#finally I can delve deep into manga spoilers now
rowenas-megacoven · 1 year
I was expecting excruciating emotional pain but Isayama actually managed something I didn’t think possible from me. I found myself smiling stupidly with big PHAT-ass tears on my cheeks at Hange’s exit. Like I was devastated but also so fucking proud! The whole hangussy went into that missile poppin and sword swinging, I was ugly crying but cheerleading. What a bizzare feeling to have when watching AOT.
And the bit at the end with Hange babbling with Erwin, Moblit and the vets? SO needed I was absolutely blubbering and I still am but I was giggling. Isayama just triggered an
emotionally dis-regulated geological event in me.
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ninapi · 11 months
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Mist Pillar ╝
Premise: Soulmates come at unexpected times and places. Muichiro goes on his final mission, one that he would get to remember to his very last breath. A short lived love blooms with the worse possible timing.
Word count: 3286
Warning: Spoilers of the original manga timeline.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Chaos was the only accurate definition for the current situation.
The pillar training sessions were about to begin, they were all very much occupied revising their own itinerary, they didn’t count with much time and needed to show results as fast as possible.
A reckoning mission came around, the demons were gone and even if Oyakata-sama was sure it was due to Nezuko, he still wanted to be absolutely sure they weren’t a threat currently before hogging all the corps in the states for training.
Muichiro, who had already been given the green light for his training schedule was selected for this quick mission.
He was to walk around the nearby villages, get information, live among the people for a few days and make sure there were no occurrences that would require further investigation.
The first few days came without incidents. The villages were quiet, no rumors going around. Everyone continued living their lives without even noticing the lack of danger in the air. It was quite refreshing for Muichiro to think of a life that continued like this. Would it be possible for them to defeat evil? Would this become everyone’s reality at some point?
It was endearing.
He never thought of getting a normal life back. He lived for Oyakata-sama and his purpose, he lived to help the world become a better place. Recently he’s been delving with his own emotions and trying to understand other’s feelings. Remembering his past had also helped him see the beauty of life, the beauty of connecting with others. It was nothing but a dream but he hoped maybe one day he would get to experience what others do, a simple normal life, enjoy the pleasures of nature and grow up to be a better man.
The last village was now in sight when he decided to take a short break while in the woods, he got some snacks on the way out of the previous village for this very same reason. His mission was coming to an end and the battle of a lifetime was approaching sooner than expected, he needed to reflect in his future actions to prevail.
Ginko, his loyal crow, as usual kept him company on her time off. He thoroughly enjoyed her company, she was his first friend, even before Tanjiro came to his life.
He loved caressing her feathers, they were so soft, it had a calming effect on him, exactly what he needed for the current task.
Even if she talks a lot, Ginko knows when her master needs silence, she enjoyed his company regardless of the lack of conversation.
Muichiro was deep in a meditative state when his senses caught something behind him in the tree line. “Reveal yourself!” his hand was hovering over the hilt of his sword, ready to attack if needed.
But the one behind the trees wasn’t a demon, nor a threat, but a girl seemingly around his age who seemed to be picking mushrooms and was startled by his hostility.
“I mean no harm, I work for the inn downtown, came looking for mushrooms for supper.” the girl came closer, showing Muichiro her basket full of mother’s nature goodness.
His hand retreated, resting over one of his legs, Ginko nuzzling his hand as a result.
Your eyes were on her the entire time fascinated by the familiarity of the bird with the boy, it was a rare sight, crows aren’t usually this friendly.
“Excuse me young master, is that your bird? I’ve never seen one getting this close to a human before.”
“She’s Ginko, you can say she’s my bird.” the normally hostile bird wasn’t reacting in a negative way, making Muichiro question her, this was more than unusual.
“She’s beautiful. May I touch her? I’ve always wanted to caress a crow. They’re wonderful creatures, sadly I’ve never been this close to one before.” he wasn’t sure why were you this excited about seeing a bird up close, but truth was, it didn’t matter to him if you did or not.
“If she lets you.”
Ginko was over the moon, people just don’t tell her often enough how beautiful she is. Seeing this human girl fuss about her was boosting her ego to the roof. She fluffed her feathers out, batting her eyelashes at you as to give you permission to proceed.
Bowing your head to her as sign of respect, you reached over to caress her feathers gently, almost adoringly.
Muichiro was entranced by the whole interaction, it was almost ethereal looking, made him wonder if you were some sort of wood sprite posing as human, he does tend to be popular among the creatures of the forest after all. Your eyes glowed with the reflection of the sun, your skin flushed with excitement, a smile so bright it could leave a man blind, breathtaking, even for someone like him.
“You have a wonderful bird, young master. Thank you for your kindness, I’ve enjoyed my afternoon thanks to you. Do come to our Inn if you need a place to stay!” and just like that, you were gone.
Ginko’s never been this quiet before, it was starting to scare him a little bit. “Muichiro, she felt like you. Isn’t that weird?”
“What do you mean she felt like me? Like the way she was playing with your feathers?” tilting his head to the side he was doing his best to comprehend his feathered friend.
“No, like the energy coming out of her. It was bright, just like yours.” he hummed in thought, rerunning the scene in his head, there was nothing particularly similar between the two of you, Ginko was probably just getting old, how long do birds even live?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The sun was about to set and finding lodging became a priority. He’s been walking around the village all the afternoon and wished nothing more than a bath and a warm meal. That’s when he remembered the girl from the mountain, he’s pretty sure she said something about an inn downtown, just what he needed.
It was fairly easy to find as it was the only lodging facility in town, it was large and full of people. This was the largest village in the list, and it had a very different ambiance than the rest he visited on previous days.
He was able to secure a room but headed straight for the dining hall, he needed to eat something first.
His eyes kept roaming around all the faces present in the hall. Majority were old men already drunk, even when the evening was just starting. The workers were all girls, and they were all wearing the same uniform as the girl he met earlier, making it even harder to recognize her in the crowd.
He didn’t even know why he was looking for you, he was able to find the inn without problems, is not like he needed your help for anything.
“Here’s the udon you ordered, sir. Please be careful, it’s very hot.” he has the hardest time remembering things, faces included, but that voice, somehow it rang a bell in his head right away.
“Mushroom girl.”
This caught your attention, looking up at the guest before you. “Oh! The friendly owner of the beautiful crow!”
Friendly? You though he was friendly? Was it because he let you touch his bird? He wasn’t sure but it felt like a compliment, and he couldn’t help but give you a little smile. It’s been happening often, and he doesn’t know how to control this new skill of his.
“My name is (Y/N), don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything, I will be around!” you returned his smile but yours was brighter, bigger, shiny even. It caught his eye once again, and he didn’t know why, kind of reminded him of Tanjiro’s, gentle, full of appreciation.
The noodles were great, he was full, and his stomach was content. But for an unknown reason he called you over when you passed by and ordered a second round.
This time you brought him some extra side dishes that he didn’t order. Leaning closer you whispered, “These are on the house, but don’t tell anybody.” you winked at him playfully before running to answer another customer’s call.
His smile remained like a stamp on his face while he ate the delicious treats. It was starting to hurt his face muscles, being stiff due to the lack of use, eating while smiling felt definitely odd.
“Can I have some more water, please?” he’s been waiting twenty minutes to ask for a refill, there were over six different girls tending the customers, yet he waited until you were in proximity to make the request.
Happily, you refilled his cup and offered him some tea, which he agreed on. It was a long night. He never expected to stay in the dinner hall for three hours, all he wanted was something quick to eat and pass out for the night.
Ginko was waiting for him on his bedroom window, stressed by how long it took for him to arrive. “I thought you were dead, Muichiro.”
“Sorry, I got distracted.” he plopped face down on his futon, contemplating life. He was acting weird, could it be the presence of a demon? Maybe he should stay for a couple more days to investigate further.
“Are you not going to take a bath?” he just grunted a reply before dozing off. It’s been a long day. Unwillingly, he kept on asking for more stuff to eat and his stomach ached with fullness, all he needed was sleep.
Funny enough, once he managed to cross the border to the dream realm, a beautiful soft smile made its way out and remained on his face for the entirety of his restful sleep.
Dreams of giant mushrooms with cute faces and quiet lovely cottages in the forest invading his dreams.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After interrogating villagers all morning, Muichiro ended up in the same mountain he was at the day before, annoying Ginko to her limits. “Why are we here again? We checked this area yesterday.”
“I just wanted to take a break. I like it here, it's quiet.” The village was indeed loud, she couldn’t throw a snarky comment back, it was true, it was a lovely place.
It reminded him of his home, the mountain was similar to this, the same wildflowers grew among the grass. It brought memories of a better time, a time his mother, father and brother were still with him.
His mother used to show him how to thread flowers together and he would make beautiful crowns for her all the time as gifts when he was a little boy, it was a treasured memory for Muichiro.
Without noticing, his hands started making a crown on their own while he was swimming in his own memories not minding the real world.
You were on mushroom duty once more, so you quickly noticed the boy sitting in the middle of the flower field. It was a beautiful sight, he looked almost like a doll, effortlessly pretty. Then you heard wings flapping around, your happiness couldn’t be contained. “GINKO!” running towards the middle of the field, you were now facing Muichiro and his feathered friend.
He didn’t think he’d get to see you there, or so he tells himself, but he secretly knows he did it on purpose. The reason was still unknown to him though, it gave him the need to look for an excuse for his peace of mind.
“You come here every day?”
“Well not really, we take turns but the girl in charge of Thursday is sick.” you were trying to bring Ginko over to your lap instead, the bird complying with joy.
“Ginko really likes you, that’s odd. She usually just likes me.” this made you smile fondly at the bird; she was really sweet you wished they would stay in the village for a long time.
“Maybe we have something in common that makes her comfortable with me. Maybe is the hair? Or hmmm…not sure, maybe we went through something similar and give out the same type of vibe?” Ginko did say you felt like him, it intrigued him.
“Did you have a twin brother that was murdered by a beast?” he said this with a straight face, as fresh as a lettuce, causing you to bulge your eyes out in distress.
“What? No. Please tell me that didn’t happen to you-“ the bird nestled herself against your stomach, seeking comfort.
“It did, I thought that might be it. What about your parents? Did they die tragically?” the situation was escalating fast, sadness was creeping its way to your chest faster than a wildfire.
“I don’t know much about my parents. I was told they sold me off to the inn keeper, but I don’t remember much of my past, don’t really know why either.” this made Muichiro’s eyes bulge in turn, that was it, that’s why you felt like him.
“I had amnesia before too, it got better now though. If it helps, mine got cured after being trapped in a water prison to the brink of death, maybe you should try that.” your eyes watered at his words, he’s been through so much, this poor guy.
“Thanks, though I don’t think I want to remember the people that chose money over their own daughter.” you smiled at him, but this time your smile was different, it didn’t feel warm, it didn’t feel welcoming, it made an upset feeling bubble in his chest.
“Here, this is for you.” he handed you the flower crown he was mindlessly building. True, he wasn’t even aware of the fact that he was making one, but he was in a way thinking of you while making it. It was yours without a doubt.
“For me? Really?” the sad smile morphed into a magnificent bright happy one as you set it over your head. “How does it look? Does it suit me?” Muichiro just nodded, returning the smile. Much better, that was smile the he remembers.
“Can I have your name? I would like to remember it...” your cheeks were changing colors like a rainbow after a rain shower, your lashes seemingly growing longer as shyness overtakes you.
“Tokito Muichiro.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Muichiro has been staying in the same village for a week now, Ginko couldn’t be seen anywhere, and he knew what that meant. He was probably going to have to go back this very same day.
It’s not like he has anything to do there, there were clearly no demons around, it was a peaceful village, everyone knew each other, like a big family. Nothing like the place he was born in.
But there was something inside of him that tied him to the place, like if he really didn’t want to leave, it was inexplicable to him. He didn’t want to leave the inn, he was starting to blend in and the life of others became his every day. Meeting each other as many times as posible throughout the day became a priority for the both of you, even if it was unspoken it felt almost like a promise.
A promise he didn’t want to break, but he knew he couldn’t keep.
When Ginko arrived with Oyakata-sama’s orders to go back for pillar training, his chest felt heavy. He knew this was coming, is not like he could just move into a random village and get a life there, at least not yet. He had a purpose, responsibilities, people counted on him. He had to go back.
Making his way out of the village he heard something far away from him, he couldn’t hear it clearly, but it sounded like his name.
Looking up, he saw you running down the mountain as fast as you could, not stopping until you crashed against his chest. Panting heavily, your face was stained with tears, the heaviness in Muichiro’s chest grew ten times deeper in just a second.
“You’re leaving, aren’t you?” you looked sad, broken even.
“I have to go back to work. I overstayed.”
Fresh tears were adorning your face now, both of your hands bawling on his chest.
“You aren’t wearing the crown anymore.” you’ve been wearing it nonstop since he gave it to you, his attention span was short, the lack of flowers distracted him.
“I don’t want it to get ruined, I intend to keep it forever, so I am drying the flowers in my room.”
The heaviness in his chest turned to warmth, your words made him smile, he never thought someone would take such care of something made by him, it felt nice.
“Will I…ever…see you again?“ you were mumbling in between hiccups, trying your best to stop your tears.
“Can’t say for sure.” it wasn’t like he didn’t want to see you again, he just knew what was coming, it was unlikely at least for a long time.
You nodded in understanding, letting go of his uniform. “If you ever come back here, please stop by the inn. I would like to make a crown for you one day.” one of your hands reached over to his face, gently running your thumb along his cheek as if trying to memorize every single detail of him to perfection, a soft smile gracing your lips.
A crazy idea popped up in his head, “Do you want to come with me? I’m sure there’s something you could do where I live, maybe in the butterfly state, they’re all girls there. We could maybe do some crowns there and have some tea from time to time, I can even introduce you to my best friend, Tanjiro, I’m sure you two would get along. And you could help me take care of Ginko.”
For some reason he couldn’t stop talking, Ginko was definitely a bad influence, how do you even stop talking once you start?
But the look on your face was not what he was expecting, he was sure you would say yes, who would say no to meeting Tanjiro.
“Nothing would make me happier…but I can’t. I was sold to the inn keeper, remember? I can’t leave this place until I finish paying my worth.”
This was unexpected, he didn’t have any money, he wonders if maybe Oyakata-sama could buy your freedom. He’s the most respectable man he knows, he’s rich too, totally possible.
“I will get back for you, I promise.”
Your hand fell from his face, nodding weakly at his words. Somehow deep down in your heart you knew that wouldn’t happen.
“I will wait for you here then, for as long as it takes.”
Muichiro nodded in your direction before heading back home. He had a plan; he would talk with Oyakata-sama as soon as he arrives back at the state and everything would be fixed in no time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
But things didn’t go according to plan. Oyakata-sama wasn’t feeling good, he couldn’t even grant audiences with his pillars any longer, his life span was coming to an end and couldn’t be bothered by others, he was told to wait and no longer after the battle that brought an end to his life came.
With his last breath he thinks of your smile when he gave you the flower crown, he thinks of the warmth of your hand against his face, thinks about how he was not able to keep his promise.
“I hope we meet again in another life….maybe then we can make flower crowns together.”
His last thoughts were plagued of you just before being received by his family in the afterlife. He did a good job, he helped defeating the strongest moon. This would help the others defeat Muzan, protect humanity.
This would keep you safe.
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warabidakihime · 2 years
Invisible Strings Chapter 9
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Characters: Uzui Tengen x Reader | Modern AU Synopsis: Sequel of Parallel Lines Content Warnings: profanity, smut, sleep paralysis, eventual violence, blo0d, slight manga spoilers (tho i strayed away from the original plot but yeh), can be a bit psychologically triggering for some so proceed cautiously.
Previous Chapter: Prologue Next Chapter: Chapter 2
author’s note; And now for Chapter 9! This is more of a filler update, but things will finally pick up after this. I'd also want to thank everyone who has shown appreciation for Invisible Strings and Parallel Lines.
To be honest, I came up with PL while working on layouts at work. My mind does that occasionally, where I'm doing something entirely different yet my head is thinking somewhere else.
I'm also not lying when I say that I haven't been this inspired and driven to write in a long time. I started writing on wattpad in 2011 lol, then I sorta stopped because life became really hectic and toxic, and now we're here.
And believe it or not, I've only written smut once or twice. Despite having read so much of it, I'm not particularly good at it.
Anyway! Thank you so much for giving me something to look forward to!
I owe it all to you.
Enjoy the update!
Also, you nasties, you're welcome. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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"Shit, fuck!"
You exclaimed, your voice filled with a potent mix of pleasure and exasperation.
For the third time that night, your toes curled, your mouth agape, but no sound emerged as you surrendered to the waves of your climax. Unyielding, Tengen persisted in thrusting against you on the pristine kitchen countertop, the force of his movements causing your fluids to cascade across the surface. He showed no signs of relenting, his grip unyielding as he savored the depths of his desire for you.
"That's a good girl, taking my cock so well. Do you want more, huh? We have all night, my darling." Tengen's voice dripped with seduction, each word sending delicious shivers coursing through your body. Your inner walls involuntarily contracted around his length at the sound, drawing him deeper and evoking a guttural groan from your boyfriend.
To be honest, his words merely floated above your head, your singular focus consumed by the insatiable hunger for more. The magic word 'more' reverberated within you, and with an eager nod, you babbled like a doll, driving Tengen to the edge of his own climax.
Every time he reduced you to this state, it remained a delightful surprise for him. Your blissed-out countenance, a testament to the pleasure he bestowed on you, filled him with sheer contentment. In that moment, he felt a sense of possession and elation, knowing that he had you all to himself.
Tengen's lips claimed yours once more in a scorching kiss—an inferno of passion and desire. His fervor left your tongue drained and your lips tingling, all while he expertly positioned himself at your entrance. As the tip of his cock probed your sensitive core, your hips eagerly surged forward, seeking the divine connection.
You were an absolute mess as your beast of a boyfriend resumed pounding into you, his thick member delving deep and striking against your cervix with each powerful thrust. Chanting his name like a sacred mantra, your hands grew frenzied, desperately searching for something, anything, to hold onto as Tengen ravished you without mercy. Raking your nails across his back, you elicited pleasurable groans from him, completely lost in the rapture of the moment.
The aftermath of your intense passion would undoubtedly make taking a shower a challenge, as you had likely left marks on Tengen's back. The thought alone made him chuckle to himself.
Drawing away from the kiss, Tengen's eyes were fixed on your visage, his cock twitching with anticipation at the sight before him.
"I've always known you were a keeper, but damn, y/n, you're fucking enchanting," he breathed, his words lost on you as your capacity to comprehend anything beyond the sensation of his cock deep inside you had waned.
Yet, even in your dazed state, you responded to him with moans and the repeated chanting of his name.
You had reached subspace.
Tengen had successfully rendered you senseless.
Who could have predicted that a simple act of reeling him in by his belt loops for a kiss would lead to this?
But were you complaining?
Absolutely not.
"You're going to come for me again, right? Can you do that for me, my love?" Tengen's words barely registered as he quickened his pace, the lewd sounds of flesh slapping and the sloshing of arousal filling the expansive penthouse. He skillfully stimulated your sensitive nub, intensifying your pleasure.
"Ahh—! I can't—"
"Yes, you can," Tengen hissed in your ear, propelling you into overdrive.
Everything became too much.
His voice, his scent, and the bewitching rhythm of his cock within your needy core
The culmination of sensations catapulted you into yet another climax, and this time, a soundless cry escaped your lips. The electrical surge coursed through your body with an intensity surpassing all previous orgasms combined, leaving you trembling uncontrollably in Tengen's arms.
"Fuck—you're squeezing me so tight—" Tengen's hips stuttered as you clenched around him once again, and with a final series of powerful thrusts, his hot seed surged forth, coating your walls and leaving them glistening in its wake.
Both of you remained silent as you caught your breath, your juices continuing to trickle from your quivering core. Tengen leaned against you for support, his legs weakened by the sheer intensity of your shared passion.
A chuckle escaped him as he opened his eyes to gaze at you, an expression of pure adoration gracing his face.
In stark contrast to the raw intensity that had unfolded in your kitchen, he pressed a tender kiss on your lips.
"My baby girl, you're so adorable," he murmured, his words a gentle reminder of the profound connection you shared.
Tengen didn't receive a response, as you remained lost in your own little universe, consumed by the desperate longing to return to Earth. Oblivious to his presence, your boyfriend patiently awaited your return, showering you with affection.
He traced delicate kisses across your face, leaving a trail of affection in his wake. Gradually, his lips descended to your neck, savoring the remnants of his earlier passion. From there, he ventured to your shoulder blades, nibbling gently while his hands caressed your sides, their touch both soothing and electrifying.
A timid whimper escaped your lips, capturing Tengen's attention instantly.
"Are you alright?" he asked, his trademark smile illuminating his face.
You nodded, your hazy smile conveying your contentment. "So good," you affirmed, your voice laced with desire.
"Was I too rough?" Tengen inquired, his tone filled with concern.
"Do it again next time," you replied, your words laced with anticipation.
Tengen chuckled, the sound resonating with warmth. As his hands continued to glide over your body, eliciting delightful shivers, he hummed in response to your request.
Though his actions were seemingly ordinary, the touch of his calloused hands against your skin felt utterly extraordinary. Unintentionally, you tightened around him, causing a soft moan to escape his lips.
"Sorry," you chuckled sheepishly, your cheeks tinted with a rosy blush.
Tengen withdrew, leaving you yearning for the intoxicating fullness he provided. Scooping as much of your mixed fluids as he could with his fingers, he brought them to his mouth, savoring the taste of you. Your eyes widened, a moan escaping your lips at the sight, which only elicited warm laughter from him.
Just as he was about to speak, you surprised him by mimicking his actions. With wide eyes, he observed as you sensually sucked your own finger, savoring the essence of your arousal.
"Fuck my face next time?" you boldly suggested, your voice laced with desire, releasing your finger with a satisfying pop.
Tengen's laughter reverberated throughout the vast penthouse, his mind still processing your audacious act while you casually dropped another bombshell.
To be honest, your proposition reignited a stirring in his loins, however slight.
Your audacity earned you a breathtaking kiss on the lips, a tender exchange that followed Tengen wiping away tears of laughter from his eyes.
"Oh, Y/N. You're truly something else," Tengen remarked, his chuckles punctuating his words.
A yelp escaped your lips as Tengen playfully slapped your ass, assisting you in stepping off the counter since you were unable to stand on your own.
"You naughty brat, let's go wash up before my dick springs back to life again," he teased, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.
Tengen carried you like a princess, his strong arms supporting you as he guided you back to your shared bedroom. He deftly wiped away the remnants of your passion from your thighs and belly before escorting you to the bathroom.
It would be an understatement to say that you were adjusting well to living with your boyfriend. Each day brought new discoveries and delights as you navigated the intricacies of your intertwined lives.
"Stop that."
"Stop what?"
Zenitsu cast a sidelong glance at his boss, who wore a stupid grin on his face as they sat in the office library, immersed in their work.
"I'm sorry, but you're giving me the creeps," Zenitsu remarked, his discomfort evident in his tone.
"Then leave." Tengen shrugged nonchalantly, his attention fixated on the screen of his laptop.
The new week at Hashira Corp. had commenced, with everyone back to work as another significant event loomed on the horizon.
The annual Hashira Gala
It was the day the company had been established, and the event held immense significance. Despite having several months to prepare, the team knew that meticulous planning and flawless execution were essential for this grand affair.
Tengen, true to his title as the God of Festival, was in charge of the gala's theme, a responsibility befitting his expertise. Zenitsu, with his surprisingly refined taste, had taken charge of the venue's interior design. His eye for aesthetics had been evident even in the design of Tengen's opulent penthouse.
You, along with Nezuko and Yushiro, were entrusted with finding the ideal venue, as last year's location had already been reserved by another organization. Meanwhile, Mitsuri and Senjuro embarked on a journey across various countries in Asia, extending the company's invitations personally.
Despite the advancements in technology, Kagaya preferred the personal touch of hand-delivered invitations.
"You see Y/N every day at work, and you're even living with her. Stop acting like a love-sick puppy when we're working!" Zenitsu grumbled, casting an annoyed glance at Tengen.
"As I said before, you are free to leave. I can handle this on my own. I'll call on you when I need something," Tengen replied, his focus remaining unwavering on his work.
"I don't want to," Zenitsu retorted, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and longing.
"Why?" Tengen inquired, finally diverting his attention to his secretary.
"There's no one on our floor right now. Y/N and the others are out with Giyuu-senpai. It's very lonely," Zenitsu admitted, his loneliness seeping through his words.
"Then shut your mouth and focus on your job," Tengen responded dismissively.
"Rude! I'm telling Y/N!" Zenitsu exclaimed, playfully smacking Tengen's shoulder in retaliation.
In response to the blonde's threat, Tengen rolled his eyes, a fond exasperation evident on his face.
"How's living with her?" Zenitsu inquired after a brief pause, curiosity lacing his voice.
"It's fine," Tengen replied nonchalantly.
"Fine? Even though you were smiling like a lunatic earlier?" Zenitsu pressed, his tone filled with skepticism.
Tengen deadpanned, finding himself caught off guard by his secretary's ever-changing moods. "Why are you suddenly interested in my love life when you were horrified by my smile just five minutes ago?"
"I guess I want to strengthen our rapport," Zenitsu shrugged, offering a half-hearted explanation.
Hashira sniggered, finding amusement in Zenitsu's attempt to bridge the gap. "Well, it's fantastic, living with Y/N."
"Yeah?" Zenitsu's curiosity grew, his tone eager for more details.
"Yeah," Tengen affirmed with a contented smile.
"And how about you?" Tengen redirected the conversation, his voice tinged with curiosity.
"What about me?" Zenitsu replied, slightly puzzled by the question.
The Sound Hashira furrowed his brow, searching for the right words. "When are you going to present that ring to Nezuko? It's been sitting in your locker for an entire year."
Ah, well," Zenitsu chuckled shyly, "I still haven't found the perfect moment."
"And that is..." Tengen prodded, genuinely curious about his friend's plans.
"Perhaps after the Gala," Zenitsu revealed, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and nerves.
"I forgot; our anniversary falls on the day of the event, right?"
Zenitsu's expression shifted to a slight frown as he remembered the significance of that date. "Yeah, I don't want to overwhelm her, so I'll wait until the gala is done before proposing. It'll be a few days before her birthday anyway."
"Have you asked Kamado for his blessing yet?" Tengen inquired, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Zenitsu winced as he realized he had neglected this crucial step. "No, not yet."
Tengen shook his head in mock disappointment. "Hey now..."
"I just don't know how to do it, okay? Tanjiro and I are best friends, but I want to properly ask for his blessing, especially after letting him down before," Zenitsu admitted, sinking further into his seat.
"Is he still upset about it?" Tengen asked, his concern evident in his voice.
"No, not anymore," Zenitsu replied, shaking his head. "He's already forgiven me."
"Why would you break his one and only request anyway? You're such a nitwit sometimes," Tengen muttered, recalling Tanjiro's anger when Zenitsu failed to bring Nezuko home on time.
The situation had been even worse since Nezuko had been intoxicated when Zenitsu finally brought her back. They had attended a friend's birthday party, but Nezuko had a commitment the next day, visiting their relatives in the countryside. She wasn't even supposed to join Zenitsu, but he had promised Tanjiro that he would bring his sister back as soon as he could, so she could get enough sleep.
However, the blonde had lost track of time and escorted Nezuko home well after midnight.
It wasn't just a matter of breaking a promise; it was endangering his beloved sister's well-being, and Zenitsu felt the weight of his irresponsibility.
"Yeah, I know. Tanjiro has called me that a hundred times," Zenitsu admitted with a sheepish grin.
Tengen chuckled. "Serves you right."
"You're terrible at comforting people," Zenitsu remarked, rolling his eyes playfully.
"Just concentrate on your work so that we can meet the others for lunch," Tengen urged, redirecting the conversation.
The group had decided to dine out for lunch once again, as the cafeteria food had become monotonous. Tengen had read in your messages that you were almost finished with your field work and would be returning soon.
"What are we eating for lunch?" Zenitsu asked, his stomach growling in anticipation.
"Yushiro mentioned that they discovered a really good buffet restaurant a few streets away," Tengen replied.
"He's really amazing at discovering new hotspots," Zenitsu murmured, impressed.
"It saves us the trouble of finding a place ourselves," Tengen agreed.
The remainder of the morning passed quickly, with Tengen and Zenitsu diligently working in the library while you were out in the field with the rest of the team. By 1:00 p.m., you had successfully returned to the office, and everyone agreed to take a short break before heading out for lunch.
In the pantry, you and Tengen were preparing a cup of coffee and grabbing a snack. Tengen opted for a granola snack and a yogurt drink while you poured your coffee.
"Were you able to find a good place?" Tengen asked, curious about your search for a lunch venue.
"Nope, not yet," you replied, pouting slightly. "Every location we went to is completely booked, and the ones we liked are too expensive."
"I see. Well, we don't have to rush since we still have time," Tengen reassured you.
"How about you? Do you have any updates on the theme?" you inquired, wanting to know if Tengen had made any progress.
"Not yet," Tengen admitted, shaking his head. "I have a few prospective candidates, but I need to ask Gyoumei for his opinion. At least there's still progress."
As the two of you stood together, Tengen slipped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He leaned down and gently kissed the top of your head.
"I missed you," he whispered.
"Someone's clingy?" you teased, looking up at him with a playful smile.
Tengen laughed as the two of you walked back to your floor. "I was getting weary of Zenitsu's loud nagging earlier, and I missed your soothing voice."
"Are you bullying him again?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No?! He's the one who bullied me today," Tengen protested, feigning innocence.
"Serves you right," you teased, knowing their banter well.
Tengen couldn't resist the opportunity and playfully smacked your ass, causing you to yelp in surprise and almost spill your coffee.
"Tengen! I almost spilled my coffee, you know?" you exclaimed, giving him a mock glare.
Immediately realizing his mistake, Tengen felt remorseful. He took a step forward, leaning down to kiss the tip of your nose.
"I'm sorry," he apologized sincerely, his eyes filled with regret.
"Sometimes I hate how handsome you are," you playfully remarked as you continued walking together.
"Why?" Tengen asked, a mischievous grin on his face, anticipating your response.
"How am I supposed to stay annoyed with you when you look at me like that? Damn you and your beautiful face," you complained, pretending to be exasperated.
"What can I say? I'm a hu—" Tengen began to reply, but before he could finish his sentence, you quickly left him alone in the corridor, feigning annoyance.
The rest of the lunch break passed quickly as everyone devoured their food, their hunger fueled by the morning's hard work. However, a momentary interruption occurred when Zenitsu, in his usual candid manner, asked about the legendary prowess of Tengen's manhood. Without missing a beat, your boyfriend came to your defense and playfully smacked the blonde on the head. Although you typically side with Zenitsu, you couldn't help but agree that he deserved the reprimand this time.
Even though you didn't voice your response, you couldn't help but ponder Zenitsu's question in your mind.
As the afternoon wore on, Zenitsu and Nezuko excused themselves from the office, having something important to attend to. Yushiro, on the other hand, was engaged in a meeting with Sanemi and Gyoumei to discuss the inspection of existing technologies and the replacement of any defective units. It was just you and Tengen left in the office.
At your desk, you busied yourself with last-minute arrangements, scheduling visits to potential venues for Wednesday.
"Y/N," Tengen called out, his voice grabbing your attention.
"What?" you replied, keeping your focus on your work.
"C'mere!" Tengen beckoned, his tone filled with a hint of longing. "I'm starting to feel lonely here."
"I'm working," you stated matter-of-factly.
"That can wait," Tengen insisted. "Come on, I miss having you near me."
"You miss Zenitsu already, my love?" you teased, enjoying the opportunity to playfully taunt your boyfriend.
You could hear Tengen whining like a child from his desk.
"Y/N, hurry up and come here," he pleaded.
Unable to resist his pouting any longer, you decided to give in and march over to his desk. "What?"
"Sit here," Tengen said, patting his lap.
"We're at work," you objected, glancing towards the door of your floor to ensure no one was watching.
Tengen shook his head, a harmless smile playing on his lips. "We're not going to do anything," he reassured you. "I just want you close to me."
You hesitated at first, feeling a twinge of apprehension, but the longing to be close to Tengen overpowered your reservations.
Like him, you had missed the warmth and comfort of his presence.
You had never considered yourself particularly clingy, or at least you thought so, but ever since you met Tengen, you found yourself yearning to be by his side, no matter the time or place.
It might not be the healthiest attachment, but nobody's perfect, right?
Without hesitation, Tengen pulled you onto his lap, his arm securely around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
"What are you doing?" you asked, your eyes drifting to his computer screen.
"I'm just finalizing my proposal to Gyoumei," he murmured, leaning in to kiss the junction of your neck before returning his attention to his work.
"Hey, there's a typo in your email," you pointed out, noticing a few misspelled words and punctuation errors.
Tengen rewarded you with another kiss, this time on your jaw, the extent of his reach from your current position. "Thank you~"
Gradually, you settled into the cozy seat, leaning back against Tengen's chest, and watched him diligently work on his presentation. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat provided a soothing background, lulling you into a state of drowsiness.
As the room fell into complete silence, the battle to stay awake became more arduous. Despite your efforts, sleep eventually won, and within a few minutes, you succumbed to its embrace.
Who is she?
As you stared at the mysterious woman standing before you, your mind raced with questions.
She looks oddly familiar.
There's something strikingly similar about her appearance and mine.
However, her porcelain-white skin was starkly different, adorned with peculiar floral tattoos that sprawled across her face. Her eyes held an otherworldly quality, swirling with spirals and displaying an unfamiliar hue. When your gaze fell upon her body, you noticed subtle scale-like markings and dangerously sharp fingernails.
"Hey!" she began, and an indescribable terror gripped your heart.
"Who are you?" you managed to ask, your voice trembling.
"I am you."
The words hung in the air, thick with anticipation and tension, leaving you paralyzed with fear.
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TAGLIST: @babygirl-panda19 @hypnocountrymusicfunnyfan @exodarkwolf16 @qdreamueen @vesta-ro
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dokojuice · 2 years
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ok so we're all aware of King being confirmed a Lunarian, right? a being who can ignite and control fire, without the use of a devil fruit.
According to Queen, King is the only surviving Lunarian, right?
because who else in One Piece have we seen can create-fire based attacks directly from their body without the use of a devil-fruit ability? (other than Sanji, obvi)
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Heat from the Kidd Pirates
we're first introduced to him in Sabaody, where he uses a fire attack on a Pacifista
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but wait, Ace and Charlotte Oven were both alive at this point in time, so it couldn't have been any fire/based devil fruit at work, right?
plus considering how Oda likes to wave shit in our faces as foreshadowing, I think Heat is a Lunarian
how is this relevant to the plot in any way, shape or form?
well, lemme explain and go into detail over this lil hc of mine instead of studying for my psychology final I have in six days
we are all aware of the parallels between the Strawhat Pirates and the Kidd Pirates. it's not crazy to say that the Strawhats and Kidd Pirates are direct mirrors of each other.
Luffy and Kidd both aim to be Pirate King and find the One Piece, but differ in terms of personal philosophies and ideologies (i will definitely go into deep detail about this one day but today is not that day, my friends)
but placing them side by side, you could see how they are two sides of the same coin.
The same analyses could be made for Zoro and Killer but I'm not gonna get into the first mates at this point in time, either. right now, I wanna talk about the left wings.
Sanji and Heat. both left wings of their respective captains. both having fire-centered attacks.
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it's a very strong suggestion that Judge used Lunarian DNA for Sanji's intended abilities, we can see that in his fire-based attacks
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and I already talked about Heat having fire-based attacks and being able to control fire (i'd usually love to put more pictures of Heat using his powers but there's fucking none)
so now it's established that it is possible for certain people to have fire-centered abilities, what does that mean for Sanji and Heat specifically?
absolutely no clue. I just thought that it was a cool thing to point out, especially with how I'm lowkey obsessed with the concept of the Strawhats and Kidd Pirates being mirrors to each other.
I do hope however, (especially because Kidd is getting a lot of screen-time in Wano) that there is some point where Heat as a character is delved into more. Killer had his moment with the SMILE devil fruit, and being a key part of the run-in with Gyukimaru, which lead to the history behind Shusui and a lot of Wano as a whole. I just hope that Heat is given that same treatment of being introduced formally and being used as a bridge to info about the Lunarian race (I mean, if he is a Lunarian but we all already know he lowkey is one but you know it's like he is one but he ISN'T one, yk)
((it's like Dabi being a Todoroki even before he was confirmed to be a Todoroki, yk???))
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mysticjupi · 3 years
Umineko: When They Cry Review - Episode 0
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Part 0: Notes
This post can't be as aesthetic as I would like due to only having a phone; however I'll make do with what I have. Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read this; assuming you read my info on the header of my blog page, you should also know my dream is to be an author...and that takes me here, to Umineko and the WTC series in general. I finished reading the Umineko Visual Novel, and have watched the Higurashi Anime, and I plan to read the Manga for Higurashi soon.
The following posts will be about my thoughts, experience, and love for WTC, however this post 0 will be about WTC in general, along with miscallenous things.
Needless to say, SPOILERS!!!
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Part 1: When They Cry
My first experience with the series was years ago, when I was a child; and coming across some of the more gorey scenes from Higurashi on youtube, I was curious yet I never persued more of this media. Years went by and it remained nothing more than a afterthought in the back of my head, however, a friendgroup who was big into Higurashi made me watch the anime, and I decided on my own to read the Umineko novel, and since then...I've been very into the fandom for a few months.
I took two months to finish the Umineko VN...
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And as you can tell, some days I read very generously. That being said however, it was all time well spent.
Ryukishi's writing has become an inspiration and something I think about greatly, his ability for creating and characterizing his characters in both dynamic and subtle ways has stuck out to me, as well as how he handles abuse and sensitive topics authors usually avoid delving into. This aspect will be discussed more when I get around to talking about characters.
However, the thing that sticks out the most to me is his...lessons. How he makes you think about mortality and the negative and positive aspects of people and their situations. Higurashi and Umineko identify and share their themes strongly, while leaving some leeway for the reader to think about it themselves. God knows I've been rethinking and pondering a lot of Umineko's plot.
Without Love, it cannot be seen. Is a new philosophy I have started to use, for example.
That's where much of my love for WTC comes from, and before you ask, I know nothing about Ciconia but I plan to read it once my technology situation is sorted.
I think that's enough for my introduction, and now you know where I stand on this series that's wiggled it's way into my heart.
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Part 2: Music
Before I discuss the Episodes of Umineko, I'd like to dedicate some to discuss one of my other favorite aspects of the Visual Novel, which is of course the amazing soundtrack that I cannot get enough of.
I never knew a Visual Novel about victorian ladies fucking with people would carry such a banger OST. I'll link some of my favorites:
Patchwork Chimera
Death From Stupefaction
Golden Sneer
Dream End Discharger
Deep Blue Jeer
The Girls Witch Hunt
Kina no Kaori
Reflection Call
Last End Conducter
I never realized how big of an impact music had on your enjoyment of a story, but Umi's soundtrack compliments scenes extremely well. There isn't much to say here but it's an extremely good listen and one of the major perks of the visual novel. Kudos to the various composers who worked on the soundtrack.
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Part 3: Artstyle and Design
The last thing I should have to say for this post, and of course this section will be talking about the original novel Artstyle, however the others will be mentioned.
Umineko's designs are stand-out and very unique yet remain alluring. This goes both for the hair and face of the characters and their outfits...
And of course, the fact many of the outfits are taken from actual goth fashion being displayed at around the time or Umineko's original releases. Some of my favorite examples:
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Wonderful, I think. I can easily tell these characters from their silhouettes which always means good design. Somewhat unrelated but Ryukishi seemed to really enjoy thigh gaps when designing, (Chiester Sisters, Dlanor's Group, Seven Stakes...) and whatever you would consider Gaap's Gap. However this isn't a negative by any means. Most of the men's outfits are suits, however I can appreciate a formal and crisp style and at least everyone has their own suit aesthetic. Original Battler is the best style btw.
To make mention of the other Artstyles Umineko has...
Pachinko: It's...good? Some characters look better like Lambadelta or George but some were...proportioned oddly? Kyrie and her immensely inflated chest definitely put me off. I had the Pachinko sprites option during my read so I swapped between this and original depending on who was onscreen.
PS3 Remake: Very good and faithful rendition while also modernizing and streamlining designs, though it didn't quite capture the rawness of Ryukishi's expressions in the original Artstyle at times.
Manga: Amazing. The Umineko manga expressions are absolutely amazing. Raw, detailed, the anount of time spent on those illustrations is obvious, up there with the original style.
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Anime: It's alright.
That said, the expressions of Umi are stunning, which makes sense considering how gritty and fucked up the story can be at times, nothing beats the little laugh that accompanies these expressions in the visual novel.
(Original Novel) Finally, while the backgrounds in the novel can be pretty simple, Ryukishi truly does his best with what he has and works with, and I think the simple backgrounds work well to not detract focus from the characters and text, however I wish he made the glass shatter screen transition a bit less abrupt?
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That covers everything I feel like I should discuss, next I'll be taking a retrospective look at Episode 1 of Umineko...Legend of the Golden Witch.
I think one or two posts a day covering a episode will be how I'll write the rest of this review, I hope you enjoy!
- Jupiter.
As some last notes, feel free to interact with me in dms or asks or anything! I'd love to discuss this story with anyone because hearing differing opinions or just bonding over media is one of my favorite things! I'd love to make friends
This of course is all opinion and not objective! I love seeing different views and all opinions are valid to me!
Have a nice day!
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
The Simp, The Himbo, and The Bone Man (Chapter 65)
Let’s Talk About JSHK Manga #1
Warning: !!!Manga spoilers up to chapter 65!!! Duh.
Note: I don’t speak Japanese, and I’m using Nikko Scanlations’ translation of chapter 65. Props to them for translating so fast! There’s one mangacap from chapter 60 by Caim, and one from chapter 64 by Ropes of Fate. Ya know what, props to all JSHK fantranslators. Love y’all!
I’m proud of the title. Heheh.
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Ok so I read chapter 65 and then proceeded to get thrown on board SS Confusion.
Before we begin I gotta say I’m loving the faces we got in chapter 65. Thanks, sensei.
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I wasn’t really surprised that we didn’t get to see hananene or akaoi this chapter. I mean, sensei just impaled my boy and last chapter was angst fest all around so naturally they’re gonna jump to comedy/something lighter in this one because … well, it’s JSHK.
Let’s get chronological.
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The. Colored. Art. Is. So. Fricking. Gorgeous.
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I love the whole thing with Kou worrying about his friends. Baby boy why you so wholesome can I hug him pLeAsE!
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Yokoo and Satou are super cool as well! My baby Yokoo you outshine the morning sun, my son. It’s nice seeing more of them, caring about Kou no less. Gaaahhh the friendship fluff
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Apparently this arc is going to delve into the whole ‘friends not telling each other things’. Exhibit A: Akane, Nene, and Aoi. Exhibit B: Satou and Yokoo and Kou.
Heck the tagline of this month’s colored art is ‘no one knows the real me’. Interesting development. I love me some friendship drama.
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Yep. I’m loving where this chapter is going. Kou is feeling useless yet again. His brother is away who knows where, Akane is still lovesick insane, and Tsuchigomori won’t tell him the future. Not to mention that Hanako and Nene are missing. Kid’s literally on his own.
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Ey yo Mitsuba how’re ya doin’? It’s very nice to see him caring about Kou, especially after what happened last arc.
And then the simp showed up. I love him.
(By the way isn’t his Raitejou still sealed? How is he conjuring those lightnings? Maybe he was just hitting that apparition with it?)
Finally! Kou meets his broadcasting club trio equivalent, and Natsuhiko meets his toilet trio equivalent. This is something I didn’t know I needed. Thank you sensei.
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Now Natsuhiko’s definitely got something up his sleeve, from the way he seemed to prevent Mitsuba from telling Kou who he is (and most importantly, who he’s affiliated with).
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Hm … Tsukasa wants No. 6, eh? Ohhh boy.
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Mitsuba falling asleep right away lmaoooo. Look at these dumbasses.
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And I can’t believe Kou fell for those ‘heroic stories’. Poor Hanako, his two best friends are (lovable) easily-tricked idiots hahaha. I mean, Kou is such a pure soul, bless him and his dog ears and tail. Thank you, sensei. You’ve fed us well.
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Then … Bone Man. I actually call him Goat Man, but let’s just stick with Aoi’s lovely nickname (his name is Shinigami-san thoooo).
Interesting development. He be OP af man. The guy literally controls both life and death. Do NOT let that >60 year-old psycho child gets him.
I know it kinda seems like, oh, there’s the glaringly obvious answer to Nene’s lifespan problem. But as we know, there are prices to magic, and Bone Man doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to break the rules. I mean the dude wants to close off boundaries to keep the two shores completely separate, and is willing to sacrifice a girl to do it.
Yeeaaahhh … he’s a bit lawful evil imo, but we still don’t really know him yet, so. Eh.
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Then Bone Man dropped this month’s bomb.
Did Nene, Akane, and Aoi just die? What freaking else can you call ‘body decaying, leaving the soul behind’ other than dying?
Not to mention not one (1) kannagi fell into the whole. TWO (2) kannagi fell into the whole, along with a dead boy and a soon-to-be-dead boy. Will that change the equation?
Speaking of dying, remember what Aoi said about No. 6? People who are about to die soon can hear No. 6′s flute? And Nene heard it?
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Is this what ‘going to die in less than a year’ means for Nene? Thrown into a hole deep enough to the point of no return, a hole full of giant creepy bugs, her body decaying and leaving her soul behind, and thrown there by her own best friend no less?
This, this is wild.
But Hanako said in Misaki Stairs arc that nothing lives and nothing dies in the boundary. Is this an exception? Does the hole lead to a place outside the boundary? Is it a gate to the far shore (y’know, since there’s no returning from death unless No. 6 intervenes)?
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And apparently Aoi falling there was ‘according to plan’? Hm … Aoi didn’t seem to know that the last time we saw her. She didn’t want Akane to drag her with him, remember? She could be lying, I guess. But Akane, Nene, and Hanako didn’t need to be sacrificed too. Maybe she was brainwashed not to care?
See, SS Confusion.
I know we all miss our monthly hananene, but be patient my friends! Sensei are working hard, and, well, this sort of thing comes with the whole monthly update format.
(Guys. Guys. Daydream arc is about 20 chapters long. Thats one year and eight months. It almost took two years to finish that arc. And seeing that this arc is a lot more plot driven than Daydream - which is more character driven imo - I’m kinda scared. Heh.)
Anyway! I enjoyed this chapter and all the dumbasseries featuring Natsuhiko, Kou, and Mitsuba. Really lifts the mood in this condition, ya know?
Feel free to discuss with me if you want to!
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officialotakudome · 3 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/reviews/kingdom-hearts-melody-of-memory-review/
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory Review
Step up to the beat in the latest spinoff from the Kingdom Hearts series; Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory. Following the events of Kingdom Hearts III: REmind, the game has Kairi going into her own heart in an attempt to find Sora who supposedly sacrificed his life for hers at the end of the events in Kingdom Hearts III. Kairi now in a deep sleep must retrace her memories as she searches for Sora’s own heart.
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a 2020 rhythm action game, it is developed by Square Enix Creative & Indieszero, it is published by Square Enix. It is currently available on Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.
Editor’s Note: Near complete to complete spoilers for Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory may be present within this review. Slight spoilers for Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts III: REmind may also be present within this review.
Kingdom Hearts changes the tune of battle in Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.
In what honestly only felt like natural progression, Kingdom Hearts finally has a rhythm game. The music featured in Kingdom Hearts has (pun intended) always been one of it’s most memorable elements. It sort of feels like this should have been done ages ago, but the same could be said with a Kingdom Hearts fighting game. Which coincidentally was the original plan for Dissidia Final Fantasy, yes it was initially meant to be a Kingdom Hearts spinoff, but Tetsuya Nomura felt uncomfortable seeing Disney characters legit fighting each other. Eventually, Nomura would be more comfortable exploring Kingdom Hearts into different genres and even gave a Dissidia inspired mode to Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. And as many probably expected, it should come to no surprise that Kingdom Hearts as a rhythm is an almost effortless adaptation.
Play out the much beloved Kingdom Hearts OST in ‘Melody of Memory’.
THE GOOD: Taking place after REmind, Sora sacrifices his heart & thus his life for Kairi’s own revival having been killed by Xehanort prior to their victory over him. Kairi goes into a slumber Ansem the Wise who’s being aided by a few of the Nobodies that recovered their hearts at the end of Kingdom Hearts III. As she sleeps Kairi enters her own heart in order to investigate clues into finding Sora through memories of herself and Sora. There she encounters an illusion of Xehanort who nearly takes over her before she’s protected by the remnants of Sora’s heart proving he may still be alive somewhere. Kairi (being controlled by Sora) defeats Xehanort and as a reward the latter helps Kairi by reminding her of her childhood. Kairi awakens and tells Ansem about her findings and Xehanort’s “other side” clue. This is apparently a fictional world existing outside of their own reality according to Ansem. Kairi & Riku learn about a girl from Other Side who can currently be found in Final World, after Fairy Godmother takes them to the girl. Riku tells her of his dream of Shibuya who determines that it’s a city from her home world Quadratum. Riku opens a portal to Quadratum to continue the search for Sora as Kairi returns to their reality to finish her keyblade training now guided by Master Aqua. Yen Sin tasks Donald & Goofy to tell their friends of the current situation & Mickey to Scala ad Caelum to investigate the revived ancient Keyblade Masters & their possible connection to Quadratum.
For the first time in series history Kairi takes over as lead protagonist (sort of).
Kairi being the focus of the story is a nice change of past, feels like we’ve delved plenty into the individual stories of Sora, Riku, King Mickey, and the BBS crew. While she’s not exactly 100% playable (which is a bit of a ball buster) she’s clearly the main star of about 80% of the game’s plot. It’s mostly about her attempting to revive Sora, but we do get more backstory into her past which is always neat. I think Kairi is one of the weakest characters in terms of development despite her popularity and the fact that people have wanted to see her wield a keyblade for several years. A full on 2.8 like experience with Kairi training under Aqua would be a neat parallel to the actual 2.8 that featured a playable Aqua traversing the World of Darkness prior to the ending of Kingdom Hearts 1. The combat is like any other rhythm. The goal is to time the on-screen button commands within the limit to press said button command. In ‘Memory of Melody’ this is representing in the shape of basic & advanced Kingdom Hearts attack animations towards Heartless and Nobody enemies. The more difficult the command prompt, the more unique the attack. The main object is to reach a high enough score with level ranking increasing to move on to the next world. The leveling is actually required for the next world to be unlocked which at times can feel like a bit of a grind, but it also adds on to the practice necessary for these games. Sora and co. have a health bar and if you miss the timing on a button command this can lead to hp dipping with an empty health bar obviously meaning game over.
Rhythm combat is an unsurprising fit for Kingdom Hearts in Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.
There are boss fights in certain stages which sort of changes things up a bit and they each include their own boss track. Disney characters also have their own worlds with their respective characters being playable, but these are expectedly not the focus of the game as it’s based within Kairi’s memories. Multiple characters throughout the core cast can be unlocked, though the Disney characters are mostly locked to their respective worlds. These worlds have unique sound and button commands for added difficulty and variety. King Mickey acts as a support character for healing and it also has summons. Clearing objectives per stage unlock new songs from the 140+ song catalog. There’s some co-op featured like getting the highest score, facing off against AI in three out of fives, and best 2 out of 3 that has unique features such as moves to stop your opponent from scoring. The Switch version (which is being reviewed) features a Battle Royale mode supporting up to eight players.
Believe or not ‘Memory of Melody’ features a leveling system.
THE BAD: This game is (depending on how you see it) surprisingly hard. Like crazy difficult small mistakes and poorly timed presses come frequently. This can lead to a hair pulling marathon of low level scores and low level scores means slow leveling & perhaps more importantly slower progress because you have to be a certain level for certain doors leading into new worlds. At the same time though you have to commend Square for keeping the rhythm game aesthetic authentic. These games have a history of being extremely difficult often taking a ton of practice to get the hang of (my time spent with Guitar Hero & Rocksmith still haunts me). The story is kind of sort only taking a few hours to complete depending on how much trouble you have, but it is a spinoff rhythm so don’t come in expecting a huge game because of that reason. Granted you’ll get more hours if you complete everything but if you’re only chasing the story it’s roughly about 8-10 hours. Apparently completing the game can take upwards of 60 hours depending one individual experience so there’s that to look forward. Unfortunately, outside of the initial theme and end credits no new songs specifically for the game were developed.
Play as multiple characters in the new musical based battlefield.OVERALL THOUGHTS: Kingdom Hearts: Memory of Melody in some ways is a typical Kingdom Hearts spinoff, but in a lot of ways Square Enix really went a fair bit of distance to provide a unique KH playthrough something that’s also typical of the spinoffs (which is a good thing). It’s disappointing that this is probably the only game, to my knowledge that doesn’t feature music exclusive at the time of release to it. However, it’s possible that an original score of sorts was in the works but COViID-19 got in the way before the finalization of these songs coming into production was possible. As it stands though, for what feels like a much lower budgeted title compared to past spinoffs ‘Melody of Memory’ stands on it’s own as a good side game with follow-up storytelling that connects to the future of the series. And it takes Kingdom Hearts’ into it’s rightful place in the realm of rhythm games. I’m especially impressed with the game’s performance as a series first on the Nintendo Switch. Hopefully this entices Square to at least port Kingdom Hearts 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 over to the hybrid console in the very near future.
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The very best BL-undertoned manga I’ve ever read. And I am frustratingly surprised that this manga is not as popular as it deserves to be.
I gulped down all 10 English volumes within 72 hours and have come to be certain that: This series will permanently have a very special place in my heart, along with only 3 other fictional works: BBC Sherlock, The Guest and Dao Mu Bi Ji.
Now, please bear with me as today’s recommendation is a lengthy one. I have too many praises for this manga. Introducing you:
Himitsu - The Top Secret
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Genre: Mystery, Detective, Police Drama, Shoujo / Josei
Synopsys (taken and modified from BakaUpdates)
In the 2060s, Japan had perfected "The MRI System," a piece of neurotechnology that, when given the brain of a person who died within the past 48 hours, could analyze the visual memories contained within and give scientists a look into what the deceased saw in their final moments. Needless to say, this method was placed under stringent restrictions and was only authorized for use by a special police unit, Section Nine, for the investigation of baffling or high-profile crimes.
Aoki Ikkou is a talented newbie who had just been assigned to Section Nine. He initially had qualms about delving into people's most private moments and analyzing their darkest fears and fantasies, but as he settled in with his teammates and warmed up to his boss, the highly intelligent Maki Tsuyoshi, he slowly gained competency at his job and trust from his colleagues.
Though quick to develop pride in his career, Aoki still struggled to balance his family relationships and love life with his demanding workload, further complicated when he was drawn into the dark past and murky circumstances surrounding the outwardly cool and self-controlled but internally tormented Maki.
Note: This series is followed by a prequel-cum-sequel Himitsu: Season 0 that is currently ongoing at 7 volumes.
Length: Completed (12 volumes)
Translation: Ongoing (10 volumes)
Personal review:
+ The story is a series of complex, intriguing crime-solving episodes that lean on the deepest, most disturbing and most sinister parts of human nature. Do not let the shoujo genre tag fool you. Mature readers may find it easier to understand and appreciate the series since there are lots of subtle messages on psychological trauma as well as other human emotions and behaviours. Also, it’s important to note that the series features gore (though not as bloody as other crime-solving series’), rape, mental & physical abuse, etc.
+ Highly recommended for detective/mystery fans, especially those that are familiar with BBC Sherlock. Section Nine’s boss, Maki Tsuyoshi, bears lots of resemblance to the modern-day Sherlock Holmes (but just in case I’m the only Sherlock fan here, I would not delve too much into this point).
+ The art is so very fitting with the nature of the story: deep, dark and disturbing at times. It seems old (Himitsu came out in late 1990s), but it is very clean and full of emotions. Not to mention Maki Tsuyoshi is so beautiful.
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*insert Maki-san’s picture here because why not* ( ̄▽ ̄)
+ Onto the bromance, or rather, the BL undertone: This has the most sophisticated BL undertone I’ve ever seen in any fictional works. While the series is never tagged as Shounen-ai, the implied homosexual feelings are so overflowing you can drown in them. But the most intriguing aspect is that the romance is not simply between this person and that person. It is much more complex than that (and no, it is not a cheesy love polygon). Read and find out for yourself. Your mind will be blown by how delicate the romance is presented.
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My heart explodes at this page.*texts removed because, well, no spoiler*
+ Character-wise, you probably will either love him to death or hate him with a passion. I’m talking about the main guy Maki Tsuyoshi. He is fragile, moody and kind of an asshole (only until you understand the reasons behind his asshole behaviour). To be brutally honest, he may be over-the-top too. But his over-the-top is the major element of the story’s emotional setting, and also the main reason of me being sucked way too deep into this series. I’m his fangirl now, what do you expect. The other main character, Aoki Ikkou, is a pleasant man who has great character development too. I love it whenever he stands up for himself and goes against Maki’s order.
+ I love the ending SO SO MUCH OKAY. Spoiler: Especially the very last panel.
- I wish more development / background story was given for the supporting characters. It could have made the story more comprehensive and well-rounded.
- Honestly though, I need this series to be 3 times longer that its real length. I need more cases. I need more Maki-san. I need more bonding moments of our 2 leads. I’m desperate!!! Not to mention: there are only a handful of posts on Tumblr, no doujinshi is known to be in existence, and just 4 fanfics are listed on AO3. Where is the fandom for this masterpiece?! (╥﹏╥)
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