smokingtiger · 1 year
I enjoy reading your posts even if you write a book, I will definitely read it so, don’t apologize. I can’t help but feel bad about shipping ruining this fandom. We had Jin’s incident any no one even talked about it. Everyone is focused on proving the realness of their ship. I hate how the K-pop industry makes shipping a big part of the industry. I saw a lot of people saying that they feel like “killing” themselves just because of the rumors. The amount effort the Taekook shippers are putting in to debunk the rumors is scary.
The situation with Jin was absolutely terrifying, and I also saw some talk about a controversy with Coway and their contract renewal with Seokjin. There's a lot of garbage everywhere, but there's also a lot of good things going on. The release of Angel Pt. 1, Yoongi's solo tour, Namjoon's Vogue shoot, and Like Crazy becoming the most streamed song by a K-pop soloist this year ... I have quite an addiction to that song so I will ride or die for Like Crazy achievements ;)
I think that toxic shipping and prioritized fanservice is ruining the fandom -- but here's my controversial opinion -- I think that 'casual shippers' or 'literary shippers' can make a community more fun or interconnected, and I'll explain why. The Kpop industry definitely profits from fanservice, but luckily, BTS have said they don't really participate in that.
Casual shippers tend to just see someone and think, oh wow, they'd be kind of cute together, and go about their day. They're not making theories, they're not ripping other people to shreds for liking something else, and they're not promoting the ship as absolute truth. They're just sort of there, creating works of art, fiction, etc. Some of them don't even ship the members at all, they just use them as creative inspirations or outputs for their stories and/or artwork. I have nothing against fan-fictions, I have written a few, hell this Tumblr account was originally meant for me to be open about my works, whether it be fanfiction or my own original characters. I haven't published (or republished) any yet since their initial takedown, but I want to in the near future. I used to run a Twitter account dedicated to fun little writing prompts and silly little aus, but the account was wrongfully suspended during Twitter's Great Birthday Purge.
I wouldn't necessarily say that I truly 'ship' any of the BTS members, like, I'm not rooting behind the scenes for any particular pairing. I just like the creative aspect that a fandom space can provide.
Flirtaus created the Outcast au, which gained international attention and even had a whole Billboard article written about it. Filmfics also created the BTS x Dora au, which despite being incredibly humorous, brought together our fandom for many days. Also, I send my regards to that writer ... they passed away not too long ago, so I hope that they forever rest in peace. But both of the aus were trending for weeks at a time and many ARMYs still reference these works to this day.
Many fanfiction writers and artists alike have a space to practice their passions without being utterly toxic toward other people in the community. I adore Maithism's Moon Rabbit au, Little Luxray's Vampire au... these aus could be considered romantically contextualized stories, but the stories in which they tell are fantastical and beautiful... and also, these two artists are casual shippers who don't necessarily ship the members, they just like to use them as agents of creative expression.
Now I'm sure there's a proper term for this, but literary shippers... I like to classify them as people who don't necessarily ship the BTS members in a traditional respect, but in their respective fictional universes. Like, HYYH Yoonkook. People like their characterization in these fictional spaces and feel as if their fictional characters have good chemistry. I know a few people who are ride-or-die for HYYH Yoonkook, but they don't necessarily ship Yoonkook irl. I personally love HYYH Yoonkook (and HYYH in general), so I'm curious to see how the new drama YOUTH is going to portray our favorite HYYH characters. I'm not a big Chakho reader, but I do know that people quite enjoy Zeha (Jungkook's character) and Haru (Jimin's character) as a potential couple. Not because it's jikook (but let's be honest, some jikookers totally do), but because they think these two fictional interpretations of them have incredible chemistry.
Also, Stay Alive by Jungkook is a masterpiece.
I think even BigHit has caught onto the fandom's love for telling stories, so they gave us that cursed Episode-styled game for creating virtual fanfictions. They also gave us BTS World, which was more of a self-insert type of story that delved into the realms of fictional universes. Now I could go on for hours about how much I despise parts of BTS World... like why am I literally such a creep can my MC say anything normal?? Why is my character, who is an assumed adult, flirting with an underaged, predebut Jungkook? ... Well at least they gave us some banger soundtracks and some cute videos so it's not all that bad. I guess another reason why BW wasn't for me personally is that I cannot stand self-insert ANYTHING so it was a big N.O from the beginning. If I had the chance to shoot my shot with any BTS member I would pack my bags and flee the planet... no thank you, and goodnight!
But yes, there are definite pros and cons to shipping within a community. Toxic shippers, the ones who will fight tooth and nail to prove that their ship is real... are usually the ones you need to look out for. They are the ones threatening self-harm, who are spreading baseless conspiracies... but many casual shippers in the community tend to stick their own corners and go about their craft peacefully. Without the good ones, we wouldn't have gotten the iconic "why Hoseok da bus driver all of da sudden" tweet and half of the funniest lines regularly quoted by the fandom.
I didn't expect this to delve into a defense of creative shipping, but I really do believe that people can ship who they want as long as they're not freaks about it. People can disagree with me, and that's fine, I understand that we all have differing opinions and experiences.
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sugxrbunni · 5 years
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why am i just finding out about this ?? like, makayla is the q u e e n of AUs and she did a collab l a s t y e a r and i didn't know about it ??? im so mad ?????
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ellinked · 6 years
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pufafuri · 6 years
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BTS Outcast AU by flirtaus
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joonsbees · 6 years
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🔎 Waiting for the Outcast au update: a moodboard 🔍
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starryjiminn · 6 years
Seokjin watching everyone fall for his game Outcast again
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miantae · 6 years
even in this au jin didn’t get any lines
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sfamanda-blog1 · 6 years
Listening to ARMYs praise 15 yr old, flirtaus for coming up with BTS Outcast and saying how amazing and sweet she is due to bringing the whole fandom together...
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Then noticing some ARMYs changing and switching up when she revealed she's black then suddenly start attacking her and making her deactivate her own account for stating her own opinion about basically how bomb singularity is.
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Then some immature armys going decide to join in with the attacking and being racist towards the child but have an audacity to also have "ARMYS ARE ALL ONE FAMILY!" on their bio and tl.
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Really tho? Y'all really going to drive a 15 yr old girl off her own twitter account for tweeting out a harmless tweet and having an opinion and preference. Like some of ya'll don't be doing the same damn thing as well.
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richseok · 6 years
hoseok acting like he ain’t the killer but he really is but at the same time is kidnapped by the killer who is also him but isn’t but who is also texting yoongi while he’s kidnapped:
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ilostmyfannypack · 6 years
BTS ain't even gotta do nothing and ARMY get them trending lmao
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whatarainyday · 6 years
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i’m hooked on the btsoutcast au !!
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motherofjikook · 6 years
"I SEE you SEE me SEE you reading that Outcast fanfiction instead of focusing on your studies. Pied Piper pt.2, coming to a theater near you this 2018."
- Probably Bangtan right now.
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kookmint · 6 years
Jungkook when yoongi is controlling him:
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markdaes · 6 years
Congrats toxic solo stans, y’all really made the queen, flirtaus, deactivate because she said she liked Singularity more than Serendipity :)) So opinions aren’t allowed anymore I guess?
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pufafuri · 6 years
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Danger era jungkook playing bts outcast au by flirtaus
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masqueradingwriter · 6 years
I’m so overwhelmed, fam
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