#funfacts with doll
2500dollarmagikarp · 1 year
Tinkaton are considered an incredibly dangerous invasive species in Galar due to their potential to completely disrupt the ecosystem, and as such there’s incredibly strict guidelines and legal requirements to bring one into Galar, and an incredibly hefty fine for failure to follow these guidelines. 
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nostalgicfun · 7 months
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Lisa 🌈
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catocappuccino · 7 months
Snorkmaiden plush I got.
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SHE'S SO ADORABLE I LOVE HER SO MUCH 😭😭😭 best purchase ever
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I have not received another letter from Angleterre yet...
But I have found an old photo!
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He and I were made differently
But we were made with love
Je pensais
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blondeaxolotl · 6 months
I just remembered that Clayton, Maurice, and Doll are the (so far) confirmed Mid-Fours (Basically the Phantom Five but Lizzie lol), does that mean we'll get to see them dance and sing and be smexy/cute!?
YEAH, just like in canon Lizzy makes them start a boy band (technically not a "boy" band since Doll is in it, but a band either way), but also Edward and Finny are also included in the band!! (since Edward is just swapped with Clayton, and Finny is swapped with Soma, meaning he's in the band instead of Soma)
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chaosmultiverse · 5 months
❛  here, i noticed you lost this earlier.  ❜
Thursday to Murky!
It was her doll, she had misplaced it again and she had been embrassed to ask Artemy to look for it again, so she had been trying herself, that's when the woman approached her with the doll, speaking a language she didn't know, but she could see the woman was trying to hand her her doll.
Murky was a small girl no older than 8, she wore old clothes and didn't wear shoes, she also had some dirt on her and a bit of a severe expression but that lightened when she saw her doll, her weight shifted back and forth on her feet causing her to sway in place.
She raised up her hands, trying to communicate she would like the doll please without words, which wasn't all that uncommon for her, she wasn't exactly known for her speech.
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dollxlove · 2 years
hi hi !! how is the doll doing ? :D
maybe if it would be okay , could the idol request a gender related to strawberries , idols , & angels ? /nf
also , would " demon idol anon " be okay to sign off as ? ^__^
Here you go anon! The doll hope you enjoy :]
Also Lo is doing well and ofc its alright!
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windose20s · 2 years
akira’s grocery cart card >>>
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galpalo · 2 months
Okay so I can’t fit ALL my screenshots here so I’ll focus on the ones I found most interesting. I will not apologize for shamelessly rambling, you WILL listen. Also this is not in order of the events.
(funfact: all of them scenarios were my favorite)
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NORI FLASHBACK I REPEAT. R.i.p to the “intern”.
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Can I just say I find it cute how similar Uzi and her mother are? Look at the band posters and her music tastes, plus the drawings (there’s one also on the desk!) but I did not expect her to be a heart-core remain of her old body.
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This moment
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I did not ask to be hurt for a fraction of a second
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I would scream too if I saw a trauma ghost of my past-life crush standing in front of me. Seriously though, this moment was funny
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BUT ALSO THE HUMAN RACE. It unexpectedly makes sense?! Because back at episode 5 “home”, the absolute solver took cyn as a host to MURDER all humans at the gala. AND NOT ONLY DID THEY SUCCED HERE.
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This moment made my heart race. When I tell you I GASPED. At first shocked by tessa being vague and kinda of a douche. And then N freakin- KILLING HER?? (That was before finding out it was the solver) girl didn’t even finish her sentence before he SLASHED her throat. AND N FREAKING OUT OVER IT FOR A SECOND. MY BABYS. MY FUCKED UP FAVORITES.
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KHAN IS BACK AND I HAVE NOT BEEN HAPPIER. Lizzy and Thads confusion (mostly Thad’s) were funny.
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Look at him so used and casual about the solvers powers (which raises a question) and thad and lizzy panicking in the backgrounD. Also him fixing the railgun?? And he KNEW about uzis cannibalistic tendencies? Did he notice or he saw NORI eat humans? And the fact he complained about her “nightcore” music taste. She’s just like her mom
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Best not to ask Thad.
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Even as a heart, a mother is a mother. She’s right tho Zi. (Also when she told N she knew Doll was infected with the solver. Nori. You’ve got some explaining with so little time to do so.)
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J is back and I have NEVER been happier. Again. Also her “PRIOR HAZARD” message when seeing the RAILGUN khan fixed. GIRL IS NOT HAPPY TO SEE IT.
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bearwry · 5 months
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olaaá! 👋 antes de tudo, FELIZ ANO NOVO!! ✨ enfim, meio atrasada, né? meio que eu nem pretendia fazer essa retrospectiva e fiquei ponderando por um tempo (cheguei até a esquecer, minha memória do tamanho de uma formiguinha 🐜), porque quando fui olhar minhas capas eu lembrei que eu comecei a postar minhas capas aqui em 2023 mesmo! tenho essa conta tem um tempo, mas se for considerar, esse portifólio não tem nem um ano direito (contando na data de hoje), então meio que meu próprio portifólio é uma retrospectiva? sem contar que eu não fiz taaaantas capas esse ano, e em alguns meses nem fiz.
maaaas, depois de tanto pensar, decidi que queria mostrar minhas capas favoritas de cada mês e comentar um tico também, se não quiser ler, tudo bem ☝️ eu passo pano se você só dar uma olhada nas capinhas 🫣
dito isso, vamos lá! 🌼
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› do you want a barbie doll?! - só fiz duas capas em janeiro, então não tinha como eu escolher muito. não é das minhas capas favoritas, mas gosto de olhar ela e perceber que eu dei uma evoluída! sem contar que ela é o primeiro watch me edit do meu canal (que tá em poeiras, coitado)! então, quem quiser ver eu me atrapalhando toda pra fazer uma unidade de capa, tá aqui > 👠<
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› blue. - eu tenho um carinho enorme por essa capa, não só porque tem uma das minhas idols favoritas (te amo de montão sakura 🩷), mas também porque foi um processo muito gostoso fazer ela, foi uma das capas que eu tive uma ideia, arrisquei e fluiu muito bem. fora que essa capa foi para uso pessoal, uma fic que postei bem no meu aniversário, depois de passar um ano todinho sem postar algo no meu perfil, então é, dá pra ver o quanto "blue." é especial pra mim... 💙
— MARÇO 3️⃣
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› skeletons - essa aqui foi planejada e feita para uma doação (que nunca saiu, inclusive nem sei se saí pq tô querendo refazer todas), e acabou que saiu em outra doação lá em outubro, pro halloween. pois é, a querida demorou para ver a luz do sol (inclusive acho que nem postei ela num post solo 🤔). estava numa vibe melancólica, escutando skeletons do keshi e querendo MUITO usar essa fonte e essas fotos do txt. no fim, fui tentando fazer uns efeitos que nunca tentei e aprendendo a usar umas ferramentas do photopea, fiquei feliz que teve um resultado bom!
— ABRIL?! MAIO! 5️⃣
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› cinnamon flavored - sim! pulamos um mês, abril provavelmente eu tava assim 😴. top capas mais piticas que eu já fiz 🤏🥺 eu já tinha feito um vídeo edit com essas fotinhos do sunoo com tiara/touquinha de cinnamoroll porque, pra quem não sabe, sou um tico obcecada por cinnamoroll e sanrio, mas decidi de uma vez capar com ele! com inspiração na belíssima chanyouchan (que inclusive foi quem deu um lar pra essa capa 🩵), fiz uma colagem bem pitchuca com o sunoo e o sunghoon, e no fim ficou adorável ✨
— JUNHO 6️⃣
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› drowning - chegou meio do ano, veio de brinde a melancolia 🌊 essa também fiz para uso pessoal, quis me expressar não só pela minha fic, mas também na capa, que é tão pessoal quanto "blue." (inclusive assinei de um jeito diferente nessa, quase não dá pra ver; desafio: ache a minha assinatura na capa!! cerra os olhinhos que vc acha 🤓☝️). essa eu até pensei em fazer manipulação, mas eu queria algo simples, mas que também expressasse o que eu tava sentindo, então no fim só peguei a imagem que queria e coloquei várias texturas, alterando os efeitos e opacidade. no título até me impressionei com o resultado, foi praticamente o mesmo processo com o resto da capa. tava parecendo um pintor pincelando aleatoriamente e deixando rolar pra ver no que dava 🤓🤌
— JULHO 7️⃣
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› kuromi girl - em julho eu fiz 3 capinhas, e acabei gostando de todas elas! mas dando uma pensadinha, escolhi essa aqui como minha favorita desse mês, não só porque é de sanrio, mas também porque eu gostei do processo de fazer ela, de como eu encaixei os pngs e o título e depois do resultado final! funfact: já tinha os recursos baixados pra fazer essa capa HÁ MESES, mas só em julho que tomei coragem, e ainda bem que tomei coragem viu 🖤
— AGOSTO 8️⃣
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› BRILHO - fiz uma sessão capinhas inspiradas em barbie com a gigica ifdimpeul, e uma delas foi essa aqui, inspirada em moda e magia 💅 foi a única capa que fiz em agosto, não é das minhas favoritas, tenho uma relação de amor e ódio com essa capa, e também fico meio tristonha em ver que alguns pngs não estão lá da melhor qualidade, fazer o que :( sim, vocês mesmo pngs das fadinhas e do armário da moda! não achei as melhores imagens, mas fiz o meu melhor pra deixar minimamente aceitável e bonitinho! ✨
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› então, tornou-se inverno - pensei até em pular esse mês ☠️ porque as duas únicas capas que fiz nele, eu não gostei tanto 😞 acho que eu podia ter melhorado essa capa, acho que os elementos estão jogados e sem nexo com a capa num todo, eu meio que mirei num conceito e acertei em nadica 😭 fora o título que tá meio escuro. foi meio que uma decepção do ano, o que é triste porque essa capa foi pra uso pessoal numa fic que presenteei pra uma amiga (pelo menos a fic é boa, fechem os olhinhos pra capa 🙈 e leiam a fic 👀 tá no meu perfil do spirit)
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› spiralis - 🚨ALERTA DE CAPA INÉDITA!!🚨 essa aqui eu NUNCA postei ou sequer mostrei pra uma alma viva (pelo oq eu lembre, não mostrei, acho que nem na timeline do spirit), fiz no exato dia de halloween, 31 de outubro, essa aí viveu como fantasminha mesmo. ia usar pra uma fic minha, mas no fim eu nem escrevi a fic (sim, é fic triste de novo 🥰) ainda pretendo usar, mas não sei quando vem. queria fazer a capa numa vibe terror, mas também que trouxesse um toque de tristeza, acho que consegui? e também eu queria MUITO usar essa fonte e esses pngs da seulgi em chill kill (os photoshots do red velvet nos alimentam demais 🛐). gostei do processo de fazer ela, e muito da finalização! 💀🖤
— NOVEMBRO 1️⃣1️⃣
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› quando você sabe - omgg chegou na minha top 2 capinhas favoritas de todo ano! 🥈 estava ansiosa pra falar dessa aqui, porque eu me impressionei TANTO com o resultado. bendito dia que eu resolvi fazer essa capa pra summer, quase entrei em desespero porque não tinha muitas ideias em mente, então eu decidi "quer saber? vou relaxar e deixar rolar!" e rolou! ROLOU DEMAIS!! fui fazendo aos poucos, testando texturas e cores, encaixando os pngs feito quebra cabeça e no fim, fiquei tão satisfeita com a finalização dela. é daquelas capas que eu não parava de olhar, e me deixou mais feliz ainda ver que outras pessoas gostaram e elogiaram ela 🥺✨
— DEZEMBRO 1️⃣2️⃣
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› OMG: o mundo gamer de danielle & haerin - MEU TOP 1!! essa aqui virou o meu xodó, tomou um lugarzinho no meu coração, fiquei tão orgulhosa do resultado 😭💞 eu não capava no ibispaint x HÁ MUUUITO TEMPO, e ver que nesse fim de ano eu consegui fazer capinhas bonitas nesse app, direto no celular, me deixou tão orgulhosa. essa então, me impressionei com o resultado e fiquei apaixonada pela minha própria capa, vê se pode? deixei a criatividade rolar de um jeito, fui tendo ideias e até demorei pra fazer porque tava sendo detalhista com alguns pontos, já que queria fazer referências certinho com as meninas do newjeans e também com o jogo minecraft (que a nerd aqui sabe de monte 🤓☝️). e foi outra capa que eu gostei do resultado e as pessoas também, é um sentimento muito bom esse 💗🌼 enfim, ela tá no final, mas com toda certeza é a minha favorita de todo ano! 🥇
— FIM!
obrigada se você leu até aqui! ✨ 2023 não foi dos melhores anos pra mim, mas ver que consegui capar esse ano e ter coragem de postar elas por aqui, me deixou feliz. ter aprendido e evoluído como capista em 2023 foi muito bom, apesar dos tropeços.
não só isso, como também me deixou muito feliz eu ter conhecido capistas e me aproximado de capistas que eu já admirava! vocês são tudo! 🫵 admiro vocês demaise: @is-ateez @woojiniepk @loeynely @ifdimpeul @chanyouchan @kodalindissima @mercuryport @yoonbaew @jungwonscover @naheeport @maluyoongi @earlff @xiaozport @aitcport @okaydokeyyo @aracnistaport (devo ter esquecido alguém 😭 perdão, são tantas! quando eu lembrar eu marco aqui ☝️)
mais uma vez, obrigada! espero que 2024 seja ótimo e cheio de mais capinhas para ver 💗🌼 um beijo, tchau. 👋
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slut4msby · 5 months
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Vigilante Shit. atsumu miya x model!reader x suna rintarou
+ synopsis; Don’t get sad, get even. You and Miya Atsumu always had a toxic relationship. There was no denying it. However Atsumu called your relationship off in the worst way possible, sleeping with your number one enemy, Miyazaki Aoi. However you’re an adult, who should deal with this in adult ways but, once a cheater always a cheater, right?
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+ 02. like a brother [✎]
⤷ masterlist ; 01. childish. ; 03. ???
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“Tetsu… I don’t know what to do. I know we weren’t perfect for each other, but I always felt I needed to go back to him? Was I always an option…” You cried into your best friends neck. At this point a pool of tears collected in Kuroo’s collarbones. You had been crying for at least 2 hours by this point. 
“Princess you were always too good for him.” he responded, kissing the top of your head. His hands combing through your hair as you laid on him aimlessly.
You can’t help but stare up at Kuroo with glassy eyes. You looked so fragile, so innocent. You let out a small chuckle at a thought that crossed your mind - an instant change in your mood. You move away from Kuroo, laying flat on your bed, the tears slowly fading. “Y’know Tetsu, Atsumu used to hate me seeing you. He always thought I would leave him for you. But you’re like a brother to me, Tetsu. Shows how much of an insecure prick he really is.”
Like a brother. That phrase repeated in Kuroo’s head. You were Kuroo’s best friend, there was no denying it. However, Kuroo also couldn’t deny his feelings towards you. He would be a naïve asshole to do so. But he was like a brother. “Funny.” Kuroo responds, the sentence making him feel numb. He was supposed to be helping you, making you both happy. Instead you handballed your emotions to him.
“Tetsu, you know I love you right?”
He nodded, he knew what you meant. You loved him like a brother.
“Let’s say HYPOTHETICALLY I have the urge to do something stupid… You would be my partner in crime?”
“Always, princess.” He smiled weakly.
You dart up from the pillow. 
“Wait, what do you have planned Y/N.” Kuroo asked worriedly.
“Don’t get sad, get even.” You mumble quietly, “don’t get sad, get even.” You repeat.
It hit you. Atsumu and you fought constantly, a daily ritual essentially. Fighting with him wouldn’t solve anything. You had to mentally fuck him. Mindfuck him so hard all he thinks of is you. Your scent, your body, your voice, you. Could you sort this out like adults, of course. But where’s the fun in that?
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"I don't like the sound of this, Y/N..." Kuroo mutters.
"Just trust me, Tetsu?"
Trust you? You're making that hard to do.
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+ funfacts;
⤷ atsumu was aware of bokuto & akaashis presence, but tried to ignore it. snitches get stitches after all? or something about bro-code :p
⤷ before you and atsumu got together kuroo's parents would pester you about becoming their daughter-in-law
⤷ when atsumu first called u "doll" you wouldn't shut up about it for weeks
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+ taglist; @hearts4itoshi @ellesalazar @chocopuchino @bl4ckhoney @noodleswastaken
(please ignore the timestamps x)
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2500dollarmagikarp · 1 year
Drowzee will make mock-pendulums out of any materials they can find in preparation for evolution. These are commonly made out of rocks, vines, gems, wire, and thread from bug type pokemon. Trained Drowzee will sometimes take jewelry, CD disks, rings, beads, and yarn for the same reason.
A Hypno’s pendulum is created from these mock-pendulums being transformed by a Hypno’s psychic power. Hypno are deeply attached to their pendulums and will rarely allow anyone to take their pendulum for any reason; They will become highly distraught if their pendulum is lost or broken. Hypno use their pendulum to channel their psychic energy, so a Hypno who’s pendulum has been lost or broken is not suited to battle. 
A Hypno’s pendulum can be replaced, but they are highly particular. Hypno who’s trainer helped them make their original mock-pendulum as a Drowzee are often especially protective of their pendulums and particular about replacements. Some believe the sentimental value attached to a Hypno’s pendulum make it better at channeling a Hypno’s power, making them stronger as a result.
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stinkylittleanon · 1 year
hello! i saw pokemon s/m your request list.,,
i was wondering if you could maybe do guzma x reader fluff scenarios?
not like full stories or anything, but just like moments and traits and things like that (if that makes sense ^^;)
sorta like a grumpy x sunshine type thing, if ykwim,,
thank u !!!
Guzma x sunshine!reader fluff!
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So first of all, I'd like to imagine that ya'll meet when you move to Alola (or you move from one island to another)
Like immediately you somehow have Team Grunt members as younger siblings? Your energy just drags the younger members right in and now you got a few lil' guys that you see as family.
This is how Guzma hears of you, and he's actually quite mean at first!
He's just "What're you doin' around my grunts, punk?"
And you're like "Hiii! :D Nice to meet youuuu!"
That's honestly just how it spiraled to your relationship starting, the guy just couldn't get you away and he just... Enjoyed your presence. Having someone so bright clashing with his 'dark and brooding' personality just made him see things more positively!
Your first date was probably a walk along the beach. Nothing fancy, something simple that Guzma liked to do.
He'd take you to a spot where you can see Wimpod, and his heart melts when you gush about how cute they are!!
Though that scares them away... You're still happy that you saw them!
Walking along the beach, hand in hand... As you start running and he's dragged along-
You have so much energy!!
If you tire yourself out, you've at least got a strong guy to carry you!
When you say this to him he silently freaks the fuck out- He does end up carrying you
When you guys finally told some of the grunts that you were together, word spreads fast and now EVERYONE knows
You've got them congratulating you, some are yelling "FINAL-FUCKING-LY!", and then there's the small group of feminine grunts asking if you guys have kissed yet-
It's quite overwhelming! For Guzma, at least, you seem to be enjoying the attention!
When things calm down, everyone is just happy for ya'll! Plumeria approves, 10/10!
I'd imagine that playing with Guzma's hair is a thing that happens often! It's so fluffy... Not exactly soft, it's actually kinda scruffy, but still! So fluffy!
Funfact, Guzma's actually mixed (his mom is has darker skin)
So his hair is probably thick
Very fun! 10/10
Nicknames include: Sunshine Doll Babe Goof
10/10 nicknames!
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Darling’s Pokémons!
Soulveon(prev Sylveon)
Darling old friend came from the realm of the spirit to wait for her, waited too long but she was back at her best friends arms and always always stay by her side the most. Despite being the ghost type, she’s oddly the most loveliest singer with an eerie voice. Sofie always remains by her sister side. Also extra fact, Sofie actually learned to speak perfect English, but she messes the hell outta everyone’s Pokémons with it and talk like a normal Pokémon. She still does to this day. And no she isn’t sorry for it.
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Darling had found Espurr recently when she only had Soulveon, and named her Charlotte. She forgotten to tell most of Ramshackle of Espurr and everyone thought she was the new toy she got. Until Charlotte purred at everyone and now Darling owes everyone lunch
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Funfact: you all know about the Pokédex of Banette. But actually, Banette isn’t after Darling. He’s actually a doll from a boy who abandoned him, and when he was searching for him. Darling found him and taken him in as her new friend. He’s forever grateful to be cared for. He does play a little tricks on her. But she likes them too.
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Shiny Gardevoir:
Funny thing is that Darling only found a shiny Kirila, and didn’t show herself as a threat. Rather a caring companion, she gave Kirila a snack and instantly became her Pokémon when Chrissy joined her team. She evolved oddly fast to a Gardevoir but Darling was proud of her.
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Grimmsnarl (oh y’all didn’t expect a Dark Fairy beast)
Funny thing is this used to be the second evolution and this time she genuinely threw some hands because some Pokémon thought it’ll be funny to take the doll of her mother she carries around, this girl won but this Pokémon got some respect and became her Pokémon. Both from respect and fear, and few training months later, he became Grimmsnarl. Named Ethan. (Whoever gets Banette and Grimmsnarl, yes I saw that show and yes these two are gonna be them)
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Okay she found this Pokémon in the attic, with horde of people foods and fabrics to stay there. And she had never told a soul about this one. But it turns out this one Rookidee is actually her dad’s Corviknight kid. Who is also a young lady like herself. So now she’s partners with Lucy. And helps trains Lucy to be a great fighter, and never separate them. Unless you will be clawed. By either.
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@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @zexal-club @liviavanrouge
Listen. I only have tumblr gifs and they are much funnier shush
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rzyraffek · 2 years
I made one cute post about slashers(ghostface and yautja) finding random child in forest. Its still in my head so imma do part 2. Its pure platonic made to be cute and funny😊. (By kid i mean she can talk walk normaly already ect)
Request open
Yaujta with human child
Yall this is part 2 but I know that not everyone seen part 1 so basicly what u missed: he finds kid in forest, looks for her perents, turns out they are bab people, he temporary takes kid to his ship...
Yeaaah Temporary, thats what he thought, he rly hoped to find some good place for her but He kinda failed? Lol
He will be grumpy, well no suprise! He didnt plan having random alien kid in his ship! But he cant Just leave her too
He has No clue about perentship so he will probably fail miseribly (trying to feed kid with raw food or trying to train her isnt top tier parent stuff)
But he tires okay! He may stalk some acuall human families to see how bebis work (misspelling bebi is my job)
Wait till he finds out that humans in fact dont train their kids in hunting/killing
Duble points in cutness if kid loves aliens! Like yknow every kid has phases dinosaurs/ponies/aliens/dolls idk what else its been 11years since i was kid idk what kids do this days (I was dinosaur kid myself)
I can imagine kid being like: 🤯alien dad😊 while hes like: 👽we woo *alien noises*👽
No but He will melt if kid calls him alien dad/ space dad/ just dad. He will be suprisingly very happy and proud
Okay okay he wont train his kid🙄 but dont make him cook pls😩. As long as yall are on earth He will steal some food(he is the reason why take out food you ordered 2hours ago never came)
"How are bebis made?" "uh eh they hatch from eggs?(has No clue how to human)"
Kid is very shmol (in comparison) and the ship is verrry big. Kid gets lost a lot. Yautja panics a lot. wheWHERE IS SHE I- EE NOT AGAIN
They love playing hide and seek, tag is cool too but He never knows if he should let kid win or make them loose in 0.23 seconds
He brings her a lot of stuff, mostly paper crayons, toys(dino plushies pls), clothes ofc, stickers. He will kinda love if she draws him or put stickers on his armor. I mean she shoudlnt be in armory and she is banned from going there due to sharp objects but awwwwe cute stickers on his armor
Mostly He is too busy to multi-task (taking care of kid while doing other stuff is difficult) so he just lets kid vibe on his lap or around him overall.
Yautja is very good in learning kid how to deal with emotions (both positive and negative) and overall respect, self defence ect
When kid grows up(teenager) he is doing his best to support her and show empathy (and yautjas arent know for being very emphatic) but please on love of God do not be mean to him he will be heartbroken. As the kid grows he will kinda try to train them with sertain weapons of just simple self-defence. Its not like kid will ever be in danger but its more like dad trying to show his favorite hobbie to his kid in hope that the kid will like it too
Funfact out of context! I liked yautjas before i saw any movies and I thought they had tails :( u can imagine my disapointment
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lexezombie · 7 months
this was gonna be for Halloween but took a lil while longer <<
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I designed the tallest one a long time ago and you can still find her on my DA - her names Belladonna (funfact: thats her doll the kids are fighting over)
BUT I've added some new ones; going in order we have:
Belladonna (oldest child, made that doll with her mom when she was a kid, kinda on the road to being the Pumpkin Queen)
Lily (eldest twin, creative and probably more into fashion/sewing like Sally is; she/her)
Thorn (the baby, a lil stupid and gullible- she doesn't think things through all the way, like her dad; she/her)
Hemlock (younger twin, very smart, kinda an inventor; he/him)
Hogweed (2nd youngest, a u t i s m, combats authority constantly and sneaks out a lot- prob got that from his mom tbh; he/him)
Googie! She's the reincarnation/'child' of Oogie Boogie; Lock, Shock, and Barrel tried to collect bugs and shove them into poorly sewn together pillowcases to remake Oogie but it didn't work like they hoped and kinda just formed a skittish kid.
She's got a Weevil for a brain, coughs up butterflies/moths sometimes and the spiders that crawl out her eyeholes are Bunny Harvestment : )
Sally fixed her up since she had gaps in the sewing and was leaking worms (sally also added the buttons) - Ribbon is a gift from Hogweed (they're kinda dating don't @ me lmao)
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