#george being an annoying little brother >>>>>
binch-i-might-be · 1 year
suffering from Gwash brainrot. have this
Lawrence glanced back at him over his shoulder with a quirk to his brows. “You’ll have to come over here for this, you know.”
George forced himself not to hesitate and pushed off the wall he had been idling against, crossing the room to join his brother by the washbasin.
“Are we certain this is necessary?” he said nonetheless, eyeing the razor with suspicion.
“It’s more than necessary.” He gestured the blade at the framed mirror mounted above the basin. “Look at yourself.”
George huffed and reached up yet again, scratching at the dark stubble covering his cheeks. “It’s not that bad.”
“It’s unbecoming. A proper gentleman grooms himself, George.”
George just regarded him with an arched eyebrow, and Lawrence heaved a sigh. “It’s not hard. You know I wouldn’t hand you a blade if I thought you would somehow manage to kill yourself with it.”
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
bother figures * fem!driver
being the designated baby sister of the grid by default is never as easy as you think it would be
pairings: alex albon x fem!driver, max verstappen x fem!driver, george russell x fem!driver, lando norris x fem!driver
warnings: ugh annoying men
notes: this is hardly funny but like i've had to take inspiration from my bother-less life rn so i'm like rly going through it rn LMFAO and it's almost 5am here but as far as i'm concerned, it is night time somewhere so teCHNICALLY i'm not late to an update!
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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in the almost empty room, she sits in the corner seat as she taps away on her phone a message to reply to her siblings' group chat. she had arrived early for the driver's briefing and decided to take solace in the corner with a cup of hot chocolate.
she was enjoying the peace and serenity with the soft chatter in the background as she tried to lock herself in for the race weekend. that was until she felt a presence looming behind her with an aura she couldn't possibly ignore.
she slowly lifts her head up with a mean glare. she turns her head and meets max's blue eyes and sly grin. "what'cha doin'?"
she puts her phone on her lap as a scowl replaces her dead expression. "what do you want?"
"what are you doing?"
"does it hurt you when you see me and like... not do anything to annoy me?"
"yes, actually. i like talking to you."
"i just wanted to talk to ciara."
"now you can talk to me."
"but i don't really feel like doing that."
"why not? i'm here in front of you and not behind a phone screen. where's ciara?" he looks around, then at her with a beaming smile. "oh, would you look at that? not here."
"because she isn't an f1 driver."
"still not here to talk to you and provide you the joys of interacting with somebody face to face."
"times like these i remember you've got a younger sister."
"what's that got to do with anything?"
"you've mastered the practice of being annoying growing up, obviously. you're such a pro at it."
"how can you say that?" max cries, hand on his chest to feign hurt over her words. "i'm not annoying. please take that back!"
"you realise you made me stop my conversation with my lovely sisters because you saw me sitting alone."
max reaches out and pinches her cheek, grinning when blood rushes to her cheeks. "you were just looking a little lonely. just wanted to make you feel a little accommodated to, that's all."
she stares at him, lips pressed together. "okay, that's actually pretty sweet. i kinda feel bad now.”
“and you should!” max frowns, folding his arms over his chest. he leans back into his seat and rests one leg over the other. “you’re mean, you know?”
“i’m an oldest sister.”
“i’m an oldest brother.”
“i have three younger siblings that made me wanna shave my head bald.”
“that’s kinda crazy.”
“i know,” she sighs tiredly. but she smiles slightly. “but it’s kinda nice. with oscar and logan taking over those responsibilities growing up, we never had a moment of boredom at home.”
“cute!” max smiles. “if i lived with you growing up, you might’ve actually run away for good.”
“i could run away for good now if you’d like.”
“seb wouldn’t like that.”
“you’d have to deal with it. i’ll leave a note on my team’s fridge with your name on it.”
“you need to put the reason underneath. if not, your team will think you’re just naming the most handsomest driver on the grid,” max shakes his head in disappointment. “don’t wanna give off the wrong idea, you know?”
“if you say ‘handsomest’, it doesn’t need a ‘most’ before it,” she says, lips parted slightly at the atrocious grammar. if there’s one thing she can’t stand, it’s most definitely the reigning world champion making simply grammar mistakes. “you should get more sleep.”
“i do! i slept like 10 hours last night!”
“somehow i find that hard to believe with the bags under your eyes.”
“what are you two bickering about?” a hand lands itself on the back of her chair. carlos stands next to her with one hand on his hip. “i could hear you from the hallways.”
“damn, you should really keep it down, max,” she chuckles, sending him a shocked look before she clasps her hands together and rests it on her stomach. “you’re too loud.”
“i’m sure he meant you. you like… swallowed a mic as a kid,” max scoffs. he looks up at carlos. “tell me she was louder than me.”
carlos sighs. “you were loud on the same level, i believe.”
"see? i told you."
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"you're moving in with logan?" alex's jaw drops, the tiktok video no his phone left to play on repeat as the younger girl dropped the news that logan's moving into her apartment. "mate, what?"
she looks up at him with a confused stare. "what?"
"i thought you said you didn't want people talking about you like that?" alex asks, raising an eyebrow. "people will definitely talk if you move in with a man."
she presses her lips together. "you've got a point, i suppose. but logan's my best friend. we've been talking about moving in together forever! since i was 15!"
"i'm just looking out for you, kid. you should really think this through," alex sighs as he slumps his shoulders. of course, he knows just how close she and logan are on a day-to-day basis. but people tend to be quite ruthless with women and he just can't see this going any other way. "you know how people are."
she sighs, shaking her head. "i don't know. i just don't think people would pay attention to that aspect of my life. i still deserve to make decisions that wouldn't be at risk of scrutiny, right?"
she takes a step forward towards alex. she hadn't exactly thought of the public implications that this would cause her. all she knew was that they'd talked about this for years and were ecstatic when logan shyly brought up their conversation from years ago.
"that's the basic that we all hope for," alex frowns. "but you know how people are. you've seen how they treat you just being here. imagine the chaos."
"maybe i'll just keep it under wraps and hope for the best," she suggests with a small smile on her face. "that could work, right? i don't wanna have to put down something i spent forever talking about."
"if you can keep it under wraps, i applaud you," alex smiles, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "and i thought you've had enough of men - why are you still moving in with one?"
"to save money, really," she smiles. "and with kidnapper and stubby at home... i think living with another person is best."
"but doesn't logan like dogs more?"
"yeah, but kidnapper's taken a very weird liking to him. he doesn't wanna admit, but i know logan really likes kidnapper a lot."
"typical logan, really."
"you'd be surprised how much feelings that loser's holding in."
"oh?" alex smiles mischievously. "tell me more?"
"nice try," she scoffs with an eye roll. "i'm not spilling the beans about logan's love life. that's lore you've got to unlock the longer you race with him. just hope he's feeling friendly enough to share, yes?"
"so true," alex frowns. "but what if he's not friendly enough? means you are my only source for material to piss him off with. so, 'fess up!"
"can't betray my best friend like that, i fear," she frowns. though, her smile grows slowly. "but i can be bribed."
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a scowl carves her face as she stares at the roll-in whiteboard with pictures held up against it with sesame street magnets. she sinks into the plastic chair she's given and tilts her head at the men gathered around her.
"and that's why i think you should get the same car as me," lando says simply, recapping the marker in his hands. he turns to her with a proud smile after his presentation.
her lips part. "so that we can matchy and..."
"and fuel rumours," lando repeats. "i'm involved in too little drama this year. it's always 'no wins' this, and 'no podiums' that... i want more."
"that's not a very good argument," she answers slowly, confusion contorting her face that almost makes alex laugh. "i said that i want an easy car, not a supercar. i've made that clear to almost everyone on the grid, yes?"
"yeah, but like," lando whines, throwing his head back as he stomps a foot into the ground. "seriously? you can't do this one thing for me? i'm asking you a favour!"
"to spend big money on a supercar i have to drive like it's made of glass!" she laughs dryly, hands thrown in the air in disbelief. she looks around at the men that have forcefully pulled her out of her garage and put her in this private room, in this plastic chair when she could've been taking a power nap. "is this what i'm here for? you lot are trying to convince me to finally purchase a car?"
"as per logan's request," alex shrugs, sipping on his juice box. "he said you've been putting it off all year. the season's about to end."
"and you listened to that nonce?" she cries, pinching the bridge of her nose. "you guys are absolutely unbelievable. i can't believe i'm wasting my time here!"
george, sitting next to her with a picture in hand, points at the whiteboard timidly. "i really put in a lot of thought about a car you should get," he says softly, looking slightly disappointed that she's caught on a lot faster than they predicted. "can i at least show it to you? i don't have to present."
"aw, george," she sighs, shaking her head. "it's not another supercar, is it?"
"it's not, i promise!" he perks up with a small smile on his face. he turns to lando with a small scowl. "only lando did this presentation with his best interests in mind. alex and i took the task seriously - just hear us out!"
she looks between george and alex, contemplating if the brit is telling the truth. instead of getting up like she had initially planned, she leans back into her seat. "fine. if it's anything like lando's, i'm leaving immediately. i don't care who has yet to present."
"but this ferrari looks so pretty," charles frowns, turning the picture in his hand to show it to her. "it's matte black and all. i thought we could match."
"that is also a supercar."
"he's presenting last, so i really don't care what he says," george mutters, shoving lando away from the whiteboard. he picks up a big bird magnet and pastes his picture between lando and max's proposal. "so, i think you should get this super cute toyota car."
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @love4lando @sadg3 @bborra @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts
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cameronspecial · 6 months
The First Son And The First Spare
Pairing: FSOTUS!Rafe Cameron x Princess!Reader
Warnings:  Panic Attack, Swearing, Mentions of An Attempted Murder, and SMUT.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 10.1K
Summary: Just because they are the children of world leaders, it doesn't mean that Y/N and Rafe have to like each other. But what happens when they have to get along with each other for the sake of their countries?
A/N: This is inspired by Red, White, and Royal Blue.
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The traditional wedding march plays as Y/N watches her soon-to-be sister-in-law walk down the aisle. However, Y/N’s eyes can only see one person. She narrows in on the rude, egotistical, pain in her ass, who also happens to be the First Son of the United States. What she wouldn’t do to bash his head in with her bouquet? Unfortunately, it would be unbecoming of the Princess of England. Fiona finally makes it in front of Y/N’s brother, Prince George. The ceremony begins and Y/N feels as though time slows down. The only thing that can keep her sane is the hateful glares she sends Rafe. She prays no cameras to capture her un-Princess-like scowl. After an hour and fifteen minutes, George and Fiona kiss and leave the chapel. Y/N follows her siblings into the open air, catching Rafe’s gaze as she passes his pew. 
Greeting guests is one of Y/N’s duties for today as well as maintaining her family's reputation. While the newlyweds enjoy a moment in private, Princesses Y/N and Amelia exchange pleasantries with all the arriving guests. “I may not be into men, but I get why girls desperately fawn over him,” Amelia whispers to her sister while waiting for the Canadian Prime Minister and his wife to approach. Y/N addresses the foreign leader with a shake of her head before addressing her sister, “Thank you for coming, Prime Minister. Who are you talking about, Lia?” The younger girl’s flicks her eyes over to the next people in line. Y/N follows Amelia’s eyeline to Rafe. She lets out a low scoff, “You have to be insane to say that.” 
“Right, I forgot you have this irrational feud with him.” 
“It is not irrational. It is not my fault that he likes to bother me like a schoolboy. He is immature and a playboy.”
“Y/N/N, it’s called flirting. How can you not understand that he is delicious? I mean look at those ocean-blue eyes.”
“Being annoying is not flirting. I really do not understand the attraction of him. My Phelan is handsome and gentlemanly. That is attractive. Not whatever Rafe is.” 
Y/N shouldn’t lie to her sister, but she would rather be stuck in a room with her most conservative relatives than admit to finding Rafe hot. Little do the two royals know two children of a president are also having a similar conversation. “What did I do to Dad to make him send me here? He knows I hate England. Wheezie would kill to be here with you,” he mumbles to Sarah. She gives him a teasing smile, “You don’t hate this country. You hate the fact that one of its Princesses would rather be anywhere but near you.” “Please, I could care less about where Y/N wants to be,” he huffs, chancing a glance at the mentioned princess. “Funny how I didn’t need to mention her name for you to know who I was talking about. And before you try to argue, even if she likes girls, Amelia is a Princess, who can be places.” Sarah skips ahead of her brother without waiting for him to answer. He rushes after his sister to stand in front of the sisters of the groom.
“Sarah, it is lovely to see you again. Thank you for coming,” Y/N greets the First Daughter and sends her to Amelia. She turns to who is next in line, internally groaning once she sees him, “Rafe… Thank you for coming.” “What? It’s not lovely to see me, Princess?” Rafe taunts, feeling her fingers grip him tighter than necessary. She holds her head high and away from him, “You are meant to address me as Your Royal Highness.” She doesn’t say anything else; instead, she has her eyes set on the next people in line. Rafe walks toward the ballroom where the reception is being held. “How can someone so pretty have such a huge stick up her ass?” he grumbles under his breath. He thinks it goes unnoticed by everyone, yet Ms. Stick Up Her Ass hears it all. 
Y/N’s hands rest on Phelan’s shoulder and hand. They twirl around the room in time with the music, oblivious to Rafe’s stare. The lip of the glass meets his as he takes a sip of his drink. The rum burns his throat. He doesn’t get what she sees in Duke Phelan. The pompous ass looks like a massive buzzkill. Rafe doesn’t care though. Why would he? There is no care in him for the woman in Phelan’s arms. He must admit, when he first saw Y/N, fifteen-year-old him couldn’t believe she was as beautiful as her pictures. It was the first event he had to go to with his new presidential father and she was the only person there around his age. He was in anticipation of meeting her throughout the opening. Their meeting didn’t go how Rafe planned. He had no idea what he did to set Y/N off because he was only met with an icy gaze. It was nothing like the warm glow he saw her give other teens on television or even the adults today at the Olympics. “It is a pleasure to meet you,” she quips quickly. The words were polite; the tone was not. It differed greatly from how she addressed the others. From that day on, it left Rafe with so many questions and the only ability to return her behaviour. 
The song comes to an end and Phelan breaks away from her with a kiss on the cheek. “I must use the lavatory. I will be right back, Darling,” he informs her. She spends the time searching for a flute of champagne, heading to examine the cake her brother spent an exorbitant amount of pounds on once she found her drink. The flute is placed on the cake table. She doesn’t notice the other person waiting near the cake. “You looked so serious dancing up there. Do you ever have fun with that snooze,” Rafe comments, not turning in her direction. She rolls her eyes at him, allowing herself to go against decorum for him, “For your information, I have plenty of fun with Duke Phelan. Although, it is none of your business, sir.” He can detect her lies easily. He knows her tell. Her lies are given away by the slight tucking of her inner lip between her teeth. The minuscule tell keeps up with her royal appearance and is recognizable solely by people who know how to look for it. 
This is the longest they have gone without sarcasm dripping from their voices, so Rafe takes it as an opportunity to have a decent conversation with her. “Do you ever think about getting married?” he asks, giving her his attention for the first time since they started talking. She gives him a soft smile, “I do. I’ve always wanted a smaller wedding, even though it is virtually impossible because I am a royal. I imagine something more intimate, exchanging vows with the person whom I love. I could pretend for once that my whole country does not place me on a pedestal.” He doesn’t mock her for her dreams like she expected, which surprises her. Maybe, they can be civil with each other. She spots Phelan in the crowd and starts to make her way toward him. Rafe spots her champagne and gently places his hand on her shoulder to point it out to her. He overestimates his strength, causing her to stumble backwards from his pull. She slips on her dress and backpedals into Rafe, sending both of them flying into the giant white cake. The buttercream and sponge of the cake paint their skin and turn them into an abstract painting. Rafe tries to get out from under her. He slips on some icing and this causes him to fall on top of Y/N. She groans at his sudden weight hitting her ribs, placing her hands on his shoulder to push him off of her. He plops to his side at the same time that Phelan comes running to her.
Phelan hands her his handkerchief to wipe her hands off prior to him helping her up. Rafe wants to laugh at the ridiculous notion of getting her to clean up before she can be aided. If required to get her standing, he would’ve picked her up by her waist without a care for the cake getting on his suit. The handkerchief is handed to a waiter and Phelan brings Y/N to her feet. Rafe stands up with no help, going over to apologize to Y/N. “This is all your fault,” she grits through her teeth. She and Phelan make their exit for her to return to her spotless manner. 
“This is an absolute disaster, Y/N. We are supposed to be presenting a united relationship with the United States because of the upcoming deal the Prime Minister has with President Cameron,” her mother criticizes, showing the multiple headlines of the cake incident on the screen. Y/N’s head bows, “I am sorry, Mother. I will make a public apology to George and the public for wasting the money by destroying the cake.” “That will be added to the list of damage control. Nevertheless, that is not the main focus of this meeting. I called you here to inform you that you will be heading to America tomorrow,” Queen Isabel states, rounding her desk to sit in her chair. Y/N leans forward, “I am not sure I heard you correctly, Mother. Did you say that I am to be in America tomorrow?” “Yes, Y/N. You and Rafe shall pretend that you are actually the best of friends. You will appear at events and hold interviews together,” Isabel begins. “I do not care how much you both hate each other, you will act as if you love each other. Did I make myself clear?” Y/N nods at her mother’s warning, “Yes, Mother.” 
Y/N always prefers to fly commercial flights. Her mother rarely approves of such flights, except because this flight is not in the original travel budget for the year, a commercial flight was needed to stay within budget. It allowed Y/N to feel normal for once. She could people-watch without the stares of other people, not being recognized because of her coppery-brown wig. The different hair causes people to hesitate if they think she is her and they eventually chalk her up to being a look alike. The copper colour was chosen because it stood out but not too much. She spent her flight people-watching and reading over the dossier on Rafe. It doesn’t surprise her that he is studying Business at UNC-Chapel Hill, Ward after all comes from a business background. Even with the insistence of helping her from her bodyguards and assistant, Y/N persists in getting her bags herself. 
During the car ride, Drew, her bodyguard, quizzes her on Rafe for the upcoming interviews. “Where did he grow up?” Drew questions. Y/N doesn’t bat an eye, “Outer Banks, North Carolina. His father was from the Cut, which is the working-class side of the island, but with his developmental firm, he bought a house on Figure Eight, which is the wealthy side.” “You didn’t have to go through that whole backstory. You had it correct after the first sentence,” he notes. She gives him a knowing look, “You know I like to be thorough. Next question, we are almost at the White House.” “Right, who are his best friends?” Drew continues. She thinks about the question for a second, “Topper Thornton. Son of Dr. Cynthia Thornton and Cyrus Thornton, a lawyer. As well as Kelce Smith. Son of Linda Smith, CEO of Smith Enterprises, and Scott Smith, an investment banker.” “A very detailed answer as always,” he is about to come up with another question when the limo comes to a halt. “Your Royal Highness, we are here,” the chauffeur calls out from the front.
The car door swings open and Drew shuffles out of the car, holding out his hand for her. She brings her knees together and shifts her legs to hang out of the car. She looks around the North lawn to find it void of a certain presidential son. “You would think he would be here to greet his own guest,” she snarks when a fancy dark green car comes drifting dangerously close to her. Rafe exits the car with a smirk, “Don’t worry, Princess. You don’t have to be without my presence for very long.” She ignores his remark and pursues the Deputy Chief of Staff, Zahra, to where the interviews are being held. 
Y/N sits on the sofa with her back straight, which contrasts Rafe’s slouched position. The first interviewer arrives with a notepad and camera. “It’s nice to meet you, Your Highness and Mr. Cameron. I’m Esther Sparks from British Times,” Esther salutes, shaking both of their hands. “It is lovely to meet you,” Y/N returns with a smile. Rafe mocks her, “It IS lovely to meet you, Ms. Sparks.” He sends a devious smirk and she brings her eyelids close together. They answer generic questions about each other by different interviewers until they each ask one question that they both use to take turns to embarrass each other. “Tell us about the cake incident,” they would each press. 
“He very much wanted to try the cake.”
“She was so distracted by my beauty that she didn’t notice where she was walking.”
“He was very inebriated and he fell into the cake.”
“She was so jealous about her brother getting all of the attention.” 
Each answer received a laugh from the interviewers. During the final recording, the man behind the camera actually had a different eye-widening query. He lays out pictures from the wedding. “In all of these pictures, there is a fire within both of your eyes. Is there something more than a friendship that you have been hiding?” Rafe’s water spews all over the coffee table. Y/N hides her disgust whilst responding, “That is certainly incorrect. I am in a very happy relationship with Duke Phelan. Anything you have interpreted is not based on facts.” Only the camera captures the slight waiver of Rafe’s mouth into a frown as he processes her answer. Even he won’t admit it happened. 
Rafe waits by her bedroom door while she gets ready as ordered by Zahra. He didn’t want to escort the princess to the car, but Zahra argued that it would look good optics-wise if they went out to the car together. Right at twelve-forty-five, her door creaks to reveal the most laid-back outfit he has seen her in. She is wearing jeans with a plain pastel pink T-shirt. He has only ever seen her in formal pants, skirts or dresses. The most casual she has been in pictures is semi-formal. “Are you finished staring? We have somewhere to be,” she quips, leaving him to watch as her hair swishes from side to side. He chases after her and holds the door open to get brownie points with the media for being a gentleman. Once he catches up to her, he clarifies his reason for his earlier gaze. “I was staring because I didn’t know you owned jeans.” 
“I didn’t know you kept up with my wardrobe.”
“I… I don’t. You just always dress like you are going to a wedding or something.”
“Well, I’m sorry that I can’t always dress like I just rolled out of bed. I, for one, have to maintain my appearance.”
He chuckles at her retort, “Damn, look who finally got some good bite to her bark.” Her eyes form a circle and she has to stop the small stutter in her step when he opens each door they pass for her. He has to admit he really does like her new style. She looks more relaxed and comfortable. They both slide into the car, waiting patiently to arrive at the hospital. 
How can someone so rude be so good with children? They all sit in front of Rafe, listening to him read from the storybook. He would change his voice for different characters and the hand not holding the book would gesture wildly. The moment would be interrupted if she tried to join in on the reading, so she silently observed the scene. He really does enjoy entertaining the children. They feed off of his relaxed demeanour and return it back to him. A toddler waddles up to her, leaning back against her knees. She hasn’t exactly interacted with a lot of children, so she doesn’t know what to do with him. At this time, Rafe finishes his book and glances at the uncomfortable look on her face. He leans in, letting his lips meet the shell of her ear. “He wants to sit on your lap. Pick him up by the waist and put him on your lap.” She gives him a hesitant look, doing as he instructs. She struggles a little and Rafe helps her by gently pushing the boy onto her lap. The young child is satisfied with the result. He turns into her hold, sucking his thumb with his head in her neck.
A thought pops into Rafe’s mind that makes him reevaluate his life. Y/N holding the toddler brings up the image of her doing the same with their own children. To have those thoughts, he would have to like her and that can’t be right. He can’t have feelings for Y/N. He doesn’t even know her last name. She speaks like an old person all the time and she can’t stand him. This must be a mistake. A trick of his brain. Because there is no way that he is falling for her.
After a successful afternoon of spending time with children in the pediatric unit, Y/N and Rafe are heading back to the car. A pop sounds throughout the room and Y/N docks for cover in a panic. Rafe reacts on instinct, using his body to shield the crouching Y/N. Drew rushes the two public figures into a storage closet and orders them to stay there until he comes to get them. Her breathing starts to quicken, feeling like she can’t get enough air into her lungs. He hears the gasps she lets out and he grows concerned. She must be having a panic attack, yet he doesn’t know what to do. He hesitates in bringing her head to his chest and he demonstrates his controlled breathing. “In. Out. In. Out,” he mumbles, cupping her ear to muffle the commotion outside. She mimics his pattern. Her feet take a step back, “Thank you.” “No problem. I didn’t know you got panic attacks triggered by loud noises. It’s not in your file,” he voices. She shrugs, “I do not desire it to be public knowledge. It does not uphold a royal’s controlled behaviour.” “Did… did you want to talk about it?” he offers, sitting against the shelving unit.
“During my first royal tour, I was five, a gunman tried shooting my mother. In the chaos, I was knocked to the floor whilst everyone around me tried moving away,” she begins to recount. “I remember how much it hurt to feel the toes of everyone’s shoes hit against my skin. I was so scared I was not going to be found. However, I was more terrified of going back to a family that no longer had a mother. I had no idea what happened to her.” Tiny globs of water form in the corner of her eyes and he pulls her in for a hug. “Since then, loud sounds remind me of that day,” she explains. The mood in the closet holds a dark cloud over both of them. Their arms fall to the ground and their fingers gently brush against each other. He can’t think of a way of cheering her up; therefore, he tries to cheer her up by moving the conversation along.
“Why do you always sound like you have a stick up your ass?”
She chokes a little on a laugh, “What is it with you and sticks up my arse?”
“It’s always funny to get a princess to say ass.”
“That is very immature. And to answer your question, I may be the second born but I am still the first spare. If god forbid something happens to my brother or he chooses not to have a baby. I would be up to bat. No one wants a normal queen. They want an exceptional one.”
“That sounds like a lot of pressure.”
“It is but it is the pressure I was born to handle.” 
There is strength within her, except he can see how this expectation is chipping away at her. His pinky reaches for hers to provide comfort, “You may be born into the pressure, but it doesn’t mean you should have to deal with it by yourself.” Before she can answer, the door opens and the both of them jump apart. Drew’s eyebrows almost met his hairline at the sight of the pair. “The scene has been assessed and it is safe, Your Royal Highness. It was a child who brought a firework for his friend. No plans of harming you or Rafe,” Drew shares, holding his hand out for Y/N to take. The connection of her hand with another man’s causes jealousy to burn in Rafe’s stomach. 
Rafe felt victorious once he finally got Y/N to use a contraction. It was over text, but it still counted. Ever since the day at the hospital, they have been texting each other. He had asked Zahra for the princess’ number because he missed being snarky with her after she left for home. He hates how his heart tickles upon seeing her contact name pop up in a notification. Princess. His hand reaches for his phone, not being able to hold his smile in. If this photographer tells me to smile bigger one more time, then I’m going to cut my lips off and staple them to his camera. Rafe chuckles at her gruesomeness. It was surprising to him when Y/N divulged her love of gruesome movies. He couldn’t believe the prim and proper princess of England enjoyed the sight of bloody murders. It wasn’t just any kind of horror movie though. It was slasher movies that she fancied the most. She said it relaxes her, which only slightly concerned him. Come on, Princess. All he wants to do is see your pretty smile. 
She sees the flash of her lock screen with a notification. She can’t respond because the photographer snaps his fingers to catch her attention. Rafe is going to have to wait. After the photoshoot is over, Y/N gets changed into her sweatpants and jumper. She remembers she has to respond to his text, so she calls him instead. “Are my ears deceiving me? Is Princess Y/N actually calling me?” he teases, lying back down in his bed. He was about to get ready for the day; this was better. She shakes her head, “I am. Not because I want to talk to you, I need to work on my American accent. I’m planning on running for President. You know so I can actually be the ruler of a country.” 
“I’m hurt, Princess. And here I thought you liked me.” 
“There are a lot of words I would use to describe you, Rafe. Bring liked by me is not one of them.”
“I beg to differ. If you didn’t like me, then why are we talking right now?” 
“Because I am bored and for some reason, I keep getting texts from you.” 
A knock comes at his door before it is opened by Wheezie. “Dad needs to see you,” she relays the message. His head flicks up to acknowledge her and he moves his phone away from his mouth, “Okay, I’ll be down in a second.” A pout forms on Y/N’s mouth. “Aww, you have to go. But we literally just started talking.” “I know. I’m sorry, Princess. I think it is a good thing though. The more you talk to me, the more and more you sound like a commoner,” he jokes. She huffs, “Haha, I’m sorry that I no longer sound like I have a stick up my arse. I bet it’s disappointing for you.” “You really are getting better at sounding more human. I’m proud, Princess,” he lets out a disappointed sigh. “I have to go now. Bye.” With no other choice, he hangs up the call to go talk to his dad. 
After months of texting and calling, Y/N and Rafe are going to be in the same room again. Rafe is hosting his annual New Year's Eve party. All the most prominent children in the world are going to be in attendance, so, of course, Y/N would be in attendance as well. Rafe and she are on familiar terms with each other; nonetheless, she is dreading the party. The holiday season involves being cattled to different events to boost the family name and Y/N is exhausted. Any other year, New Year's Eve would be the pause in the season she needs. This year is different because of the cake incident. To make matters worse, she obviously misinterpreted the type of event this is because she is very overdressed. Her black and white plaid knee-length polyester skirt matches her blazer and with her long-sleeve button-up, she is burning up. Rafe can spot her easily in the crowd. Her outfit makes her stand out more and he loves it. He likes being able to quickly locate her. 
The dancing people part to create an easy path for him. He reaches her with a smile. “I’m glad you came, Princess. I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” he taunts, kissing her cheek as a welcome. A whirlpool stirs in her stomach. Her hand grips her forearm, “Yep. I’m sorry I’m late. There was a delay on my flight. I also overestimated the dress code and now, I feel silly.” His head moves from side to side with a comforting look. “Don’t feel silly, you look beautiful. And hey, you’re using contractions so you fit right in,” he promises, a warm hand resting on hers. 
He can see through the smile she offers. It doesn’t reach her eyes, which are slightly glazed over with bags just peeking through her concealer. His mood matches hers because suddenly his happiness depends on how she is feeling. “You look tired, Princess. Is everything alright?” he presses, stepping closer so his mouth is near her ear. Her head darts up, “Yeah, I’m peachy. A little jet lagged though.” He catches the way her bottom lip appears to be microscopically pitched between her teeth. “Come on, Princess. I don’t like it when you lie to me. So please tell me what’s wrong,” he implores. She exhales, “No offence, I really don’t want to be here. New Year’s Eve is the time that I get a break from being paraded around like a float. I can settle down in my room by myself in comfy clothes and as many movies as I want.” The corner of her lips droop downwards. “Why don’t we do that then?” he suggests, holding his hand out. Her breath hitches at his proposal, “You can’t leave your own party, Rafe.” “Ehh, it’s dead anyway. Let’s go,” he insists, tugging her out of the tent and into the White House.
His room is exactly as she imagined, although with fewer Playboy posters than she thought he would have. The sheets of his bed are crisply made and a peek in his walk-in closet shows clothes hanging at an equal distance from one another. Everything is pristine and in place, which isn’t surprising for the man she got to learn more about. He guides her onto the bed and leaves a pillow-width distance between them. The click of the remote causes the screen to light and he pulls up Scream. As the clock tickets toward midnight, the pair watch one slasher film from the franchise after the other. “Okay, I get why she stays in America in the second movie. No one expects to get chased after a serial killer again. But if it were to happen to me a second time, you bet your ass that I would be moving to a remote island somewhere after the second time,” Y/N fills the silence. 
He chortles, “I’m with you on that. How many times does Sidney need to get chased by a Ghostface killer before she leaves civilization? What would you bring to your remote island?” “Horror movies, a Swiss army knife and you,” she rattles off mindlessly. His head swivels toward her, “Me? What about your amazing boyfriend?” “I love him. I do. He just isn’t great with survival skills. I would die immediately if we were deserted,” she clarifies, reaching for the popcorn they popped earlier tonight. He nods, “Right. I’m from the Outer Banks, so I can fish and shit.” “Yes, you can. Ooh, look. It’s almost midnight. Change it to the countdown please,” she implores, accidentally pressing her breasts against his chest to grab the remote for him. He takes the remote out of her hand; their warm hands brush each other to make both of their breaths hitch. She pulls away as he switches the TV to display the New York Countdown. The crowd of people on the screen starts to count, watching as the ball descends. 
Rafe observes how the glow of the screen lights up her face. Her voice fills in with the partygoers. He is drawn to the way her lips move. They are stained a reddish mauve that makes him wonder what it would look like smeared on the skin around his mouth. The colour makes her lips even more kissable. He has to remind himself they don’t belong to him, yet he needs to know what they feel like on his. Fireworks go off at midnight and Rafe has to take this chance while he has the excuse of a midnight kiss. The pads of his digits face her head toward him. He leans forward and their lips meet. His mind searches for signs that she doesn’t want this. A push of his chest. A shake of her head. A yell of no. They don’t come. Instead, her lips move against his. The peck he was going to give her is reworked into something deeper.
She can’t be mad at him kissing her without any warning. She saw him leaning in for the kiss and had ample time to turn him away. He would definitely respect if she said it wasn’t what she wanted. This is wrong; she has a boyfriend. Nevertheless, her brain screams that it wants to know if his lips are as rough as she thinks they are. The contact of their mouths causes her to part her two petals. He matches her actions and slots his kisser against hers. The roughness isn’t what she expected; it’s less than she imagined. His hands maneuver to her hips to shift her onto his lap. She twines her hand in the field of his hair. Even if she isn’t pressing hard, she can feel the rock forming in his pants against the growing wetness of her pussy. The moment they are sharing creates a fire within her, akin to the one he normally builds. The difference with this one is that it is fueled by passion. Her head is woozy and she believes she needs this feeling to breathe. Being with Phelan isn’t like this. What she has with her boyfriend is soft like a cool breeze. It doesn’t spark this desire for more. It doesn’t have her chasing after it.
This makes her realize how wrong this is. She isn’t with Rafe. She shouldn’t sense the urge to be consumed by him, so she has to pull away. The tint of her lipstick coats his pale skin and he is wearing it with pride. The corners of his piehole droop like a wet towel. Her head wavers from side to side, “I should go. I’m really tired.” She swings off of him and gathers her things before dashing out the door. Leaving Rafe to wonder if he has ruined everything they had and possibly could have. 
Going back to no contact absolutely destroys Rafe. The kiss clarified everything for him. He loves her and maybe his crush on her from when he was fifteen never went away in the first place. After running his fingers through his hair in frustration for not following her out, he took a picture of the way her lipstick was practically tattooed onto his skin. This vision deserves to be remembered forever. The flowery scent of her perfume is imprinted in his memory. He flicks through the pictures as he listens to Zahra go over the different events he needs to attend in the following month. In the most non-creepy way, he wishes he had more candid pictures of Y/N. The only ones he has of her are the professional photos that show none of her personality. She looks so poised and stiff, which doesn’t show the whole of her. “Rafe, Rafe. Are you listening to me?” Zahra criticizes. He slams the phone down on the counter; nothing would be more embarrassing than getting caught looking at a picture of himself. 
He has no idea how to hide his lack of attention, “Uhh, you were talking about… How I need to go to LA?” “Stop looking at naked girls on your phone. I was talking about how you are going to go to the UK again for Prince George’s Charity Polo Match,” the Chief exasperates. His interests are piqued and he scrambles out of the meeting with Zahra calling after him. He is furiously typing on his phone. Hey, I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked. I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to be at your brother’s Polo Match, so hopefully we can talk. He hits the arrow to send the text and listens to the whoosh it lets out. It doesn’t take long for the sent under the bubble to change into read. It disappoints him that no bubbles follow the change. He doesn’t know why he thought she would respond.
Phelan sits beside Y/N in the Royal box with his fingers laced between hers. Thousands of eyes are probably on her, yet she can only feel one burning into her skin. She glimpses at him and their orbs encounter each other. “I need to talk to you,” he mouths to her. She disregards his attempt to speak to her and faces her boyfriend. Her lips plant on Phelan’s cheeks and his cheeks redden like a cherry. She moves to the shell of his ear, “Maybe you can meet me in the equipment shed in a few minutes. I have the urge to engage in coitus.” Phelan and Y/N are never spontaneous or lustful with their sexual intercourse. Phelan prefers the privacy of one of their beds and to be the one on top. While his slow pace is sweet, it can lead to Y/N feeling a little unfulfilled by the experience and makes her wonder what more is out there. She thought that maybe this could be the opportunity for that. Phelan leans away from her with a taken-aback look on his face. “We most certainly must not do so. We are in public and it would be inappropriate,” he scolds like she is a child. The hope on her face drops and she decides she needs to get some air. She excuses herself from her sits, heading to the equipment shed as she had originally planned. 
The hut is empty and smells of the hay tracked in by the riders, who were returning their equipment. Peace fills her soul. Finally, a moment without the stares of everyone on her. The rolls of the wheels cause her to turn toward the door. Is Phelan surprising her? Her teeth flash to the entering figure; they hide once she sees who it is. “What are you doing here?” she murmurs to him, not connecting their gaze. He closes the door and remains where he is standing. He fears she will feel trapped by him. “We haven’t talked since New Year’s Eve,” he expresses. She acknowledges his statement, “I am aware of that fact.” She keeps her sentences short. “I know I shouldn’t have kissed you. I’m sorry,” he apologizes with his hand on the back of his neck. 
Her head bobs up and down, “Okay, I accept.” He waits to see if she will add anything. Her silence lasts. “So that’s it. I make one mistake and we can’t be friends. I get that I made it uncomfortable and I’m not trying to say it is your fault, but you kissed me back too,” he points out, taking a step forward. She stares at him, “I should not have done that. I did not enjoy it.” A longing look fills his eyes and his head dips to be close to her ear. “Then why did you grip my hair so tightly.” Her eyes flit to his lips and she can’t contain herself. She throws her arms around his neck, pulling his face to hers. He groans at finally being able to feel her against him again. His hands bring her flush against him by the waist. He asks for permission to enter her mouth with a swipe of his tongue along her bottom lip. She allows him in with a slight moan. Their feet glide on the floor and she presses him up against the door. Being in control of this situation built a fire inside of her that she didn’t know could exist. No matter how hard or how much their lips are together, she feels like it will never be enough. A loud shout from outside snaps her back to reality and she can’t believe she did this against. Once again, she leaves him alone. 
However, this time, he isn’t going to let her run off again without talking about what happened. He chases after her, losing her in the crowd. When he finds her again, he can’t manage to get her alone. As the event comes to an end, she is rushing off back to Kensington Palace with her sister. 
He couldn’t let her go another time, especially since he was already in England. It was pretty easy to get into Kensington Palace when Amelia was such a big fan of him. “Let him through, Conrad. I like him,” she orders, beckoning Rafe into the palace grounds once the guard at the gate moves out of the way. “Thanks,” he says as they walk inside. She flashes him a smile, “You’re welcome. I’m secretly hoping you and Y/N get together. I already know you guys have kissed so we are almost there.” “Your sister told you about that?” he inquires with hope. If Y/N told her sister about the moment, then she is at least acknowledging it happened. Amelia shakes her head, “No, I can just tell though. She’s my sister. I have to go, but good luck!” She heads in the other direction, leaving Rafe to search for Y/N’s room. 
He finds it and knocks gently on the door. She calls out for him to enter. Her room is exactly as he expected. It is completely void of her amazing personality. The pristine appearance fits perfectly with the aesthetic that the royal employees push onto her. He wishes she would be allowed to plaster horror movie posters around the room. He wishes he could help her litter the room with pictures. Maybe they could’ve been of them on dates or kissing or being in each other's company. The political books on the shelves should be of the smutty romance books he has caught her reading when they were first getting to know each other. The room definitely needs more colour. 
She is sitting at her desk, staring him down. “Why are you here?” He walks over to her, “I’m tired. Tired of you always running off after we kiss, so we can’t talk to each other.” “Both times were a mistake. I have Phelan and I am perfectly happy. I do not want to see you anymore, so please leave,” she argues. His head moves from side to side, “No. Because we need to talk about it. I know we both felt that spark and we can’t just ignore it.”
“There was no spark. And even if there was, then why would it matter?”
“Why does the spark matter? It matters because we love each other and we deserve to give us a chance.”
“I am in love with Phelan.”
Rafe chuckles, “Really?” He towers over her; his breath hitting her neck as he brings his lips to ghost the skin of it. “So he satisfies you? With his kisses? With his touches? With his dick?” He kisses down her neck with each question and she knows she should move away, except she doesn’t. She craves the feeling of his lips and wonders the type of pleasure he can bring her. “We can’t be together,” she informs, thinking about what her mother wants for her future. A future that features marrying Duke Phelan. He disagrees, “Why not? Give me one good reason.”
“My mother says I have to marry Phelan.”
“I said give me a good reason. Aren’t you tired of doing what everyone else wants? If you had to be selfish about one thing, shouldn’t it be with who gets your heart?” 
“And what would you do with my heart?” 
“I would help you kindle the fire that burns in it. I would show you that you deserve to be treated as more than just a spare. Because you are your own person, Princess, and that merits the freedom of choosing who you marry.”
His tone drips with care and it squeezes at her heart. Beside her sister, he is the only person who can see past her royal side. “And who should I choose to marry? You?” she teases, placing a hand on his chest to steady her slightly dizzy head. His shoulders rise to his ears, “Maybe. I mean if you want to. Not know though. In the distant, distant future.” His cheeks redden at the thought and he rubs the back of his neck. “You’re right. I want to give you my heart,” she mutters to him. “I also really want to kiss you.” He takes this as an invitation to lean in. She stops him with a finger to his lips. “We can’t do that again until I break up with Phelan. It isn’t fair to him,” she tells him. He nods, “Right, right. I’ll text you the hotel I’m staying at. Come over when you do what you have to do.” 
“Okay, I’ll be over as soon as I can.” 
“Sounds good. Also, don’t think that I haven’t noticed you started using contractions again. But you know what would sound even better?” 
She giggles, “Get your ass out of here so I can go break up with Phelan.” 
Breaking up with Phelan felt like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders. He didn’t understand why she wanted to call it quits on them but eventually came around to the idea. She left him alone to cry into his pillow and went to Rafe’s hotel. She had one stop to go to first. She leaves the store wearing her newly acquired purchase and bounces in her seat while she is being driven to Rafe. She practically falls out of the car and rushes to the elevator. As soon as he opens the door, she attacks him with a kiss. Their lips separate with a grin and they laugh at her lipstick smudge on him. “In case, it isn’t clear. I want to be with you because you make me feel the most alive I ever have before. Like I can be myself with you and I won’t disappoint you,” she murmurs against his lips. Rafe grips her into his arms and drags her into his room, “You could never disappoint me. You are the most amazing person I have ever met.” They continue the kiss as he falls back onto the bed with her on top of him. 
Her hands go to the buttons on his shirt and start popping them out of their holes. She tugs his shirt off of him, not breaking their kiss to do so. His arms rest at the hem of her shirt and he breaks the kiss. “We don’t have to do this. I know it might be a little early. We can just watch a movie or get something to eat,” he offers. She shakes her head, “I need you, Rafe. Please, make me feel good.” His dick strains against his pants at her pleas. He loves the neediness in her voice. “Your wish is my command, Princess.” He rids her of her shirt and he almost drools at the sight before him. 
Her breasts are barely contained by the dark red lace cupping it. The material barely kisses the top of her nipples. Y/N was nervous about buying this for Rafe; however, with the way he was staring at her, she determined she chose correctly. This set makes her feel confident and sexy, which contrasts with what Phelan prefers for her to wear. It was always soft pink and covered her assets completely. Very feminine and cute. She prefers this feeling over that. She gets up off of his lap to slide off her pants and he takes off his. She has to stop herself from drooling at the size of his length. Even though she has never done it before, she wants to know what he feels like in her mouth. She drops to her knees and hesitantly reaches out for his cock. He can sense her doubt, “You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to, Princess.” “No! I want to. I just never done this before,” she reveals, dropping her hand down to her side. His eyes widen, “You’ve never had sex? You should’ve told me this was your first time, Princess. I would’ve made it more special.” “I’ve had sex. It’s just… Phelan’s idea of foreplay is running a finger through my folds and then squirting lube on his dick before he pushes into me, missionary style,” she explains. 
He gives her a soft smile, “I’m sorry he never made you feel as good as he should’ve. I’ll make sure you get to experience everything you want to. But that is going to be the last time you think about him because the only man you are allowed to think of is me.” He joins her on the floor and guides her onto the bed. He looks up at her, “I want to show you how good foreplay feels and then I can show you how to give me a blow job. Is that okay?” She bobs her head and butterflies fill her stomach. He takes off her matching lacey thong and her legs spread for him. She can’t wait to fill his lips against her pussy, so she eagerly shoves his face into her heat. His chuckles send vibrations through her core and she throws her head back at the feeling. He sucks on her clit, flicking his tongue at it whilst he does so. 
She doesn’t know what to do with her hands, so she threads them through his hair. After a few more sucks, he moves his tongue into her hole. He laps at it like she is his final meal. “Do you like how this feels, Princess? Am I making you feel good?” he seeks her assurance as if her moans and pulls aren’t enough of an answer. She brings him back to her, “So good. More, please, Rafe.” He continues his assault on her pussy and goes back to devouring her. She screams at the feeling, grinding against his face. His hands find her hips and hold her down against the mattress. He presses his face further into her. He can fill her walls trying to grip onto his tongue, so he gives her a finger to cling to. She tightens around him as he moves his finger in and out of her, using his mouth to stimulate her clit. She adjusts to the finger and he uses another finger to stretch her out some more. This is when she starts to contract around him and a knot starts to build in her stomach. Her back arches as she pulls his hair, “I’m going to come.” Her words motivate Rafe more and he speeds up his motion to bring her to her high. Her walls relax against him and he pulls out of her. “Look at my princess all wet for me. I’m so proud of you. You want to know what you taste like because you taste fantastic,” he praises. Wonder fills her and she moves his head to hers. She can taste herself on his lips. 
He comes to stand between her legs as they make out and she can feel his hard length against her pussy. She parts their lips, looking down at his hips. His dick stands tall against the bottom of his stomach. “Can I suck you off now?” she asks in a small voice. He twitches at the thought of her mouth around him, “Of course, you can, Princess. You start off doing what you think is right and I’ll tell you what I like.” He helps her stand, grabbing a pillow off of his bed for her to kneel on. Her knees rest against the soft cushion. She gently takes him into her hand and examines every inch of him. The veins running up and down his cock call to her. Her tongue sticks out from the cavern of her mouth and she traces along them. She moves from the base of his penis up to his tip. 
The tiny slit on the tip is oozing with pre-cum and she kisses it. Salt fills her mouth. She peppers it with another kiss before trying to take him into her mouth completely. He hits the back of her throat and she has to pull away with a cough. Rafe lets out a low laugh. He cups her cheek and keeps her off of him for a second. “Look at my eager princess, who just wants to make me feel good with her mouth. You need to sle help you.” His hands go to theow down a little. Don’t want you hurting yourself. Here, let m back of her head and slowly direct her back onto him. With the more controlled movement, she can get a better hold of her breathing. “See, there you go. You are doing so much better. Breath through your nose, Princess,” he advises. She follows his instructions and this helps her get farther down his cock without the need to come out for air. She isn’t able to take his full size, so he continues to aid her in handling what she can fit. His dick starts to spasm inside of her mouth and he tries to remove himself from her mouth. She doesn’t let him. She grips his wrists to stop his attempt and her head continues to bobble against him until ropes of his cum release into her mouth. She swallows the salty substance and drops him out of her mouth. 
She licks her lips to gather whatever is pooled around her mouth. He yanks her to his feet and brings her lips to his again. He unhooks her bra, throwing it somewhere in the room. He kisses down her neck to her nipple and starts playing with the bud with his tongue. She moans at the feeling. He uses a hand to give attention to the other nipple. The manipulation grows wetness in between her legs again. Her hand goes to try and relieve the tension. His grip halts her movement, “Nuh-uh. The next time you come again is going to be on my cock, Princess.” He spins them around, so he can flop onto the bed. “Come ride me, Princess. Take what you want.” Lava must be running through her veins because she has never been more turned on by something. 
She straddles his waist and her hand goes between their bodies. The tip of his dick finds her entrance thanks to her help. She sinks onto his girth with her head thrown back. She can feel every single inch of him thanks to the position and he is hitting places within her she didn’t know existed. She anchors to his hilt, staying still so she can adjust to the feeling. “God, how can you feel this good?” she questions as she starts to raise her hips. Rafe chortles, “Because you are doing so well for me, Princess.” His tip remains inside of her before she slams herself back down of her. This is so much more different than she is used to and she loves it. She gets to set the pace. She gets to determine how hard it is. She knows Rafe doesn’t want her to think about Phelan, but she can’t help but curse him for never letting her experience this. He can tell she is driving pleasure from the harsh piercing of his cock, so he decides to show her how much better it can get. His hand grips her waist and he keeps her still. His hips buck up into her with all of his force. She lets out a pleasured scream as she jerks forward. Her hand lands on his bare chest and her nails start digging crescents into his skin. 
“God, Rafe. Keep going,” she begs between moans. Rafe grins up at her, “You like that, Princess? You like it when my dick drills into you? What do you think the people of England would say if they saw their beloved princess likes to be fucked like a dirty whore?” “I love it so much, Rafe. Please, let me move,” she requests. Rafe’s grasp on her loosens a little and he helps lead her down his shaft. The combination of both their movements gets him to hit her G-spot repeatedly. She starts to constrict and a bud of pressure starts to form in her stomach. Rafe’s thumb presses onto her clit, moving in a circular motion to intensify her enjoyment. 
The tension of her walls around him causes him to spasm inside of her. She senses that his end is near; regardless, she doesn’t get him to pull out. She wants to experience everything that he has to offer. He is brought over the edge before her and he doesn’t think about removing himself from her as he does so. She can feel his seeds seeping into her, continuing her descent onto him to come too. His pace doesn’t let up and his thumb presses harder into her clit. “You can do it, Princess. Come for me. Show me how tight you can get for me,” he demands. The bud inside of her finally blooms into a flower and she comes undone around him. She drops so their chests are pressed against each other. Their drive doesn’t stop, just slows down until they have both finished coming down from their high. They clutch to each other like a baby koala to a mother koala. He smoothes her sweaty hair back with a kiss on her forehead. “You did so good,” he whispers his applause. “I am so proud of you. You made me feel so good. Did you like it, Princess?” She nods in his hold and kisses his collarbone, “I loved it. I’ve never felt like that during sex before.” “Well, that’s a damn shame. Whoever left you unsatisfied didn’t deserve you,” he notes.
The couple hold each other for a few minutes, taking in the serenity of being together at last. He slips out of her and they both feel the rush of their fluid out of her. She monitors as he moves around the room. She can hear the bathtub begin to run and he returns to place her into the warm water. Y/N scoots forward to let him in behind her. He rests her back against his chest and interweaves their fingers. The silence is good for their voices after all the noise they make during sex. “Why did you hate me before we even said a word to each other?” he ponders out loud. 
She shifts in his hold and rests the back of her head on his shoulder. Her shoulders meet her ears, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She can feel the outburst in his chest as laughter emits from his mouth. “Don’t play stupid with me, Princess. I’m talking about how I almost got frostbite when you first set eyes on me.” 
“Right, that. You are going to think I was a little ridiculous or hate me for what I tell you.” 
“I promise I won’t. I just want to know what triggered our four-year feud. You know so that I don’t make the same mistake with the next princess I meet and I can bed her faster than four years.”
She giggles and slaps the arm wrapped under her armpits. Her mood changes at the remembrance of the topic she is about to disclose. “I hated you because you had a dad,” she speaks out into the world. His arm close in around her some more to provide her with comfort. He kisses her cheek, “Princess, everyone, at least biologically, has a dad.” “I know. Except, you had a dad when I just lost mine. I didn’t want to go to the Olympics that year. It would’ve been filled with too many memories of the person I lost because my dad used to take me,” she clarifies. “And I was right. Everything reminded me of my dad. It hurt too much to be there. However, I had to maintain my composure because the world was watching and when I saw that you were there with your dad treating you like how my dad used to treat me, I envied what you had.” He nods to show that he is still listening. “It was a stupid thing to get upset at. It’s not like you had any control over it. Then, you reciprocated my attitude and I guess we got into a vicious cycle.” He plays with her fingers, “I see, I’m sorry that you felt that way and that I didn’t give you a chance before being rude to you too. I knew you lost your father and I didn’t think about that. “You don’t need to apologize. I guess this whole thing is just a miscommunication,” she makes it out to be what it truly is. Rafe’s chin digs and lets up from her head, “Yeah, I’m just glad we cleared everything up. I love you.” “Me too. I love you too,” she concurs. 
They get out of the water and wrap themselves in the fluffiest robes. Their hands are connected as they head back into the bedroom. They flop down onto the bed and he loses himself in his thought. She rests her head against his chest, “What are you thinking about?” “I hate your room,” he articulates. She lifts her face to look at him, “Why?” “Because it doesn’t have any of your beautiful personality. I mean where were your smutty books? Where were your Scream posters? Where were the other colours of the rainbow?” he justifies. Her head falls back onto his chest, “Apparently all of those things don’t match the palace’s aesthetic.” “That’s stupid. I’m going to help you add some life into your room and we can start with some of my sweaters. I want to leave you with some piece of me when I go back home,” he informs. Her eyes find the bright blue sweater hanging in his open closet. Her heart skips a beat at his offer. “I like the sound of that. I have a feeling you are going to get me in so much trouble,” she thinks out loud. “I am. I’m going to turn you into such my rebellious princess.” 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @tv3verett
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
Seeing Her
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summary - george might (maybe) have a small crush.
pairing - george weasley x fem!bookworm!reader
disclaimer - i don't own any harry potter property. this is unedited because i wasn't in the mood. i don’t own the gif fr.
warnings - just fluff. maybe a little ooc??
He never gave much thought to how full his mind had grown of her until McGonagall struck her desk with her palms. That noise - the searing slap of flesh meeting oak - knocked a sudden realization into the bubbling pot of his mind.
"I do hope you boys are satisfied with yourselves," the older woman chastised through permanently pursed lips, "Professor Flitwick's hair is green!"
"Not purple?" Fred spoke up from next to him.
"This is no laughing matter. You boys are lucky the Professor has a sense of humor. If it were Snape or me in his position, I hope you realize the consequences would be more drastic than detention." She replied. This conversation had fallen upon George's deaf ears, though; his thoughts were much more full of things other than detention:
It was like a dream the first time he saw her - and not just because he had a black eye. He'd just left quidditch practice (or rather, was removed after he and Fred had gotten into a small tussle with the Slytherin bludgers who didn't understand Gryffindor booked the field for practice) when he passed the courtyard. Eye swelling with the beginnings of a bruise, he noticed a hazy glint coming from a line of trees. He could see her; she was only a few meters away, rolling some sort of ring or watch around in a way that caught the light of the fading sun. There was a book in her hands, something with a bright, poppy color, that hinted at it being a pulpy mystery or romance. What caught him the most, though, was her expression; her brows were creased, eyes set in concentration, lips downturned into a frown. Whatever she was reading was pissing her off, and for some reason, the sight of this unknown girl becoming increasingly annoyed at her imaginary tale made his mouth curl into a smile.
George returned to his dorm with that same smile. Of course, though, he'd forgotten about the girl within the hour and found himself following the rinse-and-repeat routine of a mischief-less night. He'd still forgotten when he woke. And when he brushed his teeth. And when he messily knotted his tie.
The funny thing about her was her persistence. He had not even taken a step down the ever-shifting staircase when he saw her. She was far below him and growing farther with every second, but there she was, pulpy fiction novel tucked under her arm. This time, her face was adorned with a grin as she followed (who George could only assume was) her friend towards the Great Hall. This sight caught the boy off guard for long enough that he nearly tripped over his feet when the steps relocated to the right.
George was even more aghast to learn that she was in his potions class. He'd just set down his books next to Fred when an invisible force compelled him to turn around. Following its lead, he found the mystery he'd yet to even consider mysterious seated only three tables away. His eyebrows raised in small bout of surprise as he noticed the the cover of her novel had changed to reveal a more gothic image of a knotted tree: Wuthering Heights. He hadn't cared much to track her progress on the pulp book, but it was still a small shock to see her ready to take on another story. Again, he smiled, noting the title of the new book.
"What'cha looking at?" Fred asked him, interrupting his gaze.
"Nothing," he replied, turning away, "Trying to view things from my purple perspective." Fred let out a low chuckle, his bruised cheek raising as he matched his brother's grin.
It wasn't as if George was seeking her out or anything - actually, it was as though she were seeking him. He saw her everywhere, from breakfast, to the halls, to classes, to the courtyard. He even dreamed of her a few times - nothing special, just the image of her resting along the hazy vignettes of his mind. Throughout all this, he had taken a subconscious interest. She ate away at muggle books faster than he'd ever seen anyone do; she loved cheesy and classic romance alike, and no title was safe from her grasp; it was painful to watch her brows knot and furrow as she became increasingly frustrated with what she was reading; when she was around her friends, her eyes lit up like her ring hitting the sunlight. These were easy things to notice, though. It wasn't hard to see how her hands moved wildly as she explained some sort of crazy story to those at her table in the Great Hall. It was so easy, in fact, that George's studies moved from potions to her every time the class began.
Though George had given plenty of thought to her, he hadn't realized just how much thought he'd donated. At least, not while he and Fred were plotting revenge. Though the bruises on the twins' faces healed over a month or so, their egos had yet to heal. They'd planned their revenge perfectly. The Slytherins who'd given them the shiners left dinner around the same time each night. The twins concocted an elixir that, with just one small drop on a person's head, would dye their hair for days. They'd positioned themselves on a balcony above the route which the Slytherins normally took. It was perfect - but, it wasn't. George took in the hall below him, scanning for the unsuspecting students, when his eyes caught something else. Her.
She was in the hall alone, book in hand, but unopened. It was odd. Normally, if she was by herself, she'd be focused intently on a book. But she wasn't. She was gently thumbing the pages of the novel, looking around the hall inquisitively. Was she waiting for someone? Or maybe she was-
Her eyes met his. His eyes met hers.
Not once in the weeks he'd taken up his sudden interest had she actually looked at him. And now she was. No - she wasn't just looking at him, she was seeing him, and with those eyes. They were so much brighter when they met you head-on - deeper, too. They held indescribable emotions. Curiosity? Maybe - he didn't know, nor did he really care to, because for five seconds, they saw each other. Then, George dropped his vile of elixir right onto Flitwick's head.
"Anything interesting going on up there?" Fred poked George's head. He hadn't even realized they'd already left McGonagall's office.
"Huh?" He mumbled, flicking his eyes around at his surroundings.
"She's got you bloody whipped, eh?" Fred showed off a toothy grin.
"What? Who?" George nearly scoffed at this sudden accusation.
"The girl you've been ogling at in potions. Your neck is gonna get stuck if you keep turning to look at her." He laughed. George scoffed, shoving into his brother.
"Just ask her to go to Hogsmeade with you. Take her to the Leaky Cauldron, get in a quick snog, and get over it already." At Fred's words, George let out a dry laugh and shook his head.
"Fred, you're mental." He let out a breathy chuckle.
"Nothing else? That's all?" Fred cocked his head, "She must've got'cha good. Maybe a couple quick snogs'll do it."
It was going to take more than a snog or two to get this off his mind now. He didn't even know her name - it was nothing. Just a couple stolen glances. But Fred noticed. When the hell did Fred notice anything? Maybe more people noticed. Maybe she noticed. George squeezed his eyes tight as he lay in bed that night - this strange, twisting anxiety had overtaken him and was turning his entire body inside out. Did he want her to notice?
George decided, as he woke up, that whatever it was he was dealing with, he had to get it over with. Before he did that, though, he would have to start his day. Pushing his toothbrush past his lips, all he could think about was her smile, or the way she frowned, or her lips pressed into a line every time she concentrated. When he tied his tie, his thoughts traveled to her wide eyes, full of laughter. He didn't even know her name.
He had a plan. He was going to talk to her - actually talk to her. He'd show up to potions early, ask her about her book, finally figure out her name. He was so focused on his preparations that when he began to descend the stairs, he didn't notice the oncoming pedestrian traffic, and - boom.
George stumbled back, quickly recovering from whoever he'd knocked into. The recipient of his force, though, wasn't as lucky: they ended up straight on their arse.
"Sorry!" He spoke quickly, "Didn't realize the stairs move." His smile (which had formed only a moment ago) faded entirely when he realized who he bumped into. Her. It was her, and she was early for breakfast.
"They tend to that," she replied, picking herself up. If he were a bit more suave, he might've helped her to her feet. Instead, he watched her stand, almost awe-struck by her movements. His gaze moved bashfully, eventually landing on the book that fallen to the floor along with her.
"Your book." He motioned to it quickly. In an attempt to make up for his lack of courtesy in helping her to her feet, he dove for the novel. And so did she. Their foreheads met with another smack, and they separated themselves before either could retrieve the object.
"Two for two, huh?" She let out a small laugh as she rubbed her head.
"Sorry," he repeated with sincerity as he successfully acquired her book from the floor. Once again, they were looking at each other. Seeing each other. George's lips parted.
"I'm George," he spoke, losing every ounce of confidence he normally possessed.
"I'm Y/N," she replied, "Could I have my book back?" George acquiesced almost immediately. He flashed a small smile that she quickly returned. Then, as the steps shifted once more, she began to walk away.
"See you in potions, George!" She called in an earnest tone. George grinned to himself. It was, after all, somewhat of a success. Even if he did - did she just say 'see you in potions'?
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eunoiathewriter · 2 years
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Synopsis: Harry Potter falling more and more in love with y/n Weasley.
Word Count: 10k
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Second year:
The flight had been rather calm. For a fourteen-year-old, Fred had been driving quite well, a little wobbly at times, but not something that had made George, Ron, or Harry freak out. It had been dark when the flying blue car had suddenly appeared outside Harry's window. The three Weasley brothers had shown up at just the right time, helping him get out of 4 Privet Drive. Harry knew that his aunt and uncle would not have done what they did if it weren't for that elf. Dobby. But now he was away from there, and Fred had just landed the car outside a house that was built as if with time, more rooms had been built on it, adding on to the height. 
As they entered, Harry was hit by a domestic feeling. The house is homely. As they entered the house and entered the kitchen, Harry noticed how each chair was unique. Even the cabinets were an assortment of different styles. The water at the sink was running and a pan was being washed by nothing. It was a spell.
Harry continued into the house and stopped at a clock-like thing where he could see pictures of all the Weasley siblings he'd met. The three pictures of Ron, George, and Fred moved from standing on "Lost" to "Home". The green-eyed boy scanned it and could even spot the three other siblings' pictures on the clock. Percy, Ginny, and y/n all pointed to "bed". Signalling that the other three were still asleep just at this moment. His eyes stayed a bit longer on the picture of y/n before he turned to what was left of the living area. In an armchair, it was as if someone was invisible and knitting, a pair of tapestry needles moving and knitting something Harry had no idea of what.
"It's not much, but it's home." Ron said this while chewing on a cookie from the table.
"I think it's brilliant," Harry breathed and looked up in amazement. Still in awe of it all.
The quiet and peaceful feeling soon left, however, as it felt as if his soul had left his body when Molly Weasley appeared out of nowhere.
"Where have you been?" She exclaimed at her sons, but quickly softened on seeing Harry for a split second. "Harry, how wonderful to see you, dear."
Ron, George, and Fred looked down as Molly continued. "Beds are empty. No note. Car gone. You could've died. You could have been seen. Of course, I don't blame you, Harry, dear. "
"They were starving him, mum, and put bars on his window!" Ron protested, and Harry nodded along with his friend.
"Well, you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." Fred and George, behind Ron, pulled faces at what their mum said. "Come on, Harry, time for a spot of breakfast."
Harry had piled a good amount of food onto his plate just as rapid footsteps bombarded down the stairs of the house, making Harry turn his head. "Mummy, have you seen my jumper?"
It was Ginny, or well, her real name was Ginerva, but it was George who had come up with Ginny since she didn't like her name. "Yes, dear, it was on the cat." Molly answered.
When Ginny came face to-face with Harry, she smiled a little mischievously, but was still in shock that he was there. But Harry simply smiled at the youngest Weasley. "Hello,"
Within seconds, Ginny bombarded up the stairs again, giggling as Harry and Ron gave her confused looks, but Fred and George snickered at Ginny. "y/n!!" They could hear the younger girl call for her older sister, making Fred and Geroge almost burst out laughing right there and then.
"W-what did I do?" Harry asked, confusion flooding his voice whilst taking a bite of his food.
"Ginny. She's been asking about you all summer. It's kind of annoying actually. " Ron said to his raven-haired friend.
Then someone came walking down the stairs of the house once more, but this time not with the same rushed tempo but a rather calm one. And to Harry's delight, the footsteps belonged to the one girl he was just as ecstatic to meet again as he had been with Ron. Her voice was what broke the silence at the table. "Mum! Can you tell Ginny to quit being a little gremlin?" y/n's voice had gone from pitchy to a more even one over the summer, from what Harry could hear.
"Oh, what is she doing now?" Molly asked just as it seemed y/n stepped down from the last step of the stairs. 
"She isn't shutting up about...Harry?" y/n cut herself off as she turned the corner and saw Harry sitting on Charlie's chair beside Ron. Now this was strange. Weren't they supposed to meet him on the train?
"Hello." Harry smiled at the girl. She had clearly grown quite a bit over the summer. Even from where he sat, Harry could see she had gotten a bit taller. She wore long pyjama bottoms and a long-sleeved shirt, clearly having just gotten up. Harry didn't know it then, but his cheeks felt so hot because of the fact that he was slightly flustered. But how was a twelve-year-old supposed to know that?
y/n still stood glued to her place by the stairs, squinting at Harry, who furrowed his brows in confusion at her. Her eyes then travelled between the two twins, who seemed to be having a hard time breathing and then over to Ron. She didn't even bother to look over at Percy. She knew he had been sound asleep, judging by how out of it he looked.
Just as she was supposed to ask her brothers, however, it was Arthur Weasley walking through the door that stopped her. "Morning, Weasleys!"
"Morning, dad!" All the Weasley siblings greeted their dad, and Harry chimed in with a lower 'Hello' but still a smile on his face.
Arthur walked up and hugged y/n since she was the only one standing up and then just gently pushed her to go and sit down, which she did. "What a night, nine raids! Nine! "
"Raids?" Harry turned to Ron and y/n who had sat down beside her one-year-younger brother.
"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic, in the misuse of muggle artefacts office." Ron explained it to his friend as Arthur hugged Molly behind them."
"Dad loves muggles, thinks they are fascinating." y/n joined in with a smile, and Harry was slightly confused by the work Mr. Weasley did, but most new things in the wizarding world were confusing.
"Well, now." But Arthur stopped at seeing Harry as he sat down by the table. "And who are you?"
"Oh, sorry, sir. I'm Harry, sir. Harry Potter." He said, which made Arthur's eyes go just a little wide looking at the boy.
"God, Lord, are you really?" Arthur breathed. "Well, Ron and y/n's told us all about you, of course. When did he get here? "
Harry glanced over at y/n who was looking at her mum to hear how he got there. "This morning, your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night." Molly told, making both Arthur and y/n look at her with wide eyes.
"Did you really? How'd it go? " Arthur asked bewildered with a smile. To try to explain it, all the boys started talking about it to the man, but Molly made them all shut up when she hit her husband's shoulder.
"I mean, that was very wrong indeed, boys, very wrong of you."
"So that's what you sneaky little gits were doing!" y/n said pointedly at her brothers. Harry smiled to himself as Fred, George, and Ron all looked down a little.
"Well, you looked so peaceful when sleeping," George started.
"Besides, didn't you tell us just yesterday to let you sleep?" Fred asked to make an argument start between the twins and y/n. Harry and Ron shake their heads but still smiling. Arthur then asking Harry about rubber ducks.
Harry let out a deep breath of air as the memory of Tom Riddle was destroyed. In his hand he still held the basilisk's tooth, which was now bloodied along with his hand from stabbing the diary with it. The diary, which had once been intact with a black leather cover, was now completely destroyed by the vicious stabbings Harry had delivered to it.
He sat back, just as y/n's eyes opened. Her pulse had, without Harry's knowing, gone back to a more even one every time he stabbed the diary. Her eyes were wide as she breathed deeply, letting the oxygen enter her lungs and make her more and more stable.
Harry looked over at the girl as she began to sit up slowly, pushing herself up from her back with her arms. She was clearly very disoriented as she looked around to find herself in the Chamber of Secrets, Salazar Slytherin's secret creation.
"y/n?" Harry caught her attention, holding his hurt arm. y/n turned and found Harry sitting there; dirt and grime had stuck to his face and clothes. A few splashes of blood from the basilisk here and there.
"Harry," She breathed, clearly still a bit out of it, but soon started to apologise. "It was me, but I swear, I didn't mean to. Riddle made me. I just found the diary in Ginny's cauldron when we left Flourish and Blotts and... Harry, you're hurt. "
y/n had cut her explanation and apology off at seeing the boys' arm. He quickly covered it. Even though he knew she was a year older, she seemed very confused and scared just there and then. As if she wasn't already one of the smartest of her siblings. "Don't worry. y/n, you need to get yourself out. Follow the Chamber and you'll find Ron."
It was just then that the screech of Fawkes echoed through the chamber, the red phoenix standing out against the dark and gloomy place. Fawkes lands between the two, and he makes his way up to Harry. Seeming to look at him with sad eyes.
"You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough." Harry told the Phoenix, through gritted teeth, the pain was still very intense in his arm.
Fawkes took a look at Harry before leaning his head down towards the boy's arm. Tilting his head, tears, shockingly, fell from Fawkes' eyes. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. And with that, the circular wound from the basilisk bite was just a memory that had vanished with smoke. y/n's eyes went wide as she just stared at Harry's arm.
"Of course, Phoenix tears have healing powers. Thanks. " Harry thanked the phoenix. It's alright, y/n. It's over, it's just a memory. "
y/n's shoulders went from tense to relaxed. It was over. But this year, y/n had not been there to help through it all, she had caused it all, a burden that would loom over her for years to comeBut Harry couldn't help but crack the smallest of smile at seeing the girl alive again instead of dead like others pressured her to be. He knew how relieved her siblings and parents would be to see her alive again, and just as she looked up at Harry, he had to look away for a second. His cheeks were slightly warm under her gaze, and he had a boyish smile on his face.
Oh sweet little Harry, he really had no clue what all these feelings meant.
Third year:
The weather had gotten worse during the train ride to Hogwarts. The sky had grown dark and gloomy, with clouds covering the better part of it. Harsh drops of rain thundered against the window of the train. Sliding down the glass as if the drops of water were competing to see who could be the fastest.
Inside the compartment, it was luckily warm. Harry was talking about everything with Sirius Black that Arthur had told him just before they left for the platform. Ron sat with Scabbers and Hermione on the left side of the compartment, all while y/n sat beside Harry on the right one with Crookshanks having crawled up in her lap. By the window on the right side, sat an unknown man to the four. He was sound asleep. He wasn't snoring, but he hadn't moved an inch in response to the four talking.
"Let me get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban to come after you?" Ron asked, slightly horrified at the thought.
"Yeah," Harry simply answered.
"But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him. " Hermione said.
"Except, no-one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he is a murderous, raving lunatic." Ron added after his sister attempted to reassure him. y/n gave him a 'really' look as she petted Crookshanks.
"Thanks, Ron." Harry thanked him sarcastically.
The train suddenly started to stop, breakes screeching. The sudden stop made all four tense, and Crookshanks quickly jumped over and curled up beside Hermione. Harry had reached out to steady himself at the stop and happened to lay his hand on top of y/n's. It made her turn her head quickly and just glance at it, making Harry quickly remove his hand.
"Why are we stopping?" Hermione asked with confusion. "We can't be there yet."
When Harry had recovered from his embarrassing move just seconds before, he stood up. He opened the door to the compartment and looked outside to see if he could get any idea of what was wrong. It seemed other students at Hogwarts had the same idea, as Harry could see fellow schoolmates doing just like him. But when the train shook vigorously, it caused the green-eyed boy to get thrown back into his seat inside the compartment as the compartment door closed. y/n squeaked as Harry stumbled back and moved out of his way. Pressed up against the wall of the compartment door.
"What's going on?" Ron looked around.
"Dunno. Maybe we've broken down. " Harry suggested it to the other three, but the lights went out just as he said so. Hermione and Y/N gasped as they looked up at the newly turned off lights.
"Ouch Ron, that was my foot." Hermione huffed at the Weasley boy who had moved to look out the window. Pressing his face against it and trying to just get a glimpse of what it might have been that caused the sudden stop. The light suddenly flickers on again.
"There's something moving out there."
y/n looked towards her brother, and her face held just the slightest bit of fear. Harry turned to her and saw the look. Her brows were pulled into a frown as she bit on her lip whilst looking from the window out into the hallway.
"I think.. someone's coming on board," For a second time, the lights had gone out and the train shook again.
The water on the window slowly started to freeze, frost painting it in various designs as it moved eight over where Ron's had been placed. The water bottle, along with the door window, began to freeze. It went from being warm to cold in a matter of seconds. Their breaths could be seen as they fogged into the air.
Harry began to rub his hands together to try and warm up, glancing at y/n who hugged herself. He reached out and put a hand on the girl's arm as he could still see her worried expression.
"Bloody hell! What's happening? " Ron asked as the train shook once more. All four teens had to reach down and steady themselves.
A tall shadow moved outside the compartment. It was cloaked as they could see something waving in the wind that the shadow had seemingly dragged with it. Moving slowly. All four of them were quiet as the only thing heard inside the compartment was their wavering breaths.
The shadow, or whatever creature it was, stretched out a bony looking hand, and without touching the door, it started to open. y/n, who sat closest to the door, wore a scared face as she moved from it and happened to move just a little too much so that she bumped into Harry. He didn't even bother that, but she moved from sitting shoulder to shoulder but still close to him. A slight fear takes over his mind.
The cloaked creature had fully opened the compartment door and now looked between all four friends. Crookshanks hissed at it as the only thing except it's cloak being seen was a black hole, like a mouth. It breathed deeply though.
The creature turned to the left side of the compartment where Harry, y/n and the man whose last name was Lupin sat. They all looked at it as if something had suddenly happened. It was just a matter of seconds before Harry started to grow pale, the creature moving closer to the boy who lived. y/n turned to Harry and shook his hand to get him out of it, but just as she did, the man beside Harry jumped up and a bright light was emitted from his wand. And then, Harry was out like a light.
When he came again, the train whistled loudly in his ears. The darkness that had consumed him for a few minutes was fading. "Harry? Harry, are you alright?" It was y/n.
He opened his eyes, and they hurt at the bright light from the compartment. He looked around, squinting as the world was a blurry mess for him. But as he looked around, he found his glasses being held out to him. 
"Thank you." Harry took them from whoever it was and put them on. Finding it was y/n sitting on the floor in front of Ron and Hermione, smiling a little but still her brows were furrowed. Right by where his head had been, Crookshanks laid and looked up at him as he sat. Hermione, who sat close to Ron, a man who had to be Lupin sat, a calm smile on his face.
"Here eat this, it'll help. It's alright, it's chocolate. " The man held out a piece of chocolate for Harry to take, and he reluctantly took it. Looking weirdly at the man.
All four of them looked at Harry while he sat up and glanced over at the compartment door where the creature had been earlier. Finding it empty and back to normal. "Wha... what was that thing?" He asked, turning to the older man.
"It was a dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black. " Mr. Lupin said, staring at his feet. "If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver." 
y/n moved Crookshanks over to Hermione's lap and sat herself down by the window, right next to Harry. "Eat, you'll feel better." Mr. Lupin said as he left.
Harry nibbled on the piece of chocolate, staring off to the side whilst trying to make sense of it all. "What happened to me?"
"Well, you sort of went ruched. We thought maybe you're having a fit or something. " Ron's voice carried concern for his friends as he spoke.
"And.. and did either of you three, you know, pass out?" Harry looked between the three.
"No. I felt weird though, like I'd never be cheerful again." Ron answered.
"But someone was screaming, a woman." Harry looked at Hermione, then y/n, who both shook their heads.
"No one was screaming, Harry." Hermione answered for both, and he looked out the window to see the rain still pouring down.
The match against Hufflepuff had been going quite well. y/n, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet had been making loads of goals as chasers during the time they had been playing. Harry had to admit that the three girls were, without doubt, a good trio. Fred and Geroge had been doing their best to keep buldger away from the three girls, along with Harry. At times, the twins would focus on just one of the players to keep them secure from the Gryffindor team. Oliver Wood keeps on doing his thing. Keeping the quaffle away from being scored, though the yellow team had made a few goals. 
Even through the wind and rain, Harry had heard Lee Jordan's commentary on the game. For some reason, he had grown a bit jealous of the commentator. Why? Well, it was quite simple. Lee was the only close friend except the Weasley siblings, Harry, and Hermione that y/n was friends with.
What Harry had understood, y/n, had been sticking out when she started at Hogwarts in 1990, the year before he did. The others just froze her out of anything that had caused Fred and Geroge to let her be with them and their friends. Leading to y/n and Lee Jordan being close friends. Maybe it was the whole linking arms thing Harry hated? Or maybe how Lee would just listen to y/n without even looking away, reminding Harry of how he looked at her.
Even now, as he had been racing around the quidditch stadium for the Golden Snitch, Harry couldn't help but feel jealousy bubble inside him when Lee had commented on y/n scoring a goal. He had to shake it off, but only for a split second before resuming his pursuit of the golden little devil. Harry looked down to see y/n having just flown past Fred and Geroge, who had cought up to their sister and was protecting her as she had the quaffle but soon passed it on to Alicia.
A second later, gold flashed before Harry's face, and in a matter of milliseconds, he flew right to where he saw it fly off. Cedric Diggory, captain of the Hufflepuff team and seeker, quickly followed after Harry. When they flew right past Ron and Hermione, Harry could hear Hermione cheering him on.
Harry and Cedric raced for the snitch, going further and further up into the sky. Right now, Harry was grateful to Hermione, who had cast an impervius charm on him and y/n, making it easier for both of them to see in the pouring rain.
A bolt of lightning then hit Cedric's broom as they had reached far up, almost to the clouds. It made the seeker freeze and start to fall down. Harry does not care one bit and continues further up to catch the snitch and win the game. But slowly, his broom began to freeze as an umbrella blew past him. But something more blew past him too. A cloaked thing.
It was not until he looked in front of himself properly that Harry saw the dementor that had flown past him. Quickly ducking it, Harry immediately started flying up, being chased by the dementor as one more joined in and more and more. When he reached a certain height, Harry let out a breath and stopped his broom from going further, letting himself fall down. He fell past a few dementors before diving at full speed with his nimbus. He then had to stop, however, seeing the sight below him.
Hundreds of dark-cloaked dementors flew around below him. Their faces were dark and empty as they looked at him. The rain was still pouring down and drenching him. When he was about to dive again, he just turned his head and came face to-face with one. The dementor made him lose consciousness and fall. The last thing he heard was the woman screaming once more.
"He looks a bit peaky. Doesn't he? " Harry could hear Ron's voice above him.
"Peaky? What do you expect? He fell over a hundred feet. " George told his younger brother.
"Yeah, come on, Ron, let's walk you up the astronomy tower," Fred started.
"See what you look like." Geroge finished just as Harry began to open his eyes.
"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Harry spoke up and smiled, hearing all the others chuckle. This includes Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, the twins, Ron, Angelina Johnson, Hermione, and y/n. Or well, Hermione just let out a breath of air.
"How are you feeling?" Hermione's asked as Harry began to sit up and squinted to see as well as he could.
"Really, 'Mione?" y/n had her hands on Hermione's shoulders as she pointed out how foolish that question sounded.
"Oh, brilliantly." Harry remarked sarcastically to Hermione as y/n handed him his glasses. Giving her a shy smile as thanks.
"You gave us a right good scare there, mate." George said seriously, while sitting down beside Harry's bed in the hospital wing.
"What happened?" Now Fred and George would have laughed if they were not around Harry, as he looked over at y/n while asking that. 
"Well, you fell off your broom." Ron stupidly tells as if he thinks Harry was a complete idiot.
"Really?" Harry once more spoke with sarcasm, which made y/n have to hold herself from laughing. "I meant the match, who won?"
y/n glanced over at a Hufflepuff student being taken care of, and it seemed that it made Harry catch on as he sighed in annoyance. But Hermione was quick to try and save the day. "Uhm, no one blames you, Harry. The dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. As soon as he'd saved you, he sent them straight off."
Harry looked off to the side and earned a squeeze on the shoulder by y/n, silently telling him it was fine. He didn't say a word, but if y/n had looked close enough, she would have noticed the red tint that had painted his cheeks at her action.
"There's, uh, something else you should know too, Harry uhm," Harty looked at Ron, who held something wrapped in his arms. "When you fell your broom, it sort of blew into the Whomping Willow and, uh, well, it's uh.."
Harry only sighed harder when Ron showed him his broken broom. He knew that he would have to find another broom for the rest of the season until he could buy himself a new one. It was all so annoying. If Harry hadn't gotten so affected by the dementors, then he would have surely coughed up the snitch and made Gryffindor win. In his head, he cursed himself for being so affected and all.
It was clear to Fred that the boy wasn't in the mood to have people around him, so he began to usher the others away. "Come on guys, enough staring; he's not a muggle TV."
All the others, except y/n, Hermione and Ron, left. The three just stood there and watched as Harry stared up at the ceiling. But y/n who had glanced towards the door of the hospital wing could see no one else but Lee Jordan standing there. He waved at her, and she waved back. Having promised to help Lee and her brothers with a prank on the Ravenclaws later.
She turned back at Harry, who had a blubbering Ron above him, profusely apologising for his broom. y/n shook her head at her brother and patted his shoulder. "Oh, calm down, Ron. Harry knows you couldn't help it. No need to rile yourself up. "
"Exactly." Hermione agreed. "It is the dementors' fault for being inside the grounds in the first place."
"And it was the Whomping Willows' fault for the broom. I swear that tree is absolutely mad. " y/n added, making Harry feel better as Hermione and Ron laughed at her comment. which was, in fact, very true. The Whomping Willow was very strange and just absolutely mad. Not really the safest tree on the school grounds.
"Anyway, don't beat yourself up, Harry." y/n walked to the end of his bed and placed a hand on his leg with a sincere smile. "We'll beat Slytherin in our next match when Malfoy doesn't have a 'broken' arm. I've got to go, but I'll see you three later. "
With a last smile, y/n had walked away from the trio and over to Lee, who had been waiting. Harry's gaze followed her as she walked over to the referee. Something inside him was bubbling, making him look away from y/n, walking off with the older boy.
Maybe that was why she'd never liked him. Harry was a year younger, but he knew that not many girls would choose someone younger. He looked down at his hands. His pale face got painted a crimson colour right across his cheeks. It almost matched his quidditch jumper.
Hermione looked at Harry strangely, then over to where y/n had disappeared. She thought back to how it was as if Harry almost always sought to know what the older girl thought of something or how she was doing. A grin then broke on the bushy-haired girl's face, unable to keep her laugh in as she came to her conclusion.
It made the redhead beside her turn and give her a confused look, then she looked over at the ravenhaired boy, who had no idea what Hermione was laughing at. "What? What got you laughing like a lunatic? " Ron asked, but Hermione didn't answer, a few tears escaping her eyes from laughing.
"Hermione, what?" Harry also asked. This time, Hermione whined her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm down.
"No, it's just... you know what, it doesn't matter."
Oh boy, oh boy, had Hermione just won the lottery in figuring something out?
Fourth year:
Harry had really been dumb enough to think that his fourth year would be a normal year. He should have understood that this year wouldn't be any calmer than the last three when he had all those nightmares over the summer. Then at the Quidditch World Cup, both the dark mark were cast and the death eaters destroyed the fun. He really should have taken all of that as a sign that this year wouldn't be calm. even when the Triwizard tournament was announced.
But still, here he was. Almost three months into the school year, pacing back and forth in the Champions tent. Waiting for the first task to start. Harry was oblivious to the sympathetic looks he earned from Cedric Diggory and Fleur Delacour of the Beauxbatons Academy. Victor Krum, from Durmstrang Institute, is focused on himself.
How Harry had entered into this was beyond him. However, it appeared that people did not understand that he was not interested in the eternal glory that this tournament would bring. He was already known around the world as the boy who lived. If he just said his last name, everyone knew who he was, which he didn't exactly love.
"You really think I believe you'd want to put your life at risk when a dark wizard is already out for you?"
What she had said, what y/n had said, played over and over in his head. Once more, she showed that she understood him. She was at least intelligent enough to know and notice how much Harry hated the attention he already got for just being himself.
The roar of a dragon made everyone in the Champions' tent look towards where the arena supposedly was. Harry shook his head, and when he met eyes with the Hufflepuff boy, he nodded at him before continuing to pace around.
"Psst!" Harry whipped around at the sound with furrowed brows. "Pssst!"
He walked over towards the back of the tent and listened in. It seemed whoever was there noticed someone else was on the other side, and soon they spoke up. "Harry, is that you?"
"Yeah." He answered, y/n. Her voice calmed him down at least a little. Knowing she trusted him had made it a tad bit easier.
"How are you feeling? Okay?" She didn't get an answer. Only a low sigh. "The key is to concentrate. After that, you just have to—"
"Battle a dragon." Harry stated bluntly, however, when y/n began to scurry around on the other side, it only took her a second before she hugged him. A low whimper left her as she was scared for the boy.
It took him a second to steady himself as y/n had her arms tightly around his neck, hugging him close. But he didn't waste a second in hugging her back, making sure to take the opportunity since they never really hugged like that.
It was the bright flash and click of a camera that made the both of them let go. Both of the teens looked over to where the flash came from, only to find Rita Skeeter. The same journalist who had written the overly exaggerated Harry page in The Daily Prophet. "Young love," The woman sighed dramatically.
"How... stirring." Rita's appearance in the champion tent made all the other champions turn and watch. "If everything goes unfortunately today, you two may even make the front page."
"You have no business here." Viktor Krum appeared behind Rita, an irritated look on his face. "This tent is for champions and friends."
y/n was relieved as she had talked with Viktor on one occasion earlier with Hermione. He happened to not know where the potions class was and asked the two girls for directions. And, maybe, he had been flirting with Hermione then.
"No matter, we've got what we wanted." Another photo of Viktor and Rita disappeared. 
Just as Harry turned to ask y/n something, Dumbledore appeared from the back entrance where y/n too had come from. Barty Crouch was behind him. "Good day, champions. Gather 'round please." 
Harry moved to stand next to Dumbledore, and y/n, who had no idea of what to do, only grabbed a hold of Harry's wrist. One hand held his sleeve and the other interlocked with his hand. It was hard for the boy to concentrate, but he did his best, holding the Weasley girls' hands gently.
"Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived, a moment only four of you can fully appreciate." y/n looked at Dumbledore as he spoke, still holding onto Harry.
When he was done, however, Dumbledore noticed that something was wrong and looked over at y/n who stood beside him with Harry. The girl looked away from the headmasters, embarrassed. "What are you doing here, Miss Weasley?" Dumbledore curiously asked.
"Oh, um, sorry. I'll just go. " y/n shot a look at Harry as she backed away, relaxing her hold on his hand and quickly sliding out of the tent. causing Harry to look back, slightly perplexed, at the look he received from the older students
Harry watched from afar as The Weird Sisters finished the song, all the students at the Yule Ball cheered and stopped dancing.
Just like everything this year, the Yule Ball has not gone much better for Harry than anything else. Even though he wanted to ask y/n he chickened out and tried to ask other girls, but did the same there. Then when he decided that he needed to ask y/n to the ball, he got to hear from the twins that she already had a date. Which he tried to know who it was but y/n refused to tell him.
So now he's sitting there at the ball. He ended up going with Parvati Patil, who had ditched him for a Durmstrang guy, someone older. And Harry now knew who y/n had gone with. Of course, it was Lee Jordan. When he had walked into the great hall for the champions to dance, the green-eyed boy had spotted y/n with Lee.
Just as The Weird Sisters had stopped playing, Harry could spot y/n who had been dancing all night, giving Lee a hug before making her way out of the sea of students. She was beautiful, and Harry hadn't expected anything else. She had a silk dress like many other girls, but hers was the most beautiful to Harry. Her hair done to suit her and a pair of heels.
"I'm leaving." From beside Harry, Ron grumbled, standing up and downing the last of his drink. "You coming?"
"I'll be a bit longer," Harry said, and Ron just shrugged his shoulders before leaving. Clearly not in the mood to see Hermione happy with Viktor, she danced on and on.
Just as Harry turned back to find y/n he saw her walking towards him. When she knew she had cought his attention she pulled a overdramaticly pained face. It made Harry raise his brows in question and when the girl was close enough she sat down on a chair next to him.
"Ouch." She groaned. "Remind me to never dance in heels again." With that she kicked off her shoes and sighed in relife.
"Can't be that bad." The statement earned Harry a slap on the shoulder. Causing him to chuckle at y/n as she got comfortable beside him.
It then got quiet. Harry thought about what to say or ask next. He cast a gaze over his shoulder to see Lee Jordan chatting with Fred and George. Angelina sat by Fred's side as the four older students chatted away. "So, you and Lee, huh?"
It took y/n off guard as she whipped her head vigorously towards Harry with a scrunched up face. "Lee, no, ew. What makes you think me and him are someone? "
"Sorry. I just thought, you know, you went here with him. " y/n and Harry were both flustered. Harry because of his assumption and y/n of how quickly she had denied liking Lee in that way.
"That's because of Fred and George. I didn't have a date and neither did Lee, so they suggested we go together. " y/n explained. "Now, don't get me wrong, I love Lee. He's a close friend of mine and all. But this all he is to me, a friend. Plus, Lee isn't exactly the kind of guy that goes after his best friend's little sister." 
Harry felt completely and utterly dumb. So for the past year and a half, he had gone around thinking that y/n liked Lee and Lee liked her. But, it turned out, he still had a chance.
"Oh, okay."
"Well, don't you sound happy?" y/n joked, shaking his head, a smile spreading across his face. "Anyway, your date left you. Did you screw up that badly or is your charm just not working, Potter? "
"Haha, very funny." 
They both laughed, not saying anything more. But y/n sighed, bending down and putting in her heels again, making Harry look at her with suspicion as she smoothed out her dress. Turning to Harry, she held out her hand for him to grab, but only earned an even more confused face from the boy.
"Now I won't accept a no. Come on, let's dance." Knowing full well that she wouldn't accept a no, Harry grabbed her hand and, with a smile on his face, let her pull him along to dance.
"One sickle that he confesses first." Fred challenged his twin as they watched the two from afar.
"Two sickles that she confesses first and before she leaves Hogwarts." Geroge shot back at Fred.
"Okay, two sickles that he confesses first."
"Are you two seriously betting on which of your sister and Harry will confess first?" Angelina questioned. The two brothers shared a look before shrugging.
"Okay, then I want two sickles if she confesses first before she leaves Hogwarts and kisses him at the same time." Lee added.
Angelina frowned and sighed, "Oh my god."
Fifth year:
"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up. Keep trying, Seamus!" Harry encouraged as Dumbledore's army were in the room of requirement. Harry was teaching them all to produce a patronus charm, though he warned all of them that not every wizard or witch could produce one, so if they were unable to, they shouldn't beat themselves up about it.
Harty walked around and watched as all the students in the army tried to produce their patronuses. Some stood and thought about what happy memories they had as others went straight to try and cast the charm. It was hard. "A full-bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be equally as useful against a variety of opponents." 
Harry explained as he walked around. Gratifying Ginny when she produced a unicorn that ran around in the air. It was hard to teach, though. If Dolores Umbridge hadn't taken over as Defense against Dark Arts teacher, they would all have learnt these things. But the pink-wearing woman had only been placed at Hogwarts as a control mechanism for the Ministry.
Harry continued to wander around and explain as Hermione produced an otter as a patronus. It swam around her, making the bushy-haired girl smile. Then he passed Ron, who produced a dog. It ran around the floor and somehow was able to make Neville fall as it ran straight at his legs.
He then continued to walk around, his eyes almost every other second cast towards y/n who stood and thought. Harry frowned as he watched her just stand there, her wand in hand. But what he didn't know was the memory playing in her head.
"No, Harry. I'll be sick if we continue. " y/n laughed as she leaned against the wall in the Great Hall. Watching Hermione continue to dance with Viktor. 
"So you drag me to dance and then won't when we do?" Harry asked as he leaned against the wall beside her.
"Potter, you've been spinning me 'round like a mad-man. Of course I'll grow sick of that. " The Weasley spoke matter-of-factly.
"Well, excuse my poor dancing skills then,"
"Shut up."
They both let out sighs. Looking around. y/n was actually quite sad that Ron had left early, but oh well, his problem, not hers. A great number of students had left for bed during the night, but many still danced. Some of these people were Fleur, Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Viktor and Hermione, Fred and George, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Seamus, Dean Thomas, and so many more.
Harry looked over at y/n with a smile, still feeling stupid about how he had been thinking y/n liked Lee. His eyes stayed fixated on the girl. She was always able to attract his attention. He knew that in a room full of girls, she would be the only one he'd be looking at.
She turned to say something, but instead caught Harry, who was staring at her. He felt his face heat up, and he looked down at his shoes. It made y/n smile mischievously, turning so she leaned her shoulder against the wall instead of her back. Now fully facing him. "Something the matter, Potter?"
Harry shook his head, looking up from his shoes. But he was caught off guard by y/n moving some of his hair away from his face. It made Harry look at her, a sweet, soft smile plastered on her face. Her e/c eyes were gentle. It made him smile too. A boyish one. A cute one, in y/n's opinion.
"Expecto Patronum," y/n said just as Harry had come over to help her.
A blue, silvery light emitted from her wand as she spoke those two words. The flow of magic made Harry stop and smile as he watched it form into a doe, but something was off about it. The magic animal stood right before the girl, and as he looked closer, Harry could see the faint outline of horns, like it was somewhat becoming a stag. The same as his patronus.
The patronus stag slowly walked around y/n, who wore a smile at the great animal. The horns are still visible. Hermione, who had seen it, walked slowly up to Harry. Her eyes were on the patronus that faded into nothingness when it stopped once more in front of y/n and bowed its head. Hermione tapped Harry's shoulder.
"Harry? Not to be like that, but ehm... doesn't that seem like a stag to you?" Hermione whispered to her friend and earned a look that told her yes.
"And you have the same type of patronus, correct?" Harry nodded, and the look on Hermione's face made him frown.
"What? What's wrong? "
"Oh no, nothing, just... just keep doing your thing." Hermione slid away from her face with a grin like a Cheshire cat. Getting Ginny's attention.
"What is it, Hermione?" The youngest Weasley asked with curiosity.
"I think we can confirm it now." Hermione whispered lowly, which made Ginny gasp.
"Are you sure?" A nod came from the greatest witch of her age.
y/n walked through 12 Grimmauld Place. The summer had come quicker than expected. y/n had been helping her mum and dad clean up all their things so they could return to the burrow. But before she left, she had to find him. She needed to check in on him.
She had been looking through the whole place, making her way from room to room. That was until she had walked up to the third level. Looking through the rooms, she had just passed one with the letters R.A.B on the door. y/n had figured out that each bedroom had the family member's initials on them. Further down the hall, one of the doors was closed. She looked into the open room that was a study room, but it was empty. Looking back at the room with the closed door, y/n found the initials she was looking for. S.O.B. Standing for Sirius Orion Black. 
She took a breath and gently knocked on the door. She didn't hear anything from inside, so y/n opened the door a little, glancing inside. Inside the room, y/n found Harry sitting on his godfather's bed. His back against her as he looked out through the window. 
"Harry?" Her voice was gentle as she opened the door up a little more, waiting for him to give her a sign to leave. But he didn't. Harry only cast a glance over his shoulder before turning his head back. To y/n, that was Harry's way of telling her it was fine to go inside, which it was.
She closed the door gently behind her. Not wanting her parents, siblings, or anyone else from the Order to hear their conversation. She valued Harry's privacy and whatever he told her didn't need to be told to the whole world.
y/n moved slowly around the bed, so she stood at the foot of it. Not far from where Harry sat. She could see him holding the picture of the original Order of the Phoenix. It had been folded so the side facing his face showed his parents, Lily and James Potter, and beside them stood a younger looking Sirius.
"My family is done packing. We're leaving soon if you want to come with us over the summer. " y/n offered to him, unsure of what to say. But Harry only stayed silent. It made Y/N sigh as she moved to stand more in front of him. 
When she did, she got a better look at his face. His eyes were slightly red, and his face pulled into a pained look. She didn't sit down if Harry wanted her to leave. "Harry? I'll leave you alone if you want to. " She waited for any sign that she should stay, but when he gave her none, she started to leave.
It was the tugg on her wrist that made her stop walking away. His grip on her wrist was firm, but his gaze was fixed. It made her kneel down in front of him on the bed and move to hold his hand so she could hold it, but his grip tightened. "Don't leave."
"Harry—" "Don't leave." His gaze finally met hers, a few tears streaming down his cheeks. y/n frowned and moved to wipe away the tears, shaking her head.
"I won't. I'll always be here. "
She stood up, brushing Harry's hair out of his face. He didn't care anymore about trying to stay strong, but instead broke down. Harry wrapped his arms around y/n's midsection, catching her off guard as he pulled her towards him. It took a second before she slowly wrapped her arms around Harry's head gently. Hugging him close. She could feel the slight shaking of his shoulders.
"It's fine, I won't leave." Y/N reminded him as she gently stroked his hair.She pulled away slightly from him, but Harry's arms stayed wrapped around her midsection. She looked down at Harry and pulled his face between her hands. 
He didn't have his glasses on; they lay on Sirius's nightstand, so he didn't see her very well. But he could make out her face as she looked down at him. y/n brushed his cheek, then the lightning bolt scar on his forehead before hugging him close. And she stood like that, in front of Harry, who quietly let his tears fall as he hugged the girl close, finding comfort in her presence. At times, she whispered comforting words to him while stroking his head. After some time, y/n had leaned her head down to rest on Harry's. 
After some time, you suddenly saw the door open. Harry didn't hear it when it squeaked. As the door opened fully, it revealed Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George standing there. They were all quiet as they looked at the two. Ron mouthed something which made y/n move her hand to show them to be quiet. George motioned that it was time to go, clearly feeling sympathy for the boy around y/n's waist. But y/n only waved for the four to leave and close the door. They were doing as she wanted.
So y/n stayed there with Harry, not caring how much time went by. She just wanted the boy to feel better
Sixth year:
The Gryffindor common room was buzzing with happiness from all of the students. Everyone was happy that the Gryffindor Quidditch team had won against Slytherin in the snowy weather. It is definitely one of Harry's proudest moments at Hogwarts. He was the captain and they had won.
Harry walked back into the common room with Hermione beside him. The girl had finally calmed down from the heartbreak of seeing Ron with Lavender Brown. Harry patted Hermione's back with a small smile, and the witch smiled in appreciation of her friend. "I'm gonna—"
"Go, Harry." Hermione sighed and smiled at the boy. "I already know what you're planning on doing. You've been nervous all day." 
He stayed quiet. He thought he had been very good at hiding the fact that he fancied the older Weasley sister. However, he appears to have been unsuccessful. "How did you—?" 
"She's over there, by the window." Hermione pointed out to her friend as she made her way over to Ginny and some other girls. Leaving Harry to stand by himself.
Harry turned and found y/n, as Hermione said, by the window. The older girl stood with a bottle of something in her hand, taking small sips at times. The boy took a breath before making his way over.
"Hey," Harry said, as he awkwardly made his way closer to her. y/n turned with a tired and lazy smile on her face to face him. 
"Hi," Harry could tell she was tired because she had been studying for her NEWT level exams, which she had a lot of.He had found her sleeping by the table in the common room a few days erlier, having fallen asleep while studying. 
"Tired?" He earned a hum in response as y/n took another sip of her bottle. "Let me guess, Fred and George helped you get that in?"
y/n let out a quiet chuckle at him and nodded her head. He was quick to understand what it was. Of course, it was a smaller bottle of beer. "I haven't been drinking much of it though, if that's what you think."
"No, no, just.. asking." Harry moved to stand beside her. 
"Poor 'Mione," y/n told as she looked out through the common room. "Ron really is blind." 
Harry hummed. Mind elsewhere as he tried to figure out how to do this. He didn't know if now was the best of times, seeing as y/n were exhausted from quidditch and studying. But Harry also knew that if y/n had taken over as Captain for the team this year too, she would be asleep already. Hence why she'd given over the role as Captain to Harry. 
"You're not going to celebrate, Captain? Are you just going to stand here with boring old me?" y/n teased, knowing full well that Harry didn't exactly like to be the centre of attention.
When she got no answer, y/n put her bottle of beer in the indent of the window. She turned so she faced the boy who lived. She could see how deep in thought he was and it made her smile. His green emerald eyes were staring off into the distance. So, she did as she'd done two years earlier on the Yule Ball, the day when the tension between them really grew. She brushed some of his rvaenhair out of his face, the scar becoming visible. Harry turned his face towards her, his eyes locking with hers. His cheeks got red from the eye contact, and y/n could feel hers heat up as well.
Harry found his courage, one of those elements Gryffindor students were to have to be placed in the house to even start with. He moved closer to y/n, eyes at times flickering from her eyes to her lips. y/n thought he was going to make a move, but when he didn't, she leaned in and connected their lips. Her hands gently held his face.
It was a quick kiss, one that was so quick that Harry wasn't even able to react before y/n pulled away. She held his face still in her hands, the boy looking at her slightly shocked. She was now unable to keep from telling him, because who knew what would happened with Voldermort back. "I love you, Harry. I have probably ever since my fourth year, but I really like you." 
"Really?" Harry breathed with a boyish grin growing on his face, which made y/n smile at him.
Harry did not waste a second as he leaned in and connected their lips once more, smiles on both their faces. y/ns hands were still on the sides of his face as Harry's hands landed on her hips. After all those years of pining after her, he was now kissing her, and she liked him back, and it was brilliant. Her lips were as soft as he'd imagined. She teased faintly of the beer she's been drinking. This was just perfect.
Fire encircled the burrow as Harry sprinted out of it and passed Remus, Tonks, Arthur, and Molly. Both older men called out for him as he ran straight for an opening in the fire, following the evil and psychotic laughter that belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange. The murderer of Sirius. Harry's wand was already in his hand as he rushed after the mad woman. Tonks and Remus followed behind him, but the fire closed the small opening, as if they weren't supposed to leave.
Tonks tried to manipulate the fire with her wand but was not successful in getting a good opening for Remus to run through. Just then, y/n had rushed down the stairs after Harry as they had just talked, pushing past her parents with her wand at the ready. "y/n!" Molly cried after her daughter as she ran straight for the fire and jumped when she had a chance at getting through. 
"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" y/n heard Bellatrix chant as she followed Harry through the tall grass. Following both the sound of Bellatrix's chanting and the running of Harry.
She continued running as the grass slapped her in the face at how fast she was running, but she didn't care. It was hard to know exactly where Harry had gone. Once heard herself step in what sounded like water, and she stopped. The legs on her pyjama bottoms were getting soaked. 
When she heard the sound of someone moving in the tall grass, she turned around. Trying to spot the person. "Harry?" She asked, the wand still in her hand. 
But it wasn't Harry. Instead, out stepped Fenrir Greyback. The most known werewolf in the wizarding world, the same werewolf that bit Remus and turned him. The man smiled evilly at y/n who'd started to back away further into the shallow water. She then jumped slightly as Harry came running up behind her and moved in front of her. "Stupefy!" But Fenrir repelled the spell easily.
"Harry!" Remus could be heard calling out as y/n and Harry cautiously turned in every direction to make sure no one was there. But in seconds, Bellatrix and Fenrir began to shoot spells at the two teenagers mercilessly. Harry and y/n standing back to back and repel each spell.
"y/n!" Arthur called for his daughter.
Finally, Tonks, Arthur, and Remus reached the two and stood protectively around them. Harry grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her towards him as they stood close to one another. They are waiting for another set of spells, curses, jinxes, and hexes to be sent their way. But no more came as the three evil wizards disappeared into black smoke and flew towards the burrow. Seconds later, the house stood in flames.
"Molly." Arthur said in shock as he turned, seeing his house on fire and began to run. 
y/n stood wide-eyed before she began to run after her father. Harry followed her swiftly through the tall grass and when they were close y/n slowed. Her childhood home stood before her in flames as all her other siblings, Fred and George, Ginny and Ron, stood and watched on as the house became ash. Molly was hugged by Arthur as they watched. 
Harry came up beside y/n, seeing the troubled look on her face as he brushed his pinky finger against her hand. showing he was there. Without a second thought, y/n grabbed his hand and moved closer to him, holding on to him for dear life. 
Everything was to get worse. This was just the beginning, and all of them knew it. 
And Harry could feel it.
Seventh year (before going for horcruxses):
"I won't leave my family, Harry." y/n told the boy as he sat on her bed. Having come to her before going to bed. Having just gotten to the burrow that night. 
He looked up at her from where he sat, his eyes begging her to go somewhere she could be safe instead of staying with her family. He knew that she'd be threatened as she was a known close friend to Harry, or well, for the past six months, known girlfriend.
"You'll be in danger if you stay here, you and your whole family. I don't want you to get hurt because of me anymore. " Harry argued.
"You can't tell me what to do. You may be Harry Potter and my very caring boyfriend, but I'm still old enough to decide whether I want to fight or flee.
"Darling," Harry sighed at her; she was and had always been stubborn."Please."
"I'll be fine, Harry." y/n sat beside him. "I'll be staying with Fred and George at Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes." 
Harry turned and faced her, reaching out and brushing some hair out of her face just like she usually did with him. Then, leaning in and placing his forehead against hers, y/n melted into it. sighing as she held his hand.
"I'll be fine," 
"Don't get my hopes up," Harry told her.
"And I want you to come back alive." Y/N stated solemnly.
"I'll be fine," 
"Don't get my hopes up." 
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tkaulitzlvr · 9 months
Help I love your writing so much I get so excited when you post 💗 can you do a “one bed” scenario please where reader and Tom are like ‘enemies’ but not really 🤭
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synopsis: when there is a mixup in the amount of hotel rooms the band were meant to book, you and tom are forced to get a lot closer than you have ever before - much to your annoyance.
content: angst
a/n: thank you so much i’m so glad you enjoy my writing, it really means a lot!! and thank u for the request i hope u like it!
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“hi, um we have five rooms booked under the name kaulitz.” bill says, leaning against the receptionist’s desk as she nods slightly, beginning to type something on her computer.
we had been travelling all day, looking forward to getting some rest, the boys performing in two days, their tour coming to an end. i wasn’t part of the band, but i came with them on tour, having known them all my life, it had just become routine that i would join them, no matter where they went. they were my family, and i loved them all like brothers, well, apart from one of them. tom.
he had never warmed up to me, our personalities always clashing for some reason. and, even though we had grown up, maturity supposedly coming with age, we still despised each other just as much as we did all those years ago, the tension never really easing, tolerating him being all i could do - and even that proved difficult sometimes.
“sorry, what was your name again?” the receptionist asks, peering upwards from her computer and looking at bill briefly, taking a quick peek behind him as we all stand tiredly, wanting to go to bed, the delay only irritating us more.
“kaulitz, k-a-u-l-i-t-z.” bill says, spelling his last name out, turning to face us for a second, a puzzled expression on his face as i send one back his way, confused on what is taking this long.
i hear tom tut behind me as he drops his bags down on the ground with a thud, my eyes meeting his as i send him an annoyed look, him pulling a face back and pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“okay, we have you booked in, but you’ve only paid for two rooms.” the woman behind the desk says, looking upwards once more.
“oh that’s not a problem.” bill begins, pulling his wallet out and searching for his card. “i must’ve made a mistake, i can just pay for three more.”
“i’m sorry sir, we’re fully booked. that won’t be possible.” she says, standing up from her desk and finding the keys to the two rooms bill had somehow booked.
my eyes widen, gustav and georg doing the same as we share confused glances, wondering how we are going to fit into two rooms, when we had planned to all have our own as we did every time we stayed somewhere. sure, we would usually all hang out in someone’s room together, but we each needed our space when we went to bed, none of us keen on the idea of sharing.
“but, there’s five of us, we can’t fit into two rooms.” bill says, panicking a little as he tries to reason with the receptionist, desperate for a solution.
meanwhile, tom rolls his eyes, muttering a small ‘fucking great’ under his breath, thinking that none of us hear. but, i am far too tired to scold him for it, too focused on thinking of a way to fix this.
“i apologise sir, but there’s really nothing i can do.” the lady sits back at the desk as bill begins to walk away, the five of us standing in the middle of the lobby, wondering what the fuck we were going to do.
“bill how the fuck did you manage to book two rooms instead of five?” tom breaks the silence, massaging his temples and glaring at bill.
“maybe if you did something for us all once, instead of leaving it all to me whilst you sit on your ass then this wouldn’t have happened!” bill shoots back, georg, gustav and i rolling our eyes, not wanting to hear another one of the twins’ arguments - especially not right now.
“guys this isn’t the time for your bickering, let’s just see how many beds the rooms have, and we can figure it out from there, okay?” georg says, tom and bill reluctantly nodding their heads as we all squeeze into the small elevator, next to no room between us as we try to fit five people, plus our luggage into it.
we all make it inside, my side pressed against tom’s back. he groans in frustration, trying to move me off of him. “jesus christ you wanna get any closer? might as well climb on my fucking back.” tom scoffs.
“i don’t know if you’ve noticed but this isn’t exactly a spacious elevator. shut up whining and deal with it.” i reply as the doors open, all of us pouring out of it, thankful to have some personal space and fresh air. we walk to our rooms - 401 and 402, praying that there are five beds between the two rooms, and none of us will have to share.
we walk into room 401, the decor minimalistic and clean, seeing a small living room with a decent sized couch that someone could sleep on. the bedroom is a few steps away, bill and tom walking ahead, the rest of us walking in and seeing two single beds.
“thank god.” bill sighs in relief. “three of us can stay in here, the other room should be the same. let’s go check to make sure.”
we all nod, walking to 402 as bill uses the keycard to unlock the door. we walk in, the room completely different to the one next door.
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” tom mutters, rolling his eyes as he looks at the room, knowing that there is now a pretty big problem.
it is much smaller, a double bed placed in the middle of the room, glass doors leading out onto the balcony and an en-suite bathroom at one side of the bedroom. somebody would have to share.
“no way am i sleeping here.” gustav says, bill quickly nodding in agreement, georg running into the other room as they both follow, leaving tom and i alone in the smaller room.
“no! absolutely not, no way.” tom quickly says as he realises the situation, storming into the other room and shaking his head, catching the other guys’ attention as i follow behind him. “there is no way i’m sharing a bed with her.”
he turns around to face me, pointing an angry finger in my direction as he spews out his frustration, making it pretty clear that he doesn’t want to be anywhere near me. i stand silently, rolling my eyes at his childishness, not at all keen on the idea either, but i refrain from making a scene as he just did.
“tom you don’t have a choice, it’s just one night, grow a pair.” bill says, earning a quiet laugh from georg behind him.
“please bill, i can’t share with him. i’ll do literally anything.” i beg, feeling nauseous at the thought of having to sleep in the same bed as tom.
“sorry guys, it’s only for a night. i’m sure you’ll be fine.” he shrugs, flopping into his bed, his luggage sprawled out on the floor, nobody caring about the mess. “goodnight, try not to kill each other.”
i scoff at his comment, exiting their bedroom and waving to gustav, who is laying on the couch. tom follows behind him, gustav’s eyes widening as he realises the situation, mouthing a quick ‘good luck’ before i leave, letting tom close the door behind him. none of us say a word walking to our hotel room, my hand reaching for the keycard as i open the door, leaving it open for him to walk in, though it is tempting to slam it in his face and let him sleep in the hallways.
i lift my luggage onto the bed, opening the suitcase and looking for a pair of pyjamas, pulling out a small white crop top and plaid pants. i scramble for the bag that has all my skincare inside it, about to pull it out before my suitcase is tossed aside, looking upwards and seeing tom glaring down at me.
“can you move? your suitcase is taking up all the room.”
i tut, shaking my head and grabbing my bag, zipping the suitcase back up and putting it in the corner of the room, staying silent as i make my way to the bathroom, tom sprawled out on the bed the last thing i see before i close the door.
my comfy clothes on and makeup off, i open the door, seeing tom laid shirtless on the bed, some basketball shorts covering his lower half, cap off and dreads in a ponytail, laid back as he searches through the channels on the tv, which is turned on at an unnecessarily loud volume.
“jesus christ are you trying to get us a noise warning? turn that shit down.” i say, snatching the remote from his hands and lowering the volume, harshly shoving it back into his lap.
he sniggers slightly, enjoying the way he can frustrate me by doing the smallest of things, my mind sometimes questioning wether he does it on purpose, wanting to get a reaction out of me.
i climb into bed at the opposite side, getting under the covers and switching off the lamp at my side, yawning as i realise how tired i really am, tom seeming to be wide awake as the tv continues to blare around the room, the bright light emitting from it stopping me from falling asleep.
“can you turn it off? i want to go to sleep.” i ask, already frustrated, his presence alone enough to anger me.
to my surprise, he doesn’t fight me on it, no rude remark coming out of his mouth, the room being taken over by darkness as he turns it off, an uncomfortable silence taking over as i lay on my side at the edge of the bed, trying to get as far away from him as possible.
his breathing is heavy as he lays flat, his legs stretched out as he clearly doesn’t care about our proximity as much as i do, his leg slightly touching mine. i physically can’t move it any further away, my limbs almost hanging off the edge of the bed as it is. instead of telling him to move, i kick his leg slightly, pushing it away.
“ow! the fuck was that for?” he says looking over at me as i turn to face him, his features only just distinguishable in the dark.
“you’re hogging the entire bed, move!” i shoot back, rolling my eyes.
“you’re not using the space, so why shouldn’t i? you’re getting all pissy because our legs touched, i cant fucking help it, we’re sharing a bed.” he says, stating the obvious.
“i can’t take this.” i mutter, grabbing my pillow and a spare blanket from the cupboard, setting it up on the floor next to the bed.
“what are you doing?” tom asks, sitting up and peering over the bed as i lay down on the floor, moving around to try and get comfy, the surface hard and uneven, much unlike the bed above me, which was actually comfortable.
“the fuck does it look like i’m doing? i’m sleeping on the floor since you’re being such an ass.” i respond, shutting my eyes and trying to fall asleep, but i can still feel tom’s gaze burning into me.
“don’t be ridiculous. get into bed.” tom says, moving over and giving me a little more space.
“why not?”
“because you’re pissing me off, okay? you’re just so fucking irritating. shut up, just shut up for once in your fucking life tom!”
silence. i expect another clever comeback, or a witty insult from him, but he stays silent, causing me to open my eyes in confusion. i sit up, looking in tom’s direction and seeing him laid down, staring at the ceiling with his jaw clenched. he looks strangely hurt, like my words had actually impacted him. they never had before, the both of us able to hurl the harshest of insults at each other and brush it off, but this time it seemed different.
“what, did i hit a nerve?” i scoff, genuinely in disbelief of the way he has switched up so fast, his usual heartless demeanour far gone as he lies in silence. “you know it’s the truth tom, you’re always out to get me and i’m sick of it. you’re the most annoying-”
“yeah, i think i got it.” he mumbles, shaking his head and turning around onto his side so he is facing away from me.
“the fuck is up with you?” i say, standing up and moving onto the bed, sitting cross-legged as i try to take a glance at his face, this proving impossible.
“you’ve made your point. just stop it, leave me alone.” he mutters, his voice tired, a little upset too.
“jesus, you can’t seriously be hurt by me saying that! you’ve said all sorts of shit to me, why are you getting so pissy?” i ask, laughing a little, struggling to understand where his change in attitude has come from.
he stays quiet, his body still as it still faces away from me. i give up, accepting defeat and realising that i wont get a response out of him, feeling a little guilty for some reason, although he has said way worse to me and felt no remorse.
i grab my pillow from the floor, putting it back onto the bed as i slip under the covers once again, knowing that i would have gotten zero sleep if i had spent the night on the floor. i lay down, my back flat against the mattress, eyes falling shut as lethargy soon takes over. sleep is seconds away from consuming me, my mind almost falling into a slumber, until i feel a warm hand touch mine, stretching outwards so that it is fully covering it, the certainty of its movement way too strong for it to be an accident.
my eyes shoot open, seeing tom already looking in my direction. he doesn’t move his hand, quickly ruling out his touch being an accident. i don’t pull away, i don’t ask what he thinks he is doing, i don’t call him some childish name. instead, all i can do it look into his eyes, my body still and breathing heavy.
he stays silent too, his body slowly moving closer to mine, my stomach dropping as nerves take over, too intrigued to stop him. he hesitates, before bringing his hand upwards, his other still holding mine, and moving the loose strands of hair out of my face.
“you know i never hated you, right?” he whispers, positioning his hand next to my face once he has moved the hairs covering my features.
“what?” is all i can say, having no idea what the fuck is happening right now, wondering wether this is all some crazy dream.
“why do we act so cold towards each other?” he asks, not moving away from me, his head resting on the pillows, just a few inches away from mine.
“it’s always been a pretty mutual thing tom.” i say, unsure of what else to respond with, unable to remember a time that tom and i hadn’t constantly been at each other’s throats.
“you’re the most oblivious person i’ve ever met, you know that?” he says, breathing out heavily. for a second, i swear i see a smile on his face, but i blame it on the darkness, convincing myself that it is making me hallucinate.
“what do you mean?” i ask, genuinely confused.
he pauses for a second, almost like he is contemplating something, his mind and heart arguing with each other as they fight against acting rashly. i await his response, about to speak again, but i am stripped of the choice, feeling his warm lips quickly collide with mine.
i am stunned, unable to kiss back as i slowly process that his lips are on mine. but, i don’t pull away either, strangely liking it, feeling as if a part of me that has always been missing is finally fulfilled. after a few seconds, i feel tom try to pull away.
“i’m sorry, shit i-”
i cut off his rambling, swiftly reconnecting our lips once more, wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling him closer to me, his taking my waist and moving me so that i am now on top of him, not breaking the kiss. his lips mould perfectly with mine, fitting together as if they were always meant to be like this, moving against each other in sync.
everything is a blur, from him kissing down my body, our clothes being thrown carelessly on the floor, bodies moving against each other, both of us crying out in pleasure, to our release, the entire moment happening so fast that it seems like a dream, something i had made up as a result of my tired state.
“what the fuck? guys, come look at this.”
“did they not hate each other ten minutes ago?”
“oh my god! look at tom, i’ve never seen him hold a girl so close before.”
“jesus christ, are they naked? is that her bra?”
“thank god the sheets are on them, i don’t even wanna know what’s underneath.”
i begin to stir, the sound of muffled voices slowly waking me up, my eyes fluttering open. i am greeted by three boys at the foot of my bed, their eyes widened in shock, small giggles escaping their mouths. i look downwards, seeing that my clothes are gone, my body covered by the sheets. i turn to my side, tom fast asleep, his arms draped around my waist, body also bare with his torso on show, lower half thankfully covered, the memories of last night flooding back.
“did you have fun?” bill smirks, georg and gustav bursting into fits of laughter, the sudden noise waking tom up as he opens his eyes, seeing the situation in front of him, his hands scrambling for the sheets to fully cover us both.
“guys what the fuck? get out of here! leave!” he shouts, frantically waving his arms about, reaching for a pillow and throwing it at them as they rush out, making exaggerated kissing sounds until the door closes, both tom and i sighing in relief.
“assholes.” tom mutters under his breath, stretching before bringing my body closer to his, our legs tangled together.
“do you regret it?” he asks, his voice more serious now.
“what? of course not. do you?” i say, worried that he thinks it was a mistake, acting out on pure lust, using me for a quick fuck.
he laughs, watching the way my face drops.
“what’s so funny?” i ask, confused on how he can find my concern so hilarious.
“nothing, nothing. no- i don’t regret it either, why would i?” he says, gently stroking the bare skin of my waist, planting a short kiss on my forehead.
“and here i was thinking you hated me this whole time.” i laugh.
“how about i show you how i really feel again, hm?” he smirks, flipping us over so he is on top of me, placing open mouthed kisses to my jaw and neck as i squeal, my hands moving to his hair as he smiles against my skin.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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kmt123whatsthetea · 3 months
The brother’s wingmen
Ron Weasley x reader
Requested by: @technicallyfreephilosopher
You have attracted the attention of Ron, the younger brother of your bosses.
Note: This is a one off fic. If anyone requests a character that is not on the list, I will not write it
A/N: I agreed to write this to set myself a challenge of writing for someone else. I want to start writing for others (those on the list). I incorporated two of my favourite things. Fred Weasley and George Weasley. I'm also sorry that this took so long. My motivation just plummeted. I’m also sorry to the requester who’s username isn’t letting me tag
T/W: Ron not being good with the ladies, Twins acting as wingmen (yikes), Unprotected sex, riding, Ron being dominated a little,
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Ron had always been proud of his brothers.
Being related to the best pranksters at Hogwarts was a blessing more than a curse. People knew you and your name was synonymous with mischief (and Ginger hair). Nobody in the family was shocked when Fred and George opened a joke shop, it was the one thing that they were the best at.
The smell of plastic and fresh paint filled the store on the day of the grand opening. There were even journalists with the Daily Prophet to document the opening of a new store in Diagon Alley. Everyone wandered around the shop in awe at the various colours, sights, and smells. Fred and George were as pleased as punch at their blooming business.
Ron found his way to the small shelf of sweets and bartered with his older brothers for a discount, and then trudged to the counter after being charged double. So much for family discount.
Every situation has a good and a bad side. For Ron, the bad bit was being charged double for something that would last him 5 minutes. The good, however, was the cashier. She was stunning.
Ron put the box onto the counter and stared at the woman. His blush was almost as bright as his ginger locks. The cashier rang the item up on the till and smiled at his expression.
Remember the different sides to every situation? A new negative side was that Ron was being watched by his older brothers…
…Who had caught onto his little crush on their employee.
Fred and George were mischievous, and that didn't change when it came to their younger siblings.
Fred slid up to the cashier and gave Ron an evil smirk.
“So Ronny, what do you think of the new store? Everything’s looking pretty good, don't you think?”
George sauntered over to stand next to Ron on the other side of the counter.
“If you want to give anything here a try, you just have to ask”
Ron was mortified. He looked over at you and saw your face. You didn’t know that the twins were implying anything. They were your mischievous bosses, this was natural.
Ron just turned and walked quickly out of the store, leaving behind an oblivious cashier and his annoying older brothers.
A few days later, Ron came back when you were just finishing work. You noticed him tucked away in the corner, like he was hiding from you.
As if, like magic, one of your employers appeared behind you.
“You know, Ron could really use your help. He wanted to show you something upstairs in the flat”
You were a good employee, and if your boss’s brother wanted something, you were happy to help. Fred called Ron over and whispered something to him about you wanting to show him something upstairs.
So the both of you made your way up to the flat, believing that the other had something to show.
The twins knew what they were doing, that's why they lit some candles and covered the floor with rose petals before telling you to finish up your shift. They would be their brothers wingmen.
But where they saw themselves as Cupids, Ron saw them as winged pests. Both you and Ron were beyond surprised at the romantic display. But it all started to make sense when the front door lock clicked behind you both.
Ron panicked and tried pulling the door, getting angry when he heard his brothers laughing from the other side. Ron pulled his wand out, but then it dawned on him. This was his chance. Maybe he could try and pick up line or two and hope for the best.
He turned back to face you and found you sat on the sofa, a rose petal in your hand. He sat beside you and cleared his throat.
“You know, roses smell pretty, but they don’t smell as good as you do”
His mouth had taken over before his brain could.
“W..What I mean is…you smell great. Not that I know how you smell! You look as good as a rose, but..but better…”
It took him a minute to realise that the reason his words weren’t coming out anymore was because your lips had sealed his. His whole face went as red as the rose petals littering the carpet. His hands found your waist as his lips danced with yours. The longer the kiss went on, the hotter the room seemed.
When you both pulled away for air, your leg was draped over his leg and hand had moved higher up your back to your bra clasp.
In a flash, your hands were fumbling with his belt clasp, surprising Ron with your eagerness. But he didn't mind, he liked that you were taking what you wanted. When his belt was open and his trousers unzipped, he helped you to pull his cock out from his underwear.
You straddled his waist before reaching under your uniform skirt to pull your underwear to the side. Ron spat on his hand and stroked his cock, lubing it up before helping you to sink down onto him, impaling yourself.
Your hand had to cover his mouth to stop the loud moan that left his lips. If his brothers were shrill listening in, they'd have a field day with teasing Ron. You kept your hand over his mouth as you lifted your hips, keeping the pace steady. Ron tried to get you to move faster by squeezing your hips and bucking up into you, but you stopped him.
Every time he tried to take control of you, you took it from him with a manner so sweet it didn't feel like a surrender. Eventually, he gave you the reins and sat back. His hands on your waist to hold you close, not to urge your movements. You kept your bouncing light, as if any harsh movement would break the man beneath you. His breath was hot and heavy against your palm, his cock pulsed inside of you signalling how close he was.
You kept your eyes on his, giving him gentle words through unspoken words. And that's when he let go.
His cum painted your insides while his muffled moans and groans barely escaping from behind your hand. You could hear his whimpers slowly getting louder while you used him to get off. He tried pleading, begging for you to cum to stop the overstimulation that you were putting him through.
Your walls squeezed his cock, causing his eyelids to flutter. Your juices coated his thighs, leaving a sticky reminder of the evening. Your body collapsed onto his, your hand finally leaving his mouth. The air is filled with the sound of heavy panting, until there was a bang at the door from the twins.
“Are you two love birds finished yet?”
Maybe one more round wouldn't hurt.
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silverstonesainz · 8 months
─── the one where carlos can't seem to get enough frat!carlos x reader 2.6k words 18+, minors dni (warnings under the cut)
d rambles. . . once again. i have lost the plot. i got the word insatiable and this is where we ended up. hope u guys like it, and sorry it took so long.
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warning(s). . . dry humping & a bit of titties. this is pretty tamed for what it could be
carlos is annoying. he might be across the room, but somehow he still manages to set your every nerve on fire. and the worst part of all this is that you can’t be annoyed. 
how can you be annoyed that he’s basically chest to chest with some girl when you’re wrapped up in someone else. mark, you think is his name. you aren’t even sure. he yelled it in your ear when he was chatting you up but if you were being honest, you only indulged because you wanted to prove a point: you can play his game too.
“do you want another drink?” mark— god you hope his name is mark— asks, thumb rubbing your side. 
you feign a sweet smile, shaking your head. “no i’m good. i have to head home soon anyways.”
the boy chuckles, “you can always spend the night… i do have a room here.” 
you laugh, maybe a little too hard from the way the boy’s face contorts to one of embarrassment. you shake your head, patting his chest as you slyly pull yourself from his hold. you set your empty solo cup on the messy bar top before turning to him, “i’d rather be caught dead than to sleep at a frat house.” 
mark nods, sipping his drink. the house is quiet, the kickback dwindling down as people begin to turn in. lando continues to play his mix, the led lights paint the room different colors, and the party seems to continue even if people were attached to the ends of the room in conversation or being led upstairs. you want to turn in, god your eyes burn with exhaustion, but your pride and ego coax you to stay. you just want to see if carlos would bring the girl up to his room. 
he has every right to. why wouldn’t he do it? she’s pretty and he’s… he’s not yours. 
that’s a point you both made the morning after a silly hook-up. just sex, nothing more. it’s why you leave after all is said and done, why you don’t take him up for coffee, or even sit with him in the library to study. it’s just sex, nothing more. 
you try to remind yourself that as you watch carlos lean down to say something in the girl’s ear, watch as the girl laughs a little too loudly. you roll your eyes. he’s not even that funny. 
“you plan on leaving anytime soon?” your head snaps back towards the boy, shaking your head to answer his question. “well maybe i can entertain you elsewhere while you’re here.” 
before you can answer, you feel an arm sling over your shoulder. you look up to find alex, who doesn’t pay you any mind and directs his attention to the boy in front of you. 
“george is looking for ya matt.” oh… it’s matt. “upstairs.” 
the boy stares up at the older brother, nodding. “uh.. yeah right. i’ll see you around.” he says to you. you smile curtly, watching as the boy scurries away and disappears up the stairs. 
alex pulls his hand from your shoulder, chuckling softly, “now tell me why you were chatting up the pledges. you know you’re way out of their league.” 
“just bored.” you shrug, arms crossed over your chest. you take a peek behind alex’s tall frame, frowning to find that carlos and the girl has disappeared. you huff a sigh, “i’m gonna go. i have an early morning.” 
alex nods, “i’ll walk you out.” 
you do your rounds, say goodbye to friends and other familiar faces. alex follows you, nearly to the door, before he’s whisked to the mystery that goes on upstairs. you don’t mind though, making your way out the door and shutting it behind you. you stuff your hands in your pockets as you make your way to your car.
“you know, it’s a bit rude not to say bye before you leave.” 
you turn around, taking a few steps backwards before coming to a stop. you stand at the end of the walkway, watching as carlos messes with his hair as he makes his way down to you. you roll your eyes, repositioning your arms to cross your chest. “you seemed a bit… occupied.” 
he chuckles at the way you say it, like it’s sour on your tongue. “celosa?”
“no.” you hum, pulling out your phone to order an uber. “so where is your new friend?” 
carlos reaches out to you, hand swiping your phone from your grasp before taking a peek at your screen. “she’s not my friend.”
“so girlfriend then?” he shakes his head. “fuck buddies?” he scowls.
“she’s no one. why are you ordering an uber, i can just drive you home.” 
“don’t you live here?” “and?”
you bite down on your lip. on the one hand, you’d be saving a bit of cash and yourself an awkward car ride home at two in the morning. but on the other hand, you’re still annoyed with carlos. but the boy doesn’t give you the chance to ponder your options, pulling out his car keys from his back pocket and clicking the dark blue ferrari unlocked. it’s parked a couple cars ahead of the driveway, between alex george’s own. carlos hand you your phone back with a soft c’mon. you inhale sharply, taking the phone from his grasp and stuff it back into your jacket pocket. 
he opens the passenger door for you, shuts it, before running over to his side and turning on his car. the car ride was… well it wasn’t comfortable. you didn’t intend on picking up a conversation with your— with him— the image of him and that girl still fresh in your mind. truth be told, you’re a little more frustrated with yourself than you are with him, because you know what being with carlos means: it means not really being with him at all. it means being with him when he’s in the mood to be with you. and you can lie to yourself and say that it’s fine, that you can live that arrangement. and maybe in the beginning you could but now you find yourself slipping. drowning. 
but carlos doesn’t like the quiet tonight. 
“so you and matt?” 
you can’t help but roll your eyes. “what about it?”
“when did that happen?” “what’s it matter to you?” 
carlos’s head snaps in your direction for the briefest of moments. you see him in your peripheral, the way his head flicks up and down in the short second he stares at you before returning his gaze to the road. “just a question.” 
he makes a turn towards your apartment, and you’d never been so relieved to see home. but then he stops. carlos parks against the curb and turns off his lights. you scowl, fingers curling into your palm. “carlos.” 
“why are you upset?” “i’m not.” 
he raises his brow at you, and your narrow your eyes at him. “i know you. you are.” 
“okay and if i am?” you snap. “it doesn’t matter.” 
he scoffs, “of course it matters.” 
you almost let him fool you. almost believe that he cares more than he lets on. almost. 
you huff an annoyed breath, zipping your jacket all the way. “i’m gonna walk.” 
“oh for fucks sake,” he leans over you, pulls the cracked open door and shuts it. “you’re not being fair.” 
“carlos i want to go home.” 
you glare at him. the anger bubbles in your chest when you clock the calm expression on his face, his wide brown eyes scanning your features before his hand comes up to rub his face. he says your name so softly, so gently, says it in a way you long to hear it forever. 
“we were just talking.” he’s referring to the girl. your glare falls, gaze moving to the denim that hugs your thighs. “ai mi bichito, its wasn’t anything.” 
“it never is.” 
“because it’s not.” carlos tucks his index finger under your chin, pulls your eyes back to him. “don’t be upset with me bug.” he leans in, his cologne filling your senses as you he presses his lips to your cheek. “okay?” another kiss, then again to your jaw. “please?” 
the butterflies come alive in your stomach, makes you nervous as carlos continues to move along your jaw and down to your neck. he readjusts his hand, his fingers now combing through the hair on the side of your head to hold you closer to him. he hums your name against your skin before he places another wet kiss on your neck. another plea to stop being upset as he pulls the silver zipper down your jacket and popping it open. 
he pulls away, leaving you high and empty. you inhale, suddenly remembering to breathe. carlos’s thumb strokes your cheek, the pad of his thumb rough against your skin, while his wide eyes plead for some sort of forgiveness. and you should walk home. thank him for the ride and walk away. 
but instead you close the gap, lips crashing against his. the kiss is hot, feverish, needy. it’s teeth clashing while hungry hands pull the other closer than allowed. his fingers weave themselves into your hair while yours are desperately grabbing at the back of his head. you moan softly as carlos bites down on your bottom lip, tongue slipping into your mouth. warm, wet, bold as it dances along with yours. 
“too far.” he breaks the kiss to pull you over the middle and onto his lap. his lips are quick to reattach themselves back on your neck, hands pushing your jacket down your shoulders and off your arms, leaving you in a black cotton tank-top. 
you’re sure that you’ll have a reminder of your weakness later, but it was too good to stop. you enjoyed the grazing of his teeth, the way he pulls away to lick along your skin before sucking again. you hum, grounding your hips into his. carlos hisses, hands moving to grip your hips to a halt. 
“don’t start something you can’t finish baby.” 
you smirk, “you doubt me?”
a pause. just a beat of silence before he laughs, shaking his head, “never.” 
you smile, dipping your head to meet his lips. your hands cup his cheeks as you kiss him deeply. he releases your hips, allowing your to rock against him. he grows hard beneath you, hear him grunt as you speed up the motion. he detaches his lips from yours, moving to your collarbones. you feel his fingers dance along the skin of your shoulders, pulling the flimsy straps of your top and bra down. he pulls and pulls and his lips chase the neck line of your shirt until your breast spill out. the cold air of his ferrari sends a shiver up your spine, hardens your nipples. 
carlos bites down on his lip, eyes bright as he stares at your chest. “pretty tits.” 
you bite the inside of your cheek, watching expectantly as he beings to squeeze them in his hands. he massages, kneads, before pulling one into his mouth. he looks up at you while you feel his mouth around you. his tongue traces circles lightly around your bud, flicking it up and down before sucking. his opposite hand pays equal attention to your other tit, pulling and kneading, fingers rubbing your nipple before pinching lightly. 
you throw your head back, moving your hips faster, desperate to chase a kind of pleasure you’re not even sure you can achieve. your legs were beginning to ache and your jeans were beginning to hurt. but the pleasure, his fucking mouth, outweighs the discomfort. 
he bites down on your nipple, make you help. he chuckles against you, kissing your breast before switching to the other one. sucks and sucks, before he pulls away and kisses along the supple skin. he sucks, leaves marks that would surely bruise within the hour. you look back down, watch him with his eyes squeezed shut as he marks your delicate skin. 
“need you” he mumbles. “want you.” 
he releases you, leans back to watch you move against him as he reaches down to pull his shirt over his head. and in the midst of it all, you see it. the purple bruise below his collarbone. a hickey, one you know you didn’t leave for him. its a shot to your ego, makes you uncomfortable in the moment and sucks all the fun you were just having. 
“i-“ you choke up on your words, swallow tightly as you clear your throat, “i can’t.” 
carlos pulls his shirt off, brows furrowed. “what’s wrong?” 
you pull the straps of your bra and top back onto your shoulders, reaching over for your jacket. “nothing. nothing just… i can’t. not in your car.” 
carlos watches you pull yourself together on his lap, pulling your jacket back onto your shoulders. he looks confused, stares as he tries to guess why your mood has suddenly shifted. you look back up at him, the stupid thing on his chest staring right back at you. you smile thinly, lips pressed together tightly. 
“well can i come up?” 
you shake your head, “early morning. but next time… i’ll ah… i’ll make it up to you.” 
against better judgement, against the voices screaming in your head to run, you lean down to press a soft kiss against his lips. you try to leave things open, to give him a bit of relief that everything was okay even if it really isn’t. and maybe even to as a way to ensure that you could still return to him when your feelings are no longer hurt. 
how fucking pathetic. 
carlos holds onto the back of your head to kiss you for a moment longer than you intend. then he releases  you. “let me just drive you.” 
“it’s fine. i cant walk, it isn’t far.” 
“i’m not gonna let you walk alone at almost 3AM. if you won’t let me drive you, then i’ll walk with you.” 
you sigh, nodding as you breathe a reluctant okay fine. you open the driver door, climbing off his lap and out of the car. cold air kisses your warm skin as you stand there, waiting for carlos to climb out of the car. you both walk the short distance to front door of your complex. you hum, digging for the keys in your pocket before looking up at him.
“thank you for the ride.” 
carlos nods, reaching up to tuck a hair behind your hear. “of course… so when am i gonna see you again.” 
his phone rings before you can answer. he picks it up, and you catch a glimpse of the screen before he pulls it towards him. mindy. mindy, at three in the fucking morning. 
carlos presses on the power button, ending the call before looking back up at you. “i’ll see you tomorrow?” 
you chuckle dryly, shrugging, “busy tomorrow.” 
“okay so thursday?” 
“i dunno.” 
you laugh, shaking your head. “god, you’re insatiable.” 
he smiles, its wide. so wide you see the small dimples above his upper lip, so wide his cheeks round out and eyes squint ever so slightly. “only when it comes to you.” 
you rock on your feet. heel to toe. heel to toe. you almost forget. the girl. the hickey. mindy. he smiles, says shit like that and you almost forget that he’s not yours. 
but he isn’t that girl’s. he’s not mindy’s. he’s not anyone else’s. 
and maybe you could live with that for just a little longer before it crushes you. 
“i’ll call you.” you reassure him. stupidly reassure him. 
he nods, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your lips. “okay. text when you get in.” you nod, kissing him once more and he smiles. “goodnight mi bichito.” 
you smile, allow the flutter in your stomach to warm you up and wrap up your wounded ego. “goodnight carlos.” 
come to the house party!!
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onadarklingplain · 10 months
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okay, here's how this is going to go: i'm going to present a bunch of primary sources, and then i'm going to tell you what i think about them. obvs you're under no obligation to agree with me, and i hope you'll find the clips, etc useful regardless.
FIRST, SOME BACKGROUND: for those who need a George refresher, he grew up in Norfolk; his dad owned some kind of seed business and his mother was a hairdresser. he's the youngest of three siblings, and his brother Benjy and his sister Cara are both significantly older than him; George was born when they were 12 and 13 respectively, which is quite an age gap. obviously idk what happened there, but it's interesting! George's dad was 43 when he was born (his mother's age is unclear to me, good for her, etc) both his siblings were very successful in sports. Cara did horse shows and won the Horse of the Year show at Wembley, and Benjy was a karting world champion. Benjy wasn't able to go on and race single-seaters as he started racing too late (he started when he was 11 after trying it at a birthday party). George's dad did a bit of karting when he was younger as well, but never took it as far as his sons would. George started karting at 6 or 7 (following in Benjy's footsteps) and he would practice with his mother after school and on weekends until he was old enough to start competing. when he did start racing, he would go with his father, and he used Benjy's karting number (63, obvs). as a kid significantly younger than his siblings, you'd think that he would have been coddled more, but i think (and the evidence will show) that because of the success of his siblings, more was expected of him by his father and he had to grow up very quickly. NEXT, SOME CLIPS: because tumblr is a hellsite, and i can only upload one video per post, the clips have been combined into one and lightly compressed out of necessity. soz, i'm mad about it too.
FIGURE ONE: George on the high performance podcast talking about his family (0:00 - 4:01; posted 28 November 2022; source) i find this podcast is sooo annoying, but unfortunately George says a lot of interesting things in this interview. frankly, i don't think i need to add anything to what he says, but i will anyways. it's just like, the way that the parental relationship morphs into a professional relationship and the pressure that puts on the child. like, George only seeing his father in a racing context and not at home! and the way that shift has an ongoing effect on the relationship into adulthood. FIGURE TWO: George on the fast and the curious podcast talking about his winter break driving trip with his family (4:01-4:53; posted 27 February 2023; source) George goes out of his way here to mention that he had a bad relationship with his dad. like, it's not what the interview was about and he didn't have to say it. but he did anyways! it's not very PR63 of him, and i think you can tell that how hard his dad was on him when he was a child really stuck with him. i love that he brings up his sister being faster than his dad. good for Cara!! FIGURE THREE: George talking to the F1 juniors about seeing his father in the stands in F3 (4:53-5:23; posted 24 July 2023; source) George specifically being like, yeah, my father would PACE during races and i could see it from the car... of course many ways to read this, but to me, it comes across as his father being worried about the results and worried that George wouldn't 'achieve.' and George being aware of that pressure from him while he's driving.
FIGURE FOUR: an interview with George, aged 14, talking about his racing and his brother's karting success & an interview with George's mum discussing the family's involvement in his and his siblings' careers (5:23 - 8:20; interview from 2012, posted 8 November 2018; source) little George looks so so serious in this interview, and so determined... i could cry. crazy to think that this child had already left school and was starting to do sim days with F1 teams. when George was 14, his father also sold his business, presumably to devote the time and money to George's career. like, the pressure!! and the way he talks about the mistake that he made! like it didn't affect his overall result, but he's still not going to let the interviewer make him feel better about it. that is definitely not a child who's playing football with his mates during break. and sooo interesting hearing his mum talk about the financial pressures increasing as George aged, and about how it was for George growing up with two very successful siblings. really recommend watching the whole thing, as it also features Benjy and it's interesting to hear from him as well. i think it's such a key detail that his mum was his mechanic until he got 'serious', when his dad's attention switched to him from Benjy, who couldn't go any farther in karting. and the way that George would have seen the pressure Benjy was under, and how it would have been two-fold for him, because he was the only one left who could make a proper go of it and who could make all of the family's efforts worthwhile.
TEXT INTERVIEWS: FIGURE FIVE: THE TIMES INTERVIEW (source) in April 2023, the very bad UK publication, The Times, published a joint interview with George and his dad. it's a very rich text. It's behind a paywall at the link above, but you can find the full thing on tumblr. i've pulled out some of the bits that interest me below. THE QUOTES FROM GEORGE:
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this really just recaps what George talks about on the High Performance Podcast (see fig.1). how he and his dad didn't really have a parental relationship, and how he felt the pressure of needing to succeed as a child, in order to make his father happy and therefore have a happy home life. i need to type these parts out because it bears re-emphasising: "Dad has always been hard on the ones he loves.... that was difficult to deal with." "Dad is a strong character but he's..... friendlier now." that's honestly just so sad. and then the quote about the flights.... literally why? i feel like it's kind of infantilising in a way, not letting your adult child support you when they can? like, it's not letting him have an equal relationship with his parent as an adult and is making him stay in the child role in the family. even though he didn't really get to be a child in the first place!! i'm going to stop myself there, for my sanity. THE QUOTES FROM GEORGE'S DAD:
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so the George's dad section literally starts with a neg. it's the most annoying thing i've ever read. and then he goes on to say that he won't let George get an ego in a national newspaper? for what? and the driving instructor story.... why would you say this about your child in a newspaper. it does not come across well to me!! it's like his father is trying to embarrass him, frankly. ADDITIONAL ANECDOTE:
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okay i know there are multiple ways to read this. it could just be supportive or whatever. but given the evidence already considered and the fact that his dad is known to critique him.... i'm going to choose to take this in bad faith and say that, to me, this screams that his dad is rewatching highlights to find places where George made mistakes. FIGURE SIX: BONUS HEARSAY - MARTIN KODRIC (source) as per some rando reddit user
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Martin Kodrić is a Croatian driver who karted with George in 2012. he's said some things about the drivers in years past which are, i'm told, of dubious veracity. however his comment about George's dad confirms my priors, so i'm including it here. also, what reason would he have to go after George's dad out of the blue like this if it wasn't true?? years later?? absolutely none whatsoever. he's not getting clout from saying this. therefore i think it's true, good night. THE CONCLUSION: i think a lot of the things George talks about are quite common for people who are put into professional roles as children (child actors, athletes, etc). it wouldn't surprise me to learn that most of the guys on the grid have had similar experiences. but i also think the way George has started speaking about it is really interesting, as i think he's someone who is very aware of perception and how things come across. the way he talks about his difficult relationship with his dad also feels very thought out to me, and i feel like it's really come about after he started talking more about mental health issues. which honestly, great for him! tumblr will crash if i try to put anything else into this post right now, and i need to stop thinking about this for my sanity, but if you have extra info that i missed, i'd love it if you let me know ETA 27/07/2023: additional information from a helpful anon! FIGURE SEVEN: EXTRA BONUS HEARSAY (source)
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as per lovely anon, this is a comment on a post from George's facebook in 2020 with his dad. from my surface level googling, the man who commented to have involved in British karting during the time George would have been karting. obviously take this with a grain of salt! who knows what this guy's motive was in commenting on Facebook. commenting on Facebook is always to be viewed with skepticism! still, it does seem consistent with what George has said about his karting days, so i think it's verifiable enough to include here.
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adventuringblind · 11 months
If you’re still taking requests, can you please write a wolff!reader x charles leclerc fic? And they’re secretly engaged and in love and toto finds out and he doesn’t want them together and tries to break them up. Maybe they break up for toto and then he sees how sad they are w/o each other and how happy they were together? Angst to fluff and happy ending please 😭💕💕 Tysmmm i love your work sm
Romeo and Juliet
Charles Leclerc X Wolff!Reader
Genre: ANGST lots of it but a happy fluffy ending
Request: yes, and forbidden love? Yes please! Sorry if this is darker then you were thinking… I got a little carried away 😅. I am open for requests! Mainly for Max, Charles, Oscar, Lando, Daniel, and George.
Summary: Reader and Charles are in love. Unfortunately for them, Toto is determined to keep them apart.
Warnings: Angry Toto, sad reader, Charles trying to problem solve. MENTIONS OF SH but not description of it, MENTIONS OF SUICIDAL IDEATION but again nothing descriptive, bullying and toxic media.
Notes: written in third person. Please like, comment, and reblog. I like to hear from y'all. It makes me feel like a celebrity 🥹.
Also, I've sent up my account to let tips be enabled. I was debating whether or not to say this because i dont want to sound like im begging, but frankly, people opinions do not matter me me. If you like my writing and want to support me, please consider tipping my posts or my blog. I put a lot of effort into my writing, and it would mean the world to me. Obviously, I won't have my feelings hurt if you ignor this, but I wanted to put it out there.
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She’d never been quite sure how it happened. How she managed to find her soulmate. The two are meant for each other. The only downside is that she is living a Romeo and Juliet parody.
Being a Wolff meant spending majority of her time around the race track or at the factory. From the time she was little, she was following her dad around.
Toto never had any hard and fast rules regarding being friends with people from other teams. He couldn’t stop her from being friends with those she spent majority of her time around. He did, however, have rules about dating. Mainly not to date a driver and if she was then he would allow a Mercedes driver.
So her options were Lewis and George. She liked both, but not in any romantic way. They are her brothers. She annoys them and them tease her and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Her and Charles had been friends since he first started with AlfaRomeo. The two clicked instantly and talked constantly. She was the first person he looked for after a good race or a bad one. He was her everything and she was his.
Four years later they started dating. Secretly, of course, because she didn’t want her dad smashing anymore headphones. They made it work and were willing to do what it took.
It helped that she already lived in Monaco since that’s where majority of her friends lived. It made sense why they would ‘run into each other’ so often since they live in a small place.
George found out by accident right before a race. He’d found her phone in the ground. It had fallen out of her pocket and she’d not noticed. When she had noted it’s disappearance, she tried to locate it by calling it with Charles phone.
George took one look at the caller ID and knew. The less then friendly contact name, mix of heart emoji’s, and Charles contact photo gave it away. He answered anyways. If Charles knew where she was then at least he could give her phone back.
“Hello, this is George.” He only got silence in return. “Hello…?”
“Please tell me you didn’t see the called name.” Came her voice from the other end. The desperation in your voice making him chuckle. He was never going to let her live this down.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Now can you please come get your phone.”
The two lovebirds were able to make more things work after. Being able to have George cover form them helped immensely. Dates became more frequent. Places they wouldn’t normally go were suddenly a possibility.
Lewis caught on eventually. He saw right past the sheepish smiles of George and Y/N. While she was sneaking back in the garage through George’s driver room.
Between George and Lewis the teasing only escalated, but the two of them were the best possible wingmen she could have asked for. They managed to distract her father away when she was cutting things close.
It didn’t last forever though. The ending of Romeo and Juliet isn’t a happy one.
Someone had managed to take a picture of them kissing. It was a cute picture. Charles kissing her on what was supposed to be a private beach during the sunset. A picture that she woke up to circling the medial faster that the cars on race day.
Charles woke up to her rapid breathing. Her phone lighting up the dark room with constant notifications. Charles wrapped his arms around her. “It’s alright amour. We’ll figure this out on day at a time.
Things were weird after that. She clung to Charles as she was ripped to shred by the media, the fans, and her father.
She was being called a traitor to her fathers team. Her father had labeled her disrespectful. It was an utter nightmare.
The two Mercedes boys stood protectively behind her. Toto’s voice getting louder by the second. She was still sitting in the chair opposite his. Her eyes downcast to the lightly colored desk.
“I don’t understand why you chose him. A rival team! How do I know your not telling him everything about our operations?” Toto’s voice was laced with venom. This arms waving around to exaggerate his point.
“Because I love him. And I would never do that to you.” She wanted to stay strong, but the tears were threatening to spill over.
“I don’t want to see you back here until you two are broken up.” He turned his back to her.
She quickly exited, George following close behind her. Lewis remained in the office.
“I think you’re being too hard on her.” Lewis pointed out. Still leaning in the wall close to the door. His arms crossed over his chest, staring at the team principal he holds immense respect for.
“Aren’t you concerned at all?”
“No, she loves her family to much to do anything like that.” Then he left. Finding the girl he considered his sister clinging to George’s shirt.
Both of them had seen the comments. Both had been asked about it during interviews. Both had told their fans to leave her alone. It hurt both of them to see how people were treating her. The names they felt no remorse for spewing. It made them sick.
Charles’ fans were not any better. He hated seeing them tell her nasty things. Spreading rumors they knew nothing about.
He’d tried reassuring her constantly that she is his everything, but he knew she was losing her family. The last thing he wanted to happen. He wanted to protect her from this. Guilt wracking his body because he felt powerless to do anything.
When he found her that day, sobs wracking her body as she went to find him, he knew how he could help her. The last option either of them wanted.
“I love you so much.” He said, cupping her cheek gently, letting the tears roll down his cheeks and attempting to wipe away hers. “But I don’t want you to lose your family because of me.”
Charles called George that day to tell him want he was going to do. George having understood his actions and promised to be there for her. So when the broken girl showed up at his house that night, eyes red and puffy, he’d already been ready for her. Carmen making sure that she had extra clothes for her in case she ended up staying awhile.
Charles’ next stop was to see Toto. The older man hardly sparing him a glance as he walked into the office. “I’m sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you.” He started. Toto still faced the wall, refusing to look at him. Something Charles was grateful for. “Me and your daughter have parted ways. So, I’ll hope you’ll allow her to stay with her family. Neither of us wanted things to happen this way. But I’d rather lose her then watch her lose everything she’s grown up with and worked for.”
Charles waited a moment to see if he’d get a response before turning around and ducking out of the office.
He stayed with Pierre that night. Broken and defeated. His heart heavy with the sadness and longing to be with the woman he loved so dearly.
The media didn’t stop though. The news around them still trending. People still feeling the need to voice their disgusting comments.
Toto had tried to connect with his daughter, but received no response. In fact, nobody had. She hadn’t been to a race in months. Both George and Lewis had tried calling and texting her only to receive nothing in return. She hadn’t even read their messages.
Charles was hurting as well. He didn’t want to cause her anymore pain. So he distanced himself from everything that related to her. Carlos and Pierre had been watching his behavior. His head clearly not in a good place mentally. They were running out of ideas in how to help him.
Lewis was the one who caved first. He’d given her enough space, now it was time to invade it. He dragged George with him to her apartment in Monaco one morning. Determined to see proof that she was at least breathing.
When they got no answer, they searched for the spare key. The one she hid in the light above her front door. Relief flooding them both as George managed to locate it.
When they finally got the door open, they were greeted with the dark apartment. It looked like no one lived there. The fridge was empty and the cupboards almost mirrored it, aside from the open box of your favorite cereal.
There was broken glass along the counters and floor. Pictures had been taken off the walls. A few empty bottles of alcohol lay strewn along flat surfaces.
The woman they’d been looking for was wrapped in a blanket on the couch. Her chest slowly rising and falling.
George went to gently try and pull her from her sleep without scaring her.
Lewis on the other hand, went to investigate the rest of the rooms. Terrified at what he’d discovered.
He lightly jogged back to George, who didn’t want to pull her from her peaceful slumber, and tapped his shoulder. Motioning for the younger Brit to follow him.
Their first stop was the bedroom. Everything that reminded her of Charles had been stripped away. leaving only the mattress in the center of the room. The long mirror hanging next to the closet had been shattered. The glass that had fallen out of it scattered around the base word they’d seen people calling her written in thick black marker now divided by cracks.
Next, Lewis led them to the bathroom. The sight of it making George want to vomit. The bathroom mirror had also been cracked. Towels stained red line the countertop. Pills litter the bathroom floor. And the knife she’d been gifted by her father for her 18th birthday lay on the edge of the sink. 
Who is obviously what had happened here recently.
George who was struggling to look at the scene went back to trying to coax the woman, his sister, out of her slumber. Lewis making an attempt to at lease get the area safe. Their hearts hurt for her. They knew she was hurting but neither knew it had gotten so bad.
Charles was her soulmate. Both her and Charles knew it. They had envisioned their life together. A life that she saw every time she closed her eyes.
She tried to separate herself from his memory. Tried to distract herself. But she couldn’t get her mind away from him. How he made her smile. How he listened even to the pettiest things she complained about. She wanted that back.
If her family didn’t want her for it and Charles couldn’t stand to see her hurting, then she would get back there on her own.
If their story was like Romeo and Juliet’s, why shouldn’t it end in tragedy as well?
But their story keeps going. Because they are meant for each other. So they will find away even if they don’t know it yet.
The gentle touches of Charles ghosted over her bare arms. Her mind trying to hold into the feeling even if he wasn’t here.
She cracked her eyes open to the dark room. Her body revolting as she tries to sit up. Her dehydration finally getting to her. Her head pounding from last night events.
She’s had a few episodes like this and knows she needs to get help. She doesn’t know where to start though.
She hadn’t really eaten much the last sixth months. Even food reminded her of him. How was she ever going to move in at this rate?
Then she noticed the sounds of breathing beside her. The familiar face of George greeting her, though his eyes are sad.
She immediately sits up. The horrible scene that is her apartment now clearly seen by one of the last people she wanted to know she’d sunk this far.
“George?” Her voice merely a quiet rasp.
“It’s okay now, we’re gonna help you. Okay?” His voice cracked. The male is clear distress.
Lewis came around the corner upon hearing voices. Relieved that she’d woken up. “I think we need to talk.”
Charles hadn’t been staying at his apartment. He knew he wasn’t in a good place mentally, so he went back home. His mother welcomed him with open arms, sad to hear the news of the two splitting.
He’d talked to Lewis and George about her during race weekends. Their lack of knowledge causing his concern to grow more with each passing week.
He’d tried for sixth months to force himself to move on but he knew it was in vain. She was made for him and he belonged to her. How was he supposed to move on from that?
Pascale had struggled watching her middle child. He struggled to eat, struggled to sleep, to the point it was affecting his performance.
“You should talk to her.” She suggested.
“I’ll only hurt her more.”
“I’ve been looking in social media for her. The things people are saying is terrible.” She sighs, the situation itself only getting worse. “She needs you.”
Toto knew he messed up. As soon as he’d made her choose, he knew. Only to have it confirmed when he heard the waver in Charles voice. When he didn’t see his daughter for moths. As he watched Charles performance fall.
He’d tried to contact her. Susie had encouraged him to call her the night everything happened. He’d received no response for sixth months. He’d asked Lewis about her only to be met with his sigh and sad eyes.
It’s like she disappeared from the planet. Everyone worried about her. But they collectively decided that maybe she needed space.
He knew she and Charles were happy together. He’d seen how big her smile was when she was with him. Even when he thought they were just friends. The two of them had been contagiously happy.
The next race came around quickly. At least for Charles that’s how it felt as he strode to the Mercedes paddock.
He spotted Lewis and George and weaved his way towards them. Everyone trying to get one roared for the weekend. Exactly what he should be doing.
“Charles! Listen mate-“ George had started. But Charles cut him off with the urgent need to speak with Toto before he could get in his head. “I need Toto. I need to see her again.” He was ready to break.
“He’s in his office.”
Charles didn’t waist any time making his way there. The older man a bit startled at the sudden appearance. “I love your daughter. I am begging you to not make her choose.” He was pleading but he didn’t care.
“I’m sorry.” Toto looked pained. Charles is taken off guard by it. His reaction the last thing the monegasque was expecting. “I should have never made her choose. She was happy with you. So when you go get her back, tell her I’m sorry and that I want her to come home.”
Charles fumbled around with his words. Gesturing wildly with his hands but for some reason his voice was stuck in his throat. Eventually he just nodded his head, attempting to get across his thanks.
Lewis and George were still talking. So he did the only logical thing and tackled then both in a hug. “I need to know where she is. He’s not going to make her choose.” The smile on his face so big it might fall off. “Please tell me where she’s been staying.”
Lewis and George shared a look. One that didn’t go unnoticed. “We need to talk.”
They’d told him about her state. About what she’d been going through. How they found her that morning, alone and so far into her head they didn’t know if she was going to come out.
His heart shattered listening to them. The two were connected deeper then anything he could’ve imagined. He’s upset that he didn’t get the courage to fight for her sooner.
She’d been spending her time since they found her with either if the boys. Neither wanted to leave her alone after that. So they made sure she wasn’t alone after that.
Her apartment was still mildly wrecked but they weren’t worried about it. They just wanted to get her out of her head.
Now he had a chance. They had brought her with them. She didn’t want to come to the track so she was back at the hotel. Tucked away from the world.
Now Charles was speeding to her location. Lewis’ key card in hand. Determination filling his veins. He needed to see her, desperately. His heart ached the last six months. He didn’t want to never see her again. Charles loved her with his entire being.
The trip was a blur for him. Not even realizing he was at the door until he had no more steps left to take.
He decided to knock first. He wanted to be respectful. He’d use the key as his last resort.
He got nervous when the handle turned. What was he going to say? He didn’t have time to think about it as the door swung open. Revealing the love of his life. Still as beautiful as when he last saw her. Though his heart dropped at the sight.
Bags under eyes, her body smaller then he remembered. Then there was the white bandages running up her arms. She was wearing a tank top and sweats, obviously not expecting him to show up.
They stared at each other for a moment. Then the tears started. She was in his arms in a second. Clutching him like he would disappear if she let go.
He breathed her in. “I’m here, I got you, and I’m never letting you go again.”
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can i request some platonic headcanons about the whole band? so the reader is a part of the band, but the media has been sexualing her so much to the point that she wants to leave the band. How would the boys react?
(Hello! Sure I can, sorry if this sucks but I tried lmao! Enjoy!)
Media Sucks
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So, let's get this, even if the band may seem like assholes at times or you guys may argue
You guys care about each other no matter what
You have to, especially because of how long you guys have been together and all you've done together
You all love being in the band
Tom annoys you, Bills the mother of the group, Gustavs the annoying yet caring brother, and Georg is the one to annoy you but also be loveable at the same time
So to see you wanting to leave the band made them sad
Especially because of how the media was treating you
You didn't do much except live a teenage girl's life
You may flirt with fans on occasion, get spotted with a boy or even had a boyfriend
But somehow the media always found a way to sexualize you
Especially because you're the only girl of the band
Tom hated seeing how they treated you, especially seeing how down you got because of it
Bill tries his best to comfort you, telling you to ignore them
Gustav is there for you when you need to talk, constantly keeping you away from tabloids and interviewers who ask questions like that about you
Georg gets pissed at times, especially when interviewers ask questions doing that shit to you
You guys can't tell them to shut up or anything like that
You did once and was scolded by your manager
The band hates seeing this go on
They understand you want to leave and why
But they try their best to get you to stay
The band wouldn't be the same without you
Georg once went pissed off because of the questions about you online, putting a literal teenage girl like that in a photoshoot because your the only girl
The media painted you as some sort of sexualized object and they hated that
When they bring it up they see how you get sad
So they do what they can, if it's in interviews, they ask if you're okay quietly and ignore the interviewer
If it's paparazzi, they push the cameras and mics away and help you get out of here
If it's online, they keep spamming reporting it to get it taken down or have your manager contact the article writers or the tabloids to get them to take it down
They understand you're tired of it all
They feel so bad they can't do more when they see you stress over it and become exhausted
You're like their sister, they hate seeing you upset about this
One point it got so bad with your manager doing nothing that you all refused to work until they put a statement out or legit anything
They didn't go to signings, concerts or anything to help and support you
They all took a small "break"
It was really a little strike thing where you guys snuck off for a while and did what you want
They try their best to help you, making sure you're okay and if you want to leave the band still, they understand
They just hope they can find out a way to stop it all, wishing they could
You want a break? They'll let you have it
But they're gonna take it with you until you're ready
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
I love your writing soo much it hurts. 🥲
Can you please write like a 2000s bill smut or fluff ( whatever you feel comfortable with), where they build a pillows and blankets fort together and they end up falling asleep cuddled. And the rest of the band takes photos and mocks them the next day.
At this point I need fics to breathe. Thanks ✌
Thank you so much beautiful<3
This is such a cute idea! Im gonna do fluff for the people that dont like smut, cuz i feel like i dont post a lot of only fluff fics!
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Bill Kaulitz x reader
Warnings: friends to loverssss🤭, nothing else really just a lot of cute stuff
When Bill had invited you to come over, you didn’t think this is what you guys would end up doing. You’re currently helping Bill set up a massive blanket fort in his living room. He originally invited you over to watch a movie, but after you arrived he decided that he wanted to make it more fun by making a fort. Even though you didn’t expect it, you were having so much fun hanging out alone with him. After you guys finished setting up the fort, Bill let you pick out a movie and you laid next to each other to watch it.
“This is fun. We should hangout alone more often. I feel like we only ever spend time with the band, I like having this type of one on one time together.” Bills attention left the tv screen to look over at you as you started talking. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with them too but you know…”
“I know. I like this too. I’ve actually been trying to hangout with you alone for a while now, but uhh things never really go as planned…” he trailed off, his eyes moving down to break your intense eye contact. He awkwardly shifted for a minute before turning to fully face you. His head still laid on the pillow, but now he was looking at you. “Um..I actually invited you here to tell you something. Its kinda important to me…” you turned to face him too. Now you were only a few inches away from one another, you could practically feel his uneven breath hitting you.
“Whats up? You seem nervous. You know I won’t judge you, Bill.” Your hand comes up to hold his hand comfortingly. He takes a shaky breath in and stares into your eyes,
“Y/n, I really like you. And not as a friend. I wanna be your boyfriend so bad. Not a day goes by where I don’t dream about being with you.” Your eyes go wide, inhaling sharply.
“Bill..I like you too. I was literally going to tell you tonight.” He looks at you with a blank expression for a moment before giggling loudly. His adorable laugh made you giggle too. Once you two calm down a little he starts talking again,
“Oh my god I was so nervous! I can’t believe I was so stressed for nothing!” He laughs softly, leaning closer to you. You smile and shake your head, just happy that you don’t have to hide your feelings anymore. “Can I…can I kiss you?” You nod eagerly as his hands cup your face gently. He slowly leans in, placing a experimental kiss on your lips. Once you both relax a bit, the kiss turns passionate and intimate. He pulls away and gives one last peck on your lips before tucking his head underneath yours and holding your waist tightly. Before you knew it, both of you fell asleep in each others arms.
You woke up the next morning to hearing some snickers and giggles. Sitting up slightly, you groggily rubbed your eyes and looked around the room. When your eyes finally focused you realized what was happening. Bill was curled up against your side with his head laying on your shoulder. His hair was messy and he was drooling a little. The rest of the band was standing above you guys, taking pictures and laughing. Bill stirred and sat up, groaning at his brothers loud laughter.
“What are you guys doing here? You’re so annoying!” Bill grumbles, swatting away the camera that Gustav had shoved in his face.
“What are we doing here?” Tom exclaimed, “What are you guys doing here? We’re not the ones all cuddled up and being all lovey-dovey!” Georg and Gustav bursted into another fit of giggles, looking at the pictures they had took of you.
“Hey! You better delete those! I did not agree to have my picture taken, especially while I’m sleeping!” Bill jumped up and started to chase Georg around, trying to retrieve his camera. You giggled a little and laid back down.
“Its too damn early for this. Fuck you guys I’m going back to sleep.”
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retnym · 1 year
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"Your dirty jokes just had to be heard?"
“Hurry!” A scream came from one of the singers in the house, his hair freshly done as he ran into the living room putting on a jacket. His heart was pounding as he and our friends were about to run late to a big live interview. The bassist and drummer already sat in the vehicle waiting for the twins and me who had come over to the house in the morning to do my makeup with Bill but even myself woke up a tad bit later than I Should've.
“It’s okay, Bill.” I walk calmly into the room, wiping my wet hands onto my mini skirt then rolling down these black long sleeves. “We need to go, we literally have 25 minutes to get to the building that’s 26 minutes away!” His voice cracks, he went to go get his brother but he was already joining the two, tiredly yawning. 
Unlike the others he had just thrown something on and put his hair into his usual style.
 “Alright, let’s go, let’s go!” I wind my hand up then pointing out the door. Bill was out the door faster than light itself as Tom took his time a little bit more due to his huge pants that wouldn’t exactly let him run in. 
Of course I had to sit in the middle of the twins. Being smushed together I leaned more onto Bill, his arm slightly around my shoulders to give more room in the back seat. “Sorry Georg!” I apologize for our un-togetherness. He just shakes his head, motioning that it was okay before he speeds down the road for the singer’s sake. 
As we sat in the car with the radio on low, Bill and I took pictures on his phone trying to pass the time as Gustav took a little nap, Georg sat quietly as he focused on the road and Tom sometimes talked to Bill about how the interview was going to go. We haven’t exactly spoken since yesterday, which was completely okay. I would rather have the silence than hear his annoying voice. 
Today will be our first sit down, live interview together. It’s more of a day show like America’s Ellen Degenerous show or like the night shows as well. 
Just German.
Well this will be played on my Youtube channel so I’m going to put captions on it so that others will get our huge announcement as well from this video. But since not a lot of people that speak English will want to see it I’ve had the boys make a video with me to post for the U.K. or the U.S. 
Actually getting to the building is what brought all of our nerves to the roof. Even Tom who was freaking out with Georg. They were being pretty dramatic as they pretended to cry together. Once we parked in the back like we were told, security all ran our way and someone took the keys from Georg to move the car somewhere else while we were inside. Security stood by us as we entered the building.
 Fans somehow found the backway entry and were shouting our names as we passed by screaming for us to give them attention. Sadly we couldn’t acknowledge them.
It almost felt exhilarating to be put in this situation. The running and being hid by screaming people who would just love to put their hands on you in any way they could. Little creepy now that I put it into words. 
We were escorted to an area to be mic’d up. This girl has to put it in areas that won’t be incredibly noticeable. Looking around at the boys as Tom was getting his done lastly, his eyes were on the girls boobs since she was slightly bent over. Scrunching my nose in disgust I look away.
Turning to Gustav I dramatically grabbed his shoulders. “You ready?” Shaking him back and forth he finally put his hands on mine to stop me. “Are you?” He laughs.
I nod like a crazy woman, pulling him into a hug. “I’m a tiny bit nervous.” I chuckle. “I can tell.” 
“Time to get into place.” Bill snaps us out of it and we let go of each other moving to the curtains of the screen. Bill gripped onto my hand and the host called out our names. Well more, “Ladies and Gentles I have the wonderful [Name] [Last Name] with Tokio Hotel!” 
As we joined him near the couches he stood up, greeting us one by one. “Hello, hello!” He shook my hand tightly. 
“Hi, an honor!” I smile and he winks back in response, slightly catching me off guard earning a confused look for a split second.
As we sat down, I was placed nearest to the host, Bill next to and so on. 
The beginning of it all was very cliche, it was the normal stuff we usually get coming to these types of things only this time we got to do it together. 
The questions get a little morbid, asking about our personal life but having to go with it we will change it up in the best way we can to not give out that sentimental information. 
We’re only 18. Some of us being 17 still. 
“So, [Name] you’re starting your tour soon aren’t you?” He places the attention onto me, my face turning warmmer by the second. “Yeah, I am.” I smile, mentally wanting to beat myself up due to the fact that I’ve been stuttering ever so lightly but still being a tad bit noticeable. “Aren’t you going to miss these four boys?” He jokes with me and we all snicker at the thought.
“Well, I won’t have to miss them.” 
“What do you mean?” He tilts his head, not getting what I was laying down.
“She means, Tokio Hotel is joining her World Tour!” Bill shouts mainly for the audience. Everyone gasping at first then roaring into cheers.
Obviously I don’t think that was very expected.
We waited for the audience to calm down and then we continued with the questions. Now changing what he was saying to things about the tour. Were the prices changing? Anything like that. Obviously nothing will be changing except for the fact that the boys will be joining with me. 
Starting in Germany then going around Europe then to the United States of America. Other countries too but that’s later on and their tickets haven’t gone on sale yet. 
Now people in the crowd get to ask their questions. It was mainly to Tom as usual when we’re all together.
“This one’s for Tom and [Name],” A younger teenage girl speaks up as the guy with the microphone holds onto it. “Go ahead.” I smile sweetly to her and Tom nods her way. She looked like she was going to faint at any moment but still held strong.
“How come whenever you guys are seen in public you never go near each other?” 
The group starts laughing quietly, Bill sneakily takes my pinkie with his and squeezes it. I take a deep breath trying not to laugh myself at this godawful question.
“There really isn’t a reason. I guess that’s just what’s seen in public.” I play it off, I thought it was pretty smooth but knowing Tom he was about to do something to mess it up or change it to his liking.
“She really just can’t handle all the heat that comes with being near me.” Like I said, there he goes. He corrected me in a smart way. Everyone started laughing, even the host so my only option was to force it out of me as well, quietly adding in a “He wishes” but it was sadly louder than I wanted because of the microphone thats connected to my shirt. 
I only noticed that because of the “Ohh’s” heard around the crowd. “ I don’t have to wish, it’s my reality.” He smirks.
“Oh you’re right, guys he’s just too hot to handle!” I sarcastically squeal, covering my face to act like I was blushing. He plays along, pointing at me going “See!” 
Luckily the interview moved on from that horrible conversation and it all went smoothly. 
Once it ended and we took off our mic’s we were out the door faster than we could imagine.
Shoving Tom out of my way, I got to the passenger side and sat in the front with Georg, unfortunately having to kick Gustav to the back. He’ll be okay though. 
As Georg started driving, he took the back roads to not have any fans following us out of the area. We all talked about everything and how good it was that we finally had the information about the tour out. All of us complimenting each other on how it went. 
“It went pretty amazing, well except the fact that [Name] kept stuttering like she was in love with our host.” Tom mutters the last part but my head snaps his way and I glare at him. “Like you can talk? Googling over every girl who came up to the mic.” I furrowed my brows. “And barely anyone could hear you, having to repeatedly be told to speak up.” I add in.
“That must’ve been your imagination because I was heard pretty well for what needed to be heard.” He comes closer to my face, I adjust myself to actually look at him. “You think so?” 
He rolls his eyes, getting even closer to the point where our noses were almost touching. “Your dirty jokes just had to be heard?” I quiz him. Georg tapped my thigh, trying to get me to calm down and end it. And due to his delay of a response I thought he was just going to end it and stop talking. Boy was I wrong. 
“Yeah to get desperate girls like you to know they could only be a quick fuck.” He whispered into my ear, only for me to hear. He finally leans back but without even thinking on my part I unbuckle my seat and get inbetween the seats to hit him right in the jaw. Probably hurting myself more than him. The boys all shouted and Georg quickly pulled over, grabbing my waist and shoving me back into the seat. My breathing turned ragged. 
“You’re a dick Tom.” I step out of the car, slamming it behind me. 
As I had gotten a little bit away I held onto my fist and cursed underneath my breath. Hearing a car door open then shut, and fast footsteps heading my way I thought it was Bill coming to check up on me. 
“Seriously? You hit me then run off?” 
Nevermind, I am really bad at this guessing game.
“Why did you come out Tom?” I immediately stop.
He just laughs, looking down at my fist in the palm of my other hand and I move to cross my arms and hide it but still putting pressure on my newest injury caused by Tom’s jaw.
“Can’t believe you actually hit me.” 
“Want me to do it again?” 
“Just calm down, get in the car for their sake. You’re really going to let something I said bother you?” He shames me, he’s really about to shame me? 
“Just leave me be, okay? I’m gonna have Johanna come get me.” I shove him away from me, then grabbing my phone out of my tiny pocket in my mini skirt.
Turning away I heard the doors of a car once again and then the wheels on gravel move closer to me. “[Name], get in the car!” Bill shouts my way but I just shake my head. “I’m calling, Johanna. Just leave without me. I’ll call you when I get home.” I smile sadly, Bill just nods telling Georg to just go but he hesitates at first. Only to get told to go once more.
“He is the most infuriating person on this planet, Jo!” I cried out and she just laughs in response. I threw my head back onto my couch as my cat laid in my lap, shimmying to get comfortable.
My best friend was across from me with her legs laid out.
“I can’t believe you actually punched him.” She giggles mainly to herself. 
“Dude, it felt like an actual out of body experience, I didn’t feel like me.” I rub my face, careful of the piercings on it. 
“What did he even say to make you react that way?” 
Sitting for a moment in silence as I thought about it; 
“Yeah to get desperate girls like you to know they could only be a quick fuck.”
Scrunching my nose in disgust I shake my head. “Doesn’t matter, just know it made me mad enough to punch him.” I sigh.
Tightening my fist I flinch with the feeling of the ice joining back in with the pain. 
“I still wonder.” She frowns.
CHAPTER TWO BABY!!!! Very surprised I got this done so fast after work. I'm pretty proud of this chapter. The next chapter will be tomorrow:) (Hopefully, if not it will be the next day)
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stardustloserdoll · 7 months
Omg imagine being the girl kaulitz triplet who’s like a guitarist in the band as well >_<
this is such a good one 🤭
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kaulitz triplets
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growing up with them was so fun, yes they were a little bit annoying but you loved your brothers
once tom learned how to play guitar he taught you how to play since he knew you always wanted to learn how to
when you do your solos they are so proud of you and have big smiles on their faces
when you guys were younger, for your birthday. tom and bill saved up money to buy you the guitar you wanted🙁
they have a such a soft side for you and always support you in anything and are always there for you
gustav loves baking cakes for you when it’s your birthday and he makes it all nice and pretty for you. but makes bills and toms ugly😭
you guys got into a lot of trouble in school and you got suspended a looott
before you met gustav and georg you guys had your own little band
you guys usually just played in the garage and made up random songs just practicing
you guys decided you needed something else for the band and that’s when you met georg and gustav thus becoming devilish!
you all got along so well and became best friends fast, later on becoming.. tokio hotel!
you and tom took the best selfies together
you and tom would fight with each other a lot though
people love when you do your guitar solos
you’re a fashion icon too everyone loves your outfits
before every show the three of you do this handshake that you guys have always done since you were kids and it’s kinda like a good luck charm and to cure the nerves
expect them to always be teasing and bothering you especially if you have a crush
bill is more kind to you than tom and teases you less
you and bill usually work together to write songs and are usually up late practicing the songs
you and georg are always messing around with tom and always annoying him
you and tom would have a contest to see who can eat the most and you both end up losing because you guys get tummy aches and throw up 😭
y’all smoke weed together but tom smokes it all
going on vacation with them is so fun too
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desideriumwriter · 9 months
Anyone Else But You | Chapter 1 | F.W
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Chapter Summary - The introduction to all the reasons why reader despises the Weasley twins, especially Fred Weasley.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, slowburn
Content Warnings - animal abuse? (fred & george feed a firework to a salamander.) 
Word Count - 1.5k
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Next Chap | Navigation | 
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There’s no one who irritates you more than the Weasley Twins. 
They’re loud, immature, unreliable, clumsy, arrogant, touchy, careless, childish, stubborn, just genuinely stupid. It’s as if everything you hated had been mixed together and formed into two tall, redheaded, teenage boys. 
Ever since you started your first year with them, it’s felt as if they’re the most agitating people in the world. Now you're all in your fifth year, and they’ve only gotten worse since then. 
It’s bad enough that you got put in the same house as them, you also somehow got multiple classes with them every year, and that your parents were friends with their parents. But, what added fuel to the fire was that they knew you didn’t like them, that you found them annoying and unfunny, and that only made them pester you more.
Yet it was surprising you were able to make friends with their younger brother, Ron. He didn’t care about your hatred for the twins, he agreed sometimes on how they would take their “pranks” too far, especially with him. He spilled to you about the plenty of times they used his phobias against him, when Fred turned his teddy bear into a spider when he was younger, they practically fueled his fear of spiders, or when both of the twins tried to get him to make an unbreakable vow when he was only five.
Ron also told you about how they tormented his other siblings as well.
George once admitted (proudly) that he and Fred attempted to shove Percy into a tomb while on a trip to Egypt, however, their mum caught them in the act, and they put beetles in his soup. They let off a dungbomb under their elderly aunt's chair on Christmas day. Even though you heard about their elderly aunt being unpleasant and unsympathetic, it’s risky to scare a 107-year-old with something explosive.
They would mess with their older brother Charlie, who studies and takes care of dragons now, by hiding his books about dragons or pretending that they accidentally destroyed them.
The twins seemed the most lax with Ginny, you didn’t hear about too many mean pranks being pulled on her. They would scare her by jumping up behind her with creepy masks on or steal all her food off her plate when she wasn’t looking. She was probably the favorite sibling to them.
There were so many more events that gave you more reasons to hate them.
In their first year, they set off a dungbomb in one of the corridors, the smell wouldn’t go away for days, it lingered through the air and anyone even remotely close would unwillingly get the strong, foul, disgusting smell of it in their nostrils, also if you walked through the gas, the smell would stick to you. 
They fed a firework to a salamander, they wanted to ‘see what would happen’. You accidentally and unwillingly witnessed it, making the mistake of choosing to study at the lake that day.
They’ve hidden and messed up Percy’s Head Boy badge, they nearly made their poor brother cry because of it.
At the end of Second year, they set off the last of their Filibuster Fireworks on the train ride home.
They constantly stole items from other classmates, including you. There have been multiple times your textbooks and/or notes have gone missing for several days. When your stuff would magically appear on your bed in the dorms, there’d be a note attached to it saying “Thanks for letting us borrow this!” or something along the lines of that. Also, little doodles and drawings on the sides of your notes and sometimes your textbook.
Sometimes they wouldn’t even put your textbooks or your notes on your bed, they’d hide them. Putting them in your nightstand drawers, under your bed, behind the curtains, inside your closet, on top of the closet, and even inside of your pillowcase. You remember the first time they hid it there.
You had stayed up far too late studying in the common room, there was a test in Snape’s class in the morning that you definitely weren't ready for. You decided maybe you should go to bed after your head nearly hit the table you were sitting at for a third time due to you falling asleep.
You closed your notebook and gathered your supplies, heading up to the girl's dormitory. Too tired to put your things away properly, you put them on the floor next to your bed. You turned off your lamp and flopped down onto your pillow. Instead of feeling a cool, soft, and comfortable cushion touch your head, you hit your head on a large, solid, and heavy textbook.
You hissed out loud in pain, causing a few girls to groan and stir in their sleep. You sat up and held the side of your head which was now stinging, you wouldn’t be surprised if you got a lump the next day due to how hard your head smacked into it.
You turned back on the light next to your bed, you looked at your pillow, noticing the large rectangular shape inside it, you could see the cover of your textbook with a small piece of paper stuck on it through the sheer fabric. Angrily, you took your textbook out of the pillowcase, taking the folded piece of the paper that was on the front and opening it.
Thanks for letting us borrow this! Sweet dreams!
                                      Much love, F and G!
You would’ve screamed and stormed your way over to the boy's dorm to beat both of the twins with the book if it wasn’t past midnight and if you weren’t in a room of sleeping girls. All you could do was put the textbook with the rest of your things and go to sleep angry, or at least try to sleep, now that you were wide awake and your head was throbbing.
Anyways, they also cheated all the time, they’d constantly bug you for answers in the middle of tests when they didn’t even need them. You hate to say this, but they were insanely good at potions. It makes sense how they created all those sweets. They would be able to fly through the tests in less than ten minutes at least, but they didn’t, they were lazy, so they’d mooch off you. When they’d get caught, they’d both blame you, which nearly got you in trouble with Snape several times.
Speaking of professors. They would mess with them. They threw snowballs at the back of Professor Quirrell's head. But, after learning the truth about what was going on with Quirrell under the head scarf. Maybe that could be the only thing they’ve ever done that was somewhat valid. It was still bad for Quirrell, he was already taking enough sneering from students the entire time he was working at the school, he was just being used as a vessel.
But that's not the point we’re talking about here. 
There are way too many reasons for why you hate those redheaded twins. You didn’t understand how people put up with them, how they found them entertaining and funny. They were embarrassing. You hated how they excused themselves from responsibility. How they claimed everything they did was a “joke” or “prank” to get out of trouble.
It was like your brain was programmed to put you in a bad mood anytime you thought of them or were around them. Your eyes would roll annoyedly at the sight of them. You would get snippy and aggressive if they even tried talking to you. You did everything in your power to keep yourself away from them for the sake of your mood.
Their entire existence made your blood boil. Fred especially. He’s the worst out of the two of them. But there’s a difference between him and George. Fred is the instigator, George smooths things out, but that doesn’t mean he’s not trouble though. George is less annoying, only a bit less annoying. He’s nearly as annoying as Fred, but it seems as if Fred is more determined to get on your nerves.
And he is. You can tell.
He becomes louder when near you, constantly taps on your shoulder, asking for something when he already knows you won’t give him whatever it is or pretends like he didn’t, he also throws things at you and pretends that he doesn’t, lies or says things wrong on purpose just for you to scoff and correct him, calls you nicknames that you hate, teases you for whatever he can find, it’s as if he nitpicks anything you do so he can use it against you to annoy you, he does every little thing that peeves you only because he wants to get some type of reaction out of you, and the only reason on why he does it? He thinks it’s funny. 
Fred isn’t completely fond of you either.
He knows what bothers you, what gets on your nerves, what makes your blood boil, then he uses it against you, to piss you off. You’re not sure how exactly he knows so much, but just somehow he does. Either it could be because he knows legilimency (which is very unlikely) or it’s that he’s just been listening in on your conversations with friends.
Whatever, what you are sure of is that you can’t stand the Weasley twins. You hate the Weasley twins. You hate Fred and George Weasley. You hate Fred Weasley. You hate him with every bone and muscle in your body.
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taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat @nal-leo-17
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When We Are Together - Matty Healy
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Summary: In which Matty falls in love with you in stages his entire life. He knows everything is better when you're together but the two of you are oblivious to the fact you're in love with each other.
Warnings: Swearing. A small section of smut in flashback 2. Unfortunately it's not with Matty. It's with George because I am a whore. Mentions of The S*n. Mentions of Matty going to rehab, obviously we don't know all the personal details apart from the fact there was an intervention after the ilwys era ended and he went and now he's in recovery.  
Author's Note: Self proclaimed 'Not a Matty girl' just wrote 12K lol this has legit taken so long cause I procrastinate but hope you like it!  Really fucking long because I tend to let my mind wonder, I don't even know if this is any good but I'm trying to get better. I thought the concept was cute anyway. So enjoy! Let me know what you guys think and if you liked it x
Word Count: 12K
Your life had always been surrounded by the boys. So many moments in your life that their fans could only ever dream of knowing about or being involved in but you didn’t know any different, it was just your life. You had no choice in the matter when your brother and best friend in the entire world was the bassist in the band. That’s right; Ross MacDonald was your big brother and you seemed to be somewhat of a legend amongst their hardcore fanbase yourself for putting up with their antics for as long as you had! Not that you really had a choice when you were tied to them via blood but they had also hired you as their personal assistant so you could follow them around the world and so none of them had to part from you for too long.
You had personal relationships with all of the band, not just your brother who genuinely was the best big brother you could have ever asked for. He was your best friend and had been since the moment you were born. Sometimes it irritated the others how annoying the two of you were when you both got into silly moods, with all your inside jokes and side looks that nobody else understood. Especially Matty who always wanted in on the joke. But Ross was a ride or die kind of guy and you were the same. If it came down to it you would fight over who took the first bullet.
Adam Hann. Adam truly was an angel of man sent to earth to be your bestie and you don’t think you could love him anymore if you could. Someone you could geek out about The Office with on the tour bus and who brought you coffee when he could see you needed a pick me up. The most level headed of the boys, you know he’ll always be on your side. Someone who’s come to your rescue during many nights out both pre and post fame and took your hand, pretended to be your boyfriend with no questions asked and got you away from creeps more times than you would have liked. You couldn’t be more grateful for a selfless friend like Adam Hann.
George Daniel. Your ‘little’ Georgie had been in your form at school, so apart from your brother until you were much older and started hanging out with them more, you had spent the most time with him. So it’s fair to say that the pair of you were close. So close that you lived with him and Matty in your early twenties. Even a small indiscretion on his 23rd birthday much to your brother’s dismay didn’t change the course of your relationship. Now that you were both thirty two and you were still working for him, clearly the two of you didn’t care that you had seen each other naked. If anything your night together all those many moons ago had brought you closer together. You would trust him with your life.
Then there was Matty. Matty was something else. If you asked his fans, depending on if you were asking old or new fans. He was something else in two senses of the word. To you he was just Matthew. Your big brother’s best friend who was a bit of a weird kid, transitioned into a somewhat cool teenager who you had a bit of a crush on when you were seventeen, to the most annoying person you’ve ever laid eyes on. But also he was your best friend. An old married couple is what George labeled you both and he wasn’t wrong, the pair of you did have a bit of a domestic life together when he wasn’t busy being a rockstar. 
I think the fans would be shocked to find out he likes doing the mundane things in life like doing the food shop with you and fighting at the tills that it was his turn to scan his club card. Or walking the dog, drinking a good cup of tea at his Mam’s house or cooking with you over a glass of wine with Donny Hathaway playing in the background on the record player.
He had done so much for you over the years and you always thought it was just Matty being Matty and looking out for you. Hiring you as the band’s assistant, so you could see the world with them so you weren’t stuck in a stuffy office job in England. Even though you had graduated from uni with a first class degree in photography. Moving you into his home when you broke up with your long term boyfriend in 2020 so you weren’t wallowing in self pity. It was probably then, that George cemented your “marriage status” because you did do everything together and apparently you had been oblivious your entire friendship until now.
It was in this moment in Belfast on the last night of the UK tour that your head swimming with all of the moments in your life that led you to here with Matty, tears brimmed with tears. That you realised that it was him the entire time.
April 2007
You pulled the front of the white tank top you were wearing down, allowing the frilly cups of your red bra to peek out the top. Your top tucked into a short black mini skirt, paired with a big chunky belt and hoop earrings and some wedged sandals on your feet. You actually felt good about yourself for once! You, Sarah and Rebecca ready to get drunk and dance your asses off with all of your friends as you celebrated Matty’s birthday.
Matty’s 18th birthday party was being held at his house. A classic Healy house party yet you still wondered how Denise and Tim were somehow trusting him enough for the night to not burn the house down so he could celebrate his birthday with his friends without parental supervision.
You of course had yet to turn eighteen, as had your brother who was only eleven months older than you. So you turned to your lord and saviour Adam Hann who went to the local off license and bought you a pack of Bacardi Breezers for the party.
When the three of you arrived; you immediately got swept away by your other school friends, giggling at the thought of getting drunk with all your friends and making out with boys your brother would definitely disapprove of was the motivation you needed to open your first drink of the evening.
It was after a few drinks, definitely too many shots of whatever George had proclaimed Matty’s Dad’s had left for the birthday boy. You were starting to feel the effects of the alcohol you had drunk that evening when you spotted Max. Tall, brunette, curly hair and a killer watt smile that made you weak at the knees, talking to George.
Silent motivation from Phoebe as she ruffled her hands through your hair and pushing your tits into a good position as Sarah dabbed on some more lip gloss before pushing you in the direction of the boys, slapping your ass with a quick “Go get him tiger!”
Shooting her a grin over your shoulder, you strutted on over to where George and Max stood clutching their beer bottles as they conversed about god knows what. Hoping to catch his attention, you threw on your best smile as you stopped in front of the two of them. 
“Hello boys!” You beamed a the two of them, eyes lingering on Max a little longer. “Having a good night?”  You asked, twiddling the straw around your drink as you waited for their answer.
“Even better now you’re here gorgeous!” 
Your heart fluttered for a moment. Max was flirting back.
“Your tits are looking mega tonight babe!” 
George broke your eye contact with the tall brunette as your eyes flitted towards him. The blush flushing across your cheeks at George’s compliment, “Ohhh thanks G!”  You laughed awkwardly, catching his eyes fall to your tits once more just as Ross walked past the three of you.
“Dude! That’s my sister!” He punched him in the arm; a scowl on his face and immediately pulling you away with him and far away from the boys and into the crowd of people dancing in Denise and Tim’s living room.
“You’re no fun!”  You huffed.
“You can do a lot better than Max sis. Believe me! I’m just looking out for you.” 
He smiled softly at you and you sighed, knowing you couldn’t ever stay mad at him. He knew you better than anyone else and always looked out for you no matter what. “Thanks bro.  I know. I’m just going to get some fresh air, it’s a bit stuffy in here.” 
You sent him a smile, squeezing past him and all the other sweaty bodies to head out the sliding doors at the back of Matty’s kitchen. Letting out the breath you hadn’t realised you had been holding as the cool spring air brushed over your skin. Taking in the serenity of the night air, you didn’t realise anyone else was out there until you heard a cough causing you to snap your head towards the noise.
Matty was leaning up against the back wall, cigarette hanging from his lips.
“Alright birthday boy! What you doing out here by yourself?” You laughed lightly as you approached; leaning next to him as you took in the slightly solemn look on his face.
“Bit overwhelming in there. Thought I’d like the attention but there’s too many people. Half of them are just here to get drunk, they don’t care about me.” He laughed bitterly; blowing smoke into the air. “Anyway. What are you doing out here?”
“Just needed some air. It was a bit stuffy in there. Too many people.”
“Ahhh so we’re alike in our thinking.” Matty laughed. “Wish it was just you and the boys to be honest.” He mumbled, shuffling his feet.
“Hey. You know if you want we can have a do over. Come over to mine and Ross’ tomorrow. We’ll order pizza and watch True Romance. I’d hate for you to not look back fondly at your 18th.”  You smiled softly as you spoke.
“You’re brilliant.” Matty’s eyes bright as he looked at you. “I’d really like that. Thanks sweetheart.”  Matty shot you a genuine smile for the first time since you stepped outside.
A brief moment of silence settled across the two of you before Matty spoke again.
“You look incredible tonight.”
“Ohhh.” You looked down at your feet, unsure of how to take the compliment.
“Hey.” Matty lifted your chin up. “What’s all that about? You’re the most beautiful girl in the room.” He said earnestly; swiping at the apples of your cheeks and holding your jaw in his hands.
“Just didn’t think anyone could look past the fact I’m Ross’ sister. Nobody ever calls me beautiful.”
“Not even Josh? Didn’t you date him for nearly a year?”  Matty asked as you shook your head.
“Then he’s an idiot. You’re always the most beautiful girl in the room darling.”
It came out a whisper as you both stared into each other’s brown eyes. Matty’s eyes dancing across your features, settling on your lips before looking back up and catching your gaze already on him. Matty leaned in, his face getting closer to your own as your mind started racing. 
Did you want to kiss Matty? Kinda, yeah! 
Should you kiss Matty? No, definitely not. Ross would kill the both of you. 
Did you kiss Matty? Yes.
“We shouldn’t.”  You whispered, lips mere inches away from his own.
“But a birthday kiss is all I want this year.” 
His words came out of a whisper, you didn’t say anything else just pushed your lips against his and allowed him to pull you closer as his mouth moved against the softness of your glossed lips. His hands moving from your face, dancing down the sides of your body and landing on your waist before he reluctantly pulled away, forehead resting against your own.
“You’re good at that.” He pecked your lips once more.
“Mmmm.”  You hummed; opening your eyes as Matty held you close. You quickly opened your mouth to say something and promptly shut it again when you caught the way Matty looked at you. “Fuck it!” You mumbled and slammed your lips back against his own.
The birthday boy now pushing you up against the wall, hands impossibly tight on your waist as he pulled you as physically close as possible. Your hands uprooting themselves in the hair at the back of his neck and tugging as you snogged him like your life depended on it. Like you weren’t pushed against the back of his kitchen wall in his garden, where any of your school friends could come out and catch you. Or worse; your brother but you didn’t care because the way Matty was kissing you made your whole body tingle.
Tugging his hair again as his tongue moved against your own. Matty groaned loudly; finally pulling away. “Fuck settle down! You know I can’t be found with you and if you keep doing that, someone is going hear us.” He groaned as he continued to pepper kisses up the side of your jaw.
“Hmmm, don’t feel like being murdered by my brother right now.”  You sighed; leaning back against the wall to take him in. Lips swollen and eyes bright as he watched you.
“I don’t want to be murdered by your brother either. Worst birthday ever!” He chuckled; hands dancing across your waist. “But that was my favourite birthday gift! Thanks sweetheart!” Matty grinned; watching you push yourself off the wall and smooth yourself down before heading back towards the house.
You paused for a moment; your foot on the last step, your hand lingering on the handle to the back door for a millisecond as you looked over your shoulder one last time at Matty who was just watching you. You sent him a soft smile, your hair falling in front of your face as you laughed before leaving him the dark as you rejoined the party.
A kiss with Matty who was your big brother’s (and your) annoying friend, someone you had an innocent schoolgirl crush on once he started becoming a tiny bit cool as the lead singer in their band. Something you didn’t think was an overly big deal, after all people kiss people they shouldn’t when they’re drunk all the time. Turns out it was the starting point of the trajectory of how your’s and Matty’s story begun.
March 2013
In the midst of releasing a series of EPs and gigging around the country and building up their hardcore fanbase. You had managed to get the boys all to just relax for a moment and celebrate the release of their Music for Cars EP and the fact that it was George’s 23rd birthday this weekend. And how did you celebrate? The only way you lot knew how, a dirty ole’ house party just like the good old days.
You had managed to squeeze God knows how many people in little flat you shared with George and Matty. As far as flatmate’s go, they weren’t all that bad. You had moved in with them straight after university so you had definitely had worse.
You had just downed what you believe was your fifth vodka shot of the evening and decided you needed to pace yourself a bit more if you weren’t going to stumble into your room and pass out any time soon. So upon spotting Ross, you wondered over to your brother who was sat talking to Hann; wiggling your way in between the two of them with a giggle. Ross automatically lifting his arm for you to slip under as you nursed the rest of your wine at a slower pace until your glass was empty.
After your head stopped spinning a sufficient amount, you found yourself milling about the flat and smuggling yourself into Matty’s embrace as he poured you another glass.
“Enjoying yourself sweetheart?” 
“Mmm. Have you see the birthday boy?” You felt Matty’s lips pressed to the top of your head as you asked.
“You leaving me already?”  He chuckled. “Think he popped out the back for a cig.” 
He motioned towards the back door. You immediately unravelled yourself from him, a kiss smacked against his cheek, catching the corner of his mouth. Not that you noticed in your flurry but Matty did. The longing for the feeling of the two of you had shared in his back garden prickling at his chest as his eyes locked onto your retreating figure as you rushed through the throng of remaining people in the kitchen and exiting the flat.
Matty was right. You found George smoking out the back in your little tiny back garden under the dying glimmer of your shit security light that was attached to your back wall. Turning in your direction at the sound of the back door shutting, George automatically opened his arms for you to slot into his side, arm hung loosely over your shoulder as he let out the smoke he had just inhaled. Wordlessly placing the cig in your mouth to let you take a drag yourself, you passed it back and forth between the two of you in silence.
Stubbing the end into the brick, George dropped it into the bucket of dirty filters before breaking the silence. “God what time is it?”  He asked as you watched him push the balls of his hand into his eyes.
“Nearly 2am! Why you need to go to bed Grandad?!”
“Fucking maybe?! How many people are left?” The now blonde motioned towards the house.
“Only a few. Heard Sally talk about some of them heading into town on the way out and Luke and Helen have to be up early so they left nearly a hour ago. Just the band and about three other now. You ready to head in birthday boy?” You asked; holding out your hand for him to take with a smirk.
With a silent nod George didn’t hesitate to grab onto your hand as you tried not to trip over the many plant pots that were littered across your garden path. “You given me my birthday present yet? I can’t remember?” You turned to look at the drummer. An amused look on your face because he had given you the brightest smile when he had opened the personalised drumsticks you had gotten him earlier. “Or are you my present? Wait is this an ambush?” George gasped. “Please be an ambush!” He grinned at you.
“You should be so lucky!”  You scoffed; before shooting him a smirk as you opened the the kitchen door.
“Your tits look mega in that dress by the way!” His tone smug as he closed the kitchen door behind him. Your only response being the cackle that left your mouth as you left George to watch you walk away as you joined the rest of the band in the living room.
Lucky indeed because once the remaining guests left about twenty minutes later. You had snuck into George’s room to say good night and wish him a happy birthday and it’s how you found yourself currently with aching arms. As they were locked either side of George’s knees, his hands tight on your waist as you bounced on his cock.
You weren’t sure how long you had been in this position. You do know he had already made you cum twice though. Once on his tongue and once with his fingers but my God were you spiralling towards your third. The thick drag of his cock between your legs as he stretched you out was delicious but you needed to cum quick because you weren’t sure how long you could stay in this position for.
“Jesus Christ! So fucking good George!” You wailed; as George’s thumb swiped through the slick between your legs and rubbing at your clit.
“Feel good baby?”
“Yes. Shit! So good!” You panted. “Arms hurt though, fuck.”
“Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” He said; pulling you forward.
You fell forward at full speed; having to catch yourself on either side of his face to stop yourself from head butting him as his large hands moved from your hips to grab on to the globes of your ass before plowing up into your cunt so fast you saw stars dance under your eyelids. All you could do was shake and babble out a string of, “So good. So good. So good.” As George made you cum again.
Pulling out quickly. You had no time to recover as George flipped you over; face already in his pillows as he pushed back into you as he chased his own orgasm. The drag of his cock made you feel delirious at the speed in which he was fucking you back into the mattress.
“Fucking hell. You’re so good G! Yes! Yes! Yes!”  You screamed into the mattress, really not caring that your mutual best friend was on the other side of the wall.
His name fell from your lips like a chant. You hadn’t been fucked this good in forever, if at all and the fact it was your Georgie made your head spin.
“Come on baby. One more and I’ll give it to you.” He whispered in your ear, kissing the back of your shoulder before pulling you back on to his cock at rapid speed and sending you hurtling towards your fourth orgasm of the night (well morning) and George to fill you up with a satisfied groan.
Pulling out; your gentle giant rolled over, the pair of you catching your breath after fucking for a good hour. Rolling your head to the side to take him in, you pressed a kiss to the top of his shoulder with a chuckle. “Happy Birthday G!” 
The now blonde let out a loud laugh as the pair of you snuggled into each other’s arms, like you would normally do under any other circumstances as George pressed a kiss to the side of your face. The temporary bliss shielding you both from the circumstances you’d have to face in the morning.
When you did manage to wake up the next morning, George was still fast asleep but his alarm clock read 10:12 and you knew you’d have to get up to tidy the flat because Matty certainly wouldn’t. As you looked around George’s room, you scrambled to find anything to hide your dignity as you moved around to clean up. As you pulled the shirt George was wearing the night before over your bare body, you didn’t have chance to register the other voices on the other side of the bedroom door.
“Where is she? She’s not answering her phone? She’s not in her room either.”
Matty didn’t answer Ross’s question, just grumbled into his arms before flinging himself down onto the dining room table dramatically.
“What’s the matter with you? You look like shit Healy!” Hann shoved his shoulder with a laugh as he threw himself on the sofa.
“Well you’d look like shit if you didn’t get any sleep cause you could hear George fucking at all hours of the night too.” Matty snapped at the two of them.
“Who was he shagging? I thought he wasn’t seeing that blonde anymore?”
Unfortunately for you, this was when you decided to make your grand appearance. Walking out of George’s room in nothing but his shirt and your knickers from the night before. The three of them silent as they took in your appearance.
Adam’s jaw slack as he looked on in shock as everything clicked into place before his very eyes.
Matty looked pained as he ran a hand through his curls before pushing himself up off the dining room table and shuffling into the kitchen, silently flicking the kettle on.
Ross looked angry. You could see it simmering in his eyes. The vein on his neck pulsing as he starred you down.
“I’ve been trying to ring you. Why were you in George’s room? ”
“I’ve been asleep. I’m here now aren’t I? Everything alright?” You brushed past him, trying to avoid talking about the inevitable. You hated when Ross was angry.
“Why do you have George’s shirt on?”
The two of you competed in a stare off. The both of you silent. Neither of you making the next move. If there was one thing you MacDonald siblings were, it was stubborn. Adam was watching on in anticipation. The only noise to be heard was Matty shuffling around the kitchen in the background. Your brother asked you again. Why was he asking you questions he didn’t want to know the answers to.
“Don’t make me say it bro.”  You sighed; annoyance flashing across his features.
“You slept with my best friend?”  Ross immediately started raising his voice. He already knew the answer, he didn’t need your confirmation. Not that he waited for it because he was already storming towards George’s room and right on queue, the door swung open to George just in his boxers.
“Ross. Stop!”  Your voice loud and going ignored.
Ross was seething. Hann was immediately by your side ready to intervene. Matty still off and away from the drama (which was very unlike him) that was about to unfold. He was unlawfully quiet but you couldn’t think about that when Ross was squaring off with George in the doorway to your rooms. The shouting sounded like you were under water as you zoned it out. This was a disaster. It was only when Hann touching your arm, whispering if they should intervene or not that brought you back to reality and had you storming right in between the two giants.
Pushing your way in between them. You stood with your back against George’s chest, a hand on your brothers and looking up at him with pleading eyes. “Ross. Please. Fighting George isn’t going to solve anything.”
“You slept. With my sister. What about fucking bro code?! Not cool dude!”
“It was me.” You shouted over the top of his booming voice, all four of them turning to look at you as you very rarely raised your voice. “It was me. I initiated it. So if you’re going to be mad at someone, shout at me because it’s my fault.”
“Babe you don’t have to defend me.” George touched your shoulder gently. “I know, we shouldn’t have done it.”
“Don’t touch her!” Ross zoned in on George’s hands upon your shoulders. He quickly lifted them up in surrender.
“George, we’re both consenting adults.” You addressed him before turning back to your brother. “I’m sorry but if you’re going to sulk about it, blame me because I started it. Ross you know I love you more than anything in this world but you can’t hate everyone that goes near me.”  You reached for his hand to give it a squeeze. “It was literally a one night stand. Promise it won’t happen again.”
Ross tried to pull his hand out of yours at your words, the vein in his neck twitching at the fucked up thought of his little sister casually sleeping around. “I’m not fucking happy about it. Fucking bro code dude.” He threw his hands up dramatically before turning towards the door. “I’m going for some fresh air.” 
Ross quickly yanked open the front door, Hann hot on his tail, muttering something about checking on him which left you with Matty and George. The three of you standing in silence for a moment before George popped a kiss on top of your head and mumbling about a cig and heading out the back.
Matty disappeared again into the kitchen as you plonked yourself down at the dining room table with a groan. The ticking of the clock the only thing to be heard as the two of you were now the only ones left in your tiny flat. Sitting down next to you, Matty didn’t say anything. Just pushed a mug of coffee towards you and sipping his own.
“You don’t hate me do you? You haven’t said anything all morning.”
Matty took a sip of his coffee, a look of contemplation on his face as his eyes flitted towards you. The silence deafening and the thought of him being upset with you made your heart ache.
“You never offered me that on my birthday.”
You blinked rapidly as you stared at him. That was it. That’s what he chose to say.
Matty tried to say it with a joking lilt to his words. A smirk hiding behind his mug of coffee as you took in his words. But he knew deep down that there was a seriousness to it. It was true, you’ve never done anything with him other than when you kissed at his 18th, on his birthday or otherwise. Apart from one drunken weekend about two weeks later. He wasn’t sure why the thought made his heart pang. But it did. You opened your mouth to respond, quickly shutting it again as a flush rushed to your cheeks as you remembered the night in his garden five birthdays ago.
You let out a shaky laugh, not knowing what to say, shoving his shoulder playfully as you settled back into your chair, steaming coffee ready to be drunk.
“I don’t, you know.” 
You turned you head to curly haired man beside you confused at what he was saying. 
“I could never hate you.”
You weren’t exactly sure where you were. What state you were in. What time it was or how much you and the band had to drink or what drugs Matty had taken tonight but you were fucking exhausted. You had been following your brother and your best friends around the world for the best part of just over a year, ‘acting’ like their personal assistant. 
You were essentially a glorified baby sitter for these four man children. You wouldn’t change it for the world though, you got to travel the world with your best friends and take cool photography in the cool cities you visited but it was all catching up to you. All whilst they were busy being rockstars, some more than others but that was a different story.
You wanted nothing more than to be in the dingy little flat you shared with Matty and George in Manchester, catching up on washing, going down to your local Sainsbury’s and doing the weekly shop. Anything that didn’t require going to bed post 3am.
But you were currently in a club in Atlanta or was it Nashville? You didn’t know but what you did know was that you were bloody tired and the thought of travelling on the tour bus to the next state with a hangover was genuinely about to send you into a downward spiral if you didn’t get yourself back to the hotel asap.
Tucked neatly underneath Hann’s arm, his arm loosely hanging over your shoulder as you rested your head upon his shoulder, you prayed for your brother to round up the other two quicker than he was because you were actually asleep standing up at this point. You didn’t think it was possible to be asleep with your eyes open but you were positive at this precise moment in time it was currently happening.
Ross finally reappeared with George in tow but there was no Matty trailing behind the two of them. You groaned loudly as you clapped eyes on the two of them. Ross looked defeated, tiredness set his eyes too. George smirked when he heard your groans.
“Not the usual type of groans you make when you see me baby.”
“I’ll punch you so hard before Ross even gets the chance to if you don’t shut the fuck up Daniel's. Where’s Healy?”  You huffed, scowling at the boy in front of you.
“Mumbled something incoherent before refusing to leave.” Your brother grumbled.
“Give me two minutes.” You sent Hann a soft smile, before removing yourself from the bubble the two of you’d created at the end of the bar before pushing your way through all the sweaty bodies until you found him trying to chat up some blonde model type near the DJ booth.
Gently placing your hand around his bicep to get his attention, his curls whipped in your direction to see who was touching him. The first thing you noticed apart from the bright grin he was now sporting were his dilated pupils. So he had taken coke again, brilliant. 
The sigh that left you so deeply rooted, you’re surprised he didn’t pick up on it. You hated the way it made him feel after the high was over.
“Hi darling! Hasn’t tonight been amazing? Wait where are the others? Can you believe your brother tried to make me to go back to the hotel? How sick was the gig tonight? Do you want to dance? Hey let me introduce you to…” He spoke at a hundred miles a hour as he spewed out utter nonsense, turning to realise the blonde he was chatting up was long gone.
You watched Matty’s shoulders sag, sad eyes now back on your own. “You fancy coming back with me? I’m dead on my feet and don’t really fancy nursing this inevitable hangover whilst being stuck on the tour bus for over six hours with you lot without at least four hours of decent sleep.”
“But I don’t want to go home yet.” He pouted.
“You come with me now, I’ll let you stay in my bunk tomorrow and I won’t complain about how clingy you are. Promise!”
“Like a sleepover?!”  Matty’s face lit up again.
“If you like, yeah!” You laughed at his childlike enthusiasm.
“Come on then, let’s go right now!” He started to drag you through the crowds. “I’m sharing with Ross tonight. I think he’d rather kill himself than watch you throw yourself at me!” 
“I don’t throw myself at you.” You laughed at the frown he was pulling at you.
“It’s been known to happen Healy! I don’t mind though. My bunk tomorrow. Pinky promise.”
“Tomorrow.”  Matty sent you a soft smile; his pinky looping around your own before you started to tug him back towards the boys. “I just want to clarify, I don’t throw myself at you I just like lying on your tits is all!” He said, pulling a laugh out of you as you approached the rest of the band. Your brother already leading the troops out the club as he saw your approach, eager to get out of there and into bed.
You had currently been on the road from Atlanta to Raleigh, North Carolina for the past two hours and the hangover was showing no signs of disappearing. You had already watched half a season of The Office with Hann and had taken a half arsed nap with Ross but it was hard trying to sleep in the lounge, when your head was knocking off his shoulder every time the bus hit a pot hole.
Not to mention; if Matty made one more fucking sound, you were absolutely positive one of you was going to throw him out the window. It was a toss up between you and Hann, whoever got to him first I suppose. But he was getting on your last nerve. He was annoying at the best of times but there was something about his come down today that was irritating you to no fucking end. He so much as breathed too loudly and it was sending you spiralling into deep pit of annoyance.
You and the band were up back in the lounge area, some Adam Sandler movie playing quietly in the back ground that you were pretty sure none of them were even paying attention to. When Matty threw his phone across the bus, swearing something incoherent under his breath and it was the last straw.
Standing up abruptly, you managed to startle both Ross and Hann at the speed in which you moved. Pulling down George’s hoodie that you had stolen, so it covered more of your ass over the pair of gym shorts you had on. You turned back towards your brother and Adam, irritation etched across your features, scowling at Matty as you eyed him out of your peripheral, as he moped about next to George. 
Just the image of him, made you want to roll your eyes.
“I’m going to my bunk before I fucking throttle him!”  
You sent them both a sarcastic smile before storming off to your bunk. You can’t have been there ten minutes before your peace was interrupted by Matty who was peering around the curtain and asking if he can join you. You let out a big sigh before silently nodding your head as he lumbered on into the small space.
Immediately wrapping his arms around your waist; his head found home upon your chest just like it always did when he wanted a cuddle. Your hand that was wrapped around him made its way up to his head, where it settled in his curls, finger tips running across his scalp. The sound of his soft sighs automatically calming down the irritation that had been bubbling inside you since he had awoken this morning.
You weren’t entirely sure how long you had been lying there in silence. You only broke the silence when the coldness of Matty’s fingertips slipped underneath your hoodie to touch the warmth of your skin. His thumb rubbing circles across the softness of your hips as he snuggled further into your tits as one of his legs started pushing its way in between your own as he got comfy.
“Matty?” Your voice gentle as you tried to get his attention.
“You said you wouldn’t complain.” His voice muffled as he spoke into your covered breasts.
“Your fingers are fucking freezing that’s all.” Your chest vibrated with laughter.
“Sorry sweetheart” Matty moved the slightest bit, to kiss the underside of your chin before snuggling back into the warmth of your hoodie.
“I don’t mean to, you know?”  He whispered softly.
“What are you talking about?”
“I don’t mean to make you angry.” 
His voice was barely above a whisper, that you nearly missed it.
“I’m not angry. Why would you think I’m angry at you?”
“You looked like you’d rather die than be anywhere near me before.” The hand that was weaving through his curls stopped. “I hated it. Hated that you looked at me like that. Made me feel even more shit than I already do.”
“Healy look at me.” Matty didn’t move a muscle, head still tucked underneath your chin, no effort in moving at all at your words.
“Babe. Look at me.” Your voice more stern, wiggling away from his grip so you could look down at him properly. “I could never hate you. Ever.” Your eyes flitted across his features, hardened by the late nights on tour and the hardcore partying. “I hate what that stuff does to you. I would never stop you from having fun but when you do that stuff, I hate how it makes you hate yourself the next day. I don’t want you doing something you’re going to regret because believe it or not Healy. I’m quite fond of you and I don’t think my heart could take it if something happened to you. Neither would my brother’s or Hann’s or George’s. We love you a stupid amount you know.”
Matty blinked at you as he took in your words, his brown eyes glossing over before shoving his face into you neck, the grip around your waist becoming impossibly tighter. Your body shaking as his vibrated against yours, soft sobs leaving him as he chanted; “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” Over and over again.
All you could do was hold him closer and reassure him, that he had nothing to be sorry for and you were just looking out for him because anything else, you were afraid it might break you and you’d cry too. As your best friend was breaking his heart and wetting the hoodie you were wearing.
“Don’t apologise for having fun. I just want you to be careful. All I ever want is for you to be okay and sometimes what you do with all those people you don’t know isn’t good for you sweetheart.”
You squeezed him tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. As he mumbled how “I’ll be better, I promise” into your neck, pressing multiple kisses in quick succession to just under the right side of your jaw before settling back into silence where the two of stay for some time.
The soft regular movement of Matty’s thumb rubbing circles on your hip stopped, his hand significantly less colder than they were before he had them up your hoodie, moved across the expanse of your lower back and rolling you over so you were now draped over him instead and tucked into his side. 
“You know sometimes I feel the only time I might get better is when we are together. You ever feel like that?”
It was now your turn to nod silently, a soft hum leaving your mouth as you pressed a quick kiss into his skin as you settled into a slumber.
You had been pottering about your flat most of the morning, doing a deep clean of the place before you were supposed to be heading to meet the boys for Sunday dinner. Your boyfriend of nearly a year Michael, once again opting out of spending time with you and your family, claiming he had better things to be doing that sitting about and listening to the boys talk about what they had been getting up to in the studio again.
Personally you think it was because George let slip last time Michael could actually be bothered to join you all for a drink, that he had slept with you in a drunken ramble, much to the dismay of your boyfriend, your brother and yourself. And Michael didn’t take too fondly to the fact you were still close with George after the confession.
You were in the middle of folding the last bit of the washing that you had dumped on your bed when your phone pinged with a text from Hann.
‘Did you get a letter in the post this week? x’
‘I get a lot of stuff in the post Ads! Off who? x’
‘Matty x’
The moment you saw his name, your heart got stuck in your throat. None of you had heard from him since he he had left, something to do with his recovery. So the thought of contact from him had you dropping your phone on the bed and rushing from your room, shouting at Michael about the post you had received this week. Only receiving a mumble from him about the fire place; had you dashing to the living room, where you rifled through the post sat on top of the mantelpiece. 
There slotted in between this months Rolling Stone subscription and a local take away menu was a white envelope addressed to you. 
A Barbados post mark sitting in the top right corner.
Dropping the rest of the mail on the coffee table, you rushed back to your bedroom, locking the door immediately before sitting at the edge of your bed and taking in Matty’s scrawl of a penmanship. Running your fingers over the ink; your mind flashed back to that day. 
The day you realised he wasn’t okay. 
How completely out of it he was as you watched him at their last festival gig of the iliwys tour cycle. How utterly miserable he looked as he threw himself about the stage, looking just the shadow of the man you knew and loved.
You knew something wasn’t right as you watched from the side of stage with their manager Jamie. George ever the professional, had even broke his concentration bubble to catch your eye several times during their festival set, worry set in his features. 
The way your gentle giant walked straight up to you, stopped in front of you and just by the look in your eyes. Your face never one to hide your emotions. George wrapped his arm around you and without a single word, the pair of you knew you had to speak to the other boys about it. You needed to talk to him.
The night of the intervention. The way he screamed and shouted at you all. He admitted to using but he didn’t do it quietly. The way Ross stepped in front of you in defence when he swore at you. Hann’s hand wrapped tightly around your own, George’s hand squeezing your shoulder in support as your brown eyes glossed over as you took in the man in front of you. He wasn’t your Matty and you hated looking at him like this. 
You didn’t want to look at him at all and it broke your heart.
Slipping your finger into the envelope you finally tore it open, slipping out several pages of paper. You weren’t sure how long you were holding them before you actually unfolded them but it felt like a lifetime of contemplating before you managed to finally take a deep breath and compose yourself enough to read his words.
As part of my recovery, I’ve been tasked to write a letter to everyone I’ve hurt and yours is the last one I’ve got to write. Not because you mean the least to me. Quite the opposite. Yours has been the hardest to write. Harder than Gabby. My Mam, Dad & Louis & the boys because you mean the absolute world to me. 
This is actually the third time I’ve attempted to write this. Admitting that I’ve hurt you is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. You know what I’m like, I’m a stubborn twat at the best of times but I needed to do this because you deserve this apology probably the most.
You’ve never once judged me and the fucked up things I do when I’m on one. Since we were kids you’ve stuck by my side, defended me when I really didn’t deserve it and loved me endlessly from the sidelines and I’ve definitely not deserved your love but you gave me it anyway.
Do you remember that time we were on tour in 2014 and I was fucked up on coke for god knows how many days in a row and you couldn’t even be in the same room as me that day on the bus when I was on that god awful come down on the way to North Carolina?
Yet you still didn’t say no when I selfishly came crawling to your bunk to interrupt your peace and quiet with my tail between my legs, asking to come lie with you. You could have told me to piss off but you didn’t, you let me squish myself into your bunk and your arms and let me sleep off my hangover in your arms without complaining once. I would have complained but you didn’t, you let me and my cold hands snake their way into your personal space like I hadn’t gotten on your last nerve just ten minutes prior. 
I’m quite a selfish person. You my darling are the most selfless person I know and I don’t deserve the good grace you’ve given me time and time again. Especially seeing as I dragged you along for the ride and then you’ve had to babysit me because I can’t control myself when it comes to drugs and showing off because I want everyone to like me.
You could have taken the tough love route, told me I’m a big fuck up and judged me for my drug use and tried to get me to stop (which probably would have have had the opposite effect out of defiance) but you didn’t. You silently kept an eye on me and made sure I didn’t end up killing myself. Until I took it too far.
I’ve seen you look at me with distaste over the years. Yet nothing compares to the way you looked at me that day you guys staged your intervention. I didn’t think you guys had noticed. I thought me and Miss H had this great big secret going on and I didn’t want to let any of you guys in on it because it would ruin what we had.
Yet you know me better than anyone. You and George both just knew that day. Of course you did. You’re my best friends. But you don’t know how happy I am the four of you staged that intervention and told me I needed to get my shit together.
When I think about the way I lashed out at you. The way your big brown eyes that usually sparkle with mischief when we’re with each other, glossed over as you just stood and took it and didn’t even raise your voice at me once. I can feel the lump in my throat tighten as I write this.
I deserved it you know. I deserved whatever fury was bubbling inside you because I was a class A cunt that day! I’m truly surprised Ross didn’t knock my head off and I wouldn’t have blamed him either if he had done!
I’m just so glad you did something because the thought of losing every single one of you shatters my soul so much, I would cease to exist without you.
I could sit here and write down the list of all things I’m sorry for but physically we don’t have the time or enough paper! But you should know that I am.
I’m sorry. 
For everything.
I’m doing okay. The best I’ve been in a long time. The only way being here might get better is if you were here too.
I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But I’m begging for it because the thought of you hating me and not being able to trust me anymore kills me.
You really an angel on this earth.
I don’t deserve you.
I love you.
Yours Matthew x
p.s I cannot wait to be reunited with your tits! I’ve missed them!
You let out a chortled laugh as you read through the last line of the letter. Your hands quickly making their way to your face as you wiped the tears that were streaming from your face. The cuffs of your hoodie wet from where you’ve tried to stop the flow of tears. Pressing the letter to your chest, you took a few deep breaths to try compose yourself before you left the confinements of your bedroom.
Hurriedly shoving the letter into your handbag, so there was no chance Michael could stumble across your letter. He didn’t like Matty as it was, you didn’t want to give him ammunition to say anything. You grabbed your car keys and rushed out of the house without a word to your boyfriend and heading straight to Hann’s.
You had broken up with Michael.
The red flags should have been there from the start really. He always had less than nice words to say about you and your relationships with the boys. He didn’t have a lot of nice things to say in general but you were blinded by love and the man he was when you first met that you didn’t see the red flags being waved right in front of your face until your heart (and self confidence) were already broken.
Your brother didn’t like Michael, he thought there was something off about him from the off but you put it down to Ross doing his job as your big brother but his opinion didn’t waver once in the four years you were together. George never liked how possessive he was and the fact he became even more so and tried to stop you from speaking to him after he found out about your night together. Which just fyi happened three years prior to meeting him, so he (everyone) was flabbergasted as to why he was so bothered! Hann. Your sweet angel of a bestie had even voiced how he didn’t like him and he was never one to be rude which should have also been a clue you were dating a dickhead.
Then there was Matty. Matty hated him. The feelings were mutual. Michael had told you plenty of times over your four years together that he hated your best friend but he would never tell you why. Matty told you it was because ‘he was a twat who didn’t deserve you’. You were obliged to agree because that mother fucker cheated on you!
Multiple women across the last two years of your relationship. 
To say you were stunned was an understatement yet it somehow made sense and fell into place so easily when you thought about it all. Yet that didn’t make it hurt any less. But a friend of yours sending you the evidence whilst you were on the last night of the UK tour was the final nail in the coffin that was your shitty relationship with him.
You weren’t sure who wanted to kill him more. Your brother? Matty? Or George? The three of them were raging amongst one another at their after party which should have been a celebration whilst Hann sat with his arms wrapped around you as you cried to him and Carly. You didn’t think anything would make you feel better apart from getting obliterated with your favourite people and forgetting about Michael and the impending doom that was about to be bestowed upon the entire world.
Matty was your saving grace.
Asked you to move in, without even hesitating. Naturally you said yes, sitting in your flat all by yourself whilst you cried over your douchebag of an ex during lockdown did not sound appealing to you. It was giving ‘Emma Pilssbury crying to Celine Dion in her car from Glee’ and you weren’t quite ready to hit that stage of your breakup depression just yet.
Two weeks turned into two months and then four months of lockdown but quite frankly you had never been happier. Living with Matty again, surprisingly was just as good the second time round if not easier. Except this time you weren’t poor, your kitchen roof wasn’t leaking and there was a 95% less drug taking which made your life a whole lot less stressful.
It was just easy with him. At some point whilst the world stood still, Matty and Tahliah broke up and then it really just was you two; doing your washing, fighting over who’s turn it was to use their club card during the weekly shop at Tesco and raising his (both of your’s) new dog, Mayhem.
The two of you had been getting ready to move into a studio tomorrow with George after four months of just the two of you playing house, the pair of them just itching to get back to work. You were aware that Matty had been writing already but you knew it would be full steam now Notes had been released and you wanted to make use of the time you had left just the two of you.
Only because you knew as soon as you got your hands on George. That was it! Not a chance Matty was getting any attention. You had missed your big friendly giant more than anything and you knew from your FaceTime with him last night whilst you couldn’t sleep that he was more than excited to see you too.
All three of you were sunbathing in the garden. Mayhem by your side as the two of you soaked up some much needed sun. The heatwave the UK was currently in the middle of was doing wonders for your skin. You had been lying in silence for the past thirty minutes, a book covering your face to block out the sun as you tried to read. Matty’s head in your lap as you presumed he was napping when you suddenly felt him turn over in your lap, now on his side and looking up at you.
Lifting the book ever so slightly, so you could peek underneath at him, you cocked an eyebrow as he watched you with a gentle gaze. “Yes?” Your tone rich with sarcasm as you stared back at him. “Anything actually going through that pretty head of yours Healy? What you thinking about?”
“Us?” You laughed. “What about us?”
“You remember my eighteenth birthday?”  He asked; peering up at you with a soft smile.
“The party?” Matty nodded. “I remember Ross stopping me from getting with Max! Remember him? I was gutted!”  You laughed. “Why?”
“You know that’s not what I meant?” Matty frowned slightly as he pouted at you.
“Of course I do.” You put your book down, your hands automatically reaching for what was left of his curls,“What about it?”
“You ever think about it?”
“Sometimes. Think we’ve done a fantastic job at keeping it from my brother! Especially with your big gob!”  You smiled down at him as you ran your hand through his curls gently.
“Funny!”  He sent a glare your way, causing you to laugh loudly at his attempt to be intimidating. 
“What’s got you thinking about that kiss from a million years ago anyway?”
“Wanking material.” He somehow managed to say without cracking smile.
It was your turn to shoot him a glare at his crudeness. It wasn’t long though until he was grinning up at you from his place in your lap. You pushed his head away from you in fake annoyance. God you couldn’t stand him sometimes!
“Ohh come on darling. I hear you sometimes! We all do it, you’ve got to think of something!” Matty tried to lighten the mood.
“Yeah I think about G’s 23rd birthday.” You smirked. Your vibrator was good but it wasn’t George. You couldn’t remember the last time you had a good orgasm and thinking it might have been before Michael makes you want to cry. Your confession/kind of a joke caused the grin to fall from his face and you almost felt bad, knowing he doesn’t want to hear about the incredible night you had with George because if anyone asked him, he absolutely did not want to relive it.
“I’m joking!” Your hand reached for his curls again. “Seriously though, what’s got you reminiscing about it. It’s been a long time.”
“Just thinking about how much I love you is all.” His confession made you stop. “What would have happened if we’d said fuck it and we ended up together.”
“I don’t think Ross would have been too happy. You saw how mad he got about G!”  You laughed nervously as you thought about stopping your brother from knocking his band mate out.
“He’d have gotten over it.” Matty was now leaning up on his arms, leaning forward to press a light kiss to your bikini clad torso before pressing several kisses in quick succession up your stomach until he was hovering over your chest and looking down at your face. “If we were happy, he’d have been happy. You know he would have been.”
His actions made you hold your breath. It being strangely intimate and probably the most intimate you’d been since you were teenagers. You wondered if he was actually going to kiss you again but he just looked down at you fondly.
“You know I’d do anything for you right?”  You nodded. “You’re one of the only people who makes me truly happy.  I’d literally go too far just you have you near. I’d go blind just to see you!”
You rolled your eyes at the dramatics of his statement but the sweet sentiment made you smile, you reached up to hold the side of his face in your hands. Your thumb sweeping over the apple of his left cheek. The pair of you just basking in the warmth of the sun and each other. Unsure how long you hadn’t said anything, Matty broke the silence in the most Matty way.
“Literally anything you need. I’ve got you for life sweetheart. A cuppa? A joint? An orgasm? I’m your man!” 
A chortle left your mouth as he cheekily beamed down at you, waiting for what he knew would be a somewhat sarcastic response. He didn’t realise he’d really set himself up for what you were about to say.
“Don’t worry I’m good. I’m seeing G tomorrow!”
The way his eyes narrowed at you made you cackle even louder as he finally jumped up off you, to walk back inside without another word. “I’m sorry!”  You laughed. “I promise not to shag George when I see him. I’m good with my vibrator I promise!”  You manage to sputter out through your laughter. “Stick the kettle on whilst you’re in there love.”  You shouted after him.
Matty threw you the middle finger over his shoulder which made you laugh even more as he went though the back door, Mayhem hot on his heels; knowing fine well he was going to put the kettle on and make you a brew just how you liked it because for as long as he can remember he’s never been able to say no to you and he didn’t think he’d ever will.
The 1975 in Show and Concert was possibly your favourite tour that you’d been apart of with the boys. There was an accumulative of factors; the fact you weren’t the only girl on tour this time round, Carly had joined Adam with their son and Charli had come to as many shows as her own schedule permitted. You also had a little part to play at Matthew’s request (obviously!) donned in a white lab coat, you brought Matty a hot honey and lemon on stage every night and pottered about with the rest of the crew, making sure your brother and the rest of the band were all good before slipping off to watch the rest of the show from backstage.
Or it could have been that you and Matty were closer than ever. Ever since lockdown and the pair of you had been living together, everything seemed so simple that since restrictions were lifted, you just carried on living together. I think when George removed the last box of things from your old flat to take to Matty’s did it for him, that he just shook his head with a laugh. 
“You guys really are an old married couple!” He chuckled; slamming the boot close and jumping in the car before you could get a word in edgeways.
He wasn’t wrong, you guys did essentially everything together apart from have sex. Not that you hadn’t thought about it. Somewhere between moving into the studio with him and George and then your brother and Hann joining them to start recording their fifth studio album. You hadn’t shagged anyone in over a year and there was only so many times you could use your vibrator before you got bored and there wasn’t a cat’s chance in hell you were ordering a new toy to the studio because Matty didn’t have boundaries and absolutely would have opened it before you could even get the chance to get your hands on it.
You had also promised after day one; after one too many jokes and essentially mounting George at any given moment just to have him near you that you wouldn’t sleep with him. Even though a repeat of his birthday from seven years prior was literally so so temping to you! So what the hell were you going to do? The thought of dating apps made you want to vomit and hanging about bars really didn’t seem that appealing.
But Matty being Matty; was being overly affectionate one night after one too many glasses of red after a show, had the two of you giggling like teenagers and wondering if the two of you had gotten better at kissing since Matty’s 18th. Curiosity getting the better of the both of you, had you surging towards one another in a flurry of horniness after the kiss, was how you found yourself straddling his lap and snogging him like your life depended on it! Until you physically had to pull away to get your breath back and a rush of sense flashed through your brain. The two of you went to bed separately.
Neither of you spoke about it again.
Nor did you ever think about how the two of you were always drawn to each other no matter what shit storm was going on around you until now. You were just tying up the end of the UK leg of the tour, you and the band were in Ireland and Jamie had just told you that *The Scum* were running a horrendous article about Matty. This had in turn resulted in an argument after their penultimate show between the boys. 
You knew he did things in the heat of the moment whilst he’s on stage or says shit without thinking and it comes to bite him in the arse almost every time but he’d never do what they’re accusing him of on purpose.
But seeing your brother hurt by Matty’s stupid actions; the repercussions for not just himself but for the rest of the band, your brother, yourself just by association. It was enough for you to step in, in defence of your brother. He came before everyone else, every single time.
This you didn’t realise; had as big of an effect until you were stood frozen on stage in front of your brother, Matty in between you and Ross. Apologising to him, crying in front of thousands of people. How Ross hadn’t broke the facade and took him in his arms was beyond you because your brother’s face was currently blurry to you and he was stood a foot in front of you. Tears filled your brown eyes and were threatening to spill as Matty let his vulnerable side show in front of everyone. Something he never does.
You had done so well until he apologised once more; removing his hand from Ross’s arm and reaching behind him blindly to grab on to you. The tears automatically fell; the action enough to make Ross twitch in an ache to comfort you. Something he couldn’t do until the band had come off stage at the end of consumption.
After the final song of tour; the boys usually head on out for the after party. Tonight you had Matty back at the hotel in your room on his knees and begging for you. 
Begging for you to not leave him. Begging for you not to move out. Begging for you to stay by his side. Begging for you to still love him.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked down at the man in front of you; on his knees as his hands grasped at your legs, pulling you close as he hugged you as physically close as possible as he sobbed against your legs. Instinctively you reached for his curls, running your fingers through them softly.
“Baby. Look at me.” The softness of his curls tickled your thighs as he stayed pressed against you. “Matthew. Darling look at me.” 
You managed to loosen his grip enough to slide down on to your knees in front of him, taking a hold of his face in your hands as you eyes flitted across his face, smiling softly at him as he tried to calm himself down.
“I can’t lose you. I can’t lose any of you.” He shook his head, curls flying in front of his face. “But I can’t lose you darling. I can’t.”
“Matthew. Look at me. Why do you think you’re going to lose me? You’re never going to lose me. You’re kinda stuck with me!” You laughed. “And even if I decided to fuck off, my brother being your bassist kind of means I’m stuck with you anyway.” The grip on his face got tighter as his hands reached up to hold on to your wrists.
“But last night…”
“Ross and I just want you to use your brain sometimes before you do stupid shit! You’ve not lost either of us. I promise.”
Your heart jumped into your throat at the swell of tears in his eyes and his lip quiver.
“Life. That’s how long you’ve got me for Healy. Promise.” As soon as you stopped speaking; Matty threw himself at you, arms around your neck and squeezing you so tightly you nearly stopped breathing. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you” Being repeated in your ear over and over as you squeezed him back, pressing your lips to the side of his face in consecutive kisses until he abruptly pulled away. Eyes red and looking at you so softly you thought he was going to cry again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. You know I do.” You smiled at him warmly.
“No. It’s always been you.” He said as he reached for your hands and it felt like you had been hit in the chest. The sting of tears trickling up your face and threatening to fill your eyes as you silently took him in. You went to open your mouth but nothing came out.
“I know I always talk too much but just listen to me. I love you. Since we were kids I reckon, I was just too chicken to ever do anything.  When you kissed me on my 18th birthday. When you saw I needed help,  you saved my life sending me to rehab. Every day, I thought about getting home to you.  It’s what got me through every day. You make me a better man darling. When you take my shit when I don’t deserve it. When you make me a brew in the morning just how I like it. When you roll me a joint when you realise I’m too tense and in my head without me even having to ask. When you tell me to shut the fuck up before a situation escalates. When we go to big Tesco and walk the dog or do all the washing together. I fucking live for that shit because it’s with you. Fuck I’ve been writing songs about you for the past decade! You are intertwined with every era of this band sweetheart. I mean 60% of the last album is about you! ” He chuckled softly.
“What?” Managed to escape you in a gasp.
“Come on sweetheart. Some of this music has literally been out for ten years!”
“I - Just never - Why have you never said anything before now?” Your voice horse with frustration.
“I love your brother too much. But thinking I’d lost the two of you, just made me think fuck it. You deserve to know. You need to know.” Matty shrugged casually.
“That’s stupid.” Your deadpan tone, stunning him silent.
“Wasn’t it you that said to me that if Ross knew I was happy. That we were happy he wouldn’t care. He’d have gotten over it? And you’ve just subliminally been telling me you love me through music this entire time?”
You cocked an eyebrow at his hesitation, the questioning tone as your eyes flit across his handsome features. Cheeks tinged with pink due to his tears, his chest falling up and down rapidly at his confession as he awaited you answer. You still didn’t say anything, thinking about how to respond until you found the perfect response.
Surging forward you pushed your lips against Matty’s. Hands reaching for the curls you loved so much. Waiting for him to reciprocate felt like a life time but your Matthew was well equipped in the art of kissing you back so realistically it was 0.2 seconds after he had gotten over the shock.
You kissed him over and over again, not wanting to stop the feeling of how your lips moved against his, how his tongue felt against yours. You felt like you were on fire, he was intoxicating. He always was but fuck was he more than ever. Finally finding the strength to untangle yourself from him, chests heaving as you both got oxygen back in your lungs you said the words, the way he’d been wishing to hear for the past sixteen years.
“I love you too.”
When he was finally seen in public two days later on the eve of their Gorilla gig in Manchester. The fans noticed Matty was in higher spirits than he had been two days prior when his breakdown was caught on camera. You had been nervous to tell your brother but Ross claimed he already knew Matty was in love with you, he was just waiting to see if he’d actually grow some balls or not! Then he hugged you so tightly and whispered he was happy for the both of you, which in turn had you and Matty crying backstage in their green room as you found yourself in a 1975 sandwich! 
You don’t think you had seen Matty look so happy on stage in a long time. He loved touring but it was gruelling but seeing him on stage in this tiny venue with his best friends and his girl watching and waiting for him side stage. He couldn’t stop beaming. The fans noticed, the comments already flying in online about him. They increased tenfold when he jumped offstage, not waiting the ten second walk backstage before kissing you like his life depended on it.
The blurry picture of Matty holding your jaw in his hands as he kissed you in the shadows of the stage was on a 1975 update account within minutes.
Captioned: If you know you know. Finally 🖤
You were obliged to agree.
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