouns are used within this! It's implied that the reader is of a Noble House (ex. lannister, stark, mytrell, baratheon, etc)
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Alicent would sure be a devoted and lovely wife. She puts her trust in you, does her duties, and is a very witful person.
Very religious to the faith would want a partner to at least respect her faith between the new gods.
Her favorite nicknames for you would be "Dove, Sweeting, Jewel and Darling"
Brings a very soothing maternal presence, it feels like you can tell her anything, and she would give you advice without judgment.
Presses gentle kisses onto your face if you were to leave to do training or something of the sort.
Very protective over you as well, even if she's not equipped with weaponry well. If she has to defend you, she definitely will.
Even if she's upset with your decisions, she would always be there and treat you no differently.
Her favorite sound is your laughter. Her love for you brightens every time she hears that laugh of yours.
She is not the best at expressing herself when it comes down to feelings, but she tries.
Her love languages would be acts of service and words for affirmations. She cares more about kind words and gestures than gifts.
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Oh boy.. Aegon is a quite difficult one to especially with all of the drinking and brothels he devotes his time too.
It definitely will not be an easy time being his lover. His issues strive from the pressure and weight of being the rightful 'king' (ermmm okay aegon) mainly steming from his mother (love u Ali tho) and grandsire.
He only really thinks you're there for a way to either gain power or his cock which (let's be fr nobody want all that) Sex is one thing, love and trust is whole other thing.
I feel like he would be pretty needy stemming from how his father neglects him.
He has his moods and his moments, I bet you could console him quite easily although.
A very tactical lover always has to be touching you in some way. He craves to be held while you're in bed together, but he will never admit that.
Alicent would have to give him advice on how to treat you properly cause Lord Save us all he would not be a good partner.
Will not be faithful to you.. sorry not sorry
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Helaena has her quirks nonetheless, but that doesn't stop her from being a genuine good soul. She's a sweetheart in all honestly.
Helaena is a very curious girl. If you haven't originated from King's landing, I'm sure she would love to hear about your heritages.
She just needs someone to listen to her, about her bugs and about her riddles.
I believe she would tell you all about insects, I also think she would embroiderate insect brooches for you to wear proudly onto your coats.
I also believe she would tell you what insect really reminds her of you. Explaining why, in all detail, why she sees you as such.
I believe she would go to you to reconcile her about her visions as you're the only real one to understand her dismay.
I would suggest giving kindness back and start to court the princess.
I also would like to believe she's a huge bookworm, especially about mythology or nature.
Her love languages would be gift giving and quality time. She appreciates your company even if you both have nothing to say.
Patience is very key here. She doesn't like physical touch, and when she wants it, let her initiate it first. She doesn't like sudden loud noises or touches it makes her overwhelmed.
I believe she might be a poet as well from all of her riddles. She might journal to explore her dragon dreams and her other thoughts, respectively.
Over time, I think she would be the one to initiate small touches such as hands brushing against each other, small hugs, gentle kisses upon the cheeks, forehead, and lips.
bestest girl to you and will always be willing to listen to your thoughts and feelings.
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Aemond will not be easy to love. After losing his eye, he had changed. He wasn't the sweet boy of his mother it was like he did a whole 180.
He will form a bond with you, and it will be VERYY slowburn.
He spends his time training, sparing, reading, and educating and doing all of the things Aegon doesn't do. (Which is a lot thx egg ig) I don't think he would be fond of you first it's like hes a thorn in your backside.
I feel like I would relate him to Daemon in the way that love doesn't come too easy for him.
He is quite wary of people, and at the beginning, you'll never see him without his eyepatch. It takes a lot of time for him to trust you with seeing his abnormality. He finds himself disgusting, I think only time will get him to find that his eye isn't ugly.
Also, a very jealous person, quick to anger to quick to act with emotions.
However, once you catch his eye. He'll come a bit possessive yet passionate towards you.
I feel like he would be very grateful if you were to meet Vhagar for the first time as Vhagar is almost like his second home.
He isn't used to kindness that doesn't come from his mother and sister.
A very observant lover loves to study your body language as he admires your features.
Paranoid that you'll find him ugly without his eyepatch on. He will mostly hide his scar the best he can, even if it's unbearable, or he will continue wearing it while he's aching.
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She would be the most loving partner, Even with all of her duties as Heir/Queen, she will always make time for you and her family.
I feel as if her love would be very maternal in a way(?) Honestly, like she would check up on you and make sure you're doing well. After a long way, she would lay with you, her hands gently massaging your scalp, and she reads a book.
I believe she would want someone who would not only protect her but her children as well. Not that she needs protecting. It's just a loyalty sort of thing.
Speaking of children, I feel like she would want for her lover to not only accept the boys in open arms but to be a parent figure of sorts.
Extremely loyal in the sense of defending your name.
I believe her love languages would be: physical touch, words of affirmations, and acts of services.
She's a very passionate and romantic lover. She tends to you when she can and makes sure to check in with you a lot.
I feel like she would talk about rumors and stuff going on in court with you, wanting to hear how you would approach the situation and your thoughts about it in general.
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Daemon is a very complicated man in general. Gaining his trust will be one thing. His love? Another.
He is known for preferring old valyria descendents, he has a common way of going to brothels and fucking whores. A marriage or love between him will not be an easy one.
The Rogue Prince is known to be unpredictable and harsh with his methods. I would use this to your advantage.
Your marriage/love will not be perfect as the blood of the dragon is strong. He might be yours, but he's a dragon first.
I feel like he would hold walls to withdraw from the emotions he deems as weak. Cracking these walls is a task end of itself. However, patience will be key. You might have to muster some dragonfire from yourself, I think he prefers to have someone who can manage his fire, but who can also light fire themselves.
He is a very difficult man with strange needs, I think it's best to meet with his roots. Learning High Valyrian, meeting 'The Blood Wyrm', conditioning old valyrian values. That's the best bet to really gain structure into this relationship.
He will not be tied down by marriage duty. He craves excitement and bloodshed. You will have to acknowledge that.
The best way to bond with him is to sit down into bed and let him read to you of his heritage. He's very proud of it, and nothing will stop that. I think another way to strengthen the relationship is to take flights with him and caraxes.
Once you worked past the walls, he had bulit. I think he would shower you in gifts when he returns from whatever blood 'The Dark Sister' craves. Since it's Daemon, I would probably think sex too ..
His love language will definitely be physical touch. He craves of you at his side, his favorite thing to map out the little 'imperfections' by roaming his hands across your body, spreading sweet kisses as he whispers sweet nothings in high valyrian into your ear.
His favorite nicknames for you would be "my love," "Perzītsos (little flame)," "jorrāeliarza (beloved)"
He's definitely not an easy man, but he will go to hell and back for you. He has odd ways of showing his gratitude and love. However, that will never stop him from unconditionally loving you.
I also assume he would be possessive and easy to anger. Don't get me started on his jealousy. This man does not like other lords or ladies even looking at his beloved.
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This boy is a splitting image of his mother. He's a very loyal man towards his partner. He devotes his time to his duties as heir and as well to spend time with you.
He is quite the gentleman, and assuming you're betrothed to him, he will willingly court you generously.
He showers you with love and loyalty, making sure you're comfortable with him and will never pressure you into something you don't wish to endure.
He showers you with gifts and always listens to your thoughts and feelings.
He wants to spend as much time as he possibly can with being heir, wherever you go he follows.
His gaze always lingers onto you. This man stares at you like you're a part of the gods. He always admires you.
He LOVES to give compliments about your appearance and outfits all the TIME. He loves to praise his beloved, and he makes sure you know how much you mean to him.
Is always touching you in some way, even if it's as simple as your hand brushing against his.
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prettyblondguys · 1 year
If you're taking fanfic/drabble requests can you do an Aemond being completely pathetic? I wanna see him on his knees and hands shaking for a chance to taste his sweetheart by having his hair pulled up to where they want him. I'm starving, man (gender neutral)
Hi! This is my first request, my first time writing Aemond (besides as a side character in an Aegon fic lol), AND my first time with a GN reader, so I apologize if it's not very good lol.
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Aemond x GN!reader
Warnings: slightly smutty, Minors DNI, kissing, praise kink, hair pulling, implied oral sex, proofreading is for fools, look at meeeeeee!
"Now, is this any way for a Prince to behave?" You coo down at the wanton mess sitting on the floor in front of you. Dressed in only his trousers and eyepatch, Prince Aemond looked anything but his usual stoic self, his self control seemingly nonexistent as he shifts his weight from knee to knee, itching to crawl forward and touch you. "Please," he breathes out, his eye roaming over your exposed body, shadows and candlelight dancing around the room.
"Please what? You must use your words, my dragon." You had been taunting him all day, leaning in when no one was looking and whispering all of the things you wanted him to do to you, pushing him behind a column and pressing his hand to your desire, all before walking off as if nothing had happened. A day full of your taunting and teasing had led here, with your pretty little Prince on all fours begging to touch you.
"Please let me taste you." His voice hitches at the end, fingers digging into the soft rug beneath him. You reach forward and gently remove his eyepatch, letting your thumb caress his cheek as he leans into your touch, a pitiful sigh escaping him. Your hand travels further back, fingertips ghosting through his long, silver hair as you grab a handful of it and yank, earning you a moan from Aemond.
"Only because you asked so nicely. But," you pull on his locks until he's forced to look up at you, back arching as you lean over him, "only where I let you." There's a noticeable tremble as he nods, his body burning with want. You guide him forward towards your thighs, and he starts to place hot kisses all along them, moaning into your skin as he nips at and licks every inch of flesh he can reach, pulling him slowly upwards, his tongue leaving a wet trail as he goes. He lets out a whine when you make him bypass your sex, guiding him instead to pepper kisses up your stomach and chest, nipping and sucking, allowing him to leave as many marks as he wants to. You bring him up to your face and yank his hair back, the sound of his gasp going straight between your legs.
"What would your people say if they knew how needy their perfect Prince Aemond is behind closed doors? Hm?" He stares up at you with a lust blown pupil, his chest shuddering with each breath as he keeps his hands at his sides like a good little prince, "If they knew how desperate you were to put that pretty mouth to use?" Crashing your lips together, he whimpers into your mouth, his tongue hot against your own. You tighten your grip on his hair but don't pull him away, relishing in the way he hungrily kisses you, like a man starved, like he could live off just the taste of you. You pull away for air, pushing his head towards your neck where he continues his task of marking you, and then back down your chest.
"You've been such a good little Prince for me," you say, running your free hand over his shoulder, feeling the way he shakes with need, "perhaps you deserve a treat." He moans as you guide him further down, having decided that it's time his lips were where you both truly wanted them.
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olivefeuillu · 1 year
Rhaenyra x Daemon x gn reader
Summary : Rhaenyra and Daemon’s lover came home and they take care of them.
Tags: fluff
Warning : none / mistakes
For: @kpopchangedmylifesstuff
Rhaenyra and Daemon were waiting for their lover to come back to Dragonstone. The heir to the iron throne stayed in front of the tall window, looking at the angered water. She was playing with the fabric of her dress as she hoped to see her lover’s boat coming home. Their lover has been sent for a diplomatic mission for the Black’s cause. They were gone for a few weeks and no news came to Rhaenyra and Deamon’s ears about them.
Rhaenyra was afraid that something bad happened to them, especially when the Green’s second born son was roaming the seas and their first born was ruling the seven kingdoms.
“ They will arrive soon,” Daemon spoke calmly to calm her down.
“ I hope…” she whispered,” I miss them.”
She turned around to look at her husband with saddened eyes. He was sitting at the long table placed in the middle of the room, the rogue prince gave his wife a smile and with a hand movement he told her to come closer to him. He repeated softly : “ they will be here soon.”
Their lover finally arrived a few hours later, clothes all wet, shivers running through their body caused by the sea’s cold water. Daemon and Rhaenyra’s dragons began roaring and flying over the castle, caraxes piercing screeches echoed below the gray sky. Daemon felt his dragon’s call throughout his whole body, sending shivers through his spine. Rhaenyra dashed through the castle as soon as she saw the boat coming to Shore : “ they’re here, they’re finally here !”
She called for her husband before running outside, below the dark sky and the rain. Rhaenyra held her dress and ran across the bridge. She tried to keep calm her own excitement, but couldn’t and a smile crossed her pretty face.
“ Rhaenyra,” she heard coming from the walls of rain. Her lover was standing on the bridge, looking at her with warmth. “ My love,” they dropped everything they were carrying to the ground and ran to her arms,” My love !”
She kissed their forehead repeatedly as softly as she could, Rhaenyra held their face with her hands and stroked their cheeks as she smiled with love. The princess whispered : “the days were long without you near me, my love.” She was happily crying, tears streaming on her already wet face as the rain poured down on the two.
“ It was a pain to awake without you and Daemon by my side, I regret leaving. I missed you.”
“ The children missed you, our husband too,” her embrace tightened. “ I missed you too.”
“Come,” Daemon said. “ The bath is ready.”
Daemon took care of undressing them, he unbuttoned their shirt, pulled down their pants and fixed their messy hair. The rogue prince stroked their cold back and kissed their neck as he hid their naked body against his strong chest.
“ You’re freezing,” he kissed their forehead. “ Let’s get you in the bath.”
He observed their body, looking for scars or signs of battles, but saw nothing alarming. He placed his hands on their hips and asked : “Did something happen during your your travels.”
“ Nothing much” they smiled at him while caressing his back. “I have good news for you and our Queen.”
“ Let’s keep those news for later, the good news is that you’re safe and not hurt,” he spoke gently and kissed their soft lips.
The prince picked their lover up in his arms, giving them soft praises and sweet words as he carefully put them in the warm bath. They sighed at the touch of the water on their cold skin. After Daemon placed his lover in the bathtub filled with warm water, he began cleaning their pretty face and stroking their body.
“ I love you,” he said after kissing them on their cheeks.
Rhaenyra arrived a few moments later and sat near the bathtub. She was wearing a soft nightgown and her white hair was tied into a single braid.
“ I’m happy to see you,” she kissed their forehead and stroked their hair.
They began taking care of their lover, together. She was brushing their hair carefully after washing them with her own hands. Unknotting every knot. She left soft kisses on the top of their head every now and then. Daemon cleaned their body, rubbing their belly and arms to make the dirt and dried blood disappear in the water. He took care of massaging their sore muscles.
They let their lover soak a little bit more in the bath as they talk to each other. Sweet words and names were exchanged between the three love birds. Rhaenyra was relieved, seeing her lover happy and well made her heart filled with joy. She couldn’t stop smiling at the view of her two partners talking and taking care of each other.
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imcherrycola · 2 years
Has anyone done Hades! Aemond x Persephone! Reader? If the reader is Rhaenyra's daughter, that would make her Demeter.
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annikin-im-panicin · 1 year
Y/N: *staring at Aemond putting on his hood* What are you doing?
Aemond: I'm putting on my No Good Hood™
Y/N:...Your what?
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lady-phasma · 2 years
I have a request from the prompt list
69 please! ❤️
This one became less smut, more hurt/comfort fluff (forgive me 123forgottherest 🙏🏻 if that’s not what you expected). Since you didn’t ask for specifics I decided on gender neutral!reader. Some smoldering Aemond for us though, don’t worry.
Blessed silence
Aemond x gender neutral!reader
general audiences
(prompt 69 "I'll take care of you." prompt I list)
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You looked up at Aemond with blurry eyes. He had seen you leave the library but didn’t follow you immediately. He knew where you would be. You sat under the tree in the Godswood. He stood above you, cast his shadow over you. The Godswood was deserted. You had chosen the solitude for your tears. 
Without prying eyes to observe he sat down next to you, keeping you on his right side. His violet eye searched your face, narrowed at the tears on your cheeks, and traveled down to your hands in your lap. You were wringing them on the fabric of your clothing. Aemond glanced around the courtyard and then silently offered you his hand. He laid it in your lap and you gratefully placed your palm against his. 
You couldn’t speak. You couldn’t explain why it had upset you so. He was one of the only people in your life that didn’t require you to speak. Court was full of people who spoke with nothing to say. If he asked you what was the matter you would tell him but he might not ask. You exhaled. You leaned your head back against the tree trunk and closed your eyes momentarily. His hand squeezed yours then relaxed. 
When you raised your head to look at Aemond he was staring off at nothing, lost in thought. 
“Thank you,” you said softly. He turned to meet your eyes. 
“What for?”
“Well, for this,” you glanced down at your hand in his. “For not asking.”
“You are quite welcome. Too often people ask and fail to look.” His eye glinted in the dappled light through the leaves. 
You surveyed the almost casual way he sat with his other arm propped on his bent knee, leg nearest you outstretched. His hand hung in the air, his thumb rubbing the inside of his knuckles as he thought. 
You slipped your other hand under his, holding it in both of yours.  You always admired the way Aemond could choose when to display his emotions. Rarely yours were overwhelming. This afternoon they had been. 
Aemond hand moved from between yours and touched your chin. He turned you to face him. He moved swiftly while no one else was around. His lips brushed against yours as his hand cupped your cheek. His tongue coaxed your lips apart. You sighed into him and pressed your lips against his. 
His other hand drifted down to your chest and settled on your waist as he turned his body closer to yours. You felt his fingers clench as if he wanted to draw you toward him but dared not.
He quickly kissed the corner of your mouth, your cheek up to your ear. “I’ll take care of you,” he said low and soft. 
With the lithe movements he used in sword fighting he stood up, hair gliding over his shoulders, and brought your hand up with him. He didn’t pull you up but you had to stand. A reluctant smile crept onto your face, the skin pulling at the dried tears on your cheeks. 
“May I have the honor of escorting you to your chambers?” he asked with a slight curl of his lips. 
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devilsjacket · 1 year
Rhaenyra: Top 30 reasons why Rhaenyra is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you!
Y/n: Top 30 royal deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!
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sweetandabitspycho · 1 year
Aegon Targaryen x GN Reader
Title: One Hundred Kisses
Summary; you have to kiss Aegon a hundred times after losing a bet.
Warnings: None
Tag list. @reader-inserts-and-others-thing
Let me know if you want to be added. Please let me know if I'll enjoy this!
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“Tell you what, my love, if you magically win I'll kiss you one hundred times,” I say smugly as I run my hand throw his long hair. “If I win and I will, you will put on a dress,” I say kissing his soft lips. He moved up so he was sitting on the bed and grabbed my thighs. “I will never put on a dress,” he said nipping my neck. “We will see,” I stated as I got up to get dressed. “Why must you get dressed? I love seeing your body,” he said in a smug tone. “I know my life, but I have to go,” I said after I got dressed. “Why?” he asked in a whining voice. “I must join your mother the Queen for tea.” he grabbed me and kissed me. “Fuck my mother, I want my hundred kisses.” I smiled at him. “You haven't won yet!” I said moving too fast for him to grab me again.
“Hello, my Queen,” I said bowing, and then sat down. “Please, Y/n I already told you to call me Alicent,” She said moving the teacup to me. “How is my son treating you?” she asked softly as if she was scared. “He is truly the sweetest,” I said sipping on the tea. “Really? He has been nice?” she question as if I was lying. “No my Queen. He is amazing!” I said and then we talked for hours.
“How was tea? Was it better than spending time with me?” he said bitterly. He hasn't moved since I have been gone. “No, my fire,” I said walking to the bed. “I wish I could spend all of my days in bed with you, but I can not. Now get dressed.” I said making sure I looked good. He still hasn't moved. “You want those hundred kisses move your ass,” I said as I grabbed his clothes. “Find.” he said getting up.
I moved my hand to his thigh. He smirks at me. Please let me win, not that giving him a hundred kisses was a bad thing I just wanted to win. Aemond started the fight with Jacaerys not with Lucerys, shit I lost.” Aegon smirked at me. Yes, he likes this too much.
Aegon grabbed me and pushed me on the bed. "It's time for my reward." He said then I kissed him once on his cheek. “I love the way you hold me,” I said, kissing his forehead “I love the way you make my life full of happiness,” I kissed his chin “I love the way you look at me as if I am the only one in the world,” I kissed him one hundred times and each kiss I told him why I loved him.
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targaryen-brainrot · 1 year
reminders // aegon ii targaryen/gn!reader
cw: nsfw themes, cockwarming, otherwise fluff/comfort
"Lean back, sweetling."
Aegon does as he's told, shifting out of their embrace and dropping his head back until the soft strands touch water.
His lover diligently starts massaging in the soap, their nails scratching his scalp. He's a mess like always, knots in the ends of his hair and they sigh while trying to work them out. Aegon whines when they pull a little too hard and they laugh lightly in response, "If you would just brush it from time to time we wouldn't have this problem."
"I like it more when you do it," he says it lowly, though without any trace of shame. He's fairly open with his neediness.
His reward is a short kiss on his forehead before they lean over the side of the tub they're in and grab the brush they'd left there for this purpose. With the help of it and more soap they untangle his hair and wash out the dirt and grime until all that's left are silky white strands that float around his head like a crown.
He sighs contently when their fingers start up and his lover starts properly massaging his head. Aegon scoots back until he's pressed against their chest again, his head resting against their shoulder and making the task of massaging it much harder.
They still keep it up for a moment, indulging in his pleased hums, before they slide down one hand to settle on his throat lightly while the other traces over his face. With their pointer and middle finger they gently trace over his forehead down his nose and up again, a smile tugging on their lips when he leans into it.
When they move again and close their arms over his shoulders and legs around his midrift he laughs and settles his own arms on their legs under the water.
"How was your day, my dragon?"
"Fine." He doesn't even put effort into lying. His tone betrays it was anything but.
"Talk, love."
"Mother just had a go at me again. It's a little exhausting to be a disappointment just by existing."
Their hands caress his arms under the water, gently working into the muscles. They try to not let their anger grow at the defeat in his voice.
"Your mother should find someone to fuck her from time to time. She would greatly benefit from getting laid, I believe. Perhaps it would permanently remove the stick from her arse."
He giggles. He fucking giggles at that and melts their heart. "Please don't mention my mother bedding anyone ever again."
"You realise she had to bed your father to make you."
"What a horrifying image."
"Mh." He sounds happier again and it settles their rage on his behalf. "I'm quite happy they did. I would miss your company."
"You'd find someone else."
They put more strength into their embrace until he huffs at them.
"I only want you, my dragon. You'd do well to remember it finally."
When they release the pressure on his torso again just a little, he drops his head further back so he can press a kiss on their jaw.
"Sure you do." They can hear his doubts but let it drop for the time being.
Instead they reach for another piece of soap and cloth laid on a side table and begin cleaning him.
He pliantly follows where their hands lead him, holding up his arm when they nudge it, and he only makes a few comments about wanting to fuck, half-heartedly and easily put aside.
All in all he's on his best behaviour.
Aegon leans forward when they quickly clean themselves and then steps out of the tub, grabbing the towels from where they'd been laid out in front of the fire, before holding one open for them to step into. With more gentleness than he outwardly seems capable of he dries them both.
They settle in his bed, under fresh sheets and with a bowl of fruit between them that they share, and talk of nothing of importance.
Until Aegon's eyes slip closed again and again.
With a silent laugh they put the bowl on his nightstand and then settle on his chest, their arm around his middle and their legs entangled.
Aegon whines lowly and then his hand wanders between their legs, "I need you. I need you close."
He asks for this often enough that his lover knows immediately what he's after. They shift on top of him, grinding against his cock that's half hard between them and reach for the oil that's permanently by the bed.
He doesn't even open his eyes, just lets himself be moved and touched and moans occasionally. His hands bury themselves in their thighs when they sink down on him.
Lost in the pleasure of their heat, he bucks his hips up and makes them both groan. They both breathe heavily for a couple of moments, before he whines again, opening his eyes and reaching out with a pout.
He's hard to withstand.
So they settle back down, now with their entire weight on him, taking care not to let him slip out of them, and press their face against his. His arms close around them and he hums in satisfaction.
"I love you very much, Aegon Targaryen."
His breathing stops shortly before he answers, "I love you too."
Now, there's nothing but honesty and appreciation in his voice. Aegon doubts their love daily, whenever someone else makes him feel undeserving of it, but they'll make sure to remind him time and time again.
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arian-archivist-11 · 1 year
I love how GN reader fics are basically always just a way for cic-het authors to throw scraps at male and non-binary readers.
Just fucking write for us you cowards.
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aphroditelovesu · 7 months
Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Targaryen/Yan!Dad Laenor Velaryon Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🐉— lady l: hi... So, it just freaked me out and I needed to write this, kind of like a base for Valyrian Heritage part 2... I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, unhealthy platonic relationships, mention of mutilation and war, messy writing.
❝ 🐉pairing: platonic!yan!mom rhaenyra targaryen and yan!dad laenor velaryon x gender neutral!reader, platonic yandere!hotd x gn!reader.
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Rhaenyra and Laenor have always gotten along well, although not so close, they were always friendly with each other and even came to an agreement after their marriage. They would live their own lives and be free to love someone else.
The few times they slept together were not for pleasure, but to try to conceive an heir. And it worked, when Rhaenyra discovered she was pregnant just a few months after her wedding, much to everyone's delight.
You were the only child born of their marriage, well, at least the only legitimate one. There was no doubt about your legitimacy, since you were a copy of your father when you were born and became more like your mother as you grew up.
They loved you unconditionally, there are not enough words to describe how much they love you. They say you never love anything on the world the way you love your first child and that's true when it comes to your parents. They love all of their other children, but it's pretty clear how attached they are and favor you more than anyone else.
Laenor is the most attached to you, however, as you were his child. Really his. And although he loved your brothers who were born after you, there was no doubt that he preferred you above them all. You were the apple of your father's eye, you could never do anything wrong in his eyes and he will fight anyone who says otherwise.
Rhaenyra loved you with all her heart, the first moment she placed you in her arms for the first time was like a blessing, a gift from the gods old and new. You were her precious, her most precious treasure and nothing and no one will take you away from her. No one steals what belongs to a dragon and gets away with it.
You were not only spoiled and loved by your parents, but also by your grandparents. Rhaenys and Corlys adored you, simple as that, they spoil you more than anyone and always take you to Driftmark when Rhaenyra allows it. Corlys always makes a point of reminding you of your heritage, that you are a Velaryon, and Rhaenys tries to participate as much as possible in your upbringing.
Viserys loved you deeply too, considering that you are his first grandchild and he tries his best to be present in your life. He would often pick you up and sit with you on the Iron Throne, reminding you that one day everything would be yours. And he doesn't even try to hide his favoritism. He knew that if Aemma was still alive, she would love you as much as he does.
Alicent was excessively attached to you too, and although she had grandchildren of her own, she didn't even try to hide how much she preferred your company. Although she has no patience for children, she loves you with all her heart and strongly believes that Rhaenyra is not a good mother for you, a belief that became stronger after the birth of Jacaerys. Otto encourages Alicent's tendencies while cultivating his.
You were the example for your younger brothers, Jacaerys, being the second child, is the clingiest and most protective towards you. He had you first, so you were his first. Lucerys is extremely possessive of your attention and sulks when others get it. Joffrey is the baby and the youngest and so he wants to receive more attention from you.
Your aunt and uncles were very close to you, mainly due to age and because of Alicent's encouragement, who was always sure that you would grow up surrounded by her children.
Aegon is very emotionally dependent on you and is almost always leaning around you, looking for comfort. Helaena loves you with all her heart, she wants to be by your side all the time and she trusts you completely. Aemond is the closest to you, always seeking comfort and confirmation from you, he wants to impress you at any cost. You didn't spend as much time with Daeron, but he misses you and cherishes the memories he has with you.
You were the anchor of your family after the years passed, the only person capable of bringing them all together. Viserys and you had this in common, the desire to reunite the family and you managed it, although it never lasted for long.
All servants were instructed to do your whims and desires. Laenor and Rhaenyra are extremely protective of you and suspicious of anyone who approaches you, especially if it is one of the Greens.
You loved your family, you really loved them, but sometimes all you wanted was to be free from so much pressure. You found fun and ''freedom'' in associating more with your great-uncle, Daemon, who was always taking you away with him, causing your parents to panic. You always came back unscathed, though.
However, you knew you would have to choose a side. After Aemond's mutilation, you found yourself at an impasse when your father sneaked into your room that night and asked you to run away with him. Running away with him means you would be free from your burdens, but the conflict would never stop and would only escalate.
You didn't have any more time. You had to choose between running away with Laenor and escaping the war or staying with Rhaenyra and dealing with the conflicts between the Blacks and the Greens, as well as your overwhelming and possessive family.
Choosing between your father and mother was never something you thought you would do, until this day. The thought of never being able to see Rhaenyra again and hear her reading to you or never seeing your father teaching you how to fight again filled you with fear and anguish. You knew what you had to do, but could you bear the consequences of your choice?
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phntmeii · 8 months
HOTD Characters x Reader Texts: “Are you cheating on me”
Pairings: Aegon II, Aemond, Helaena, Daemon, Rhaenyra x GN!Reader
A/N: Realized I’ve been holding onto these for a while—woops. More ASOIAF content being made, I swear.
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inspired by: @/markhoffmans-certified-slut’s texting series
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raz-writes-the-thing · 2 months
Gaze of the Moon (HOTD One-Shot)
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Rhaenyra Targaryen x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: You and your wife, the Princess Rhaenyra steal a moment of peace together as you prepare for the coming birth of your child.
Fic type: fluff, romance, reflection
A/N: I had intended for this to be fem!reader x Rhaenyra but it wound up GN. This is also for @hotd-bigbang's March 11th prompt.
HOTD: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Did you know of that tale?" You asked softly, brushing your wife's hair back behind her ear as she lay against you in the moonlight. "About the second moon who cracked open from the heat of the sun and let the dragons out?"
Your wife let out a deep breath, the back of her skull pressing into your shoulder as she leaned back against you to peer out at the sky- up at the full moon above. She was gorgeous tonight. Radiant, round- both wife and moon.
The silver rays caught in Rhaenyra's loose hair, free tonight from tight braids and silk ribbons. The way you knew she preferred it. She'd been a wild child who'd grown into a proper lady, though you knew she yearned for the freedom of manhood. If she were a man, things would be easier. You both knew this but didn't care to dwell on it. There was no changing what was.
Rhaenyra hummed, eyes catching in the moon's gaze.
"I'm sure I remember my father telling me such a story once," she affirmed softly, lip twitching ever-so-slightly into the ghost of a smile. Your wife spent so much time stone-faced under the watchful eyes of the court vultures that even in the privacy of your own quarters she sometimes had trouble letting the cracks through. You treasured each of them like jewels as they deserved to be. "I used to stay up late into the eve and watch the moon- waiting for her to split and for the night to grow dark save for the fire of dragon's breath,' she admitted, eyes drawing closed as she thought on the memories.
"Perhaps one day, my dear wife," you said, pressing a kiss to her head before allowing your own to lean back against the cold, stone wall behind you. "Tell me, what is High Valyrian for 'moon'?"
You'd been learning her family's language for some time now, and you were certainly getting there. It was just that you preferred to hear the words from Rhaenyra's tongue. And truly, who could blame you when her voice had such royal lilt? Her voice was a balm for the mind. Or your mind, at the very least. You could listen to her speak for an age and then some.
"Hūra," Rhaenyra replied, a soft knowing smirk on her lips. You repeated it back to her, testing the syllables on your tongue. You liked the way it sounded, the way it felt. You reached a hand around her to brush over her swollen belly, round with child.
"If we have a daughter," you said thoughtfully, "Hūra is a nice name, do you not think?" Your fingers danced over her belly, and you both let out a laugh when you felt the babe kick from within her. Rhaenyra's hand joined yours, squeezing comfortingly. You hastily added, "It is not a traditional name, but I like it."
"Princess Hūra Targaryen," Rhaenrya breathed, opening her eyes to peer at her belly. "It does have a ring to it," she agreed, "and if the little one's restlessness is anything to speak of, the babe likes it, too."
You both lapsed into silence for a while, enjoying the light of the moon, the glint of the stars and the sounds of the night. It was quiet at this hour. Your favourite hour. What else could you possibly want for than this? A loving wife in your arms, a babe on the way, a flask of wine to share and the gaze of the moon on you?
"I suppose it is only fair you get to name one of our children," she said after a while. You'd almost thought her asleep in your arms with how quiet she'd been. "Why not the first. Get it out of the way, hmm?" She teased. "What if the babe is a boy?"
You chuckled softly, flicking at her arm in reply to her jape.
"Thank you, wife. Your generosity knows no bounds. I do not think the bairn is a boy, but if he is, I am quite fond of Vēzos. Best keep with the theme."
"One has to wonder where this sudden passion for celestial names has come from, my love," Rhaenyra mused. "Perhaps we will have twins. The Maester did say it was a possibility. Hūna and Vēzos. Moon and Sun-" Rhaenyra shifted uncomfortably as the babe wriggled under her skin. "I like it."
"Strong names," you added, brushing your fingers through her hair softly, aiming to detangle the few knots that caught in your fingers. "Compassionate names. Perfect for bairns destined for greatness."
You suddenly found yourself hoping for twins. A boy and a girl. Siblings to grow up together and protect each other from the horrors that lay dormant in the realm. You could picture them, age three or perhaps four, playing hide and seek in the gardens. Ages ten and four by their mothers' side on the throne. Ages nine and ten crowned joint heirs to the throne. Ages four and thirty sitting side by side on the throne. Ruling, together. Sun and Moon, over their kingdom. Their birth-right. Protecting each other and keeping each other in check. What was best for the kingdom.
The thought filled you with pride. Oh, yes, you hoped for twins. It wouldn't be long now until Rhaenyra was due. Within a month, most likely. It was part of the reason you both were staying up late at night and enjoying the peace. Once Rhaenyra commenced and completed her labours, there wouldn't be much room for peace and quiet.
And yet, you couldn't wait. You didn't like the thought of your lady-wife in pain, but the thought of your quiet chambers filled with the sounds of a babe or two growing big and strong was perhaps motivating enough for you to bear the thought of her pain. You'd be by her side no matter what, of course. Fuck the Maesters and midwives. This was your wife, your babe. You would be there to support her until she asked you to leave.
"We should retire to bed," Rhaenyra broke your thoughts as she began shifting to stand. "We both need our rest for the day to come. I believe we are making arrangements for catering after the birth."
Ah, yes. The feast the King was insisting upon for the birth of his Grand-Sire. As the birth grew closer, more plans needed to be set. Catering, colours, floral arrangements, gifts for the babe. So many things that Rhaenyra and yourself were set to arrange. You may have enjoyed setting the festivities up, but Rhaenyra would be more than happy to sit out if she could.
You hadn't told Rhaenyra yet, but you'd made arrangements with the cooks to send for the ingredients to make Rhaenyra's favourite sweets. Ones she had not had since she were near a babe herself. The rest of the food, however, you both needed to settle on. A job for tomorrow, quite clearly.
You supported her as she stood, following behind. You stretched out the muscles in your arms and legs, creaking with complaint. You could only imagine how Rhaenyra felt. You left the balcony door open to the bedchambers as you helped your wife shift out of her gown.
Once she was settled into the sheets, Rhaenyra let out a sigh of relief. The bed took the weight off her body and allowed her to settle in. You followed, pressing up against her back to keep her warm against the slight chill of the night.
Rhaenyra took your hand and rested it against her belly. You felt any of your remaining troubles melt away for the moment and pressed a kiss to the back of Rhaenyra's neck.
"Good night, my love," you whispered softly, rubbing your thumb over the silky material of her nightdress. "Sleep well, little one."
You drifted off to the sound of Rhaenyra's soft breathing and the quiet chatter of insects out in the gardens below your balcony, dreaming of the bairns to come, and a life well lived.
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