#accidental fire
yourangle-yuordevil · 5 months
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That time in ancient Greece when Aziraphale needed a speedy horse and accidentally invented the pegasus
Whatever Crowley had going on in medieval times
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"PELEE ISLAND GIRL BURNED TO DEATH," Windsor Record. February 17, 1913. Page 1. --- Daughter of Caretaker Placed Crude Oil in Furnace and Explosion Ignited Her Clothing. ---- Leamington, Feb. 17.-An explosion of crude oil in the furnace of a southside Pelee Island schoolhouse caused the death of a daughter of Hooper Thomas, who acted as caretaker of the school. She fixed the wood in the furnace ready for lighting the fire on the following day, placing a quantity of crude oil thereon. Fire which remained in the furnace ignited the oil and an explosion followed, setting the child's clothing ablaze. She ran out of the building and down the road for nearly half a mile, and when found by neighbors every stitch of clothing was burned from the body. She died a few minutes later. The school building was saved.
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chocolatekittysims4 · 6 months
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Randy's become a teen now.
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Working out and having a conversation with his mom.
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Practicing sparring with his Uncle Taku.
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So... My game was being laggy. All I know is that Miki was preparing waffles and next thing I know there's smoke and I get a notification saying that Miki had died of fire. Also, the Harris family are staying with Randy and Taku for a while.
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I got Jeb all cleaned up. He looks nice without the bag on his head.
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Jeb is helping Randy with a robotics project from school.
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Looks like someone's having a mood swing.
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The boys have developed feelings for each other and now they're dating.
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bzalma · 8 months
The Burning Bed                                                                                                       
Read the full article at https://lnkd.in/gAkGBCRe, see the full video at https://lnkd.in/gjvHmTRb and at https://lnkd.in/g3R-Wbmc and at https://zalma.com/blog plus more than 4650 posts.
When an Obvious Arson is Just an Accident
This is a Fictionalized True Crime Story of Suspected Insurance Fraud from an Expert who explains why Insurance Fraud is a “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose” situation for Insurers. The stories help to Understand How Insurance Fraud in America is Costing Everyone who Buys Insurance Thousands of Dollars Every year and Why Insurance Fraud is Safer and More Profitable for the ­­­Perpetrators than any Other Crime.
See the full video at https://lnkd.in/gjvHmTRb and at https://lnkd.in/g3R-Wbmc
Sometimes, what looks like an obvious arson for profit turns out to be an accidental fire. The insured lived near the ocean within the city limits of San Luis Obispo. Recently divorced she lived alone for many months. The divorce had caused her much emotional trauma. After twenty-five years of marriage, her husband announced he could not live with her anymore and moved out. She sought treatment for her depression. She visited with multiple psychiatrists and psychologists, who only made her life more miserable.
Shortly before the divorce became final, walking aimlessly through an older part of town, she happened upon an occult bookstore. She bought a book on the power of the mind. The good book gave her a life purpose. She began to apply the principles stated in the book and found peace for the first time since her divorce. She became a regular customer of the book store. A friendship grew between her and the owner, who introduced her to others in San Luis Obispo interested in the occult and powers of the mind.
She applied for, and received, a divinity degree from the Universal Life Church. She bought her first crystal ball that she used to concentrate her psychic energies after receiving the divinity degree. The occult, the powers of the mind and magic were the center of her life. She had a purpose and was no longer distressed by the loss of her husband.
When the divorce was final and she gained absolute title to the land and house the book store owner moved into the house with her. As they, and their friends, concentrated their psychic energies, they became convinced that a major earthquake would strike California and destroy all who lived in San Luis Obispo. Her concentrated energies, directed through several different crystal balls, convinced her that the only safe place was a small community in Northern Tennessee. She put her house on the market and accepted the first reasonable offer of sale.
Shortly before escrow closed, while the insured and her book store owner lover, slept in the master bedroom, a fire broke out in the second bedroom of the house. Awakened by a sound like a heavy rainstorm, they discovered the fire and escaped naked through the bedroom window into their backyard.
Neighbors called the fire department who quickly extinguished the fire after all its contents and most of the structure were destroyed.
Claim was made by the insured to her insurer and by the buyer, separately, to its insurer. They had never considered establishing who would have the risk of loss during escrow and, therefore, both maintained separate insurance policies with separate insurers.
The investigation by the fire department revealed that the fire was suspicious. No specific cause could be found for the fire. It did burn very hot. There were marks on the floor in the second bedroom that seemed to show a flammable liquid was spread. The insurer was concerned. It demanded the examinations under oath of the insured and her book store owner lover. Both testified clearly, concisely and honestly that they had no idea why the fire occurred.
Both testified, with vigor, concerning their belief in their psychic powers. Both denied adamantly any knowledge of the cause of the fire and explained why they sold the house because of what they believed was the oncoming major earthquake.  They explained that they had purchased a house near Nashville because of the low taxes and the stable land below all of Tennessee.
The claim made by them was unusual. Neither the adjuster nor counsel had ever received a claim for the loss by fire of three crystal balls. The value of the psychic paraphernalia was difficult to show. The fire department was convinced that an arson had taken place, but could not understand why the insured and her lover had started the fire nude.
The insurer conducted a thorough investigation and retained the services of an experienced fire cause and origin investigator. He sifted through the debris and found in the debris an electrically operated bed, equipped with a polyurethane foam mattress. The investigator advised the insurer that, after examining the bed and after reviewing the testimony of the insured and her lover at the examination under oath, it was his conclusion that the fire was the result of a short circuit in the bed motor which ignited the highly flammable (and now banned) polyurethane foam mattress. He explained that polyurethane foam, when heat is applied to it, liquefies and burns vigorously. The liquefied polyurethane foam flows on floor surfaces and leaves a trail similar to that left by the spreading of a flammable petrochemical accelerant.
The mystery solved; the insurer paid the insured the loss she incurred to her personal property. The two insurers split the cost of rebuilding the structure. The insured and her lover used the proceeds of the sale of the house and the insurance claim to move to the house they had found in Tennessee.
They now live in a large home on ten acres of land where they have gathered with them other believers in the occult and the power of the mind.  Since both the insured and her lover were ministers of the Universal Life Church, they performed their own wedding and are living content, spreading the word of the power of the mind. Their wedding ceremony was interrupted by an earthquake from the New Madrid fault registering 3.2 on the Richter scale. Since they were Californian’s the two slept through, and never felt, the minor earthquake. What appeared to be an obvious arson claim, with insureds who were far from average, turned out to be an accidental fire that resulted in an effective subrogation action by the insurer against the manufacturer of the bed. The insureds settled down to avoid a California earthquake on the cusp of the New Madrid fault.
Adapted from my book “Insurance Fraud Costs Everyone” available from Amazon.com as a paperback or a Kindle book http://zalma.com/blog/wp-admin/post.php?post=292813... (c) 2023 Barry Zalma & ClaimSchool, Inc.
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sofiaruelle · 11 months
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Ugh younger siblings am i right??? 🙄 🙄 🙄
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yeesiine · 8 months
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There are no accidental meetings. when you know, you know
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Real-Life Scary Story 14:  Barbecue
Nobody was hurt in this incident, but just in case…
While my grandpa was still alive, he loved barbecue and would grill plenty of delicious meat every holiday. After he got sick for the first time, we helped him recover from the chemotherapy and such for about a year after his final treatment. By then, he had gotten enough stamina back to resume his normal activities. Though his stamina definitely wasn’t as great as it once was. So, my dad would occasionally help him out. I was maybe 12 when this story happened.
Both my dad and grandpa had set up the grill and put the meat in to cook. Meanwhile, I was helping my mom make cornbread. My grandma was keeping her distance because she had started yet another fight and after a brief shouting match with my mother, she left to cool off. After the cornbread went into the oven, I went outside for some fresh air.
While messing around the garden, I noticed that there was more smoke than normal coming from the direction of the grill and nobody else was outside at the time. So, I wandered over to check it out. Sure enough, I saw flames coming out of the grill…and onto a wooden tray next to it. The breeze was kicking up more fire and I knew I had to react. There was no extinguisher or water nearby. So, I went inside.
*Disturbing detail: The area I lived in at the time was incredibly dry and prone to fires. There are massive ones there every other year. So, it had to be fixed quickly.*
Since I was always taught to stay calm in an emergency, I power-walked over quickly and said, “Mom. The grill’s on fire.” My mom gave me a look and said it was supposed to be. I replied, “Not like this. It’s spreading.” She freaked out and ran to get my dad, who went to look for the fire extinguisher. Meanwhile, I grabbed a pitcher, filled it with water, swiftly walked back outside, and put the fire out on the tray without ruining the meat.
By the time my dad came out with the extinguisher, I was already standing there calmly holding the empty pitcher. The wooden tray was blackened and smoldering behind me. He muttered a quick “Thanks.” and I nodded before going in to refill the pitcher. Then, I grabbed a patio chair and sat in front of the grill with the pitcher next to me to make sure nothing else caught on fire. The rest of the day went smoothly and the barbecue was awesome as always.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From an early age, I was taught to keep a calm head in an emergency. I also had to memorize a bunch of safety protocols and such. That and some other survival lessons have stuck with me throughout my life and managing to stay calm to assess a situation quickly HAS saved my life and others’ on multiple occasions. I kind of compartmentalize it and hold down the panic during the emergency. Though right afterwards, especially once the adrenaline wears off, I tend to break and have a bit of a freakout whether it be manifested as anger, fear, or simply freezing in place for a while.
Either way, it’s okay to be scared, but letting it consume, freeze, or sabotage you can be a very dangerous thing. Listen to that fear and see what it’s telling you. If you remember anything about what you were taught to do about the threat, follow the steps as best you can and get out of there. Otherwise, the best option is to leave immediately. Get somewhere safe. Tell someone you trust about what happened. Ask for help.
Stay safe, my friends.
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some-pers0n · 8 months
🌃 oracleofpossibility Follow
I've been reading NightWings myths again and it's wild how there's no ending to the Darkstalker legend. Like they all talk about how evil and terrifying it was and how it was some great monster, but they all go in different directions when it comes to how it was defeated. Like nobody could even figure out how to beat something like that.
☃️ penguinfeather Follow
what if instead of being defeated by some hero or being tricked into destroying himself darkstalker just went underground and lives in the mountains
🔮 prophet-bot Follow
Date of post: 5,002 AS
This blog was enchanted to find accidental prophecies in posts. I sometimes make mistakes
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Princess Greatness. Hard name to live up to.
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nohomie · 26 days
Character intro:
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Here's what the text says if its unreadable:
"In no less than a day... as if scorched by the sun, the prospherous City of Ambrol was burnt til ashes became air."
Also lore dump below:
So Sally is like an alien in a literal sense, she is a star afterall so she is beyond the sky amd such. She landed on earth when she was young, like think very small and harmless, and was found by some people. Immediately gets taken into Ambrol city and revered as a god. As Sal grew older, her flames grew as well and at some point she could not control it so she accidentally burned her hometown down to the ground. Bummer.
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otaku553 · 5 months
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He’s perfectly sane I swear
My submission for @where-does-the-heart-lie‘s DTIYS! Congrats on one year on tumblr!! Your art is always an absolute delight to see :D I hope this does it justice!
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funnyevilgal · 2 years
I still can´t believe people will leave a Minecraft server after just one minor inconvenience. Like, grow up. 
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"SHOPKEEPER DENIES CHARGE OF ARSON," Montreal Star. July 20, 1933. Page 3. ---- The fire in his store at 269 Craig street east was caused not by coal oil but by a combination of coal oil and other fluid with which he had been cleaning the pipes, Sam Astrofsky pleaded this morning when standing trial for arson.
When the firemen arrived at the scene of the blaze, it was stated in evidence, the store was already destroyed, but they found traces of coal oil having been sprinkled throughout the building. Judge Menet adjourned the case till July 25 when he will hear arguments of counsel.
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chicle-exe · 2 months
love them too much
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Rival Felix, Rival Ferdinand, and Rival Lorenz would like to battle!
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starry-songs-canvas · 3 months
Practical Interview
Alright Danny, just breathe.
It’s just a job interview. No biggie. Just relax.
Jazz helped you with your resume, all you gotta do is go in there and 1. Not sass, but talk to them, 2. Maybe show ‘em a couple moves, 3. Pray I get the job.
Man, is that a tall tower.
Alrighty, in you go Fenton.
Danny has to dodge a blue laser bolt, which hits his precious resume, the moment he steps through the doors.
“Hey! Watch where your shooting, man!”
Great, nailed that first step.
The Teen Titans are fighting a large group of villains, kinda being overwhelmed, if he’s being honest?
Well, guess this’ll be one of those “learn on the job” type-a thing.
TL:DR, Danny has Jazz help him make a hero-resume for the Teen Titans since they don’t have any sort of tryouts or job application.
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