febfem · 2 years
Febfem FAQ
What is “febfem”?
“Febfem” is an acronym that stands for “female-exclusive bisexual female.” In other words, a febfem is a bisexual woman who exclusively pursues and engages in romantic and sexual relationships with women. It describes a pattern of behaviour more so than an identity.
There is a misconception that “febfem” stands for “female-exclusive bisexual feminist,” and that febfems are female exclusive strictly for political reasons. This is false! While the term did originate on feminist Tumblr, it does not strictly describe a feminist choice. There are some who are are female exclusive for political reasons, but there are other febfems whose female exclusivity has nothing to do with politics or feminism.
Why are they female-exclusive?
Febfems may exclusively pursue women for a variety of reasons, which may be personal, political, or a combination of both. For example, a bisexual woman might be female exclusive simply because she has a heavy sexual or romantic preference for women and may rarely experience attraction to men. This is the case for a lot of febfems - for many, female exclusivity is not a choice, but a natural consequence of their sexual orientation. Other bisexual women may be female exclusive due to their political values - for example, a bisexual feminist may choose to be female exclusive because she wishes to prioritize women in her life, including through her romantic relationships.
If you only date women, why not call yourself a lesbian?
We do not call ourselves lesbians because we are not lesbians. A lesbian is a female who is exclusively attracted to other females. “Lesbian” is not an accurate descriptor for us - we still experience attraction to men, despite not acting on it! We are bisexual.
Are you a political lesbian?
No! We are not lesbians, we are bisexual. “Political lesbian” is a homophobic term. Not only that, but the term “political” does not accurately describe us as a group, as our female exclusivity is not necessarily a political choice.
Is febfem a distinct sexuality?
No! We are bisexual. “Febfem” only describes our sexual and romantic preferences and behaviour.
How do I know if I am lesbian or febfem?
Attraction is a visceral experience. It’s either there or it’s not. If you have ever felt any kind of sexual or romantic desire towards men, even if only rarely, even if you have never acted on it, you are not a lesbian. If you derive pleasure from sexual or romantic fantasies with men, even if you have never acted on it, you are not a lesbian. If you have ever had a romantic or sexual experience with a man and enjoyed it, you are not a lesbian. If you are unsure if you’re attracted to men, don’t stress about it. The most definitive way to find out is through life experiences, so I encourage you to experiment if you feel comfortable doing so.
Do all febfems lean toward women in terms of romantic/sexual attraction?
The majority of febfems do; however, this is not the case for everyone. A small percentage of febfems experience equal attraction to men and women or may even lean towards men, but can still be female-exclusive for many reasons.
What’s the point of the “febfem” label? Why not just call yourself bisexual?
We do call ourselves bisexual! It’s the B in the febfem acronym. “Febfem” is simply shorthand for “bisexual woman who exclusively dates women.”
Why might we choose to refer to ourselves as “febfems” if the bisexual label already exists? Simply put, it helps us find each other! Being a woman who exclusively pursues women in our homophobic and misogynistic society can be extremely isolating. Furthermore, considering the vast majority of bisexual women partner with men, bisexual women who primarily or exclusively pursue women may have trouble finding women who share their experiences, even within the bisexual community. The term “febfem” helps us find each other and build community around our shared experiences.
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she-is-ovarit · 8 months
Hoping to find more lesbians or bisexual women out there (AFAB, to clarify). Interact with this post in some way so we can all find each other!
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weird-grrrl · 25 days
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every say thank you to @roses-edge for inspiring me to finally sit down and draw radfem/lgb memes
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burningtheroots · 8 months
No one is saying that trans-identified people cannot or should not find love with a romantic partner.
We are just saying that same-sex attraction is REAL, and that lesbian and bi women‘s same-sex attraction and boundaries NEED to be respected. And the meaning of homosexuality (exclusive same-SEX attraction) should not be taken away.
Women can say "NO" at any point, for any reason. Women do NOT owe anyone romantic or sexual intimacy, under zero circumstances. And when a woman simply doesn’t like male genitalia, or male anatomy as a whole, that‘s not a "preference", "fetishism" or "bigotry", it‘s her sexual orientation and her natural right.
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sapphos-darlings · 1 year
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Lesbian/Bisexual Woman/wlw pride banner with the colours of the original pride flag!
Free to use
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michellezagenda · 10 months
a male who grows up male, socialized male, can’t suddenly have something in common with me just because he ‘feels’ like a woman. The huge difference between me & him is that I was born female, raised female, had puberty where my breasts and curves began to form and i had to face harassment for it. I’ve gone through boys in class calling girls bitches, chasing girls, being scared to go out at night or any time of the day. I’ve been sexualized since I was 11 years old because i’m simply a female. A male cannot suddenly understand all of that now because he wants to wear a skirt and a wig. Denying that is delusional and pathetic. and it’s very ‘Mens rights!’
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necromancerka · 2 months
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drawing my febfem oc because I'm febfem and I need representation
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awomen · 1 year
cotton ceiling rhetoric is particularly vile when you consider how short the history of women's right to refuse is. up until the 70s marital rape was legal in all states and in many places in the world it still is. we have had the right to say No for a very small part of history. and now this group of men comes along, wearing our skins and pretending to be us, and says that wlw should accept dickhavers into our beds? they are no different than their forefathers in the desire to invade and violate women's bodies. patriarchy in a dress is still patriarchy
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feministwhobites · 2 months
i cant be the only bisexual woman who feels such an aching longing when i love women that simply cannot compete with my desire for men. its not even just my fear of men, but there is something about loving women that is just so much more visceral
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Guys how do I let go of the yearning and longing for a relationship, with a man to be particular? Because, I know, I know how shitty it is, I'm aware of that. I've been single for 11 months and never thrived as much as I do now. Nonetheless, I see all the romanticization and glorification of straight relationships and a part of me falls for it. I guess it's just the human in me, but I do not want it to be that way.
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This is a video that was on my timeline. No words I have can describe what I wish upon these pathetic scrotes. These walking abortions do this in public, I can’t even begin to imagine what they do behind closed doors. Because you lost a fucking wedding game, because your new wife was playing around with a piece of fucking cake. Every finger on their hands should be broken.
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sapphos-darlings · 4 months
Bisexuality is a complete and valid sexual orientation on its own. While your attraction might shift and vary over time, you're always bisexual and that's just as real as monosexual orientations.
Bisexuality doesn't make you anything but bisexual; bi people are not automatically cheaters, hypersexual, kinky, greedy or "available". These are just stereotypes, you make the decisions on what kind of person you are and what kind of choices you make. Bisexuality is just your sexual orientation, and you deserve to be seen as the complete person you are rather than just your sexuality.
Bisexual love is not half. Bisexual attraction is not half. Bisexual sexuality is not just half. Bisexual people make connections with other people just as fully and well as monosexual people. We are all people to each other and form connections with each other on one-on-one basis, and just like a lesbian has the potential to be attracted to other women while being in love and faithful to only one, a bisexual woman can also fall in love and commit to her partner while still being bisexual.
Bisexuality is a sexual orientation deserving of understanding and acceptance, both from other people and from bisexual people themselves!
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michellezagenda · 10 months
instead of k!ll terfs (sweet angelic big brained women) how about k!ll all pedophiles & r@pists!
can you believe saying that gets people upset wtfffff
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necromancerka · 2 months
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my bestie and me
we're both gnc and love women
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burningtheroots · 8 months
Anyone who talks about "genital preferences" is the real bigot.
"Genital preferences" don’t exist. Only sexual orientation does. And that‘s not a "preference", a.k.a. something you can "choose" — it‘s a state of being.
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lesbianp1lled · 26 days
I do respect febfems a lot ( a febfem is a bisexual woman that only dates women ) because at least they are upfront on who they are and don’t call themselves lesbians when they aren’t. More bisexual women should use the febfem / bisexual label if they are serious about only dating women instead of appropriating lesbians
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