#from epix imagine
fromepiximagines · 9 months
Kenny Liu NSFW headcannons (gn!reader)
Summary: just some headcannons because I've got brainrot over Kenny once more :)
Request: no, my braincells screamed at me again
Rating: M, 18+ obviously
Warnings: mentions of kinks, light bdsm, marking/biting, sex talk
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• Kenny is SO shy at first. He doesn't know how to act the first times you guys start to go into sexy territory
• Asks for consent. Always
• "can I touch (body part)?"
• That goes two ways. Always ask for consent too because my boy is insecure and takes a while to get comfortable when it comes to showing himself more, even if it's just touching and no actual seeing
• I headcannon him as aspec, either demi or grey ace. In either of those, it takes him a long time to warm up to the thought of being intimate with you, so you'll have to go slowly
• When he gets more confident, will stop asking verbally to touch your body areas that aren't considered very intimate. Will squeeze your hips, waist, tummy, but will still look up at you to see if it's okay to keep going
• Biting/nibbling king!!!! Keeps biting your neck and the center of your throat unconsciously, it's honestly very relaxing to him and he gets happy whenever a light mark appears
• The first time he covered your neck in marks, he got so flustered. Apologized profusely because you had to wear a turtleneck around town in a 35ºC (95ºF) heat
• Was lowkey proud tho. Seeing you walk with the marks HE created on your body makes his brain go haywire and he gets even more excited, expect him to go right back to work when the old ones fade
• You forget to cover them up ONCE and never again. Jade saw it and went "what got to you, chupacabra?"
• "please shut up."
• When you actually end up doing the do, he's overwhelmed. Not in a bad way, you worked everything up to this point and he's so so so happy he has someone who loves him and wants him :((
• He's a switch, sub leaning. No buts, mans a giver all the way, you actually have to remind him this is about him, too
• Cries when he's about to cum. It all feels so good, it's so warm and he looks down to see your face scrunched up in pleasure as you just came and a drop of sweat sliding down your chest
• Ends up nutting right then and there
• Doesn't have a crazy high sex drive, but will get horny at the simplest things
• You smiled up at him, brighter than the sun, after a bad day? Boner
• Punched some asshole on the nose after they screamed at Victor? Boner
• Showed up at the station with homemade food for him? He's taking you in the archive
• Someday you ask him if he has any kinks and he's like "pshh no"
• Ends up having many
• One of them is shibari. He likes the aesthetic of it and it feels nice to have your hands all over his body as you twist the rope
• Whenever you tie him up, the night is all about him. It's usually after a rough day, he needs to get his head off things and not care about everything and everyone for once
• Praise kink. Both giving and receiving, can and will cry if you start to call him pretty and kiss all over his body
• King of aftercare!! Will clean both of you up, kiss all over your face and whisper sweet nothings as he hides his face on your neck
• Will lay his head on your lap on most nights. Sleeps the best when he's resting there
• Is a thigh man. Doesn't matter of your thighs are skinny, chubby, bony, he LOVES THEM
• Card your fingers through his hair and massage his scalp (the famous Brazilian cafuné) and he's ready to go again
• is a softie in the streets and sheets, protect Kenny at all costs.
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Permanent taglist: @tiredwritersworld
Whew good God this was long
Kudos to the from discord family for making me think about these!! <3
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taking care of jade and kenny while they're sick
you look away for one millisecond and he's up doing stuff
"i don't want my mom to have to do it okay" through a stuffy nose while washing the dishes
you need to remind him that being sick here is not the same as being sick elsewhere, even if it's "just a cold"
he's pretty reasonable and agrees to get back in bed. he's a good boy!
you want to keep him company but he's like "don't worry, i don't want you to catch it, i'm fine, i've got my book"
he's getting his forehead kissed whether he wants to or not though
you stay in the same room with him but keep a distance, looking like a kicked puppy because you can't snuggle or kiss your boyfriend
boyfriend timeout. criminal
if it gets even minimally serious though you'll be there to do any nursing that needs to be done
"i miss you too. i'm just trying to do everything right so we can get close again as soon as possible, okay?"
(sad reluctant noises)
tian chen stealing you away to help in the kitchen to distract you and telling you cute stories from when kenny was a child
bonus points if kenny ends up having to translate his own embarrassing childhood stories that tian chen wants to tell
may the lord help you
it's similar to when he's high
"you're so beautiful. you're so beautiful and i love you so much..." through a stuffy nose and sounding like he's having a mindblowing realisation
calling for you all the time
"babe. babe?" "i just wanted to look at you, i missed you so much, no no no please don't go—babe"
he loves you fretting over him and won't bother trying to hide it
he still tries to do stuff which is ironic because he doesn't normally do stuff
it's like jade i've never seen you do the dishes, why are you doing the dishes now
heartbroken if you don't want to cuddle with him. he would catch the cold for you and you know it (it is true)
(with his face buried in your shoulder) hnggg babe i think i might be dying
he's so dramatic that you worry that it's actually something really serious and take him to the clinic only for kristi to diagnose him with manchild disease
he asks you to read something to him so he can fall asleep to your voice
you ask tian chen for some candy bar or similar to bring it to him as a small treat and he looks at you like you're his literal guardian angel
"this is why i fell in love with you" (its a mini snickers bar)
you're free to get as mushy as you want with him in this state, he'll feel all the more loved
he won't say a word about it but he'll be extra sweet to you once he's feeling better
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booasaur · 1 year
Any new upcoming series with w/w?
Lol, I had a whole answer typed up and almost completed last night, I could only remember a few upcoming shows but added a bunch of ongoing and recent with descriptions and then the post editor hiccuped and removed most of it so I angrily went to sleep instead.
But maybe that was for the best, because this morning a video of upcoming f/f shows in April came out so now I can add a few more.
There's Dead Ringers, that show with Rachel Weisz playing twin gynecologists and since it's a genderbent adaptation of an existing movie we already know it's gonna be super messy. It would be pretty wild for Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies to not have some wlw and luckily it does, the trailer itself reveals a couple. Tiny Beautiful Things, with Kathryn Hahn and Sarah Pidgeon (Leah in The Wilds) playing her younger self, apparently Kathryn Hahn's character's daughter is queer. Slip is a kinda scifi, where a bored wife cheats on her husband and realizes every time she has sex with someone, she wakes up married to them. The show's about her trying to get back to her original life, and there are a series of different husbands, but also a few wives (also, the first "replacement" husband is played by Boorman's actor from Willow!). There are also the upcoming Thai dramas Be Mine, Reverse 4 You, and 23.5, as previously mentioned.
In terms of returning series coming back, there's the Disney cartoon The Owl House, getting its final ep. Single Drunk Female's second season is returning soon. It has a bi lead, and she did have a female love interest but it was pretty temporary compared to the will they/won't she has with the main character male love interest. Her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor, also a very main character, is a lesbian, and she's married but her wife's actress is a regular on another show now so I dunno if she'll be back.
Welcome to Eden, a Spanish thriller about people trapped on an island with a cult, ended the first season on a major cliffhanger so it'll be exciting to see what happens now, though it feels like anyone could die so that's a bit nerve-wracking. It has a lot of different kinds of rep, f/f, m/m, trans, one of the gay guys is deaf too and it's a plot point that his boyfriend won't learn sign even though his friends have.
The Epix series From is a pretty well done horror series about people trapped in a town and who get hunted at night, it's more ominous and suspenseful than outright gory. It actually has three wlw, though one is mostly with one guy, the one who's engaged to a woman outside the town seems to be about to start a romance with another guy, and one is a teen who's crushing on the first woman, feels unrequited. I didn't know about any of them when I started, so they're a bonus, the show itself is rather compelling.
As for current shows, The Power (lol, get it, current) started last night on Prime, it's nice that after the misreading of Class of '07, this new show about girls does immediately have a wlw. Gap's already finished but it made such a splash, if you haven't watched, I'll mention it again. The other Thai drama, Show Me Love, is still airing. Fantasy Island is honestly kind of sweet, it feels like one of those '90s shows, episodic, bright colors and optimism, and great guest stars. One of the two leads, I'd say, or at least the second billed main, is queer.
We got our three firefighter shows, 9-1-1 with a solid (now) established relationship, Fire Country, a lesbian character but not much screentime, and of course Station 19, which is honestly winning me back in a huge way with their current storyline (if they land it).
Cop wlw update (why are there so many of them!): NCIS Hawai'i remains super cute, especially when Lucy is on, looks like Ayanna on Law & Order: Organized Crime got herself a new gf with a super hot voice, The Rookie: Feds still has Niecy Nash playing a super likable and bi lead. I couldn't stand the egregious copaganda in FBI: Most Wanted, and like, imagine how bad it'd have to be, when I can still watch all the rest of these shows, but Sheryll's still there, so. Sin Huellas (No Traces) has already finished but gets another mention for being as funny as it was, with a cute, hot couple at the center. Rabbit Hole's just started, but the initial antagonist/probable grudging ally's an FBI lady who within the first 10 minutes of the first ep dropped that she had a wife. Van der Valk has started its third season and though I'm gonna keep hoping Lucienne's INCREDIBLY hot ex from 2x03 returns, Lucienne, second billed, is plenty hot by herself. Ariana Guerra, who played the novitiate in Helstrom, has joined the second season of CSI: Vegas. Her character's bi and has a main character boyfriend but he seems like he'll most likely end up with a different character.
I'm not really going through these in any particular order, except combining the above two types, but let me just blow through the rest of the ongoing shows: the Canadian family comedy Run the Burbs has been quite sweet in how it's written the teen daughter, How I Met Your Father comes across as an old fashioned sitcom, except one of the characters is a lesbian. It's kind of fun in its familiarity and low stakes. I didn't expect to be as drawn into The Watchful Eye as I did, the trailer felt quite soapy and it was, at times, but all the nannies were great, and I ended up quite liking the f/f side couple. It's amazing what actual personalities can do. :o A Million Little Things is winding down its final season and Grace Park's character is engaged to Cameron Esposito's character so it feels pretty endgame at this point.
If you didn't watch or stopped watching Carnival Row because the main m/f relationship seemed so especially trite, you maaaay want to give it another look. I'm not nearly caught up with Bel-Air, but in the first season they wrote Ashley's sexuality really well, especially since she's so young. I'm sure you can't have missed my Perry Mason gifsets by now, but I can only reiterate what a great character Della Street is. One of the kids in Gotham Knights is bi (and her brother is trans!) but I'm not sure it's worth getting invested before cancellation. Unless the CW is only going to keep projects involving the Supernatural trio?
At this point, hoping everyone who's into wlw has at least tried Yellowjackets or is aware enough of it to know they don't want to try it. Las Pelotaris 1926 is a Spanish language historical drama about female athletes playing--well, the sport is basque pelota but if you need a reference point, it's like squash or racquetball. If you haven't yet caught up with RWBY, now would be an okay time. Lastly, I've still never watched any of Riverdale or even Choni clips, but its final season has just started and you know, I gotta respect the longevity of whatever they've been doing with them, however up and down they seem to have been, and perhaps this final season will be an up. From what I've seen on SM, they seem to get endgame soulmatey treatment more than any of the other ships and I can respect that.
Aside from the Thai dramas that might air after April and a few of the other shows that ended their seasons in March (or February in Gap's case), all of these have eps airing this month. After this year of cancellations, I think it's worth enjoying what we can, even as we acknowledge how much lead/main character rep and longevity we're losing. :o
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honeybee-cooks · 1 year
@ the 3 people in the from (epix) fandom, go follow @imagine-epix-from !! They're doing god's work
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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asexual-juliet · 2 years
eleven years old: finnick odair, the words on a page, and asexuality
um. there’s a hunger games marathon on epix right now and i dug up some old memories and had to write about them. kind of inspired a little bit by @nbvethbrenatto’s recent original pieces. i don’t know if this is anything but you’re the reason it’s out here, magnus.
You are eleven years old and your mother is reading aloud to you from a blue book with a bird on the front. You’re in the height of your Hunger Games phase and you’re listening with rapt attention when Finnick Odair takes the broadcast by the reins and tells the world that the Capitol forced him into prostitution at age fourteen. The fear that pierces your heart takes you by surprise, because you are eleven years old and you’re wondering how he’s still alive. How he made it ten years without killing himself, stuck doing the worst thing you can imagine ever being forced to do with no hope of escape. You are eleven and you don’t quite know what sex is, but you know you never want to have it and the idea of being forced to have it makes you want to vomit. And now you’re seventeen and you’re thinking about how you knew yourself at eleven and you know yourself now because even just thinking about that page of Mockingjay you have the same visceral reaction that you did at age eleven because you would have broken. If you had been him, you wouldn’t have made it past fifteen. And you can’t write about yourself in the first person but you know yourself now and then and you can’t stop yourself from rambling incoherently about it. You are eleven and you read Mockingjay and Finnick Odair introduces you to the scariest thing you can even think of. You are fourteen and you watch Les Misérables and see Fantine lose herself and you think you would rather die. You are fifteen and you watch Miss Saigon and wonder how Kim can even look at Chris after what they’ve done, let alone fall for him. You are seventeen and you still feel all these things, things that you could brush off as being childish when you were eleven but found yourself questioning before you turned thirteen. Things that others still call childish. Things that you love about yourself, despite everything, despite everyone who tells you not to.
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reachexceedinggrasp · 3 years
Daisy Ridley confirmed that Bens death was the only CoNsIstent thing which was planned. From the very beginning (doesn’t say which beginning but yeah). I don’t know whether to fully believe this as we have evidence of them intending to have Ben be the adolescent and belonging of protagonist before tros. As if they were that cruel...
I don’t believe a word they say about anything in tros being planned. Maybe ‘consistent’ as in all three hacks hired to work on the epIX trainwreck lacked the imagination to do anything else, but not in the sense that anyone ever conceived of or set out to write that ending at any point prior. We know they didn’t. This is the same company now claiming Palpatine’s return and Reypatine were planned (demonstrably false). I assume DR means the beginning of epIX, which is Colin’s DotF.
Also, putting aside the well-documented fact that nothing in that dumpster fire was actually picture-locked until literally the day it premiered, there’s the fact that Rian- who has been consistent for years and has never lied to us about anything afaik- said there was no plan for the ST whatsoever. He went to lunch with JJ to discuss the story and JJ told him basically ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just the interviews with Kathleen Kennedy (the one person in a position to know everything about the ST’s production start to finish) make it readily apparent she thought things were going in a very different direction than tros.
They would never have done things this way if they had anything like that ending in mind. It’s so embarrassing for them to have not even thought about where the story was going or how it would impact the franchise that they would rather tell easily verifiable lies than admit it.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Some EPIX Leaks and Speculation
Another crew member has received one of the gift packs they seem to be handing out to EPIX crew and this one comes with some little vials (one filled with sand, one with black beans).
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The inscription on the left reads “From a long time ago, not so far away...” *COUGH Tatooine?*
And the inscription on the left reads “Swallows you up whole.” 
This user on Reddit has some notes about the vials.
So for those asking about the bottles:
The sand, and it is really fine sand is from a sacred place on a familiar planet. The beans are something to do with “A Jedi eater” whatever that means.
It’ll all be clear in December and all NDAs aside I really know nothing more apart from they’re are one of the coolest gifts I’ve ever received!
Mustafar maybe? Something to do with “Jedi Killer?” (which was Kylo’s production name during development). Guess we’ll have to see (but if Kylo goes to Vader’s castle I am going to scream so loud you’ll be able to hear me from Canada).
Speculate and let your imagination run wild (because I’m dying for more info). 
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My Reaction to “Pennyworth” 1x1
Yep, this is happening!  We finally have something Alfred-related!
Since the first three episodes have been dropped much sooner than anticipated, the scheduling for this reaction series is gonna be irregular.  Plus I will be starting my senior year in college soon and that will be a big factor in these things.
On with the show!
*Epix jingle plays*  Oooohhh...
*jams out silently to “Paint it Black” by the Rolling Stones
This color palette is freaking lovely and I’m like 30 seconds in.
Also eff fox-hunters
*Sykes appears*  Whoaaaa!
Also, would never have imagined Paloma Faith as a bad guy
*jams out to soundtrack playing as Raven Society cards are printed*
*jams out even harder*
[Written by Bruno Heller] [Directed by Danny Cannon]  YESS!
Why are all the officers were black ski masks at the funeral march?
I’ve only met Dave Boy for like a minute and I love his Scottish accent
Jack Bannon’s voice is spectacular.  He sounds exactly like a young Sean Pertwee. 
He even says “tossers” the same way.
All right, I need this soundtrack pronto.  On my desk.  Now.
Wait did we just meet Thomas Wayne?  I think we did.
*Patricia accidentally punches Alfred in the face*  Oooh!
Wait so Thomas is a doctor in this universe!
AN:  Later in the episode, he reveals he’s actually a financial analyst.
“I don’t even know youuuu.... [expletive] youuu...”  *laughs*
*Alfred bluntly asks Esme out on a date and it works*  Oh my God, that’s great
Wait so this show is a little more fruitful in F bombs than its predecessor (Gotham)... m’kay.
“Dark wheels are turning.”  Ooh ominous!
Matte painting!
*Leader of the Raven Society appears*  Director Krennic, is that you?!?
So the Raven Society is this anti-government group in London?  OK, so what exactly is their plan?  I mean, we’re probably gonna learn it sooner or later but what are they doing?
*gasps when one of Alfred’s army buddies gets shot in the face in a nightmare*
Wait so Alfred’s dad is a butler!  Ohhhhhh!
Oh my God, Jack Bannon is so tall and skinny!
That long shot of Alfred waiting on the park bench is gorgeous
Mmm, long walks in the park... how romantic...
The actress who plays Esme [Emma Corrin] is actually really pretty
Oh my God, it’s established that Alfred’s favorite play is “Peter Pan.”  That’s amazing.
*laughs*  Jack Bannon’s widow’s peak is really distracting
“Peaceful life for me.”  *coughs*
*laughs when Esme acts out a scene in front of Alfred*
Oh they went to making out real quick!
I really like the soft trumpets during this love scene though
Oh God, they’re gonna kidnap that little boy aren’t they?
“Would you like a boiled sweet?”  They’re not even trying [when it comes to subtlety]
“Give me the name.”  Who are they looking for?
“Thomas Wayne...”  Oh snap.
“Oh.... did she?”  *laughs*
“Go and tell those useless buggers they missed.”  *snorts in hilarity*
*Sykes picks up Alfred’s card from Thomas’s coat*  Alfred... you need to choose a better font than that.  You can hardly read that.
“You [Esme] make me [Alfred] feel like anything’s possible.”  “That’s a good answer.”  Please God let her live.
*Alfred and Esme kiss*  Yes.  Good.  Excellent.
Oh God they brought up the [Esme’s] dad.  Here we go.
“Es?”  Oh they have nicknames now.  It’s serious.
*imitates Sykes saying “You got ‘til tomorrow!”
Wait did I just see a “Big Brother is Watching You” sign in the desk sergeant’s office?
“I swear to God...”  Oh my GOd...
That shot of Dave Boy and Alfred facing the farm building is gorgeous
Or is that supposed to be pseudo British Wayne Manor?
These British accents in this show are good that I can’t freaking understand half the cast
I just realized how much the actor that plays young Thomas Wayne [Ben Aldridge] looks like David Mazouz.  Dang.  They have the same hair and everything.
*Sykes puts her hand on Esme’s knee*  Please dooon’t...
“Forgive my bluntness, I [Thomas] don’t wanna die.”  *snorts*
Oh my gosh, this music is straight out of James Bond.
Is this whole show gonna be Alfred playing Keep Away with Thomas?
Dave Boy, I have no idea what you’re saying.
*Sykes has Esme slow dance with her*  Eeeuugghh...
*Esme manages to hit Sykes i the head with a tea kettle*  YES!
So is the Raven Society kind of a precursor or spin off group of the Court of Owls in Gotham?
*gasps when Esme gets slapped across the face*
*Alfred gets knocked out by guards*  Nooo!
Why does the Raven Society want Thomas Wayne?
Alfred is being so freaking casual despite the fact that he’s been forced into a conversation with the enemy
“You know what this country needs?  Love.”  Sure man.
Just realized that Alfred has a scar that splits his left eyebrow in half
His almost Kanan Jarrus level eyebrows
One Man Army:  Mr. Dave Boy himself
*gasps when Dave Boy gets shot*
*gasps when Alfred knocks out Lord Harwood*
“You shot a granny?!?”  Heehee...
Wait I just realized Jack Bannon was in “The Imitation Game”
*Esme knocks on the door*  God no.
Why does Sykes call everyone “sloppy cats?”
*Mrs. Pennyworth beats up Sykes*  YEAAH!
Oh my God, the whole family’s badass!
Let’s gooo!
Oh my God, whoever plays the Prime Minister has a great voice and an amazing mustache.
“Cheerio.”  *does trumpet call*
WAIT are Alfred and Esme back together?  YES!
Welp... I officially really like this show now
“Promise me your silence.  You must never tell a soul what you did for your country.”  What now?
*jams out to end theme*
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justgotham · 5 years
As Gotham draws to a close this season on Fox, Bat-fans can look forward to its prequel Pennyworth on Epix this June. Today at TCA, Gotham and Pennyworth EP Danny Cannon shed some light on what to expect from the Alfred origins story set in a 1960s London in which he meets young American billionaire Thomas Wayne, the papa of Bruce.
For starters, it’s not Austen Powers swinging ’60s London with a bright yellow, purple and maroon color palette, but “13 degrees darker” said Cannon about the series’ look and tone.
Jack Bannon (Imitation Game) stars in the title role where Pennyworth has just finished his service as a British SAS solder. Boyish in looks with a charismatic personality, the future Wayne butler forms a security company and finds an employer in Thomas Wayne. The 10 episode show, which Gotham‘s Bruno Heller is also executive producing and writing, shot at Warner Bros Studios Leavesden in England.
“It’s twentysomething years before Gotham, it’s a very different world; this is the DC version of 1960s London,” says Cannon.
“13 degrees history is different: It’s not the England we know. It looks and feels like, but if you look a little closer, (you ask) why is that like that? Why is that building there? What war is he talking about?”, adds the EP. In sum London is a “poetic reality” in Pennyworth says Cannon, “just like I wanted people in Gotham to search for the darkest part of New York.”
Cannon promises a completely “unhinged, R-rated” series particularity when compared to Gotham.
While the ancestors of The Joker and The Penguin aren’t in Pennyworth, Cannon promises “archetypal villains and classic villains of British literature; they’re all available to us.”
You mean, like, Jack the Ripper? “Jack the Ripper was 1880s,” said Cannon before teasing, “but he has descendants.”
Paloma Faith plays Alfred’s main adversary, Bet Sykes, who is described as a “spirited, sadistic and sharp-tongued villain” in the press materials. Bet has a sister, Peggy Sykes (Polly Walker), who is one of Lancashire’s busiest and most successful dominatrixes. The sensible matriarch in a family of maniacs, Peggy is fiercely loyal, endlessly resourceful and lives by her own strange but rigorous moral code. Jason Flemyng plays baddie Lord Harwood.
What has been extremely pleasing to Cannon is that early test audiences are already bowled over by Pennyworth.
Says Cannon, “We had a test audience and there were only so many who knew it was a DC-related series. It was incredibly positive and that’s because the characters are being drawn out. There’s so much to draw from and so much to imagine.”
Said the EP, “You didn’t really know his (Alfred’s) backstory.”
At today’s Fox session for Gotham, Cannon’s fellow EP John Stevens revealed that David Mazouz will indeed wear the final Batman costume at the end of series, but there’s also a taller guy standing in the costume. Bane will show up this season, and at San Diego Comic-Con it was revealed that the muscular Batman bad guy will break Alfred’s back this season, a big plot point from the comics.
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fromepiximagines · 1 year
Be Still My Heart (Kenny Liu x fem!reader)
Summary: Kenny is relieved to see you safe after the awful night he spent at the station with Sara.
Word count: 920
Request: Hey theeeeeere! Thank you for replying to me and good luck with uni! Soooo ofc do it whenever u can and pls take your time! But I would reaaaally love smth fluff with Kenny x fem reader anything you want! Also 3rd person it's perfectly fine I love it don't worr about anything love💗💗💗
Rating: T
Warnings: spoilers for s2e9 and 10 of From, swearing, reader wears glasses, hugs, use of (Y/N), one (1) kith.
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“This sucks.” (Y/N) mumbled.
Hidden in Victor’s old hideout, the one he so kindly showed her a few days before – ‘In case you wander too much’, he said -, she tried not to make any noises. There was no talisman inside, which meant the monsters outside could get in if they managed to unlock the tailgate.
It has been many, many hours since she got here alone, after going out to empty her head; people were dying, one after the other, more than ever before, and now they couldn’t sleep.
“Keep your eyes open, shitstain.” The woman whispered to herself, rubbing her eyes, back leaning against the metal wall. Her sight was trained on the tailgate, wondering why in the fuck she would wander off near nighttime – never again.
And then, a sliver of light passed by a tiny opening on the metal.
Too bright to be a flashlight.
(Y/N) scrambled up, face dangerously close to the cold metal, and peeked out.
“Sun, my beloved!” She shouted, and turned around. With ever raising excitement, she opened the latch and slid up the tailgate; the warm rays of sunshine hit her face with full force, and she leaped down onto the dewy grass.
The woman ran down the familiar path towards the town; by the diner, she waved at Mrs. Liu, Victor and Ethan, smiling as she saw the familiar faces.
“Morning, Jade!” (Y/N) shouted, slowing down as the curly-haired man left the bar with a frazzled look, some book in his hands.
“Where the hell have you been?!” He shouted back, brows furrowed.
“I was taking a walk, dude.” She replied, staring at him. “Where the fuck are you going, looking like my conspiracy theory uncle?”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“Don’t die!”
Jade grumbled something under his breath and left as (Y/N) headed, now walking at a decent pace, towards the Liu’s house.
The familiar sight of closed windows and an open door greeted the woman as she neared the place. She saw Sara leave the house with Boyd; nodded at them, and did her best to ignore the way her heart ached as her eyes focused on the man right behind the duo.
The ex-deputy looked up as (Y/N) whispered his name, brown eyes widening as he took in her messy appearance. Her hair was sticking up in weird angles, dark circles adorned her eyes (nothing new there, to be honest), and her glasses were kinda askew on her face.
A few seconds was all it took for the freckled man to run up to his friend and pull her into a tight hug. His arms circled her shoulders, and she sighed; he was warm. He smelled good. He was soft, comfortable-
She was sleep deprived.
“You’re alive.” Kenny said softly, nose nestled in the juncture of her neck and shoulder.
“Last I checked, yes.”
“I was worried, you dumbass.” He leaned back, staring into her eyes.
The tension between them was palpable as they locked eyes, the weight of their emotions hanging in the air. Kenny's words had hit her hard, stirring a whirlwind of worry within her. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her.
Her hands trembled slightly as she reached up to cup his cheeks, her touch gentle and filled with a mixture of affection and regret. Her thumbs traced tender circles against his skin, feeling the warmth gradually spread beneath her touch, a sign of their shared vulnerability.
With every passing moment, their faces drew closer, their breaths mingling. Their noses almost brushed against each other, creating a delicate connection that mirrored the fragile state of their hearts. It was a moment suspended in time, charged with longing and the unspoken desire for solace.
She mustered the courage to ask, her voice filled with a blend of uncertainty and hope, "I'm sorry... Can I kiss you?"
Kenny's response was barely a whisper, yet it carried the weight of his longing, "Please."
In that instant, their lips met, a gentle collision of souls seeking solace and reassurance. It was a tender, tentative kiss, born out of a shared understanding of their vulnerabilities. Their worries and fears melted away, replaced by a rush of affection and the undeniable connection between them.
Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the softness of the moment. The world around them faded away, leaving only the sensation of their lips moving in sync, a dance of tenderness and forgiveness. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, expressing their unspoken apologies, their longing, and the depth of their feelings for one another.
In that single, stolen moment, they found solace and healing, their hearts intertwining in a profound embrace. And as they pulled away, breathless yet content, they knew that their bond had grown stronger, fortified by the power of their shared vulnerability and the healing a simple kiss could offer.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Boyd’s voice rang out, and the couple finally remembered there was an audience near them. “But we need Kenny right now, (Y/N).”
The woman felt her own face warm up now, and slowly let go of her friend’s face, arms hanging limply by her side.
“I’ll see you soon.” Kenny whispered, a small smile on his handsome face. “Really soon.”
“Be careful, okay?” (Y/N) whispered back, gaining a nod and a grin in response.
Right then and there, as she watched the trio walk off towards the forest, the woman sighed, with a lovestruck smile on her face.
“Be still, my fucking heart.”
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Permanent taglist: @tiredwritersworld
I forgot the taglist, sorry guys :')
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jade comforting a new resident through their second night in the town
this was gonna be a one shot but the status quo changes way too fast this season so i might as well get the idea out as quickly as i can 😂
it's an hour or so before nightfall and jade's settling in at his new home at the bar
finally somewhere he can be alone
he hears a knock on the door
he opens the door and sees you, a stranger, with a backpack and a small suitcase by your side
"h-hi. i'm (Y/N). i... my bus stopped here and..."
oh, no. no, no, no, no
he asks why the fuck are you not at colony house
you stutter and mumble your way through an explanation
basically, someone just told you about what happened there the night of the party, so you just grabbed your things and came back to the town
you wanted to stay at the diner like on your first night but it's closed for the night
someone told you the bar would be empty
you're such a mess
jade hates this but hes like okay okay fine come in jesus
he offers you a drink. there's potato vodka and potato vodka. also water
seeing your state he withdraws the alcohol offer quickly, on second thought
he watches you not really look any better after sipping your way through some water
"hold up. i'm going to see if they have something at the clinic"
he tries to convince you that there's still plenty of time but you look so scared to be alone that he ends up staying just in case
he just sits next to you for a while and you finally start to calm down
"how is... how is any of this happening?"
"that's what i'm trying to find out."
"what have you got so far?"
he scoffs
"fucking nothing"
you smile a little, incredulous
"you have to know more than me"
you pull out a notebook and a pen and write "monsters" as a heading, then underline it
jade takes a deep sigh and starts listing what he knows. they come out at night. they don't run. they shriek. and so on.
while you're formulating a theory, you ask jade if he knows what an endless loop is in coding
he stares at you like i'm jade herrera, well-known tech enterpreneur
you blink, confused
he realises it may be time to maybe shave
the activity is pretty engaging and the time passes quickly
you're so relieved. when you realise it, you even smile
"h-hey. this is... actually, this is okay. this isn't too b—"
the monsters start shrieking in the distance
"oh, jesus fucking christ"
jade realises that there's not gonna be a point where you're gonna be okay to fall asleep and not bother him for the night
"wait. i'll go get blankets"
you don't even want him to leave to go into his room, but you'll have to be brave about it
he comes back and throws a big blanket over your shoulders, then sits back down and throws another blanket over his legs, and leans back on a pillow he brought
he hands you another pillow and you cling to it immediately
reluctantly, jade tries to reassure you
"listen. all you have to do is stay put. a baby could do this, okay? there's no fucking it up."
you're so tired from being scared that you actually fall asleep as soon as you feel safe
the night goes by with you asleep leaning on jade with your pillow in between the two of you, and jade borrowing your notebook to continue with the theories
eventually, some hours later, he also falls asleep
he would never admit to himself or to others that he actually slept well that night
who would've thought other people just being there could be good and comforting huh jade
maybe isolating yourself is not the solution to anything huh jade
he will learn nothing from this
he really doesnt want to share but he ends up letting you stay
he tries to sleep alone in his room that night
he ends up conceding that you're a much nicer roommate than the ghost of that cristopher guy manifesting through his visions
grabs his pillow and blanket and pretends to be intending to go check on you. what a gentleman
you're actually soundly asleep
"are you kidding me?? really?"
accidentally wakes you
"hm? jade?"
"sorry. i just wanted to check if you were..."
you're too sleepy to make much sense of what he's saying, but as soon as you notice his pillow and blanket that he's carrying, you get a rough idea of his reasons
you move a bit to make room for him and he immediately takes the cue
you fall back asleep like, right after
he's just thinking "fuck this, fuck this, fuck this"
leans into you a bit to make himself as comfortable as he can
his back is really noticing the sessions he's missed so far at the gym but this still beats his usual sleeping situation
oh well. he can be embarrassed about this tomorrow
right now, he'll just close his eyes and get some proper rest, for once
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bai-xue · 6 years
it constantly breaks my heart that Kylo finally gets gestures of truly unconditional love from his failed father figures at the moment of their deaths. Han reaches out and strokes his face in what was an incredibly intimate gesture for a character that spends most of the film masked. Luke turns off his lightsaber and gazes at Kylo with eyes full of love (seriously, Mark Hamill is so fucking incredible in that scene, and his face is just radiating love if you look into his eyes). This was what Kylo needed all along, what he’s been looking for all his life, and twice over he has gotten the barest taste of it before losing it. 
At the same time, though, these little tastes of unconditional love are going to be what saves Ben. It wasn’t killing his father that split Kylo even further in two - it was killing his father and being loved by his father anyway at the exact same time. That last act of love makes him spend TLJ wrestling with himself even more. 
Then, at the end of TLJ, he experiences another gesture of love even while, once again, being the direct cause of a father figure’s death (if Kylo hadn’t led the Order into one final showdown with the Resistance on Crait, after all, Luke wouldn’t have needed to kill himself by using up all his strength in astral projection). And remember, Kylo knows this. We know that Kylo knows projection kills the practitioner. He therefore knows that, even if he didn’t personally get to drive his lightsaber through Luke, he’s killed him anyway. And despite all that, Luke stood there symbolically disarmed, symbolically undoing what he did to Ben years before, and stares at him with a sad, loving smile.
If simultaneously tasting unconditional love while losing one father figure tore Kylo apart so deeply for TLJ, imagine where he’ll be in EPIX, now that he’s been through it twice. 
Unconditional love has been cracking open the Kylo-shaped shell around Ben’s heart since TFA. Another tap or two and Ben will finally be free again.
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honeybee-cooks · 2 years
Can someone pls write imagines for Epix's From 😭
I have had Kenny brainrot for WEEKS but there's literally no writing for the show anywhere :(((
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sushigirlali · 5 years
Okay, so my dream scenario for the opening of EPIX, which I’m sure has been thought up by a hundred Reylos already, is this:
1. Intro with Hux and repaired mask!Kylo killing some innocent villages on some backwater planet
2. Rey, Finn, Poe, and Chewbacca get news of the massacre after a day of recruiting
3. Once they board the Falcon, Rey storms into the Captain’s Quarters to confront Ben through their Force bond, which has not been activated for nearly a year
4. But what she finds is not Kylo Ren gloating over his victory, but a broken and imprisoned Ben Solo, kneeling in a sparse room with only his grandfather’s helmet for company
5. Ben, unable to believe that she’s come to save him at last, thinks he’s simply imagining her
6. After some convincing, Ben explains that Hux turned on him almost immediately after the events of TLJ, bringing in the errant Knights of Ren to control him (who all have their own agendas, of course)
7. Instead of executing him, Hux decides to keep Ben alive in order to weaponize his fearsome reputation and play up Kylo Ren’s take down of Snoke. As a result, Hux gains greater control the First Order and helps to discourage the rise of a new Resistance
8. After a while, Ben realizes that he’s been going about things completely wrong and starts to let the light back in, balancing his innate darkness and bringing a new clarity (i.e. learning from the past and not just “letting it die”)
9. With his renewed sense of right and wrong, Ben becomes impossible to control, so Hux employs one of the Knights to impersonate him and locks him up (so we get Ben’s pretty face AND that dope ass mask!!!!!!!!!)
10. Desperate, Ben tries to reach out to Rey time and again, but she rebuffs him, still believing that he’s on the wrong side. After months of lonely contemplation, Ben start to lose hope
11. Then we come back to the present with Rey realizing that Ben has changed (all on his own!) and is in need of help, which she’s all too willing to give
12. Rey promises not to block him out anymore and goes back to her friends, calling them into the lounge: “Buckle up, boys, we’re going to save Ben Solo”
Poe: “Who’s Ben Solo?”
Finn: “Kylo Ren.”
Poe: “Kylo Ren?!”
Finn: “Leia’s son.”
Poe: “Leia’s son?!”
13. And then we get some fun Poe/Hux distraction trash talking while Rey and Finn sneak onto the new FO flagship to save Ben. Bonus points if we get a “Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper” call back when Rey shows up at Ben’s cell in uniform
14. Once the trio are safety back on board, Ben and Chewie have a moment before Ben says, “Punch it, Chewie” and then I sob uncontrollably into the closest Reylo’s shoulder
Okay, I’m done! Maybe I’ll write this up for real once I finish my latest fic 🤔
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roxannepolice · 5 years
How could IX tell the story of Irredeemable Kylo and Unattached Rey, in your opinion? If we’re not precluding it then we might as well speculate seriously about it.
I gave what I find acceptably exhaustive account of how I can see that rolling out here. The crux is that they can either make Ben into a Palps 3.0 indeed or take a tragic villain journey route, making Rey an ANH Luke or suffocating paladin accordingly. The former is in a way more likely if EPIX’s purpose is indeed only to lead the franchise into a new era of wholesome heroes, but the latter is undeniably more interesting to discuss.
The problem with all predictions which assume a completely straightforward Ben just has to make a choice to leave fo and all will be fine aside from the elephant in the room trumpeting that he’s the one giving orders now is that it really doesn’t do much to deepen the theme of redemption and one’s moral choice in comparison to ot, so in a way a firm statement you can always make a choice, but you can’t make a choice you don’t want to make would be paradoxically more in line with deepening ot themes – deepening through limitation. I think a major problem with concluding this trilogy is that there’s a really huge tonal shift between RotS and RotJ, so epix not bringing anything at least a bit mind blowing (so simply Ben staying alive unlike Anakin won’t really cut the deal) into the picture will leave a sense of ok, but did it really have to take 30 years and a blown up system to figure out we were right all along?
I must confess, there are times I really like to indulge myself in imagining a space Don Giovanni unfolding this December particularly when shipdom goes unnecessarily defensive over being wrong about some minor detail and making it sound as if we had to choose between redemption and a good movie is this why I decided to answer this ask now possibly. Inviting a murdered father figure to supper, mockingly rejecting redeeming love some of y’all could really use listening to Mi tradi quell’alma ingrata, that’s how devastation over beloved’s moral choices should feel and finally declining a call to repentence straight from the afterlife because repentance would be sheer hypocrisy now? It’s very very very not for children but then again people think they should only listen to Mozart when they sleep.
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