#gender based violence tw
Peel Region has declared gender and intimate-partner violence an epidemic and is calling on Ontario to do the same in the hope of legislation that targets family violence.
At a meeting Thursday, the region unanimously voted in favour of the term in an attempt to raise awareness on the issue and more funding to address it.
"What we really need in this declaration of this epidemic is funding for these agencies so that they can be there for the women that need it the most," said Peel regional and Brampton councillor Rowena Santos.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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newsfromstolenland · 1 year
in light of that asshole being arrested, and the fact that he praised the École Polytechnique shooter, I want to talk about that shooting because so many of us weren't born or were too young to remember
on 6 December 1989, a man walked into a Montréal university, École Polytechnique, and massacred 14 women
he separated the men from the women, yelled << Vous êtes toutes des feministes! >> or "You're all feminists!" and opened fire on the women
the names of the women who were killed were Geneviève Bergeron, Hélène Colgan, Nathalie Croteau, Barbara Daigneault, Anne-Marie Edward, Maud Haviernick, Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz, Maryse Laganière, Maryse Leclair, Anne-Marie Lemay, Sonia Pelletier, Michèle Richard, Annie St-Arneault, and Annie Turcotte
the shooter claimed to have been fighting feminism, and thought women should not be allowed to study engineering.
my mother was an engineering student nearby, so I can tell you for a fact that this had an impact on women's studies outside of the school. several of my mom's classmates dropped out after the shooting.
the recent news of a man supporting what is sometimes known as the Montréal Massacre is horrifying. but it isn't unexpected. this is where anti-feminist and misogynistic ideology leads, and the modern version of those ideologies retain the same violent hatred that the École Polytechnique shooter had.
I will not name the shooter, he deserves no such naming. he died, but his ideology lives on and can still be deadly.
sources: 1 and 2
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aguacerotropical · 1 year
Revolutionary Girl Utena is extremely avant garde and metaphoric, but it's also very clear and obvious to people who have been through cycles of abuse, particularly in ending those relationships
For example, in ep. 11, Utena's convinced that she can make Anthy "just another girl", instead of the Rose Bride, and that she has to "protect her" from other duelists who see her as an object. But she does this without actually asking her if that is what she wants. And thus falls into the same trap as the rest.
There's a lot to be written about this, from its white saviourism to its toxic masculinity. But what it most reminds me of is a friend trying to get me out of an abusive situation and yet being extremely violent in doing so. it just drove me closer to my abuser. Like Utena, she thought she was doing the right thing, but she was denying my agency. i only broke off that relationship at my own pace.
And that is a constant problem when dealing with gender violence. Well-meaning friends and family members try to "help" and completely fail by also denying the victim's experiences and desires, just like the abuser does.
Anyways, I'm glad Utena was around when I was trying to heal from it and still is to remind me of what i went through.
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wild-wombytch · 5 months
As if changing your papers doesn't change your socialization and violence 🤔
Male violence and feminicides shouldn't be classified as female crimes when they're not. Coddling to males and their need for "validation" somehow outweighs literal sex-based murders in terms of importance. By integrating such male crimes among ours, it will completely change the statistics and erase the patriarchal sex based violences we face. These statistics are made to protect us and can be the foundations on which we make laws! WAKE UP!
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barnbridges · 6 months
decker? i hardly know 'er.
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
16 Days of Activism
I was hoping to do a little post about it earlier but I couldn't find the time.
I wanted to tell y'all about 16 Days of Activism, which is a very important part of the activism we do to eliminate gender-based violence.
It starts on November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day. 
We talked quite a bit about 'remembering history' and I wanted to share this with you because this is an important part of feminist history.
16 Days of Activism started in 1991.
The history of it goes way back though. TW for violence below.
On 25 November 1960, sisters Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa Mirabal, three political activists who actively opposed the cruelty and systematic violence of the Trujillo dictatorship in the Dominican Republic, were clubbed to death and dumped at the bottom of a cliff by Trujillo’s secret police.
The Mirabal sisters became symbols of the feminist resistance, and in commemoration of their deaths, 25 November was declared International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Latin America in 1980. This international day was formally recognised by the United Nations in 1999.
That's your history. Our history.
A lot of important days of resistance stem from pain and sacrifice and violence. So, when we celebrate our activism today, it's crucial to remember where and how we started.
16 Days of Activism is a reminder that violence against women is not only a real issue, but talking about it and standing against it also puts women and girls in positions of vulnerability and danger.
But every year, women around the world have been campaigning to end violence against women, not just during these 16 days, but on every other day too.
During these 16 days, a lot of organizations engage in both online and offline activism and advocacy. So, regardless of where you live, you will see that the organizations working on human rights, particularly women's rights, will be talking about various gender-based violence issues in your country.
If you simply go on twitter or Instagram or facebook, you will see so many social media campaigns about this. Look up the hashtag #16daysofactivism.
I'd encourage you to follow them and learn them because it's a good opportunity to catch up with your country's context and know what's been happening lately 💙
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no-passaran · 2 years
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Rayne Fisher-Quann, "Who's afraid of Amber Heard? Abuse, aesthetics, and assigning deviance to difficult women" (June 10th 2022).
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
A joint partnership to support the implementation of a national plan to end gender-based violence is in the works, led by the federal and Manitoban governments.
It provides the basis to support what the province has noted to be the five pillars of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence. Totalling $22.3 million over the span of four years, the partnership aims to support the implementation of this national plan in the hopes of creating “a Canada free of gender-based violence and provide support to victims, survivors and their families across the country.”
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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dyingroses · 10 months
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fadedelegance · 5 months
Men who cosplay as women are now allowed to beat women and get away with it.
Sadly, I believe Riley is correct—it will take a woman losing her life for people to wake the fuck up.
Female fighters—PLEASE REFUSE TO FIGHT THESE ABUSIVE FUCKS. PLEASE. Their feelings are NOT more important than your safety. Send a message by REFUSING TO COMPETE AGAINST THESE ABUSIVE MALES.
Also, we all know the pricks who do this just want to beat women and get away with it. They may even be sadists who get off on it. I’d bet that’s 99.9% of male boxers who fight in the female category. I bet that piece of shit Fallon Fox was hard as a rock when he was cracking Tamika Brent’s skull. The boxing governing body has given these evil wastes of oxygen the perfect outlet.
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musical-chick-13 · 7 months
*puts my head in my hands* The reason that so many of us say, "I don't trust people who say that all men are evil no exceptions you should never interact with any of them for any reason" ISN'T because we are coddling abusive men, it's because we a) don't want to get into bioessentialism territory, and b) are WELL aware of your history of using this rhetoric to blame women who are abused by men because "Well men are horrible, what did she expect, she brought this on herself."
#tw: abuse mention#'feminism focuses too much on men!! we forget about the women!!!' I mean. in some cases yeah probably but that is NOT what is#happening here when I express my distrust of this phenomenon.#like...no I don't think we should have to clarify every discussion of misogyny with 'not all men' and I am WELL aware that when most women#go 'ugh men' they are complaining about the patriarchal system in place and do not LITERALLY mean Every Single Man#and at the SAME TIME: saying that men are inherently [x] & that 'can't be helped' and women are inherently [x] & can do no wrong#is. bad. you get why saying that men are inherently violent and [insert bad quality here] doesn't ACTUALLY fight misogyny right#you get why telling people 'this is NOT based on a systemic issue or cultural factors that can change over time and is just an Unfortunate#Part of being born as [assigned gender] that no one can help' doesn't. bode well for your cause right. RIGHT.#'welp ALL men are like this it's just The Way Things Are!' congratulations you've horseshoed back around to the very argument#people use to absolve abusive men of violence against women. look at you. real feminist hero there.#ugh let's hope THIS post doesn't get picked up by the t---fs#actually I'm going to make this non-rebloggable#lmao watch me get labelled as 'not caring about women' on The Women Blog#watch me get called a straight person when the primary thing I do is talk about how attracted to women I am a;sdkfja;lsfjksdfl
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storytellersumayyah · 2 years
tw: misogyny, gender-based violence, harassment, general crime against women and girls
terfs do not interact. trans women are women and have their own experiences with the fear of being harmed based on their gender and deserve to have those experiences recognised.
the first emotion i knew was fear. the first love i understood was the one that fear showed me to protect me. fear kept and keeps me safe. fear welcomed me with open arms and showed me there was no such thing as irrational. fear revealed itself as all the women that shaped me. fear. equals. your. safety.
you stand on the opposite side of the crossing so the man can't touch you. you take the stairs when the lift opens and reveals someone stronger because there are no cameras. you weigh up the pros and cons of continuing at your normal speed when the group appears and then you stick to the shadows so they don't know you exist. you come up with codes. you keep the route open but hidden from view so they can't see where you're going. you ignore the burning in your legs and carry on. you move out of the way before they can even see you. you admire the night from a closed window. you ask them to send a specific picture when they get home. fear. equals. your. life.
you know that it is not all men. but somewhere in you lives the child who had to sit silently as the police blamed a girl who was the only innocent party. you know that it could be a woman but they understand. you know that the fear is irrational but you hold it and pray it's enough to keep your name out of the newspapers. you know fear cannot account for their every move but it accounts for enough.
fear. equals. your. identity.
- you ask: what does it mean to be a woman? and i say: it means fear is your first friend
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What Taylor is doing is so fucking brave. And important right now. She is one of the most powerful women in the world and she still had to mastermind the whole world into meeting her at midnight in order to be safe from all of the men who have used her and taken advantage of her. Especially with recent celebrity news about domestic violence. And it makes so much sense that she had to go slow to do that. Miss Americana was a hugely important step in protecting herself before disclosing some of the stuff she talked about. I hope this sparks a big conversation.
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Worrying trend of muslim Women in England being murdered by men and no one seems the slightest bit fazed.
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pearlly90 · 11 days
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"Reflections of the Divine" "(Heads)"
He created them to cherish, love, and protect us.
Aren't they protectors?
Yet, they think we're the fountains of their splash.
In the beginning!!!
The Word was God, and the Word was with God.
Through them, I envisioned a beautiful image of God, and I smiled.
But then,
I was reminded of how I was made,
Taken from his ribs as a helper, a companion, a true friend.
He's the image of Almighty,
And I bow in reverence.
Dear God, I suffered at the hands of my protector.
He stripped my hope, broke my esteem, and scrambled my heart.
He became the weapon formed against me,
Feasting on my pain, finding joy in my despair.
Forgive me
For my mind is flooded with struggles.
I yearn for a helper, made in the image of the unseen.
But he's the one who's broken my soul, devoured my spirit, and crushed my heart.
I've built a sapphire cage, where my trust is arrested.
I want no leader to break in,
No more suffering to endure.
He created them to cherish, love, and protect.
Aren't they protectors?
Yet, they think our faces are the nature of waterfalls.
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no-passaran · 2 years
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Tom Engelhardt, The War on Terror, Homeland Version (June 2014).
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