#geminis amor
caostalgia · 1 year
Es incontrolable el deseo de amar cada parte de ti.
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la-chica-de-la-luna97 · 10 months
Que ganas de unos besos sabor cigarro 🚬
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
What aspects and placements would you say believe or experience love at first sight?
In the natal chart:
Cupid in 5th or 7th
Cupid is the asteroid connected to impulsive love, falling in love, idolizing a person romantically, etc, so to have it in the 5th house of romance or the 7th house of committed relationships may show a person who falls in love very, very quickly.
Moon conjunct Cupid
This conjunction in the natal chart can show someone who develops romantic emotional attachment quickly, may be lef by their emotions in love, so they are likely to fall in love fast.
Venus conjunct Cupid
The placement of a hopeless romantic, someone who idolizes love and is likely to fall in love from the first sight just because they need love. Easily led by attraction/first impression rather than a deeper connection.
Venus conjunct Mars
In order to fall in love they seek physical attraction, so they are likely to believe in love from first sight. They can be quite primal in love, when they desire something they go after it. Possibly the most charismatic placement imo.
Venus conjunct Moon
Quick emotional attachment, may be quite vulnerable in love, may easily idolize people in the relationship, so I can see them believing in love from first sight.
Venus and/or Mars in the 1st House
They value physical attraction. Venus values romantic, Mars values sexual attraction and in the 1st house of appearance I can see that first impression may be important for these people. They either love you at first sight or don't want to do anything around you(especially Mars in 1st).
Venus conjunct Neptune
THE aspect for idolizing people based on first impression. They can romanticize and imagine a future with a person even without knowing them at all. 100% the love at first sight aspect (depending on other aspects in the chart it can be less prominent trait), but they definitely can fall in love at first sight, have an idea of a person that is drastically different from reality.
Venus in the 12th House
They may fall in love with someone just by observing them. They can be very vulnerable even naive in love. Similarly to Neptune, the 12th house can bring out the deluded side of someone. It can be extremely romantic but also it can be very hopeful in situations where it shouldn't be.
In Synastry:
Cupid in the other person's 1st House or conjunct the other person's Ascendant
Cupid person sees everything they need in order to fall in love in the other person's identity and appearance. The relationship can evolve quickly and Cupid person may quickly begin to idolize the House/Ascendant person.
Neptune in the other person's 1st House or conjunct their Ascendant
Similarly to Cupid, Neptune person may idolize the House person, the relationship can be romantic but also lack clarity. House person may feel insecure if they cannot live up to the expectations Neptune person has for them. Neptune isn't demanding but it can have very unrealisitc expectations.
Venus conjunct the other person's Mars
Instant chemistry, strong sexual attraction, a lot of passion, can't control their feelings around each other. It can show love at first sight, especially passionate love and physical attraction between two people.
Venus in the other person's 1st house or conjunct their Ascendant
Venus person can be very attracted to the House/Ascendant person as they may represent everything they find attractive romantically. It can show instant attraction, harmony, even love. I think this is sweet for both romantic and platonic relationships.
Amor in the other person's 1st House or conjunct their Ascendant
Amor person views the House/Ascendant person as their ideal lover. I believe it can show genuine love and passion from early on. It is considered the soulmate asteroids, so having it conjunct a major house (1st, 5th, 7th) or major planet (Sun, Moon, Venus) of another person may indicate a very strong bond between two people. Conjunct Ascendant or in the 1st house can indicate something very instantly felt by both people.
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mobitori · 2 months
Después de la miseria, buenos días están por llegar a ti.
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roblez · 1 year
No confías en nadie, pero ven, dame tu mano... tomate tu tiempo, sabes que yo no me afanó
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ceruleanblooms · 8 months
I am free to shelter you, longing to give you an abuandance of freedom, protecting you from that which should never be a risk, those that will never be safe for us have flown away ♥️
-Rachel Feliciano
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seminando-rebeldia · 9 months
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sad-smile-03 · 1 year
«Tu hai perso troppo tempo a pensare e a me forse ne rimane troppo poco per perderlo a ragionare»
-Riboni (Pactum Gemini)
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geminioftheyear · 1 year
OK Computer is a gemini. Good to know.
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caostalgia · 1 year
Seamos uno mismo cada día de nuestras vidas.
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menteentempestad · 2 years
Que ganas de bailar una canción romántica con una persona que me vuelva loco y que ella sienta lo mismo por mi. Mirarnos a los ojos, cantarle y esas sonrisas de complicidad.
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la-chica-de-la-luna97 · 6 months
Ya sé que no te importo,
Ahora me gustaría saber ¿cómo hacerle para que me dejes de importa?
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Horóscopo del Amor Abril 2024:
Lectura de Tarot, general para el mes de Abril, sobre las relaciones sentimentales.
Signos solar, lunar y ascendente.
Pronostico para:
Aries, Tauro, Géminis, Cáncer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Escorpio, Sagitario, Capricornio
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pockettao · 23 days
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roblez · 1 year
Perdida en la tristeza
Ellas no me aman como tú
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thegirlofthebookss · 8 months
Una vez , yo era una tauro que vivía en las profundidades de la rutina, cansada de no vivir nada nuevo, y conocí a un chico géminis, yo era la chica con más autoconocimiento que se podría llegar a conocer, y él siempre decía que no se conocía ni un poco, yo tenía dos mejores amigas desde los 12, y él era en verdad muy sociable, yo siempre decía que mi mamá no me daba permiso para salir pero en verdad ni le preguntaba, y él empezó a salir de fiesta desde los 15 años más de 3 veces al mes, a mi me gustaban las músicas en Inglés y a él la cumbia villera y el trap, yo era feminista y él compartía memes machistas, yo había crecido con una familia no muy presente pero nunca me hiceron faltar nada, y él vivió en tres hogares diferentes cuando era niño, aveces vivía en la calle, dato curioso hasta ahora lo hace, y aveces prefiero que él prefiere vivir en la calle que tener un hogar o una familia, sus padres nunca le prestaron mucha atención, ni a sus hermanos, que son 9, y de tres diferentes madres, que podía yo esperar de él, aún así lo veía muy valiente por haber vivido todo lo que vivió, pero creo que lo idealice y dejé que entre demasiado a mi mundo, rápidamente me encariñé con él, amaba escuchar sus historias como si me las estuviera contando el mismisimo superman, lo esperaba siempre para ver las series que veíamos juntos, hasta que me di cuenta que él no lo hacía, y nunca más quise ver ninguna serie con él, viví por primera vez muchas experiencias con él, de repente mi vida ya no era aburrida ni mucho menos rutinaria, era caótica e inestable en todos los sentidos.
Pronto subiré segunda parte
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