#falling in love with arachnids all over again
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February Theme - Relationships: Courtship
Week 5: Hooded Tickspider (Ricinulei)
Between the long feeler legs, interlocking body segments, protective cucullus hood, and cool shades of red, these guys jumped right up to some of my fav arachnids. I'm in love~
Interested in learning more about the invertebrate animals around us? Join into the year-long InsertAnInvert event organized by Franzanth, where every week a new animal is spotlighted following each monthly theme! Draw unique animals, read up on cool facts, or just follow the tag online to see a lot of cool artwork.
Prompt List: https://bsky.app/profile/franzanth.bsky.social/post/3khyob3xn742q
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periprose · 11 months
Arachnid Anxiety
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You're Spider-Woman, and you've been tasked with babysitting Mayday. Maybe you have a bit of stress that you need to vent about, and Hobie comes along quite conveniently for that purpose.
Genre: Fluff, reader having anxiety, Hobie giving her advice, very cute, reader is a Jessica Drew variant, perhaps mutual pining if you squint, takes place during the movie but before Miles arrives to the Society, terrible british slang attempts (sorry Hobie :'))
Word Count: 2.4k
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Babies are hard to wrangle when they’re crawling up walls.
Of course, Peter B. Parker said that he needs a nap, just this once, and he needs someone to watch over Mayday while he sneaks away into the sleeping pods in the Spider-Society-System. Sometimes he and MJ don’t get sleep for days at a time, so you get it.
But Mayday is so curious, and you find yourself having to pull her prying hands away before she inadvertently tampers with things around Miguel’s labs and causes either a mass outage or a explosion or Miguel’s wrath. You understand why Peter is a little exhausted.
She’s a very cute baby, though, and you can’t help but coo at her as she clambers off the wall into your arms. 
“Who’s a good Spidey? Who’s gonna be the best of us?” You shake her up and down and she giggles, wrapping her arms around you. 
You instinctively flinch, feeling your Spider-Sense go off.
“Large statement to make. But I see where you’re coming from.” Spider-Punk comes up from behind you, and you turn to him. “She’s definitely punk.”
“Hey, don’t go claiming someone else’s kid as one of your own.” You joke, and Hobie scowls as he pulls off his mask.
“Don’t believe in claims. Or labels, for that matter.” He scratches his hair, looking effortless as he ever does, and you roll your eyes. “She is… who she is. Forgive me for using a descriptive word, Spider-Woman.”
“I get it.” You hold Mayday as she squeals at the sight of Hobie, and she motions in an uppy-uppy motion. She wants to be held by him, but he ignores her.
You never quite know how to feel about Hobie Brown. The Amazing Spider-Punk is revolutionary, known for being better than just his words– he holds himself to the very essence of anarchy. He practices what he preaches.
But you can’t quite get a read on the guy. You don’t know if he’s pulling your leg– or taking the piss as he would say– when he gives his bouts of advice while somehow simply being amazing through it all. He somehow knows what to say but he also isn’t the most comforting, and that in itself makes you drawn to him. He just happens to be kind of rough around the edges, and it’s because of that you know he truly means what he says. 
No sugar-coating, ever.
But you hate yourself, because you’ve somehow managed to fall for him. 
It’s not uncommon for Spideys to fall for each other. Peter Parker and Cindy Moon, Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy. But you know this is the one time it just wouldn’t end well for you.
You can already hear Hobie’s comments if he ever found out. He’d probably rebuke you even though you’d never try anything. Tell you he doesn’t feel that way and you’re delusional for potentially thinking that he would ever tie himself down. Spiders are meant to be swinging free and all that.
Even worse, he just happens to be beautiful. You’re positive that if Hobie wasn’t so anti-everything he would have stuck with being a runway model. His face is molded in a distinctive way that has you trying to catch his glance, even if he only looks at you with nonchalance, completely unbothered, not a hint of chemistry in his eyes.
It is with great displeasure that you find yourself wanting his bored attention anyways.
And so you’ve been swallowing your crush for the greater part of a year now. You’re sure it will pass like all things do.
Pavitr, as much as you love him, has told you many times about the “chemistry” between you and Hobie– and you have told him every time to fuck off. Not in an actual harsh way, because again you can’t help but love the guy, but because you don’t need false hope.
You’re just Spider-Woman. Another red-and-yellow suited variant of Jessica Drew, you might as well just be another Peter Parker. You know that’s not how you’re supposed to think of yourself, but it’s just how it is. Canon events brought you here, and according to Miguel, it’s not something you chose– you just happened to be there at the right time and place. You’re no Jess, who comes in on her motorcycle, raging heat and excitement on her toes– you are one of the many, instead of being exceptional like the few.
You’re not like Hobie, who is as far as you know, one of a kind.
“What’s on your mind, Spider-Woman?” Hobie asks as he picks through random tech on the desk in Miguel’s lab, taking what he feels is useful for whatever it is he does with the stuff. He’s never used your name, because he doesn’t know it.
You and a few other Spider-People have chosen to stay anonymous, for different reasons, and only Miguel and Margo know who you really are. Hobie has told you before that that’s pretty cool– he only chose to give up his name because it was easier to get along with people that way. Hobie knows there’s power in people.
“Just babysitting. Obviously.” You motion to Mayday, who takes this moment to thwip out a web and swing away from you– but you’re faster and you grab her back into your arms, and she pouts.
“Nah, nah. I mean that sour expression upon your lovely little visage, imbecile.” He pokes your masked cheek, and you find yourself blushing but pulling away from him. Hobie is like that– overly familiar and no real sense of space because he doesn’t care.
“It’s not lovely.” You retort, fully convinced of it because he has never seen your face, only your incredulous expression through the eyes of your mask. 
You think that Hobie is again being sarcastic about your unknown appearance, and because his back is facing yours as he searches through random shelves now, you don’t catch how his face frowns at your response.
“Disagreements about your anonymous-but-surely beautiful face aside– not that looks matter, mind you– you’re clearly miffed about something.” Hobie turns and crosses his arms, and it’s with a little embarrassment and comfort that you want his advice. Even if it’s kind of to do with him.
“Well, I guess, uh… lately I’ve just been feeling kind of down. Like what’s the point of all this?” You bite your lip, knowing Hobie’s feelings on nihilism. “I don’t mean like nothing in life matters, Hobie. I mean more that I don’t matt– I don’t… anyways, I feel useless. I don’t have anything special about me, I don’t really bring anything to the Spider-Society that wasn’t already brought.”
"Whoa whoa whoa. Nah, lady, you've got your priorities all twisted." Hobie pulls your arms, bringing you kind of closer to him, and rests his hands on your shoulders, making you listen. "This inner hatred stuff– that sick urge to feel shame and then blast it inside of yourself, all that repression, yeah? It's a crock of shit."
"Huh?" You and Mayday both peer up at him. You behind your mask, and she with her crocheted one. 
Hobie picks up Mayday, finally giving into her wishes to be held by him, and she immediately giggles. There’s a subtle smile on his face that warms him to you a little.
"It might feel good in the moment. It might even feel revolutionary." Hobie scowls, and scratches his jaw. "It's worthless. Notice, Spider, I didn't call you worthless. The very action is garbage, a visceral thing that brings no productive value– that's what they want you to feel."
"Ah, because then I'll never fight against the establishment, right, Hobie? I'll be too busy fighting myself." You say mockingly, taking on a fake-pretentious-Cockney accent, mimicking him, but Hobie gives you a chill look and nods.
"Now you're getting it."
"Aw." You slump and slouch and sit on the counter full of gadgets and gizmos next to him. "I know you're right, but… don't you ever get people getting mad at you?"
"You've lost me."
"Like… being so responsible." You roll your eyes as Hobie snickers and whispers the spider-mantra you all know so well. "Or just living by your own ideology so… efficiently. It's almost like a slap in the face to the rest of us Spiders. We don’t know how to cope, and here comes along Spider-Punk with all his personal assurance that even if things aren't alright, he'll make it alright for himself."
"Oi, trust me, it wasn't all that easy." Hobie sniffs and sits down next to you, holding Mayday close and then letting her go as she crawls onto the wall in front of you. "You really think I haven't had a bad day? I haven’t had my moments of self doubt, huh?”
“Uh… well. When you put it like that, it does sound kind of crazy.” You admit, and nudge him with your shoulder. “I didn’t mean any harm, Hobie. I just feel so… inadequate.”
“Just stop.” He crosses his arms and closes his eyes, and you feel that yet again, he’s somewhat unreadable. “Don’t think those things. You’re not inadequate.”
“But I–”
“Stop.” He grasps your hands, and squeezes them tightly in his own, and you wonder if Hobie has ever looked this seriously at you, his eyes soft yet firm with affection.
You’re in trouble, you think. Your heart is pounding and you’re really glad he can’t see your face.
“I don’t think you know how important you are.” He utters so quietly, in that very deep voice that has you leaning in to hear him better. “You’re not nothing, Spider-Woman. You’ve done a lot of good for your Earth-257, I’m sure, and that makes you something special. Like the rest of us– you’re kind of irreplaceable, right?”
“I guess.”
“Not ‘I guess.’” Hobie punches the side of your arm and you pretend to say ow, laughing a little. “If you didn’t exist, we’d all be poorer for it. Peter couldn’t ask you to chill with his baby, and I couldn’t be here talking your ear off.”
“But I’m not– I don’t really compare to her, you know?” You say without thinking, and then immediately squint at your own stupidity. 
“Who’s her?” Hobie is wary of how your expression is shifting. “Stacy?”
“Uh, no.” You inhale, exhale, and then decide it’s time to get it over with. “Jess.”
“Jess? Jessica Drew, huh?” Hobie smirks a little. “You don’t want to be adopted by her, do you?”
“More complicated than Gwen’s weird fantasy.” You shift on your spot on the counter, and pull off your mask after a minute of tribulations. “I’m… also Jessica Drew.”
You feel incredibly shy as Hobie takes in your face, wary of his every move as you feel yourself sweating, and he grasps your face gently, peering into your eyes and taking a look at your features, as if he’s really trying to remember them.  
“What is it?” You say a little too defensively, and he shrugs. 
“You do have a lovely visage, you silly little sod. Even if it’s completely different from Jess’ face.” He laughs as you shove him away, covering your face in your hands. “No, don’t do that.”
He’s tracing your jaw, and he murmurs. “Maybe you could use a few piercings… a tat or two… ever thought about it?”
“No.” You shut your eyes. “I’m not cool like you.”
“Oh, shut it.” He leans in imperceptibly closer, and you blink, eyes open. Maybe Pavitr had a point that Hobie and you have something, because there’s not really another explanation for that look in his eyes. “You’re plenty cool, Jessica Drew. It was just a shit suggestion of mine.”
You think Hobart “Hobie” Brown is sweeter than you previously thought. You have half a mind to tell him about your feelings.
You and Hobie both look up, Spider-Senses tingling, and sure enough, Mayday is cooing from the ceiling– she leaps into your already waiting arms. She giggles at your expression.
Oh well, you think. There’ll be some other time to work up the courage to tell him.
Hobie half-smirks at her. “Way to interrupt us, Mayday.”
She looks at him all confused, tilting her head in a “huh?” motion, and you feel the same way, not entirely sure what Hobie meant by that and not willing to assume either.
He answers you by pulling your face in a sudden, swift motion, connecting his lips to yours, and in between the two of you, Mayday shrieks and laughs. She crawls off to the side of you, no longer smothered between your torsos.
Hobie is weirdly insistent– you feel like he’s been wanting to do this for a while, maybe longer than the length of your conversation (you don’t know if this is just a funny little fling for him, but you’re fairly sure it isn’t) and he’s a lot taller and lankier than you, so he really has to tower over you to reach your mouth better. He’s grasping your jaw and neck and the back of your head with a lot of intensity– you feel wildly dizzy when he pulls away.
“Uh.” Peter B. Parker is standing in front of you both, mouth wide open, and you look back at Hobie and he grins rather coolly, not really giving a damn. It’s enough to make you snort. “Wait, who are you?”
“Oh. Spider-Woman from Earth 257.” You remember Peter has never seen your face, either. “Jessica Drew?”
“Right, right.” Peter raises his hands in a whoop-de-doo motion, like he should’ve known that. “Nice to know what you look like behind the mask. Not nice to know that you’ve been avoiding your babysitting duties. Why are you two fooling around like prepubescent children? What happened to responsibility?”
“Ahhhhh, please, Peter. Live a little.” Hobie stands up, his full length of height drawing him to about the same height as Peter if not an inch taller. He picks up Mayday and hands her off to him. “Let’s not act as if you and MJ weren’t shacking up in the sleeping pods last week, yeah? Does Miguel need to know about how irresponsible you were?”
You think he’s kidding, but Peter pales and you clap your hands over your mouth, trying not to laugh. Miguel would absolutely throw a fit if he found that out.
“Uh…” Peter swallows. “At least that’s not an interdimensional tragedy-in-the-making like you two.”
“There’s no rules against that, I don’t think.” Hobie shrugs. “And if there are, fuck them. Miguel doesn’t know it all.”
“He really is punk to the very end.” Peter groans and leaves out to the hallway with Mayday. 
Hobie flashes a smile at you as he sits back down, ruffling your hair.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
I’ve been reading all these and love them! The main one I saw that caught my eye was the one with Death from Puss and Boots. I would love to see more interactions with bots and them. Mainly the Autobots and more Cons.
Really love your work though, it makes my day every single day.
More of this Death Bot Buddy!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who is like Death from "Puss in Boots The Last Wish" with Optimus Prime, Arcee, Shockwave, and Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
Optimus Prime
Optimus does not like this Con.
Actually, thinks this Con is an even bigger threat than Megatron if they are left unchecked. Considers it lucky that this Con is loyal to the Decepticons.
For now…
He absolutely has chills run down his spinal struts hearing the Con’s whistle, but he hides it well for the sake of his team.
Optimus has and will put himself in front of his teammates if he sees the Con on the offense. The Con has offlined many of his fellow Autobots, he is not letting that mistake happen again. If he needs to call for a tactical retreat, he is going to do it when he deems it necessary.
Optimus hearing the Whistle.
“Autobots! Fall back!”--Optimus
“Beep—(But Prime--)”--Bumblebee
“Especially you Bumblebee! Fall back now!”--Optimus
Whistling intensifies.
Optimus throwing Bumblebee over his shoulder and sprinting towards the groundbridge.
Besides Arachnid, this Con is also on her ‘on sight’ list.
At least that’s what Arcee says and tries to do.
This works 50% of the time.
That percentage goes to the times she has absolutely gone berserk and starts throwing everything she has against at the Con.
Do any of the attacks have any effect on the Con? No, and the Con themselves finds it entertaining to watch.
This happens when she doesn’t hear the whistle.
However, the other 50% happens when she hears the whistling.
Arcee doesn’t normally freeze, but this Con has every bolt in her frame freezing. Has had multiple near death experiences with this Con, but always manages to get out of the fight. Whether it be through trickery or sheer luck, Arcee is just glad to get out of there with her spark intact.
Would rather go up against Breakdown and Archnid before she has to go through that Con again.
Arcee and Bumblebee on patrol.
Arcee hears some whistling and freezes for a split second before getting the commlink.
“Ratchet. Groundbrigde. Now.”--Arcee
“Now? You two just got there?”--Ratchet
Whistling gets louder.
“Ratchet. They are here. The whistling’s getting louder!”--Arcee
Groundbrigde opens behind them.
Arcee kicking Bumblebee through first before jumping in.
Shockwave almost forgets the Con exists.
The Con never comes into the lab, and he almost never leaves the lab.
The times that he remembers that the Con is still on the ship is whenever they start whistling.
The whistling makes him a bit uneasy, but it doesn’t last long.
Shockwave is not letting some petty emotion like Fear get in the way of science.
It’s illogical.
But he has a copy of their track record in a file cabinet in his lab.
Imagine an army of that Con running around? The Decepticon’s would win the war in a short number of days, week at most. All Shockwave needs to do is get it approved by Megatron and he’ll get to phase 2 of his plans.
Buddy whistling by the lab thinking about last mission.
Shockwave looking up hearing it before going back to making Science.
Soundwave has had tabs on this Con since the beginning.
Granted, not even he remembers when the Con joined their ranks, just appearing one day and swiftly rising through them.
Soundwave does not trust this Con near Megatron for too long.
He does not send Lazerbeak to spy on the Con alone, not even in a life-or-death situation, he refuses to do it. He’ll make up some sort of accident to give a reason for not deploying Lazerbeak.
That being said, Soundwave has worked with the Con before and has seen their impressive track record. It’s almost as impressive as his.
He does not like the whistling and knows full well that the whistling has produce certain effects on Bot and Cons alike. Naturally, he has a recording of the whistling.
Any Autobot or Decepticon he deems necessary, or had it coming, Soundwave is going to put that whistle at full blast and watch everyone go into a panic.
Soundwave walking through the halls of the Nemesis with Lazerbeak floating next to him.
Starscream starting to ramble about overthrowing Megatron for the 50th time that day.
Soundwave unleashing The Whistle.
Starscream starts shrieking.
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haute-pockette · 4 months
The Doctor's incarnations have fears associated to what caused their regenerations Two acting childlike and whimsical because he's afraid of growing old again. He's scared of becoming a crotchety old man that will die alone. He surrounds himself with friends just as he much with surrogates, to help him feel like he isn't too old to be running about having adventures. Three having a lot of complex and mixed feelings about the Time Lords. He resents them for what they did to him and his companions, but also very scared of facing that fate again should cross their path once more. Four can't stand spiders. They didn't directly kill him, but damn did they play a big part leading up to his regeneration. They give him the willies and Sarah Jane and Romana always have to take care of invading arachnids while he is perched safely on the center console. Five hating heights might actually be canon, he's shown freaking out on a cliff in Castrovalva and hating every minute of a plane ride in Time Flight. Boy likes to keep his feet firmly where he doesn't risk falling. He'll get vertigo if too close to a ledge. Six being scared of getting sick. While this one is more vague, it was the fever of Spectrox Toxemia that kills, so I could see him being panicky and over compensating when it comes to illnesses. Pulls manflu pity every time: bed rest, tea, soup, hot waterbottle on the forehead, reciting rhetoric about his woes. Poor Peri and Mel has to tend to his drama. I can also see him hating bats but in a "why can't you fuckers make more than a tiny vial of milk, asshole???" kind of way. I think Seven's might also be canon (in the books at least) with the way he mentally locked away his Sixth self in fear of the Valeyard. Though he wasn't really a cause for regeneration, he certainly set the Doctor on the path to it. Eight terrified of medicine and hospitals. Aspirin is already deadly to Time Lords, anesthesia fucked up his regeneration. This boy won't go to a medical professional unless he's dragged in unconscious. He will look at broken leg twisted out of shape and claim he can walk it off. The Warrior/War Doctor scared of failing people the way he did Cass. His spirit for hope and brighter ending to the war broken when he regenerated. He became the one that got his hands dirty because he was too scared to let anyone else die under his care.
Nine scared of war. War Doctor held off his regeneration for years to keep fighting, and Nine clearly does his best to step away from the incarnation he hated being more than anything. Like he said, "Coward, any day." Ten is a bit tricky. He's scared of Daleks, losing companions. He's scared that people around him will be willing to sacrifice themselves for him. Scared of the heart of the Tardis, the very soul of time itself ripping away what/who he loves. After Rose is safe from it he was very careful to never let anyone open it again. Eleven scared to see another Time Lord again. He's heartbroken about being the last of his kind. Romana, Brax, Damon all gone. The Master's plans had gotten so much more violent and destructive and insane than they used to be. The other Time Lords so desperate to escape the Time Locked war that they'd destroy time to do it. He's scared of everything ending if the Time Lords return. I haven't really seen enough of Twelve or past that to give proper interpretations on them, but I'm pretty sure Twelve is determined not to be seen as an old man. It's like he sees this new cycle as starting over so he's trying to act like he's the young, rebellious first incarnation? idk
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munsonshire · 3 months
Things that Eddie would do (Realistic edition)
Character: Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
If someone ever accidentally broke one of the strings from his guitar or his guitar pick they would never ever let them close to his guitar again and he would have a hard time forgiving them
He smells of a mix of cheap cologne, cigarettes, weed and probably sweat
Goes to the forest at night, for a walk or just to spend time there
He's not the kind to call you "babe" or "princess", he would probably just call you your name or a nickname that's way less cheesy, also, little insults like "dumbass" are his way of showing his love
He never washes his hellfire shirt and wears it for more time than he likes to admit before washing it again
Forgets to take his rings off when he goes to sleep
He's not the best with words so he prefers to act to show love or similar
Likes to rant about dnd
He hates when someone calls him or tries to talk to him when he's listening to music (relatable asf)
He leaves his socks in the most random places, and then he gets mad because he can't find them
Acts like he doesn't care about how his hair looks but the truth is my boy's got a whole routine to keep his hair pretty
If he drops one of his rings in public he will wait for a good amount of time before picking it up
When he comes back from playing dnd he comes all sweaty and you tell him to take a shower to which he will answer you with something like "Oh really" and tackle you to the couch or the bed to kiss you.
Having to kill spiders for him because he's all tough and metal till one of those little arachnids shows up, it's even worse if it's near him cuz he'll act as if it were a monster that wants to kill him
He loves it when you do his make-up it makes him feel loved
You have a special spot reserved at his concerts
You will have to get used to being his second most loved, cuz his guitar is the first
He won't let you braid his hair
He loves being the center of attention
He really likes it when kids look up to him, he really enjoyed it when Dustin, Mike, and Lucas joined Hellfire, though he felt betrayed when Lucas choose the baseball team over Hellfire
He spends half of the money he earns selling drugs on things for dnd. The other half goes to Wayne, that way he can help with the house. Wayne doesn't wanna know where the money comes from (though he has an idea of where it comes from) he just tells Eddie to be careful and stay safe.
He figured out he was pan because apparently, not everyone falls in love with someone regardless of the gender they have (he was utterly and completely shocked that most people did, he just thought that everyone loves everyone)
He hates awkward silences, so he starts rambling about whatever he can think about
He doesn't cut his hair, he does trim the ends a bit but not cut. This comes from that one time that Wayne offered to cut the back part of it but turns out he cut it too short, now he doesn't trust him at all with a pair of scissors
Kids make him uncomfortable, like 6-7, yeah, he doesn't like them at all
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puddle-nerd · 7 months
Hì’i Payoang (Little Fish)
Summary: When Tonowari chose you, he chose not only your Avatar, he chose your tawtute body too.
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Prompt 15 (Size Kink) for my submission for LunasKinktober2023
Inspired by makdoodles’ good loving on AO3, this is taken from a WIP I’m haven’t started posting yet for a full-length story where an OFC was sent to study the Metkayina people around the same time that Jake arrived on Pandora and had to go through something similar of earning their trust by learning their ways. I did change the tenses around to 2nd POV from 3rd. Na’vi Translation: Hì’i – little (size) | small Oel ngati kameie – “I see you” (spiritually (joyful feeling) ) Payoang – fish Tawtute – human | Sky Person Tewng – loincloth Yawntu – loved one | lover | beloved person Story Tags: No use of Y/N, Female Reader, Size Kink, Eating out, Interspecies Relationships, Interspecies Sex, Metkayina | Reef People Clan, Na’vi Biology, P in V, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Creampie
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You sat up in your transfer pod and rubbed your face, your eyes burning with emotion as you thought to yourself, ‘What the fuck am I doing?’
You’d come to Pandora on the same ship that had brought one of your older brothers, but instead of staying in the jungles near him and the Omatikaya Clan while Jake took charge of your deceased brother’s Avatar, you’d been shipped off towards the coast where another, smaller tawtute encampment had been built, this one called Hades’ Vault. All because you’d found out that you had a proficiency for marine biology instead of the zoology and botany Tommy had been becoming an expert in. From there, you’d been introduced to one of the villages and had been invited to learn their ways and at some point, you had begun falling for one of the young divers. What had started out with cautious curiosity had developed into a flirtatious friendship until earlier this evening after you’d passed the dream hut ritual where you had been injected with toxins from an arachnid and swallowed a glow worm to induce a prophetic vision. There had been a chance you could have died from the toxins but the vision that you had seen… a tulkun with a missing fin, a young male Forest Na’vi holding hands with a young female Reef Na’vi, a tawtute ship on fire and sinking, and a group of Forest Na’vi circling a body… well, you weren’t sure what to make of it. And you had survived.
Which led you to ‘the incident’ as you decided you were going to dub it.
You had wandered away from the celebration to take a breather, and the diver you were infatuated with had decided to follow you. You had begun to flirt, which had turned into touching which had turned into…
You shuddered as you remembered the pleasure, he had made you feel and pushed yourself to your feet, stumbling slightly. “You good, kiddo? I take it the dream hut went well?” your supervisor asked. You nodded and he grinned, patting you on your shoulder, reminding you, “Take it easy, do your vid-log, go get yourself something to eat, and relax.” You gave him a thumbs up and ate your dinner while you told the video recording about most of your day, holding back the more intimate details. Whoever ended up watching your videos, well, they didn’t need to know how you’d dug your nails into his back and cried out in ecstasy as he had fucked you over and over again until you had passed out.
Fed and showered, you were feeling restless and decided to take a midnight swim. And what better way to swim in the Pandoran ocean than to put on the faux tail you had made for your tawtute body?
Made of neoprene and silicone, the material of your faux tail settled around your hips and stuck to your plush backside, your thighs, you’re your calves in gold and pink and dark purple, molded to look like palm-sized scales, the end fins wide and long with extra tendrils along the sides to assist your movements in the water. It had been a very, very expensive going away present from a group of your friends for your journey since you’d been dreaming for years about swimming in clean ocean water.
It was one of your most favorite tawtute things in the world.
Underwater mask fasted onto your face, faux tail secured about your hips with only a sports bra as your other covering, you let yourself out of the encampment through a smaller security door and out into the night. You swam down into the coral reefs, smiling as you took in the beauty of the underwater world so unlike your home world. You were safe, closer to the compound, a lot of the bigger predators keeping away, but that didn’t stop the shadow from passing over you. Fear of being eaten raced through you and you ducked into one of the coral reefs, eyes widening as you saw a huge shadow pass over you again, though you still couldn’t make out what had caused it.
Something grabbed your fin.
Yelping, you tried to grab onto the coral but failed as you were dragged out into the open water oh so easily, a band of steel wrapping around your waist and dragging you to the surface of the ocean. “You shouldn’t be out here, hì’i payoang, you heard rumbling into your ear the moment you both were above the water.
“Tonowari, what…” you gasped in shocked surprise as he hauled your body up with one hand so very easily onto the back of his skimwing, his grip still secure about your waist as he carted you both to a tiny, nearby island, leaving Hades’ Vault as an unnaturally bright blight upon the horizon. “You are the one who shouldn’t be out here. Didn’t your uncle specifically say that he didn’t want any Na’vi coming close to us tawtutes by themselves? He’ll be furious with you if he finds out.” The diver hummed as his scaled mount neared the shore and Tonowari scooped you up, carrying you, faux tail and all up onto the shore towards a small mauri secured above the sand between huge mangrove roots.
“I woke with your body in my arms only to realize you weren’t actually inhabiting it,” the male Na’vi replied. You flinched, ducking your face so he couldn’t see your emotions. “Don’t worry,” he added, stepping into the hut and sitting down with you laying out in his lap, “I moved your other form into my personal mauri pod and came to see you. I didn’t expect you to be swimming around like a hì’i payoang, though. What is this that surrounds your leg?”
He brushed his hand over your faux tail, examining the material in curiosity.
“In my language, we call it a mermaid tail,” you said. “Mermaids are fictious creatures that would look something like this.” You gesture to yourself, adding, “Only, their scales would be real, not made of material called neoprene or silicon. I had a fake tail created for me before I left Earth so I could swim easier in the water here. Plus, it’s really pretty.” You lifted your legs slightly, showing off just a tad and heard him chuckle. You stared up at him for a moment until he met your gaze, his eyes so warm it made your heart hurt in your chest. “Why are you here, Tonowari?”
His ears twitched and he settled back, getting a little more comfortable with you resting your backside upon his tewng. “We chose each other when we became one earlier tonight, hì’i payoang,” he replied softly, rubbing his fingers over your faux tail once more. “You reside in two bodies, though… but how could I choose one and not the other? I told you earlier I choose you in your Na’vi body. So, hear me now as a tawtute. I choose you. Even if you are so very small now.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you at his last comment.
Then you looked up at him, replying, “Oel ngati kameie, Tonowari.”
He smiled and bent himself nearly in half, touching his forehead to the top of your mask, replying, “Oel ngati kameie.” He looked down at your faux tail and asked, running his fingers over the material again, “How does this come off, hì’i payoang?” You giggled and with some struggle, you managed to remove it, freeing your bare lower half to his view. His interest immediately stuck as he saw your biological similarities and touched you experimentally between your thighs. “What is the purpose of the hair here?” Tonowari asked, his brow creased in perplexity as he dragged his fingers through the thatch of your pubic hair.
“Oh, it’s, uh, it grows, um, when you – I mean, when a tawtute – reaches sexual maturity,” you say, embarrassed that, while you did clean yourself up down there recently, you hadn’t shaved yourself completely, “and it’s supposed to prevent dust and dirt and germs from… from getting inside to, uh, to prevent infection as well as, uh, to offer protection from friction.”
You let out a whimper as he commented huskily, “You are so small here. So tight… I may not fit… at first.”
Did he mean to…? But he was so much larger than you.
His finger brushing over the hood of your clit with his thumb and pressing between the lips of your cunt with his index finger was your only warning. “Oh,” you moaned, spreading your legs as he pushed in deep until he couldn’t push in any further. Your pleasured little noises seemed to encourage him because he began to finger fuck you, making a soft grunt of amusement.
“You are even softer down here, hì’i payoang,” he teased, “and so wet. I think you like this.”
“Don’t tease,” you moaned. He raised a brow and slid his fingers from your body, chuckling as you whined in protest. He manhandled you out of his lap and onto a cushion, twisting onto his stomach and bullying his way between your thighs. He leaned in, nose snuffling as he scented your pussy, releasing a low groan.
“It’s not teasing if I intend to follow through, yawntu,” he replied, rubbing his nose between the lips of your cunt. “You smell so sweet.” Before you can react, his hot, eager tongue – rough and sandpapery almost like a feline’s – slid along the seam of your pussy lips. Because it was slick and damp with his saliva, though, it felt so enjoyable against your swollen and over-heated flesh and a wail slid from your throat, your hips arching up into his mouth. He chuckled and pressed your hips back down, keeping you still and lapped at you again. “Relax hì’i payoang… I’ll make sure you feel good.”
You nodded and laid back, whimpering as Tonowari pulled your thighs up and over his shoulders, hooking your heels in such a way to keep you open to him. His one arm over your hips and belly assisted in keeping them pressed down and lessen your ability to squirm as he started to lap his rough tongue in the slick trickling out of your cunt. You whimpered and shivered when his tongue dragged over your clit, your hips jolting out of control at the glorious sensation.
“Oh, oh god, oh fuck,” you whined in English, hips making aborted jerking motions against his mouth. “Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”
Tonowari hummed against you, and while he commented that he didn’t understand your words, he took it as a sign he was doing something right and doubled down, making your toes curl as he lapped at your pussy and clit like a man starved, your whimpers and whines revealing to him what you liked most. Trying not to grab at his hair – it was a huge display of trust and intimacy for Na’vi and you wouldn’t touch him there unless he allowed it of you – you dug your fingers into the woven fabric of the cushion below you. When your breath hitched, he bore his weight down onto you and then it overwhelmed you, your orgasm rushing through you, pleasure so intense you feel close to blacking out as you scream, writhing in his grip. He held you fast, continuing with kitten licks until your body slumped, your breath coming out in heavy pants, fogging up the inside of your mask.
“Holy fuck,” you breathed, trying to catch your breath. “I think that was more intense than earlier tonight.”
Tonowari was still nuzzling his wide, flat nose into your inner thigh as he scented your arousal. Shifting slightly, he eased a finger inside of you and smirked, purring quietly. “Still so small and tight. I think one more will help stretch you further, hì’i payoang…” he commented, kissing your clit and curling his fingers inside of you.
You let out a sharp squealing wail, arching into his touch as best as you can with the sensation of being stretched out sending pleasure skittering like fire through your veins as he slides a second finger inside of you. He feasted on your clit, thrusting his fingers into you at a rapid place. When he curled them in such a way that he discovered the spongey spot that had you seeing stars, body shuddering as you get closer and closer to your second climax.
And then her purred.
It was like having your vibrator pushed up to its max setting and pressed against you in all the right places. It only took a couple more licks to your clit and finger curls inside of your and you came again, the scream you released making your throat go raw. You could feel Tonowari smirk against you as he held you tightly making sure you couldn’t flee from the onslaught of pleasure, rolling his fingers deeper than any human male ever got inside of you.
This second orgasm crashed through you like a tsunami, overwhelming your senses and causing you to actually black out for a moment, this time.
You came to, to Tonowari pulling at your sports bra. You moaned and swatted at his fingers, pushing yourself up on weak arms to sit up. Carefully pulling off the tight material, you moaned, your skin having gone a little red from the prolonged wear. He frowned, caressing the marks left by your bra. “Your tawtute clothing caused you pain, yawntu,” he grumbled. “I much prefer you in a tewng anyway…” His voice trailed off as his focus remained upon your breasts. He groped them gently, blue eyes darkening as he reveled in the softness of them. “I think I might come to enjoy your little tawtute body.”
You smirked until he leaned back down over you and lapped at your breast with that rough tongue of his, sucking the whole swell of it into his large mouth. “Oh, fuck,” you muttered, grabbing onto his shoulders as he slurped upon your breast like a hungry baby.
And while him nuzzling and suckling upon your breasts felt good, great even… he had whetted your appetite.
And you were ready for more.
You whimpered and reached down his body but your arms were just a touch too short to touch him. “‘Wari,” you moaned, pushing at his chest. He pulled back reluctantly. Meeting his blue gaze, you whispered, “I want you. Will you fuck me, now, please?”
Tonowari smirked and reached for the ties of his tewng, stripping himself of the only covering he had on at the moment. The breath whooshed out of you like a gust. He was comparable to your forearm and while you’d seen him earlier this evening when you had fucked him in your Avatar form, in your smaller body he looks absolutely massive. Of course, being that he was over nine and a half feet tall, it would make sense he would be absolutely stacked. Seeing the darker turquoise veiny, little ridges and nubs along each stripe and bioluminescent freckles that decorated the full length of him to the light pink tip of his cock that matched the pink of his nose made your mouth water. The foreskin, however, was a lighter blue and had started to pull back from the pink tip to reveal a delicate little trickle of pearlescent precum tinged silvery blue.
Tonowari breathed deep and smirked, ears flicking forward, blue eyes darkening. His cock bobbed. “I can smell you, hì’i payoang. Are you ready for me?”
“Oh, yes,” you nodded emphatically. “I am so ready.”
This made him smirk and he reached down between you, guiding his cock to your slicked entrance and nudging the head between your puffy lips. “Breathe, yawntu,” he whispered, taking each of your legs into either hand and spreading you wider as he slowly pushed into you. You whined as he slowly worked his way into you. The previous climaxes had definitely helped relax and loosen you but his size is still alot and the stretch of him pressing deeper and deeper inside of your gummy walls stung. You sucked in a shaky breath as he worked himself further into your channel, the pressure of the almost ridiculous sensation of fullness made your body tighten and loosen to consecutively receive his thickness and seizing up to try to shove him back out of your body. Tonowari went as slow as he could, trying not to overwhelm you.
“Oh, fuck,” you whined, clinging to the cushion beneath you with your hips twitching as he inched his way closer and closer to the end of you.
“Don’t force it, hì’i payoang,” he groaned, stroking his thumb over the side of your calf in an attempt to soothe your while he continued slowly sinking further into you. “I know you can take it. Just relax for me, yawntu.” You whined as he continued forward, finally getting to the end of your channel, leaving a little bit left of his length outside of your pussy but you’re stuffed so full and the pressure left you breathless. “How do you feel, hì’i tawtute?”
You panted shakily, whispering, “Need a moment. Sorry. Just give me a moment.”
Your answer made him smirk, pride radiating from his every pore before you inadvertently clenched down on him and his eyes rolled as you squeezed upon his cock. His collected himself and adjusted himself upon his knees, the slight movements making you whimper and clench down upon him harder. “It’s alright, yawntu. You’re alright. Everything’s going to feel even better in a moment.”
Finally, Tonowari began to move.
His first couple of thrusts were measured, tentative as he examined your features closely to see which angle made you feel the most satisfaction. When he shifted inside you and it had your eyes crossing, he smirked once again and began to set himself at a steadier pace, giving off a rumbling purr as he did so.
The pleasure was building up inside of you again as he moved into your cunt with a relentless rhythm that made you whine as that familiar coil in your stomach began to tighten again, a wail working its way up and out of your throat as you slowly rocketed towards your third orgasm all due to Tonowari’s consistent pace. However, as he felt you squeezing down on him harder, that steady rhythm seemed to be unravelling, sweet, hot pleasure building between your legs and causing you to shake and tremble and whine. Your mind was going blank as he rutted into you harder, his hands clenching down on your calves in a grip so powerful it was near bruising. With his sloppier thrusts and his animalistic grunting, his cock suddenly shifted and shoved against the spongey part his fingers had discovered earlier and you began to sob, reaching down between you to touch your clit as he pounded away deep inside of your cunt. He snarled through gritted teeth as he watched you flick and caress your button in the way you liked best, grinding himself deep inside of you and causing the pressure in your belly to intensify to the point of near pain as your orgasm crept closer and closer.
“‘Wari!” you sobbed loudly. “‘Wari!”
It felt like a super nova going off inside your body. Your cunt spasmed around his massive cock, clamping down upon him like a vice so tightly that he only fucked into your pussy with three more pumps before he came with a deep, rumbling snarl. Your cunt grew hotter with your sweet but overwhelming release, pleasure causing your limbs to shake, your eyes to roll back into your head, and your mind to go blank once more, your spine arching as you cum the hardest you have ever cum before in your life, your whole body feeling like it’s breaking apart and being put back together a million times over as your orgasm drowns you in wonderful sensation as his own seed sprayed deep into your womb, so much of it causing your belly to bulge slightly, as if you were pregnant. He moans, glancing down to see you and grinds his cock into that spongey spot once more and you black out.
This time when you came to, sort of because you felt absolutely exhausted and ready to sleep for the rest of the night, Tonowari had settled the both of you into the hammock deeper into the mauri pod. He must have cleaned you up because while you feel only a slight trickle sliding out of your body.
You moaned and snuggled your masked face into his neck.
“Awake at last hì’i payoang,” he asked, kissing your forehead. You hummed again. He chuckled and glanced over at where he had left your faux tail. He smiled, adding, “Perhaps in the morning, we can go for a swim together.” You hummed and settled your much smaller body against his, your fatigue catching up with you. He kissed your forehead again and closed his eyes, snuggling your tiny body upon his chest because he had chosen you to be his, no matter which form you took.
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Originally Posted: 15 October 2023 Word Count: 3,541
@pandoraslxna, @eyweveng @teyamsatan @lovefrommeelise
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im-getting-help · 4 months
You guys remember IT 2019? I just finished watching an alternative ending or directors cut idk, BUT LET ME TELL YOU 💀
First, english is my second language...
So, everything is exactly the same until the last like 30min? They're fighting Pennydumb, and you remember the scene where Richie is caught by the deadlights and Eddie spears Penny and saves Rich but he has to kiss him to wake him up like Ben with Bev in the first movie? Well, in this version Eddie spears Penny and falls with Richie but instead of kissing him he just shakes him a little? And Richie wakes up 😂 but then out of nowhere Pennydumb SKEWERS EDDIE WITH ONE OF THE ARACHNID/CRAB CLAWS RIGHT THROUGH THE CHEST??? Me and Bev literally screamed at the same time. So Eddie is bleeding all over Richie, blood comes out of his mouth as he says his name... and Richie is literally like 🧍🏻‍♂️ and then Pennydumb lifts Eddie with the claw and I'm watching in 4KHD how Eddie flies tf out while everyone is screaming his name. I SWEAR TO GOD I'M NOT KIDDING. At this point I'm laughing and crying at the same time, cause like, wtf is happening?? So the Losers run to wherever Eddie was thrown and THIS MF IS SOMEHOW STILL ALIVE? Then, like in the original ending Eddie tells the Losers how to kill Pennydumb, but is like super depressing, Eddie is coughing blood, so all but Richie and obviously Eds go bully the alien spider. Eddie is dying, and he says "Richie, I gotta to tell you something" and I'm thinking, alright, a little bit too angsty but ok. BUT THEN, HE DOESN'T CONFESS? HE LOOKS RICHIE IN THE EYES AND SAYS "💫I fucked your mother💫" AGAIN, I'M NOT KIDDING. And so Richie is like "heh 🙂🥲" Eventually Richie leaves so they can finish IT, lmao. They kill Pennydumb the same, they say "clown" a bunch and he perish. Then they go back to Eds who is obviously fucking dead at this point, and I'm still laughing a little cause I know that now is when Maturin appears and the Losers ask her to bring back Stan and now Eddie too i guess... WELL In this version Maturin doesn't exist apparently???????? So Eddie dies and Richie is crying over his dead body anD THEN BILL AND BEVERLY TELL HIM THAT THEY HAVE TO GO AND LEAVE HIS BODY DOWN THERE???? AND I'M 😶 SPEECHLESS.
They drag Richie out of Neibolt 😶 he's is screaming and crying and I'm screaming and crying with him. They get out and the house collapses. And the whole scene is fucking tragic, like, I'm sobbing, Richie is still screaming Eddie's name, Mike and Ben are holding him back and Bill and Bev are literally like 👀 Suddenly they're on the quarry, same scene minus Eddie and Stan. BUT IT'S SO SOMBER. They jump and they're washing themselves in silence, and Richie is CLEANING EDDIE'S BLOOD OUT OF HIS GLASSES. And Eddie is not there to be yapping about infections so Ben is like "Eddie would hate this" and they start talking about what Eddie would say if he was there, and I'm thinking 'why tf would you kill him but not write a better scene?' but I'm promptly shut up cause Richie starts crying again and everyone goes hug him, and now I'm really sobbing. But then, then they do something I can only describe as the worst possible thing you can do in front of your mourning gay friend. Richie loses his glasses like in the original but Stan is not there to give them back so the rest of the Losers start looking, and then, and I swear to god I'm not lying, Ben and Bev find the glasses but instead of giving them back they start kissing eachother. RICHIE IS BLIND AND CRYING WHILE THESE TWO KISS UNDERWATER. And I'm like NOw?????? Don't get me wrong, I love the kiss in the original, but this version is so sad and that kiss feels so out of place. After that, there's the scene in the street with them as kids, Richie and Eddie bickering and all that, and I'm ready to go wash my face BUT they added an extra scene. So in this scene Mike calls Bill whose already out of Derry, and Bill asks why they're not forgetting this time, and Mike says "Maybe cause IT is dead... or maybe because we have more we want to remember than we want to forget". AND I'M LIKE WDM?? ALL OF THIS IS FUCKING TRAUMATIC. And then Mike asks Bill if he got the letter, and apparently Stan left a fucking suicide note 💀 and it's SO FUCKING SAD YOU GUYS. They show adult Stan writing the note but you can hear young Stan reading it, and they show the Losers as adults after Derry 2.0, and everyone is happy except Richie?? Like, Bev and Ben are on a fucking boat with a dog but Richie is on the bridge going over the R+E carving while crying. And it ends with Mike smiling driving out of Derry. Is literally the worst ending ever. Like, I don't hate it just because is so depressing is kinda funny, also you guys know It 2019 is goofy af. Anyways, if anyone else saw this please message me so we can make a support group or something idk.
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Could I please request a y!BTS reaction for a reader with arachnophobia?
Yea! I think this request was in my box but I never was able to get to it so I'll do it now!
Arachnophobia: A deep fear (phobia) of spiders.
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- You were sitting inside one day reading a book when all of a sudden you saw a spider crawling on the couch.
- Since you had a phobia, you'd scream for Namjoon to come kill it.
- Namjoon couldn't understand why you'd interrupt him during his meeting, until you ran to him crying.
- As you were going on about the spider, there were gears turning in Namjoon's head.
- Sure, of course he'd kill it, anything for his Queen.
- But now, you'll start noticing them more often, constantly having Namjoon on your side so you wouldn't go near them.
- Who knew he could find a small thing like that to push you into his arms?
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- As you cleaned the bathroom, your punishment for getting messy with your paints, you noticed a spider behind the toilet.
- Screaming, you ran into the other room where Jin was reading his paper.
- When he inquired about what your fussing was about, you explained there was a spider in the bathroom.
- Jin laughed, but saw an opportunity. Of course his weak housewife is scared of an arachnid.
- He killed the spider, but it never left his head how dependant you were on him.
- Maybe he could use this as some sort of punishment in the future.
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- You were cuddled up to Yoongi on the couch when you saw a spider crawling on the ceiling.
- Screaming, you ran across the room to which Yoongi scoffed at you.
- You told him that you were deeply afraid of spiders and them hurting you, but he just laughed at it as you walked into the other room.
- However, what you didn't notice was him killing spiders left and right everywhere he found them just so you wouldn't be afraid.
- Sometimes if you get bratty he might even use this as a way to keep you inside... Because there are so many spiders outside.
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- honestly it's hard to tell what he'd do as even though he's a murderous psychopath, he too has a phobia of spiders.
- I think in this instance, mister murder man Hobi would put on his big boy pants, as you were never really supposed to see him afraid of anything, even spiders.
- He wouldn't taunt you with the spiders or anything either, because he'd be taking himself down as well.
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- in this case, Minnie is well aware of your massive fear of spiders.
- So, why not use it to his advantage, right?
- You were planning on going over to your parents' place for lunch when Jimin came into the room.
- He explained that the apartment where your parents lived had been having many reports of spiders lately.
- Out of paranoia, you hid and refused to go see them.
- Jimin was of course glad to let them know that you wouldn't be able to make it. Who knew a little white lie could be so powerful?
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- Tae liked that you had a fear of spiders. Any fear to him was one more thing he was able to use to have power over you with.
- It was kind of like a big game to him in a way.
- He'd be sitting there watching television and all of a sudden he'd see you run into the room in frightful tears.
- He'd make you beg for his help to kill the spider, forcing you to tell him you needed him.
- Of course no matter what he'd kill it, but he wanted to hear you beg.
- Because where's the fun if you're not reassuring him that he's in charge?
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- This cocky, evil man would use your fear against you whenever possible.
- He'd wait for you to fall into a trap, to mess up at the perfect moment.
- And when you'd expect him to punish you he'd drug you.
- When you wake up, you're on a table, tied to it as the floor is swarmed with spiders.
- Of course he'd put in harmless ones, but this man would be watching you from the cameras.
- He loved when you cried and begged for him to get you out. Begging by saying you'd never disobey him again.
- Which would never happen because no matter how much you tried, he'd make sure you slipped along the way.
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thornofthevale · 3 months
the fate of jake mckenzie hurts me so much. so so much. the guy lost everything twice over. his best friend, his honor, his reputation to the world, and then was slowly coaxed into hoping and believing in the future, managed to rescue his friend against all odds and fall in love and get married - only to have mike and the love of his life ripped away from him again only a day after the damn wedding. jake's is the only good future from the glimmers that is fully impossible in the vanuu ending because mike is dead and so are the rest of the arachnids so there's no one left alive to back up jake's story about lundgren or provide any other proof. the only way for him to not lose everything is for nearly the entire fuckin world to die and the fabric of time to be an utter disaster. he ends up a dishonorably discharged wanted fugitive with no one in any other ending.
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(I... cannot be stopped atm 😆)
Naww, this is a nice one- I promise. Our little spider is getting ready for a date!
TW: Swearing.
"Chawlie! Open this door right now! It's an emergency!" cried Angel, banging on the other's door with haste. "Come on, now's not the time to be fucking around!". The door opened a while later, the blonde princess rubbing her eyes.
"Angel... I was nap- ah!" she yelped, as the spider pushed into her room and began pacing.
"Shut up. Right, as you know- I've got a date tonight, but- I've got nothing to wear!". Vaggie yawned as she sat up in bed, watching Angel and Charlie.
"Dude, you seriously burst in here about a date?". Angel glared at Vaggie, before hugging himself.
"I put this on" he uttered, gesturing to the rather sexy dress he was currently wearing, before sighing. "But he doesn't want me in it... said some bullshit about dressing how I want to. This is how I want to! I don't-". Charlie, who had woken up slightly and now understood what was going on, walked over and gently grabbed Angel's hand.
"Is it though? We've seen how happier you are when you're covered up, maybe that's what Husk means?". Angel chewed his lip, before pulling away and looking to the floor.
"Maybe... I dunno, but I ain't got the goods... Val- I'm not allowed to own stuff like that". Charlie swallowed down the building rage at that, before smiling.
"Well then, time to go shopping!" she exclaimed, grabbing a brush so she could sort out her hair. "Give us a couple of minutes to get ready, Angel". Angel blinked, clearly confused. Shopping?
"Ughhhh, really babe? Can't this wa-" started Vaggie, cutting herself off when Charlie gave her the stare. "Ah... pparently not...". Sigh. "You're lucky I love you so much".
"Wait wait, what's going on?" asked the spider, gasping when he was ushered out the room. "Hey... I'm talking here".
"Can't have you watching us change" remarked Charlie, shocked when that elicited a slight blush from the other, before chuckling and shutting the door. A few minutes later, it reopened and out stepped the pair- all dressed and ready to go.
"Took ya long enough" mumbled Angel, hugging himself again; back to wearing his normal clothes. Poor boy, he seemed so worried and anxious.
"Well, someone was upset with their hair" replied Charlie, smiling again.
"Hey, this bow has to sit perfectly" answered Vaggie, rolling her eye.
"Anyway, let's go! To the shops! To find you the perfect date outfit!" declared the demon princess, clapping her hands before dragging Angel down the hall in her excitement.
"Ah! Fucking- where are we going?" cried Angel, stumbling from the shock. Vaggie sighed and followed closely behind, eventually making it to the front and holding the door open.
"Shopping!" sang Charlie, bursting through the door with the spider in tow. "Now, what type of thing do you really wish to wear?" she asked, finally letting go of the poor arachnid.
"Uh... " replied Angel, tugging his glove back on. "Whatcha mean? I like to wear whatever".
"What did you wear up there?".
"Oh, um... suits? I've got a gimp su- ah!" exclaimed Angel, as he found himself being escorted once again. "Chaw-".
"Suits! Oh my Satan, that's perfect!" said Charlie, rushing down the street with Vaggie running after her.
"Wait up, Babe, and maybe let go of Angel? He's gonna end up falling over at this rate". However, Charlie was far too focused in her mission to notice this- as she continued to race down the street. Suddenly she screeched to a halt, outside a quaint little shop and squealed, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Angel sighed, spreading his stance wide to stop himself from tumbling from the sudden stop, before running a hand through his hair.
"Fucking hell, princess... you've got some lungs on ya" he remarked, smirking as Vaggie appeared in the distance. "Ya left your girlfriend in the dust".
"Can we take a moment?" asked Vaggie, eyeing Charlie who was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Oh, in here?".
"In here!" yelped Charlie, once more grasping dear Angel.
"Oh, Augustus?" called Charlie, blinking when Angel hissed at her and pulled away.
"Did you just hiss?".
"No, anyway- can ya stop just dragging me? It's kinda annoying, Toots".
"Sorry, sorry sorry- but just you wait!" exclaimed Charlie, her eyes twinkling as a horned demon stepped out from the curtains.
"My Satan, I haven't seen you in a while, Princess. How's the suit holding up? Didn't I tell ya red suited you?" said the other, tilting his head 180°. "My my, I take it you're not here on just a friendly visit this time?".
"Augustus, I love my suit, and I was wondering if you had anything for my dear friend Angel!" chirped the Princess, shoving the spider towards the other demon.
"Ah! Would you knock it orf?" hissed Angel, brushing himself down. "Sup, sugar, got anything for these legs? I'm prime real estate, babe".
Blink "Angel. Dust. A star in my shop? Well now, this is a surprise".
"I'd say the real surprise is that you know him".
"Vaggie, babe, everyone knows me".
"Hmm, I might have something. I cater to all shapes and sizes, I'll return" informed Augustus, disappearing behind the curtain again.
"I'll be here" cooed Angel, glancing at Charlie. "Oi, royalty or not- I'll fucking smack ya one if you keep grabbing and dragging, got it?".
"Sorry, I'm just so excited for you! You're going on a real date, with someone who isn't an abusive jerk! I'm happy for you, Angel... plus, Augustus is going to make you look amazing!". Angel swallowed at Charlie, shocked by her words.
"You're happy for- well, that don't excuse being tugged around".
Nod. "Sorry".
"... you're happy for me?".
"Of course, Angel... I've seen what that Valentino guy has done to you, and how different you are with Husk".
"Yep, you light up when you see him, dude" said Vaggie, crossing her arms.
"I do?" asked Angel, blushing slightly, before jumping when Augustus burst through the curtains.
"I have it!! The perfect suit" he cried, holding up a plain white three piece. "Slip this on, and it'll do wonders!". Angel stared at the blank canvas, frowning, before getting nudged by a certain someone.
"Trust me on this" she uttered, grinning when the spider took the garment with an eye roll.
"White... okay, that's new- but I'm trusting ya Princess" he mumbled, starting to get changed.
"Oh deary me, no! Over there, over there" worried Augustus, ushering the arachnid towards a changing cubicle.
"Huh? Oh, I thought I just- okay, okay, I'm going!".
Charlie sighed, holding Vaggie's hand. "He just- right in front of everyone".
"Probably isn't allowed privacy, babe".
"So... uh, ta da?" questioned Angel, as he stepped out in complete white. "I... I like the fit?".
Squeal. "Angel! It looks amazing!! But you haven't seen the best part!!" stated Charlie, being hushed by Augustus.
"You'll ruin the fun" he said, smirking at Angel. "Now, think of a colour my dear boy".
"Huh? A colour? What is this, fucking- tell my fortune? Why would I-" started Angel, stopping when he spotted Charlie. "Okay, okay- think of a colour...". Unbeknownst to him, as Angel was thinking, the suit began to change in hue- to a deep hot pink with black accents. He looked gorgeous! "Maybe... why are you staring at me like that, Char?".
Vaggie pointed to a mirror with a smirk, watching as the spider turned and gasped. "Holy. Fuck. I- I-" he stuttered, tears welling up after a short while. For the first time, in a long time, he liked the reflection that was gazing back. He liked the outfit. The colour. The person in that mirror wasn't a cock-sucking whore, it was someone about to go on a date. "Magic suits, huh? Now that's sexy" he chirped, slipping his mask back on and turning to everyone. Pose. "I look so fuckable! Yeah, baby".
Augustus chuckled, clapping. "Now now, I wouldn't say that. But this pink certainly suits you, brings out your facial features".
"Angel!!" yelled Charlie, who's voice had finally recovered from the shock, as she rushed over and hugged her friend. "You look so handsome! Husk is going to love it!".
"Uh... thanks doll" uttered Angel, petting Charlie's head as he looked back at the mirror. Small smile. "Thanks for everything".
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leggerefiore · 2 years
cw: coraline au based but different, poly (Ingo/Reader, Emmet/Reader), a bit horror-esque but over all fluffy, monster bf stuff
Moving into the rural home far from Nimbasa was supposed to be a change from the busy environment offered by the bright lights of the city. Ingo had spoken dearly of his childhood hometown, blabbing about the trains and quiet atmosphere. You knew there was another reason that seemingly was inescapable from his lips. It was no secret how much he desired to be a father, so the easy presumption was simply of his want to start a family.
The home was dated, clearly a familial house that needed some care and love into it. Yet, when you sneaked a gaze at Ingo, you saw a slight smile tugging at his lips alongside a sparkle in his eyes. Something about this placed called to him, you could tell. He missed it. The slight decrepitness of the home could be overlooked in the pursuit of happiness for the lonely man. Ingo had never been one with many friends or attention, often holding a reserved nature and hiding most of himself away. Elesa had seemingly only been his closest companion outside of you.
Maybe all of his friends were here.
You hoped he would brighten up more, preferring the softer and caring man that lurked just under the surface of his frowning face.
Setting up in the home had been easy, watching Ingo disappear in the early hours of the morning to come home late and pass out was not. You stroked his hair as he laid in the bed with concern. Yet, all your fears and worries were shoved to the wayside as a day off came, and you both explored your new home like children. Coming across a strange, small door, you called out for Ingo. His eyes went wide at it, and he knelt down. Trying the doorknob, it was locked. You both let out a disappointed sigh. Until something struck Ingo. He politely excused himself to dig around the drawer in the kitchen before returning with a keyring.
The key met the lock, and it turned. Disappointment rang out again. Behind it was a brick wall. Nothing of apparent interest. Ingo shook his head and closed the door. “Ah, well, that was a bust,” he sighed, “Let's get started on dinner… Or I will, how about you relax? I want to make up for all the work you've done for me.” You giggled at him. His usual sweetness returned.
It was another fall after that day. He ended up stuck in Nimbasa for days. You were alone in your large home. There was only so many times one could clean or tend to a dying garden before they went insane. You crashed against the couch with a groan. Why did this keep happening? You needed to talk, but somehow it always slipped your mind. Endless background noise poured from the television. You didn't care; you wanted him.
Maybe staying in Nimbasa would have been for the best. Then you would have Ingo home. You felt a sob leave your throat as tears burned your eyes. Why did you feel so alone? Were you both lonely people relying on each other? You curled into yourself and sobbed until you drifted off.
Waking up, you felt a strange lightness in the air. It almost felt too thin. You fell off your couch and watched as a strange arachnid crawled across the floor to the small door. It chirped a few times before squeezing underneath it. You felt dangerously curious. Creeping to it yourself, you place a hand on the doorknob. It was… Warm.
It felt alive.
You turned it and pulled it back. On the other side was no longer an empty brick wall but a shifting, pulsing colourful tunnel. You felt criminally curious and crawled in. The material of the tunnel were indescribable, but you would dare to say it was oddly flesh-like. Everything felt hypnotising and alight. You reached the other side and saw it. Another door, completely identical to the other. You opened it.
On the other side…
Was a nicer version of your home.
You gazed at your changed living room in wonder. This must be a dream, bringing to life what you wanted in reality. You closed the door behind you and flinched as footsteps echoed closer.
“… You're here early,” he cooed. You turned around to see him.
He looked just as Ingo did, but with strange, entirely purple eyes. They blinked as you struggled to find words. He giggled at your reaction. “Confused? I know you are!” His hand was held out to you, “I'm your other husband!”
The night was suddenly fantastical. Emmet, his name, was much more playful than Ingo and active. He smiled as you cooked and complimented you. There was a dance with you in the living while impossible, gorgeous lights floated about. Affection was lavished over you until you finally fell asleep once more. Emmet laid with an arm wrapped around your side.
Soon, when you awoke again, he was replaced by cold air. You were in your bed. Alone. Tears burned your eyes.
Talk to Ingo. You needed to talk to him.
He picked up the phone by the third ring.
“Hello? What is it, dearest?” he yawned into the phone.
“… I had a dream about you,” you whispered into the line.
“… I'll be home soon, I promise,” he explained.
“It wasn't you exactly…” you told him.
“I see,” a deep breath was heard, “Well, it doesn't matter. I'm certain it was just an odd dream.”
You were inclined to agree with how odd everything had been. It felt ridiculous calling him to tell him about it. He was probably annoyed with you, too…
“… I hope it was a nice dream,” he suddenly said, “I have to go now, but I'll call you on my lunch break if I manage one.”
You felt better all of a sudden. A cheerful parting was given.
Nothing happened for the entire day. You kept to your usual activities and tried to ignore the creeping feelings on your mind. A fake, happier Ingo. An Ingo who was more active… It had to be a dream. He sometimes asked consent before he even just hugged you. That Emmet had been far too forward to compare to Ingo. You felt giggly at the thought of conjuring up your own better version of your boyfriend.
He even… You sighed as a hand drifted downwards in bed.
You woke up again late into the night as that same bright yellow arachnid crept around near you. It soon scuttled away as you sat up. Before you knew it, you were on your feet after it. Once more, it crawled under the door. Before you knew it, you found yourself back in the other world with a version of your boyfriend at your side. Emmet smiled at you brightly, his odd eyes catching the light beautifully. It felt strange with how happy you were to see him once more, but Ingo's words about hoping that it had been a happy dream echoed in your head.
Emmet suddenly brought you close, hugging you to him tightly. “He's busy, isn't he?”
“Who's busy?” you questioned.
“Heehee, my little spider friend,” he pointed to the yellow fluff creating a web with your face in it. You sighed. Why were you scared? This place calmed you, if anything. Leaning into him, you hummed.
He soon excitedly brought you out in the garden near your house, completely different from the desolate one in reality. Bright foliage grew healthily and beautifully, catching your mind with some of the most unnatural colours and glowing proclivities you had seen. Everything swelled in your mind, Emmet dragged you around with the certain energy a child might have. You followed along happily.
Another dance came in the garden, a centre area of smooth cobblestone under your feet as he spun you wildly. In a dip with the swell of an unseeable orchestra, his lips met yours. You nearly cried at the words mouthed against you.
“You're perfect…”
Waking up in your bed once more, you were greeted by a text that Ingo would be returning that evening. You shook off the odd sleepiness and removed yourself from the bed. Ignored was the white lily lying on the pillow next to yours. A spider watched carefully from a web in the corner of the room, purple eyes seeing all. The day was spent in anticipation of Ingo's arrival. Cleaning the house which was not that messy, honestly, and cooking a dinner for him was done by when the door finally opened around eight.
You greeted him with a kiss to his cheek, and he held you close for a moment. Dinner was held together with a light conversation about his work and what you had done during his absence. Tomorrow was a day off from work for him, so you were happy to have your boyfriend to yourself once more. He took a long bath while you crept to the tiny door.
Opening it, you laughed dryly.
Brick wall.
“Dearest, what are you doing?” Ingo's voice called out from the hall leading to your bedroom.
“… My dreams took my into here,” you told him more. He tilted his head.
“Ah, I suppose something like that would be heavy on your subconscious,” he strolled forward to knock on the brick, “Admittedly, I recall it being open as a child.”
“Did a relative do this?” you asked.
“More than likely,” Ingo offered before standing up, “… Do you mind if we – Erm-” His eyes drifted to the floor, to which you giggled. Taking his hand, you gave a silent agreement to his wish. The night was spent in each other's arms, wrapped in sheets. Nearby, the lily sat in a vase of water.
In the night, you awoke, but Ingo was gone. You knew what was happening again. Silently, you made your way to and through the door and into the other home. Different, however, was the number of people. Two of them stood in conversation with one another at the table, unaware of your appearance. They both faced away from you, but from all their other features, you could tell they were identical. You hid yourself carefully and listening in on their conversation.
Both Emmet's and Ingo's voices spoke, distinct yet similar.
“… How much longer?” Emmet whined and rested his head in his hand.
“I do not know,” Ingo replied, “Leaving gifts, now?”
“I'm a better lover than you, brother,” he giggled, a wide smile splitting his face, “Do you think they won't wake up without you there?”
“… Introducing you is difficult, especially when you choose to do so yourself,” Ingo retaliated, head turning to gaze at the small door. You felt your heart stop. Those same purple eyes laid on his face, but smaller and above his normal ones. “…” Emmet turned his head at his brother's unexpected silence. For a moment, the room held not a single noise. You swore your body had gone stiff from how you refuse to move. Ingo suddenly walked across the room carefully. His eyes landed on you as he approached the door.
“… Dearest,” he spoke softly, holding a hand out to you, “Please don't be alarmed by how I look.” You let out a sharp exhale as you noted the sharpened teeth in his mouth. Emmet rushed over, too. “Uh-oh,” he said simply.
“What is going on?” you managed to get out as you stood tall. Emmet leaned over his brother's shoulder, more eyes on his face in a manner that they might lie on a Galvantula's own.
“… I am a spider creature and this is my twin brother,” he said like it was an everyday announcement he might make at the station, “I wanted to introduce you to him alongside the possibility of being his mate as well as mine.”
You supposed that made sense, but what in the world was all of this.
“We eat people,” Emmet suddenly chimed in, “Not you! You're special. We still eat people, though.”
You readied yourself for a long discussion about everything.
The home slowly shifted more and more into an odd spider web, while Emmet lost the illusion of a normal human lower half. It was quite apparent who was more of the spider creature. Ingo explained the whirlwind love story of his parents, a man getting caught in a spider woman's web and starting a family. Then Ingo explained how he set out to find a suitable mate for himself and Emmet before returning with you.
Part of you was offended he never told you any of this, but another part acknowledged that you simply would not have believed him. Leaning back against the couch, you gazed at Emmet, who was redoing a part of the web. He wasn't that bad, you felt. You definitely liked him, but you also turned to Ingo, who say in a nearby chair.
“… Where do I live then?” you finally asked, accepting both of them as partners.
“Wherever you prefer.”
“No, brother, they stay here. I want them in my web, so I can protect them,” Emmet whined while scuttling towards you.
Ingo shook his head, “We own both properties, and it's a waste of magic for you to make this place more hospitable for them.”
“No, they'll just stay here,” he motioned to the extremely empty room around you.
“I prefer both,” you agreed with Ingo, “Unless you can make this place nicer regularly.”
Emmet whined.
You sighed as you laid down on the soft spider tummy. Ingo had got caught up in work again, leaving you to only be comforted by Emmet. He had really taken to his job, despite only using it to meet potential mates originally. The bed underneath you was comfortable alongside the warmth of your covers.
“… Mmm, I hope he brings home prey thus time.”
“Emmet, what?” you rose up from your laying position.
“Nothing,” he cooed, “I love you, sleep well.”
You did, in fact, not sleep well that night.
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every-marveler-ever · 11 months
What makes a bodega different from a coffee shop, an extensive guide by Peter B. Parker. 
IronStrange Bingo Round 3 | 🏥 @ironstrangebingo | Coffee Shop
Peter Parker Bingo 2023 | 🕠 @pparkerbingo | Bodega
2023 masterlist :: (ao3 link)
RATING: General WARNING: List format, black coffee
Peter Parker travels to the bodega as often as the coffee shop two streets over and they are both critical in his life. He just didn't realise how important they were to each other. | tony stark/stephen strange
isb 🏥 round 3 | ptpkb 🕠 2023
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The bodega on the corner of Queen’s is on the way home from Midtown High, the coffee shop is two streets over. 
If a pick-me-up is needed the bodega offers food that I can be brought home and cooked for dinner, but the coffee shop offers sweet treats and drinks that have far too much sugar in them for an arachnid. 
The bodega is a shop, the coffee shop only offers coffee and treats. 
When studying is required for an upcoming test the coffeeshop is quieter and not many strangers will wish you a good day, the bodega will be loud and strangers will encourage you to do your best work while distracting you at the same time, despite saying “ I won’t distract you anymore, Cara.” (Which means dear and is very nice to hear once and awhile). 
Coffee from the bodega is straight black and bitter, but the handmade rolled, squished-down flat, sandwiches make up for it. The coffee shop is the opposite their coffee is sweet and drinkable while their sandwiches are questionable. 
People know you at the Bodega is they are strangers or not, it is the epitome of the 5 connections diagram. In the coffee shop, you may see the same people but you don’t know them, except for the nice barista who will add a maple cookie with every drink order once finding out you were allergic to peppermint.
Both places feel similar to family just in different ways. 
At the coffee shop, they care about the paper they know you were slaving over last week, 4 coffees deep, the bodega care about your weight and will tell you are too thin and give you extra pasta ingredients. 
You could win the lucky lotto number only at the bodega. 
The coffee shop tries to be elegant Italian whereas the bodega is real Italian and Spanish mixed to make beautiful pasta and sweets pairings. They are both great but only at the bodega will you get comprehensive Italian lessons and support on the latest Spanish assignment. 
The bodega owner is nice and will show you all the things he is working on to improve the shop, and he doesn’t wear a name badge because he believes being able to learn names is more important than knowing them. 
They both sell great different versions of breakfast. 
The barista at the coffee shop (who is the OWNER!) is named Stephen and taught himself to make coffees to deal with his oncoming arthritis, and because he wanted to impress a guy in college. 
They both wear wedding bands and are in nice marriages where they are fond of their partner but don’t feel bad complaining about their newest mess up. 
They will both make you feel like you have a dad. (Cross that one out Peter, it is not that important). 
Sometimes it is almost as if they talk about each other, Tony (the Bodega owner) will say that his husband brought home freshly baked apple pie, from work, after they went apple picking on the weekend. Stephen then talks about his partner loving his apple pie and that is what inspired the new apple-flavoured menu for the fall season. 
It is easy to work at both according to the employees and Tony lets kids who can’t work elsewhere or can’t commit very many hours to work behind the counter when in need of money but don’t want to just take it. 
Tony also employs a really cute guy that makes you want to go to the bodega more. (No he doesn’t MJ!)
They pack up at the same time, 7 pm saying that they want to be home with their partners. Stephen closes only just before. 
But the bodega opens again around 2 am, or whenever Tony is awake. 
Both stores are inherently clean despite the clutteredness of the bodega compared to the simple modern design of the coffee shop.
They both opened the shops for their partners, Stephen’s husband (HUSBAND THEY ARE ALSO BOTH GAY! (or Bi)) loves coffee and Stephen thinks he needs to try something other than black. Tony opens early in the morning because he knows his husband likes to be awake early in the morning and in college, they would both visit the bodega before class (a  sacrifice he had to make, Tony likes to admit). 
If you work late enough you might see Stephen knock on the window of the bodega and Tony come out and kiss him before closing up shop finally.
On one night you might just be able to see a shocked Peter Parker, mouth wide open, through the window. 
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Cards: (🏥7/25) (🕠 1/25)
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annab-nana · 2 years
very fitting as i could barely see the prompts bcs i’m crying over heartstopper but '' need a shoulder to cry on? '' with peter pls 🙏
omg i still need to watch/read that!!
warnings: silk!reader, proofread once, slightly suggestive (mentions of a sexual connection)
❀ masterlist ❀
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you sat on the roof's edge, suited feet dangling over as you stared at the ground. your life had changed drastically in the last year. one stupid field strip. one stupid spider. one stupid peter parker. you didn't ask for this life, but you felt too guilty when you sat at home because as peter said to tony stark once, "and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you."
“not much action for you either?” you heard peter ask when he landed behind you on the rooftop after swinging in. the simple shake of your head and slump of your shoulders answered his question as he walked over to sit next to you.
you were nearly quiet all of the time in the last year peter had truly known you. before the fateful spider bite, your laughter could be heard from the opposite end of the hallway. you used to be so carefree and jubilant, but now, you were in your head constantly and silent most of the time.
it was nice to have peter who knew what it was like, but at the very beginning, that wasn’t the case. with the bite came disruptions in both of your hormones to the point where you couldn’t be near each other without the desperate painful need to jump each other’s bones. thankfully though, bruce had concocted a serum of sorts to abate that so you could be near him and behave yourself.
“what’s going on in that head of yours?” peter inquired before watching you lean back to look directly up at the sky.
“too much,” you muttered with a sigh while peter copied your actions to lay beside you. his red and blue suit was a stark contrast to your white and black one.
he figured you didn’t want to talk when you didn’t elaborate so his eyes moved from you to the sky. it was then that you spoke again.
“friends suck.”
that threw him for a loop. as far as he knew, you didn’t talk to your friends often for what he assumed was to protect them. again, he waited for elaboration on your part for a moment before he opened his mouth to ask for it, only for you to beat him to it.
“i found out that charlie was dared to make me fall in love with him and then break up with me so that’s why he was always flirting with me which doesn’t bother me too bad since were weren’t even that close. what really gets me is that madison, someone i considered to be a close friend, was the one to put my feelings on the line and dared him to do it because she thought i said that i liked him when i really said marley from sixth period.”
“so i dropped them a while ago but i miss them, you know? like i missing having people to talk to and hang out with. i miss having someone that i felt comfortable enough to talk to about anything and everything or whenever i need-“ you cut yourself off when you felt yourself getting emotional over the topic, knowing peter could feel it too. banner’s serum may have dulled the sexual urge between you both but you could still feel each other. it was like you were connected forever due to that spider.
“need a shoulder to cry on?” he spoke up, finishing up your sentence but also offering to be there for you. you didn’t even nod to answer his question. you just took off your mask hastily so you could breathe better—no one could see you up here anyway—and hid your face in his shoulder. you let out everything that had been bothering you over the past year from your shitty friends to your life being turned upside down arachnid-style.
peter could feel it all. his chest hurt not only because your pain that sat there, but because he sympathized and hurt for you as well. he’d be lying if he said his own eyes didn’t get misty as he consoled you.
you’d also be lying if you said it didn’t feel incredibly nice to be in peter’s arms. the trail his hand followed as he rubbed up and down your back was comforting but also made you feel hot. his soft low hums were gentle and made you realize you really liked the sound of his voice. you felt his throat vibrating against your skin through the thin lycra of his suit. you’d been complaining about crappy friends when you had the best person in the world in front of you.
“peter?” you called, voice broken and breaking peter’s heart even further.
“yeah?” he hummed as he looked down at your sad eyes.
“thank you.” your voice sounded so sweet, soft, and innocent and he loved every bit of it.
“of course,” he started with a grin you couldn’t see but could feel, “what are friends for?”
hearing him call himself your friend filled your chest with a pleasant warmth you were sure he was feeling as well. you felt that warmth heat up further when you smiled at him, unsure if that extra heat was from yourself or him.
you dropped your head back down to rest in the junction where his shoulder and neck met and made yourself comfortable there. charlie, madison, and any of your other friends didn’t matter because you had peter and he was more than you could ever need or want.
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
turn on notifications for @annab-library to be notified when i post something new!
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impossiblesuitcase · 1 year
Kai ranting about how frustrating everyone was in a very long meeting that left him so emotionally and physically exhausted that he’s on the verge of a breakdown as cinder rubs his back.>>> 👌👌
(Also very good chapter of mmm, love a good title drop)
Did I take this prompt and use it as an excuse to write an idea I've had for ages? Noooooooo. I would neveeeerrrrrr.
Voices in His Head
“The Eastern Commonwealth’s blatant loyalties to Luna make it wholly unequipped for any rational discussion—”
“—the Olympic games is a fundamentally Earthen event, and not only is the empress asserting that we should include Lunar and cyborg athletes—”
“—but she even insiuntates that it should be held on Luna.”
Shut up.
Queen Camilla’s words freeze in his mind, scratch and almost start up again.
Kai walks into the bathroom, bleary-eyed and spent. His dress shoes clack on the marble tiles and tinnitus crawls into his synapses, so awful it makes him want to wrench them off and shove them into his eardrums. 
“Empress Selene would even imply tha—”
A shower. He needs a shower. He’s sticky and greasy and his hair is clinging to his forehead. At this very moment, he’s certain every arachnid mite living in his pores is raving.
(He’s been in his air-conditioned office all day.)
Their bathroom is straight out of one of those architecture netfeeds Iko pores over. Tall ceilings, double sinks with basins cut from a geode and coated in glass to protect their hands. Dim lights framing the mirror. A large freestanding tub with hidden jets, and overhead a bespoke chandelier. The shower has built-in seating and three heads and is wide enough to fit four, five, ten people and a horse.
Cinder is leaning against the sink, back to the mirror. Her hair is unusually free and tumbles down her shoulders as she scrubs her teeth. Her chequered red shorts and white singlet have lost opacity where they are stretched over her midsection.
Six months gestation, and though she’s hurled up her guts almost every single one of those days, she’s still the most beautiful mother-to-be he’s ever seen.
He is noticed as she turns around to the basin, her toothbrush lodged between her teeth. “‘Uo’re back!” 
Kai pauses at the towel rack, steadying his hands on the metal bar. The shelf adjacent is already home to three rubber ducks, two bottles of baby shampoo, a microfibre koala towel and a thermometer.
“‘Ow was da meeding?” she garbles. She leans over the faucet—spits, gargles, and wipes her mouth with a towel. 
His feet are finally free of his shoes, next his socks. When she straightens, he’s struggling to pull off the left with his toes.
“It was fine.” 
She sighs, stringing the towel over the rail. “Isn’t it kind of the union leaders to choose a time that’s great for their time zones and terrible for ours?”
He forces a single scornful chuckle. His sweat has left condensation on the rail, and his towel is absent.
Cinder passes him a fresh one unbidden, then bumps the drawer closed with her hip. “Sorry I left you to fend for yourself in there—Doctor’s orders and, oh! Doctor Li moved the blood count test to Friday.” Eyes alight, bright and hopeful. “Do you wanna get away tomorrow?”
“We have the meeting with the chancellor,” he reminds her flatly. 
She deflates, thumping her forehead with the heel of her hand. “Stars, I can’t remember anything these days. Stupid”—wack—“pregnancy”—wack—“brain.”
“It’s almost 1 am. You need some rest.”
She’d been napping when he left for the meeting, not before moving her from the couch to their bed. He’d hoped she would stay asleep. But she woke up, on purpose, to wait for him. Again.
“You look like you need it too.” She smiles tenderly, extending her hand for him to take.
He takes it. Squeezes. Pulls away. “I’m gonna have a shower.”
The smile falls. “You already had one this morning.”
His hands fumble with the hem of his shirt, trying to pull it free—it’s stuck around his wrists. Kai dumbly pulls and grunts. Pulls, pulls, pulls.
When he doesn’t respond, her brow creases, quietly worried. “You look tired. Why don’t you just come to bed?”
Finally, he figures out that the shirt is a button down. The button holes are near impossible with numb fingertips but eventually he’s slinging the shirt across the bathroom floor.
Then, wordlessly, he approaches her, kisses her forehead, and crouches to kiss her stomach.
Cinder looks at the ground; at him. “I’ll wait for you.”
Don’t. But she’ll ignore him anyway.
Kai makes it into the shower and puts it on full blast. It’s scalding. He curses under his breath, steps out of the stream, turns around for the soap.
Cinder is still in the bathroom, lingering by the doorway. She isn’t looking at him—more towards the bay windows and seven potted plants underneath. Yet there’s a reason she’s here.
She’s done this—this pensive hovering—a lot over the past year and a half. The year and a half which was better chronicled by months; months of hoping, months of disappointment.
He grabs the soap, catching it as it slips out of his hands. Footsteps retreat into their bedroom.
It’s his fault, of course. He has no siblings. No aunts or uncles. He is the last in line for the throne.
Kai scrubs his chest.
Hereditary male infertility. Cinder had even reasoned that perhaps her cybernetics had damaged her reproductive system—trying to take some of the blow. But the doctors said in no uncertain terms that she was as good a candidate for pregnancy as any.
It’s his fault.
Months of vitamins almost as many calories as his breakfast congee. Months of the exact same soul-crushing, taunting, singular pink line. Every time, Cinder would hug him and assure him that she didn’t blame him, that it would happen for them.
“It takes two to make a baby, you know. If one of us is having issues, we both are,” she’d said.
He had smiled weakly. 
But as the waiting went on too long, she stopped telling him that the tests were coming back negative. Stopped telling him she was taking them at all. But he’d hear her curse when she got her period, not just in annoyance for the blood staining their bedsheets. Hear her hushed conversations over comm with her obstetrician. Complain of more headaches than usual—the ones she gets in place of crying.
He turns off the water, feeling a sting in his own eyes.
Kai is shivering by the time he leaves the bathroom.
Cinder is still awake as promised, though her heavy eyelids imply it’s an active fight. The bed sheets are wrinkled from her previous nap and she’s snuggled into the baby blue pregnancy pillow that Scarlet recommended for sciatica. Kai grudges the fluffy cocoon because its walls keep him from holding her at night. But he wants her to be comfortable, so he doesn’t let that fact reach his vocal chords.
Cinder absently scrolls through her portscreen as he approaches the bed. Feet jelly, he flops onto her side and crawls over her legs.
She giggles under her breath. “Lazy.”
Drained, Kai thinks.
His side of the bed is cold. Despite this, he can’t be bothered to pull up the blanket or turn off his bedside lamp. He just stares blankly ahead. Little flickers of light scatter outside, like stars in his vision. He’s forgotten to close the blinds to the balcony window, he vaguely realises.
Can’t be bothered.
Then again, it’s not a bad thing to fall asleep to. Though the front of the palace stands towering above the crowded New Beijing metropolis, this side faces a picturesque mountain range. Where the city welcomes more artificial light than darkness, the mountain lights are patchy; sparse from town to town.
He and Cinder love to stand on their balcony at night and gulp in the air and dream about getting lost in those forests.
“What’s wrong, love?”
The port has been moved to her nightstand, plugged in and facing down. She’s looking at him.
A safe shake of the head. “Nothing.”
Her hand snakes out from underneath the pillow and tucks around his back. It’s frighteningly cold; it skips like stones over a frozen lake on his skin. A moment later, he realises it’s actually warm, hot even, and his brain has misinterpreted the temperature.
Cinder stalls the hand at the small of his back. “Please don’t lie to me,” she whispers.
He sighs deeply, explanations clogging his throat. That warm flesh against his skin reminds him of the hot metal rods used for archaic torture and interrogation. It’s a disturbed, callous thought he regrets immediately, even if he couldn’t control it escaping from his deep unconscious. 
“It was just…the meeting.”
“Didn’t go well?”
Something derisive leaves his throat. “You could say that.” 
Deep brown eyes that still visit his dreams, imploring. Her hand cups his waist. “Tell me about it.” 
“Empress Selene would even imply that her trauma validates her opinion over ours.”
“No,” he says firmly. “It’s not important.”
She scoffs. “It obviously is, if it’s got you this drained.”
He rolls over, facing away from her. “I’m fine,” he says curtly. “Don’t worry about me.”
Kai tempers his breaths. This new position is already growing uncomfortable. He waits.
No sarcastic response. Not even a pitying reply. A glance over his shoulder reveals her frowning, pinched lips.
There it is again, that lingering. Kai hates having her worry about him. He hates that, before, he was too overwrought and uncoiled from wanting to curse into the wind to really take care of her as much as she needed. Hates that during that time he could bring down any cheerful mood, like when they played a boardgame with Cress and Thorne—which Cinder had deliberately arranged as a breather for him—and he became snarky when he was the only player to not land on a ‘have a baby’ tile.
Of course, they have all the univs on the planet. All the resources in the galaxy. They could’ve marched into their doctor’s office, get hooked up to the latest high-tech fertility machines and walk out soon-to-be parents.
But the procedures would be incredibly invasive for Cinder. Just hearing the lengths of it made his stomach flip-flop upside down and inside out. 
Cinder had endured surgery after operation and trauma after mutilation. He couldn’t do that to her. Not when this was a simple, fundamental thing he should be able to give her.
So they waited. And he underestimated how much that waiting would corrode him. Now she’s pregnant, and he isn’t going to let a minute pass by without taking care of her.
Ignoring her, freezing her out, is not taking care of her, chants a voice in his head. 
“Kai, my love, look at me.”
He does as asked.
She reaches over, stroking his cheek. Her eyes drop to his chest. “Can I tell you something?”
Wistfulness envelopes her face. “You know, it doesn’t matter what you could be talking to me about—the apocalypse, certain death.” The switch back to his eyes is sharp. “What really stresses me out is when you don’t talk to me.”
That voice was right. Stupid stupid stupid.
“I don’t want to worry you,” he repeats.
“I know.” Lines crinkle around her eyes with her smile. “But I will always worry about you. That’s the deal. And you won’t stress out Peony either: she can’t hear.”
“Actually, her ears are already formed and functioning. I was reading up on it the other day.”
“Well, she can’t comprehend what we’re saying.”
“Cinder,” he feigns offence, “are you calling our daughter dumb?”
A long eye roll. “Kai.”
She sits up unexpectedly, extricating herself from the baby blue pillow. It’s thrown to the floor with groan and no doubt a few jugfuls of strength, then she secures herself in his arms instead. 
He’s too tired to dial down his eagerness. This is what he’s needed all day, all month, all ever. He cradles her rapaciously.
“Talk to me,” muffles against his shirt.
And he does. Gripes about Queen Camilla barely shrouding her prejudice against Cinder, and the other leaders agreeing, despite everyone in the room knowing it was born out of jealousy for the younger, more popular ruler. Rants about President Vargas and his new bill that would fold all trade route monopolies into his hand, and how the fully-informed other leaders supported it! All because the Union was growing suspicious of the Commonwealth for opening new internal routes, believing they were attempting to splinter off and rely on their own economy.
He does and he does until he’s almost crying from frustration, because this is the last thing they need right now. These inane arguments would persist until after Peony came, and they didn’t deserve to have to entertain and coddle squabbling politicians. They shouldn’t have to cradle fragile adults when they should be cradling a fragile daughter.
Cinder listens and holds him. Listen and hold, listen and hold. As he winds down, recoils into back his spring, she pulls his hand to her heart, the other to her stomach. Peony is awake too.
Badum, kick, badum, kick, badum.
“Thank you,” she says finally.
“Thank you,” he says meaningly.
Under his palm, a thin, jagged scar peeks out from her singlet, starting at the swell of her breast and reaching her sternum. It’s the length of his pinky finger and almost the length of her ring finger; they’ve measured it before.
Kai caresses the pale memory under his thumb. It’s faded over time, but it could fade more. Doctors recommended laser treatments, skin grafting, cell turnover acceleration. Cinder declined it all. She wears her scar without apology. It wasn’t her fault her crazed aunt stabbed her in the heart.
It isn’t his fault.
Cinder directs his chin with a warm metal hand and kisses him like she’s the one whispering that assurance to him. Like she means it. 
Badum, kick, kick, badum.
“Can we reschedule the meeting with the chancellor?” she whispers after a while.
He laughs. “No. I’d love to say yes, but we really can’t.”
She squints. Yawns, not too disheartened. “Then can we do something this weekend?”
“Like what?”
Deep brown eyes that still visit his dreams, sparkling and romantic. “Since Peony can hear, how about…” She shifts awkwardly in his hold to point at the glistening mountainous skies. “A walk through the forest?”
A deep inhale. Crisp air, frozen in time. Towering trees that would remain and thrive despite any number of problems he faced or caused.
“Birds chirping, a creek burbling, just like when you proposed?” She gives him a nudge, though he needs no convincing. “Won’t that be nice for her?”
Wind rustling through leaves. Twigs crunching under his feet. Cicadas humming where he’ll never see. 
“Peace and quiet for Mummy and Daddy?” he teases.
A laugh, and then she tucks back into his neck. 
The forest is silent, yet Cinder’s smile is speaking a thousand unsung words. It’s okay. I love you. You’re doing your best.
Maybe he can listen to the voices in his head, when it’s her.
My reasoning as to why Kai may be infertile.
Hey, question! Anyone like Cresswell fic and would want to be tagged?
@cinderswrench @cindersassasin @hayleblackburn @spherical-empirical @salt-warrior @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @zephyr-thedragon @holdmysparks @oceanspray5 @icarusignite @shellyseashell @kaider-is-my-otp @slmkaider @luna-maximoff-22 @cosmicnovaflare @kaixiety @shellyseashell
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super-ion · 1 year
What about "what do you mean your not going?" In the context of Jen getting ready for a villain holiday party/mixer?
"What do you mean you're not going?" I ask Emily.
"I mean, I think it would be kind of weird if I did," she replies.
I guess I can't quite keep my face from falling, because her face softens and she walks over to me and caresses my cheek.
"Babe," she tells me. "Y'all are supervillains. I'm a former hero. I fought some of them. Hell, Lady Lacuna was my archnemesis."
Okay, yeah, I knew that. I was a huge Cannonball fan back in the day. It was kinda awkward when they officially "met" at the engagement party, but I guess they're pretending to get along for my sake.
"Okay, but she knows," I argue back. "She does, right?"
Emily sighs.
"Yes, she knows."
"Em, it's just going to be my friends," I say. "You've met most of them... I mean, half of them are going to be in my wedding party."
She chews her lip in apprehension.
"You don't have to come," I say, relenting. "But I'd love it if you did. It's just a holiday party with my friends... who happen to be supervillains. Nothing nefarious, just a couple friends hanging out."
"But... wait, did you say okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah, okay," she replies. "They're your friends, I'm your fiancee. I gotta get used to occasionally being in the same room as them, right?"
"Yes! Oh my god, I love you!"
Dr Hands' mansion is lavishly decorated. I'm not sure exactly which holiday tradition is going on here. I think it's some ancient mesopotamian solstice festival. He's off in the corner animatedly explaining it all to Arachnid and his sister.
"Okay..." Emily admits, "this is... kinda nice."
"See!" I say with a grin. "Just a party. Kinda weird that we haven't seen Sarah though. She said she was bringing a date. She was super excited about it."
"Oh?" Emily asks, raising an eye brow. "I didn't realize she was dating again after Typhoon broke up with her."
Yeah, that was a whole entire mess. Lady L swore off dating men forever, but I guess she changed her mind, because she's started seeing someone.
"Wonder who the lucky..." Emily trails off and her eyes go wide as they fix on something over my shoulder.
"No." she says in a half whisper.
I turn in confusion, and it doesn't take me long to figure out why she looks like she's seen a ghost.
"Em. Is that...?" I ask, not really able to articulate the words for what I'm seeing.
"Yeah," she replies. "It is."
Sarah, aka Lady Lacuna, Mistress of the Void, has arrived at the party... and she's hanging on the arm of John... Emily's brother, my future brother in law... aka Umbra, the Guardian in Darkness and official member of the Justice Force.
He says something to her and she grins and beams at him. Oh god, she's fallen for him. Hard.
"Did you know?" she hisses.
"No," I reply. "You really think you wouldn't have been the first person I told if I knew?"
Ohhh no, they've spotted us and they're heading this way.
Emily recovers before I do and puts on her best customer service smile, the one that doesn't reach her eyes.
"John, Sarah, hi. I didn't realize you were... together."
Lady L grins.
"Well... we met at the engagement party and... I dunno, I guess we kinda clicked."
My mouth is still hanging open and Emily nudges me.
"Uh... Yeah..." I say. "Our maid of honor and man of honor... dating."
"Don't worry!" John says. "We promise not to make things weird. It's your special day."
Lady L pats his arm tenderly.
"I need to introduce John to everyone, but we'll be back to mingle in a little bit."
She drags him away in the direction of Dr Hands.
"Emily." I say. "Do they know??"
"I... I have no idea."
"What do we do?"
"I don't know."
God, she's probably more shaken than I am.
"We have to tell them, right?"
"We can't just out them like that, Jen."
Yeah, she's got a point there... but what the heck??
"Aren't you glad I asked you to come to this?" I ask her.
She looks at me like I've completely lost it. Then a small, almost hysterical laugh bubbles out of her lips.
"Yeah... I guess so"
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viacursecasting · 1 year
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The Tune Of Our Hearts.
An Arte X Ivy Drabble
"You look ravishing."
"You're insufferable."
The response elicited Arte's laugh, a melodious sound that made Ivy's heart flutter. He then gave her a fond smile that complemented his sparkling cyan pools. "Thank you for coming. I was starting to feel lonely."
They stood in the solitude of the courtyard garden, a grand fountain acting as white noise, as Ivy gestured toward the lit mansion with dozens of dapper guests inside. "Even with all those people?"
"Especially so," Arte replied. "None of them are you."
She was glad that her mask hid her blush.
Arte offered his palm, asking, "May I have this dance?"
Ivy was confused. "But there's no music."
"We have the tune of our hearts," the feline said with a wink.
Panic seized Ivy—a reflex since she was so accustomed to keeping her distance. However, when she peered into those beaming aquamarines, an overwhelming sense of trust washed over her, and she melded her hand with his.
The cryokinetic's fingers were as cool as ice as he wrapped an arm around her waist, brushing the skin exposed by the low-cut back of her ballroom dress. The arachnid didn't even flinch; she had always been naturally cold.
Perhaps they truly were made for each other...
The first thing she took note of was his steady posture. Acting like the frame to her masterpiece, he effortlessly led her into a waltz as they glided across the courtyard, surrounded by the garden's flowers that sparkled with dew in the moonlight. She was surprised at how easily her footwork harmonized with his. On top of that, his steps were so floaty she felt like she was in a dream.
His trench coat billowed behind him like a superhero's cape, mirroring the way her full skirt twirled. But she hardly took note, for she was bewitched by his sheer proximity, by his cool, crisp cologne, by his platinum bangs that tickled her face like snowflakes.
They started to sway to a slower beat as Ivy chimed, "I had no idea you were such a good dancer."
"You learn a thing or two when you have parents like mine."
Her curiosity piqued. "What are they like?"
Arte shrugged. "Hardworking, I guess? Never around." He gave a hollow huff. "Typical rich folk, am I right?"
The cat was smiling but Ivy could see the sadness behind his eyes.
It was Arte's turn to ask, "What are your parents like?"
Ivy's movements, and in turn his, slowed to a halt, though they kept their arms around each other. "I actually don't remember much before my Infection," she confessed.
Arte's features softened. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"
"Don't be," Ivy reassured him. "Besides," she added as she clutched his lapel, making his heart pound, "I'd much rather focus on the present."
She went to stroke his face, slightly brushing away his bangs to reveal his deformed pupil, shaped like a lambda. "That being said, I do feel responsible for your eye."
Arte took her slender fingers, bringing them to his lips. "I would do it all over again if it meant this moment," he confessed.
Ivy tried to ease her racing pulse by letting out an amused huff. "You say the most ridiculous things."
"Is that not what love does?" Arte teased. "Makes us do crazy things?"
"Surely," Ivy responded, cupping his face, "because falling for the likes of you has made me insane."
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