#girl dad aemond
aemondsvisenya · 5 months
Following on from girl dad!Aemond, would you be able to do some smutty headcanons about girl-dad!Aemond and wife!reader? Like idk maybe how he is during the pregnancies or something? Or maybe just Aemond x pregnant!reader headcanons, either is good
Warnings: as per the request, reader is AFAB; pregnancy, smut, 18+, I haven’t used pronouns as such but Aemond does call reader “wife”. This is just a really long post of Aemond being horny about a pregnant wife lmao I’m so sorry
Another Warning: This post is VERY long, I got very carried away. Happy Holidays! 😃🎄
Note: I’ve carried over the daughters from this headcanons post about Aemond being a girl-dad 😌
🔥 Girl-Dad!Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader - Smutty Headcanons 🔥
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Let it be known that Prince Aemond Targaryen absolutely 100% has a breeding kink. The idea of you swelling with his child, growing round with his seed, everyone seeing the evidence of your intimacy and knowing you’re his, drives him absolutely insane and turns him on so bad
At first he tries (poorly) to keep it to himself that he’s imagining it, but one night when you’re riding him hard, drinking in the sharp beautiful angles of his face and the sound of his moans as his cock stretches you, it accidentally slips out of his mouth in a moment where his usually perfect self control falters
“Fuck, (Y/N)… want to put a baby inside of you so bad-“
Immediately you both pause, and you look down at him in thought, considering this idea. Meanwhile he looks horrified that he allowed himself to let that thought out, as if expecting you to be disgusted. To his surprise, you merely smile and lean over him, adjusting your position before beginning to ride him vigorously once more. Your mouth dips down near to his ear as he gasps in pleasure, and your voice is husky; “do it, husband - fill me with your seed”
He cums so hard that night that neither of you would have been surprised if you’d had twins nine months later
No matter what position you two are doing, you can see the way his eye burns with desire as he nears his finish, his thrusts growing animalistic as he growls before emptying himself inside of you with a groan of your name. It doesn’t matter if it’s a hard and fast fuck or a night where he’s taking his time worshipping you, you can see that he’s thinking about it, that he’s wondering when you’ll be with child - it’s not the only thing he wants, of course, he could quite happily make love to you for the rest of his life with no children to show for it, but it’s something he considers
It’s not really a shock when you fall pregnant within the first year of your marriage, let’s be real - the two of you are definitely a passionate couple
The night that you tell Aemond you’re with child, he is in disbelief at first and merely stares at you as if expecting it to be a joke of some kind - but then he’s striding forwards, taking you in his arms and kissing you hard on the mouth. The smile on his face as his hand presses to your still-flat abdomen makes your heart melt because it’s a smile of pure joy, of pure happiness, and you know that it’s been so rare in his life that he experiences such a feeling
Aemond absolutely worships you in bed that night, and it doesn’t escape your notice that he takes the time to tenderly brush his lips over where your baby will be growing, the love he has for his unborn child already overwhelming
Unlike his brother, he absolutely does not pursue pleasure in brothels, especially not when his wife is pregnant - why would he waste coin going to such a place to be with a stranger when his beloved wife is right there, the evidence of their coupling there for all to see? He’s loyal and dutiful to you, and proves it over and over
As you begin to swell with your first child, you can see how conflicted your husband is; you can tell he wants to be passionate in bed with you, wants to fuck you hard because the sight of you and your growing belly is driving him wild, but you know that he doesn’t wish to hurt the child either. You reassure him because you know that no matter how rough he may be in bed with you, he would never truly hurt you or the baby
Aemond is uncertain for a mere five minutes more - all his worries fly rather quickly out the window when you push him against the pillows of the bed so he’s sitting up, plant yourself on his cock and begin to move erratically as you chase your pleasure on him. Safe to say, both of you enjoy yourselves from that point onwards
As the months progress, he’s rather smugly pleased when your hormones mean your sex drive goes up - you both benefit from this particular change, and he takes great pleasure in teasing orgasm after orgasm out of you and your sensitive body
Aemond is DEFINITELY pleased by how your body changes; stomach growing round, breasts growing larger… you sadly mention one night that you understand if he doesn’t find you attractive like this, and he fumbles with the ties of his clothes out of shock because are you serious?!?
“You… you don’t find me disgusting?” You ask tentatively, nervous to know the truth. Aemond’s eye shines up at you as he presses kisses down your stomach, trailing lower and lower. “My love,” he mutters, his voice gravelly as he reaches the apex between your thighs, “How can I be anything but in awe of you?” Any self-consciousness is, frankly, driven out of the window as his tongue slips inside of you, enjoying his favourite meal
You and your husband debate as you get closer to your delivery date as to what gender the child might be. One night, after a number of rounds of coital bliss, you discuss it again. You’re not sure, and you secretly expect that Aemond would like a son - however, when he trails a large hand over your abdomen, feeling the child kicking within, he hums before smiling. “I think she’ll be a girl.” You raise a brow and ask why; Aemond continues to smile, telling you he’s not sure why he thinks that - he just has a feeling.
You have to wonder if Helaena isn’t the only person in the family who can predict things because a few weeks later, you deliver a healthy baby girl. You watch as Aemond cradles her carefully in his arms, gazing at her in wonder - he is already captivated by her, by the tufts of white blonde on her head so like his own, by how tiny her fingers and toes are, by the warm weight of her. His Visenya, he thinks to himself with pride, the name you two agreed on for a girl.
It takes a few months before you’re able to have sex again, at least according to the maesters’ orders - but while you pout and grow agitated, Aemond never says a word or complains even once. He’s just so thrilled that not only is his daughter perfect and healthy, but you are too - he thanks the gods every day for it. He won’t deny that he’s rather pleased when you are able to be intimate together again though - he may be a Targaryen, closer to God, but he is still a man after all
Again, you have to wonder if he’ll even want to be intimate with you because your body has changed, there are marks from where your body grew to accommodate the life that grew there, and you’ve heard that some men are repulsed by these changes. Aemond, however, kisses ever scar, every stretch mark, every inch that shows where his daughter came from - it is a wonderful reminder, he thinks, and he loves you all the more for it
You don’t want to fall pregnant immediately after, you both agree it would be sensible to wait at least a year first, but you’re sure as hell not giving up sex; there are ways to prevent it, after all, and so it’s not too much of a surprise that soon enough you’re enjoying a healthy sex life again. It’s some time after Visenya’s first nameday when you agree you have another child.
You’d once heard some of your ladies remark that with each attempt to get pregnant that followed, the act soon became rather boring - but they couldn’t have been more wrong in your case. It’s almost as if your husband is more determined to impregnate you this time around, like he’s desperate to see you with child again, and it fuels your own fire; it’s almost amusing how many scratches litter Aemond’s back, the small marks from where you have bitten down on his shoulder in the heat of your climax, and your own body is almost bruised by the intensity of Aemond’s kisses
Unsurprisingly, it does not take long at all for you to fall pregnant again
With each pregnancy that follows, he is attentive at all times to your needs - especially the ones in the bedroom. It’s almost embarrassing how your body, filled with hormonal changes, reacts to feeling his hand on your waist, the feel of him spooning behind you in the night as he wraps an arm securely around your belly - but your dear husband, it seems, is more than up for the challenge of keeping up with your increase in libido.
Aemond surprises you one night near the delivery of your second babe; he’s watching in awe as you gently ride on his lap, his fingers clutching your hips tightly and throat bobbing with every clench you give around his cock. “Gevie…” He murmurs, and the sound of the High Valyrian on his tongue makes you clench around him even tighter. “Avy jorrāelan, ñuhys ābrazȳrys…” You are not fluent in the language, but you know enough to know what he is saying: “beautiful. I love you, my wife”, and your eyes shine. And then he shudders, eyes shifting to your round abdomen with awe as his voice trembles; “Nyke jaelagon ziry iksos nykeā tȳne hāedar”. You don’t know what he says, and soon both of your climaxes take over; it is only afterwards, as he pulls you into his arms, that you ask what he said. Aemond looks surprisingly sheepish as he rests a hand on your bump, closing his eyes. “Mmm… I said that I hope it is another girl. Just like our Visenya.”
The Gods must favour him tremendously because shortly afterwards you deliver a second daughter, this one named Daenys, after Daenys the Dreamer, and he is just as smitten with her as he is with his firstborn.
Even as you rest and recover from the delivery, you hear the whispers begin to creep around the keep; two girls and no sons? It sounds like an omen, you hear the servants whisper when they think you’re asleep, you are not doing your duty to the Prince at all. Despite the joy you feel at having two healthy girls, a part of you feels guilty for not having a son. Perhaps, you tell yourself, the next will be a boy - after all, having two healthy daughters should mean there’s no issue delivering healthy sons
During each pregnancy that follows, your husband remains just as attentive, just as dutiful, just loyal - and he never falters his duties as a father either. You love seeing him with Visenya and Daenys as you watch one summer afternoon, silently praying to yourself that this child will be a son if only to quiet the rumours circulating that you are not doing your duties, that it’s a sign you are the wrong wife for the Prince.
When your third daughter, Naerys, arrives that autumn, you and Aemond both cry tears of joy - but he doesn’t realise that some of yours are guilt for wishing your child had been a boy, guilt for wishing she had been different, even for one moment.
The whispers grow louder, rumours begin to spread that your husband tires of your bed. It’s difficult to be too sad about it, however, given that you know the truth - you’re almost certain that the noises coming out of the chambers you share have scandalised the guards and maids around the keep more than strictly necessary.
You fall pregnant a fourth time very quickly; you try not to grin at the raised eyebrows the maesters gave you when you came to them displaying early pregnancy symptoms a mere four months onwards from giving birth. When you tell Aemond, he’s bemused and smirks as he takes you to bed to celebrate the exciting news.
When Aemond holds Jaenara when she’s born, he shows her to his oldest two daughters while his third merely babbles on her mother’s lap; it’s difficult to miss the pride on his face as he looks at all four of his girls, at you, at his family.
“You��re not tired of me yet?” You ask a few months later as your husband rolls on top of you, his eye dilated as filled with undisguised lust. He chuckles as he strips you of your nightclothes, his fingers tweaking your nipples gently, “Never, dear wife.”
“At the rate we’re going,” you whisper later that night as his cock stirs in interest against your leg, despite the two of you having had two rounds already, “We’re going to have more children than the Old King himself.” Aemond let’s out a laugh, cupping your cheek to pull you in for a kiss; his words brush against your lips, just as your breath catches in your throat; “is that a challenge, my love?”
Your fifth pregnancy starts much as the others - and then it doesn’t. The amount of blood spotting your sheets is small, but Aemond doesn’t waste any time, fetching the maester to come himself. He hovers anxiously as you’re examined, snapping at anyone who dares ask if he’d rather wait outside, all of his focus on you. You’re both relieved when the maester says that you and the child are both fine - however, he hesitantly adds that you need to be careful during this pregnancy, as it seems to be higher risk.
Aemond truly tries being celibate, not wanting to harm the child - but you’re having none of that, and soon he can’t stand it either. He is gentler than usual when he touches you, careful to never over exert you, always allowing you to find your pleasure first before allowing himself his own. It’s different, but not in a terrible way.
“Aemond,” you murmur one morning, and he shifts against you from behind; his hand presses against your stomach, but he makes a noise to show he’s listening. “What if… what if we can’t have more after this?” For a minute he is silent, and you wonder if he’s fallen asleep again - but then he sighs, his breath hot against the back of your neck. “Then the Gods will have blessed us with five children - if it’s their will, then so be it.”
You truly just want the child to be healthy, you truly do, but part of you can’t help but consider that it might be a boy this time; if this is the last time, then a son would quiet the whispers, would calm the wagging tongues in the keep.
It is nearly Yule when little Saera arrives, small but otherwise perfectly healthy after a long delivery. Aemond kisses her head and then kisses yours, and then hers all over again, thanking the gods for blessing him with five perfect daughters and for keeping you safe.
Once your husband finds out what the whispers have said about you, about his girls, he’s furious and grows more possessive of you - not in a terrible way, but you don’t miss the way that his hand constantly lingers on the small of your back, how his eye watches you constantly when you are across the room, how a clear hunger burns within him when he sees you with the girls you both brought into the world.
It goes both ways; it’s undeniable that the sight of Aemond with the girls - whether it’s teaching them the language of their ancestors, reading to them, helping them in the training yard, teaching them how to ride their dragons - is a huge turn on. There’s something about the sight of him being a good dad that just turns you on so bad, and you often all but pounce on him as soon as you’re both alone.
Even if making more babies isn’t necessarily the goal, it’s undeniable that the act itself is hugely enjoyable to you both
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A soft morning
Aemond awoke to the faint sounds of birds chirping on the balcony and outside the windows. With the curtains pulled shut, only slight cracks of light filtered through and left slivers of the golden morning light spreading around the room. Yet he could tell it was still early, well before time when servants would tap on the door and begin their morning tasks. To his side, you lay on your side facing him, hair fanned out haphazardly on the pillows. Your face was relaxed and gentle, soft breathes gently moving some pieces of hair hung over your face, which he delicately moved to tuck behind your ear, letting a finger trail along your cheekbone. A pillow was tucked underneath your swollen stomach, another resting behind your back and bracketing your body to provide some comfort while you slept; your hand was resting atop the swell while the other was still reached out across the bed from where you had a hold on his bicep throughout the night.
Turning to lie on his side, Aemond just remained watching you sleep, taking your outstretched hand in his own and holding it close to his chest. It was then that he felt a tugging at the blankets towards the end of the bed, little hands grasping and trying to find leverage and hurl themselves up. A quiet snort of a laugh left his mouth as he sat up and reached out, small fingers wrapping around his own as a head of white hair peaked over the top of the bed. Aemond pulled his arm up as he leaned back and returned to his lying down position. Your daughter, Shaera, crawled to sit atop his bare chest with a big smile across her face. White hair messy from sleep and still dressed in her nightgown, the 5 year old held a finger up to her lips upon seeing you still sleeping.
“Unlike you to wake so early, nuha byka zaldrizes.” Aemond reached to stroke down the wild hair on his daughters head, her hands batting him away. Little giggles left her mouth as she tried to scramble away gently, not trying to rock the bed too much and wake you. Aemond sat up and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest before lying on his side and holding her in between the two of you. Shaera’s hand outstretched to rest on Aemond’s cheek and grab ahold of a handful of his hair, pulling it gently close to her and she tossed it around to tickle his face, a smile coming to his face, his nose scrunching at her.
With his daughter pressed against his chest and pregnant wife beside them, Aemond could not invision a more picturesque moment, and one in which he never thought he would be able to have. You had given him the love and comfort he had always craved, and then blessed him with a child who was the spitting image of him. His daughter was his shadow, the little girl always accompanying her father, following him step for step. His Princess.
“When will the baby come, Kepa?” Shaera whispered to him, breaking Aemond from his thoughts. You had, still deep in your sleep, reached your hand out again and rested it on your daughters body, seemingly sensing her presence and wanting to hold her close; Aemond moved his own hand to cover yours.
“Soon, my little love, your sibling should be here any day now.”
“I want a sister, can she be a girl, kostilus Kepa?”
“We won’t know until they decide they’re ready to be born, it could be either a girl or a boy.” Aemond felt you moving more on the bed and knew that you’d be stirring from your sleep soon, “Your muna hopes for a boy, with hair just like yours, who she can dress up in reds and greens and golds.”
“What do you hope for Kepa, a boy or a girl?” Shaera wrapped one arm around his neck and pulled herself closer to him, tucking her head underneath his chin, snuggling into his warmth and taking in his comforting scent.
“I, like you, would like for another little Princess. As many as your mother agrees to bless me with, and a little prince eventually for your mothers sake.”
“More little dragons for you to spoil.” Your sleepy laugh came from beside the two Targaryen’s as you shifted the pillow out from underneath your stomach and moved closer to your husband and daughter. Shaera extended her other arm and slid it under your neck and pulled your head closer, your face coming close to Aemond’s as he pressed a soft greeting kiss to your mouth then the tip of your nose, “Something which I think this little dragon enjoys the sound of.” The movements and stretches of the babe within your stomach could be seen, your stomach moving and tapping against Shaera’s leg causing her to smile and sit up, pressing both hands firmly against where she saw movements. You and Aemond watched your daughter happily, you having moved your head to rest on Aemond’s temple, his own hand coming to rest softly on the top of the swell.
Aemond never invisioned having a moment like this, the light filtering in with the far away noises of Kings Landing faint in his ears. His daughter and wife lying against him with his unborn child, days from being born, locked away in your rooms in this moment of private familial calmness. Pressing another kiss to your cheek, Aemond felt completely at peace.
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myfandomprompts · 6 months
How do you think each ewan character would be like as a girl dad.
I have been dying to write prompts again (I did that in another life), and I have no time nowadays because of work, but because I am an unreasonable person apparently, I'll take great pleasure doing this headcanons!
Ewanverse!girldad headcanons
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He would be harsh with her/them. His community wouldn't really see girls in high regards and would be loving and caring only in private. He loves them, but is scared to be "too close" to them. In public he can't help but keep an eye on them though, they are his blood after all, his precious women.
Aemond Targaryen
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He would be over protective. At first, he would think that he would care only for boys, but no matter if it's his first child, or second, or tenth, he will go into dad mode and just- raise her to be the best. He would take pleasure spending evening reading High Valyrian with her, be very wary of what dresses she wears, of who she meets. He would encourage activities, would it be dragon riding or sword fighting, and whenever she would grow up to be a little rebellious he would turn mad and worry all the time she escapes the Keep or get into trouble. But he would be so proud.
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Billy Taylor
Clumsy at first. There is nothing more scary than to have a child, and have a girl of all things. He would be amazed during all the infancy, and then panick. All the time. But he would adore the moments where they would connect and spend time together. She would be as sweet as him, and would be showing her off to her mother and family proudly.
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Billy Washington
↑ This is his genuine reaction learning he'll have a girl. The minute he realises it, his mind is set on doing better, on getting all the help he needs in order to be a better person, and the best dad. There is something scary about having a girl, but he knows she'll be okay because the girls in his family are brilliant.
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What will he do with a girl? Is that the product of his obsession? Why is this different of any other girls he knows? > Because it's his daughter. On earth, he would be an awful dad (if he managed to keep her, that is), would provide but barely. Maybe send her to fetch his cigarettes or do things for him that a child shouldn't do. But in the end he would like to have her closer to him. It's his daughter, no one else's.
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Would not care, at first. Hell, what even is the point? When he sees her for the first time it's so odd, she is his, and she will grow up to resemble him. Maybe he could teach her a thing or two, who knows? How to fare for herself, how to con people. And as time passes, the more they team up, and he can't see his life without her.
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It's his babygirl. He is so lucky. She will be brilliant, how could she not be? He will protect her from the others that will look down on her, because no one deserve her anyway. They don't deserve to be in his presence. He would buy her so many books, her first computer at four, and from there just watch her grow to be as brilliant as him. And then she would crush all the category of person that looked down on him when he was himself growing up. He would be so proud.
Oh, and he would made dad jokes. All the time.
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Caring, loving. A product of the sky she is. What is more beautiful than his daughter? She is a gift, and he would protect her with his life, cherish her until she is so happy she shines. He would read to her early on, and then when she would know the psaums better than him he would have the biggest grin. He doesn't want to fight anymore, just take care of her.
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Him, a dad? Okay, he'll manage. Shouldn't be so hard, eh? But then a girl? He'll turn into someone else. Attentive, doting, a little firm but it's because he just want to protect his family, and hell how he would want to protect her. He would have an even closer relationship with her than the mother and would be so happy. She teach him how to be more responsable, because there is nothing more worth than changing for her.
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Will Will Will. Would be really lost at what to do, but then he looks and looks at her and just fall in love. Why should he not spend all the time he can with her? Would feel guilty nonetheless. What if he is not good enough? He would let the mother take care of her, but he can't stay always long. Believes she would be better without him, anyone would be actually. But life gave him this girl, he should at least try. And he won't regret it.
I excluded Jason, Jack, Poacher & car thief (SOAH)
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Fire & Desire
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader (mentioned) , Aegon ii Targaryen x reader (wc: 2.2k)
Summary: Many sacrifices have been made to get Aegon on the throne. Including ones made by you
A/N: this had been sitting in my drafts for sooo long. I thought I’d revise it a bit, give me a bit of a break from fool me once. Hope y’all like it 🫶🏽🫶🏽. Sorry if there is lots of typos this was sort of posted on a whim
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When Aegon becomes King, it is up to us to guild him in the right direction. To have the ear of your husband is ever important…. That may mean giving things up in return.
The words had been ringing in your head all night. Along with the image of Alicent’s uncomfortable grimace. Your instinct was the ask her what she meant by that; play silly and confused. Easily moldable and docile, the way most people like.
But you know your good mother too well for that. She knows all. You should have seen this moment coming.
The next thing you wanted to do was apologize. Tell her that you do not know how you got yourself in this predicament. But Aegon has never been one to apologize for his indiscretions, so why should you. All you can give her a curt nod.
You know she advices you without any malice. The bolstering hate you sometimes saw in Queen Alicent, the kind you see in all her children in different dosages, had cooled to a melancholy resentment over the years. She’s grown older, a bit wiser. Or maybe she is just tired.
The type of debilitating exhaustion that only women would get. Women forced to do the bidding of those around them.
It was never going to be simple. It is never easy with this family. An heir that is never around, a dead King that was never suited from the job, and a circle of scheming noblemen. Recipe for chaos and destruction.
Alicent does not have the hope to be disappointed anymore. Everything is for survival now. So much has been given up for this, and now comes your time to pay the price. Just like Alicent has.
If she knows, you can assume that means Aegon does too. He is more observant than anyone would give him for.
There are days he looks at you, and you think he can tell what you have been up to. He can look right through you and see what his brother did to you that morning, or late the night before.
Does he wonder where you run off to, the way you did with him at the beginning of your marriage. When there was a blinding and painful need to make it work. If he does know, you are surprised he has not said anything to do… or to Aemond. Aegon’s emotions flow hot and wild. Being on the opposite end of it is a sight. But then he levels off, normally numbs whatever he feels with wine or whores. He is simple in a complicated way.
If he has any inkling about what you have been doing, he has not made it known. You don’t know if that is a relief or if it hurts. None of that Targaryen madness dealt out for his wife.
Your thoughts are broken when he stalks in. Freshly washed, slight bruises on his face, and wrapped in despair.
He does now acknowledge for presence, just climbs into bed after blowing out the few candles on his side of the room. The two of you lay in silence before you feel like you will crawl out of your skin if you do not say anything.
“I will stop seeing him… in that way,” you say into the darkness, voice stronger than you thought it would be. “If that pleases you.”
You turn from your back to your side to face him; you are greeted with a eyeful of silvery hair that seems to glow in the dark. His back facing you, rigid and uncomfortable.
“Aegon, did yo-“
“I heard you the first time,” he sighs, interrupting you.
There is more silence. You continue to stare at his back, till he slowly turns to face you. Even in the dark you can see the frown on his face. The moonlight illuminating him It is like speaking with his mother all over again. Does Alicent look at Aegon and get frightened? To give birth to someone who looks so much like you but disappoints you so deeply must be haunting. A terrible mirror to have.
“I am surprised you are even admitting it,” he mutters.
You decide not to tell him that the admission comes at the behest of his mother. There is no need to add to the list of things that splitter that relationship.
“We are going to need each other, now more than never. I am willing to admit… wrongdoing and repent for it. But we both have to do that for it to work.”
Your tongue feels heavy calling whatever Aemond, and you have wrongdoing. The proper term for it does not come because you don’t know what you two are. Lovers, confidants, prisoners. It’s all the same.
The frown deep softens a bit.
“Aenar is mine.”
It comes out like statement, but you suppose it is meant to be a question. Aenar is all Aegon is best and worst ways. Sweet cherubic features and a rambunctious spirit. They even pout in the same way when they do not get what they want. They are so alike that it stupidly makes you wonder at what age he will let you down. The way his father has before him.
“He is yours,” you whisper. “A tiny terror.”
Aegon lets out a short fit of playful laughter. The affection Aegon has towards the kids is something you were constantly taken aback by. When he was around, and in his right mind, he is electric with them. It made you a bit jealous. You pushed your body to the max, and Aenar follows him like he is a god. A Targaryen God.
“But Valaena…” he trials off bitterly.
You do not answer immediately. While Aemond barely even looked at you by the time you became pregnant with Aenar, things were different by the time you had your little girl. Your relationship with Aemond sweet and syrupy. The glow of intimacy neither of you had experienced before.
“No, she is yours.”
It is easier to say that, her features still soft and indiscernible. You think she is his. You hope for his sake she is. Aegon becomes extra warm around her. Baby talk and soft looks of love.
Perhaps you hope he is for her sake as well. If Aemond thinks Valaena is his daughter, he makes no effort to show it. At first, you thought it was him being smart. Knowing that taking too much of a liking would be suspicious. Then you quickly learned he just has no interest in that part of you. Sometimes you fear he sees that extension of you, your kids, as obstacles instead.
Living and breathing embodiments of the duty you put first.
“You would really stop,” Aegon rips you from his thoughts. “Tell Aemond that it is done?”
His voice lifts intrigued. A different conversation you had with Alicent floats in your mind.
Their want for different things keeps them from expressing their love, but it is there.
“Will you stop fathering flea bottom bastards?”
Aegon scoffs at your question, but nonetheless shuffles closer to you. He smells like lemon and roses.
“This is going to be so bad,” his voice wobbles a bit.
You want to agree, because it will; it is going to be blood spilling amounts of terrible. Instead of expressing that you lean forward too.
It is how the two of you fall asleep. Foreheads pressed together, noses brushing, and slow breathes mangled together.
Is that what having your husband’s ear is like?
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You know you are staring, unabashedly and grotesquely.
The only saving grace being that you are not the only one. Everyone in the dragon pit has their gaze on Aegon. Small folk watch on in confusion or admiration. Everyone on the stage hold more somber or stoic faces. Everyone accept Otto that is, who looks as pleased as you have ever seen him.
Alicent’s face is serenely flat. Helaena cannot look at her brother for too long, looking away at times. You do not dare turn to see Aemond’s reaction. Especially not after avoiding him all morning. There was a sinking feeling you got when your lady in waiting told he was outside of the door. Cowardly, you told her to tell him you were occupied. You did not know what to say to him yet.
Now all you can do if stare, and fiddle with the crisp fabric of your mute pink and gardenia dress.
It is terribly quiet in the pit. It only makes the affair even more uneasy.
There is something so devastatingly beautiful about his tear-stained face. You enjoy Aegon like this. Needy, helpless, and metaphorically flat on his back with shock and despair.
When he finally rises, Conqueror’s crown on his head, his eyes darts to everyone on stage. When his large, watery eyes finally get to you, you try to give him an encouraging smile. You are sure it reads more painful than reassuring or comforting. You bow your head expectedly.
King Aegon, Second of His Name. Gods helps you all.
The tides change once he turns to face the crowd. When the cheers start, there goes your meek Aegon. He lifts Blackfyre with a vigor you have never seen from your husband. There is a satisfaction that radiates off him. It’s stunning and terrifying to watch.
Despite everything, your eyes tear themselves away long enough to briefly glance at Aemond. If Aegon’s feeling burn fast and dissipate to light fizzles of hate, then Aemond’s resentment simmers for years, and flares when the flames are fanned.
His eyes never leave his brother’s back. Everyone enraptured by Aegon’s attitude change for different reasons.
The cheers reach their peak, and foolishly you think maybe things will be alright.
Then everything goes black.
This is going to be so bad
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It is only in the comfort of his own chambers, where Aemond feels like he can finally let out the breath he has been holding in for days.
His stomach has been in knots for days, waves nausea fluttering in certain moments. It reminds him of after he first lost his eye. He would get such painful headaches that it made sick. 
Now it is not his lack of an eye ailing him, it is you.
He should have known something was wrong when you would not allow him to see you. The necklace was missing too. The sterling silver locket with a sparkling sapphire in the middle of it. You had not taken it off since he gifted it to you… till today.
Aemond knows what it means.
You could barely meet his eye, as if you think your rejection would break him. He would rather gouge his other eye out than give Aegon the satisfaction of that.
The only time you seemed aware of his presence is when you squeezed his arm when they were all face to face with Meleys. The squeeze was surprisingly strong. Though it was not a scared squeeze, it was almost reassuring. You were ready to die. You had told him one night; whispered it in the dark. You knew it would be coming, and sooner than you wanted.
“Of course, we are going to die young,” you smile with little mirth. “Think of family we are in.” 
You had only expressed sadness for your children. That you hope when that time comes someone kind will take care of them and prayed, they would remember you as a gentle mother.
What a way it would’ve been to die at the fire of dragon. You, him, his siblings, and his mother… one big happy family.
Aemond decides not to tell you that sometimes he goes in Valaena’s room and just looks. He waits for the paternal instincts to kick in. One day he expects to look and see flashes of himself. As of now all he sees is your eyes. He supposes that is the next best thing. He already must see his brother, and mini version of him that hides behind your skirts.
He has no desire to take care a child right now, and he is not even sure she is his. But to be bound to you another way would be so lovely. So many parts of him are now yours, and vice versa. What is one more?
Aemond is not mad. He finds the whole idea of a mad Targaryen a bit macabre, even for his taste.
But he sees visions of Aegon sitting the throne with you at his side as queen and thinks it would be ok to see King’s Landing up in flames. Even better if he is the one to light the fire.
He saw the way your demeanor instantly shifted. Tending to hurt small folk, telling guards where to go and what to do. There was not a lick of fear in your eyes when someone addressed you as the queen. In fact, Aemond was sure he saw a flicker of glee run through your eyes. He cannot fault the self-serving side of you. He wishes to devour it the way he wishes to devour every other part of you.
You would have never agreed to marry Aegon if this outcome was not a possibility. Giving up a chance to have your name in the history books as Queen and your son as future heir is not an opportunity you would give up. Certainly not for him. Aemond knows Rhaenyra is coming. If not his half-sister, then his uncle will be plotting and planning. So, he will do what he always does. Sit and wait. One eye firmly on his clever girl.
When the spark is finally set, he hopes you two will burn together.
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revedetendresse · 1 year
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BEHIND THE SCENES of HOTD 'The Princess & The Queen' with Fabien Frankel, Leo Hart, Ty Tennant, Leo Ashton, Harvey Sadler & Ryan Corr
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minasvalentine · 8 months
Aemond would be the ultimate girl-dad like damn
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ride-thedragon · 10 months
Aemond claiming Vhagar gets a little more layered when you realise that her and Caraxes are the only dragons those girls have known properly when it comes to dragon bonds. Like Baela has moondancer, but Rhaena specifically is being ignored by her father for the most part because if she didn't hatch a dragon egg, that means she could claim a dragon which would mean going back to Westeros.
Which is something he's clearly avoiding. Laena has to comfort her saying there are many ways to claim a dragon because Rhaena thinks they'll abandon her for not having one.
So when the dragon her mother has had her entire life is 'stolen', the exact meaning is that that was her mother's dragon, she doesn't have the understanding that Aemond does of going to the dragonpit and looking for dragons to claim.
To her, Vhagar was a family dragon, her family specifically, and the best chance she would have to claim one like her mom said.
Again, her dad ignores her and makes it seem like there's some hierarchy when it comes to hatching dragons and claiming them and not hatching them at all simply because he doesn't want to go back. He doesn't want to help her claim a dragon in King's Landing because he's a selfish bitch.
Aemond does not see it that way because of a similar inferiority complex, that the world's largest dragon could help absolve, and because he has the understanding that dragons aren't inherited. He is also aware that he's at a funeral and that the reason Vhagar is unclaimed is that Rhaena is mourning her recently dead mother.
I think my point is to blame Daemon and Viserys for being evil little men really and giving their kids or facilitating environments where their kids feel inferior based on their own targeted perceptions based on nothing over dragons and dragon bonds. They are responsible.
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theothermaidoftarth · 8 months
Baela and the Myth of the Child Fighting Pits
Not sure why I keep seeing from green-leaning accounts that in Fire and Blood, Baela visited the child fighting pits. But this is what F&B says about Baela post-Dance:
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Nothing about child fighting pits. In fact this is what shows up when I search ‘pits’ in Fire and Blood:
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The definition of a rat pit according to awoiaf:
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Not the best of places, I’m not going to defend it but there’s nothing about children there (also lower down it’s stated Mushroom said these are the places Aegon II would frequent, which the show turned into child fighting pits).
Also saw it said on here that Baela celebrated Jaehaerys’ murder… Her reaction was not recorded.
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Baela is many things and she is not perfect but what I’m seeing is just not accurate. And that’s not even getting into what I’ve seen on Reddit where they say she wasn’t faithful to Jace before his death and was kissing squires while he was in Winterfell. (Narrator: she wasn’t.)
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
@fatherforgivethem has infected me with thoughts of Aegon/Helaena/Aemond and their kids, and I have an idea, and I sorta mentioned it in my last HC post, but I just need it out of my skull for the sake of my well-being
the parents taking the kids to courts/dinners/events.
an agreement that if the kids fuss or ask for them to a certain point, they be brought to either of them, no matter what they're doing, if they're in front of a lord or nobleman or one of the god forsaken Seven. they will always come before the court, who can blame them for wanting some sort of out.
Jaehaera being brought to Aegon during one the few court meetings his mother actually got him to attend, meaning he can't leave, even for his daughter, or his head will end up on a spike. so instead she insists she will be quiet, taking his sniffling baby girl into his arm, assuring the nobles that he's listening and that she won't spill any of their secrets, cooing at her a little, while walking off s bit to the side. he rocks her till she's mostly asleep before returning to his place at the table, not sitting down, but rocking back and forth in front of his seat. he's kissing her forehead and stroking a finger over her little nose and chubby cheeks, smoothing her hair. he's so clearly infatuated with her and it catches everyone's attention. her presence also seems to make him act a bit wiser, like a proper prince, so he's loving on his baby while quipping into the meeting every now and then (he's got to be a good example for his girl)
no one can necessarily get mad, Jaehaera is adorable and they had all hoped and prayed fatherhood would settle the prince, which now they fear it's settled him too much.
Aemond stopping his sword training to lay out a blanket for the twins to sit in the grass and watch, goading Criston into putting on a show for them, imitating whatever story they come up with. letting them take up wood swords eventually and starting to incorporate them into his training.
Helaena having her lunch with Mother and a lady in waiting interrupted by her son being brought to her. he's huffy and tired, most likely woken from his nap by dreams he didn't understand, wanting nothing more than to just cuddle up with his mum. he's sitting against he glumly, clearly wanting his mum all to himself, to go up to her chambers and cuddle while she sings him the lullaby she has since he was born. but between his grandmother and the lady in waiting coaxing him to giggle, his mum trying to cheer him up, be comes to enjoy himself a bit.
The family having to go to some dinner for some noble and having kids on their hips. they don't like letting people take them from them, especially not little Maelor, so they're in guard all night. having to play nice when Lords and Ladies would reach out a finger to play with the babies, acting as if they don't want to snap at them.
Aegon carrying Maelor around the event while Helaena and Aemond keep the twins together.
trying to get them to sit nice at the dinner itself but finding themselves caring more about messing around with them than keeping up appearances
the 3 standing together, babes in their arms during some court meeting in the throne room, looking very accidental renaissance.
having matching outfits. Aemond and Aegon looking especially nice in the lighter colors for once.
they're just too cute and infecting every waking moment I have
(repost cause I accidentally posted it privately at first and tumble sorta ate it.. I don't know what happened, it was weird)
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thesilverlady · 1 year
I'm not enough of a book purist to not being able to enjoy headcanons, crackships etc (as a matter of fact I do love them). But seeing newbies unironically and completely serious considering aemond to "trying to be the perfect son", or "heleana is the people's princess" or "rhaenyra is calm, collected and strategic", "Daemon is the family's clown, the agent of chaos" legit gives me a headache because they are nothing like that.
And I'm not talking about ppl writing fanfics with this type of characterization, but ppl legit having takes based on the terrible portrayal of the show. And even when they go to read f&b they still have the image the show gave them because they don't seem capable of letting go.
it just feels like Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen character assassination all of again.
There are so many people who consider Jon to be basically ned 2.0 and Dany a mad queen-girlboss-slay
I just wish we could seperate books from adaptations. That's all
#don't be a jerk i'm just venting ✌️#anti hotd#I know the greens had 2% of actual characterization so fans are now making their own hcs but#my issue is they slowly legit believe them to be canon#rhaenyra was not chill. She was emotional. thought first with her heart. could be immature and had temper#aegon was not a loser crybaby. he was spoiled. had freedom to do as he wished and was simply lazy and unmotivated#aemond was already a psycho before his eye loss. and was obsessed with proving himself. he gave 0 shit about his fam#helaena only had 1 line in f&b and even that gives her more personality than the cringe show version#alicent was not a child bride. she was an ambitious woman. a big hypocrite who was obsessed w Rhaenyra and had beef with her since rhaenyra#Viserys was a girl dad and loved rhaenyra and heleana. he also loved alicent very much. aegon and aemond were simply red flags#daemon was not a deadbeat dad. he was ruthless and he wanted the throne and power. his marriage with Laena softened him a lot#and he became dedicated to his fam to the point he killed himself to take out Rhaenyra's biggest threat aka vhagar (not aemond)#otto was not a warm grandfather. he only cared about gaining power and he gave 0 shit about what his grandkids could be going through#grrm does write grey characters but he also writes ones who are meant to be interpreted as good/evil#and the greens are very obvious the antagonists of the dance#I'm not saying you shouldn't like them but fandom should stop trying to rewrite f&b with their hcs#people enjoy joffrey and ramsey but no soul says they were victims#f&b meta#hotd meta#anti ryan condal#Ryan will pay for his crimes
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aemondsvisenya · 1 year
Okay I NEED more girl-dad!Aemond - headcanons or a full on oneshot, I don’t mind, I just need more of it
YESSSS, girl dad Aemond is THE BEST
I absolutely WILL write one shots/fics about it, I’m just super busy right now and headcanon posts usually help me figure out how/what to write anyway, hope that’s okay!
I also included a reader who is AFAB/pregnant because I wanted to touch on some pregnancy headcanons, but I’ve tried to avoid reader pronouns, hope that’s okay!
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy
💚 Aemond Targaryen as a girl dad - Headcanons 💚
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This man lives for his daughters, quite literally LIVES for them
When you’re pregnant for the first time, Aemond is so ridiculously happy, he truly doesn’t think he can get any happier.
He’s admittedly somewhat anxious because he wants to be a good father, and he’s a little worried that his child will fear him because of his eye and scar, or even that he’ll be a terrible parent like his own father, but you set him straight and tell him that your child will adore him as much as you do.
He will be nothing like his own father, he vows - he will never make his child feel unwanted or unloved, like they aren’t good enough
The whole pregnancy he’s so attentive to you and your needs, talking to your growing belly in High Valyrian and stroking it softly; he’s in awe when he feels the baby kick against his hand, eye wide and an involuntary smile curling his mouth
He picks out the egg for her cradle himself, spending hours looking at all the eggs before choosing a sapphire one that you think matches the one in his eye. He makes sure it is incubated and ready for the arrival of his child, determined that they will have a dragon and not suffer like he did when he was young
When the baby is born, he insists on being at your side so that you’re not alone; it disgruntles the maester but he’s firm that he wants to be there the moment the child enters the world, he wants to be there for their first breaths. He also wants to make sure you’re not alone, he knows all too well that childbirth is a risk and he can’t bear the thought of you being alone for something that might potentially endanger your life
It all goes well, thank the gods, and as the maester lays the baby in your arms, he says to your husband, “congratulations, my Prince; you have a healthy daughter” - Aemond thinks he’s about to weep as he looks down at his daughter, falling in love with her immediately because she’s so perfect, she looks every inch a true Targaryen with her pale hair, and she has inherited his eyes. He vows he will always protect her, will always make her smile, will be the best father he can be to her - and you know he means it.
She is named Visenya to honour his dragon’s first rider, a true Targaryen warrior and queen
Aemond does everything with his little Visenya; it’s common to find him reading with her tucked in the crook of his arm when she’s a baby or on his lap as she grows into a toddler, smiling fondly as she babbles away to him. He insists on being in the nursery with her whenever he can, much to the surprise of the ladies who are charged with looking after her, and he can never part from her for long
He introduces her to Vhagar a few weeks after her birth - you’re extremely nervous, it must be said; you trust your husband, you have no doubts he knows what he’s doing, but Vhagar is so gargantuan that it’s hard not to worry a little about your baby. But Vhagar is remarkably calm as Aemond shows her his daughter and says she is called Visenya, and when he decides to take his daughter on her first dragon flight, Vhagar glides slowly and rather gently for someone of her size, like she knows to be careful of the fragile baby her rider has strapped to his chest
It’s obvious that your daughter LOVES Aemond just as much as he loves her
Visenya is a total daddy’s girl, she has him wrapped tightly around her little finger and she knows it: he will do anything she asks, whether it’s read a book or give her a hug or even take her dragon riding. She is so spoilt, his little princess
A couple of years after Visenya, you deliver another child - another daughter. You’re slightly worried that Aemond will be disappointed, that he wants a son, and you know that people will whisper; but the second he lays eyes on his second baby girl, he’s absolutely smitten. He loves her so much, just as much as her sister, and suggests that she be named Daenys after Daenys the Dreamer
A third daughter follows, this one named Naerys, then another who is called Jaenara, and then finally comes little Saera… and he’s so overjoyed with each of their births, so happy with all of them, far happier than he’s ever been in his entire life
People do in fact whisper - they say you have not done your duty, you have not given the Prince a son, that there must be something wrong with you and that it’s the gods’ way of cursing the marriage. At first you pay no mind to it, but eventually it becomes too much and you tearfully apologise to your husband for it
Aemond has never been so appalled in his life - he’s furious at everyone who has said such things, extremely furious, but he’s also perplexed because how could anyone think he doesn’t love all of his girls? How could he not love them, all five of them? And how could he be disappointed in you when you have delivered five healthy babes? The gods have blessed the two of you indeed, with five incredible girls and you surviving all of their births.
Anyone who dares mention “trying for a son next time” in front of Aemond ends up with his sword against their throat, his single eye cold as he calmly demands they apologise
Visenya is Aemond’s double; she grows tall and lithe like him, her eyes exactly like his one, and her face is almost the mirror of him with high cheekbones and sharply defined features. Her blue egg hatches into a sapphire coloured dragon that she names Starswift. Her father is so proud when she becomes one of the youngest dragon riders in living memory, and he even trains with her in the yard when she asks him to teach her: he tells everyone around him how excellent his Visenya is, what a fierce warrior she is. He is quite literally the proudest father in all of Westeros
Daenys is a lot like her aunt Helaena, which means Aemond adores her like he adores his older sister. She’s somewhat shyer than Visenya, and she’s very studious - just like her father. She has a big imagination, and Aemond always listens to her when she describes a dream or thought she’s had, no matter how small or silly it may seem to others - he never makes her feel like she’s being ridiculous. Her first egg didn’t hatch, but before she could even get upset about it, Aemond was already whisking her off to pick out a new one that did eventually hatch - a little dark purple one that she calls Nymrax.
Your middle daughter Naerys is very much a princess; she loves dresses and dolls and prides herself on being beautiful. You can count on Aemond buying her whatever fancy toy she wants, letting her have any dress made that she desires, because he can’t say no to his daughters. Being super feminine doesn’t change the fact that she is a Targaryen, however, and she is every bit a dragon rider like her family before her; her egg was a pale pink one and it hatched into a pink male dragon she named Moonfyre - a clever and sly little thing who hates everyone but his rider. He will literally snap and blow smoke at anyone who comes near unless Naerys is there, he is literally like a little kitten with her and she treats him like a spoilt house cat, cooing at him and rubbing his scales.
Jaenara is quite literally the total opposite of her older sister; she’s very much a tomboy and likes to play rough. Aemond chuckles when she, aged three and a half, follows him to the training yard and rather cutely demands that he teach her how to spar. “Like Senya,” She says firmly, picking up a stick; her oldest sister is her idol, but not as much as their father is. She’s not particularly loud or aggressive, but she’s curious and adventurous, she works hard, which are all traits Aemond admires about her. She bonds with a dark green hatchling from the Dragonmont when she’s young, and she calls him Shadowspine, and as soon as he’s large enough to ride that’s it - she disappears for afternoons on end, exploding the world around her, though her favourite places are the ones that have forests and nature.
Finally, there’s Saera - she is quite literally the baby, and she knows it. She knows she’s cute and adorable, and she’ll go up to Aemond when he’s reading or doing something, and just pout until he chuckles and lifts her onto his lap. She even does it at some banquets and feasts that she’s allowed to be at (only for an hour, and she’s escorted by a nursemaid), going up to her father with her big eyes and pulling at his sleeve. Most men would be annoyed at their children bothering them - never Aemond though. He always smiles softly and gives all of his attention to her, all of his daughters. Her pale hair is an absolute mess of curls and tangles, which Aemond fondly brushes for her every morning - he’s gentle, careful not to tug too hard with the brush. Her hatchling is black, much to everyone’s surprise, and she names it Midnight.
It’s not just for his youngest daughter: Aemond does ALL of their hair, braiding it into whatever hairstyles they want, helping them brush it, his fingers deftly weaving and moving through the pale hair they all inherited from him.
Aemond knows what it’s like to be treated differently, the second son, and he’s determined none of his kids feel like that, especially his younger ones. He tries to spend an equal amount of time with each of them, to be certain not to favour one over the other, and to make sure they all grow up knowing they’re loved and protected. Even when they’ve misbehaved and need a stern talking to, he is sure to keep calm and never say something that could make them feel unloved, he never has an unkind word for his girls ever
He’s the kind of father who takes his daughters’ education VERY seriously and will oversee every aspect of it himself if he has to.
They have only the very best tutors and maesters teach them, of course, but Aemond insists on teaching the girls High Valyrian himself. From the time they’re babies, he talks to them in the language of his ancestors - their ancestors. To add, if are to be dragon riders, they must know the language to communicate with their dragons as well as each other
And then there’s his eye… you know that before your first daughter was even born, he was worried that any children he had would be horrified and disgusted by the sight of his missing eye, even when you insisted it wasn’t true at all
Visenya sees his eye by accident when she’s four and sitting on his knee as she pretends to brush his hair with her hand; her fingers accidentally pull at the strap until it comes loose - and then her eyes widen, aghast. You can see Aemond’s eye also widen - in fear, fear that his daughter will look at him and see a monster instead of a loving father. “Oh, kepa, your eye!” She looks worried for him. “Are you okay? Does it hurt?” And to his shock, she hugs him and buries her face into his shoulder
None of those girls think he’s a monster or hideous or even remotely scary, of course; they all find out as they get older that the patch is covering his missing eye, they learn why the scar is so big and why sometimes he’s in pain, and they do everything they can for him when the pain flares up. Visenya will send one of her sisters to find you, another to fetch a maester, and then she and the remaining two will stay with Aemond and try to distract him, comfort him even. He appreciates it more than even he can put into words - the girls may all be very different from one another, but they are the same in that they are good people at heart because of how they’ve been raised
It warms his heart far too much when Jaenara announces at breakfast one day that she wants an eyepatch like her Kepa and all of the girls then decide they’re going to have eyepatches too. They all just really want to be like their brave amazing father who loves them 🥺
All in all, Aemond is truly the best dad in Westeros to his daughters, he would burn cities to protect them from harm, would murder anyone who dare hurts them in any shape or form, would conquer the world if they asked
{my ko-fi}
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hmmm so feel free to ignore if spoiler-y but just in a fun headcanon-y way, out of the 4+ children you can envision valaena and aemond having, do you have any specific ideas for the biological sex makeup? i feel like he's all "need to see you growing my son" but really aemond is very girl dad coded as are all fictional evil men obsessively in love with their wives. a little girl with matching blonde war braids with her mama and daddy 💕 aemond aggresively ordering about someone who is scared shitless of him at the castle while there's a chubby little toddler perched on his shoulder pulling his hair and playing with her dragon stuffie her father had made specially for her
Aemond is such a girl dad, he’d be an absolute horror when it comes time for any daughters to get married,,, absolutely wrapped around any daughter’s finger,,, the man has custom stuffies made for all his children and carries them everywhere while doing shit, they ratatouille him and lead him around by his hair
Gets called into a meeting with random braids in bc his daughter just braids while she’s up there
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Aemond is all ‘I have NEVER been so insulted! I will be telling everyone I know to avoid this gym!’ Somehow managing to look menacing while holding a dog that’s happily licking his face
And the gym people are like 😳 trying not to laugh because Patch is licking away at Aemond’s face without a single care in the world. And that whole incident reinforces why he prefers exercising outdoors.
Also now that I have you here! Following up on dad!Aemond in this universe…this pic is giving me ‘Patch sneaking into the baby’s clean laundry pile because he adores how the baby smells 🥺
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percentstardust · 1 year
@multistoty Jaehera “do you think my father loves me, uncle Aemond? He’s my favorite, but he never seems to want to play.”
"Your father loves you." Sometimes, even Aemond questions if Aegon loves him. But, he knows Aegon loves him in his own way. He wouldn't spend time with him when he was not drunk or doing whatever it was he did that was uncomely of a prince. He knows he loves Helaena and Daeron too. Even their mother.
"Aegon just has a strange way of showing it not only to you, but, to the rest of us a well. He loves you very much, sweetling."
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Please give us more Bealor Aemyrah content/headcannons/ thoughts 🥺🥺🥺
Ask con: It’s just that in most fics Aemond is a girl dad and I found myself really enjoying the idea of Aemond as a boy dad
Aemond is def girl dad coded. Something about him screams I’m either gonna have the most tragic tortured relationship with my daughter or I’m gonna spoil her/them for the rest of her life. He’s very much the later with the twins
BUT something about Baelor and Aemond are so *clenches fist* good. Like Baelor is their first born, the baby they tried so hard for, the child that myrah was sick (and almost died) after having. He is a symbol of the good and bad parts of their relationship so far. Baelor doesn’t get how much his parents adore him, which is not necessarily a knock on him. He’s a teenager and sometimes teens are clueless and silly lol. Myrah sort of waves it off knowing he will grow out of it, but I think it really hurts Aemond. He tries very hard as a dad, and it’s hard for him not to take it as a reflection on him. Especially with whole horrible relationship with his own dad thing. They butt heads but Aemond would go to the ends of the earth for him
Anyway here’s some more light hearted things
- he starts training Baelor right around the time he did, so pretty young. Initially he asks criston to do it, bc criston is the reason why he’s so good. Criston is like nah you got this im passing the torch. It’s very sweet and a reminder that criston was there when viserys wasnts
- funnily enough though, Baelor takes after his surrogate paternal grandfather and his favorite weapon is the morning star. And unlike his father, he does enjoy himself a tourney. Much to Myrah’s chargin.
- he would never admit it out loud, but Baelor def starts growing his hair out bc of his dad
- growing up he was Aegon’s cup bearer (along with Maelor)
- which brings me to out of all his cousins. Him and Maelor are the closest. (Maelor and Baelor how cute)
-he gets his egg from dreamfyre. The dragon does end up hatching but the dragon dies quite young ☹️. Very devastating time for Baelor. He’s probably like eight or nine at the time. In a surprising twist of fate, Rhaenyra sends a new egg for him from syrax. Sort of her way of saying “hey maybe if I handled some other dragon related situations differently, we’d all have a better relationship”. Aemond is against it at first but Baelor is so excited about it that he lets him keep it. That egg hatches and it’s the dragon Baelor rides.
- Baelor’s first heartbreak comes at the age of 14. The gang go to visit Myrah’s maternal grandmother before she passes. They spend some weeks in the dornish marshes. He meets a girl he is SURE is going to marry. Myrah is like ://. Aemond tries to give him advise but Baelor is like “you married the first girl you liked 😐” and Aemond is just like damn he kind of got me there
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faerune · 2 years
listen narratively aemond’s eventual death Fucks severely but i will forever be soft about an AU where he lives and gets to raise his daughter with argella
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