#i love brother/kinda sorta surrogate father shenanigans
binch-i-might-be · 1 year
suffering from Gwash brainrot. have this
Lawrence glanced back at him over his shoulder with a quirk to his brows. “You’ll have to come over here for this, you know.”
George forced himself not to hesitate and pushed off the wall he had been idling against, crossing the room to join his brother by the washbasin.
“Are we certain this is necessary?” he said nonetheless, eyeing the razor with suspicion.
“It’s more than necessary.” He gestured the blade at the framed mirror mounted above the basin. “Look at yourself.”
George huffed and reached up yet again, scratching at the dark stubble covering his cheeks. “It’s not that bad.”
“It’s unbecoming. A proper gentleman grooms himself, George.”
George just regarded him with an arched eyebrow, and Lawrence heaved a sigh. “It’s not hard. You know I wouldn’t hand you a blade if I thought you would somehow manage to kill yourself with it.”
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