#fawn talks genshin
dearbraus · 11 months
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thatdeadaquarius · 10 months
So like I just went through almost all your language posts and I was wondering what if like the creator sometimes just switches languages out of no where and everyone is just like:😃. Cuz like they don’t understand what they mean and it happens randomly too or when they’re irritated and they just start cussing in like 3 different languages at once
but i think ive written some stuff abt this before?
u know what tho.
ive got an even better idea. my “go-to” if you will.
Torture Alhaitham.
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Sun: Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT headcanons-ish?, Language shenanigans!
Stars: Alhaitham (suffer lol)
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: None Known & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
he’s watching you. constantly.
he’s always writing about you.
he’s following you around Sumeru City.
he’s following you around Port Ormos.
he’s at your house-
Alhaitham learns you speak multiple languages before any other akademiya schloar, and he’s submitting a thesis about “the Greatest Lords languages from their home world”
before you can even say “I’ll think about it” in any language u know lol
people have definitely mistaken him as your favored acolyte (not that he does much to deny it)
and talk to him like he’s your secretary?? …oh, welp.
Alhaitham knows your schedule for the next month within a week of following you
mans is willing to do the MOST to get you to sit down and just start talking in a language at him
want food? his specialty dish ingredients are always at the ready at his house
want literature? he’s offering to literally break into the akademiya (or giving you a copy of his house key to have access to his personal library all the time)
(tho kaveh is practically hugging you to his chest as you walk around perusing as he talks ur ear off lmao)
Haitham (he sometimes insists you call him when it’s just you two) wants to singlehandedly be the first person who understands every word you say when u coo at dogs in another language
or cuss out a fictional character for being stupid
every time u get pissed he’s interrupting every other word you say to ask for definitions/clarifications of slang 😭
send help he’s made a red string theory board of all the languages you’ve used to try and just- make sense of all their rules and when you use them and how to tell the difference and oh no-
Alhaitham’s hanging pictures of you mid-sentence with ur mouth open or even worse when ur yelling.
…u know maybe its not for an akademiya project, maybe he’s just trying to humble you. 💀
thanks again for sending this ask in!! :D
language sagaus my beloved <3
tbh i have likeeeee 54 things in my drafts rn? so needless to say im slow, BUT IM SO HAPPY U GUYS GAVE ME THIS MUCH TO FAWN OVER, REQUESTS OR NO <333333333333
an iced coffee? for me?? :O
Safe Travels Ariasdream,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks
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milktei · 1 year
Hold me Tight
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Kamisato Ayato x fem!wife!Reader
Genre: Arranged Marriage au, idk if it can be called a slow burn but that’s what I’m calling it, fluff, smidge of angst.
Warnings: unconventional relationship, Reader is described to have long hair that is brushed through. not edited
Requests: Open
a/n: another one out! :o Had to indulge myself a little bit before getting back to requests. arranged marriage au’s are my guilty pleasure and i just felt like writing for genshin again. Hair brushing and physical affection is also just such a big thing for me I had to write it. So if it isn’t obvious i wrote this mostly for selfish reasons and that is the reason why it may be sort of all over the place lol. I hope it’s enjoyable either way!
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A hug is all you longed for really. For someone to wrap warm arms around you and let you completely melt into them.
Being married it should be an easy ask
How unfortunate it is for you that your husband wants nothing to do with you.
Although the more you thought about it, perhaps that wasn’t entirely true. He did agree to the marriage hadn’t he?
He was the head of his clan, the Yashiro commissioner. Throughout the entirety of the process of arranging your marriage, Kamisato Ayato had every right, and more than enough chances to stop it from going through.
He had nothing to lose if he decided he wasn’t ready for marriage, which was an excuse many citizens of Inazuma had heard over the years.
He really had nothing to gain from it either.
It confused you from the day the elders of your clan elatedly told you that by some insane amount of luck, the Kamisato Ayato had accepted “your” marriage proposal that had been sent in as almost an obligation.
There was no harm in trying and you were now living proof of that.
Why you? out of all the suitors he definitely had, he had chosen you. While your clan was one of the head producers of tea leaves in the country, you still couldn’t wrap your mind around his acceptance, it was not like the Kamisato’s needed the tea, they could have afforded it anyways.
There was no political gain for him either as he was already a tri-commissioner, you weren’t even in line to become heir! Your uncle was the head of the clan and your cousins would follow in his footsteps.
The gossip about you flew all over inazuma like a storm cloud, and you heard it all, people weren’t always subtle in their curiosity or distaste in you after all.
Some of the talk was harsh and negative, and yet you couldn’t help but partially agree with what some people were saying about you.
You were a nobody as far as nobility went. The only reason you could think of as to why Ayato chose you, was likely to reduce the amount of mail that he got, as the marriage proposals had virtually stopped after your wedding. Aside from some particularly desperate people.
Perhaps you really were the best candidate for him. You weren’t a prominent figure in the public eye, you weren’t after the Kamisato’s fame and fortune, and you weren’t the type of person to fawn over your husband 24/7 and demand he shower you in riches and attention.
Although you almost wish that you were. Maybe then you wouldn’t be longing for a hug as badly as you currently were.
While it was true that being married to Ayato meant that you had nearly everything you could ask for at your fingertips, and that it was rare for you to be denied anything—not like you asked for much anyways—the one thing you could not ask for, was your husband’s affection. How ironic. the one person you spewed rehearsed vows to about being his rock and what not, was the one person you could not get an ounce of love or affection from.
Of course you had never really had the chance to try at this point, as despite being married for 6 months already, you can count the amount of times you had a full conversation with the man on one hand.
“I hope that you can find it in you to excuse my lord. He is a very busy man.” Thoma had told you the day you had moved in and your husband was no where to be seen. The look he gave you the mixture of empathy and a wince.
That was the day reality set in. He looked at you kindly on the day you got married. Soft smiles graced both of your features during the ceremony, and you two spoke amicably during the extravagant reception. But this was an arranged marriage, a contract more than a relationship, and you both had duties to fulfill.
A smile that had been drilled into you since your etiquette classes from your youth crossed your face “There’s no need to worry about me Thoma, I understand.”
So you had to learn to get used to being alone in an estate bustling with people. You opened your wedding gifts alone, sorted them accordingly and even sent out an astonishing amount of individual thank you cards to all the guests you had at your wedding.
You often ate alone, save for the times Ayaka and Thoma had time to accompany you. Aside from being reached out to for second opinions or approval you weren’t given a formal job on the estate. Instead you were given an allowance, and were free to spend your days doing whatever you wanted, so long as the Kamisato name was protected.
Yes that was another thing you had to get used to, “Kamisato y/n”, “My lady Kamisato.” Hearing the latter was especially hard, that title felt as if it was reserved only for your sister-in-law, she definitely represented it with more grace than you thought you were ever capable of.
The name and all the responsibilities it came with weighed down on your shoulders unlike anything you had every experienced prior, and here you pushed against it alone. Forced to go through the transition into married life without the other half of the partnership to support you.
That led you to your predicament now. You were coming to the realization that you were horribly touch starved.
It was even worse on cold windy days, or when it rained. All it did was remind you about how your late parents would use those days to curl up with you, a warm blanket, and a book to laze the day away and wish for nicer weather the next so that you could go out on a picnic.
you longed for those days of warmth and love again. Your family had been quite affectionate with one another. While Ayaka would come and spend time with you, treating you like an older sibling. Nothing could reach the craving deep within you.
You sighed to yourself as you walked through the streets of Inazuma, ignoring the whispers of people who passed and recognized who you were.
Or rather who you were married to.
“My lady Kamisato!” greeted the Yae publishing house worker. “You’ve come at a great time, the new volume of your favourite series has just released.”
The worker handed you the book in question and you couldn’t help the excitement that rose within you as you quickly flipped through “I was hoping that I’d be able to pick something up today. I’ve been needing more things to do when the weather doesn’t permit me to go outside. Any other recommendations?”
The worker smiled at you sweetly and handed you another book “Surely Lord Ayato, is able to keep you from getting too bored at the estate my lady?”
Your smile faltered ever so slightly, you couldn’t let it drop in front of the worker, the last thing you wanted was for anymore rumours to spread. You pretended to read the synopsis of the book that was handed to you. “Yes of course, but there are still times where he is not available. My husband is a very busy man.”
My husband, you didn’t think you would ever get used to referring to him as that. He felt like nothing more than a stranger who’s house you happened to live in, who you shared a family name with, who would grace you with a soft smile and a nod as you passed each other at the estate each making your ways to your separate rooms.
A gust of wind blew through the streets and both you and the worker shivered. You looked at the sky and frowned at the dark clouds rolling in, you flinched as a singular rain drop landed on your cheek.
The worker also looked up “it really is rainy season isn’t it?” they looked to you “I would recommend you head home soon my lady, looks like it’s gonna come down any minute now and you’ve got a long walk back to the Kamisato estate”
You sighed, “what a shame, I was hoping to run a couple more errands today.” you payed for both books and placed them into your bag with a smile “thank you for the advice I’ll head out now.”
You walked away from the shop in the direction of the estate, waving behind you as the worker told you to stay safe.
Perhaps you should have stayed in town.
You come to this realization as you’re halfway to the estate. Komore tea house would have been much nicer than the weather you were experiencing currently.
The singular raindrop you had felt earlier had slowly progressed into a little more than a drizzle and you groaned to yourself as your clothing grew heavier as it absorbed more and more water.
You should have grabbed your umbrella
It was practically pouring by the time you had gotten to the estate, the trees of Chinju forest providing surprisingly little shelter against the rain.
Quickly, you rushed under the cover of the roof of the estate and sighed in relief once you weren’t being pelted by water. You looked down at you clothes and cringed at the water dripping from the fabric and your hair onto the dark wood
Wringing out what you could beforehand, you opened the front doors of the estate as quietly as you could, albeit in vain as Thoma and your husband were having a discussion right at the entrance.
Both men turned to look at you as the door closed and you could only stare back awkwardly as the sound of water dripping from you clothes and hair, along with your shivering filled the room.
Thoma was the first to break the silence and began fussing over you not unlike a mother hen.
“My lady you’re soaking wet! You’re going to get sick! I’ll have the maids draw a bath for you. Please allow me to grab your belongings. I’ll have tea ready for you once you’re done.
Before you knew it, you were standing in your bathroom with a steaming tub waiting for you. Still bewildered at what had transpired moments before.
Still, Thoma and his efforts were never unwelcome as the bath was exactly what you needed.
You took your time in the bath, taking in the scent of the flowers and oils put in by the maids, appreciating how well the water warmed your once cold body.
Once finished, you were quick to dry off and get dressed, still towel drying your hair as you entered your room.
As promised, Thoma had left a tea set on the table in your room with a container holding tea leaves, knowing you liked to brew it yourself.
The only thing out of place was an extra tea cup.
As if on cue, the door to your room was gently slid open and your jaw nearly dropped at the sight of pale blue hair.
“My lord!” you greeted, the words leaving you mouth before you could even try to stop them.
Ayato paused as the two of you made eye contact, it was almost as if he was surprised himself that you were in your own room.
Ayato was the first to regain his composure after clearing his throat. “Majority of my plans for today have been cancelled due to the weather, I was hoping you could allow me to join you for a bit.”
Your head was spinning, not able to wrap itself around the fact that your husband was in your room and actively trying to spend time with you.
“Of course if that’s how you wish to spend your free time my lord.” you stammered, part of you still believing that this was some sort of dream.
A small shiver ran down your spine and you were reminded of the damp hair that ran down your back. You looked to the vanity in your room and then back at your husband.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to fix my hair situation beforehand.”
“Of course y/n there’s no need to worry, it’s just me.”
That was precisely why you were panicking on the inside at that moment. It was only the man who was so busy, that his presence in the house on a daily basis resembled that of a gust of wind.
You sat down at you vanity and picked up one of your combs, beginning the task of untangling the mess you had created both in the rain and bath.
You nearly groaned out loud to yourself, you had kept your hair long to be able to use the multitude of flamboyant hair accessories you had acquired, but brushing it had always been your least favourite part of the entire process.
A awkward cough caused you to look at the man in your room.
“if you are comfortable with it…I could help you brush your hair.”
You stared in shock at the man in front of you. His face was genuine but you could tell by the reddening of his ears that he was flustered, the most you had ever seen from him.
The combination of being a witness to such a rare site and the fact that you were still in shock that he was there in the first place, had you speaking without much thought.
“That would be very helpful my lord, thank you.”
The surprise on his face was visible You could only hope that your whirlwind of emotions wasn’t as obvious.
Still, not one to go back on his word, Ayato gently took the comb from your outstretched hand and began to work. His powerful presence behind you almost causing you to curl in on yourself.
He was gentle, his hands warm as they followed your comb, a warm feeling spread throughout you chest as he so carefully detangled your hair, taking his time.
You hoped that he wouldn’t be able notice through your reflection just how flustered you were at this moment. Your face was hot, your breathing was slightly rapid and you couldn’t find it in yourself to look up at the mirror in fear that your eyes would connect.
Yet this moment felt so intimate, so tender and domestic. You could almost believe that you two were much closer than you really were.
A soft chuckle broke you from your thoughts.
“This brings me back.” Ayato sighed wistfully, “when we were younger, Ayaka would let me do this for her. Though she seemed less than impressed when I would try different styles on her. I wonder if she would trust me with her hair again after all this time.”
You smiled down at your fidgeting hands “I’m sure she would if you promised no more experiments my lord.”
Ayato hummed in contemplation “I suppose you may be right, but at the same time maybe I won’t need to ask her if I already have yours within reach.” He leaned closer to your ear, “After all, am I wrong to assume that you are enjoying this my dear wife?”
Your face felt like it was on fire, you had never heard him call you that to your face before. You could feel the smug smile that was currently gracing his features as he leaned back and continued his actions.
“Well?” He urged after a moment
“No you are not wrong to assume that my lord.” You managed to stammer out. Your hands clenched into fists in your lap as you forced yourself to say the truth, knowing well that he would be able to see through any lie.
He sighed. “Please y/n I think we’re at a point where we can drop the formalities.”
Your eyes widened at his words and you spoke the first thing that came to mind.
“Are we really?”
His hand that was holding the brush froze mid stroke, the room was suddenly filled with a chilled silence and you cringed at the amount of malice an anger that you managed to fit into one simple question.
This was no way to talk to the man you were married to.
“Forgive me my… Ayato. I did not mean to sound so harsh I just-“
“No no there’s no need to apologize.” ayato assured. He raked a hand through your hair and chuckled bitterly, “I supposed it is my fault that you feel this way about our…situation
You opened your mouth to protest but nothing came out. What he said wasn’t a lie to make you feel better for snapping at him. It was entirely the truth and you were grateful that he understood where you were coming from.
“Finished.” He stated softly before placing the comb back on your vanity. “I hope that I haven’t worn out my welcome.”
You paused for a moment, thinking about the situation you found yourself in, while wanting to get yourself out of the awkward moment, you knew that a chance to spend time with him again would be rare.
“You haven’t, don’t worry,” you stated as you slowly rose from your seat. Still refusing to look up at him you gestured to the low table where the tea set sat, “Please have a seat, I’ll brew the tea for us.”
It was quiet as you worked, the only sounds in the room being the clink of tea set, and the crinkle of tatami mats. You thanked Thoma in your mind when you saw that he had prepared leaves that were better steeped in lower temperatures, as the water had cooled down since he first boiled it.
“We’ll have to wait a couple minutes.” You said as you closed the lid of the teapot. Ayato nodded and an awkward silence filled the room.
“I don’t want to use me being busy as an excuse.” Ayato suddenly blurted out.
You finally look up at him in surprise “Pardon?”
Ayato cleared his throat “My apologies. It’s just that I know that everyone has been using me being busy to excuse me for being absent in this relationship. While I know that lin its simplest terms, what we have between us is a contract, part of me still hoped that I would be able to get to know you well and we could be much more than strangers. There are many times where I could have put my work aside and spent more time with you, but I for some reason I never found myself taking those opportunities.”
He looked almost guilty as he continued. “Now here I am, months later knowing next to nothing about you, and on top of that I expected you to be comfortable with speaking casually around me when we have barely even spoken before.
You pondered to yourself as you poured tea into his cup “Well if it makes you feel any better,” you poured more into your own “I also know next to nothing about you.”
“Unfortunately that only seems to add salt to the wounds my dear.” Ayato grumbled.
Your eyes widened at the pet name and you quickly lifted your teacup to your face to hide your embarrassment.
Ayato followed suit and hummed in satisfaction as he drank. “Well I do know one thing now. My wife is excellent at brewing tea. It must run in your family’s genes.”
You waved him off “it’s just something that comes with experience, my uncle is the true master.”
“I also now know that my wife finds it hard to accept compliments.”
Ayato smiled at you teasingly as you glared at him, though there was no anger behind it.
“Well now that’s unfair,” you stated “I should get to learn something about you now.”
Your husband raised an eyebrow, “well what would you like to know?”
You faltered for a moment, not expecting him to relent so easily, “well…” you stuttered, “what type of tea would you consider your favourite?”
“Really digging deep are we y/n?”
“I couldn’t think of something straight away!”
Despite the teasing, the questions continued, it was as if you were on a first date.
Except you were already living together and married.
One question was asked after the other. Ranging from you asking him about the daily life of a tri-commissioner, to him asking about the books you had bought earlier in the day.
It was only after Thoma had brought dinner to your room, that you had finally asked.
“So why me?”
Ayato’s chopsticks paused mid air “Why what?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, he was playing dumb.
“Why did Inazuma’s most desired bachelor, Yashiro commissioner, leader of the famed Shuumatsuban, and the man who brought the Kamisato Clan back to its former glory, the Kamisato Ayato. Decide that a nobody from a tea producing clan was the one you would want to spend the rest of you life with.”
Ayato looked at you in exasperation “You aren’t a nobody y/n there’s so much more to you.”
“We don’t need to get down to the specifics, don’t avoid the question!” You exclaimed, ignoring the pleased smile on his face as he took in your flustered state.
Ayato put a hand to his chin and hummed as if contemplating something grand. He took a moment to respond. “Would you believe me if I said that I found you to be a very interesting person y/n?”
You stared at him blankly.
“Don’t lie to me we didn’t even meet until the wedding.”
The smile that he sent you sent a chill down your spine “Well I suppose that’s true in a sense, but we have been in each other’s presence on multiple occasions.”
You couldn’t mask the your surprise, “we have?”
Ayato looked at you incredulously. “Surely you know how often the Yashiro commission requests supplies from your clan for the multiple events we host.”
You fiddled with your teacup “Well sure but that doesn’t mean that it was a guarantee that we bump into each other. I’m sure I would have remembered being in the presence of you of all people.”
Ayato shrugged, “Being in the public eye is much more my sisters domain. I tend to stick to the shadows during bigger festivals that I’m interested in. During one of these times… you caught my eye.”
Your eyes widened “I did?”
He looked bashful as he continued his story, you were sure that you were the first person to ever see him in this state.
“I always knew of you, as I often meet with your uncle for business. I don’t know if you know this but he often worries about you and tends to talk about you during these meetings.” Ayato hummed in contemplation. “Perhaps it was a tactic to make me say yes to the upcoming proposal”
You groaned in horror at the realization that the two men had been talking about you “I apologize for my uncles actions.”
Ayato waved dismissively “Thats not the point. At a festival is where I first saw you and was able to put a name to a face. What I didn’t expect was the fact that everything about you had fascinated me. The way you danced and had that kind of sparkle in you eyes as you wandered around in wonder. The way you kindly greeted everyone you met. I found myself looking for you at following festivals to see if that was always how you looked…it was.”
“So it was only my looks” you teased
he sighed exasperated “Of course not”
You laughed “I’m kidding. Keep going.”
“Then at one point I was due for a meeting at your estate with your uncle and I might have listened in on a deal you were striking with a business man. The confidence in your voice was obvious and the way you negotiated with grace and kindness, yet still with firmness, had me intrigued within the first couple seconds of me hearing it. My interest only grew when your meeting had concluded and I saw you step out. with an accomplished smile on your face”
You gaped at him, you very rarely took part in your family’s business deals, only helping with what your cousins or uncle were too busy to handle. For him to be there at that time on that day was truly a great coincidence.
“You really piqued my interest that day. Although it was not my first choice in ways to get closer to you, when I saw the proposal sent by your clan, everything seemed to fall into place.” Ayato laughed but his tone soon turned solemn.
“Unfortunately not everything worked out for me, because look at how things are going. I left you to fend for yourself against the public, we rarely see each other, and this is the longest we have ever spoken despite being married for months. I think I was just afraid of crossing any boundaries, after all this marriage is arranged and I had no idea as to how you felt about me.”
Without thinking you reached over the table and grabbed one of his hands in both of yours, touched by how vulnerable he was being with you, “I wouldn’t have agreed to the marriage so easily if I thought ill of you in any way, while I may not have known you, you also piqued my interest. I won’t lie I was- still am extremely shocked, but I saw nothing bad coming out of this marriage really. It started off slow but we’re talking now, and well, don’t you think we’ve made some great progress?”
He smiled endearingly at you, “yes, I am grateful for this opportunity and hope that we can continue on this path.”
You laughed, “now you’re making it sound like a business deal.”
After that, you and Ayato finished your dinner making pleasant conversation. The sun had long gone down when he made the call for the both of you to retire for the night.
He once again stood in the doorway of your room, only this time you were standing right in front of him.
“I’ll have a heavier workload tomorrow but I think I’ll be able to join you for dinner again.”
You smiled up at him “I would like that, please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with, I’m part of this clan too you know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you y/n.”
There was a pause and Ayato reluctantly continued. “Well I should take my leave for the night.”
As he turned, something seemed to overcome you, and you grabbed at his wrist,
He froze and turned to look at you curiously. you shyly looked away, “before you go. May I have a hug?”
He gave you a teasing smile, “this is all happening so fast, what will everyone think?”
“Oh please we’re already married.”
He laughed and his smile softened.
Without anymore words, Ayato opened his arms.
You couldn’t hold back the giddy smile that crossed your face and without hesitation you allowed yourself to melt into his embrace for the first time in what would become many.
A scent that was uniquely his filled your nose, and as you pressed against his chest you could feel and hear his heart pounding just as hard as yours. You nearly sighed in satisfaction as you wrapped your arms around his waist. A need you had been suppressing for months had finally been fulfilled. His hold was strong and comforting, his hold making you feel like you again.
Ayato chuckled to himself as his grip tightened, “well now I’ve found myself in a predicament.”
Still holding onto him, you turned your head to look up at him. “What is it?”
“I don’t want to let go.”
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saetgvia · 1 month
genshin boys when you’re sick
characters: lyney, wriothesley, gaming, xiao, alhaitham
established relationship, nicknames (sweetheart, missy, etc)
tw: mentions of food, mentions of snot (is that a tw??), lmk if i forgot anything
- cares abt u very much
- a lil TOO much sometimes
- he just doesn’t want you hurt
- so the moment you show signs of sniffling you’re magically transported to the bed to get some rest
- he will FAWN over you
- kinda frantic ngl
- cooking
- magic show to cheer u up
- ‘i know the medicine tastes bad, but it’ll help you get better’
- older brother mode ACTIVATED
- lynnette and freminet are so weirded out by their usually chipper brother being like… this
- will take care of u until u get better
- whatever you need, he has <33
- tea
- he makes u tea
- and is overall a funny person
- like lyney he’ll want you to get as much rest as possible and yk cook for u and stuff
- ‘i’ll use my cryo vision to make the cold leave your body!’
- gets sigewinne to check on you because he has a MELUSINE DOCTOR so ofc he’s gonna ask her to check on youu
- lots of forehead and cheek kisses
- always makes sure you take medicine!
- cuddles!!! to make you warm!!!
- yea <3
- i think all the boys would cook and clean and take care of you
- but NONE better than gaming
- except maybe thoma
- but we’re talking about GAMING here
- he knows like 50000 people so you can bet he’s calling in favours
- ‘hello? yes remember that time a killed a bunch of hilichurls for you? yea can you make me soup? my partner’s sick.’
- tries to keep your energy and spirits up
- walks to get fresh air
- unlike the others he doesn’t really want to keep you in bed all the time bc he knows it can get irritating
- so he’ll spend time with you :))
- does the chores so you don’t have to worry about them
- overall i love gaming gaming best boy
- ‘…tf’
- ‘[NAME] DON’T MOVE A SLIME IS POSSESSING YOu- oh. it’s called a cold? and your body mAKES SLIME TO KEEP IT OUT??’
- humans are weird
- poor boy doesn’t know what to do
- you can bet he’s feeding you almond tofu
- and going to zhongli and cloud retainer etc. for advice
- ‘i can kill demons and protect teyvat… but i can’t help you feel better’
- sad boi
- so ofc you comfort him and everything
- makes sure you take your medicine all!!! the!!! time!!!
- doesn’t wanna leave your side
- caring and slightly confused bf but so sweet :(
- he’s so calm
- lyney’s total opposite
- cooking, chores, he does the lot
- provides better alternatives than the store antibiotics and they help u get better so much faster
- rare unserious alhaitham moment he claims it’s his love
- maybe it is!!
- reading sessions together!!
- u both reading books or him reading to you
- such a perfect bf
a/n: hope you enjoyed this one <33 smashed it out today after some depressing valorant LOL be back with more soon and pls reblog so more people can see my work!! my taglist is now open so if you want to join just drop an ask <3
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AITA for backing out of an art exchange because the person who pulled my name has an art style I really don't like?
In the fandom based Discord I'm in we had a small art exchange last month. Everyone got randomly paired with someone else to exchange art based on their prompts.
I'm a big believer in all art having value and that people enjoy different art styles, but unfortunately the person I was paired with has a really specific art style that I just.
Honestly, I hate it.
Our fandom is soft-anime style, think something like Genshin or similar art. Anime but more rounded off, 3D style.
However this artist has a really sharp, angular, honestly a little strange kind of art style that makes the final result look nothing like the original character design at all except for features like their clothing being the most obvious clue as to who they are.
If you ever read the really old Roald Dahl books with the super pointy, triangular art style, its kind of like that. Huge, super sharp pointy chins and noses, super long faces, all of the eyes drawn in the same long, sideways triangle style.
Its amazing that they have a style they like, but its 100% not my style and I really didn't want to have to fawn over it and share it across my socials when it is clearly the opposite of the art style I like.
I wound up pretending I had an unexpected work trip which meant I had to back out of the exchange (which actually wound up being true, but the trip was only 3 days so it wasn't like I wouldn't have had the 3 other whole weeks to work on my side of the exchange.) I was super polite about it, because again, its not my style but its theirs and I'd never deliberately make someone feel bad about their art.
Well, turns out some genius in our server forgot we all follow each other on Tumblr too and made a post basically laughing about how I had the balls to get out of it and how funny and smart they found it.
The mods sent a screenshot of it into the server and said bullying would not be tolerated and I got a warning for bullying. I pointed out I hadn't lied about the trip and I wasn't even the one who made the post, but they blacklisted talking about it further and made a new rule that if you fail to participate in future exchanges for anything less than like, someone dying or whatever, you get removed from the server completely.
All around nobody is happy about any of it, and there's talks about voting to just veto exchanges completely both because nobody wants to single people out and nobody wants to be forced to fawn over art they don't like.
I'm mostly angry with the person who poked their nose in because before they said anything it was completely fine with me and the other artist. They understood completely, we joked about how shit work is, and they were just going to do an art piece for the server as a whole which I thought was a really cute outcome, but now both of them have gone silent in the server and won't reply to anyone.
What are these acronyms?
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haravath0t · 6 months
𝐀 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝’𝐬 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨
𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧-𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐬
𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚗𝚎𝚞𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎, 𝚣𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚒, 𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚝𝚘, 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚊
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓 - 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟹
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𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜 : ̗̀➛ meeting the in-laws during the holidays…how does that work? (genshin men x Filipino!reader)
☕🤍🌿 𝚕𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ! 𝚒𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚜 ! ☕🤍🌿
₊˚.༄ 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦
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Oh, they’d love him.
The minute he walks through the door, his aura is undeniable. He’s practically the dream son-in-law any Filipino parent can ask for.
Taking off shoes at the front door? Check. A put together outfit? Check. Going up to your parents immediately to take their hand and doing the “mano”? Check. Your parents would eat it all up too! 
“Ayyy, wow! Mabait s’ya!” (Wow! He’s polite!) “Ang galing naman! Ay thank you, thank you!”
They would even notice that he took care of the refreshments too, it seems. By refreshments, we mean water bottles. Lots of it. It undeniably will be the brand that he likes the best. No, it is not the crystal geyser, no it’s not dasani, just a bunch of “flavored water with the best aftertaste.” (Don’t get your hopes up, it’s good ol’ mineral water.)
It’s all nice and all, but when he sits down? He may not look like it, but he’s a nervous wreck. “Is this alright?” “Perhaps I can say something. But what?” “Hmm, no, not that.” In truth, he’s amazed that he even landed on a beautiful partner, that is you, someone who has exercised so much patience and has taught him ways to express himself. However, to practice all he has learned from you in the face of other people, especially that it’s your parents? It is safe to say even the Iudex himself cannot help but feel queasy. 
He cannot bring himself to really start any conversation as much as he would like to, even the bustle of your family slowly trickling in cannot take away the unspoken worries he has. It is thanks to you holding his hand below the table that his worries ease even a little, as well as your inquisitive parents. 
The fact that your parents start off by asking questions eases Neuvillette, his posture as elegant as he looks, relax ever so slightly, something you notice by the slightest shift in his seat. The longer they talk to the quiet Iudex, the more your parents are comforted as well. Perhaps their daughter is in good hands, after all. 
“Please, do not worry. I shall swear to you that your daughter will live every day knowing how much she means to me.”
ᨒ ₊ ⊹ 𝘻𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪
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Like Neuvillette, he’d have an aura that one cannot deny. It’s as though he carries himself with a quiet yet powerful sense of confidence, truly the definition of finesse as he steps in. It’s as though a higher power has stepped into the party. (hah!)
He was well-dressed, having his dress shirt with a nicely placed tie, some nice slacks, and a trench coat that only accentuates his lean visage. As always, his long brown hair was in a ponytail, and he came in with leather gloves. 
The way he takes off his shoes and the way he practically bows down to your parents to “mano” them is pretty second nature to him. “Greetings. Thank you for hosting this night for us.” He’d say, and his deep voice along with the gentle tone he uses amuses your parents and even your cousins. Sure they knew he was a good man for you to be married to, and sure they have heard him speak before, but to hear him and be within his vicinity is such a shocker to them!
The titas are fawning over him already, trying to lean closer to hear this man talk, even approaching so that way they can greet him as well. His smile was so kind, his amber eyes something no one can look away from, and his stature made him look much taller than he already is. 
In his hands were a container of dumplings that you and he had made together, a suggestion made by him to thank the hosts, your parents. “Ay! Thank you!” Your parents seemed more than pleased. It is when he takes off his gloves and holds your hand does your wedding rings shine in the light, a reminder to the family just who he was happily married to. 
They cannot help but talk about you both now, watching Zhongli catch up with your parents quietly, all the while his hand subconsciously places itself on the small of your back, letting you take a plate and dig into the various foods and desserts you would like. Though your parents have talked to Zhongli several times before on smaller visits, they still cannot help but feel some form of intimidation towards the man, feeling as though it was too good to be true. 
Your titas love him alright, but your titos? Oh, they envy him. Almost every man in that party does. They felt as though Zhongli needed to be eased in, and what better way than through drinks and games? Mayhaps mahjong? Oh, that’s where they had made a mistake. 
Zhongli refuses beer, settling on tea while he talks to the titos with ease, though he wouldn’t hesitate to give out his opinions on some topics, which undeniably tarnish some of the pride your titos came into this party with. The worst part? He’s winning the mahjong matches no matter how many times the titos or your guy cousins switch. The man at this point seems unshakeable! He didn’t show it, but he was getting a hoot out of it. 
However, even if it may be so, he’s always coming back to you. Even amidst the noise, his smile truly appears when you’re near. Your parents don’t miss how easily you two reciprocate, and they cannot help but feel relaxed. 
“Salamat sa diyos,” (“Thank god”) Your mom sighs, looking at your father. “She’s taken care of.”
₊˚.༄ 𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘵𝘰
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Unlike the previous husbands, Kamisato Ayato is an intimidating type. Rather than him being a bit nervous around your parents, it’s more of them being nervous around him. 
They immediately approved of your marriage with him, his name alone already ringing a bell to both your mom and dad. When he met them, asking their blessing in your marriage? Oh, they cannot help but become nervous. They tried to dress their best, you came in with an extra spotless looking household, and the biggest array of Filipino dishes you can even recall. Admittedly, it was a little too much, that you even got a bit annoyed of how they were putting much more effort into this than they should, but you had to just let Ayato be, letting him praise your parents in turn. 
When you called your parents to notify them that you two were coming to this year’s Christmas party, it was the same reaction. Even though Ayato does his best to reassure them that he’s just “your husband”, it seems to never be so. 
And so, he’s dressed in a simple yet elevated outfit: a light blue collared shirt, paired with a black tie and vest, and a long black trench coat. 
The kids loved him, of course, but you can see your parents practically curl up. He greeted your relatives and your parents with ease, amusing them each time he even spoke to you so lovingly. 
“My love, let’s grab something delicious to eat.” He’s heard saying to you with a smile, gently guiding you through the crowded house where the trays of food are lined up. 
Though many are in awe of the famed Kamisato, they are undeniably going to think of your comparability with the young man too. The titas talk to your parents, and it’s a whole round table in itself. 
“Ang pangit ng damit ng anak mo!” (“Your daughter’s clothes look ugly”) A Tita whispers to your mother. “Lalo na sa tabi n’ya.” (“Especially next to him.”)
“Couldn’t your daughter have a better job?” “I feel like this is some joke.” “He could leave her one day, watch…let’s see if she can keep her act together.”
Your ears catch it pretty quickly, the women talking so loud. Undeniably it hurts your mother, but she lets them talk, trying to toughen it out. Ayato is quick to notice your concern. 
“Hey,” Ayato chuckles from behind, kissing your temple. “Why don’t you find us a seat? I’ll get us your favorite drink, hm?” His voice, as always, was so sweet, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Fine, fine,” you sigh. “I’ll be in the living room.” Ayato can only smile and look at you with loving eyes. “Good girl.”
And so, you opt to find a cozy seat on the couch in the other room, somewhere by the corner and by the window. Ayato was going to get your drinks from the freezer, yes, but also to make a quick stop. 
“Ahh,” Ayato chuckles, standing beside the circle of titas and your own mother. Immediately the chatter dies down, and he practically commands the flow of the topic, all the while he holds onto your drinks. “I don’t want to be so intruding, but I cannot help but overhear what you all are talking about!” It is only then that the titas start to feel a tinge of guilt, and Ayato stops them before they even come up with an excuse.  
“Why, if I may add my own contribution, I’d like to offer that before you begin to judge what my wife and I have with one another, that you all consider just what type of people you all are that makes you all so capable of passing judgment, hm? You won’t tarnish my impression of my wife, but you are tarnishing my impression towards you all.”
₊˚.༄ 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘢
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Oh, your parents had their doubts when they met Childe. They couldn’t help but wonder if he was a bad influence or not, but they decided that they can’t really sway you to reconsider or to think about it a bit more. So alas, when you and your husband come in for the Christmas party, Childe, or rather, Ajax, was already having a happy face. 
He looked so cozy in your eyes, dawning a red crew neck sweater with gray pants, all put together with a black belt and a beige coat. No doubt he was handsome, and yet the elders can only stare at this rather loud and rambunctious man that was your husband. 
Your parents greet him, but he hugs them! It’s quite a shocker to them, but they couldn’t deny, his charisma was something that had them soften up. “If you don’t mind, I also brought along someone else!” He says to your parents, and before they can question him, out peeps a smaller boy behind his legs, someone who looked similar to Ajax. He had the same red hair and blue eyes, the same freckles, and your parents’ eyes went wide. 
Was this his kid? Your stepson? But the questions were immediately answered when your husband spoke: “This is Teucer! My little brother! He has been missing us, so I figured he can come along!” 
This made your parents second guess their previous view of Ajax. Did he really speak so highly of you and your parents that he trusted his little brother to come along? Yes, yes he did. The implication alone made them smile. Maybe they needed to rethink this. 
“No, it’s okay! Come, go eat na! There’s so much food!” Your mother beckons to Teucer, leaving you and him alone. He’s very affectionate with you, and openly so, that it makes your parents blush. They watch you two settle, watch Ajax sit you down on his lap while he feeds you food from a plate you two are sharing, all while Teucer fights his older brother to snuggle up to you. 
That’s only temporary, though, especially when the little boy gets whisked away by your own young nieces and nephews, causing the kids to be even louder than usual. Still, this gets your father and mother to talk to him. 
“So Ajax…” They start asking him questions one by one, and each makes them slowly relax. He’s ticking all the requirements: he’s making a steady income, you and him are getting along fine, and that you’re also being well received by his own family. 
But then comes a dreaded distraction: a yelling noise from a chorus of men that was your Tito’s. And Ajax’s head snaps in curiosity. “Oh, don’t mind them,” your father waves dismissively. “Pacquiao is fighting tonight.” It was then you see Ajax’s eyes widen. “Wait. Like the boxer?!” “YES!”
Your father did an immediate 180 if he hadn’t already. For all you know, Ajax wasn’t yours any longer, for he was already given a bottle of beer and within the crowd of various Tito’s, seeing him mimic punches as though Pacquiao himself was being coached by this man. 
Your mother couldn’t help but laugh with you, seeing the Tito’s and a now buzzed Ajax talk amongst themselves as though they have known each other as long as you and him have. 
“You know, anak?” Your mother starts, looking over at the sight of all these men gathered around the TV while your husband screams alongside your mother’s husband. “You were right. You married a good guy, a good family oriented guy. I like it.”
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lxmine · 1 year
drunk bestfriend + sampo koski x gn!reader
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+. fluff, confession, bad shit drunk sampo
+. summary ; mc calls you to come get your drunk best friend sampo koski
+. A/N i know i’ve been gone for so long but here i am back with another rushed fanfic LMAO not genshin related but i’ve been playing honkai : star rail a little and not far into the game yet but this guy… I LIKE HIM! and i stumbled into this x listener asmr where your best friend is drunk and also drunk confessing lmao so credits to that because it inspired me to do this
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you arrived at said tavern after 20 minutes after mc has called you. and as you entered you could already hear sampo singing some tune you dont even know of and people are eyeing him already. you sighed as you walked up to him. “oh hey, hic beautiful~” he chuckles as he sees you. “get up” you chuckled as you tapped his shoulders. “oh? you asking me hic out already?” he smirks, wiggling his brows.
yeah… he gets so flirty and forgets about your friendship whenever he’s drunk, nothing new so you were used to his tactics already. “my name is sampo by the way~ hic, thats s a m p o not s h a m p o o hic” he smiles watching you you took the seat next to him. “yeah, i know.” you giggled “let’s get you home now though”
“nuh-uh! no taking hic me home just yet, buy hic me dinner first.” he says with a sass, about to drink the glass of beer again but you swatted his hand away, which he didnt seem to mind. “ok that wasn’t it. sorry, hic i’ll let you take me home whenever.” he giggles, you just watch him at this point, until he’s finishes with his rambling. “lets start over alright, sweet cheeks? my name is- is sampo, and thats hic s a m p o and not s h a m p o o. and i think… hic you’re so pretty.” he smirks and giggles. “you look pretty, yourself too”
“i know, i know.” he giggles, leaning in the table, looking at you. you could explain it but the way he looked at you… its was definitely not the way you look at your bestfriend. “[name]~ hic [name] youre so beautiful~” he says, his eyes not leaving your features. and just his stare is enough to get you blushing. “you dint have a boyfriend right? we can date right?” he asks with hopeful eyes. “many people fawn over you, youre so attractive~ i ant you to be mine~” he whines. wrapping his arms around you.
“no, sampo. i dont have any lover.” you said nervously. this doesnt feel like his drunk flirting at all… it’s as if he means what he’s saying. he hummed happily. “[name]~ i love you~ hic i love you so much~ more than a friend, [name]~” your breath hitched as he talked. “i want you to be happy… wanna see you happy~” he says, pulling away to lean against the table to look at you again. “want you to be happy… even if it’s with someone else, [name]~” he chuckles. but when you looked at him he wasnt smiling, he was tearing up.
“sampo, what-? why are you crying?” you giggled caressing his cheeks. “‘m sorry. hic ‘m so sorry~” he apologized as his sobs got louder. he sobbed like a kid. “i love you… i love you s-so much.” he sobbed. people who are nearby chuckling at the scene. “i cant even- b-bear the thought of you with someone else hic.”
“what-?” “i want you to be happy [name]~ but i want you to be happy with me~!“ he sobbed even harder. it was honestly cute, and you couldn’t do anything but to hug him and pamper the big guy. lets just say, it took an hour to get him home.
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maopll · 1 year
Hewwo. Could I request Kaveh, Thoma, Cyno and Wanderer with an s/o who loves talking about how handsome they are?
Oh, you give me butterflies
| genshin impact !
⌗:, you just can't brush of the feeling you first felt when you met your lover but...you still have the same butterflies everytime you see his handsome face...
⌗:, I've waited for a while for my sisters laptop to be cleared but since I can't get my hands on it no gradient for this one lmfao enjoy
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⌗:, a/n: I still drool over genshin men I can't help it. its unfair of hyv to keep pulling out pretty characters. I may or may not have gone overboard with Wanderer.
⌗:, warning: nothing just fluff, fluff, fluff
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,,people fawn over how good he looks and you being his lover are really proud but when you look at his face more closer, with more adoration you can't get over how his face looks like as if it was crafted by gods....
✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .
Kaveh being the light of Ksharewar and a stern follower of aesthetics and architects maintains his face like a beauty expert. He would hate it if his face isn't smooth without any faults just like his unbeatable architectural masterpieces.
You love his face when he is concentrated but when his face is covered in sweat after he completes his work with a smirk of victory on his face...oh you go crazy looking at him something just starts riling up in you.
You observe him when he works because you are unable to spend time cuddling him as he is busy covering up his debts. You observe him because you like his face but maybe you stare a little too hard. " like what you see [name] ?" he said and you just suddenly proclaimed how much you love staring at his pretty face that it became a hobby of yours.
when you finally processed what you said you flushed bright red while Kaveh had a lovable smile on his face.
oh how could his [name] be so adorable? don't worry you won't get away from him until he has given you a sufficient amount of kisses !
You fell head first when you saw the kamisato retainer Thoma on his way out from the estate on his way to the shrine, the same direction as you and that's pretty much how you both fell in love at first sight.
You love thoma to the moon and back and you love the way how he gets easily flustered when you tease him even a little bit. it makes you feel giddy. you always cook food for him on the pretense of you getting the chance to visit him and feed him.
While you were feeding him the food you made you stated gently at his lips. the way they parted and the way thd food would go down his throat, you observed his every little act with great detail. You told him that " how do you look so handsome in whatever you do? im so glad i fell in love with you first" hearing your sudden statement made him choke on his food and you seriously got worried.
" [name] thank you for the compliment but...I am eating and I might choke"
You were an adventurer of the desert, and you heard of the general mahamatra, Cyno but you never saw him in person until you were being ambushed by a group of hiluchurls, and he came to save you.
His reason for loving you is very simple. you are a great person and you like his jokes..well to some extent not all are bad. You helped him many times when he was carrying out his duty and after some time both of you moved to a new home. You loved how he looked when he wielded his spear with ease and how he would finish off the enemies in one go. You swear that you never saw a much more cool boyfriend than yours.
You also picked up his habit of saying bad jokes and you told him when he was resting
"Cyno, do you know what kind of tea I like?"
"...what kind?"
"It's you, shawtea"
Well he liked your joke but you could've been straightforward with your admiration for him. Nevertheless he is glad you have a keen sense of humor.
After Scaramouche became Wanderer he did not want to suffer another betrayal and wanted to forget anything that happened to him. But he was sure that if you leave him, he would suffer the greatest betrayal that he will never be free from. You were just an Inn keeper in sumeru and you happened to see him wandering aimlessly. You didn't want him to catch a cold in that storm so you brought him in. But who knew that it would become another tale, lead to another beginning in his life?
You provided him with everything you could after you got to know about his past. You provided him with warmth that he could always expect from the person who loves him a lot. You would sheepishly smile from across the room when he would pout at you for not giving him enough attention for the day.
One night after you caught a cold he stayed right beside your bed taking care of you lest anything goes wrong or you need his help. You were in a daze and unknowingly you told him " you act so rough and tough around everyone...but how come you change your attitude around me? really..I like it a lot how sweet you act towards me...I love you so much. I love your face, I love your lips, I love all your scars that are proof of your bravery, I love the way you talk, I love your everything"
it was so simple yet so laced with love. it was his first time hearing something so pure that he was sure he couldn't believe it. his brain turned into mush when you confessed your heartfelt feelings to him.
He loved you since the day he met you, he loves you today and he will keep loving you till the end of time.
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Not moth brain rot but a random thought that came to me while reading one of ur fics-
If, for whatever reason, a chunk of the human race develops the ability to read minds, I will be throwing myself off the edge of the earth, my friends are here getting engaged, married and having fucking kids while I'm over at the corner daydreaming about how it would feel to be hugged by Foul legacy or thinking 50 different reactions I'll get from him if I give him a bunch of kisses all over his face, like forget the fact that not only does he not exist, he ain't even human- this why tumblr is one of the hidden apps on my phone lmao 💀💀
ohhh this gave me an SAGAU idea hear me out-
you and your friends all play Genshin, having your own likes and dislikes, but you happen to absolutely ADORE Childe's Foul Legacy form which all your friends tease you about- lovingly, they swear! but still, you tend to keep your love of Foul Legacy to yourself, instead opting to listen to your friends talk about THEIR favorite characters. you keep quiet so you don't have to endure anymore teasing, and even when you're playing alone you don't allow yourself to admire Foul Legacy very much because you've been taught it's something silly
what you don't know is that Foul Legacy can hear you, and has been watching ever since you first set foot into his domain, when you had first gasped in awe over his design and voice. he's not used to being admired- Abyssal creatures are supposed to be frightening- but he soon comes to like your fawning, often listening to your happy comments instead of paying attention to his weekly boss battle. sometimes he can hear you during Phases 1 and 2, sitting cross-legged on the ground and waiting, letting out happy purrs and coos whenever you cheer in victory
but sometimes there's days you don't make any comments, days where you're just silent and going through the motions, and Foul Legacy wants nothing more than to reach out and comfort you. but he can't, he can only watch your characters stand on the far edges of the arena, your soft sigh echoing overhead as you wonder why it's so bad to like Foul Legacy, or at least why it makes you so ripe for teasing
you sit quietly, and Foul Legacy despairs that he can't do more for a presence no one else in Teyvat seems to know exists
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dearbraus · 6 months
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in possession of the best geo claymore 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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satoruin · 2 years
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you have selected — HOST TARTAGLIA
if you would like to select a different host, please refer to our host roster located here
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the teyvat host club event is based on the animanga ouran high school host club! these hcs are about genshin characters as hosts within teyvat high school
notes from lee: scrunkly is getting a rerun so i did his event hc’s first! i’ve been lowk struggling to make ideas for all of the guys but it’s ok 👍 ty for supporting me and more of the ohshc au event hc’s to come!
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tartaglia joined the host club his first year at teyvat mostly due to a misunderstanding
he thought that host club meant something about fighting and hosting fights so he blindly joined
he hated it to say the least
but his papers to switch clubs got denied and he was stuck being a part of the host club
and then the benefactor funding his tuition told him that it would be a good opportunity to get to know others his age and to make connections
so he grins and bears it, putting on his charming personality that everyone loves
it’s not until the second semester that he finds himself not pretending anymore and that he actually has started to like some of the members
the other host club members are also very talented and educated even in martial arts so it has given him several new opponents and butt kickings
so as of now he sort of enjoys it but don’t tell the other members, they’ll call him sappy
childe is a surprisingly popular host within the club
it’s not unusual to see several guests at his table hanging onto his every word
tartaglia prefers to go by childe when he’s actively entertaining guests
when he has smaller sessions, he’s even more charming
he’s gotten pretty good at remembering names
but it was only after he messed up pretty bad and then had to beg for the guest roster
loves to fluster guests
he’ll come out of nowhere and start holding hand with you or surprise you with a kiss on the cheek
would make cheesy jokes like how you shared an indirect kiss after he stole your drink
overall, childe is a big BIG flirt, he just loves seeing other people flustered faces and actions
BUT if you manage to turn the tables on him and fluster him…
he gets the cutest blush that turns his ears red and accentuates his freckled cheeks
he also tries to deny that he’s blushing
OMG he makes you feed him and then he’ll bite your finger and tell you that you taste even sweeter than whatever you fed him
has probably beat someone up on school grounds
idk why he would but it’s definitely out of jealousy or protecting his or someone else’s pride
his benefactor (the fatui) definitely sponsors the school in some way so he doesn’t get in too much trouble
most likely a slap on the wrist and that’s why he keeps doing it
but it creates this bad boy with a soft side persona that he absolutely embraces
talks about his family a lot and how he wants to visit them more often
probably brought teucer in one time and EVERYONE fawned over their relationship
since he really likes you and teucer took a liking to you when he was there childe invites you to meet his family over a break
also because he likes you, he leaves little gifts on your desk
it’s always from a secret admirer (bc he’s not supposed to show favoritism as a host) but you know it’s from childe
he’s the only one that would give you a narwhal keychain
if you did start dating, which would have to be kept a secret to his guests, he would still do cheesy simp stuff
like pull you around the corner to give you a goodbye kiss in secret
or tell you the worst pickup lines in existence
but it’s endearing in a way that makes you roll your eyes and smile
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stxramr · 1 year
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•Yandere!Scaramouche/Wanderer x GN Reader
•'You've never thought a character could do such damage to your game files,yet alone escape it.'
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You remembered it as clear as day,going on your laptop to casually play your current favorite game-Genshin Impact.
There was a new event apparently,being the 'unreconciled stars' event.Where you heard that a new character will be making an appearance
It featured Fischl,Mona,Traveler,Paimon,and an unfamiliar male character in post about it.The said character piqued your interest,which is why you quickly started the quest.
It was all so fun and memorable,becoming one of your favorite events quite fast.The highlight of it in your memories was the new character,which had purple hair that was styled like a bowl cut combined with a jellyfish cut.
You remember becoming obsessed with the character as well,being very disappointed to be informed that he might not be making any appearances for some time.
Months passed by and you long forgot about the said character,that is,until you got to Inazuma and started chapter II of the archon quest.Not to mention,he was seemingly mentioned everywhere you go.
If it weren't for the Fatui camps everywhere that seem to mention him,the two Fathi diplomats talking about him nonstop,or even random npcs mentioning him,you'd completely forgot about him.
Not like you actually did forget about him,it was just your mind was preoccupied with other subjects and characters.
But as soon as you saw the cutscene with him in Inazuma?
Memories started to flood your brain and your mind was filled of it with him again.And so was your tiktok for you page.
Thousands and hundreds of other scara simps that called themselves 'scaranation' were now taking over your for you page and making your fixation on him worsen.The edits just seem to never end.
After what seemed like 3-5 weeks or so,the scaramouche tiktoks you kept seeing lessen lessened,you thought it was over until you heard he would be in Sumeru.
Which now brings you to what you were doing just yesterday,about to finish the archon quest chapter III.
When you were just about to finish the boss fight between your team and Shouki no Kami,your laptop suddenly shut down.Leaving you in a state of confusion and anger.
It made you even more confused when you saw it was drained of battery,which was strange considering it was fully charged when you started playing and it's only been like 30 minutes.
The thoughts of confusion were swept away by annoyance.You took like two heelers and a shitton of food there and were on the brink of death.All it took was one final blow.And then your laptop shut down.
Glancing at the clock by your rooms wall,you then realized how late it was.Even though it was a weekend tomorrow,you still had things to do.
Hence why you plopped down onto your bed and immediately passed out,not even thinking of double checking if your charger actually connected to your laptop.
As soon as your head hit the pillows,you passed out and fell into deep oblivious sleep.
He had his eye on you for some time now.
You had catched his eye.
Out of all the people fawning over him,you stood out the most,was it your personality?appearance?morals?
He doesn't even know for himself,yet he's been there.Always.
He did everything he possibly could to worm himself into your life.He broke the forth wall and ruined the game codes and files.
Just to worm himself into every aspect of your game.He made the fatui diplomats around you talk about him,he made the npcs mention him,he even added subtle details to remind you of him.
Not to mention,but he also somehow got onto your social media accounts,stalking you and your activity.Just to realize you almost forgot about him.
Was it those stupid wannabe friends you had that distracted you from him?was it that you were more interested in another character?
He doesn't care.He acts and thinks he doesn't.If he really didn't,then he wouldn't have gone through all of that just to get him to be the one to have a cutscene in Inazuma instead.
It was supposed to be another harbinger,like Signora,or maybe even Sandrone or Arlecchino.But no,he did everything to hack those damned files.
Hoyoverse was surprised when he appeared instead,but they didn't do anything about it,considering how much attention it gained.They would have sued a potential hacker if only it didn't attract so much attention.
Hell,He didn't do anything to make those other pest make videos of him but he's glad they did.After all,it made your mind stay full of him and him only for a while.
He also ldidn't do much to make him have another appearance but this time in sumeru,Hoyoverse did that to attract more attention seeing how well things went last time he had a cutscene.
All he did that time was hack into your files one last time to make your laptop shut down.Then he took action.
He took full advantage of the fact you didn't put the charger in correctly,the less disturbance of other elements the more easily he could work with this.
Sooner or later,he'd finally with you.
In your world.
It didn't take him much to do it,he had already been corrupting it for a while now.The fact he stopped the game and had the gnosis inside him while doing so granted him even more privilege.
The sound of a dark empty sound emitting from your laptop caused you to toss and turn for a second,he froze on the spot.
He doesn't know why,but that made his senses heighten.He looked around after starring at your peacefully asleep form.
Then,he slowly tip toed over to your closet,opening it as quiet as he could,grimacing when it made the most unpleasant screeching sound a closet door could make.
He planned this- to either steal some villagers clothes or steal a pair of normal looking clothes you don't wear.It would make him look discreet and less suspicious.
Plus,he was sure people out there actually looked like him,so he's planning to use that to gaslight you into believing him.
He grabbed a light Grey shirt with black sweatpants that was separated and folded neatly at the back.Clothes he was sure you forgot about.
Going out your room to change,he heard you mumble some incoherent gibberish,it was purely all nonunderstandle,and he didn't know if he should chuckle at it or not.
Oh,did I mention he also practiced on acting the part?
After changing,he went back inside and shoved his original clothing,which were reduced to a black sleeveless shirt and long shorts into the dark back of a forgotten area of your closet.
He took off specific parts of his outfit for this occasion too,just as I said.He planned it.
Then,he proceeded to carefully climb onto your bed,take the still folded sheets,lay down and cover both of your bodies with it.
His face grew red,this was it.He was finally with the person he longed for.He might have to gaslight them into believing he's their boyfriend and that they just forgot,he'll just pray you'll believe him.Or else he'll have to resort to more violent ways.
Maybe hit you with a crowbar or hammer in the head?or perhaps push you down your staircase?maybe even start cooking ll the time just to stuff your food full of aphrodisiacs??
Whatever,it might cause you some horrible side affects like direalization,paranoia,and others but whatever.As long as you'll love him it won't get bloody.
As long as you'll love him,not a single droplet of blood will be shed,
As long as you love him,he won't hurt you.
As long as you love him,as long as you stay with him for all of eternity,nothing bad will happen.
He promised.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Genshin Hydro Masterlist
ღ fluff | ☆ platonic | ☪ angst | ♤ one-shot | ✄ headcanons | ♘ talks | ✉ ordered | ♬ favorite
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Your hand for their win ✄ ♬
They react on being called the prettiest boy you've met ღ ✄ ✉
They with hydro!reader who sings in battle ღ ✄ ✉
They with reader fawning over them ღ ✄ ✉
They catching shy!reader play song dedicated for them ღ ✄ ✉ ♬
Them with lucky!reader ღ ♤ ✉
Him and his male!reader competing over Teucer's attention ღ ✄ ✉
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You can't hide from yandere them ☪ ✄
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They react on being called the prettiest boy you've met ღ ✄ ✉
They're being told you want to spend an eternity with them ღ ♤ ✉
Them with lucky!reader ღ ♤ ✉
Saying they can rival their archons beauty ღ ♤ ✉
Them being readers whole world ღ ♤ ✉
Them with toymaker!reader ღ ✄ ✉
Them with dragon!reader ღ ✄ ✉
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Them with cuddly!reader ღ ✄ ✉
Reader singing song about him with melusines ღ ♤ ✉ ♬
Them being readers whole world ღ ♤ ✉
Them with dragon!reader ღ ✄ ✉
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Him with younger sibling!chaotic!reader ☆ ✄ ✉
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remypilled · 1 year
guys if i posted ab my genshin self insert would u guys even be invested............... would u fawn over her lore like shes a little newborn baby................ wiould u be fascinated by the thematic elements in her backstory.......................... wiuld u ask me questions and talk to me about her like shes my child u havent seen in a while and go oh ur getting so tall.................... would yo
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d10nsaint · 1 year
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I posted 1,576 times in 2022
That's 1,576 more posts than 2021!
880 posts created (56%)
696 posts reblogged (44%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 465 of my posts in 2022
#leigetalks - 152 posts
#manhwa - 146 posts
#saintspeaks - 136 posts
#leigewrites - 131 posts
#manhwa x reader - 117 posts
#x reader - 103 posts
#the way to protect the female lead's older brother - 77 posts
#dion agriche - 72 posts
#the way to save the older brother of the heroine - 68 posts
#dion agrece - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#tagging genshin because only people who dont go outside play that shit and we know how those people end up
My Top Posts in 2022:
Timeline: Chapter 37. Spoilers for season 2!!
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Your voice slightly cracked.You weren’t sure what was about to happen. Maybe he would kill you? Maybe one of you would betray the others?
“Come here, darling.”
You beckoned your finger to him. Would he help Lant off of the floor, and discard of you and your son?
The sound of his boots echoed the halls.He lightly kissed your hand.The feeling of his warm lips against your glove still managed to reach your skin.
“I am at your mercy.”
Roxana looked down at the both of you; How did you manage to tame her murderous older brother? It was above her.
See the full post
474 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Dion with a very beautiful s/o?? Kind of like Cayena Hill beautiful. Everyone in their family immediately accepted her because of how beautiful and confident she is. She attracted attention everywhere she went because of her beauty!
>Lets say your parents were friends with Maria, and your mother had brought you with her to Agriche for one of Maria's tea parties. (Before Ashil's death.)
>Maria saw you, and you were almost sure you could see stars in her eyes.She started complimenting you for your beauty almost immediately.
>Of course, you couldn't attend Maria's tea party, so she had Dion show you around Agriche, as she wanted you to come over often and be comfortable.(At the time, you only saw Maria as a pretty socialite.)
>Dion shut you out and did the bare minimum of showing you around, then left you on your own.
>Fast forward a few months, and after talking to Dion a lot, you both became friends.Although he had weird hobbies (showing you knives, giving dead animals as gifts) he was a close friend of yours.
>Maria then saw how you both were close, and how could she give up such a pretty daughter-in-law?Your mother had almost instantly said yes to the marriage proposal, and had you live at Agriche.
>When you met lant, he only said, "she would make good children.Put her in classes with Roxana."
>And now, you were a 14 year old learning how to dominate a man!! wow!!
>Life was going smoothly: daily classes on how to have kids, learning how to handle gore, and training with dion was how you spent your days.
>You had only talked to Dion, only sparing a few words to roxana, who stared at you with awe in classes. (For context, when roxana was a kid, it was mentioned that she adored beautiful things.)
>Until..The incident.
>When ashil failed the special test, Lant had you follow Dion into the room with a mask on.
>In front of you, he had killed his own sibling.
You had learned how to handle gore, and had never spared a single word to Ashil, but you felt bad for Sierra when Ashil was killed; she looked so broken.Sad.
>Fast forward a few years, and you had everybody in the household fawning over you.
>When you were younger, it was "she's so cute!" now it's "shes so hot."
>You had won over every single sibling in Agriche, and even had the title , 'future duchess.'
>Meeting Fontaine was the worst thing that could have happened to you.He had flirted with you, and had even blushed when you sent him disgusted scorns about how dion was better than him.
>As the proud future lady of agriche, you had many followers, and had won the favor of all of Lants wives.
>Now, here is where you found out that Maria wasn't all dresses and tea.
>She had shown you a doll, while you struggled to keep a straight face.
>Dion still likes you quite alot, and loves touching you.He gives many gifts and dresses that he thinks will suit you.
>Handsome dangerous husband x sexy dangerous wife = Dion x you
>although you werent able to participate in monthly tests due to you not being a born Agriche, you still had a seat next to Lant due to how obedient of a child you were.
>And when agriche fell, you couldnt even imagine Dion not taking your side to run away.
>(recent chap spoilers) and Dion grew even more fond of you when you defended him from lant <3
521 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
&."𝖒𝖞 𝖉𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖘" ... -𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫,𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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>Being Regis' wife. endless days with jubel, and endless nights with regis.
>Tea parties with baby Jubel.
>Wearing matching dresses with Jubel everywhere you go; from parties,to events, and even competitions.Its more like your married to Jubel than regis.
>Reading in the Libary and getting a back hug from regis.Big, warm hands wrapping around your waist, his big body leaning down to kiss your shoulder.
>Dancing with duke floyen at parties,stealing the stage.
>Reading books with Jubel to help her sleep.Her tiny hands hugging your body, seeking warmth in the cold night.
>Being trapped Laying down with regis in bed.
>Going on outings with Regis and Jubel, who are willing to buy you anything that you look at.
>Having long kisses with regis while dancing.
>Meeting Max when he was a child as the dukes wife, and being the only one who tries to comfort him.
>Meeting max again..but when he is the boyfriend of your beloved daughter, Jubel.
>Stopping regis from killing max tbh
>Helping regis with paperwork in his office, but he cant even take his eyes away from your lips as you talk to him about how he is spending too much money <3
>Regis buying a store because you like 3 things from that shop.
590 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
"My dear husband."
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You brushed your gloved finger against dions lips. Even through the glove, you felt the soft skin of your husbands lips.He was everything to you. Dion; your beloved, insane, rude, obsessive husband.You were sitting in his lap, legs around his waist facing him. Even though how he made sure you didnt get exposed to anything he deemed 'unruly' for you, as his sweet wife to see, or how he constantly killed any male who might have had the chance to become an intrest to you, your mind only went with the one thought:
"it's to protect me."
And every night, where he fucked you,bit you and cut you, your heart fluttered when he brought you closer to him. Just like tonight, actually.
"fuck." that was the only word your husband had said all night. He had ripped your dress, broken your corset, and smudged your lipstick. Your once pretty hair was now tangled and swayed with your movements on Dions lap. He had only been looking down at the way his cock slowly entered your slick-ridden cunt, and how you touched his face with the softest hands, as if you might break him.(who could break you with zero effort) He adored you.Wanted more of you.Without even realizing(realising) it himself, he pulled you closer, grabbed your hips making you go faster. You moaned at the change of position;his dick hitting your g-spot with rough thrusts.
Even after cleaning up, Dion still stuck by you.
If anything was to ever hurt you when he wasnt around, what would your dear husband do?
---------------------------------------------------------------Tag: @calesleftboob
596 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
&."𝖒𝖞 𝖉𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖘" ... -𝐫𝐨𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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&-Being Dion Agriche's wife.
&-Being roxanas pet for her to use as she wills.
&-Having lovely maria agriche's favor;going with her on outings, being on showcases at tea parties,And maving maria's 'dolls' serve you.
&-Having a private Jeremy, all to yourself, to be your lovely attention-seeking puppy.
&-Jeremy hugging your waist so tightly you cant even move!
&-Dion being possesive over who gets close to you. not even letting a servant stare at you for longer than needed.
&-Roxana slowly seducing you, turning you to her side so you could support her.
&-Sierra comforting you after witnessing a death, her soft hold calming you down quickly.
&-Dancing with grizelda, the bones of guards cracking under your soles.
&-Jeremy putting his head onto your lap while ranting about things;like how Fontaine was hitting on roxana, or how dion is just so annoying.
&-Dion,coming home all bloody and seeking love from his darling wife.
&-Being an Agriche and taking care of lovely cassis, who groans when your chest gets too close to his face.
&-Having a touch starved cassis not let go of you when you try to leave-Broad arms trying to pull you back into his room so he couls be with you a little while longer.
&-Being 'friends' with roxana- touches lingering longer than they should, eyes looking into your being reading your mind, filled with desires.
636 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kazubnnys · 2 years
Hi! I hope you’re having a good day :) Can I request a starry night matchup please?
preferred name: Dawn
pronouns: she/they
mbti + personality: infp, i’m pretty down to earth, if not a bit emotional. I’m pretty quiet because I’m usually lost in my own head– I still think I’m a pretty good listener when it counts though. I’m usually nervous to do something new but with some encouragement then I’ll go for it.
sexuality: bisexual
love language: quality time or touch
anime/game i’m requesting for: genshin
three fun facts about myself: 
I did ballet for about four years before I decided to stop. I’m still super flexible though, but I never really had the ballerina strength that you’ll see in performances.
I love long car rides, they’re my favorite thing in the world. Just listening to some music while daydreaming and looking out the window– yes.
Art and writing is my calling. I love drawing, even if I’m not an absolute pro at it yet, and I love creative writing and creating fantasy worlds and characters.
favorite song: body and mind by girl in red
favorite color: olive green
physical appearance: I have brown hair that goes to my shoulders and I wear my rectangle glasses when I absolutely have to because I despise wearing them. I’m 5’6 and lean, sometimes I feel like my limbs are just awkwardly hanging there though. I have blue/gray eyes and I get freckles in the summer which I love.
favorite constellation: sagitta
favorite dessert/snack to munch on while on a date: strawberries with some sort of sandwich sounds nice
Thank you! I think your blog looks really pretty btw :)
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  a star falls from the sky and your pair is decided… enjoy your starry night with…
♡ yoimiya!
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- song playing currently!
╰┈➤ ❝ [ meteor shower by : cavetown ] ❞ 
» i don't know why but this pair comforts me a lot. like, i feel as though it'd be the "talks a lot" and "listens" dynamic?? » so much comfort. yoimiya will literally always make sure to spend time with you. she's always taking you from place to place, fawning over you, and making sure that you're having the time of your life. » she'd literally always encourage you, making sure you know just how special you are- and unknowingly you'd probably reassure her too, just through the smallest of your actions! » she just seems like someone who would give a lot of love out to her partner. like, if there's something you enjoy she's making sure she does it with you. no matter whether she herself is a big fan of it, you like it? cool, she likes it now too. buuuut, she will make sure you do things she enjoys as well! (which means more time spent with her :) )
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as for your date scenario. . .
so, you've been in art block for quite some time now and it's not exactly a fun feeling. you're listening to yoimiya tell you about her day, but she realizes that something might be upsetting her precious partner!!
so, she puts it all on pause to make sure you're alright, asking you about what it is that's bothering you...encouraging you to open up to her about what it is that's giving you a problem (which is, your art block)
she hears you out then thinks for a little, eventually grinning like an idiot. you're curious now. she shares the plan she's cooked up which is....
a firework spectacle!
she claims that she's going to put on a firework show just for you since fireworks usually calm her, she thinks perhaps it can work for you too! giving you some inspiration to cure your art block!
you agree, because why not. and it's really cute. she takes a little to prep and you set up your supplies atop a hill, ready to gain some inspo and yeah :)
so essentially, a firework spectacle by yoimiya for you :)
(with lots of hugs and little kisses)
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this makes me feel so warm for no apparent reason...i hope you're having a good day/night and tysm for requesting!!
and tsym, sorry this took so long T^T
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