#for literally no reason at all
chloemp3 · 10 months
sometimes i think i don't have anxiety and then my manager will tell me everyone at work loves me and that i'm doing a great job and im like 'oh ok so everyone hates me actually and i'm terrible at what i'm doing'
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nya-dragonaxi · 11 months
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I'm so sorry-
But I'm almost done !! It'll probably just take a few days, I think
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April 17: Yellowjackets and Time
Super tired today for literally no reason.
Here are some quick (quick!) thoughts I had about, what a surprise, Yellowjackets, this morning.
I was thinking about the complaints about the verisimilitude of the survivors' appearances in 1996, and while yeah I think a lot of it is a combination of TV-magic to keep people looking hot (and what of it?), concerns for actor safety (please don't be the guy who's like 'they're not thin enough for starving people' lmao), and maybe just some laziness (Nat's roots), I nevertheless wondered if some of it is intentional? That might be too generous but the timeline is really vague. We have some sense of time passing with the seasons, but not really that much, just some dialogue about the coming of winter; we have people's injuries healing; and we have Shauna's pregnancy. Very rarely, there's dialogue indicating the passage of time: we've been here 3 days, Nat and Travis haven't spoken for weeks. And then there's Jackie. She's the only one who tries to keep them pinned to home-time: it's Homecoming, it's Rush Week. Without her, there's really only the changing seasons and the alterations to their own bodies to keep them grounded in any sort of passage of time. And look I know this was conceived pre-pandemic and that I can't compare EVERYTHING to Covid but like... we all experienced time-disorientation, it doesn't take all that much, and it is very hard to unrattle yourself once you've lost a sense of yourself in time. That's still something that I'm working to get over even now. I think that's purposefully part of the depiction of their experience.
Further, this is also the case in the 2021 timeline, which I think is striking. What anchors people to time? The seasons, the academic year (especially for students/parents/educators), holidays, personal deadlines and events... In the wilderness, all of that is gone, but it should be back 25 years later in New Jersey, right? Yet I had very little sense of how fast events were happening or how much time passed between episodes. Part of this is that, of the four, only Misty has a job, and it's not a regular-hour type gig. But it's also that...they're drifting, as adults, just as they did as kids. The only anchoring points that the audience has in 2021 are the length of the campaign (and I'll be honest idk how long state Senate campaigns last or when Taissa announced her campaign--summer? were Sammy and Callie in school? can't recall), and Halloween, and Election Day. There's also Jackie's birthday and reunion, but those aren't events whose dates I know. It was very strange to hear Jeff mention "the reunion tomorrow" in, like, episode 8? I wondered if I'd misheard or misunderstood because I knew the reunion was in ep10. Either one day went verrrrry slowly (plausible), or it was a mistake, or I misheard, or it's part of this disorientation.
Where are they in time? Is there anything other than an eternal present?
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eosofspades · 10 months
i didn't have "i'm broken" teenage asexual angst i had "i'm literally being the only reasonable one about this concept and the rest of you are behaving like fucking freaks" perception issues
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bastardlybonkers · 1 month
i feel like not enough ppl are factoring in the cultural clash between laios and shuro and the many micro agressions shuro faced while being in their group. literally the name 'shuro' in itself is one
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his name is toshiro 😭 lets also not forget that he has his own communication issues, in the opposite way that laios does- thats literally a factor in their argument, that his envy for laios's ability to express himself sincerely manifested as part of his distaste for him.
ig all this to say like, was their fight heart wrenching, especially when reading laios as autistic? absolutely. anybody whos ever been in laios's position knows how much it hurts to realize someone you thought was your friend doesnt actually like having you around, especially when they didnt tell you and you had no way of knowing due to not understanding their cues. but im begging yall to step back and see the nuance of this situation cause im gonna be real a lot of you are kinda just brushing over it acting like everything is toshiros fault and that hes a terrible person when in reality hes an average guy who really, really clashed with laios and it led to a very long misunderstanding due to their supremely opposite methods of communication. even laios and toshiro, after letting everything out in their fight, were able to come to an understanding and start a foundation for an actual friendship built on better communication
ok yknow what Edit: i shouldve made it even more explicit at the end of this post, i hadnt thought i would need to since i started the post with this, but i think a few too many people are missing my point so i just wanna clarify. i shouldnt have said 'really clashed' and left it at that because yeah they did, but it wasnt just their opposite methods of communication, it is also very much that toshiro was experiencing microaggressions via laios. it may have been unintentional on laios's part, but it still happened and wore him down, made it harder for him to communicate on top of both the more subtle social cues that he was raised with and his own communication difficulties. i also want to say that the fandom reaction to toshiro and the complete ignorance of this point is also racist tbh or at the very least ignorant. i understand that the anime did not cover this panel, and neither did the manga, as this was an omake, but im gonna be real with you guys. there are enough context clues within the story to clue you into this. if you didnt pick up on it thats ok, but i think this is a good lesson in picking up subtext in the stories that youre watching and/or reading. kui shouldnt have to explicitly say 'by the way laios was racist to toshiro' for this point to be understood, and at the very least, when the author portrays a character in a sympathetic light (as kui clearly does) it should make you question Why they are doing so and what makes them sympathetic, rather than youre immediate and only reaction to be 'well i hated what this guy did/said so i hate them and they suck'. idk exactly how to finish this, just. idk. question your biases and gut reactions to things you see in media and stories, and think about whether or not theres subtext that youre missing.
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mo-mode · 5 months
The Biblically Accurate Trio in TLT
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stil-lindigo · 11 months
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bite of winter.
a comic about a princess who died in the snow.
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all my other comics
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marshroom580 · 6 months
I cant believe deadpool exists in the same universe as tony fucking stark
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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astearisms · 9 months
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part of a sadness
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lygma-nygma · 1 month
Being a batfam fan is funny because people will make a post like “here’s my headcanon-“ and it’s just something that’s directly canon to the story then post about major canon events and get everything wrong.
#this post was inspired by me remembering the experience of reading death in the family#after only knowing the fanbase version and realizing oh none of that shit happened okay#like girl you don’t understand it’s so bad#Jason wasn’t even fired as Robin#He’s not accused of murdering anyone by Bruce#He’s not trying to prove himself at all he’s just looking for his mom#The reason Bruce didn’t go after him right away is because he was tracking down a goddamn nuke the Joker stole#Then after he finds it and handles the problem he helps Jason track down moms 2 and 3#Also Jason died in like 20 minutes?? even less??#He died in less time than it took his mother to smoke a cigarette#Bruce literally went ‘wait here I’ll be right back’ and was gone for less time than a trip to the grocery store#and then you go into the Jason Todd tag and they act like Bruce pulled the damn trigger on him#Like besties I don’t know how to tell you this he basically did everything right he possibly could have#Even him benching Jason from Robin temporarily happens so that he can get Jason into therapy about his trauma#Like the whole point is that neither of them did anything wrong bad shit just sometimes happens#That’s the tragedy. The drama.#Bruce couldn’t have made better choices in the position he was in and Jason was never going to make different ones#It was inevitable#Anyway rant over please read death in the family before I lose my mind#batfam#batman#jason todd#tim drake#dick grayson#damian wayne#bruce wayne
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tiffanyachings · 3 months
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“Fiat lux! If you want to talk improbable, let’s talk about this”—a scrape of stone on stone—“being three thousand and some years older than this.” A heavy clunk.
“Inexplicable, Warden.”
“Certainly not. Like everything else in this ridiculous conglomeration of cooling gas, it’s perfectly explicable, I just need to explic-it.”
“Indubitable, Warden.”
“Stop that. I need you listening, not racking your brain for rare negatives. Either this entire building was scavenged from a garbage hopper, or I am being systematically lied to on a molecular level.”
“Maybe the building’s shy.”
“That is just tough shit for the building.”
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skiaskai · 1 year
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rovermcfly · 2 years
I really wish that "asexuals don't have to want sex but lot of them will still have it with their partner!" wasn't centered in like every asexuality acceptance post. I think it's genuinely damaging to asexuals and their relationships. A lot of us don't want sex. A lot of us are sex repulsed. A lot of us don't even wanna talk or hear about sex. A lot of us don't enjoy porn or wanna "hand out drinks at the orgy". Some of us have sexual-related trauma. Some of us are sex repulsed, not 💖✨sex repulsed but actually really cool about it✨💖
Allos are out here getting into relationships with aces and then pull a pikachu-surprise-face when their partner doesn't wanna have sex with them bc everyone constantly emphasises says how we totally will do it for them. Some of us won't. That's okay. That doesn't constantly need to be followed up with "but a lot of aces will so don't worry!!!!!" We don't have to make every post about us in a way that makes allos comfortable. It's not necessary to reassure allos at every turn that we're not all that asexual and they don't have to worry about us being different in a way they might notice. Allos need to accept and internalise that some people aren't gonna want to have sex. No terms and conditions. No "unless" "but" or "except". Just none.
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smolthealmighty · 17 days
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panvani · 2 years
At least usually in ASoIaF thus far when a character makes stupid cartoon villain decisions it's really really funny
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