#friendzoned again
coladaminx · 24 days
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magicaleeart · 8 months
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i want to kiss them all T^T
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lianlianlianlian · 11 months
I want to write barbie x ken fanfiction set maybe a couple years after the movie (Barbie spoilers)
where ken decides to go to the Real World because he Can Do That now and meets barbie again whos been adjusting and living self-love and doing things and finding herself and It's this, like, tearful reunion moment and Ken's still in love with her but he's much better at keeping it to himself because ken always respects barbie's decisions, but barbie spends a few days with this ken who has over time also sort of become himself, and has discovered his interests and likes and dislikes and became, like, more rounded through experiences and discovers that she finds him utterly endearing and begins falling for him and just. Second chances pure friendship to lovers barbie x ken where they take some time off for themselves and meet each other as better people (dolls? idk u get the point).
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petrichormore · 11 months
So about 4halo “dying…”
I’m watching the clip where Forever shows Baghera the book and supposedly “friendzones” Bad because I didn’t actually see the full thing and… why did people think the ship is dead? (I know Forever apparently revived it hours later but bear with me).
Because from where I’m standing, it’s perfectly fine? It’s been more dead in the past. So let’s break the scene down:
(Scene Analysis under cut - I felt like I was watching something straight out of a romcom movie. Also the following is about the CHARACTERS)
So. Forever shows Baghera the book and Baghera asks if he feels the same way. Forever says, “There’s a problem, Baghera - I love him back. (Pause) I love him back, but as a friend.”
Baghera goes “really?” because she’s skeptical and Forever claims that his “heart can’t take it anymore.” (Obviously in reference to Philza breaking it.) He then goes on to say that “After what happened to Philza, I think [thought] I had enough of it.”
I’d like to pause here to point out that at no point in this conversation does Forever sound confident in what he’s saying - he’s uncharacteristically shaken and unsure throughout. He uses phrases like “I thought” and “I’m trying” instead of “I know” and “I am” which imply uncertainty. He phrases his statements like questions, as though he doesn’t know what’s going on in his own mind.
Anyway, Forever says he likes Bad “as a friend” but his reasoning is literally just “I’m not ready for this right now” which… makes no sense to say if the first statement is true. If you aren’t interested in someone, you probably don’t justify by claiming you aren’t ready - because it’s just a fact relating to the other person. Saying “Oh there’s a big problem - I like this person as a friend because my heart can’t take the pain of heartbreak anymore!” Like. That doesn’t really make sense, does it?
He also tries to bring up a conversation dramatrio had a while back about how friendship is better (based, btw) - but to me it honestly just sounds as though he’s trying to convince himself rather than making a statement. Again, he sounds very confused. In response, Baghera points out that “not everyone is happy” with just friendship.
Forever also seems to be just generally confused with Bad’s behavior, as he sees it as uncharacteristic (which it is) and therefore disingenuous. This actually seems to be the main source of distress for him: whether or not Bad actually loves him. He talks to Baghera about how he doesn’t even know if it’s real because it’s so unlike Bad - Baghera agrees that it’s strange coming from Bad, but she believes Richarlyson when he says the book is genuine. Forever doesn’t, and later on in the stream he apparently reveals that he doesn’t understand how Bad could love him in a romantic sense and doesn’t want to be drawn in to something that might not be real? (Maybe???) As Forever is still streaming, I can’t go over it but I will when I can. Either way, this doesn’t seem like the type of worry a person who doesn’t reciprocate any romantic feelings would have? Like cool story bro but this really shouldn’t be relevant if your only feelings are platonic?
And Baghera? Baghera literally notices this! She sees Forever’s indecisiveness and says “Okay, but if you don’t like him like that, well, it’s not a question, you know?” She calls him out on it directly.
And Forever doesn’t acknowledge it at all. He just moves on and says that if Bad had approached him when he first joined, he would’ve been delighted to add another boyfriend in alongside Philza [Specifically, he brings up a song about Snow White and the phrase ‘Why have just one when I could have seven?] This, while funny as hell, has nothing to do with the conversation and it honestly comes across as Forever trying to examine his own feelings and failing miserably.
Baghera asks “So you’re sure you don’t want anything to happen with Bebou?”
Forever responds “yeah” and then immediately follows it up with “The problem is that after what happened, I’m really…” So ‘yeah’ is not an actual answer here, just a transitional word. (And again, notice the strange justification. The problem apparently not a lack of romantic attraction?)
Baghera follows that up by asking if Forever doesn’t want a relationship with Bad because he has been hurt by his previous ‘relationship’, or because he has no romantic interest in Bad specifically. Forever… doesn’t answer. He says, “Yeah, that’s a good question because I don’t even know if he likes me like that, or if he just loves me as a friend.” Once again, ‘yeah’ is not an answer, just a transition. Congratulations, Forever, you specified exactly nothing.
And thennnnn Forever is back to being worried over whether or not Bad likes him or like-likes him (it’s like they’re all gossiping 10 year olds hehe). He’s scared to ask him directly because he doesn’t want to “hurt him” (by ‘him’, I mean BBH) but it really just sounds like he’s a goddamn coward (affectionate) and is using that as an excuse. Especially since he phrases it like a question.
Baghera decides to take pity on him and offers to sneakily question Bad about it and then report back, which Forever immediately agrees to (it’s the most enthusiastic he sounds during the entire conversation). Forever than says that he really wants to “know what is happening” and to “take care of Badboy because he’s really important to me” (?? We all know, Forever, but okay cool I guess?? /j)
He finishes by reasserting (to himself, mostly) that he doesn’t want a relationship specifically because he’s trying to focus on his career, family, and friends (and because Philza broke his heart). He never says that he has no romantic interest in Bad besides the very first “as a friend” comment, and, in fact, somehow avoids saying it even when Baghera asks him directly to his face!
He honestly gives every reason for not wanting to be in a relationship except for “I’m not interested in the other person.” Like that’s the one thing he doesn’t say.
So. Take that however you will.
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maxladcomics · 4 months
In Papyrus's battle, his attacks become random after turn 17
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ghostlylicious · 9 months
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he got annoying-travel-bestiezoned
(i wanted to draw a bg but too lazy plus i suck at bgs)
(fun fact i was supposed to make them be jn toussaint but then realized i dont think avallac'h would be allowed in toussaint)
(he likes her but she likes a woman n on top of that is v oblivious to the fact that he may like her)
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nocturnalazure · 9 months
Relationship Tag Thing!
Thank you for the tag, my dear @anamoon63!
Tell me which of your OC you would rather be in a romantic relationship with, and why?
Many of my characters are mobsters or supernaturals, and honestly, as fascinating as it sounds in fiction, I wouldn't want any of that in real life. :'D I would then have to go for the more "normal" characters. Jay? He's a sweetheart and a geek, but he's also too emotional and loud for my taste. Tim? He's super friendly and humble despite his fame, but he's also an extrovert and he would wear me out big time. Noah? Are we serious? :D
But we're talking about OCs, right? Fictional characters? So the romantic relationship is entirely fictional (of course it is, I'm married, lulz), and if that is the case...
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Nathaniel will always be my biggest crush. Are you surprised that I didn't choose Laurie? Well, he and his father are similar in many ways, they're both elegant, chivalrous and very smart, and physically Laurie might as well be Nathaniel's doppelganger. But I just can't resist dark strands of hair falling in front of light-colored eyes. Physical attraction is that precise.
Other than that, I'm a sucker for a flawed man who strives for perfection anyway and takes on other people's burden.
And also tell who you would rather be friend with and why?
Oh, I remember answering this in another ask sometime somewhere. :) I would love being part of the gang with Jay, Jamie and Ash. Jay is the loud, well-meaning guy who's taking up a lot of space but always makes sure you're included. He knows all the pop culture references and he is a loyal friend that will never forget about you. Jamie is super fun to be around at a party: his enthusiasm is contagious and he will make you dance even when you think you don't want to. He's gossipy without being judgmental. And finally, Ash is the quiet introvert who will listen to you and always make insightful observations. He'll talk about books and philosophy and poetry and generally just elevate the conversation.
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Tagging @eternal-infamy, @kimmiessimmies, @danjaley, @hancyan, @yorithesims, @greenplumbboblover and @heldhram.
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porschesbabydaddy · 10 months
Love Porsche offering Vegas a fist bump as a nonverbal no homo
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deiscension · 3 months
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Type of person who says "I think my lipstick would look soooooo good on you!", gives you a kiss on the cheek, declares their lipstick looks fantastic on you and they'd like to see it on you more often, then breezes on by all those mixed signals to continue on with whatever was at hand.
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my-current-obsession · 3 months
Does anyone know if in P3 Reload ALL the girls have a completely platonic path where they don't confess and/or ask how you feel about them?
I managed to get Chihiro and Aigis platonic, intentionally romanced Yukari, think I know where I screwed up with Fuuka (who I've heard can be platonic), have NO idea where I screwed up with Yuko since I tried NOT to flirt with her, and wasn't able to get Mitsuru to rank 9 before it was too late, so I don't know about her at all.
I ASSUME that all girls have a platonic option - I honestly figured that if anyone didn't, it would be Yukari and Aigis, but since Aigis does that would JUST be Yukari as a must romance/reject, which is maybe more "canonizing" than the devs want for any one girl.
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zevrans · 8 months
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sweetbrier2908 · 1 year
can't believe after hugging, kissing and proposing he still said that we were true friends
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ugisfeelings · 20 days
remembering how in the spurs of one of my early-feb manic episodes, i made an executive decision that i needed to #friendzone the person i was seeing at the time (lol) and i sincerely 100% believed that there was no better way to subliminally communicate this than to purchase and read the novel they'd off-offhandedly mentioned as being formative to their adolescence. and then texted them a paragraph wall about said endeavor on a weekday before dawn.
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sammywammyidk · 2 months
Ur gey
OwO what's this it's an emo bitchboi twink /lh /j
(jk luv u bestieeeee /p)
You fr
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(emoji by @k9emote)
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coolgirlmedia · 1 year
"The worst they can do is say no"
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udon-udon · 1 year
Anyway it’s been a long time since I’ve felt this giddy about someone ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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