#evan lewis x male reader
sykosomatic · 6 months
So here is my third idea…a bit longer and darker but I hope you like it
So it starts right where part 2 ended…Evan and his new love interest are enjoying their food and flirting a little….Evan asks what brought reader over and asks semi seriously if he is that irresistible and gets a slight laugh in response
Evan then decides to play his answer machine and gets the same messages from the film as he admires his watch…reader is playing with the heating …..turning it and asks if he should be jealous Evan points out if he haven’t called them back no…
Reader comments how it’s getting really hot in here and maybe they need to cool off so they decide to head to the shower more flirting as they start to make out in the shower
Then they notice the temperature of the water starting to grow warmer and scalding …..they turning it off but it won’t work and the door is jammed…they start panicking/blaming each other as they desperately try to get out
Evan eventually smashes his way out by just shouldering the glass till it breaks ….later they are in Evans bedroom putting ice packs on each other as they apologise for turning on each other and they kiss with Evan asking what is happening Reader settles down with him on the bed and says he doesn’t know but he will find out
obvouvou;u they are going to stick together
what do you think ?
you've always got really creative ideas -- this fic would've been a one-shot without you lol -- let's see if you like the next installment! here we go--!
part 3 of evan lewis x male reader escaping death -- lovingly entitled 'luck of the draw' on ao3 --
cw: near-death experience, anxiety, making out, groping.
evan joined you at the little dining table, taking a seat and passing your food to you once it was all cooked. the entire little apartment smelled like rich, savory noodles; it was nice. this was the most at ease you'd felt since you'd met evan. that fact made you feel a little guilty. it wasn't as if you thought it was evan's fault, and you sure weren't gonna stop hanging out with him just over some silly superstitions you were having. you'd never been one to really believe in such things; but you couldn't deny the extreme relief you felt when you'd prevented whatever had been destined to happen. it gave you almost a sense of responsibility to stay and help him, to keep him safe from whatever power-that-be was hell-bent on hurting him. why evan, you found yourself thinking, of all people? and why you, sent to be his savior?
"so, uh…what brought you back here?" evan asked, after swallowing a bite of his food. he looked at you with an eyebrow raised. just as you were about to answer him and let him know about the strange feeling you'd been having, he smirked at you and continued speaking. "am i that irresistible?"
you laughed, rolling your eyes at his goofy expression. you decided to maybe bring up your weird feeling later. or maybe, not at all? after all you didn't even know if it was founded; maybe you were just having a weird week. maybe you needed to go back to that therapist you'd been seeing a while back.
"oh-- i forgot," evan said, reaching over and pressing a button on his answering machine. some messages from girls started to play, making you feel a little embarrassed. mainly for them; they sounded pretty desperate to get their hands on some of that money evan had just won from the lottery. you watched evan admire the watch he'd gotten the day before; fiddling with the latch as you stood up and cleared your throat awkwardly. you decided to busy yourself by absently messing with the thermostat, unable to find the remote to his tv and feeling that messing with your phone might've come off as rude.
"should i be jealous?" you asked evan, playfully, but also eyeing him a bit warily. he was a cocky guy, and the two of you hadn't said anything about being mutually exclusive just yet-- or ever, in that case. and he was entitled to do whatever he wanted, whether it be calling these women back or not.
"well, i mean, i haven't called them back yet, have i?" he pointed out. he finally looked up from his shiny new watch and looked over at you, reaching over to start deleting the messages. you grinned to yourself, turning the heat down a tad more. it had started getting a little hotter in the small apartment; it was freaking you out a bit. the thermostat said a cool 65 degrees fahrenheit once you were done messing with it. it shouldn't have felt so hot in there, right?
maybe you'd worked yourself up over evan's other potential lovers. you weren't really the jealous type; not outwardly, of course.
"hey, you wanna hop in the shower really quick?" you asked, crossing over to the dining table again. you put your arms around evan's shoulders from behind, leaning in and nibbling playfully on his ear. "it's getting kinda hot in here, don't you think? maybe we should cool off…" you said. you didn't boast about your flirting skills, that was for sure, but you thought you were charming enough. and evan evidently did too. he rolled his eyes, but there was definitely a grin on his face.
"you didn't even finish your food," he teased, though it didn't seem like he was all too concerned, after you'd just insinuated that he'd be getting lucky again. he stood from his chair and led you into the bathroom, the two of you flirtingly undressing each other on the way. there was a trail of clothes on the way to the bathroom, ending with the two of you standing by the shower. "i'm never gonna get tired of seeing that…" evan said playfully, eyeing your naked form beside him. he wrapped his arms around you, groping your ass and pulling you in for a kiss. you could feel yourself blush at the comment -- did that mean he wanted to keep seeing you? that maybe you'd be spending more time with him? you'd only known him for about a day, but he fascinated you, and you liked his goofy cockiness; it was surprisingly charming.
he turned around and started the water, leaning down and giving you access to return his groping. you grabbed his ass; it was really nice, you couldn't really tell that based on the clothes he wore, which made it all the better that you'd gotten to see it. and touch it, of course. he moaned as you massaged his ass and lower back. the water spritzed on, warm and steamy, inviting the two of you inside. the shower itself was a sort of glass box, with a door that swung open and clasped shut on the inside. it was the perfect size for the two of you to be intimately close in it together. the two of you clambered in, laughing as you bumped into each other while trying to get into comfortable positions. you ended up facing each other, a moment of thought before you both leaned in for a kiss.
the kiss deepened as the two of you started groping each other, becoming a full-on make-out session full of moaning and groaning. you broke away to bite on evan's neck, making him gasp out in surprise as you teeth scraped the delicate flesh just above his shoulder. "shit, wait, let me fix the temp real quick," evan grunted, pulling away from you, suddenly a bit agitated. you had to admit, the water was starting to get a little hot. he turned more cold on, but that didn't help. the water started getting hotter.
"are you turning the right knob?" you asked, hissing through your teeth as you felt the water start to sting the skin on your forearm. your arm was turning a bright, angry red as the water started to scald you.
"yes, i'm turning the right knob!" evan snipped at you, making you frown frustratedly at him. "i know which knob is cold, it's my apartment," he grumbled, turning both knobs now. it was clear he had been turning the right one; the water was just getting hotter by itself.
"maybe try turning it off?" you suggested, trying to scoot back away from the stream of boiling water. it had to be approaching something like 150 degrees at this point. you couldn't think straight, it was so hot. you were starting to panic, and you knew evan was too, but yours was starting to get intense. had you not avoided the thing that was supposed to hurt evan? and had you lumped yourself in with him? were the two of you going to die from third degree burns in this shower, trapped in the boiling water and choking on steam?
"i am trying to turn it off, man! i'm not stupid. why don't you try, if you're so smart?" evan snapped, shoving past you to trade you spots. now he was up against the glass wall of the shower, and he started to jiggle the clasp, trying to undo it. it was stuck. the two of you really were stuck, and if you didn't find a way out soon, it wasn't going to be pretty. "damn it, this is all your fault, you were the one who suggested getting in here in the first place… i bet you broke the stupid latch…"
"hey, don't get pissed off at me," you grouched back at him, angry that he was blaming you for something that clearly wasn't your fault. there were sinister things at play, here, working against you and evan and trying to harm you both now. "maybe if your apartment wasn't so hot, i wouldn't have wanted to get in here." you grumbled as the two of you worked on your tasks separately, faced away from each other. the heat of the water climbed in intensity so rapidly it was making you lightheaded. it had been all of three or four minutes that you'd been in there, and in just that time, the two of you had gotten agitated enough to blame each other for something that you at least knew wasn't anyone's fault. at this point it was clearly some sort of evil thing at play, here. you fiddled with the knobs desperately, evan messing with the latch, when in one quick second you heard a smashing sound behind you.
evan had busted through the foggy glass pane of the shower, shouldering it with all of his weight and smashing through it. cool air rushed in, already soothing your skin as you rushed out to him, stepping around glass and crouching down to where he lay on the floor amidst a bed of glass shards. the water sprayed on behind you, harmlessly flowing down the drain. steam curled up around you in the bathroom as you consoled evan, brushing glass off of him and pulling him up to his feet.
all animosity drained from the two of you as you looked into each other's eyes, safe from the boiling heat of the shower. "are you alright?" you asked him, gathering him in your arms and holding him close as the two of you mentally recovered from the ordeal you'd just been through.
"sorry i was being such an ass," evan said to you, softly, as you passed an ice pack and frozen peas back and forth to each other. he'd given you a spare pair of pajama pants and was wearing a pair himself as the two of you sat on his bed together. your head was swimming with all the things that had happened the past day; you barely heard him.
"it's okay. i was being an ass too -- it wasn't anybody's fault," you assured him, leaning in and kissing him on the lips. it was a gentle kiss, meant to be comforting. it seemed to have worked at least a little bit, but he was still a little worked up.
"maybe not, but.. what the hell was it, then? that shit doesn't just happen."
you sighed softly, biting on your lip. you knew that you'd been right all along, that the crazy-anxious feeling you'd been having was founded in some kind of truth. this wouldn't be the last time something like this happened. the pit in your stomach had started to return, and you had a feeling that it would be there for a while. you figured you better get used to saving evan's life, and he'd better get used to saving yours. you didn't know what the feeling meant exactly, other than the two of you would be being chased by death for a good while going forward. "i don't really know," you said, pausing. you thought about just brushing it off, keeping him in the dark for just a moment longer, letting him have that ignorant bliss. but it felt irresponsible. "but it feels… cosmic," you muttered, just in case he thought you were being crazy. but when you looked up at him, he was nodding slowly and thoughtfully. "and we'll figure it out. i'll get to the bottom of this, and we'll stop it," you promised, reaching over to hold his hand in your lap.
24-hour relationship or not, evan wasn't going to die, and neither were you. you were going to see to that.
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awritessomething · 5 months
I have absolutely no ideas for writing whatsoever pleaseplease leave requests!!! Smut, angst, fluff, whatever y’all want I can probably do.
Ill write for these people and probably more that I forgot (all male character x fem!reader) :
Formula 1:
Max Verstappen
Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri
Charles Leclerc
Pierre Gasly
Lewis Hamilton
Carlos Sainz
Daniel Riccardo
Mick Schumacher
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
David Rossi (preferably young)
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Spiderman (Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Miguel O'hara)
Call of Duty
Keegan Russ
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Phillip Graves
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
John B. Routledge
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Tom Riddle
Sirius Black
Lorenzo Berkshire
Oliver Wood
The Walking Dead:
Glenn Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Joao Felix
Jude Bellingham
Brock Purdy
Leon Draisaitl
Jack Hughes
Vince Dunn
Mitch Marner
Connor Bedard
Wayne Gretzky (young)
Jack Champion (Ethan Landry)
Patrick Bateman
Batman (Christian Bale)
Johnathan Crane
Finnick Odair
Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark, Mike Schmidt, Sean Anderson, Clapton Davis)
Rodrick Heffley
Colby Brock
Sam Golbach
Tristan Dugray
Dylan O'brien
Bellamy Blake
Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd, Ronald Miller)
Joe Goldberg
Timothee Chalamet (Wonka, Paul Atreides)
Minho (The Maze Runner)
Keanu Reeves (John Wick, Neo, Alex Wyler, Dr. Beckham, Julian Mercer, Ted Logan)
Jim Halpert
Ulfric Stormcloak
Ben Schnetzer (Max Vandenburg, Brad Land, Russ Sheppard)
Ralph Macchio (Daniel Larusso, Johnny Cade)
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
Robby Keene
Zuko (atla dallas liu)
Jet (atla sebastian amoruso)
Cillian Murphy (Johnathan crane, jackson rippner, Neil Lewis)
Evan Peters (all ahs characters, Luke cooper)
What I wont do:
Beastiality or anything animal-y
Male reader (sorry)
Character x character
Threesomes or anything not 1x1
Character x oc
Specific body types (i just don’t see the point)
Daddy/mommy kinks
Incest or stepcest
(I’ll prob have to add on but its midnight rn)
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velvetcloxds · 3 years
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Hiii loves, so, this is my first writing challenge and since I've been really enjoying writing song fics, I thought it might be fun to do a song fic challenge with some of my favourite comfort songs, was absolutely terrified to post this because I wasn't sure if people would participate, but if you do, I hope you have fun <33
There is no deadline for this writing challenge, I know that I can't hold to a deadline when it comes to writing, so I don't expect you to either- as long as you have fun when you write it, write it whenever.
Please send me an ask saying which character you want to write for as well as the song you'd like to use.
There can be only two people per song and you can write for more than one song. I’ll cross out a prompt when it’s been claimed by two people.
Fandoms; Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, Marvel, Twilight, Bridgerton, Outerbanks, The Umbrella Academy, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Gilmore Girls, Shadow and Bone, Peaky Blinders, and The 100
Please do not submit any smut, smut concepts, smut tropes.
Preferably male!character x fem!reader or male!character x nopronouns!reader
Masterlist | Fic rec list | Playlist
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Always- Isak Danielson
I melt with you- Modern English
All those pretty lights- Andrew Belle
Apocalypse- Cigarettes after sex
@/v1oletvenus - sirius black x reader
@illicitvalentine - lily evans x reader
Youth- Troye Sivan
Kiss me- Sixpence none the richer
@wrathspoet - james potter x reader
Heart's content- Brandi Carlile
Will you still love me tomorrow- The Shirelles
@/hairdye-enthusiast - tommy shelby x reader
Nothing's gonna stop us no- Starship
I'll be- Jacob Noah
It's not living if it's not with you- The 1975
@/ughgclden - remus lupin x reader
Perfect- Fairground Attraction
The closest thing to crazy- Katie Melua
All my love- George Ezra
I choose you- Sara Bareilles
The Last Time- Taylor Swift
@/sarahisslytherin- diego hagrieves x reader
@/mirclealignr - remus lupin x reader
Two Ghosts- Harry Styles
@/sheraayasher - steve rogers x reader
@messers-moony-lupin - remus lupin x reader
Like a river runs- Bleachers
Saturn- Sleeping at last, Tim Fain
@beelovespizza - jess mariano x reader
@mystics-writings- bellamy blake x reader
7 Minutes- Dean Lewis
Forever- Lewis Capaldi
@/thesecretwriter - loki x reader
All I ask- Adele
@/yoooespinosa - regulus black x reader
@ms-heartbreak-queen - regulus black x reader
Empty space- James Arthur
@/natashxromanovf - stiles stilinski x reader
Lost without you- Freya Ridings
Ghost- Banners
Cry over me- Meat Loaf
Save tonight- Eagle-eye cherry
Heal- Tom Odell
I should go- Levi Kreis
Stay- Hurts
Like real people do- Hozier
@/cupids-crystals - remus lupin x reader
@/sarahisslytherin- regulus black x reader
I don't wanna dance- COIN
Sex- Eden
Crimson and clover- Tommy James & The Shondells
80' Flims - Jon Bellion
Stay- Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs
Alone- Heart
Lips of an angel- Hinder
Craving- James Bay
Right girl- The Maine
Heat Waves- Glass Animals
Dirty little secret- The all American rejects
@/saintlike78 - charlie swan x reader
Bad decisions- The strokes
Meet me at our spot- Willow, The anxiety, Tyler Cole
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no pressure tags: @/cupids-crystals @/mirclealignr @/sarahisslytherin @/oliverwoodmarrymepls @spxllcxstxr @/moonlitmeeks @/yoooespinosa @/scandalous-chaos @canibeoneofthepogues @/v1oletvenus @natashxromanovf @pad-foots @whiskeypowder @fantqsha @lonelyhe4rts @mendesxruel @mellifluousart @messers-moony @pepper-up-potion @peppers-analytics @rons-whorerp @sereinegemini @/sheraayasher @selenes-sun @leahsficemporium @leydileyla @heloisedaphnebrightmore @henqtic @thesecretwriter @beloved-bucky @queen-asteria04 @iliveiloveiwrite @dracossweetprincess @marauders-lupin @proserpina-magnus @weasel-b33 @isaacmflahey @/saintlike78 @/fairydxll @destourtereaux @songofpolaris @ladyvesuvia +literally anyone who would like to participate
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sapphicwhxre · 3 years
• request guidelines
requests open! masterlists
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NOTE: please only send 1-2 requests at a time !! you’re not the only person i write for, be considerate. and please don’t send requests to multiple writers — it’s not only rude but will guarantee you a special spot of hatred in a writer’s heart. and one more thing: please don’t request n*fw content if you’re over 19 !! i’m not stopping you from reading it but i explore sexuality a lot and am uncomfortable interacting with adults sexually.
♥︎ content i create:
can be fluff, angst, and/or smut. for preferences, specify fandom ─ for HP, unless a gender or era is specified, all characters i write for will be included.
❨ fics/imagines
❨ blurbs/concepts
❨ headcanons
❨ preferences
❨ gifsets
❨ icons
❨ headers
❨ moodboards/aesthetics
♥︎ who i write for:
see above section and specify what you’re requesting. if not specified, i’ll choose. my personal favourite characters to write for have a 𐐪𐑂 beside them :)
❨ hermione granger 𐐪𐑂
❨ draco malfoy
❨ pansy parkinson 𐐪𐑂
❨ harry potter 𐐪𐑂
❨ luna lovegood
❨ ron weasley
❨ ginny weasley 𐐪𐑂
❨ fred weasley
❨ george weasley
❨ cho chang 𐐪𐑂
❨ lavender brown
❨ fleur delacour 𐐪𐑂
❨ angelina johnson
❨ padma patil 𐐪𐑂
❨ parvati patil
❨ daphne greengrass
❨ astoria greengrass
❨ nymphadora tonks
❨ narcissa black
❨ andromeda black
❨ bellatrix lestrange 𐐪𐑂
❨ lily evans
❨ marlene mckinnon 𐐪𐑂
❨ remus lupin
❨ pandora lovegood
❨ tina goldstein
❨ queenie goldstein
❨ jade west 𐐪𐑂
❨ cat valentine 𐐪𐑂
❨ tori vega
❨ diana prince
❨ harley quinn 𐐪𐑂
❨ pamela isley
❨ dinah lance
❨ helena bertinelli
❨ kara danvers
❨ wanda maximoff 𐐪𐑂
❨ natasha romanoff
❨ emily prentiss 𐐪𐑂
❨ jennifer jareau
❨ elle greenaway 𐐪𐑂
❨ jordan todd 𐐪𐑂
❨ tara lewis 𐐪𐑂
❨ penelope garcia
❨ ashley seaver
❨ cat adams 𐐪𐑂
❨ leia organa
❨ padma amidala
❨ qi’ra
❨ mara jade
❨ ahsoka tano
❨ jyn erso
♥︎ ships i write:
blurbs or headcanons, more ships included in the 'x reader' section. no smut for mlm ships as i'm a girl and am also not comfortable.
❨ pansmione
❨ dransy
❨ panstoria
❨ linny
❨ hinny
❨ lunsy
❨ romione
❨ fleurmione
❨ daphsy
❨ drastoria
❨ pavender
❨ wolfstar
❨ jori
❨ cade
❨ catorade
❨ jemily
❨ temily
❨ prentiway
❨ jemelle
❨ jelle
❨ jenelope
❨ catsey
♥︎ ships i write 'x readers' for:
smut fics, blurbs/concepts, or headcanons ─ if your ship is not included in the previous section, i won't write for it alone. i'll only write poly fics for ships that have a *
❨ dransy*
❨ pansmione*
❨ panstoria*
❨ lunsy*
❨ linny*
❨ huna*
❨ hinny*
❨ ginsy*
❨ romione*
❨ dramione
❨ fleurmione*
❨ fredmione
❨ georgemione
❨ ronsy*
❨ ravender*
❨ drarry
❨ rarry*
❨ daphsy*
❨ drastoria*
❨ harmione*
❨ remadora
❨ belladora
❨ bellansy*
❨ jori*
❨ cade*
❨ cori*
❨ catorade*
❨ harlivy*
❨ jemily*
❨ temily*
❨ prentiway*
❨ jemelle*
❨ jelle*
❨ jenelope*
❨ catsey*
♥︎ things i won’t write:
your request will be rejected if it's any of these. if it says male, i’m ok writing it for female characters.
❨ real people fics (any celebrity x reader)
❨ sibling or otherwise family reader
❨ incest (including threesomes/twincest)
❨ detailed triggering topics
❨ pregnant reader (not comfortable, sorry!!)
❨ male slapping or spitting kink
❨ anything an*l
❨ soulmate AUs
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railingsofsorrow · 3 years
╚═══════ *࿐ request guidelines ࿐ * ═══════╝
hello! in here you find out how you can make your request :)
requests are: open
I do not write smut. I don't feel comfortable.
the request might take a while because I have college + crappy mental health so... be patient
I can write for "character x reader" "oc x reader" "oc x oc"
romantic/platonic relationships: if you don't specify I'll just go with the flow
I love writing family wholesome moments, but there's no way I'm going to write incest.
I'm willing to write fem!reader and gn!reader. I might try male!reader if requested but keep in mind I've no experience on writing about that yet
spam my inbox all you want. send me requests, memes, wanna talk to someone? I'm all ears. this is a safe place!
ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇs ᴅᴏ ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ғᴏʀ?
love confessions
which tropes do i write for?
best friends to lovers
enemies to lovers
unrequited love
platonic relationships
relationships I write for
character x character
oc x character
oc x oc
character x reader (gender neutral, fem or male reader)
(if you want something that isn't here just ask me about it and I may accept to write it)
ᴡʜᴏ ᴅᴏ ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ғᴏʀ?
spencer reid
emily prentiss
jennifer jareau
derek morgan
penelope garcia
aaron hotchner
meredith grey
cristina yang
jackson avery
april kepner
amelia shepherd
peter parker (all three!)
michelle jones
ned leeds
gwen stacy
alice cullen
edward cullen
jasper hale
rosalie hale
bella swan
seth clearwater
leah clearwater
TMI (the mortal instruments)
*it will be based off of the books or movie, not the tv show.*
jace herondale
simon lewis
clary fray
isabelle lightwood
alec lightwood
maia roberts
katniss everdeen
johanna mason
finnick odair
peeta mellark
stefan salvatore
elena gilbert
bonnie bennett
caroline forbes
lexi branson
klaus mikaelson
kol mikaelson
rebekah mikaelson
freya mikaelson
elijah mikaelson
hayley marshall
hope mikaelson
james potter
remus lupin
sirius black
regulus black
peter pettigrew
lily evans
marlene mckinnon
dorcas meadowes
pandora lovegood
jj maybank
kiara carrera
sarah cameron
john b. routledge
pope heyward
rafe cameron
(other shows might be added later on)
have a great day and don't forget to drink water, lovelies!!
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rhettfm · 4 years
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hello humans  ,  i’m siri  (  i was half asleep when i chose alias but now  ...  we’re marrying to it  ,  it’s okay  ,  we’re okay  .  )  (  and i just realized how bad it was to greet you all as humans and then say i’m siri  ,  wow  )  ignore my monologue here to be honest  .  moooving on  ,  under the cut i’ll write some info on my child rhett barlowe  .
matthew daddario. cis male. he/him.  /  rhett barlowe just pulled up blasting bruises by lewis capaldi   — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty-seven year old actor, i’ve heard they’re really -reserved, but that they make up for it by being so +loyal. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say drinking black coffee like it’s water, runs before the sun is out, worn out book folded into his back pocket . here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! ( siri, 21+, cst, she/her )
career claims: henry cavill
FULL NAME: rhett barlowe
AGE: 27
GENDER: cis male
BIRTHDATE: may  , 1st
PLACE OF BIRTH: cheshire  ,  england
HEIGHT:  6′3′’
WEIGHT: 203 lbs
born to a paralegal and a gym owner  ,  rhett’s the youngest of 4 boys  .  they were pretty much like having 4 tornados running around the house :// bless mama barlowe’s heart  .  overall a very upper-middle class home  .
they were all athletic since they were kids  ,  they all played rugby and two of his brothers made it pro  and another one is a professional soccer player  .  rhett was a fan of taekwondo himself  ,  winning tournaments and such  .
when he was 13  ,  a guy saw him at a tournament and reached out to his mom telling him that she should take him to auditions  .
he made a few commercials at first  ,  then escalated to work as an extra in films or non-credited roles until he got the role of albert de morcef in the count of montecristo  .  then he played the hunter in little red riding hood and teseo in immortals  .  sort of what put him in hollywood’s radar was getting the lead in the tudors  .
now what put him in the world’s radar was being casted for man of steel  .  there were mixed reactions to it  ,  some people thought he wasn’t muscular enough to play superman  ,  or that the actor had to be american  ,  or that his work wasn’t even that remarkable to begin with  .
but he put in the work and pulled it off  ,  so much that in following movies batman vs superman and justice league  ,  he did as much as upstage household names  .  then he did mission impossible and a month ago came out the witcher in netflix  .
he’s that henry interview where he said that sometimies he wouldn’t even read his lines and just grunt for the whole team just to turn to each other like: ....i don’t think he’s saying anything else lol
you know how ppl in tumblr say marvel found the actual avengers and just made them play themselves aka chris evans being captain america or whatever  ?  that’s rhett as geralt lol
thick english accent 
lowkey an avid gamer and reader  .  would often carry a book with him everywhere but nowadays it’s probably a script he has tucked into his back pocket  ,  which is probably not the smartest way to carry potential hollywood secrets but oh well
can hold a fairly decent conversation in 7 languages  .  
probably would’ve majored in like  ... history  ,  or gone to the olympics for taekwondo had he not turn into an actor
not a man of many words lol
big fan of sunrises  ,  usually goes running before the sun is up just to catch them
definitely likes dogs more than people
everything ?? 
i’m a sucker for first love plots  x  ,  the fluff and the headcanons and just everything 
give me the type of friends who get on his nerves but he still  ,  very on the downlow  ,  appreciates lol  aka the jaskier to his geralt
people he’s met on auditions or chemistry tests or whatever career related  ?
the type of friends who like to talk his ear off  ,  bc he might look like he doesn’t care and he won’t say shit but he you know  ,  listens
people who can’t stand him bc there’s a lot not to stand tbh  ,  maybe it’s mutual  ,  maybe it’s not even like a serious thing  .  
idk anything lol  ,  let’s brainstorm  !  hit me up in the ims or just like this and i’ll come to you
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sykosomatic · 10 months
Since the Evan one shot went well I had an idea for a follow up I hope you like it
The next day reader is back at Evans having been unable to shake the feeling of unease…the spot him carrying bags of shopping up the stairs and stepping on the doll head. Reader helps him with his stuff before Evan flips the spaghetti out the window…and invites them to stay for lunch….which reader agrees
Evan then takes off his shirt and starts cooking but reader notices the plastic letter and saves Evans life without realising it and finally feels the unease lift
just an idea
oh this is nice! (sfw!) sequel to this ask;
evan lewis x (amab) male reader
cw: food mention, anxiety mention
i think this is a little out of order but i like the way it turned out! hope you do too!
you’d had a good time with evan, to say the least. it was weird, though, you couldn’t shake a feeling of unease that you felt the second you left his apartment. you’d tried to shake it off; of course, you’d been stressed at work recently, maybe that was it. in any case, you went back to work the next day anyway, trying to pull yourself out of the anxious pit you’d seemed to have fallen in.
but no matter what you did, you couldn’t stop thinking about evan. both because you’d had such a good time, and because your stomach was in knots over the feeling of pure dread you got. it felt like … something bad was gonna happen to him. and whether the feeling was unfounded or not, you still wanted to see him again. so you left work a few minutes early, telling your boss you weren’t feeling well — which wasn’t a lie; you felt the pit in your stomach getting worse the longer you waited — and headed over to evan’s apartment.
feeling your heart racing more and more, you hurried up the stairs, seeing a flash of his blond hair as he carried some bags down the hall. you weren’t able to warn him about the doll in time, but you did rush up to him and catch something he almost dropped. “oh..thanks,” he said, looking up at you and starting to grin. “oh, it’s you! hey!”
but seeing him didn’t lift that feeling of dread yet. what was causing it? you needed to figure it out. it was eating you up inside.
“hey,” you said with a smile, managing not to wince at the feeling in your stomach. “need some help?”
you helped him into his apartment and the two of you sat the bags down together. “missed me, huh?” he asked with a mischievous smile. he looked at his answering machine, apparently trying to decide whether he was gonna check it or not. he decided against it, instead slipping his shirt off and tossing it to the side. “it’s hot in here, isn’t it?” he said, tugging on your shirt playfully.
you rolled your eyes playfully, starting to take your shirt off. you still felt sick to your stomach, though. he seemed to notice something was off and his grin started to melt. “you alright?”
you gave a dismissive wave. “yeah… i’m fine. i think i’m just hungry…” maybe you weren’t supposed to come back to him? why wasn’t this feeling going away?
“oh! i’ve got some leftover takeout i can heat up for us if you want,” he offered, thinking maybe that was why you seemed off. maybe you were just hungry. you nodded. wouldn’t hurt to get a little something to eat. you’d been feeling so horrible all day that you weren’t able to eat anything.
evan got his smile back upon learning you were staying for lunch, grabbing a takeout box out of the fridge and starting to prepare lunch for the two of you. you watched him absently, trying to figure out why you felt so bad. you couldn’t place it, but it felt like it had something to do with the food. maybe not eating it, necessarily, but you could feel that something was wrong. you went over to stand by him and peeked into the takeout box upon seeing a flash of an unnatural, plastic looking color in there.
a magnetic letter had fallen off of the fridge and into the takeout box. you reached in and grabbed it, showing it to him with a chuckle. “well, that would’ve been a disaster,” you said, realization hitting you like a truck. you looked at the little plastic letter, before putting it back on the fridge. you looked at him, watching him take a pan of spaghetti over to the window. “hey, you should toss that in the trash…” you said, feeling sick again. “don’t wanna attract strays out there,” you explained when he looked at you curiously.
“alright,” he said with a shrug. he tossed it in the trash and set the pan back.
you felt an overwhelming sense of ease wash over you, so much so that you got a little dizzy and had to take a seat. was that it? he was gonna set his apartment on fire by cooking that plastic letter? and then what? slip on the noodles as he tried to get out the fire escape? whatever it was, it wasn’t going to happen now. you were finally able to breathe for the first time in 24 hours, that’s all you knew for sure.
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sykosomatic · 10 months
Could you share a link to your AO3 I tried looking a few weeks ago but couldn’t find anything
i don’t have any works posted yet! (as of aug. 16th, 2023) i’m planning on transferring some of my shorter works over there maybe? and i’ll also be posting my (currently) 2 part evan lewis fic over there, and starting to put some more fun stuff over there. but here it is for future reference, and i’ll be putting it in my pinned post as well.
edit: 2 parts of my evan lewis (final destination 2) x male reader fic are over there now!
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