#gang orca can get it I’m sorry
of-worms-and-fibers · 2 months
Wrong Body
Shinya and Tsunagu get hit by a body swap quirk and Shinya HATES it Fluff, Angst with good ending, comfort, trans Shinya, ask Word count: 1100
„Shit, Edgeshot?!“
Jeanist cursed, looking for his husband on the battlefield; in one of the most annoying fights of his career. None of the villains were particularly dangerous, just a group of pranksters with annoying quirks that did nothing but pose semi-mild inconveniences. Hell, calling it a “battlefield” felt ridiculous, it was more like a circus. Some of the heroes were stuck quacking like ducks while others had been made to dance the macarena. It would have been almost funny if the group hadn’t been so active lately, bothering civilians greatly. 
“Jeanist, I’m here!” 
The other called out, and he hurried to where the voice had come from; finding Edge fully alright, albeit a little annoyed looking, among a small group of more heroes who had managed to avoid getting hit by any of the quirks so far.
Jeanist breathed deeply in relief, going to hug Edgeshot briefly; too slow as the rest of the group shouted a warning and jumped aside; a fuzzy shiver ran all over his body, and when he opened his eyes; he wasn’t sure what was wrong at first. He felt the same, didn’t dance or make strange noises. 
“Oh my god Tsunagu-“
Edgeshot exclaimed, and hearing his real name in a battle situation like this could only mean bad news.
“What is it?”
He asked, but immediately noticed what it was; his voice didn’t sound right. Now that he thought of it, his body didn’t feel right. Jeanist almost didn’t want to do it, but he slowly patted his body down, feeling his hips and chest to be far softer than they were supposed to be. In a panicked motion, he reached for his hair, relieved that at least that hadn’t changed. And so he returned his gaze to Edgeshot, who was clearly a lot less calm about it; screaming silently on the inside while uncomfortably tucking at his clothes, trying to cover up the silhouette of his body; a body Tsunagu had seen, years ago, before Shinya’s transition.
But there was nothing for now that could be done about it. Gang Orca sent them home, to see if the quirk would lift overnight and so the two could do nothing but obey his suggestion.
“Okay. We’re physically girls now. We have to stay calm. Why is my voice so annoying?!”
“Welcome to my life.”
Shinya replied bitterly, wrapping a blanket around himself. Clearly, he wasn’t happy with the situation and sensitive to everything about it. Tsunagu brought the dinner, sitting down by the other’s side: 
“You know it doesn’t change anything to me right? You’re no less of a man, even if this predicament is making you feel dysphoric again.”
He said, sitting a bit away from the other, knowing how uncomfortable he was right now. Shinya didn’t eat much at all, and it worried the blonde:
“We should still have your binders, right? I don’t think we got rid of them. I can look for
them, but you need to promise not to wear them to sleep again.”
Shinya merely nodded, and with a kiss on his forehead, Tsu disappeared into the basement. An hour passed, then two until he finally came back:
“Sorry, I got distracted by old clothes. Look at this dress I found!”
He said, showing off a pretty dress he used to wear a lot. It looked even better with his hopefully temporary, more feminine features and he felt gorgeous. Two binders were promptly dropped on Shinya’s lap:
“I sewed little ninja patches on.”
A small smile finally crept on the grey-haired one’s face, which was quickly replaced by tears and a hug; this wasn’t a new sight. But one neither of them had expected again. After hormones and surgeries and a lengthy social transition, they had thought it was over. But of course, life was cruel. It always was with the job they’d taken on, but this was beyond any of that. This wasn’t about getting hurt or dying. This was so much more personal, to both Shinya and himself.
It felt like a setback of years and years of progress and it… frankly, it hurt. Tsu knew that he wasn’t the one having any right to feel hurt, but he did, because he knew he couldn’t do anything but assure and reaffirm his husband. Husband, that’s what he’d always stay no matter what anyone could ever do or say.
“I don’t think I want to have…”
The ninja enthusiast started but Tsunagu just shook his head with a soft smile:
“I know, we don’t have to do anything tonight or until this is over. Don’t you worry about that at all. I’m sure it will be over soon.”
It wasn’t over soon. A week passed, then two, and the two of them were getting increasingly worried. Visiting Kugo a lot, and a quirk specialist who couldn’t tell them more than 
“It’s probably temporary.”
And probably wasn’t good enough. So the panic lasted for a whole month until one morning, the blonde was startled awake by a sudden scream from Shinya, who had come back early in the morning from a night shift:
“I’m normal again!”
With a quick pat down, the blonde assured himself of his own return to normalcy and breathed out in relief. He went to the bathroom, where the love of his life stood half undressed by the mirror.
“Oh thank god. I did like the hips though.”
“Your hips were the only good thing about this whole ordeal. Ugh, I thought I'd have to go through hormones and surgeries again I am not not showering for a week again!” 
Tsunagu laughed, finally able to cuddle Shinya again, after a whole month of needing to be careful about it to not make him uncomfortable:
“Haha no never again. Glad to see your smile again, I missed it.”
He said, brushing a strand of hair out of his face to cup his cheek; the gleam in his eyes was back. The confidence. The smile. The relief. It was all too wonderful to see. He was wonderful to see. Handsome and happy, how he was meant to be. 
“You’re the most beautiful man on this planet, do you know that Shinya?”
“Oh? Strange because I always thought you were.”
They laughed, deeply in love with each other. As they calmed down, only a small chuckle remained as the grey-haired man found his passion to joke again:
“Ryukyu is going to be so disappointed.”
“Oh yeah? She should be happy I’m even sharing you my little worm~”
With that, they continued getting ready for yet another day of hero work, as if nothing had happened, with a refreshed acceptance of whatever it may bring. Because at the end of the day, no matter what could happen, the most important thing was that they had each other.
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xgummibearx · 2 years
((Yeah that title is really bad I am sorry.))
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Gang Orca x (F) Reader 
Summary: You are watching a horror movie with your lovely boyfriend, the man voted as one of the scariest heroes, whose menacing steely gaze is enough to make anyone turn skittish, or perhaps weak at the knees depending on what you’re into. Anyways, he insisted on letting you pick the movie! Being the gentleman that he is of course but... didn’t have the courage to say that he is terrified of horror movies. 
TW: Gonna describe some fairly nightmarish and graphic scenes from the horror movie, so brace yourself for some body horror, Evil Dead kinda stuff. 
((You know, I have never actually seen that movie...One of my sisters traumatized me with the trailer when I was a kid, and I never watched it lol. I like the grudge personally.))
(--) Insert name
The lights were low, and there was a fresh pizza on the coffee table. She grinned, pouring glasses of ginger ale. “Alright, you picked the movie last night but I’m not sure what to put on.” (--) screwed the lid back on and dashed to the kitchen. “Would you like to pick another? I enjoyed that movie about the boxer you put on last time!” Kugo stretched on the couch, thankful to have taken off his heavy costume. He stood, grabbing them some paper towels and offering a small kiss on (--)’s cheek. 
“I honestly can’t think of anything either...I did want to watch something though, I think we’ve run out of puzzles...” He added as he thought to himself. (--) puffed her cheeks in thought, then felt her heart skip a little. 
“Well...Midnight did tell me about this one movie...” Kugo rolled his eyes a little, sipping some water. 
“I am not watching Fifty Shades of Grey.” He muttered, “Those movies are so distasteful...” (--) smirked. 
“Oh my gosh no! Goodness no, here...” She opened her purse. The cover was dark, with a pale faced figure that had bleeding eyes. Her memories flashed back to the office. “Midnight, I love our dates but...I dunno, I wanna shake things up a little.” She sighed. “Kugo has so much pressure from work, and I know the polls in the media bother him more than he lets on...” She cupped her face, leaning on her desk. “I think he’s scared of scaring me...he never tries to surprise kiss me, and he almost walks on eggshells...” Midnight smirked. 
“I can think of  a few things that may spice things up...” She laughed, smacking Midnight on the shoulder. 
“Please...” Midnight waved her hand. 
“Sorry, choice of words I meant nothing like that.” Midnight pulled out a DVD. (--) raised her brows. 
“Woah, vintage!” She shrugged. 
“It’s the only way to watch it, this is a classic! You know...classic like the rom com trope, put on the scary movie, you cling onto him, he sees that he is your safe place and he gets all cozy, protecting his precious little baby boo.” (--) Took the DVD, her face burning. 
“I am mad cause I know that would work...” She mumbled. “I’ll let you know how it goes and...why did you even have that!?” Midnight shrugged. 
“Borrowing it from Hizashi...don’t lose it he’ll kill me, he’s a HUGE horror movie buff.” 
Kugo pretended to be reading the back of the case but sweat was forming along his forehead. “Who on earth would want to watch this?” The box itself seemed to have a dark aura. He looked up at (--) She was smiling putting together the napkins. There was a soft blush to her cheeks, her eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement. She would be so put off if he suggested something lame like Lady in the Tramp or Ponyo...besides, it was her turn to pick. Kugo smiled, forcing a small laugh that he hoped sounded real. “Sure! These things are usually pretty cheesy aren’t they? It could be fun!” (--) grinned from ear to ear. 
“Okay! Let’s pop it in then!” 
The scene had low lighting, but the screen seemed to be a porthole in the dark room. (--) Exhaled, the movie was only a half hour in and she was already starting to get bored. Some blood, some eerie pianos and flashes of a grotesque figure. “I’m surprised Mic likes these...” She thought, tossing some popcorn in her mouth. However, she slowly leaned back into Kugo, smiling. “You’re the best part of this I think...I’ll pick a better movie next time.” She looked up, wondering why Kugo wasn’t saying anything, he almost seemed to be in a trance. 
The heroine on the screen was barefoot, her nightgown swaying as she walked across the hardwood floors. Whispers seemed to mingle with the creaking floorboards, there was a sudden high pitched eerie cry that made Kugo tense up. (--) placed a gentle hand on his thigh, looking up with concern. 
The young woman was suddenly thrown up, and her head was thrown back. Her screams were inhuman, her jaw opening wider and wider until her screams were complimented with the loud cracking of bones. They saw nothing but showers of blood fall to the floor, staining her nightdress and soaking her feet that were desperately kicking the air, her sobs and cries muffled as she choked on her own blood. The rest of her was offscreen. 
Her body was then suddenly dropped, and Kugo shut his eyes, his stomach felt sick. He only saw her for a flash of a second but it was more than enough to see what had been done. He was shaking. “Just...” Kugo slowly covered his eyes, equal parts embarrassed and horrified, “Please just tell me when it’s over...” (--) immediately paused as another woman came across the body and screamed. 
“Kugo...oh honey, are you okay?” She asked softly, resting on her knees as she held him close. Despite the fact that it was beating a mile a minute he could still feel it sink. This was completely humiliating. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that you don’t like horror movies...” Kugo gripped onto her arm, stroking her soft skin with his thumb. 
“I...I guess, I don’t like seeing such senseless violence...especially when it looks so real like that...” He muttered, “they...well...people watch this for entertainment!?” He asked. (--) Stroked his head. “That was horrible...” (--)’s stomach twisted with guilt. 
“I’m so sorry, I thought I would be the one that would be scared to be honest...” Kugo looked up and smirked a little.
“What? You mean to tell me that you wanted to cuddle up to your big strong boyfriend so you could scare yourself senseless and feel...” His voice trailed off a little. “Protected...” (--) could feel her face burning. 
“Yes...but more than that...” She grabbed a cushion, hugging it to her chest. “I wanted you to know...that you are my hero, you are someone that makes me feel safe, and I love you for who you are Kugo.” She looked up at him with a dejected sigh, smiling as she held his face. “No matter what the magazines or stupid polls say...” Kugo felt her heart skip a beat. 
“I...” He took a hold of her hands. “I admit...the fact that I am so intimidating to so many...” He gazed into her eyes. “Has made me worried that it would rub off on you...” Kugo took a deep breath. “I should trust you more than that, forgive me...” (--) smiled, kissing his cheek. 
“Only if you forgive me for putting on that awful movie, it was so cheesy...” Kugo puffed his cheeks, wrapping his arms around her waist as she was pulled into her lap. 
“cheesy...cheesy my foot, I still don’t understand how you looked so unbothered and bored!” Kugo mumbled. “I hope you know that I am now going to be staying over.” He stood, still holding onto her. “And I think we shall go enjoy a nice bath and you can make it up to me by letting me hold you all night...” (--) sighed dramatically. 
“Oh what agony...” She giggled. 
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reading-hub · 9 months
Hi Can I request Gang Orca x reader smut? The reader offers to help kugo through his tough work schedule and kugo thought that meant being professional. Only to come in the next day and sit down in his office with her wearing revealing clothing and wanting to give him a blowjob. Except the one problem she is a huge tease, most of the time when he wants to cum she doesn’t let him and other time’s she does. Finally once his day is over and it’s in the middle of the night where most people should be heading home kugo pulls her from under his desk and fucks her with everything he has. They did it on his lap sex with kugo bouncing her on his cock from his rough thrust. Kugo forgot the door was open so the people who where still there heard the moans and his deep groans also the dirty talk from the reader. Some people ended up walking as their boss fucked the hell out of his employe and kugo moaned as he came inside her shoving his cock deep in her. They calmed down and kugo says she will be his employee of the month. That’s the end!
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oh my gosh, your mind ♥️♥️♥️ (not proofread)
Kugo never thought he would hold onto a body with such intimacy and lust in another life. And yet, here you were. His drop-dead gorgeous co-worker wanted him.
It felt pleasant and rewarding to be desired for once, and in the back of his mind, Kugo was gonna milk this for what it was worth...
As much as he wanted to take the reins of pounding your inner walls right here at his desk, you just had to be an absolute tease to him!
Anytime he even came close to cumming, you pulled away with a cheeky smirk. He secretly loved your bratty attitude so he always let it slide, but not this time.
His claws grasped at your thighs and pinned you from behind on his desk. The cold wood met your bare stomach, all you could do it moan and giggle as a result.
"Mmm is my sweet Kugo getting ansty?" You purred, turning your head from behind, only to meet your gaze at a hulking man whose eyes glowed red and hooded. Your boss was getting lustful and wanted to take over.
"Oh -!" As punishment, Kugo pushed the tip of his hard cock quick and hard to show you who was in charge. Your body twitched as a result and tried to regain composure.
"Fuuuck! Yes, Kugo!" Kugo hummed in reply hearing your sweet moans for him singed. He couldn't risk hurting you with his monster size of cock, so he just pulled the tip in and out.
You hummed in delight, "Give me more, Sir Kugo!" The hero's breath hitched. God you're gonna drive him mad. Without noticing, his body trusted slowly more into your wet walls. Kugo placed both his claws beside your head, gripping the desk edges. You could feel his dress shirt and tie touch your sweaty back
"mmm that's right, go deeper my sweet Kugo.." he got you right where he wanted you, pinned and submitted beneath him.
A faint knock was heard, a muffled voice called out Kugo’s name but to no avail. Both of you were so focused on each other that you didn’t notice one the agency’s temps came in anyway.
Once the doors open, you and Kugo paused and looked at the poor temp standing there helpless. Their eyes scarred and taking in the sinful position you guys were currently in.
Kugo immediately pulled away, cursing under his breath meanwhile you sat up from his desk, hastily collecting yourself.
“I-I’m so deeply sorry, sir!” The temp profusely but fumbled the words they spoke up, backing away from the sight whilst covering their eyes, bumping into things as they left, slamming the door shut.
Kugo only relaxed his broad shoulders and collected himself, pinching the bridge of his nose.
You snickered as you slowly but surely buttoned up your shirt and collecting the rest of your clothing.
“Well,” you sighed. “Secrets out now.” Shrugging away the awkward moment seamlessly but Kugo could tell that you were embarrassed.
You slowly collected any accessories that you took off prior from your sticky ten minutes of pure ecstasy. The last thing you grabbed was your purse, slugging it over your shoulder.
Kugo came behind you, embracing your figure close and careful. He wanted to hold onto you tighter but was aware of his large size and strength that he held you delicately.
You could feel his breathing on your backside, taking in your scent. You wish these moments could last longer. Because of your busy schedules and office culture, this was all you could get.
At least that’s what you think.
You turned your heels around, facing your boss, looking past his appearance, he looked at you with soft eyes.
“I don’t want to end our arrangement all because of one slip up.” He stated. Oh. This was a surprise.
The old Orca would’ve been ashamed and distraught of the IDEA of having someone seeing such a vulnerable sight involving him. This was new. You kinda like it…
“As such,” he began, grasping your shoulders with comfort. “I’ll have to have you be moved up to a higher position so that way I’ll keep close tabs on you.”
Oh shoot. You were at a lost for words! Is this how you finally get the big promotion you’ve been nagging for all this time??? Holy—
“All I ask is to not tell anyone about this.”
“We’ve already slipped up by having one person see us. It’d be a disaster if more people found out if we keep you in this department any longer.” Kugo was never one to take risks. He cared about your safety way too much. It’s pretty sweet and admirable in your eyes.
The gentle orca held your one of your hands, keeping them close to his chest. “The choice is ultimately yours at the end of the day.” He confessed. He didn’t want to put too much pressure on you at the end of the day.
You hummed and smiled in delight, closing the space inbetween you two, embracing his broad and imposing figure.
“I would gladly stay with you.” You breathed out.
Closing your eyes and taking it all in.
“I’m here for long run, Kugo.”
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hydrangeyes · 7 months
Valentines day scenarios
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit Nov.8.2023: I forgot just how much I was into Bnha/Mha, Like going through google docs I had 130 + fic ideas listed out (Like HUH???)
(You both stayed in bed and then later Aizawa surprised you with cooking dinner AND washing the dishes. You absolutely dick him down afterwards)
Okay pretend covid didn’t happen-
“Hiza guess what I have~”
“2 tickets to [insert shared fav band], they’re playing tonight!~”
“Y/N!! So did I!!!”
The both of you hunt for a double date (only to kinda ditch them later) and are absolutely loud gremlins during the whole road trip and show.
(Rough outdoor sex abit away from the crowds??? Thrusts matching the beat and you both laugh about that later)
“I’m pampering you today.”
“W-wha? Y/n shouldn’t it be-”
“No. Shut up. First order is cuddles and massaging your wings.”
“O-oh okay 😳”
(Your spoiling him rotten. If he has to work, watch you call them up and say get bent before hanging up. Today you have the excuse to finally wreck hawks with absolute care and fluff)
“Ah~ this onsen is the best~”
“It issss~ we can order whatever after even.”
“Really!? 🥺”
“Mhm, I um, asked them to make something special just for you 👉👈”
(Idk why writing him is so hard)
“Today’s Valentines day right?”
“Uh huh, yeah it is.”
“And your working.”
“Um I didn’t think you cared for holidays to be honest…”
“Any day that you can fully give all your attention to me is one we are celebrating.”
“Heh okay- Woah!”
“I’m not getting off your lap until you call your shitty boss and tell him you’re off today- no. The rest of the week”
(I love the thought that tomura demands your attention/is bratty once he knows without a doubt you’re actually dating.)
“Oh come on dabi!”
“No. Nope. Fuck that.”
“Atleast accept the chocolate I made?”
“….you..made me chocolate?”
“Of course! I was thinking of buying you alot of presents and flowers but I think you’d like me making you something more”
“….hand them over.”
Gang orca:
It’s just horny all day sorry. Telling me if he was off this day and maybe doesn’t have work the next he wouldn’t spend it absolutely wrecking y/n? Like in a sexy way or non sexy? Pls.
Out of any character besides the obvious ones I feel like he’s eating any type of treat that he can off of you. Round 5? Break time, cuddle bath bubbles, champagne or wine, oil massages at home horny “I love you and miss you and need you” sex. The day ends with you both exhausted because fuck all else you wrecked him too.
I’m a simp. I’m sorry I love him so much. Anyway
“Babe, babe wake up.”
“You have the hardest morning wood right now and I want to lick chocolate off if it.”
Brain starting to crash so this is all I got for now lol
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adminbryantsaki · 8 months
Gang Orca x Reader
Bodyguard – on the tour bus.
(I do not own My Hero Academia or the characters within. Anything associated with that fandom belongs to Horikoshi Kohei. This story belongs to my 2023 Spice-tober collection. I hope you enjoy. If this story isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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TW: Confessing, kissing, sneaking around. WC: 979
You were being accompanied back to your tour bus by your bodyguard after a show. This bodyguard wasn’t your run-of-the-mill bodyguard. He was an orca hybrid and his name was Kugo Sakamata. He had a well-built form and stood on two legs like a human but his upper body had the features of a killer whale, such as a dorsal fin coming off the base of his neck, the black and white patches like a killer whale. His eyes were red with many rings around them that made him look more intimidating, but they were from lack of sleep from the late nights he had being up until the early hours of the morning being your bodyguard.  You didn’t really care about his appearance since he was a nice guy to have around to keep you safe from getting mauled by your fans when you just wanted to leave your bus to go to the store for some late-night snacks. This time, you had just wrapped up an after party and you were still fueled by the energy that was in the room. You jumped around as you walked back with Kugo to your bus, explaining to him how much fun you had even though he had been told to shadow you the whole night. He didn’t mind though as he loved seeing you be so excited for your shows like this.
 Soon the two of you arrived back at your bus safely without getting jumped by any surprise fans or swarm of paparazzi and new reporters wanting to get a final word in from you about the show. You entered the bus with Kugo right behind you. Once inside, you took your wig off and let your hair down before going to your suitcase and pulling out your pjs for that night. You turned to Kugo who was standing by the door of the bus and told him to sit down and make himself a cup of his favorite Turmeric tea that you had picked up before you went on this tour. He thanked you and waited until you had dipped into the bathroom to change before he went about making some tea for himself and setting up the coffee maker for you as he knew that you liked to unwind with a cup of coffee.
You came out of the bathroom a few minutes later with your pjs on and you put your dirty clothes into your laundry bag before going to the coffee maker to already find that your coffee had been made and you looked back to Kugo and thanked him. You took your mug and sat down on the seat across from Kugo, taking a sip of the warm beverage. You also picked up a book that you were reading and read a couple of pages before looking up to Kugo who was watching you. He seemed nervous and looked like he wanted to ask you something but he couldn’t muster the courage to do so. You set your book down and looked at him. “Kugo, do you have something on your mind?” You asked him. He snapped out of his stare and looked down at his mug in embarrassment as he didn’t realize that he was staring. “Yes, I do. I’m sorry that was staring, that was rude of me.” He spoke. “That’s alright. I bet you’re tired and you got distracted by something that made you space out for a bit, didn’t you?” You spoke, chuckling to yourself and taking another sip from your mug. “Yeah, sure.” He responded. “I’m just going to cut to the chase, Y/n. I like you and I have for a while now. I don’t care if the rules say that a bodyguard can’t be in a relationship with the person that they are hired to keep safe. I’ll quit so we can be together if we must.” He confessed. You stared at him with surprise.
You set your mug down and walked across the bus to him, and sat in his lap. You swore that you saw some pink rise to his cheeks as you got settled and he put his hands on your hips. You put your hands on his shoulders as you were blushing too. “I was waiting for so long for you to say something. I’m glad you did now.” You told him and kissed him gently. He kissed you back and held you close. The two of you made out on the seat for a while before his hands slid up your shirt and he stopped himself. “We should stop here before we’re caught.” He spoke and you slid off his lap. “Goodnight then, Kugo.” You told him and went to the back of the bus where your room was and you went to bed. Next day, your manager comes to you with their phone, showing a tabloid that had a picture of you and Kugo making out in the bus. “Have something to say about that, Y/n?” They asked. “It’s probably photoshopped. Kugo made sure the bus was secure before we locked up for the night.” You told them. “Alright… Just make sure that something like this doesn’t show up again, okay?” They spoke. You nodded and looked over at Kugo, knowing that the two of you would eventually hook up again in private. You smiled to yourself and went back to getting yourself ready for the next show. The end.
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penandswords · 6 days
Rima Origins | Part 2
Rima's Age: 15
Rima stared at the tiny Hawks keychain being dangled in her face. Alicia’s smile wider than usual. Especially when she caught the interest in Rima's eyes.
“He’s a new hero that Popped up! THEY call him Hawks. Can you believe he’s only 18, and ALREADY has an agency!” Alicia shook the keychain in front of Rima’s face.
“You’re not falling for him are you?”
Rima could FEEL the heat of her cheeks rise, and looked away defensively.
“No. I am still A fan of Endeavor.” Her eyes peered back at the keychain, especially when that kind chuckle left Alicia’s lips.
“Don’t be embarrassed. You’re allowed to change your mind ya know. Here.” Alicia gently took Rima’s hand and placed the keychain in her grasp. DElicate fingers moved to close her friends fingers.
No one else… had ever gotten close enough to Rima to touch her like this. But, One could only take so many surprised Hugs from a crazy french girl before they got used to them.
“Alicia, are you SURE? Did you spend money to get this?” Alicia just smiled to her. “I was TRYING to get Gang Orca, but ended up with Hawks instead. You look way more interested in him than me. Take it… AS a token of friendship… and to ask you for another coin so I can try again.”
Rima watched her friend give her a pleading look, which only brought a small smile to Rima’s face. She dug into her coin pouch and offered Alicia several extra coins.
“Woah I don’t need that much. I only need one!” Alicia shook her head.
“Yeah but you brought back those drawing pens for me when you went to see your family in France. Lets just even the score okay?” Alicia huffed at the comment but took the coins anyways..
“That was a GIFT Rima, you don’t have to pay me BACK.” She crossed her arms and sulked childishly.
“Says the girl who’s already scooting closer to the machine.” Rima did NOT miss the small micro-movements while they talked. Only smirking when Alicia froze the second Rima pointed it out.
The two exchanged a hard laugh for a moment.
“Are you SURE you don’t want to stick around? Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky this time. YOU don’t want to miss my victory. Do you?”
Rima glanced at the nearby clock. Something BEGGED her to stay. She wanted to, but she didn’t.
“Sorry… My family expects me home at a specific time, and If i’m not there there will be consequences.” She bit at her lip, unable to shake the urge to stay. She couldn’t.
“Alicia… You really shouldn’t hang around here for too long either.”
“Well BOO, but okay. Don’t you worry about me, I'm just going to try a FEW more times then head straight home.”
Rima looked at her friend with worry, as Alicia turned back to the machine. Oblivious to the world around her.
‘I really shouldn’t leave her by herself.’ The clock ticked by with another minute, filling Rima with a sense of dread.
She was just being paranoid, Alicia would be FINE. She was always FINE.
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kaphyr · 7 months
Mirko x Gang Orca x Izuku | The Long Defeat | Excerpt
Day 2 of Rankings. Izuku meets Mirko and Gang Orca.
CW: Hand cuffs, Gang Orca has 2 cocks, squirting, DP, threesome
Mirko frees him and stands. Izuku opens his mouth to apologise, but she takes off her shirt and bathing suit top. She beckons him with a finger. Her tits aren’t that big but her nipples are dark and large and Izuku thinks,
I must have a concussion.”
“No, this is really happening.” Gang Orca puts a hand on his shoulder and Izuku startles. “Only if you want to.”
Izuku nods like that was a question, like he could have ever said no when this is fucking Mirko.
She doesn’t sit on his face but she does straddle him and hold his arms up as Gang Orca clasps leather cuffs around his wrists.
“Good?” Gang Orca asks, a finger at Izuku’s pulse, beneath the leather.
“Yeah?” Izuku’s eyes keep flitting between them.
His eyes go to Mirko’s tits and the nipples she tweaks until they harden. Gang Orca’s eyes that bore back into him. Mirko’s white trail that’s trimmed like an arrow pointing down at her pussy. His abs that flex, a stray drop of water travelling between them. Her pussy that’s dark on the outside. His crotch that looks like it’s packing under his swimming trunks.
Izuku looks away. I don’t even know if he’s into guys. Shouldn’t creep him out―especially when they could really hurt me and I’m tied up and―
“You’re breathing a little fast,” Gang Orca notes.
“That’s what bunny prey do, isn’t it. Get scared―” Mirko drags her nails down his stomach and he flinches; it doesn’t hurt, but he’s so wired he can’t help it. “―and fuck like the world’s ending.”
Gang Orca hands her a condom and without breaking eye contact with Izuku, she slips it on him. And then she’s sliding onto his cock.
Izuku moans. It’s been ages since he’s fucked someone. Weeks since he’s had a warm pussy around his cock. Months since he’s had a woman ride him. And Mirko is good at it.
She’s not fast or forceful. She takes him as deep as he’ll go and her hips do this twist when she goes up or down. And when she rises, she lifts till his cock is nearly out. When she comes back down, he feels like he’s fucking in from scratch. It’s the perfect pressure at the head. And when she’s taken him to the balls, she squeezes and Izuku can’t help but buck into her, into that heat.
“Yeah? What else does the little bunny like? Wanna call me mama bunny?” she asks, her hands squeezing her tits.
“Ah―no, that’s―sorry.” Izuku blushes, but at least he still has his mask on.
“Well, what the fuck do you want? Because I’m good. Or… is that what you like? Get used all night, put away wet?”
Izuku swallows. “Ah, like touch, please,” Izuku says, high and breathy.
“Yeah? Want me to touch you? Or you want Orca’s big hands, big claws?”
Izuku looks at Orca and looks away. “Don’t―sorry. I don’t want to weird you out.”
Gang Orca laughs gently. “I just cuffed you.”
Izuku snorts and his shoulders relax a bit. “Um. Both? Please?”
“Fucking greedy, I like it!” She rests her hands on his pecs and her fingers dig in.
Izuku hisses but doesn’t move away, doesn’t complain. It feels good.
She hurries a bit, her tits swinging. She looks down at him and it’s exactly like Kacchan. She’s looking at him like he’s a villain and she gets to do whatever she wants to him.
Her nails dig in and her pussy squeezes and then she frowning a little as she bites her lip. Izuku bucks back and then black fingers clutch at her. Gang Orca’s behind her, one hand stroking Izuku’s thigh, tracing the marks Kacchan left. They go lower but never quite reaching his ass. His other hand goes to her cunt, where they meet. Izuku almost cums.
She does. Her ears shoot straight up then flop down. She keeps riding him as she moans, still biting her lip. Gang Orca’s fingers―still on her clit―stroke in circles. Her scream is muffled, but Izuku can feel the way she squeezes and her hands that scratch like she’s trying to peel off his skin.
When she comes down, Izuku lets out a breath. He was this close to cumming, but even he can tell this is nowhere near over.
She looks back at Gang Orca and they share a look, both of them breathing hard. She looks back down at Izuku. “Wanna get fucked?”
“Can I?” And even to Izuku’s own ears, he sounds pathetic.
“Want a real cock or want me to get my strap-on?” she asks.
Both!? But Izuku knows he’s not gonna last long; he’s already tired from being hung over all morning, coming way too many times, and getting beat into a mat. “Real cock?” Izuku whispers.
Gang Orca smiles behind her and despite knowing he’s a good man, knowing he would never hurt him, Izuku is terrified―and so fucking turned on.
Mirko starts rocking again, teasing and taunting him. Behind her, Gang Orca opens him up with so much lube the sheets are wet beneath his ass. The whole time, Gang Orca leans to the side and squeezes his thigh before asking,
“More lube?”
“Can I add another.”
Izuku nods and nods.
Every time, Mirko turns his face back to her.
“You want to eat me out don’t you?”
“Want my slick dripping down your chin?”
“Want me to cum on your tongue?”
Izuku nods and nods.
When Gang Orca slides in, Izuku sucks in a breath. He’s tapered but so fucking big and just getting bigger.
Mirko clicks her tongue and Gang Orca stops.
“I’m okay, I’m okay―just―big. I can take it.”
Gang Orca’s hands go on on his thighs and then he’s sinking further in. He keeps going and Izuku bites his lip.
“You like that, dirty bunny? Not enough to fuck a cunt, is it?”
Izuku’s head rocks yes and Gang Orca keeps sinking in and in. She grinds her hips and Izuku screams.
“No, wait, wait, I’ll cum, wait, please.”
She laughs and her nails drag over his chest, tweak his nipples, pulls at them harshly and then he’s not so close to the edge.
Gang Orca finally stops and Izuku finds himself breathing hard and he’s so sure that if he looked down, there would be the shape of him.
“Are―is it―?” Izuku pants, eyes barely able to focus on Gang Orca’s.
He laughs deep. “As deep as it’ll go.”
Mirko joins him and her pussy squeezes and Izuku moans.
For a while, they stay like this. Mirko moaning and scratching at him. Gang Orca filling him to bursting.
“Ready?” Gang Orca asks and Izuku doesn’t have the space in his head to answer. But Gang Orca doesn’t pull out, doesn’t fuck in.
Instead, Mirko rises until she’s completely off his dick. Izuku looks down at his cock that’s hard and standing up, waiting for her. Behind it, there’s Gang Orca’s second cock. It’s long and thick and white. She sits on it and her ass swallows all of that cock like it’s nothing.
Then she takes a hold of Izuku’s cock and guides him in.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Izuku breathes.
She stills and Gang Orca reaches for his cock and holds him tight, for a long minute. Izuku squirms, but it helps.
Mirko takes him in, now. She sinks all the way down and this time, there’s no stopping it. She grinds down and Izuku cums into the condom.
But she doesn’t stop. She starts riding him, leaning forward. Izuku pulls at his cuffs, staring at her face, her manic grin―Kacchan’s red glare. Izuku shuts his eyes and focuses on the sweet squeeze of her pussy.
And then Gang Orca’s cock pulls out a little and fucks back in.
Izuku isn’t even in his body anymore. It’s like there’s so much he can’t even pick what to feel, what to think. All he can focus on is the cock carving a way into him. Her pussy clenching around him. He can’t do more than moan and twitch and pull at the cuffs.
Then, Gang Orca goes faster and Izuku feels like his organs are being bruised. Like it’s punishment. He thinks he cums again ,but the tightness doesn’t leave his stomach as Mirko keeps grinding, one hand on his mask, forcing him to keep his eyes on her.
At one point, she fucks harder and squeezes and squeezes. There’s something rushing all over him. She shakes and Gang Orca holds her up and keeps fucking them both. When he pulls her back until she’s sitting straight, her hair loosens out of her bun. Her ears twitch where they lie flat against her head. Izuku can see the faint outline of that thick cock pressing so big and so far inside her.
He looks further down, at where his stomach bulges. He cums again.
They don’t stop. Izuku just floats. They keep riding―fucking―and he just moans and cries and eventually, he’s too soft to stay inside her. He slips out as she writhes, and then drenches him. He groans. Gang Orca is still fucking him.
She lifts and then she pulls his mask. She twists his nipples. “Come on, work that tongue.”
Oh. Okay, yeah, oh my god, yes!
She tastes a little acidic and a little like latex, but Izuku doesn’t care. She’s so responsive to his tongue. When he licks up or sucks at her clit or lets her grind on his tongue. His head is full of her scent and her sounds.
And on the other end, Gang Orca fills him up so much. And his second dick hangs fat and heavy over his own. Grinding and slipping all over him. Izuku thinks he cums, moaning into her pussy.
Gang Orca fucks him through it, but once Izuku is done, he finally pulls out.
Izuku feels empty. Feels gutted. Like everything inside him has just been rearranged. He’s never felt this good in his short life.
He’s half-dazed when he leaves. Gang Orca hands him his things and helps him into his shirt. He even rolls down his mask. Mirko hands him her gym set with a wink and tells him to pass by her office―he’d make her paper work more fun, sitting under her desk. Izuku just nods and nods.
Like this scene? A reader suggested it and so can you! You can request scenes on my patreon and also, I sometimes ask for them in my fic The Long Defeat on AO3 (btw, that's where this scene is from)
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tsukishumai · 2 years
SUGAR DADDY GANG ORCA……maya your mind
god he just wants to spoil you rotten… doesn’t ever want you to worry your pretty little head about a thing… the personification of “my hands look like this so hers can look like that” … needs his little sugar baby to be all iced up
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
cock warming
Small smut drabbles of you cock warming with Aizawa, Gang Orca, and Hound Dog.
This is the first part. I’m posting part two tomorrow with Toshi, Hizashi, and Fatgum. And I got swept up in Hound Dog’s. I could have kept going but stopped. I might expand on his at a later date.
Warnings: it’s not explicitly stated, but you can definitely read these as a daddy dom type of relationship/situation
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Aizawa Shouta
An hour later and Shouta was still working at the table. He assured it wouldn’t take that long but his unmoving body begged to differ. You came up behind him, hugging his shoulders. Knowing exactly what you wanted, he grumbled, “Can you really not wait?”
“Fine. Take off your clothes,” he demanded before standing and going to the couch. You stripped and waited patiently as he settled and found the bottle of lube. It slicked on, glossy, soaking, assuring he could slip in comfortably. The well-known noise kindled your yearning, flaring up to a heated craving.
When he was arranged, his hand extended, “Come here.” You grabbed it and straddled his lap. Muttering slowed your hasty hips, “Easy. Easy. Last time you hurt yourself.”
It didn’t stop you. He was flaccid but his warmth relieved, enlivened, coddling your body and weakness. You softly moaned his name as you seated. His shirt crinkled in your fingers.
“Are you okay?”
“Perfect,” you sighed, relaxing against his chest, resting on his shoulder. You sighed again, not hiding your grinding.
A light smack landed on your ass. Shouta’s voice deepened to dominance, “You wanted to do this. You know the rules.” Another, harder smack sounded at your whine. Fingers gripped your skin after. “Are you going to listen to me?”
“Good.” Lips pressed to your temple. A blanket draped over your shoulders. The TV turned on behind you. He kept the volume low and smoothed his hands up your back, kissing your temple, whispering, praising, “You’re a good girl.”
The adoration heartened your muscles, clenching them around him. But he didn’t reprimand you for it. You kissed his neck. His arms cradled, tenderly cloaking you as your breaths eased with his, disengaging from the world.
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Gang Orca
The rain picked up. The internet slowed. You gave up trying to load the webpage and went to him. He turned the page of his book, sitting quietly on the couch.
You sat beside him. Wanting him while you relaxed for bed, you placed a hand on his thigh and asked, “Kugo, can I?”
Without looking, he answered, “Of course you can.” His hand affectionately rested on your shoulder. Fingers rubbed gently. 
You lowered his sweatpants and slipped him out. After laying down and getting comfortable, you nestled your head on his lap, taking him into your mouth. He was soft and somewhat rubbery. But the taste and texture still brought you solace.
His leg shifted. “Not too far, my love.” His fingers moved to trace your jaw. 
Using one hand, you snugly supported him, enabling you to nurse to your pleasure. His skin surpassed velvet and sweets: honey on your tongue. Withdrawing him, you lightly sucked his head. The gathered precum seeped out tastefully.
“No sucking. You know that.”
Salt dribbled as you drew him back in. He alternated between flaccid and slightly aroused. Drips of drool oozed out. Suction sounded when you licked it up.
Kugo said your name firmly. “No sucking. I will punish you if you don’t listen to me.”
You sighed, swallowing around him. More salt drizzle. Leisurely sipping and savoring, but not sucking, reassurance imbued your body.
His voice was calmer when he asked, “Do you want me to turn the TV on for you?”
You shook your head and closed your eyes. Rain lulled against the window. His hand rested on your side, petting as you drifted off with him in your mouth.
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Hound Dog
He grunted. 
“Can I sit on your lap?” You knew the tone of voice portrayed exactly what you wanted.
“You didn’t listen to me, did you?” He sat up. Two fingers slipped under your shorts, right into your underwear to find his answer. They rubbed roughly, commandingly. “Why are you wet?”
Your shorts and underwear were yanked down. After moving one leg to the side, his tongue skimmed along you. But it was too light and too brief. He scolded, “I told you this morning you needed to wait for me.” Your defense was cut off with another grunt, “Turn around.”
You did. Hands brought your hips backward, guiding you onto him. You held his thighs, preventing you from lowering too quickly. His size was still a little intimidating even if he was only half hard.
His wet, warm tongue lapped your neck. “I’ll be easy. If you sit still, it’ll be okay.”
Trust released your hold. He gradually lowered you further, pausing whenever you gasped. His half erection soon sat snug inside. Each loving lick he placed on your shoulder relaxed your back against his chest. Your legs were spread and moved to the outside of his. 
Ryo granted one circle on your clit before bundling you in his arms. Your thighs repositioned. It earned your clit a sharp smack. “Don’t move. Just sit.”
“Sorry,” you muttered. His lovesome tongue returned to your skin, sweeping behind your ear. A nip jerked your hips. It brought another smack and a rumbling growl.
The TV show faded into fuzzy background noise. You were too focused on remaining still. Though it didn’t work that well. Your muscles kept squeezing around him, provoked by his roaming, doting hands.
Any movement was sealed. Whimpers were silenced. Greed and thirst eventually formed, building until it dripped from you, soaking him. The weight inside slowly hardened. Twitch by twitch, he swelled, fattening, goading. But you kept your mouth shut, not wanting him to deny you more pleasure.
Ryo finally relented after the show ended and rewarded you relief, “You can start moving.”
“Thank you,” you gasped. You grabbed his thighs and began bouncing.
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zeros-writing · 3 years
Deku, Todoroki and Bakugo finding out that his boyfriend is gang orcas son?
Finding Out Their Boyfriend is Gang Orca's Son
For this I'm assuming you didn't inherit his quirk otherwise it'd be kinda a giveaway
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Fan boy to the max
I'm not kidding in the slightest
He'll have a fresh empty notebook as he asks you a trillion questions
Stuff like "What's your mother's quirk? Do you have any orca instincts? Does your dad eat fish? Does he sleep in water?"
Will probably definitely ask if you can get him your dad's signature
He was already nervous about meeting your parents but knowing your dad his Gang Orc would make him more nervous
Now he's also curious who your mom is and if she's also a pro hero
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He's so confused
It's kinda adorable ngl
Literally just "😮"
He's really confused with how different you guys look
But he also has a pro hero for a dad so he doesn't care too much about that
But he's a little nervous when he failed his hero license test to your dad and worries your dad won't like him :(
Please reassure him he's great
He's also happy he has another thing in common with you (even if you're dad isn't even close to as bad as Endeavor)
Will hold you whenever you're worried about your dad being hurt
"It's alright, my darling boy."
He's as sweet as ever
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I'm sorry but he doesn't really care 😭
I think he's a firm believer in "You are who you are." and "You are not your parents."
But he's also low-key jealous and intimidated
Assumes you've gotten extra training from your dad even if you haven't
Very upset he failed to get his hero license
Especially since your dad was who he was supposed to beat
Kinda feels like he failed you because of that
So please just hug him and tell him how amazing he is and he'll be happy
A/N: I'm very sorry for disappearing like that, stuff has been hard lately😅 I promise I'm still alive. I'm trying to get some new writing stuff out so watch out for that!!
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redpandaramblings · 3 years
A Matter of Admiration Alpha Gang Orca x Omega f!Reader
Hello Hello! Here is my very VERY late submission for the SFW portion of Spudcorner's Valentine Blood and Chocolate Collab. This was meant to be a two page drabble. 13 pages later it's a bit more than that. Regardless, I do hope you enjoy!
Sequel/Epilogue Here
Content Warnings- Omegaverse, SFW, Insecurities, Misunderstandings, Pining, Fluff, Lots of food mentioned, Kugo being very down on himself, very minor mention of blood and stitches needed.
“Really? Again?”
The large alpha seemed to shrink under your judgemental glare.
“I am sorry, Y/N. The fight got intense and it slipped off. Someone must have stepped on it.”
You sighed heavily, your gaze turning to the workbench where the shattered remains of your creation sat. This was your seventh attempt at outfitting Gang Orca with a communicator headset. It was dangerous for him to keep fishing for a handheld during the heat of battle. Unfortunately, his lack of outer ear made keeping a headset on him difficult. Shaking your head, you gave a small smile.
“Not your fault, Sakamata. We knew this was going to be tricky. Though at this rate I’m tempted to just glue a headset on you and call it a day.”
Kugo snorted, his posture relaxing. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I hate to see your hard work go to waste.”
“It’s not a waste if I learn something from it. This one lasted a couple weeks of normal patrol work, so that’s an improvement. We just need to figure out what was different about this fight. So, sit. Talk.”
Kugo shook his head with an amused huff. He admitted he had been slightly dubious when you had first come to his agency. He’d encountered many hero support workers claiming to specialize in mutation quirks that seemed to be looking for lab rats for their creations. However, you always listened to what he said, and made suggestions that would actually make his job easier. You made sure your support items not only were functional, but comfortable at well. If the few years you had worked for him, he was pleased to say you had become good friends.
“I can’t right now, Y/N. I need to get cleaned up, then complete my report before I forget the details. I’ll come back first thing tomorrow.” You frowned, tapping your foot. Kugo fought to keep a neutral expression. You’d never forgive him if you knew how much he enjoyed your expressions when you were annoyed.
“Alright. Fine. First thing tomorrow. But make sure you get some rest tonight, you’ve been working too hard lately!”
Sakamata waved a hand in answer as he walked out the workshop door. He’d try to follow your request, but a hero’s work is never done.
Gang Orca shuffled through the door to his agency with an aura of gloom about him. In the past five days, he had broken five more communicators, gotten into several serious fights, and had allowed a villain to escape. And that was just his work life. Some of his friends had set him up for a speed dating session. He didn’t blame them for trying, but it ended exactly how he knew it would. Most of the omegas who had been present were scared of him, and those that weren’t were clearly only interested in his pro hero paycheck. Kugo trudged toward his office, his thoughts gloomy. A man with a quirk like his would never have a normal courtship. It hurt sometimes. How nice it would be to come home to a sweet smelling omega. What wouldn’t he give to home filled with pups, and laughter and love? He sighed softly as he swung his door open. Such a life was not meant for him, so no point in even dreaming. On autopilot, he hung his coat on the coat rack, and turned to set his briefcase on his desk. However, the desk was already occupied. Kugo tilted his head as he stared at the object resting on his desk. It appeared to be a large bento box, wrapped in a rather feminine handkerchief, patterned with some sort of flowers. Kugo set his briefcase down on a chair before coming closer to investigate. Gingerly, he untied the knot, setting the cloth aside as he looked at the contents curiously.
First and most obviously, was the strawberry shaped sticky note attached to the top. “You looked like you had been having a rough week. I hope this can make it better!” The writing was… painstakingly cute. The “i”s were dotted with little hearts. Each letter having just a little bit of flourish, while still being legible.
Kugo hummed quietly to himself. Clearly this had been left on his desk by mistake. A bit awkward, considering his name was on the door, but there was no other explanation. He drummed his fingers on the desk as he considered his options. He could take a guess at who the bento was for. There were several popular alpha heroes working for him that got their share of gifts from admirers. The soft omegan scent coming from the handkerchief that had wrapped the bento was a solid clue the gift was likely meant for one of them. But really, there was no way to tell for sure who it was supposed to end up with, and he really didn’t want the hard work to go to waste. Yes. Best thing would be to eat the bento, and place the box in the break room with a note inside the box apologizing.
His course of action decided, Kugo opened the bento, quietly sucking a breath as he saw what was inside. There were sausages cut to look like little octopi. A large slab of teriyaki salmon. Rice balls shaped like teddy bear heads, complete with little seaweed faces. He tried to tamp down his delight at seeing over half of the bento was dedicated to tamagoyaki. While he lived up to his stereotype of loving fish, the egg dish was a secret favorite of his; something his mother had made for him whenever he had a bad day when he was growing up. The second layer of the bento had even more. Rice, vegetables, and surprisingly a small but adorable piece of cake. Kugo put the bento back together with a small smile on his face. Perhaps it wasn’t meant for him, but it had been a long time since he had been able to enjoy something like this- cute and homemade, clearly filled with a great deal of care. He couldn’t quite feel guilty as he looked forward to lunch. He could pretend, just this once, that a sweet smelling omega had put so much care into something for him.
Later that day, when most of the day team had left, Kugo made his way to the common break room. He carefully cleaned out the bento box in the sink, setting it to the side to dry. He folded the handkerchief it had came in, and placed it next to the box before sighing. He was in the process of scribbling a brief apology note when he heard a cough. He glanced up to see y/n leaning against the doorway.
“You okay, chief? Thought your shift ended an hour ago.”
Kugo nodded as he placed his note on top of the handkerchief. “Yes, just had a few things I needed to wrap up. What about you? I know you were supposed to be done several hours ago now.”
You fidgeted, embarrassed, shrugging your shoulders as you glanced away. “Had an idea for how to improve a few items and, well, you know how I get when I have a project. But what have you got there? You never struck me as the homemade lunch type.”
It was Kugo’s turn to look uncomfortable as he shuffled from foot to foot. “It was left on my desk this morning by mistake. I had no way of knowing who it was actually meant for, and I didn’t want it going to waste, so I ate it.”
You frowned as you walked into the room, opening cupboards and starting to retrieve things to make tea. You held a mug up toward Kugo in a silent question, grabbing a second one when he nodded. You were quiet for a few moments, going through the motions. After a while you asked “How are you so sure it wasn’t for you?”
Kugo snorted, leaning back against the counter and gesturing at himself. “Omegas aren’t exactly lined up around the block. I don’t place high on the ‘heroes that look most like villains’ list every year for no reason. Some unfortunate omega got confused about whose office was whose. It’s a shame I couldn’t give it to whoever it was meant for, it was a beautifully crafted bento.” Kugo doesn’t mention the note. Kugo especially doesn’t mention the note had found its way into his desk drawer to save as a memory of how nice it had been to receive the bento, even if it was an accident.
You laughed, passing him a steaming cup of tea, made just how he liked. “Sakamata, don’t talk down about yourself like that. You’re big, strong, and prime alpha material. You’re one of the top heroes! And even more importantly, you’re a gentle kind man that any omega would be lucky to have. I’d bet good money that that bento absolutely was made just for you.”
“A nice thought, but I doubt it. You’ll see. In a few days I bet a bento will make its way to who it was meant for.”
Kugo stood stock still in the doorway to his office. Sitting on his desk was another cloth wrapped package. Once was a mistake, clearly. But two days in a row? Why on Earth was there another bento on his desk? He approached the desk and slide the bento to him. He untied the scented fabric with care. A cat shaped note greeted him.
“I’m sorry if it wasn’t clear before, Sakamata. I wanted to make this for you because I admire you so much. I’m not always great at saying my feelings, so I hope my cooking says enough.”
This was… for him. The bentos… were for him? He sat in his chair, leaning his head against his hands as he regarded the innocent looking lunch. If it wasn’t a mistake, then what could it be? Probably a fortune hunting omega trying to get in his good graces, if he went off his past experience. Though usually those types of omegas were more likely to offer favors of a different sort. Kugo winced as another thought occurred to him. There was a good chance this omega pitied him. Ugly, intimidating, unmatable. Someone had seen him and decided he needed looking after because clearly he’d never get someone on his own. Yes. That had to be it. He should leave the bento in the break room and end this farce as soon as possible.
His mind made up, Kugo picked up the bundle to do exactly that. The subtle smell of the contents hit his sensitive nose, causing him to salivate. Tempura? Definitely egg. Well, it would be a shame to not even look inside to make sure.
Clearly just as much care had gone into this one as the last one. The rice balls were shaped like little cat heads, to match the note. An assortment of tempura seemed to be the main dish, cute cat shaped food picks stuck in some of them. There were even paw print shaped gummy candies for the dessert. Every inch of the lunch was absolutely adorable. And it was all done for him. There was no way Kugo could let it go to waste. It hurt to know it was a gift given out of pity, but maybe, just for a while, he could pretend there was someone out there who loved him like this. The omega would grow tired of this eventually. Until then, he’d let himself enjoy this.
It was surprising how easily this had become routine. Every day when Kugo walked into his office, there was a new bento waiting for him. And every day he’d unwrap the bento, indulging a brief moment in the cutely patterned handkerchiefs. Every bento was unique and cute. They seemed to show a good understanding of his tastes and preferences. It was a pleasant break on the quiet days and a welcome comfort on the rough days. Each day there was a sweet written note that Kugo gently stored in his desk drawer. It was perfect.
Until it wasn’t.
Kugo hated attending charity events. It wasn’t the charities, he always supported good causes. It wasn’t the dressing up, or the fancy atmosphere. It was the people. While a few of his friends were around somewhere, there were many many others who didn’t know him well. Others who were intimidated by his appearance. Others who apparently had no idea just how sharp his hearing was.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe Gang Orca is here.”
“I know! Well, I suppose he is a hero. Allegedly, anyway.”
“Did he come with anyone?”
“Of course not. I mean ew. Look at him. Can you imagine cosying up to that at the end of the day?”
“I know! And those teeth! If he tried to bond someone, he’d take their head clean off!”
“As if anyone would want to bond with that.”
“I don’t know. He’s in the top ten pretty often. He has to be loaded, right?”
“Would have to be a lot for me to even consider it.”
“It could be all the money and I still wouldn’t!”
“Oh don’t say that! Poor bastard can’t help he’s unmatable.”
Kugo walked away from the refreshment table as he tried to tune out the unkind comments and mocking laughter. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard before. He knew full well what he looked like. He had had enough failed courting attempts to know exactly what omegas thought of him. But it still stung. Stung more than usual, actually. The daily bentos with their scented cloths and cute little notes had almost made him forget. The only omegas who were interested either pitied him, or wanted his money. He could never forget that.
What he could forget, apparently, was that the number two pro hero was scheduled to be at his office the morning after the charity gala. Kugo stifled a sigh when he saw the red winged hero waiting outside his agency’s door. Of course he’d have to deal with this on a day when he wasn’t in the best of moods. “Orca! My man, good to see you again!”
Kugo nodded as he held the door open. “Hawks.”
“Didn’t get a chance to talk to you at the party last night. You know how it is. Go to one of those things when you're single, and you get swarmed.”
Kugo gave a non committal grunt. No, he didn’t know. He just wanted this morning to be over with. He perked up slightly as he saw you hurrying down the hallway toward them. Hawks gave a low whistle. “Who's the babe?” Kugo half growled. “That is Miss Y/N. The support item engineer you allegedly came here to see. You will be respectful and refrain from flirting with my staff.”
Keigo held up his hands and laughed. “Hey now big guy, don’t mean any offense. Just saying you’re lucky to get to work with that every day.”
Kugo jerked his head in an abbreviated nod. You slowed down your quick walk as you got closer, not wanting to interrupt the heroes’s conversation. Kugo waved you closer. You smiled at him so brightly as you joined the group. Yes. He was lucky to work with a friend such as you. Kugo’s nerves started to cool a bit as he introduced you and the three of you began to make your way to his office. Hawk’s casual questions were more inquisitive than flirty, and Kugo knew from long experience just how much you enjoyed being able to talk in depth about your work. He was smiling by the time he opened the door to his office, ushering the two or you in. Hawk’s next words hit him like a bucket of cold water to the face.
“Dang! Either you got one hell of a cafeteria service at this agency, or Gang Orca has himself quite an admirer. Delivered right to your desk, pretty bold, man! That’s exactly why I keep my door locked. There’s only so much lunch a man can eat, am I right?”
The bento. He had forgotten about the stupid bento. There it sat, as always. The handkerchief was especially cute today, some sort of pattern with teddy bears hugging and kissing. Any other day, the sight would have calmed him. Any other day he would have sat down and quickly poked through to see what surprises lay inside that day, would have read the note meant just for him with a smile.
But today was different. Others were in his office. The number two hero, handsome and popular. His support engineer, pretty enough to probably have plenty of suitors of her own. And then there was him. Large. Scary. Consistently told he looks like a villain. Has never had a relationship that wasn’t pitying or profiteering. Kugo remembered the whispered remarks from the party. Usually he’d be able to brush off Hawks’s commentary. But today…
Kugo snarled, his scent agitated as he swept his arm across the desk, knocking the bento roughly into the trash. “They are a nuisance that need to cease! I’m so tired of some desperate piting omega shoving their unwanted, unneeded efforts at me! Enough is enough!” At the end his voice was raised to a shout. He was dimly aware of his nails digging deeply into his palms. Kugo leaned on the desk, breathing deeply as he tried to calm himself. He could hear the others shuffling behind him awkwardly.
“Come on,” You murmured and lightly tugged on Keigo’s sleeve. “How about I show you my lab and take some measurements before we get started.”
“Yeah. Um. Yeah.” Keigo allowed you to lead him away. You softly closed the door behind you. Kugo remained, hunched and breathing raggedly. It took him several minutes to calm down. It took him a few minutes beyond that to gather the nerve to make the trek down to the support lab. He slipped into the room as inconspicously as a man with his fram could manage. You were taking measurements off of Keigo and muttering to yourself as you tapped out notes on your tablet. Keigo noticed Kugo’s entrance and greeted him cautiously. “You good?” Kugo nodded. “I… apologize. It’s been a rather trying week, but I should have composed myself better.”
Keigo waved him off. “No worries, man, no worries. Y/n was just telling me she thinks that she’ll be able to rig up something for me that would help slow my fall in situations where my wings get damaged.”
You hummed an affirmative, taking a few more measurements before you started describing your process. Kugo couldn’t help but notice you didn’t look his way. You looked at the ground, at your tablet, at Keigo, but you were clearly avoiding Kugo’s gaze. He mentally winced as he settled onto an out of the way stool. It was rare for him to have that kind of emotional outburst. It probably could be heard even from outside his office. He’d make sure to apologize to you better when he got the chance. But for now, it was looking like it would be a long, awkward day. Goodie.
Kugo growled under his breath the next morning when he saw the cloth wrapped bundle sitting on his desk. Yesterday’s embarrassment was still fresh in his mind as he stalked forward. His thick fingers quickly untied the surprisingly unpatterned piece of fabric. There, under the cloth, on top of the box, was a note as there always was. Kugo’s anger was cooled by confusion when he saw it, however. The paper was a plain yellow post-it note. Instead of the painstakingly cute handwriting with the heart dotted “i’s, there was a clearly hasty scrawl.
“I’m sorry. I never meant to annoy you. This will be the last one.”
Kugo frowned, shifting in his seat. Clearly the bento maker had heard about his outburst from yesterday. That was… unfortunate. But perhaps for the best, since he had no way of directly telling them to cease their nonsense. Unconsciously, his hand balled up the handkerchief and as he had been doing for a while, he scented it.
The cloth had a slight smell of salt to it. Tears, Kugo realized uncomfortably. The smell of tears slightly diluted the normal soothing smell of whoever had carefully packaged these bentos. He had little appetite as he looked over what was there. Tempura. Salmon. Vegetables. A large portion of tamagoyaki. But the part that caused an uncomfortable weight to settle in his chest was the little red box, filled with slightly clumsy, clearly homemade chocolates. Kugo closed his eyes, sighing as he set the box to the side to wait for lunch. This was good. This was what he wanted, to be left alone instead of some kind hearted omega taking pity on him. He had lived a long time without homemade bentos and little notes. He certainly didn’t want the small offering of chocolates. When lunchtime came, he certainly didn’t linger over the food longer than usual, savoring each bite. He tried to tell himself that this was for the best. That this was what he wanted. He refused to think about why he tucked the handkerchief and the box of chocolates into his desk drawer instead of leaving them in the break room as usual.
The next day as Kugo opened his office door, he looked toward his desk out of habit; searching for the lunch that had been left. His chest gave an uncomfortable lurch when he found the desk was bare. He shook his head in an attempt to clear it. This was fine. This was what he wanted. The sooner he forgot about all this nonsense, the sooner things would return to normal. He settled into his chair and began sifting through the paperwork he had to deal with. No better way to take his mind off his troubling thoughts and distract the whine of his inner alpha. He was certain. Things would be back to normal soon.
Two weeks later, Kugo listlessly picked at the limp lettuce of the poor excuse of a salad that he had picked up at a convenience store. He sighed, putting the lid back on the barely touched meal resolving to throw it away when he next passed a garbage can. He didn’t like to admit it, but he missed the carefully planned meals. Wondering what cute surprise was going to be next. It was nice that someone thought he might enjoy seeing animal shaped onigiri and cheesecake flavored kit kats. His alpha whimpered when he thought about the contented omega scent that gently perfumed every handkerchief, except the last. But just as the note had said, he had received nothing since that last bento. His thoughts remained gloomy as he entered the agency, quickly making his way into his office, locking the door behind him. He knew better than to hope as he looked towards his desk. Bare, once again. Sighing heavily, he slumped into his chair. He gently pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk. Carefully nestled into it was the cleaned, empty bento box from the last meal, the small box of dwindling homemade chocolates, and that last precious handkerchief.
Kugo carefully removed the handkerchief. He brought the cloth to his nose, inhaling deeply. Stabbing pain shot through him as he realized the scent was barely there anymore. The faint scent of tears almost completely overpowering the last lingering trace of distressed omega. His hands clutched the fabric tightly, squeezing until he realized the stress he was putting on the fabric. He quickly placed it on the desk and tried in vain to smooth out the wrinkles. After a minute of fussing, he gently refolded it and placed it back in the drawer. Kugo stared at the contents, unblinking before slowly sliding the drawer closed. It was almost gone. Everything was almost gone. And he didn’t know how to get it back.
With a low growl, Kugo pushed himself up. Today was a rare day where he hoped for trouble on his patrol. A fight would certainly take his mind off things, and just maybe calm the whining alpha that echoed throughout his entire being.
He really needed to be careful what he wished for. Kugo winced as he limped toward the support lab. He had gotten a fight alright. He had gotten three fights, a twisted ankle, and a once again smashed communication headset. It wasn’t his fault that he had gotten thrown backwards into a rather solid concrete wall. Y/N was going to kill him.
Kugo pushed the lab door open, stepping inside. His forehead creased in worry. The lab felt off. Wrong in a way he couldn’t immediately place a finger finger on. Well, he’d have to think about it later, he decided as he made his way to where you were sitting. You were at your workbench, tapping your pen on the table and staring at nothing when he settled down on the stool next to you. You glanced over as Kugo sat down, did a double take and let out a small noise of surprise.
“Sakamata! What happened to you?”
The large man shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. “The usual. Villain didn’t behave exactly how I thought, and I paid for not being vigilant enough. Nothing too bad. Twisted ankle and roughed up a little. Unfortunately though…”
Sheepishly as a scolded schoolboy, Kugo pulled the shattered remains of his latest communicator out of his pocket and placed them on the workbench.
He couldn’t help but smile. He loved the times when you got worked up enough to call him by his first name. He watched as you gingerly sifted through the sad shattered remains.
“What did you do, hit it with a rock?!”
“Concrete wall, actually.”
You stilled before turning to look at Kugo, sharp and suspicious. “And I assume you were wearing it at the time?”
Kugo had the decency to look embarrassed as he nodded. Suddenly he was being fussed over, gentle hands touching his face and turning his head this way and that. An exclamation and curse left you when you found a large, sluggishly bleeding gash on the back of Kugo’s head.
“You! You Alpha!” You huffed as you started digging through the pockets of your lab coat. Kugo got a brief glimpse of colored fabric before the handkerchief was softly dabbing at his wound. Kugo hissed, only half listening as the scolding continued about how knot headed alphas needed to learn to go to the medical ward first before worrying about stupid replacable tech. He was brought back to the present when a hand, so much smaller than his own, grabbed his hand. You easily maneuvered him so that Kugo was now firmly holding the handkerchief over the cut. You hummed, satisfied for now.
“Now Sakamata, please hold that there until you can get medical to look at it. Doubt a hard headed man like you has a concussion, but might need stitches. I’m not exactly an expert. Don’t worry about the headset. I should be able to get a new one to you before my replacement takes over. And if not, I’ll be leaving some blueprints behind anyway.”
You stilled, looking away from him. “Yeah. Yeah, sorry. I just… I never found the right time to tell you.” You fidgeted, rubbing your thumb over your knuckles. “I’m going to be going to America soon. I’ve gotten a good offer to work with a few heroes over there that need someone specialized in mutation supports. It would do a lot to boost my career…”
Kugo reached out, grabbing your hand, and stopping your nervous motions. He tried to find words in his stalling brain. “This is really sudden, Y/N.”
“Yeah. Sorry.” You wouldn’t meet his gaze.
He gently shook his head, giving your hand a squeeze. “Not scolding you. Just, is everything alright? Is something going on?”
You pulled away, digging your hands into your hair with a sigh. “You know me too well.”
Kugo gave half a smile. “I would hope so. I like to think we’re friends. Is there anything I can do? Are you in trouble in some way?”
You shook your head. “No. No, nothing like that. It’s kind of embarrassing. Just… A courtship that really didn’t turn out well. And I just… I could really use some time away to get my head back on straight. Eagle Pride’s office has mentioned wanting me to go over and collaborate with them for a while, and what better time than now?” Your laugh sounded bitter.
Kugo sat silent and stunned. He hadn’t known you were courting. Being courted? Honestly, he wasn’t even sure of your dynamic. If you weren’t beta, then you certainly hid your scent well. He cleared his throat before speaking hesitantly.
“I certainly won’t stop you if you truly wish to go. It is an excellent opportunity. Might be a step in having your own support company if you wish. And if not, you’re always welcome here, Y/n. You must know that.”
You give a small smile, finally looking him in the eye. His chest tightened when he saw tears there. “I know, Kugo. You’ve been nothing but kind to me. You’re a good friend for putting up with me.”
“There’s no putting up with. I enjoy your company, always.” Kugo reached out slowly, but you turned away and wiped your eyes with your sleeve. He frowned, placing his hand back in his lap. “And you sure you’re alright, Y/N? No one is threatening you, are they? Someone unsafe taken an interest in you?”
You snorted, “Nothing like that. And people think I’m the dramatic one. No. I just got rejected is all. I miscalculated. Thought they were interested, but they made it very clear they aren’t.”
“Then they’re an idiot.” The words escaped Kugo before he even realized what he was going to say. But it was true, he was sure. You were beautiful, kind, smart. Anyone would be beyond lucky to hold your interest. On the rare days he allowed himself to dream, he often thought he’d love to have someone like you as a mate. Someone who knew him well and cared for him as much as he cared for them. He felt pains in his chest and his eyes widened as realization hit him in the face like a wet mackerel. Oh. He was jealous. He was jealous of whoever it was that y/n had tried to court. And he was angry. Furious that some fool had rejected her. Hurt her. But he was glad she was still here. Yet she was going to leave. Going to leave him here alone. His thoughts swirled and tumbled, and he swayed slightly in his seat. And hand on his shoulder stilled him and he looked up into your concerned eyes.
“Hey, you’re not looking too good. You really should get to medical. Do you need me to help you?”
“No. No. I can make it down a few hallways, thank you though.”
Kugo stood, and tried to give back the cloth he had been pressing to his head. You pushed it back, gently scolding him. “I said leave it there until someone can look at it. If you insist on returning a silly old rag, you can wash it and give it back later.”
Kugo nodded and mumbled out a goodbye. He had a lot to think about as he slowly made his way to medical. So. He liked you. The more he thought about it, the clearer it seemed to him. He’d liked you for a while. Things were always easy with you. But now, you’re leaving. He couldn’t stop you, and wouldn’t even if he could. You clearly felt like you needed to go.
He was still ruminating on his thoughts as the doctor ushered him to a bed. He was poked and prodded. Kugo managed to mumble out what must have been coherent answers. In the end, he did end up needing a few stitches. And just like that, he found himself fixed up and back in his office. He snorted a laugh at the absurdity. How can a day like this somehow manage to be just another day? Kugo sat in his chair and twisted the cloth in his hands absently. He brought it to his nose and sniffed out of habit. Oh course, the scent of his own blood was the most dominant. But underneath that was the usual calming scent of omega. His shoulders relaxed as the tension ran out of him. He pulled that cloth away, idly looking at the pattern. It was cute. Floral. Reminded him of the cloth that the first bento had been…
He hastily brought the handkerchief to his nose again. There was no mistaking it. He knew that smell. He had missed that smell for weeks. It was faint. But it absolutely was there. Omega, soft and sweet. Not any omega. His omega. His bento maker. His y/n.
Y/n who had seen him toss her courting gift in the trash, who thought he had completely rejected her, and who was moving to America.
Kugo was on his feet in an instant. He’d never made the trip to the support lab that quickly before. You jumped when the door flew open, hitting so harshly that the doorknob dented the wall.
“Sakamata! What?”
He dropped to his knees before you, arms wrapped tight around your waist and his head pressing against your stomach.
“Kugo?” You asked softly, hesitantly stroking along his fin. “Kugo, what’s wrong?”
“You’re the best thing life has ever given me. Please don’t leave. Please.”
You made a soft, wounded sound. You kneeled slowly, and took his face in your hands. Kugo leaned into your touch like a man who had been starved of affection his whole life. You stroked your thumbs over his cheeks.
“Kugo, I’m going to need you to speak plainly, so I’m sure I don’t misunderstand. What’s going on?”
His large hands came up, taking both your hands in his.
“I’m an idiot.”
You snorted and tilted your head, confused. He met your gaze as he continued.
“I’m an idiot and I love you.”
You inhaled sharply, looking at him in disbelief. He pulled the crumpled, bloodstained handkerchief from his pocket.
“I’m an idiot because I love you and yet I never even noticed that you loved me too. You showed me every day. You knew I like eggs just as much as fish. You cared enough to make them cute. You gave me extra sweets on days when I was working a double shift. I loved every bento you made me. I have every note saved. And I might be an idiot, but I’d be an even bigger idiot if I let you go without saying something. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, and I love you and please don’t go.”
“Kugo.” You smiled sadly. “I’m sorry. I already promised I’d go.”
Kugo inhaled a shaky breath, his eyes lowering to the floor.
“But,” you used your hands to lift his chin. His gaze snapped back to yours. “It’s just for six months. Six months, and then I’ll be right back here. With you.”
“With me?”
“Mmhmm.” You gave his nose a quick peck. “Always. You’re the best man I know. I don’t think there’s anyone else in the world for me.”
Kugo groaned and pulled you close, burying his face in your neck. From here, although it was very faint, he could smell your soothing scent. “You can’t say things like that and then tell me I can’t have you here for six months!”
You chuckled as you hugged him close. “Well, we have two weeks before I leave. We have a little time. And once I’m back? We’ll have all the time in the world.”
“Even that won’t be enough time to spend with you.”
He hummed his agreement. “But it’s true. Eternity would be enough time to spend with you.” Before you could protest, he pulled you in for a gentle, but determined kiss.
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razzle-berry · 3 years
I had these head cannons on my mind for a minute. So I would love to request Bakugo, Sero, Hawks, Aizawa, and Gang Orca with an s/o that has a gorgon quirk. She has snakes for hair but when they’re in a dormant state, her hair looks normal and she can style it without hurting them, but when she’s angry her snakes hiss and bite (she hisses as well). When her eyes glow as she glares at someone she can turn said target to stone as long as she maintains eye contact but the set back is if she stares too long she’ll temporarily blind herself so her snakes will be her extra eyes. She even has a forked tongue, slit eyes, and can even extend her jaw like a snake but she’s hella cute and her face always looks like “:3”. I’ll randomly throw in that she can communicate with snakes and sheds her skin once a month rather than having a cycle.
(Holy All Might, I’m sorry this was so long 😣)
This is a really interesting quirk idea! Thank you for for sharing! Also, what if she stare at themselves in the mirror? Would she blind herself? 🤔 These are the questions anon
Warnings: Talk about discrimination, temporary blindness
Character(s): Gang Orca, Sero, Hawks, Aizawa, Bakugo
Note: Reader is the same age as the character being depicted!!
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Gang Orca/Kugo Sakamata
First off, this man is hella protective over you
Having a mutant type quirk, no matter how small, seems to be really stigmatized in the canon bnha universe
Having a mutant type quirk himself, he is intimately aware of this and is NOT fucking around with anyone trying to come for you
Congratulations you have 25/8 bodyguard
He finds your hissing cute
He likes looking into your eyes a lot and you have to be careful to not accidentally use your quirk on him 
If you manage to blind yourself, he’ll freak tf out 
Please take care of your eyes, he’s sensitive
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Hanta Sero
“Boop the snoot”
^^Words he lives by, expect your nose to get booped all day everyday 
If you hiss at him or stick your tongue out after he does this he’ll melt
Finds you adorable and loves seeing your quirk in action
Get ready because this one will use every snake based pet name he can think of (or find on google)
Likes to do random hairstyles when your hair is dormant and then see what they would look like when your snakes are out
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Hawks/Keigo Takami
Animal based quirk squad let’s go!
You call him your pretty bird and he calls you his danger noodle 
If you’re a pro like he is, he’ll defend you from the media talking bad about you 
“They look like a villain!” Hawks: “I see you’ve chosen death :)”
Will sometimes provoke your hair snakes into biting him 
Sometimes your skin sheds at the same time his feathers molt
It’s a mess
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Shota Aizawa
(tell me why I typed Eraser and a bunch of images of him came up, but when I typed Eraserhead and it was all strangely satisfying gifs 😭)
You hissed at him once and his immediate instinct was to pet your head because you reminded him of a cat 😹
If he catches you talking to snakes, he’ll find it adorable but will call you weird 
When your skin sheds, he helps you feel comfortable and won’t ever make you feel bad about yourself
You once convinced him to use your quirks on each other to see which one of you will get the other first 
It did not end well 
Carries around some extra eye drops for you when you’re out together just in case 
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Katsuki Bakugo
Heard someone talking shit about you for how your quirk makes you look and his reaction was the gif above ^^
Likes to play with your hair snakes 🥺
You two will be cuddling on the couch and suddenly his hands are in your hair
Since he runs warm, I'd imagine that the snakes like him too
Finds your quirk badass and makes sure to tell you every day
If you ever blind yourself in training or something, he'll be so doting until you get better
Then immediately call you a dumbass for overusing your quirk like that
826 notes · View notes
adminbryantsaki · 8 months
Gang Orca x Reader
On a cruise ship.
(I do not own My Hero Academia or the characters within. Anything associated with that fandom belongs to Horikoshi Kohei. This story belongs to my 2023 Spice-tober collection. I hope you enjoy. If this story isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
TW: Thalassophobia warning, Tight spaces, size difference.
WC: 696
You were on the passageway of the cruise ship that you and Kugo, your orca whale husband that you were on your honeymoon with. At this moment, the two of you were returning to your room to shower and get ready for dinner. Kugo opened the door and let you inside before he followed you into the room to shower as well. You picked out the outfit that you wanted wear that evening and put it in the bathroom for you to put on once you got out of the shower. Kugo picked his suit out and laid it on the bed before he began to undress from his swimming trunks and tank top. He grabbed his towel and followed you into the rather cramped bathroom. When he was in the bathroom with you, you both were bumping elbows and running into each other constantly. Eventually Kugo got frustrated enough that he picked you up with ease and he placed you in the tiny shower.
“You stay there and start on bathing yourself. Don’t be too quick as I’d like to join you when I’m ready.” He spoke, looking down at you from where he stood and waited a couple minutes to let you clean yourself to the point where you only had your hair left. Kugo loved to wash your hair whenever you would let him as it was something he could provide for you and care for you. He looked over as you were finishing up cleaning yourself and he stepped into the shower behind you, hugging you from behind and resting his head on top of yours. You smiled and turned around to kiss him. He kissed you back and pushed you against the wall of the shower since it was so cramped.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He spoke and looked for your shampoo.
“Its okay, we’re pretty cramped in here and I know you take up more space than I do, and that’s alright.” You reassured him. Once he found your shampoo, he looked up at you and kissed you gently as a form of thanks for the reassurance. He applied the shampoo to his hand and you turned around to let him wash your hair. Once he rinsed your hair out, he pushed you against the shower wall again and kissed you deeply.
“What’s this?” You asked as you received another kiss from your newly wedded husband.
“Oh, you know, just picking up where we left off.” He spoke, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist and putting both of his arms on either side of your head. You blushed hard and he pulled his erect member up and into your entrance.  He pinned you against the wall and began to thrust into you at a rapid pace. You moaned out and let him ravage you as the water of the shower fell onto the both of you. You could smell the scent of the sea and a slight grassy scent of parsley on him from his body wash.  He soon came inside of you and pulled out soon after and he helped you out of the shower and into some softer clothes.
“Do you think we should stay in for dinner? I don’t really want to leave after what we just did.” You told him as you leaned into him and he stroked your hair.
“I’m alright with that I’ll call the kitchen up and have some food sent over so we can stay in tonight.” He told you, letting you relax into him and you smiled.
He ordered in dinner for the two of you and the two of you ate on your balcony, looking over the ocean as the sun was setting on the horizon.
The end.
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yeahimaloser · 3 years
Stuck In An Elavator With You
Shy!Hawks x Reader
Hi, so this story is about a headcanon I have about Hawks secretly being shy around his crush! 
I don’t usually make x readers were the reader has a backstory/background, but I liked this backstory for the reader so I hope you enjoy!!
. . . 
Keigo tapped his foot anxiously on the ground, heart thumping and practically racing.
He had a good reason to be this riled up, he really did.
For whatever reason, Keigo Takami, also known as Pro Hero Hawks, had a particular repetition of being a flirtatious man, always seeking a new companion. He, nor his agency, knew where these rumors came from, but his press advisors told him that; “People will eat this up!” “This’ll be good for business!” And although he did nothing to refute those claims, they weren’t exactly true.
The truth was, his love life was practically nonexistent, he hadn’t really dated anyone before (not seriously anyway), so when he began to develop feelings for a certain someone, he was surprised, to say the least.
But, he didn’t get flustered around just anyone, he was a hero, a spy, he knew how to keep a clear head. The only person he would ever get flustered around was you.
You would think that pro hero Hawks would have some natural charm to him, but no, he becomes a mess around you. He felt pathetic if he was being honest.
You worked at the HPSC, which were his bosses, the people who helped to train him to be their personal hero, so of course, he got well acquitted with you. Whenever he entered the building he would usually be greeted by you, smiling at him, making conversation of any kind.
He liked how easy he found talking to you, he loved it really, the way you didn’t mind his bluntness, the way you would laugh at his crummy jokes, it made his day easier, it made going into the HPSC building feel more bearable.
He had known you for about a year, talking to you when you came to drop off documents, when he came in you always made sure to greet him with his favorite canned coffee in hand.
He didn’t remember when he got like this when he started to get flustered by you all the time, when he talked his words would come out all jumbled up when he talked to you, his face becoming red whenever you so much as touched his elbow. But, he still loved seeing each time he had to come in, it practically made his week each time.
Of course, luckily, he always had an excuse in hand. That he had stuttered out of exhaustion, that he blushed when you taped his shoulder because that’s where a villain had hit him.
Yet today, he didn’t see you. And he had been prepared too, washing down his nerves and trying to make himself the calm, confident, pro hero people loved, he knew he could swoon you if he acted as the charismatic hero he was. But you weren’t there, and he didn’t like it.
So, he patiently waited for the elevator to bring him up to the higher-ups, looking around the building's main corridor, expecting you to turn the corner any moment, and to smile at him, making his wings sputter and his mind race.
He bounced his leg up and down, seemingly unable to stand still at all when he felt a small tap on his arm.
He was prepared to turn around to offer an autograph, but the words stuck to his throat.
Whatever nerves he had thought he had taken care of re-surfaced, making his mind bubble and his tongue feel numb in his throat.
You were right there, only a few inches from him, smiling, your presence alone throwing him off guard.
“Jeez, you really can’t sit still can you,” you said in a teasing tone. “I suppose I should expect that from the man that always moves fast, huh.”
Keigo didn’t know if he would call you a friend, although he did have feelings for you, he knew they were most likely one-sided. So, he just called a work friend (although he desperately wished you two were more). 
Of course, that's when his mouth decided not to work, “O-oh, hi there Y/N, you look- how are- did you,” he mentally cursed himself, wanting desperately to have a disappearing quirk right about now. 
But luckily, before you could even say anything, the elevator dinged loudly, the people on board quickly got off, seemingly in a rush to get out.
He made his way in, letting you go first like a gentleman, yet, he managed to trip when he entered, looking like a fool. 
Yet, to his surprise, you just giggled, “I suppose even top-ranked heroes lose their balance.”
Keigo nodded, looking anywhere but you in order to get his red face under control.
“I’m guessing you're on your way to the top? To the higher-ups?”
This time, he had collected himself enough to look at you and smile, “Yup, that's the one.”
He gave himself a little pat on the back for not screwing that up. 
You pushed the button to the top floor, giving him a small smile in return.
The elevator was extremely pristine, the carpeting was soft, the walls of the elevator were lined with some sort of expensive metal. Paintings hug down, making the elevator have that rich sort of feel.
He anxiously looked around, desperately trying to find the courage to speak, but none came to him.
Luckily though, you spoke first, “I saw you on TV the other day, beating up that nomu must have been tough. You gotta work with Endeavor though! And I know he’s your favorite.”
His ears turned pink, did you really remember that from that throwaway conversation you two had about heroes?
It had been about a few weeks ago, maybe three he really couldn’t remember, but he did know he still got extremely flustered around you at that time. 
He was waiting in the lobby that most had to sit in to meet with the higher-ups, he had gotten a coffee, waiting patiently when you sat down next to him.
You made a bit of small talk, him listening closely, chiming in so you wouldn’t lose interest in him, yet not being able to find his voice all that well.
It had started when you commented on Gang Orca coming in for a visit, you told him how cool you thought he was, with his different kind of hero aesthetic, saying how, “You don’t really see a lot of scary-looking good guys, but I met him, he’s actually pretty polite.”
He knew it was stupid, but he couldn’t help but get jealous. He wished you would say how cool his quirk was, or how you thought he was ‘pretty polite,’ he just wished he could have the guts to say something, anything flirtatious to you to show you how interested he was in you.
It bugged him, who many heroes you probably knew. He wasn’t a special case, he knew that.
You weren’t at all in the high up of the HPSC, you barely knew anything about what was going on in the commission. You were just someone who ran the errands of the HPSC, giving paperwork to heroes and police, it was probably a very taxing job.
But Keigo liked to believe you two had a special bond, maybe....maybe you even felt the same way he felt about you.
“How about you, Bird Boy? Got a favorite hero,” you asked, a lightly teasing tone in your voice.
He wanted to refute you, saying something quippy like he normally would. But the way your eyes shone with genuine curiosity, the way your face was limited by the light of the lobby you both waited in. Even if you were just in your normal, everyday state, you still made him flush with nothing but a glance.
He managed to sputter out, “Endeavor, I’ve liked him since I was a kid.”
You grimace, “I don’t like him all that much, he's very rude and mean when he comes in or I drop something off for him. He's not like you, you're nice and easy to talk to, he always seems to have a problem with anyone he sees as unworthy.” 
You rolled your eyes at the memory of the flame hero, but you didn’t notice how his hands had griped around his coffee can. 
You thought he was nice and easy to talk to. He wanted to echo the sentiment, he wanted to say that he loved talking to you and maybe, if he had the strength, segway into asking you out for coffee at a real cafe.
Of course, that's when he was called into his meeting.
 He smiled fondly at the memory, and how it was so cute of you to remember. 
“Yeah, I can't believe you remembered,” not being able to keep the light edgy of nervousness out of his voice.
You nodded, “Well yeah,” you leaned carefully against the railing of the elevator, picking at your nails, “I like talking to you, Hawks, you're a good guy. You come in and actually treat me like a decent person, you wouldn’t believe how many heroes get such big heads, thinking that the person dropping off their paperwork is, well I don’t really know how to describe it really,” you paused for a moment, “they think that I’m not worth their time I guess, it's kinda gross if I’m being honest.”
Hawks frowned, “That's not fair, I’m sorry. That's really rude of them, they should treat you better than that.”
You looked up at him, and his breath caught in his throat, “See? You’re so nice to me, even if you don’t have to, I enjoy talking to you Hawks, thank you.”
You neared him, his body stiffened as you did so, “I was actually wondering if you would maybe wanna grab something to-”
A loud thud and an ear-piercing scratch cut you off, the elevator floor jiggled and slowed, the fast pace stopping and becoming slower and slower.
But the elevator gave a strong jolt, and before Hawks could even think, his hero instincts kicked in.
He grabbed you, pulling you against him, his wings (or what was left of them) wrapped protectively around you and him. 
He pulled you down to the floor with him, wings blocking out the lights flickering above you two, his body taught and waiting.
After the elevator had come to a complete stop, his brain had caught up to the realization of the piston he was in.
He quickly leaped away from you, moving off the floor.
“I-I’m so sorry! It-it’s just, the elevator made my hero instinct act up! A-are you ok,” he reached a hand out to you, watching you breathlessly panting.
“Y-yeah I’m ok. What happened? A villain attack,” before he could answer, he heard the intercom speak before he could.
The robotic voice spoke, “Please stay calm, we are experiencing technical difficulties, please stay inside the elevator as we are sending help. Thank you for your patients.”
His body stiffened. Trapped, in an elevator, with you. He didn’t know if this was his worst nightmare or a dream come true.
You sighed, “Damn, seriously? Stuck in an elevator was not how I wanted my day to go.”
He gave a nod, trying desperately to calm his nerves.
He could do this, he had the chance to flirt and ask you out, this was a blessing in disguise, he knew it. All he had to do was get his act together, calm himself and make a few flirtatious remarks, and not get flustered.
But he couldn’t, his heart was beating out of his chest. He wondered for a brief moment if you could hear it in the silence of the elevator, the music had stopped, casting a silence around the small space.
“So, I guess we’re gonna be here for a while,” you shivered, “why is it so cold in here?”
It was as if his body thought before his mind did. He shed his jacket, walking it over to you, placing it on your shoulders lightly, “U-uh, h-here, don’t wanna catch a cold.”
You looked at him, eyes wide, “Oh, I can’t take this, what about you? Aren't you cold? I can’t let you give this to me.”
He held out his hands, shaking his head, “No, just take it, I insist, really.”
You hesitated for a moment before nodding, looking around you said, “I guess we better get comfortable.”
You slid down the wall of the elevator, sitting against the wall as you lay your legs on the red carpeting of the elevator.
He mimicked your actions, flowing you down on the opposite wall.
His nerves picked up again, suddenly at a loss for words. He had had plenty of conversations with you, yes, but his feelings for you had gotten worse and worse over the months. At this point, he became tongue-tied just by looking at you, worrying he would say the wrong thing and making you hate him.
Luckily, you broke the silence, “I wonder why this happened, maybe a mantis issue? Hang on, maybe my phone works,” you reached for your pocket, pulling it out and giving it a few clicks as your brow furrowed and you sighed.
“I just got a text from my boss, he said help is on their way. He says he doesn't know how long we’ll be here, could be 10 minutes for could be a few hours.”
He hoped you thought the gulp that he had done was out of anxiety of getting stuck, but in reality, it was one of worry about you being in an elevator with him. 
He didn’t say anything, nerves pulsing through him. Although he desperately tried to come up with something to say, something that would make you blush instead of him, nothing came to mind.
He mentally cursed himself. This was the perfect opportunity to be the dashing hero that everyone adored, to show you that he could protect you and calm your nerves. He desperately tried to think of anything to say, but his mind was muddled with the thought of sounding ridiculous.
What if he sputtered over his words? What if he said something to make you uncomfortable? What if you hated him?
Those thoughts caused him to tense up, the air feeling heavy around him. 
“You know,” his head snapped up, looking back at you, “I think there wouldn’t be a better person to be stuck in an elevator in!”
He gulped, his nerves shot firing, his throat constricted to where he couldn’t even say anything in response.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” you said, flashing him a light smile, “I wanted to thank you, that nomu attack almost hit this place, I’m sure if you weren’t there, we would all be in big trouble. But what can I expect from the number 2 hero.”
Keigo continued to look down at the floor, refusing to open his mouth as he was sure he would say something to ruin this moment.
You just kept complimenting him and he really didn’t know what to say back, or if he could say anything at all.
He could feel his face heating up every second, his hands becoming more and more clammy against his pant leg. 
He didn’t know if he wanted you to stop or continue.
You soon noticed the silence, confused and worried etched onto your features.
Slowly, you made your way over to him.
“Hawks,” you said lightly, “are you feeling ok? Your face is really red.”
You reached out, almost stroking his cheek, and before he could even think, he snatched your hand away.
“I’m fine!”
You backed up, feeling pain shoot through your heart.
He cursed himself. Why would he do that! He was an idiot, he was just so worried you would see him flustered and well…
 The air around you two became thick with tension.
Keigo felt as if it was difficult getting air into his lungs, he felt like he could barely move.
Slowly, he could feel the air around you two become more and more uncomfortable, and all Keigo wanted to do was roll in on himself.
Of course, you felt it too. 
You knew something was off about him, he had been acting strangely around you the last few months. 
When you had first met Hawks, his charismatic and charming nature made you gush over him immediately. The confidence that oozed from him was so compelling, you were mesmerized by him.
But know? With the way, he had been acting recently? You worried if he was mad, or maybe even hateful towards you. You had grown anxious of that very thought, wondering if you had said or did something that he disliked.
When you two first met, he had easy, flowing conversations with you. But now, he was like a sputtering child. Shy and quiet, slinking away from you, even scared of you it seemed.
You sighed, feeling even colder although Hawks had given you his jacket.
Finally, as if your heart and body couldn’t take it anymore, you spoke, breaking the suffocating silence, “Is something wrong? You keep acting so weird around me.”
His head shot up, looking you over, his mouth sputtering words that didn’t fit together. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes had grown wide, his hands frantically moved, but you cut off his actions.
“We used to have such nice and casual conversations. But lately, it's as if you hate them as if you don’t wanna talk to me. Did I do something wrong? If I did, can you tell me? I promise I’ll stop doing whatever it is!”
This time, he was surprised to find his words coming easily to him, “No! You didn’t do anything at all, I promise! I love talking to you, I love walking into the building and seeing your face, watching you talk is....mesmerizing,” you watched him with wide eyes, and a part of him wished he could stop talking then and there.
But he continued.
“A-and you're so cute with the way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, and you always make my week whenever you come in, I always make sure to be in the office when you're around because I know you’ll come and talk to me. I love seeing your smile when you see me, the way your face brightens up. I don’t hate you, I…”
The words stuck to his throat, but he was unable to get them out.
Your face was twisted into one of shock, still staring at him you said, “You really think all that stuff about me? You really get excited when I come into your office?”
He nodded, looking anywhere but your eyes scared he would confess more to you if he did.
You neared him, hesitant at first, scared he would lash out at you again. Nevertheless, you persisted.
“Hawks,” he could feel your warm breath near him, making him tense, “do you...do you like me?”
It was an embarrassingly childlike thing to say, almost as if you were to children admitting crushes to each other. 
Yet, you couldn’t find the best way to fraze it.
With the way Hawks’ body froze over, the redness of his face spreading to every part of his ears and down his neck, you were fairly sure you were correct.
Yet, you waited for a moment for him to confirm or deny.
“Y-yeah, I’m s-sorry.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, which made Hawks lookup with fearful eyes.
“Oh! I wish you would have told me sooner! Hawks,” you looked back to him, “I like you too stupid!”
If you thought his face couldn’t become redder, you were sorely mistaken. His whole body stiffened, eyes widening, he gaped at you.
“Yes,” you giggled, “for the longest time, too. I believe I’ve liked you since the first time we’ve met. I kept wanting to ask you out, but I guess I was just worried about how you would react, but this whole time you’ve liked me too. I guess we both suck at the romance thing huh.”
He nodded, unsure what else to do.
“And now here we are, admitting our feelings in an elevator, geez, this is beyond cheesy.”
A small chuckle escaped him, “Yeah I guess it is huh. All this time I’ve been nervous for nothing.”
You giggled, “Yup, for nothing. You acted like a scared schoolboy afraid of telling his crush his feelings.”
He smiled, “Well that would make sense, I’ve never been in a relationship before.”
You froze, brain stopping as your heart quickened its pace, “What? Never?”
His body went rigid with the realization of what he had admitted, “No. The commission didn’t want me to get distracted I guess. So I never made any effort to find one, so- um,” he looked away, “Yeah…”
You looked up at him in shock, and before you could stop, the words poured out of your mouth, “What? But you’re- you’re Hawks! People would die to go out with you, your young, nice, charming.”
He scoffed, “Come on, do you really think me acting the way I have been has been charming? And I’ve been so busy...my whole life I guess, so having a relationship has never really been in the cards for me I guess.”
You couldn’t help but slump at his words, “So, you still can’t have a relationship?”
He looked up at you, frantically, “No no! Now I can! I was um…” he was at a loss for words, looking down again.
“I was actually wondering…” his words stopped slowly.
“You were wondering if…” you said slowly.
“If maybe...you would...want to…” god he just couldn’t get the words out, “want to...go out with me?”
He held his breath, till he felt your hand run through his hair.
He looked back at you, seeing you smile before saying, “Well, how can I say no to the number two pro hero? And the guy that I’ve had a crush since… forever.”
He felt his heart leap, his nerves settling, his face coming laxer. He felt like pinching himself, thinking there was no way this was right, no way you had actually liked him back, yet here you were, telling him you wanted to go out.
He felt like he could do anything at that moment like nothing was holding him back.
You brought your hands to his cheek, making him come closer to you.
“Hawks, have you ever kissed anyone before?”
He was thrown off by the question, face, yet again, becoming a scarlet red like his feathers.
“I- well...um,” he nervously scrambled for the words that couldn’t be found.
You just smiled reassuringly at him, gently creasing his face, “It’s ok, Hawks, you can breathe now,” you giggled a bit.
He let out a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Slowly, he leaned forward, looking desperately into your eyes, as you looked desperately back into. 
Slowly, your lips met, soft and subtle. Gentle, and light, Keigo thought there was no better sensation. The way your lips shaped around his felt like pure heaven, he chided himself for not kissing you sooner.
You brought a hand up to his hair, running your hands through it, pulling him more into you. And boy, did he want to get closer.
If it was up to Keigo, he would have spent his whole life kissing you, but alas, you pulled away.
“Wow,” he didn’t mean to say it, it just sorts of slipped out.
You chuckled lightly, “Not so bad yourself, huh.”
As you two laughed, you both felt the elevator slowly rise. 
“Oh well,” you sighed, “looks like they figured it out.”
“Um so,” Keigo commanded himself to be steady, “I know a pretty good cafe. Would you...want to come, with me, together, as a-” you cut him off.
“It’s a date.”
. . .
Hawks tag list
@under-the-clouds @shylesbiannerd @roko-ppk @Mikazuki @1small-frogs
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mashiraostail · 4 years
Hi! Can I please get some Gang Orca, Aizawa, Vlad King and Present Mic when their S/O knows they've been having a rough week and they surprise their mans with lingerie and an evening of... *ahem* Stress relief? Also some pampering and snuggles!
o my gosh i love this song this is kinda on the longer side i have diverged into the world of p o rn 
ns fw under the cut (i think it’s pretty gender neutral lmk tho!)
Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca: Kugo tended to wear his emotions on his sleeve in private with you, stress was no different. He was clearly stretched out beyond his normal limits, and by the looks of it, he still had a ways further to go. He always got a little short with you when his work became tedious, not in a mean way just in a curt way. One word answers to your questions became favorable and for better or worse he mostly just liked to be left alone. He apologized after things were sorted he knows you’re only worried and trying to check in with him but when things pile up he gets overwhelmed even by your simple questions.  You could feel the irritation appearing on Monday night, and it only piled as the week progressed, by the end of it the poor man was about to spill over with his annoyance. You were working quietly across the room from him, much less stressful and more leisurely assignments that didn’t make your heart leap out of your throat, you watch him tap his pen around on his desk, prattling the black plastic as he sat on the phone, after a moment he just hung up and sighed, that was the fourth interaction like that within the hour. You watched him forlornly, you wished there was some way for you to help relieve the tension in his shoulders, something you could say or do that would put him at ease rather than overwhelm him further. As you pondered it you realized that maybe there was something. You stand up suddenly, and the unexpected motion leads Kugo to turn and look at you expectantly.  “I’m going to get ready for bed I think.” You sigh, “I’m pretty exhausted so it’s probably best to call it an early night.” It was at least worth a try, even if he’d say no, “you look tired too.” You press a kiss just below his eye, “why don’t you join me?”  He shakes his head, “In a little while. I’ll be quiet.”  “I wasn’t worried about that.” You squeeze his shoulders, “don’t work too hard, okay Kugo?” He just hums back at you as you leave.  You were sort of worried you’d lost it, you’d boughten it a while ago but got too nervous to even put it on by yourself let alone in front of someone else. It wasn’t that you thought he wouldn’t like it, you were pretty sure Kugo could find a way to compliment you if you were wearing a trash bag, it just felt...strange. Embarrassing maybe. You couldn’t pin the word but it made you flutter nervously.  When you do manage to dig it up you contemplate it for a second. You decide the nervousness will be worthwhile if it helps relieve Kugo even a little bit.  You wonder how to go about it, should you just walk across the hall and bust in his office? That feels sort of curt. You look around for a moment before an idea percolates.  “Kugo!” You call out to him, trying to keep an indifferent tone, ��can you come here a second? I need a hand!” You hear him sigh, and you’re half expecting him to call back that the step ladder is in the kitchen. But you sit on the edge of your bed in wait, trying to look less nervous and more appealing.  “What’s the matter? I’m very-” Blue, dark navy blue and barely there. He really wasn’t expecting this. He could practically see all of you, sitting on the edge of the mattress, legs crossed, thin satiny straps hardly holding the frail garment together, he’s sure just one tug from his finger would send it fluttering to the ground. He feels sort of bad for letting so much annoyance bubble up in him when you called for him. But now something else was bubbling up. It was like you’d packaged yourself up for him.. well he supposed you quite literally did. “Are you busy?” You can feel his gaze latch onto you, his eyes taking you in, up and down rapidly over and over again.  “No..not...very..”
 It really doesn’t take much coaxing to get him undressed and into bed. After a while of kissing him while his hands roam around the sheer blue lace that just scarcely covered you, you lower yourself to your knees in front of him. You’d been together for a while, and you were never one to hold out on him, he isn’t sure why he’s on cloud nine right now, it’s not like he’d never gotten this sort of thing from you before, your hands, mouth, and a lot more than that were always there. If he wanted you all he had to do was ask. But something about you doing this for him, because he was stressed...the way you did all this just to relieve him? It was too sweet, combined with the sight of you in that perfect outfit on your knees for him and the feeling of your lips and hands playing with his already hard cock was more than enough to wash the tension away. It cleared his head of anything but you.  Big hands pull your mouth off his length, the drool and precum around your lower lip, paired with the redness washed over your face and the obscene plumpness in your lips that the stretch of his cock left behind would have been enough to make him beg if you felt any need to withhold from him. Lucky for him you did not.  “Kugo-” You let him spread your legs, tread careful fingers between them pressing in one, then another while he holds you up in his lap, leaning you against his chest for leverage.  “What a sweet thing you are...” His chest rumbles with it, “did you go to this trouble all to make me feel better?”  His fingers knew their way around too well, his other hand splayed on your chest, careful to simply push or slide underneath the lace rather than remove it, palms and fingertips occasionally brushing over your nipple, all you can do is keen and nod.  “You did?” His hand on your chest pushes you closer, “that makes me so happy my love.”  “Kugo-” You call for him again and he hums as you clutch his wrist, the one between your legs.  “I’m right here. Hm... What would I do without you?” He murmurs it close to your ear, it sends a full-body shudder down your frame, “you always take such good care of me, and I was being cold to you wasn’t I?”  “No,” you shake your head, your whole face is burning, a mixture of arousal and embarrassment at the exposure, “you weren’t-”  “But I was.” He sighs, “and now I’m sorry, how can I make it up to you?”  “Kugo- I just want you,” you gasp, fingers tightening around his arm, “please Kugo,” his fingers leave you at that, the loss makes your whole abdomen stutter.  “Turn around and face me.” You follow his order with shaking thighs.  “Aren’t you lovely?” His tongue slides over your chest as two big hands curl around the small of your back. “Can you do it?”  His question falls on deaf ears, you’re already lining him up and starting to take him in, the groan that rumbles out of him only spurs you on until you’ve worked yourself up to hysterics bouncing in his lap, his low grunted praises pushing you closer to the proverbial edge by the second.  You’re a nice view, Kugo’s surprised he’s lasted so long with it. He watches the flush extend down your chest, his hand occasionally treks down the small of your back to your hips, then down still to feel the stretch of you around his length, until he's just about there, then he’s guiding all your movements, pushing and lifting you with ease, an almost bruising grip gets you to roll your hips against his. You’re sheathed totally in his lap when you both finish.  He enjoys watching your chest heave as you come down from it, then you fall against him. “You really do look lovely.” He wraps his arms around you, keeping you in place.  “You think so?” You shuffle up his chest, “well I’m glad. I don’t know why I was nervous..”  “Nervous?” His tongue glides along your neck, “about how you looked?” “Maybe, I don’t know. I thought maybe you wouldn’t like it, I...I guess I don’t know what I thought to be honest.”  “Whatever you want to give to me I’d be delighted to have.” He nips your earlobe and you sigh, coiling a leg around him as he continues, “even when I get a little short with you, you’re always what I want. I’m a pushover when it comes to you.” He concedes, and then you remember.  “Sorry to pull you away from all your work. I just wanted to help...”  “No need to be sorry, you did help..” He’s rubbing long, tender strokes up your back, “and anyways it was an emergency.” 
Shouta Aizawa: Stress wasn’t foreign to the erasure hero, though stress that came from being behind on work presented a certain dilemma. He dealt with stress by sleeping, but in this case...well sleeping would only make it worse. So he got even less sleep than normal. He was irritable at best and downright rude at worst. He’d apologize later, he always did, but at the moment all he wanted was to be left along to plug away at all the responsibilities he’d neglected until now. You felt bad, you wished there was more you could do to help him out, but as it were all you could really do is be there if he wanted to lean his weight on your arm or complain about his day, normally you’d offer a nap with him but that seemed like the last thing he’d want.  You’d already left him to get ready for bed, you’d showered and were rummaging around for some pajamas when you find it, you don’t think you’d even worn it before. You wouldn’t say you and Shouta didn’t have a lot of sex, you had a decent amount, but normally fancy lingerie was left to fantasy, it looked fragile and not at all like something that would hold up against Shouta’s semi-destructive bedroom tendencies, you wonder why you bought it in the first place. Though you realize that it may be useful right about now, especially if he was in a being taken care of mood over a, doing the caring mood.  You wonder how long ago you even got it, it still fit fine so it can’t be all that old. You peek out the bedroom door to make sure he’s still sitting, unsuspecting at the table in the kitchen, his back to you.  When it all checked out you made your way over, sliding your arms around his neck.  “Shou.” You rest your cheek against his temple, “it’s so late.”  “I know.” Is his deadpan reply. “Do you need the time?” He points to the bottom right of his screen, a small digital clock displaying the hour. You huff at that, you knew he knows that’s not what you mean. “Come to bed with me.” You rub his chest over the ribbed fabric of his shirt, “please?”  “In a minute.”  “Shouta..please..” You whine at him and duck down to kiss his jaw, he reaches behind himself to hold onto you, he finds your shoulder, by the crook of your neck, expecting to feel the fabric of a t shirt or a tank top strap, but there’s nothing, just skin, he slides his hand over your shoulder, in search of something. His other arm reaches around too, lower, to your legs, thighs, and hips.  “Are you naked?” He asks incredulously. “Maybe,” His hand finds one strap around your thigh as you continue, “or better.” He pulls away and stands, facing you, you’re still bent over resting on the back of his chair.  “You-” His eyes latch onto the purple, royal purple, dark, and figure-hugging, leaving nothing to his imagination, purple that he wanted to pull away with his teeth, leaving marks on your skin behind in its place.  “Where’d you get that-”  “Why’s it matter?” You laugh, pulling him closer by his shoulder, “want a matching set?”  “Shut up.” He wraps his arms around you despite his words.  “Ready to call it a night now?” Your own arms come around his neck and he sighs.  “You’re such a brat.”  “You were the one being mean, if you work like this too much I’ll worry you don’t love me anymore, you know?”  The trek from the kitchen to your bedroom is mostly lost in your memory.  You aren’t entirely sure why you considered the possibility that Shouta would want to lay back and let you take care of him, as soon as he touched you back in the kitchen you realized all he’d really want to do was blow off steam. But you were fine with that too. 
That in mind...he can be utterly cruel when it suits him. 
“Are you still worried I don’t love you anymore?” His voice is low and gruff beside your ear, his lips and stubble scraping down your jaw to your neck. If you’d had plans to get on your knees for him he nixed them before you could even get started in favor of getting you where he had you now, back to his chest three fingers inside you at a grueling pace, pushing and curling and rubbing until your eyes were watering and you were arching against him, trying to get enough leverage to close yourself off.  “Keep your legs open.” His other hand is at your collar bone, keeping you pressed against him, “come on, or I’ll tie you up how I want you.” You grip his arm at that you can feel him grin into your skin.  “You’re gonna rip it-” You turn into him, chest stuttering, he hadn’t gone to the trouble of removing the lingerie, just pushing and twisting it out of the way of his hands.  “I’ll buy you a new set if I do.” He’s teeth close around your neck, “don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about anything.”  You dig your nails into his arm unsure of what number orgasm this was, honestly after 2 you felt like they just melded together anyways, it’s not like he let up nearly long enough to let you recover.  “Are your eyes watering?” He mutters it into your jaw, “aren’t you cute? Is it too much?” You’re just shaking your head, keening and arching into his touch, chest heaving with helpless breaths.  “No?” His voice is thick with faux sympathy, “are you gonna cry? It hurts a little to be so close, doesn’t it? Can’t take it? You’re right there aren’t you? Why can’t you cum?” He doesn’t mind the scratching, and it’s a good thing, cause if he did..he’d be an unhappy man after this all let up.  “You didn’t say-” You barely get the breath in your lungs to push the words out.  He’s grinning though, it’s the answer he wanted, exactly how he wanted it, breathless and needy. “You want me to say you can?” His other hand rubs your stomach comfortingly, a stark and unfair contrast to the pace of his second hand. “Is that what you want? Will you cry if I don’t?”  “I’ll cry if you do too-”  “I’m willing to test that, come on. Cum now.” It happens like clockwork, with Shouta it always was. Stuttering thighs, your stomach taking in shaky uneven breaths. Once your peak is there and gone both hands are softer, slower, rubbing long strokes against your sex then your stomach and chest.  “That was good.” He’s murmuring it into the soft skin behind your ear, “that was so good. You’re so sweet.” His hand’s rubbing small circles over your belly, his thumb brushing over your navel. “Is that all you can do tonight?” “No,” You shake your head vehemently, “no I want you too-” He hums affectionately into your skin at that. “You are sweet tonight.” He squeezes you a little, it’s a blink and you’ll miss it moment, but you feel it. “Okay then, if this is what you want then I won’t feel bad. Lay on your chest.”
Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King: Despite how he looked Kan really wasn’t very brutish at all. But when he got like this sometimes his own strength evaded him. It made his emotions obvious, when he got too stressed even a fountain pen was liable to snap in his fist. He’d worked through all the wooden pencils in your apartment, they’d been halved and discarded in rapid succession, he was currently working through all the mechanical pencils. You hoped this all got sorted before the fountain pens, that was a mess you’d rather avoid. He was usually good at dealing with stress, long runs, combat trainings, things in that vein were usually enough to relive him of a bad couple of days. But if the discontent extended past that normally he liked talking with you, when he was stressed, upset or exhausted he liked having you hauled up in his lap, squeezing him, combing your fingers through his hair and babying him into perking up a bit. But when it got past even that stage was when you had to worry about fountain pens.  He’d brush you off, just a grunt or nod as a reply as he slunk back into his seat. You tired your signature knuckle kisses to get him to warm up to you, but all you’d gotten out of him was a huff of breath. He didn’t pull his hand away from you though, until his phone started to ring, and by the time he finished his conversation and hung up he didn’t look keen on offering it to you again.  “Sek.” You slide your hand into the crook of his elbow and he nods.  “You should come to bed. It’s late and you don’t feel good.”  “I feel fine.” He shakes your hold on his arm, “you go ahead. It is late, there’s no need for you to be up now.” Normally he’d kiss your head with a phrase like that, but all he did was break the pencil in his right hand. You sigh, “alright. Well wake me up if anything okay? If I can help at all I want to.”  “I know. Thanks.” You kiss his temple as you stand up, “Don’t be too late.” He just nods at that and you close the door behind you as you leave.  It’s there in your closet front and center when you open it up. You were planning on using it for his birthday...but now..well maybe it’d be enough to rescue him yet? You only got it a few days ago, you hadn’t even tried it on yet. You look between it and your reflection before settling on an idea.  You stand before the closed door, separating you and Sekijiro, you’re just a little nervous, if he brushed you off dressed like this you’d be sort of crushed, but he got such tunnel vision sometimes it was a possibility in your head. But you were almost 100% there now, so there wasn’t any use in turning back. “Sekijirio.” You open the door and try to seem less anxious. “Mhm?” He doesn’t turn to look at you. You approach him without responding. “Sekijiro.” You say it harder this time and he nods more obviously, still spinning a barely together pencil in his fingers.  “Yeah,what’s wrong?” You’re standing beside him and he still doesn’t look at you.  “I though you were going to bed?” He says still without looking at you.  “I was.” You agree.  “So why didn’t you?” “I got lonely.” You put a hand on his shoulder, hoping to get his gaze on you, though you’re ineffective. “I’m really busy.”   “Sekijiro.” You spin his chair.  “Baby what gives, I-” He stops, maybe chokes on something.  “You’re being such a brute.” You take his hands and slide them up your stomach as you drop into his lap. He hears you but all he can think about is red, lacy and showy fabric highlighting the best places, like a guide for all the places his wants to put his hands, the band around your thigh squeezing, making you look even fuller and more supple in his lap. “What happened to my big sweet man Seki?” His mouth feels dry, your holding the sides of his neck, drawing him into a kiss, and clearly encouraging him to just put his hands all over you. It was like he was having some embarrassing high school fantasy, like someone dug around his brain and picked out his most perfect fantasy and laid it out like a trap for him. “I say that..but it’s so sexy when you get all worked up..” His stomach swarms at that as your eyes cast to the abandoned pile of broken writing utensils. You’re practically whining into his lips, “ and I know I shouldn’t distract you, you said you were busy, I’m sorry I’m so needy-”  “I’m not busy at all.” He barely lets you finish, “this is nothing. Don’t be sorry. I can do it tomorrow.” He was sure his class would understand if he..waited an extra day or two to return the exams..  “Just keep working.” Your hands are sliding into his shirt, “I’ll take care of you.”
He could not keep working. It was unfair of you to hold him to that standard, when you were so good at this, when you looked so good on your knees between his legs, taking him to the back of your throat, when your hands felt like that braced on his thighs. No sane person could keep working. Not when your hair was begging to have his hands in it, or when you clearly needed to be guided up and down his length by the nape of your neck.  He only had two hands. And when your’s started wandering, up his abdomen, around to his waist, begging him to toss his shirt somewhere else..the work can wait, for your sake. He doesn’t mean to pull so hard, but the moan that flutters past your lips when he does indicates it may not be the worst mistake he’s ever made. He pulls you off his length and you let him go with a pop, a thin strand of something obscene connected your lips to the head of his cock, the sight of it alone was enough to make him buck his hips up into nothing.  “Let’s just go to bed.” He’s guiding you to stand, “I’m done here. Let’s just go bed.” He can’t tell if the ditzy stumble and blown out pupils are just part of the act or if blowing him really does shut your brain off a little. “if you want-” Your voice jumps as he swipes you up via the back of your thighs, once your settle though you take the short walk to your bedroom as an opportunity to get your lips on him again, his shoulders, his chest, just around the neckline of his hero costume, if it even tore a little one stood the chance of sticking out. He loses his pants on the way. He just tosses you on the bed once you’re close enough, before you can protest or complain he’s kissing you quiet, then trailing his mouth down your neck and shoulders, to your chest and stomach and legs, kissing and biting and fingering, enjoying the feeling of your fingers twirling and tugging his hair, and the way you’re spreading your legs to allow him closer. He enjoys it until he’s hooking your legs over his shoulders and lining himself up, your hands brace his hips as he presses forward.  If anyone asked him this was the best of both worlds, he got the physical work out plus he got you cooing in his ear? He wasn’t really sure what he was stressed about in the first place.  “Fuck-” You’re gasping it out, pressing his face into your neck, “you’re amazing-” Even subtle praise makes his stomach jump, and you’re just babbling it out thoughtlessly at this point, he doesn’t blame himself for not lasting much longer after you start.  His weight drops onto your chest after you finish and you heave, “jeeze Sek-”  “Sorry.” He presses his face into your shoulder, “sorry.” But he doesn’t move. The way you wrap your arms around his back say you don’t want him to.  “That was really good.” He’s still huffing into your skin and you hum, dragging a hand up his back.  “I’ll help you grade that stuff tomorrow.” You twirl the hairs at the base of his neck around your fingertips. He groans thankfully. “I’m sorry I was being mean.” He rolls over and traps you against his chest, “you’re the best.” 
Hizashi Yamada/ Present Mic Hyperactive was an understatement, manic was an intense downplay of the current state of your boyfriend. And he was doing everything but the things that needed to get done.  “Hizashi-”  “I can't now I need to do-” (insert thing that doesn’t need to be done at all).  He had plenty of reports to fill out, from what you heard it was a busy week for patrols in the area, plus his usual grading and any work for the show.  But instead of doing that he was reorganizing a record shelf.  “Hizashi I-”  “You don’t understand how badly I need to organize these alphabetically by title.” He doesn’t let you get a word in.  “Clearly I don’t at all. Can I help at all?” You sit on the ground behind him.  “No I don’t think so.”  “Alright.” You concede, “I’m gonna call it a night.” You sigh, “call if you need me.”  “Aye aye.” He’s scrutinizing two records as you leave him.  You just needed to get him to focus on something, then he’d be fine. But what could you get him to focus on...something starts to bubble up, it might just work too..if you could get his feet on the ground  in anyway at all you were sure it’d stick.  It doesn’t take you long to find the box, you’d bought it for a special occasion, though with Hizashi you normally didn’t get much in the ways of planning and preparation, when valentines, your birthday, his birthday, an anniversary etc.. rolled around he was jumping your bones the moment you rolled over in the morning. You don’t think he’s ever even seen this one on you.  You don’t take long to get changed, you’re inspecting yourself in the mirror when your bedroom door opens.  “Babe I know you said you were going to bed but I hope you aren’t asleep because while I was cleaning out that box that I use to prop up some vinyl sleeves I found these hilarious pictures from high school of you and Nem-” He drops the pictures.  “Oh.” You turn to him, “well I wanted to give you a surprise.”  “You did-” He chokes it out, red flush creeping down his neck, “why are you wearing that-”  “Because.” You go over to him and take his wrists, pulling him further into your bedroom, he just stumbles along with your pull. “You need to calm down Zashi baby.”  “This does not make me feel calm-” It’s strangled, if he got any redder you were sure you’d see steam coming out of his ears.  “You need to get all your energy out.” You press him down until he’s sitting on the edge of your bed. You roll your hips against him, and drag your lips down his jaw, one hand braced on his shoulder and the other against his chest, but you can still feel his attention waining.  “Zashi.” You drop all your weight into his lap and it pulls his eyes from your dresser back to you.  “Focus on me.” You guide his hands up your waist and all the fluster that had been lost as his thoughts wandered away from you returned. You realize the better thing to do is stand up and let him have things his way. “You can look or touch however you want.” You pull his hands down your hips.  “So just blow off all that extra steam okay? Whatever you want, just tell me.”  He looks mildly like he’s about to pass out.  His hands go where you expect, your hips, around to cup your ass and his lips flutter around your stomach and waist. You elect to just sigh good naturedly and curl your fingers in his hair to keep him with you. “Can you turn around?”  “Hizashi.” You frown, “don’t be distasteful.”  “You said whatever I wanted-” You suppose you cant argue that so you turn around and try not to let out an embarrassing squeak or squeal when 100% of his attention is directed at your ass, one arm circling around you to hold you in place.  Various articles of clothing are lost or rearranged to accommodate the touching and kissing. He manages to pull you into bed with him, still keeping your legs on either side of his head as he lays down. His arms wrap around your thighs  fingers and palms running slow strokes over your sex as his teeth scrape the surrounding skin, tongue fluttering against your hole occasionally. You press against his chest for leverage and he encourages you to rock your hips against him. You eventually go for his cock, as he starts to work you up too much, getting you too close. You thumb at the head before leaning down and taking him past your lips. He seems contented with that for a while until he’s laying you out on your chest, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pushing into you. He doesn’t stay pressed to you for too long before he’s pulling back to watch your whole body react to him.  It held his attention exceedingly well.  “Zashi fuck-” To say that the way you reached back and fumbled for his hand where it held the bend of your hips heightened the experience would be an understatement.  “Fuck you’re really sexy-” He presses his fingers into your skin harder, “god you’re so fucking hot,” he groans watching your back shift to accommodate the way your hand searches for some purchase. Instead though he’s pushing it away and using his grip on you to turn you to your back, he pulls your legs around his waist and you follow his pull with no protest.  “Fucking god,” He grunts, bottoming out as if he hadn’t pulled out in the first place, “shit, look at you.”  “Zashi-” Your chest flutters with it, he can feel it under his hands.  “Say my name like that again.” He mutters it, maybe more to himself, he’s unhooking one of your legs from his waist and aligning it over his shoulder.  He seriously had way too much energy, you could barely keep up you felt so dizzy.  “Zashi!” You keen at the deeper angle and he groans. “God you sound almost as good as you look.” He presses his forehead into your shoulder, “I’m gonna fucking cum babe-”  The way you were gripping him like you’d float away if you didn’t was already more than enough for him, but the way you’re nodding, eyes squeezed shut as you gasp it out at him, “me too!” If that didn’t do the trick then nothing would.  He’s against your chest, heaving. “Feel better?” You ask pulling a long strand of hair between your fingers. He hums and presses his face into your neck.  “Yeah I do..”  “It’s still pretty early.” You curl your arms around his back and drag your fingers over the shifting muscles below. He nods at that and takes a deep breath of you. “So..” You prompt him. “I could help you work out what you need to get done tomorrow?”  “We could go again?” You speak in unison.  “Again!?” You flush, “Zash you have way too much energy!” 
Bonus Aizawa ending hehe: “Are you sure you’re okay?” He’s looking at you where you lay below him the next morning, he’d reached over you to click off his alarm when he caught sight of you, he’d really done a number on you. Red in all the places he’d grabbed or smacked, shapeless hickeys outlining where the lingerie had been the night before, the map on your skin the only thing left of the garment as far as you were concerned.  “I’m fine.” You wave, “I’ve gotta get up soon though, I’ll be late.” You pin some of his stray hairs back, “what really matters is how are you feeling? Did I help at all? I was worried I’d only make it worse-”  “I feel much better.” He leans down to bridge the gap between your lips, “I shouldn’t get so stand offish. I’m sorry. I hope you don’t really think I don’t love you.”  “Of course I don’t.” You laugh, sitting up, “I’m glad you feel better now. It’s okay to need space Shouta.” You squeeze his face in your hands, “I love you and I know that you love me. I’m always here for you, even when you need space okay?” He hears your words and appreciates them, but his attention is taken by the state of your thighs, which was 1000x worse than that of your chest and stomach. “Are you sure I didn’t do too much? You can be honest with me. I know I was in a really bad mood.” He asks pushing the blanket to reveal more reddend skin.  “Positive. Now you should get a few more z’s Shou.” You stretch out, “I’ve got a meeting.”  As soon as your feet hit the floor your legs protest the weight of your body with everything they have. “Are you sure you’re sure?” Shouta can see your hickey covered thighs trembling as you walk around the bed to your closet, the way you hold the door knob like a life line makes it obvious. The backs of your thighs are still stained red and tensed taught to carry your weight. “Yeah I just...need to stretch is all..” “Uh-huh. Stretch.” Shouta’s just laughing at you. 
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lerrryyyyy · 3 years
Shiketsu!Izuku AU
With hints of possible krbk and tddk in the future. Mostly focuses on friendship between Izuku & Katsuki, as well as throwing the people around them for a loop with their dynamic.
(This is more of a one-shot idea… but I doubt I’d get around to actually writing this properly so I’m just gonna turn it into a post)
Also ft sassy Izuku who he grew up having a close relationship with Katsuki.
He’s more confident, a bit more blunt, and though still being a soft cheerful boy, he does adopt a few of Katsuki’s behaviours.
Not yet sure if Izuku is quirkless or if he has a non-physical quirk. And I’m undecided on why he’s in Shiketsu, but that’s not that important.
Set during the Provisional Exams.
Bakugo initially ignores everything around him, only interacting with his group of friends - mostly with Kirishima. But when Yoarashi approaches their group, his mood instantly changes. He asks where the other Shiketsu students are.
Yoarashi - obviously a bit confused at the question - points at the group making their way towards them.
1A shifts warily when a competitive grin spreads across Bakugo’s face and, before anyone could stop him, he launches towards the Shiketsu students with a loud scream of “DEKU!”
1A dreads the train-wreck about to happen, but one of the Shiketsu students dashes forward to meet Bakugo’s attack and deftly grabs his arm and flips him.
But Bakugo seems to be ready for this and shifts his body so he could off-balance the other student, but the latter pulls away before Bakugo could complete his move.
It all happens so fast that, by the time anyone moves to stop them, the exchange has already ended with the Shiketsu student using his own momentum to latch onto Bakugo’s back.
“Why can’t you ever greet me normally, Kacchan?” The boy asks with a pout.
Bakugo snorts and, much to his classmate’s surprise, he lets the guy cling to him as he walks back to get the case for his hero costume. “I had to make sure you weren’t slacking off or I would’ve beaten your ass to the ground.”
”The last time we sparred, I wasn’t the one beaten to the ground, Kacchan.”
“Then why don’t you get off my back and I’ll--!”
Before they could continue their conversation, however, Aizawa’s sharp tone cuts through the air. “Bakugo.”
Bakugo clicks his tongue, but the Shiketsu student lights up in recognition.
“Kacchan! Oh my All Might, Kacchan! Kacchan! Your teacher is Eraserhead!”
This seems to catch Aizawa off-guard - not many people knew him after all.
“I already told you that, dumbass.”
“But Kacchan! Why didn’t you get me an autograph?!”
“Fuck off. Ask him yourself.”
“Aha! So you’re the infamous Kacchan!” Yoarashi exclaims loudly. “Midoriya has told me about you!”
“Don’t call me that, you fucking extra!”
1A is just basically shocked to see Bakugo actually having a friend who was used to his attitude and takes his threats with a smile. A friend who seems to be the complete opposite of him.
Also imagine a little interaction where Midoriya sees Kirishima and greets him.
“You’re Kirishima-san! It’s so nice to finally meet you! Kacchan talks about you a lot!”
Kirishima perks up. “He does?”
“No I fucking don’t! Shut up!”
While waiting for the exam to start, some of 1A talk to Izuku and try to get to know him, intrigued by his relationship with the explosive member of their class. But the introductions are cut short as the examiner starts explaining the rules.
When the arena opens and examinees start to split up, Midoriya wishes them all luck before running off with his schoolmates.
“Good luck, UA! See you later, Kacchan! Be nice to your classmates.”
“Fuck you, Deku.” He yells while sending him the middle finger.
But he doesn’t get far when Midoriya calls him again.
"Hey Kacchan!” Bakugo turns around to see Midoriya on that noisy Shiketsu extra’s back, smiling angelically while sending him the rude gesture in return as they fly off. “Bye!”
The other Shiketsu students choke on air, staring at the green-haired boy in shock. "Midoriya!"
Several of 1A snicker at the angry scream that escapes the depths of hell that was their classmate’s throat.
“I like your friend, Bakugo.” Uraraka manages to say between giggles.
“Whatever.” Bakugo growls while stomping off, with Kirishima and Kaminari rushing after him.
Later, before the 2nd part of the exams, Todoroki happens to overhear Yoarashi and Midoriya talking - the topic being him. His fist clenches when he hears the former compare him to Endeavor. He starts to walk away when he picks up on Midoriya’s words.
“Todoroki-san isn’t Endeavor. Yoarashi-kun, if you’re gonna dislike him, dislike him for himself. Not because of his father.”
“But I do! He was rude during the recommendation test! Just like when Endeavor—"
“You’re comparing them again. You don’t have to bring up his father when you’re upset with Todoroki-san.” Midoriya sighs. “Really, Yoarashi-kun, I’ve heard people say ruder things to you, but you don’t bear grudges like this against them.”
He gives the taller student a look that was almost a mix between exasperation and admonishing. “Just... try not to let it influence you during the exam, okay Yoarashi-kun? You have a tendency to be unknowingly petty.”
Yoarashi splutters at the accusation but doesn’t refute it.
During the rescue portion of the exams when Gang Orca attacks. Yoarashi and Todoroki still argue.
Midoriya notices this and tries to intervene, but Gang Orca’s minions distract him from doing so. Thankfully, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari arrive at the scene.
Bakugo tells Kirishima and Kaminari to help in the evacuation. They ask what he’s planning, but he’s already off fighting the ‘villains’. They are momentarily frozen in surprise and awe when Bakugo and Midoriya seamlessly work together in fighting the hoard.
Then a flame tornado - courtesy of Inasa and Todoroki - rises around Gang Orca. It holds the hero at bay, but the tornado subsides quicker than expected. Bakugo and Midoriya take that opportunity to fight Gang Orca - their formidable teamwork impressing the hero.
But the timer soon goes off. After a bit of gushing (because of course he can’t help himself from fanboying a tiny bit), Midoriya approaches Yoarashi and Todoroki and gives them a look. With the way Yoarashi shamefully avoids his gaze, Izuku could guess what happened.
He sighs and approaches Todoroki to help him up - which surprises the two.
“Midoriya?” Yoarashi speaks up.
Midoriya ignores him. “Hey, Kacchan, sorry but can you help Yoarashi-kun up? I’ll take Todoroki-san.”
“Tsch... you owe me.”
When Bakugo has Yoarashi leaning against him, he grunts. “Congrats, airhead, whatever the fuck you did, you upset Deku.”
Yoarashi could do nothing but tuck his chin ruefully.
While Izuku takes Todoroki to the medics to get looked over, Todoroki breaks the silence.
“Did you mean what you said? About me not being my father?”
“Y-you heard that?”
Todoroki stares at him intensely, making Midoriya squirm a bit. “... well? Did you?”
“Oh, uhm, yeah... Endeavor-san is Endeavor-san and Todoroki-san is Todoroki-san. You’re your own person. It just seems unfair to dislike you because of your father.”
Todoroki jolts slightly, his voice going cold and defensive “What do you mean?”
Midoriya almost jumps at the change in his tone. “I mean, who Endeavor is isn’t who you are, and I don’t think people should base their judgement of you on who your father is or what he’s done before.”
Todoroki looks at Midoriya - his expression now unreadable, but there’s something in his eyes that seem contemplative.
“You’re strange.”
“Ah, sorry I—“
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing.”
“O-oh... thanks?”
Just an omake/extra kind of thing: Todoroki approaching Bakugo before boarding their bus.
“What do you want, half-and-half?”
“Your friend is interesting.”
“Ha?! Deku? The hell did he do this time?”
“He has some... intriguing opinions. I’d like to talk to him more. Can you get me in touch with him?”
“What the fuck?!”
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