#faux feminist bullshit!
thelesbianpoirot · 16 days
your entire shtick sounds like ur a white girl terf lesbian loser who racefakes being Black just to get some credibility and pity for your virulent transphobia and internalised homophobic tendencies. youre so despicable that you gotta add some oppression to your unlikeable persona just to get pity. And if you are Black -- this is sad. The white terfies dont actually love you, you're a diverse little asset to them. Have the day you deserve.
You believe i'm a lesbian more than you believe i'm black? I can't be black because I disagree with you? And if I am black, I believe what I do because I want to be approved of by white people?
So I must align with white people to disagree with you.
Because only white people are capable of defiant "bad" thoughts? If you really saw black people as complete human beings instead of sock puppets for your causes, you would have space in your mind for black people who disagree with you outside of any relationship they have to white people. "Terfies" aren't an established group like a fandom, it's a label thrown at any woman in defiance of the current status quo. Conservative women who would sooner see abortion banned and every woman het married with kids, or apolitical horny lesbians/bis who watch porn all day every day, and go to strip clubs are classed as radical feminists because they know pussy from dick. Face it! Some of these women are black, brown, disabled, bi, lesbian, autistic, and have been or currently identified as trans. Rebel women are in every group. No group of women are exempt from your witch hunt. "The white terfies dont actually love you" How to admit your entire belief system is predicated not on arguments you truly believe in or facts, but how nicely people treat you, and love bomb you into their cult. Being black does not get you "credibility" in radblr orbit. It doesn't even get me pity, I keep getting random accusations of bigotry from within this same orbit for my other views. It gets you anonymous cowardice messages like this. It is not some bigotry free space, but I am sooner debated about bullshit than tokenized as an expert of race relations. Unlike faux tumblr "leftish" groups that treats every black person off the street like a trained activist if they agree with them enough, when many are ignorant scammers, much like themselves. Birds of a feather. Nothing was a bigger indication of my internalized homophobia than the years I wasted pretending I was something I am not, a male, or bisexual (willing to accept any genitals a sexual partner may have). I am a big o'l black lesbian woman and my happiness is not dependent on what foreign whites think of me. It is dependent on the success of my goal of world domination. Sincerely,
A defiant loudmouth Negress.
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Hard to tell but that's my middle finger.
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4thmagicwielder · 12 days
Hank Green and his stupid ass "it's sexist for you trans women to say that you get mood swings from estrogen actually, how dare you describe your own hormonal experiences lol" is so fucking ridiculous to me, because it's such a highlight of faux-feminist, liberal bullshit. Like motherfucker, every gender gets fucking moodswings from their goddamn hormones among other things, where the fuck does he think the overblown stereotype about all teenagers being overly hormonal mood swing havers come from? Did he think that shit was exclusively pointed towards women too? Also a clear indication that his coy ass doesn't see trans women as women for him to literally be finger wagging to women about describing their own damn bodies and experiences because their literal descriptions of what's happening with their bodies sounds "sexist" to him, and comes to the highly professional and scientific conclusion that women don't get mood swings from their hormones based on nothing. It's the type of shit a right winger would make up about progressives saying, but all you need to do to make someone who actually thinks they're progressive to say something that fucking stupid, sexist, transmisogynistic in particular and unscientific is of course transmisogyny. All basic biology ironically comes flying out the window not due to trans women like we're accused of, but from cis people jumping olympic hoops to try to justify how we're not women somehow.
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synnthamonsugar · 9 months
While I understand the apprehension toward men writing women, and people who aren't wlw writing wlw, the implication that women / wlw are so alien that it's impossible for anyone who is not us to empathize with us, and that our experiences are so worthless that no one outside our own group(s) would want to engage with them in good faith is ... troubling, to make an enormous understatement.
To me, personally? People who engage with storytelling that centers on women in the romantic absence of men, and in the absence of male gaze-y bullshit, is a green flag, no matter their sexuality or gender.
It's not a guarantee they won't be misogynist, but it's a preliminary sign they at least conceive of women as independent entities whose worth isn't determined by their usefulness/appeal to men. That women are human beings with interior lives and wishes and wants and flaws and strengths and interesting stories like people of any other gender. Which is a low bar, but one many people — even plenty of women! — struggle to clear.
Speaking directly of men who make & consume media centering women, systemic misogyny and male privilege exist and shouldn't be ignored, but I refuse to believe that every individual man on earth is incapable of enjoying media centering women / wlw in good faith. I will not accept they are all unable to write about us, that we are too incomprehensible, too intolerable, that men and women are too different . . . I simply will not.
There's essentialism to it that turns my stomach. "No man can engage with women's stories in good faith" implies that ALL women can when . . . no? There are women who do not, cannot, or will not engage with stories about women (either as creator or consumer), women who write women poorly — as accessories to men, as plot devices, as stereotypes — sometimes under faux-feminist veneers.
This also begs the question of where NB people fall in this world view, and I flatly refuse to accept "actually, it's okay for non-men to write about women, because only men should be excluded" and "well, only women should get to write about women, NB ppl should be lumped together with men and excluded", because both have disgusting implications I don't have time to unpack here.
IDK I just want more stories about women that don't focus men, and I want more people who love women writing about women, and I want more people writing about women's love for each other, I want to be able to imagine futures or pasts or other worlds where we aren't accessories or playthings, I want kids of all genders to watch women protags and picture themselves in her shoes, I want writers of all genders to be excited about writing women!!!
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parcai · 1 year
love your ranking--but I always put ACOWAR above ACOTAR, not tied. Why is it so repulsive to you? Lol is it the..steamy stuff?
nah idrc abt that, aside from that war camp scene (BC WHAT WAS THAT 🤦‍♂️) it's all fine + dandy
it repulses me the way feysand's dynamic shifts in that book, talk abt babies + shit as if they hadn't just said they wanted to be together for some time alone, rhys getting possessive + weird in a way he wasn't before, feyre constantly talking abt being his equal as if he didn't ALLOW her to be his "equal" lololol, feminist feysand esp rhys w how it was all a choice or whatever, their stupid cruelty shows w crowns + thrones to prove how worthy feyre is when in truth she isn't--not that i hate her or anything but she never earned her rank as "high queen" or whatever bullshit (not like how nesta fights tooth in nail in acosf anyway for an illyrian and valkyrie rank, which are more appropriate rankings for the level of work put in), etc etc etc
the whole thing gives me the ick w the whole faux feminist simultaneously baby breeder mormon female-male dynamic sjm is pushing in acowar 🤧
feyre's strength was always being passionate whether she was right or wrong, strong or weak. this glorification shit is wack, making her all girlboss or whatever. and rhys' strength was always being morally grey 😭😭😭 this rhys is perfect + just hid it all along crap is also WACK
sjm b normal abt women challenge.
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
It feels ironic that I’m writing, but I really don’t give a shit. I feel like it needs to be put out there for my own mental health.
I’ve been a Norse Heathen for 5 years now, and I love my religion. I love the connection I feel with my deities. I love having them there to talk to and support me, and I love all the esoteric weird bullshit and borderline paranormal “woo shit” that comes with being a Pagan.
Which the majority of the Heathen community look down on out of a sense of arrogant self-righteousness and an absolutely massive inferiority complex.
Because Heathenry — as the ancient Norse would have practiced — is a dead religion. Everything we know about it comes either from extremely biased 13th century Christian scholars, cishet white historians, or whatever practicing Heathens pieced together post-1900 following the invention of Asatru in Iceland.
There’s no historical proof that Heathenry was practiced as it is today.
And because Heathens can’t stand the idea of being compared to the gullible and deluded Wiccans—
Note: These are not my personal beliefs. I don’t believe (all) Wiccans are gullible and deluded. The above is a statement based off of my own experiences in the Heathen community cause guess — I used to be a Wiccan. So I’ve experienced this bullshit stigma firsthand.
—The vast community of reconstructionalist Heathens have decided that every aspect of our religion has got to be
A biggest dick contest.
People are constantly trying to one-up each other like,
“Oh-hoh, look what I just learned that makes me vastly superior and absolutely must be true because this vaguely translated 12th century tome that I bought off eBay says so!”
And as if that wasn’t bad enough, a lot of the shit recons are putting out there is racist, anti-LGBT bullshit. So, of course, Heathenry automatically comes with a crash course on how to not be brainwashed by faux feminist white supremacists and literal fucking Nazis. And the fact that the Nazi population has not only been steadily growing since 2018 but has also managed to successfully infiltrate “safe spaces” intended for queer and BIPOC Heathens
Is not exactly what I’d call a win for the Heathen community.
Because there is no community. There is no sense of unity in the general non-Nazi Heathen community at large. Because the recons are all busy being like,
“You can’t do that — that’s NOT how it worked 4,000 years ago! And that God only has a name and a single monolith in Norway. So you can’t worship them, either, cause we’re smart and we said so.”
And when someone does notice that some fucking weird potentially harmful shit is up in the community people are just like,
“Well, we’d look into it but that particular cult of Heathen eugenicists doesn’t seem to exist on Tumblr. So we’re just gonna wait for them to make their way here and see what happens. Now, if you don’t mind I’d like to get back to translating this cave painting that was found a year ago in Iceland.”
And its fucking bullshit. Like there could be — and is — an actual fucking Nazi takeover taking place and reconstructionalist assholes will be dogpiling someone because they bought a fucking Ouija Board or a piece of fucking rose quartz cause they thought it might make them happier.
Recons, what the fuck is with you people? The Heathen community is a fucking nightmare. You are killing this community while Nazis are driving people to commit fucking suicide.
Get your fucking shit together.
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runthepockets · 2 months
hey, why are you so obsessed with feminists?
It's not feminists, it's faux progressives. Women who hide behind the label of feminism to defend their shitty behavior and never do the work of unpacking their biases. There's a reason I specify Libfems, Radfems, and Pop Feminists specifically instead of generalizing all feminists. We're also in an era right now where women's rights are slowly being pushed back and stripped away. I also grew up during the Pop Feminist/Radfem/Libfem era of the internet and remember the only guys who spoke up about the contradictions, black and white thinking, and double standards being the worst men imaginable. We're far enough away from it now that I finally feel comfortable saying what I want to say how I want to say it.
It's a subject that's important to me and effects me. I like to think about shit and I like talking about shit. And quite frankly, I spent years being abused by women who claimed to be feminist when in reality they just wanted an excuse to say whatever they wanted and to treat me however they wanted and not get flack for it. They'd take all their bullshit hangups from their dads and brothers and uncles and ex boyfriends and project it onto me cus I was vulnerable and didn't have the spine to self advocate. It gives actually progressive feminists who put in the work of criticizing and analyzing patriarchy and male violence a bad name.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
Can ypu tell me why you didn't like the buccaneers? I didn't like it either but there's a lot of people do like it and don't know why lol
I generally will say the content is of "girls who are such good friends and friends is the real love story" is kind of.. hit or miss for me. Because no. Friendship is amazing. I adore my friends and would do anything for them. A friendship story is not what we actually understand a love story to be, lol.
I didn't watch a lot, but it felt extremely contriiiived in a girl power way I can't stand. I hate this kind of faux feminist try hard bullshit. Stories that actually serve female characters as well as they do male characters don't make "is about girl" the main selling points. They make good character work, even if the girls aren't particularly headstrong the main selling points. FFS.
I also thought it was bullshit that the show clearly leaned into "look, there are queer people and poc in our show" in the marketing, then focused so heavily on that one basic white girl (who I found very annoying) kinda did the queer people and poc on the show... dirty.
It was just really irritating to me and exactly the kind of shallow girlbossery I can't deal with.
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ooops-i-arted · 5 months
actually i'm more worried about seeing bo than ahsoka (hate them both). they'll probably have din kissing up to her. then throw in some baby yoda backflips so we forget how shit the writing is going to be.
I feel like we need to do a Filoni Bullshit Bingo Card for this movie. The man is nothing if not predictable, and his usual Faux Feminist Girlboss thing definitely deserves a space.
Unfortunately Grogu being a character and not just Cute Moments seems to have gone the way of Din Djarin's character development as well. Why explore a character's complicated relationship with trauma, surviving the Jedi genocide, having to choose between staying with his Emotional Support Mandalorian (that we are doing backflips to avoid calling his father in-universe) or returning to his home culture with any nuance when we could just do some cute cooes and backflips instead.
Wait I gotta draw Din in an Emotional Support Mandalorian shirt now
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stillunpainted · 10 months
My sister exposed me to the Snow White 2024 interviews and this is the most neoliberal faux feminist bullshit I have ever seen. Like yeah every little girl is a member of the royalty who aspires to gain political power and climb the medieval corporate ladder. My inner hater is coming out. Being a fairy tale retelling enjoyer is a constant uphill battle every day I deal with surface level examinations of fairy tales mixed with a millionaire's idea of feminism I literally am suffering more than Sisyphus
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nerdby · 11 months
There is a rumor that Disney is selling Marvel to Apple, which would not surprise me and would kinda make me ecstatic. Disney acquired Marvel in 2009 following the success of the first Iron Man film, but you'll notice that since then Disney media has become a lot more liberal because Marvel and their fans tend to be extremely liberal. Now, this is notable because if you do some digging into the founder of Disney, Walt Disney Sr, you'll quickly find out that in addition to being a business man he was also a terrible person.
Walt Disney Sr was a Nazi sympathizer.
He agreed to work with former Nazi scientists and to promote radiation, nuclear energy, and single use plastic for the US government and military so that the government would help him get the original Disneyland theme park off the ground. This was done in the original Tomorrowland ride, which also featured -- wait for it -- robotic housewives. Guys, that is some bullshit straight out of a horror novel -- seriously, go look up The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin. The book was adapted into two horror movies, the most recent of which being the 2004 horror-comedy of the same title that stars Matthew Broderick and Christopher Walken.
If that doesn't terrify you Disney's brutal business tactics and winning personality also influenced Ray Kroc, the founder of the McDonald's Corporation and godfather of the modern American capitalist hellhole we all know and love today.
But getting back to the subject of Disney and Marvel, initially Disney benefited from Marvel's liberalism. I mean, ya know, as long as Disney agreed to play along and throw in a wink and a nod to queer and minority communities everyone was happy, right?
Well, now, it seems its become obvious to CEO Bob Iger and his five million dollar bonus that maybe it's just not worth it to try to draw in new audiences when he can also cater to the fiscally conservative Christofascists of the good old days. And like I said in a way this would make me very happy because Apple has already proven itself to be much more left-leaning with it's media content and therefore truer to the Marvel's political values. Which are also, obviously, my political values.
This does make me wonder if Disney will attempt to buy out DC Comics which be hilariously ironic considering how hard DC Comics has been working to retcon their ass backwards misogynistic image these days. Like their entire empire has pretty much been built off of the male power fantasy and faux male feminists masturbating to Wonder Woman comics until the 1990s when Harley Quinn was invented to save them from looking like complete homophobes. Because, apparently, her existence has been the only thing keeping people from noticing that the Joker is an extremely problematic queer-coded villain.
Because apparently people still don't realize bisexuals exist even in 2023😒
And, no, we're not transphobic. -A Nonbinary Transgender Bisexual🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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4thmagicwielder · 10 months
It's honestly astounding to see how much worse feminism has gotten in the past eight years, cause it really wasn't good eight years ago either. Eight years ago it was the most barebones milquetoast liberal feminism takes on the basics of feminist concepts, maybe a bit of free the nipple still by that point, lgbtq are good, sexism and objectifying women is bad aka a part of the whole basic concepts point, you get the idea. There was a ton of backlash even to that shit calling people sjws and shit like gamergate, tumblrinaction, and other bullshit that would spiral and shootoff to the fascist shit we have today a year prior to that.
Three years later the metoo movement would happen, and the focus overtime would skew more and more towards white women in white collar positions that were victims as opposed to everyone else. Meanwhile fascism was gaining traction and almost every man accused it would seem were in high positions of power and would receive slaps on the wrist at best with some millions of pay to leave and not face any real consequences, and over time said movement would so quickly become a fart in the wind based on how people treated amber heard and her trial with the disney pirate movie guy.
Feminism now is shitting itself using consent politics utterly wrong and fasciously to the point where it comes to the same conclusions a fundamentalist christian would with faux feminist, faux progressive language from people who think ageplay is degeneracy, and even moreso transmisogyny and throwing even basic feminist tenets out the window like men and women being equal and women's bodies not being inherently sexual (add the previous point and bye bye free the nipple) for trying to stomp trans women out of society for utterly zero benefit in general. At least with white racists there's presumably some to gain with white supremacy even if there's far more to be gained even on their end with socialism, but with transmisogynists calling themselves feminists I genuinely can't see how they'd benefit even a little from this shit and how these useful for fascists and fascist idiots would think they would. There's practically no organization or momentum to restore legalized abortion across the US like there was in the 1960s and 1970s even with the flaws of feminist organization at the time and I'm not holding out hope any time soon.
Capitalists saw a movement of potentially and roughly half the planet gaining some sort of consciousness and liberating themselves and came to the obvious conclusion to squash it, comodify it, and defang it as much as possible to the point of at times even worse than uselessness. I genuinely don't see this shit recovering significantlt until there's at least a decent socialist organization in the context of the west. Just like with socialism there's probably also actually good feminist organization outside the west so that's good at least.
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greyias · 2 years
TERFs can go fuck off challenge
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My “commentary” is you’re part of a hate movement. And you are. I’m also allowed to talk about shit that personally affects me and my friends without a bunch of toxic faux feminists who target some of the most vulnerable members of society trying to derail it with toxic bullshit.
Go. Away.
This is not about you and your bullshit. And even if it were, it would be about how you can fuck off, and then keep fucking off. Stop hijacking normal people’s posts to spread your vile nonsense.
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itsjustpoopeh · 1 year
Alright I'ma lose my temper a little because of some of y'all and your deliberately bad faith analysis.
I keep seeing "women never would have written Rebecca staying in that boat you can tell no women are involved" blah blah bullshit. Y'all stay pretending you're super dialed in to the details and all this faux-feminist meta-analysis while consistently erasing the existence of real women.
The writing team for this episode was two women and one queer man, and I knew that before the episode aired just from casual interaction with the fandom, so please explain to me what the fuck your excuse is for pretending not to know it?
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questionthebox · 2 years
Each generation meanders
Around questions
Masquerading as identity,
That scene in Before Midnight recently
Where all the couples are gathered around
Eating, conversing
And one of the women
Playfully, with subtle but obvious resentment
Says how she feels her husband is always
Trying to “colonize her”
And it’s this sort of faux intellectualizing
That is the bane of existence
Because all it’s doing is presenting a false veneer of enlightenment,
When In actuality, if you feel that way
Maybe try not being with a man like that,
Maybe see that you obviously want a man like that otherwise why would you be with him,
It’s this form of life
That I’m personally over with,
I am over women & men
Talking about these boring questions
That don’t do anything but create more
Resentment & Confusion
These pussies never get to the crux of the matter
And it’s making me violent
In regards to conversation
Where I have no patience with people
I have no patience whatsoever
With this lack of solutions to life,
Questioning life and staying there
Is for children.
When one becomes an adult
One needs the satisfaction of solution
Because one understands themselves
Holistically in regards to civilization, life, and their personal lives.
All else
Is this liberal childish lgbt feminist post modern bullshit
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dbunicorn · 1 month
Some days people irritate the fuck out of me with their bullshit. Particularly when asking you do things for them and acting entitled.
Wow that's internalized misogyny supported by young women calling themselves feminists. Go figure, logic has no place when money is at stake.
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Holy shit maybe a man could you explain it to me or a woman that supports it.
I promise I'm just a delusional hater. 😘 My secret goal in life was to con people with anorexia, fashion and faux feminism and parlay that into Hollywood, drive up the stocks of streaming platforms, make more useless content and tell everyone I'm a feminist, environmentalist and we're ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. You have to be shitting me.
I'd take the 🐻.immaculate intellect, just immaculate.
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the-hype-dragon · 10 months
the only valid criticism of bad books and vanity presses came from the group that wrote Atlanta Nights. they said what was needed to be said, they proved the biggest point. bad book discourse ended then and it's been zombie discourse ever since, no new points, no good takes
everyone talking about bad books now has the same basic point: Twilight and stuff like it are bad, but they don't dissect what doesn't work in in books like Twilight that might work elsewhere, they don't think about why their knee-jerk reaction to those sorts of books is what it is; they never have that kind of reaction to books where the main character isn't a woman too, which I find quite telling
like I was never really impressed with Twilight, but neither was I impressed by the books people were recommending as counter-points to Twilight: most other YA novels of the era had the same sexist flaws as Twilight, but since the protagonist was either a guy or else a girl who could like do karate or something that was permissible. people just had a problem with Meyer's Mormonism, which is fine to have a problem with and criticize, but when that leaked into every criticism of her work--which should have been taken on its own merits imo--it got pretty old fast. I know there are sexist themes in Twilight, duh. but it's the same for most YA novels aimed at girls and young women: the protagonist might have a little more personality in some other books, but more often than not in this era, she was being sidelined so we could ogle the male love interest for hundreds of pages. the female side characters were of two types: the slutty rival girl, or the cheer leader for the protagonist. there wasn't really any in-between. the male love interest was always a tool or a jerk or both, but his behavior was largely excused because he had a tragic backstory :-( and many of these guys were just as controlling and annoying as Edward or Jacob, but because it wasn't Twilight, and it wasn't Meyer writing these things, it was ok I guess
and anyway this isn't even getting into the accusations of mary-sues in a lot of these books people crap on, when if you look at books popular with men, the protagonist is usually some escapist male fantasy character who is just so cool and so suave and always attracts the hottest women. and even when he's an awkward nerd women just can't stop fawning over him. hmm where have I seen this kind of thing before: oh right, in Twilight! but you know, it's fine for men to have escapist characters, but if female characters aren't quoting endless empty faux-feminist slogans, they ain't shit and deserve ridicule
oh man and just one last point: yeah Mormonism is sexist, but I note religion is always a good red herring people use to ignore that systemic sexism exists outside of religion, as well; all I'm saying is, I've known enough secular or even atheistic people who have the same bullshit opinions, but it's fine when they think women are inferior or pretend women's brains are just too impenetrable to really Get, because well at least they don't believe some fictional sky daddy was the one who came up with these things
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