#exploding is not beneficial to your health
katiifaetarot · 3 months
Hello friends, beings, and starlights! Im new to the tarot community (at least on this specific platform) and would like to help guide, give honest/TRUTHFUL advice, and be a safe space for anyone+everyone who feels safe here! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
My goals/intentions are always to help others through my experience, to teach/guide them to work on themselves, and encourage them to find the strength, courage, discipline, and honest wisdom within themselves, without looking for outside validation!
I am trying to empower YOU to do the work YOURSELF and SAVE YOURSELF from all the horrors of this land that keep you afraid and stuck in your comfort zone, all the fears and doubts about your life weighing you down (conscious or unconscious fears), and most importantly TO LOVE YOURSELF SO MUUCCCH THAT WHENEVER IT GETS BAD AGAIN (((BECAUSE IT WILL, UNFORTUNATELY THATS JUST HOW LIFE WORKS!!!!!))), you already have, at the very least, some IDEAS about what routines, habits, affirmations, plans, etc-- will make sure you get back up when you feel motivated,positive or okay-to-keep-going again. ((( because it will Be Okay Again, FORTUNATELY, thats how life works ;P )))
DONT rely on the wrong people, situations, THINGS** to help you.
I LIIVVEEE BY GETTING UP AND HELPING YOURSELF!!! so that you already know what you deserve to recieve from other people, places, situations, etc-- when the going gets tough and you're surrounded by people trying to help you.
This process of empowering and helping yourself will also be beneficial for you in another way too. Helping you understand how to ask for what YOU NEED instead of letting things build up and explode, and helping you release any expectations of other people outside of yourself reading your mind because thats fake and no one can tell you what YOU need or what YOU want but yourself. Period💯
My reading today is all about L O V E ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
**romantic, platonic, family, SELF-LOVE, etc-- and I will channel what chooses/NEEDS to come through; These messages will be short and straight forward today!!!!
Feel free to check out my other readings on my page if you're looking for more guidance, advice, or just want to get confirmation on something!
I will be asking the question: What does Pile(1,2,3,4) NEED to know to help them stay in a healthy/positive mindset about love?
This reading is definitely for anybody worried about family stuff, about self-sabotaging a currently GOOD/POSITIVE/HEALTHY connection of any type!, about being alone/lonely FOREVER, about friendships, etc.
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through crystals this time! The photo is right below this text! Feel free to look at the specific photos for each pile if you feel called too!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that may sound like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Citrine (abundance, optimism, happiness. Sacral + Solar Plexus Chakra)
PILE 2- Black Onyx (strength, perseverance. Root Chakra)
PILE 3- Red Jasper (grounding, passion, protection. Root Chakra)
PILE 4- Yellow Topaz (abundance, prosperity. Solar Plexus Chakra)
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING THOSE TYPES OF READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
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this pile is straightforward as he||:
To help yourself STAY in a positive/HEALTHY mindset about love you would have to stop being complacent, stop complaining, BE GRATEFUL, allow your idea of success to become rooted in a better intention than what it is currently, dont be afraid to mess up//try something different//fail, etc--, Learn from your mistakes, and allow your mind and body to properly rest.
pile 1....you kinda have a lot of work to do, sorry to say, before you can fully accept--OR EVEN RECOGNIZE-- what a positive/HEALTHY mindset about love looks like for you.
You need to explore yourself more! And you can do this by going out of your comfort zone and relying on the trust and faith you have to guide you to what is right for you and what will help you grow and move on from old belief systems, old structures, old ways of thinking, old situations, old people, etc-- so you can have a more open-mind to what love can actually look like for you.
Its scary for you i feel to fully explore your emotional depths.....but i promise if you allow yourself to feel the change and accept it.....and go through those tough emotions, you'll become so much wiser and stronger!!
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First off, maybe check out pile 1, from this previous reading I did, If you feel called too!! Maybe for more guidance, advice, or messages you may need to receive!!
AND/OR maybe check out pile 4, from this previous reading I did, If you feel called too!!
Pile 2, stop being so jaded about the past. It is time to let go of the pain associated with that time.. Its done and over with. You dont need to forgive anyone but yourself right now. But please recognize the more you wallow the more seperated you'll be from a healthy/positive mindset about love. In all Forms!
To stay in-- OR GET INTO!!! a more healthier, positive, TRUSTING mindset about love: Love yourself. Celebrate yourself. Release demons of yesterday and focus on the white light shining in and around you. Be grateful and stay steady walking in your truth! You have the strength to over come any and all obstacles, ESPECIALLY mental ones!! Mental Fortitude is something you definitely want to build up right now to help with self-discipline, determination, and motivation. These things will help you achieve what it is you want and then ultimately attract the correct people in your life who will show you how to be loved safely, fully, and most importantly, the way you deserve🥹💜
This pile had a lot betrayal wrapped with family, friends, coworkers, ex-romantic, etc-- so PLEASE use YOUR discernment on how this will resonate with you!!!! Clearly though, the message could be applied to all types of betrayal!!!!!
also!! setting and maintaining boundaries:
within YOUR OWN MIND ( holding yourself accountable ) and with other people around you (creating a more solid defense before fully trusting and accepting someone new into your life) would absolutely help you trust yourself more, because you show up for yourself by taking accountability and acting accordingly!!!!! And once you can hold YOURSELF accountable; anybody who tries to play with you will soon realize YOU have NO PROBLEM holding THEM accountable for their mistreatment of you. As long as those boundaries are clearly communicated by and effectively absorbed by the other person!!
When people react negatively to someone else enforcing a boundary with them.....thats when its time to cut them off!! So work on setting boundaries without fear of losing people and the correct people will show up for you the way you need them too.
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Pile 3, you need quiet time and space to fully reconnect with yourself. To help you stay in a positive/HEALTHY mindset about love, you would need to connect back to hope and optimism and release old stagnant OR any new anxious energy that keeps you feeling overwhelmed. You have options and choices regarding how to move forward but the clear message is: STAY POSITIVE AND HOPEFUL!
the correct community, jobs, lovers, friends, environments, etc-- will show up for you when you reconnect with what it means to truly be alive. You have to stop being afraid of unknowns, what ifs, and just continue to live and breathe fun, hope, joy, SUCCESS, anything that keeps you moving forward positively.
Take a mini hermit mode to decipher what moves to make for yourself, how to stay grateful, and most importantly so you can finally tackle that do list + get rid of unnecessary burderns + really figure out what options work best for you so you can eliminate any unwanted setbacks keeping you overwhelmed.
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Maybe check out pile 2, from this previous reading I did, If you feel called to!! Maybe for more guidance, advice, or messages you may need to receive!!
⚠️⚠️ If you are triggered by talks of substance abuse or mental health issues: Please find another pile OR check out another reading of mine !!⚠️⚠️
# 1 thing to help you stay in a positive/HEALTHY mindset about love is to let go of coping mechanisms that do not help you progress towards a better mindset IN GENERAL for yourself.
You are worn down and worn OUT pile 4 and i am sorry that you feel life will not get better for you at this point in time.
i understand if your mental health doesnt afford you the same opportunities as others to help yourself and keep going so PLEASE take everything with a grain of salt and PLEASE trust your intuition and discernment here.
You really have been through it so please use your discernment + better judgement skills to help yourself outside of this reading. Im just a simple tarot reader who is trying help guide others to their fullest potential in THE GOOD WAYS!!
You are no exception. You have so much depth, so much capacity to love and live in this world without regret or fear holding you back.
Put down the escapism and pick up taking accountability for your actions.
Put down playing the victim and pick up walking away from mistreatment, disrespect, and negativity.
Put down the substances that help you escape and pick up getting yourself the help you DESERVE!! Whatever that looks like to you:
some examples- taking nature walks in your neighborhood or city, journaling about your problems/feelings/the past thats holding you back, seeking medical professional advice, talking to a trusted community or support group/friends or family.
I could list off so many more examples till im blue in the face, but ultimately, you will know what you must do for yourself to help yourself get through this tough time.
Love comes when you love yourself first, start showing up for yourself, take the proper accountability, forgive yourself, learn from your past, grow, and move on.
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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bellagrimfox · 2 months
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Headcanons/Ideas for Epic Mickey
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Oswald often gloats about how he got an appearance in Disneyland/world. Until he remembers some of the kids mistaking him for Mickey.
He hates being called old despite being made years before Mickey. (thanks @jakeneutron and your awesome interpretation of Oswald)
Oswald was responsible for naming all of their rabbit kids, but he'd always forget who's who since there's 420 of them. (I feel like this one is obvious but I thought it'd be nice to say it)
Oswald gets paranoid about his foot being stolen or cut off, to a point where he puts an extra blanket around his lucky left foot.
Oswald never rubs his right foot since it's cursed with bad luck, though his misfortune isn't often the foot's fault and if it is, it's usually someone mistaking it for his lucky foot or by complete accident.
Oswald has a huge stigma against wolves and foxes. As for dogs, he hates rabbit hunting breeds but is overall ok with them. Fortunately for Mickey, Pluto is one of the few dogs he likes.
Oswald originally was terrified of having kids (Reference to Poor Papa short), though he very quickly got over that fear once he saw his first child.
Oswald has a small interest in lost media, mostly preserving and finding cartoons long forgotten.
Fanny was Oswald's first wife and the one he had children with. She left him around the time the Bunny Children were born. Oswald remembers the reason, though he won't share that with anyone other than Ortensia.
Let's start with mechanic ideas before we get into rewrite territories.
His remote weapon could function differently but in a way that perfectly mirrors Mickey's paintbrush. To do this, let's look back at what Mickey can do.
The paint allows Mickey to create and reform enemies, thinner is pretty much the opposite. Using this fact and the original remote mechanic in the sequel, let's see if we can combine them together.
His original attacks are still the same with being able to stun enemies and effect technology. However, in the rewrite, this moveset is basically the Paint counterpart.
Now this is where the new stuff happens. His Thinner attacks are based off plasma.
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Consider this image as a reference for how his remote would look like when in Thinner/Plasma mode.
Anyways, Plasma mode can kill Blotlings and similar enemies and damage technology. For example, when you use Plasma on fireworks, instead of just igniting them, they explode into a ball of fire that can destroy walls and anything else nearby.
Consider this a part 2 of the Plasma mode idea. Reprogramming works differently when using Plasma. Whenever you fire a beam of Plasma on an unarmored Beetleworx, you will end up corrupting them which will turn them into violent drones. As for switches, they will malfunction and break, making them unstable throughout the entire playthrough.
Bonus Mechanic
When Oswald is on very low health, you can use his lucky rabbit foot to get a random beneficial effect such as healing or extra damage. Just note that you can only use one rabbit foot per level and it doesn't work on bosses.
Epic Mickey Story Rewrites
Note: I haven't played the original game yet so this is going to be based off what I've seen and read from the wikies.
In my rewrite, events in the game change in content and story based on if you've used the Paint or Thinner as the main weapon. That's just the summary but the worldbuilding post will go deep into it so please remember this for future posts.
First, the neutral path, Oswald follows the same personality and attitude towards Mickey like in the game. Though I'd add some moments of character development with extra cutscenes. These scenes would be slightly altered depending on the Paint and Thinner path but would be pretty much the same regardless of which path you take.
For example, I came up with a scene where Oswald wakes up in the middle of the night and he goes to where Mickey is sleeping. In this moment, Oswald is able to snatch the paintbrush and is about to use it on Mickey to steal his heart, only for him to not go through with it since Mickey has done so much to help him save Wasteland and stop the Storm Blot. (This is the canon name of the main villain blot. This video best clears up the confusion)
Now for the Thinner path Oswald, he's a lot more aggressive towards you and while he sees it's effective in wiping out the blotlings, he also sees that it's affecting the civilians of Wasteland and calls Mickey out on it often.
Paint path Oswald becomes more friendly and positive to Mickey, regaining the hope that he and Mick can really become brothers and forgetting about stealing his heart.
Now for the big spoilers, the last moments of the game.
I'm very happy to write this part finally.
In the beginning of the second part of the final boss, Gus says this-
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In the rewrite, there is an actual time limit for the final boss where you actually have to recover the heart before Oswald gets absorbed. However, this time limit is long on purpose, giving you enough time to defeat the Storm Blot. Of course, both the neutral and thinner path endings don't change much from the original game.
Though, if you did go pass the time limit, you would get a secret pin and a secret non canon end where it's a mirror of the regular ending but Oswald isn't there.
But on the Hero path, a different scene plays out.....
After Mickey frees his heart, it lands into the hands of Oswald who, after some consideration, hands it over to Mickey. Only.....this time, before it could leave, Oswald keeps holding it. When Mickey tries to get closer, a transformation occurs.
Oswald's body becomes an unstable mass of ink and thinner, his mouth replaced with a mess of teeth, his hands replaced with sharp claws.
As for Mickey's heart, it became fused to his chest, covered in an armor of pure thinner, making it sickly green with pulsing veins. In hero mode, the Storm Blot has brought one more trick. The last resort. The final challenge.
The Forgotten (Oz-Blot)
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opia-tarot · 2 years
current transits analysis
Okay so currently there are some difficult transits but there’s also some beneficial stuff going on, let’s talk about it!
remember to look at your current individual transits in your chart, then you can figure out how this resonates individually
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emotional challenges
So there’s a scorpio 🌛 at a gemini degree within the current moon square saturn transit. This is a big indicator of feeling drained and some of you could be experiencing a big drop in your mood. There’s a collective tendency towards self deprecation and criticism. Please avoid being overly critical of yourself now and in general.
directionless energy boost
aries jupiter is conjunct aries mars. This is energy boosting on steroids ahaha. Some of you will be thinking about your health currently. There’ll be a collective tendency toward sports or perhaps just more movement. But please in terms of future goals, starting up plans etc, be careful. This isn’t a time to be reckless or charge towards a big goal you want to achieve. This transit could support this figuratively, but combined with the other transits i wouldn’t suggest it. This is because of the saturn square north node transit, any impulsive steps you take towards your goals will be blocked currently. And especially because saturn is in retrograde.
creative planning
Now is a great time to take up a hobby. For my creative babes out there, you could be dealing with creative blockages or your creativity is flowing easily. It’s either or. But anyway venus conjunct north node suggests this a great time to do some interior decorating, maybe even start a creative project. Focus on what makes you passionate. Passion is so important right now.
Self care
Venus and north node are currently in taurus! This is pampering time. Set a time for yourself to relax. Spend extra time on your self care routine. This about you. If you feel like you want to invest more in yourself do so- HOWEVER venus conjunct uranus can mean some of you are spending too much. So yes self care is important, but please avoid wasting your money. This goes on to my next point
Wasting money is going to seem like self care. Venus conjunct uranus and venus semi-square jupiter is IMPULSIVE. You are going to want to spend more money and more money. Please make sure you’re keeping track of what you’re spendin. Of course treat yourself, but not everyday.
okay so venus conjunct uranus, mars conjunct jupiter and the current aries mars is IMPULSIVE on steroids. Honestly. This is why i said earlier to avoid rushing. Time feels so urgent currently. Remember it’s okay to take a break. You aren’t stopping completely, you’re just reassessing, collecting yourself. It’s saturn retrograde so impulsivity is not the vibe here. You need to reassess and plan a logical movement forward. Uranus square saturn is unexpected rebelliousness and wanting to just uproot progress. Please channel this feeling of being stuck and wanting change towards something more productive.
Trauma will come back to the surface. mars conjunct chiron. There’s a confusing energy here because even people who have been doing their shadow work, self reflecting etc are going to find their trauma haunting them again. Flashbacks, feelings. My advice here is face it! Avoidance is the default response, but this transit won’t allow you to do so. You have to face your trauma during this transit. Bluntly speaking it’s necessary and you can’t avoid it. I’m sorry darlings because this is difficult, but i’m here so message me if you have questions about it or if you would like support.
tempers and tantrums
If you are a temperamental person, right now you will feel like you’re ready to explode over every inconvenience. I will say be careful because mars conjunct chiron suggests impulsive wounds made and burning bridges. What i mean is anything you do now that’s impulsive or from a place of being annoyed etc can cause wounds in your connections with people. Think before you react to things. I understand sometimes it can seem justified, but rationality is so important at this time. mars conjunct jupiter suggests there’ll be more people experiencing emotive outbursts or perhaps even overreacting. Please avoid this.
power struggles
saturn square 🌛, saturn square uranus and pluto opposite 🌛, suggest some really intense power struggles currently. Your boss could be picking on you. You could find yourself struggling to be understood. Perhaps your mother is being overbearing or more dismissive than usual. Parents could seem like blockages in your progress, like they’re sabotaging you.
mental health struggles
saturn square mercury, mercury semi-square mars, mercury semi-square chiron. The list is endless. So i want to reaffirm how everyone is feeling. You’re not crazy, you haven’t spiralled hun. It’s okay. Stay present. Mentally things are DIFFICULT. You could feel mentally blocked, like ideas aren’t coming easily. You could feel more drained from less work.
hurtful speech
mercury semi-square chiron and mercury semi-square mars are difficult. You could experience some hurtful words directed towards you during this time. People could seem more hurtful. Like why did they say this? Or why aren’t they listening? You get what i mean. You could feel unheard or ignored. Remember other people are also experiencing these transits so it’s affecting everyone. Of course this doesn’t justify people being hurtful towards you. Avoid stooping low or hurting others. Keep your negative thoughts to yourself please because there are some serious blockages in communication. Also there’s a suggestion of leaning towards negativity. Stay present.
expressing individuality
Okay so there’s some great aspects regarding individuality. Saturn square uranus is difficult but it also suggests being yourself despite power struggles. A breaking of restrictions. Uranus semi-sextile chiron is also great. You gotta start accepting the quirky aspects of your personality, what makes you stand out. This isn’t a time to constrict or conceal. Venus conjunct uranus and mars semi-sextile uranus suggests a theme of your individuality exploding to the surface. You don’t really have a choice, those parts of yourself you think are weird or too unique are going to reveal themselves. But now is a great time to get acquainted with being unapologetically yourself.
currently routine is so important!!!! You are going to feel more comfortable with a routine. Routine is what is going to help you organise your chaos- especially mental chaos. Not intense self discipline but start making those step towards efficiency. Seriously i wanna see you making at least a vague schedule.
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beneficial things to do currently
🧠make a routine and stick to it!
🧠creative planning
🧠exploring creativity
🧠healthy alone time
🧠figuring out what you want
🧠figure out what you’re passionate about
🧠watch movies or a series
🧠astrology or tarot (i’ll always say this😂)
🧠watching self improvement videos (if you would like some recommendations let me know)
🚩instant reactions
🚩listening to negative thoughts (you aren’t your thoughts!!!!)
🚩listening to negative opinions
🚩blaming yourself
🚩self pity
🚩using escapism as your vice
🚩recreational substances (in moderation because mental processes right now are difficult enough)
🚩worrying about the future (reassess and reflect not worry)
🚩overanalysing yourself (especially your appearance)
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back-to-school energy with autumn coming tarot & oracle
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finally, I do now even if my intuition tells me that things fall into place in September but will explode February-March. And also it's hot and it must rain but I'm still waiting for the rain, can't wait for autumn, global warming is not a joke.
let's see :
we start with the oracle of the animal people the bison: it is linked to abundance, the success of a project or the success of a business. Have confidence in your initiatives, it teaches you that wealth is above all a question of posture. We cannot be touched by wealth as long as we live with a feeling of lack. It's time to ease your beliefs about money, ease any feelings of injustice or bitterness, transformation is found in gratitude.
with the akashic tarot:
we start with a notion of community, it can be your colleagues or your family or your friends. We have an energy to be together, to regroup, to see each other or to see each other again. You spent a lot of time seeing the things that were wrong with your life over the summer, yet you are told that you are on the cusp of a change of mind. You will begin a new cycle, the birth of an outer or inner change. You have plow enough your fields of life, you have finally found a light in you or outside. You have prayed a lot, written during the period of summer-winter 2023, but it is time to take action.
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with Greek mythology: ok lol ok, we start nicely with the energy of perseus, ok we managed to go through a very intense period, we continue to advance on our objectives even if it is sometimes difficult, we hold on, we managed to approach this light/lens with eos. We open a new chapter, we accept all forms of abundance with HYgeia we talk about health, vitality and transformation that will be beneficial in the long term. You work on your feminine and masculine aspect and on your relationship with the world and others and on your fears.
Now something is happening, I don't know if it's going to affect us all or individually. But we have the energy of heracles reversed, we are not protected by someone or by something, we do not see anything happen, we are followed by the energy of Ares the god of war, fights, struggles , suffering, fear then we end with Medusa the chaos (it's a bit like the calm before the storm)
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energy oracle:
we work on our self-love, our well-being, our openness to the world and to others, we let the energy circulate, we are approaching the end of healing, we are on a victory of the opening of spirituality and abundance. We still have resistance to fears but you have enough strength to face them. Don't be afraid
oracle of the women's circles:
interesting the notion of the clan has returned, the entourage plays a role during this period, we are once again talking about the patience of trusting the process and cyclical change of certain things, taking advantage of the super moon to make your wishes.
we bring our minds together to make the best decision between two visions available to us, the objective is to evolve and move forward towards our projects and/or objectives. A decision must be taken to limit losses (energy, mental, money) we must work as a team, or work on several aspects without being deceitful. The situation is currently blocked for an emperor (it can be you, your boss, your spouse) someone who has power. We decide to transform this indelicate and uncomfortable situation into something profitable and prosperous and solid. There is an energy of loneliness here, we pray a lot for the situation to stabilize
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orossii · 2 years
i’m really loving ‘mad in america’ so far, i think what it’s instilled in me is a deeper understanding of the cyclical nature of psychiatry’s various ‘treatments’ that get touted as miracle cures every generation or so. there’s a continuous pattern that emerges over and over again where a psychiatrist will develop a technique via human experimentation on non-consenting psychiatric patients, it will explode in popularity because it will result in patients becoming more docile and easier to control, and it will endure in popularity until it’s discarded when a newer, cheaper, or more lucrative treatment comes along to put psychiatry back in the headlines. mental patients were beaten, kept in tiny cells, put through acts of medieval torture because fear, pain, and subjugation were thought to shock them back to their senses. they were sterilized under highly popular and government facilitated eugenics programs. they were deliberately put into insulin comas to deprive their brains of oxygen, then later given injections that caused them to have painful and terrifying epileptic seizures. when that fell out of vogue they moved on to electroshock treatments and lobotomies that left people mentally regressed shells of their former selves. psychiatric drugs are now commonly understood to fare no better than placebo in improving shortterm outcomes for both psychotic and neurotic disorders, and actually worsen longterm outcomes in many regards
it’s not a coincidence that the serotonin model of depression is finally starting to fall apart at the same time the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries are trying to sell us on dissociative anesthetics and psychedelics as the new miracle cure that will save us from what should be understood as a societal problem. psychedelics are powerful drugs that can have a very profound and beneficial impact on the user, i treasure my own experiences with magic mushrooms, but they don’t have the same impact on everyone. people have bad trips that can make their depression or anxiety ten times worse or induce new mental health struggles they didn’t have before, and in a highly individualistic and narcissistic culture those traits can become exacerbated in people who are taking psychedelics in the absence of a communal practice that can help guide your experience
the problem psychiatry keeps running into is that it’s looking for marketable medicinal cures that can maintain psychiatry’s stature as a Real Science, keep troublesome social deviants in line, and keep cash flowing from their funders within the government and pharmaceutical industries. there’s a strong incentive toward pseudoscientific media-driven ‘breakthroughs’ because the medicinal cures and easy treatments they’re seeking don’t and can’t exist when the reason mental illness exists at epidemic rates in the first place is because we live under societal conditions that are extremely disorienting, depressing, and anxiety-inducing. any ‘cure’ that starts with the presumption that mental illness is an individual problem, whether in maladaptive thought patterns, moral failure, or physical deficiencies in the brain, is inevitably going to fail. my mental health didn’t start improving until i stopped seeing myself as deficient or abnormal for having a perfectly reasonable response to living under societal conditions that are hostile to our psychological well-being as a species. it allowed me to see what my problems really were and start healing in earnest. i no longer saw myself as hopeless, i got more political, critically-minded, and socially engaged, and i’ve been able to start making peace with certain aspects of my life that are out of my control so i can better focus on the things that aren’t. and i had to find these things out despite psychiatry, not because of it
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monkvyasaa · 2 years
Mars Transit 2022 | Monkvyasa
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Mars Transit 2022
Among the other nine planets, Mars is the most macho. The Yunani worshipped Mars as the God of Agriculture, whereas the Romans worshipped him as the God of Warfare and Battles. The planet is so prominent in astrology that the Georgian calendar’s third month is named after it. The signs of Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars. The planet represents vitality and energy. Mars is the planet that binds you together through adversity and imbues you with the spirit of a fighter. The Sun and Moon are favourable to Mars, but Mercury and Ketu are not so nice. Mars Transit occurs when the planet Mars moves from one zodiac sign to another. It spends one and a half months in one zodiac sign before moving on to the next. Depending on the residence it is dumped in, it has an impact on the life of the locals.
Mars Transit 2022 For Aries
Mars, as the Lord of Aries, is likely to offer you good luck in your life. You might feel more energised and powerful as if you’re constantly ready to take on and complete your responsibilities with ease. According to Mars 2022 Transit Predictions, people who want to do something new and innovative are more likely to succeed in their endeavours. Professionally, you are more likely to be respected at work. Before embarking on a new business or venture, it is advisable to seek professional counsel. People in love may go out of their way to please their spouses. Fulfilling your vows will certainly enhance your personality, although your family life will likely remain average. However, if you lose your temper, you may experience some disappointments. During this transit, you are likely to enjoy working out and staying in shape. Meditation and other breathing techniques might also help you regulate your anger.
Mars Transit 2022 For Taurus
Mars rules the 12th and seventh houses for Taurus residents. The natives will go through a lot of ups and downs in their working lives throughout this time. Because health issues can arise, it’s critical to maintain a well-balanced diet and engage in moderately vigorous exercise on a regular basis. Also, keep a close eye on your social standing. You will become quite ambitious in life, but it is recommended that you do not let your relationships with high-ranking authorities deteriorate due to disagreements that may easily be avoided. Make a conscious effort to manage your wrath and demonstrate patience while giving it your all throughout this period. If you are embroiled in a legal conflict, avoid it as much as possible and try to reach an out-of-court settlement. Taurus natives may have conflicts with their spouses, family differences, fever, and blood disorders in their personal lives.
Mars Transit 2022 For Gemini
Mars is the lord of the sixth and eleventh houses for Gemini natives. Gemini natives will experience supersonic results during this period, as predicted by the Mars 2022 Transit, but these rapid findings will heighten their expectations. This does not imply that they will achieve the intended outcomes in their favour. Your work, mind, and expectations aren’t in sync, which can irritate the locals. This build-up of anticipation might explode on the wrong person at the wrong time, causing problems in both personal and professional life. During this time, you should pay special attention to your health. As a result, you should have regular health checks, as the star suggests an increase in health issues. The natives may have a spike in blood pressure, severe headaches, and other symptoms, which will be the most common issue. Those who have been waiting for a promotion or a pay raise may have a better chance during this time. There will likely be ups and downs in your married life, thus patience and tranquillity are the ultimate keys to a good married existence.
Mars Transit 2022 For Cancer
Mars is the lord of the fifth and tenth houses for Cancerians. This transit will be generally beneficial to you in terms of money and your professional life, though you should avoid starting any new projects or making any major expenditures at this time. You should also be wary of opponents, who may try to smear your reputation or create roadblocks for you. Income-generating opportunities will be available, albeit at a slow and obstructed pace. Due to your aggressive approach, married couples may generate misunderstandings in their personal lives, producing marital strife. This is a health-conscious period, so drive and walk carefully on the road. You may cause an accident during this time, so avoid risky undertakings and be cautious.
Mars Transit 2022 For Leo
Mars Promise Report 2022, based on Mars’ transitory position, provides deep insight into impending prospects and challenges for Leo inhabitants. Mars rules the fourth and ninth houses, respectively. This season will be fruitful for you because it will usher in fresh beginnings in your life. There’s a chance you’ll run across some old pals, and existing projects could need to be reworked. You’ll be helping to enhance your current relationships. This is not the best time to make major changes in your personal or professional life. It’s also a good idea to keep your rage and domination under check. You may get slight to severe headaches and sleep disturbances. You will be unable to apply reason or draw conclusions to the situation, and it is, therefore, preferable to wait. Gaining money is possible, as is having fun with friends. Personal life, on the other hand, may appear to be disrupted for some time. Your self-assurance and determination to achieve your goal will be reinforced. You would be able to successfully complete your task and make use of and utilise resources if any work had been left unfinished or if you had noticed some unutilized investments for a long time. You’d be having a great time in every way.
Mars Transit 2022 For Virgo
Mars is the Lord of the third and eighth houses for Virgos. Virgo is a dual Earth sign ruled by Mercury, who is at odds with Mars. Mercury is a sign of the zodiac that represents knowledge and wisdom. The locals are known for their keen attention to detail. Because Mars represents a weapon and mercury signifies focus, a fusion of forces is at work to train natives in professions such as medicine, nursing, and surgery. Mars in Virgo also stimulates sexual desire. There may be difficulties in your relationships with family or friends during this passage. Don’t allow your inner energy to go to waste by getting involved in conflicts and arguments. You should be cautious because your opponents may try to cause you problems, but on the plus side, your hard effort will be rewarded with luck during this period. Financially, your expenses may rise, and you may be forced to spend money on things you don’t need. Due to the aggressive approach, married couples may develop certain misunderstandings, generating dissatisfaction in their lives. This is a good time for natives who are in a relationship to achieve stability. This is an accident-prone era in terms of health, so be cautious when walking and avoid risky activities.
Mars Transit 2022 For Libra
Mars is the Lord of the Second and Seventh Houses for Librans. Libra is a mutable zodiac sign ruled by Venus. Venus and Mars have a symbiotic relationship. Although Mars is a male planet and Venus is a feminine one, their energies combine to create a balanced personality. People born with Mars in Libra have a charming, kind, and courteous nature. When Mars is in Libra, the natives become extremely tolerant, but in this case, the natives maintain a balanced temperament. Instead of being quiet and tranquil, you can be violent at times. During this journey, your interactions with coworkers and senior officials will be mild, so avoid getting into any arguments with them and maintain a friendly connection. You should alter your plans for a work change, and if an opportunity presents itself, you should carefully consider it and make an informed decision. At the office, you should be more upbeat and energetic. Any workplace slackening would work against you and your career objectives. You may have to deal with prior or continuing health issues. Natives who are planning to marry will not have an easy time achieving their goals. To impress your lover, you must put out genuine effort.
Mars Transit 2022 For Scorpio
Mars is the Lord of the First and Sixth Houses for Scorpios. This is where Mars feels most at ease, though not as much as in Aries. People born with Mars in Scorpio are strong-willed and self-disciplined. These people must rely on their own efforts to succeed and are willing to rely on others. With Mars in Scorpio, such people are always aware of the wrongs they have been subjected to, and they never forget a betrayal. In fact, they are prone to going to extremes. You can count on them to be either your best friend or your worst enemy. They have a firm mentality and make decisions based on questions, leaving no room for remorse or forgiveness. They do, however, make snap decisions based on intuition, which can backfire. You must restrain your temper and aggression during this era, according to Yearly forecasts 2022 based on Mars Transit. During this time, politeness and humility are the keys to success. Only if you have control over your speech will this phase yield positive outcomes. Irritation and a harsh approach might utterly degrade the relationship’s sweetness. This time will be difficult for you financially as well. There may be some financial losses, and you may have difficulty receiving a loan. Students may feel as if their academics are being hampered. Those who are employed will experience difficulties, and progress will be slow. Family life appears to be in disarray as well. During this time, be cautious of any facial injuries.
Mars Transit 2022 For Sagittarius
Mars rules the twelfth and fifth houses for Sagittarius natives. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and is a dual fire sign. Because Jupiter and Mars are cordial, Mars’ location in Sagittarius will be beneficial to the inhabitants. Jupiter is associated with love, riches, and expansion, but Mars is associated with ambition and passion. Jupiter counteracts Mars’s bad influence by making locals mentally powerful and smart. With the help of your colleagues, all of the uncertainties should be easily resolved. Your new endeavours will be successful as the transit period progresses. Maintaining an excellent lead in your career requires you to maintain an optimistic outlook. This may also assist you in better managing your career. Some of the actions you make at this time may have a positive impact on your business chances. Your capacity to see the big picture and plan ahead will improve right now. Because the planet has an impact on you, now is the best time to create a long-term budget and financial plan. You will be more inclined to your family and related activities during this time. You may have your mood ruined by someone’s strange behaviour at times. However, channelling your ideas and having perfect clarity about what you want in a relationship would be quite beneficial. You may be energetic and eager when it comes to your health.
Mars Transit 2022 For Capricorn
Mars is the Lord of the Fourth and Eleventh Houses for Capricorns. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, yet Mars and Saturn, the lord of Capricorn, have a tense relationship. Because Mars is full of energy and Saturn is full of obstacles, the person with mass incapacity must work hard to channel their energy in the appropriate path. The locals are known for being gruff, inactive, and violent. During this time of transition, your relationship with your coworkers’ seniors may remain ordinary. It is recommended that you should not change jobs at this time, as you may not receive cooperation from friends or elders. When dealing with professional concerns, you may need to adjust your communication style and recommendations to adopt a practical perspective. You may need to work on your rage and hasty reactions as well. Those who wish to marry may need to exercise patience and make a real effort in order to achieve their goals. Couples may have disagreements over minor issues, which is why the best advice is to take care of your love life. In terms of health, an old problem is likely to return during this time; therefore, be cautious.
Mars Transit 2022 For Aquarius
Mars is the lord of the third and tenth houses for Aquarians. Aquarius is a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn, who, like Mars, is an enemy. People born under the sign of Aquarius place a greater emphasis on the intellectual side of life. Their organisation is robust, and they take a calculated and rational approach to all they do. It’s possible that you won’t get good outcomes during this time. Your fiery personality might cause problems in your personal relationships as well as in your network of friends. According to Mars Transit 2022 Predictions, your impulsive and angry approach may generate roadblocks in your hard work to reach your aims. During this time, do not attempt to start any new projects. You should be cautious because your opponent may try to cause you problems. A source of money will be provided, albeit at a slow and inconvenient pace. You can have a strong yearning for something materialistic and worldly. Due to the aggressive approach, married couples may develop certain misunderstandings, producing marital strife. It is recommended that you take good care of your health as there is a risk of ingestion, colic discomfort, bile, or acidity issues.
Mars Transit 2022 For Pisces
Mars rules the second and ninth houses for the Pisces moon sign. Jupiter rules it, therefore Jupiter is amicable to Mars. People born with this sign have a spiritual bent. They value morals and good behaviour, and they follow a religious path. These locals have a great desire to travel and reside in other countries. They have a very upbeat attitude, especially when it comes to love. You should be prepared to deal with unpleasant situations at work during this time period, and you may have to make some difficult calls that are also emotional or personal in nature. If your judgments and actions have a significant impact on the lives of your subordinates or colleagues, you should be cautious and seek second opinions before making any decisions. Financial gains are in the cards; you may acquire funds from a source you didn’t expect. By nature, Mars is a fiery and action-oriented planet, and it is also known to influence the human energy flow. The transit of Mars in Pisces appears to be the optimum time to finish lingering tasks, such as resolving unresolved legal cases. So, instead of wasting the energy that is being given to you, you should use it to further your growth.
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Module 3 Relational Summary
This week the lecture discussed solar cities and how important it is when discussing climate change. Culhane mentioned Australia becoming one of the leaders in the movement around 2007. As programs have continued, Australia has been able to test different sustainable models for electricity use. For instance, over one million solar panels in the Western Downs Green Power Hub (Over One Million Solar Panels Powering Australia's Largest Solar Farm, 2023). The most eye-opening part about the farm is that it can power about 235,000 homes. The power that the sun provides us is truly amazing and can create a multitude of opportunities like providing jobs and clean sources of energy. My classmate James Fernandez discussed how not only is Australia a successful story of viability in solar technology but so is Israel. In addition, Megan Blair mentioned that the benefits of solar can boost poorer communities and help the environmental quality.
Another topic that was mentioned in the lecture was nuclear energy. Nuclear energy was first brought up to me when I learned about Chernobyl. When I heard the implications and aftermath of the four reactors exploding, I was shocked that nuclear energy had such a strong impact on the planet. Not only did the explosion affect the city but also caused radioactive rainfall in Ireland (Lindahl & Young, 2019). Radiation sickness can cause a variety of health issues. People who were diagnosed with acute radiation syndrome had a variety of symptoms like bone marrow syndrome, and gastrointestinal syndrome (Lanese, 2019). When you hear horror stories this causes the public to not want nuclear energy due to the implications that could happen if there are defects in the system. Natalie McGinniss mentioned how dangerous nuclear energy could be and that finding other safe alternatives should be prioritized.
In addition, another discussion Culhane mentioned was solar ACs. This drew my eye because they could be very useful in helping offset electrical prices and cut your carbon footprint. Air conditioner use is around 6 percent of all electricity in the United States with an annual cost of $29 billion to homeowners (Energy Saver, n.d.). By using solar air conditioners you can offset carbon emissions and reduce energy demand as conventional AC systems overload electricity grids specifically in the summer. I have had my AC break multiple times or freeze and even had to buy a brand new unit for our house. Sometimes when it becomes super hot the system freezes over and causes the AC unit not to work. I feel like having a solar AC system could be very beneficial for people in Florida as it is always sunny.
Energy Saver. (n.d.). Air Conditioning. Department of Energy. Retrieved February 25, 2024, from https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/air-conditioning
Lanese, N. (2019, July 16). The Real Chernobyl: Q&A With a Radiation Exposure Expert. UCSF. Retrieved February 25, 2024, from https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2019/07/414976/real-chernobyl-qa-radiation-exposure-expert
Lindahl, R., & Young, N. (2019, September 13). 15 Things You Didn't Know About Chernobyl. Greenpeace. Retrieved February 25, 2024, from https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/story/15-things-you-didnt-know-about-chernobyl/
Over one million solar panels powering Australia's largest solar farm. (2023, April 5). Media Statements. Retrieved February 25, 2024, from https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/97526
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yourcbdguide · 6 months
Choosing the Right CBD Product for Your Needs
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In recent years, the CBD market has exploded, offering a myriad of products catering to various health and wellness needs. Whether you're seeking pain relief, better sleep, stress reduction, or other potential benefits, finding the right CBD product for your specific requirements can be a bit overwhelming. With so many options available, it's crucial to navigate the market with knowledge and confidence. In this guide, we'll break down the key factors to consider when choosing a CBD product that suits your needs.
Understanding the Basics of CBD
Before we delve into product selection, let's start with a brief overview of CBD. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound derived from the hemp plant. Unlike its cousin, THC, CBD is non-intoxicating, meaning it won't get you high. Instead, CBD is celebrated for its potential health benefits, such as pain relief, anxiety reduction, improved sleep, and more.
CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors in the body that helps regulate various physiological processes, including mood, pain sensation, and immune function. When you consume CBD, it influences the ECS, potentially offering therapeutic effects.
Now, with this foundational knowledge, let's explore how to select the right CBD product for your specific needs.
Consider the Form of CBD
CBD products come in various forms, and the choice largely depends on your preferences and requirements. Here are the most common types:
CBD Tinctures: These are liquid extracts of CBD that can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) for fast absorption. Tinctures come with a dropper, allowing you to control the dosage precisely.
CBD Capsules and Softgels: Ideal for those who prefer a pre-measured dose, capsules and softgels offer convenience and discretion. They take longer to take effect but provide a steady release of CBD.
CBD Edibles: These are CBD-infused products like gummies, chocolates, and beverages. Edibles are a tasty way to consume CBD but may take longer to work due to digestion.
CBD Topicals Rub: Designed for localized relief, topicals are applied directly to the skin. They're suitable for addressing pain, inflammation, or skin issues.
Full-Spectrum vs. Broad-Spectrum vs. Isolate: CBD products may contain additional cannabinoids and terpenes (full-spectrum), a wide range of cannabinoids without THC (broad-spectrum), or pure CBD with no other compounds (isolate). Your choice here depends on whether you want to benefit from the entourage effect (full-spectrum) or prefer THC-free options.
Determine Your Desired Effects
Identifying your specific needs and goals is crucial when selecting a CBD product. Here are some common reasons people turn to CBD:
Pain Management: If you're seeking relief from chronic pain, arthritis, or post-workout soreness, consider products designed for pain, such as topicals or high-potency tinctures.
Anxiety and Stress Reduction: To manage anxiety or stress, a broad-spectrum or full-spectrum tincture may provide a comprehensive range of cannabinoids that work together to promote relaxation.
Sleep Improvement: For better sleep, a CBD tincture, softgel, or an edible designed to promote relaxation can be beneficial. Melatonin-infused CBD products are also available for sleep support.
Skin Health: If you're looking to improve your skin's health and appearance, CBD topicals can target skin issues like acne, eczema, or signs of aging.
General Wellness: Some people use CBD as a daily supplement to support overall well-being. For this purpose, a low-dose tincture or edible might suffice.
Understand Dosage and Potency
The right dosage of CBD varies from person to person and largely depends on factors like body weight, metabolism, and the severity of the condition you're addressing. It's advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase until you achieve the desired effects. Pay attention to the product's potency, which is usually expressed in milligrams (mg) of CBD per serving.
For instance, a 10mg CBD gummy is suitable for beginners, while those with more significant needs might opt for a 25mg or 50mg tincture. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide valuable guidance on the appropriate dosage for your specific situation.
Consider Product Quality and Source
Quality is paramount when it comes to CBD products. To ensure you're investing in a safe and effective product:
Choose Reputable Brands: Stick with established brands known for transparency, quality, and customer satisfaction. Look for third-party lab testing results to verify the product's content and purity.
Check the Source: Opt for products made from organic, non-GMO hemp. The source of the hemp can influence the quality of the CBD, as hemp plants can absorb contaminants from the soil.
Examine Extraction Methods: CO2 extraction is considered the gold standard for obtaining CBD because it ensures a pure and safe product.
Legal Considerations
CBD's legal status varies by region, so it's crucial to understand the laws in your area. In the United States, for example, the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% THC at the federal level. However, some states may have stricter regulations, so it's essential to research your local laws before making a purchase.
Consult with a Healthcare Professional
If you have specific health concerns or are taking other medications, it's wise to consult with a healthcare professional before starting CBD. They can offer personalized advice, ensuring that CBD won't interact negatively with your current treatment or medical conditions.
Experiment and Observe
Finally, once you've selected a CBD product, remember that it may take some time to find the ideal dosage and form that works best for you. Keep a journal to track your experiences and any changes in your symptoms or well-being. Patience and consistent use are key to reaping the full benefits of CBD.
In conclusion, choosing the right CBD product for your needs involves careful consideration of the form, desired effects, dosage, quality, legality, and consultation with a healthcare professional. With the right product, you can unlock the potential benefits of CBD and improve your overall well-being. As the CBD market continues to evolve, staying informed and making educated choices will help you achieve the results you desire.
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zephyrcbd · 7 months
The Best Places to Buy CBD Oil Online
In recent years, the online marketplace for CBD products has exploded, providing consumers with a plethora of options. But with so many choices, how can you be sure you're purchasing the best quality CBD oil available? We've got you covered with a guide to the top online retailers where you can confidently shop for CBD oil that meets your needs and expectations.
ZHPCBD: If you're looking for a diverse range of CBD products, CBDistillery has you covered. From full-spectrum to isolate CBD oils, they offer a variety of potencies and formulations. Their commitment to quality and transparency has made them a top choice among CBD enthusiasts.
Charlotte's Web: Renowned for their high-quality hemp extracts, Charlotte's Web is a trusted name in the industry. Their CBD oils are made from organic, non-GMO hemp and come in a range of strengths to cater to different wellness goals.
NuLeaf Naturals: For those who prefer a more minimalist approach, NuLeaf Naturals specializes in full-spectrum CBD oil. Their dedication to purity and simplicity has earned them a strong following among those seeking a natural and unadulterated CBD experience.
Joy Organics: If you're concerned about THC content in your CBD oil, Joy Organics offers broad-spectrum options, which contain all the beneficial compounds of the hemp plant without the psychoactive effects. Their products are lab-tested for quality and consistency.
CBDfx: Are you looking for a little creativity in your CBD routine? CBDfx offers a wide variety of flavored CBD oils, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of CBD with a burst of flavor.
When shopping for CBD oil online, it's crucial to consider factors like product quality, transparency, third-party lab testing, and customer reviews. Each of these reputable online retailers has a unique approach, ensuring you find the perfect CBD oil to suit your specific needs.
Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before adding CBD oil to your wellness routine, especially if you have underlying health concerns or are taking medications. The world of CBD is diverse and continually evolving, but with these top online retailers, you can shop with confidence, knowing you're getting the best CBD oil available on the market.
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mental health, the inadequacy of words, & being kind to yourself
Hello friends.
I am going to be very transparent with you all. I did not get anything done this week. It was a very rough week for me mental health-wise and I could barely drag myself through completing my class assignments, let alone think about writing creatively for fun. (Technically this blog is a class assignment for now, but I try to think of it as a fun hobby so I don’t burn my inspiration out. Having to post once a week for class is just extra motivation to continue to work on my creative writing as opposed to neglecting it for “more important tasks”.) 
I was disgusted with myself this week. I was bone dead exhausted. I kept wanting to cry and cry and cry and never stop, yet the tears would never come. I was so, so very angry, at life, at the world, at myself,  in a way that I rarely ever experience. I felt like I could shatter to pieces at any minute. 
I had a talk with my cousin the other night at a family birthday party about the inadequacy of language, particularly the English language, to truly capture emotion. I envy poets and authors who have the skills to evoke even a mere fraction of the emotions they are feeling or projecting upon their characters through the limited conventions of words. I hope to harness such skills someday. I am most certainly not there yet. I cannot even begin to describe to you the depths of my headspace this past week, and yet I still try. To be quite frank, I have not had a depressive episode so bad in months. It makes me all the more glad that I finally made the decision to attend therapy/counseling. 
I know at least one thing my wonderful therapist (she truly is lovely) will tell me when I visit her this week. I need to practice being kind to myself during tough times. I often get so frustrated when I can’t find the motivation to “properly” do my work or devote my time and energy to something important or beneficial, such as working my creative writing muscles as I do in this blog. And I have always been the type of person to project that frustration and anger inwards, instead of letting it explode outwards. But being negative will only keep me trapped in a vicious cycle of mean thoughts and hurt feelings. Being kind to myself, and giving myself space to rest, recharge, and eventually regain motivation is extremely important. I would do well to remember that more often. And I don’t think I’m the only one who could use a reminder. 
I apologize for dumping that on y’all and the jumbled mess I feel that this post has become, but I think it’s important to be transparent about my ups and downs, in life as well as in my writing. I’m still pulling myself out of the hole I dug this past week. Yet, I do want to reassure you all that I am okay. I may not be great, or even good, but I will get there in time. I am okay.
Whatever you all are going through this week, please remember to be kind to yourselves. And even when it’s hard to, try to remember to dot your j’s and cross your t’s. (Sometimes satisfaction is found in the little things.) It will get better soon. It will.
With lots of love and positive vibes to carry you into this next week, 
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
P.S. This post was a bit of a downer (much like my week) so here is something that made me smile this past week; a bright spot in the midst of some cloudy weather, if you will. 
Autumn is my favorite season, (I oft tell my friends I was built for autumnal weather), and this song is just so hauntingly beautiful and melancholic. It almost hurts in a good way. When I stumbled across it this past week, I played it on full blast in my car with my heat pumping but the windows rolled all the way down on my way to class. It was the best. ᕱ__ᕱ
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katiifaetarot · 3 months
Hello friends, beings, and starlights! Im new to the tarot community (at least on this specific platform) and would like to help guide, give honest/TRUTHFUL advice, and be a safe space for anyone+everyone who feels safe here! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
My goals/intentions are always to help others through my experience, to teach/guide them to work on themselves, and encourage them to find the strength, courage, discipline, and honest wisdom within themselves, without looking for outside validation!
I am trying to empower you to do the work yourself and save yourself from all the horrors of this land that keep you afraid and stuck in your comfort zone, all the fears and doubts about your life weighing you down (conscious or unconscious fears), and most importantly TO LOVE YOURSELF SO MUUCCCH THAT WHENEVER IT GETS BAD AGAIN, BECAUSE IT WILL, UNFORTUNATELY THATS JUST HOW LIFE WORKS!!!!!, you already have, at the very least, some IDEAS about what routines, habits, affirmations, plans, etc-- will make sure you get back up when you feel motivated,positive or okay-to-keep-going again( because you will be okay again, FORTUNATELY thats how life works ;P )
DONT rely on the wrong people, situations, THINGS** to help you.
I LIIVVEEE BY GETTING UP AND HELPING YOURSELF!!! so that you already know what you deserve to recieve from other people, places, situations, etc-- when the going gets tough and you're surrounded by people trying to help you.
This process of empowering and helping yourself will also be beneficial for you in another way too. Helping you understand how to HEALTHILY, PROPERLY, EFFECTIVELY communicate what YOU NEED instead of letting things build up and explode, and helping you release any expectations of other people outside of yourself reading your mind because thats fake and no one can tell you what YOU need or what YOU want but yourself. Period💯
My reading today is all about How to Connect to Compassion and Forgiveness Within Yourself (heart chakra reading) so that you can let the right love in ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through the photo RIGHT BELOW this text!
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PILE 1- King of Swords + 2 of Swords
PILE 2- Queen of Cups
PILE 3- Four of Discs
PILE 4- The Magician (reversed)
✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that may sound like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement + BE WILLING TO DO THE HARD, NECESSARY, HEAVY WORK to improve your life and yourself!!! to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself. ⚠️
You need to cut straight through the bull$%!& and cut off the dead weight!!!!! Whatever the situation is or whomever this person is: THEY.NEED.TO.GO!!! You may have been weighing a biiig and tough decision lately....that may have caused you to stop focusing on other parts of your life that are actually more important than you realize.
The best way to connect to your heart chakra is to stop giving away your compassionate and forgiving energy to those who no longer deserve it. No more second, third, fourth, or even FIFTH chances. Its time to stay steady in your boundaries, choices, and decisions. No more indecisive tendencies. Just trust EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT!! BECAUSE IT WILL.
"Everything will be okay in the end, and if it isn't okay, then its not the end" - (idk who said this, lmk somehow if you know!)
After you connect back with your heart chakra and start using your compassionate and forgiving energy on yourself; A good way to stay connected to your heart space would be to start planning and tidying up other parts of your life you may have neglected recently. Reach out to that friend, family memeber, job inquiry, ANYTHING//ANYONE that helps you strive for a better future!!!!
You are highly intelligent pile 1. You have choices and decisions to be made, some of them rather quickly too!, so beware you dont stay complacent, stagnant, or stuck in a cycle where you have to learn the same lessons again. Because they WILL be tougher and more potent. So watch out for repeating patterns, cycles, negative self talk, negative self beliefs, negative belief systems, etc!!
Make sure you're also identifying who needs to leave your life and who needs to stay, even if that means you might be alone for awhile, OR A LITTLE BIT WHO KNOWS WHAT COULD HAPPEN AFTER YOU RELEASE OLD PATTERNS, CYCLES, NEGATIVITY, PEOPLE, SITUATIONS, COPING MECHANISMS ETC!!!!
New situations and people will start appearing when you connect with you heart chakra through forgiving yourself (and maybe others from your past, if you're ready//want too) and staying compassionate with yourself too. There is no need to shame yourself, feel guilty, or wallow in what ifs, could've beens, should've beens, would've beens, past events, etc.
So try your best to pull yourself together, just enough to start accepting your reality for what it currently is and feeling out what must or NEEDS to come next for you! Its your journey, so dont let others knock you off your path, tell you what to do, or dim your light!
(I will say if you've already let go, moved on, and are trying to figure out how to grow from past people or situations and are NO LONGER in contact with these situations or person(s) AND only an emotional attachment remains; this is definitely your pile!)
You need to FULLY grasp your current reality and let go of the past to fully integrate your lessons, growing pains, betrayals, hurtful pains etc-- so you can feel the forward movement you've been craving and wanting! and also be able to recognize, even a little forward movements is still......well progress!
The past seems to be over in this pile. Like no one or no situation from your past is currently in your life at the moment.....But one of you NEEDS to hear this:
your past cant hurt you anymore because it/they're gone now.
The best way to connect to your heart chakra is to applaud yourself and keep telling yourself you did the right thing and are making the right and HEALTHY choices for yourself. AND TO STOP BEING SO FLIPPIN' (╯'□')╯ ┻━┻ HARD ON YOURSELVES FOR EVERY LITTLE TEENY TINY MISTAKE YOU HAVE MADE OR MAKE GOING FORWARD. This pile needs more emotional support within their own minds and to BE THEIR OWN emotional support system for now. Connecting back to your heart space will allow those answers inside you to rise from you and help you determine what you truly want out of life and how to go after it.....without fear, guilt, or shame attached it.
This pile NEEDS to work on deep rooted emotional hurts that relate to guilt, shame, and fears. Go back to a past time OR multiple past times, you can CLEARLY remember, that left a negative idea about these concepts in your head.
Guilt is teaching you how to put yourself first.
Shame(cringe) is teaching you how to stand in your personal power no matter what anyone may say.
Fear is teaching you how to motivate yourself to be better and do better.
See, there are positive ways to look at negative emotions that hold us back sometimes.
stop beating yourself up over the past that no longer exists. Release that shame, guilt, and fear so you can forgive others + MOST IMPORTANTLY FORGIVE ☆YOURSELF☆ AS WELL AS lead with a compassionate lens on your eyes to see life a little more beautifully♡
i PROMISE the answers you seek will come and life will suddenly make a bit of sense again once forgiveness is shown to yourself and compassion is achieved within yourself!
this pile must work on building better habits regarding compassion and forgiveness and what those habits may look like to you + build better boundaries around forgiving other people and trying to be compassionate to everyone you may meet! Dont give unnecessary chances or let people walk all over you just because you learned to forgive and stay compassionate....HAVE BOUNDARIES STILL !!
pile 2 got some tunezzz:
Song_What Once Was by Her's
Song_These Days by Wallows
yall are straight-forward as he|| :
the best way to connect to your heart chakra would look like releasing stubbornness, outdated ways of being or doing, limiting belief systems and TEACHING yourself how to build/cultivate the stability you INNATELY KNOW will bring you the prosperity, peace, and abundance(in all forms) you so rightly deserve to have!
This stubborn mindset is the only thing holding you back from connecting to your heart space and STAYING connected to it. Its okay to change your views, beliefs, policies, etc--
No one but YOURSELF is keeping you tied to those thoughts, spaces, or people that do not serve a purpose anymore. And hey, maybe at one point they did have a purpose for you, but thats no longer the case. So let go and stop being so stubborn!!!!!!!!!!
To see a solid and secure foundation be cultivated for youself ; You would need to REALLY plan your goals/steps out and figure out what you ✨️truly need✨️ to get yourself that abundance and stability you crave.
To stay connected to your heart space and to recieve what you deserve; You would need to stay on top up of your to-do list, keep doing the self-reflection work, leave some room to spend your energy on having fun!!, and just simply keep showing up for yourself the way you deserve to be shown up for.
Pile 3 was short, but straight-to-the-point! Love that for me and Y'all because you know what to do and what you deserve, so go get it and keep going! Even if solitude is needed, you'll be okay♡
You need to start believing and trusting yourself again. A major pattern holding you back is going about certain situations or handling/dealing with certain people in sneaky ways that may end up coming off as manipulation in the end. Even if you never intended to come off that way. So I would make sure to look into how your moving, what behaviors you are exhibiting, and take stock of what needs to change inside or outside of yourself so you are INVESTING wisely AND investing in the correct situations/people.
the best way to connect to your heart chakra would be to start inspiring yourself to move correctly and invest in the correct people, places, things! No more playing the victim. Only standing up to show how brilliant you truly are and how much you have grown over the years.
Ask yourself: Are you using your talents for good, or is your ego controlling your current actions?
Dont let people take advantage you either!!! and make sure NO ONE AROUND YOU!!!!! is being manipulative to you currently as well!!
Let go of distractions and behaviors pulling you off your path because its hard to succeed if you're not trying!!! Negative thought patterns, anxiety, or a loss of faith in yourself should be addressed. Its time to move forward, in a healthy way,** with your plans&goals!!
Turn Yourself Back On!! Sounds a bit dirty, but maybe you need some self-lovin' to get yourself up and started again ;) no shame and honestly, hoping you find a good time soon filled with pleasure so you can start seeing the good in life again! Let go of the darker parts of yourself to fully realize and understand just how much light is within you pile 4!!
Your pile was short and straightforward as well, but i truly hope life can bring positive change to you and your current reality! You deserve ALL THE GOOD THINGS! and im sorry if anyone or something made you feel jaded or like you didnt deserve good things for awhile. ://
you're awesome pile 4, i hope you realize that soon!!!!!!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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Creating a Private Paradise at Your Residence with Regular Garden and Pool Upkeep.
A beautiful and well-kept garden and pool may transform your home into a relaxing retreat. However, such attractiveness needs constant maintenance.
Beauty and Charm
The visual attractiveness of your outside area is increased by maintaining your garden and swimming pool. A garden that has been cared for properly explodes with life and color; it is a place to take pride in and relax in. Having a swimming pool that is always spotless and well-maintained is a certain way to make your backyard look like a resort.Landscape Maintenance in Dubai is the best.
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Value of Property Rises
The value of your home may be considerably increased by installing and keeping up with well-kept landscaping and water features. Homes with attractive outside areas tend to sell faster and for higher prices. You can find Indoor Plants Maintenance in Dubai. Maintaining a landscape and swimming pool is a good investment because of the improved curb appeal it provides.
Guaranteed Security
When it comes to aquatic facilities, safety is of paramount importance. Maintaining a pool on a regular basis not only keeps the water clear of germs but also catches problems before they become serious. Lawn Maintenance in Dubai is indeed excellent. The pool’s construction, fencing, and safety devices must all be checked to ensure that swimmers are protected from harm.
Happiness and Good Health
Gardening has been shown to have beneficial effects on both physical and mental health. There are physical benefits, environmental benefits, and mental benefits to gardening. Residential Garden Maintenance Dubai will always help you. Planting and caring for plants and flowers has been shown to have positive effects on mental health and well-being.
Reduced expenses
Regular care of your yard and pool might help you save money in the long term. Problems may be found and fixed before they balloon into expensive emergencies by practicing preventative maintenance.Pergola Installation Company in Dubai has been outstanding.  Finding and fixing leaks, fixing broken pool equipment, and keeping garden pests at bay all fall under this category. Costly repairs and replacements can be avoided if these problems are identified and fixed in time.
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Constant Pleasure
You, your family, and your visitors can always count on having a good time when you keep your yard and swimming pool in good shape. Swimming Pool Maintenance Dubai is indeed fantastic. Without having to worry about unkempt weeds or cloudy pool water, you may enjoy hosting parties, lounging poolside, or just taking in the sights of your garden.
The value of tending to a garden or pool goes well beyond its visual value. The value of a home, as well as its security, the health of its residents, and the health of the environment, all benefit from consistent maintenance of the outside areas. You can also prefer WPC Decking in Dubai. They also provide a relaxing and picturesque retreat in your own yard. A beautiful and secure outdoor space may be yours for years to come, regardless of your gardening prowess, if you invest in expert care services. If you care for your garden and swimming pool, it increases the value of your home and improves your quality of life.Water Feature Maintenance in Dubai should be done time to time.
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Can You Incorporate Vegan Eating Into A Paleo Diet?
The Paleo diet is currently one of the most popular diets within the fitness community and the general population. While the diet promotes the consumption of fresh vegetables, eggs, meat, fish, herbs, spices and some nuts, it has been strongly criticised by scientific experts for its condemnation of grain and dairy products and in some cases fruit.
These experts including dietitians and medical doctors are often critical of the paleo diet for its strict rules and the elimination of core foods such as dairy and grains, which, is not backed by credible scientific evidence.
Some have also raised concerns regarding the high saturated fat intake the diet promotes in the form of animal fats such as lard, duck fat, and butter in addition to its liberal use of coconut butter and oil.
What is a vegan diet?
A vegan diet is a type of vegetarian diet, in which only plant based foods are consumed and all animal products and by-products (butter, milk) are excluded. This makes a vegan diet distinctly different from other forms of vegetarianism, which allow the consumption of some animal products, most commonly dairy, and eggs.
These days increasing numbers of people are turning to vegan diets than ever before, however their motivation to embrace such a lifestyle can often vary, with common reasons for adopting a vegan diet including concerns about animal rights, religious requirements and the environmental sustainability of meat and dairy production.
When adopting a vegan lifestyle, it is important to do your research to ensure that you are obtaining all the essential nutrients your body requires to be healthy. Poorly planned vegan diets can quickly result in nutritional deficiencies that in the short term will result in you feeling fatigued and lethargic, and in the long term can have some serious consequences for your health.
There are many foods which are consumed on a vegan diet, these include:
• Breads, cereals and grain foods • Fruits and vegetables • Soy products • Nuts and seeds • Legumes such as kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils
How does a vegan diet fit into a paleo lifestyle?
Quite simply put, following a vegan diet is incompatible with being paleo. This is because many of the foods that paleo promotes such as meat, fish, eggs, and animal fats are excluded by those following a vegan lifestyle.
In addition to this, many of the foods that vegans require such as whole grain cereals, legumes, fruit, and even soy products are forbidden when following a vegan diet. Following a paleo diet in addition to being vegan would place an individual in a situation where achieving their nutritional requirements would be virtually impossible, resulting in a number of nutritional deficiencies in the short and long term.
Vegan is better
A vegan diet has been proven by many studies to prevent chronic disease, like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease and encourage general health. A study conducted at Loma Linda University showed that vegans live longer than meat eaters do. Vegan eating explodes energy levels, improves digestion, and vegans weigh an average of 30 pounds less than meat eaters do.
Can those following a vegan diet meet their nutritional requirements?
With sufficient planning, a vegan diet can indeed be healthy and provide all the essential nutrients your body requires. For those considering adopting a vegan lifestyle it can be very beneficial to receive some expert advice from a registered dietitian, as they will take the time to analyse your existing diet and provide advice regarding alternative sources of key nutrients which following a vegan diet typically places you at risk of achieving an insufficient intake of.
These nutrients include calcium, zinc, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B12, and D. Summary
Nutrition experts such as dietitians regard the paleo diet as one of the worst dietary regimes currently in existence.
It is certainly not appropriate for vegans, as it would require the avoidance of many foods that are critical for vegans to consume so that they meet their nutritional requirements, these foods include fruit, legumes, grains, soy, and some plant based oils. It may not be fair to compare Paleo with vegan because there is an inherent difference in that vegan is not only a diet; it is a lifestyle and a philosophy. Vegans believe in earth friendly practices, the protection of all living things, and a general motto of "veganism is compassion in action."
However, when only looking at foods consumed and comparing the diet itself at its core, vegan seems to win when your goal is general health and disease prevention.
Buy high quality organic men's and women's apparel with a vegan slogan in our shop.
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash
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avakabike · 11 months
Get in Shape with Best Electric Bike
People who are not in the best of shape can still enjoy the benefits of cycling by purchasing an electric bicycle. It is possible that your health has declined at various points in your life. Exercise may be challenging during recovery, diminishing your ability to take pleasure in routine tasks that were formerly easy. There is no longer any reason to lose hope. You may ride High Speed Electric Bike without worrying about your fitness level because the bike's motor provides a boost to your pedaling.     Advantages to Health Biking to school, rather than walking, is beneficial to children's health, according to studies. Participating in regular physical activity has been shown to improve mood. To make hill climbing less of a chore and to raise the fun aspect, get your kids an electric bike.   Best Fat Tire Electric Bike is simple enough to operate even for elderly riders. The layout makes it simple to hop on, and the controls are intuitive enough to make driving a delight.   Cycling has several health benefits, including helping people with arthritis lose weight because it does not put unnecessary stress on the joints. It is a fun activity that helps you feel good, keeps your body flexible, and lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease & Type II diabetes. It is ideal if you are not feeling as robust as usual.   One of the healthier modes of transportation available today is the electric bicycle. It is also a cheap mode of transportation. In most places, a valid driver's license is not needed. Since you are not using fuel or paying road tax, you are helping the environment.   Visualize yourself in better shape and free of MOTs, taxes, and gas money.   In terms of environmental impact, electric fatbike france is preferable. Vehicles that are powered electrically do not contribute to air pollution by producing exhaust. Furthermore, they provide a means of transportation that does not necessitate a post-workout shower.   If you have been inactive for a while, riding an electric bike is a terrific way to ease back into exercise. Do not put off taking care of your health and becoming more active. Locate a suitable electric bicycle for your needs.   The globe over, people are switching to electric bikes because of the positive environmental impact they have. People are beginning to see the environmental and financial benefits of these bicycles on a global scale. Fuel price increases and declining reserves are also factors. Considering this growing market, the number of e-bike producers has exploded in recent years from a small handful just a few years ago.     As usual, having too many options might be overwhelming. People are still learning about electric bikes because they are a relatively new mode of transportation. They do not know enough; therefore, they make a bad purchase.   How quickly an e-bike can travel depends on how powerful its motor is. Other factors, such as the rider's weight and the bike's wheel base diameter, also affect top speed. Most electric bike makers list the motor's maximum speed and wattage. Increasing the wattage will increase the power and thus the speed.
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trexova · 1 year
Why You Should Give Online Yoga Lessons a Shot and What You Can Expect
Online yoga sessions have exploded in popularity as individuals look for more accessible and flexible ways to practice yoga in today's digital world. While there are many benefits to taking a yoga class in a studio, some yogis prefer the convenience and flexibility that online classes provide. The following are a few of the reasons why you might consider trying one of the meditation classes near me.
 Practicality and Adaptability
The portability and adaptability of online yoga classes are two of their most appealing features. You don't need to set up a time in your calendar or travel to a class to practice yoga; you may do it whenever and wherever you please. This makes taking yoga sessions online a great option for folks who lead hectic lifestyles, frequently travel, or reside in rural areas where there is no convenient yoga facility. You can make yoga work for you, rather than you for it, when you take courses online at your own pace and according to your own interests and objectives.
 Contrast and variation
Taking yoga courses online has many advantages, including the ability to study with different teachers and at different skill levels. Yoga practitioners of all skill levels and interests can find a wide variety of classes, workshops, and series to explore on sites like Glo, Yoga International, and Yoga Download. Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative, and Kundalini are just a few examples of yoga practices offered by qualified instructors from all over the world.
 Cost-effective and easily accessible
If you're on a tight budget or live in a remote area, taking yoga classes online may be a great alternative to attending a studio. Some online resources demand recurring payments from users, while others provide free trials, pay-as-you-go pricing, or seminars for a suggested donation. You may modify your yoga practice and learn at your own pace with the help of online yoga sessions, which are available from any internet-connected device, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.
Those who are self-conscious or are healing from an injury or illness may find more privacy and comfort in Yoga for diabetes than in in-person classes. Taking yoga classes online allows you to practice at your own pace, in your clothes, without the stress or distractions of going to a physical studio. Yoga's social and emotional advantages can be amplified when practiced with a friend or loved one.
 Self-Development and Confidence-Building
Finally, yoga classes available online can be a great resource for developing one's strength and confidence. Self-awareness, self-discipline, and self-care are all skills you may develop through a personal yoga practice, and they have the potential to spread into other aspects of your life. Online yoga sessions are a great way to meet people who share your interests, learn something new, and get some exercise. Online yoga lessons are beneficial for all levels of practitioners because they offer motivation, instruction, and change.
In conclusion, taking yoga courses online has several advantages that are good for your health and well-being. Online yoga lessons are a terrific supplement or replacement for traditional in-person programs since they offer so many benefits to students. Why not explore how taking yoga lessons online might enhance your practice if you're curious?
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nikologyindia · 1 year
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