#eyeball Chambers x reader
sebastianswallows · 2 months
Dreamed of you
— PAIRING: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: A Bene Gesserit sister is sent to kill Feyd. She hesitates as she watches him sleep, all the way until he wakes up and catches her.
— WARNINGS: none, just reader simping for one cute boy
— A/N: First of all, this isn't necessarily movie!Feyd, it's more based on the books, but I love him in all his forms. I wrote this in a bout of madness this evening, and it's just a love letter to how beautiful and soft and sad Feyd canonically is. That is all.
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A shadow in the corner moved. The door shut behind her with a hiss. Outside, the chanting of his name resounded like a distant wave. Feyd. A myriad of emotions raged inside the way that sylphic syllable was said. So mangled and intense were they that she could hardly tell, even after weeks of being on Giedi Prime, if the feeling in their voices was that of fear, or love.
He had won another battle in the arena tonight. Half-fight, half-play, all a spectacle of violence kept elegant and grim with the flourished motions of his blades in inky black and white. The celebrations were kept modest afterwards. This was no birthday.
His chambers smelled of sweet sweat and bitter blood. It filled her lungs as soon as she stepped in. He slept now, quietly, in a surprisingly small bed. As she approached him, dagger in hand, she realised it was not so small — he just took little space on it.
He slept huddled to one side, his body curled within the black sheets as if he were in a womb.
The na-Baron was an arresting sight, like a work of art left interrupted. His marble-white arms hugged a pillow to his chest, and from beneath a curve of silk draped over him, the corner of a knee peeked through. The soft line of his eyes revealed a dour bend in sleep, delicate dark lashes resting like butterfly wings on his cheeks. His full lips, decadent and lustful, were pulled into a pout. She wondered what he was dreaming of.
Beneath this impressive amalgam of his features, from the dainty to the sultry to the broad shoulders and strong arms, he was just a little boy. Motherless and far from home, preyed on by his uncle, worshipped by a distant crowd. Useless, now that the Atreides line had ended and a child had been secured from him by Lady Fenring.
The Kwisatz Haderach would have to be reached through other means, and from a bloodline less volatile than that of the Harkonnens. They had proved uncooperative, hostile — the Baron, his nephews, even Lady Jessica. Born to be an asset, they made themselves a threat. That was why Feyd-Rautha had to die.
She stood over his black bed.
The guards outside were dealt with, the courtiers were asleep, and the drunk and maddened crowd outside would not realise what happened until it was too late. This was the result of years of planning, months of preparation, and weeks spent on that polluted planet pretending to be one of the new interrogation trainers.
Torturing was not her forté, but there were worse fates than cutting men’s tendons clean or gouging out their eyeballs. All the “noble” prisoners were already long dead before she got there. Failed Harkonnens was all that was left. And all men bled the same.
She stood over his black bed with a knife.
“He must die,” she thought to herself, an angry frown blooming on her brow. Her body was already rebelling. “The Reverend Mother demands it. He must die.”
She stood over his black bed with a knife. And faltered.
The blade shone silver in the low electric light, hanging like a teardrop from her fist. Her body refused to move.
Should she really kill him now? Perhaps she should wait for him to turn on his back. What would it hurt to look at him a second more, just another, and another…? He was a good fighter, no matter the arrangements of the arena. Would it not be ignoble to slay him this way? Generations of genetic planning had culminated in him, and to let it all go now...
Her mind’s motions, the fleshy resistance, it all came to nothing in an instant, blown away like snowflakes on the sand. There was a change in the air all around them, a stillness where unconsciousness was before, a presence, like a horn blown through a storm in the lighthouses of old, sounds swallowed by sounds, an impact of cells in the air blooming into a single point of light. Feyd-Rautha opened his eyes.
She only caught the hint of an impish smile before she backed away as quickly as an indrawn breath. Her back hit the door and her hand scrambled for the handle, but he was upon her with the same speed he applied in his gladiatorial fights.
How could she have missed the signs that he had woken? Had his breathing even changed?
“Got you now,” he purred against her cheek, “Bene Gesserit.”
She bit back a scream, her skull pressed against the metal door, and with clenched teeth, she began a sharp command — the Voice. But her anger overwhelmed her and Feyd’s lips swallowed the words she hadn’t even finished speaking.
“Let me g—”
He kissed her like a lover. There was a passion in him that his ostentations of brutality had not yet killed and she found herself moaning, instinctively pleased with the full and masculine presence that swallowed her being — as if it wasn’t a murderer who had caught her just now.
His breathing was steady, as if he had planned all of that. From beyond the thick folds of her dress, she could feel his naked flesh. They clung to him, her clothes, as if they wanted to embrace him. His left hand held her fist, the blade trapped within their entangled grip. The other held her jaw, tilting her face high enough for his lips.
“I knew you’d come,” he breathed, pausing to rest his mouth on hers. She could taste ink on her tongue — the final traces from the coating on his teeth. “I dreamed of you.”
So that was how he knew. That was why he pouted in his sleep.
“Will you kill me?” he whispered.
She could feel it on her cheeks when that boyish smile of his grew.
“I have to,” she said, and her own voice betrayed her, sounding terribly broken.
“Try,” Feyd grinned.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Covetousness - Aegon II x Reader
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Chubby!Aegon, King!Aegon, breastfeeding kink, pregnancy kink, slight body worship, edging, handies, pnv!sex, jealous sullen little brat Aegon, stuffing, creampie, breeding kink, he loves some milk, breast fixation
A/N: I was invaded by a dark spirit again and made this also I don’t beta excuse any fuckups
Tag list: @lovelykhaleesiii @ilikeitbetterangsty @fairysluna
Aegon was being sulky and mopey today, jealous of the lords in court obviously staring at your milk-swollen teats, unable to be hidden in any dress.
In typical fashion Aegon had a fit, ordered that the court session was over and threatened to have eyeballs cut out. Huffing and puffing down the halls of Maegor’s Holdfast he ranted, “They think because I’m scarred, fat, a simpleton the leeches can have my rose.”
You sighed, patting his pudgy hand, “Sweetheart, you’re perfect as is. Whose child is in my womb, hm?”
“Mine,” he muttered.
The rest of the walk was blackened by his ugly mood. Once sat down in your chambers Aegon poured himself a liberal amount of wine and angrily munched on sweet rolls. You sat in the chair across from him, hand across your belly. Gently you tried again, “My king, why must you hate yourself so? You’re amazing, going to be a good papa to the babe.”
His eyes softened up some at that. But his unthinking pouty mouth had to run. Aegon snapped, purple eyes flashing, “Best go find a Lannister or Arryn. Fat and inept just like that dead bastard Viserys.”
Your mouth downturned. The Targaryen had matched your pregnancy down to the mood swings, cravings, weight gain. Although he wasn’t svelte to begin with. Never the matter, he needed a firm hand. You stared at him blankly, idly caressing your stomach.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Am I disgusting you?”
You canted your head towards the huge bed and hummed, “Honey, go get on the bed and undress will you? Please?”
As foul of a temper he was in, the blonde was wrapped around your little finger. He sighed and blew smoke but did so, lounging out for you to ogle. You smiled and ambled over, turning for him to help you undress.
The fool liked you to wear low cut dresses, milk swollen tits spilling out. But then get mad when people looked. Aegon’s mind could be an enigma. But it was more likely the lack of forethought, prick overtaking common sense. Something to stare at while on his lofty seat atop the iron throne.
You moaned in relief when your teats were freed from the constrictive garment, Aegon’s hands grasping at your softened waist. He mumured, “C’mere let me, I know they hurt.” You turned and let your doting husband help your out-of-balance frame onto his wide thighs.
He made to suckle at a stretched nipple but you pushed the beast back with a resounding, “No.” His brows furrowed as Aegon squawked, “Why not? They look full up. I’m hungry.” Tutting at the blonde you pulled a cord from one of the curtains surrounding the bed. Aegon whinged and rolled his eyes, remaining pliant.
You tried to reach around him but both of your bellies were in the way. One soft with indulgence, the other hard with child. Eventually you made Aegon turn himself to the side so you could tie his wrists up. Poor thing was beet red now, grumbling under his breath.
Sighing in contentment you stroked a full cheek, simpering, “Do I always have to force it into your thick skull Aeg? I love you, only you.” His eyes shone, his eagerness for affection peaking splendidly. Aegon rasped, “Will you show me? I’m not quite sure?”
Cheeky bastard.
Awkwardly leaning to the side you felt around the side table for the scented oil. Aegon’s stiff prick nudged at the bottom of your rounded stomach. Violet eyes flickered up, the king treading lightly, “My rose, wh-what is the plan here?” You shrugged and coated your hand in the lavender oil, gripping his turgid cock. Aegon gasped out, back arching, shoving his generous gut into you. The softness made you squirm, grow wetter.
You jerked him in smooth slides, lids heavy and focused on only him. Aegon was panting already, thick thighs trembling around your own. “Can’t you see how much I desire you Aegon? How wet and needy I am for you?” He groaned in agony, eyes fluttering. You continued in a sultry purr, “Every morning I see how you’ve bred me good and get so, ah, aroused. Can barely reach anymore. Have to rut on a pillow like a maiden.”
Aegon babbled, “Gods, sweetheart, you’re killing me!”
He strained against the bonds, panting shamelessly. You giggled at the copious spend leaking from his cock, making the glide so thick and lurid. Aegon whined, “Let me have a taste,
oh gods, gonna cum already!” You shook your head no, slowing your fist to a frustrating halt.
“You can drink if you make it two more times Hm? Two times for mentioning Lannister and Arryn like I want anyone but you. They can look all they want, but they’ll never have my cunt or my womb, my sweet milk you greedy thing.” Aegon’s belly trembled, even his softened chest peaking from arousal.
“I’ll do it, yes, my r-rose! M’so sorry I was being an ass! Can I touch you atleast?“
“One more and you can touch.”
Thus began the the second round of your fist fucking Aegon silly. You cooed, “So gorgeous my king, such a good ruler, look at you.” He groaned deeply, nose scrunching up. “My strong husband, a king should fit his throne like you do, need a healthy appetite to run the realm. No matter you’ve gotten soft.” Aegon pled, “F-fffuck love, oh you’ve got to stop, I’m so close!”
“Do you think your belly is bigger than mine?”
“Oh stop stop stop, I’ll ruin it, shit!”
You grinned and caressed his cheek with your clean hand, pinching the soft flesh. Another awkward session of maneuvering was endured to get Aeg’s wrists free. Before he could grab your waiting flesh, you hummed, “Touching only, make it through you get my tits.” He whined impatiently, “Yes, yes!”
He instantly groped and felt up your belly and tits, pretty eyes rolling up. He panted over the rhythmic ‘Schlick schlick Schlick’ of your fist, “Oh my gods- love- you’re so gorgeous, can’t believe I did this to you, fucking goddess.” Your own eyes fluttered at that, suddenly needing to sit on your lovers cock.
Aegon was sweating and beginning to shake again, growling, “You’re right- hah- all mine to fuck and breed as I please.” You moaned, “Smith’s balls, yes, want to be full of you all the time, only you!” Your lover gripped your moving hand, stopping it, eyes pleading.
“Oh fuck it.”
His calloused hands helped you lift up onto his purpling cock, slick and engorged. In a hoarse cry you gripped at his sturdy shoulders, moving the best you could. This wasn’t going to be a long, nor acrobatic affair. “Go on, have a taste, drink it up my love.” Aegon took to your left teat greedily, coaxing that sweet milk out.
His pudgy hands massaged at your sore tits, making you whine and squirm on his lip, so oversensitive from the pregnancy. The blonde moaned around desperate gulps, rutting into your cunt, building a strange friction setting your spine alight.
He drank and drank until your tit wasn’t fit to burst, wiping the droplet of milk from your mouth. Aegon rasped, “Goddamn ambrosia, fuck.” He dove back to your other nipple, giving the same grasping manner. You could feel his belly swelling with the liquid, pushing you back some. Your nimble fingers slid down to your swollen bud, circling roughly, hoarse groans escaping your lips, chanting his name in a litany.
Aegon gasped around your tit, breathing against the flesh, breathing while he kept rutting. The king managed, “Gonna cum, keep touching that sweet cunt darling, I’m about to burst.” His lips sealed back, violet eyes rolling back in ecstasy.
All the stimulation, Aegon’s greedy groping and suckling, his thick cock nudging your sweet spot sent you over the edge with a wail, inner walls clamping down. Your husbands hands dug into your hips, shouting as you drug his orgasm out by surprise. Milk coated his full lips and chin, the royal carrying on grunting as he pumped your womb full.
Then he finished off the rest of your milk, leaning back with a satisfied belch, goddamn pig. You were still seated on his cock, worn out from the strenuous activities. Aegon’s belly was swollen and full, him looking quite dozy. He held your hands as you clambered off of him, laying on his side, pregnant belly flush to his softness.
He pet at your hair, murmuring, “By the gods, I do apologize. I get all in my head, think you’ll find someone less of a buffoon.” He smiled at you, but his eyes shone with fear. Rubbing at the sparse hair on his chest you replied, “No, you’re a buffoon for thinking you’re a buffoon. Obviously I’m quite invested in my handsome king. Though I do wonder how you’re going to share with the babe.”
You snickered at the pouty look on his lips, Aegon muttering about your ‘mean joke’. You gingerly rubbed his belly and hummed, “Don’t worry, I’ll save some for you, just get it while you can yeah?”
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leviathanspain · 1 year
i hate everything about you
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aemond targaryen x velaryon(strong)!reader
enemies to lovers
synopsis: since taking his eye, the one eyed prince has loathed you and you hold anything but love towards him
a/n: male manipulator aemond
you watched as the dagger from your hand fell to the ground, a mushed eyeball falling down next to it as he screamed. everything felt like it was suddenly in slow motion as your parents bursted into the room, following the king and queen. you began to sob, and you ran into your mothers skirts. she hugged you tightly, and was talking to you but all you could do was cry as aemond screamed.
you had barely let yourself turn to see alicent dangerously close to your mother, yelling at her as muffled arguments ensued. your brothers began to take your side, but your mind floated off into a place where none of this was happening, where you hadn’t maimed aemond.
that had been years ago. kings landing was a faraway dream to you now, and driftmark was now your everlasting home. but as you were summoned to kings landing, by the king, you realized that the dream was now a soured nightmare that had become reality.
“y/n velaryon.” you turned to see who had called your name just moments after you had dismounted your dragon. the pit had been empty, or so it seemed.
you turned with a smile, and instead were met with a deadly smirk. his targaryen locks cascaded down his back, the band of his eyepatch creating a crease in the locks. his singular eye was trained on your face, his eyebrows raised with contempt and a smirk made to make you crumble.
you could’ve given him the reaction that he wanted. and if growing up alongside him had given you anything, it was that aemond wanted to be feared.
“oh my, aegon you scared me!” you laughed one of your more breathy laughs, walking past him. you knew saying the wrong name would get on his nerves, especially if you went with the front that you had forgotten what you had done to him.
he followed close behind and was pursing his lips. you had said his brothers name instead of his. what a stupid girl, you seemed.
“it’s aemond. but i supposed the family resemblance is, strong, isn’t it?” there it was. the beginning to a new string of insults.
“that is how you get your other eyeball cut out. i suggest you find other ways to be a nuisance.” you continued to walk, untying your dragon riding leathers, you walked past a few guards, giving them all your best smile as aemond walked closely behind you.
aemond grabbed your arm and you stopped. you turned to see him smiling down at you, “certainty you don’t suggest that already?” you pulled your lips back in a frown of disgust as you ripped your arm back, “pig.” you sneered, stalking off as aemond was left behind to laugh.
your family had arrived to kings landing just moments after your first meeting with aemond. how the joy exploded into the air as you ran to hug your mother for the first time in years. she laughed as she hugged you, “my darling girl.” she cooed. your brothers followed suit, trapping you in suffocating hugs with their newfound strength.
rhaenyra had sat you down in her old chambers. the remnants of her own childhood were so strong that she had to move things around before she called for you.
now you were sitting across from her, a bit of a hardened smile on her face as she set her tea down.
“y/n. it is no coincidence that you have been asked to the red keep just as you turn of age.” you realized with a deep pit in your stomach that this is what your grandmother had been preparing you for.
rhaenyra noticed the anxiety in your face and raised her eyebrow, you shook your head, “i’m fine mother, just tell me who i’m engaged to.” you would accept the answer with graciousness, and learn to love the idea of being a wife and mother.
rhaenyra nodded, clasping her hands together, “aemond.”
the name was spoken into the room like a pindrop. silence met her words and your face lost all its composure.
“aemond?!” you stood up, rage running through your blood as you felt your face get hot, “you cannot be serious, mother.” but rhaenyra stayed silent, only sipping on her tea for a moment before she sighed, “it wasn’t an easy decision. we needed something to make peace between our families. and since you are my only daughter, and he is their only unwed son…” she trailed off, “you will be a good wife. you’ve already put him in his place once, make sure you don’t have to do it again.” she encouraged and as much as you didn’t want to make this a good thing, you couldn’t help but smile as she did.
you strolled along the balcony overlooking the gardens when aemond found you. he was sneering, like always, and this time he had a good reason.
“my sister must have told you? otherwise you wouldn’t have such a look of despair on your pretty little face.” he gawked and matched your walking pace.
you shrugged, “don’t act so happy to be sleeping next to me. i’ll cut your tiny little cock off with the same knife i used to gouge your eye.” you threatened, stopping your walk. you stared him down, but aemond swiftly moved to grab your throat, throwing you against the stone wall as his hand gripped tighter on your neck.
you gasped slightly for air as he sneered, “i’ll show you who’s cock is tiny-“ you heard the unbuckling of a belt and fear erupted in you. you used your strength to heavy a kick to his legs, feeling his grip loosen on you, you let yourself drop onto the floor.
aemond stepped back and you stood up, quickly maneuvering a dagger into your hand you held it up to his face, “don’t make me do it.” aemond could see there was no jest in your eyes, and watched as you stepped back, still pointing the dagger at him unnervingly.
days passed and you had avoided aemond easily. you had just kept yourself cooped up in your chambers, and only going to ride your dragon just before daybreak, the cool morning air being your refresher for a long day of sitting inside.
but you knew those days were coming to a close, you would be wed, and dangerously soon. you realized as the day approached that there was no way out of this, no real solution.
you waited patiently for him. you paced the hallway moments after bribing the guards, and you swallowed your pride, building up your courage as you walked into the princes chambers. as the doors opened, the scent of burning lavender filled the air, and you noticed a stack of books and weapons lazily set aside on a table, blankets and cloths sitting on the chair beside it.
this was aegons room? you had expected far less decency and more wine bottles and empty goblets. this was sophisticated, this was something you would’ve had back on driftmark.
you heard the slam of a book and you jumped slightly to find aemond, fixing his eyepatch over his eye as he looked at you. “and what brings you here?” his voice was filled with more curiosity than anger for intruding his room. he sat up, and you realized with surprise that he was shirtless, and wearing very thin breeches.
you shrugged, using a hand to dust the front of your prettiest dress, “i thought this was your brothers room.” aemond raised an eyebrow, “and what could you possibly need from my brother?” aegon was a complete joke to aemond, he held him with very little respect.
“he was going to fuck me senseless.” you dropped your plan so casually, that aemond had almost ignored it. he stood up from the bed, and looked at you with an intense stare, “what?” he whispered, and you pursed your lips, “i figured, if i fuck aegon, i’ll be unpure, damaged goods. would you still want me then?”
aemond laughed, “you think fucking my brother will stop me from marrying you?” his question made your plan sound so stupid, and you opened your mouth but your words faltered. aemond chuckled, “i suppose you think me as some fool. i knew of your plan, a wonder the maids had led you to wrong room, isn’t it?” he mocked you and he stepped forward.
you shook your head in frustration, “no. no, that’s not what she had said-“
aemond was now breathing you in, breathing in the forced arousal between your legs, the perspiration on your forehead from the confrontation, even the small hint of vanilla on your collarbones. he grabbed your breast with a hand, and kneaded it in his grasp. you gasped slightly, more at the grab than his hand twisting it around.
you didn’t pull back as he used his other hand to pull you impossibly close. “i just can’t let you go. as much as i want to, i-“ he didn’t continue as he let his lips trail over your face just ever so close.
you let your hand grip his shoulder as he dipped you slightly, “i gouged your eye out, i laughed at you as children, i’ve insulted you to the gods…” as aemond kissed your cheek, the words were now at a loss and you found yourself staring at him in surprise, “you should hate me.” you whispered.
aemond laughed, “i do. i hate everything about you.” he murmured. his breath was hot on your neck as he got closer, his tongue trailing just over your skin, you felt him kissing you slowly. you moaned at the contact and wriggled in his grasp bjt he refused to let you go.
you pulled at his hair and aemond hissed, pulling back, “i hate your plain expressions, i hate your perfect hair, your lips, the way your eyes are spaced apart, your frilly dresses and the way you walk.” he sneered, “but i cant..i cant not hate this.” he kissed you now, his lips meeting yours, you felt yourself finally give into the twisted feelings.
how could this feel so right after you shunned him so long ago?
you gripped his hair, pulling it for pleasure, aemond moaned, kissing you harder.
aemond’s hand found itself wrapping around to the back of your dress. he tugged on the lace knot and you felt the air hit your back, just as the dress fell to the ground. your silk undergown was all that was left, and aemond hoisted you into his arms, tossing you onto the bed.
you could barely react as aemond pounced on you, ready to devour you whole, he was smiling manically as he tore your legs apart.
you looked down to find his slender hands moving your gown up towards your stomach. his cock was able to be seen through the thin material of his breeches. with a lurch of your stomach you realized that aemond would truly be the first to have you. you, untouched, inexperienced, he would destroy you.
but nonetheless, your moans sang for him, and his cock was in your cunt without another minute wasted. you moaned richly, a laugh erupting from you as he moved, gaining the confidence wjth your moans, aemond fucked you, a steady pace was met with your growls of pleasure.
“fuck-“ you moaned, grabbing aemond’s arm that was by your side, you dug your fingernails into his porcelain skin. aemond hissed at the pain and continued on, watching as moments later you came undone, unable to hold yourself still as you shook from the pleasure.
as you finally stilled, aemond kicked you off the bed and onto the floor, he threw your dress at you and let himself fall onto the bed, his cock softening as his tucked it into his breeches, he glared at you, “speak of this all you want, you’re my wife now.” he threatened.
anger got the best of you and you reached out suddenly, grabbing his eyepatch you yanked it off his face and tossed it into the fire. aemond reached up to touch his eye socket and realized with surprise that your nails had scratched the surface of his face, small cuts oozed blood, and you were smiling at him, an eerie similarity to his own smile, even as you exited.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Left Or Right? (Daemon x Reader)
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Alicent was a young maiden when she was brought to court with her father, the insufferable lose of her mother had taken a huge toll on her and she was in much need of a companion, Rhaenyra and Alicent quickly leaned on another for comfort, craving a true bond and a confidant that would understand them.
Everything came to a head at Viserys wedding feast to Laena Velaryon, his wedding was to the talk of the realm since Laena was to be the future queen, that is until the recently widowed daemon rose up from his seat with a cup to his hand.
“I raise my cup to his grace the king… my dear brother and his new wife the lady Laena Velaryon, may their marriage be protected by the old Gods and the new, this wedding has moved me deeply as of all of us I presume, allow me to announce that I also intend to marry… the lady Alicent Hightower”
Alicents head snapped up to meet Daemons gaze who was gawking at the enchanting lady in green, Rhaenyra was also staring at her friend with disbelief, her lips pursed together as rage erupted in her chest at the sudden announcement of marriage.
“What excellent choice dear brother”
Viserys declared, he was also taken aback by the news still he knew better than to blow off, on the other side Otto was fuming, he was never fond of the rogue prince and now he was scheming to take his daughter away from his grasp, technically Daemon was an eligible match but to Ottos plans this was a disaster.
The crowd had erupted with applause for the delightful news only to be interrupted by princess Rhaenyra that shot up from her seat to walk out of the room, how could her dear friend betray her like this? How long have they been having an affair under her nose? Had Alicent used Rhaenyra to get to Daemon?
Alicent remained seated, she had to admit Daemon was a handsome man and she had caught herself eyeballing him like a child does to a cake they really want, howbeit they never had a intimate encounter. Embarrassed by all the attention she hang her head down while her nasty habit of picking her skin around her nails kicked in, she was to be married… to a Targaryen prince
“How do you like the castle”
“It is quite nice my prince”
“You needn’t to call me prince, I am your lord husband”
“That is right I apologise”
“You also do not have to apologise for everything, I understand this is a foreign concept to you as it is to me”
Daemon reached out to hold Alicents hands, he had picked up on the nervous tick of the lady that had damaged her cuticles to the point of bleeding. Alicent felt her heart skip a beat at the sudden touch and sense of intimacy, Daemon had requested from her if she would like to move to Pentos after her wedding, live quietly away from court and create their own family, Alicent had accepted since her father had been cross with her due to this union and Rhaenyra refused to even look her in the eye, there was nothing for her in Kings landing.
“The hour is late, I will leave you to rest”
As the prince took a step to leave the chamber and probably occupy another for his slumber Alicent acted on impulse and wrapped her fingers around his wrist to keep him still. Daemon furrowed his brows at the act, he did not want to bother her or force her into anything, they had left the eyes of everyone that expected the horrifying bedding ceremony there was no need for duty.
“I would- we should have a shared chamber”
“Are you asking because you wish for me to be with you or due to it being what is proper?”
Alicent took a minute to respond, she was never as blunt as Rhaenyra and her father always taught her the pious way of being a maiden.
Daemon detected the rosy cheeks from Alicents shy nature to which he gave her a way to relax by reaching for her chin to rest his fingers and placing a gentle kiss on her lips, it was almost like his lips caressed hers compelling Alicents stomach to be full of butterflies.
“I wish for us to share a chamber”
“You must ask me for whatever will make you happy, I wish for us to have a blissful wedlock”
“I wouldn’t want nothing more than that”
Daemon and Alicent had learned to love one another, Alicent was a patient and a tender wife that loved Daemons protective nature along with his leadership skills, she felt safe around him and he felt heard and her compassion was endearing to him, for the first time in forever Daemon could feel a certain tranquility.
Their first born son was Daemons happiest day, he waited outside pacing back and forth tormented by the sound of Alicents groans of pain, he bursted in the room at the sound of his babe crying loudly, Alicent laid in the bed visibly exhausted with her legs spread.
“Congratulations to both of you, a healthy son”
Daemon felt like he was forever in Alicents debt, his first offspring by their wedlock was here and healthy, he kneeled in front of his sweaty mess of a wife and kissed her knuckles, Alicent could only half grin as she was barely able to keep her eyes open, her babe propped up in her arms.
“My dearest wife, you are so strong”
“He is so small, why is he so small?”
“He is a newborn little dove, he will become a great powerful prince when the time comes”
Time went by peacefully in Pentos, as the years passed their family got a few more members, Aegon, Heleana, Aemond and Daeron, 4 extraordinary children in their own way.
Aegon was his fathers son, rambunctious, slightly arrogant and a prankster, Daemon was a tad bit stricter on him in some ways “he needs discipline” he would say when Alicent attempted to budge in.
Heleana was a quiet little girl, a dreamer, something Daemon found fascinating, often times Alicent would find him with Heleana in the yard while she played with bugs and speaking in riddles.
Aemond was a mirror of Alicent, timid, calculated, focused and academically blessed, unfortunately he was the only one that remained dragonless, Daemon did the best he could though the father was sure it could not feel the void.
Daeron was a sweet little boy, gentle, loved to write poems and eat cake, he scoffed at sword lessons and was far more content with following his mother around at the market
“I come to you with bad news”
“Are you alright?”
“Yes I am fine my love, Laena Velaryon has passed”
“Bless her soul, she was so young”
“You brother has requested for us to attend the ceremony”
“My love-“
“No, he did not even send a raven when our children were born”
Alicent walked to huge her husband while his back was turned to her, she had grown to be affectionate to him behind closed doors, sometimes he would recall how shy Alicent had been at the beginning, blushing at just a brush of his hand to hers.
“Your brother is grieving, this is his second wife he loses in childbirth”
“The reason behind that is how obsessed he is with having a male heir, he has nobody to blame but himself”
“Now you are being cruel, I am your second wife as well”
“I did not marry you just because of duty”
“You did not do it for love either”
“I married you because you were a beautiful little dove”
“You would look for comfort in your immediate family if something had happened to me as well”
The ceremony had been tense to say the least, the words of Vaemond Velaryon still ringed in Alicents ears, Daemon had brought his son Aegon closer to him at the sleek accusations of bastard blood, All his children were true Targaryens, they held the blood of the dragon and the traditional features, how could such a strong character like Rhaenyra stoop so low?
Daemon was a bystander while his family name was perishing, Aegon would have made a great king, seven hells Daemon would have been a better king than a little boy that resembled to the city commander more than his Targaryen mother.
“Have you seen Aemond?”
“He is probably exploring the land, he is a strong lad you needn’t worry”
It wasn’t like Aemond to disappear especially after nightfall, Alicent could sense that something was not going well with her dear boy. Daemon allowed his gaze to follow his wife as she paced and forth when she finally stopped to sit in front the window.
Vhagar was flying at the time, Vhagar was Laenas dragon, what was she doing up in the air?
“You spoil him”
“He is a young boy”
“He is not made of glass dearest, come here”
Alicent puffed out a breath as she climbed in their bed to join her husband, Daemon wrapped his arm around her while Alicent got comfortable on his side after pecking her husband on the lips.
“I saw you and king Viserys talking, how was he?”
“He seemed unwell, I fear his condition has worsened over the years”
“Not everyone is untouchable by time Daemon”
Daemon leaned in to kiss his wife with a smile, Alicent always found her husband incredibly handsome, his charm made her swoon like they were newly weds.
With one swift motion Daemon flipped her over to position himself between herself, his lips making a trail on her neck while she giggled at the tickling sensation.
“Prince Daemon”
“Oh for the love of everything that is holy”
He mumbled as he fell on top of his wife since the knight had ruined the mood of them coupling.
“Your son Aemond”
“My boy”
Alicent bounced out of the bed in an instant, Daemon was hot in her trail and Alicent followed the knight to what Alicent assumed it was where her son was. At first glimpse of what was the meaning of this Alicents knees gave out, thankfully Daemon was quick enough to catch her preventing her from hitting the floor.
“My Aemond, what has happened? Who did this to you my boy? Aegon! Where were you when your brother was getting injured!?”
“Mother I-“
“I do not want to hear your excuses, it will heal right maester?”
“I am afraid the eye is lost my lady”
The room roared from different voices talking over one another, the young boys defending themselves, Aemond accusing the boys of permanently scarring him, Alicent speaking over the boys that blame Aemond at lying.
“Shut up! All of you! Now, Aemond what has happened”
“They attacked me with a blade father, they said I stole Vhagar, I did not I just… she let me ride”
“I know my boy, it is common knowledge you cannot steal a dragon, I am certain that princess Rhaenyra has educated her sons at that”
“Are you calling my sons imbeciles?”
“I am stating a fact, if you saw fit to not educate your sons when it comes to dragons it should not be made as everyone’s problem”
“It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves, vile insults were levied against them”
“My son would never insult another-“
“He called us bastards”
Silence fell after prince Jacaerys interrupted Daemon, the only source of sound was the wood in the fireplace cracking.
“Tell me boy, who spoke these lies to you?”
Aemond did not respond to the king, he could not betray his family even if that would cost him, the pain was also taking over his brain making him scatter for the right thing to say.
“I take the blame, my lady wife exchanged letters with the late queen Laena I thought it was common knowledge”
Daemon defended his son, Viserys was too frail to respond the way he wanted however he was livid, his own brother had cause chaos by only being present for a few hours.
“You dare to tarnish my late wives name”
“Your grandsons maimed my boy, I do not care what he had said no one should dare to bring a blade in an ambush or let a group of 4 attack 1, run your house as you see fit but this is unacceptable to my home”
“What would you have me do then? Do tell oh so wise brother”
“Prince Lucerys, left or right?”
“Left… or… right?”
With that Daemon had his dagger in hand and attempted to attack Lucerys, luckily for the boy Ser Corlys stepped in front of the princess who selflessly placed her body before her sons and grabbed Daemons hand that held the dagger.
“Step aside Corlys this has nothing to do with you”
“We are family Daemon and you are attacking a toddler”
“He was brave enough to take my sons eye he should feel the consequences of his actions”
“I understand your pain more than anyone so please hear me when I say this is not the way to go about it”
“Daemon please”
Alicents voice echoed in his brain, Alicent held her son close to her while Aemond rested his head on his mothers shoulder, Aegon stood by his brothers side waiting for Daemon to join them. Daemon released the dagger with a audible clash on the floor and turned his back to Corlys, Alicent extended her arm to reach out to Daemon, inviting him to join them, to be by his family’s side in this difficult time.
The Targaryen family had been a boiling pot for years, now the simmering had overflown and they would have to pick sides, like crows feasting over a dead body.
“Do not fret father, it was a fair exchange, I may have lost an eye but I gained a dragon, I ride Vhagar now”
“Besides, our family has nothing to hide, the truth will always come to light”
“Are you insinuating something lady Alicent?”
“Hold your family members close Rhaenyra, I speak from experience when I say… a mothers pain when she sees her child being mistreated or worst… wounded can be the reason you go rogue”
“Lord Corlys said it best, we are family, we know how to settle our differences one way or the other and pluck out the weeds that do not belong in our garden”
Requests are open!
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jangmi-latte · 1 year
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𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆... ʕ calamities always causes disasters. disasters are the mainstream of danger — and danger causes pain. To define such instances, would your apology suffice the grieving guilt that’s eating away your soul despite being granted with the ability to breathe for another day? This is a rhetorical question, and yet if it wasn’t, would you have the answer as you sit in his chambers in silence…? ʔ
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: near death experience, angst if you squint, hurt and comfort, emotional breakdowns, overthinking (reader), descriptive mentions of wounds and blood, the concept of being hunted down and chased (outside party), whump.
while the warnings say otherwise, this is pure fluff with no signs of character going against the reader. Gender!neutral reader. rook hunt has wings. rook’s siblings/family are/is mentioned. all description of family affiliations is purely HEADCANON
i can make a part two...
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h-h-hurt and comfort while rook's being overprotective yet injured like the man he is hahwushhahah that unique magic of his does shit to my eyeballs. also because i'm having a breakdown over this half bird theory after the tamashina mina event harharhar (⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠)
𝐑. 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭 ʕ 100% loading...ʔ
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The pitter patter of the rain held nothing against the endless ringing of your ears while medics ran in and out of his bedroom. In the heart of a storm, everyone should’ve been within their safe haven — a home, some shelter, a person to seek for. Sunset Savanna was supposed to be a lively country.
The blanket held no warmth, no matter how thick or how it covered your hunched body. It felt too clean; you shouldn’t be this ridded of impurities. Save for the mire and muck that tainted your arms and legs, it still felt so unjustifiable that you were still… unharmed. All you got were cuts (that has already clotted and was patched). Your hair damped of grim and sweat, not like it even bothered you at this point.
It felt like a sin, a curse, to only have this kind of stain. The room felt empty — despite the presence of another male across from you paced back and forth.
It was cold.
Too cold.
 His blond hair held great resemblance to him, his eyes held more of his mother than his father — in comparison to his brother who got their father’s slender eyes. You heard his pacing slow down and felt his eyes settle on you; looking all fragile and scared.
“He’ll be okay,” he said, his voice holding the same comfort and tone like how Rook spoke it to you merely an hour ago. You’ll be okay.
You did not respond. You continued to stare at the leaves — that entered through the window from the restless wind — that danced on the bedroom’s floor.
“y/n…” he called, sitting down beside you.
It hurts, it’s not like you wanted to be this hurt in the first place. It’s not like you wanted him to be hurt at all. It wasn’t either of your faults and yet you truly felt like it was yours to bear. If only you didn’t run through the woods, if only those hunters didn’t see you as a potential prey; let alone they shouldn’t even have seen you. You were an innocent civilian wanting some fresh air before the storm settled in.
He saw you. He used his unique magic on you. He made sure you were still safe. He protected you.
His family was a group of hunters too — he, himself, an adept one but that doesn’t excuse that he wants you to be hunted down. Albeit let it be a simple game between you two, no outside parties allowed. Now where was he? You’ve never heard him so panicked, like he was scared (even though he tries not to be). He wasn’t scared for himself; he was scared for you.
Because, compared to your little game, he could not control your safety.
“…Do you want to see him?” Rook’s older brother — the second oldest — asked.
“Please,” you replied instantly, desperation and distress strangled your words. Looking up at the man before you, you would’ve commented at how similar they both are to one another, to compliment how handsome he was, too. Now was not the time.
He had an arm laid on your back, a hand holding on your other shoulder. His eyes, that used to hold the same exuberance as Rook, only held worry and stress as the weight of being both a brother to his other siblings and a pillar of strength was getting to him.
“I’ll come with you.”
And here you are standing in his bedroom. What used to be a room full of life, smelled of nature, and the occasional scatter of bows and arrows, now held the scent of blood and petrichor, added with the aching smell of antiseptics. Bandages, swabs, cloths, endless of them scattered across the room. It looked like a mess— no, it was a literal mess.
Not the mess you would often see.
Now broken arrows made your heart ache instead of making it race with glee, no teasing laughs, no voice cracks when he spoke so fast as he showed you a good hunt. It was so quiet.
And on the bed, Rook laid quietly with his wings spread out. If it wasn’t for the bandages on one wing, you would’ve run and snuggled on those thick and white feathers.
White feathers…
They were red and taut now. It made you wince as you remember. You remembered so vividly.
Those wings—those beautiful white wings—
“I can’t guarantee that he’ll be able to fly. At least for a while.”
Your eyes burned, your nose was itchy, your skin crawled. It’s like pins and needles butchered your scalp down to your palms. You didn’t even know the head medic was there.
“Otherwise, no vital organs were hit. Most of the damage were on his wings.”
“How severe was the damage?” asked his brother.
Five. It was five arrows that hit his wing. And two of those hit a membrane.
It was repeating again — the rapid beating of your heart that echoed repeatedly through your ears when he saw you, the relief in his eyes, when he welcomed you in his arms. The grip he had on your body when he released his wings that he valued so much.
“You’ll be okay. I’m here. I see you.”
The solace when he took to the skies in one big swing, battling with the strong wind as the rain was starting to fall, until one arrow shot straight to his wing. It pierced so deeply that it stabbed through the other side, immediately painting his feathers red and for him to yell in pain. A yell you never, not once in your life, imagined would come from him.
And to the Great Seven you beg to never hear again.
The rest became a blur, when he began to lose control, when he swerved and held you tightly, and when it hit that membrane around his inner wing did, he toss you away when you both crashed to the ground. The rain already soiling you both in mud and water as you crawled towards him. Deaf from your heartbeat, the rain, and the yells of hunters from the distance.
The impenetrable darkness that blurred your eyes — whether it was rainwater or your tears, you didn’t know. You counted the five arrows that ruined his wing, you don’t know how to remove them and logically he will not be able to fly.
His blood was being washed away by the rain when you hulled him to a nearby cave.
“Rook,” you sobbed. He was heaving and gritting his teeth, despising his current state of vulnerability at the moment.
“I’ll...be fine…” he groaned.
Only then did you realize that you were close to the Elephant Graveyard and was found by a search and rescue team.
You shivered when you closed your eyes to rid of the image of his blood caked wings. He’s safe now, sleeping in front of you; but it didn’t settle your heart.
“Thank you,” you heard his brother speak behind you while you slowly approached Rook. They removed his shirt and laid him on his stomach so his left wing was tucked while the right was stretched out, the whole thing was bandaged yet soaked. Upon closer inspection, you saw the damage those arrows did.
Your eyes stung as you laid a gentle yet shaking hand on the sensitive wing, feeling his heart beating steadily through the bandages and the warmth it emitted to your hand.
“Rook…” you whispered, inhaling quaveringly.
“I’m sorry.”
A sob made its way up your throat as you sat down next to him. He didn’t wake up this time, not when he was utterly exhausted from both the pain and the energy he had to exert while flying and to keep himself from fainting.
His brother watched you in pity, feeling guilty that he wasn’t able to save his brother in time either. He knows he’ll be okay, but as a wing-bearer himself, it would nonetheless be traumatic to lose the only thing that kept his whole identity.
It is a part of him, his family, and his strength. He prayed that he truly will be able to fly again.
“Rook.” You combed your fingers through his hair and cupped his cheek, watching his parted lips take in even amounts of air. Your tears soaking the sheets and sniffling as you placed your lips on the side of his head.
“Great Seven please let him fly again,” you prayed against his head. Not a rustle on his other wing either. He was out cold.
You believed it was really your fault. If you hadn’t gone that deep into the forest, if you didn’t argue with those hunters, he would’ve been safe. You should’ve taken the damage, not him. He was innocent. Now the consequence was too much to stomach.
“We’ll…” inhaled his brother, “We’ll find a way to help him fly again.”
“I’ll help.” You didn’t move from your position, “I…I’ll look for a medic somewhere o-or a wing therapist— anything…” you wept.
For it will break you too if you saw him sitting on the porch while his siblings flew without a care in a world. Even if those lips of his smiled at the freedom his siblings have, deep down those skies are his home as well. If he wouldn’t be able to touch the clouds again, losing a part of him that’s part beast man is like skinning an animal alive.
The hunter was hunted.
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© 𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢-𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞 2021.
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mychemicalimagines · 2 years
Requests Open!!
Requests are open (One Shots or Head-cannon) for the following:
Supernatural: Dean, Sam, John
The Lost Boys: Michael, David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne
Stand by Me: Ace, Eyeball, Aged up Chris, Aged up Gordie
Marvel: Steve, Bucky, Thor, Clint
Vampire Diaries: Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Elijah, Kol
The Walking Dead: Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Shane
Scream: Billy, Stu, Randy, Dewey
Johnny Depp or his Characters: Willy Wonka, Sweeney Todd, Captain Jack Sparrow
Zac Efron or his Character: Troy Bolton
American Pie: Jim, Oz, Finch, Kevin
No MalexMale!Readers. Preferably no Poly!CharactersxReader
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old-love · 2 years
(Richard 'Eyeball' Chambers x Fem reader)
Summary: trying to sled with Richie
Warnings: Eyeball being horny for a second
a/n: This actually sucks
word count: 1.2k
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Winter still had its cold grasp upon Castle Rock, having a wide blanket of snow covering the ground and slicking the roads with ice. With such dodgy conditions, you and Richie had been cooped up in your parents home, watching the newly released show “Rawhide” on the television while snuggling up on the sofa. Richie had his head laid on your lap and his legs dangling off the arm of the sofa as his attention was on the television. As you also kept your eyes upon the tv screen, running your fingers through his hair and massaging his scalp. “Are you tired of cowboys yet?” Richie asked in a soft tone as he turned his head to look at you.
“Maybe, but I don’t think I’ll ever be tired of Clint Eastwood.” You said as you looked down to meet your boyfriend’s gaze. “If you’re so bored then what do you want to do?” you questioned as you pushed back his hair, exposing his forehead. With your question, you saw a grin appear on Eyeball’s face and it could only mean one thing.
Eyeball quickly sat up and pushed your back against the sofa and got atop of you. “You, Doll.” He said excitedly as he went for his belt, hastily undoing it. It was honestly surprising how excited this boy could get in a matter of seconds.
As Richie dipped his head down to place a kiss on your lips, you placed a hand upon his chest and pushed him away. “Not today, Richie.” You stated and he got off of you, but before he did, he placed a kiss on your cheek. “You know what we should do?” you brought up as you stood up, looking down at Eyeball, who stayed seated. You had clearly peaked his interest as he looked up at you, raising an eyebrow. “We should go sledding.” You said with a smile and Eyeball just laughed in response and leaned back against the sofa.
“Now Doll, we ain’t fourteen anymore.” Eyeball chuckled as he smirked, crossing his arms against his chest, looking at you in amusement. It was true, the last time the two of you went sledding, both of you were fourteen and that’s when the two of you were only just friends.
“Okay and?” You huffed as you kicked Eyeball’s shin before you grabbed his hand, trying to pull him up. “ It’d be fun.” you sighed as you plopped yourself down next to Eyeball, resting your head against his shoulder, looking up at him. “ Or are you scared of being teased by the gang?’ You questioned as you squinted your eyes slightly, interrogating your boyfriend.
“Of course not!” Eyeball quickly said, putting his hands up in a defensive manner, looking at you as if you had said the most deranged thing. “I’ll only go if you buy me a beer.” Richie offered as he raised his brows,” Or maybe just a kiss.” he then suggested.
“Sometimes I don’t like you.” You grumbled before you leaned in and placed a soft kiss against Richie’s lips. “Now get up.” You demanded as you pushed yourself up and made your way to the coat closet, grabbing yours and an extra one for Eyeball. Richie had finally got up from the sofa once he saw you put your shoes on, putting on his after you. You handed the coat to Richie and he gave you a rather disgusted look. It was already odd that Eyeball had been wearing a long sleeve shirt today, but a coat? “You better put it on.” You threatened as you grabbed gloves for the both of you and when you turned around, you saw Eyeball wearing the coat, but he refused to zip it up.
“Lemme see the gloves, Doll face,” Eyeball said as he took the gloves out of your hand and took your hands in his. Eyeball then helped put the gloves on your hands, doing it gently. As he finished, He placed a kiss upon your forehead.
“Thank you, Richie.” you said and you couldn’t help but to smile. “You’re too sweet.” You spoke as you slipped the gloves on Eyeball’s hand. When you looked up to meet your boyfriend’s gaze, he looked as if he was truly disgusted. Eyeball truly didn’t mind you calling him ‘Richie’ or ‘sweet’, but he had a reputation to keep up with and a constant reminder for you not to talk like that in front of the boys or he’d never hear the end of it. “Now c’mon, let's go before Ace decides to show up.” You said as you grabbed Richie’s hand and led him to the garage, grabbing the family sled.
Once the two of you got the sled out of the garage, you and Eyeball started your journey to your sledding spot. The sledding spot was just past the middle school and behind the nearing neighborhood, then just up the hill, that’s where you and Eyeball hung out for the first time. Eyeball laced his fingers with yours, swinging both of your arms back and forth. It was obvious he wasn’t worried that his friends would see him, they usually didn’t drive down this way nor did they risk driving in these icy conditions. They were most likely getting drunk at Ace’s house.
The walk wasn’t too long, but the both of you couldn’t feel your toes afterwards. As you reached upon the hill, memories flooded back from the first time you were here with Richie. Gosh, you had such a fat crush on him and it was now obvious that Richie was also sweet on you.
“I still remember you throwing that snowball at the back of my head.” Eyeball said, bringing you out of your thoughts, you couldn’t help but to laugh.
“And I still remember it being rather funny.” You teased as you looked at him with a smile, reaching up and poking his nose. “ I also remember being so sweet on you.” You smiled, a blush rising and heating up your cheeks. Eyeball also smiled as he tucked his fists into his coat pockets.
“So was I.” Eyeball said as he started walking up to the top of the hill. “Are you coming or not?” And with that you started running up, trying to beat him to the top. Once Eyeball noticed that you were trying to race, he started running as well, but was slowed down by the snow. You had almost beat him, but Eyeball tackled you to the soft ground covered in snow. As you hit the ground, you accidentally let go of the sled and the two of you watched it quickly slide down the hill.
“Oh I hate you, Richard Chambers.” You laughed as you laid against the ground, Eyeball right beside you, who couldn’t contain his laughter.
Eyeball turned over and met your gaze, gently caressing your cheek with his gloved hand. “Don’t lie, you love me.” He smiled as he rested his forehead against yours. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He whispered underneath his breath, getting lost in your eyes.
“Maybe I do love my Richie.” you say as yours and Eyeball’s noses gently bump each other. You were truly lost in the moment, this is what you wished had happened in the years before.
“I remember how bad I wanted to kiss you when we first went sledding together.” Richie gently said as he lightly grabbed your chin, then leaning down and kissing you as you both laid in the snow.
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Growing Old Together
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Gif credit by me.
Richard as he likes to be called nowadays, putting the Cobras legend and his rough reputation as the badass Eyeball Chambers behind him, was painting his granddaughters nursery. His oldest, Adaline just had her first child. Richard was beyond excited. He was going to be the greatest grandfather ever.
"Hey, big daddy". You giggled as you greeted your husband, you came in with a cup of coffee. Richard was moving his hips to the music playing on the radio. His clothes were covered in paint as he danced with a smile.
"Hey, princess". Richard jumped off the ladder and you handed him his cup of coffee. "Mmm, thank you babe". He kissed your cheek, his fuzzy beard tickled your skin. After all these years he still called you princess even after he had his first daughter.
"Looks good in here. You think, Adaline will like it"? You wrapped your arms around Richard's waist, he wrapped his free arm around your shoulder, sipping his coffee.
"She'll love it. It's a good thing I worked for a painting company in my twenties. I'm pretty good at this". He chuckled.
"Maybe we should have another so you can get this excited and paint the spare room at our house". You nestled your face into the crock of his neck.
"Really? We have five kids and a grandkid, you think we can handle one more"? He laughed, patting your butt with his paint covered hand.
"I think we could. I can do anything when I'm with you".
"We could or, we could enjoy the kids growing up and spreading their wings and flying. We'll have the house to ourselves for once. We'll have more grandchildren coming soon so we get to enjoy them. Maybe we should just take a break and cherish the things and people we have right now? Hmm, what do you say"? Richard kissed your head.
"You really know how to make me fall deeper in love with you, Mr. Chambers. God, I'm so lucky to have married you". You leaned in and captured a kiss. "I love you so much".
"I love you more. So are we making a baby or what"?
"You finish up the room and I'll see you at home. Either way you're getting laid, Eyeball". You sent him a wink with a chuckle. Richard's jaw dropped, he hasnt heard you call him Eyeball in years. He missed it. He missed the old days when you two were teenagers and having secret makeout sessions in the back of his beat up old car. But he wouldn't change anything.
"Oh, so it's Eyeball. Mmm, I'll see you at home, princess". Richard stole another kiss from your lips and patted your butt again.
You gave him a big squeeze and let him go, he sat his coffee on the nightstand and went back to work. "Rich"?
"Yeah"? He stopped mid stroke.
"Thanks for growing old with me. You've given me the greatest life I  could've asked for. Thank you". You blew him a kiss and walked out of the room.
"I could thank you for the same reasons, princess". Richard said as he returned to painting.
The years had gone by, you two had gotten a little older, had a couple kids and had ups and downs. But the love and passion was still there for each other. It grew stronger everyday and will continue until it was your turns to fly away.
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80s4life · 3 years
Being A Chambers Kid & Dating Ace Merrill HC”*
Word Count: 1,254
Status: Requested!
Ask: headcannons for what it would be like for the reader being eyeball and chris’s sister dating ace merill? and some NSFW ones too if you’re okay with that :)
A/N: Hi anon! This HC ended up being split up by before, during, and after the relationship had ended *depending on choice*. In addition, in order for me to fully portray what I’m trying to say, I have a song list below as well (it’s not too long, like 5 songs). Enjoy!
Fandom: Stand By Me 1984
Relationship: Ace Merrill x Female!Chambers!Reader
Summary: You were his forbidden fruit, his best friend’s little sister, strictly the only woman Ace couldn’t have. But, he’s has never been one to follow rules, has he? Ace simply straps you down for the long-haul of emotions constantly swirling about, making you wonder, “Is this good for me? Is this just a fling or something built to last?”
Taglist: @snapessecretdiary​ @tangledcopperstrands​ 
Warnings: smut, dirty talking, breaking the law, running away from the law, angsty thoughts, angst/sadness, fluff, sweet gestures, abusive tones (but not much)
Masterlist Stand By Me Masterlist
{gif is not mine, credits go to @buckygal95​}
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Before: “The Calm Before The Storm”
You were the “Small Chambers”
Although you were stuck between the two boys, Richard “Eyeball” being 19 and Chris being 12, you were the complete opposite of the two, 17, and only girl in a house filled with testosterone and hormones
Since childhood, Ace had been tied to your brother and family - always around, always apparent, always smart-mouthing
In some ways, you liked it, loving Ace from the moment you met him
However, you were his brother’s best friend, and he was a dangerous man always shouldering the world
During the summer of 1955, you’d taken up a summer program across the country, always seeking to excel in school
Ace secretly felt as if something was missing when you left, but was unable to truly pay attention to it
He couldn’t be in love, it just wasn’t Ace
It wasn’t until you turned 17, when you returned to Castle Rock in 1959, did Ace finally take notice to your changed appearance, no longer the little girl he remembered picking on
Your figure was fuller, comfortable in its final shape, decorated with just right amount of curve, deliciously plump lips, and catching eyes that seemed stern and determined even on a clam day
You were gorgeous...but Ace wasn’t going to let you know that
During: “The Missing Pieces Finally Connect”
He never formally asked you out. Instead, he simply grabbed your arm while you were walking down the sidewalk with your friends, saying something like, “You look hungry, you should really eat something,” whilst he steered you around and dragged you to the diner
You played pool, drank, and smoke, like old times
It felt comfortable even after all the time you’d been away, and by the time you were ready to leave, a whole day was spent
He dragged you into the alleyway that night, tipsy and happy, pinned you against the wall and did something you’d always dreamed of, he kissed you
From then on, you tried to keep the relationship under wraps
Never had a mom to gossip to and not enough trusting friends, but you told Chris
Chris almost fainted. Couldn’t believe, “That Asshole’s dating my sister!”
He promised to keep the secret after he realized how happy you were
Eventually, Eyeball does fins out too, but says nothing except shaking his head defeated
Dating Ace is bliss:
Light touches when the boys weren’t around/paying attention
Forehead, cheek, and nose kisses, although they are very fleeting (unless making out privately)
Smashing mailboxes with the boys
Setting abandoned houses on fire
Stealing stuff from the drug stores
Running away from the cops hand-in-hand
Laughing and joking constantly
All-night car drives in the middle of the summer
Making out in the backseat of his car
Definitely fucked in his car, parent’s bed, on a table, in a bathroom, anywhere he could get his hands on
Ace loves hickies, bites, or just generally marking you as his even if the public didn’t know it, “Still doesn’t change the fact that you’re mine.”
Ass and thighs worshiper (I said what I said)
10/10 with his tongue
Loves to peg you over and over again with his mouth and hands alone
Even with your strong character, you are definitely a bottom when it comes to Ace
Fucks you long and hard without remorse
WILL keep you up all night if he was really antsy or wanted to “teach you a lesson”
You’re a brat, but who cares?
Your relationship does have its lows though:
Petty arguments every once in a while
Ace, although hides it under his mask, is very insecure
Gets jealous after a while of being around one of the gang/men/males in general
His tough upbringing does make him deny any feelings for a person, let alone giving and receiving love, making it hard for you to break down his walls
You DO get through to him though, scaring him as he “feels weak,” but feels that he can trust you (as he should lol)
Ace says “I love you” first
It caught the both of you off-guard, but made the moment even better as he’d said it from the bottom of his heart
You cried (I would cry) and easily reciprocated with sincerity
He gives you pet names like “Baby doll” “Baby Chambers” “Munchkin” “Doll-face” “Honey (sarcastically most of the time)” and “Queen (occasionally)”
You settle for whatever fits at the moment, and when something new sparks, Ace always flushes a pink tint and smiles goofily while he looks down
You do have some common ones though, “My Man” “Daddy (just to mess with him)” “Blondie” “Gummy Bear” and “King of Castle Rock/King”
The Breakup: “Can’t Live Without You”
Most likely his jealousy
Ace likes to runs his mouth when he’s pissed off and doesn’t watch it when it comes to you
Throws things near you, never at you
Calls you all the names under the sun, but it’s “whore” or names based on cheating on him that hits you harder
Compares how wild you are when with him to you cheating making sense, “I should’ve known, the way you suck was just too good, huh?”
You fire back as well, mentioning his behavior rather than the unjustified claims he spews, knowing you’d never felt any other way than you did with him, completely loyal
By the end of the fights, it either ends in make-up sex or separating yourselves for a few hours
Ace isn’t one for apologies, but he does show you kindness and a softer side when he’s given the chance
Scolds himself when he hears you cry about something he said in the spur of the moment
The fights don’t ever end in breaking up, you can’t live without each other
That is, until you feel enough is enough
It’s hard, but you pack your stuff when he’s out with the boys, avoiding you
You don’t give him the say, he’s said enough
But, you do at least leave a note of your departure, going back home to Chris and Eyeball
They take you in with open arms, Eyeball somewhat being understanding and sympathetic when you go through your depression period
Constantly wondered if what had happened was your fault, if something could’ve changed the way you went out
Chris made jokes, “You know...I never really liked him anyways.”
You feel as if this is the end for you, but you’re better than that
After: “Love Lost, Lessons Learned”
You still see each other all the time, making moving on harder than you originally thought
Every place arises at least one good memory with Ace: the diner, the park, the long dirt roads, mailboxes, shiny new cars waiting to be driven, even toothpicks
You do, however, find the closer you were missing
You move on, you forgive him, you become you again
Or, a new you, as Ace had never deteriorated the person you were, he helped build an even stronger woman (he’s not manipulative/abusive!)
You catch each other staring sometimes, talk too
A friendship was rebuilt, the man you’d known was always still there
And, who knows, maybe a break was all you needed, and a story is still left unfinished?
Songs: “Bittersweet Melodies”
“Fire on Fire” by Sam Smith
“You Broke Me First” by Tate McRae
“It’s You” by Ali Gatie
“Dandelions” by Ruth B.
“Infinity” by James Young
“Happier” by Ed Sheeran
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
She is Feisty (part 5)
Eyeball Chambers x f/Reader
Main Masterlist
Stand By Me Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Warnings: Some swearing.
There is hardly any Eyeball or Bradley Gregg gifs, so sorry about using the same ones.
Tag list: If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know: @ok-great1
Eyeball's POV:
We both got up and I grabbed the blanket, and we headed to my car. We will be back by our lunch period.
I already know that our classmates will be talking about us. Many of them saw us come together with Billy, and then drive away.
We got to my car, and before I could even open her door for her, Y/N opened it for herself. I ran to my side quickly, got in and started the car.
We were on our way back to school, and I can admit I was enjoying just being in her presence. There is something about Y/N.
"Richard, oh sorry Eyeball. I made.." I cut her off, and I winced to myself hoping I did not come off as rude.
"Y/N I like it when you call me Richard. Please continue, sorry about interrupting you." Who the hell is this person? I never apologize.
"Okay Richard, I made my decision about Friday and I have decided..."
I felt like I was holding my breath.
"That I would love to go out with you."
"Great. I will pick you up at let's say 7:00 PM?
"Sounds good to me Richard, but do you think that you will be able to get out of going to the party? I know he is one of your good friends."
That was a good question.
"Let's play it by year. If I can't get out of it, I am not cancelling our date. I will have you come with me."
I was just about lunch time when we pulled into the school parking lot.
"Will I get to see you this afternoon?"
"Y/N, I already planned on driving you home. You're my girl."
She raised one eyebrow at me. "Am I Mr Chambers? You never did ask." She said to me as she un-buckled the seat belt and turned to face me.
Hmm, I thought I did.
I turned to face her as well. Did I want her to be my girl? I don't date. It's not who I am but I don't know who I am anymore. I can not be a Cobra my whole life.
I see the road Ace is going down and I don't want that for me. I am sure he will end up in jail by this time next year.
"I want you to be my girl Y/N. I don't want any guy to believe he had a chance with you."
She put her arms on my shoulders and leaned over so our faces where only an inch or two apart.
"I would love too be your girl Richard and I don't want any other girl to ever think they have a chance with you."
I bumped my nose gently against hers. "Never." And I closed the gap between the two of us and kissed her.
I heard the bell ring in the distance and I knew that was the lunch bell.
We pulled apart just as some of the student body came rushing to their cars to go and grab lunch from the local diner.
"I'll see you later Richard. Meet me by my looker after school?"
"Of course. See you later." It took everything in me not to just keep her in the car and drive off but I will see her after school.
"Hey Eyeball, where where you this morning?" Charlie said as he walked to the my car.
"Didn't feel like going to class is all." I said as I got out of the driver's side.
"People are saying you went off with Y/N. Is that true?" Vince piped up.
"Yeah I did."
"Nice. Already ruined her for the rest of us I see." Charlie said.
Before I knew what I was doing, I had Charlie against the drivers side door, my hands gripping the collar of his shirt.
"Do not ever talk about her like that again. Got it?"
Charlie's eyes were wise as he nodded his head. "Got it Eyeball."
"Good." I let go of his shirt and started to walk towards the shool. Billy caught up with me.
"Everything good Eyeball?"
"Yeah, all good." I said as I lit up a cigarette.
"So what was that about with Charlie?" Should I just tell him?
"He was saying shit about Y/N and I didn't like him talk about her like that?"
"Okay, but why would you care?" He is really prying isn't he.
"Cause she is my girl and no one talks shit about her."
"For real? You asked her and she said yes. Good for you man."
I mumbled a thanks as I finished my smoke. The two of us went inside to grab some lunch. We sat down with Vince, Charlie.
Charlie wasn't even looking at me, which is fine. The four us talked about random shit but my eyes kept drifting over to Y/N's table.
She was laughing at something Karla said. Her table was finished their lunch as they walked towards my table, which was the closet one to the exit of the cafeteria.
Y/N smiled when she realised I was sitting there. I reached an arm out just as she walked by and pulled her into my lap and kissed her.
I had to make sure that every guy knew she was taken.
We kissed for so long that we to pull our lips from one another to breath.
I leaned my forehead against hers and softly said, "I will see you after class gorgeous." As I helped her off my lap.
Her friends pulled her away, not doubt to ask questions and there I was sitting in the cafeteria, with the student body looking at me, and my friends besides Billy, sitting there with their mouths wide open.
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ghoul-lover9000 · 4 years
Being in a Love Triangle with Ace Merrill and Eyeball Chambers
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Eyeball took a liking to you first. In all honestly, he was only interested because he thought you were hot and bragging to the boys about getting with you, one of the most sought after people in town, would score him major points, even Ace would have been impressed.
Your interactions are full of him flirting, you being completely oblivious to it, you asking about him because you’re genuinely interested in what kind of person Eyeball is because you’ve heard quite a lot of rumors about him and his “gang”, and him falling into a long truthful conversation with you, forgetting the previous plot of trying to get into your pants. 
However, after talking to you and actually enjoying being around you, he realized something terrifying: he had it bad for you. When Eyeball saw you walking around town, he couldn’t help, but say hi and start talking to you, even if the Cobras are around. Of course, to you, this is normal. You both are friends and that’s what friends do, but, to Ace and the boys, this is major. 
Eyeball’s new interest in you peaked Ace’s curiosity. How can someone turn one of his tough gang members into a fucking whipped puppy in a matter of a week?
Ace rolls up in his car while you’re walking home and offers you a ride. You know what everyone’s told you about him and his lackluster driving record, but the rest of the way to your house was uphill and you were tired, plus Ace was a friend of Eyeball’s. He wouldn’t hurt you, right? 
The car ride was pretty smooth. Fast, but definitely nothing that could be considered dangerous. 
Ace: So, you’ve been hanging around my boy, Eyeball. “Yeah. ‘Your boy’ is pretty sweet. Rough around the edges, maybe, but sweet.” Ace: Never thought anybody would describe Richard ‘Eyeball’ Chambers as sweet. You must be pretty special or pretty stupid. “Either way I’m pretty. So Ace, what’s one of the most dreaded teens in Castle Rock doing picking up and questioning little ol’ me?” Ace: Just wanted to check you out. You did turn my friend into a drooling mess. I thought it’s the least I can do. 
It was silent for a while after that. “Did you really make a log truck run off the road?” Ace: What does that have to do with any of this? “I don’t know. I’m curious and this is the longest conversation I’ve had with you.” Ace: Yes. “Really? You gotta tell me the story!” Ace: No story, it just happened. “Bullshit.” Ace: Oh, look, we’re here. Get out. “You’re going to tell me that story, Merrill. If it’s the last thing I do.”
From then on, Ace made a habit of picking you up when he saw you walking home and these conversations built on asking about rumors became common place. 
Okay, Ace understands now. It’s just something about your genuine curiosity that keeps him wanting to take the longer routes to your house so that the both of you can talk about if he’s ever cut a kid’s ear off for touching his hair. Make no mistake, he’s not going to drool over you like Chambers, but Ace certainly wants to be the one with you on his arm. 
Eyeball finds out about Ace’s free rides from Charlie and Billy because those guys cannot keep a secret to save their lives. Eyeball doesn’t know what to do with this information. He knows Ace is probably interested if he’s been giving you rides almost daily, but he’s his best friend, he wouldn’t do that to him, right?
They may seem like very straight forward guys, but make no mistake. This war is fought very passive aggressively. Ace took you for a ride again? Well, Eyeball is gonna have to sneak in your window and hang out with you for the rest of the night. 
God help you if you see them walking together in town because they will race each other to get to you. Ace likes to act like he’s above Eyeball, but he likes you just as much as Chambers. 
Ace actually tries to be gentlemanly for you like opening doors for you and not calling you a dumb ass every five minutes. It’s sweet.
Eyeball looks out for you because he knows that Ace can be a wild card at times and he’s worried about you getting hurt because of some crazy shit that Ace has gotten up to. 
The gang is tired of their constant passive aggressive feuding and they debate confronting the two Cobras, but you beat them to the punch. 
You’re not completely oblivious. However, you think that they probably just want to get into your pants with how desperate some of the things they do are. You confront them and you learn that, on the contrary, they actually really like you and they’re both interested in going steady with you. 
Both of them get really insecure because Ace sees Eyeball as a really clean and handsome guy who’ll probably get you because he’s not completely emotionally stunted and Eyeball sees Ace as this confident, cool, rough guy who would end up getting you because he’s not afraid of taking what he wants, but they will never admit this, because they’re men in the 1950s who are supposed to not have genuine emotions. 
In the end, you’re gonna need to either pick one of them or... date both of them?
Should I do a “part 2″ where you are dating both Ace and Eyeball? Honestly, Ace and Eyeball own me rn. I am nothing but a slut for these men. 
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xjoonchildx · 2 years
kanalia | jhs x reader |chapter four: good men and temptation
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banner by the amazing @kth1
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⚜️summary: secrets and uncertainty plague a young queen in her arranged marriage to a kind but distant king. the farther she drifts from her husband, the closer she gets to one of his most trusted men.
⚜️pairing: queen!reader x royalguard!hoseok
⚜️rating: mature, 18+
⚜️genre: royal AU, historical AU, smut, slow burn & pining
⚜️warnings: infidelity (it’s complicated, y’all) mentions of pregnancy, fertility issues. OC struggles with depressive thoughts and episodes.
⚜️word count: 10K
⚜️notes: thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has continued to follow this story. i went through a period of terrible writer's block and self-doubt over the course of this chapter and it would not be complete without my fic accountability coach and A1 since day one @hobi-gif. also a huge thank you to @yeoldontknow and the possums who lent me their amazing eyeballs and brains -- i love you guys so much @wwilloww @reliablemitten @miscelunaaa you guys aren't just amazing writers, you're amazing people. i hope you guys enjoy this chapter 💕
next chapter
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There was a time when you’d been certain the thing you wanted most was for the King to suffer.
You would fantasize about it; spend your waking hours longing for it – certain the only thing that could bring you some semblance of peace was your husband’s utter distress. Certain that seeing him broken would be the only way to feel whole.
But it’s strange, isn’t it?
The heaviness with which he drops into the ornate wingback chair at your bedside does not make you feel any lighter. The sober expression on his face as he regards you does not make you feel in any way vindicated. Nor is there any triumph to be had in the guilt that seems to radiate from his every pore, subtle as a beacon.
“How are you feeling?” 
You stifle a sigh. It’s the King’s second visit to your chamber today alone and by now there is little polite, meaningless conversation left to be had.
“Much the same as I felt two hours ago, Your Grace,” you answer, regretting the blunt edge to your words when his face falls. You’re careful to soften your tone as you add, “Which is to say much improved. Thank you.”
A heavy quiet falls over the chamber again. You can’t make out the sound of the maids walking the halls outside or the ever-present din of chattering footmen on the floors below. Even the motes of dust in the air seem suspended in place, hanging motionless in the shafts of sunlight that stream in from behind your heavy curtains.
“I’ve yet to leave this bed but I think I’m feeling a bit stronger today,” you offer feebly, speaking only when the King seems to have resigned himself to silence. “The doctor assures me this is a passing malaise, nothing more.”
Your husband nods, the corners of his mouth lifting in a weak attempt at a smile. 
There was a time when you might have relished the melancholy on his face. Might have found the uncharacteristic slump of his shoulders gratifying. Or taken some sordid pleasure in the way he smooths his damp palms over the thick weave of his breeches, over and over again.
But it’s strange, isn’t it?
None of it brings you any satisfaction. Seeing the King wounded does not make you less wounded. And his unhappiness does not in any way alleviate your own.
“I’ll be sure to share the details of your recovery with the many people who’ve asked after you,” he says with a joyless chuckle.  “I think they’ll have my head if I don’t bring them good news in short order.”
But is Lord Jung among them? 
As they so often do, your thoughts wander from the man before you—your husband—to the enigmatic Royal Guardsman. You think back to the last time you saw him, to the way he’d taken the lead in seeing you cared for when you’d been burning with fever.  You think of the quiet authority and reassurance in his voice as he’d helped you reach your chambers and bed. You think of the way that voice had hardened in the tense moments after Lord Jeon had confessed to not being able to find the King.
You think of that perplexing confrontation in the courtyard.  
You’ve had little more to do than contemplate the circumstances of that exchange for days now, turning the strange scene over in your mind while confined to your sickbed.  What you would give to have just an inkling of what transpired between those men that night, to have any small insight into the words spoken during that terse conversation.  Though in truth, some part of you suspects you already know. 
Certainly something is behind your husband’s sudden bout of attentiveness.
You roll your shoulders and knead at the stiff muscles of your neck, body strained and sore from days of idleness.  The pillows pressed against your lower back have slipped just enough to cause discomfort and you reach behind yourself to rearrange them.
“I can do that for you,” the King says, rushing to his feet.  
He is standing at your side before you have a chance to protest the matter, carefully slipping the pillows out from behind you, painstakingly fluffing the feathers inside them until he’s satisfied with their new shape. Then he leans over the bed, solid body hovering over yours as he replaces them.  You will yourself not to stiffen at his nearness, but the truth is that you’re not accustomed to being this close to your husband. Physically or otherwise.
“How does that feel?” he asks, deep voice at your ear as he moulds the pillows to the curve of your back.
“Much better, thank you,” you murmur, feeling a ripple of tension work its way up your spine when Namjoon straightens and stands back to assess his work. Your husband holds your gaze for a few slow, tortuous seconds, lips parted as though he means to speak. 
Then he seems to think better of it, clearing his throat instead and looking away. 
You watch his eyes move to the table at your bedside, where a fine crystal vase houses what is sure to be the two most pitiful daisies in the entire Kingdom. Boram’s note had said that Yeona selected them for you herself, the evidence of her indelicate touch plain on the flowers’ bruised petals and flattened stems. You treasure the mangled blooms anyway.
“They’re a bit worse for the wear, I’m afraid,” you comment lightly, watching the King stroke a wilted white petal with his fingertip. “Yeona is still too young to understand that some things must be handled with care.”
“So it would seem,” he says, lips twitching with amusement.  
But the humor in his expression falls away as his eyes move from the daisies to the tiny bauble seated beside the delicate crystal vase.  He stares at it for a while before reaching for it, the small trinket dwarfed in the palm of his large hand. You study him as he studies it, expression somber as he strokes a thumb over the bird’s smooth green wings.  
And for the very first time, you see it.  
No. You allow yourself to see it.
The turmoil etched into the deep crease between your husband’s brows. The regret in the firm press of his lips and the embarrassment simmering in his eyes. The remorse that shrouds him like a dark halo, hovering over him like a storm cloud.
You see it quite clearly now, don’t you? As though you’ve been wearing your pride and resentment like a blindfold and it’s suddenly fallen away, allowing you to recognize what’s been in front of you all this time.
When the King flicks his weary, dark eyes to meet yours, you don’t see your philandering husband – though certainly he is that. You see a deeply conflicted man, fighting a war on two sides.  Married to one woman and in love with another. Condemning both to a strange kind of half-life in which neither will ever truly be happy. Condemning himself, too. 
“I should let you rest,” he says at last, setting the bird down and you nod, a sudden tightness in your throat. 
“Yes,” you agree, voice thick. “I think that’s best.”
The King leans close to you again, this time to press a soft kiss to your cheek. His hands find yours on the duvet and he squeezes them tight, causing ludicrous tears to spring to your eyes. You lower them so as not to give yourself away.  
It is only when he has gone, when the door to your chamber is firmly shut, that you finally allow yourself to breathe. And then you sit there for a while, stupefied.
There was a time when you’d thought you would never share anything with your husband. But you’d been wrong.
The two of you share the same muted misery, the same low thrum of sadness that taints all things, good and bad. You share the same bone-deep unhappiness borne from this arrangement and the same secret fury at being powerless to change it.
Husband and wife, bound to one another for life.  Both damned to have happiness dangle at your fingertips, but never the ability to grasp it.
Till death do you part.
Though you feel remarkably improved after four days of confinement, Hyeri insists you stay in bed for an entire week.
The older woman has always fancied herself a bit of a mother hen, but since the onset of your illness she’s become more like a guard dog. She’s taken to sleeping on a cot in your chamber and keeping fastidious notes on your care and progress. And she’s safeguarded you like a sentry, allowing no one but the doctor and the King past the threshold to your private rooms.
You’ve taken great pains to endure her meddling with grace – in part because you’ve been in no position to fight such battles in your weakened state and in part because you understand that her coddling is rooted in genuine care and concern. Surely she must long for the children she raised and who’ve long since left her nest to start their own families. And so in their absence, you must do.
But that does not mean you intend to spend a single second longer than necessary trapped inside this chamber. 
So you rise with the sun on the seventh day of your captivity, filled with a newfound determination. You are determined to leave the staid air of this chamber and breathe fresh air into your lungs. You are determined to stretch your sore muscles with a vigorous walk. And you are absolutely determined to put your foot down, lovingly, with your handmaid turned nursemaid turned jailer. 
And you’ll not allow anything – certainly not the arrival of your monthly courses – to put a damper on this day.
“We’re going to have to take your gowns in,” Hyeri grumbles as her nimble fingers pull at the laces of your corset. She’d made an unhappy sound when you’d announced plans for a morning walk, but has thus far managed to refrain from voicing her discontent out loud. “Too many days without eating properly.  You ought to take two servings at every meal until you’re filled out again.”
“I assure you, my appetite is fully restored along with my health,” you say, stomach rumbling beneath your skirts at the very mention of food. “I could probably take three servings in a sitting if I put my mind to it.”
“Very good then,” Hyeri chuckles, patting your back once the dress is fully secured. “I’ll have breakfast brought up at once.”
“No, you absolutely will not,” you protest, whirling on her. “I’ll go mad if I spend another minute locked away in this chamber. I’ll take my breakfast down in the kitchens, thank you very much.”
Hyeri huffs under her breath and you mimic the sound back. The older woman’s eyes narrow and you return that gesture as well, crossing your arms in challenge. The two of you stand there for a while, glowering at one another like petulant children until the sound of a singing kettle breaks the stalemate.
It’s been days since you’ve heard that sound, you realize. Days since Hyeri has set a steaming cup of that foul tea before you, only to watch you like a hawk until every last drop is gone. The shrill sound of that blasted kettle raises the hairs on the nape of your neck and sets your teeth on edge. 
And it brings to mind something else you intend to put your foot down about today.
You clear your throat as Hyeri moves to see to the kettle.
“I won’t be taking the tea today, Hyeri,” you announce, straightening your spine as your brace for the argument that is sure to come. Hyeri turns away from the fire, kettle in hand, and levels you with a look.
“You’re rather spirited today, Your Grace. Do you intend to put more silver in my hair now that you are fully recovered?”
“No I do not,” you say hotly. “But I also do not intend to drink that tea. Today, tomorrow, or ever again.”
Hyeri’s rheumy eyes grow wide with shock. The playful arch of her brow falls and the teasing twist to her mouth slowly recedes. She stares at you as though she sees a stranger, not the young woman she’s come to know well after nearly one year in your service. 
Maybe you are a stranger now. You certainly don’t feel like the same woman who’d fallen into that sickbed one week ago, burning with fever. Something inside of you feels like it’s shifted; like you’ve emerged from this illness stronger in ways that go beyond the physical.
“I understand that your courses have come, Your Grace, but these things take time,” she insists slowly, the paper-thin skin at the hollow of her throat wavering as she stops to swallow thickly. “I do not think now is the time to abandon this regimen. “This requires time and dedication. If you’ll just stay the course, you’ll see.”
Your bravado falters a bit at the wounded note in her voice, at the way her eyes start to pink around the rims. A tiny voice in your head warns not to press forward with the words that threaten to tumble out of your mouth but a louder voice urges you on, pushes you to make the cut as quick and clean as possible.
“Hyeri, I owe you only gratitude for the way you’ve treated me. And for your kindness in trying to help me conceive a child. But I’ve grown tired of pretending that this course of action will remedy my particular situation.”  You allow yourself a deep breath before adding, “Or his.”
Hyeri blinks at you.
“I don’t understand what you mean, Your Grace.”
“Don’t you?”
You lift your chin to look Hyeri directly in the eyes, allowing your implication to hang in the air.  Slowly, your nursemaid blanches, the color draining from her sweet face until all that remains are two spots of color on her cheeks. She takes a step towards the table and slowly sinks into the chair, face frozen in an expression of disbelief.
“You can’t –” the older woman starts and stops, looking bewildered. “– You can’t know that, Your Grace. You cannot be certain of such a thing.”
“You’re right,” you concede quietly, “I cannot. But there is ample reason to suspect it.”
You’re careful to temper your argument to Hyeri, though in truth you are quite convinced of your husband’s inability to produce a child. If nothing else, your last encounter with the King has only strengthened the idea in your mind. It’s the very first time in your young marriage that you’ve looked past your husband’s station and allowed yourself to see him as he truly is. His Grace – Kim Namjoon – is just a man. As fallible as any other.
But Hyeri has yet to come to any such realization. Her eyes shine bright with unshed tears from where she remains seated at the table, chin trembling. 
You cross the room to go to her, carefully settling in the seat beside her and taking one of her hands into yours. You remind yourself that Hyeri has devoted years of her life to working in service of the King, that her deference for him and the very institution he represents is in her blood. That some part of her likely still thinks of Namjoon as the gangly boy she’d helped rear and not the grown man he is now. 
And you remind yourself that despite her allegiance to your husband, she’s shown you nothing but kindness – and for that alone, she deserves your respect.
“Hyeri, please,” you whisper, squeezing her fingers gently. “Please know that I do not mean to upset you. I mean only to speak plainly, not to cause you any pain.”
“I had thought – I had thought there was some growth between the two of you, Your Grace. All those visits he’s made to your chamber while you’ve been ill. The way he’d fretted over your health and care. I thought – “ She pauses to shake her head as though chastising herself for entertaining such notions, “I thought that maybe something good could come of something bad.”
Your heart squeezes at Hyeri’s confession, at her well-meaning but poorly-placed idealism. You cannot fathom how despite everything she’s seen and heard, she can still hold onto the dream that what is broken between you and Namjoon can be fixed. 
But you cannot fault her for it, either.
“Something good has come of it,” you say gently. “I’m not angry anymore. Not with the King and not with myself. It was weighing me down, Hyeri. As though I walked through this first year of my marriage with stones in my pockets.”  
Hyeri dabs at the corners of her eyes with a sleeve.
“I know the King cares for me. I accept that.” You speak the words out loud and they strike a chord inside your chest. You know they ring true. “Just as I accept that at the very same time, he does not love me. And now I must accept that there may never be a child.”
“But there must be a child, Your Grace.” Hyeri sniffles under her breath as she wrenches her gaze from your joined hands to look you in the eye. “The future of the throne depends on it. What will come of the King’s line if he does not have an heir?”
“I don’t know,” you admit, thumb tracing an absentminded pattern over the soft, diaphanous skin of her knuckles. “Perhaps he will send me away.”
“He wouldn’t,” Hyeri protests, indignation flaring behind her muted dark eyes.
You suspect that Hyeri has the right of it. Namjoon does not strike you as the kind of man who’d want to court such a scandal, nor does he seem uncaring enough to want to cut you loose in such a humiliating fashion. And as many times as you’ve daydreamed about being freed from the shackles of this loveless marriage, the mere thought of returning home to your mother – of bringing your entire family that kind of shame – is devastating. 
You’d sooner throw yourself from the carriage tasked with taking you home than endure that fate.
“I say these things not to upset you, Hyeri. Or to speak ill of the King. I say them only because if I’ve learned nothing else since coming here, I’ve learned to guard my heart. This is me guarding my heart.”
The tears gathered at the corners of Hyeri’s eyes spill over, though she does not make a sound. You dab at them with your own sleeve now, earning a sad smile from your handmaid.
“There could still be a child, Your Grace,” she says softly, “Some day. None of us know what’s written on the days that are yet to come.”
“You are right,” you concede with a sad smile. “And I would be very glad to be wrong.”
“So there is always hope,” Hyeri concludes, squaring her shoulders. Just speaking the words out loud seems to have reinforced her spirit. In this moment, she reminds you of the daisies at your bedside – battered but still bending towards the sunlight.
“Yes,” you agree, if only to bring her some solace. “There is always hope.”
The King calls for dinner to be held in the great hall to celebrate your return to good health.
He surprises you by seeing to many of the details himself, though you suspect Hyeri has played some part in bringing his vision to life. The generous spread wheeled out and served to the guests in attendance consists of only your most beloved dishes and desserts. And the hall is decorated in a bevy of cosmos flowers – the very kind that grow in abundance in Namjoon’s grand aviary.
It’s not all his doing, of course. It is the kitchen staff that spends hours preparing the food and the steward who sees to each plush flower centerpiece placed at the tables. But it is the King who directs their steps, and in doing so you cannot help but feel flattered by his consideration.
But you also cannot help but be flustered by his attention.
Whereas Namjoon would normally spend the lion’s share of his evening consorting with the assembled guests, tonight he has yet to stray more than an arm’s length from your side. You are keenly aware of his nearness as smiling people approach you from all sides, each expressing what seems to be genuine relief at news of your recovery.
It’s been months since the last communal dinner was held in this hall, and perhaps that is why it seems as though you could be swallowed whole in the sea of people gathered here tonight. Foreign and familiar faces alike swim by in all directions. Children cut narrow paths through the fray, darting between legs as they chase one another around, their laughter barely audible over the din of clinking cups and clattering dishes.
You do not know at what point you start searching each passing face for a pair of searing almond-shaped eyes and a heart-shaped mouth. But you do know at which point you realize it.
“You are not fatigued, are you?”
The sound of your husband’s deep baritone at the shell of your ear nearly makes you jump. You turn to him, careful to keep your eyes downcast. Certain that if you allow him too close a look he’ll recognize the guilt written all over your face. 
Certainly he would know what it looks like.
“Not at all. Though I must admit to my feet being tired,” you sigh, gesturing to the beautiful calfskin boots that peek out from beneath your heavy skirts. “I’m afraid these are not quite broken in yet.”
“Then I’ll get you a chair,” the King says without hesitation, turning at once to make good on that promise. You stop him with one firm tug to his arm. 
“Please no,” you protest, by now thoroughly unsettled by your husband’s careful oversight. “That’s not necessary, truly. I think I’ll walk around a bit and see if I can find Boram. I can rest my feet while we speak.”
“Very well,” Namjoon agrees, dark eyes boring into yours. “Send word immediately if you need me.”
You are bowing to him before the words are even fully out his mouth, quickling slipping away and into the current of moving bodies around you. You try not to call attention to yourself, but it cannot be helped. The crowds part to make way as you walk, people stopping to bow as you pass. You acknowledge each with an absentminded smile as you resume your search for those familiar dark eyes. You cannot find them.
“Your Grace!”
But it is only moments later that a familiar voice finds you. It breaks clear through the commotion and you turn toward it to find Boram waving at you from her seat at the longtable, sweet Yeona perched on her lap. The baby mimics her mother’s gesture, flapping her own hand wildly in greeting. The sight of them both is enough to make your heart burst.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you girls,” you sigh, surging forward to envelop both in an indelicate hug. You take a seat at Boram’s side and she proudly lifts Yeona to her feet. The baby plants them firmly on her mother’s lap, legs strong and steady beneath her.
“How is it possible she’s changed so much in little more than a week?” you wonder aloud, smiling in response to Yeona’s happy gurgle and wide grin. “She looks like a child ready to walk and not the little dumpling I saw last.”
“She really does,” Boram agrees with a wistful smile. “It’s all happening so fast. But you, My Grace, you look changed too! Even more vibrant than before. I would scarcely believe you’ve just emerged from your sickbed if I did not know it to be true.”
Your friend’s praise sends a pleasant heat to your cheeks.
“You flatter me,” you demur with a soft smile. “I’m so relieved to be free from confinement that I must be wearing my happiness for everyone to see, that’s all.”
“Well, it suits you,” Boram declares. “We were all quite worried about you. When Yoongi came home that day, he’d told me you were in a terrible state. I pestered him for news every day until he told me of your recovery.”
“I cannot recall ever feeling so ill,” you admit. “But I was well cared for, thankfully. And Yeona’s flowers were at my bedside to brighten my spirits. And I have yet to see Lord Min and thank him personally for helping me that day. Is he here tonight?”
“Somewhere,” Boram laughs. “Off with the men, I suppose. I’ve been waiting on him to return so that I might have an opportunity to stretch my legs and greet some of the old friends I’ve seen walking about.”  She gestures to a tankard at the empty space beside her. “But he can’t have wandered too far if he’s left his ale behind.”
You laugh, reaching out to tickle Yeona’s belly and the baby squeals in response.
“Go on then,” you say, reaching for Yeona. She comes to you without hesitation, grin wide enough to bare the tiny teeth that have broken through her bottom gums. “I can sit with Yeona and you can have a few minutes to yourself. We’ll be right here when you return.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind? She’s dry and fed and I won’t be gone long.”
“I don’t mind at all,” you insist, bouncing Yeona on your knee and earning another squeal. “I’m happy to keep her any time you need a break.”
Boram’s smile is genuine and grateful. She puts a hand on your knee and squeezes it as she leans in to kiss her baby girl’s cheek. 
“You are very kind, Your Grace. Thank you.”
You smile back, passing a hand over the soft hair at Yeona’s crown, smoothing down the tiny curls that have sprung up around her ears. “It’s no trouble at all.”
Boram casts a backward glance at you both as she leaves and you reassure her with a wave, which Yeona is quick to mimic.
“Such a smart girl, aren’t you?” you coo, pressing a kiss to her temple and inhaling her sweet scent. “Smartest girl in the entire kingdom. Perhaps some day you will be queen, hmm?”
“That would be an interesting turn of events,” a voice that is certainly not Yeona’s answers. The sound of it steals your breath and you turn towards it slowly, only to find Lord Jung standing before you. His dark eyes dance with amusement. “Although I think poor Yoongi would perish at the very notion of a royal bride price.”
It’s a wonder that Yeona does not fuss when your hold on her goes a bit tight in response to his sudden appearance. Your heart rattles inside your ribcage. 
“My Lord,” you breathe, eyes wide as you watch him take a seat beside you. “Forgive me, I did not see you there.”
“Perhaps you ought to forgive me,” he says playfully, offering Yeona a finger that she immediately seizes with one chubby fist. “I did not announce myself.”
He smiles at Yeona then – full and brilliant – and she surprises you by turning coquettishly away to bury her face in the crook of your neck. Lord Jung chuckles and you find yourself staring at him, dazzled stupid by his beauty. Breath caught in your throat as your eyes sweep over his long, sooty lashes and sunkissed skin. 
Has he always been this breathtaking?
Yeona lifts her head to peek at him once more. He reaches out to tickle her and then she’s hiding her face again, smothering her giggles against you.
“I think she fancies you,” you say at last, swallowing thickly when Lord Jung lifts his dark eyes to meet yours.
“I’m a bit too old for her, I’m afraid,” he teases, mouth curved into a soft smile. It slowly falls away as his expression grows more serious.
“It’s a relief to see you looking so well, Your Grace,” he murmurs. “Truly.”
There is a sincerity in that declaration that makes you feel warm and pliant inside. You shift Yeona on your lap so that you might have a plausible reason to look away, though truly it is only because looking him in the eye makes you feel vulnerable.
“It is a relief to be well,” you admit shyly. “And that is in large part due to you, My Lord. The other men, as well,” you add, almost as an afterthought. “I still shudder to think what might have happened that day had Lord Jeon not found me when he did.”
“Yes, I think we are all grateful for his vigilance. And I am glad that we were able to help,” Lord Jung says, watching you rub circles across Yeona’s back. The baby settles into your hold, soft cheek pressed to the juncture of your neck. “I hate to see anyone in that condition.”
You flick your eyes up at the note of melancholy in that statement. Surely he must be thinking of his late wife and her untimely death. To hear Boram tell it, the young woman passed nearly a year before your arrival here but something about his somber expression makes you wonder if that wound is still fresh. If you were a more courageous woman, you would ask. 
But you are not.
“Well I am healthy now, My Lord,” you reassure him. “Fully recovered and feeling more like myself than I have in ages.”
He smiles as he reaches one hand out to stroke the soft curls at the base of Yeona’s neck. The baby sighs under her breath, but does not stir.
“I’m working at the stables this week,” he says after a moment. “Perhaps now that you feel – “
“There you are! I think I’ve walked nearly this entire hall looking for you.”
Both you and Lord Jung startle when the sound of a new voice joins the fray. You turn your head to find the King standing in front of you, eyes moving from you to the Royal Guardsman and back. And though there is a smile on his face, it does not quite reach his eyes.
“Your Grace.” Lord Jung quickly stands to his feet and bows in one fluid motion. You make no move to follow suit with Yeona in your arms, her breaths soft and slow and even at your ear. But you do manage a smile for the King, a weak one, even though both your heart and mind are racing. Even though in some way it feels as though he’s interrupted a moment of intimacy. 
You wonder if the King feels it, too.
“I’ve not seen you all night, Jung,” Namjoon says pleasantly enough, clapping a hand over the Guardsman’s shoulder. Lord Jung returns Namjoon’s smile with an easy one of his own. You watch them both with careful curiosity, searching each man’s face for any sign of the tension you’d witnessed the other night in the courtyard. You find none, but you cannot be sure if that is because it no longer exists – or because both are accomplished in the art of diplomacy.
“I’ve been milling about,” Lord Jung explains, gesturing to you. “This is the first time I’ve seen the Queen since her confinement and I wanted to ask after her. I’m sure you both are quite glad of her recovery.”
“That we are,” the King says. He brushes past Lord Jung to take the man’s place on the bench beside you. “Though I suspect I’ve kept her out too late tonight and she’ll need her rest.”
You nearly open your mouth to protest but decide against it.
“Perhaps it’s time for me to retire as well,” Lord Jung says lightly. “I have an early morning ahead of me with the horses. It’s best I take my leave now and bid a good night to you both.”
He wastes no time in quickly bowing to you both before turning to leave.
You’re careful not to watch him go, though the King certainly does. Namjoon’s dark eyes follow Lord Jung’s steps until he is too far gone into the crowd to spot any longer. Your stomach churns at the expression on your husband’s face, at the dark curiosity in his narrowed eyes and arched brow.
“He’s restless of late,” the King says under his breath. Though you’ve heard him quite clearly, it seems safer somehow to pretend otherwise.
“I beg your pardon, Your Grace?”
“Lord Jung,” he clarifies, shifting his gaze back to you. “He’s not been himself these last months. Unsettled. Tense, perhaps.”
Your pulse leaps at your husband’s observation though you cannot be sure if the cause is excitement or fear. Yeona feels like a cinder in your arms now, her little body radiating an uncomfortable warmth against your already heated skin. You feel sweat start to bead at the back of your neck.
“I – do not know him as well as you do, Your Grace,” you say slowly, reaching for each word as carefully as fine crystal. “And therefore, I am in no position to say. But I trust that you have the right of it.”
The King strokes a soft hand down Yeona’s back and you hold perfectly still, as though you fear any sudden move will incite him. As though the reserved man you’ve been married to for all these months might spring on you like a bear trap if he’s managed to discern all the traitorous thoughts you’ve entertained.
But your husband does nothing of the sort. 
His mouth tilts thoughtfully as he sits back to watch you, babe in arms. And in this picture of you and Yeona together, woman and child, he must see what he believes to be the solution to this dilemma concerning his lifelong friend. That can be the only explanation for what he says next.
“I think Hoseok is in need of a wife.”
You taste iron in your mouth.
My Dearest Sister –
It has been some time since your last letter, but I have decided not to be cross. A forgiving spirit is but one of my enviable qualities and thus I have chosen to grant you a modicum of grace.
I write to you today with very exciting news. I’m in love!
His name is Chul and no, he is not of your acquaintance. It has been but three months since he and his father arrived in this village. He is frightfully handsome and best of all, prefers me to all the other young women who’ve been vying for his attention. I am the envy of the lot when we walk together in the evenings and always make sure to take the path closest to Park Myeong’s home because I know it vexes her to no end.
Dear Sister, he has asked me to marry him!
And while I suspect Father will be more than happy to see me married off in short order, I am quite certain that Mother will object. Chul is only yet a blacksmith’s apprentice but once he completes his training, he will be an expert. And I have no doubt of his ability to provide me with a comfortable life, though it will likely never meet our Mother’s exacting standards.
There is something else I must confess before I end this letter, something quite scandalous. And as I am unable to utter a word of this to anyone, I feel as though I might burst if I do not write it down. 
A wondrous new world has been opened up to me!
I understand that the private delights enjoyed between a man and woman are nothing new to you, but this discovery has been a rather thrilling one for me. Chul and I are soon to be married and I cannot find good reason to forgo the heady pleasure of an afternoon spent with his hand up my skirts. 
I will say no more, lest you faint dead away and someone find this letter next to your body.
I can barely contain my happiness. It feels as though I’m standing at the edge of my old life and preparing to dive into the new. The next time I write you, it will be to announce my formal betrothal and to share the happy news of my wedding plans. 
With love,
You fold the paper in your hands and stare blankly into the fire in the hearth, watching the flames dance as you consider every startling revelation in your sister’s letter. At this very moment you should be seated at your desk, furiously scribbling a stern missive back to your wayward Chaehee and warning her of the ruin that almost certainly lies ahead. But you cannot. You sit in your plush chair immobilized, unable to move or act or think of anything beyond her words. 
Happiness. Love. Pleasure.
Your poor sister would be aghast to discover that you know precisely nothing about any of them. That despite your status as a married woman – a Queen! – you are no more enlightened on these matters than she is. Probably less so now.
The flames in the hearth are dying by the time you finally manage to lift yourself out of that chair. You drop the letter onto the glowing embers below and watch as the paper burns bright orange and then black. 
You watch until the edges curl into themselves and the pieces turn to ash and the fire consumes it whole.
Love, it would seem, is catching these days.
Your sister is hardly the only one to fall under its spell. Everywhere you look, you see it – in the kitchens where the cooks titter about their suitors, in the laundry where the washgirls trade heated glances with the butlers. In the halls where a footman and maid break apart when you turn a corner, cheeks flushed and breaths labored as you pass. 
It’s as though love is a contagion being carried on the crisp fall air, infecting everyone who breathes it in.
Well, perhaps not everyone.
The King remains unaffected by whatever madness has come over his people. His peculiar interest in you proves to be a fleeting thing, one that wanes as life returns to routine in the days following your illness. You take up your daily morning walks and afternoon excursions to the aviary once again and the King resumes his own afternoon pursuits, vanishing at midday with such punctuality that you wonder if he’s actually being timed.
But you cannot find it in yourself to be surprised or even angry at this turn of events. In truth, there is a sense of relief that comes with the respite from your husband’s attentions. Too much time in the presence of the King muddies the waters. And in many ways you find that it is easier to live between clearly drawn lines.
But there are other lines, too. Ones that are far less clear.
Not unlike the neat line of stones that frame the path you are walking this morning. You round the curve that passes close to the stables with a basket in hand, stealing glances from beneath the brim of the hat Hyeri had insisted you wear today. Slowly, the horse pen comes into view. 
He comes into view.
It is astonishing that the man can steal your breath like this. That just one glimpse of him – lean arms crossed over his chest, brow knit in concentration, dark hair falling into his eyes – is capable of making your pulse quicken. 
You find yourself drifting off the neat stone path, body moving of its own volition in the direction of the stables. The ground beneath you, dusty and dry from weeks without rain, crunches loudly beneath your walking boots and Lord Jung turns at the sound.
The slow smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth is enough to make you lightheaded with excitement. 
But the sensation vanishes nearly as quickly as it comes on.
“I think Hoseok is in need of a wife.”
The King’s words come back to you in that moment, ringing in your ears like the steady clang of a watchtower bell. How much longer will it be before Lord Jung succumbs to the madness that’s taken over this place? How much longer before he announces his betrothal? The man could be in the throes of a grand love affair at this very minute and you would be none the wiser.
The thought makes the blood in your veins turn to ice.
“Good morning, Your Grace,” he greets kindly from his side of the fence, paying his respects with a deep bow. “This is a pleasant surprise.”
A surprise to him perhaps, but not to you. In the days since Lord Jung declared his plans to work in the stables this week, you’ve been able to think of little else. And though you’d not been entirely certain of your intentions as you’d set out for this morning’s walk, you’d become quite certain of them as soon as you’d spotted his lithe frame in the distance.
“Good morning,” you breathe, damning the blasted hat that forces you to lift your chin in order to see him properly. You raise a hand to your brow to shield your eyes from the sunlight. “I hope you do not mind this disruption. I saw new horses in the pen and could not resist the urge to stop and admire them.”
It’s a half-truth, of course, though you must admit the horses are quite beautiful. You crane your neck to take a better look at them, a pair of pretty females with small statures and amber coats. One stands patiently still as a stablehand inspects its hooves, the other trots gentle circles around a second man.
“They’re good horses,” Lord Jung says. “Docile demeanors. Fast learners. Nothing like that hellion I worked with last.” He shakes his head at the memory and you cannot help but smile. “I don’t know that I’ll ever come across another animal quite like him.”
“Well, that’s probably for the best,” you laugh and he laughs too, the honeyed sound of it making your heart soar.
“Is this visit made in haste?” He motions to the basket in your hands and you blink down at it dumbly, as though you’d forgotten it was there at all. “Or do you have time to come in and see them for yourself?”
You drop your head a bit, just enough to allow the brim of your hat to conceal the way you flush with happiness at his invitation. 
“I’m in no hurry. And I would like that very much.”
You stroke the horse’s muzzle with an open palm and the animal blinks its huge eyes, tail swaying back and forth in the wind. 
She likes you – even without your knowledge of horses you’d be able to discern that from her relaxed stance and the happy sound of her nickering. She keeps her head dropped low and you reward her obedience with a firm scratch behind her ears.
Beside you, Lord Jung works a coarse-bristled brush through the horse’s mane, stroking through the strands until they shine. It’s mesmerizing to watch him work, to watch the tendons of his strong forearms strain and the muscles ripple beneath his golden skin.
“She’s comfortable with you.”
He doesn’t take his eyes off the steady work of his hands, but your skin prickles with awareness at his casual observation. It makes you wonder what else he has taken note of when you’ve assumed his attention has been elsewhere.
“And I with her,” you return, patting the animal’s strong neck. “She reminds me of my mare back home.”
“Not in her appearance exactly,” you explain, “But in her temperament. She has a very sweet spirit.”
“That she does,” Lord Jung agrees, dropping the brush into a bucket at his feet. He reaches into his pocket to produce a small oat cake, a reward for the animal’s obedience which the horse is quick to accept.
“What is her name?”
“She doesn’t have one,” he admits, lips pursing thoughtfully. “I don’t think the King intends to keep her. I expect that he will sell them both in order to acquire a more powerful horse. One better suited to heavy labor.”
“What a shame,” you say under your breath, hand coming to rest on the bridge of the horse’s nose. She nudges you with it, urging you to resume your attentions and you oblige with a sad smile. “Not fair is it, girl? Being cast aside like that.” 
Lord Jung is quiet for a moment, long enough that you lift your head to search for him and find him already looking at you. There is something stormy swirling in his dark gaze. He quickly averts it to look away in the direction of the castle and you watch with careful curiosity as he drags a hand down his jaw before turning back to you.
“There’s a creek in the woods behind me. Do you know it?”
“I do,” you say slowly, uncertainty flooding your bloodstream. 
“Do you know how to get to the mouth of it?”
“Yes,” you admit, heart starting to beat double-time. “I do.”
“Will you meet me there tomorrow? In the afternoon. At the time you would normally visit the aviary.”
At best, the proposition is improper – and at worst, scandalous. You know very well that no married woman of good standing should ever agree to a clandestine encounter with a man who is not her husband. 
But still you answer without hesitation.
“Yes,” you whisper. “I will.”
Try as you might, sleep will not come.
You lie in the dark for what feels like an eternity, imagining shapes in the shadows cast overhead. Your entire body tingles with a nervous energy that makes it impossible to lie still or allow your mind to rest. So you toss and turn – until your bedding becomes a mess and your sheets become impossibly tangled about your limbs. Until you have no choice but to abandon the endeavor entirely and decide to shake off your blankets and climb out of bed.
You grab your shawl and sink into the chair beside the fire, pensive as you watch the embers dim and cool.
Somewhere in the belly of the hearth at your feet lies the remnants of Chaehee’s letter. The pages are little more than ash and soot by now, surely, but the words inscribed on them remain seared into your heart and mind. Impulsive as she can be – reckless as she can be – your brave little sister has still managed to secure the things you covet most in this life.
Happiness. Love. Pleasure.
They all have it, don’t they? The cooks and the washgirls and the maids. They flit about this castle like doves, preening as they exchange knowing smiles. All partaking together in some grand shared secret while you remain grounded, tethered by decorum and duty.
Well, no more.
You’ll not spend one more moment sitting idly by as the women around you do exactly as they please, paying no mind to the rules that have dictated every circumstance in your life. You’ll not devote another ounce of your energy to resenting anyone fearless enough to do the things you’ve always been too timid to attempt. 
So you tiptoe back to bed, as though any errant sound might bring every servant in the castle running to your chamber. 
You peel back the duvet and burrow back into your bedding, heart pounding in your ears. And then you slide one unsteady hand beneath the gauzy material of your nightgown and down to the apex of your thighs. Then you touch yourself – there – with a light press of your open palm.
Nothing happens. 
So you do it again – firmer – spreading your legs a bit wider and feeling for the hidden place that has produced an unexpected shock of sensation for you before. 
Nothing happens.
But you keep pressing. Again and again and again until your hips start to move of their own accord. You keep pressing until you feel a strange pulse there, the steady motion earning you an enticing friction that comes each time you rock against the heel of your hand.
You keep pressing and rocking until the feeling becomes a pleasant ache between your thighs, as frustrating as it is fascinating. Because though you find the sensation agreeable, it is nothing like what Chaehee had described to you so long ago. And though you can feel it – the promise of something more – you have no idea how to harness it. 
You have no understanding of what comes next or how to make it more.
Eventually you have no choice but to abandon that endeavor too, limbs and eyelids heavy when sleep finally comes for you. And when you submit to it, finally allow it to pull you under, your very last thought is that you will try again. 
You must.
“Is the meal not to your liking, Your Grace?”
Hyeri lifts one thin gray eyebrow as she fixes you with a strange look from across the table. She nudges the plate in front of you and you blink, rousing from your daze. 
The food is perfectly to your liking actually, the smell of the sugared toast and eggs enticing enough to make your mouth water. But your stomach is wildly unsettled this morning, already roiling beneath your skirts at the thought of seeing Lord Jung and you fear partaking in more than just a few bites of food will cause you to retch.
“No, no, not at all,” you shake your head as you collect your thoughts. “It looks delicious. But my stomach feels a bit weak this morning and I would rather not test it.”
“You’re not feeling poorly again, are you?” Hyeri asks, frowning as she reaches for the glass jar of jam between you. “Perhaps you ought to stay in bed today, allow your body to rest.”
“No.” The word flies out of your mouth with much more force and much more volume than you’d intended. Hyeri’s eyes narrow as she nibbles at the corner of a toast point.
“There’s something curious about you this morning, Your Grace,” she says slyly. “You woke up with your head in the clouds and now you’re as skittish as a colt. Is there something afoot you need to tell me about?”
A self-conscious heat rises to your cheeks. “Of course not,” you sniff.
But the skeptical look on Hyeri’s face remains intact. “You look well,” she murmurs, as though assessing the veracity of your claim to good health. Her eyes rake down the pretty walking dress you’d selected for today, one of your best. “You look very well, actually.”
Oh, you must leave this chamber at once. 
When Hyeri looks at you like this, you feel as transparent as a pane of glass. The porcelain plates and cups on top of the table rattle as you quickly get to your feet.
“You are far too kind to me, Hyeri,” you say, careful to avoid direct contact with her as you gather your shawl and basket. “Truly. And I think a morning walk is just the thing to improve my appetite.”
“But – ”
“ – I have a very busy day planned,” you say, ignoring Hyeri’s half-hearted objections as you hurry towards the chamber door. “And I may decide to visit with the Min girls, as well,” you lie, grateful to have your back turned towards your handmaid.
“But – ”
You fling the heavy door open and briefly turn in the threshold, just long enough to see Hyeri’s wide eyes and slack jaw.
“Don’t wait for me!” you insist, forcing a wide smile. “I’ll return before dinner tonight.”
You spend what remains of your morning in the aviary, alternating between attempting to read the book in your hands and staring up at the birds overhead, lost in thought.
What does Lord Jung want with you?
Contemplating the answer to that question is thrilling and terrifying in equal measure. You are in many ways – too many ways – still quite naive about the ways of men. Is he simply extending you a kindness or is there something more? The very prospect is fraught with danger.
But not even the risk of ruin is enough to stop you from seeking him out. And when the agreed-upon time for your rendezvous finally arrives, not even the threat of being discovered in a secret meeting with a man who is not your husband is enough to keep you away.
So you go to him – one careful step at a time, hiking your skirts to step over the roots dotted across the forest floor. 
As you walk, a flash of movement catches your eye and you squint at it through the thinning trees. It starts to take shape as you near, the amber color of it sparking a realization in your mind.
A horse. No – horses.
Both animals come into view as you step into the clearing – the pretty mare from the stables secured to one tree and the King’s magnificent warhorse to another. Lord Jung stands at the warhorse’s side, his delicate mouth curved into a devastating smile.
“Your Grace.”  He dips into his customary bow and you nod, incredulous as you take in the entire scene. “I thought you might like to go for a ride.”
Oh, but you would. In fact, your pulse leaps with excitement at the very suggestion. But you look down at your fine walking dress and sigh. “I would love to, truly. But I’m not dressed to ride.”
“If you think me capable of spiriting away both a pair of horses and a set of riding clothes, I’m afraid you’ve overestimated my abilities,” Lord Jung teases, causing heat to creep up the line of your back. “But the decision is entirely up to you.”
You silently scold yourself for voicing your hesitation out loud. This man has gone out of his way to offer you this opportunity, one you’ve craved since the moment you stepped foot on the King’s land. 
You want to go. You will go. 
“Well, I – “ you flush a bit as you gesture at the amber mare, then down to your long skirts. “-- I’ll need some help getting onto her, you see.”
Lord Jung’s dark eyes crinkle with amusement.
“Yes, of course.”
The ride is glorious. 
You’ll be saddle sore tomorrow, no doubt, but today you can only think of how free you feel riding on top of your amber mare. She’s an ideal mount for you, both in size and demeanor and you find that she follows your cues exceptionally well.
You follow Lord Jung’s lead through parts of the Kingdom you’ve never seen before — green hills and rolling fields dotted with wildflowers. And when you arrive at a particularly open stretch of land, you urge your mount to move faster and she complies, taking you from an easy trot to a gallop with surprising speed. 
But soon – far too soon – it’s time to rest the horses.
Lord Jung helps you down from your mount, his hands firm about your waist as he carefully sets you on the ground. Surely it is only your imagination that he holds you just a bit too close and for just a bit too long. You breathe him in – take in his masculine scent of leather and sweat. 
Being this close to the man scrambles your wits.
You let go of a breath when he breaks away from you to rifle through the contents of his bag. Within moments, he produces a skin of water and two apples, one of which you happily accept as the two of you sit down amongst the wildflowers to rest.
“This has been a wonderful afternoon, My Lord,” you say genuinely. “I hadn’t realized just how much I missed riding.”
“You’re good at it,” he compliments kindly, tipping his head back to take a drink. “And the two of you pair well together. She responds to you quite naturally.”
“Yes, I believe she does,” you agree, looking over your shoulder to where both horses are tethered. “And Jeonsa? He seems to do quite well with you. Is he biddable for the King, as well?”
Lord Jung puts on an amused expression and shakes his head.
“The relationship between horse and rider is a bit like courtship. Let’s just say the King has a bit more courting to do.”
The two of you share a laugh. 
“Thank you My Lord,” you say after a while, “Truly, for all of this. I don’t know that anyone has ever gone to such trouble for me.”
Lord Jung’s dark eyes snap up to meet yours. There’s something puzzling about his gaze, something entirely at odds with your sincere statement of thanks. 
“I wonder if I might ask you something of a personal nature, Your Grace.”
Your nails immediately curl into the fine material of your skirts, the pressure turning your knuckles white. But you are careful to keep your expression calm.
“Yes of course,” you say with a strained laugh. “Though I may decide not to divulge my answer.”
He looks away from you then, reaching for a long blade of grass at his feet. His expression inscrutable as he plucks it and begins to worry the blade between his fingers.
“Are you unhappy here?”
You take in a sharp breath. The question is far too personal, far too intimate to be proper in any way. But you find yourself answering it – truthfully – because he’s caught you so off guard you have no choice but to respond with candor.
“Some days,” you admit quietly. “But not today.”
Lord Jung says nothing for a while and the blade of grass between his fingers eventually breaks apart. He throws it down and reaches for another.
“The King is by no means perfect, Your Grace,” he starts, pausing as though he’s giving great thought to each word. “But he is a brother to me in all but blood. I’ve spent the better part of my life at his side. He’s a good man.”
The hairs at the nape of your neck stand on end.
Is this why he’s brought you here today? To make a case on behalf of the King? Your cheeks heat at the thought of every silly notion you’d entertained otherwise.
“Did he ask you to do this?” you demand, “Did he tell you to speak to me?”
“No.” His answer is firm, immediate. “No, I swear it. But I know that you have been unhappy since coming here and I just ask that you give His Grace a chance to make things right.”
You’ll hear none of it. The magic of the afternoon is gone now, the entire outing tainted by this tense exchange. By this reminder that Lord Jung’s loyalties lie with your husband, and that any kindness he’s shown you is little more than an extension of his service to the King. 
What a fool you’ve been. 
“You needn’t defend the King,” you say tightly, getting to your feet and dusting your hands off on your skirts. “I assure you, he has no shortage of people to come to his defense. And I think we should go now.”
“Your Grace, “ Lord Jung is on his feet now, too. “By no means would I ever want to upset you.”
It’s far too late for that, you think – the disappointment so acute it makes you want to double over. You turn your back to him and stalk off towards your mount, blinking back the angry tears that threaten.
“I’m not explaining myself well,” he insists, following you and taking firm hold of your arm.  He turns you to face him. “I mean only to say that I know the King to be a good man. But even good men are weak to certain temptations.”
“And you, Lord Jung?” 
You challenge him without thinking, the words flying out of your mouth before you can stop them. “What temptation are you weak to?”
The man’s dark eyes glint dangerously as he regards you for a moment, jaw tight.
“You’re right, Your Grace,” he says at last. “It’s time to go.”
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thank you thank you thank you for reading this story. i'd love to hear what you thought and you can find me here 💕💕💕
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698 notes · View notes
starks-hero · 3 years
What Is and What Should Never Be
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader
Summary: Loki is forced to watch both his past and his future and only realises what he had once it's gone.
Word Count: 2,015
Warnings: Angst, major spoilers for 1x01 of Loki!
a/n: I had to write this because I am so not okay after episode one and I need to vent somehow so voila. Spoilers below!
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“What is this?” Loki scoffed as the screen in front of him whirled to life.
“A sample of your greatest hits, if I may.”
Mobius flipped a switch on his machine and a clear image of the Avengers lit up the screen. Loki sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, his irritation reaching its limits. He didn't know how much more of this idiocy he could take.
Footage of the attack on New York and the death of Phil Coulson filled the screen and Loki watched on with a glare.
“Do you enjoy hurting people?” Mobius asked and the god raised his head to glower at the agent.
“Your games don't frighten me. I know what I am,” Loki replied calmly.
“A murderer?”
“A liberator,” he countered.
Mobius scoffed. “Of eyeballs maybe.” What Loki recognised as his attack on Germany replayed in front of them. “Look at that smile, you're enjoying it. Did you enjoy hurting them?”
Loki shook his head. “I don't have to play these games, I'm a god.”
Mobius reclined in his chair with a quiet chuckle. He looked Loki over and when his menacing glare didn't falter, he sighed. “Alright, looks like someone needs a little humbling.”
The tape began to rewind and Loki lowered his gaze to his hands, not bothering to watch. He noticed Mobius stopping the footage from across the table with a quiet ‘here we go.’
The new voice on-screen caused Loki's head to snap up and his eyes widened when he saw you. You were stood in front of him, a bright smile adorning your face. You looked so real he could almost reach out and touch you.
“You remember her don't you?” Mobius asked with a smirk. Loki didn't answer, his eyes still fixed on the screen. He recalled the memory. It was the day of Thor's coronation, the day he was supposed to become king.
“If you're late your brother is going to kill you,” you continued with a smirk as you lifted Loki's horned helmet from a nearby table and handed it to him.
Loki watched as his past self, younger and far less burdened, stepped back and allowed you to take in his appearance.
“How do I look?”
“All eyes will be on your brother, Loki. As much as I may appreciate it, there's no need for you to dress to impress.”
Loki's past self chuckled. “I know. But honestly,” his voice became slightly timider. “How do I look?”
Your smile didn't falter as you gently traced his jaw with your hand and placed a chaste kiss against his lips. “Like a prince.”
“Oh, that's sweet,” Mobius commented as he took a swig of his soda and Loki bit his lip, drawing his eyes away from the screen.
“Why are you showing me this?”
Mobius didn't answer, flicking a switch on the machine as the footage began to fast forward.
“Let's keep going,” he said plainly.
Loki immediately remembered the day that was now beginning to play on the screen in front of him. It was the day he discovered everything he'd known was a lie. The day that changed him and set him on the path that led him to this very moment. He watched as the version of himself on screen lifted the jötun casket and exhaled in horror when his hands and arms turned blue. After his confrontation with Odin, he watched as his past self fled to your chambers, barely keeping his composure.
“Loki,” you said as you opened the door to your room, knowing something wasn't right the moment your eyes landed on him. You ushered him inside with a gentle hand on his back. “What's wrong?”
The moment the door shut, his arms wrapped around you and he broke. Loki turned away from the screen, not particularly wanting to re-watch one of his most vulnerable moments. He heard the conversation that took place on-screen and recalled how you'd asked him to show you his true form. Loki kept his eyes trained on the table in front of him.
“Look at me,” your voice ordered quietly from the screen and Loki couldn't help but comply, it was almost instinctive. He glanced up at you and his hardened expression softened when he saw the memory play out. He stood shamefully in his true form, skin blue and eyes red. Yet you cradled his cheek, staring at him with no hint of fear or repulsion. A soft smile pulled at your lips. “Loki, look at me.”
His past self finally gave in and raised his head to look at you. You gently traced his cheek with your thumb and Loki's eyes slid shut.
“You're beautiful,” you said quietly and Loki felt his chest tighten as he watched on from his seat. “And I'm not afraid of you. I could never be afraid of you.”
He watched as you pulled him into an embrace, the image freezing on-screen as Mobius paused the footage.
“She really was the best thing that happened to you, wasn't she?”
Loki shook his head as he pointed to the screen. “That is private. And I don't see how it is relevant either.”
“You were different with her,” Mobius stated plainly. “You weren't the big and scary Loki that wanted to take over the universe and rule everything. You were happy, content even.”
“That's enough,” Loki bit out but Mobius didn't stop.
“So why didn't you listen to her when she told you to stand down and not attack earth?”
“That is none of your concern.” Loki hated how his voice wavered, knowing his emotion had given him away. He didn't have a choice. He attacked Midgard because there was no other alternative. After the Jötun attack he coordinated on Asgard, he was convinced he'd lost you. You couldn't possibly love him after what he'd done. That's why he'd let go of the Bifrost. He had nothing left to lose. And it was also why all the memories Mobius was forcing him to relive cut so deep. He didn't need a reminder of what he'd lost.
“Alright, let's skip ahead a little shall we?”
Mobius flipped the switch on the machine again and a new image filled the screen. You and Loki stood facing each other, hand in hand and smiling lovingly. The memory was unfamiliar and Loki couldn't pinpoint when it had occurred. He slowly stood from his seat and approached the screen.
“What is this?”
“That's the night of your wedding,” Mobius stated and Loki's brows creased as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
“We never married.”
“Not you, not yet. This is your future, Loki. What would have happened had you stayed in your timeline.” Mobius explained, tinkering with the machine so that multiple other images were pulled up on screen. All moments Loki was yet to live. “She forgave you for what you did on earth, stood by you when Odin had you locked up, fought alongside you. And then,”
Loki's heart threatened to stop when the mad titan Thanos appeared on the screen.
“W-what is this?” Loki asked, watching intently. He watched in horror as you, bloody and beaten, stood your ground against Thanos, refusing to back down. Freezing you in place with the power of an infinity stone, Thanos accepted a blade from one of his henchmen and Loki shook his head, refusing to accept what he knew was coming. A horrified shout left his lips as the blade pierced your body. Tears fell freely from his eyes when he saw your terrified expression as you died slowly, painfully.
He stumbled away from the screen and turned to Mobius. “What have you done to her?”
“We haven't done anything.”
“Where are you keeping her? Where is she?!” Loki yelled, his voice straining and his cheeks dampened with tears.
“She's dead, Loki,” Mobius explained simply. “Thanos found the Asgardian ship and he killed her. She died defending you.”
“No, you're lying! It's not real, that's not real,” Loki growled, pointing at the screen that held the image of your lifeless body. “This is just another trick, a cruel illusion.”
“That is the proper flow of time. It's what was, what is and what will always be. Loki, she's gone. Had you not taken the tesseract from Asgard Thanos wouldn't have found you.” Mobius shrugged. “You lead him right to her.”
“Stop it!”
“Let me ask you again, do you enjoy hurting people? Do you enjoy killing?” Mobius pried, watching as Loki turned to him with a vicious glare. He was torn between anger and heartbreak, both feelings battling for dominance.
“I'll kill you.”
“Just like you killed her?” Mobius rivalled quickly and Loki grabbed his chair, throwing it across the room and through the screen. Mobius only barely dodged the piece of furniture.
“I don't believe you. She's safe on Asgard!” Loki yelled, still in complete denial. Mobius simply shook his head.
“She was in 2012. But either way, sooner or later, she dies because of you. And it happens over and over again because it's supposed to, it has to. The TVA makes sure of it.”
Loki's glare became murderous as he began to stalk towards Mobius, but one turn of the time twister and he was sent back to the desk, falling to the floor beside it. He glanced up at Mobius and then the screen, his anger melting into sadness. His breathing became laboured as more tears blurred his vision.
“You weren't born to be king, Loki. You were born to cause pain and suffering. Everyone you love dies. Your mother, Y/N. Do you think that's a coincidence? You breed chaos everywhere you go and others pay the price.”
“Stop it,” Loki begged quietly. “Please just stop it.”
Mobius stood by, slight guilt taking hold of him as he watched the once arrogant god sit broken in front of him. He offered Loki his hand and after a moment, he accepted the offer and pulled himself to his feet.
Mobius watched him sympathetically, realising he may have just pushed Loki a little too far.
“Are you alright?”
Loki didn't answer. He wordlessly looked back at the screen before the horrifying image he was met with caused him to quickly look away.
“You said that this is the future,” Loki started quietly and Mobius nodded. “But the Y/N from my timeline, she's still alive?”
“Right now, yes she's alive.”
Loki swallowed. “If I help you, you said that you'd get me out of here?”
Mobius' expression fell when he realised what Loki's plan was. “Loki, you can't change anything. If there's even the slightest chance I can get you back to your timeline and that a big if, she'll still die the same death. It's inevitable.”
“I know.”
Loki's words sent Mobius back on his heels slightly. He expected Loki's plan to consist of going back for you and then attempting to rewrite history. Breaking the timeline completely just so that he could live out his life with you. But he appeared to have accepted that it wasn't possible. He knew he couldn't save you. He simply wanted more time.
Mobius nodded as he realised just how much you meant to Loki. That you were the one thing that he was willing to do anything for. He didn't question him any further, instead, he gently clasped him on the shoulder.
“Okay, let's get to work.”
Mobius crossed the room and stopped at the door, patiently waiting. Loki took a moment to compose himself before clearing his throat and following the TVA agent. Before he left the room, Loki turned and glanced back at the screen. The footage had changed. It now played a memory from many years ago. Of both of you, huddled up in Loki's chamber, reading and enjoying each others company. You were grinning and laughing and despite the ache it caused in Loki's chest, he couldn't help but smile sadly at the sight.
He was going to do everything he could to get back to you. Regardless of what it would take.
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tag list: @miraclesoflove​ @bakerstreethound​​ @doozywoozy​​ @leftperfectionmoon​​ @nahthanks​​ @the-queer-dungeoneer​​
4K notes · View notes
rckflg · 2 years
enjoy :) hope you like this free food
i will link each character’s masterlist in this post
han solo
princess leia
luke skywalker
padme amidala
anakin skywalker
obi wan kenobi
kylo ren
general hux
poe dameron
rose tico
boba fett 
fennec shand
din djarin
paz vizsla
cobb vanth
harry potter
hermione granger
ron weasley
ginny weasley
george weasley
fred weasley
charlie weasley
bill weasley
neville longbottom
oliver wood
seamus finnegan
dean thomas
cedric diggory
luna lovegood
cho chang
fleur delacour
pansy parkinson
viktor krum
voldemort/tom riddle
bellatrix lestrange
fenrir greyback
lucius malfoy
narcissa malfoy
igor karkaroff
barty crouch sr
barty crouch jr
professor severus snape
alastor moody
sirius black
remus lupin
nymphador tonks
newt scamander
theseus scamander
black widow / natasha romanov
yelena belova
hulk / bruce banner
antman / scott lang
tasm!spiderman / peter parker
hawkeye / clint barton
hawkeye / kate bishop
echo / maya lopez
daredevil / matt murdock
mobius m. mobius
deadpool / wade wilson
negasonic teenage warhead / ellie phimister
cable / nathan summers
domino / neena thurman
storm / ororo munroe
mystique / raven darkholm
wolverine / james howlett / logan
rogue / anna marie
phoenix / jean grey
cyclops / scott summers
havok / alex summers
jubilee / jubilation lee
banshee / sean cassidy
quicksilver / pietro maximoff
angel / warren worthington
x-23 / laura kinney
magik / illyana rasputina
wolfsbane / rahne sinclair
mirage / dani moonstar
nightcrawler / kurt wagner
magneto / erik lensher
please let me know which version of the x-men characters you would like me to write for when requesting
harley quinn
black canary
renee montoya
victor zsasz
harley quinn
rick flag
captain boomerang
polka-dot man
ratcatcher 2
merry brandybuck
pippin took
bilbo baggins
thorin oakenshield
michael emerson
ace merill
denny lachance
eyeball chambers
billy tessio
carlisle cullen
esme cullen
alice cullen
jasper hale
rosalie hale
emmett cullen
edward cullen
bella swan
charlie swan
billy black
jacob black
seth clearwater
leah clearwater
paul lahote
sam uley
eliot waugh
quentin coldwater
julia wicker
alice quinn
margo hansen
penny adiyodi
kady orloff-diaz
mariana andrieski
henry fogg
vanessa ives
ethan chandler
dorian gray
brona croft
victor frankenstein
vanya hargreeves
klaus hargreeves
luther hargreeves
allison hargreeves
diego hargreeves
ben hargreeves
lila pitts
CHARMED (1998)
piper halliwell
pheobe halliwell
prue halliwell
paige halliwell
leo wyatt
cole turner
CHARMED (2018)
macy vaughn
mel vera
maggie vera
harry greenwood
abigael cain
niko hamada
tommy shelby
john shelby
arthur shelby
ada shelby
finn shelby
polly gray
alfie solomons
luca changretta
aberama gold
bonnie gold
johnny dogs
jim hopper
joyce byers
dr alexei
robin buckley
steve harrington
billy hargrove
max mayfield
fiona gallagher
ian gallagher 
carl gallagher
debbie gallagher
lip gallagher
mickey milkovich 
kevin ball
veronica fisher
male!reader platonic &/or smut & fem!platonic!reader only for ian & mickey
spencer reid
penelope garcia
luke alvez
aaron hotchner
elle greenway
kate callahan
rhycroft philostrate
vignette stonemass
nick burkhardt
hank griffin
captain sean renard
seargent wu
rosalee calvert
adalind schade
vic mcqueen
maggie leigh
tabitha hutter
9th doctor
10th doctor
11th doctor
12th doctor
13th doctor
missy / gomez!master
rose tyler
yazmin khan
river song
bill potts
captain jack harkness
toshiko sato
owen harper
the mandalorian / din djarin
javier pena
maxwell lord
whiskey / jack daniels
dave york
fransisco ‘catfish’ morales
marcus moreno
poe dameron
nathan (ex machina)
apocalypse / en sabah nur
kane (annihilation)
gomez addams ; platonic!reader or familial!reader only
rick flag
takeshi kovacs
pete koslow
erik heller
stephen holder
ed baldwin
tasm!spiderman / peter parker
434 notes · View notes
thoushallnotfall · 2 years
No Good
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Pairing: Ace Merrill x Chambers!Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Notes: I’ve been sick lately, so you know ya girls been binging all her favorite comfort movies. Every time I watch Stand By Me I think to myself ‘I need to write for Ace; the love of my life.’ And now here we are.
This uh...this got kind of heavy for a minute there. It's angsty that's for sure, but I mean we get some good fluff at the end? So...yay?
Let me know if you’re interested in any more Ace fics! ❤️
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
"That’s enough Ace!” You yell as you run across the street. “Let him go!”
Ace Merrill, local gang leader and world-class jerk, was currently pinning your little brother to the ground.
“Aw, how sweet--is big sister here to rescue you?” Ace taunts your brother as he holds a lit cigarette up to his face.
“Beat it y/n; this is none of your business.” Richie, your older brother, says as you approach.
“Of course it's my business when your friend is threatening our little brother!" You snap. "Now get off him Ace! I'm not kidding around here." You warn, looking down at the blonde. He smirks.
"Oh yeah?” He says, standing up to look you in the eyes. “You gonna do something about it sweetheart?" You stare him down as Chris, now free, jumps up and goes to stand by his friend Gordie. Ace smirks as you glare at him, and you roll your eyes as you turn to your brother, checking him over for any injuries.
"You okay?" You ask, hand going up to push back the wisps of hair on his forehead as you look over his face for any cuts or burns. He quickly pushes your hand away.
"I'm fine y/n, stop fussing." Chris says, though there isn’t much fight in it. You sigh as you look down at him, looking far more mature and world-weary than any 12 year old should. Your concern for you brother ebbed, it was quickly replaced with a tide of anger. You put your hands on your hips as you turn to Ace and Ritchie.
“Uh oh Eyeball--I think she’s mad at us.” Ace jokes as Ritchie laughs. You scowl.
“What’s wrong with the two of you, huh? Do you get off on picking on a couple kids that can’t fight back or what?” You ask as you scowl at them.
“Listen Y/N, my friend here was only politely askin’ Chris to take back an insult he so rudely threw Ace's way. That’s all.” Richie replied, smirking as he places his arm on Ace’s shoulder.
“You know you should really teach that brother of yours some manners y/n.” Ace adds with a smirk.
“That’s bullshit!” Chris says behind you, and you turned to look at him. “I called him an asshole because he stole Gordie’s hat!” You turn back around and see the hat in question, now sitting on top of Ritchie’s curly head. “Gordie’s brother gave him that hat! They can't have it!” Chris adds, and your frown deepens. Everyone knew what happened to Dennis Lachance; that hat probably meant a lot to his little brother.
“Eyeball, did you see me steal anything?” Ace asks Richie with a smirk.
“No way Ace--the kid gave it to you.” Ritchie responds.
“That’s a lie!” Gordie yells as he stares daggers at Ace.
“This is ridiculous; just give the hat back Ritchie.” You say as you move to take the hat off your bother’s head. Ace snatches it before you have the chance.
“Now hold on a minute,” Ace says as he holds the hat up just above your reach. “The kid gave me this hat--it’s mine, fair and square.”
“Stop fooling around and just give me the hat Ace.” You say as you jump up to snatch it from his hand. He moves it away from you at the last second as he smiles. He leans forward, invading your space.
“What’ll you give me for it?” He asks, looking you over with his icy blue eyes. You glare back at him.
“You know damn well I don’t have anything to give you.” You say, annoyed beyond the point of caring about manners.
“Oh--hardly ladylike of you y/n, cursing at me like that.” Ace replies sarcastically.
“Shut up and just tell me what you want.” You shoot back. He laughs.
“Feisty as always I see.” He smiles. “I like that.” He holds the hat out to you. “Go out with me tonight and you can have it.” The two of you stare each other down, while Ritchie looks over at his friend in surprise.
“Hey come on Ace--that’s gross man, she’s my sister!" Ritchie says, looking horrified at the idea.
“Don’t do it y/n--who knows what he’ll do to you.” Chris pleads behind you. You and Ace ignore them as you glare at him and he stares back with a crooked grin on his face.
“Fine.” You agree.
“Y/N!” Chris exclaims in shock. Ace's smile widens with satisfaction.
“But you give Gordie his hat back now.” You add.
“If I give the kid the hat now, how will I know you’ll hold up your end of the deal?” Ace asks.
“Unlike some people, I’m not a liar.” You say. He stares back at you, before laughing.
“Alright, deal.” He says, offering you the hat which you quickly grab from his hand. “I’ll pick you up at 8.” He says as he turns to walk away; Ritchie looking between you and Ace before he runs off to join his friend.
You glare at their retreating backs until they turn the corner. You turn to Chris and Gordie, both of them looking at you mournfully. You smile at them, offering the hat to Gordie.
“Here, I think this is yours.” He looks down as he takes the hat from you.
“You didn’t have to do that.” He says as he hugs the hat close to his chest.
“You know usually, when someone does something nice for you, you thank them.” You say, smiling as you lightly ruffle his hair.
“R-right. Sorry--I mean, thank you.” He says, putting the hat back on his head with a small smile.
“What were you thinking y/n?” Chris cuts in, clearly upset. “You know what that asshole could do to you?” He asks, looking at you with concern. You just smile back.
“You don’t have to try and protect me Chris--I’m the big sister, remember?” You remind him. “Listen, don’t worry about Ace; I can handle him.”
“But--!” He tries to argue.
“That’s enough now.” You cut him off. “I’m a Chambers--we’re made of tougher stuff, right?” He sighs, looking at the ground.
“Yeah.” He agrees, before lifting his head. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.” You laugh.
“I promise.” You say. “Now, it looks like you two have somewhere to be.” You say, eyeing their sleeping bags. “Go have fun, and don’t worry so much.”
You watch them leave as Chris waves back at you. You return the wave, watching them until they were out of sight. The boys no longer visible, you let out a long sigh.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, wondering just exactly what you’d gotten yourself into, before turning on your heels and heading for home.
It was all well and good to say you that you’d be fine--it was another thing entirely to actually back that up. You'd know Ace for a long time, and while you didn't think he would do anything to you, there was always that lingering chance you were wrong.
That evening you lie to your parents and say you’re going with a friend to the movies, before leaving to wait a little ways down the road. You didn’t even want to think about what your dad would do if he found out you were going out with a boy--especially one like Ace.
While you're thinking about the potential consequences of getting caught in a lie while also being out with a boy, the boy in question pulls up next to you on the street. Surprisingly, he's on time.
“So excited you couldn’t even wait inside, huh y/n?” He asks with a smile. You roll your eyes.
“Cute.” You reply sarcastically as you get in the passengers seat. “You know my dad; he would kill us both if he saw me leaving with you.”
“He could try.” Ace jokes, though you had a feeling it was said more genuinely than he let on.
“Let’s just go before anyone sees us.” You reply.
“Yes ma’am.” He says, driving off into the night.
Neither of you say much on your way to the diner. Your thoughts drifted between how much trouble you’d be in if Ace didn't get you back at a decent time, and thoughts of Ace himself. You’d know him for a long time--before he was Ace. Back then he was just John; the troubled kid from school your brother palled around with.
You were younger than Chris is now when you'd first met him. You were shy as a child, and you didn't understand why people treated you differently. Now you know of course--everyone knew the Chambers were a bad family. So there's no way your deadbeat dad could raise anything but deadbeat kids. The three of you were bad seeds going nowhere fast. As far as Castle Rock was concerned, you were all no good.
Since good mothers didn't like their kids hanging around with anyone from the Chambers family, you never did have many friends growing up. Instead, you followed Ritchie around like a duckling; despite his constant complaints about it.
And that's how you met Ace. He and your brother constantly picked on you or would leave you behind when they ran off to play, but you didn't care. You would take anything over being alone. And sometimes, in those rare moments when you and Ace were left alone together, you saw a different side of him. When he wasn't trying to act out for his friends, when he wasn't showing off or acting tough. He was almost vulnerable then, a bit unsure of himself, and more than anything you remember how sometimes, he could even be kind.
The moments were always so few and far between that every time it surprised you; that he could be nice to someone, and that the someone was always you. You wondered sometimes if anyone else had ever seen that side of him, or if those fleeting moments of sweetness were reserved just for you.
Now more than ever you wondered if that side of him was still buried somewhere inside him, or if he'd let it die along with his name--strangled down deep in the darkness of his heart.
You pull into the diner, the lights from it's neon sign washing the parking lot in a soft, red glow. Ace parks his convertible and a carhop quickly comes out to take your orders before hurrying back inside. Ace pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the top pocket of his shirt as you turn to him.
"Okay, what's your game?" You ask point blank.
"What do you mean?" He asks back, pulling a cigarette from the pack and placing it lightly between his lips before putting the pack away. He lights it, quickly snapping the lighter shut as he takes a long drag.
"I mean, what are you trying to accomplish from all this?" You throw your arms out to vaguely gesturing around you. "Because if you think you'll be getting anything from me tonight you've got another thing coming." Ace throws his head back as he laughs, the cigarette glowing faintly between his fingers.
"I'm serious--I know you Ace Merrill, and I know when you're going with a girl you're only after one thing." You say as you look over at his profile. He takes another puff from his cigarette, slowly blowing out a cloud of smoke. He smiles at you as he ashes over the side of the car.
"Well damn, it sounds like you got me all figured out sweetheart." He says, smirking as he turns his head to look at you. "And yet you still agreed to come out with me tonight, so what do you know about that?" You scowl.
"I was coerced and you know it! Like I'd willingly agree to go out with you." You huff, crossing your arms as you slide down in your seat.
"Ouch--that's not a very nice thing to say y/n." He says sarcastically, still smiling.
"As if you have any room to talk." You snap back. "You're a jerk to everyone you meet."
"Funny, I don't recall ever being a jerk to you." He responds. You open your mouth to argue, then stop.
When was the last time he'd actually been mean to you? Had he ever, really? Sure, there was his general abrasive attitude and his sarcastic jokes--but had he ever, genuinely said something meant to hurt you?
"See, you can't think of anything. Admit it, I have always been good to you." He says, a triumph grin on his face.
"Good might be an exaggeration--and anyway that hardly matters. You not being a total jerk to one person doesn't change the fact that you're a bully to everyone else." You counter, sitting up as you speak. "I mean, just look at how you were treating my brother today!"
"Listen, the kid's gotta learn sometime how harsh life is; I'm doing him a favor teaching him how the world works." He says, flicking the butt of his cigarette out into the parking lot.
"A favor?" You repeat. "All you're doing is making life harder for a good kid who already has it hard enough." You slump back down as you sigh, looking down at the dashboard. "Trust me, he doesn't need a lesson about how hard life can be." You say more to yourself than to him.
Ace eyes you from the driver's seat, but before he can say anything the food arrives and the moment passes.
You eat your burgers and fries, talking about nothing in particular. Ace is his usual, rough self, but you grow a little more comfortable as you talk. Mostly you bicker back and forth, the whole conversation one small argument after another. Still, it wasn't an uncomfortable atmosphere to be in.
You talked to Ace less now than you did as kids, but you fell back into step like you still spent everyday together. His usual goading and pestering, and in return your typical annoyed response. Maybe you seemed like you weren't enjoying the conversation, but in truth you didn't mind. If anything, as much as you would hate to admit it, you almost missed talking to him like this. Not worrying about his gang or your brother or whatever anyone else thought about it.
Just two old friends talking like they'd never lost touch in the first place--though you'd sooner swallow your own tongue than say any of that to his face.
After you finished eating Ace told you he wanted to take you somewhere. You were a little worried about the time--or where in God's name he was planning on taking you--but it's not like you really had a say in the matter. Ace pulled out of the diner and headed out of town without a word of input from you. He soon turned on a country road that started to go up, and before you knew it you were parked on a cliff side out in the wilderness. From your spot above the world, you could see the lights of Castle Rock surrounded by a blanket of darkness.
You scowl over at Ace.
"Are you serious? I told you--"
"Just shut up and get out of the car, would ya?" He says, jumping out the side of the convertible. He moves around and grabs a small metal cooler from the floorboards behind the driver's seat. You watch him suspiciously as he heads to the front of the car, getting up to sit on the hood.
"You coming or what?" He asks, looking back at you as he sets the cooler down.
"Fine--but you better not try anything funny." You warn, getting out of the car. You hop up on top of the hood, cautiously sliding up to the back. You pull your knees up and wrapping your skirt around your legs, hugging them to your chest.
"Relax already. If I was gonna try something I would've done it in the car." He tells you as he opens the ice chest to grab a beer. He pulls out a Swiss Army knife and opens it up, using the bottle opener to pop the top off the bottle. He offers it to you, and--after a moment of contemplation--you slowly take it. He quickly works on getting himself one as you take a sip.
He takes a swig of his beer as he looked out over the scenery in front of you. It was a nice view. The two of you sat for awhile, just silently enjoying the scenery while you drank.
"Nice view, huh?" He says absently after a long while.
"Yeah, it is."
"Reminds me just how small this town really is." He takes another drink from his beer as he talks. "Can you picture being somewhere like New York City? You could go all the way up in the tallest skyscraper they got and look out, and you would still never see the end of it. Can you imagine living somewhere that big? Where no one knows you?" He asks.
"No, I can't." You answer honestly.
"There's trains that can take you further and faster than any car, boats that can take you around the world, and now they got planes that can fly you through the sky." He takes another drink. "All that, and I'm still gonna die in this shit town." He says, looking out over the lights of Castle Rock with contempt. You look over at him, staring quietly at his handsome face. You knew what he meant, how he felt. You felt it too.
"You don't have to. You could leave, go someplace else. Somewhere new." You say. He laughs through his nose.
"Yeah, go where?" He asks.
"Anywhere." You reply. He smiles, though there's no humor in it.
"Let's be real y/n; some people just weren't meant to leave." He finishes his beer as he smirks. "We both know the only way I'm getting out is behind six feet of concrete or laying six feet under--whichever comes first." He throws his bottle hard, and it disappears over the side of the rocks down into the trees.
You had never heard him be so introspective before. Then again, you felt similar. You were sure a lot of kids from Castle Rock did, but none of you talked about it so openly like this.
"Things don't have to be that way." You say quietly. "You could change--try to be better." He laughs.
"Yeah, sure. I'll get right on that." He replies sarcastically.
"You could!" You say with more force. "I have!" You say, turning away. "I mean, I'm trying." You say, sighing. You take a long, full drink of your beer, tossing the bottle out into the darkness.
"You think I want to be stuck here forever? Just to end up like my mom? Married to some piece of shit who beats me when he's angry, and he's always angry." You start to tear up, but you keep going; your eyes looking down at you knees. "Too afraid to leave, too afraid to stop him from taking it out on our kids. Always afraid, always hurting--miserable until the day I die. And then I still won't escape because they'll bury me in the dirt of this town where I'll be trapped forever, and a tombstone will be all that's left of me. The only reminder that I lived and died here--and for what?"
There were tears running down your face, which you quickly whipped away with the back of your sleeve. You looked back over at him, his face was a mask, hiding any hint of emotion.
"I refuse to let this place swallow me whole. I don't care what they say about my family--I'm going to be better. I'll get out of here even if it kills me, and then no one will tell me I'm no good ever again." You say with more resolve. He looks over at you for a long, quite moment, then cracks a smile.
"Listen, you point me to the assholes telling you that, and we'll just see how good they are at name-calling when they've got broken jaws." He jokes. You can't help but laugh in spite of yourself.
"You see? That's the kind of thing that's gonna get you in trouble." You reply, smiling over at him. He shrugs.
"What can I say? A tiger can't change his stripes."
"Tigers are still just cats you know. Yeah, they're big, but they're only fierce when they need to be. And just like house cats, they can also be sweet." He laughed at that.
"Yeah, just imagine me--sweet."
"You could be, if you tried." You say, smiling at him.
"Oh really? But I thought I was a jerk? Or was it a bully?." He says as he smiles over at you. You playfully punch his arm as he laughs.
"You are a jerk and a bully." You reply. "But I also know you can be nice if you really wanna be."
"Oh yeah? That's something you know, huh?" He says, leaning in a little. "And who exactly do I got to be nice to?"
"Well, you could try being nice to me." You answer.
"So, how exactly would you like me to be nice to you?" He asks, looking at you with a playful smirk.
"You could start by laying off my little brother and his friends." You say sweetly. He throws his head back as he laughs.
"Oh is that all?" He asks, looking back down at you. "And what exactly do I get if I do?"
"You're not supposed to expect a reward for being nice." You tell him. "But," You pause as you lean a little closer. "If you're nice to me, maybe I'll be nice to you." He smiles, his eyes glancing down to your lips.
"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?" He asks.
"Mhmm." You smile.
"You drive a hard bargain sweetheart, but," He leans forward. "You got yourself a deal."
You smile and close your eyes as you feel his lips meet yours. His hand moves up to cup your cheek as he deepens the kiss. Your heart was pounding like a drum in your chest and for a few, sweet moments, everything else disappeared. It was just you and Ace--no Castle Rock, no worries about the future, just the two of you together. Strange how a kiss with the right person can make you see stars, when all you saw before was the darkness.
You pull back and look at him.
"I mean it about the kids though--we're over if I find out after all this that you've still been giving them a hard time." You say. He rolls his eyes.
"Yeah I get it, I promise--now quit harping and come here." He said, pulling you to his chest as he leaned down to kiss you again.
You weren't sure what the future would look like for you or Ace; but you knew right here, right now, this is exactly where you wanted to be.
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weemsicallygay · 2 years
random viper headcanons (x reader too)
There isn't really much Viper x Reader, specifically female/feminine readers, out there but as the queen said— if you want something done right, do it yourself.
some of these i got from watching the viper's tale animation, and some of these are my personal headcanons as a viper main and a fanfic writer <3
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- viper most likely sleeps with one pillow not because of comfort, but to make sure she feels the opposite. it's something to keep her on her feet, the only way for her to stay in bed and indulge in oversleeping is when she's badly wounded and when she ABSOLUTELY have to.. usually that's when sage tries to wall her in her bedroom or wall her lab door closed.
- all her clothes and sheets are black and green mainly for aesthetic reasons, it's easier to clean and easier to disappear in. also hey, it suits her a lot
- she probably doesn't like to wear much clothing when sleeping since she doesn't really need to be that comfortable. as long as it covers her up and she can move in it, it's fine with her.
- i'm guessing she lives in a compund-like building with the other members of the team. imagine tony stark/avengers tower type shit where they all have their respective floors, except she gets her own floor since she's one of the people who founded the valorant protocol. only hers is at the top, not the very top, but enough to give her a sense of security and power when looking down the tower.
- she wakes up before or exactly at 5am, she doesn't like to rely on her alarm clock just in case she needs to sleep somewhere where she doesn't have the luxury of hearing that annoying blearing sound.
- sabine's perfected her coffee blend to the point where her body's grown accustomed to it. though she has a huge jar of coffee beans just like everyone else, she has a separate shelf of test tubes filled with the amount of coffee beans she needs.
- she probably takes an hour to make her coffee, and another to fully drink it
- of course in true viper fashion, she's cooped up in her lab everyday. the only times she comes out is when the younger agents finally ask brimstone to tell her to eat some of sage's cooking or neon's cooking
- from the animation, she most likely has a pet viper. she named it bean as a hint to her name.
- since she has her own floor, she also has a separate room for the guns/equipments that she uses and a separate training room. the training room was brimstone's idea since the last time they tried training in the main area, jett and phoenix nearly choked to death.
VIPER X READER HEADCANONS (it's like the general headcanons but with the reader and such)
- her love language is quality time, acts of service and gift giving. it's not that she doesn't trust her words or her ability to be soft, but because she feels like her tone and intonation would make you feel like she's being sarcastic and her hands are rough, in her eyes.
- DEFINITELY wakes up earlier than her significant other. one, because of habit; two, because she likes to watch her significant other sleep. creepy, yes, but it's one of the only moments where she can let her vulnerability out without anyone, even herself, judging her.
- the only reason why it takes her an hour to make coffee is because she tries to make yours too. she hates the fact that you always eyeball the measurements because she can't seem to get it right everytime.
- she keeps a robe on her side of the bed, in the RAREST of cases that it's you who comes back to the bedroom late.
- is a big fan of back hugs, either giving or receiving, but only in private
- doesn't know how to show PDA that much, but she tries
- bean, her viper, has a soft spot for her significant other. when viper doesn't have the time to feed bean, you do it for her
- she keeps an ice sculpture of your ability (if you're a radiant) back when sage tried to teach all of you how to ice sculpt.
- you wear a small green vial charm around your neck that she helped made with phoenix and chamber (whom she blackmailed and threatened)
- the younger agents tried teasing her about you and her's relationships.. also one of the reasons why brim shared his idea of the private training area.
- is a HUGE cuddler, but only at times where she likes to be comfy (aka when she's badly injured, her lab is walled up, or she's high on painkillers)
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