#geranium blackbird
samthecookielord · 5 months
Hey look it's the murder famil- hold on. something's not right
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(assassin au - @snekatiemainy @thiaquiche ; assassin variant - me and katie) (ocs are mine)
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
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To the lighthouse
Country Life | Published 29 July 2020
Guest-Edited by HRH The Princess Royal
The Princess says: ‘This garden is slightly off the beaten track! The photographer picked a very good day to capture it. This is Northern Lighthouse Board territory—I’ve been there three times now and sailed past it on a number of occasions. The garden is looked after astonishingly well.’
THERE are two ways to reach the lighthouse at Rubh’A’Mhail, or Ruvaal, on the north-east point of Islay: by boat or by walking for more than two hours across The Hill, a windswept wilderness of cotton-grass bogs and heather moorland riddled with gullies, waterfalls and burns. Those that make the journey to Howard and Suzanne Cobb’s one-acre garden, where salt-laden storms can sometimes topple a grown man, will be amazed at what has been coaxed into growing in this barren landscape of exposed rock and topsoil that is, in places, only 1in deep. They will be even more surprised that this horticultural miracle is the work of a slender, 5ft 1in-tall, 75-year-old woman—yet the indomitable Mrs Cobb, who made and maintains this garden pretty much singlehandedly, is a gale force to be reckoned with.
Rugosa roses cock a snook at the wind and mounds of improbably delicateRosa Alba Semiplena and soft-pinkR . Celeste have braved the odds to become 5ft-plus-high bushes. In the shelter created by the shrubs and trees, bistort and buddleia, astrantias, nepeta and hardy geranium are a few that have made this rugged ground their home.
Tucked into precious pockets of soil are masses of small bulbs that light up the garden in spring. On the upside, the Gulf Stream holds off all but a couple of frosts a year and old-fashioned favourites, such as lupins, sweet williams and pinks, generally thrive in this fully organic garden. Everything is generously enriched with homemade compost —enhanced by the secret ingredient of seaweed that’s washed up on to the beach by the winter storms, gathered into rich trailer loads and transported home behind a quad bike.
Due to the secluded and modest nature of the garden at Ruvaal, Mrs Cobb was astonished when she learned The Princess Royal had singled it out as one of her favourites. ‘Princess Anne must go to so many wonderful places and yet she’s picked my humble garden,’ exclaimed Mrs Cobb, before explaining that The Princess first visited 25 years ago, as part of her role as patron of the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB). ‘The garden was still in its infancy then, although she did admire my cabbages. When she next came, she noted how everything had grown and the third time, she seemed quite impressed—I think because it’s in such an exposed and unlikely location. Or perhaps it was the chocolate cake I served on that occasion!’
Even the insect life is undeterred by the remoteness. Butterflies adore this garden. Last year, Mrs Cobb counted 57 painted ladies on one privet. Regulars include the marsh and dark green fritillaries, small copper, small blue, peacock, small tortoiseshell and red admiral. The hummingbird hawk-moth feeds on the red valerian and bumblebees love the cotoneasters, which do well here.
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Birdlife proliferates. Golden eagles soar above and sea eagles fly past, with smaller birds—yellowhammers, meadow pipits, reed buntings, dunnocks, redpolls, whitethroats, stonechats and goldfinches—congregating in the shadow of the lighthouse, too. There are also resident blackbirds, a nesting song thrush and swallows that nest in the porch. However, the most unusual visitor is the cuckoo: one year, Mrs Cobb counted three.
‘I had wanted to live on the west coast of Scotland ever since I was 11 years old and came here with my parents,’ admits Mrs Cobb who, until 26 years ago, resided in Buckinghamshire. When her husband’s work began to involve regular travelling, which meant that there were no longer restrictions on where they lived, the couple decided to look for somewhere fairly remote with a bit of land close to the sea. One day, Mrs Cobb spotted an advert for a former lighthouse keeper’s cottage on Islay, which had views of Colonsay, Mull and Jura, and they felt they ought to take a look.
The cottage (originally two, knocked into one) stood in the curtilage of the 112ft lighthouse, which had been completed in 1859 and was fully automated in 1983. There were few windows, which made the rooms terribly dark, and the water supply was described as ‘spasmodic’. Indeed, it was so poor that the Cobbs would not have been able to run a washing machine. The garden consisted of nothing but one redcurrant bush and some rogue potatoes in the former vegetable patch. Nonetheless, despite the inaccessibility of the site and the fact there were only two small co-op shops on the island (there are, happily, plenty of distilleries) the Cobbs were smitten, and have never looked back.
‘Howard was away quite a lot at the beginning, so I had to learn how to handle a boat pretty quickly,’ Mrs Cobb recalls. She soon had the measure of a 19ft Orkney Fastliner, in which she ferried the workmen back and forth, negotiating the Atlantic swell at the jetty. Eventually, when she was ready to move in, Mrs Cobb and her black retriever-cross Tara brought the last of their belongings to the island in the Fastliner, using her wheelbarrow to make the many journeys up and down the hill from the beach to the house.
On board were some cuttings from her garden in Buckinghamshire, a classic village garden with cottagey plants and winding paths. These weren’t nearly enough to fill the barren acre, but there was much generosity and goodwill from the islanders. A forester gave her a heap of rugosa roses, declaring they should grow well. He also gave her some pines and firs.
Not wanting her to be disappointed, a kind old seafarer who saw her load the roses into the boat said: ‘Ye’ll nae grow roses out there, lassie.’ One day, when Mrs Cobb was setting off home from Port Askaig, an old boy threw a sack of montbretia corms into the bottom of the Fastliner. ‘They’ll spread and protect other things,’ he told her.
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The obvious first move would have been to plant a shelterbelt, but, with the garden open to the sea on three sides, complete protection would have spoiled the views—on a clear day, as well as the islands, it’s possible to see the mountains of Glencoe 65 miles north on the mainland. Instead, Mrs Cobb planted the evergreens on the land side and put in rowans and birches that grew into multi-stemmed bushes. After a slow start, the evergreens took hold and stand a good 20ft high today. The rugosa roses have spread, filling the garden with scent, and both Rosa Alba Semiplena, perhaps Mrs Cobb’s favourite, and Celeste have proved tolerant of the salt.
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The NLB’s boatman offered some cuttings from his escallonia hedge—which have now blossomed into 6ft- to 7ft-high bushes. Hebe cuttings gathered from a shrub outside a former police station 30 miles away have also thrived, despite an early loss: one exceptionally strong gale uprooted a small hebe, sending it bowling across the garden and away over the wall, never to be seen again.
Fuchsia magellanica grows well here, too —both the deep-pink variety and a white that was given to Ruvaal by a friend who was digging out some of hers.
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Incredibly, some plants, such as foxgloves, arrive of their own accord, with Mrs Cobb counting 63 digitalis in one bed alone. Other wildflowers—such as celandine, common orchids, scabious and thousands of bluebells —proliferate on The Hill.
For many years, she enjoyed her cedar-wood greenhouse, starting seeds off there and using it to grow tomatoes and cucumbers. Eventually, however, after suffering more than 20 years of Force 10 and 11 gales, it blew down, forcing Mrs Cobb to overwinter her scented-leaf pelargoniums in the lee of the house. Most sweet peas are grown under glass, as, after September, it becomes too windy outdoors for a wigwam. These are now in pots on the table outside the back door where they trail instead.
The original NLB vegetable patch is in full use, despite the predations of two pheasants, which appeared from goodness knows where and have caused such a nuisance that workmen had to make a wire cage to protect the brassicas. Of course, the wily birds soon got around that. ‘I grew kale last year and the wretched pheasant just sat on top of the cage pecking at what grew through the wire,’ laments Mrs Cobb, who, this year, decided to grow a dwarf variety instead.
When the couple first moved in, Mrs Cobb was warned that she would never grow apple trees, but, typically determined, she did and, as have the blackcurrants, these have been a huge success. Mice and voles do help themselves to some French beans (it’s too windy for runners), yet not enough to be a massive problem. Luckily, the deer and rabbits are kept out by the stone wall. ‘The red deer stand there gazing enviously through the gate,’ observes Mrs Cobb, without a great deal of sympathy.
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dansnaturepictures · 5 months
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21/11/2023-Lakeside and home
Photos taken in this set are of: 1. Viburnum, Black-eyed Susans and more in the garden. 2, 3, 4 and 8. Views on a lovely lunch time walk at Lakeside including autumnal colour and a pretty clump of fleabane seed heads. 5, 6, 9 and 10. Two beautiful Roe Deers which it was enchanting to watch and connect with on my lunch time walk. 7. Sky out the back this evening.
I was also excited to see a Cormorant diving and swimming on beach lake and a Kestrel for the second day running, flying over the meadows seen from afar. Tufted Ducks again, nice views of Moorhens including one walking along the path, Coot, Great Crested Grebes, Herring Gull, Black-headed Gulls, Robin, Blackbird and Blue Tit, Great Tit and lovely views of Long-tailed Tits flying into a tree overhanging Concorde lake were other bird highlights on the walk. It was great to see my first Blue Tit in the garden for a while at home with Goldfinches, Collared Doves and for the second day running the evocative feel of Greylag Geese flying over always an immersive moment from my room which is lovely good to see as well. Ragwort, wild carrot, white clover, daisy, hawthorn berries, vibrant rose hips and holly berries were other nice plants seen on my walk with geranium in the back garden and rose hips out the front enjoyed at home.
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By Kellyb321
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Blaine drove home from the Lima Bean basically on autopilot. He regurgitated the whole conversation with Sebastian time and again, unsure what wasn’t sitting well with him, but something was off. He was sure of it. His thoughts were all over the place, and he was amazed when he pulled into his subdivision and realized he didn’t remember a minute of the drive home. Hopefully, he hadn’t run down any little old ladies in crosswalks. Sheesh… What a day it had been. When Jeff stepped out from behind a shrub near the Anderson’s driveway, Blaine startled and nearly drove through the garage door.
“What the hell, man?” he hissed, window down and looking supremely windblown due to the drive home.
“Uh…you told me to meet you here?” Jeff replied, barely holding back the snicker at Blaine’s obviously frazzled state. “What’s going on with you? You look…not like yourself. The gel-met is all over the place, and you’re…snarky. Shit. You’ve been with Sebastian, haven’t you? That guy puts everyone in a mood,” Jeff surmised. 
“I was, but only to get back my watch. I left it there the last time I was at his house,” Blaine said absentmindedly. 
“Oh? You always take off items of—” 
“Don’t. Don’t even start with me, Sterling. I don’t even want to think about how epically I screwed up. I don’t know what I was thinking when I said I’d date him, let alone…anything more.” Blaine visibly shivered, feeling a little queasy when he thought about it. Those firsts that he’d given to Sebastian should have been Kurt’s, and now they had been essentially wasted on that unfaithful meerkat. It didn’t matter anyway. Kurt only thought of him as a friend. With a sigh, he grabbed the pocket watch from the front seat and stepped out of his car.
“I was just messing around, B. Don’t get so uptight, okay? What you do with your boyfr—”
“Oh, make no mistake, Jeff. I ‘wasn’t his boyfriend,’ ” Blaine explained, making little quotes with his fingers as he did. “We were never ‘ exclusive.’ He made sure to point that out,” Blaine sneered, getting more and more upset with himself by the minute.
“You didn’t, though…right? I mean…with him…with Sebastian. You didn’t…do that . Right?” Jeff asked hesitantly. He looked at Blaine from under his eyelashes and had the gall to look shy about the question.
“You’re my best friend—” Blaine began, but Jeff cut him off.
“Next to Kurt.” Jeff smiled and winked. 
Blaine paused, cheeks pinking up as he considered what to say next. Jeff was right, though. “Okay… Yes, next to Kurt.” He grinned. “If that had happened, you would have known about it. I’d have told you. But I’m so glad it never progressed to that point. I’ve always thought…” Blaine began but second-guessed himself. This arrangement with Kurt was new, and he hadn’t had any time at all to consider what to say to people and how much information to share.
“You always thought you’d save that for someone you love,” Jeff said quietly, giving his friend a knowing grin.
“Yes… Yeah,” Blaine said shyly. “That’s something that should be saved for…you know.” He shrugged. 
“Kurt?” Jeff asked innocently.
Blaine’s eyes instantly bugged out, and he gasped enough to nearly inhale one of his mom’s potted geraniums from the front porch. He thought he’d kept the depths of his feelings for Kurt pretty well under wraps, but apparently not.
“Oh, for goodness sake, B. I’ve known for a long time…probably as long as you’ve known. Nope. Probably longer than you’ve known, now that I think about it. The way you looked at him when you sang ‘Teenage Dream…’ Even  YOU didn’t know then, but I did. It was an epic love story in the making, believe me. I waited a long time for you to figure it out, and when he sang ‘Blackbird…’ Well, my man, you were a goner. Plain and simple, you fell head over heels, and anyone with eyes could tell. Except Kurt, apparently.” He shrugged.
“Yes, well, now that we’re dating, maybe I can convince him that I’m worthy of the boyfriend title?” Blaine said softly, tentatively, knowing that Jeff would absolutely understand the ruse, the dynamic of the situation, and he’d be there to advise Blaine on how to proceed…and win Kurt for real.
“Wait… Come again?” Jeff answered, eyes bright with happiness. “You are!? Freaking finally!!” Jeff yelled with a fist pump in the air.
“Well…it’s complicated. Come on inside, and I’ll fill you in, but you have to promise me, Jeff, that what I tell you stays between us, okay? Nobody can know the truth, or Kurt will not only be angry with me but he’ll be bombarded with a very infatuated David Karofsky, who wants nothing more than to call Kurt his own. You and I both know I can’t and won’t allow that to happen.”
Blaine opened the front door and led Jeff into the kitchen, where they grabbed something to drink and a bag of potato chips before heading up to Blaine’s room.
“Okay. So, wait…” Jeff said, picking up the conversation as if they’d never paused it. “Isn’t he the guy who bullied Kurt and threatened to kill him at McKinley??” 
“The very same, yes. But as it happens, he apologized, he’s gay, he’s changed schools, he’s infatuated with Kurt, he’s coming back to McKinley, and he wants Kurt. Kurt, on the other hand, is not okay with the idea but doesn’t want to hurt Dave because—let’s face it—he’s just too nice for his own good, and he thinks Dave is ‘fragile.’ And because he’s too nice to just be blunt and nip things neatly in the bud, when Karofsky asked Kurt to be not only his date to Prom this year but his boyfriend as well, Kurt told him he was going to Prom with me… because we’re dating . In short, he panicked and blurted out that we’re dating and that I’d already asked him to Prom to avoid going with Dave.” Blaine rolled his eyes at the craziness of the whole situation. 
Jeff stood at the foot of Blaine’s bed, gaping, unable to believe what his friend had just told him. “So…why don’t you just tell him how you feel, that you’d rather be dating him for real?” Jeff asked, truly clueless as to Blaine’s hesitance. The way Jeff figured, if Kurt’s first inclination was to say he was dating Blaine, perhaps there were feelings there? 
“Because…he has stressed so many times that I’m his best friend—JUST his best friend, and if that’s all I can have, then I’m keeping that, ya know? I don’t want to push and ruin our friendship. I don’t want to overwhelm him and ruin the good thing we have. But I’m hopeful that my good friend Jeff can help me out a little bit and show me how to woo one Kurt Hummel so that he WANTS to be my boyfriend for real.” Blaine grinned widely, his eyes sparkling and happy.
“Oh, so you think I can help, huh?” Jeff teased.
“You did land one devastatingly handsome Nicholas Duval, did you not?” 
“I did,” Jeff answered, his smile dazzling as he thought of his boyfriend of the past six months. 
“So…will you help me? I’m going to be the best damn fake boyfriend Kurt’s ever had, and he’s going to be so spoiled, so pampered, so enamored with his boyfriend that nobody else will ever measure up. He won’t want to end this fake relationship when it’s all said and done and maybe…just maybe…I can get the guy in the end.”
“I’m in, B! Operation Woo Kurt is in full force!” Jeff whooped, eyes wide and his smile wider. “Let’s do this!” With a fist bump and a man hug, they settled in to plan the attack.
When Blaine’s phone chimed with Kurt’s special ringtone, he realized the depth of his infatuation as his smile spread across his face. He dove over his bed and grabbed the phone, then took a deep breath, not wanting to sound too eager.
“Hey, you…” 
“Hi! I’m sorry I missed your call. I was elbow deep in calipers on a Ford F250 and…” Kurt began, but Blaine zoned out, thinking about Kurt: dirty Kurt, oil and engine grease and road grime Kurt, and Kurt subsequently getting clean and… “Blaine?” 
“Huh? I…I’m here. Yeah. Sorry. I was…” he began, but Kurt’s chuckle cut him off.
“I know. I’m sorry. Car stuff is probably boring to you.” 
“No! It’s not. I mean…you know I rebuilt that car with my dad and I… I’ve just been distracted lately,” Blaine explained, rolling his eyes at himself. When did he become a dithering schoolgirl?
“So, Dave stopped by the garage today,” Kurt said, clearly exasperated. Blaine perked up at that. Dave hadn’t really been on his radar since he’d switched schools and wasn’t up in Kurt’s personal space, but now that he was obviously after Kurt and heading back to McKinley, Blaine wasn’t so thrilled that he was hanging around more often.
“And? How did that go? I thought you told him—” 
“I DID! But, Blaine…ugh… He’s just…he doesn’t have friends at his new school, and he probably won’t have many friends when he comes back to McKinley. So for now, he has…me. And apparently, Sebastian, who was also at Scandals last night. Dave isn’t sure what all he said to him after half a dozen shots, but he’s been getting weird, cryptic texts from Sebastian all day. What exactly does ‘in cahoots’ mean, and can you be ‘out of cahoots’?” Kurt asked. 
Blaine’s brow furrowed, unsure where this was going, but it didn’t sound promising. He didn’t trust Sebastian, and even though the guy didn’t even consider them “boyfriends,” he clearly didn’t mind stirring the pot. In cahoots? Sebastian was up to something; Blaine just knew it! 
“Did you see the texts on his phone?” Blaine asked. And did Kurt detect a hint of unease in Blaine’s tone? Was he upset that Sebastian was already out at the bar, possibly picking up a new guy? His shoulders fell, and he let out a deep sigh.
“No. I was… Well, like I said, it was busy, and I was dirty, and my dad was kinda all up in my grill because Dave was there, like it was my fault… I didn’t want to act too interested, so I just kinda did the smile and nod thing and… Sorry. I’m babbling. I didn’t see what was on his phone, no. He just had this weird grin on his face and was going on and on about seeing me at school this week—” 
“THIS WEEK?” Blaine blurted out, eyes wide. He had hoped he’d have more time with just Kurt to figure out what they were before Dave came back. With a sigh, he decided there was no better time than the present to woo his best friend. “What are you doing tonight?” 
“Not sure. I was supposed to hang out with the girls, but Rachel bailed, Mercedes isn’t feeling 100 percent, and I don’t think that’s going to happen. Why? Did you want to hang out?” Kurt asked, the smile on his face radiating 1000 watts. He was glad Blaine couldn’t actually see him.
“Well, your boyfriend would like to officially start this…thing…and take you to dinner…if you’re amenable?” Blaine smiled, feeling his own cheeks turn pink.
“Oh?” Kurt teased. “Like…actually out to dinner? At a restaurant?” 
“Unless you don’t want—” 
“NO! I mean, yes! I want to. I just thought… I mean, I didn’t think you’d really…because it’s not…for real… We’re just pretending kinda, and I wasn’t sure… And I’m babbling again. I’m sorry,” Kurt said with a chuckle, his heart pounding madly in his chest. Dinner date with Blaine? Yes, please! His heart may not survive this ruse, but he was going to enjoy every minute of it while he could. Sebastian wasn’t getting Blaine back if Kurt Hummel had anything to say about it. “I think I’d like that. Where are we going? Breadstix?”
“Oh… Well, if you want to, we can certainly go there, but…” 
“I think it’d be a good idea. See and be seen. Everyone goes to Breadstix, so word will be out that Kurt Hummel had a date with Blaine Anderson before we even go to bed tonight!” Kurt chirped, excited at the prospect. “Oh, God, I mean… I didn’t mean…bed, like we’d be going to bed. I mean, of course, we will. Sleep. Not together or…” Kurt babbled, suddenly unable to string words together in his mortification.
Blaine just laughed at him. “I knew what you meant, Kurt. Don’t freak out. I’ll pick you up at 8:00?”
“I’ll be ready. And Blaine? Thank you for doing this. I know you weren’t really…enthusiastic about…lying…dating me and all that, but I do appreciate it.” 
“I think this is going to be good for both of us, Kurt. Just you wait and see!”
Blaine arrived at the Hummel home promptly at 8:00 p.m., red rose in hand and dressed to the nines. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door and nearly fell off the stoop when Burt answered the door without his trademark, easy-going grin.
“M-Mister Hummel…” he stuttered, unsure about this “welcome” that was being offered.
“We’ve had this conversation, kid. It’s Burt. Is there something I should know about, Blaine?” Burt asked, eyes on the rose in Blaine’s hand. Oh, God, what had Kurt told him? Or not told him? What should he say? Thankfully, Kurt came to the rescue as he skipped down the stairs, and oh, Lord, was he a vision. Blaine may not make it through dinner without a bib to catch the drool.
“Dad!” he said, exasperated, and rolled his eyes. “Blaine and I are going—”
“Is this a date? Because you didn’t tell anyone you were dating. And everyone thought Blaine was dating that Sebastian guy,” Finn interrupted. “Rachel said she heard you and Blaine were dating. Why didn’t you tell anyone?” he asked, curious now.
“Maybe because it’s none of Rachel’s business? And who the heck told her anyway?” Kurt retorted, irritated that Rachel was spreading the word without Kurt’s consent or knowledge.
“She heard Blaine telling Sebastian at the Lima Bean this morning. She said they were bickering, and Sebastian was all smirky, and Blaine was upset—” 
“I wasn’t upset—”
“So, she was just eavesdropping and putting her nose in where it didn’t belong and then spreading rumors instead of keeping her mouth shut?” Kurt shot back. Blaine felt like he’d been slapped. Now, he was just a rumor? He was so confused. He thought Kurt wanted people to know they were “dating” so Dave would back off. Now, he felt like a dirty little secret. But then why were they going out to “see and be seen?” He was so confused. 
“Boys!” Carole called from the hallway. “Perhaps someone might allow Blaine to actually enter our home?” she said sweetly. “Hello, sweetheart. You look very handsome this evening,” she said as she tugged Blaine in for a hug. “Where are you boys headed?” Man, Blaine just loved Carole.
“The, uh…restaurant…Breadstix…” Blaine uttered, still unsure where he stood.
“And it’s just the two of you? For dinner? At a nice…okay. Well, reasonably suitable-for-a-date restaurant? Is this a date?” Burt asked. Kurt turned 87 shades of pink and hesitated just long enough for Blaine to become even more uncomfortable and Burt to get suspicious.
“Yes, Blaine is taking me on a date! Why are you interrogating me?” Kurt asked, looking down his nose.
“Is there a reason for an interrogation?” Finn asked, curious as well.
“You don’t even know what ‘interrogation’ means!” Kurt snapped, eyes wide and uncertain as to why Finn even gave a hoot. It wasn’t as if Kurt was ever on his radar anyway.
“Blaine and I…” Kurt began, but from the look on his face, Blaine could tell he wasn’t keen on lying to Burt or anyone else for that matter. He had to step in and make it right.
“May I just borrow Kurt for…just like…30 seconds? Please?” Blaine asked, eyes as bright as his charming smile. He took Kurt’s hand and pulled him down the hallway toward the guest restroom and turned the boy to look at him. “Kurt? Would you go to Prom with me?” 
“What? We already—” 
“Kurt!” Blaine hissed. “Answer the question. Would you go to McKinley’s Prom with me? I would like that very much,” he finished with a smile. Kurt was clearly confused.
“Of course, I will. Why are you asking me this?” 
“Because now you don’t have to lie to your dad. You can tell him I asked you to Prom and you accepted. Period. Now, can we get out there and get the Great Inquisition over with?” Blaine blinked at him several times, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah… Yes. Let’s get this show on the road,” Kurt said, unsure where they stood now. Blaine seemed exasperated, and Kurt wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he’d been ambushed the minute he walked in the door or if he was uptight about the “date” in general. They walked back down the hallway to three sets of waiting eyes and Finn with his hands on his hips.
“Sorry about that. Just needed a minute with Kurt,” Blaine smiled, charming them all as he always did.
“Dad, Blaine asked me to the Prom, and I accepted. We’re going out to dinner tonight at Breadstix, and yes, it’s a date,” Kurt said, sending Blaine a sweet little grin. Blaine returned it, and Kurt relaxed just a little bit.
Burt seemed satisfied with that explanation, and Carole did as well. Finn, on the other hand, still looked like they were planning a bank robbery, not dinner. Kurt just rolled his eyes at his stepbrother and took Blaine’s hand.
“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a reservation. See you later!” he said happily as he pulled Blaine out the door and down the front walkway to the driveway and the car that awaited them. Blaine held the door for Kurt, then walked around and got in the driver’s seat before waving back at Carole, who stood in the doorway.
“Be careful, guys!” Carole called. “Have fun!”
“We will!” Kurt called back.
Blaine backed out of the driveway and headed toward Breadstix.
“Thank you,” Kurt said, not looking at Blaine but at his lap instead. 
“For this…for all of it. Seriously. Not every friend would go to these lengths, and I appreciate it,” Kurt said sincerely. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life, Blaine.” 
Oh, God. There it was. The “f-word” again. Blaine resisted the urge to sigh long and loud and maybe even roll his eyes. Instead, he took a deep breath and glanced at Kurt.
“I’m doing this because you are my best friend. I truly enjoy your company. I don’t want you to have to fend off advances from Dave Karofsky if you can help it, and I just really want to hang out, go to Prom with you, and have fun. I think we can safely manage that, Kurt. Don’t you?” Blaine smiled. There. That was…friend-ly, wasn’t it? No pressure.
“It’s just…a lot. I know I’m a lot. It’s okay if you’re not comfortable, and at any time, you change your mind. You just let me know, okay? I’ll…I’ll find a way to just tell him no and let him down easy.” 
“It’s not a lot. It’s easy as can be, you and me, hanging out. There’s absolutely nothing difficult about that, Kurt. We’re just going to…” Blaine began, but then his mind went on a little journey of its own, flashing scenes at him fast as lightning, and he began to wonder. Exactly how were they going to convince people that they were dating and not just best friends as they’d always appeared? To really bring it home, to make people believe they were actually dating , they’d have to ramp it up. They needed to discuss this and figure out where their boundaries were.
“You paused mid-sentence and kinda…zoned out,” Kurt said, wondering if it had just dawned on Blaine how much this was going to change things.
“No. I’m good… We’re good. But I think we have a lot to talk about if we’re going to make this believable.”
Dinner would have been very nice if their server, Cassidy, hadn’t fallen over herself trying to hit on Blaine all evening. It was only made worse by the fact that it was a girl. A very cute girl. A very determined, cute girl, and Blaine, charming as ever, was not at all direct enough to make her back off. By the time their food arrived, she’d touched Blaine four times, batted her eyelashes at him, giggled at everything he’d said—including “I’ll have the ravioli…”—and Kurt was done with it. When she grabbed Blaine’s glass to go fetch him a refill, Kurt seized the opportunity.
“Whoa. Wha—” Blaine said, eyes wide as Kurt scooted out of his side of the booth and into Blaine’s side, snuggling up closely. He yanked his own plate over and sliced off a bite of his lasagna, then held it up to Blaine’s mouth just as Cassidy returned.
“You’ll love this… Wanna bite?” Kurt asked, his eyes dreamy as he watched Blaine open his mouth and taste the offered morsel.
“Mmm, yeah. That’s…that’s really good,” Blaine said, looking at Kurt strangely as Cassidy hovered just around the corner where Blaine couldn’t see her. Kurt certainly could, though.
“Oh, you have a little…um…” Kurt said shyly, leaning in to wipe his finger over a little speck of sauce on Blaine’s lip. “I thought you’d enjoy that,” he said, voice low as he leaned in and kissed Blaine’s cheek.
Blaine almost slid off the seat, unsure what had brought that on, and he barely resisted the urge to scan the restaurant to see who was watching. Was Dave there? Was Kurt trying to make a point? One thing was certain, he didn’t mind that little peck on the cheek at all.
“Enjoyed that… Yes… Yeah…” Blaine said dreamily, unsure he could form words at the moment.
“Here,” Cassidy said, thumping Blaine’s glass back on the table as she gave Kurt the nastiest glare, just out of Blaine’s line of vision. Kurt returned a sweet smile and batted his eyelashes at her. Take that, little girl!
“You…” Blaine said, still a little baffled as he touched his cheek with his fingertips.
“Was that too much?” Kurt asked, genuinely concerned that he’d overstepped and Blaine wasn’t okay with it.
“NO! I mean…not too much. You can…if you want. I just wasn’t expecting it; that’s all. Took me a little bit by surprise but…who doesn’t want dessert in the middle of their meal?” he smiled and winked, and Kurt…melted.
This arrangement might just kill him. What had he started, and would he be able to finish it without a broken heart?  _*_
Sebastian barely resisted the urge to grimace as he read his text messages. 
Hamhock: Looks like your boy is out with my boy for dinner.
Sebastian: And you just happened to be there as well? Or were you strategically placed, watching? Then following?
Hamhock: Happened to be driving by Kurt’s place when I saw them leave together. Breadstix is on my way home, so…yeah.
Sebastian: BREADSTIX?? Why in God’s name would they go THERE?? 
Hamhock: It’s close. Everyone goes there. It’s not cheap but not expensive either. Who knows? Still think Blaine was cheating on you with Kurt while you guys were going out? 
Sebastian: Don’t care. What I want is the last piece of the puzzle that I had nearly completed… before he gives it up to Gayface. I was well on my way before Blaine decided to drop by unannounced.
Hamhock: Keep it in your pants and you won’t have to worry about that kinda crap.
Sebastian: I assure you, keeping it in my pants is nowhere near as fun as letting it out to play. One day, maybe, you’ll figure that out, too.
Hamhock: Yeah. Well, you could be that much further with Blaine if you’d just kept anyone else out of the equation. And as long as Blaine was dating YOU, Kurt thought he wasn’t an option for HIM. Now, look where we are.
Sebastian: Are you here to question my sexcapades or win over Hummel? You want something. I want something. Those somethings apparently want each other, so it’s going to take both of us working together to get what WE want.
Sebastian: Well???
Hamhock: Yeah. I’m in.
Sebastian: Good. Meet you Monday at the Lima Bean to strategize. 3:00 p.m. Be on time.
Hamhock: It’s my first day back at McKinley. School’s not out until 2:50. I’ll be there right after.
Hamhock: They’re leaving the restaurant now.
Sebastian: OMG! You’re still there!? 
Hamhock: Figured I was already here, may as well see it through.
Sebastian: Oh, Dave… You’ve got it bad. That, or you’re a deranged stalker…which kinda creeps even ME out a little.
Hamhock: I’m NOT a stalker. I just like knowing where Kurt is and what he’s doing. And who he’s doing it with.
Sebastian: He’d better not be doing IT with anyone, especially not Blaine. That cherry is MY dessert and nobody else’s.
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sussex-nature-lover · 2 years
Saturday 27 August 2022
Mixed Bag Pics
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A mixed bag of photos from a mixed bag week, especially weather-wise. As we’ve had some heavy rain, my potted birthday roses have perked up. Above is Roald Dahl, which has about 14 other buds formed. Dame Judi Dench and the Lady of Shallot have 16 and 10 respectively. Lovely, especially as the rest of the garden is looking so Autumnal and the geraniums and nicotiana are pretty much over now. I’m going to have a serious count of my pots and planning for next year.
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We do have got some other colour from the huge hibiscus, but a second, darker pink one isn’t doing too well really. I must look at it and see if it might benefit from pruning, or at least the surrounding shrubs cutting away.
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We’ve only heard early hours drumming once I think and it looks like the bug hotel survived it intact. There is activity, but nowhere near so much as down by the pond where it looks like wasps have made a nest near to one of the log piles. I must’ve taken twenty odd photos but of course, not a single one with a wasp, if that’s what they are, in it. Typical. Of course they could be a kind of bee, I can’t see them clearly enough to tell, but I do know that under the eaves by one of the bedrooms there’s an awful lot of wasp activity, so we know there’s going to be a nest there.
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Best I can offer is a view of the big hole in the middle of the photo. There’s a steady stream of them in and out all the time. As the giant rhubarb’s all died back now, I wanted to clean up the area, maybe put more bark down and finish off the pond area now the water level’s much higher, but I’m keeping my distance, particularly as I’ve had several big bites this week. No idea what’s been biting me, but it’s been through my clothes and some of them are quite nasty looking, not to mention the torment of the itching.
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A couple of photos taken from a distance into the woods. My plant app says the one above is giant cow parsnip, which can be a tricky customer, causing burning and blistering on the skin but I haven’t been close to inspect it 
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Cow parsnip resembles giant hogweed but is much smaller, lacks the red spots on the stems, and is far less dangerous. Giant hogweed stalks are mottled red like its close relative poison hemlock. Cow parsnip stems are solid green.
and of course, below is one of our very many blackthorns sporting sloes already. Over the years there are more and more springing up. They’re not a gardener’s friend for sure, but they do make a very effective security cordon. Those thorns are vicious.
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Not much of a photo here but I’m so pleased my new delphinium’s put out some flower spikes after the first ones were chewed off by an anonymous marauder and Crow accidentally dug up the ones I used to love.
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My bird seed sunflowers never did make it into the ground because the heat wave struck and I didn’t get around to it, but they’re still coming on in formation.
My plan to move all the stones and put more weed-proof membrane down fell prey to the weather too and of course now the little cyclamen are blooming again I’m going to feel very mean when we get around to that job.
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Two things have really caught my eye this week. The first is this repurposed cat litter tray which has been adopted by the house sparrows and the blackbirds. They absolutely love it. It’s been the hit of Summer. Sometimes there’s a queue waiting to hop on to the stones to drink and bathe and they fly off to the nearby obelisk to watch as they dry off. It’s just so sweet. I’m really pleased I did it.
No evidence of the other event. I was lying on the bed and Crow was looking out of the window. He’d said something funny and we were both laughing when there was a WOOOSH past our eyeline, accompanied by a deafening cackle. Turned out it was Inspector Pritchard flying, yes proper flying like a witch on a broomstick. He landed and continued a weird honking for quite a while. I think something next door must’ve frightened him and of course without his long tail feathers, he can take flight more easily.  It was very impressive and absolutely cracked us up. That last, annoying, broken, stubborn quill, has gone now too, so he’s looking very tidy again, especially as he hasn’t lost his crown as yet like he did in last year’s moult.
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In other family news, the newest member of the Nature Watch clan is doing very well indeed, growing and giggling, she’s an absolute joy. And the eldest of the next generation is going to be celebrating her wedding next month. It’s suddenly coming around so quickly. We’re keeping our fingers firmly crossed for a beautiful day as we know she’s going to be a very beautiful bride. We’ve pre-ordered our wedding meals from a tempting choice and am looking forward to the feast already. Looking forward to all of it actually, it’s going to be a second spark of pure joy for 2022.
More random bits of nonsense on my other Tumblr page called Sussex Nature.
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I think heaven is waking up to hearing swifts screaming over the house - they arrived bang on cue on 10 May! the “house” blackbird sitting on the roof just below our dormer windows singing his heart out with a very special quite complex tune compared with his neighbours, blue sky, no wind, the swallows dipping and chirruping to each, and knowing one had all day to spend at home mostly in the garden.  
After the sadness of the baby swallows tranquillity seems to have returned to the garage and we wonder if the female has now mated with the intruder and the old male has accepted his fate - the certainly seem to be less agitated but I have yet to ascertain if she is actually sitting again.  We are endlessly amused by the bluetit community who seem to move into literally any box with a hole in it as fast as we put them out - this includes the bat box, the specially designed house sparrow nesting boxes and even today as I climbed over the metal gates into the field, one popped out of the hollow metal post!  They do not miss a trick.  We might not have managed to persuade our bat population of 5 which has never increased in 33 years to try expanding their colony with the help of our box, and we might not have managed to help the sparrows avoid conflict with the ever burgeoning population of starlings, but we have never been given a chance.  Those cheeky little blue and yellow buzz bombs are in as quick as a flash, doing their DIY and knocking the places about.  The upside of course is they do a marvellous job at keeping the aphids and caterpillars down.  It seems they are the new sparrows, literally everywhere as sparrows were until farms became so sterile.
Bertha has been to the vet to have her hips and elbow xrays done in preparation for hopefully having puppies in a couple of years time.  We have to wait anything up to 6 weeks for the result but the vet seemed confident they were going to be good enough.  Unrelated but this morning she suddenly went lame having disappeared through the blackthorn hedge - I did find a half inch piece of blackthorn wedged between two pads - it did not appear to break off and she seemed fine.  However three hours later when I went to take them for a walk she had developed chronic lameness and will not put it down at all.  I have soaked it in salty hot water and cannot feel anything.  Following a pain killer she is a little more cheerful but we shall have to see how she is tomorrow.  I am hoping that maybe the blackthorn punctured the inside of the pad which can lead to incredible soreness and a temporary reaction and there is actually nothing left in but we shall see.  The others are fine and looking forward to their evening walk!
The garden is absolutely full on - the containers have been done for the summer with much the usual - geraniums and pelargoniums that had survived in the greenhouse, the scented geraniums for the centrepieces, trailing blue lobelia and variegated helichrysum, plus vanilla scented Nemesia and violet trailing Verbena.  It is a long job by the time one has lifted the tulips and put them ready for storing through the summer.  We have also prepared the planting strip in the greenhouse for the tomatoes which will be done this week but I shall need to buy some proper compost for them.  I have managed to use up all the rather disappointing stuff in the pots and put in masses of slow release fertiliser to help.  The courgettes, squashes, Cosmos and Nicotianas will all go out this week, I am just waiting for the rain today and tomorrow to clear so we dont suffer immediate slug and snail attack!  
The old rainbow chard which overwintered beautifully has now been harvested, some frozen, some eaten, and then dug up - this year’s crop will be ready in about two weeks.  Our spinach is about to bolt as usual due to excessive hot dry days, but we will get a few picks.  All the rest is doing pretty well though the parsnips are being their usual difficult selves and may need resowing.
The borders are changing from early to late spring - Alliums, perennial geraniums, the species Peonies, Astrantias and Catmint are all well under way and the wonderful Maigold Rose is as ever FABULOUS!
I am looking forward to the lull soon! The list on the blackboard never shortens - the Wisteria macrobotrys as gone berserk under two windows and needs a quick trip up the ladder tomorrow - every year I say I must take it out - it was a bad choice as impossible to keep small like other wisteria and it is imperative I get 90% of the white honesty out now before the seed drops. But there is a limit to my stamina - I am hopeful I may have found someone to help for a day every 3 weeks - a professional gardener who will be such a help until we see if Dan can return in the winter in some capacity.  I would like some time to return to drawing and painting again.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
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Wheel of The Year ✧ Yule (December 20th-23rd) ✧ General meanings: winter solstice, new beginnings, rebirth Crystals - Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Emerald, Ruby, Garnet, Diamond Animals - Bear, Boar, Deer, Eagle, Owl, Tiger, Wren Herbs - Chamomile, Ivy, Mistletoe, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Cedar, Cinnamon, Cloves, Frankincense, Juniper, Myrrh, Orange Deities - Odin, Ra, Isis, Brighid, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, Mithra, Lugh ✧Imbolc (February 2nd✧ General meanings: candlemas, hearth, and home Crystals - Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Onyx, Ruby, Turquoise Animals - Burrowing Animals, Bear, Deer, Groundhog, Lamb, Sheep Herbs - Acorns, Angelica, Basil, Bay, Blackberry, Chamomile, Crocus, Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary Colors - Green, Brown, Red, White, Pink, Yellow Deities - Brigid, Triple Goddess, Eros, Osiris, Pan, Herne, Aradia, Athena ✧Ostara (March 20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: spring equinox, renewal and duality Crystals - Amethyst, Aquamarine, Clear Quartz, Agate, Jasper, Moonstone, Rose Quartz Animals - Butterfly, Chick, Rabbit, Lamb, Robin, Worm Herbs - Clover, Daffodil, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jasmine, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lilies, Mint, Peonies, Tulips, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium Colors - Pastels, Gold, Light Green, Blue, Pink, Yellow Deities - Eostre, Astarte, Aurora, Kore, Osiris, Dionysus, Ares, Adonis, Venus, Aphrodite, and Narcissus ✧Beltane (May 1st)✧ General meanings: may day, love, and fertility Crystals - Emerald, Garnet, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Tourmaline Animals - Bee, Cat, Cattle, Dove, Frog, Goat, Leopard, Rabbit, Swallow, Swan Herbs - Coriander, Crocus, Curry, Daffodil, Dandelion, Dragon’s Blood, Fern, Flaxseed, Hawthorn, Nettle, Paprika, Primrose, Snapdragon, Peach, Rose, Vanilla Colors - Bright Greens and Blues, Purples, Yellow and Red Deities - Bel, Pan, Maeve, Tanit, Flora, Gaia, Danu, Herne, Aphrodite, Artemis, Brigid, and Diana ✧Litha (20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: summer solstice, warmth, and the sun Crystals - Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Diamond, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger’s Eye Animals - Bee, Butterfly, Cattle, Horse, Robin, Sea Creatures, Snake, Bird Herbs - Basil, Calendula, Chamomile, Heather, Heather, Mugwort, Wild Thyme, Peony, Roses, Daisy, Sunflower, St. John’s Wort, Cedar, Clove, Lavender, Mint, Pine, Sage Colors - Blue, Gold, Red, White, Yellow, and Green Deities - Aphrodite, Astarte, Freya, Hathor, Ishtar, Venus, Athena, Artemis, Dana Kali, Isis, Juno, Apollo, Helios, Ra, Sol, Zeus, Prometheus, and Ares ✧Lammas (August 1st)✧ General meanings: first harvest, abundance, and gratefulness Crystals - Citrine, Golden Topaz, Lodestone, Moss Agate, Obsidian, Peridot, Aventurine Animals - Calf, Pig, Rooster, Salmon, Crow Herbs - Apple Leaf, Basil, Clover, Goldenrod, Heather, Ivy, Marigold, Peony, Poppy, Rose, Rosemary, Vervain, Sunflower, Sandalwood, Frankincense Colors - Bronze, Green, Gold, Light Brown, Orange, and Yellow Deities - Lugh, Demeter, Ceres, Corn Mother, and John Barleycorn ✧Mabon (September 20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: autumn equinox, feast, and bounty Crystals - Amber, Citrine, Cat’s Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Yellow Agate Animals - Eagle, Blackbird, Owl, Salmon, Stag, Wild Goose, Wolf Herbs - Bittersweet, Chamomile, Marigold, Rue, Sage, Yarrow, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Frankincense Colors - Brown, Gold, Orange, Red, Yellow, and Green Deities - Mabon, Inanna, Demeter, Persephone, and The Horned God ✧Samhain (October 31st)✧ General meanings: new year, spirit, and potential Crystals - Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, Smokey Quartz Animals - Bat, Black Cat, Cat, Owl, Raven, Crow Herbs - Allspice, Calendula, Chrysanthemum, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Mint, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Sage, Thistle, Wormwood, Hazel, Benzoin, Sweetgrass Colors - Black, Gold, Orange, Purple, White, and Silver Deities - Crone Goddesses, Hekate, Hel, Lilith, Kali, Ishtar, Arianrhod, Rhiannon, Persephone, Baba Yaga, and Isis
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valentia-sparrow · 5 years
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My two favorite birds and some of my favorite flowers 🐦🌼 #drawing #birds #flowers #paperdrawing #sparrow #pansy #blackbird #merle #moineau #pensée #géranium #geranium https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwhx5saAXMP/?igshid=1u2c2xh1m82vl
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sabrinasgrimoire · 4 years
Elements Series: Water Correspondences
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Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio Solar System: Mercury, the Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn Season: Autumn Time of Day: Dusk Celebrations: Mabon, Neptunalia Ogham: Eadha, Eamhancholl Runes: Feoh, Jera, Lagu, Peorth Direction: West Energy: Yin Chakra: Sacral Colors: Aqua, Black, Blue, Gray, Blue-Green, Sea Green, Indigo, Lilac, Purple, Silver, Turquoise, Violet, White Numbers: 2,7 Tarot: Cups, the Hanged Man, the Moon Trees: Alder, Apple, Ash, Aspen, Beech, Birch, Cedar, Cherry, Chestnut, Cypress, Elder, Elm, Hazel, Horse Chestnut, Locust, Magnolia, Mesquite, Mimosa, Myrtle, Olive, Poplar, Spindle, Spruce, Sycamore, Willow, Witch Hazel, Yew
Plants: Aster, Blackberry/Bramble, Catnip, Chamomile, Columbine, Comfrey, Daffodile, Daisy, Feverfew, Foxglove, Gardenia, Geranium, Grape, Heather, Hibiscus, Hyacinth, Iris, Ivy, Jasmine, Lady’s Mantle, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lily, Monkshood, Morning Glory, Passionflower, Periwinkle, Poppy, Raspberry, Rose, Solomon’s Seal, Spearmint, Strawberry, Thyme, Valerian, Violet, Yarrow, Aloe, Belladonna, Burdock, Cardamom, Coltsfoot, Cowslip, Dittany, Henbane, Lady’s Slipper, Lotus, Meadowsweet, Moonwort, Myrrh, Orris Root, Reed, Sandalwood, Skullcap, Spikenard, Star Anise, Thornapple, Vanilla, Water Lily Stones: Alexandrite, Amethyst, Ametrine, Angelite, Aquamarine, Aragonite, Azurite, Beryl, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite, Charoite, Chrysocolla, Dioptase, Fluorite, Jade, Ocean Jasper, Jet, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Lepidolite, Lodestone, Moonstone, Morganite, Gold Sheen Obsidian, Opal, Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Selenite, Sodalite, Staurolite, Sugilite, Blue Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Blue Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Tsavorite, Turquoise, Blue Zircon, Coral, Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl
Metals: Copper, Mercury, Quicksilver
Goddesses: Amphitrite, Aphrodite, Badb, Boann, Brigantia, Chalchiuhtlicue, Coventina, Isis, Kupala, Ran, Sarasvati, Sedna, Tiamat
Gods: Aegir, Belenus, Ea, Khnum, Mabon, Manannan, Mimir, Neptune, Njord, Osiris, Poseidon, Prometheus Angel: Raphael Magickal Beings: Mermaids, Norns, Undines
Animals: Bat, Beaver, Cow, Dog, Hare, Hippopotamus, Horse, Moose, Otter, Polar Bear, Raccoon, Dragonfly, Dragon, Selkies, Albatross, Blackbird, Cormorant, Crane, Dove, Duck, Heron, Kingfisher, Seagull, Stork, Swan, Swift, Vulture, Crocodile, Frog, Salamander, Snake, Toad, Dolphin, Manatee, Porpoise, Whale
Ritual Tools: Cauldron, Chalice, Cup
Sense: Taste
Principle: To Dare Issues & Intentions: Agriculture, Balance, Beginnings, Change, Clairvoyance, Compassion, Blessing & Consecration, Subconscious, Creativity, Desire, Divination, Dream Work, Emotions, Empathy, General Energy, Psychic Energy, Receptive Energy, Fertility, Friendship, Grace, Growth, Healing, Heartbreak, Influence, Introspection, Intuition, Life, Animal Magick, dragon Magick, Moon Magick, Memory, Nurture, Patience, Power, Pregnancy & Childbirth, Protection, Psychic Ability, Purification, Purity, Rebirth, Renewal, Reconciliation, Reversal, Secrets, Sensitivity, Sensuality, Shamanic Work, Sleep, Sorrow, Spirituality, Inner Strength, Stress, Transformation, General Magick, Storm Magick, Well-Being, Wisdom
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rjzimmerman · 4 years
Nachusa Grasslands
Drove out to Nachusa Grasslands yesterday with my brother, to clear my head and get outside onto some trails. A few wildflowers were in bloom, sun was nice, the bison herd (about 150) were spread out in the prairie along Stone Barn Road, the creeks were flowing strong and cold and clear, birds were active (Turkey vultures, flickers, egret, redtail hawk, heron plus several hundred red-winged blackbirds, and lots of others I couldn’t identify). Frogs were also loud: green frogs and swamp frogs.
The bird in the photo is a kildeer mom incubating her eggs in her nest on the ground. We saw about 17 bison calves, all small and new. Wildflowers included prairie smoke, downy phlox, bloodroot, wild geranium, mayapple, trillium, shooting star and several others I couldn’t identify.
Some photos from yesterday:
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samthecookielord · 7 months
Walks back into the au with new knowledge like ok girl. How do i work with this mess
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indecentpause · 6 years
Not-tagged by @alittle-writer and @reeseweston! :p
What is the most creative thing you came up with?
I made up a religion for a novel I started writing when I was 12? Other than that my wife and I have a lot of our own words for things.
What are you really proud about? Stories? Achievments? Anything?
I don’t know if I like myself enough to be proud, but I’m really happy that in the four years I’ve not been able to work, I’ve written fourteen novels/novellas! Also I made it past 30 and didn’t die, and if you’d known me when I was younger you’d realize how impressive that is
What season do you prefer and why?
Autumn. I love crunchy leaves and pumpkin and cinnamon everything (PUMPKIN CINNAMON ROLLS) and it’s cool enough I don’t overheat but not so cold it hurts my joints.
What is the weirdest thing you ever googled?
Most of that was done for In the Lion’s Teeth, and the only ones I really remember are “how much does half a gram of china white cost in Boston, Massachusetts” and “sr-71 lockheed blackbird schematics.” But those aren’t really that weird, are they?
What do you think about tag games?
I think they’re fun! People who have tagged me multiple times in them have helped me become braver to just send them an ask. I don’t do it often, I’m still shy. But I’m getting better! Sometimes I just want to know MORE about a project or a character of someone’s  but you can’t just plop in and say “Tell me about x character *chinhands*” like that is rude, and also so vague. They might not know what to say! But with games and lists I can send a few questions and learn about them.
How would you describe yourself using one word?
What is your most admirable trait?
Who knows
Where are you from, and do you have an accent?
Arizona, and a little bit? I drop ‘t’s at the ends of my words which I’ve only heard done there.
What kind of area do you live in?
A little Polish neighborhood with cool coffee shops and second had stores and also probably a mob presence of some kind.
What do you think your friends think of you?
The other day one of my friends said I’m really supportive and always try to help, which I like to hope is true! I just hate seeing people sad when they don’t deserve to be and want to help them smile. @ohsugarfoot thinks I’m funny. :D
What is your favourite scent, and why?
Lavendar and jasmine flowers, and geranium essential oil. And frankincense, especially incense over oils.
What is your worst habit?
Taking over ten years to finish projects that really shouldn’t take that long.
Have you ever done something regrettable under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
All my regrets happened perfectly sober.
Are you an optimist or pessimist?
I’m not really either, or is it I’m a little bit of both? I’m a realist with an anxiety disorder. Let’s say that.
Are you an introvert, extrovert or an ambivert?
Introvert in every why.
I’ll do the same as my not-taggers did and just send this out into the wide world for anyone who wants to do it!
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dansnaturepictures · 11 months
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11th June 2023: Holyhead Fish Quay were it was a delight to be serenaded by a Sedge Warbler (this bird in the tenth picture in this set) and watch three Black Gullemots in divine evening sunlight (first two pictures in this set) and bits at the cottage we’re staying in. Other pictures in this set are of: 3, 8 and 9. Views at the fish quay with mist/cloud rolling over distant hills. 4. A gorgeous female Blackbird I got amazing intimate views of in the cottage garden this morning. 5. Geraniums in the garden. 6. Lovely view from the cottage. 7. One of many pretty roses around the cottage gardens I am enjoying seeing. 
Daisy, ragwort, red valerian, Oystercatcher a key bird this holiday so far and Sandwich Terns were other highlights at Holyhead Fish Quay. It was sensational to watch the Black Guillemots, such beautiful and well coloured birds that I adore seeing one in a nest box they have put up for them too which was great to see. A powerful few moments watching them. Also in the cottage garden wildflowers buttercup and speedwell as well as some meadow crane’s-bill were key flowers to see with crowing Rooks and Blackbird singing that I awoke to at one point early this morning, Jackdaw, Dunnocks including possibly young, House Sparrow and young Starlings seen. Strong parts of a brilliant day.
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
The Five Secrets You Will Never Know About White Magnolia Flower | White Magnolia Flower
The bounce actuality has been air-conditioned and dry. Despite the algid weather, we were blessed to see that robins, red-winged blackbirds, hummingbirds, orioles, Carolina wrens, catbirds and rose-breasted grosbeaks had returned. Friday and Saturday nights were frosty. We wondered how the hummingbirds fared, but they were aback at the feeders in the morning. We got a acceptable division of an inch of rain on Saturday. A rain/sleet/snow mix chased us central while we were pruning the angel orchard on Mother’s Day.
The aboriginal bounce brief flowers are actualization a bit late. Dutchmen’s breeches, bloodroot, rue anemone, accepted dejected violets, featherlike chicken violets, Virginia bluebells, trout lilies, bounce beauties, agrarian amber and hepatica and a few trilliums are out now. The absolute appearance will activate with a bit added baptize and some balmy days. Phlox, agrarian geranium, jack-in-the-pulpit and Solomon’s allowance will blossom soon, to be followed by the backward bounce and summer annual show. The copse are starting to blade out now. They will anon adumbration the backwoods floor, shutting bottomward the bounce brief flowers for the season.
Many copse and shrubs blossom afore or during leaf-out. Our basin becomes ambrosial with aroma from apple, agrarian plum, agitation aspen, and agrarian blooming blossoms. A abutting watch of any of those copse on a balmy day appear squadrons of pollinators. In accession to calm honeybees, a array of bumblebees, abate agrarian bees, wasps, butterflies, moths and beetles appointment the beginning trees.
Smaller flowers accept their own beauty. A accumulative bottle helps to see the smaller-scale world. Bur oak leaves the admeasurement of a mouse’s ear are accompanied by continued clusters of blooming macho staminate flowers. The changeable flowers anatomy abreast the ends of twigs and anatomy acorns afterwards actuality pollinated. The average and active backyard edger bit-by-bit charlie has an affected vase-shaped pink-purple flower, clear-cut with darker stripes like absolute glass. We see honeybees foraging for ambrosia and pollen on the bit-by-bit charlie blossoms. Agrarian cherries accept finger-sized bunches of baby white flowers. Red osier dogwoods, accepting kept some blush about all winter on their red stems, action annular bunches of baby white flowers amid their growing leaves.
The chichi flowers on these plants are all about allure — not for others of their own affectionate but to allure workers. Unlike pines and grasses that absolution pollen that is broadcast by the wind, best beginning plants await on insects or birds to blend their flowers. Flowers are chichi and action up alimental ambrosia and pollen in adjustment to allure pollinators. Abounding flowers are adorable to bees because they fluoresce in ultraviolet light.
The adorned bit-by-bit charlie annual has hairs central to besom pollen off visiting baby bees. Tiny agrarian blooming flowers accept stamens
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White Magnolia Flowers, Flowers of : Video de stock (totalmente libre de regalías) 14 | Shutterstock – white magnolia flower | white magnolia flower
The post The Five Secrets You Will Never Know About White Magnolia Flower | White Magnolia Flower appeared first on Wallpaper Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/the-five-secrets-you-will-never-know-about-white-magnolia-flower-white-magnolia-flower/
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Kick off
It would seem that the garden has finally kicked off - some welcome rain and at last some warmer nights have brought everything to life.  The air is full with the sound of swallows, swifts, the occasional cuckoo and turtle dove, warblers, blackbirds and all the regular garden birds and the scent in the garden in the evening is happening at last.  Some of the annual favourites are now gone such as the Peony Molly the Witch - she lasts but ten days, but is a wonder to behold each year.  Her place is now taken by the Peony emodi, beautiful in its simplicity.
Irises that have been showing a hint of colour for three weeks have now finally opened - what a work of art they are with their sepals and falls and amazing formation.  Camassias flower in borders and meadow plantings, the first roses are showing colour though Maigold has been at her best for two weeks now.  Wisterias are beginning to fade to give way to climbing roses and clematis, it is the best of time in the garden.
Last weekend we went to Devon and spent three bucolic days in meadows and woodland reverberating with the sound of warblers.  The air is noticeably softer and it was a treat to visit RHS Rosemoor and see such fabulous water and bog planting.  Plants that would not like the harsh East Anglian air provided endless interest tho sadly for once the west country had suffered far worse late frost than we had, and several plants,  and even young oak foliage had been really badly burnt.
On our return the difference in just three days was incredible.  The potager looks super now with the irises down the edges and then the little meadow strips giving it a very cosy look - we shall have to reduce the amount of ox eye daisy as this seems to have completely taken over on one side, but the yellow rattle has done its job and the amount of grass is much much less, allowing for greater numbers of wildflowers.  Knapweeds, sorrel, ribwort plantain, achillea or yarrow, campions, camassias, cut leaf geranium, geranium pratense, scabious, cowslips all abound now so the five years of hard work are now rewarded.
Veg continues to be a bit slow but most things have now popped through - the flat leaf parsley needs resowing.  Everything is now out of the greenhouse and coldframes except for courgettes which are lagging behind.  I now have at least 6 plants that will be ready to go out in a weeks time.  Last week before going away we managed to get all the Cosmos planted (none seem to have been eaten), the last of the dahlias, the night scented stocks and some hollyhocks left over from the plant sale.  The borders are full and it will be exciting to see how the slight change in planting style develops over the summer now that we are more matrix than blobby!  
I am thrilled to see that again after years of nurturing and disappointment my Dictamnus albus ( known as the burning bush or dittany) has finally managed to get a flower away - usually it sprouts fresh growth in spring which is promptly eaten by either slug or snail, but this year after a dry winter it has pushed up unnoticed by pests and we are about to be treated to the first flower opening - that is of course as long as our little roebuck doesnt decide to eat it first.  He is a nuisance, but an attractive nuisance - pretty bold too - he has one and a half antlers and walks down the garden usually around breakfast time to within about 20 metres of the kitchen window.  If he is lucky and I havent seen him he gets a quick snap of a rose before I appear like Betsy Trotwood flailing something flappy and run at him. He has managed to strip yet another branch of the Cornus controversa Variegata which is maddening so I have tied a bin liner to it for the moment.
Entering the endless busy time now for all aspects - deadheading will soon be required for certain things, tulips need taking out of pots or deadheading in borders.  Strimming which here is becoming a debatable subject might be needed - we shall definitely have to do a bit along the back of the borders or there will be encroachment!  I find the veg garden the most time consuming at the moment, endlessly checking progress, watering, filling in gaps in rows, nipping out the side shoots on tomatoes, helping the beans get their first hold of the canes, earthing up potatoes, watching for pests controllable by any method other than chemicals (!) The flower department now takes care of itself to a degree as the borders are filling out and weeding is therefore not a problem.  Staking should have been done tho there is usually something that requires an extra hazel stick or something.
The canine world is in great form - training recommences with Mavis tomorrow night at our Tuesday night group.  Scout has decided she doesnt like the new fly zapper in the kitchen which goes off like a pistol shot each time a bluebottle hits the deck so that will have to be used when she is not around! I intend trying it in the greenhouse which gets absolutely full of flies - a necessary part of the natural world I know, but once trapped in the greenhouse they dont escape and of course make a pretty disgusting mess of the glass and paintwork.
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scotiaeire · 4 years
Mushrooms, Compost and Dreams....
So, been awake since three thirty am (nightmare) and now both Alice and I are down with flu. Good job we’ve two sofas.
So, I’ve hogged the laptop all day and looked at gardening stuff and info.
I’ve four raised beds (two already in situ) because the soil in the field is very heavy waterlogged clay and I’m too old and wrecked to dig it.  Raised beds makes sense. Also should avoid the problem of slugs and other pests in the soil. I hope. I ordered more compost for both the raised beds and the seed trays to go in the polytunnel. This week, hopefully, flu or not, I may get round to taking geranium cuttings (if I crawl. That’s how I know it’s flu...I can make it to the bathroom and back to the sofa but nothing else) and pot them up for summer flowers and hanging baskets.
And despite the stormy weather, the violas *are* hanging in there, probably because they’re so close to the ground. So even amidst this windy, rainy weather, there’s a splash or two of colour alongside the wee path to the front door. The hydrangeas I planted, with buds *just* appearing, seem to still be ok though I haven’t gone outdoors to look close (flu) and the buddliea lost a few leaves to the winds but is otherwise ok.
I’m so looking forward to getting seeds sown, getting vegetables growing...my husband is the flower gardener (I only planted the Hydrangeas because they’d been waiting to be planted for days but the weather didn’t allow it, he was away for the day so I thought, what the hell...) and he’ll take care of the pretty stuff around the front of the cottage. I’ll grow the veg through.
And I also ordered a mushroom growing kit, because both Frans and I like them, and they’re healthy but we’ve never grown our own.
Some weeks ago, we also took delivery of a hen house. Well, it’s a flat pack, still to be assembled hen house. With a (hopefully) fox proof run as there are many foxes around here. I took a quick look at the building instructions. Eek. Hope we can put the damn thing together!
But, I *want* hens. I’ve always kept hens and since we moved from Scotland, we haven’t had them and I miss them. I plan to start with a cockerel and a handful of broodies. We also miss our own fresh eggs. Nothing in the shops tastes as good as your own hens eggs.
So, time out on the sofa gives me time to dream. No nightmares tonight I hope. But I can dream easily of summer sun and warmth, broody hens making that musical almost “chicken-purring” sound they make as they hatch a clutch of eggs; healthy crops of carrots, beets, salad veg and onions and of course, our own mushrooms. And in the hedgerow and trees surrounding our wee acre, the finches, blackbirds, robins, thrushes and others singing from dawn to dusk.
It’s dark now but a wee while ago we listened to the neighbouring farm, hearing the cows being milked. The birds have settled down for the night, Bran has been fed, watered and walked (by Frans) and we’re in front of the tv (no signal or contract, we have tons of dvds and downloads so we choose what to watch when we want to watch it) and the fire’s lit.
No nightmares tonight, please..just dreams of the future, of gardening and flowers and happy hens, and sunshine, good healthy home grown, home cooked food and the time and health to enjoy it all. Just that.
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