#daemon x gn reader
theunburntsblog · 9 months
I would like to note I haven't exactly finished got or hotd, but I do know the spoilers.
I just have a hard time watching shows for a long period of time, but I will eventually get to it until then. Here's my gender neutral reader headcannons on HOTD characters thus far.
Also, I'm very conflicted on some characters ermm (daemon and aegon ii) turns around. But in the faith of you guys... I guess I'll engage. If some of your favorite characters aren't here, just request them!!
Reader is non-specific, and no pronouns are used within this! It's implied that the reader is of a Noble House (ex. lannister, stark, mytrell, baratheon, etc)
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Alicent would sure be a devoted and lovely wife. She puts her trust in you, does her duties, and is a very witful person.
Very religious to the faith would want a partner to at least respect her faith between the new gods.
Her favorite nicknames for you would be "Dove, Sweeting, Jewel and Darling"
Brings a very soothing maternal presence, it feels like you can tell her anything, and she would give you advice without judgment.
Presses gentle kisses onto your face if you were to leave to do training or something of the sort.
Very protective over you as well, even if she's not equipped with weaponry well. If she has to defend you, she definitely will.
Even if she's upset with your decisions, she would always be there and treat you no differently.
Her favorite sound is your laughter. Her love for you brightens every time she hears that laugh of yours.
She is not the best at expressing herself when it comes down to feelings, but she tries.
Her love languages would be acts of service and words for affirmations. She cares more about kind words and gestures than gifts.
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Oh boy.. Aegon is a quite difficult one to especially with all of the drinking and brothels he devotes his time too.
It definitely will not be an easy time being his lover. His issues strive from the pressure and weight of being the rightful 'king' (ermmm okay aegon) mainly steming from his mother (love u Ali tho) and grandsire.
He only really thinks you're there for a way to either gain power or his cock which (let's be fr nobody want all that) Sex is one thing, love and trust is whole other thing.
I feel like he would be pretty needy stemming from how his father neglects him.
He has his moods and his moments, I bet you could console him quite easily although.
A very tactical lover always has to be touching you in some way. He craves to be held while you're in bed together, but he will never admit that.
Alicent would have to give him advice on how to treat you properly cause Lord Save us all he would not be a good partner.
Will not be faithful to you.. sorry not sorry
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Helaena has her quirks nonetheless, but that doesn't stop her from being a genuine good soul. She's a sweetheart in all honestly.
Helaena is a very curious girl. If you haven't originated from King's landing, I'm sure she would love to hear about your heritages.
She just needs someone to listen to her, about her bugs and about her riddles.
I believe she would tell you all about insects, I also think she would embroiderate insect brooches for you to wear proudly onto your coats.
I also believe she would tell you what insect really reminds her of you. Explaining why, in all detail, why she sees you as such.
I believe she would go to you to reconcile her about her visions as you're the only real one to understand her dismay.
I would suggest giving kindness back and start to court the princess.
I also would like to believe she's a huge bookworm, especially about mythology or nature.
Her love languages would be gift giving and quality time. She appreciates your company even if you both have nothing to say.
Patience is very key here. She doesn't like physical touch, and when she wants it, let her initiate it first. She doesn't like sudden loud noises or touches it makes her overwhelmed.
I believe she might be a poet as well from all of her riddles. She might journal to explore her dragon dreams and her other thoughts, respectively.
Over time, I think she would be the one to initiate small touches such as hands brushing against each other, small hugs, gentle kisses upon the cheeks, forehead, and lips.
bestest girl to you and will always be willing to listen to your thoughts and feelings.
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Aemond will not be easy to love. After losing his eye, he had changed. He wasn't the sweet boy of his mother it was like he did a whole 180.
He will form a bond with you, and it will be VERYY slowburn.
He spends his time training, sparing, reading, and educating and doing all of the things Aegon doesn't do. (Which is a lot thx egg ig) I don't think he would be fond of you first it's like hes a thorn in your backside.
I feel like I would relate him to Daemon in the way that love doesn't come too easy for him.
He is quite wary of people, and at the beginning, you'll never see him without his eyepatch. It takes a lot of time for him to trust you with seeing his abnormality. He finds himself disgusting, I think only time will get him to find that his eye isn't ugly.
Also, a very jealous person, quick to anger to quick to act with emotions.
However, once you catch his eye. He'll come a bit possessive yet passionate towards you.
I feel like he would be very grateful if you were to meet Vhagar for the first time as Vhagar is almost like his second home.
He isn't used to kindness that doesn't come from his mother and sister.
A very observant lover loves to study your body language as he admires your features.
Paranoid that you'll find him ugly without his eyepatch on. He will mostly hide his scar the best he can, even if it's unbearable, or he will continue wearing it while he's aching.
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She would be the most loving partner, Even with all of her duties as Heir/Queen, she will always make time for you and her family.
I feel as if her love would be very maternal in a way(?) Honestly, like she would check up on you and make sure you're doing well. After a long way, she would lay with you, her hands gently massaging your scalp, and she reads a book.
I believe she would want someone who would not only protect her but her children as well. Not that she needs protecting. It's just a loyalty sort of thing.
Speaking of children, I feel like she would want for her lover to not only accept the boys in open arms but to be a parent figure of sorts.
Extremely loyal in the sense of defending your name.
I believe her love languages would be: physical touch, words of affirmations, and acts of services.
She's a very passionate and romantic lover. She tends to you when she can and makes sure to check in with you a lot.
I feel like she would talk about rumors and stuff going on in court with you, wanting to hear how you would approach the situation and your thoughts about it in general.
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Daemon is a very complicated man in general. Gaining his trust will be one thing. His love? Another.
He is known for preferring old valyria descendents, he has a common way of going to brothels and fucking whores. A marriage or love between him will not be an easy one.
The Rogue Prince is known to be unpredictable and harsh with his methods. I would use this to your advantage.
Your marriage/love will not be perfect as the blood of the dragon is strong. He might be yours, but he's a dragon first.
I feel like he would hold walls to withdraw from the emotions he deems as weak. Cracking these walls is a task end of itself. However, patience will be key. You might have to muster some dragonfire from yourself, I think he prefers to have someone who can manage his fire, but who can also light fire themselves.
He is a very difficult man with strange needs, I think it's best to meet with his roots. Learning High Valyrian, meeting 'The Blood Wyrm', conditioning old valyrian values. That's the best bet to really gain structure into this relationship.
He will not be tied down by marriage duty. He craves excitement and bloodshed. You will have to acknowledge that.
The best way to bond with him is to sit down into bed and let him read to you of his heritage. He's very proud of it, and nothing will stop that. I think another way to strengthen the relationship is to take flights with him and caraxes.
Once you worked past the walls, he had bulit. I think he would shower you in gifts when he returns from whatever blood 'The Dark Sister' craves. Since it's Daemon, I would probably think sex too ..
His love language will definitely be physical touch. He craves of you at his side, his favorite thing to map out the little 'imperfections' by roaming his hands across your body, spreading sweet kisses as he whispers sweet nothings in high valyrian into your ear.
His favorite nicknames for you would be "my love," "Perzītsos (little flame)," "jorrāeliarza (beloved)"
He's definitely not an easy man, but he will go to hell and back for you. He has odd ways of showing his gratitude and love. However, that will never stop him from unconditionally loving you.
I also assume he would be possessive and easy to anger. Don't get me started on his jealousy. This man does not like other lords or ladies even looking at his beloved.
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This boy is a splitting image of his mother. He's a very loyal man towards his partner. He devotes his time to his duties as heir and as well to spend time with you.
He is quite the gentleman, and assuming you're betrothed to him, he will willingly court you generously.
He showers you with love and loyalty, making sure you're comfortable with him and will never pressure you into something you don't wish to endure.
He showers you with gifts and always listens to your thoughts and feelings.
He wants to spend as much time as he possibly can with being heir, wherever you go he follows.
His gaze always lingers onto you. This man stares at you like you're a part of the gods. He always admires you.
He LOVES to give compliments about your appearance and outfits all the TIME. He loves to praise his beloved, and he makes sure you know how much you mean to him.
Is always touching you in some way, even if it's as simple as your hand brushing against his.
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lady-phasma · 1 month
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18+ MDNI
New Bathed in Blood and Silk
Daemon Targaryen x whore!reader
Daddy!Daemon x fem!reader
Sweetest Dreams
Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
In the fading light
Daemon Targaryen x Dornish!reader
A Willing Pawn
soft!Daemon Targaryen x Dornish!reader
check out my tag "women of color in fantasy" for ai images free for anyone to use
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Hen embār masti (From the Sea We Came)
Chapter 1 Daemon Targaryen x Elaenya Targaryen (ofc)
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One shots or requests:
Need - Daemon x fem!reader x Aemond
Do I look like I won’t punish you? - x fem!reader
Dom!Daemon fluff - x fem!reader
Take it... - x fem!reader
Devastation - x fem!reader
Keeping Daemon Warm - x fem!reader
Hair brushing fluff - x gn!reader
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Daemon's biggest fears * Daemon's motivation S1E4 brothel scene
Has Daemon ever received oral pleasure * Silly ask about his face
Silly ask about his down-there hair * Silly ask about his hair
Breeding k!nk
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Zaldrītsos - Daemon x Rhaenyra
Chapter 1 ���︎ Chapter 2 ✶︎ Chapter 3 ✶︎ Chapter 4 Chapter 5 ✶︎ Chapter 6 ✶︎ Chapter 7 ✶︎ Chapter 8
Devoted and Enchanted - Companion/backstory that has sensitive content - opens to AO3.
(I'm particularly proud of this one but given the nature of some Targaryen subject matter it will be on AO3 only for now. There is some crossover for Zaldrītsos but both can stand alone.)
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Main masterlist
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olivefeuillu · 1 year
Rhaenyra x Daemon x gn reader
Summary : Rhaenyra and Daemon’s lover came home and they take care of them.
Tags: fluff
Warning : none / mistakes
For: @kpopchangedmylifesstuff
Rhaenyra and Daemon were waiting for their lover to come back to Dragonstone. The heir to the iron throne stayed in front of the tall window, looking at the angered water. She was playing with the fabric of her dress as she hoped to see her lover’s boat coming home. Their lover has been sent for a diplomatic mission for the Black’s cause. They were gone for a few weeks and no news came to Rhaenyra and Deamon’s ears about them.
Rhaenyra was afraid that something bad happened to them, especially when the Green’s second born son was roaming the seas and their first born was ruling the seven kingdoms.
“ They will arrive soon,” Daemon spoke calmly to calm her down.
“ I hope…” she whispered,” I miss them.”
She turned around to look at her husband with saddened eyes. He was sitting at the long table placed in the middle of the room, the rogue prince gave his wife a smile and with a hand movement he told her to come closer to him. He repeated softly : “ they will be here soon.”
Their lover finally arrived a few hours later, clothes all wet, shivers running through their body caused by the sea’s cold water. Daemon and Rhaenyra’s dragons began roaring and flying over the castle, caraxes piercing screeches echoed below the gray sky. Daemon felt his dragon’s call throughout his whole body, sending shivers through his spine. Rhaenyra dashed through the castle as soon as she saw the boat coming to Shore : “ they’re here, they’re finally here !”
She called for her husband before running outside, below the dark sky and the rain. Rhaenyra held her dress and ran across the bridge. She tried to keep calm her own excitement, but couldn’t and a smile crossed her pretty face.
“ Rhaenyra,” she heard coming from the walls of rain. Her lover was standing on the bridge, looking at her with warmth. “ My love,” they dropped everything they were carrying to the ground and ran to her arms,” My love !”
She kissed their forehead repeatedly as softly as she could, Rhaenyra held their face with her hands and stroked their cheeks as she smiled with love. The princess whispered : “the days were long without you near me, my love.” She was happily crying, tears streaming on her already wet face as the rain poured down on the two.
“ It was a pain to awake without you and Daemon by my side, I regret leaving. I missed you.”
“ The children missed you, our husband too,” her embrace tightened. “ I missed you too.”
“Come,” Daemon said. “ The bath is ready.”
Daemon took care of undressing them, he unbuttoned their shirt, pulled down their pants and fixed their messy hair. The rogue prince stroked their cold back and kissed their neck as he hid their naked body against his strong chest.
“ You’re freezing,” he kissed their forehead. “ Let’s get you in the bath.”
He observed their body, looking for scars or signs of battles, but saw nothing alarming. He placed his hands on their hips and asked : “Did something happen during your your travels.”
“ Nothing much” they smiled at him while caressing his back. “I have good news for you and our Queen.”
“ Let’s keep those news for later, the good news is that you’re safe and not hurt,” he spoke gently and kissed their soft lips.
The prince picked their lover up in his arms, giving them soft praises and sweet words as he carefully put them in the warm bath. They sighed at the touch of the water on their cold skin. After Daemon placed his lover in the bathtub filled with warm water, he began cleaning their pretty face and stroking their body.
“ I love you,” he said after kissing them on their cheeks.
Rhaenyra arrived a few moments later and sat near the bathtub. She was wearing a soft nightgown and her white hair was tied into a single braid.
“ I’m happy to see you,” she kissed their forehead and stroked their hair.
They began taking care of their lover, together. She was brushing their hair carefully after washing them with her own hands. Unknotting every knot. She left soft kisses on the top of their head every now and then. Daemon cleaned their body, rubbing their belly and arms to make the dirt and dried blood disappear in the water. He took care of massaging their sore muscles.
They let their lover soak a little bit more in the bath as they talk to each other. Sweet words and names were exchanged between the three love birds. Rhaenyra was relieved, seeing her lover happy and well made her heart filled with joy. She couldn’t stop smiling at the view of her two partners talking and taking care of each other.
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phntmeii · 9 months
HOTD Characters x Reader Texts: “Are you cheating on me”
Pairings: Aegon II, Aemond, Helaena, Daemon, Rhaenyra x GN!Reader
A/N: Realized I’ve been holding onto these for a while—woops. More ASOIAF content being made, I swear.
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inspired by: @/markhoffmans-certified-slut’s texting series
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raz-writes-the-thing · 5 months
Something In The Way (HOTD One-Shot)
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Daemon Targaryen x GN!Reader 18+ / requests are open
Summary: You reflect on the way Daemon touches you.
Fic type: smut/smut-lite
HOTD/GOT: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Sometimes if you closed your eyes and pictured it just right, you could feel the ghost of Daemon's skin on yours. The touch of his fingers to your throat, your sides, your legs.
He does so love your legs. It seemed to you that any chance Daemon had to be touching your legs, he would take. Fingers caressing up your calves to the inside of your knees and up your thighs to cup and squeeze your ass. Gods, how you missed the feel of him taking a firm grip on your behind and dragging you to him.
You also miss the drag of his cock against your private areas reserved only for your lover. What you wouldn't give to feel the throb of him against your sex- to hear the grunt of pleasure as he rubs the head against your sensitive nerves. The first time he had done so you had truly wondered how such pleasure was reserved for the marriage bed.
You had known the bare basics, of course, but not in detail. You hadn't known exactly what to expect and when you did find out, well, it was safe to say that your bed, married or otherwise, got a fair amount of use when you'd started seeing Daemon.
Those first few months, you had gotten to know each other quite well. You'd gotten to know how the soft up and down caress of his hand over your lower spine meant he was thinking about bending you over the nearest surface. You'd gotten to know the heat behind Daemon's gaze a hall away as he watched you mingle with the other members of the court. You'd gotten to know how a well-placed kiss, or breathy gasp would have Daemon at your beck and call.
And similarly, that time spent together meant that Daemon had gotten to know you, too. He'd found that if he arched his brow just right, it sent shivers down your spine to your sex. He'd learned about that spot just by your ear that, when kissed, or licked, would send goose pimples down your arms. He'd gotten to know exactly how to lower his voice to send you to oblivion for him. And he used this knowledge to his advantage, just as you used the knowledge you'd acquired to your own as well.
In practice. you had found that a firm squeeze on the shoulder when Daemon stood before you indicated that you wanted his attentions further down. And he would be more than happy to oblige, trailing his tongue down the length of your body to busy itself with your sex. Fingers, tongues, and teeth working at you to bring you to that blissful edge. That peak.
You had found that leading his hand towards your sex would win you a fingering like nothing else. His fingers filled your hole so well, and they never ceased to make your knees wobble with pleasure. You may have to put up with his cocky comments for it, but it was a price well worth paying.
Daemon found that his voice sent pleasure down your spine and had your lips catching in the clutches of your teeth. He found that all he had to do was ask for your attentions, and you would give them to him. A mouth around his cock, or a hole to bury himself into. Even a hand to please him, and you were happy to do it. To show him how devoted you were to him and his pleasure.
He found that he enjoyed riling you up in public, whispering filthy promises into your ear and trailing hands over your sensitive spots to drive you mad with pleasure only to wander away for a while and come back to do it all over again. In fact, he'd never forget the time that he nipped at your ear lobe and gripped your ass so harshly that a truly divine whimper escaped you before you had a chance to stop it.
The look on your face had driven him so wild that he'd ended up taking you over the stool that he'd been sitting on just prior.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't hear Daemon creeping up behind you until his arms wound around your waist and his came to rest upon your shoulder. You smiled, hand stilling from its soft caress up your arm.
"What are you thinking of, jorrāelza?" (love)
Your smile stretched further over your lips, and you turned in his arms to face him. He'd been busy, you could see. Soft specks of blood splattered across his face like freckles. You wouldn't have minded if they were, finding him as attractive as you did. Particularly now.
"Just you," you replied, moving in for a kiss. Daemon smirked against your lips, noting the fervour with which you kissed him that he'd only ever seen when you were in the mood.
"Is that so?" He asked cockily, squeezing your ass and walking you back towards the bed. "I fear I shall have to punish you for such impure thoughts."
You fell back against the bed with a soft thud before leaning back against your arms, inviting Daemon to crawl up your body, shedding his doublet as he went.
"Oh, I think you may be right," you replied. "Your Grace. A punishment is most definitely fitting for my indiscretions."
Daemon practically growled with lust as he swallowed your words with another kiss.
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chibsandchill · 5 months
Until we become one
Pairing: Obsessive!Daemon x Gn!Reader
Fandom: HOTD (House of the Dragon)
Warning: Daemon, obsessive behavior, mentions of murder if you read between the lines, grammatical and spelling errors,
Summary: Daemon stares at you from the royal table in the dinner hall.
Longing and envy was something Daemon was used to feeling when it came to you, from the people who spoke to you, the servants who clothed you in the morning, your mother when she embraced you during meals. He even envied the clothing that wrapped your body. 
But you, the object of his desire, 
had never looked at him twice. 
He burned for you, his chest ached with emptiness, his hands felt too light with the absence of you. 
And yet, 
you had never spoken a word to him. 
Daemon’s eyes never strayed too far from you. He imagined your skin was as soft as the finest of silk, like the blessings of the gods spun into fabric. Would his scarred hands scare you? Would they taint you? 
Look at me. 
Your lips, stained red, were burned into his mind. When he dreamed, he dreamt of smudging it. How would it feel, he wondered, to feel you press them against his neck, marking him. You had never pressed them against another before. This, Daemon knew. Would it be clumsy? Unsure? Insecure? He thought not. He couldn't imagine anything of you would be short of perfection, and if you were to shake like a leaf in his arms, lips trembling,
then he’d teach you how. 
Would you not even glance at him? 
He was a prince. A dragonrider. A Targaryen. Valyrian. Warrior. 
Maidens oft fawned over him for those reasons, but if you do not cherish them, then he will change,
he will become whatever it is that you wish of him. 
You laugh at something your Lord Father says, and jealousy spread like wildfire through his veins. It should be him that you laugh for, giggle for, speak to, moan for, cry to. Your father is unworthy. 
Daemon would bottle your laugh if he could, 
then perhaps his silent nights would not be so lonely. 
Would you not sing for him? 
You sang for one of the stable boys once, but you needn’t worry. Daemon took care of it for you. He had not appreciated the gift he had been given, so Daemon made sure he understood. It’s alright, you don’t need to thank him. Daemon knew you were grateful. 
Even if you would not fucking look at him, 
he still knew. 
The servants bring out desserts, and you thank them so sweetly, lips curled up into a smile. Why do you smile at them and not him? He is a prince, they are nothing. He would serve you instead. You would have no need to waste your smiles at them then. 
He would have you on his lap and feed you with his hand. 
He would embrace you, curl his arms around your body to bring you closer, 
and closer, 
and even closer still until you became one, 
until he had burrowed himself so far into you that your hearts beat as one, 
and yet, 
it would not be enough. 
He read once of a man in the shadowlands of Asshai, a widower, who had lost his darling wife to plague. Levin was his name, Daemon recalled though it had been years since he read the segment. He had never related to someone in a book before, 
books were not written about second sons.  
Levin spent forests worth of parchment to describe his grief. Blood and tears marked the pages, for the man had written until he could not, and yet it was not enough. Could you die of a broken heart? Daemon’s years of longing for you told him yes, and he was a dying man. 
Would you not look at him still? 
Can you not feel his love for you?
Levin turned to a sorcerer to bring his love back, but it was impossible. The dead do not yet walk, the sorcerer told him, but when ice and fire becomes one, then your wife will walk among us again. But Levin was not satisfied, and so he turned to a shaman, and the shaman preserved his wife’s body so that Levin may still keep her with him. 
Daemon would not do that to you. He would not write and write about you for he would not share even a piece of you, even if that be his memory. No. He would bury you in the ways of your people, and then he would lie on your grave, and even then would he long and envy. 
For if you must die, 
then he will envy even the earth that wraps around you. 
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moonbeamgoddess · 3 months
Naptime's Over
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Noctis x gn!reader
AN: I decided to keep this gender-neutral and where I don’t really describe anything about the reader so whoever reads this could have an easier time imagining their own character in this short story. Also writing this at 2 in the morning, as it’s when I suddenly get ideas, so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
Word count: 400+
TW: slightly fluffy, talks about hunting, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
divider by @cafekitsune
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“Noct, wake up!” I groaned as I shook the sleeping prince to try and wake him. The sun had risen high in the sky, indicating it was midday, and Noctis still hadn’t woken up from his nap. “Noctis get your lazy butt up!” I shook his body harder to try and pull him out of his dream. His eyes snapped open and he quickly sat up, his shaggy black hair disheveled as he frantically looked around the tent, seemingly shaken up from being pulled out of his sleep abruptly. “What?! What’s wrong?!” He quickly asked as he wiped his tired eyes to try and help himself wake up. “Nothing's wrong, I just needed you to get up. Ignis says we’re leaving camp.” I shrugged at Noctis and started packing his things now that he was awake.
“Jesus, you nearly gave me a heart attack, I thought Imperials were attacking us.” Noctis groaned as he rubbed his hands down his face, his glovelet slightly scratching at his skin. “If we were being attacked by Imperials at camp, I’m pretty sure Gladio would have dragged your sleeping butt around to wake you up.” I laughed as I rubbed Noctis’s head, messing with his hair, which caused him to swat my hand away. “Haha” Noctis rolled his eyes as he started to move himself out of the tent.
“So what’s on the agenda for today?” Noctis turns towards me as he stretches his arms up, his shirt lifting and letting his abs peek out a bit. “Well, we have some hunts to do and a royal arm to find, so be prepared to be exhausted at the end.” I smiled at Noctis as I playfully poked his exposed stomach, which caused him to yelp and pull to cover his stomach. Noctis rolled his eyes as he was dreading what was lined up for today.
“Hunts again? I still feel gross from that Malboro we fought a couple of days ago.” Noctis sighed as he walked over to where the rest of the gang was sitting, he greeted Prompto, Gladiolus, and Ignis and grabbed his lunch bowl. “Yeah, and I can still smell it.” I teased Noctis as I pinched my nose and pretended like he still smelled. “If anything, it’s probably you that stinks.” Noctis stuck his tongue at me which made us both laugh. “Well, just think of the hunt as a way to make enough gil to stay at a hotel, my back has been aching for the feeling of a soft mattress and not rocks or dirt.” I sigh and dreamily think about finally getting to lie in bed after camping out for a while.
“Welp, we better get heading out. Don’t want to keep the daemons waiting.” I smiled as I stood up and started helping Ignis and Gladiolus pack up the camping gear into the trunk of the car. It was going to be a long day indeed.
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lady-phasma · 1 month
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‼️ HotD spoilers and leaks unwelcome on this blog. I can't stand them so this is on my pinned post before HotD season 2 begins. Part of the fun for me is learning things as they unfold in the series. Please don't send them to me just because you like them. You do you and enjoy the series how you like to.
Requests open for Feyd-Rautha, Daemon Targaryen, or Aemond Targaryen (most of HotD really). Asks open for all listed and Doctor Who.
✧︎ Feyd-Rautha ✧︎ Daemon ✧︎ Aemond ​✧︎ Other ✧︎ WIP Masterlist ✧︎ HotD Headcanon ✧︎
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New Bathed in Blood and Silk - Daemon Targaryen x whore!reader
Lykirī - Aemond x Helaena (after Storm's End)
After the storm - Aemond x gn!reader
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gender neutral readers for Feyd, Aemond, only one for Daemon poc readers for Daemon Targaryen (Aemond coming soon)
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cross posting from Lady_Phasma on AO3
Doctor Who asks and stuff masterlist
Side blogs: @elaenya-targaryen: for my HotD oc and House Velaryon aesthetics @uncledaddy-mattsmith: for Matt Smith confessions @the-five-oh-deuce for MotA, Band of Brothers, and The Pacific @asteria-and-oneiros for all other random fandom stuff
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About me:
My name is Christina, I'm 20+, and I love Halloween, makeup of all genre, horror movies, 2000s rom-coms, writing, cats...and Taylor Swift more than anything. I'm a creative person at heart and share personality type with Kat Strattford and Wednesday Addams. I've been writing since I read the Twilight books and currently write for Scream, Wednesday, TSITP, Marvel, and more
☆ My taglists form here
☆ My 2024 prompt list is here and you can send requests here at any time
Who I write for:
MCU characters (Peter Parker + Loki Laufeyson) | Masterpost
Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski + Derek Hale) | Masterpost
Outer Banks (JJ Maybank + Rafe Cameron) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list
Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls) | Masterlist
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon (Daemon Targaryen + Aemond Targaryen + Aegon II Targaryen + Jacaerys Velrayon (NEW) + Jon Snow) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list NEW
Wednesday (Xavier Thorpe + Ajax Petropolus + Wednesday Addams) | Masterlist
Marcus Baker (Ginny & Georgia) | Masterpost
Scream (Ethan Landry + Chad Meeks Martin + Mindy Meeks Martin + Tara Carpenter + Billy Loomis + Charlie Walker + Amber Freeman) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list
The summer I turned pretty (Conrad Fisher + Jeremiah Fisher) | Masterpost
Tate Langdon (American Horror Story: Murder House) | Masterpost
Young!Coriolanus Snow (Hunger Games) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list ** crossed fandoms/characters are on hold
I have the ability to deny and delete any requests I don't want to write
If the request is from a list, adding the quote with the number helps me a lot (I have more than one list and it gets confusing for me)
I don’t have a set word count for requests, but I try to keep them between 0.5k - 1k
Do not send me the exact same request you sent to many other writers. If see it, I'll then delete it
Smut is allowed, and welcomed
These NSFW themes — feet fetish, a/b/o, innocent!reader , humiliation/degrading kink, water sport, graphic SA or anything non-con (unless it’s part of a ‘game’)
RPF (real people fiction)
Romanticization of mental health (eating disorders, depression, any type of self harm, etc.)
Anything yandere related
Anything involving someone being sick or periods
Peter x Tony (romantically) or any form of incest (with the exception of GoT and HotD)
Pregnancies / main characters being a parent
nb!reader or gn!reader (nothing against it, I just wouldn’t want to write it wrong)
black!reader or plus size!reader (nothing against it, I just would want to offend anyone by writing something I don’t know about)
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madame-fear · 5 months
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Hello everyone! Welcome to my 2200 followers celebration!
First of all, I can’t thank you all enough for the great support, love & care you’ve shown me ever since I started on this blog — I am tremendously grateful for all my mutuals, followers, and lovely (and unhinged) nonnies. You are all a huge part of my life that I never knew I needed. 💗
Now, secondly. I know in one of the previous polls I made about how we should celebrate it, you guys all preferred to have a full month of smut fics. I lately had complicated times in terms of being busy, and I’m fighting to get some proper inspiration — but I promise I will get to it as soon as I can, and will open smut requests!
For now, I will celebrate this lovely milestone by recommending some HOTD fics I’ve read recently and absolutely adored. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! ❤
Husband!Lucerys x Pregnant!Wife!Reader Fighting the Storm | Platonic!Lucerys x Twin!Reader Bound by Birth | headcanons for Aemond, Jace, and Luke with a sweet, younger twin, whom they are obsessed with. Messy Room | Yandere!Lucerys x Maid!Reader Golden Dove | Aemond x Male Prostitute!Reader
Having Lucerys as your boyfriend in college | Modern!Aged Up!Lucerys x Reader [ NSFW ] Poison | Lord!Uncle!Lucerys x Niece!Reader [ NSFW ]
Sandy Beaches, Salted Kisses | Lucerys x Fem!Maid!Reader Praises From Her Lips | Alicent x Fem!Reader [ NSFW, praising kink ] A Faithful Servant | Alicent x Fem!Reader
Jacaerys x Reader | NSFW I Always Knew You Would Come | Daemon x Velaryon!Reader
Modern!HOTD Boys (Aegon, Aemond, Jace, Luke) as your boyfriends | headcanons Study | Modern!Lucerys x GN!Reader How They React To Your Period (Aemond, Aegon, Cregan, Jace, and Luke) | headcanons
Right Place, Wrong Time Masterlist | Dark!Aemond x (From Our World)!Reader [ COMPLETED SERIES ] Prized Possesion | Dark!Aemond x Reader
A Midnight Kiss (Aegon, Aemond, Jace, Luke) | modern!headcanons Valentines Day (Aegon, Aemond, Jace, Luke) | modern!headcanons Our Duties | Lucerys x Reader How is Modern!Lucerys on a date? | headcanons Modern!Lucerys having a crush on you | headcanons
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phntmeii · 8 months
Omg i Love The hotd chats!😭
Now I need the "would you still love me if I am a worm"
HOTD Characters x Reader Texts: “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Pairings: Aegon II, Aemond, Helaena, Daemon, Rhaenyra x GN!Reader
A/N: Apologies for the mini-hiatus!! Have been swamped with work ;(( I’ll be getting to all the requests soon!! But in the meantime, have something silly ;p Any of these silly little requests for HOTD characters got me giggling.
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navstuffs · 2 years
In the Shadows
Pairing: DARK!Aemond Targaryen x DARK!GN!Reader
Summary: You are brought to be one of the servants in the castle during King Aegon II's reign. No one seems suspicious of your true intentions except the middle child of the queen, Prince Aemond Targaryen.
Authors note: so i thought i wasnt going to write about aemond but here i am to cope with my obsession. i have a mini-series with aemond written but i am extremely self-conscious if im writing him the right way. so this is my first test attempt at doing this. i havent read the books (ik, i have to) so if any there are any mistakes, feel free to correct me. GIF CREDIT TO THE CREATOR
Italic texts are reader's thoughts
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It was a rainy day when you first arrived at King's Landing to be a servant in the castle. Since Aegon II's coronation, there had been a complete change in the servants. The gossip around town was that the Hightowers were worried about princess Rhaenyra Targaryen trying to kill the King. So the Queen requested most of the servants from her father's house to be brought, loyal to the Hightower's cause.
And that included you. You were perfect for the job really.
You had been saved by an unnamed Lord Hightower from slavery when you were just 7 years old. You owed him huge gratitude so you devoted yourself entirely to him. It didn't matter if Lord Hightower reeked of farts and piss. It didn't matter if he hit you until you were just different shades of purple and blue or you were passed out. It didn't matter that Lord Hightower spit on you and burned you with a hot iron from the kitchen. That he starved you. It didn't matter that he left you in the darkness even if he knew you were afraid of it. Your devotion was bigger than all of that. Bigger than anything he could or could possibly do to you.
You loved him so much that at 10 years old when he sold you to a league of people that worked in the underworld, you knew you couldn't let him live without you. He wouldn't survive. So you took matters into your hands. You made the old man a favor, really.
Watching him die slowly in his own bed, while you stabbed him in the neck, with a dirty knife you found in the kitchen.
Watching as the blood spilled all over his bed, on your face, on your clothes.
He tried to get up, falling to the floor and you just continued piercing his back until your arm was tired. You didn't know why you were crying, why you were laughing, why he looked so afraid of you.
"It is interesting how life works" You mutter to yourself, waking up from your past. Your eyes have no expression as you watch the young girl in front of you gasp for air, even though you are holding her throat strongly. You watch as life goes away from her eyes as they pledge for a single reason as to why you were doing this.
"I hope you know it is nothing personal" You whisper as her body falls into the floor.
The darkness, before your biggest fear, was now your biggest ally.
You were perfect for the job. When the suspense of war was heard across Westeros, Prince Daemon Targaryen reached his ex-lover Lady Mysaria for help. He needed someone inside the castle. Not a typical spy or one that would call much attention. A good one. That wouldn't make anyone look twice at them.
Lady Mysaria knew the perfect one: Shadows. In this case, you. You met Lady Mysaria sometime in your teenage years, working as an assassin/spy. Lady Mysaria wanted some random Lord killed because he kept abusing innocent slave girls. She offered you a good price and you even shared that could have been done for free. Since then, she always called you to the most delicate jobs.
When she presented you with the offer, you almost didn't accept. It wasn't really your place. She shared that there had been a coup inside the castle to take it out Rhaenyra to put Aegon II in place. That angered you. You knew Hightowers pretty well and you knew how kind they could truly be.
You accepted the job. You killed a young servant who was going to work in King's Landing, taking her place. From an outsider's look, you were just an average servant. You weren't pretty, nothing too special to call the eyes, or to be even remembered.
No one inside the castle knew what was coming for them.
You met Queen Alicent as soon as you arrived at the castle. She was taking care of the inspection of every single one of the new servants, asking them questions and making sure everyone was the right fit. Queen Alicent was accompanied by Ser Criston Cole, someone Lady Mysaria warned you to be alert about.
Queen Alicent seemed very satisfied by the servants and for some reason. You couldn't believe your luck when you got chosen to be part of the team who took care of Prince Aemond Targaryen's quarters. You were not meant to be seen or even cared for. Your job was to take care of his room, keep it tidy and not disturb him. Only talk to him if he refers to you, not look him in his eyes during it, and always look down, referring to him as 'Your Grace' and 'Prince Aemond'.
In the first days of the job, you didn't see the man. You had glanced at Princess Helaena a few times around the castle and sometimes she was joined by Queen Alicent and Otto Hightower. You hadn't seen the King yet or his younger brother.
Your ears were always open though. For any information, any sign of valuable piece you could give to the Blacks.
The first time you properly met King Aegon II and Prince Aemond they were celebrating someone's death. Queen Alicent seemed shocked and didn't join them but you were called in to be part of the team to serve them.
"More drink for my brother, servant!" Aegon II screamed at you. You immediately obeyed "So he deserves the best wine and the best whores of the kingdom, for killing the bastard, the son of a whore, Lucerys Velaryon!"
Your hand gripped the bottle a little harder, pouring the wine, without looking up. That meant Princess Rhaenyra had lost a child. There was acid in your mouth, but you kept yourself calm.
When you got up, Aemond's single eye was focused on your face. You demonstrated no expression, turning away when you heard the Prince's voice.
You stopped in your tracks maintaining a neutral expression. You heard Aemond's footsteps circle around you, his eye probably analyzing you.
Stay still but not so much.
Look afraid.
Aemond stopped in front of you and all you could see were his shoes. No sound was coming from him so you dared to look up to find him staring at you with curiosity.
"I think your King needs more wine" He murmured, with malice, his eye not leaving your face.
"Yo-your Grace, please forgive me!" You bowed in a sign of respect to Aemond, your face warm with embarrassment. An amateur move. You turned to Aegon II and bowed down, on the verge of tears "Please forgive me, Your Grace!"
You walked to Aegon II serving his cup and the King drank everything at once. Aegon then grabbed another cup, offering it to you.
"Your Grace?" You muttered, confused.
"Serve yourself! Drink! Tonight we celebrate and honor my brother Aemond the Kinslayer!"
You hesitated. You could feel Aemond's eye on your next action. You made your decision, grabbing the cup with a shaky hand, and filling it up. Then, you filled Aegon's cup. Aegon had a sick smile on his face as if appreciating your apparent fear. You two wait for Aemond to make a toast and you drink your wine.
I can't wait the time to slit King Aegon II and Prince Aemond's throats.
When the news small prince Jaehaerys was killed burst inside the castle, you pretended shock and sadness like the rest of them. You cried and shed tears in front of everyone, cursing the blacks as most of the other people in town did.
In reality, you knew exactly what happened and when it happened. You played some part in it, helping Blood and Cheese inside the castle, leaving some doors open here and there. Whispering some secrets into Lady Mysaria's ears.
If someone tried to trace you back at you, it would be almost impossible. Lady Mysaria was the only one who knew of you. That was your job, that's what you were good at, working in the darkness.
Being Shadows and fulfilling your mission.
You felt nothing for the young prince's death except a little apprehension for Lady Mysaria. If she was caught, your cover would be blown but the woman had fled the scene during the night. You knew you had to keep quiet and just pretend you were sad.
Wait until the time they would turn their eyes to their servants.
Which was exactly what happened a day later after Prince Jaeharys was found dead. All servants close to the family were brought into a room. Your apparent nervousness was fake but very convincing. You knew exactly what was going to happen next.
When Queen Alicent, Aegon II, and Aemond entered, they were surrounded by guards. Your initial reaction was to bite your lips to not smile. They all appeared miserable, especially Queen Alicent. Good. That was going to help you support what came next.
"As you might all know, our small prince Jaeharys has been killed. We are now looking for any information or leads on their killers."
The servants looked towards each other, some already on the verge of tears. Aegon rolled his eyes impatience, pointing Blackfyre to a young girl who started sobbing.
"You! You have seen anything?"
"No, Your Grace, I swear!"
"Are you sure? Hasn't she worked with Helaena, mother?" Aegon accused, his sword getting close to pierce the girl through her chest. She didn't answer, still crying "I would have all of you killed. But my mother reminded all of you have always been loyal to House Hightower. So if no one wants to speak, we will make you speak! Whatever means necessary."
One by one, servants would be taken to be questioned in a closed room by the King and Prince Aemond. All you could hear were screams and most people would be taken out passed out ou, their faces beaten up, with numerous cuts on their bodies. Your anxiety and adrenaline pierce through your body but no fear. You had to keep yourself calm. That was actually a good moment of opportunity.
When you were called in, your legs and hands were trembling. You looked at your fellow other servants remaining in the room to be questioned, their faces filled with confusion and despair.
That is what the greens represent.
This what they do to their own.
When you entered the room, your breath started getting faster.
Not too much. Just a little so they think you are afraid.
Blood. There was so much blood everywhere. In the ceilings, in the chair, on the floor, on Blackfyre's blade. You didn't look at their eyes as you waited standing, two guards close to you.
"Who killed my son?"
You licked your lips before speaking, your voice failling you.
"I-I do not know, Your Grace."
"Look in my eyes and say that."
You looked up and saw Aegon filled with rage and sadness. You had to bite your lips not to laugh. Oh, you could kill him now. Him and Prince Aemond. You could kill them and savor their blood and laugh and watch the life leave their eyes. You would die in the process but would die fulfilled and would take as much of them as you could.
"Answer me!" Aegon screamed, slapping your face with his hand open.
Control yourself. Control yourself.
You wanted to close your fists but that wouldn't be seen as fearful, letting your arms apathetic at your side. You continued to bite your lips. Tears start to flow with all anger boiling inside your stomach. Aegon waited, his nostrils flaring up. Man child. You hoped he was going to lose all his kids. Was he drunk?
"I do not know, Your Grace" Your voice shook but Aegon wasn't convinced. He points Blackfyre to your cheek and cut slowly and deep along your still-burning cheek, making your face bleed. Your tears continue falling down as you bit your lips even harder, finally tasting the blood.
"As requested by my mother, I won't kill you. If you are loyal to the greens, you won't scream at any moment. You make one single sound and I will see that as a confession of guilt and you will be put in jail for the rest of your miserable life. Now, shall we start?"
Five nails were brutally ripped from your fingers.
They took your clothes off, they burned your body with hot irons. Your chest, your belly, your legs.
They beat you up until you almost passed out.
You reaffirmed your innocence.
You didn't scream.
Every time they asked if you knew anything, you screamed no. You begged for mercy when Aemond inquired if you had anything to do with Prince Jaehaerys's murder, but not one single scream during any of your torture sessions.
King Aegon and Prince Aemond just watched. They didn't participate but Aegon's eyes were shining the whole time. After they put into your chair, semi awoke and still naked, Aegon stepped up with Blackfyre ready on his hands.
"I must say, I am impressed. You have lasted more than anyone. Not once a single scream, not once single whimper" Aegon declared, admired. Aemond had his arms crossed, his expression serious. Or fascinated. You didn't know.
You barely could see them anyway. One of your eyes was closed with the beating. Your whole body hurt, bleeding on the floor. You were about to pass out with the pain again but you weren't going to give them the pleasure to see that.
"A true demonstration of a Green."
"Or just guilt." Aemond clarified, close to his brother.
You didn't want to smile on their faces so simply stayed there, catching your breath. You could still kill them. Cut Aegon's throat and strangle Aemond. Then kill the rest of the greens. You could. You could!
"I...I..." You murmured, your voice not coming out. You tried to clean your throat, lifting up your hand. Aemond and Aegon waited.
"I only humbly live to serve my King. The true King and Ruler of Westeros." You managed to say with a sore voice. Even your vocal cords were hurting.
Aegon was stunned. He never saw someone be tortured so badly and still affirm allegiance. He watched his brother Aemond get closer to the servant's body.
Aemond was close to your face. You still managed to look down, maintaining your respect, your body at any moment in giving up. You had to stay awake. You had to fight back. You knew if you passed out they could kill you. Aemond was so close you noticed the details of his scars. And he was analyzing you intensely. Again.
Keep focus.
"Let this one go, brother. I think this one is Loyal to your Kingdom. They really don't know anything."
You bit your dry lips once again and even closed your hands in fists, not that movement seemed to matter now. All they would see was a servant relieved from no more torture. Inside, you were celebrating. You really had fooled them. You had fooled those imbecile Greens!
You finally passed out from the chair, your body falling to the floor. The guards carried your body to be taken care of, holding every side of your arm. Out of all servants that had been tortured that day, you were the only one who remained as a servant.
After four days of recovery, you were ready to be sent back to work. The new servants looked at you with respect as you had a new scar on your face, proving your loyalty to King Aegon II. Lady Mysaria was astonished by your success. You two had to develop a new way to communicate after she had to escape. No one suspected you.
You were the one who passed the information about Ser Arryk Cargyll's infiltration to the castle. It seemed the Greens really trusted you now so you had to be extremely careful of every single future step you took.
Prince Aemond had developed a weird interest in you. Since you came back to work, he started asking you more and more questions. He wanted to know where you were from, and what you had done before. You never answered those questions, simply responding you didn't do a lot of your life except serve the Hightowers.
That wasn't a good sign.
You were organizing his room one morning, paying close attention to his clothes. All of sudden, there was a small dagger to your neck and for a millisecond you almost revealed yourself. Fighting against all your instincts to attack back you gasped, surprised. You heard a low laugh coming from behind you.
"Tell me, how a simple servant, who served their whole life, could have survived a long and strenuous torture session?" Prince Aemond's tone of voice was curious and dangerous against your ear. You could feel his body almost touching yours.
"Yo-your Grace?" Aemond continued holding his dagger against your neck, enough to start drawing blood. None of you moved.
"Someone so resistant like that, I can only see two options. Tell me, are you loyal to my family? Or are you just a spy infiltrated on this?" Aemond pressed the dagger even further into your neck, making you stumble back into his body. Your breath was hitched and your internals were begging for you to kill him.
"Lo-loyal, Your Grace."
"I have been observing you. Watching you in the shadows. I have to admit, you are very good. I have never seen anyone like you before. You try to look like them but you aren't. There is something about you. You try to hide it, but I can see it. I see in the very fast moments you don't think anyone is looking. They are there. I order, tell me who you truly are, (Y/N)."
He called you by your first name.
There was no way of escaping this.
Choose my next words very carefully or I might really die.
You closed your eyes, thinking fast. There is no way in Seven Kingdoms you would just die by Aemond's hands right now. Not when you accomplished so many things. You slowly turned, keeping your shaking hands up. Blood was dripping down your chest. You opened your eyes, finding his single eye on you. There was no space for mistakes now.
"I am Y/N. I am a servant of House Hightower since I was born, and I am ready to serve and die for them, especially for King Aegon II. I will be loyal no matter what torture, no matter what threat, even coming from you Prince Aemond. So if you doubt me, Your Grace, do us both a favor, cut my throat now and end this. But, do know that you will be killing someone loyal to you and your family that if asked, would have killed Rhaenyra, her bastard's sons, and the whole black army."
Aemond seemed to ponder your words. He had seen a different sparkle in your eyes so quickly, Aemond doubted they were really there. The kind of shine you would only see in an eyes of a killer. His suspicions got stronger during the torture, but even he couldn't deny your allegiance that day.
Deep down, Aemond was impressed. He was fascinated. He was obsessed, haunted by your 'real' eyes, your 'real' self. He wanted to find out the truth and see it. Because if he finally saw it, he could kill you and be done with this. But you kept dragging him in more and more. Again, you only admitted loyalty. Again, you had him confused and charmed.
The dagger pressured one more time, before being taken down. You opened your eyes to watch Aemond clean the dagger on his clothing. You sighed, relieved, breathing as if was your first time.
"To think my brother wanted to cut off your tongue" Aemond announced, satisfied with himself "Someone so pretty shouldn't lose their tongue, don't you agree?"
You were pressuring the blood in your throat, your sleeve soaked with blood.
"Go clean yourself. You will stain my floor with your blood. Come back later. I will need you."
You left with your mind with a million thoughts. You found an empty room to analyze what just happened: did Prince Aemond just call you pretty? Was he trying to seduce you? You find yourself holding a sleeve to your throat, bringing another hand to your mouth, in case you decide to scream.
Aemond was playing with you. He had to! He didn't trust your word and now he decide to play with you, toying until you revealed yourself.
Aemond had no idea what game he just started.
"How do I look?"
You were in Aemond's room. All other servants had left and it was just you and him which was unusual anymore. Aemond preferred your presence, and your presence only, if he wasn't busy at the Council. He was wearing Aegon II's crown and seemed satisfied with himself. The battle of Rook's Rest had been a huge victory for the Greens. They brought Meley's head, but Aegon II was extremely hurt. You thought of offering yourself to take care of the King, pass information of his health state, but Aemond forbid that. You were meant to stay at his side now that he was named Prince Regent while Aegon took his time to heal.
"You look good, Prince Aemond." In the situation they were in, that statement was true. Aemond was fit to be King. You knew he would be much more efficient at war than his older brother but even harder to kill.
"It looks better on me than my brother, doesn't it?"
A test?
You didn't answer, just smirking at Aemond. He seemed convinced by your answer, turning towards you. There is a second of silence when he called you with his fingers.
"Come to me."
You obediently walked until you are standing in front of him. You remained there with your hands behind your back, letting him observe you, his hands rubbing the scar on your neck. Slowly, his hands made their way up to your scar and he rubbed it gently.
"Kiss me."
You bowed your head down and locked your lips with Aemond. This had started since the last time he threatened to cut your throat. When you came back later that night, Aemond asked what you thought of him. You simply answered he was very good to you and you would always be grateful. In response, he kissed you. You stood there, in shock, not moving your lips back. He sent you away, telling you only answered to him now.
He was trying to break you. That was your only possible sane guess. If he so wanted, you were going to accept Prince Aemond's desire. No matter how crazy they were.
The kiss, timid at first, got deeper. Aemond's hands went down your hips and he pulled you against his warm body. As he started getting more and more hungry, his hands drop to grab your ass, lifting you up. You instantly locked your legs around his waist, his erection rubbing against the middle of your legs. Your eyes roll with pleasure and anger with the friction, as he continued pressing even more deliciously against you.
Why that bastard was so good at this?
Aemond took you to the bed, wasting no time to be on top. He ripped your shirt, making you gasp surprised. His mouth reverenced your neck and chest with kisses. One thing that seemed to surprise you since the start was the fact that Aemond didn't seem to mind the ugly scars on your body. No, he seemed to venerate them. Having one of his own, Aemond knew the importance of them. Before he could rip your pants, you stopped him, holding his face.
"Do you want to be on top tonight, my King?"
Aemond thought for a second. He removed his crown with care, placing it at the side of the bed, together with his eye patch. Before you, Prince Aemond would never let any of his sexual partners see him without it. You were the first in bed who saw it. Now he removed it with confidence as if he bothered you not see you with both of his eyes.
Without answering, Aemond ripped your pants. You laughed, amused. He was always rougher after his victories. Not that you didn't like it.
"You must do what your King commands, right Y/N?"
"Correct, My Lord."
"Then tonight, call me Aemond."
Aemond noticed he got you by surprise. You cleared your throat, apprehensive, not sure if you heard correctly. Aemond grabbed your chin, warning with a deep tone.
"You must do what your King commands."
"Of course, Aemond. Anything you desire. I am yours."
Until the very last night of passion you had with Aemond, he continued insisting on you calling him by his first name. You obeyed, of course. It was fun. For that time, while you were ravished by Aemond, you could forget who you were. While Aemond strangled you until you both got an orgasm, you were just Y/N. You never complained about Aemond feeling your insides; the prince seemed to stare at his cum dripping from you. Another thing surprising about Aemond: he would never stop until you had a proper orgasm. You could only bet it was part of his personality, watching as you screamed his name over and over again.
Some part of you wondered, if you met Prince Aemond in another life, you could have fallen in love with him.
When Rhaenyra and her husband Daemon overtook King's Landing, a lot of servants were taken to jail. You were one of them until Daemon personally ordered your freedom.
You were brought in front of Queen Rhaenyra. She was sitting down on the Iron Throne. There was no one else in the room, except for Daemon. Rhaenyra was wearing the crown that was hers by right, her expression confident with her victory.
"Your Grace!" You bowed down with your knee and Rhaenyra smiled at you.
"Stand up. My husband and Lady Mysaria told me we had many spies but none so efficient and loyal as you. You remained inside the castle without getting your cover destroyed. I had to ask them to meet you. How did you manage such action?"
"I only did what I could for the cause, Queen Rhaenyra. I would have continued, as long it was needed. It fills my heart with happiness to see you sitting down at the Iron Throne!" You claimed.
You felt a hand pull you up and are surprised to see Prince Daemon's victorious smile in your direction.
"I have heard you have survived due to Prince Aemond's affection. Is that true?"
"I don't know. I could care less about that Kinslayer."
"My Lady, Shadows has done a lot. I can only think what they have passed through the hands of the Greens. And I think we both can see" Daemon announced, his eyes on your scar "They should be rewarded greatly."
"I agree. You can request me anything you desire."
"I am just a humble servant, my Queen. It would be an honor to continue to serve you."
"I understand. Remain hidden. We might be able to use you next time."
There were reports of your presence during Aemond and Daemon's battle, though heavily contested. Those same reports alleged although Prince Aemond was furious at the presence of Shadows, he smiled in your direction as if he was meeting a long distant loved friend again. Aemond then promised he was going to kill you and feed your body to Vhagar if he survived the battle.
The transcript ends with a single sentence from Shadows.
"Let's hope you don't then, Prince Aemond."
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chibsandchill · 5 months
A blood red setting sun
Fandom: HOTD (House of the Dragon) 
Pairing: Aemond x GN!Dragonrider!Reader (reader’s house is not specified)
Warnings: Death, toxic relationships, Aemond needs therapy (like a lot), sui§ide, Dark!Unhinged!Aemond, bad language, blood and gore (described), unreliable narrator (Aemond), grammatical and spelling errors. This is a dark fic
Summary: Rhaenyra changed her mind and sent you instead of Daemon to guard Harrenhall, and a battle between you and Aemond one-eye ensues far above the Gods Eye. Inspired by Love crime by Siouxsie and the Hannigram cliff scene. 
Alys clung to his back, her breath warm on the side of his neck. It made his skin crawl, 
he loved it. 
That feeling of wrong that washed over him every time they touched. The disgust that sprung down his spine when he joined himself with her. How his breath caught in his throat when she kissed him, when she pressed herself against him, 
the instinct to flee. 
It was familiar, 
unlike with you, 
when everything felt right. 
Aemond shifted forward in the saddle once he spotted the charred ruins. Alys moved closer, her rounded belly pressing against him to the point of discomfort. Disgust rolled in his stomach at the thought that she carried his bastard. He tugged her closer still, chasing the feeling, and yet, despite his efforts it ebbed away, just like it always did. He chased and chased like a dog with a bone, 
but even that would abandon him. 
Aemond scoffed and pushed her arm away. He would push her away, off his dragon were it not for the fact that he was addicted to her. She was a witch, 
his Alys. 
It rushed through him again, the loathing. It set his nerves on fire, his chest aching and heart screaming in protest, 
oh how he loved it. 
“There, my Prince.” Alys whispered in his ear. It made his skin crawl. Oh, how he loathed her touch. 
But true indeed, there you were. Waiting for him by the ruins and the great old tree. Your dragon stared them down when he ordered Vhagar to land. No respect, no… fear, either of you, he thought, for both dragon and rider neither flinched nor moved away when he landed his Queen of Dragons recklessly close. 
“Kinslayer!” You named him. “You came at last.”
He helped Alys down from Vhagar. Her touch chased away the delight he felt at hearing your voice again. “I hear you’ve been seeking us.” 
“Only you.” 
“Hm.” A smirk grew on his face. “I rarely leave my Lady’s side.”
You frown at the sight of the witch’s belly. “Clearly. I see Aegon’s lesson stuck after all. Tell me, Lady,” you turned to Alys, “did he cry as he spilled himself inside you?”
Your fire excited him. He found he didn’t even mind that it was his past you used to tear at the frayed edges of his wounded heart. It was you he had cried to that day Aegon had taken him to the brothel. He had cried as the old whore forced him to his peak, 
a whore who looked like Alys. 
Perhaps that’s why he chose her. So he can relive it time and time again. So that when he dreams he can hide in your arms again, where you press him to you to the point of pain. It grounded him, 
unlike now, 
Aemond felt untethered, like a kite who’s string had been cut and was left to waste away in the wind. 
His witch stood tall. Perhaps a bit too tall. Rigid. “Hardly.”
“Ah,” you lean back against the tree, “you’re upset about the gift I left you, witch.”
Alys tensed and wrapped her arms around her stomach. Aemond wanted to look at your hands but he refused to tear his eye from yours. Were they bloodied with Alys’ bastards? Or had you scrubbed and scrubbed until your hands bled. Were your arms marred with tiny scratches as they fought back? 
How did it taste? 
How did it feel to have your soul tainted with their blood? 
Could you still taste the iron on your tongue as he did? 
You were the same, 
You had left them all in a pile. Poor Alys could barely recognize them, much less identify what pieces belonged to which of her children. She had cried that night as he took her. He had licked the tears from her face and her misery warmed him. 
He wanted to thank you for it, 
for the high. 
Could you do it again? 
“I had thought murdering children was Daemon’s brand of cruelty.” 
“As did I, kinslayer.” You worried your lip between your teeth, face a perfect mask of indifference. “I do believe the saying to be ‘an eye for an eye’, not ‘an eye for a life’. Let’s not forget about sweet Lucerys,” you pouted and stepped closer. “He was Rhaenyra’s favorite, you know. Was it worth it?”
Always, he wanted to say. 
Aemond the One-eyed kinslayer with a heart as black as the night he slayed his nephew. 
Perhaps a little. 
“And how is the whore of dragonstone, hm? I hear they heard her screams all the way to Dorne.” Aemond placed Alys in front of him, pressing himself against her. “And her daughter? A sign from the gods. My sister is more beast than woman. It is not so surprising then to find our uncle rutting into her so.” 
“You think I am here for her?” You laughed. 
Aemond bristled at the sound. He stood before you, a warrior, bloodied and proven, 
and you laugh. 
“No, Aemond,” his trousers tightened despite Alys pressing back against him, “I am here for you. It is time we end this. It is time we see who will win this deadly game. Say goodbye to your whore.”
Alys twisted in his arms with outrage, but Aemond said nothing. He wanted to disobey, if only to see what you would say, 
what you would do to her, 
to him. 
Would you tear the bastard from his arms? He tightened his arms around Alys. Would you? Could you see it in his eyes? The desire? 
Take her, he urged you in his mind. 
Take her. Take her. Take her. Take her. 
Take me. 
In his dreams you called him ‘yours’. 
Eager to chase it all away, Aemond forced Alys around and pressed his lips against her hard and fast without an ounce of kindness. They were already bruised from last night and she twisted in his hold to get away, 
but he wouldn’t let her. 
She saw much in the fire, his Alys. Surely she saw into his very core and knew the beast that waited there, ready to devour all that tries to take what belongs to another, 
what belongs to you. 
Piece by piece Aemond fed Alys to it. 
Who did you feed to your beast, Aemond wondered, or had you left it starving until he returned? Did you wait for him like you swore? He refused to believe you had. He did not. So you did not. What if you had? If he touched you would the beast take him? Would it turn against him? 
He wanted to try.
If you consumed him, 
he would be glad. 
You had lain with another. You must have. Or else… He refused to believe you had not, refused to believe that you had not betrayed him for that meant that it all was for nothing. 
He could see it in your eyes. You taunted him with it. A piece of you had been given to another. It must have been. It had been. He could see it. He saw the lack of it. You lacked it. You could not give it to him. It was gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. 
Just like you. 
Where did you go? 
He tore his face away from Alys and pushed her out of the way. 
You were mounting your dragon. 
The die had been cast, it seemed. Now to see who would survive this dance of theirs. 
Aemond clambered up the chains to Vhagar’s saddle. 
“Kinslayer!” You interrupted him as he was about to fasten the chains around him. He looked up, and there you were. Upside down in your saddle. He scowled. “Don’t bother with the chains. This won’t take long.”
“Soves!” Aemond barked at Vhagar, who grumbled and growled in protest at his tone, but the she-dragon obeyed. 
Your dragon was smaller and swifter than the old she-dragon, and quickly the pair of you disappeared in the clouds above. Because of her size Vhagar was much slower and had taken to ascending in ever widening circles, forcing them out over the vast lake. The waters of Gods eye shimmered like molten copper under the setting sun. It was rather peaceful, Aemond thought. 
And then, 
your dragon emerged from the clouds from his blindside. Teeth like swords wrapped around Vhagar’s throat and talons ripped and ripped at her soft underbelly. Vhagar twisted in your dragon’s hold, tearing herself further at his teeth in her desperation to be free. 
“Vhagar!” He shouted in horror. 
Her roars of pain echoed across the land. She turned and turned, lashed out with her tail, her claws. 
“Dracarys!” Aemond commanded her. “Dracarys!” 
Fire spouted from her maw, so bright that it looked like the clouds themselves caught on fire. 
Your dragon let go so that he could get a better grip but Vhagar banked to the side and the two dragons grappled at each other. Talons tore at hide until blood rained down on the fishermen below. 
And yet, through it all, you remained quiet. Such was your bond with your dragon. It needed no words. 
Vhagar’s claws caught on the soft underbelly of your dragon, and her teeth on his wing, but the she-dragon was dying. Her great wings slowed down, her fire a mere ember glowing in her throat. Your dragon bit at Vhagar again with renewed vigor, undeterred by her talons cutting straight through entrails. 
“Oh, kinslayer!” Your voice echoed in the wind. 
He looked up and only managed to draw his dagger as you leaped from your dragon. You slammed into him and your sword through him. Aemond gasped and sputtered. You were touching him. 
Skin against skin. 
Your face against his. 
Blood coated your teeth. 
You had never looked more beautiful. 
He barely noticed Vhagar’s dying shrieks, or that the three of you began plummeting towards the water. 
The feeling of her, 
it rushed through his veins, 
burned up his skin. 
Your chest heaved, but you smiled at him. You smiled and pressed yourself closer to him. Would you impale yourself on your own sword to get closer? Bleed into him as he bleeds into you. For what was this but you killing yourself? You and he were the same. 
Then you gasped, and Aemond was broken from his trance. 
You were still falling, 
falling together. 
But his dagger? You had fallen straight onto it. Red gushed out onto his hand. Horror filled his chest. He brought his hand up to his face. He wanted to cover his eyes and pray, pray, pray until he woke up in his bed and this was all a bad dream. 
He hardly felt his own pain over the pain in his heart. The beast rattled at the bars of the cage, breaking his ribs to crawl out of her chest and be reunited with you. 
Aemond’s eyes flew open at your touch. Calm acceptance waited for him in your eyes. He knew then that you also knew that this would never end in any other way. You were never meant to survive the war, for what was there to live for if not the other. You were always meant to burn together, 
die together.
Happiness. You were happy, 
happy with him. 
He could see the water now. It would be your grave. But you would be together. He wondered if you knew what would happen when you decided to jump from your dragon. Had you seen his dagger? Was this your design all along? To die together at each other’s hands? 
The one piece of you that you could give to no other. It was his. 
His. His. His. His. He was yours. 
Yours. Yours. Yours. 
You brought his blood coated hand to his mouth, and without looking away he licked at the wetness there. You pressed it harder against him and he licked and licked until it was gone and his face was stained with you. You. You. You.
You threw yourself against him again, your lips pressed against his. It wasn’t gentle. It wasn’t sweet. But it was perfect. He chased your lips as you pulled away. You had never looked as beautiful as you did then, lips smeared with blood and wide-shot pupils. 
You clutched at his tunic, to bring him closer or push him away? Aemond didn’t know. You pulled and then you pushed. 
And then, 
Aemond looked up. 
A blood red setting sun. 
Water filled his lungs. He didn’t feel cold and it was okay, 
because he had you in his arms, 
and now you would never be apart. 
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
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🐉 Yandere Daemon Targaryen Headcanons (General)
🐉 Yandere House Targaryen Headcanons (Platonic)
🐉 Yandere House Velaryon Headcanons (Platonic)
🐉 Yandere House Hightower Headcanons (Platonic)
🐉 Yandere Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanons (General)
🐉 Yandere Daemon/Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Criston Cole and Harwin Strong Headcanons (Romantic)
🐉 Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanons (Platonic)
🐉 Yandere Aegon II/Aemond Targaryen Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
🐉 Yan!Aegon II, Yan!Helaena and Yan!Aemond w/Married!Baby!Reader Headcanons
🐉 Yandere Criston Cole w/Targaryen!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Alicent Hightower Headcanons (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Daemon/Rhaenyra Targaryen w/Rhaenyra's Twin!Sister Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Rhaenyra Targaryen/Alicent Hightower Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
🐉 Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Targaryen/Yan!Dad Laenor Velaryon Headcanons (Platonic)
🐉 Yandere Alicent Hightower/Criston Cole Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Team Black Headcanons (Platonic)
🐉 Yan!Parents Daemon/Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanons (Platonic)
🐉 Yandere Viserys I Targaryen w/Second Wife!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Daemon Targaryen w/Hightower!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
🐉 Valyrian Heritage | Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Targaryen, Yan!Dad Laenor Velaryon
🐉 A Son for a Son | Drabble, Angst
🐉 Winter Solstice | Yan!HOTD
Yandere Profile
coming soon...
🐉 If the Reader is autistic | Yandere!House’s Targaryen, Velaryon and Hightower
🐉 If bby!reader it’s poisoned | Yandere!Family Targaryen, Velaryon and Hightower
🐉 If gn!bby!reader lost an eye | Yandere!Family Targaryen, Velaryon and Hightower
Love Letters
🐉 Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Targaryen (Platonic)
🐉 Yandere Rhaenyra Targaryen (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Aemond Targaryen (Romantic)
🐉 Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Targaryen w/Child!Who is involved with Yan!Alicent Hightower
🐉 Yandere Alicent Hightower w/Child of Rhaenyra Targaryen (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Criston Cole w/Targaryen!Reader (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Helaena Targaryen w/Male!Reader (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Aemond Targaryen w/Low Birth!Reader (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Daemon Targaryen (Romantic)
🐉 Yandere Laenor Velaryon (Platonic)
Emoji Prompt
🐉 Yandere Daemon/Rhaenyra Targaryen (Poly) | 💝
🐉 Daemon Targaryen Yandere Alphabet
🐉 Yandere Daemon/Rhaenyra/Harwin w/Alicent’s S/O
🐉 Yandere Aemond vs Aegon II w/Black’s S/O
🐉 Yandere Harwin w/Daemon’s S/O
🐉 Yandere Rhaenyra w/A Twin!Sibiling
🐉 Yandere Daemon w/Rhaenyra's Twin!Sister
🐉 Yan!Dad Criston Cole, Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Targaryen and Yan!Dad Laenor Velaryon
🐉 Yan!Parents Criston, Rhaenyra, Laenor and Yan!Grandparents Viserys I and Alicent
🐉  Yan!Dad Crison, Yan!Dad Laenor and Yan!Harwin w/a bby who wants to learn to fight
🐉 Yan!Grandparents Corlys, Rhaenys and Otto
🐉 Yan!Stepfather Daemon
🐉 Yandere!Team Green for bby!reader
🐉 Yan!Dad Criston w/Innocent bby!Reader
🐉 Yan!Grandfather Viserys I and Yan!Mom Rhaenyra
🐉 Yan!Mom Rhaenyra w/bby!reader marriage
🐉 Yan!Dad Criston protecting the innocence of bby!reader
🐉 Yan!Family w/Baelon's Twin Sibiling!Who has survived
🐉 Yan!Family after bby!reader married one of Alicent's children
🐉 Male!Bby reader married with Yan!Helaena
🐉 Yan Husband!Aegon II w/Fem!Bby reader
🐉 Yan!Alicent w/Yan!Mom Rhaenyra's Child
🐉 How Yan!Harwin is with bby!reader
🐉 Yan!Otto w/Aemon's Twin!Sister
🐉 Bby!Reader finding out he's a bastard
🐉 Yan!Mom Rhaenyra finds out bby!reader ia having an affair
🐉 Rhaenyra Targaryen as a Yan!Mom
🐉Yan!Family when bby!reader wants a sword
🐉How does Yan!Rhaenys and Yan!Corlys feel about bby!reader
🐉 Alicent Hightower as a Yan!Mom
🐉 Yan!Team Green and Black w/Yan!Alicent's Child
🐉 Yan!House Velaryon, Yan!Criston and Yan!Alicent's Children w/Princess!Reader
🐉 Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Moments
🐉 Yan!Team Green Reaction to the Romance of Yan!Alicent x Child of Rhaenyra!Reader's Age
🐉 Yan!Mom Rhaenyra afther her Child says it loves Yan!Alicent
🐉 Yan!Family w/Alicent's Firstborn Daughter
🐉Yan!Mom Rhaenyra w/Baby Princess!Reader Clothes
Alternative Masterlists
🐉 Yandere A Song of Ice and Fire Masterlist
🐉 Yandere Game of Thrones Masterlist
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
House Of The Dragon masterlist.
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Request for this fandom: Closed
Rules. (HOTD rules)
Angst: Red
Fluff: Pink
Both: Orange
Comfort: purple
A little bit of everything or nothing: green
Red & Green: Yandere
But female readers only for this fandom at the moment.
MTL: Most to least.
I have not read the books! I have only watched the show, (also game of thrones)
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Yandere house of the dragon
Yandere house of the dragon: Hybrid dragon female reader.
-yandere house of the dragon: Hybrid reader 2
Yandere House Velaryon/house of the dragon: Mermaid/siren fem!reader
-How do they feel about the reader being near the sea?
A diamond of blood and obsession.
What if daemon found the hybrid reader.
-Daemon giving the reader a egg.
Yandere Alicent & Aemond x Sister/Daughter reader. -Part two. -Part three - Alternate ending.
Say it. (Female reader)
Dark yandere house of the dragon x fem reader.- A day of thanks.
-Who killed Nrya?
-Anon with happy reader and nrya
Yandere team black with a reader who nurses Luke from being almost killed.
-Corlys bonding with the reader
Bound by blood. (Yan!Aemond, jace and lucerys)
Silver hair. (Twin!Lucerys x Fem!reader)
A Letter. (Yan!Daemon x Yan!House of the dragon)
More Then A Eye. (Female reader)
Manipulation. (Yandere Alicent x male!reader)
Thoughts and Drabbles
Are the dragons protective over the reader like their riders?
Would anyone let the reader use her wings?
Cute dad daemon and hybrid daughter
Alicent dealing with the hybrids wings.
Would Daemon use hybrids appearance to say they belong with him?
Darling Lannister reader and daemon at sea.
Darling Lannister with a lion
Thoughts on Helaena being a yandere.
Rhaenyra Targaryen
The jealous princess. (Gn! Reader)
HC’s for when they wake up to find their spouse gone and then find them in the kitchen making cookies with their children. (Gn!reader)
Bedridden. (Yan!Mom rhaenrya x Daughter!Reader)
Yan!Rhaenrya Targaryen x WhiteHind!Child!Fem! Reader.
Poison. (Yandere!Mother!Rhaenyra x reader)
Alicent Hightower
HC’s for when they wake up to find their spouse gone and then find them in the kitchen making cookies with their children. (Gn!reader)
It’s alright. (Fem!reader)
Manipulation. ( x Male reader)
Her Right. (Step!Daughter!Reader)
Jacaerys Velaryon
HC’s for when they wake up to find their spouse gone and then find them in the kitchen making cookies with their children. (Gn!reader)
Have no fear. (Fem!reader)
Bound by blood.
King!Jace HC’s
Aemond Targaryen
How it is. (Sister!Fem!reader)
The joy. (Female!Pregnant!reader)
Blind innocences. (Fem!reader)
Blessed from above. (Young!Aemond x Young!reader)
Bound by blood.
Daemon Targaryen
The next victim. (Fem! Reader) -platonic
-How would the rest of the family reacted to meeting daemons adopted child?
Yandere daemon with a Lannister darling.
-Drabble for this, 18+ so don’t click if younger.
-A song I thinks is theirs.
-what if their son looked more like her then him?
-Memes I find funny from the asks and the story.
A Letter. (Yan!Dad!Daemon & Yan!House of the dragon)
Aegon Targaryen
Dark! Aegon II Targaryen x Bastard! Reader.
-what song gives off this vibe?
You make me better. (Fem!reader And dark yandere Aegon)
Helaena Targaryen
Yandere Helaena Targaryen HC’s
Yan! Helaena with a fem!reader who trains with a sword.
MTL-Who is Most likely to have kids with the reader to make her stay with them?
MTL- Who would kill their darlings significant other. 
MTL-Love the children they have with the reader
Bound by blood.
Silver hair. (Twin!Lucerys x Fem!reader)
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lady-phasma · 3 months
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