#for extra angst you can see recovering as the whole he's in a coma but can hear leon reading to him deal
baekuras · 1 year
Thinking about Luis surviving & recovering while Leon gets to sit at his bedside or wherever reading Don Quixote to him <3
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tommybaholland · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a angst oneshot about the whole Izuku leaving UA incident and how his s/o would take it seeing that letter right after the war ark, and maybe their reaction if he came back?
If you've done this already please just ignore this! (ˊ˘ˋ*)
where are you, deku?
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featuring: midoriya
recent manga chapter spoilers in this one! i have to admit that i haven’t been the biggest fan of the current arc thus far but this is one reason why i write. so i included some stuff that i feel were missed opportunities. also, if you read the manga, i’d love to hear any predictions you might have. enjoy! x
sitting in a hospital was never fun. it’s already bad if you’re there to be treated but sitting there, waiting for someone to wake up, not knowing that they will? you’d rather be admitted.
you didn’t know how he would recover from this. there’s no way his body could handle everything that he pushed through to stop the evil from winning. was there even a winner in this war? you’re not even sure how or why it started. there were so many things happening, so many twists and turns and surprises that everyone who survived physically wouldn’t have much luck mentally. 
no matter how you spin it, there was no silver lining. and you were not the only one plagued by the lasting effect. 
todoroki’s supposedly dead brother is alive and a mass murder, mirio has his powers again but doesn’t know that tamaki might be dead, midnight’s death was confirmed days ago and no one could just forget about it..
and it had been three days, but deku had not awoken from his unconscious state. 
you were adamant about being the first one he saw when he woke up. he’d say that you’re stubborn but that was one thing you had in common. it was odd for him to stay unconscious for this long when he had always been the epitome of persistence. 
the sound of all might entering the room jerked you awake from what was probably the tenth time you had dozed off. 
“y/n,” he addressed. “you have done a great job keeping midoriya company but i think it’s time for you to get some rest. todoroki and bakugo have awoken, why don’t you go check on them with your other classmates?”
you didn’t even look over to him, not wanting to see the pitiful expression on his face. 
“why isn’t he waking up, all might? he doesn’t even look like he’s in pain,” you observed, looking down at your unconscious partner. 
“that must be a good thing, though, right?” the former hero replied. 
“yes but,” you paused, unsure of how to say it. “it’s odd. he’s not in a coma-induced state, he just looks like he’s taking a nap.” 
all might knew that midoriya and bakugo had kept the secret of ofa between them. now might be a good time to tell everyone, or at least everyone who should know, what was going to happen to him. midoriya was not unconscious nor asleep but was in a similar state, one that allowed him to talk to the previous holders of one for all. 
until he finishes his conversation with them, an explanation would have to wait.
“you have observed well, y/n. i can assure you that he is not in any pain and will wake up eventually. he’ll want to tell you everything when he does. until then, please go tell the other students what you know for now.”
“what if he wakes up?” you questioned, continuing to face deku with your hands over one of his casted arms.
“i’ll have someone send for you but i’m sure you’ll be around when he finally wakes,” all might reassured. 
you nodded, too tired to protest at this point. you stood from your seat before leaning down to press a parting kiss to his freckled cheek. his skin was warm which prompted a tear you didn’t know was there to fall down your cheek. he was alive but you wanted him to be okay. 
you wiped the tear from your face and sniffled before turning around to finally face all might. he patted your shoulder as you walked by, quickly leaving the room. you decided that you would do as you were told and to go check on your other classmates. however, you didn’t get very far when you ran into bakugo who was storming down the hallway while resisting the restraint of sato and mineta.
It almost made you smile to see that bakugo was still his belligerent self, despite being seriously injured. however, that doesn’t mean he should be walking around so soon. you stood in front of the door to deku’s room, prohibiting him from entering. once he finally reached you, he tried to push past you with his hands on your shoulders. 
“you better move out of the way or start talking before i kill both you AND HIM,” he threatened when you wouldn’t move. 
“he’s still unconscious,” you replied solemnly. “but all might’s certain that he will wake up.”
bakugo’s demeanor changed as he observed the melancholy expression on your face. he wasn’t an idiot but you were. it was the least he could do.
“well, i agree with him. of course he’s going to wake up, you idiot.”
you looked up at him, waiting for elaboration from his sudden confidence.
“tch. i thought you loved him or whatever. somehow your annoying ass decided to put up with his dumbass so you of all people would know that he wouldn’t just quit. and if he does, i’ll make sure he’s really dead.”
once almost everyone was discharged from the hospital, you were instructed to return to UA. you were told that you would receive updates and further instructions the next morning. however, sleep was far from what you would receive. despite the exhaustion, you were restless beyond belief which made you delirious and you couldn’t tell if the shuffling outside your room was real or not. 
you woke up early, just when the sun was beginning to rise. you decided to get up as there was no point in trying to fall back asleep. you didn’t get even a step outside your room after stepping on a folded piece of paper that had been shoved under the door, waiting for you. 
it was a letter from him. 
it turns out that seemingly everyone got a letter from him. all of them varied in contents but they all conveyed the same message:
he had left the hero course. 
they also explained his power and how it passed down from all might which is the reason why the league of villains and all for one were after him. yours, however, included a little extra message written at the end. 
i love you, y/n. please don’t come looking for me. 
he had probably blamed himself for all the strife he had caused with the war but you thought it was dumb for him to leave. how did he think he was going to do this on his own? there was obviously more to this story than he provided but given that he told everyone in the class, he had to keep it simple. 
it was all making sense to you, shedding some light as to why all might was so sure of deku’s recovery. however, you didn’t get to see him when he woke up like you were told. he played it safe in writing these letters because he knew that you and others in the class would only try to stop him if he left. everyone was asking you about what you knew and you couldn’t tell them squat. you tried calling and texting him but he wouldn’t answer.
it was an odd feeling. you didn’t know whether you should be mad or not. if you couldn’t see your boyfriend yourself, you had to talk to all might. however, mr. aizawa was the only thing standing, or rather now sitting, in your way. 
“by now, you all know that your classmate, midoriya, has left the hero course. this does not mean that the rest of you should follow in his footsteps.”
even though he didn’t tower over everyone anymore from his wheelchair, he was still equally as intimidating. 
“now, UA has agreed to use its campus as an evacuation shelter. your families have already begun the moving process. classes will resume as normal but no one will be allowed to leave the campus under any circumstances. we’ve put a pause on all work study-related activities outside of the school until we know that there are no more possible threats, at least, for now. any questions can be directed to me.”
“will all might be returning?” you asked.
“all might will be taking leave from teaching for now,” answered mr. aizawa. “as i said, you can direct your questions to me.”
“right, sir, but i have questions for him about dek-- i mean, midoriya.” 
“well, you’ll have to wait until he finds an opportunity to return then.” 
“when will that be?”
“whenever he finds an opportunity, y/n. any other questions?”
it seemed like you were at a loss until you remembered something from when you were in the hospital with deku. bakugo’s behavior when you told him what all might said changed rather abruptly and you don’t think it’s because all might is his favorite pro hero. although they grew up together, deku and bakugo were anything but close. however, bakugo’s affirmation that he would recover felt odd and like he knew something that made him sure of it. 
this led you to pursue him as your next lead. 
you found him later in the kitchen making something for himself, as he usually cooked for himself than eating the food sent over by the school. 
“what did you think about his letter?”
“what letter? i didn’t get anything from that damn nerd.”
that was surprising but that logic further pushed the idea that he knew something and therefore didn’t need a letter to explain it to him. 
“so you don’t know anything about this?” you asked as you pulled out the folded-up paper that was left at your door that morning. 
bakugo snatched the paper out of your hand and scanned over its contents quickly. his brows raised by the time he reached the end before he grimaced again. 
“that idiot,” he muttered under his breath. 
“so you didn’t know about it?”
“this is almost the same as what everyone else got,” he observed, ignoring your question. 
“okay. but did you know about it?” you asked again.
“of course i did, you dumbass! so are you gonna ask me a billion questions now that his cowardly ass isn’t here to explain it to you like he should’ve?”
“so there is more to it.”
“he gave you the gist of it. that’s really all you need to know.”
“but what do shigaraki and all for one have to do with this?”
“can’t you read? the letter literally explained that.” 
“like you said, it was really only the gist of it.”
“well, you were right in wanting to talk to all might but i guess you’ll have to wait.”
“no. if you know something, i need to hear about it. also, why do you get to know about all this?”
“because that moron originally told me about it back when we started school here. i didn’t take it seriously at the time until he started getting stronger. right after we moved to the dorms, he and all might told me everything,” he explained.
“i need you to tell me what happened then because he and all might aren’t here right now.”
“look, it’s really not my job to tell you! this really belongs between the two of them. dumb deku just promised that he would be strong enough to try to beat me.”
“at least tell me why he felt he had to leave when we could’ve helped him! i know he likes to act like a selfless idiot but i don’t know if he can do this by himself.”
bakugo sighed. “this is his fight and his fight alone. like icyhot said back at the sports festival, he has all might in his corner. that’s all the help he’s gonna need.”
you nodded in agreement.
“plus, that dumb power of his involves more than what you’ve seen of it,” he added cryptically.
“what does that mean?”
“did you even read the letter? it said that the power was passed down from all might to him, moron.”
 “again, that doesn’t really mean much to me,” you pressed.
“tch. yeah. you probably only paid attention to that gross end part. that stupid nerd,” he muttered. 
“what was that?”
“look, i’m done talking with you. either talk to all might or use your damn head.” 
that wasn’t a complete waste of time but it certainly was a lost cause. despite his arrogance, everything bakugo said was true. he’s not someone who goes around lying about things so you felt that you could trust him when he said that deku would be in good hands with all might. 
you left the kitchen somewhat satisfied but it still bothered you that you didn’t know everything completely. you wondered if there was anyone else who knew about it but the chances were slim, given that bakugo also stated that it was between deku and all might. 
while heading back up to your room, you ran into todoroki. you hadn’t talked to him much since the war. out of anyone, he was probably going through it more than anyone. 
“hey, todoroki. how are you holding up?” you asked, grinning softly. 
his voice was still recovering but it was a lot better than a few days ago. “hello, y/n. my family’s okay for the most part and my father is finally doing what he should.”
you didn’t want to pry but you knew what he meant. 
“did you get a letter?”
“from midoriya? yes. i’m not especially surprised since he and all might have been close since school began. however, i do find it odd that he suddenly has another power. did you notice it?”
you nodded. “it first happened during the training session with class B, right?”
“yes. were you ever curious about it?”
“he was probably more freaked out about it than anyone else so i didn’t focus too much on it,” you explained.
“i asked him about it and i agree, he did seem apprehensive about it.”
there was a beat of silence then which had you pondering over what bakugo had said.
“apparently there’s more to his power than we think and it has something to do with the passing from one user to another,” you reported.
“i’ve been thinking about that, as well,” todoroki replied. “it’s possible that midoriya’s power is evolving to beyond what all might could do with it. it would make sense, given quirk singularity.” 
his theory seemed reliable since he would know about something like singularity. 
“thank you for sharing that with me, todoroki. it think it’s quite possible that you’re right. i’m going to try to talk to all might if you want to confirm it,” you offered.
“thank you, y/n, but i believe the answer will be more clear later on. there’s something i have to focus on for myself right now. i hope you find out more soon.”
you thanked him, wished him well, and made the rest of the way to your room. now, you really couldn’t imagine what todoroki was going through. if anything, he had just as much weight on his shoulders as deku right now. 
then again, you still needed answers as to exactly what he was doing.
later that night, bakugo sat on his bed looking down at a piece of paper. it had four simple words on it. words that both excited and annoyed him immensely. 
i’m catching up, kacchan. 
months passed and you hadn’t heard from deku. well, you had but not in the way you wanted. you finally got in touch with all might, who showed up to UA in person. apparently, mr. aizawa had passed down the message that you were wanting to talk but you don’t know how long ago that had been. you appreciated his effort but at this point, it was your boyfriend who you needed to see now. you didn’t want to displace your anger onto him but he could see that distress that you are in. 
“i’m sorry that he couldn’t come himself,” all might apologized.
you sighed. “it’s alright. it seems like he has better things to do now.”
“he just needs to work on yielding one for all,” all might elaborated. 
“is that what it’s called? one for all?”
“he didn’t tell you about it? i thought he wrote everyone in the class a letter?” 
“he did but he didn’t go into too much detail which is why i wanted to talk to you,” you explained, your tone rather aloof. 
“right. of course,” all might replied before clearing his throat to fill in the missing pieces.
it turns out that todoroki’s theory was on the track in that one for all had reached the singularity point and the quirks from its predecessors were beginning to manifest. 
“the fact that he was completely quirkless before one for all makes the singularity point easier for him to transition to and use the other six quirks.”
that was news to you. “he was quirkless?”
it was all making sense now. everything that seemed off about him and his power was because he never had one in the first place. you also could now understand why bakugo was the most hostile with him when it came to training and deku’s improvement with his power. and this was why bakugo was dead set on deku coming out of this alive. 
however, you couldn’t help but feel naive. you felt like you should’ve listened to your intuition more when things weren’t adding up and he was landing himself back in the hospital with broken arms time after time. but you ended up falling in love with him and it wasn’t because of his power. in the same vein, you weren’t about to hate him for it either, like bakugo or even todoroki at the beginning of the school year. he had worked hard to where he is now and the truth was that he had always been that way, quirk or not. 
but how come he felt the need to hide it all, especially from you? bakugo had only recently been clued in about all of it so why not you as well?
“i made him not say anything to anyone, especially since i had started teaching at the school,” all might explained, continuing to be incredibly perceptive. “and bakugo was only roped in because he was catching on to it.”
“yeah. he told me that deku originally told him a while ago,” you recalled. “so what is he going to do about shigaraki and all for one?”
“we’re not entirely sure yet. right now he’s mostly acting as bait to try to lure out the league of villains while taking care of any stray villains from the prison breaks.” 
“so what you’re saying is you don’t have a plan?” you questioned.
“we’re considering all of our options, y/n.”
“deku, myself, endeavor, and hawks. best jeanist has also been helping with recon,” he elaborated. 
of course, he’d have the top three heroes and all might on his side. not to mention all the vestiges talking to him in his head. what about the rest of the class though? surely he was going to need more than that. hero society is hanging by a thread that could snap at any moment if the villains strike again first. 
“why didn’t you let me see him after he woke up?” you asked, changing the subject. 
“we wanted him to stay at UA, as that’s where he’d be most protected. unfortunately, every decision has been his own,” he answered.
that was what you were afraid of. 
since that conversation, the city had been partially recovered, villains were being captured, and there weren’t any threats as of yet from the league. UA fully reinstated work study programs and students were allowed out under heavy supervision. 
todoroki kept coming back from his father’s agency with letters from deku to give to you. you read them, of course, but hadn’t replied to a single one. talking to all might was helpful, it really was, but you couldn’t help this nagging feeling inside you. his letters didn’t help much either. of course, you were happy to hear from him and it did give you that tingling feeling of love that you hadn’t felt in months. 
the letters mostly detailed what he was doing and provided updates on his progress since you had talked to all might. however, if he was freely moving about the city, you didn’t understand why he couldn’t just come talk to you. all might had said that all the decisions made were his own and he was doing it in the best interest of you, the school, and his family. the thought of deku saying that he didn’t want to see anyone else get hurt made you shake your head. he’s very persistent and strong-willed but he too often doesn’t accept the help nor listen to the warnings of others, yourself included. 
you missed him but you were also resentful towards him and you hated feeling that way. you wanted to be supportive rather than selfish but it was hard when he could be too self-sacrificing. it’s not that you didn’t have faith in him. you just wanted to prepare for the worst. 
“hey, idiot.” 
“what is it, bakugo?”
bakugo and todoroki approached you one day after they came back from their work study. 
“we’re trying to tell you something important so don’t cop an attitude right now,” he glared.
you gave him an unamused look, unfazed by the irony. “so did you need something?”
todoroki spoke up next. “yes. my father would like to recruit you for work study. you don’t currently have one, right?” 
“no. i don’t,” you replied honestly. “why does endeavor want me all of the sudden?” 
“because midoriya—“
“shut up, you half and half moron!” bakugo interrupted. “look, we need help and thought you would want to be included.”
“okay. but why me?” 
“you’re such a dumbass. just come with us!” 
and now you were here at the endeavor agency in your hero costume with an uneasy feeling. maybe it was because you were standing right in front of the number one himself.
“hello, y/n.” 
it was true that he didn’t have any other expression other than a scowl. lately, that scowl seemed worn down and honestly, you couldn’t blame him. 
“bakugo and shoto have told me about you. of course, i first heard about you from deku.” 
your ears perked up at his hero name. you hadn’t heard it in months. 
“since he has left the hero course, we needed another student apprentice at the agency. the reason why we didn’t contact you sooner was that we were overconfident in thinking that we didn’t need another and for that, i personally apologize.”
endeavor bowing to you was a sight you thought you’d see only in your dreams. 
“so what is this really about then?” 
“the league of villains is on the move and he needs some help.” 
you didn’t have time to even think of a response before the familiar mess of green hair came into view. that was really the only familiar thing about him against his dirty and tattered hero costume. not to mention all the upgrades that you had never seen before. 
“hey, y/n,” he greeted with a soft grin.
you felt like your heart had stopped for a solid three seconds. 
“deku…” you breathed out finally. you let the tears well up in your eyes. you didn’t want him to see you cry. you felt a rush of adrenaline pull you towards him and tackle him to the ground. 
from the view, it looked like you were happy to see him. you were anything but thrilled. 
“why— how— w- what are you doing here?” you questioned, leaning over him on the ground. you face felt hot with rage but you couldn’t stop it. the more you tried to suppress your emotions, the more intense they felt. 
“well, i wanted to see you!” he answered, trying to lighten the mood. 
“you wanted to SEE ME!? what about the previous eight months, huh? or when you woke up? you didn’t want to see me then either?”
“y/n, please i didn’t intend to abandon anyone. i only wanted to protect—“
“everyone, right?” you interrupted him. “what about the rest of us? we want to be heroes too! we’ve fought countless battles and went through a whole war with you! when are you going to get it through your dumb head that we want to help you?”
“heh. they sound like me now,” bakugo quietly commented as he and todoroki watched this whole scene. 
“i wouldn’t get excited about that,” replied todoroki.
“i’m sorry if i’m being selfish but this isn’t fair, deku,” you cried, your tears dripping onto his face. 
if he thought about it, deku had improved immensely in the last several months, most likely at a quicker rate than he had at UA. however, that was because there wasn’t as much restraint on the usage of his powers. he got to fight high-level villains without a lot of supervision. he was essentially a vigilante and the top three of the hero society were allowing him to do it. 
“i’m sorry for leaving, y/n,” he began, sitting up as you leaned up off of him to wipe your tears. 
“i wasn’t thinking about everyone’s feelings but i felt that it wasn’t anyone’s decision. you guys would have stopped me no matter what.”
you didn’t make eye contact with him until his next sentence. 
“but that doesn’t mean i should be treated as a special case. you’re right, i shouldn’t waste all the energy and effort everyone has put into to stop something that i’m mostly responsible for. even though i’ve been figuring things out on my own lately,  i have no idea how i’m going to stop all for one or save shigaraki.” 
you suddenly felt stupid as he looked down solemnly. you were stupid for overreacting. at the end of the day, this was his fight. no one else could do this but him. however, hearing that he needed help was what you needed to hear. 
your boyfriend needed help.
“hey,” you called softly, placing a hand over his cheek. he looked up as you with glossy green eyes. 
“you don’t have to do this all by yourself. you have so many friends and heroes wanting to help you. i know you don’t want to lose anyone but i think everyone involved knows the risks.”
you looked back to bakugo and todoroki for reassurance. todoroki nodded in agreement while bakugo simply, “tch. whatever.”
“you’ve got me, too. you’re never gonna lose me, deku. and i won’t let you lose either. i love you too much even if you can be really dumb sometimes.”
“i love you too, babe,” he reciprocated, his face getting closer to yours. “i did really miss you.”
“i know, baby.”
you completed the reconciliation with a sweet kiss, one that made bakugo roll his eyes.
“can you idiots stop wasting my time already?!”
“i agree,” endeavor spoke up. “we should start telling them what we know.”
“right! sorry, sir!” your boyfriend squeaked before scrambling to get you both off the floor. you stifled a laugh. he’s probably seen some stuff over the last few months but his cute, spastic self didn’t change much. 
“let’s get y/n acclimated to the agency first and then we’ll go over everything,” endeavor suggested. 
“oh my gosh, y/n! i can’t wait to show you how huge this place is! c’mon,” deku exclaimed, grabbing your hand and pulling you around the office.
he didn’t want to let go once but if you wanted to because your hands were sweaty, he’d simply reach for it again. his thumb ran over the back of yours when you were just standing next to each other, giving it an occasional squeeze. even when it was his turn to talk, he didn’t release.
“okay so here’s what i’ve done recently and the information i’ve gathered from those encounters..”
you didn’t know what the end result would be and he was none the wiser. he knows how he wants it to end and now he has people he can count on for that.
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heyy bnha night! let’s hear about more of your favs..
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Dear Soulmate pt. 20 (AU)
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20: ...and things change...
Dear Soulmate - Series Masterlist (Soulmate AU)
I have never expected my relationship with Ethan would play out this way. I had dreamed of it being all fluff with no angst, yet it ended up being entirely opposite.
We've had many ups and downs, things normal relationships wouldn't survive. I never thought me getting into an accident would be what marks our end.
As long as I remained in the hospital, things between us blossomed and I had a hard time separating from him, as did he. We are bound by a force no human can comprehend, but humans always destroy what they don't understand.
Every day, both Ethan and Grayson refused to leave for more than an hour tops. They basically moved into the hospital and no matter how many times they were told to leave, they found a way around it.
It was incredibly helpful for my healing process, but even they couldn't make the dreams disappear.
My doctors called in a psychiatrist a month into my recovery process, getting an official confirmation of acute stress reaction my body had endured which left a significant change on my mental state. While it didn't quite bother me to the extent of personally asking for help, the team and twins decided both Grayson and I should see a therapist and start treatment.
I slept a lot easier after that, so in a way it did help. It helped both of us, but I wish Ethan asked for help too.
He didn't show how it affected him, losing me and almost losing Gray, at least not until we left the hospital almost two months later.
"You take the bed and I'll sleep on the couch." Ethan proclaimed, but that's not what I wanted. I wanted him with me.
"Why are you sleeping on the couch when the bed is big enough for both of us?" I purse my lips as he picks me up and sets me into a wheelchair. He pauses, crouching down. Resting a hand on my left knee, Ethan smiles softly despite my furrowed brows.
"You're not all healed up and I'd rather not cause anymore damage. I kick in my sleep." Ethan makes up an excuse and although it seems reasonable, I know there's more to it. Call it soulmate intuition, whatever you want, but there's something he's not willing to share with me.
"You didn't kick either time we shared a bed." I challenge, gnawing on the inside of my bottom lip and await his reaction. But he lacks any. Ethan's face is void of emotion, replaced by a mask of stoic acceptance, almost impenetrable to my piercing gaze.
"You just didn't feel it. Love, I'm doing what's best for you. Trust me." He quickly pecks my forehead and moves around the chair to push forward and over the ramp Grayson built for me.
With a sigh, I settle into the chair and look around silently. I'm still struggling to adjust to my new situation. I hate having to call for help and bother people no matter how many times they say it's not troubling them. Not being able to make your own food, barely going to the bathroom alone...it takes a toll on a person. Feeling helpless, like dead weight, it eats you. It's like I'm corroding on the inside, the damage spreading and I can't stop it if I tried.
Ethan cocks the wheels and carries me to bed, helping me nestle in the middle with three pillows behind me for support. I still had some pain, mostly discomfort.
Ethan secured the blanket and pulled out a laptop for me to chat with my parents.
After almost a month, my parents made it into the US and they only just left at my insistence. They had a life back home, one that I didn't want them to neglect. Ethan and Grayson, they are my life and my future. I knew there was a lot of work ahead if I wanted function of my legs again, I just never thought I'd be heavily relying on myself during that time.
Ethan had started spending all his time away from me and outside the house while Grayson dotted on me. He became a substitute Ethan, one who was relentless and quite honestly overprotective.
I don't know what he did in his time away. Aside from his snaps that oddly matched one of their friends; female friends, I had no idea where he went or why. He dodged my questions, giving believable answers - to all who listened, but not me. I knew his inability to keep eye contact meant he's spewing lies. I felt his heart speed up every time and slight panic grab onto him. I just don't know why he's lying to me.
Ethan and I would eat breakfast and dinner together, he'd ask if I need anything he can help with and then he'd leave.
It hurt at first, but the longer it went on, the angrier I got.
"Just another step." My physical therapist cheers, while sweat rolls down my forehead and into my eyes. My hands are shaking violently as my feet barely hold me up. The function in my leg is slowly returning, but every step feels like moving a mountain...if that mountain was perched on my legs and kept crushing them. I have never felt the pain like this, a burning and an inner rage that pushes me forward. I hiss in pain continuously, my eyes barely opening from the sweat washing over me.
"YEAH! You're doing it!" Grayson claps, making me open my eyes and look ahead. Focusing all my remaining energy, I force my leg that feels more like a severed limb to take that extra step, that one last obstacle for me to say I can walk.
Sort of.
Well, not really, but I'm working on it.
I take a deep breath, lifting my foot and swinging it forward with great difficulty and so slowly at first I was sure I'll fall on my ass.
But I don't.
I manage to take that step and get to the very end where a very giddy Grayson awaits with arms open wide for me to fall into. And I do.
I don't think twice before stumbling forward into his embrace, allowing him to wrap his arm around me and twirl us exactly once before sitting me down on a bench.
It was my first great success, a breakthrough in this physical therapy I've been doing for a month now.
The first big thing and I wanted to share it with him, my soulmate. But he's not here. He's never here when we have these sessions.
I wipe my forehead with a towel, leaning into Grayson instinctively.
"You're a tiger. A fucking lion." Grayson rubs my back and I let out a breathy chuckle.
"What's up?" Ethan walks in, his eyes focusing on Grayson and I. A spring of jealousy bubbles inside him, fueling my own resentment toward him.
"This rockstar just walked for the first time!" Grayson exclaims and I blush, feeling like it wasn't such an accomplishment, but it is. A ghost of regret rushes inside me, one that belongs to my soulmate who looks crestfallen as it is.
"She can start doing the same in the pool." My therapist adds, packing the last of his things before high fiving me and saying goodbye.
"It was just a few very slow steps. You didn't miss much." I tell him, but he bites his lower lip.
"That's not a small thing, Y/N. I...I need a nap." Ethan's clearly dejected, but I can't exactly run after him and provide comfort.
He can do that for me, but he keeps failing me and I'm honestly tired of it.
"GET BACK HERE!" I shout after him, scaring Grayson into a flinch and a tiny gasp, but Ethan doesn't return.
Enraged, I push myself to my feet too quickly, my vision soon being blurred with dancing lights as my legs fail me.
Again, I forgot just how frail I am.
"Y/N?!" Grayson screams, barely catching me before my head hit the floor or possibly some of the equipment I've been using to recover.
I blink my eyes open, hearing a stampede of feet around me. I blink fast, the harsh light hurting my eyes. Once my eyes focus, I expect to see Grayson, but it's Ethan who is holding me so tightly instead.
His arms surround me, encasing me in a protective shell made entirely of his body and his face is inches away from mine. My right hand moves up his biceps, clutching to him and his eyes close shut with the touch. It's the most intimate thing we've done in a long while, just holding each other.
"You're here." I say meekly, signaling him to open his eyes.
"Of course." His tone is almost offended, like I should assume he'd be there for me.
But he wasn't, was he?
"I can't remember the last time you held me this way." I whisper quietly, running my right hand across his shoulder, to his neck. Gently brushing his skin with my fingertips, I press forward to his jaw and to his lips, tracing that work of art slowly, taking it all in for memory. I haven't been kissed in so long, ever since the accident.
"I'm sure that's not true." Ethan's defensive tone makes me scoff and he slowly puts me down and I realize we're back in his room, on his bed.
"What?!" His tone changes, taking on darker colors and I narrow my eyes at him.
"You barely even look at me anymore, let alone touch me. You're never around anymore and I'm telling you now Ethan, if this whole thing is you repenting for what you did then stop. I forgive you and absolve you of all guilt! If you don't love me, just say it, don't treat me like I'm stupid!" My voice keeps breaking, cracking just as my patience has.
Ethan's taken aback by my outburst, his lips parted and the bottom one quivers.
"I love you. I've always loved you." Ethan hands his head low, sitting beside me on the bed and I frown as he takes my hand in his reluctantly, so delicately I had to focus on the touch to feel it properly.
"So what's the problem?" I ask quietly, hoping he'll finally confide in me.
He opens his mouth, preparing to speak and then his lips press together, stopping his words from forming and diffusing the situation.
"Did you meet someone else? Emma? I'm not blind, you know?" The bitter taste of her name and the question I'm forced to ask make me scowl, but I'm prepared to hear the truth. I need it.
"It's not about Emma, it's you!" Ethan  shouts at me and my breath hitches in my throat.
"I'm scared...to breathe around you. I...I'm scared to touch you, to love you because you died, Y/N!" He sniffled, wiping his nose with the back of his free hand.
"You died and you were in a coma and I felt that pain! You came to me as a mirage, a ghost, I don't know what anymore, but I had you and yet, I didn't have you. God, I still feel your pain. I was literally on the other side of the door today and every damn day, feeling how every step you make feels like walking on nails or fire! I feel your disappointment, your frustration, your fears and I'm terrified for you. I'm scared...all the time!" Ethan's crumbling before me, his mask long forgotten as his own personal hell is unleashed and I finally understand his reasons to distance himself.
But it doesn't make it right. Him abandoning me now when things changed and not everything is so peachy, that's when we're supposed to prosper and grow together, but all we've done is fall apart at the seams, each on our own.
"I know it's difficult for you to have a cripple as a soulmate, but I'm trying to change that. I'm trying to find myself again...us again and you're off running from me to a girl you find as a distraction? Someone easier to spend time with?" I'm hurt, he can tell. My nose scrunched up, eyes narrowed and words that pack powerful punches - I'm more than hurt. I'm devastated.
"But I won't apologize for it. I've been HERE. Waiting for YOU. Scared you're with someone else, AGAIN. So tell me you didn't repeat the same mistake and I'll believe you." I emphasize, my voice shaking as I fear what his response may be. I fear this might be our end because there's no coming back from this. If he cheated, I would leave.
"I didn't...I'm just exhausted of feeling like the bad guy. Every time I look at you or listen to your sobs behind closed doors, I shatter inside. Feeling your pain is a punishment greater than anything I've ever felt and I just don't know if I can shake the guilt I feel." Ethan sighs, his own resolve slowly scattering as I pick apart his armor.
I give his hand a firm squeeze, tears prick at my eyes. I open my arms for him, letting him collapse on my chest and curve into my body as if a small child in need of human contact and a calming touch.
I'm not sure who is crying more or if either of our pain can trump the other. After all, we share it all, the good and the bad, the worst.
His sobs are getting louder, his hands each grabbing onto a hip to hold as his face buries into my chest deeper, as if to hide the tears that soak my shirt. It's as if he's trying to spare me his pain, forgetting I feel it all too.
I rub my hands across his back, hoping to alleviate the pain. But he doesn't stop crying until he's passed out, sprawled over me. He's heavy, warm and I'm barely breathing under him, but I'd never move. I can't make myself move for this is the most emotion I've gotten out of him. It's the most time we've spent so closely wrapped around one another.
But I know once he wakes we need a calm conversation about his feelings. As much as I love him and want to help, he needs to talk to a professional just as I have.
We've dealt with my PTSD, but completely forgot he too was affected. Ethan had gone through a traumatic experience of losing a loved one and feeling that loss more profoundly than any human in this world.
So, while he slept, I decided to look for someone to help, but just him as an individual but all of us, including Grayson. Not just a therapist, but someone who understands soulmates and the sacred bond between them.
And I think I found someone.
Tags:  @heeydolan @accalialionheart @castiel-savvy18@notanotherdolantwinsblog @peacedolantwins @mutuallynotmutual @xalayx  @fallinginlove-16  @heyits-claire
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chimbbles · 5 years
mafia boss!jimin x reader 🌸
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A/N: I hope you like it, asks is open, come chat or request 💌
T/W: minimal violence
↬ fluff ☀️ + angst ☔
you started off as a stripper, with the typical backstory, just a college student with some extra time off and wanted to get some quick cash
until you had a fallout with your family back home, and proceeded with them cutting you off financially
you ended up dropping out of college, taking up different part time jobs because you refused to go back home and submit
one day you decided the daytime jobs just wasn't enough and you're barely surviving, so you applied for a full-time job at the nightclub
signing up for some weekly burlesque classes at the small dance studio downtown, you think you'd have a better chance at getting promoted if you had a speciality
jimin works as a bouncer at the club for a little over a year now
which sounds odd, because he doesn't fit the stereotype of bouncers, doesn't exude that killing machine vibe and look buff with bulging muscles that rips through shirts
instead, he's calm and professional when he handles troublemakers and pesky customers, with a way with words that's very helpful in sticky situations
you began appearing more often at the club, and that's when jimin starts taking notice of you
the nightclub, well, isn't open for business until night falls, but jimin's always there, like 24/7
you know that because sometimes he passes by the practice room during his 'rounds'
you and the other dancers practice your routines in the afternoon, brushing up on your techniques and dance flow, polishing your final execution for every night's performance
you're hoping to land another promotion soon, working hard during practice and sharpening your skills in burlesque whenever you can
it's your secret weapon, silently simmering in a pot, boiling and bubbling until all the flavours at ready and you'll release it at it's best
if the boss thinks you're good enough he might just promote you to a premium dancer- that means less shift and a higher pay, and you could start taking private sessions with VIP customers, which would earn you a lot more
jimin doesn't realize it until it's too late, but he comes to work early just to get a glimpse of you practicing
he doesn't want to sound like a creep, but it wasn't like he's given full pardon to just stare at you guys practice
besides, he loves seeing you in gym shorts or just normal clothing in general, as opposed to the flashy outfits you always wear on stage
something about the comparisons between behind-the-scenes and on stage live performance
your presence also makes work a bit more interesting
he loves his job, but he also has to take it seriously
he's not just a bouncer, the boss appointed him as his 'hawk' in and outside the club, keeping eyes out for anybody they don't particularly fancy
he frequently run errands for the boss, whether is was checking someone's background or shipment from suppliers- he does it all
his boss treats him like his own, favours him a lot as well, which in turn gives him hell with the others in the gang
they're jealous of him and his success, think he's just a brown-nosing fox
he used to be on the leaner side, so he signed up for some gym sessions and took up those boxing classes and whatever was on the brochure
all in all your presence just makes the sun shine a bit brighter for his day, make his heart beat a little faster, make the people he hate look a tad nicer
he didn't think he would succeed, it was more of a thing he wanted to get over with so he didn't have to think about it anymore
but when he asked you out for breakfast (after the club closes) and you agreed almost immediately
jimin was so nervous his palms started getting clammy and sweaty
and when you reached out to hold his hand his whole body jumped and he retracted his hand like he touched lava
he won't stop apologising afterwards, he can't believe he's blowing his only chance with you
but you find him a total dork, aside from when he's in mafia mode
you guys started dating after a month of morning dates and getting to know each other
jimin pulls extra hours just to see you dance, sexy outfit on or not
it wasn't easy at first, your supervisor was tough on you guys, and they weren't fond of the club bouncer who was just a tad bit too clingy for their tastes
he holds himself back whenever customers seem to cross the line, lets you handle it before it's asked upon him to meddle
the whole point of a striptease is for part of it to remain a mystery, and up to your own imagination
he can't comprehend why the concept of such art is so hard to grasp
other times when you're not in the club and just out on a normal date, jimin's all over you
holding your hands, hugging, kissing- all the lovey-dovey stuff
he doesn't like when others look at you like you're a meal ready to be gobbled up, and trust that he can beat them up, but he's just worried-
worried you're sacrificing some small touches in turn of a promotion, worried you'll be mistreated
your relationship was frowned upon when the boss found out
you were one of his top dancers and jimin was his right hand man, he couldn't lose either of you
but he wasn't expecting a romance to bloom right under his nose, and it took a lot of convincing from jimin for him to accept it
everything seemed to be going swell:
you and jimin had made it to your 6 month mark of dating, and you just made it into elite, jimin got promoted and was finally revealed to be the boss' right hand man, earning him the respect he deserves
you also choreographed a small number for jimin on his birthday, and he thought he couldn't love you even more than he did
and you're set to move in with him next week when he comes back from his errands
but he doesn't make it in time before it happens
the rival gang have plotted this for the past few months, attacking your club at it's lowest point, low security and during peak hours
the news covered it all, hundreds were hurt in the incident, customers or gang members
when jimin got back the club was a mess, restrained by police lines and glass shattered everywhere, blood splatters on the walls
he heard his boss was killed on the spot, right in his chair in the office
none of that was his main concern though, you haven't been picking up your phone for the pass three days, ever since the attack happened and jimin fears for the worst
he searched your house and there's no sign of a break-in, so it's likely the authorities have no idea of your relationship yet
jimin's a known member of the gang and is wanted for investigation so he can't be seen going to public places like hospitals
he sits in his rented motel room everyday, ransacking his mind for just one simple excuse for your absence that doesn't include the attack
it wasn't until a week after the attack police finally reveal details of the attack, and with his stomach full of dread, he sees your picture up on his 90's box television, smiling and beautiful as ever,
with the title stating you're in a state of coma
jimin thinks he's gone insane, he couldn't bring himself to cry no matter how much it hurt, he throws up at the sight of food
how hurt were you? how hard did they hit? or did they shot you? was it only one wound? or multiple? did they do anything else?
for all the 30 days he spent holed up in his room he spent all of them thinking of you, hurting for you
he makes his move once the coast is clearer, police control isn't as tight as the first few months and he gets to sneak into the hospital to get a look at you
and he wishes he hadn't
your wounds have mainly recovered, but there's still bruises on your arms, tubes stuck in your mouth and you just seem- lifeless
and just like you, a look at you made him the same, the image of you lying on the hospital bed sucked his soul dry of any liveliness
it took a lot, struggles and sufferings but he took it all in with open arms, if it meant he was going to get what he wanted
within a year, jimin had rebuilt what he could salvage of his former gang
he took in new recruits and convinced some to turn against their own, with whatever method he can conjure up be it blackmail, threats or bribery
he quickly became the fastest rising mafia on the block, gaining more attention whilst he builds his army
jimin's smart, he doesn't rely solely on the mafia to get the big bucks rolling, he's also a businessman with several side business going
this raise suspicion on him, speculations that said he planned the assassination of his previous boss, robbed him and ran away to make a new name for himself
it didn't help either when jimin bought the club, the one you and him used to work at
he has put the pass behind him, what he does now is for the better of his own gang, people can say whatever they want
he's kept busy for the next few months, demolishing the club and planting a 25-storey building there, his own headquarters on the floors 7,10,11,13 and 23- special dates to you both
he's been so busy keeping an eye on the new businesses coming in at the headquarters, that he hasn't had time to visit you at the hospital
in fact, it's been more than eight months since his last visit
he's been working on new projects, and the income he's earning is directly proportional to the amount of rivals he gains
he just thinks he should wait until the tension dies down a bit before he sneaks a peek at you in the hospital, alone
he always visits alone, acts as if he's got something personal to attend to out of town, before running back to you prior to the curfew time for visiting hours
he misses you like crazy, and he's got so much to tell you, how the government gave him a hard time with the new projects he's got
and how he's bought this land on a hill, getting it ready for renovation, making it your dream house
he's still hopeful you'll wake up, even if it's approaching two years since the incident
and when you do, he'll ask you to marry him and move in with him, have children with him and just be with him forever, by his side
so that explains why he looks like he got hit by a bat when you come walking into his company doors, asking to attend a scheduled interview
his jaw drops when he sees you and he thinks he must've missed his medication or he's lacking in sleep because there's no way you're awake
but there you are, gorgeously standing in front of him, in that office attire you're wearing and he curses, you're wearing one of the shirts he bought for you
you pass by him before going in for your interview, and even with a polite smile it's like cupid struck him a hundred times too much
it doesn't hit him until he's been standing there too long for suspicion to rise, and he realises, you don't recognise him
he doesn't believe it, were you mad? he tests you again and again, asking questions about the diner you guys always dated in and you had absolutely zero clue
so he rushes to get your details, claiming he needs to further analyse you before he decides if you're fit for the job, then follows you home with his car
you still live in the same apartment, and your name checks out, same with your identification card, so he goes back to his penthouse suite that night, confused as heck
the next day before the sky even cracks with the first sign of daylight, he rushes to the hospital, and tries to pry whatever information he can from the bribed nurse's mouth
he gets more than he bargained for and it knocks the wind out of him
you're certified to have lost your memory, having up until your first semester of college to live by
that means you don't remember jimin, nor do you remember the nightclub, and most importantly, what happened to you
jimin wants to play hero, wants to protect you and sacrifice himself in the name of love, set you free from the bad memories, but temptation eats away at his soul, every night
he can't forget, and it kills him to know you have, about him and what once was
he can't deny he wants to try, restart, begin all over again when this time he'll have more power, he has more money, he can fight if you need him to
he tries, all he can, but he can't ignore it, it's only been a week since he saw you and he's already missing you
he clears out the whole floor of tenants on the 20th story and makes it his own office, as a silent marking of the day he saw you again
brings you into the office, hiring you as a new receptionist under the poor excuse of him needing a one for his newly established office just for his elites and trusted henchmen
the whole floor is eerie in general, thick glass that are quite possibly bullet-proof, with high-end security tech, equipped fully with fingerprint, voice, face and even walking style recognition
you knew the company you interviewed for was a rich one, frankly you didn't have high hopes of getting hired, it was a wild shot
but you didn't have much of a choice, apparently your college can't redraw your withdrawal after a certain time limit, and your parents didn't even know you were hurt, you never knew your relationship had turned that sour
you had no idea what was going on in your life, suddenly you're left alone to start anew in a town you barely knew
no more college, nor family and no jobs
you're trembling on your first day, nerves and jitters exuding from your very being
the head receptionist had told you to wait outside the office before being let in by 'the tech guy' and you're wondering who is he, because he's an hour late for work
not long after that this guy in thick rimmed glasses walks out from the elevator, trudging heavy footprints towards you
you briefly hear him mutter something under his breath, like "the things I do" before he pulls you in by the elbow
"this door will only recognize your fingerprints at 9am every morning, and you have a five minute window, before it shuts you out and you're not allow any access unless one of us comes and save you, got it?"
you nod, and he continues giving instructions, and it's very basic and easy
'they' don't even get calls, things are mainly faxed or emailed to them directly, and because you're not trusted enough, you're not authorized filter through emails for your boss(es?)
so your job is basically 'sit still look pretty' until work ends and you go home
he doesn't pass another word to you after he makes sure you're clear with the rules and regulations, and as soon as he's done with you he leaves you alone at the reception area to make an escape to his designated room
you follow him with your eyes and you see him enter a room with "yoongi" engraved in the door
you look around and take in the office layout, it's pretty simply designed- the front entrance leads into some armchairs before the actual door itself, with the security systems and then it's your area, with a wide curved table and a burgundy, wine red coloured design
then there's a narrow corridor that leads into the main office area, again with a security system, but a simpler one. the area spans out to accommodate six oddly spacious cubicles and a staff's pantry
at the end is followed by another secured hallway, housing much larger individual office rooms of five
you quickly realise how small this group of workers are, compared to the one downstairs where you interviewed in
that one was packed full with people and all types of machines, while here it's spacious, the cubicles are luxurious, comfortable seats and wide angle desks, mini fridge provided for every cubicle
only one of the bigger offices can be looked into, and you assume it's the boss', because it's the biggest, taking up the whole end of the the floor
you take note of all the names assigned to each working area, these will be the people you're working with in the future:
[jeong jungguk] , human resources manager;
[kim taehyung] , chief information officer;
[jung hoseok] , engineering manager;
[kim seokjin] , chief financial officer;
[min yoongi] , chief technology officer:
[kim namjoon] , chief resources officer;
and lastly,
[park jimin] , chief executive officer
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kenzieam · 7 years
Phoenix Rising - Chapter 10 (Eric X OC)
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Rating: M (violence/swearing/smut :p)
Genre: General/Drama/Angst
Thanks everyone for the re-blogs and support!!! IT IS SO AWESOME!!!  
@emmysrandomthoughts @beautifulramblingbrains @iammarylastar @tigpooh67 @bookwarm85 @frecklefaceb @mom2reesie @elaacreditava @badassbaker @captstefanbrandt @jaihardy @treeleaf @pathybo @beltz2016 @lilu46 @equalstrashflavoredtrash​
Just a bit o’ fluff to start the day....
Eric bit back a ragged groan. The nurse's prediction had become agonizingly true, and Eric was in pain, laying immobile on his bed. He'd wanted Fox to sleep beside him but she'd refused, stating that she slept restlessly now, moving every time one of the babies kicked and that she'd just keep Eric awake all night. He wished he'd insisted, at least having Fox against him, even if she was restless, would be preferable to this slow torture.
He couldn't even call it real pain, at least not any pain Eric was used to experiencing; this was deeper, more visceral. His nerves were alive and on fire, racing drunkenly through his body, flaring hot in his arm then subsiding before tingling intensely in his leg. After their first 'physio' session, after Fox had cleaned the both of them and redressed; she'd unlocked the door and climbed carefully in bed beside Eric, pulling his leaden arms around her and snuggling up under his chin. At Eric's quiet request, Fox had rubbed Eric's hand in gentle circles over her swollen belly, stopping with a grin as one of the twins responded, pushing back. Eric had spoken lowly to them and both babies had started moving, obviously excited to hear their father's voice again. It was easy to ignore the strange pain then, while Fox was beside him and his babies were moving, and Eric had pushed the sensations away. Now that Fox was in her own cot, and only the dark hospital walls surrounded him, the tingling and twinges had returned with a vengeance and Eric had given up on sleep, was concentrating now only on staying quiet for Fox. She’d had such dark bags under her eyes when Eric had first woken up today, and although the sparkle was back in her beautiful Tiger’s eye gaze; Eric could see that she’d slept poorly this last week, if at all; and had suffered far more than she was willing to tell him yet.
The door to his room opened, and the same nurse from this afternoon, the one that Fox had spoken to regarding ‘physio’ strode silently in. She glanced over at Fox before leaning slightly over Eric. When she’d checked on him an hour ago, Eric had foolishly refused pain medication, and he’d been regretting it ever since. Only pride had kept him from hitting the call button. Stupid fucking Dauntless pride.....you moron.
“How are you feeling?” The nurse asked, her trained eye immediately seeing that Eric was struggling. “Will you take something now?”
Eric nodded, biting back another groan.
The nurse nodded. “I’ll be right back, hon.”
She returned a few minutes later with a syringe, the liquid inside looking slightly blue. Leaning back over Eric she whispered. “This is specifically for nerve pain, it will dull and slow your pain receptors; but it will also dull and slow you, you’ll experience lethargy and drowsiness, but you should be able to sleep for a few hours. In the morning we can try something else, it won’t work as well but you won’t be so lethargic for your physiotherapy.” She waited and Eric nodded, he was willing to try.
The nurse began slowly injecting the syringe into Eric’s IV, as she did she continued to whisper. “Your wife stayed here the whole time, and she never left your side when we had to wake you from your coma for the tests. You’re very lucky to have her.”
Eric nodded, a corner of his mouth pulling up in a grin, the pain medication was already starting to work, and Eric’s tongue loosened. “I know, she’s my everything....we’re expecting twins soon, you know?”
The nurse smiled faintly as Eric’s eyes slightly unfocused. The pain medication was beginning to kick in already, the poor man might actually get a few hours rest. She leaned back down. “I know, now go to sleep.” Fuck, if I was twenty years younger and you were single, she thought with a small smile.
Eric blinked heavily at her and the nurse gently guided his head back to the pillow, rearranging his blankets over his muscular chest. She waited until Eric’s eyes drifted slowly closed before leaving. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fox was awake first, the twins having had mercy on her for once and she’d managed a few unbroken hours of rest. Immediately she raised her head to look over at Eric, he was asleep, breathing heavy and regular and Fox wondered if he’d finally broken down and accepted some type of painkillers. Stupid Dauntless pride. My stupid, prideful, stupid man....if I didn’t love you so fucking much, I’d have to smack you.
Fox recognized that part of the reason she’s slept so well, beyond the twins, was the fact that not only was Eric awake and looking like he was going to recover, but they’d been able to connect again in that visceral, primal way that they enjoyed so much; their bodies becoming one again. Fox knew that she and Eric were so bonded, so tied together that they literally recharged when they were connected, that they needed each other in that animal way to fully function when apart. Fox couldn’t imagine being with anyone else, Eric had been her first, and he would be her only.
“Good morning babies,” she murmured, smiling when she received an answering kick. One of the babies, Twin A, was the more active of the two, and was always the first to kick or respond in some way. Fox imagined he was a miniature Eric, and would probably be born already sharpening a knife; an arrogant sneer on his face and his hair already slicked back.
Eric moaned quietly in his sleep, pulling Fox out of her musing. She stood and shuffled over to him, rubbing slowly at her lower back. He remained asleep, so Fox studied his face fondly. She’d told him more about his injuries last night, about his two broken legs; the right snapped at the femur, the left shattered below the knee. She’d told Eric about all the lacerations and bruising he’d had, the road rash, the eerie way he’s lain there so silently, not responding to anything or anybody, his skin cold and slack. But Fox hadn’t told him about the doctor’s first phone call to her, when no one had even known if Eric was going to survive, the way Fox had literally witnessed Eric starting to crash and the nurses bringing him back, or the look in his eyes when he'd struggled against the restraints, silently begging Fox to help him; those were too painful yet.
Fox held herself back from touching Eric, not wanting to cause him more pain. Although he'd tried to hide it, Fox had caught him wincing more than once yesterday, and had awakened briefly during the night to hear him groaning quietly, a ragged sound, but exhaustion had pulled Fox back under before she could wake fully. Turning, she hurried to the bathroom, cursing her pregnant bladder. When she emerged again, Eric was awake, blinking sluggishly. Fox leaned over him and smiled.
"Good morning baby." She purred.
Eric focused slowly on her, his eyelids not fully in tandem as he blinked again. He'd finally given in and asked for painkillers, Fox realized. She doubted he'd do it again, he hated being vulnerable like this, especially around strangers.
"Hey," Eric replied, his voice unhurried. A goofy grin pulled slowly at his mouth and Fox couldn't stop a giggle.
"Feeling okay?"
"Oh....yeah, feels great...." Eric trailed off, focusing on something past the bed, after a minute he looked slowly back up at Fox. "Did you see the unicorn too?"
Fox couldn't hold it in anymore. To see the fearless Dauntless leader Eric, who didn't even act like this when he was drunk, was too funny right now; Fox had needed to laugh like this for awhile and she let go, stumbling over and collapsing onto the chair, howling. Eric watched her mildly, his forehead creasing in minor confusion. The creases deepened as he tried to sit up, and Fox found the laughter dying in her throat. She stood again and moved back to Eric's side. His puzzled face turned up to her.
"Why can't I move?" He mumbled.
Part of Fox wanted to continue laughing, but another part fell silent. Would Eric be able to move again? Had they gone through all this shit just to have Eric stuck in a hospital bed forever? No, stop that. Fox made herself smile, in all likelihood Eric wouldn't even remember he'd asked this again in a few minutes.
"Not right now, you hurt your back but we're helping you get back together."
"I'm broken?" Eric mumbled back, looking down at himself.
Fox smiled wider, it was like talking to a toddler right now, she could probably convince him that she really had 'got your nose' too.
"Not permanently," Fox replied, sitting back down. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sweat dripped down Eric's face and his arms trembled. Fox had moved a few paces away and watched reluctantly.
"Mr. Coulter," the physiotherapist explained again, "I must ask you to stop pushing yourself too hard, you are going to re-injure yourself."
Eric curled his lip at him but kept his head lowered to hide it. His whole fucking body was on fire, it felt like each nerve had been doused in lighter fluid and set ablaze. Teeth-gritting pins and needles flared wherever there was extra pressure, right now at the bottoms of his feet as Eric stood and in his hands as he held the railings on either side of him for support. Eric had forced himself to stand already, ignoring the physiotherapist's instructions to 'take it easy'; but you couldn't say he was walking already. So far, he'd only managed to stand and Eric was exhausted, it felt like he'd run a marathon, the muscles in his arms and legs quivered with effort and only his famous stubbornness, pigheadedness Fox would call it, keeping him from collapsing to the floor.
Secretly, Eric was impressed that he'd managed this. He'd been trying for days, well, since that goddamn shit wore off and he could think straight again, to move his feet, his toes, something. He'd managed a spasmodic twitch in his right big toe that first morning, and now, three days later, he was standing. Fox was watching him with a mixture of pride and anxiety on her beautiful face, absently caressing her abdomen. The dark bags under her eyes had lightened and she didn't seem so worn down anymore, the light was back in her eyes. Eric raised his head to look over at her, the pain fading slightly when she smiled at him. Not surprisingly, Eric's legs finally gave out, but the therapist was ready, pushing the wheelchair forward so Eric collapsed into it instead of the floor. He gave Eric a stern look.
"That's enough for today."
Eric grumbled in return, hating this. He gritted his teeth as the therapist set his feet on the foot rests and started pushing him back to his room. The doctor had moved them to a private suite, with a kitchenette and private bathroom for Fox. The bed was larger, allowing for more of their 'physio' sessions and also for Fox to simply lay with him without worrying about being too restless in a smaller bed. Since refusing more of that 'blue shit that knocked me loopy', Eric relied instead on Fox to help his pain, her body warm against his, her breath on his face as she stroked his cheek, or rested her forehead to his, her hand trailing lightly along his chest, was a far more effective painkiller than anything else. With the new, albeit slightly jerky, control of his hands, Eric flicked at a bit of lint on his sweatpants. That was another vast improvement, wearing his own clothes again. Those fucking gowns they'd made him wear weren't designed for someone with a muscular Dauntless body, and Eric had flashed his ass to the gaggle of giggling but appreciative  Erudite nurses more than he cared to think about. Fox walked quietly at his side and Eric worked to raise his hand to her, he managed to rest it on the arm of the wheelchair and Fox intertwined her fingers with his, her touch almost like a soothing balm, relaxing the volatile nerves scratching through his arm.
Reaching their room, the therapist helped Eric back onto his bed and warned him balefully yet again to 'take it easy' before leaving. "You stood today," Fox smiled, leaning over the bed-rail. "Are you tired?"
Eric nodded, Fox had gotten right in his face two days ago, demanding that he drop the tough guy act around her and be honest about how his body felt. Eric had relented, not yet able to defend himself from a pissed-off pregnant woman.
"Do you want me to lay with you?"
Eric grinned. Fox didn't even need to ask, the answer was always yes. "Of course baby."
Fox crawled carefully in beside Eric, settling against him and helping his arms wrap around her. Eric huffed in contentment, already feeling the pain in his body lessen. He managed to move his hand down to her expanding belly, growing more every day, and rested his hand there. One of the twins pushed faintly back and Eric smiled. Exhaustion quickly began to overwhelm him as Fox stroked his forehead gently, humming some old song quietly.
"Fox-" he murmured as his eyes drifted closed, sleep overtaking him.
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justsomebucky · 7 years
Flashes (Part 3)
Summary: Soulmate AU. “The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” - William Shakespeare (Julius Caesar)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 2,012
Warnings: language, fluff, angst, it’s actually kind of optimistic???
A/N: Well, I did it…at least I tried. The lovely @minervaem challenged me (sort of) to do an angsty story. I’m warning you now, it’s not gonna be pretty.
Reader has her first flash, and stumbles upon some intriguing information...
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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This is really freaking weird.
That was your first thought when the flash started, and it wasn't an exaggeration. While Natasha had always described her flash scenes as having radiant colors, your first flash wasn't quite so dazzling. 
Everything was very surreal and hazy, as if there was a filter over your eyes that muted each color. You were still standing on a street in New York City, but you didn’t recognize it at all, nor did you understand its significance. Shadows and shade covered most of the street.
You squinted, scanning every direction for any hint or clue as to what you were meant to be witnessing. There was a whole lot of no one and nothing in particular. What good is a flash if it doesn’t actually help you?
Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a slight movement – one of the shadows seemed to move ever-so-slightly. You turned your body slowly, focusing on the corner and mentally pleading with your brain to tell your soulmate to just freaking show himself already.
As if someone heard your thoughts, the silhouette of a person came into view. Your breath caught in your throat as you realized that you were staring at a man in an all-black suit…or was it a uniform? You studied his form carefully, raptly tracing every detail and mapping them in your memory.  
Yeah, it was definitely a uniform. 
The hard lines of his clothing showed off his muscular arms, broad chest and shoulders, a fit waist, a pair of thick thighs…
You tried to move closer but found that your feet were fixed in place. You were voiceless when you tried to call out to him. Natasha had always described herself in more of an observer role, having previously mentioned that she couldn’t interact with Clint, but you tried anyways for your own piece of mind.
Well, this sure as hell didn’t seem fair. There was actual man candy standing in front of you, and you couldn’t even interact with him. Shouldn't you get some kind of special deal because you missed out on flashes for so long? Some kind of two-for-one special? You deserved extra-long, extra-detailed flashes for all you'd been through.
The man shifted, placing his hands in his pockets as he turned his attention to something or someone you couldn’t see. As he turned, you noticed a small badge on the sleeve of his shirt. 
Much to your dismay, your flash ended as abruptly as it started, leaving you dazed on the sidewalk in the light of day.
So, your soulmate was a police officer?
Natasha was going to be so freaking jealous! 
You longed to go back and see him again, or see what else you could figure out. Now you understood all the smiles Nat wore when she was having a vision; there was no other feeling like it in the world.
Since you finally had a flash, it meant your soulmate was alive and nearby. You were so overwhelmed by the mere idea of him that you collapsed to your knees right there on the sidewalk. All your life, you’d been told you were incomplete, but you’d never quite believed them until now.
You buried your face in your hands and wept for yourself, for your soulmate, but most of all, out of sheer relief.
Once you picked yourself up off the pavement and managed to calm down, you called Natasha.
You let her speak first, knowing that she was probably bursting at the seams to tell you about her progress. She informed you that she was still waiting for Clint to come out of a meeting after having two more flashes in the last three hours. According to her, if she didn’t see his face in the next twenty minutes, she was going to go into the board room and drag him out by his ‘sexy arms.’
“So anyways, what’s new? Did you find that Vision guy yet? Get any wackadoo mojo going?”
“Nope. He went out of business or into hiding or something.”
“Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry.” Nat’s motherly voice was in full force. “I know you really wanted this to work. What are you going to do now?”
It was now or never. “Well…I, uh…I had a flash anyways…about five minutes ago.”
There was a brief pause of what you presumed to be stunned silence, and you bit your lip, waiting for the fallout.
"OHMYGODYOUHADAFLASH?" she shrieked. “Really? You’re sure? You’re not in some weird café where a hippie named Sunflower slipped you something, RIGHT?”
You cringed, pulling the phone away from your ear to try to spare your hearing. "Yes, I had an actual flash. It was...it was incredible, Nat."
“This is crazy! I am so excited for you! Who did you see? Were they hot? Wealthy?”
“It was a man. I didn’t see his face, but I saw his uniform,” you supplied, finally letting yourself feel excitement alongside your relief. “He’s with the NYPD.”
“Ooooooh! I could totally see you marrying a sexy cop.”
“I have to find him first, Nat,” you reminded her, a small smile gracing your lips. “And since this is a huge city with a ton of police officers, I’m not exactly sure where to start.”
“Well, start in the freaking city, of course! We can think this through.”
“I don’t know. It was different for you. You had a lot more to go off of when we searched for Clint’s name and photo.”
“It’ll be all right, Y/N. Reason it out like you always do. Your little impromptu trip must have finally triggered the connection, but I wonder why the distance was a factor. Maybe there’s more to his story than we could have ever guessed.”
Natasha was silent for a moment, but you knew she was still on the line because you heard people talking in the background. "Start with injuries," she suggested finally.
"Injuries? Like a head injury?"
"Yeah, like...he was MIA for over a decade, right? Something had to happen to make your connection weaker, to make it go silent for that long."
Nat made a damn good point. "I guess I could try the public library," you mused. "Maybe they have access to old newspaper archives.”
"It's a start, isn't it? Better than going to every police station until you have more flashes. Let me know what you find out, okay?"
"You got it. Thanks, Nat.”
“By the way, Y/N…” Natasha’s voice was wobbly now. You could tell she was emotional now that your news had sunken in. “I’m so freaking happy for you. You deserve love more than anyone I’ve ever known.”
You were a woman on a mission. 
Now that you’d seen him, knew he was real, knew he was within reach, you’d be damned if you were going to let a silly thing like knowing absolutely nothing else about him stop you. Nat was right; there had to be a reason for his prolonged absence, and it was probably the key to figuring out who the heck he was.
The public library was easy enough to find, and they did offer guest passes to use the internet. A man with a very important-looking library badge handed you a pass, then politely told you that you had thirty minutes of free internet usage.
You had thirty freakin’ minutes to narrow down the search for your soulmate.
No pressure.
The first newspaper archive pursuit yielded way too many results, so you narrowed your search.
You were able to get it down to six major results that were within the time frame between what should have been your flash age and now. Five of the police officers listed had died as a result of their injuries, and of the two who were still alive, one was a woman. Since you had seen your soulmate already, you ruled her out. 
That left one profile. Your stomach was churning, your nerves completely frayed as you clicked on the last news link. 
"Sergeant James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes, NYPD," you whispered to yourself, scrolling down slowly. “A Profile in Courage.”
The article stated that when he was thirteen, Bucky was the only survivor of a car accident that killed his parents. A drunk driver had crossed the center lane on a highway and hit the family’s sedan head-on. 
Doctors put him in a medically induced coma to try to save his life after significant brain swelling was detected. Once he regained consciousness, it took nearly two years for him to fully recover his mobility, followed by several more years of extensive physical therapy.
Eventually, he was released to the custody of a neighbor, Mrs. Sarah Rogers. She had been designated as his legal guardian in the event of his parents’ death. Her son, Steve, had gone with his adopted brother Bucky to police academy.
Well, that answered at least two of your questions.
Bucky had obviously either been incapacitated due to the coma during his flash age, or his injuries had been too extensive to allow any connection to occur at the time.
He also was able to have a great job with the police department, no questions asked, because he had clearly received an official medical exemption to the soulmate status laws.
Your heart ached for him. You wondered if he went into law enforcement because of that life-altering car accident. You wondered…
The article went on for a while, detailing his education, his time at the academy, and the event that caused him to get a commendation in the first place.
Nearly a year ago, Bucky single-handedly saved a woman and two of her neighbors in Brooklyn. The perp was the woman’s own abusive husband. He’d been drinking, and had come home and tried to kill her. She managed to get away by hitting him with a frying pan and running to the next apartment over for protection.
Lucky for everyone, the neighbors had heard him shouting the moment he came home, and had already called the police. Bucky was in the area, so he responded to the call quickly.  That night, he took a bullet in the shoulder to take the man down, disarm him, and get him in handcuffs. 
Sergeant Barnes sounded too good to be true. 
When you scrolled to the bottom of the page, there was a picture of Bucky shaking hands with the mayor with a bright smile on his face. He had the best smile, with little laugh lines and a mischievous gleam in his blue eyes.
Damn, you were lucky.
It amazed you, too, because you’d never considered yourself lucky like this before, never thought you’d been given the best of anything. But Bucky…
You were absolutely head over heels in love with Bucky Barnes. You were the epitome of the heart eyes emoji at this point, and you didn’t even mind it. It was stronger than anything you’d ever felt for anyone before, and for that, you were grateful.
God, how many times had you sat around wishing for this? The endless longing, the tears, the discrimination, the lonely nights…all of that would soon be distant memories, leaving room for new memories you would make with Bucky, if he’d have you.
If Natasha could see you now, she’d be thrilled, but she would also be sure to get a dig or two in, considering how much you’d teased her about Clint.
Hopefully you'd measure up to his standards, too, at least enough to deserve a man like him. After all, he had turned tragedy into triumph. You...well, you did the best you could with the circumstances you were given. That’s what soulmate connections were supposed to do, though, weren’t they? Your soulmate was supposed to make you want to be your best self, and help you achieve that through your partnership.
There was no way that you were going to let your insecurities keep you from meeting him. Both of you had waited far too long for this connection.
It was time to meet your soulmate.
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
PERMA TAGS: @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse @minaphobia @amrita31199 @aenna-4 @ailynalonso15 @psingh97 @sofiadiaz04 @mirkwood---princess @lilasiannerd @coffeeismylife28 @capdanrogers @melissalovesmusicyay @hollycornish @northscorpio @gallifreyansass @ancchor @vaisabu @alurea-actually @hailey-a-s @buckyswinterchildren @cleanslates @minervaem @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @winterboobaer @kjs-s @hardcorehippos @jay-birdbitchez @rchlnwtn @seeyainanotherlifebrotha @aeillo @whyisbuckyso @crownie-sr @neverbeforgotten @givemethatgold @notsoprettykitty @punk-rock-princess-626 @dracsgirl @giannastoico @cosmic-avenger @rockintensse @angelicshinigami @heytherepartner @simplyme8308 @ria132love @dolthiac @feelmyroarrrr @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch @johnmurphys-sass @wishingtobelost @nolaimagines @decemberftw @imamoose @kcsavege4134 @indominusregina @kittthekat @smkunz613 @actual-bucky-barnes-trash @miss-jessi29
Story Tags: None this time! only one part left, sorry!
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