#exo angst fluff
eomayas · 11 months
all the rumors are true • bbh
pairing: idol!baekhyun x f!idol!reader
genre: fluff & angst
synopsis: your secret relationship with baekhyun getting revealed, and what comes after.
warnings: none!
a/n: very self indulgent lmao i had this thought a few days ago and needed to get it out! the ending is a bit choppy i ran out of thoughts. heavily unedited and not proof read 🫣
“yes, i take care of all of them,” you laugh, nodding at the radio show hosts question about if it’s hard being a leader to a group of 4, including yourself. “especially our youngest.” you say, glancing over at sunny, the baby of your group.
“what’s the age difference between you and her?” the host asks.
“six years,” you say, making the host gasp.
“ah, so you’re 28… that means she was 16 when you debuted?” the host looks between you and sunny, both of you nodding. “wow, so you probably have had no time for dating since even before debut!”
you laugh, though it’s 90% true, which sucks. “yes, because she was so young when we were trainees—we all were—i was always with them to make sure they stayed out of trouble and weren’t around strange people,” you say, your eyes sliding over all of your members. “so, no, there hasn’t been a lot of time to date. but i’m not mad at that because i was taking care of my babies.” everyone chuckles at the last bit and mingwa puts her head on your shoulder.
“y/n needs somebody to take care of her!” heejin, the second to youngest member shouts. you smile and shake your head at her words, though they’re unbelievably true. if only the public knew that you were, though. that instead of laying your head on a soft pillow every night, you lied down on a hard chest and let strong arms hold you tight, while soft kisses on the top of your head lulled you to sleep.
“girl, i’m your candy,” sunny sings quietly. you don’t cut your eyes at her immediately, but the panic bubbles in your chest. nobody mentions her singing, or sings along, but sunny and mingwa share a quick look that freaks you out, makes you paranoid that in a few hours when the video recording of this session is posted, speculations will start.
you glance at sunny, hoping to catch her eye, but she’s engrossed in what the host is talking about. you can barely hear above your heartbeat in your ears, the blood rushing through so quickly it’s starting to give you a headache. you try to discreetly regulate your breathing, trying to remember those videos talking about square breathing that you found online. nobody seems to notice, except mingwa who taps your forearm and looks at you with concern that you brush off.
you manage to make it through the rest of the interview as normal as possible. you start talking a lot less, letting your members share more about themselves and the group, and nobody except for mingwa clocks that you were mentally somewhere else.
saying your goodbyes, the four of you get up and shuffle out of the radio station and into the outside world where dozens of cameras await. the shutters fly at rapid pace, and the flash on some of them are nearly blinding, but you and your group smile and pose, despite the chaos happening.
shuffling into the car, you let the three others get inside first. you take the last seat in the sprinter van and buckle yourself in, resting your head against the headrest. “y/n, are you alright?” mingwa asks, concern clear and evident in her voice. you let out a breath and sit up, turning around to look at sunny.
“why did you start singing ‘candy’, soojin?” you ask, using her full name. she looks at you with wide eyes at her government being called and holds her hands up in surrender. “do you know what people are going to say?”
“sorry, mom,” she shoots back, giving you an incredulous look. “all they’re going to say is that i’m acting exactly like how the youngest person is supposed to be acting—interrupting you and singing over everybody. nobody is going to say anything about you and baekhyun.” you press your lips together, stumped because she’s most likely right, even though you have an inkling in the back of your brain that somebody is going to take notice, and make something out if it.
“well, you don’t really want people thinking you go around interrupting everybody,” you chastise. sunny rolls her eyes at you and sighs dramatically.
“we are quite literally the perfect group—i don’t know why you are so worried about our image all the time,” she says. you decide that the conversation is over, and sit facing forward again. sunny doesn’t understand that everything, at the end of the day, falls on you. people look at you like you birthed these girls and raised them up yourself. if one of them screw up, it falls on the entire group but rests on your shoulders to clean up. your image is so important to uphold, because there has only ever been one scandal to your groups name at the beginning of your careers that you did everything possible to stop the public from shaming you and the girls. it’s not easy to do that.
the ride is silent, save for their nails tapping against their phone screens. you sit with your eyes closed and your head leaned back, ready to dive into bed and maybe call baekhyun. maybe.
“would it really be that bad if everybody knew about you and baekhyun?” sunny asks, cutting into the silence. you open your eyes, but don’t turn around. the hair on your arms stands up at his name being mentioned so loudly, somewhere that isn’t the safety of your dorms.
“yes,” you reply. you think about the uproar it would cause, and what it would do to your career. his would be fine, of course, because the dismissal is never the same for men as it is for women. your group would probably have to disband, or you’d have to leave. it would look terrible, especially since you are the leader, if this was public news. “it would be awful, sunny. i cant lose my career over a man.” and while a nasty pang of guilt rips through your chest, it’s the truth.
“but… you told me you think that you love him. that’s not enough?” when she says these words, it’s like she’s 16 again, asking you why the world was mad at your group for a rumor about heejin. her voice is small, naive almost, and it reminds you how far apart you two really are.
you can’t help that your eyes start to water. “soojin, can we talk about this later?” you ask, blinking back the tears. you swallow thickly and pull your headphones out of your pocket, turning up your music loudly to block out any thoughts of you and baekhyun, and the public finding out.
getting back to the dorms, you head straight for your room. you close the door behind you and pull out your headphones and sigh, your head pounding. flopping onto the bed, you bury your face in the pillows and close your eyes.
you’re disrupted by a knock only moments later, and you let out a breath before telling whoever it is to come in. “y/n?” sunny’s voice calls from the doorway.
“yeah?” you roll over and sit up on your elbows to look at her. she gives you a sheepish smile and comes over to your bed, crawling in bed next to you like she used when you guys were trainees and she kissed her family.
scooting over, you make space for her to rest her head on your shoulder, your arm wrapping around her. “sorry for earlier. i guess i’m just trying to see the positive side to it,” sunny says.
“it’s fine,” you sigh. “i’m just super paranoid.”
“is baekhyun?” she asks.
you shake your head above her. it’s amazing to you that he seems to have no qualms or fears about your relationship becoming public. he’s fine with it being a secret or being news, and it makes you feel like shit, like it looks like you’re afraid of being seen with him. though it’s far from that. “no, and i guess that’s what makes me more stressed out. because he’s too chill about it, and doesn’t seem to be worried.”
“he’s old,” sunny snorts and you chuckle. there’s only four years between you and him, so she’s technically calling you old too, but you don’t say anything. “are you gonna tell him you love him?” she asks after a beat of silence. you still against her and she lifts her head to look at you.
it’s a sensitive subject—you and baekhyun haven’t said it yet. you won’t say it, because you’re afraid it’ll open a dam of bad things starting to happen. like once it’s out in the open, the worst possible thing could happen to your relationship. “maybe. i don’t know. probably not,” you ramble.
sunny gives you a sad look and squeezes you into a hug. she doesn’t say anything, and neither do you, but enough passes between the two of you. i’m here for you, she says. i know, you say back.
baekhyuns hands are on your ribs, holding you firmly and pressing you flush against the side of his car as he takes you into a nice, soft kiss. your arms snake around his neck, your fingers playing with the ends of his hair at his neck.
his lips move slowly against yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth with ease. your chest burns with adoration and want, and him tugging you closer to him only makes you throb. pulling away, his mouth chases yours and you let him kiss you again, this time letting him tilt your head back so you’re practically lying against the car.
it’s risky to be out in the open like this, but the parking garage is secluded and for residents of his apartment only. you would see and hear anybody coming through, but so far you haven’t in the last seven minutes.
you pull away from him again, and stop his advances by gently pressing your fingers to his lips. “baekhyun,” you say softly. he kisses your fingertips and then your cheek.
“yes?” he says, looking into your eyes with an intensity that makes your knees weak, so much so that you rest your weight against the car.
“can we go inside?” you ask, your fingers dancing on his cheek. he nods and kisses your palm before grabbing it and taking you to the elevators. baekhyun wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his side, kissing your temple for a long time, all the way until the doors open, and then pulling you down the hallway to his apartment.
he helps you out of your coat and hangs it up. “what do you want to eat?” he asks as you step out of your shoes.
“bold of you to assume i’m hungry,” you tease, but you’re always hungry around him, and you are hungry right now. baekhyun rolls his eyes at you and repeats his question. “i don’t know. chicken? ramen? rice? whatever you want.” you say, kissing his lips. he holds you close for a beat before letting you go so he can get something started for the two of you.
you bound to the living room and sprawl out on his large couch, turning the tv onto one of the many shows you two have started watching together. you get comfortable and pull a blanket over you, snuggling into the cushions while he busies himself with the task of making dinner.
baekhyun comes into the living room with two bowls of food a few minutes later. you sit up and thank him as you accept the dish, crossing your legs and resting the bowl in your lap. “what did i miss?” he asks, and you catch him up on the show in between bites.
you two eat in a close and comfortable silence. he’d probably have his arm around you if it wasn’t uncomfortable while you two were eating. the close proximity is enough though, your knees touching and his right arm lightly bumping into your left.
you set your bowl on the table, ready to get up to get a drink but baekhyun gets up quicker than you, already knowing what you want. he goes into the kitchen and comes back with two glasses of water. it feels like the world is slipping beneath your feet, and you could cry because of him.
this is the taking care of that heejin said you needed. you finally have it—he’s always like this with you, feeding you, making sure you’re well rested and fed and just okay. he takes whatever worries you have and throws them on his back and just lets you be.
after dinner, you and baekhyun retreat to his bedroom. you lie on his bare chest, a hand resting on his stomach and your ear against his heart. baekhyun mindlessy plays with your hair, his fingers digging into your scalp soothingly. your eyes can’t help but flutter close—there’s no point in trying to fight sleep. you’ll wake up with him tomorrow.
the speculations didn’t start the next day. no, everybody thought it was so cute and funny that sunny blurts out random things while her older members are talking. there were compilations made from your groups content; interviews, your group vlogs, and more. it was funny, honestly, that they adored her disruptiveness.
the speculations started four days later. and when the news broke, the internet nearly stopped working because there were pictures and videos. so many pictures and videos, that it felt like somebody may have been stalking you. there were pictures of you and baekhyun kissing against his car, of you two in his car, of you two getting out of his car, of you two going for a late night walk near the han river.
and then there were videos—albeit, mostly can made—that served as proof that you two really are dating. there’s the longing looks shared at award shows, zoomed in videos of you two standing next to each other on stages, hands brushing. the other videos are just more reasons to believe that you two are dating; heejin saying you need to be taken care of, and then clips of baekhyun taking care of his own members. videos of you talking about your ideal type, and clips proving that you must have been referring to baekhyun, or jaír got really lucky that you found him.
it’s overwhelming.
when the pictures surfaced, you and mingwa were in the practice room dancing to your debut songs. the alert popped up on your phones at the same time, but mingwa grabbed hers first. you heard her gasp and ran over, thinking she might’ve twisted her ankle, but instead were met with her guilty eyes and her perfectly fine ankle.
you didn’t know what to do when you saw the photos. your heart stopped and your felt sick. your head started pounding, and it felt like a rug was being pulled from underneath your feet. you didn’t know what to do, so you started crying, falling to the floor in a heap. you weren’t sobbing, but your were audibly crying, and mingwa wasn’t sure what to do. you managed to get yourself together, and excused yourself to your room, avoiding any staff members on your way.
and now you’re on the phone with baekhyun, trying not to burst into tears as he keeps telling you everything will be ok. “baekhyun, this was such a bad idea!” you cry, pressing your forehead into your hand.
“what was? dating me?” he asks, slight offense in his voice.
“yes!” you shout, but you don’t even believe yourself. “w-we shouldn’t have gotten involved.” you’re adding fuel to the fire, hoping he’ll just break up with you so you can say those photos aren’t real, and that you’re not longer dating so everybody can leave you alone.
“you don’t mean that,” baekhyun says, his voice soft on the other line. it makes you feel like shit. “do you?”
you shake your head, though he can’t see you. “no,” you say meekly. “but we- y/n, you knew this could happen even before we started dating.” he interrupts, shutting you up. you press your mouth into a thin line. “don’t try to push me away now, y/n.” the overuse of your first name makes you feel like you’re being scolded by an elder.
“okay, i’m sorry,” you say, sighing. baekhyun parrots you and you press your body into your mattress. now would be the ideal time to tell him you love him, but it feels like it would be a poor bandaid to apologizing for saying that you should have never agreed to date him. “i don’t know what to do.” you mumble.
“let our companies handle it. you just get some sleep,” he says. you chew on your bottom lip, wishing that he was here with you.
“okay. goodnight, baekhyun,” you say. i love you, you want to add.
“goodnight, y/n.”
when you wake the next morning, your group, managers, and baekhyuns team are all in the dorm lounge. you freeze when you see him, ready to jump out of the nearest window because you know exactly what is about to happen. “we need to release a statement,” your manager says, beckoning you over to everybody.
gingerly, you walk over to your girls, sitting next to heejin at the end of the sofa, the furthest you can get away from your boyfriend. “so, i assume it’s true? the rumors about you dating? you can say no, but i’ve seen the pictures,” baekhyuns manager says, looking over at you. you nod, and when everyone keeps staring at you, you pipe up and say “yes”, your voice hoarse.
“great. how long has it been?”
“seven months,” baekhyun says, his eyes flicking to you. heejin gasps beside you, grabbing everybody’s attention.
“oh, sorry!” she says, waving everybody off. “liar!” she whispers. you told her that it’s only been four months.
both of your guys’ managers read from what looks like a checklist of things, asking you questions and scribbling down answers so they can formulate each of your statements.
“are you happy?” your manager asks, not looking up from the sheet. it’s an easy questions, and you both answer ‘yes’ with ease. “are you in love?” the question lodges your heart in your throat, and the room gets eerily silent, so silent that you could hear a pin drop in the next room.
you don’t know what to say. you don’t want to lie, and look terrible, but you don’t want to tell the truth and further complicate your relationship.
you glance over at bakehyun, and find him already looking at you. you know what you’re going to say the moment your eyes meet, and you feel your stomach flip on it’s side. your heart melts like goo in your chest as you say, “yes”, admitting after many long months the one thing that’s been clawing at you in the back of your mind.
your manager scribbles down your answer and turns to baekhyun. “baekhyun?” he asks. his eyes never leave yours, and it feels like you’re the only two people in the room, despite the fact that there’s about 10 feet of distance between you two.
“of course,” he says it so sincerely that you drop your gaze to your lap, your face turning red and a smile overtaking your lips. your group members giggle and elbow you in your side, equally as happy to hear the news.
you feel over the moon, and your past paranoia is put away and shoved into a box that you choose to ignore for a moment. both of your teams curate statements, and they’re sent out less than an hour later. you and baekhyun take the rest of the day for yourselves, driving out far to the beach and hanging there all day until it gets dark, and your teeth start clattering because of the weather. and when you get in the car, he kisses you and you quite literally feel the love has for you, and your brain goes fuzzy to the point where all you can remember is his name, everything else being put to shame.
the responses you get to your relationship are much more positive than you expect, and of course there are negative comments, but not nearly as many as there are of the positive comments. people cnat help but gush at how you found your person, and are finally getting to get taken care of.
but, of course, cameras are on you more heavily than in the past. and now, when you go on variety shows solo, they want to know about your personal life before knowing about the group. you learn to get used to it, giving way to basically nothing, and sometimes sharing more than people expect, when you want to.
like, when you go on a variety show alone with a bunch of other idols, the same show baekhyun had been on in the past, they bring up an interview moment where baekhyun says that you’re the better dresser of the two of you. you’re asked the same question, and you answer baekhyun, and follow up with admitting that you’re wearing his clothes at that very moment. that makes the internet go crazy, searching high and low for pictures of baekhyun wearing the same item, comparing how it’s massive on you but fits him snugly.
or, when you attend the end of the year award shows and exo performs, the camera is on your group more often than you’d like to admit. there are fancams dedicated to your reaction of his groups performances, everybody focused on how you react to baekhyun specifically. of course, the same thing happens to him with you, and he’s a lot more shameless about his support of you.
you group responds well to your now public relationship. you’re able to get all five of you together more often, and they look at him like a bigger brother. sunny often tags along on your dates and asks about baekhyun and genuinely treats him like her uncle. she makes a lot of jokes about the two of you, mainly on camera. like, when you’re filming content for you groups vlog, she asks how baekhyun asked you out, and then sings the bridge of ‘blooming days’ by CBX, and does the dance too. the internet eats that up, constantly sharing the clip because it truly was funny.
despite the public news of your relationship, though, you and baekhyun manage to keep it private. besides what you choose to share, you can easily dodge questions about your private lives and keep the mystery alive. it does help your relationship now that more people know—there’s no threat of getting caught, or the constant feeling of breaking the rules. it’s easier now, and better than ever.
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veethefreeelf · 9 months
M - Mature (minors DNI) / F - Fluff / A - Angst / HpE - Happy Ending
None of these works are mine, I tagged all the authors, make sure to go to the authors page, like and reblog their works
Messy - two-shot, 14K - by @bobohu4eva - full Masterlist -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Good to You Series by @bobohu4eva again because ALL of their works are brilliant and you should read all of them -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Pink Lace Series by... again the brilliant @bobohu4eva -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Sweet Tooth Series by my fave Baekhyun writer (if it wasn't obvious already) @bobohu4eva -> M / A / F / HpE
Ecstasy Series (ongoing) by @bobohu4eva (yes, me simp) -> M / A / F
Deflowered - two-shot, 15.3K - by @bobohu4eva (guys... just read their whole work) -> M / A / F / HpE
Better Than Revenge - one-shot, 20.1K - by @byunified - full Masterlist -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Enchanted - one-shot, 21.1K - by @byunified again because they write Baekhyun beautifully -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Redo - one-shot, 17.7K - by @byunified because they are an amazing writer obviously -> M / A / F / HpE
Snapshot & Sequels - one-shot, 3K - by @icequeenbae - full Masterlist -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Six Phases Series by @exosmutfactory - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Guys My Age - one-shot, 6.7K - by @bvidzsoo - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Be Mine - one-shot, 18.4K - by @bvidzsoo again because this one is pure gold -> M / minor A / F / HpE
neon moon - one-shot, 6.7K - by @kyungseokie -> M / A / F / HpE
sweet - one-shot, 5K - by @baekluvie - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
candy stars - one-shot, 5K - by @gyukult - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE
drive safe - one-shot, 12.4K - by @gyukult (go through their Masterlist pleeeeease) -> M / A / F / HpE
Incubus: Coming of Age - two-shot, 10.1K - by @byuntrash101 - full Masterlist -> M / HpE
PARAPHILIA mini Series by @byuntrash101 because their works are amazing -> M / F / HpE
Baekhyunie don't leave me Series by @byuntrash101 again because they are an amazing writer -> M / A / F / HpE?
Deal with it - two-shot, 10.6K - by @byuntrash101 (THEY ARE AMAZING) -> M / minor F / HpE
The Damnation of a Saint - one-shot, 11.4K - by @byuntrash101 (I keep telling you to go to their masterlist) -> M
The Heir - one-shot, 4.5K - by YES AGAIN @byuntrash101 just go to their page -> M / A / F / HpE?
Silver - one-shot, 6.5K - by @lucyjay -> M / F / HpE
The End of the F**king World Series by @noonachronicles - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Trapped in his Maestoso Series by @oohfluffy - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Black and White Series by @baekingpancakes - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Cataclysm Series by @whimsical-ness - full Masterlist -> minor M / A / F
I Give Up Series by @soobadnoonecanstopher - full Masterlist - this was the very first Baekhyun fic I read and it has a very special place in my heart -> M / A / F / HpE
Touch it for Real Series by @soobadnoonecanstopher again because all of their series are absolute gold -> M / A / F / HpE
Come Back to Bed - one-shot, 1.3K - by @writemekpop - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
For Me - two-shot, 13.8K - by @spacequokka - full Masterlist -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Moon Rise - one-shot, 3.5K - by @spacequokka again because they are an amazing writer -> M / F / HpE
his one and only - one-shot, 8.1K - by @cosmic-railwayxo - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE
Prohibited - one-shot, 13.9K - by @kpopfanfictrash - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Imminence - one-shot, 10K - by @kpopfanfictrash again because they are amazing and they have a very diverse masterlist, check it out! -> M / A / F / HpE
Begin - one-shot, 4.1K - by @kpopfanfictrash again cause they are amaziiiiiiing -> M / A / F / HpE
loyal Series by @charmedbaek - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
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wontune · 26 days
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✥゙ baekhyun — exo 𝄒 lockscreens
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girlishful · 1 year
when you caught a flu and he still wanted a kiss
< pick your own member (male) x y/n (gen reader), fluff >
note: wow uhm i’m writing again? well slowly and mostly because i’ve been sick for 2 days now and i want my giant baby tofu man jeon wonwoo + his cuddles and i feel like he would do this sooooo tada :D i hope you enjoy! and also please stay healthy!!!
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“One. Just one.”
You shook your head no, relieving a sigh before snuggling closer (if it was even possible) to your boyfriend.
You could hear him let out a small disappointed sigh, wrapping his long limbs around your middle as you both lay in bed of your home.
He had sneaked a few hours out of his busy schedule to come and visit you after you insisted on him that you’re fine, it’s just a seasonal change flu and that he doesn’t have to worry about it, but him being him… well. As to his own words, “i had to make sure with my own pair of eyes that you are okay.”
So there he was, cuddling you and your cold. Yet still nagging your ears off for a one tiny soft kiss. Because he misses you and that you’re sick so to him, a kiss could seal the deal. Because you are sick. Trying to reassure you for countless of times that he would not catch the flu from it. Best of luck.
You rested your head on his chest, feeling the warmth of both of your bodies held close like your lives depended on it. He nuzzled his nose on top of your head before planting a kiss on your forehead. He hung his face lower to give your red nose the same affection before whispering “get well soon baby, i miss kissing you.”
You smiled into his shirt, blinking a few times before landing a smack on his chest as your last warning.
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bvidzsoo · 6 months
╰☆╮ᵔᴗᵔ ╰☆╮
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➜ ∥ ☆ ATEEZ M.list ∥
➜ ∥ ❃ EXO M.list ∥
➜ ∥ △ SEVENTEEN M.list ∥
➜ ❀ 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 @cromernet & @caratwritersclub
➜ ❀ 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭, 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 ^^
➜ ❀ 𝐛𝐮𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐤𝐨-𝐟𝐢 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭
➜ ❀ 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚 𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞
➜ ❀ 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐎𝟑, 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐓𝐨𝐤 <𝟑
↳ 𝐈 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳-𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐨
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©️bvidzsoo. Do not steal, plagiarize, translate, repost or use my works in any form.
૪ All works were written by me. They are pure fiction, and they do not depict the real characters of mentioned members.
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archernarbeta · 1 year
For all the moments
✴︎ pairing : Chanyeol x Reader
✴︎ genre : domestic!au, idol!chanyeol, editor!reader, angst, fluff, comfort, yearning
✴︎ summary : For all the moments, you were always by his side. For all the moments, he was always next to you.
✴︎ warning : none, maybe mild cursing but nothing else!
✴︎ word count : 4.2K
✴︎ author’s note : hii! It’s archie! This one has been hanging out on my drafts for way too long and I finally decided it’s time to take it out! Anyways, this fic was initially for Baekhyun but I felt that the scenario fits better with Chanyeol. I was highly inspired by EXO-SC’s Jet-lag and Kyungsoo’s recent birthday party where he sang Beautiful Day! I hope you enjoy this one and feel free to leave feedback or comments! likes are also much appreciated ♥ 
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The loud drizzling sounds of rain hitting your apartment window can’t help but stir you up from your deep slumber. What the hell, you thought, rubbing your eyes a little to wash away your sleepiness. The clock beside your bedside table reads 3.40am, the timing indicates that it’s too early for anyone to be awake at the moment. The sky kept rumbling, with thunders flashing every minute and you groaned at the sight of the storm rolling in front of you. Being woken up from a storm was one thing but being awake without your husband, was another thing. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep again so you grabbed your phone to check if Chanyeol had landed in Seoul from his recent work trip from Paris. 
Notifications 02.30am KST Yeol: > Babe? > I just landed with the worst weather ever! > I can't wait to see you > I missed you so much :(( Read 03.43am KST
Being married for 2 years to one of the most famous idol in Korea, you were accustomed to his busy schedule. Flying out here and there to attend concerts, award shows, photoshoots and prestigious events was part of the job. With you working as a fashion editor, his daily agenda was not out of the ordinary for you. The difference only being the fact that he works under the limelight, but you don’t—not that you mind at all. Nevertheless, both of you made it work. It was too easy to understand how it feels to work under a tight schedule without any time to breathe. You with your never-ending deadlines and meetings, and him with his idol life. 
However, dating him for 6 years and being married to him for three, being away from him never gets easier.
You zoned out for a while before a loud thud distracted your attention, followed by your bedroom door clicking open. Your husband was finally home, his tall frame resting against the door with a huge grin on his face. Even with the minimal lighting of your bedroom, you could make up the bags under his sparkling eyes and the sight made you frown. 
“Hii honey,” his voice soft as ever, “I missed you so much..”
You sat up beaming at him while reaching out, welcoming him with open arms. He took a step closer to the bed, engulfing your sleepy figure. You replied with a small ‘hello’ as you melted into his hug. You really can’t help but wonder how he’d smell so nice after a long-haul flight, but nevertheless, you love inhaling his scent that brings you nothing but comfort.
“How long have you been awake? The storm must’ve woken you up.” His voice was laced with worry.
You held his cheeks with your hands and he practically melt under your touch, 
“Not too long ago.”
“Please quickly shower and join me in bed, huh? Pretty please…” you pouted at his tired state. 
“Anything for you, baby. Give me a while and I’ll join you as soon as possible!” 
He didn’t close the door as he showered, not that you’d mind, at this point you were too sleepy to even think of peeking. As the water ran down on his back, he unconsciously kept you awake by chatting with you. He really couldn’t help that he missed his wife so much. 
“Babe, do you have plans tomorrow?”
“No? Not that I could think of…I might drop by the studio and the office tomorrow morning but other than that, I don’t think I’ll be booked the whole day. Are you going somewhere tomorrow?” 
“The office? Isn’t tomorrow like..Saturday? Is Saerim giving you a hard time? What about the interns? They’re not helping you enough? Are you working too hard again?” He rambled on with concern with a raised voice as the running water muffled his voice.
“I- Uh..” you stammered, “Yeol, I t-told you work is fine” you quipped. The sound of the water subsided as a tall figure emerged from the bathroom. Chanyeol dried his hair, ruffling the soft brown locks with a towel as he frowned at your response. He knew you were having a hard time at work and had asked you to quit a thousand times by now. Even without the math, anyone would know that his pay would be enough for the both of you to live comfortably. 
You looked at your golden-retriever husband in the eye, “So where are you going tomorrow?” 
A thing about Chanyeol is that he’d waive things out so easily, as easy as shifting the conversation to another topic and he won’t go back to pester the elephant in the room. 
At your question he blinks a few times, “Would you mind if I take a day out tomorrow with the boys? Baek said he needed some pointers for his upcoming solo album and Junmyeon-Hyung had things to discuss for the group.” He scratched the back of his head. 
“But that is…if it’s okay with you?” he nervously asked. 
“That’s okay, babe…” you half yawned, sleep lulled you once again as you tried snuggling inside the comforter, 
“I really don’t mind”, the drowsiness took you as the soft satin sheets came in contact with your skin. He smiled at the sight as he returned the towel to its place. Chanyeol didn’t take long to join you in bed, cuddling you in his arms. 
After his hectic schedules and weeks without holding you, being beside you was the perfect medicine to charge his tired form. He sighed, relieving all his weariness before the slumber took him out.
He knew, this was home. 
You, were home.
Morning came faster than you’d like. The rain from last night hadn’t stopped, raindrops trickling on your high-floor apartment as the sky was still dark as ever. Beside you, a tired giant, possessively hugging you amidst his sleep. You giggled at this grown-up man’s clingy behaviour.  Chanyeol will always be the cutest, ever. 
You blamed your body clock for waking up so early on a Saturday, especially on this dreading Saturday. 
With a little struggle, you free yourself from Chanyeol’s hold and tiptoed to the kitchen. It was just 6.00am but you quickly prepared breakfast for the both of you and salad, for Chanyeol just in case he wants a light lunch. 
As you sipped your coffee, last night’s conversation went through your head. He knew you had troubles at work, he had plans and you said you were okay, you didn’t mind.
You internally sighed because mind you did.
You were far from okay.
Because even though you’d hate to admit it, you’d love to have him for yourself. In fact, you have missed him so much these past few weeks that it physically hurts. 
But no. 
You had work. 
Your useless-piece-of-a-shit-partner Yoon Saerim, will probably taunt you if you don’t come up with a better concept for this month’s pictorial. So even though you miss being around your ball of sunshine more than you’d like to admit, fate was just not in your favour this Saturday. 
You could always quit, is what Yeol usually says after your long rant about your horrible boss and the disgusting amount of workload you had to handle. Sure you have subordinates and interns working under you, but working in fashion for so long, you came to the conclusion that nothing is never ever enough when it comes to the industry. 
Thinking back, Chanyeol always loved being under the spotlight as an idol ever since his debut days and making music was as precious as that. After both of you settled down and eventually got married, you were quick to admit that Chanyeol sacrificed a lot for you, even if you didn’t ask him to. He paid the bills, every bill. He took care of the parents, dinner dates with your parents and his every other week were a staple and he’d never miss sending health supplements once in a while. You never asked him to do so but married Chanyeol just stepped up and took on the role as a caring husband so naturally. 
Even with his burning passion in music, he went the extra mile, producing countless songs by the count of months. At times he goes on an overdrive, he’d lock himself up in the studio and he would forget about everything else. Situations like this scares the shit out of you. You remembered the first time he went berserk, it took you and his members two days to figure out where he was. He’d gone AWOL and you had to call the police to track down his phone, just to find out that he’d been coping himself in the studio for 48 hours without sleep or food, only water. You and Sehun found him sitting down in front of the recording booth with a guitar in hand, music sheets sprawled on the floor. His eyes were already bloodshot red, it was clear that he was sleep-deprived, very tired and out of focus. Sehun sighed, ready to scold Yeol for his stupid behaviour before your husband quipped, 
“Please don’t take me away, not yet…” 
his eyes all over the place with brows furrowed, his forehead creasing.
“I swear if you give me more time, I’ll finish this tomorrow and I’ll go but please leave and don’t come here until tomorrow, yeah? I need to finish this song because they’ll pay a huge amount for this one… Give me more time, please?” He is disassociated as ever, you were aware that he didn’t notice you due to his state.
“Hyung…” the younger sighed again.
“S-Sehun-ah, I have Y/N now.. You might not know how it feels now but I- I want to give the world to her. We’re idols but our prime time is way past us, when the momentum is gone, we might too.” He dropped his head to the door of the recording booth as he sighed,
He mindlessly draws patterns on the floor, “I need to save up for Y/N, for our future.. and it won’t happen if I don’t work like this. So-“
In a blink you crouched down, embracing him with tears already wetting your face. Words couldn’t form but the pressure, the knot that he bear was starting to unravel. He got your message,
You’re enough. 
Moments like these, his breakdowns, were one of the things that kept you grounded. If you’re being honest, your job also keeps you on your feet. Working as an co-chief editor in fashion was always your dream and to be frank, you enjoyed the job more than you let on. But the past year has been nothing but hell, thanks to the newly appointed co-chief editor Yoon Saerim. You habitually ponder how she got the position as she wasn’t really suitable for the job, she didn’t really have the knack for fashion. But moreover, you just didn’t like the fact that she ogled Chanyeol and Sehun when they came by for a photoshoot. 
You quickly snapped out of your deep thoughts when you gulped your last drop of coffee, thinking of Yoon Saerim never fails to make you turn sour. 
Without wasting more time, you prepared yourself to head to your studio. For disclaimer, the studio was Chanyeol’s, not the office’s. Not long after you started the job years ago, both of you decided that it would be nice to rent out an old apartment in the city for the both of you to work. The studio has a built-in recording booth, production space for Chanyeol and a creative working-space for you. However, with time passing, you ended up using the space more than your husband. 
Before you left the house, you gave him a forehead kiss and stuck a post-it-note on his phone, 
‘Good Morning My Happy Virus ♡  thank you for always working so hard,  sometimes you worry me, love :( have a great time with the boys today! am out for work - it’s deadline week ◡̈   i love you 3000 —  much, much love, Y/N ‘
You arrived at the empty studio with your shoulders slumped, looking at the stacked paper, pictorials and mood boards around your disoriented workspace. The interns must’ve sent these yesterday, fucking hell, here we go again. 
Not long after, you succumbed to the job you love and hate at the same time. To be honest, as one of the high-ranked chief editor in your company, it wasn’t your share to do these tasks anymore, those days were over you. But reviewing each and every item, every trend that goes into the magazine is a job you love no matter how meticulous it actually is. Besides, the information you extract from all this has proven to help your career so far, making you one of the sought-out fashion editors in Seoul. However the fact doesn’t relieve you from the burden and pressure you get from your useless co-chief editor.
“She’s bossy and pushy but useless— and you’re too compliant, Babe,” Chanyeol would always joke and you’d usually tackle him back with a pillow, leaving both of you cackling in the process.
Speaking of Chanyeol, the man in question just stirred up from bed, barely opening his eyes, adjusting to the gloomy weather in front of his open-windowed bedroom. He instantly rubbed his sides, sleep evidently washed away when he realised his beloved Y/N weren’t there. He called your name out a few times to make sure that maybe, you were outside the room, just to know that his voice had filled the void of your apartment. 
As expected, he immediately sat up and grabbed his phone to call you. Before even unlocking his cell, he found your oh-so-lovely note that you stuck on this morning. Chanyeol sighed, he knew you were having a hard time but you never fail to warm his heart with your sweet note, he particularly loved the use of his favourite iron-man quote. 
He stared at the note lovingly for a while before heading to the bathroom and freshened up for the day. When he entered the kitchen to see a packed lunch box and another one with breakfast inside, he sulked further. Your puppy-like husband misses you and you doing this, made him sappier. He carefully unpacked the meals you prepared, gratefully munching your cooking. He was supposed to meet his members at 10 and so, he drove quickly as he was running late. When he parked his car in front of the company’s building, a text came from Baekhyun. 
Notifications 10.08am KST Baek: > Yeol? > the meeting’s canceled > Junmyeon-hyung said something came up > and my mom called, she wanted my help :O > Really sorry for the sudden intrusion! But have a good rest day with Y/N ^^  > Send her my love too!! Read 10.15am KST
Baek:  > Oh.. > The message didn’t come through 😅 I texted you way before,, must be the reception?  > But you can always have a good time with y/n!!  > I’m so sorry 🥺 Read 10.17am KST
Chanyeol couldn’t be sulkier. His ears literally drooped down as he huffed in annoyance. He didn’t reply back to Baekhyun as he slid the phone back in his pockets. He drove home in silence, even the thought of going back to bed to aid his tiredness didn’t make him feel better. He entered the foyer of the empty apartment and he shuffled inside lazily. You’d probably melt if you see him right now, his shoulder slumped slightly with a goo-goo look on his face. Especially now, with his buffier-form, compared to his pre-debut lanky state is something you’d administer as a cute change as a result of his exercising habits over the years. But it doesn’t matter because you’re not there and alas he came home to a cold, dark, empty apartment with his love nowhere to be seen. 
The sky dark, rain still pouring down, much like his mood. The thing about Chanyeol is the fact that he’s a clingy extrovert when it comes to people he loves. You love that about him. He didn’t care about the hectic schedule, it’s the ‘being away from you’ that made everything hard to surpass. That’s why after every schedule abroad, Chanyeol would love going home when he knows his love is waiting for him. There’s nothing better than coming home to a warm apartment with you snuggled on the couch. However, now, he’s the only one on the couch, alone. 
He pondered for more than an hour, zoning out, before deciding to stand up and head to the door once again. The silence is deafening, he misses you too much and he had to do something about it.
In your studio, coming in your nearly fifth hour of productivity, you’re starting to break down. You were now on the verge of crying while doing your work, it’s the creativity block, you mentally cursed. You’ve been dealing with it lately but having to work in fashion, it’s inevitable and you never really told anyone about it, especially not Chanyeol. You felt that his occupation demanded more of him than yours did to you, you wouldn’t want to burden him with your problems. 
“Fucking hell!” 
“This is so not happening right now…” tears welled as the screen of your precious laptop turned pitch black. You scoffed at the situation with the waterworks falling down your eyes. You were over this. 
You slumped near the corners of the room, hugging your knees as you stared at your now dead device, silently crying as your head whirls for other, worse negative possibilities of happening. Numb, is probably the best way to describe your current state after crying your heart out for 30 minutes straight. You end up curling yourself into a ball, hanging your head low in the corners of the room as your mind goes blank. 
As you hid yourself in the darkest corners of your office, you failed to notice the jiggling sound of the key, the clacking locks and the noise of the door opening. 
“Babeeeee?” the sound traveled from the hallway. Lo and behold, a sulked Chanyeol is here. His mood is still on the low but the idea of meeting you gets him excited like a puppy. 
You couldn’t hear him though,  your head still in a blocked-state and the room you’re in was the furthest from the hallway. 
Chanyeol entered the studio, footsteps tapping against the hardwood flooring. It puzzled him why he didn’t receive an answer back, but knowing your shoes were on the foyer, he knew you were somewhere inside. He set foot to the break room, your coat was on the couch but where were you? 
He continued peeking into his recording studio, the nearest space to the break room. The lights were out, signalling him that you’re probably not there. The bathroom and the other rooms were also empty, your office was the only place left. He slowly knocked, hoping to get an answer. To his surprise, nothing. He then gently pushed the door open, just enough for his head to peek inside. Before he could call your name, he heard sniffles from the farthest corner, he could make up your hunched, clearly crying figure and your favourite beige socks too. He exhaled as his worries washed away. Even though his heart ached more than ever, finding you with a meltdown was a relief as he initially thought you passed out or worse. 
He didn’t enter the room. He shuffled himself out as quietly as possible to grab his guitar in his recording room. This should do, he thought.
He re-entered your office, walked closer and sat on the floor near you. The cramped space barely fits his long legs. 
“Hey,” he greeted you with a hushed voice. 
Noticing his voice, you instinctively lift up your head to see your husband, sitting in front of you. In your shocked-state, you forcefully brushed off your tears in embarrassment, your skin will probably turn red later.
“Hey.. No, no, no..” he reached out, wiping your tears, caressing your disheveled hair. 
“Gently, yeah, yeah.. You’ll hurt yourself” he continued as he patted the areas under your eyes with his long sleeves.
After you calmed down, you didn’t have the courage to even say anything to the man. Deep down, you were embarrassed to be found in a silly breakdown, even if it was your husband. Besides, you didn’t know what to say to him anyways. While you were overthinking and avoiding eye contact with him, he pulled the guitar behind him and started to play a familiar song,
“It's a beautiful life 난 너의 곁에 있을게 (I'll stay by your side) It's a beautiful life 너의 뒤에 서 있을게 (I'll stand right behind you) Beautiful love”
Slowly but surely, your heart warmed up to the sound of his voice and you couldn’t help but stare at your husband. He stopped singing when your eyes met and he gave you a comforting smile. 
“C’mon, let’s get you up princess,” as he helped you stand up, circling his arms around your waist. You haven’t articulated a sound but he didn’t mind, he just let you lean into his sides as he guided you to the couch in the break room. He sat you down before abruptly standing and rummaging a brown paper bag on the coffee table, 
“I got your favourite cake and hot chocolate actually,” he grinned, facing your puffy face. “I thought you were having a hard time, well- I know you are having a hard time… But you never tell me you know, Babe?” He rambled as he unboxed a variety of sliced cakes and pastries on the table. 
“I-I get the fact that you wouldn’t want to burden me, but I’m kinda your husband and best friend too.. I wish you wouldn’t keep these things from me” he picked up the fork and scooped a piece of cheesecake to feed you, 
Before you had the chance to reply,
“I mean—open up a lil’ baby— I don’t mind you working and all, it’s your passion and I will support you either way, but you don’t get to shield your meltdowns from me… Who’s gonna hold you when you cry, huh?” he kept on chattering while feeding you, giving you no room to talk.
“I’ve said a thousand times that we’re super comfortable right now, yet I know it’s not about the money, I’m super cool with you working.. It’s about the workload a-and the pressure you get from your subs and colleagues!!” He raised his arms as a sign of annoyance. 
You gulped down the big chunk of cheesecake and shut him up with a peck. The action took him by surprise but it didn’t fail to shut him up.
“Okay, Chanyeol.” you softly replied, followed by another peck on his lips
“I get what you mean” you smiled at your husband. 
You then began on telling the troubles you had at work, silently thanking the universe that he came in the right moment and that he was your saving grace. He listened intently, even going to the measures of contacting his technician friends to help fix your laptop as soon as possible. He made jokes too along the way to lighten your mood and gave you warm touches here and there to comfort you further. 
You were his home, his ground zero.
He was yours too.
Hours passed and now you were back working, Chanyeol in the other room, busying himself in the recording studio.
“Yeol?” you called him.
“Hmm? What’s up princess?”
“Uh- I just remembered, didn’t you had like- plans? You were supposed to go with Baek and the members today right?”
Footsteps were apparent as he walked closer to the opened door of your office, his head peeped through the door.
“Junmyeon-Hyung canceled, Baek too.. I was quite grumpy because I reached the office when Baekhyun texted me” He walked in further.
“Then I came home but the house wasn’t warm enough even though I cranked the heater up!” He sulked, and sulked further. 
“I was alone, I don’t want to be…I also don't want you to be alone too Y/N.
I only wanted to be around you, I really tried staying in!! But I couldn’t be alone in the house without you when you’re my home.” he pouted. 
You want to die then and there, you miss him as much and he was sad, it makes you sad too, but he was being sulky-cute… Can you turn into a putty of love?
“Come here you big baby!” you excitedly threw yourself in his arms. He buried his soft locks on the crook of your neck as he whispered ‘I miss you' s and you couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh.
“I miss you too, Yeol..
I miss you so, so much.” He hugged you tighter as he giggled too.
This was it, you thought. This was love at its finest and you couldn’t be happier that you’ve found it. For all the moments, good or bad, both of you never failed to become each other's home.  
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lunaflowers · 9 months
Okay! 💓Could you write something about married couple and s/o wants a baby so bad. But baekhyun is not ready or confused idk. He doesn't want it for now. Reader is really disappointed and sad. She loves babies so much and can't wait have one. But baekhyun's reaction (angry or annoying) is made her angry/sad. A big fight but a happy end please. 🥺🥺 (maybe some tears too)
If it is not okay for you then no problem! 🌼
Thank you 💓
Hope you like this, anon 💖 Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader Word Count: 1.7k Genre: Angst and Fluff Warnings: None that I can think of
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The evening had been lovely. You and your husband, Baekhyun, had spent it strolling through the tree lined park near your home. It was verging on autumn and there was a slight chill in the air, but the full cold of fall hadn’t hit yet. The sun had almost completely set but it wasn’t fully dark yet. You two were holding hands and chatting about how your days had been. 
You were recently unemployed, having left your job as a nurse due to increasing stress and anxiety. Currently, you were playing full time homemaker so that meant you were home alone all day while Baekhyun was at work at a consultancy firm. The days were long but fulfilling. You tried your best to keep yourself occupied, trying new recipes, as well as arts and crafts, reading and writing and regular exercise. The break was nice and it had you contemplating what you really wanted to do with your life, where your true priorities lay.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something,” you said. Baekhyun had just finished telling you about a new project he was taking on at work, and all the responsibilities that were going to come along with it. He loved his job but you knew how demanding it could be, keeping him at the office for long hours. Thankfully he was paid generously for his hard work.
“What is it?” He looked at you and squeezed your hand a little. 
“Well, I was thinking since I’m home now and we’re settled, it might be the perfect time to start trying for a baby. We finally have the time and space for it.”
Baekhyun snorted. “Right. Very funny.”
He kept on walking beside you. You didn’t know what you expected his reaction to be but it certainly wasn’t that. Why would he think you were joking about something like this? “I’m being serious, Baek. Let’s start a family.” 
Baekhyun said nothing for a few moments and you waited in tense silence, listening to the gravel crunching under your shoes. This conversation was already not going the way you had anticipated.
“YN, babe, I’ve just spent the last ten minutes telling you about the new client and how I’m project leader and all the extra hours of work I’m going to be taking on and you come back with this?”
“I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. And I know how hard you’re working and I appreciate it so much, especially now. But this is important too.”
Baekhyun scoffed and you felt hurt. “It’s out of the question,” he said, his tone one of finality. 
“What? We can’t even talk about it?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. There’s no way we can have a baby right now.” He was dismissing you and you felt enraged all of a sudden.
You pulled your hand out of his. “Why are you being so cold?” You had to work to keep your voice even. You weren’t trying to make a scene, there were couples, families, children milling about the place enjoying the evening and you didn’t need to be the story they talked about as they got home.
“I’m not doing this here,” he said, testily. 
Annoyed, you began walking ahead of him, back towards the home you shared. You arrived and Baekhyun followed soon after, a look of irritation on his face. “You’re being childish leaving me behind like that.”
“I’m childish? You won’t even talk to me!” 
“I told you what I thought.”
“No, you made a decision for the both of us and then acted like I was the unreasonable one for having an issue with that. Do you not want to have kids with me?”
“All I said was not now,” he said, his teeth gritted. He was angry, a rare sight, and seeing him angry only made you more angry.
“What do you mean, not now? We’re both in our thirties, Baek! It’s not like we’re in our early twenties anymore with all the time in the world to wait. It only gets harder the older you get.”
“So what? If it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen,” Baekhyun shot back and your jaw dropped.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? I’ve always said I’ve wanted kids. You know this. You said you wanted them too when we got married. And now this? What the fuck, Baekhyun?”
“Don’t you get it, YN? I have enough going on right now as it is. Work is insane, I’m having to work longer and longer hours, take on all these new responsibilities. You quit your job so I have to keep everything afloat financially all by myself. And now you want this?”
Your eyes widened, tears filling them at his words. It felt like he’d slapped you. He’d never made you feel guilty for not working. When you left your job, Baekhyun had been nothing but kind and supportive, telling you that he had everything handled and that you should take your time to decide when and even if you wanted to return to work, that you had nothing to worry about.
The hurt on your face made Baekhyun soften. He tried to walk back his statement, “I didn’t mean it like that… I just meant-”
“Forget it. Just forget I said anything. I’m going to bed,” you said, your voice even. You turned to and began walking down the hallway. You heard your husband calling for your attention but you ignored him. After you had washed up, you got in bed and began to cry silent tears alone. How had it all gone so wrong?
Baekhyun entered the bedroom about an hour later. You closed your eyes as he came in, pretending to be asleep on your tear soaked pillowcase. You were in no mood to talk to him right now.
“YN,” you heard him say from behind you. You pretended you didn’t hear him, staying as still as you could, hoping he would think you were asleep and leave you alone. No such luck. When Baekhyun wanted to talk, he was relentless about it.
“YN, come on…” he said, approaching you from behind. “I know you’re not asleep.” He put his hand on your shoulder and jiggled you lightly.
You turned onto your back and looked up at him with swollen eyes and lips. It was clear that you had been crying this whole time and that broke his heart. He hated seeing you cry more than anything.
“Baby, don’t cry,” Baekhyun said softly. He produced a bouquet of sad looking carnations from behind his back and held it out to you. “Sorry, I know they’re not great but I got them at the gas station. They’re all I could get at this time of night.”
You sat up against the headboard of your bed and said nothing, but you took the bouquet in your hand, fingering the petals of the flowers.
Baekhyun sat down beside you facing you. “I want to apologize for what I said earlier. I never meant to make it sound like I blame you for any stress I’m feeling. And I love having you not work to be honest. I love the fact that you’re always there when I come home, that we get to spend so much more time together.”
You put the flowers down beside you and took his hand in yours. “I appreciate that.” You gave him a sad smile. It obviously didn’t heal your heart but you appreciated his effort in trying to comfort you. Baekhyun was the only man you’d ever been with who actually gave a shit if you cried. 
“I’m sorry too. I know you’ve been under a lot of pressure at work and you’ve been so amazing and patient with me. I should’ve brought it up at another time.”
“No. The thing is… you’re actually right. It is something we should be talking about. We’re not getting younger. I just…” He trailed off.
You leaned forward and put a hand on his cheek, stroking it gently. “Talk to me, baby.”
“I’m scared shitless. The idea of being a father fucking terrifies me. Being responsible for a human life. Making sure he or she grows up and is healthy and happy and all the good things. How the fuck am I supposed to do that? What if I fuck it all up?”
You almost giggled but you held it back. You definitely didn’t want to demean Baekhyun’s feelings but the fact that he even thought for a second he might not be a good father was just so ludicrous. He was the most kind and loving person you’d ever met. Any child would be lucky to have him as a father.
“Baekhyun… It’s normal to be scared about being a parent. I am too. But we can’t let it paralyze us.”
Baekhyun sighed, “I know but… It’s a life, you know? It’s forever. It’s not something we can try out for a few months and then decide to get rid of it if we don’t want it.”
“You’re right. But like… I think it’s one of those things where you just have to dive right in. Delaying this forever isn’t going to help.”
He looked up at you with his Bambi eyes and you looked back at him. He looked so young and sweet faced, he definitely didn’t look like a man in his thirties. But he looked tired. Maybe you’d been too preoccupied with what you wanted that you hadn’t realised sometimes he needed you to build up his confidence the way he always did yours.
“Baekhyun, you’re going to be the most amazing father. I’m sure of it. You’re so filled with love and so patient and smart and gentle. Not to mention your child-like spirit.”
He laughed at that, and you smiled.
“Besides, we’re going to be doing it together. It’s a team effort. We can lean on each other like we always do.”
Baekhyun leaned forward and kissed you on the lips. “I like the sound of that.” He pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you. The warmth of his body was so comforting and you leaned into him, breathing in his familiar scent. “So, we’re really going to have a baby, hmm?” He said, softly.
“I mean, we’re going to try.”
“Trying sounds fun. Let’s try right now,” Baekhyun said, kissing you again.
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writemekpop · 1 year
Idol Spotlight | Byun Baekhyun
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🌻 - Fluff  ☔️ - Angst  💋 - Smut
1. Pop Rocks, Strawberry, Bubblegum Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 🌻
Summary: You meet cute single dad Baekhyun at the candy shop where you work. Sparks fly, and you realise that your life is about to get a lot sweeter.
Genre: Single Dad AU
2.  Come Back to Bed 💋
Summary: After cheating breaks your marriage apart, your therapist instructs you to share a bed with Baekhyun. There’s no trust… but there sure is lust.
Genre: Husband!Baekhyun, angst, smut, bed sharing
3. Get You Alone 💋
Summary: The doctor clears you for sex after having a baby. Baekhyun can’t wait to get started - but you’re having second thoughts.
Genre: Husband!Baekhyun, New Parents
4. Baby Daddy 🌻
Summary: You’re really nervous about telling your idol boyfriend Baekhyun that you’re pregnant. So, you decide to get creative. Only, things don’t go the way you expect…
Genre: Fluff 
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eomayas · 1 year
key: smut (s), suggestive (sg), fluff (f), angst (a), request (r), complete (c) [for series], popular(🌷), personal favorite (🌹)
— airport dads
— sugar daddy line
— exo when angry | r
— exo simping | sg 🌷
— jealous exo
— pda
— being shipped with another idol | r
kim minseok
— best friend | f
— in the morning | s, f, r 🌹
kim junmyeon
— sneakin’ | s, a
— nip slip | s 🌷
— testy | s 🌹
— handsome stranger | f
— strictly business | s, r 🌹
— yours | f, a, r
— wants & needs | s, f, r
byun baekhyun
— baby blues | f, a, r
— unplanned | a, r
— besos | f, r
— frisky | sg, r 🌹
— baby blues (vol. 2) | f, a, r
— soft side | f, r
— the bodyguard | f, a, r
— broken promises | a, r
— (computer) games | f, r
— cream soda | s, f, r 🌷
— all the rumors are true | f, a 🌷🌹
— closure | s, a
— fantasy | sg, a, f
kim jongdae
— coming soon
park chanyeol
— back 2 u | a, sg, r
— new thing (series) | s, f, a, c
— rainy day | s, r
— call me what you want, when you want, if you want | a, f, r
do kyungsoo
— make it up to you | s 🌹
— caught in the act | s, f 🌷🌹
— amore | f
— tender love | f, r
— ninety | a, f
— interruptions | f, sg 🌹
— swervin | s
kim jongin
— d appointment | s, f
— confessions | f, a (sequel to d appointment)
— friendly competition | f
— take a break | f, r
oh sehun
— 10:07 pm | s
— firsts | s, f, r
— 21:34 | j. wonwoo, a/s/f 🌷🌹
— love without tragedy | j. wonwoo, a
— stay the night | k. mingyu, f
— silent night | w. junhui, s/f 🌹
— the boy is mine | l.chan, s
— never lose me | l.jihoon, s/f/a 🌹🌷
— tell me a joke | h. joshua, s 🌷
— his friends and his dad hate me | c. hansol, s/a
— we could call it even | j. wonwoo, a
— 08:42 | k. soonyoung, s/f🌹
— distracted | h. joshua, s/f 🌷
— be alright | k. mingyu, a/f
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jonglo · 6 months
Hello:) can i request one where the reader finds out she’s pregnant before Sehun’s enlistment? And she’s scared but his reaction is really cute and happy ♥️
an: once again work has been killing me sorry for the late response.
Best Time
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I hope Sehun will be seen off well for his enlistment. I can't wait for him to come back. We will miss him <3
warnings: none
genre: fluff and angst
The first snow of December fell past your windows as the world around you froze while your eyes stared at the positive pregnancy test in your hands. What you have been praying wasn't true was unfolding right before your eyes. There couldn't have a worser time for this to happen to you.
A couple weeks before, you had begun feeling a bit unwell. Starting with a couple of headaches and fatigue. This of course progressed to feelings of nausea. With the winter coming, you passed this off as the flu. That was until you had missed your cycle. Well it just so happened that after putting off the test for weeks, you finally decided to take it the day Sehun found it appropriate to announce his enlistment. You felt the anxiety rush through your body as you stared at the two bright red lines. The silence engulfed you as your hands began to shake with fear. Doubt immediately started to take over your mind as the thought that Sehun would be upset and not present for the child came over you. After what felt like an eternity, you were finally able to snap out of your trance and decided to hide the test in the back of the medicine cabinet. Allowing one big event at a time.
A couple days go by and Sehun becomes increasingly concerned with your behavior. The constant stress whenever he starts a sentence with "Babe, Can I ask you a question?" showing through your demeanor. The constant pressure of having to mask your symptoms just to ease the burden of his enlistment. In truth, you were not only scared of this situation interrupting Sehun's wish for an easy dismissal but how this would impact the child. You wanted to tell him the news but no moment felt right. You constantly felt like a burden to his plan.
You managed to keep this secret for 3 days before Sehun came to confront you about this new behavior.
"Hey, is everything alright? You just seem very antsy recently.. Is it about the whole military thing?" He asked as he sat next to you on the sofa, genuine sincerity veiling his face.
"Oh yeah, it's just a big change from what I am used to." you spat out to quickly change topic.
"You know, I'm not going to be gone that long, my position is special. The whole social service thing is different." He responds before placing a soft hand on your back. This action causing for a strong emotion to arise.
"Im sorry.." you mumbled looking down in your lap, tears beginning to swell in your eyes. This left Sehun staring at you with a tilted head.
"For what? Already missing this handsome face? That's a given.." He rolls his eyes as a playful smile appears on his face.
"No.. keeping this secret from you." You mutter while wiping the tears from your eyes and chuckling softly at his joke. He watched as you stood up and headed to the bathroom to get the test. When you returned, you slowly placed the positive test in his hand and sat back anxiously and studied his face.
"Oh my god.." He mumbled as he stared at the test, causing for you to feel sick to your stomach in fear. You quickly jumped to explain yourself.
"Im sorry for keeping this from you. I know its a terrible time to bring this up and I know it ruins the whole enlistment process but I hope you aren't mad about this.. I wanted to tell you but there was no right time for this. I just couldn't bring myself to-" You rambled until you heard Sehun's voice interrupt you.
"Oh my god!" His eyes jolted to meet with your own. "I'm going to be a father!" His eyes jumped between yours and your stomach as his excitement rushed out.
"So you aren't mad about the timing...?" You muttered, taking time to adapt to his reaction.
"Mad? This is the best timing possible! I'm on the base for like a week then home for 2 years with no active promotions. I'm free to bother you and the baby every day!" He says, grabbing your wrists and shaking them with utter joy. "Like I don't think you understand... I'm going to be a father!" He shouts before flashing you a bright smile. You chuckle in response as you watch him express every ounce of joy in his body.
"Oh my god... I have to call and tell Jongdae that i'm a better father than him!" He yells before placing a lot of wet kisses on your face, making sure to place some on your stomach as well.
He jumps up and skips to the bedroom just to share his announcement as a way to prove his greatness. You felt like 20 lbs had been lifted off of your chest as his reaction proved to be the opposite of what you expected. This time as you sat with the pregnancy test, you were filled with delight instead of pure frustration and panic. These next two years were going to be filled with bliss as long as Sehun was by your side.
From the sofa you heard the sounds of Sehun boasting about his fathering excellence, which only made you so much more confident and excited for the future of this small family.
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justwritedreams · 7 months
Thinking of you | Junmyeon
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Mafia!Junmyeon x Reader
Word count: 2826 Genre: fluff, angst. Author: maari  Warnings: Post-breakup, mention of alcohol Note:  I'm not used to writing with him, Sammy used to do that soooo my first story with Junmyeon that I post here 🙈 i got really carried away with this one Request:  you could do a oneshot of junmyeon, where he is the mafia boss and in a club he meets his ex girlfriend, who broke up with him because she found out what he works for. they are suffering apart and want to be together! angst and fluffy ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Y/N looked at the dark landscape outside the car completely thoughtful. It had been like this in the last few weeks, she had relived the scene of her breakup countless times and tears always accompanied her.
Was it torture? Possibly.
But it still hurt her so much to remember that she no longer had his arms wrapped around her waist, or the way he always buried his face in her neck to smell the sweet perfume he loved for her to wear.
She swallowed the urge to cry once again, she had chosen to break up because it was the best thing to do in the situation she had found herself in.
She loved him so much, she didn't even know how it was possible to love someone that much, but she couldn't be with him. As much as she wanted to.
That night in particular she had promised her best friend that she would do everything she could to have a little fun and forget about the crack that had lodged itself in her heart since then, well either it was that or her friend would have dragged her by force to “live a little ”, in her friend’s words she should stop being so miserable.
Of course, not even her friends or family knew why she broke up with him, or else things would get worse.
But going to the club reminded her of all the nights she went out with him, especially the night they met. So even though she was fighting not to think about him, the memories came.
She took a deep breath as she got out of her friend's car, smiling lightly at her to assure her she was okay, or at least pretend like she was.
As soon as she entered the club, she felt an icy wind and a chill down her spine, she hugged her body and swallowed hard as she tried to shake off the clouds of memories that invaded her head.
She had barely arrived and she already knew it was a bad idea to go there.
She and her friend went to a high table that was empty, they talked a little while observing the place, Y/N's anxious eyes looked for a single person and her reason said that it would be better if he wasn't there.
As time went on, the music got slightly louder and the place got a little more crowded.
“Tae!” Y/N's friend called a boy with her hand, as soon as he turned and found her, he smiled widely.
"What are you doing here?" He asked as he approached her to hug her, he was accompanied by another boy. “This is Jinyoung, my friend.” he introduced and the boy extended his hand to shake both of them.
“This is Y/N, my best friend.”
Y/N smiled at the two of them and when she shook Jinyoung's hand her eyes stopped at his neck.
“Are you a soldier?” She asked, curious.
She recognized the ID necklace anywhere.
“Yes, army lieutenant.” He smiled, proudly.
"Really? My brother is a sergeant, but in the navy.” she explained and he smiled slightly at the answer.
“Y/N comes from a long line of soldiers.” Her best friend commented, smiling when she finally saw her talking.
“And you’re a soldier too?” Jinyoung asked, interested.
She laughed, shaking her head.
“No, I’m the only one who has a boring job.” She joked and got a laugh from the soldier.
Y/N had a lively conversation with Jinyoung, her best friend and Tae left them alone with the excuse of going dancing.
Jinyoung was pleasant to talk to and had a captivating smile, he didn't take his eyes off her and even though she was shy, she wasn't uncomfortable. Although her initial plan hadn't taken into account going out with a guy that night, she wasn't depriving herself of wanting to get to know him better.
But she had one small problem. The ex that wouldn't leave her sober mind.
That's why she decided to do what anyone in her position would do, drink until the image of her ex's eyes evaporated from her mind along with all the walls she had built around herself since the breakup.
She excused herself from Jinyoung, telling him that she would go to the bar and come back soon, he quickly patted her arm.
When she arrived, she looked at the drinks. She wasn't that big a fan of alcohol but she knew that the only way to forget about him was to do it.
“Double whiskey, please.” she asked the bartender who nodded before leaving to get her drink.
“Whiskey?” Y/N felt every hair on her body stand up and her legs trembled. “I always thought you preferred wine.”
She swallowed hard and the bartender returned, holding out the glass which Y/N quickly took, feeling her hands go cold.
Without any courage, she turned around and saw him standing next to her. She had to lock her jaw so a sigh wouldn't escape her lips.
He was still intoxicating.
His slightly wavy dark hair didn't fall entirely into his eyes, his face was hard and serious with his eyes fixed on her, he was wearing a white silk blouse with the first few buttons open that left a part of his chest exposed so that the necklace he wore sparkled. The necklace she had given him.
He wore a black vest and she couldn't resist continuing to analyze, her eyes went down to the black pants he wore and the expensive shoes.
It wasn't possible for a man to be as beautiful as him, it must be a crime.
Although he knew very well about crimes…
When her eyes returned to his face, he saw the slight smile that threatened to break.
“Not everything is what it seems.” She spoke quietly, unable to control how weak her voice sounded. “You know this better than me, Suho.”
She wasn't used to calling him by that name, he would always be Junmyeon to her.
Her Junmyeon.
But Suho was his battle name and since she discovered that, she used the name a few times just to speak to all the hurt she felt for having been betrayed.
Feeling the world around her spin in a spiral, she left without waiting for his response and returned to the table feeling watched.
Jinyoung greeted her with a smile and she did the same before downing the glass, drinking the whiskey in one gulp, making the poor boy next to her get a little scared.
The liquid ran down Y/N's throat but nothing was as strong and intense as Junmyeon's eyes staring at her from the other side of the club.
She didn't want to be the worst person in the world but she couldn't follow what Jinyoung said, she also didn't want to return Junmyeon's gaze but it was an impossible task.
Mainly because he divided the attention of his eyes between her and Jinyoung, as if he was reading what was happening between them.
During their relationship, he was never jealous because Y/N always assured him that her eyes were always on him, that no other boy would take her focus away from him.
But now they were no longer together and there was a slightly strong soldier beside her.
Yes, he had identified that he was a soldier before even noticing the identification necklace he wore.
People like him had training to recognize soldiers and police from miles away.
And when Y/N didn't look back, she lost the chance to see the fear in his eyes.
Y/N has always been a very correct woman, she was taught to be like that by her family, war heroes who had respect and principle.
And Junmyeon was the opposite of all that. He wasn't honorable and definitely not a hero, he was nothing that she really deserved it.
It was clear that after she had broken up with him, when she discovered the illicit work he did, he was afraid of losing her for good.
Not because his enemies could go after her, firstly, he would never let that happen, secondly, he had some of his  men protecting her in secret to prevent that.
But because he knew she could find someone better than him easily, she just snapped her fingers and a line of men would form.
Because, after everything that had been said between them, he imagined that she would look for someone with the same principles as hers.
Someone very different from him.
And well, a soldier was exactly what he imagined she would find.
He just didn't think it would be so difficult to see her around a man other than him.
But Junmyeon didn't even know what was going on in her head, even though she was looking at Jinyoung attentively, she wasn't listening to a word he was saying.
What was happening inside her was a real battle.
She knew it was wrong and dangerous, but seeing him there only concluded what her heart already knew, she was still crazy about him.
Even if his work or business, she still didn't know how to say it, went against everything she believed in, it was impossible for her feelings not to speak louder.
Jinyoung was a correct and honest man, from what little they talked she concluded that, she only had one problem: he was not Junmyeon.
Even though he was just as handsome, knowing that her ex was there watching her nullified any less friendly thoughts she might have had with Jinyoung.
Y/N felt her head spinning, there were many reasons, and the alcohol she had spilled wasn’t the only one. In fact, she had only made her situation worse because she had been drinking to forget her ex-boyfriend and here she was, remembering him more vividly.
“Y/N is everything okay?” Jinyoung asked, worried, seeing her face suddenly turn white.
She took a deep breath, nodding.
“Yeah, I just…” she looked at the bar where he was, Junmyeon didn’t even blink when he looked at her. Even from afar she felt how intense his eyes still were. “I need some air.” she confirmed, looking away from Jinyoung.
“Do you need me to…” he let the sentence die in the air and she smiled slightly
She brought her hand to his arm and gently stroked it.
“It’s okay, I just need 5 minutes alone.”
He nodded, placing his hand over hers, understanding what she was saying.
Y/N left feeling the air running out of her lungs as if she had run a marathon and when she finally found the exit of the club, she closed her eyes feeling the first tear run down her face.
She had promised herself that she would try to be strong, she even tried to convince herself that she didn't feel what she felt for Junmyeon - a failed attempt to forget him - but she didn't count on finding him there.
In fact, she didn't even imagine one day meeting him again. After the harsh words she used, she thought he would never talk to her again.
Y/N looked for a corner to sit down, hugging her legs to cry in silence.
It hurt her to be away from him, more than she had imagined. But it hurt even more to be so close and at the same time so far away from him.
She was so wrapped up in her own pain that she didn't notice when he crouched down beside her.
"Don't cry, please." he pleaded and she sobbed. “You know I can’t stand it.”
Y/N lifted her head with her face soaked, looking to the side and seeing him grimacing in pain.
She kept her eyes fixed on him as Junmyeon raised his hand to dry her face with his fingertips, making Y/N close her eyes at the gentle touch.
She had missed that. Much more than she should have.
"I can't."
"What?" He caressed her face for a longer time, making her open her eyes.
“I can’t look at you and forget everything I know.” she admitted, hurt.
Junmyeon gave in, fingers retracting to cease the caress.
Y/N sighed and stood up, pushing him away completely. Ready to get out of there, she just didn't expect him to step in front of her, stopping her from going.
“I'm still the same.”
She laughed in disbelief and tried to pass, but he held her arm without hurting her and brought her closer so she could look into his eyes.
“I’m still who I’ve always been with you.”
Y/N felt her breathing became labored for two reasons, he was too close that she could feel his breath against her face, and because his eyes didn't lie.
And that disconcerted her, broke all the arguments she could have and that she had rehearsed in her head.
“You have a side that I never imagined and that I don’t agree with!” She tried to speak a little more firmly, her rational side was being drowned out by her heart at that moment.
She was finally where she wanted, in his arms.
“This is just business, Y/N.”
"Business?" she asked, frowning. “A mafia is not a business, Junmyeon, it is a sect. One from which you will never be free because you’re the boss.”
"You’re right!" he agreed, seriously. “But look into my eyes.”
She looked away, shaking her head. That was why one of his hands released her arm and went to her chin, making her look at him.
“Look into my eyes and say you don’t see how much I love you.” he begged and she was silent. “If you say that you don't see how much I need you then that's fine, I'll let you go into the arms of a guy who has the same principles, who is your hero.”
Y/N felt her eyes water.
He was her hero long before she found out where his money came from.
"I cant do it." She spoke quietly, shrugging her shoulders.
"And why not?"
“Because I would be denying the whole truth, including that my love for you also exists.”
The corners of his lips threatened to lift into a sad yet happy smile, all he needed to hear was how much she still loved him, the rest they could take care of later.
He could find a way out as long as he was with her.
Without having anything to say, Junmyeon put his hand on the back of her head, making her goosebumps rise from head to toe, she knew what was coming and didn't stop it.
He brought his face closer to her, without taking his eyes off her because he wanted to make sure she wanted it so much as him and when he didn't see any sign to the contrary, he sealed their lips.
Y/N sighed, resting her hands on his chest as she closed her eyes at the feeling of his warm lips once again against hers.
Junmyeon's hand went down her arms to her waist, hugging her with a certain desperation as he moved his lips slowly, as if he was discovering her again.
Junmyeon tilted his head to the side as he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, all Y/N could do was grab the vest he was wearing tightly as their tongues met, eager for the sensual dance they were in accustomed.
Y/N's entire body seemed to light up, she felt so warm and so alive, it was as if she had awakened from a deep, cold sleep.
Their kiss became more desperate, causing him to press her against any surface he could find in the dark, which ended up being the club wall itself.
Completely panting, they separate, he even takes her lips in one last kiss before touching their foreheads.
“I've been thinking about you every second.” he spoke quietly and Y/N kept her eyes closed, her legs still wobbly. “I can’t live without you, Y/N.”
She smiled sideways, put her hands on his shoulders and then opened her eyes, looked at his red and swollen lips before moving up to his eyes, Junmyeon looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes.
“I could be making the biggest mistake of my life.” She sighed, reaching up to caress his face when she saw him frown. “But if I had to choose you a thousand times, I would.”
He smiled restrainedly.
“It was always you, Junmyeon. Always."
“You’re my eternal love,” he said firmly. “And you always will be.”
She smiled before pulling his face for another kiss that wouldn't be the last that night.
Was it wrong? Maybe, but everything she believed in didn't make any difference when she was with him or thinking about him.
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kjmcotton · 8 months
✧*ૂ༄bee’s masterlist
PN: ❀ fluff ; ☾ angst ; ♢ sad ; ✩ for adults ; ♤ smut ; ♡ request
For any request ,please,check the guideline
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✧ Kim Junmyeon
December on the couch ♤
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✧ Byun Baekhyun
Metanoia ✩ ♡
Commitment issues ☾ ♡
Unexpected gift ❀ ♡
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✧ Park Chanyeol
What we did in the library ♤
A good action can change your life ❀ ♡
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✧ Kim Jongdae
coming soon…
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✧ Kim Minseok
coming soon…
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✧ Kim Jongin
coming soon…
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✧ Oh Sehun
Have a soft spot for me ❀♡
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✧ Zhang Yixing
Ray of sunshine,the clouds are vanishing ❀ ♡
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✧ D.O. Kyungsoo
coming soon…
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✧ Specials
Halloween advent calendar🎃
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imaginidol · 11 months
Sehun: Breakup Texts
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Sehun sat in between Suho and Baekhyun—on Minseok’s couch—playing a few rounds of Mario Kart with the rest of his members.
“You suck, Baek,” Suho muttered from his breath, watching in annoyance as he crossed 8th place in the final run as Baekhyun finished with 1st.
“Ha! Told you that you guys can’t beat me. Try me, try me!” Baekhyun excitedly turns to Sehun. “Sehun, race me next.”
Suho passed the controller to Sehun, but Sehun stood up and gave it to Chanyeol instead.
“What? Are you leaving?” Baekhyun asked his younger friend.
“No, but I really have to use the bathroom. I’ll race you when I get back,” he responded, giving Baekhyun a reassuring nod.
Baekhyun nodded and excitedly started punching Chanyeol’s thighs as the next round of Mario Kart begun.
Sehun excused himself and started walking out into Minseok’s hallway. When he approached the bathroom door, however, someone was ready inside.
“Hey,” Sehun lightly pounded the door, “hurry up in there!”
Suddenly, a faint buzz tickled the side of his thigh. He reached his hand into his pocket, searching for his phone.
[New Message: My Love 💞]
Sehun exhales deeply as he opens your text, realizing it was pretty late and you were probably asking where he was.
What he wasn’t expecting, however, was a dull, rather empty message with the single few words that made a chill run down his spine:
[My Love💞: Sehun, I think we should breakup]
What!? Sehun feels his heart skip several beats as he feels his emotions drop immediately, both in fear and of confusion.
[Sehun: Call me.]
Sehun worriedly looked around the hallway and quietly made his way into Minseok’s empty, dark bedroom. The EXO boys were still howling in the living room, and no one seemed to notice him slip away.
[My Love💞: I can’t. I don’t want to say it again. I prefer saying it over text.]
Sehun rubbed a sweaty hand over his neck, not knowing what to say or how to properly react.
[Sehun: Why are you doing this?? Is this a prank? You know I don’t like pranks like these…]
A few seconds passed before another notification from you ensued.
[My Love💞: Please don’t ask questions. It’s a personal decision.]
[Sehun: You can’t just leave me without an explanation... is it something I did? At least give me some sort of closure?]
[My Love💞: Sehun don’t ask me anything, please]
[Sehun: but we were so happy together. We were so healthy together.]
[Sehun: Or am I wrong, were you not happy…?]
[Sehun: please answer me, say anything… is it something I can fix!?]
[Sehun: you can’t just leave me like this!?!?]
[Sehun: please??….]
Sebum’s heart was racing, and he kept refreshing your messages awaiting any response. His anxiety slowly started kicking in as the minutes passed with no response from you.
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: I’ve taken most of my things from the apartment. I’m leaving tonight.]
Sehun felt overwhelmed, covering his mouth with his right hand and looking around Minseok’s room for a tissue box. Thankfully, the boy kept one in the top cabinet of his nightstand.
Sehun reached for the box and lifted a tissue paper up to his face. Almost immediately, the silent tears started rolling from his reddening eyes.
[Sehun: please tell me at least why?]
[Sehun: you’re the only one I love. This is unexpected for me too, please understand it]
[Sehun: it’s bad enough you’re breaking up with me over text, but if it’s a problem we can fix I’ll work hard for us to get better]
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: there, I said it. I never meant to purposely go out of my way to cheat on you, but it just sort of happened…]
[My Love💞: but you can’t even get mad at me because I see you so little since you’re always so busy and you’re always under so much scrutiny. I can’t take it Sehun, I can’t take your lifestyle as a kpop artist anymore. I can’t be your secret partner forever anymore!]
[My Love💞: the hiding in public, the way I have to ignore you so as to not raise suspicion, the way I have to wait around for your schedules to clear up except you’re ALWAYS busy. what am I to you? How have we even made it this long? I feel like I barely even know you!]
[My Love💞: Gosh, sorry, I didn’t even mean to lash out. I wanted to end things quickly. I wanted to be yours, with no risk of damaging an image or reputation attached. I wanted us to work, but it’s impossible because I don’t want to mess your career up. You don’t deserve it.]
[My Love💞: let’s just end it here and please block my number and I’ll block yours]
[My Love💞: don’t text me anymore]
Sehun read the last texts from you over and over again, his throat tightening more and more. The tears rolled harder, the muffled sobs grew more desperate for you.
It happened again. Again.
Another relationship I couldn’t save.
[Sehun: I’m not mad at you. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.]
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: don’t make this harder than it already is. I won’t respond anymore.]
Sehun closed the chat and turned off his phone, wanting to desperately fling it across the room, but also feeling a need to hold onto it in case you would text him again.
But you didn’t.
Sehun sat hunched over at the edge of Minseok’s bed, elbows against his knees and hands covering his face.
The first soft whimpers of pain escaped his lips. He wept angrily at himself, not you. What could he have possibly done differently? Wasn’t the relationship going well?
‘I can’t take your lifestyle as a kpop artist anymore!”
Your heavy words repeatedly lingered on in his head. He quietly detested himself for not noticing the signs of your distance sooner.
But perhaps you were right. How could have he noticed you were escaping from his arms, anyway?
The last time you’d spoken was… almost eight days ago!
How do I fix myself? How do I fix my career? How can I live a normal life without having to hide the most important parts of myself from my own supporters!?
Sehun is too deep in his own sorrowful thoughts to notice when Minseok walks in.
“Sehun? Oh, I figured you’re in here— I’m sorry, have I interrupted something? Are you okay?”
Minseok quickly walks up to his younger friend and sits gently next to him at the edge of the bed, patting his back gently and waiting for the younger boy to speak up.
Sehun says nothing, but looks down at his phone and opens your chat again. He motions the last few messages to his older friend.
“Sehun,” Minseok reaches over to hug his younger friend, letting him calm down in his arms. “I’m here, I’m ready to listen if you need me to.”
Sehun wipes the last of his tears and shuts his phone off.
Eleven months gone to waste. I’m surprised we even lasted this long.
“Minseok,” Sehun quietly whispers, “can I ask you something?”
Minseok nods.
“Being a kpop artist was never easy. But… when does it get easier? You lose people you love because of the backlash you get from… from anything, really. But I don’t want to hide the most important parts of me anymore. What can we do?”
Minseok sighed, smiling up at his friend.
“This is more of a conversation you could one day have with Jongdae,” he smiled. “because I’m sure it was never easy for him to tell the world about his new family.”
“But,” Sehun frowned, “he got so much backlash for it. Why? Why can’t we just—“
“Sehun,” Minseok whispers, “regardless of what you do or don’t do with your life, those who truly love you will stand by whatever it is that you decide to take on next. Just as long as your choices are healthy. I’d rather get backlash for breaking out of this rigged kpop-image box and be at my happiest with one pure supporter, than to be withheld in this unhealthy parasocial image and wishing things were different.”
Sehun nods. “It… it sounds like Jongdae’s case has already started to break us from the box then, huh?”
Minseok smiled, nodding gently. “Soon, you will be able to say and share these important things in your life and not risk losing them or your career, because… well, because things will get better. Things will always get better. You’ll break the box one day, Sehun. You just have to take it one day at a time.”
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multiphandomunnies · 3 months
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idol gf has a wardrobe malfunction
*T* gf has self harm scars
bf decked out in merch at fansign
Mc makes fun of idol gf
how would exo cuddle
*T* gf comes out as F to M
college au
you send an inappropriate photo as they’re at practice
winters promise
boyfriend xiumin!
half asleep
single dad!
falling in love
bf! lay
pantone 18-1018
christmas special
falling prolouge
bf! chanyeol
morning kisses
(*M*) first time
bf! kai
don’t wait
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archernarbeta · 1 year
Baby, You’re it
✴︎ pairing : Baekhyun x Reader
✴︎ genre : domestic!au, non-idol!baek, angst, fluff, comfort
✴︎ summary : all relationships has its fall-outs, what happens if yours had gone on for months, swept under the rug?
✴︎ warning : childhood trauma, negligence (not by baek), cursing
✴︎ word count : 2.8K
✴︎ author’s note : hii ಥ∀ಥ It’s archie here! This is my first fanfic in years and I really hope that you guys like this! Please do leave comments because I feel there’s so much room for improvements ಥ‿ಥ Thank you so much for stopping by!
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You sighed for the fifth time in the last two minutes, eyes never leaving the kitchen floor. Your knuckles had turned white as your hands gripped the cold marble table top of the kitchen island, the moment felt like eternity. You steadied yourself, propping most of your weight to the table, feeling like you could lose your balance if you lose your grip
He watched you, holding his own breath, trying to control his emotions. Clearly, this wasn’t working like he expected it to be. He opened his mouth, yet closed it again. He gave you a look, the one that drives you crazy every time you argue with him. The look consists of his droopy eyes, all sad and confused, perfectly drowning you alive in guilt. 
“Y/n,” he hesitantly squeaked with the tiniest voice possible. 
You gave him the slightest nod while your eyes were still glued to your baby pink fuzzy socks he gifted you years ago. It was totally worn-out, considering the amount of times you wore it over the years, yet it was still your favorite pair. 
You weren’t sure if this conversation is something you wanted to have, you never were in the first place. This exact conversation was something both of you purposely hindered for the past 6 months. Both of you felt that it wouldn’t end well, so you both avoided each other like a plague. 
It started during last year’s summer, you and Baekhyun decided that you’re in need of a refreshing holiday, preferably close to nature for a nice- healing 'breather', from your hectic lives. In which you both decided to stay over his cousin’s villa in Jeju, hence probably the first mistake. 
When his very nosy aunt knew you were coming, she was ecstatic. She made sure everything was perfect for the Byun family’s favorite couple. As soon as you stepped foot into his aunt’s house, she couldn’t stop pestering if the both of you will ever get married, given that you’ve been dating for 6 years. Baekhyun tried to stop her by saying that you’re both still young and not of age for marriage. However the conversation escalated into her prying if you were going to have kids, which was always a sensitive topic between the both of you. 
That summer, you left Jeju with a giant lump of guilt in your heart. 
The thing was, you never wanted to have kids because the concept of raising a child seemed so taunting to you. Well, you had your reasons. You were an only child unfavourably raised by two, neglecting, self-centered parents who didn’t bother to even look at you during the course of your life. Yes you had your fair share of wealth, coming from those two, but your childhood was a rough one. They ended up throwing you out when you entered high school, saying you were a nuisance, but the truth was, they were scared that one day you’d inherit their wealth. You ended up raising yourself throughout those years, figuring and finding your own way in the world while your two, selfish parents left you with nothing but lifetime trauma. 
But Baek? Hell, he loves kids. He was crazy with kids, he adored them with all his heart. You could see it when you visit his brother’s place. He wouldn’t stop playing with his niece and nephew, giving them piggyback rides and cracking up jokes to see smiles on their faces.
The silly little conversation with his aunt was the trigger of this snowballing issue because both of you were afraid to jeopardize the relationship. 
Baekhyun knew about your ‘child-free’ mindset and he was always a little bit disappointed about it. Even though he was well aware of your past, he just knew that you’d be a great parent. It was evident from the way you took care of him and those around you. So he thought that maybe, just maybe, you were willing to try. He was so sure that even with your stubborn head, you were willing to try, at least for him. 
He tried approaching you at first, to start the daunting topic between the both of you. He’d try to go home earlier and cook dinner for the both of you, catching up to your office for coffee breaks during lunch time, scheduling movie dates on the weekends and to the extent of peeking your calendar to find your day off. 
But you didn’t budge. 
You were so aware of his attempts that it broke your heart to see him trying like this, but you know you couldn’t give in. It would break you to give in. So you kept your distance with him. When he cooked dinner, you’d hurriedly thank him, clean up and leave the table as soon as you were done with your meal. You took up so many fashion projects that you were swamped the whole day, making you unable to leave the office for lunch break. You even scheduled photoshoots during weekends to avoid dates with him. 
But your boyfriend Baekhyun was a smart man. 
He knew. He was so well aware of what you were doing and it shattered him. But how could he leave you? He couldn’t even if he tried. How could he ever leave when you’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with? 
So he stopped trying. 
He didn’t do anything to even start the dreaded conversation. 
However, nothing changed. 
You still kept your distance, you were so scared of what’s to come that you didn’t even want to be in the same room as him. 
Yet here you are, feeling all lost and broken while eyes glued to the floor, finally having the conversation you fought so hard to avoid.
Oh y/n, jokes on you, you thought. 
“Y/n…look at me…” He sighed, trying to capture your attention again.
You frowned, holding back a wave of emotion. “No.” you replied.
“Christ, y/n”, he frustratedly ran his hands through his hair, 
“You need to talk to me… you-you need to talk to me so I know. I need to know what you want from me…If this is not what you want-“ 
“No, Baek.” you quickly snapped. “This, is not what I want. This conversation, is not what I want.” 
“Then why the hell have you been avoiding me for the past six months?! You acted like I was fucking invisible! I swear y/n-“
“I WAS SCARED OF LOSING YOU!” you faced him with your remaining strength, tears falling down your cheeks.
All hell broke loose. The dam had burst. You couldn’t hold it anymore. “I was scared, of losing you, Baek. I knew you wanted to have this conversation ever since we went home from your aunt’s… And-and I knew, I could never say yes to you-“ you sobbed hard.
You felt your legs giving up on you, as you slid down to the floor, “But your eyes, the glint of hopefulness in your eyes every time you try to talk to me, it scares the shit out of me.”
“It fucking scares me that I love you this much and I know it would never be enough because,” you catched your breath before continuing, “This-this trauma…I can’t ever give you what you want. We’re not even married for Christ’s sake…and I’m already depriving you of your future.”
Baekhyun could hear his heart shattering into pieces when the love of his life sprawled in tears, on the kitchen floor of their home. He stayed silent as he watched you sobbed before him. He was just as sad, empty and broken as you. For the first time in his relationship, he felt so helpless. It was so discerning, the feeling of not being able to help you, your trauma, it killed him inside. He felt it as hot tears began to leave tracks on his skin.
“I-I’ll leave…” you incoherently said through your cries, hands furiously wiping your tears away. “I’ll leave so give me time and I’ll-“
“What do you mean?” he clamored. “You’ll leave?! Why the hell are you leaving!” He raised his voice, louder than he let on. 
“You want kids, Baek! You want a family and you know damn well that I can’t give that to you! I can’t raise a goddamn child!” you snapped back at him,  pent up anger and pain seeping through every word.
“I can’t raise a child,“ you trembled, voice slowly going quieter by the minute. “Not when I can’t even heal myself through this shit…It’s been years and I still can’t.” you quivered, holding your head between your legs, hiding yourself from him. 
He couldn’t see you like this for another second, it pained him too much. As you broke down for the second time, he lowered his body and sat down to the space next to you. He tried approaching you as slow as possible and when he realized you didn’t evade his presence, he immediately engulfed you with his broad shoulders, embracing you as you cried. The comforting warmth instantly made you clung onto your boyfriend’s arm, your head rested on his shoulders. He cried with you silently, as he stroked your head, trying to calm you down.
“My baby,” he softly spoke, never letting go of his warm embrace. He kept stroking your head until your tears died down, hugging him calmed your heartbeat and both of you were much calmer.
“Y/n, love… would you mind hearing me out for a bit?” He shifted his position slightly to catch your eyes. You lift up your head to give your boyfriend a nod as he looks at you, eyes red and puffed like yours. 
He chuckled a bit, wiping the rest of your tears with his fingers. He gave you a peck on your puffy left eye and proceeded to kiss the other eye. He gave you an affectionate gaze before dropping another kiss on your forehead. He smiled at you warmly, it was his signature smile and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. Your boyfriend Baekhyun, never failed to  radiate his sunshine-like warmth.
“Love, listen to me okay?” 
“Hmm…” you hummed, answering him. 
“I’ve been thinking, lately, that I’m quite okay with being child-free. I thought I wanted kids, which maybe I still do but I get that not everyone wants kids,”  
“I’ve wrapped my head around it and I guess I’m kinda okay with not having kids,“ he continued, “or at least for now.” he lightly added with a small smile, reaching out to hold your hand.
You frowned a bit, opening your mouth to reply, before he beat you to it, “However I am ecstatic when I think of getting married to the right person.” he grinned while looking at your face.
“I’m not sure when this started but the thought of having a domestic lifestyle is so enrapturing to me. And no, it’s not the grand weddings and honeymoons that gets me excited. It’s the silly little things that I hope I get to do with my partner.” 
You smiled at his words, holding his hands a bit tighter than before.
“The usual weekly grocery shopping we have, the silly little fights about putting down the toilet seat cover that makes creases on your forehead, our mini movie nights in the comforts of our silly little apartment and hopefully taking care of a silly little puppy in the future…” he gave out a nervous laugh and you looked at him lovingly, slowly rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb.
“Babe, I’m so excited to learn even more about you as much as you learn about me during our Sunday brunch and afternoon walks, not as your boyfriend but as your husband. We could be stuck up in the apartment all day while it rains outside, you’ll be reading while I’ll sleep next to you. You could cook and I’ll wash the dishes, but of course, we could switch because, whatever works for you.” 
Plastering a giant smile on his face, “Maybe in the near future, you’ll ace driving so we can switch seats every now and then, I’ll ride shotgun while you race me to work!” you laughed at his remarks and lightly slapped his arm. Both of you are completely oblivious to the fact that you’re both seated on the floor below the kitchen island for the past hour. 
He continued with a more serious tone, “I know it seems like I went a little bit overboard on romanticising this domestic life, given the fact that people say it doesn’t really work that way,” he smiled sadly, looking at your intertwined hands. 
“We’ll end up being too tired, too selfish, too worn out to compromise. It scares me, really.”
Baekhyun looked at you again, your eyes met and it’s evident that his eyes held so much confidence in them, “But if finding the right person means waking up together, making coffee and pancakes in the morning, hell, maybe I’m willing to try, kids or no kids.” 
“We’ll have breakfast for dinner and ice cream for breakfast. Fuck. Baby, I’ll ask you to hold my hand when we ride rollercoasters because I’m a fucking coward, but you love me for it right?" He held your hand tighter and stroked your hair with his free finger while leaving pecks all over your head.
"I’m so ready to break plates when we fight, if it means we get to glue them back together again. You’ll probably scream and curse at me when I’m obnoxious but I might do the same when you ignore me.” He chuckled, his eyes glistened as emotions got a hold of him. You cupped the side of his face with one of your free hands. 
“It’s fine, I don’t mind as long as we hug it out. I promise I’ll laugh with you, cry with you and smile for you. The biggest smile on this face will only be for you. I know we’ve done some of these things now, but if being married to you means having this for the rest of my life with you, I’m so up for it” he finished, your foreheads touching, eyes never leaving one another. You couldn’t muster any response other than a choked-sobs and a hearty laugh. 
“Baek…” you tried, your voice failed you as you voice strained.
"Marry me," He suddenly suggested. You gasp at his spur-of-the-moment question.
"y/n...." He whined, holding both of your arms as he shook them. "You don't wanna marry meeeeee?" He piped, kinda scared of your reaction now. You giggled at your boyfriend's pleading eyes,
"No silly! Of course I'd marry you! I was taken a back, that's all..." as you titter at him. "Oh God- oh God..." He exhale in relief.
"Wait, I'm grabbing a ring-pop!" He stood up, opening one of the snack cabinets, "I hope you're okay with a strawberry ring-pop for now, I mean I know you'd be but... the ring order took so damn long okay?! I pre-ordered it 9 months ago! Anyways, I hope this would do for now." He babbled away as he ripped open the rock candy from its packaging to slid the plastic ring on your finger.
"Y-you, what?" You have been taken aback by this man in the course of minutes.
"Well- I need to tie the knot at some point..?" He scratched the back of his nape as he nervously grinned. "It took longer than a baby because I custom-made it yet they kept getting the order wrong.." He huffed. At this, you kissed his cheeks, a wordless form of your gratitude.
"I love it," you professed, "I love the ring-pop, the nine-month old custom-made ring, and I love you." You continued.
“Byun Baekhyun, Baek, Baby… I-I know this because from the start, I always knew, I don’t want to settle for less. I don’t want to grow up, leave university for a job and a hand in marriage, to have kids and end my life just like that.” you held your eye contact with him.
You smiled a bit, continuing, “I want love. The really raw kind that makes my heart beats crazy every time I see your eyes. I want the love that holds my hand so I don’t walk alone. The love that embraces me in the morning, and kisses me after a long day at work. The love that burns, the love that hurts. The selfish kind of love that I never have to let go. It sounds crazy right?” 
It’s apparent that your face changes while you tell him this, it’s a thing he loves about you. He never told you but every time you rambled on something you’re passionate about, you have this glow on your face and your eyes sparkles, shining enchantedly–he’s crazy for you for that. He looks at you lovingly, giving all his attention to you. 
“Baek, I’ve always wanted someone who loves me for me. I want someone who stays, not because they couldn’t leave but because they don’t want me to be alone, I want someone who hates leaving me alone because they love me that much. It’s selfish and, I-I’m so sorry… A thousand apologies might not cut it but the way that I don’t want kids, I can’t raise kids… It’s-“ you stuttered, trying to breathe.  At this, he rubbed your back to comfort you.
“It’s too much…for me to make a decision now, about kids. But baby, you’re it. You’re the one who loves me for me and I love you for that. You still gave me a thousand reasons to stay even though I thought I needed to leave you,” you’re back to a crying mess into Baekhyun’s arms. 
“I swear Byun Baekhyun, I’ll never leave. I’ll never let you be alone. I love you so much.” you whispered, smiling, as you tightly hugged him.
He smiled back letting go of his embrace on you, “Y/n, Baby. You’ve been ‘it’ since the first time I saw you. Do you think I’ll ever let you go?” 
He held your chin to face him, as he slowly leaned in, taking you into a kiss you’ve been postponing since the last 6 months. 
“I love you so much.” he paused before passionately kissing you again.
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Bodyguard!Baekhyun x Pregnant!Reader: Angst to Fluff
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Anonymous said: “Hi! Could you write cold/bodyguard Baekhyun and pregnant reader? Baekhyun doesn't want the baby but reader resists. No angst end pleaseee. 😢”
TW: fem!reader, domestic angst, mentions of contraception, pregnancy, sex, and violence. brief mentions of suicide
Your heart was beating out of your chest. Your palms were sweating profusely. You were shaking like a leaf.
You tried your best to ignore your growing anxiety, mindlessly going through the motions to prepare dinner for you and your husband. Of course he didn’t expect you to, but you wanted to surprise him. Especially because you were planning on presenting some big news to him. You might be pregnant.
To be honest, you weren’t sure how Baekhyun was going to act. He was religious about using condoms and always asked if you were taking your pills, so part of you was worried he absolutely did not want a baby. On the other hand, when you first got married he would sometimes fantasize about moving somewhere far away with you and starting a family. You didn’t know what to expect tonight, so you were obviously very nervous.
“Baby I’m home-“ a voice boomed from the entrance of your home. You croaked out a simple “kitchen” in response. You heard him set down his bag and begin to take off his boots, and after a while he appeared in your doorway. He was dressed in all black, like usual. God, he looked so rugged and strong. It’s no wonder you were knocked up. “Hey beautiful. How was your day?” he asked, coming up behind you to kiss your cheek.
“Oh…. the usual…” you lied, setting down your spatula. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
He was resting his head on your shoulder, lips pressing against your neck in the form of a few short kisses. “You didn’t have to cook, baby.” he chuckled.
“I know, I just thought it sounded… nice tonight.” you lied once again, nervously pushing yourself out of his grasp and huffing over to the other counter to cut up some vegetables. “You should go wash up, I’m almost done.”
“Yes ma’am.” he laughed, confused but going along.
You heaved a sigh of relief as he left the kitchen, busying yourself with setting the table. Soon he was back from the washroom and fixing up a plate. You both took your seats at the table and began eating dinner. You were too anxious to eat normally, picking at your food and taking small bites. He was the opposite, ravenously devouring the meat and vegetables with rice.
“You’re hungry today.” you commented, trying to make conversation to calm your nerves.
“Yeah, I am.” he chuckled, taking a sip of water. “Work was so rough today. Some crazy fan jumped at my client and I had to hold him off.”
“That sounds scary, are you okay?” you asked, concerned.
“Oh yeah, he wasn’t armed or anything. I guess I should’ve mentioned that.” he laughed at himself, and you joined him in spite of your anxiety.
“Yeah, just give your poor wife a heart attack why don’cha.” you giggled, pushing your plate away from you.
He looked up at you. “You done eating already?”
“Yeah, I’m not feeling too good tonight…” you told him. It wasn’t a huge lie, you did have a decent stomachache. That’s what led you to buy a pregnancy test in the first place.
You continued listening to him talk about his day at work, laughing at the funny parts and gasping at his stories of crazy people. Being married to a bodyguard was always interesting to say the least. Of course, it worried you how dangerous his line of work was, but you knew how much he loved it, and it at least gave you some interesting conversations. Before you knew it, he was done eating.
“That was delicious baby, thank you for cooking dinner.” he complimented you, reaching across the table to pat your hand. “Hey, do you wanna go get some ice cream for dessert? I’ll pay.”
“No I’m okay honey, like I said I don’t feel very good.” you told him.
“Man, you must be sick if you’re turning down ice cream.” he chuckled, giving your hand a light squeeze.
“Yeah, that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about…” you began, sitting up in your chair.
“What, are you sick or something?” he asked, slightly concerned.
“Not exactly…” you explained, feeling your stomach tie into a knot. “I don’t know how to lead into this, so I guess I’ll just come out and say it. Baekhyun, I’m pregnant.”
He completely froze up. He didn’t move a single muscle for what felt like ages, then he just clicked his lips and brought a hand up to rub his brow bone. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I think you heard me Baek.” you laughed nervously.
“Are you absolutely sure?” he asked, looking into your eyes intensely. He wasn’t showing any emotion at all, which made it very hard to gauge his reaction.
“Babe I peed on like four sticks and they all said the same thing.” you blurted put, starting to feel defensive.
“I don’t understand. We use condoms every time we have sex.” he began, getting up and rushing to the bathroom to grab the box.
You sighed and rolled your eyes, then got up to follow after him. “Honey you know those only work like 98% of the time right?”
You found him in the bathroom, sifting through the trash with the box of condoms next to him. “There must have been a hole in it or something. I swear to God when I find that thing I’m gonna sue the company.”
“Baekhyun what is the big deal!” you asked, tugging on his shoulder. “Why can’t you just accept it?”
“Because I don’t want a baby right now Y/N!” he snapped, whipping around to look at you. There was an awkward moment of silence between the two of you, the tension in the room just having reached its climax.
“You don’t?” you asked meekly, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“Y/N, we’ve talked about this…” he sighed, getting up to stand in front of you. “I have no business being a father when I work in such a dangerous environment.”
“Okay, so do I not have any say in whether or not I want to be a mother?” you asked, starting to get angry.
“That’s not what I said.” he stated flatly. “Do you know what it’s like to go to work every day and know that you might get hurt, or even killed? Now imagine having that knowledge with a family involved. If anything happens to me, this kid doesn’t have a dad anymore. Do you want that for them?”
You started to feel tears prick at your eyes. You bit your lip and looked at the ground, choking down the sobs that threatened to erupt from your throat. “Do you not consider me your family?” you asked finally.
His mouth dropped open a tiny bit at the accusation, baffled that he had implied such a thing. “Yes, I do. I don’t know why I said it that way, but that’s not what I meant.”
“Because maybe you shouldn’t have married me if you’re so worried about dying everyday!” you shrieked, finally snapping. The tears were streaming down your face like a waterfall and you could hardly breathe. You wanted to scream.
“Honey, I-“ he reached a hand out towards you, but you pushed his arm away and shoved your way past him and out of the bathroom.
Baekhyun immediately turnt around and tried to follow you into your bedroom, but you were too quick to slam the door behind you and lock it.
“Babe!” he pleaded, fiddling with the door knob and knocking urgently. When you have no response, he sighed and rested his head on the door. “Okay… I can see we’re not getting anywhere like this. I’ll give you some time to yourself. I’m gonna go take a walk. I love you.”
Baekhyun didn’t know how to feel as he walked through the park. He never liked seeing you upset, and he tried his best to never be the reason. But he just couldn’t accept the idea of having children.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like kids… he got along with them just fine. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t fantasize from time to time about starting a family with you. However, he thought that was as far as it should go. Fantasies, not reality.
He exhaled into the cold air, hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket, before plopping down on a park bench to collect his thoughts. As he was disassociating, he noticed a man and a woman playing with what looked like their young daughter. She had to be around five years old. They all looked so happy.
He knew he eventually wanted kids. Just not now. Work was too stressful.
But when was it not going to be? Was there ever really going to be a good time to have a baby?
Baekhyun began to look closer at the man. He wondered if he had any worries about his capabilities as a father. Did he ever regret settling down?
He took one last look at his face, and noticed the bright smile upon it. As the man stared at the woman and child next to him, he looked as if he had everything he ever wanted right in front of him. It was honestly pretty easy to envision himself as the man, and you as the woman. He really liked thinking about what your child would look like. What features of his they would have, and which of yours… raising them, protecting them, and keeping them safe…
That was something he was confident he could do. He kept people safe all day at work. He also enjoyed feeling like he protected you and your home. Would it really be so difficult to add a little one to his list? People tried so hard to have kids everyday, and you were both just given one with hardly any effort.
He knew you would be a terrific mother. He saw the way you looked at other parents with their children… the loving sparkle in your eyes when you played with kids. You wanted it more than anything, but with him always shying away from the idea, you never talked about it.
It was then that he realized, he could give you that. In fact, he already had. You were probably so excited to tell him, and with the way he reacted…. oh god, he felt just horrible. He immediately sprung up and started jogging back to your apartment.
“Baby?” he cried out as he burst through the front door of your home. He wanted to see you so bad that he didn’t even bother to take off his boots or jacket.
He instinctively started running for the bedroom, as it was the last place he saw you. But as soon as he got there, the door was open and you were nowhere to be seen. He glanced over to the bathroom to see the door shut, signaling that you were in there.
“Baby!” he called for you, reaching for the doorknob. The door was locked, and you weren’t answering. All he could hear was the water running, so he immediately assumed the worst.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, pounding on the door rapidly. He was freaking out. He knew what he had to do. He took a few steps back, then leapt forward and broke the door open.
You jumped at the sudden intrusion from your place in the bathtub.
“Baekhyun what the hell!” you shrieked, ripping your earbuds out of your ears.
He breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of you. “You weren’t answering and I heard the water running, so I was worried…”
“Oh my gosh, no. I’m not going to drown myself just because you don’t want our baby.” you huffed. “I just wanted to take a bubble bath to clear my head.”
He kneeled down next to the tub and reached for your hand. You hesitated, but let him hold it.
“Y/N, I want to have this baby with you.” he told you.
“Do you actually?” you asked sharply, shooting daggers at him with your gaze. “Or are you just telling me that to make me happy? I’m only going to raise this kid with you if we both want it.”
“No, I’m not saying I’ll just be ‘okay’ with it. I genuinely want to be a father. ” he reassured you, reaching forward to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You looked over him suspiciously. “What changed your mind?”
He placed his hand softly on your cheek. “When I was at the park, I saw a family playing together. They looked so happy together. I started to think of all the wonderful things I’d gain from being a father. All the memories we could make as a family, all the love we have to share with our child…”
You started to relax into his touch, leaning more towards him. “What kind of memories?”
“Teaching our kid how to walk and talk, taking them to school, taking them to the park…” he started listing, looking at you with an excited sparkle in his eyes. “I’d like to take them to Disney World. We can all make breakfast together, throw them birthday parties, read them stories…”
You smiled at him lovingly. “You’ll be an amazing dad Baekhyun.”
“And you are going to be the most amazing mother in the world.” he continued. “You’re so kind, and patient, and smart, and strong… I hope our baby is just like you.” He suddenly plunged one of his hands under the water to touch your tummy. “I’m so excited to go on this journey with you Y/N. I’m so sorry my first reaction was so horrible.”
“You’d better be.” you teased, splashing some water up at him. “Every woman’s worst nightmare is getting pregnant and the father wanting nothing to do with them. I was worried I was going to have to leave you and move in with my mother!”
He laughed at you, wiping the water off of his cheek. “I promise you, as long as I’m living, I’ll be by your side. I’ll take you to all your doctors appointments, buy you all the food you’re craving, give you back rubs… You won’t have to lift a finger for the next nine months. And if you go into labor while I’m at work, I’ll just tell my client they’ll have to protect themselves and hop in a cab.”
You giggled as you imagined the scenario. “Well you don’t have to do that, but I appreciate the sentiment. I’m so glad you’re ready to start a family.”
“I really am.” he told you. He leaned forward to place a tender kiss on your lips. “Now, would you like some company in that big lonely tub?”
“Yes I would.” you chirped in reply.
Maybe telling your husband about your pregnancy didn’t go exactly as you’d planned. But the two of you never really went the traditional route anyway. You knew that the two of you could overcome any obstacle, big or small. All you needed was each other. Soon, you would be parents. And you couldn’t wait to meet your little baby.
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