#aemond x gn!reader
lady-phasma · 28 days
After the storm
Aemond Targaryen x gn!reader
Warnings: all ages, hurt/comfort
Summary: what transpired after Aemond's return to King's Landing? playing a little fast and loose with dragonflight times so let's just pretend it was raining the whole way back, okay? 900 words
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Your throat tightened the moment you walked into the room. You had come to him as soon as you saw Vhagar circle the city. You had been anticipating his return, anxious about his errand. There was a chance he would come back betrothed to a Baratheon but you couldn’t care about that now. You saw his wet hair plastered to his head, his eye patch dangling from his hands, his shoulders slumped as he rested his arms on his legs. He didn’t turn toward you when you approached. He had heard the door open and close, you saw his violet eye flick toward you. But the only other movement was the sway of the leather strap between his legs.
“Did it go so poorly?” You walked slowly toward him, conscious that you didn’t want him to perceive your anxiety. He didn’t answer, he only dropped his head. You lowered yourself onto your heels next to him so you were eye level with him. His eye was closed. You caustiously laid your hand on his knee and stayed silent. His face wore a curious expression of pain and confusion.
“‘Poorly’?” Aemond breathed out something like a laugh, but when he looked at you nausea tore through your stomach. He had never looked at you like that. He noticed you flinch away from him and narrowed his eye. “What could you possibly know about it?”
“I..” you tried to reply but the words caught in your throat. He turned his gaze back to the floor and you let your hand slide off his leg. You stood and inhaled deeply, steadying your nerves.
“I couldn’t know anything about it, Aemond, if you don’t tell me,” you glared down at him. “So ‘poorly’ isn’t the word you wanted. What in the seven hells did happen?”
When he looked up at you your hands went cold and you felt a twinge of guilt at your harsh words. You had never seen him cry and you didn’t want to now. The pain written on his face made your chest ache. His violet eye flicked away from your face and you glaced at his sapphire, the skin around it was angry. You let out the breath you were holding. When you stepped in front of him he instictively rested his head against your stomach. You placed both of your hands on the back of his head and smoothed down his wet hair.
“Come,” you said as you slid your hands gently under his chin. You guided him to look up at you. “Come with me.”
You stepped back, took his eye patch from his hands, and dropped it on the table. You slid your hand into his and began to walk. He stood up, a defeated man, graceless and lumbering. Nothing like Aemond at all. You kept your face neutral and calm.
He followed you to the bed, but he wasn’t with you, he was far away. His gaze was on the floor when his eye was open at all. You stopped, turning to him. You reached up and unfastened the leather tie in his hair. You smoothed wet strands back from his face. You gently passed your thumb over his cheek. He glanced at you but it was fleeting.
You began to unlace his tunic and slide it from his shoulders. Aemond didn’t resist. He let himself be guided by you. So you proceeded to remove his wet garments and boots with very little help from him. This was so utterly peculiar that you moved as if this were a task that you had to do correctly and efficiently. You didn’t speak, only focused on each article of clothing. Your hands shook at first but then the cold of his wet clothes made them almost numb. He wasn’t shivering. He was long past that.
You left him for a moment to fetch some towels from the armoire. You gestured for him to remove his pants and you held the towel so that you could immediately wrap it around his waist. He stepped out of the sodden pile of fabric as you tied the towel around his waist. Aemond muttered something and you looked at him for clarification. Your brows knit together in confusion.
“Thank you,” he said, barely audible.
You give him a kind smile in return before he looked away again. You pressed gently on his shoulders so he would sit on the edge of the bed. Slowly and carefully, you dried his face, his neck and shoulders. You watched those same shoulders shake slightly as you pulled the towel away. He would tell you soon enough, but whatever had transpired was worse than you could imagine.
As you dried his hair he rested his forhead against you. It seemed to take a long time to dry, but when you were finally satisfied you dropped the towel to the floor onto the pile of clothes. You raised his face to yours again, this time his eye was pleading, searching your face. You kissed his forehead and smoothed your hands down his jaw. You let go and moved around him to climb onto the bed. You stacked the pillows and reclined against them. You didn’t have to instruct him. Without hesitation he laid his head in your lap and curled his knees to his chest. You let your fingers trace lightly over his head, his shoulder, his arm. Then he spoke.
“I didn’t mean for her to do it.”
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Masterlist Aemond masterlist
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prettyblondguys · 1 year
If you're taking fanfic/drabble requests can you do an Aemond being completely pathetic? I wanna see him on his knees and hands shaking for a chance to taste his sweetheart by having his hair pulled up to where they want him. I'm starving, man (gender neutral)
Hi! This is my first request, my first time writing Aemond (besides as a side character in an Aegon fic lol), AND my first time with a GN reader, so I apologize if it's not very good lol.
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Aemond x GN!reader
Warnings: slightly smutty, Minors DNI, kissing, praise kink, hair pulling, implied oral sex, proofreading is for fools, look at meeeeeee!
"Now, is this any way for a Prince to behave?" You coo down at the wanton mess sitting on the floor in front of you. Dressed in only his trousers and eyepatch, Prince Aemond looked anything but his usual stoic self, his self control seemingly nonexistent as he shifts his weight from knee to knee, itching to crawl forward and touch you. "Please," he breathes out, his eye roaming over your exposed body, shadows and candlelight dancing around the room.
"Please what? You must use your words, my dragon." You had been taunting him all day, leaning in when no one was looking and whispering all of the things you wanted him to do to you, pushing him behind a column and pressing his hand to your desire, all before walking off as if nothing had happened. A day full of your taunting and teasing had led here, with your pretty little Prince on all fours begging to touch you.
"Please let me taste you." His voice hitches at the end, fingers digging into the soft rug beneath him. You reach forward and gently remove his eyepatch, letting your thumb caress his cheek as he leans into your touch, a pitiful sigh escaping him. Your hand travels further back, fingertips ghosting through his long, silver hair as you grab a handful of it and yank, earning you a moan from Aemond.
"Only because you asked so nicely. But," you pull on his locks until he's forced to look up at you, back arching as you lean over him, "only where I let you." There's a noticeable tremble as he nods, his body burning with want. You guide him forward towards your thighs, and he starts to place hot kisses all along them, moaning into your skin as he nips at and licks every inch of flesh he can reach, pulling him slowly upwards, his tongue leaving a wet trail as he goes. He lets out a whine when you make him bypass your sex, guiding him instead to pepper kisses up your stomach and chest, nipping and sucking, allowing him to leave as many marks as he wants to. You bring him up to your face and yank his hair back, the sound of his gasp going straight between your legs.
"What would your people say if they knew how needy their perfect Prince Aemond is behind closed doors? Hm?" He stares up at you with a lust blown pupil, his chest shuddering with each breath as he keeps his hands at his sides like a good little prince, "If they knew how desperate you were to put that pretty mouth to use?" Crashing your lips together, he whimpers into your mouth, his tongue hot against your own. You tighten your grip on his hair but don't pull him away, relishing in the way he hungrily kisses you, like a man starved, like he could live off just the taste of you. You pull away for air, pushing his head towards your neck where he continues his task of marking you, and then back down your chest.
"You've been such a good little Prince for me," you say, running your free hand over his shoulder, feeling the way he shakes with need, "perhaps you deserve a treat." He moans as you guide him further down, having decided that it's time his lips were where you both truly wanted them.
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annikin-im-panicin · 1 year
Y/N: *staring at Aemond putting on his hood* What are you doing?
Aemond: I'm putting on my No Good Hood™
Y/N:...Your what?
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flowerpotmage · 2 years
Latest update for The Ledan can be read here!
Its a lot of work to keep this work updated on tumblr, so going forward I'll be posting links to updates when a new chapter is out. But never fear! I'll still be posting one-shots here as well as Ao3
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devilsjacket · 1 year
Aemond: I hate you
Y/n: have I done something to offend you, my prince?
Aemond: No- I’m showing my affection towards you.
Y/n, confused: you just said you hated me-
Aemond: Don’t question my methods.
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theunburntsblog · 9 months
I would like to note I haven't exactly finished got or hotd, but I do know the spoilers.
I just have a hard time watching shows for a long period of time, but I will eventually get to it until then. Here's my gender neutral reader headcannons on HOTD characters thus far.
Also, I'm very conflicted on some characters ermm (daemon and aegon ii) turns around. But in the faith of you guys... I guess I'll engage. If some of your favorite characters aren't here, just request them!!
Reader is non-specific, and no pronouns are used within this! It's implied that the reader is of a Noble House (ex. lannister, stark, mytrell, baratheon, etc)
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Alicent would sure be a devoted and lovely wife. She puts her trust in you, does her duties, and is a very witful person.
Very religious to the faith would want a partner to at least respect her faith between the new gods.
Her favorite nicknames for you would be "Dove, Sweeting, Jewel and Darling"
Brings a very soothing maternal presence, it feels like you can tell her anything, and she would give you advice without judgment.
Presses gentle kisses onto your face if you were to leave to do training or something of the sort.
Very protective over you as well, even if she's not equipped with weaponry well. If she has to defend you, she definitely will.
Even if she's upset with your decisions, she would always be there and treat you no differently.
Her favorite sound is your laughter. Her love for you brightens every time she hears that laugh of yours.
She is not the best at expressing herself when it comes down to feelings, but she tries.
Her love languages would be acts of service and words for affirmations. She cares more about kind words and gestures than gifts.
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Oh boy.. Aegon is a quite difficult one to especially with all of the drinking and brothels he devotes his time too.
It definitely will not be an easy time being his lover. His issues strive from the pressure and weight of being the rightful 'king' (ermmm okay aegon) mainly steming from his mother (love u Ali tho) and grandsire.
He only really thinks you're there for a way to either gain power or his cock which (let's be fr nobody want all that) Sex is one thing, love and trust is whole other thing.
I feel like he would be pretty needy stemming from how his father neglects him.
He has his moods and his moments, I bet you could console him quite easily although.
A very tactical lover always has to be touching you in some way. He craves to be held while you're in bed together, but he will never admit that.
Alicent would have to give him advice on how to treat you properly cause Lord Save us all he would not be a good partner.
Will not be faithful to you.. sorry not sorry
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Helaena has her quirks nonetheless, but that doesn't stop her from being a genuine good soul. She's a sweetheart in all honestly.
Helaena is a very curious girl. If you haven't originated from King's landing, I'm sure she would love to hear about your heritages.
She just needs someone to listen to her, about her bugs and about her riddles.
I believe she would tell you all about insects, I also think she would embroiderate insect brooches for you to wear proudly onto your coats.
I also believe she would tell you what insect really reminds her of you. Explaining why, in all detail, why she sees you as such.
I believe she would go to you to reconcile her about her visions as you're the only real one to understand her dismay.
I would suggest giving kindness back and start to court the princess.
I also would like to believe she's a huge bookworm, especially about mythology or nature.
Her love languages would be gift giving and quality time. She appreciates your company even if you both have nothing to say.
Patience is very key here. She doesn't like physical touch, and when she wants it, let her initiate it first. She doesn't like sudden loud noises or touches it makes her overwhelmed.
I believe she might be a poet as well from all of her riddles. She might journal to explore her dragon dreams and her other thoughts, respectively.
Over time, I think she would be the one to initiate small touches such as hands brushing against each other, small hugs, gentle kisses upon the cheeks, forehead, and lips.
bestest girl to you and will always be willing to listen to your thoughts and feelings.
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Aemond will not be easy to love. After losing his eye, he had changed. He wasn't the sweet boy of his mother it was like he did a whole 180.
He will form a bond with you, and it will be VERYY slowburn.
He spends his time training, sparing, reading, and educating and doing all of the things Aegon doesn't do. (Which is a lot thx egg ig) I don't think he would be fond of you first it's like hes a thorn in your backside.
I feel like I would relate him to Daemon in the way that love doesn't come too easy for him.
He is quite wary of people, and at the beginning, you'll never see him without his eyepatch. It takes a lot of time for him to trust you with seeing his abnormality. He finds himself disgusting, I think only time will get him to find that his eye isn't ugly.
Also, a very jealous person, quick to anger to quick to act with emotions.
However, once you catch his eye. He'll come a bit possessive yet passionate towards you.
I feel like he would be very grateful if you were to meet Vhagar for the first time as Vhagar is almost like his second home.
He isn't used to kindness that doesn't come from his mother and sister.
A very observant lover loves to study your body language as he admires your features.
Paranoid that you'll find him ugly without his eyepatch on. He will mostly hide his scar the best he can, even if it's unbearable, or he will continue wearing it while he's aching.
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She would be the most loving partner, Even with all of her duties as Heir/Queen, she will always make time for you and her family.
I feel as if her love would be very maternal in a way(?) Honestly, like she would check up on you and make sure you're doing well. After a long way, she would lay with you, her hands gently massaging your scalp, and she reads a book.
I believe she would want someone who would not only protect her but her children as well. Not that she needs protecting. It's just a loyalty sort of thing.
Speaking of children, I feel like she would want for her lover to not only accept the boys in open arms but to be a parent figure of sorts.
Extremely loyal in the sense of defending your name.
I believe her love languages would be: physical touch, words of affirmations, and acts of services.
She's a very passionate and romantic lover. She tends to you when she can and makes sure to check in with you a lot.
I feel like she would talk about rumors and stuff going on in court with you, wanting to hear how you would approach the situation and your thoughts about it in general.
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Daemon is a very complicated man in general. Gaining his trust will be one thing. His love? Another.
He is known for preferring old valyria descendents, he has a common way of going to brothels and fucking whores. A marriage or love between him will not be an easy one.
The Rogue Prince is known to be unpredictable and harsh with his methods. I would use this to your advantage.
Your marriage/love will not be perfect as the blood of the dragon is strong. He might be yours, but he's a dragon first.
I feel like he would hold walls to withdraw from the emotions he deems as weak. Cracking these walls is a task end of itself. However, patience will be key. You might have to muster some dragonfire from yourself, I think he prefers to have someone who can manage his fire, but who can also light fire themselves.
He is a very difficult man with strange needs, I think it's best to meet with his roots. Learning High Valyrian, meeting 'The Blood Wyrm', conditioning old valyrian values. That's the best bet to really gain structure into this relationship.
He will not be tied down by marriage duty. He craves excitement and bloodshed. You will have to acknowledge that.
The best way to bond with him is to sit down into bed and let him read to you of his heritage. He's very proud of it, and nothing will stop that. I think another way to strengthen the relationship is to take flights with him and caraxes.
Once you worked past the walls, he had bulit. I think he would shower you in gifts when he returns from whatever blood 'The Dark Sister' craves. Since it's Daemon, I would probably think sex too ..
His love language will definitely be physical touch. He craves of you at his side, his favorite thing to map out the little 'imperfections' by roaming his hands across your body, spreading sweet kisses as he whispers sweet nothings in high valyrian into your ear.
His favorite nicknames for you would be "my love," "Perzītsos (little flame)," "jorrāeliarza (beloved)"
He's definitely not an easy man, but he will go to hell and back for you. He has odd ways of showing his gratitude and love. However, that will never stop him from unconditionally loving you.
I also assume he would be possessive and easy to anger. Don't get me started on his jealousy. This man does not like other lords or ladies even looking at his beloved.
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This boy is a splitting image of his mother. He's a very loyal man towards his partner. He devotes his time to his duties as heir and as well to spend time with you.
He is quite the gentleman, and assuming you're betrothed to him, he will willingly court you generously.
He showers you with love and loyalty, making sure you're comfortable with him and will never pressure you into something you don't wish to endure.
He showers you with gifts and always listens to your thoughts and feelings.
He wants to spend as much time as he possibly can with being heir, wherever you go he follows.
His gaze always lingers onto you. This man stares at you like you're a part of the gods. He always admires you.
He LOVES to give compliments about your appearance and outfits all the TIME. He loves to praise his beloved, and he makes sure you know how much you mean to him.
Is always touching you in some way, even if it's as simple as your hand brushing against his.
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navstuffs · 2 years
Halloween Party
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x GN!Reader
Summary: Aemond kisses his half-sister's best friend (that he always had a crush on) at a party; aka Aemond and Reader drunk making out with masks without knowing who they were.
Warnings: MODERN AU, DRUNK PARTY MAKING OUT, rhaenyra is okay with her half brothers and sister, SHORT FANFIC, alcohol use, age gap (aemond is 19, reader is mid 20's)
Authors' note: THE HALLOWEEN AU FANFIC NO ONE ASKED FOR! i wrote this drunk but revised sober so lets hope i did a good job lol i have a whole AU series of aemond falling in love with reader that is rhaenyra's best friend. again, as with most of my fanfics, this can be read as a stand-alone fanfic.
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Aemond debates mentally about what he is doing at that Halloween Mask party, even though his sisters Rhaenyra and Helaena urged him to go. He needed to have fun, his sisters and mom said earlier. Aemond isn't a party guy; he never really was, even during his teenage years. Unlike his half-sister Rhaenyra, he wasn't popular. Unlike his other sister Helaena, he wasn't the prettiest and adored by everyone. Aemond was content on being the quiet brother(at least not an asshole like his older brother Aegon) but with Helaena and Rhaenyra insisting so much, Aemond decided to appear at the costume party, wearing a pirate hat with a proper eye patch. Not that losing one eye when he was a kid didn't help him nail the costume. He didn't even bother wearing the rest of the costume, leaving the rest of the clothes at home. He probably looked ridiculous anyway.
Aemond didn't know anyone at that house party, except his siblings. He looked around for your presence but he didn't see you. You were one of Rhaenyra's best friends since her first year of high school and one of the few of Rhaenyra's friends that didn't annoy Aemond. On contrary, Aemond loved talking with you. You were smart, funny, and not futile like the rest of her friends. Aegon teased him about the crush, implying you would never see Aemond more than a single-eyed child. Aemond knew this: you were too hot, too pretty, and too important to stay with someone like him.
Aemond thought he saw Helaena's blonde hair pass him, dressed as a bug fairy (she explained to him earlier the existence of bug fairies) very fast before she disappeared into the crowd. Aemond was not going to message his older brother Aegon, that was also at that party. He couldn't embarrass himself like that. Besides, Aegon would just make fun of him and be no help, demanding Aemond get laid.
So, Aemond decided to hang out by the drinks table. One. Two. Three drinks and Aemond was feeling tipsy. He watched Mickey Mouse and Thor make out and what Aemond thought was a hobbit for Lord of the Rings drunk, being dragged by his friends. Aemond shakes his head, shifting his weight from one foot to another. He would have sat on the sofa if they weren't couples making out there.
When Aemond decided it was time to call a night, a masked Demon wearing a black tuxedo appeared in front of the table, grabbing one of the alcohol bottles.
"I wouldn't drink that if I was you. I saw a hobbit throw something in one of those bottles" Aemond warns, biting his lips.
The Demon turns and smiles at him, thankful and Aemond nods, awkwardly. He had noticed the Demon dancing before, moving their hips against other people in the black suit. They seemed to be having fun and Aemond didn't know if they were drunk. I wonder if they are sweating in that suit, Aemond thought.
With what seems a grateful look, the Demon disappears into the kitchen. They soon come back with two bottles of closed beer and Aemond accepts, making sure they are unopened, with a shy smile.
"Thanks, I guess?" The Demon smiles agreeing and for the first time, Aemond has a familiar feeling like he knows this person from somewhere "You don't seem to talk much, I suppose."
The Demon shakes their head and Aemond notices the powerful long black nails on their fingernails. It isn't hard to understand why everyone's eyes are on them. They are captivating. They are charming. Anyone that could make out with them would be an extremely lucky person. Of course, it wouldn't be him, Aemond thought laughing to himself. The Devil was just paying attention to him due to being saved from getting drugged. That could the only reason they have taken attention to Aemond.
Suddenly their finger points to the dancing floor, a tricky smile on their lips.
"I don't dance. I am sorry" The Demon continues smiling, their eyes shining in the middle of the darkness. Aemond could swear he knows them but can't really quite place from where.
Maybe it's the alcohol speaking.
Maybe it's the alcohol letting the Demon's hand grab his, guiding him to the dance floor. Aemond is nervous. He doesn't know how to move or what to do. He stands there as the Devil starts moving their hips and arms with the song, a slow and sensual ballad. The Devil passes their hands around Aemond hips and moves them slowly with the song.
Aemond had never felt so ridiculous. And aroused.
Aemond passes his hand through the Demon's hips and feels their groin suddenly touch together. Aemond holds back a grunt, hearing a gasp from the Devil. Aemond watches as the Demon moves seductively around him, ignoring all the stares, probably wondering why he, Aemond Targaryen, could get the hottest person in this whole party.
Aemond's hands pressure the Devil's hips into his groins harder and they welcome him, his hard-on rubbing against their ass. It is like no one existed anymore, there was no party, just them. It had to be the alcohol's influence; he never felt so aroused like this. Aemond prays mentally his siblings didn't see him like that.
Before Aemond could react, the Demon locks their lips together. Aemond moans in the kiss, feeling his face burn as everyone is most likely watching them. The Demon just pressures him even more, as if like saying 'Fuck them, let them watch'. Aemond's hard-on is even more noticeable now. Aemond doesn't really know what to do; his hands feel too awkward for that body. He never had done anything like that.
When the Devil's hand starts playing with his belt, Aemond pushes the Devil's away, his hands on their shoulders. The Devil immediately stops, breathing heavily, their lips swollen with the kiss. Aemond stares at their face, and with no choice, runs away. Aemond knows he wants to continue, he knows he wants to feel another hand on his dick, but he can't.
The Devil doesn't follow Aemond. They watch as Aemond flees, making no attempt on following him. They remove their mask, revealing to be nonetheless, Rhaenyra's best friend, Aemond's crush since he was a kid, Y/N L/N.
You wipe the kiss from your lips, a malicious smile forming. You didn't know your best friend's brother could kiss that well.
"Well, shit." You whisper.
You can't wait to taste more.
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imcherrycola · 2 years
Has anyone done Hades! Aemond x Persephone! Reader? If the reader is Rhaenyra's daughter, that would make her Demeter.
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sweetandabitspycho · 1 year
Aemond Targaryen x reader
Warnings: It’s so damn short, and has bad grammar I wrote this at 5 in the morning
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“You are literally the only person in the room who isn’t dancing.” I said to the young prince. He looked at me and huffed. “So are you.” He stated, I laughed he was right after all. “Okay, so how about we dance?” I offered my hand. He looked at me.
“Why do you want to dance with me?” He asked looking at me fully. “You look like your bored and sad so let’s dance.” I said taking his hand and pulling him off the wall. “Okay, but then you have to answer my questions honestly.” He said pulling me closer. “Okay,” I whispered in his ear. “I look forward to it, Prince Aemond.” He laughed as we dance. “Call me Aemond.” He said softly.
After the dance we snuck off to the garden with a some wine. “So please tell me more about yourself.” He said as we walked. “Well I love to read, I like riding horses, and I love to explore.” I said he looked at the stars. “Well maybe I’ll have to take you for a ride on my dragon.” He said looking at me and then kissed me.
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lady-phasma · 1 month
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18+ MDNI
New Lykirī - Aemond x Helaena (after Storm's End)
Aemond x fem!reader
Never thought of a name for this filth
Keeping Aemond Warm
Without Permission - Part 1 * Part 2
Need - Daemon x fem!reader x Aemond
Sweet emo!Aemond drabbles - x fem!reader
Literally the first drabble I wrote for HotD - x fem!reader
Ticklish Aemond fluff - x fem!reader
Only one bed - Aemond x ofc
Perfect fit (prompt request) - Aemond x Helaena
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Aemond x gn!reader
New After the storm
Blessed Silence * The Eve of Battle * A Kindness * Father's Festival
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Aemond's appeal * My soapbox about his brothel experience
Silly chin ask * Silly sexuality ask * He prays with his mom
Silly ask about his down-there hair * Aemond's High Valyrian tag
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Philosopher Prince - Aemond x Targaryen!ofc (unfinished)
Chapter 1 ✶︎ Chapter 2 ✶︎ Chapter 3
Steadfast - Aemond x Helaena (complete)
Part 1 ✶︎ Part 2 ✶︎ Part 3
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Main masterlist
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phntmeii · 9 months
HOTD Characters x Reader Texts: “Are you cheating on me”
Pairings: Aegon II, Aemond, Helaena, Daemon, Rhaenyra x GN!Reader
A/N: Realized I’ve been holding onto these for a while—woops. More ASOIAF content being made, I swear.
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inspired by: @/markhoffmans-certified-slut’s texting series
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
I was thinking of requesting small headcanons of what the marriage of baby reader and alicent's children would be like (separately), if you can't it's fine, honey
❝🐉 — lady l: you asked for it and here it is!! I hope you like it and forgive me any mistakes. In this au, Baby!Reader (aka bby!reader) is the child of Rhaenyra and Criston. Daeron was not mentioned for the following reasons: Rhaenyra would never let her bby marry Daeron, because he lives in Oldtown, however, if you want, I can make a separate hc of how bby!reader's marriage to Daeron would be. Enjoyy! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, unhealthy romantic relationships, slight mention of murder and jealousy.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!aegon ii targaryen x gn!reader, yandere!helaena targaryen x gn!reader and yandere!aemond targaryen x gn!reader
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Aegon II Targaryen
Aegon will make a good husband for Baby!Reader, unbelievable as that is. He would be completely loyal to his darling, not only because he is in love with them, but he is deeply obsessed from a young age and now that he has them, Aegon will not let anything spoil their marriage. Nothing matters more to him than his sweetheart, and now that he finally has them, Aegon will do anything to make them happy and content by his side. It's you against the world.
Aegon is extremely clingy to his darling's affection and will become very sullen if he doesn't get the attention and affection he craves. He is completely emotionally dependent on Baby!Reader and doesn't even try to hide it. If anyone has all the influence and control over the Green King, it's you. Aegon will do anything for you, anything at all. You deserve the world and Aegon will give it to you. The only thing he wants in return it's your unconditional love.
Definitely a possessive and jealous husband, but not for less. Aegon has spent years pining for your love and he won't let anyone spoil that. You are his and his alone. He will make you and the others understand that they shouldn't try to steal you from him if they don't want to be fed to Sunfyre. Aegon gets jealous very easily and it's up to Baby!Reader to reassure him, to show him all the love Aegon is so desperate for. Definitely very jealous sex as he is absolutely crazy about you and jealous. It's not pretty to see him jealous and it always ends up in someone's death and an angry Aegon at Baby!Reader, though he will never hurt you or lift a finger at you.
Aegon is affectionate and kind to you, but a big pervert too. It's impossible to count how many times you and he have been caught in intimate moments because you can't control each other. He can be smooth as a beast in bed, it all depends on how you're feeling. Definitely very sticky and loves aftercare. He will lie on your chest and fall asleep right there, naked under you. You are everything to him.
How much this man loves Baby!Reader isn't said enough. Aegon will do everything in his power to make them happy, he's not the type to bring you flowers unless you ask him to, but Aegon has his own way of showing how much he loves you. You will be pampered immensely by him, he wants you to know that you deserve everything and he will do just that. Aegon only wants your happiness and he wants her reason, you should be happy with him and only him. You're the only person he listens to and says he's right, you have all the power and he couldn't be happier about it. Aegon is his and will always be yours alone.
''We could run away and leave all this behind. We can start over, just you and me.
Helaena Targaryen
Helaena is, without a doubt, the best wife anyone could imagine, although this is not shown. She is so kind and passionate about her sweetheart and is always thinking about them. She's so devoted to them that it's adorable and disturbing at the same time, Helaena loves everything about Baby!Reader and was ecstatic to find out that she was going to marry them, it's been her dream for as long as she's known herself in person. There is no doubting Helaena's loyalty to her darling and she will be very happy to have children with them, to have a family with Baby!Reader.
Helaena is not usually possessive of her darling's attention, she understands that she can't always be attached to her spouse, but she can't help but want that. Their presence is comforting and much appreciated by the princess and Helaena will make the most of you. She enjoys spending time with her bugs when Baby!Reader isn't around, but prefers to stay with them. She is understanding and so loving, it is very common to see her smiling from ear-to-ear when she is with her darling, when she is with the person she loves more than anything.
It's very rare for her to be jealous of someone, she knows her spouse loves her and has nothing to worry about, but she can't help but feel insecure when she sees them around people who could have married them. Helaena is shy and will keep quiet about it, but inside she will be seething with jealousy and wishing someone dead. She will be upset and hurt and it will take Baby!Reader to understand her insecurities in order to reassure her of their love, usually with gentle kisses and soft caresses, plus a few gifts that please her.
Helaena loves being gently and affectionately touched by her spouse, not always in a sexual context, lying in Baby!Reader's arms is heaven according to her and she will be more than satisfied with passionate hugs and kisses, which can take something else or not. She is very affectionate and soft when touching her darling, with hesitant and passionate touches, with some incense present in the room to make everything more romantic. Helaena prefers to take care of her spouse but doesn't mind being pampered and would love it if they did.
It's no secret how in love Helaena is about Baby!Reader, as she always has been and seems to follow him with her eyes everywhere, yearning for them all the time. Definitely the type to send them gifts, not always fancy jewelry but self-made gifts like embroidery and handmade stuff. She is extremely devoted and passionate about them and knowing that they feel the same way about her makes Helaena more than happy. She loves and is loved back so intensely that she feels she could die of happiness. You are everything to her and Helaena will do anything in her power to make you happy.
''Our love shall be eternal. And it will be.''
Aemond Targaryen
Aemond is the best husband Baby!Reader could ask for under the right circumstances. He always considered himself the best option for them and was pleased when others realized the same. He makes a great husband, is kind and protective of his sweetheart, and is deeply in love with them. Aemond worship the floor Baby!Reader walks and will do anything you ask, your one and only loyal protector for the rest of your married life. Although Aemond can be difficult to deal with at times, you are the only important person in his life and nothing and no one will take you away from him. You are his and he is yours.
Aemond isn't usually clingy and it's rare to see him demanding your attention, but that doesn't mean you can give it to other people. He will almost always be hanging around Baby!Reader and coldly staring anyone who gets too close, especially if they are people who are of the same family as him.
To say that Aemond is possessive is an understatement, no, this man is made of jealousy. He will be seething with jealousy of everyone who approaches his darling, who looks and even breathes in their direction. An jealous Aemond is extremely more violent and furious than normal, he will challenge anyone to a fight, telling Baby!Reader to note how he is worthy of them and no one else. He will be clingy in cases of extreme jealousy and will not leave his sweetheart's side, making it very clear who they belong to.
Aemond is delicate and kind to you, his soft touches and callused fingers will touch you however you like, the way you like. He can be as affectionate and gentle as he is strong and furious, it all depends on what you want and your mood. Aemond likes to be touched by you, whether it's sexual or not, he likes to be hugged or just holding your hand affectionately. It makes him feel safe, secure that his darling loves him just as much as he does love them. He'll never admit it, but Aemond can feel particularly needy and have self-esteem issues in his relationship with Baby!Reader, so every now and then he needs to be sure that his darling will never leave him.
A marriage to Aemond Targaryen may have challenges along the way, but he loves his darling and will do anything to make it work. He has and must make it work. Though he has his issues, Aemond proves to be a suitable and loving husband for Baby!Readr, always looking out for them and loving them the way it should be done. A lot of pampering is expected from him and he will be more than happy if his spouse does the same for him. Flights into Vhagar are included if you so desire. You are Aemond's life and he wants you to be happy with him, for him.
''You are my life and I will love you until my last breath.''
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chibsandchill · 1 year
Your little Hatchling
Pairing: Aemond x GN!Reader
Warnings: Incest (Aemond is reader’s uncle), death, blood, canon-typical violence
Summary: The greens won the war and Aemond has taken you captive, though nothing he does goes according to plan. 
If it wasn't for the way his hair shone in the pale moonlight, you'd never know he was there. He moved within the shadows as if he was one himself, always watching but never venturing out of their reach. Sometimes his leather jerkin would creak as he shifted, but it was so faint it might as well have been the wind. Or so you wished for that would be far more comforting than the truth. 
Perhaps that is why instead of staring at the outline of your uncle, you looked to the fluttering drapes as they swayed in the gentle ocean breeze. 
But then after weeks of silence, Aemond stepped forth into the light and broke his unspoken vow of silence. You imagined he would say something profound, maybe even a honey-coated apology with hissed terms of affection and a burning gaze, but instead he looked you in the eye and asked: 
"Do you like the ocean?" 
"What?" You croaked, for while the evening breeze was a welcome change from the stifling heat, it did nothing to soothe the burn in your throat. "After everything you've done-" 
"Do you like it?" He interrupted harshly. 
"No." You said. 
He seemed surprised by your answer; a brief widening of his eye, but with an ease gained only by growing up in a nest of vipers, he schooled himself. 
"You told me once, when we were still children," his voice was no louder than a whisper, almost overshadowed by the wind, "that you had never felt as at peace as when your father took you with him on Caraxes and flew over the ocean to Dragonstone." 
"That was before you murdered my brother." 
His jaw clenched but didn't speak whatever words his wicked mind had thought up. Aemond returned to his realm of darkness, and the next day you were given a new cell far away from the ocean and its haunted melodies. 
But even when you no longer heard the waves crashing against your prison, or smelled the salt, Lucerys' scream of terror lingered.
Constant heat and a sun that never fell reddened your face within hours of being placed in your new room. 
He brought you to fucking Dorne. 
Dorne was where dragons went to die, where even the tiniest of vipers had enough venom to slay even the largest of beasts. Sprinkled in the sand dunes were the remains of Targaryen heroes and conquerors, as well as their dragons. Age turned everything to dust, and before long you would be strewn across the closest dune, forgotten beneath the waves of those who came before you. 
A speck of dirt in an altogether indifferent universe. Perhaps the Dornish would dance across the dune, celebrate another dragon pest removed, and another piece of justice served. 
The Dornish desert didn't allow for the dragons to hide themselves, it left no dark corners for him to stare at you from. It left him exposed and vulnerable, like a raw nerve or a wound left to fester. 
"Do you like sand?" He dared ask one night when the sun gave them a brief respite.
You ignored him. 
"You told me once in our garden-" 
"They were never our gardens," you were the one to interrupt this time. Age old bitterness barely scabbed over with forced indifference burned at the word our, as if anything in the Keep had ever been yours. For a brief time, that little corner of an overgrown garden in the eastern wing had been yours. Every morning you’d meet there, under the shade of the apple tree and you’d tend to your garden. But like all things, even that small piece of heaven was eventually discovered and it was no longer ‘yours’. 
'Bastard' the court whispered as you walked past. 'Whore' or 'whore's child' if they were feeling kind. 
"They were to me." 
You scoffed. 
"It was never the sand," you found yourself saying even as you wished you'd have ignored him, "I wanted to see the people brave enough to defy us." 
You were moved again, but this time Aemond gifted you with a bronze-skinned woman from one of the nearby villages. Her name was Ela, and she brought colorful desert flowers that she ground into pastes which she slathered on your burnt shoulders, and with potent smelling leaves she fashioned into exotic teas and with what remained she managed to make sweet smelling perfume. The fragrance was dabbed onto your throat every day before Aemond’s visits. 
"Why are you doing this?" 
His one eye blinked in surprise. You had yet to initiate your rare and rather brief talks. 
"I don't know." He lied. 
"The truth, Aemond, is the least I deserve." 
"'Tis a sin to lie." 
"Murder is also a sin, but you still slaughtered thousands. Why do you insist on dragging this out? It won't make a difference in the end." 
Aemond looked away. "It will."
"It won't." You spat. "This changes nothing but the hatred in my face as I watch you die." 
"Hm." He angled his face away from you. His beautiful face took on a haunted expression."Yes, I suppose that's right. Do you remember when I was born? The few times father spoke to us, he regaled us with tales of how happy you were, how you claimed me. I was your little hatchling, the dragon your father never allowed you to have. Yours was the first face I saw, the warmth of your arms the first I ever felt. I dreamed of your smile when you were gone." 
"It was your father," you corrected with no small amount of venom, "that denied me my birthright." 
"You still defend him," he mused, "even after all his lies. I wonder, why do you not grant me that same kindness? Everything I have done, I did for us." 
Disgust twists your face into something you barely recognize. When did you go from the little child who always smiled despite the insults, who would trail after their lord father with a tattered dragon toy, and who dotted on their hatchling, to this being driven by nothing but hatred and  never-ending lust for blood he'd gladly give if you but only asked. 
Perhaps that's why you didn't ask. You feared the truth of his answer as much as you feared the day when his face no longer made your stomach turn. 
"We could have ran." You argued. "You had the largest dragon alive, who would dare oppose you? We could have flown East and conquered whatever lands our ancestors forgot. No, Aemond. You can blame only yourself for this." 
 "Your father would follow." 
"I understand the concept is wholly unfamiliar to you, Aemond, but that is what a good father does. Care. And you stabbed him in the back for it. Aemond the one-eyed Coward, slaying his uncle in the streets whilst he was unarmed and escorting a child of three summers, struck him down as if he was nothing and left him to die surrounded by people who hated him." You taunted him, enjoying every layer of self-hatred and anger that flashed over his face. You knew not if it was the mention of the neglect he suffered at the hands of his father that broke his mask, or that he had stooped so low as to become a kinslayer. No longer was he Aemond the one-eyed Prince, Aemond the studious and quiet prince. Now he donned new titles, none of them flattering. Years spent in the gardens together had taught you every single one of his insecurities, his fears and every aspect of his pain. 
He moved closer with cat-like grace but with none of their caution, swiping away your tears with a caress of his finger. The promise ring felt cold against your rosy cheeks, the hand-carved rose and thorns curling around the digit was an unwelcome reminder of your affection for him. 
"I had no choice." He whispered, voice thick. 
"There is always a choice." You muttered. 
"My life was not his to claim." Aemond moved closer, fingers threading through your hair. He pulled, forcing you to look up at him. You grit your teeth at the sharp sting, but you welcomed the pain, it burned away at the ember of love that sparked in the depths of your burnt heart. "It has always been yours. My love, my eye, my life." 
"Then you know how this ends." 
"I've always known," he pressed the side of his face against yours, his breath fanned over the shell of your ear. "Do you know why I killed your brothers?”
“Because you’re craven.”
Aemond stood to his full height before removing the leather patch covering the precious stone he had instead of an eye. The sapphire sparkled in the candlelight. He shook his head. “Because he took something that didn’t belong to him. I tried to forgive him, my mother told me he couldn’t possibly understand the consequences of his actions, but I couldn’t, wouldn’t forgive.”
The memory of Vhagar emerging from the clouds was burnt into your eyelids. Everytime you closed your eyes you saw it. Heard the cracks of her wings as she flew closer, the snapping of her jaws as Aemond taunted you, and the look in Lucerys’ eyes as he pushed you off Arrax. You had never seen such terror in a person’s eyes before, or heard someone scream like he did. Parts of him and Arrax washed up on the beach for weeks.
You averted your eyes. “And Jace?”
“When you ran to me, you fell and cut your hand on Lucerys’ blade.” His voice was soft, the softest it had been since Blood and Cheese tore the last chance you two had of a shared future. “Do you remember what Harrold Westerling begged of you?”
‘We have to stop the bleeding,’ he urged you, heavy armor clanging together as he fell to his knees next to you and Aemond. His voice sounded as if it was underwater, distant. Not there. Not with you and Aemond. ‘The maester is on his way but you have to stop the bleeding or he will die. Press here, your highness.’
“Yes.” You whispered. 
Aemond kept a vial of the blood the Maester removed from his face on dark twine around his neck. There was some solution in it that kept it from drying. He used to show it to you when you were younger, and when he was anxious he’d trace the glass with his fingers. His mother hated it. She didn’t understand it, didn’t understand the significance of what you had done to save her son. 
“Then you already know why, raqiarzy. And Daemon,” despite the vile things your father had done for your family, Aemond’s voice had yet to lose the admiration that clung to them, the childish idollation he had never quite managed to shake, “was plotting my murder. I had already lost my eye, I would not allow him to steal what little I had left to offer you.”
You laughed, but it’s twisted, broken in a way you had never heard a human laugh before. It rattled deep in your chest, and despite the pain and the tears brimming in your eyes you were unable to stop.
“You’re pathetic, Aemond,” you managed to force out. 
The hurt in his eyes was impossible to miss. “I only ask that you grant me my one last wish before I go." 
Disgust marred your face. Aemond had taken everything and yet he came to you with demands, conditions for a death that was long overdue. Where was your father’s wish when Aemond ordered common thugs to hold him down whilst he snuck up behind, when he drove Vhagar’s tooth into his lungs? 
"What's that?" 
"A kiss." 
"You disgust me.” You spat.  
His one eye met yours again and his lips curled into a crooked grin.You tried to think of your father, of Rhaenyra and Syrax, Lucerys and Arrax, Jacerys and Vermax, of the hundreds, if not thousands of soldiers, burnt by Vhagar before you managed to slay the old beast, of the smell of burning flesh and screaming children as their mother’s were ripped from them, instead of how beautiful he looked in the moonlight. As Aemond leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours in a motion so heartbreakingly familiar you dreamt of a world where you had died with your family. Still, your heart raced as his skin met yours, warmth spreading from the spot as fire met fire. He had taken everything from you, and yet you could not stop yourself from returning the gesture, leaning into his touch and were your hands not bound you would trace the sharpness of his jaw, and he would do the same. 
“Liar,” he whispered. 
Aemond closed his eyes, leaning in, about to press his lips against yours when he gasped and froze. Over his shoulder you spotted sun-kissed skin and dark hair. Ela. Crimson covered the black blade in her hand.
In a poetic sense of justice, Aemond falls to the ground, a steady puddle of blood growing under him. Horror is clear on his face and he tries to reach for you, but he has grown weak since the war ended and so he falls limp. You fall to your knees next to him just like that day in Driftmark, wrists easily slipping out of the bonds. Aemond stutters out your name, a thin line of blood running down his chin. 
“Shh,” you coo to him before flattening your hand against his face. “It’s okay, valzȳrys.”
He managed a weak smile. 
“I thought I’d never hear you say it.” 
It was always going to end this way, but that does not lessen the pain wrecking through your body, or the sobs you let out as he started fading away. Your fingers shook as you traced his face, wiping away his tears like he did yours. 
You chuckled. “Neither did I.”
You didn’t plead with the gods that they save him, you wished only that they take you with him. In life you could never be, but in death perhaps you could find peace. 
“I love you.” He said, and then his eyes fluttered close. 
In a flurry of panicked moves, you press your lips to his. Your first kiss. Your last kiss. You felt his lips twitch against yours but he was too weak to respond. There was nothing romantic about the way you moved against him, of the desperation you poured into the kiss, or the tears that fell from your eyes like waterfalls. 
His hold on your hands slacken and that’s when you know he’s gone. Aemond would never let go of you. 
Ela stands in front of you as fierce as her ancestors, and you have never loved them more than at this moment. Weeks of serving you had not killed her spirit. She had robbed Aemond of the last thing he had, but you could not fault her. She saw what you couldn’t admit even to yourself. No matter what he did or how he hurt you, you’d never be able to kill him. His death was never meant to be at your hands. 
“In the front please,” you ask of her, your one last request, though your eyes never left Aemond's face.
Ela nodded and walked over. Her dark eyes met yours and you nodded in response. A flash of pain, and then your blood mixed with Aemond’s again. There was nothing personal in how she stabbed you. The dagger tore through you with ease and it’s over in seconds. She then ran out of the chambers, leaving the dagger still in you. You waited until you didn’t hear her rushed steps anymore before you laid down next to Aemond, lifting his still warm hands to entwine with yours in the way your family never allowed.
“I love you.” You whispered.
Dying was peaceful in the way life never was. 
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flowerpotmage · 2 years
Little Spoon
Read on Ao3
Summary: Sweet moments in the night, as Aemond takes comfort in your arms.
Ship: Aemond Targaryen x gn!Reader
Word count: around 450
Warnings: absolutely none this is just sweet and tender wish fulfillment
Edit: tumblr keeps messing up color text when I paste it in, but hopefully I've fixed it now to work with whatever theme you have
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The only sounds in the room are the crackle and whisper of gentle fire in the hearth.
Well, that and the slow rhythm of Aemond’s breathing beside you, as he sits propped against pillows in his nightshirt.
“Go to sleep,” he spares a glance at you, laying on your side and staring up at him.
You hold back your smile. “How am I to sleep when such a vision is before me? It would be an insult to the gods to take such a gift for gr–”
“Oh, hush,” he rolls his eye, setting his book aside and scooting down to lay at your level.
You hum as his head finally settles onto his pillow, looking at you with a quirk of his lips.
“Why have you stopped reading, your grace?”
“I’m hardly able to focus with such a stare as yours,” he says, touching the side of your face. “I was becoming sunburnt under it.”
You grin, taking his hand, and kiss his thumb, his knuckles. “Oh, you think me like the sun, do you?”
He huffs, rolling his eye again, allowing you to continue holding his hand as you chuckle at his mocked irritation.
The two of you lay like that for a while, and drift off.
It is much later, the fire dying, when Aemond wakes you with a start by moving strangely in his sleep.
“Aemond?” You whisper.
He groans in his sleep, not like the usual groans of pleasure you are used to from him, but one of pain.
You place a hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing your thumb in. “Aemond, sweetling, its alright–”
He jolts awake, single eye rolling about in search of some unknown enemy, before landing on you, and he lets out a breath, body tense.
Wordlessly, you pull him into your chest, and stroke his long, loose hair. He puts his face to your collarbone, breathing deeply, and his body begins to relax.
“Mm,” he hums low in relief, in thanks, so quiet you feel it more than you hear it.
In return you press a kiss to his hair, continuing to run your hands over his hair, down his back, soothing his tense muscles.
When at last you both begin to drift off again, you nudge him to turn over, and he does it obligingly, allowing you to snake an arm around his waist–he takes your hand, kisses the knuckles, and in his hand he holds yours close to his chest. At his back you are pressed close to him, face between his shoulder blades, as you wrap your shorter body around his.
The rest of the night passes in warm comfort.
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cambion-companion · 6 months
Drunk Drabble
I've done this with Aemond plenty of times and had great fun.
But what of a drunk Tav/reader irking the living hell out of Raphael?
Raphael x reader (gn) | drabble
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With long fingers, Raphael delicately yet firmly removed the chalice from your hand. “You have become exasperating within the grip of your inebriation, my dear.”
“Little words please, Raphael.”  You hiccupped gently and tried to paw your drink back from him, missing by a wide margin.
Raphael set the glass far above where you could reach, bestowing a bemused smirk upon you and quelling any attempts to clumsily leap for it with his large hand upon your head.
“I resent that.”  You teetered and would have stumbled over your own feet had the cambion not caught you around the midriff. “I resent you.”  You pointed accusingly at Raphael’s face, your finger veering a little left.  
He neatly readjusted your aim for you. “If I were not already resigned to your nature, I would expel you bodily from my presence.”
“You like me!”  Your following giggle almost turned into a fit of coughing as you swallowed the wrong way.
Raphael sighed and thumped you on the back, a little harder than strictly necessary. “I tolerate you.”
“Same difference to a devil.”  You continued to stifle giggles against the back of your hand, swaying on the spot.
Raphael was half-tempted to just push you over, it would’ve been so easy and quite amusing.
You yawned widely and your eyes grew heavy.  Without much thought, you leaned against Raphael’s solid warm body and tucked your head against him.
“Desist at once.”
“Small words.” You requested again.
Raphael’s hands hovered around you, his surprise and annoyance leaving him momentarily unsure of what to do.  A rare experience for the cambion.
When you began to nuzzle that’s when his hands took you firmly by the waist and righted your form. You simply swayed back into place against him, smiling in peace and quite unaware of his growing agitation.
“How about we write a clause in that contract of ours.”  You muttered and turned your nose against his tunic, the better to smell him. “I get to snuggle whenever I see fit.”
With a sharp pain and a flash of infernal magic you landed ass-first upon the hard dirty ground outside a now locked door.
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tinfairies · 2 years
aemond catching the reader taking care of a baby dragon that’s hungry and needs attention (so cute) without fear and he is completely enamored by it? 💓
Anon asked: Can you make a hc of Aemond opening up to the reader about his insecurities?
I mixed these two asks
Keeper of his Heart
Aemond Targaryen x GN!Reader
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Aemond had gotten tired of his brother rather quickly that day. Aegon had brought up his favorite subject; the pig, and his eye. Aemond quickly excused himself, ignoring his brother telling him to "Stop being so sensitive."
The young prince wished he could take his brothers eye just to show him how it feels. Aegon's whores would surely turn in fear.
Aemond made his way to the Dragon Pit, he needed to clear his head. A ride on Vhagar may accomplish that. As he approached, he nodded a greeting to the Keepers.
The men looked at each other, almost in fear. Then one stepped forward. "Uh, your grace. Vhagar has brought back an egg. We don't think it's hers, but she refuses to give it up." the Keeper stated at his feet as he spoke, not wanting to look Aemond in the face.
"Let her have it, maybe if she hatches it I'll have two dragons." the prince smirked and continued his way into the Pit. He said hello to Sunfyre and Dreamfyre as he passed them.
The deeper into the Pit he went the more he started to hear this odd noise. It was like small screeching, but not of pain. More like laughter. Curiously he slowed his pace as he turned the corner to Vhagar's den.
There he saw his favorite Keeper, they had always had a kind word for him and never feared to look him right in the eye.
The Keepers back was turned and Vhagar was intensely focused on what was in their lap. She hadn't even noticed her rider. Aemond continued watching from afar, wondering what could possibly have his old girl so enthralled.
Soon that question was answered, he saw the flutter of tiny wings. Small screeches and growls echoed through the den, as well as laughter from the Keeper.
Aemond was in shock, they were playing with a baby dragon. Completely without fear, with childlike wonder even.
Vhagar huffed and stared at the Keeper. That must have been the hatchling from the egg she found, Aemond thought. How crazy it was to think that this Keeper is able to play with a hatchling in front of its mother. Whether she laid it or not.
Aemond smiled, and stepped forward finally gaining Vhagar's attention. The great she-dragon gave a rumbling purr in response as she looked at him. The Keeper turned around, and smiled when they saw the prince.
"Look what Vhagar brought home, my prince!" the Keeper lifted the hatchling. It's scales were a deep green, and the wing webbing was a golden yellow. It was beautiful.
Aemond approached the Keeper and the hatchling. "You're not afraid?" he asked as he came to a stop, staring down at them on the floor.
"Why should I be? If you respect a dragon it will respect you. You can't show fear." the Keeper responded, their eyes never leaving his.
The prince hummed, he knew this Keeper was special. He lowered himself onto the floor next to them. "What are you going to name it?" he referred to the dragon.
The Keeper looked at him wide eyed. "It's not mine to name, I can't ride a dragon. I'm not a Targaryen." they protested.
Aemond could think of a few way to remedy the Targaryen issue, he smirked at the thought. "Well, it seems you'll have to tell that to the baby in your arms." the hatchling nestled itself further in the Keepers lap, preparing for a nap.
They stared into Aemond's eye, a beautiful smoky blue, they thought. "Why is it you always wear your patch? Certainly your scar can't be that bad."
The prince scoffed a laugh. Then looked to the ground, they had not been around when he was maimed. Only arriving after he started wearing the patch in his late teens. They never got to see the way men and women alike, would turn away from him in fear and disgust. Even when he began wearing his sapphire, the whispering and teasing never stopped.
Aemond worked hard to become someone to fear, no one would dare say anything to the man that can have their head in seconds. Aside from Aegon unfortunately.
"I promise, this patch keeps you from the horror below." Aemond looked back up at the Keeper. "It's a scar, and a missing eye. A horrible thing that happened to you. You shouldn't be feared for what others have done." their voice was steady as they spoke.
"My dear, I wish that were true."
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