#finn wolfhard scenario
heartsgettingwiser62 · 8 months
Do you think Mike and Will were the kinda kids that said i love you to each other all the time, and do you think they started saying it less and less until they stopped altogether, and do you think Will just looks at Mike and wonders about how i love you would sound when said by his current voice, and do you think he wasn't really fond of finding out by hearing Mike say it to El in the monologue scene, and-
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tennyzark · 5 months
Finn Wolfhard X Male Reader (Leitor)
Relacionamento Secreto
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Eu me aproximo do celular e sorrio, animado por conseguir fazer aquela Live. Estava pedindo muito ao meu chefe para isso.
— Qual será a próxima pergunta?
Olho alguns comentários na tela do celular e leio um bem curioso, na minha opinião.
"Você e o Finn Wolfhard estão namorando?"
Faço uma cara de surpresa ao ler esse comentário.
— Olha, essa pergunta foi interessante… — Sorrio. — Na verdade, não estamos. Vi que algumas pessoas comentaram que nós tivemos muita química fazendo nossos papéis em "O Último Verão Sem Você". Mas a verdade é que somos apenas bons amigos.
Respondo o comentário com tranquilidade e me aproximo do celular, voltando a ler alguns comentários. Uma porção de pessoas estava perguntando sobre trabalhos futuros, outros estavam fazendo perguntas sobre quem eu mais gostava de contracenar e vejo alguns apenas me elogiando.
Durante minha leitura de alguns comentários, recebo uma mensagem do garoto anteriormente mencionado. Nem precisei abrir a conversa, pois a notificação pulou na tela.
"O que você quer dizer com "apenas bons amigos"?
Rio da mensagem e observo outros comentários.
— Bom pessoal, acho que tem alguns comentários meio exaltados, eu só queria isso deixar isso claro. — Rio novamente, me divertindo com a reação das pessoas. — Espero que os fãs do filme não deixem de ter todo esse carinho por Nick e Dalton, estudamos muito para fazer esses personagens ficarem realistas.
Me afasto do celular e pego uma almofada. Quando volto para frente da câmera, vejo um comentário icônico.
“Estudaram muito? Então vocês se pegaram?”
Dou uma risada tão alta que até senti minha barriga doer instantaneamente. Me jogo sobre a cama.
— GENTE… — Arregalo meus olhos e me sento novamente. — Não era isso que eu quis dizer… Aí meu Deus… — Tento me recuperar das sessões de risada. — “Estudarmos muito” no sentido de termos visto muitos filmes de romance, eu li ‘Heartstopper’, foi daí que eu tirei a inspiração de um romance calmo e adolescente. Eu não quis dizer que nós pegamos…
Faço um rápido biquinho e vejo alguns comentários rindo da situação. Outros falando que queriam um segundo filme com nós no elenco.
Passados alguns segundos, outra mensagem chega no meu celular.
“Acho bom você parar com essa Live. Um deslize e você vai ta falando a frente e verso do seu cartão de crédito. Tô indo aí, não desliga a live”
Solto uma pequena risada com a mensagem, mas meio que concordo.
— Pessoal, acho que vocês vão enlouquecer, o Finn tá vindo aqui.
Chego perto do celular para ver as mensagens dos fãs.
Escuto minha campainha tocar. Olho pro celular, dou um sorriso e me levanto. Pego meu celular, já olhando alguns comentários surtando.
Vou andando pela casa, já com um sorriso marcando minha feição. Chego perto da porta principal e encosto meu rosto nela.
— Quem é?
Solto uma risada, tentando escutar alguma reação do outro lado da porta.
— O seu bom amigo.
Rio mais uma vez e começo a destrancar a porta. Dou uma olhada rápida nos comentários, algumas pessoas estão surtando, algo que não é surpreendente.
Finalmente abro a porta, vendo ele com um gorro na cabeça, fazia sentido, estava fazendo um pouco de frio. Analiso mais as suas vestimentas, ele veste uma blusa branca com listras pretas e está com uma jeans, acredito que de última hora ele jogou a jaqueta de couro por cima. Olho o pescoço dele, vendo alguns chupões meio fracos e o meu colar que eu tinha esquecido na casa dele.
Noto que ele está carregando duas sacolas, com coisas que eu não consegui ver. Rapidamente dou um espaço para ele passar. Ele entra em casa e eu fecho a porta, me viro para ele, que põe as sacolas sobre a mesa da cozinha.
— Oi, galera. — Ele gruda na minha lateral.
“Meu Deus oq ta acontecendo?”
“que chupão é esse ?”
Rio com os comentários, me guiando pela casa. Aposto que era isso que ele queria, pois vejo um sorriso surgir no rosto dele. Antes de responder esse último comentário, ele joga um olhar para mim.
— Não se preocupem, esse chupão foi apenas um mosquito, eu acabei coçando demais e ficou assim. Acho que vou ter que passar uma pomada.
Rimos juntos e entramos no quarto, ele tenta sentar na cama, mas eu puxo ele.
— Você não vai sentar na minha cama com roupa suja da rua.
Ele rola os olhos e passa por mim.
— Você e suas manias estranhas.
— Você sabe que é apenas higiene.
Ele ri e pega uma toalha. Vejo ele entrar no banheiro, eu me deito na cama e jogo o edredom sobre mim.
“Mds vcs brigam igual a um casal”
Rio do comentário e tiro um print, a fim de mostrar para o Finn depois.
— Coisa demais pra explicar. Isso fica na imaginação de vocês. — Balanço minha cabeça na frente do celular.
Desligo a live, soltando um longo suspiro logo em seguida. Passaram-se alguns minutos e o Finn já estava vestido.
— O que você trouxe naquelas sacolas?
Vejo o garoto ao meu lado se sentar, ele ajeita o colar no pescoço e se vira para mim.
— Eu trouxe uns docinhos. Meu plano inicial era te entupir de doce até você parar de falar.
Coloco meu celular sobre a mesa de canto e rimos juntos. Ele se levanta e eu faço o mesmo.
— Quer assistir um filme comendo esses doces? — Olho pela janela, vendo que já estava bem escuro. — E quem sabe até dormir aqui.
Fico em silêncio por alguns segundos, apenas analisando a cidade sendo iluminada pelas luzes. Escuto Finn se mover pelo quarto.
— Quando vamos assumir o nosso namoro?
Eu pergunto, me arrependendo logo em seguida. pra que ter perguntado isso logo em um momento onde nada de ruim está acontecendo.
— Já fizemos isso. — Se vira pra mim. Vejo suas sobrancelhas franzidas.
Minhas sobrancelhas se contraem e eu viro minha cabeça, igual a um cachorro confuso. NUNCA fizemos isso. O mais próximo de um relacionamento real para o público são as fanfics que alguns fãs fazem.
Eu nego com a cabeça, já soltando uma risada nasalada. Isso foi uma forma de dizer que nunca vamos assumir?
— Como não? Eu pensei que chegar aqui com um chupão marcado no meu pescoço e usando seu colar já era o suficiente pra eles entenderem.
— Finn… — Me sento na cama, começo a rir. — Eu acho que isso só vai aumentar o número de rumores e teorias. Eu tô falando de realmente assumir isso com todas as palavras.
Ele fica parado por alguns segundos. Eu já ia perguntar se tá tudo bem com ele, mas ele puxa o celular do bolso e tira uma selfie segurando o colar. Não consigo ver o que ele tá fazendo, mas aposto que é uma loucura.
— O que você tá fazendo amor?
Me levanto, mas ele estende a mão em um “pare” e continua a mexer no celular. Cruzo meus braços com um sorriso no rosto.
Escuto meu celular vibrar na mesinha. Ele sorri e aponta pro celular, me deixando bem confuso.
— Você sabe que pode falar, né? — Digo andando até o celular.
Viro a tela e desbloqueio o aparelho. Puxo as notificações e vejo um post do Finn no Instagram. Olho pra ele, que apenas sorri e joga o próprio celular sobre a cama.
Clico na notificação. Vejo a foto que ele acabou de tirar, escaneiei toda a foto, mas não há nada demais. Meus olhos se arregalaram assim que eu vejo o que estava escrito.
“olha o presente que meu namorado deixou na minha casa. @therealsn_03”
Rio desacreditado, leio de novo, quero ter certeza se isso é o que eu estou vendo.
— Mandei bem, não foi?
Ele me abraça por trás e beija minha nuca. Concordo com a cabeça, rindo bem alto. Me virei e abracei ele.
— Obrigado por fazer isso por mim. Isso é muito especial, eu te amo.
— Também te amo, bebê.
Ele me tira do chão por alguns segundos, me fazendo rir. Ele me coloca no chão e se afasta um pouco.
— Você pode escolher o filme.
Ele sai do quarto, me deixando com um sorriso bobo. Me jogo na cama, e já ligo a TV.
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l0vem00nlight · 7 months
Welcome to my blog ! I’m so happy to be here with you ! 🩵
I’ve had a few tumblr accounts myself in the passed but I lost interest in some of the things that I was posting. Hopefully that won’t happen with this blog because I looked forward to this. I’m always finding new things to explore on and it just makes me sad to just leave all my hardwork. But it’s always okay to start fresh.
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Rules are one of the most important things for my blogs. Not only do they establish boundaries, they also keep everyone calm. Rules are my number one thing that I will put out for a introduction blog on the internet because when you establish these rules on your blog people will know what to follow and what’s okay and what’s not okay.
RULE ONE - DON’T request smut. I’ll get into more of this rule for the next section of the blog. Lime is fine since it doesn’t really include sexual content just a little bit.
RULE TWO - DON’T request something that doesn’t give me enough information. Tell me what you want the plot to be, what gender you want the reader to be, what you wish to happen in the request that you sent. It’s not fun messing up someone else’s request due to the fact that I didn’t have enough information or it wasn’t explained properly. I want to make you, the person who requested happy. I want you to see that your request has been answered to its fullest extent.
RULE THREE - DON’T rush me. I have school and a life too. I won’t always be able to get your request done in a few days. The reasons being is because of school, maybe I get sick or something happened between family, or it’s simply just because there’s people in front of you awaiting requests. So just wait patiently for me and i’ll make sure that your request gets received.
RULE FOUR - DON’T steal my work. You can repost, of course. But don’t steal it or translate it. Ask for my permission first and specify what your going to do with the work. If I say that you could, go for it and make sure you say that you asked for my permission. If I say no then that’s the end of it. If you see someone who copied my work, please tell me the user.
RULE FIVE - Be nice to not just me, but to everyone else. Everyone earns respect. Be respectful to everyone here and treat people with kindness.
RULE SIX - DON’T be afraid to request. Don’t ever be afraid to request. It’s not like i’m gonna tell you no unless you just didn’t follow the rules and suggested something vulgar.
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I will be writing Finn Wolfhard’s characters. This is why I requested no smut. Some of Finn’s characters are like 15-17 if I am correct. Sorry if i’m not, I just don’t like making smut of characters that aren’t 18 or over. Sorry. I include scenarios, oneshots, prompts, drabbles. I may need to do more research on some of his characters because I only know a few. I don’t want to just list characters that I only know. I want everyone to be able to pick a character that they love ! So don’t let this stop you from requesting your favorite characters that Finn plays.
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abisbookshelf · 2 years
(imagine) byler slow dancing to ‘lover’ by taylor swift <3
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bylerclub · 2 years
What if Jonathan tells Mike everything? What if he babble out?
And then Mike becomes:
-Dude, WHAT?! WTF are you talking about??! Will… Me… WhAttttTtTt?! Are you kidding me? Oh no… Oh no, you are serious. What have I done?? How did I not realize?? I mean there were Eleven and Hopper on the other… There were so much things going on…Okay, I need to talk to Will. I have to make up for it.
And Mike talks to Will:
-Will, I heard something. You… Me… Why didn't you give me a sign?
Will at that time:
-Holy mother of… Sign? You talking about sign? Are you kidding, Mike? I mean, I AM THE SIGN. I did everything. EVERYTHING. And for what? Just for once to notice me. Now you're standing in front of me and saying why I didn’t give a sign? I was melting just looking at you Mike. Your being was enough. Just knowing you were there with me. And then a girl came along and it changed everything. You know what? I don’t blame you… I don’t blame Eleven either. I… I’m just… In love with you. And I can’t do anything with this. Sometimes I didn't even know how to live with it, without a word. But even when I was silent, I was actually screaming. My body, my body language, my eyes… Everything was pointing to you. So yes Mike Wheeler, me, William Byers loves you. Saying "yes" to you in kindergarden was the best thing I've ever done.
And they kiss. And they love. And tender emotional music plays in the background.
Byler is an endgame. End of the story.
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Gates in Byler Tumblr (these are the ones I know about, if there are any others then comment and I shall add them in)
Scriptgate (the byler script mayhem that all blew up on 10th Aug)
Mikhailgate (i love you mikhail. went crazy on 27th Aug those were good times)
Mjgate (17 September something horrifying happened and we do not speak of it)
Backgroundguygate (began on 7th September making background characters famous)
Googlemapsgate (google maps supporting byler)
Wormgate (2 September was worms on a string, what more?)
Birthdaygate (6 September Byler tumblr got pissed that everyone forgot Wills birthday)
White rabbit gate (began 3 September I’m not even sure what this one meAns but someone mentioned it)
Descendants gate (11 September was ST as descendants)
Pocketgate (around 29 Aug Mike’s pocket became the topic of analysis)
Twilightgate (UmMmm its Byler but Twilight, began 27th Aug)
Ikeagate (2nd September was something about Mike taking Will to Ikea on a date?)
Brbgate (1st September was Breaking Bad…that bald guy. It was weird)
Flickergate (I named that one!! When Byler kiss in upside down its what caused the lights to flicker in season 1, plus “it was a 7” and other theories around the light flicker. Began 12 Sep)
Piggybackgate: (the gay af piggyback theories about how Will and Mike were standing in front of Eleven’s piggyback drawing, and scenarios of what might happen in season 5.)
Breathgate: (3rd September mikes breath catches)
Gridgate (when ST writers released pixelised plot of season 5)
Memorygate (6th September, the theory/discussion that people have been losing their memories like Will’s birthday and that time has been changed)
Will loveinterest gate (27 August, when everyone was confused and so we had multiple different people who could be potential boyfriends for Will, many of them were played by Finn Wolfhard)
Mattduffersbasement gate (something to do with being locked in Matts basement, it was a very specific joke)
Spirkgate (Spirk from Star Trek became some type of meme)
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Pitch for a video game:
A loose remake of the 1996 point-and-click game, “Harvester”. The game is remade in the style of choose-your-own adventure games, namely “Detroit Become Human” and “Life is Strange”.
You play as two main characters, Steve Mason (voiced and mo-capped by Finn Wolfhard) and Stephanie Pottsdam (voiced and mo-capped by Thomasin McKenzie), who are both suffering from amnesia. All they know is that they’re residents of the town of Harvest and they’re both getting married to each other. Harvest is a 1950s-style small town which is run by the mysterious Order of the Harvest Moon, which operates out of a giant castle-like structure called the Lodge.
For the first half of the game, Steve and Stephanie investigate the town in order to figure out what is going on. None of the townspeople believe they have amnesia and are all behaving rather strangely. What’s important here is that Steve and Stephanie keep getting into scenarios that’s forcing them to think a certain way. For some reason, Steve keeps witnessing acts of violence while Stephanie keeps getting “life lessons” from her parents and strangers.
For example, Steve witnesses the town’s police brutally beat up a homeless man while Stephanie watches as a girl her age is disciplined (paddled) by her teacher for talking about things that go against the town’s conservative nature. Although they’re not sure what’s going on and can’t prove it, Steve thinks he’s being desensitized to violence while Stephanie thinks she’s being indoctrinated by the town’s fascistic/ultra-conservative values.
The second half of the game has Steve and Stephanie enter the Lodge (a change from the original here is that both men and women are allowed to become members). Their goal is to reach the end of the Lodge in order to get some answers, since everyone in Harvest says that the Lodge and the Order knows all. This is where the game takes a massive left turn into surreal nightmare territory. In order to reach the end of the Lodge, Steve and Stephanie have to pass the challenges set up by the Order of the Harvest Moon, which continues the conditioning that both these characters have been receiving.
For example, Steve is forced to execute an old couple just because they’ve gotten too old to be members while Stephanie is forced to torture a doctor who was supposedly performing abortions. If the player chooses not to commit these horrible actions, they get reprimanded and run the risk of failing the challenge.
The big twist (if the player manages to get there) is that it’s revealed Harvest is a virtual reality simulation. It turns out, this is a dystopian future where the United States has become a fascist society and is at war with some unknown nation. Harvest is a form of governmental control over the population since its purpose is to warp the minds of “troublesome” citizens.
Steve is revealed to be a conscientious objector who avoided the draft while Stephanie is a left-wing activist who heavily criticized the government. Harvest was trying to turn Steve into a ready-and-willing soldier who wasn’t afraid to commit atrocities (hence the desensitization to violence). For Stephanie, Harvest was trying to force her to reject liberal/left-wing values and become a hardcore far-right fascist (hence the indoctrination to the town’s values). The game’s ending then depends on the choices you made in the game:
1) Steve and Stephanie are publicly executed by the Order (if both Stephanie and Steve fail the Lodge’s challenges before they can reach the end)
2) Steve either dies of old age inside Harvest or exits the Harvest simulation as a loyal soldier who can’t wait to go to war (only Steve makes it to the end)
3) Stephanie either dies of old age inside Harvest or exits the Harvest simulation as a fascist propagandist who renounces her original beliefs (only Stephanie makes it to the end)
4) Steve kills Stephanie and exits the Harvest simulation as a loyal soldier who can’t wait to go to war. (Steve accepts, Stephanie rejects)
5) Stephanie kills Steve and exits the Harvest simulation as a fascist propagandist who renounced her original beliefs (Stephanie accepts, Steve rejects)
6) Stephanie and Steve reject Harvest, which results in them living a long-happy life as a married couple inside the program. They then both die of old age. This turns out to be another program set up by the U.S. government, in case the subjects aren’t successfully changed (Stephanie and Steve pass, but reject Harvest’s lessons)
7) Stephanie and Steve leave Harvest and become the “perfect” married couple. Steve goes off to war and becomes a national hero while Stephanie becomes the ultimate propagandist. (Stephanie and Steve pass and accept Harvest’s lessons)
8) Harvest crashes due to the resistance movement storming the base and freeing Steve and Stephanie (secret ending, only unlockable if the player does certain actions)
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windsofneptune1988 · 2 years
Back to the “Is it bad acting from Finn or the way it’s written” debate. If the leaks are true and the season ends in an ily from Mike to El, Wolfhard is probably just bored out of his mind. Imagine being given such drivel to work with. He’s hardly in any scenes and we literally saw this entire storyline of Mike struggling to say ily to El in S3, and it wasn’t compelling then. Finn is clearly an amazing actor as evident in scenes such as “the best thing I’ve ever done”.
So, to the Twitter Milkvans who complain that Finn seems disinterested in his scenes with El, there are two options:
1.He’s just acting the way the script tells him to (Byler scenario), or....
2.The story sucks and there’s only so much excitement he can muster up for it (Milkvan endgame scenario).
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wheelcr · 2 years
hi flora! i loveeee your new theme! it's so so pretty and u did so well on the icon ^ anyways i wanted to ask for like, more info of finn in ur actress dr?? im so smitten for finn ajsnsa and i just wanted to know more abt him
- 🏩 nonnie
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ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐃𝐑. ✧ ˚ ༘ ゛
hiii there my pretty pretty nonie! tysm i'm so so happy you like it darl <3 and ofc!! i love talking about finn obv i'm smitten for him too [ dreamy sigh ] i think i also received an ask about finn from @timotheesl0ve but accidentally deleted it and forgot about it so :/ this post might be a lil diff from my other ones ^^ includes some text msgs and scenarios from my dr
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♡. okay, jesus, where do i even begin?? finn is a tall, lanky, chaotic, super loud, force of nature
when i first met him, he was kinda awkward— like fidgeting and stuff, stuttered out a "hey, i'm finn" "oh i know" "oh.. well then" was not really how i wanted to kick off our friendship
♡. once he warms up enough, he's super goofy and playful. also really sweet!! :c he told me i looked pretty and that he was a huge fan of my show, and i never blushed as hard as i did that afternoon i swear
and the thing about him, he knows damn well what he's doing. the tiny smirk that crept up on his face when he saw my cheeks redden definitely told me so
♡. whatever confidence and charm he has in real life is totally amplified at work! i wouldn't say that finn is a perfectionist, because there are definitely a shit ton of moments where he's lazy and chill, but when he does something, he puts his whole finn - ussy into it yk what i mean?? you can tell that he really enjoys what he does and works hard for it, and it pays off bc the shit he makes turns out so so so good!!
♡. one thing i like about finn is that he's honest, makes it so much easier to communicate tbh ^^ he's straight up about everything, doesn't like to beat around the bush he's super genuine and sincere and i find it so akaioqjdjwfujd he's so perfect :ccc
♡. adding to the last one, he's also sometimes too honest.. like in a spontaneous oversharing kinda way...
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bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 25 ] — flor flora florie floorwax
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 28 ] — what do you wajt its 11pm finn
bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 29 ] — bird outside my window c:
bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 29 ] — also i really need to pee
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 32 ] — good for oyu wolfhard
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 32 ] — goodnight.
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♡. love love loves!! vintage aesthetics! when discussing movie night in our gc he has to suggest at least one old chick flick. has tons and tons of playlists just filled with 80s music. also loves taking polaroids and low quality videos with like the grain that makes it look super old
^^ which is why finn was super hyped about the take on me cover he did with calpurnia. wouldn't stop talking my ear off about it for weeks and i honestly didn't mind. the dreamy look in his doe eyes when he talks about something he's passionate about is to die for
♡. super touch starved. doesn't initiate anything super touchy - feely at first but trust me, he enjoys it very much. he loves having his hand held. says it makes him feel grounded and safe. also loves when people play with his hair!! isn't afraid to ask for affection but will bite me if i question it
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"lili can you play with my hair?" he mumbled once, face smushed into one of my velvet cushions
me being me, i just couldn't pass the opportunity for at least a little bit of teasing over my friend's little request "awww, puppy wants pets? you need me to play with your hair hmmm?"
"..." "..haha, do you still want—" "good fucking bye >:c" i almost died from laughter watching his tall figure retreating to my kitchen to eat all my banana bread as payback
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♡. moody moody boy. one moment he's bouncing off the walls and joking around and having the time of his life, then he reads one hate comment or remembers something that he didn't want to remember and his mood goes super duper sour :c
like if he's upset he won't be rude or snappy but he'll definitely be super quiet and really really dry. ( his annoyed voice is kinda h— ) if he's upset by something someone did, he's not one for confrontation at first, but he's gonna make so many jabs and sarcastic remarks
♡. super sentimental lil man. he loves to take pictures and short clips, and basically document everything going on 'just for the sake of it'. i think this mainly comes from the fact that our friend group consists of a lot of vloggers. finn likes keeping memories stored in a safe place where he can edit them and make them look all pretty just for him and his friends to look back on and laugh, and i find it so so endearing
♡. okay but like despite the whole mysterious, almost like untouchable kinda aura he emits because of his thick lashes and half - lidded eyes, he's just a boy. a boy who still makes 'your mom' jokes and finds farting funny. a boy who completely bursts my eardrums with a rickroll everytime he joins discord vc. a boy who went skating with me down the street while yelling "THEY SEE ME ROLLING—" and i love him so much. he's my best friend <3
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will80sbyers · 2 years
Very useless thoughts, but I constantly wonder what direction went behind the fact mike takes off his blue jacket to just his white T-shirt in the burying the dead body scene + later car top heart-to-heart. Because yeah, that would be a normal thing to do when you’re out in a desert and it’s hot as fuck, but we never seen him do it again, he puts it back on preferably to sit in a sweaty van! Surely argyle’s AC isn’t THAT good. All this to lead me to propose this scenario happened- filming will and mike working together in the burying of the body. Someone, maybe finn himself, points out “hey, should I take off my jacket for this scene? would make sense” and the directors agree. logically, will wearing two layers, should also remove his flannel to cool off. However, noah goes to do just that, but they IMMEDIATELY shut that shit down in reverse because now will byers is standing there on camera in a tight light grey undershirt with noah’s biceps RIPPLING through the sleeves, betraying pecs that would otherwise be GLISTENING with sweat under the midday sun. ergo, mike’s scrawny ass gets to strip down and finn wolfhard stay cool in the desert along with his product placement can of 7-Up, while will byers is stuck to suffering wearing two long sleeved shirts in the fucking desert. End of presentation.
that's the most likely scenario
but I also think that if he was wearing the blue shirt it would have been too much color for the scene so I think someone told him to just wear the white one for aesthetic...
I don't know how to explain this properly but the background plus that shirt would have been distracting for that moment that's supposed to be intimate I think 🤔
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
I read that you think Eddie will get a spin-off 👀 please elaborate 👀👀 do you have theories or headcanons on what you think it might be like? If you have posted that already please direct me to that post 👀👀��� because that guy is definitely coming back.
It started one day after Vol2 aired. I was sobbing and searching for clues that he might be back and that there was still a chance and I found an interview which had been released a few weeks before ST4 aired, about the Duffers saying that there would be a spin off series but it was top secret; the only one who knew apart from them was Finn Wolfhard who'd actually guessed what it was about. Since that was before the season had aired, I thought it would make the most sense for Finn to have guessed it if it was about a new character he shared screen-time with in ST4 (because the Duffers had already stated the spin off wouldn't feature anyone of the og cast), which left Argyle, Suzie and her family...and Eddie. Back then, it was a gut feeling/desperate hope more than anything else, but then in August I saw that now all of a sudden, they didn't talk about only one spin off anymore, but two or three, raising the chances that Netflix had recognized Eddie as the cash cow he is, planning a spin off for him as well. And then came the comic con where at the panel Joe shared with Finn and Grace, the interviewer said "I would ask you what you wish for your characters in the future but two of you are dead" to which Finn ominously replied "For now" while Joseph was looking super suspicious. Finn, who'd already guessed the spin off and knew what it would be about, giving hints that Eddie wouln't stay dead.
From then on, I was - and still am - 99% certain that we'll get an Eddie spin off (PLUS that he'll be back in ST5. Both. He'll be back in the season AND get a spin off).
As to what the spin off might be about, I could imagine two possible scenarios:
Eddie returns in ST5, flayed, gets saved by Dustin and the rest of the party, joins them for the final battle, and the spin off will be a sequel, starting where the events of ST5 will have left Eddie off. On the run, probably.
Eddie returns in ST5 because the party does some time travel magic, not unlike Avengers: Endgame, resulting in all of those who died since season 1 returning (including Eddie), and the spin off will feature Eddie in his final senior year, his path to finally graduate (since graduation and his "I'll finally graduate" even during his last breaths might have already foreshadowed something like that).
So yeah, that's the theory. There aren't many hints yet so it's more of a gut feeling than backed up by a lot of hints. The one thing I'm absolutely certain of is that Eddie will be back, though. And the spin off in addition to season 5 would make sense for a character as loved and celebrated as Eddie is 🖤
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wolfhard13 · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here! No pressure to do this though, just a fun suggestion
Sure! I would love too :)
• Books ; I like reading as it helps me escape the reality of my home and life as well as it also helps me to sleep at night because I imagine scenarios of myself as one of my favourite characters and other things.
• Going on a walk; I like doing this as I get to be by myself and just get to think and not worry about anything or anyone. It helps me calm down. :)
• Making stories; I don't do this as much as I like too but I do enjoy it as I get to make my own thing that unique and original and basically just me or smth idk ;(.
• Talking to my friends; They always make me laugh and giggle when I talk to them and I genuinely just like being around them.
• The show Stranger things, I recently watched it and I really like I'm actually inlove with Mike Wheeler and his actor too, Finn Wolfhard. <3
• Finn Wolfhard, he's makes me happy and safe he's the reason I believe in love and I'll love him till the day I die<3
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sxckasfrxck · 2 years
petition to stop putting finn wolfhard in painful unrequited gay love scenarios that take place in the 80s
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bbasmos · 2 years
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I do not give Finn Wolfhard shit for that speech.
I give shit to the Duffers. Finn didn't write that awful thing. I know he improvised some parts but he didn't directed it nor edited it.
There's a difference.
And I give shit because of the character assesination of Mike Wheeler that it represents. It put him in very shitting position as a friend and if he's lying (and he is) it makes him a sucky boyfriend.
Not me. The Duffers did that.
I give Finn fucking Wolfhard my eternal applauses for struggling through that scene and making crystal clear that Mileven is dust, because at the least Mike has codependency and low self-esteem issues, and it's not love what he feels---and at the most he's suffering internalized homophobia.
Guess what? I'll continue to give the Duffers shit cuz if in fact Mike's not in neither of the previous scenarios in S5, then the Duffer have really killed this wonderful character that is Mike Wheeler.
It has NOTHING to do with Mileven ILY confession or whatever the fuck that was.
Thank you. I'm drunk.
Have a great night.
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bobin-buckley · 2 years
To me the worst case scenario for season 5 is if it ends like supernatural.
The gay angel guy Will confesses his incondicional love for Mike (in the most subtle way, of course, so the homophobes could still claim it was completely platonic) and immediately sacrifices himself to save everyone.
Bonus points if:
- Instead of dying Will is sent to turbo hell the upside down to be stuck there for ever
- Max wakes up but dies from tetanus in the last episode
- We get a 30 year time jump to the future, showing Mike and El happily married, except it's just Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown wearing cheap wigs
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z025 · 1 year
Home TV News Stranger Things Star Is Okay With A Mike Season 5 Death Under 1 Condition Finn Wolfhard addresses whether he thinks Mike will die in Stranger Things season 5 and lays out his ...
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