#furnace fire
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"PELEE ISLAND GIRL BURNED TO DEATH," Windsor Record. February 17, 1913. Page 1. --- Daughter of Caretaker Placed Crude Oil in Furnace and Explosion Ignited Her Clothing. ---- Leamington, Feb. 17.-An explosion of crude oil in the furnace of a southside Pelee Island schoolhouse caused the death of a daughter of Hooper Thomas, who acted as caretaker of the school. She fixed the wood in the furnace ready for lighting the fire on the following day, placing a quantity of crude oil thereon. Fire which remained in the furnace ignited the oil and an explosion followed, setting the child's clothing ablaze. She ran out of the building and down the road for nearly half a mile, and when found by neighbors every stitch of clothing was burned from the body. She died a few minutes later. The school building was saved.
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chipper-smol · 1 year
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When no one is looking...
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takethispotion · 8 months
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"We don't have to do anything, we can just be"
When i realized Karlach x Astarion is a valid ship i went FERAL
I was worried that their frustrations/trauma could make things impossible for them, but they're actually soooo sweet together ><
I'm adding lineart vers too, bc i like how it shows a bit more brushwork :>
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It's available on my shop!
(20% off rn! GO GET IT)
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frie-ice · 7 days
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Although I still having got round to watching RWBY, part from the Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen crossover, it wouldn't be Pride Month without a collage on one of the top best Lesbian couples. Enter Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna, aka Bumbleby. Unlike my other collages, I wanted this one to showcase moments between them, with Yang x Blake being a canon couple.
From what I could tell, this ship has gone by a large list of other titles than just Bumbleby. "Bumblebee", "BMBLB", "Hypersonic Lion Tamer", "Longcat", "Burning Shadows", "Blang", "Wasps", "Hornets", "Black Fire", "Black Flames", "Black Embers", "Golden Whip", "Yellow Whip", "Black Dragon", "Poisonous Dragon", "Amaterasu" and "Black Furnace".
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sovasleepy · 2 months
i’m a firm believer in the idea that phoenix’s temp runs hot naturally, HOWEVER i raise you the idea that he can change his body temp to be a bit hotter if he wants to. this comes in especially handy during the colder months, when he’s using his powers in an attempt to flirt and be closer to/cuddle with you.
(fair warning: this does occasionally bring user error. he has singed a few articles of your clothing on accident.)
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madcat-world · 1 year
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Furnace - AnatoFinnstark
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mourningcandles · 8 months
it's important to remember that platonic relationships can be just as impactful as romantic relationships. this will help you take full advantage of all potential relationship drama in your writing.
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okkennymay · 1 year
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This time around I thought I would make a comic relaying the events after the last time I posted, because my gosh is it easier to explain with pretty pictures than upsetting words >vO I prefer to make jokes about my situation than anything, ‘cause honestly it’s a solid way of dealing with it and I take so many medications as it is, why not add laughter to it I say! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Despite my condition’s best efforts I still managed to organise and complete a commission with someone through emails! Thank you @waezi2 you were so patient as I arose from my grave every other day to get things done (❁´◡`❁) Fighting my body and winning to complete it was the victory I needed! The sheer satisfaction I get from a commission well received by someone is like pure nectar to me~ Sweet sustenance I just can’t get enough of! The money don’t hurt either, Disability Support Pensions do not go far in this economy 👀 This is as close as I can get to having a job and I wont let C.V.S (Cyclic vomiting Syndrome) or Chrohns take that from me! 
I’m raring to dive into more if anyone’s interested ♪(´▽`) I’m just about to post a new “commissions sheet” to broadcast that very fact >vO I do love having something to draw between Ectober pages~
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dark-e-arts · 4 months
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"The Furnace"
"Facing a full set of blackened armour, flames burning from within, and going by the moniker of "The Furnace", people often assume they are dealing with some form of construct. A useful misconception when elementals are generally considered resources and genasi mostly unheard of." Another older piece, this one originally from 2021 or so. "The Furnace" is the alias of a fire genasi that I've been playing in an Eberron D&D campaign since early 2021. She was initially designed all the way back in 2019 or 2020 if I recall correctly. Probably the character I've painted the most over the last few years, so I'll likely be posting more art of her in the future.
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dorithecoon · 2 years
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"Memories of fire"
This time with speedpaint below the cut.
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evelyn-onfire · 7 months
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i got a little silly and made some silly goofy designs <3
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
Me looking at the track record of things being sealed in this show, knowing there is a non-zero chance the seal on the Jade Emepror's power doesn't break, also knowing that Wukong has a habit of hurting himself when he feels he needs to ("Yeah well- you gotta crack a few eggs to make an omlete" "You know, and do you in the omlete story!" "Did you forget the part where I got super hurt?" *strangles 3x01 with my bear hands*):
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aldieb · 2 months
i just switched my browser to firefox (from brave bc i’m a freak and they were kind of changing the game tracking protection wise like 4 years ago) and it took a mere 15 minutes to port everything over perfectly ✨ i sound like an ad sorry lmao but i’ve been wanting to do this forever and was prevented by needing chromium’s ability to use different profiles in the same browser for my old job. which apparently already got fixed by firefox getting containers. whatever i’m a new man now
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mindfulwrath · 2 months
rib tattoo pain rating:
cumulatively, worse than most meetings i've had to sit through, but only the last hour really hurt. the first four hours were perfectly tolerable.
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ipsen · 10 months
How about Furuta and Black Reaper in the Vtuber au???
banned from eto's chat, to both eto's and rize's relief (it’s the one thing they agree on).
everyone clamoring for his unban gets banned automatically (some of them are his alt accounts)
if tatara is a successful simp, furuta is the exact opposite
out of a misguided intent to help rize, he offers to find out eto’s true identity for her. rize (in a joker/batman moment) threatens to kill him if he does. he tries anyway ("fucking women don't know shit").
did he succeed? who knows, because he gets run over by a chì shé lian car (thanks tatara) and it becomes a huge problem. CSL have a non-aggression treaty with V (a yakuza clan much larger than CSL) and this is definitely a violation.
tatara can't mod for a few weeks because he's dealing with the fallout and preventing a war. yan gives him so much shit for it.
"how the fuck was i supposed to know that this incel was a fucking V member" "you're literally a simp xin" "shut the fuck up yan"
black reaper
doesn't watch eto's streams (anymore). actively rolls his eyes when he hears someone talk about her, and calls her phony when asked about her before dropping the subject (or kicking something, usually a chair. Whichever one gets the other person to shut up first).
in truth, he used to mod for her, and was second-in-command in terms of trust. however, they had a massive falling out that not even tatara knows the details of (he is borderline jealous of the effect black reaper clearly has on her).
reaper was also one of her oldest viewers, older than even tatara, back from before she got the vtuber model and just streamed in disguise.
lots of veteran chatters occasionally ask about where "hangedegg240" went. eto says that he just left the team and leaves it at that. anyone who presses further gets timed out, then banned.
(the rumor mill starts churning, but the details are only between them, so nothing comes out of it. tatara, as the only person who seems to have seen her face, also helps quash the rumors.)
he's the only person eto knows who can keep up with her intellectually.
he has her blocked on all conceivable media (phone number, socials, etc).
tatara: why did you give him your fucking number eto: why are you being so fucking nosy
Thanks for the ask! Hope u enjoy :]
(always taking further requests!)
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viridian-pickle · 4 months
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