#fucking hate this fandom
hamartia-grander · 1 year
No but the fact that Josh is constantly yelling in North's face about how violence is never the answer and killing is always wrong when she had to use violence to survive literal sexual abuse makes me want to cry. North will always get hate for existing just because she got dealt a shit hand.
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actuallyitskal · 1 year
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the black brothers and their "just got him back".
i'm not crying, you are.
1st: crimson rivers by zepazzariel ch.62
2nd: art heist, baby! by otrtbs ch.34
(the fact that their both talking about eachother to james is fucking heartbreaking)
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I’m sorry but Classic SMG4 is literally the most unfunny thing ever. Painful to watch.
Literally potty humor, swears, offensive jokes, and the fucking r-slur. It’s just edgy humor that peaked in the 2010s. The gay jokes are the one redeeming quality, but there’s like 3 episodes that are actually funny overall.
Also most Classic SMG4 fans are whiny little bitches that can’t be thankful for anything. I saw people complaining that the new SMG4 episode was bad even though it was LITERALLY MADE FOR YOU!
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bananasbyler · 1 year
Sigh. Stranger Things WASN'T supposed to have only one season, where did you get that from? The Duffers simply didn't know if Netflix would renew it after s1, it does not mean they didn't have anything planned for future season lmao? They've said many times they had the entire story from beginning till end outlined, and after s1 became big and they got a green light for s2, they started working on details. Noah auditioned for his role with a speech from s2, s2 was already written when s1 wasn't even filmed yet💀 Who are to insist the Duffers are lying about their work and writing process like you know better than them? You aren't very smart but r calling others stupid for knowing all that 💀 Yes the Duffers did everything planned from the start!
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Shut up please 👍🏻 it was a simple joke that everyone took way too seriously. This is ALL I meant. Thanks.
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youronebraincell · 6 months
Would I get called every slur in known to man if I said I liked the guy that was sexually assaulted by the girls on shrooms better than the girls that killed and ate his little brother?
The answer may surprise you
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I think people have truly lost any ability to be patient with storytelling.
‘I don’t understand this’ They’ll explain it if you wait.
‘I don’t like how this episode left things hanging’ There’s a continuation next week.
‘This character is flat’ Wait for them to be fleshed out.
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lotus-pear · 3 months
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cringefail exes oh my god
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paarthursass · 7 months
"wyll's too nice i'd like him more if he were a little meaner and angrier" you guys couldn't handle vivienne de fer having a complicated relationship with the oppressive system she was raised in. you couldn't handle liam costa making a minor but well-intentioned mistake. you couldn't handle preston garvey having a recurring fetch quest.
you couldn't even handle early access wyll who was angrier and grappled with moral quandaries more. and you can't handle wyll as he is now when he playfully teases astarion.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
There is a phenomenon happening on Tumblr right now which may be a product of the Twitter exodus or maybe its just modern fandom mentality vehemently rejecting the old, but you guys have GOT to stop being so damn MEAN about fandom.
There are posts circulating on Tumblr right now hating on so many aspects of fandom. Yeah we all know the incorrect quotes format can be cringe and most of the time its the same quotes used for every fandom ever reducing the characters to stereotypes. Yes we know most fandoms scramble to ship the two basic white guys over all the other characters. Yes we know your blorbo probably Does Not Fucking Say That. Yes we know A/B/O is weird AF (especially now its breached containment and found its way into mainstream hetero erotica). Yes we know SuperWhoLock was ridiculous and attempts to make modern shows into a new SuperWhoLock have got old fast.
But do you have to constantly drag these things all the time? Why is it suddenly cool and popular to ridicule and criticise and hate on peoples fun?
Let people be cringe
Let people play in the fandom sandbox
Let people have their fun
Not everything has to be an intellectual critique and it doesn't make you a better person to constantly shit on fandom ON THE FANDOM WEBSITE
Fandoms can be problematic, toxic, and infuriating at times. But all the negativity isn't making things better. Yeah okay some aspects of fandom can be annoying, but must we have so many call out posts go viral on here specifically for hating on parts of fandom culture? Yet people wonder why fandom creators are quitting and there isnt as much art and interaction on here as there used to be.
If you see another negative post shitting on aspects of fandom cross your dash, maybe think before you reblog it. Maybe ask yourself if that post may be hurtful to a mutual? Perhaps youve got a mutual who writers A/B/O or CharacterxReader fanfiction who doesnt wanna see your reblog of the callout post stating reader×character fanfic is gross, or perhaps your mutual creates fun text posts applying quotes to their fave characters and youve just reblogged a 90k+ note post calling them cringy and overdone.
Just THINK please. Its not necessary. We've got to be KINDER to each other. Please don't let this place become like Twitter. Twitter was a toxic cesspool where no one had anything worthwhile to add to the discussion, no one created, everyone was just screaming angry rants into the void. Dont let tumblr become like that, because it will be the death of this place. And where will you go to find fanart and gifsets of your blorbos then?
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robobrainrot · 4 months
Today on WILD fandom fashion;
Irregular Choice: Transformers Shoe collab
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Drops Jan 26th. There are also purses. Images from their TikTok feed
PLEASE leave your opinions about these in the tags. I want to know what people think of them
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greelin · 1 year
if you remember rise of the guardians (2012) you are entitled to financial compensation
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great day for the reminder that fandoms are ruined by those who comment hateful things on fanfic
writers don’t owe you anything
writers make fics for free
there is a back button for a reason
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starlightseraph · 5 days
so Idk if this is fandom lore, but while I used to watch and love House while it was airing, it wasn't until yesterday I really started looking into fandom and fanfic...but what's this all about RSL being the biggest Hilson hater, and Hugh Laurie being the biggest Hilson fan about??
basically it’s a running joke in the fandom about a bunch of interviews from during the show’s run in which rsl got super annoyed by anything that could, by any stretch of the imagination, imply hilson. and hugh laurie would always try to shut him up and very directly imply hilson.
from very early on in the show, hugh laurie said that he’d be fine with canon hilson as long as it was well written, and that he expected house to “go through” cameron, cuddy, and wilson if the show were to go on long enough.
rsl, on the other hand, started like a cat every time someone mentioned even the possibility of hilson, which i find hilarious considering it’s partially his fault.
these are the most famous examples:
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there are many more examples, both of hugh laurie basically waving a pride flag (quite literally saying “romantic love”) and of robert sean leonard panicking, and then some more of them both being really weird about the whole thing (as in just being strange as people lol).
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redysetdare · 10 months
A character looks straight into the camera and says "I'm not interested in romance" and people will still say "No, it's not confirmed they're aromantic!!!" "They could change their mind!!!" "it's a challenge for them to overcome!!!" "They'll have character development that makes them fall in love"
It's like they are given the most blatant answer to a character romantic orientation and they actively ignore it. all the while all it takes is subtext for people to speak as if it is fact for a character to be any other sexuality.
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blluespirit · 2 months
back on my 'zuko is aroace' agenda. if i have to see one more post arguing about shipping i am going to start biting people. he's actually a single dad and never marries thanks bye.
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