#etc. We are pleased to provide you with the best service for you!
aarshnikimpex · 1 year
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fortheloveofhens-zine · 9 months
This is an introduction post explaining this project and hopefully garnering some attention!
🥚 What's this about?
This is a fanzine by Shane fans, for Shane fans. It's a fan project to appreciate this character, his story, and his growth, and how much it means to a lot of us who have been through similar things.
🥚 How will this work?
Like most other zines! The project will begin on a certain date, and artists and writers will have several months to complete a piece of their choosing for the fanzine. We will use discord to communicate, schedule, and smooth out any issues.
🥚 When is the projected release?
I think aiming for spring 2024 would be nice! It'd be nice to release the zine around when Shane's birthday would be.
🥚Will this be a paid zine?
This is a charity zine to raise money for the mental health charity Samaritans! Samaritans is a charity that operates free and confidential phone lines for people to reach out and talk to someone whenever they're having a difficult time. They provide a listening service for those who may be suffering from suicidal thoughts or otherwise unpleasant feelings. Donations will be raised via ko-fi during a certain fundraising period and after that's over, the zine will go free to download.
🥚What format is this zine in?
The zine will be formatted to A4 paper size, HOWEVER this zine will only run digitally and will not have a print release as things stand. (Mod honestly can't afford a print release as cool as that would be...)
🥚Who can join?
Almost anyone can join! There is no requirement on skill, online following, previous zine experience etc. If this is your first zine, that's awesome! We welcome you with open arms. This is a zine for anyone who has ever struggled with their mental health, and has felt comforted by a certain stardew valley character. I do require that contributors be at least 13+. Not only would it be against discord terms of service to have under 13s on the platform, but mod here, as a fully grown adult, would also be uncomfortable with it - sorry!
🥚Are there any other rules right now?
There are a few! Let's list them, and please read carefully.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, and anything else that falls into similar categories. ZERO. This is non-negotiable. This is a safe space and anyone displaying any of the above will be kicked off the project.
That said, proship, comship, darkship etc are not welcome on this zine. This is a safe space for everyone, including minors, survivors, and everyone else.
This is a SFW zine. There will be no NSFW art or writing included.
Every artist and writer is free to depict Shane as they like. If they choose to depict him as trans, POC, mlm, or anything else for the sake of representation, that is their choice and you must respect it. See the first bullet point about zero tolerance.
Ableism also extends to bigotry toward those suffering with mental illness, and addicts. We are trying to promote empathy and acceptance. Ableist comments will be warned (e.g. complaining about Shane's room being messy).
Your piece must include Shane as the focal point! That should be clear already, but just in case! So long as he's the focal point, you can draw or write anything! Ships are allowed.
🥚How do I get involved?
For now, I have an interest check form that I plan to run until the end of September! After that, contributor sign ups will open. Remember to follow this blog to see updates on the zine! You can also send questions to my inbox and I will do my best to answer them. For now, here is the interest check:
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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viridian-sky · 23 days
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I've decided to take some emergency commissions due to some unexpected bills (TL;DR my roof fell on me during a storm+flood so I had to replace it with a makeshift roof, only for it to fall again... that's why I'm thinking of renovating it for real). Kind of desperate right now so I'm increasing the price a little bit from my previous commissions and take less commissions (for the time being I'm only open for 3 slots). I haven't had the time to put together a nice commission detail post so you'll have to bear with me word-vomitting the details below.
Base Prices (ranges depending on complexity of the design and/or pose):
Waist up:  35-40 USD
Full body: 40-55 USD
Additional character: +80% of the base price (max. 3 characters on 1 canvas). Special for simple mon design (Digimon/Pokemon): + 20%~50% of the base price depending on the complexity.
Commissions come with no/plain BG, with simple BG (see sample below to see what extent): +0~20 USD depending on the complexity of the BG.
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Above are examples of simple BG, though I might charge a small additional price for example in the first (USD 2~5 if I have to draw patterns by hand). My current style is best represented by pic 1 and 3. To give you a general gist about my art style (color choices etc), please go through my blog.
Terms of Service
OCs/fanart (fictional characters)
Not OK:
detailed BGs
furry (kemonomimi OK!)
?? (ask, though do note that there might be additional charges for this):
real people
animals/mons (Digimon/Pokemon)
overly complicated armor/weapon
middle-aged/elderly characters
muscular body types
R-15 (suggestive content)
just ask anyway if you’re unsure!
I have the rights to decline or cancel an order if:
I don’t think I can complete the order to a satisfactory standard, or
I am not comfortable doing the order due to ill-intentions or behavior.
*If in any case I am unable to complete your request, I will refund.
Payments are done through Paypal only (accepted currency: USD).
Payments are paid upfront (full amount).
No refunds if commission is cancelled by the commissioner. As stated before, refunds will be provided if the cancellation is done by me.
Normal working duration (estimation): 1 week ~ 1 month (4 weeks), as I do have a day job at the office from 9 am to 6 pm every weekday, so I can only work at night when I’m home (I usually get home by 7~9 pm) or during the weekends. For that reason please bear with me. I'll try to be as transparent and accountable to the best that I can though.
Max. time limit of completion is 3 months.
I will send you the invoice after we have reached a deal.
I will only start on the commission request after the payment is done.
I will be showing the sketch and coloring processes to you through the provided contact information. 
Max. 3 revisions: sketch, base color, final revision (only minor adjustment can be made during final revision stage).
If you have not heard back from me within one week, please feel free to remind me through e-mail or DM.
Final Product
I will provide the high-res PNG file(s) (with and without background/transparent for commissions with plain background) without the watermark. The resolutions will be min. 1000 px x 1000 px, max. 3000 px x 3000 px (@ 300 dpi). For the record, I usually work with a B5 canvas.
If you want the drawing to be on a larger canvas, please specify beforehand (max. 4000 px x 4000 px). Please be advised that there might be additional charge for this.
Commissioners may only use commissioned artwork for personal use. You may use it for SNS (profile image, headers/banners, etc.) and can be printed out as long as it’s not for commercial purpose.
Do not claim the commissioned artwork as your own.
I reserve the right to use the commissioned artwork for sales and/or self-promotion on my SNS/online portfolio unless agreed otherwise.
Don’t use for AI/NFT!
If you’re interested, please DM me!
If you’ve got any question before you want to place an order, please feel free to reach out to me via DM.
Sharing is very appreciated. Thank you!
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cryptidfuckery · 1 month
Hey so you don’t have to reply to this but I’ve been having a career crisis lately and considering other vocational paths. One of these careers just so happens to be hair. I was wondering if you could tell me what made you want to become a hairdresser?
Ohhh this might get long but
First things first my mom is a hairdresser. Me becoming one wasn't a case of "I'm going to take over my mom's business" because she's been a sole proprietor booth renter for probably over 30 years now. She doesn't run a salon with other people under her, it's just her and her clients. If I worked under her I would have just been taking money our of her pocket.
But my mom being a hairdresser definitely influenced me! Getting to watch her work and own her own business my whole life helped me understand exactly what to expect out of the industry, and what I would have to do to be successful.
But me actually deciding to become a hairdresser started with me being absolutely miserable in my third semester of college. I loved studying sociology, but school and I don't mix well. I also realized that while I loved what I was studying, I didn't have any real interest in the professions usually associated with what I was majoring in. (Didn't want to do any kind of counseling, hate math so no stats work, research was the most enticing but too close to how school works and I Know would have been Miserable ultimately)
So one day being absolutely miserable and stressed around finals I sat myself down and forced myself to think about what the next 5-10 years would look like. I realized that if I stayed in college it would be to finish, find a job in my degree, then eventually when I have the time and money again I'd go to cosmetology school. (At the time I thought I was going to be a makeup artist. Holy shit fuck that noise. Not for me.)
And it just kind of clicked for me. Why am I spending all this money on a degree i (while I loved) did not really want? Especially when I could finish cosmetology school in under a year with less money than 2 semesters of college would be? Especially since you can start making money directly out of cosmetology school and continuously build after that as you gain more clients.
My final advice is this. There is a hairdresser for everyone and there are clients for every hairdresser. Genuinely the best thing you can do is be yourself and the right people will find you. And then they'll give your their friends, who like you too because you're their kind of people. And you get to choose absolutely what the fuck ever you want to specialize in. You can do exclusively color. Exclusively cuts. You can choose what style of cutting and coloring you want to learn from and you can completely switch that in the middle of your career. You can exclusively do texture treatments (perms, keratins, etc) if you're okay with so many chemicals in your body and bad smells! You can specialize in rat haircuts, which I honestly might try to do. (I have not done one yet. Someone let me do a rat haircut on them. Please. Rat haircut.) You can do everything! Also don't forget barbering!! Whole different school with different subsets and specializations, but many many cosmetologists cross over into both as well! I plan on eventually also acquiring a barbering license so I can truly be a one stop trans chop shop (mainly so I can offer my trans girlies clean shaves between electrolysis/Lazer appointments (iirc one can and cannot. I cannot be fucked to check rn)
So. Yeah. I think trades are absolutely the way to go right now in this economy. We provide services that everybody wants or needs, from hair to plumbing to carpentry to welding to auto mechanics to nail techs. There will always be a broken toilet, an oil change, a haircut needed.
Watch out for pandemics though. Woof.
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buckybarnesevents · 11 months
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IT'S HERE!!!! ShrinkyClinks Double Bang is here with sign ups starting next week!
We've put together an event FAQ/breakdown for you here and also under the cut. This will look very familiar to any Bang participants, but in case this is your first time, we have tried to make the below information as clear and as detailed as possible so you know what to expect.
1. What is ShrinkyClinks? 
“ShrinkyClinks” is defined generally as Winter Soldier Bucky with pre-serum Steve. For the purposes of this Bang, it can also be a “Beefy Bucky”/a Bucky with similar attributes and a “Small Steve”/a Steve with similar attributes. This means it can be canon, canon-adjacent or -divergent, or an AU. 
We ask that you do your best to stick with these attributes, keeping in mind that there are loads of other events for other Bucky/Steve variations and this event is intended to specifically bring more ShrinkyClinks content to the world. If you’re unsure if your idea fits or want to discuss anything, please reach out to a mod.
2. How does a Double Bang work?
In a Bang, a writer submits their fic idea to be claimed by an artist. A Reverse Bang is when the artist submits their work to be claimed by a writer. For the purpose of this event, a Double Bang, we will be accepting submissions for both. 
All submissions are kept ANONYMOUS so in the spirit of the event, please do not post your work anywhere or announce which piece(s) is/are yours. This is a great opportunity to meet new people in the fandom, work with someone new, etc. We will not have a dedicated space for writers vs. artists to discuss prior to claims since this event allows for you to sign up for both roles. 
After claims (August 19th), you are allowed to chat, post snips, and promote your WIPs all you want. You can go nuts in the event channel on Discord or in the creator’s lounge channels. 
3. What criteria do I need to participate in this event? 
Most importantly is that you understand we are a safe space for creators – there is absolutely NO shaming (kink shaming, character bashing, criticism of works, etc.). Respect your fellow creators and do your best to encourage each other! 
Furthermore, this is a collaboration. Please read the Wants and DNW’s of each slide before committing to claim it, and keep an open line of communication with your partner(s) to ensure that all of your interests and hard work are represented in your final creation. 
The bang will be broken up into NSFW and SFW sections, however, this is an 18+ event due to the nature of some of these works and we cannot moderate/block/control what you may or may not accidentally see. We will, however, make it as clear as possible between these ratings.
4. What can I sign up as? What are the different roles?
Writer: you will either (1) submit a slide/piece to be claimed or (2) intend to claim a piece during claims period and provide writing
Artist: you will either (1) submit a slide/piece to be claimed or (2) intend to claim a piece during claims period and provide art
Pinch Hitter: you are essentially an “on-call” writer or artist. By selecting this role, you agree to be included in future emails throughout the event if a fic or art piece needs to be claimed due to unforeseen circumstances
Beta & Support: you would like to specifically offer beta-reading services, cheerleading, brainstorming, characterization help or sensitivity reading. Please provide what you are willing to provide from this list, or anything else we have missed. 
Original Art 
Manips - (must be skillfully and heavily edited so they are unrecognizable from the source material, we’re not trying to get sued her)
Podfic - at least 2,000 words recorded 
Fanvid - at least 2 minutes
A craft that can be photographed or scanned
*Moodboards or playlists can be included in the final submission but not as standalone art for claims. There is no maximum for this event. 
Kam (@mxaether) is your lead mod for art concerns. 
There is a 3,000 word minimum for the ShrinkyClinks Double Bang 2023. There is no maximum for this event.
HR (@buckyismybicycle) is your lead mod for writing concerns.
On July 2, you will sign up for the event using this form. Please read through both the sign up form and the FAQs/rules above thoroughly.
On August 5, you will SUBMIT your Slide(s) for previews here. Please use this template. If you are submitting more than one work, you can put all your slides on the same slideshow and we will review each slide. While we do not require the completed work, please have enough information/enough of the art done for this to help match you up. 
On August 12, you will be emailed a preview of all the works submitted (so please ensure you enter your correct/active email). This preview will include both fic and art submissions, and both SFW and NSFW. These will be marked accordingly. It is suggested that you think about which slides you want to claim and in what order. On the claims form, you will be asked to enter in your first, second, third and optional additional choices. 
It is recommended you give some variety in case your first choice(s) are already claimed. If all of your choices are already taken, you will receive an email immediately telling you to re-submit your choices. 
On August 19, CLAIMS WILL OPEN! Claims open at 6:30pm EST. For your local time, please see here or see the converter at end of the Word document. Claims will be made through this form.
Claims go on a first come, first serve basis. If you are not around for claims, you can have a proxy - this is someone who will claim on your behalf. They will enter in their own email address and own name and advise us they are just a proxy assisting you with claiming.
There will be two check-in dates at 1 month intervals: September 23 and October 21. Check-ins are very easy and both can be done here. We essentially want to know (1) how’s it going? (2) do you need help? Check-ins are a good time for your team to assess where you’re at, if you think any help might be needed, etc. 
You should aim to have your collaboration done by November 5, 2023 and more or less ready to post. Check with your partner who will be posting the work to which platform - Tumblr, AO3, etc. We recommend that you embed your artwork(s) in your posts. While having a “banner” or “title card”. This will be the final check in before posting week to ensure you’re ready to go or if you need a mod to help with something. 
Between November 12 - 18, you will post your completed collaboration! Please submit your masterpost/completed work using this form. We will be using this, and our “@” mentions to compile our final masterlist.
AO3: AO3 Collection
Tumblr: tag us at @buckybarnesevents 
What if I sign up, and then need to drop out or don’t want to claim something? 
If you sign up and do not claim anything because you don’t vibe with it, not a problem, it happens! 
If you sign up and do claim something but then need to drop out, just let us know as soon as possible. This is a key point of our monthly check-ins, to ensure you’re on track or if you’re feeling like you can’t meet the deadline. This is also where our lovely pinch-hitters can step in and claim the piece you’ve been working on so that your partner(s) can continue in the event. 
If you sign up and you’re running behind but still think you can complete your work(s) with a few additional days, please speak to a mod about an extension, within reasonable limits. 
We are open to hearing any concerns at any time and there is almost always a solution, so do not fret. With that being said, we do ask that you sign up only if you are fairly confident or certain that you can commit to the event. 
I’m an event junkie – can I use this piece as a fill for another event? 
Yes, if your other event allows this as well, you are welcome to cross-post to any and all other events. The only caveat is that you cannot post your work before our posting date (ie: you cannot post your finished product before our posting period of Nov 12 - 18 or without your team’s consent. If you really want to post before Nov 12th in order to make another deadline, please speak with a mod for an exception.)
I don’t have Tumblr or AO3
Not to worry - these are just where Bucky Barnes Events operates out of so it’s easiest for us to reblog on Tumblr or have a Collection on  AO3. If you are posting your fic elsewhere, that’s perfectly fine! Just submit the link through our submission form so we can still include you within our masterlist and do a simple Tumblr post for you. 
4. Does this have to be Bucky/Steve?
For the purposes of this Bang and in the spirit of ShrinkyClinks, yes, your work should focus on the relation between Beefy Bucky and Smol Steve, whether it’s platonic, romantic, or even if they’re rivals!! Their relationships and interactions should be front and centre. You can, however, include side pairings, previous relationships, or even polyamorous relationships so long as your spotlight remains on Bucky and Steve.
The most important thing is to have fun! As always, please let a mod know if you have any questions, concerns, or need some clarification! 
Happy Creating,
Your Mods,
HR & Kam
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sttermsofservice · 1 year
About the next edition...
We'll need MODS!
As some of you know, there were only three lovely editors for the 2023 edition, Talon, Victor, and Pepin, and we did it all on our own. Some of us were graduating, all of us got full-time jobs, and we can all agree that three of us WEREN'T ENOUGH!
So we won't make the same mistake this time! There's no way we'll be capable of running the zine again without far more support. Note that just because you're a mod, doesn't mean you can't have your work in the zine! All three of us had our work in the 2023 edition (but it isn't required, although it has to fit the theme).
So we need more mods!
The primary editor will remain Talon, for this next (potential) edition at least. Victor and Pepin will continue to have contributions as well. However we have several other positions that will need to be filled. Below we'll list them and give a short description.
If you are interested, please fill out this form! (Please keep in mind the time you will have to dedicate to this project if you are a mod. If you cannot reasonably dedicate that time, please reconsider.) If you're not interested, please reblog!! Descriptions under the cut.
The Tumblr Mod: You'll be in charge of running the tumblr, creating posts, using Canva, putting out announcements, tagging posts properly, and potentially sending emails. This is great for a creative, schedule-oriented individual. This is so that the tumblr doesn't go for large swaths of time without a single post, as it did for the 2023 edition. You will be in charge of the email primarily and any messages will go through you.
The Twitter Mod: You will work closely with the Tumblr mod. You'll be solely in charge of expanding our online presence to include twitter, so the fans over there have a chance to explore the wonders of our zine. Ideal for someone who knows twitter, is a great collaborator, and will be able to post regularly.
The Timeline Master: You'll be in charge of keeping track of the zine timeline and updating it as needed. You'll work closely with the Tumblr Mod to schedule posts. Your most important job will be ensuring ALL of our contributors provide each of their progress checks and recording those progress checks. This will be good for a person who wants to participate but has limited time. It will be most busy at the very beginning (setting up the timeline) and during the progress checks (anticipate 3, the 4th being the final delivery).
The Economics Professor: You'll be in charge of all monetary calculations. We have some calculations already from the 2023 edition, but we want to improve them. You'll also look in to other potential printing services for cheaper OR better quality options. You'll work with the Tumblr Mod to put out interest check polls to refine the calculations as much as possible. You'll also be in charge of the money when we begin preorders (Talon will walk you through this process) and all orders (for proofs or actual products) will go through you. This is great for someone with a numbers-oriented mind with a bit more free time on their hands.
The Copy Editor: You'll work closely with the primary editor(s), including Talon, for creation of the final product. You will look for grammatical errors, ensure all stylistic choices are the same throughout the document (no font errors, no extra spaces, etc.), and ensure all contributor pieces are actually included in the document. This is for a detail-oriented English mind. You will contribute to the contributor selection process (as will all of the editors) and work with contributors to refine their ideas and ensure they meet the theme.
The Mail Room(s): Ideally, this is two or more people who live close to/with each other who will be able to process the orders we receive and mail them out using our mail platform (Talon will walk you through this). This will be BUSY only once we have received the zines. It is the MOST IMPORTANT job. It is best for people who are careful and detail oriented, and have a great deal of free time (and a fair amount of space for boxes). You'll work closely with the Economics Professor.
The Go-To Guy: A jack-of-all-trades, mini-Talon. This person will help ensure all aspects of the zine are running smoothly, communication between editors, fans, and contributors is accurate and swift, and troubleshoot any problems which may arise. There may be two of this position. It is busiest in spurts (especially around events or progress checks). Ideal for someone who is personable and good at problem solving.
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systlin · 2 years
how does one get a job telling people they can't come into a building? is there something i need to put on my resume (very contrary, good at sitting, etc) to make hiring managers find me more appealing for the role?
So my actual day job is as a security officer; I'm the supervisor for my shift.
Telling people to go away has been an integral career skill for me. Telling angry people who are screaming to leave and not come back is a job skill. The best part of my job is that it is an express part of my job to NOT BE NICE TO RUDE ASSHOLES.
Now, tbh being a contrary asshole won't make you automatically good at the job. You still have to get along with your co workers, the clients at the site you work, ect. And for access control, a good deal of it is perfectly innocuous service providers or deliveries who have all the proper permissions and training and you just make polite small talk with them as you contact their site contact and direct them back to wherever they're going.
When I applied for the job....fuck, was it 8 years ago? No, fuck, 9...when I applied for the job nine years back, the things I put on my application that caught the hiring manager's eyes were
Customer Service skills
Willing to work nights and weekends (we don't get weekends or holidays off; sites are usually manned 24/7/365. Schedules vary, but I work 12 hour shifts and that works out to 3 days on/3 off, 4 days on/4 off. I do often work holidays. Holiday pay is higher.
Multitasking skills
Can keep calm in chaotic situations
Not easily intimidated
Basic computer skills. This last one is huge. You would be amazed how many people I've had to coach step by step through saving a word document during training.
MOST of the time, I am perfectly nice and pleasant. I've received regular commendations and bonuses from the security companies I've worked for because so many people comment on how nice and helpful the security lady was. Most people who show up at sites have a job to do there and want to do it and get paid, same as me.
HOWEVER, despite that at least weekly I deal with an asshole. My shift lets me. My boss jokes that it's like rolling a pumpkin full of ground beef into a lion enclosure. Best part of my job. I once worked retail, and telling asshole dudes to get off company property before I have them removed and/or banned from every other location of the huge multinational company I am stationed at is SO excellent.
Now. The important thing to remember as well about security is that yes, a lot of it is sitting for hours watching cameras or doing rounds through the same place over and over. It can be monotonous and boring.
HOWEVER, then sometimes you get a call like "PLEASE SEND HELP THE ENGINE IS ON FIRE" from a driver getting loaded in the plant. The plant which is filled with explody shit and human lives. This happened last Thursday. That, friend, is where I earn my pay.
I did my job. Sounded alarm, notified fire team, locked down the plant to keep anyone else out, ran accountability to make sure everyone in the plant had checked into shelter areas, all that stuff. Fire was out in 5 minutes. But you have to be able to not panic in that moment when you get that call, because otherwise everything can go to shit VERY fast.
So. Hope this helps!
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cheritzteam · 2 years
[The Ssum : Forbidden Lab] Notice on Issues Currently Reported and Following Patches
Hello, dear lab participant!
We would like to first thank you for starting the grand history of <The Ssum : Forbidden Lab> with us.
In case you have run into one of the following issues described below during your exploration of The Ssum application, we assure you that our development team will soon complete patches to deal with the issues. So we would like to ask for your understanding.
1) Error in linking the social media account
This issue has been fixed. (18/8 KST update)
In case you experience an error in linking your social media account (including Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to your The Ssum account, please wait until the next update patch is complete. Please be aware that you may not be able to take part in the social media linking event due to this issue. 
2) Pause in the middle of data download
In case the download pauses in the middle, you can continue downloading the data by force-shutting and restarting the application.
Please inquire with the Customer Service if this error continues.
(18/8 KST update)
You may also resolve the issue on your own by keeping your phone connected to the Internet all the time or maintaining enough storage in your device.
However, some lab participants are repeatedly going through the same issue even without the Internet issue or the storage issue, which is why we are trying to figure out if there are other reasons behind this issue. And we assure you that we will make an upgrade patch as soon as we discover a way to deal with your inconvenience. 
We promise we will do our best to provide you with better service.
3) Inability to edit the link for ‘Spreading The Ssum’ event
As of now you cannot edit the link once it is submitted. This will be fixed in the upcoming patch, so we would like to ask for your understanding.
We are staying keen on the bug reports that are being filed in addition to the ones explained above, and we will soon provide another announcement on the date of the update patch.
We would like to apologize for your inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.
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timemachineyeah · 4 months
Please disregard if there's no way to answer this without it being invasive but... re: your recent post about your job supporting your fatigue and disabilities... would you mind saying what industry it is? I have a friend with disability/chronic debilitating illness who is trying to figure out how to envision a working life while managing ongoing pain, surgeries, fatigue, etc., and I think he despairs of any place ever being willing to accommodate him for a few hours a week. We google things plenty, but the difference between a helpful listicle and a real person's anecdote is everything.
sure. my job is kind of niche so I don’t know how easy it would be to go hunting for it specifically, and I do kinda worry about giving its title since afaict only one company uses it (though more than one does this same basic thing) and my job is very regional, but maybe describing it would help you somehow
basically I work for an archive / news service. technically, I’m a journalist, but realistically what I do is more akin to gophering and data entry. I work three days a week - two short days in my county and one long one in one of the neighboring counties. on days when I leave the county I get hours for my driving time and miles reimbursed.
I don’t get a lot of flexibility on how many days I work, but when I started the job I got to pick which three days I would work, so got to decide whether one long rest or two short rests would suit me better. On the days I work I have a deadline (5pm) but can work whenever I want to meet that deadline. Sometimes it’s 9am - 11am and other times it’s 1pm - 3pm. Sometimes there’s no new cases and work is 20 minutes from my couch.
And basically what I do is compile a list of potentially interesting lawsuits filed in the county, go to the relevant courthouse to read the actual legal complaint, summarize and log the ones that meet certain criteria in a simple sentence, and get scans of ones that meet even stricter criteria to upload to our archive, all of which gets sent out to our subscribers on mailing lists.
Then, journalists and lawyers pay to get these updates or access these databases for their own reporting or research. I often know local headlines a few days to a couple weeks early because I was the one reading the source material.
I work an average of 7 hours a week. My short days are usually an hour or two. My long day is 3-7 hours depending on which county I’m going to and how unique or complicated the filed cases are. It does not take long to do the actual work. Most of my hours come from driving rural highways and listening to podcasts.
It’s the kind of job there’s not a lot of. But while it’s the best I’ve found, I’ve found very part time work with lenient employers before. It is possible. You just gotta be specific about it.
I will say, while most jobs are not looking for employees that part time, those that are will thrilled to hear that’s enough hours for you. Employers who need one specific skilled task that only takes 7 hours a week often struggle with retention because, well, how many people are gonna take that as a stop gap until they get more full time work? And then all the rest are likely to be disabled people like me, who have retention issues for reasons of health. That being said I’ve worked this job for years now, and I’m not letting it go without, like, some other better guarantee. Because while I’m happy to provide hope that these jobs do exist, it is also true that they’re tough to find.
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Saw the viral question roaming from youtube tiktok and elsewhere on the debated topic "Bear vs man"
I will choose the bear . The creature will avoid me unless i do harm to it which thats not my intention they stay away from humans than attack them randomly unlike men....the ones who have malicious intent or not its better to be armmed with tazzors that cops and nurses use as protection when guns arent available along with be fit enough with self defence skills to run or escape them.
Its usually in secluded places men*( insecure and malicious men) will cause harm (stalking , murder, hold ups and r**e etc) comming from a south east asian country much to how we are able to solve the crime its still there and whats sadly present is gun for hires .
Its best to be in places with people(and caution) then when you have time and money or great internet connections please take self defence classes, arm yourself with self defence weapons (from tazors , keychain with spikes or High pitch alarms etc), send locations where you are to trusted freinds , family members , spouce ad more.
have a mini notebook with numbers from your hospital emergancy, police services etc and in my specific country Women and childrens protection, protection against abuse etc .
To the ladies in south east asia ... As much as you find the passport bros "intresting" and want to be with them...its not worth it you will end up as their S*x slave , mother he can f**k , an incubator the rest is history , they will take advantage of our no divorce laws and no abortions to trap you (to the filipinas out there)
Never listen to any pickmisha and bitter betty family and family freinds who pressure you to have a man (local or Pp bros) they want you as miserable as they are . You can take the warning or not im only posting a psa as i care about the women from thoes places
When you do want to date someone , choose generosity and he provides for you and future children(its not golddigging , the people who say it is projecting your inacesable to be used and abused) , if he shows any red flags from negging, comparisson, gaslighting etc Prepare your leave Do not give your two weeks notice including Block and Delete contact .
Secretly take or sabotage anythin he holds against you either record action/words etc , secretly memorize his passwords to take out pictures/videos he uses as black mail.
Always ALWAYS have your trust best friend on contact and never betray her to have a partner/man
Focus on yourself even decenter men when needed
Have a bank account you contribute 10-30+$ or in my country 50-300₱ (fr the filipinas) the others you can add from small amount (lets use a round up of how much will it cost to exchange for an american dollar to 2x the amount start small and work your way up :) )
Do not Combine or have shared bank accounts (financial matters) many are wreckless and Will use financial abuse aka control what they allow you to buy or recive in cash . Your Money Is Yours to use(brush up economics audiobooks even frm youtube or try channels like these ladies from what pov you like to hear
The financial diet(from basics to daily life and relationships
One big happy life (personal, relationships and family finances
YourRichBff (pov from a previous wall st trader , investment , personal and perspectives from a poc from asian decent)
Always always know your home , cooking and leaning skills when living alone
Seek therapy (or freind n relative you trust) road to recovery dose take time and effort You got this :)
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brehaaorgana · 3 months
adhd budgeting talk: the budgeting service i *don't* use
i keep seeing youtubers get sponsorships from rocketmoney and normally i tune them out, because a) i don't care, and b.) i am happy to recommend people sign up for YNAB, i use YNAB, and will continue to use it. [i am NOT sponsored. they give me no money. i DO have a referral link, but any person who uses ynab does. we both get a free month of the service if you start a trial period via my link, and then choose to purchase the service after the end of your free trial. they don't auto-charge. that's it.]
BUT. but. one youtuber, as part of her advert, started mentioning that rocketmoney has bill negotiation services and she was talking about how nice it was to have someone like, be the adult on her behalf to negotiate down bills save her money etc, how she didn't have to deal with the stress and anxiety and they do it all FOR you. they call all the companies FOR you!!! how "nice"!
unfortunately this was THE OPPOSITE of reassuring to me. in fact, this screams: RED ALERT RED FLAG PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!
let me explain why i don't trust rocketmoney since i found this out.
the VERY tl;dr is this: you're giving away all your security info and login info, giving them the right to pretend to be you to negotiate on your bills, and also they "may" charge you for this service per bill. if you want assistance with this kind of thing, please find a non-profit licensed credit counseling agency via the NFCC because as non-profits their goal is not making money off of you, it's literally to improve the community, increase financial education, and genuinely help you.
okay the full "holy shit please be more suspicious of companies whose goal is to make money," spiel":
most budgeting apps/services that are free have to make money somehow, so you need to consider how they do that. (probably selling your data, or being your literal bank, etc). they are typically for-profit companies. never forget the goal is them making money.
that's not inherently a bad thing per se, but it means they have a known motive.
if you have a budgeting app set to auto-sync with your bank info, you are granting them a limited power of attorney to view, access, and transmit your bank data. every single budget company that offers this, mentions that in their terms of service agreement.
my recommended budget service, You Need a Budget, states this in their TOS. in YNAB, it only applies if you choose to sync your bank accounts with your budget, bc you have to give them the info, obviously. You can enter everything all manually if you want to, and then they can't access anything. Personally I am comfortable with authorizing this very limited POA, so I do it, because yeah, it makes my life easier, and i need this automated to make it sustainable to do bc adhd. even on my best days, i would never keep up with all of that.
LIKE. bruh. y'all. everyone.
unfortunate truths:
sometimes you gotta at least skim the headings of the terms of service agreement
sometimes you GOTTA just buckle down and do the annoying anxiety inducing awful adult thing yourself and, barring that --
find a NON-PROFIT TO HELP YOU, NOT A FOR PROFIT COMPANY if you really want this kind of service.
rocket money's terms of service for bill negotiation is waaayyy more than just "sync and share my transaction data."
By requesting a Bill Negotiation, you authorize Rocket Money to contact your Provider as your limited agent in order to secure a better rate on the service on your behalf. Rocket Money will provide account verification details including, but not limited to, your full name, respective addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, the name of the Provider, your Provider account number, the applicable password, PIN number, or other security credentials to access the account or validate the account with the service provider in order to proceed with the negotiation. If it’s necessary for our agents to represent to your Provider that they’re the account holder, you consent to such representation solely in order to perform the Bill Negotiation.
hello???? they get all your security info and pin and credentials and you give them permission to pretend to be you. their goal, i must STRESS, is to MAKE A PROFIT OFF OF YOU by doing this.
...i know people's eyes glaze over this kinda shit but like. god. the TOS!!!! the FEES!!!!
We may charge a Bill Negotiation fee (the "Negotiation Fee") for our Services connected with Bill Negotiation.
you MAY charge a fee for this??? i hate legalese. this is probably just "we WILL charge a fee most of the time."
The current Negotiation Fee is decided by the user, anywhere between 30-60% of the 12-month savings achieved as a result of the negotiation. 
wait, what. it's decided by us, the CUSTOMER, and we can pick a range? who the fuck would choose a 60% fee? this doesn't make sense. why are there options. why the fuck would i pay 60% OF THE SAVINGS TO MAKE SOMEONE DO ONE PAINFUL PHONE CALL FOR ME?
For instance, if a 40% fee is chosen and Rocket Money is able to lower a bill by $10 per month, that would equal savings of $120 over 12 months and a Negotiation Fee of $48.
.....okay so. again they lower the bill by $10.00 monthly, right? let's say the bill was originally $50, now it's $40, but you DO pay it monthly, not in a lump annual discount. doesn't matter what this bill is for. they're taking 40% of your savings that they broker for you. meaning instead of saving $10, you're only saving $6.00.
you're not ACTUALLY saving $120.00 over the course of a year. you're paying them $48.00 all at once in order to not have to spend $72.00 over the course of TWELVE MONTHS. because you don't want to make an annoying phone call that might take you hours.
i mean look, if you feel that's worth nearly $50 (hypothetically) for a SINGLE BILL, idk what to tell you. that just doesn't seem like a very budgeting savvy trick tbh.
We may charge the Negotiation Fee to the credit or debit card provided and authorized at the time the Bill Negotiation is submitted. The Negotiation Fee is non-refundable, except in the event that an error was made during the Bill Negotiation, or except as otherwise required by applicable law. 
oh also if they sign you up for some special promo deal that expires and then gives you a higher bill or extra fees later, you're on the hook for that. lmfao.
Rocket Money’s Savings Plan feature is not an interest-yielding savings account so you will not earn any interest on your funds.
get the fuck outta here lmfao.
I have a decent-ish savings account right now. i've earned almost a full THIRTY DOLLARS so far, THIS YEAR. in THREE MONTHS. FROM INTEREST.
i cannot stress this enough, rocket money is selling you a savings...program or something to help you...save money.
it's a premium only feature.
We offer the Premium membership on a sliding scale of $4 -$5 per month (billed annually at $48 and $60) or $6-$12 per month, billed monthly.
it was so hard to find this btw. (that's $72.00 - $144.00 annual in the monthly billing example.)
again i stress it is a premium feature for you to pay at least $48.00 a year in order to "automate your savings" where it will earn you ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST.
i've earned exactly $29.90 in interest from my completely free to open regular degular savings account since january 1st. it is march 16th. if we just estimate i could get about $30 in interest every 3 months, then i could earn $120.00 just from saving money all on my own. (incidentally, that would cover the $99 annual YNAB subscription fee and leave change left over. gee. how nice. real talk: it's cheaper than amazon prime. but anyways.)
why the fuck would i pay someone $48.00 to put my savings somewhere for me and have it do nothing. what. how does that improve my finances. i hate this.
.....goddamnit they're a MORTGAGE COMPANY. rocket mortgage. is....rocket money. lmaooo explains everything.
okay don't sign up for them bye.
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aarshnikimpex · 1 year
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
!!!Yandere Genshin/Reader 2.5k Follows Mini-Event: Secret Penpals (Masterlist)!!!
cw: contains yandere themes, including stalking, possessive behavior, etc. do not engage if you’re sensitive to the topics mentioned. prioritize your mental health first, you matter.   
Time remaining: █ days, █ hours, █ minutes (closed!!! please wait until Thoma delivers all the letters &lt;3)
✧ Inazuma is currently holding another Irodori Festival and the Yashiro Commission and Yae Publishing House has a secret pen pal service going on... Perhaps you should write a letter and hand it over to Ms. Hina! Who knows, maybe you'll find another Paimon!
Possible Rewards: A new friend : )
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“How is the list, Gorou?”
“Well, I got the names of some of the penpals. We got Always-So-Busy Sakabashira, Widower Momiji, A Headless Knight, Calx, and a couple more weird and whimsical names… There’s like… around 10 or something.”
“Ah, I see, Sakabashira is █████ isn’t it– wait, even Calx is joining? Isn’t he a Mondstadter?”
“Aren’t you one too? Now that you mention it, there’s a couple of foreigners joining this event– we even got someone from Snezhnaya.” 
“Haha, where do you think Blue Eyes White Dragon could be from? Betting on Liyue.”
“Hmm… I have a hunch that they’re from Fontaine...”
“But what if they’re yokai, though?”
“... Do yokais play TCG?”
"... I know Itto does…"
[match-up event guidelines under the cut]
SALUTATIONS! Mx. Ansy here– thank you so much for the 2k follows! I don’t celebrate White Days so this will be the reason why this event exists. No clue why that happened, but for the celebration’s sake, here’s a mini event as my thanks!!! (Even though it’s long overdue since I’m at 2.5k hahahaha…) 
Thank you to everyone that followed, liked, left comments (omg), reblogged, etc. ILYSM!!!! <3 (Don’t worry, I’m still working on the idol au ehe. I need you all to know about music composer!Tighnari’s mental fatigue.)
Here are the event guidelines and an example of how this works provided by “Ms. Hina” and “Fixer”!
Event Guidelines ✥:
NO NSFW MESSAGES. (Please remember someone is writing behind all this lmao. I’m asexual so my humblest apologies.)
Feel free to go nuts with your pen pal's name! No need to use the word “anon”. As long as you kept your identity a secret, you’re safe! There’s no real rule, just make sure it’s not longer than 6 words. 
Why is six words the maximum? Well… My best friend, Fried Tofu With All The Frills, “suggested” that it’s better that way…
Remember who runs this event behind the screen. Expect stalkers, monsters, etc. to respond to your letter.
You don't know who your pen pal is. Don't name who the receiver of your letter is. This is luck-based, and if I'm feeling like a gremlin I might just send your letter to Reckless Pallad if you do this lol. 
As the event name suggests: some might get villain NPCs & non-yandere character/s. Welcome back to another round of RNG if you aren’t already fricking tired from artifact grinding.
Only one penpal per person. No repeats. Every time I do an event, the yanderes are loyal.
Are you reading the guidelines? Good. Take note of this specific instruction or else I won’t add your letter to the event registration: greet your pen pal with a “Happy Irodori Festival!” or anything similar. That’s how I’ll know you’ve read everything.
Your letter could be around 200 words max but don’t feel forced to hit that threshold haha. Talk about whatever you want then send it in this blog’s ask box! I’ll pass it on to Ms. Hina or Fixer ♡
The response you’ll receive varies, but expect a minimum word count of at least 100 (some characters just won't write long). Hard to fit things with a single letter. Maybe your pen pal would be desperate enough to write 2 pages on their first reply. But don’t count on it. I’m trying my best to give out short replies to this event. The last idol event had 2k-6k word counts (when my plan was 1.8k max). This is me trying my best to exercise self-control lolololol.
Every letter is made on Canva. Huge shoutout to that website for carrying my SHS career and this event because I have S-tier garbage handwriting.
Also, a huge shoutout to @/watatsumiis! General inspired me to do this event, so please check his works if you want to read fluffy fics that’ll make you giggle! He provides such amazing brain rots, I swear. Unlike this gremlin right here, he’s wonderful and wholesome both as a writer and a person.
Well then, time for an example! Please copy Ms. Hina’s lead when you write your letter &lt;3
Tutorial/Example ✥:
“Dear Secret Penpal,
Happy Irodori festival! My name is Miss Hina, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I know that festivals tend to make everyone exhausted, so whoever this letter is addressed to, I hope you’re taking care of yourself. Remember to eat and drink water regularly! Even when to be honest, I already know who you are. I’m not great at talking about myself, but if anything is troubling you, don’t keep it all muzzled up inside.
- Ms. Hina”
The “penpal”’s reply (example only!!!):
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Hmm, wonder who that could be? /s
Have fun!!! Happy Irodori Festival!!! (even though it’s windblume rn. I just can’t think of a book-based genshin event so lol here’s an advanced irodori patch for everyone.)
List of penpals/Masterlist:
Don't get too cocky, though. Some of them aren't who you think they are ehe
"Calx" - Luthien
"Deshret" - Lisa
"Blue Eyes White Dragon" - ????
"Always-So-Busy Sakabashira" - Second Hand Of Time
"A Headless Knight" - Choco Found In Puppy's Tummy
"Widower Momiji" - Starlight
"Big Ears" - Honey On A Stick
"Fixer" - Tofu
"Fratello" - ????
No name - Vermiculis Creatio
No name - ????
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chicken-fifi · 5 months
Kim Geonwoo (Bloodhounds) | A-Z
Pairing: Kim Geonwoo x Fem!Reader
Requested by anon: If it's not too much trouble for you can you please write sfw alphabet for bloodhounds? I have read your other fics before and I really loved it ❤️ I would really appreciate it if you accept my request. And it's ok if you can't. Thank you anyways ❤️
A/n: i'm so far behind on these requests man!
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A - Attractive: What do they find attractive about each other?
Solely based on the vibes this bby gives off in the show, I think he’d be the most attracted to a non physical quality of yours. Something like your selflessness (as seen in Hand in There) or your determination to see the good in things or try to understand him even if you didn’t necessarily agree with his decisions/actions (as seen in Promises for the Future)
B - Baby: Do they want a family?
Apart from the fact I basically gave him in Promises for the Future, I do think Geonwoo would ultimately want to form a family. He wants a family that he can actively be a part of, be the dad he didn't get a chance to have (I think that was a thing, his dad passes leaving them in debt right?). He would definitely be a family man and it would really help him start a new chapter of life and heal him in the process. We all saw how defeated he appeared after coming to terms with the fact that at the end of the show he was no different than the Bloodhounds of Smile Capital
C - Comfort: How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Very hands on and vocal. He’s hugging and holding you as he whispers words of endearment and encouragement into your ear to try and get you through whatever it is that is going on. He also urges you to talk through it
D - Dates: What are dates with him like?
Food related at places where he can show off his grilling skills. I also expect he spends a lot of the boxing money he wins from his matches on you too. They do tend to be very casual since he is very money conscious at times. He’s incredibly attentive too and always taking care of you during these dates. Def an acts of service boy in this department
E - Equal: Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I wanna say more passive, but not quite passive. I wouldn’t say equals though since in my head you certainly have a more dominant role in most things. But he does have his dominant moments where what he says is what he expects to happen (especially when it comes to your safety). He definitely just prefers to just go along with what you want since it makes you happy and spending time with you makes him happy
F - Feelings: When did they know they were in love?
You’re not a violent person nor do you like violence in the slightest - for entertainment or anything really. So when he first started boxing, he didn’t expect you to be on board with it or even attend any of his matches (prior to COVID). So when you not only supported him, but went out of your way to learn about the types of food that would provide him the best nutrition possible during his workouts and pre/post matches he was floored. And then you went to one of his matches. You may not like or support violence in any sense but you supported him. If that wasn’t love, he didn’t know what was. This is the same time you realize you’re in love, because you wouldn’t have done it for anyone else but him
G - Gratitude: How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Geonwoo is so incredibly aware of everything when it comes to you. The example from above about the nutrition stuff you learned is an example. He catches on real quick that you are buying foods that are high in protein and healthy fats (which he finds out you had to look into after finding a book on the coffee table one night). He knows that you don’t have to do that, especially given your stance on the whole boxing situation, which is why he always makes sure to thank you and take care of you as best as he can. You get flowers and even more spontaneous dates and gifts every week or regularly as he can just to relieve you of the stress you may be harboring
H - Honesty: Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Yep! He doesn’t want to get you involved in the Smile Capital situation immediately. While you knew about it, having either been present when his mom’s shop was originally trashed or the attack on his home, he still tried to keep you in the dark about as many of the specifics as he could. But other than that, he’s pretty open, keeping mainly surprises and more taxing manners to himself before he shares them
I - Inspiration: Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I suppose that since you entered his life he’s much more focused on having a stable and safe future. Not that he wasn’t before, because he was, but now with you in his life it’s something that he’s constantly working towards and puts at the forefront of everything that he does. Those who don’t know him very well will look at this and just think it’s Geonwoo being Geonwoo, but those who are close to him notice the determination even more after you enter his life
J - Jealousy: Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
A part of me wants to say yes, about how easily he gets jealous. And he gets pouty too. Man wants all of your attention on him. I would say he’s very much a golden retriever boyfriend. He honestly sits her moping and pouting until you give him your attention again. On more than a couple occasions though, I imagine he would also try and scare off some guys that are obviously making your uncomfortable with this boxing physique alone
K - Kiss: Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
I don’t remember if the show touches on previous relationships for either of the two main leads, but in my little world I’d imagine you’re his first everything. So everything is very new for Geonwoo. He’s a good kisser, but it certainly did take some time for him to get to that point. In my head, he was scared of doing too much and he was also focused on making sure you felt comfortable. So the very first kiss was very shy and experimental. They stay like that for a bit, but not very long
L - Love Confession: How would they confess to their s/o?
He’s stumbling over his words as he’s telling you, but he gets it out without fail. It’s very cute
M - Marriage: Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
It is certainly on his mind, it may take a few years to get there since he does want to be financially, emotionally, and physically able to provide the married life you deserve, but it will happen. His proposal is very private, honestly. He might take you out to a very isolated part of a park or woods and propose there as the sunsets or something. Maybe the first place you met or had your date, without drawing attention of course. He’s the provider or at least attempts to be, because he also enables you to do things on your own. Think, “I know you can do it, but let me,” if that makes sense. You will certainly be supported and well loved that for sure
N - Nicknames: What do they call their s/o?
Him: Something cringingly sweet/cute, cutie, Baby,
You: Geon, Woo, Baby,
O - On Cloud Nine: What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’s like a golden retriever puppy on crack. You might as well be running marathons in his mind with how often you’re on it. If someone doesn’t notice the lovestruck look on his face they are BLIND. He’s def an acts of service guy I feel
P - PDA: Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
As golden retrievery as he is, he’s very shy when it comes to PDA. He might hold your hand or keep a hand at the small of your waist, but he’s very reserved in that sense I feel. He doesn’t want to draw attention to it, but not because he doesn’t want people to know that you’re together, but because he wants this to be your own little thing. Something just for the two of you
Q - Quirks: Something you do that he loves
You’re an avid reader here (reader of what idk, you just read!). The number of emotions you show on your face in the span of seconds when you read things without realizing it is something he loves. He could honestly watch you read all day long and never get tired
R - Romance: How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s pretty romantic and cliche, but he does it in a way that appeals to you and your tastes. Man’s down for anything that would make you happy
S - Support: Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
It’s honestly an issue how much he does to support you, emotionally, physically, and financially. If you need any money for something you’re doing, setting up a company or opening a shop, he makes sure to give it to you without complaint and offers help in any way he can. This man will sing you praises about how much he knows you’re going to succeed and never allow you to doubt yourself
T - Thrill: Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
There’s certainly a preference for routine, being a boxer and all, but he’s also very spontaneous. He’s always keeping the two of your on your toes
U - Understanding: How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Is it just me or does this marshmallow of a man scream empathy? No? Okay. SO incredibly empathetic man. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s also incredibly observant when it comes to you. Like, he notices when the slightest things are off and tries his best to make things easier for you or fix something if it’s because of him
V - Value: How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You’re his family now so you automatically share a place with his mom. He puts the two of you on pedestal first and foremost in everything. Literally. If you need anything, he could be in the middle of a training session or out at a restaurant with Woojin, he’s gone in a second and on his way to you without an ounce of hesitation
W - Whole: How do they feel about you being in their life?
Teenage girl with a crush. He’s so iubjgtkauibjthgsbuijkazjk. He’s so happy (and he’s happy on a regular basis!)
X - Xylophone: What is your song?
To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra
Y - Yearning: How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
You ever see those tiktok of the golden retriever bf/hubby losing their gf/wife anywhere? That’s him! Even the dog ones fit. So when he’s missing you, he’s genuinely mopey and down in the dumps. But even the most simple text or picture or phone call fixes it immediately. Wish this man luck right before a match and he’s BEAMING
Z - Zeal: Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
What lengths isn’t he willing to go is the real question. I find it hard to believe that he will ever give up on the two of you, that just not who is, especially when you never gave up on him
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Heard you're the head wagon of the lurimol train!
So...could I ask ya some random HCs about em? :>
Hi there!!! You absolutely can!!
I'll just ramble some random ones off, but please feel free to send in some more specific asks! :>
Hegemol and Lurien are both old. Like OLD old. Hegemol hatched just before the start of Hallownest in full, and his family were some of the first to pledge their allegiance to the Pale King. The Honeydrop (My Hegemol's family) confectionary was one of the first shops established in the City of Tears before it became a city, providing sweets, treats, and easy meals to most of the menderbugs and workers who built the city around it. Lurien was hatched in a dragonfly village in Greenpath (the same one my dragonfly ocs, Dysilla and Devotion, are from!), though his family moved into the new City of Tears as soon as he and his siblings were out of their aquatic larval stages. They were some of the city's first recordkeepers, and Lurien grew up learning his family's trade in papermaking and binding, just as Hegemol grew up pulling taffy and making sweets before he became one of the first candidates to join Hallownest's guard.
When they each entered direct service to the Pale King, Hegemol as his first Great Knight and Lurien as the Watcher, PK essentially slowed their aging to a near-standstill, to ensure that they would remain in his court as long as they would be able. This is notably not immortality, given that my Hegemol still dies and they both still feel the onset of such old age in different ways, but it does make them among the oldest bugs in Hallownest. Hegemol is older by about ~50 years ish, but given we're on the scale of hundreds to thousands of years, the gap isn't that meaningful. It just explains why Lurien may appear somewhat younger than Hegemol, since Hegemol was 'fixed' in age later in his life.
Those weren't super ship oriented oops, so here we go:
Despite being seen cloaked from head to toe most often, Lurien has a deep love of fashion and the craft that goes into it. No one can see his outfits under his robes, but they are there. When Hegemol pledges himself as the commander of Lurien's Watcher Knights, Lurien almost immediately takes to hiring a tailor to custom-make his dear knight some formalwear. Hegemol has 10+ outfits from Lurien, and while he does enjoy being all dressed up, the real joy he gets is from Lurien picking out different ones for him and listening to him ramble and fret and titter to himself about color combinations, fabrics, etc. There's something very intimate about being dressed by your definitely-not-romantic-partner, and Hegemol gets the biggest, stupidest dreamy look whenever Lurien flits around him to ensure everything is in it's proper place.
Hegemol has also taken to allowing Lurien to perform other maintenance on him, like trimming his beard, filing his claws, etc. Lurien occasionally gets frustrated with him while shaping his beard because Hegemol can't stop smiling, which pushes up his cheeks and changes where the bristles are.
Hegemol is a fantastic cook. When he falls for Lurien, he teaches himself how to cook hearty meats and make proper meals for his new carnivore definitely-not-romantic-partner. Lurien's favorite meal that Hegemol makes for him is similar to a beef wellington, though instead of the beef it's just a nearly-whole vengefly.
Lurien tries to teach Hegemol to paint, though Hegemol never truly gets great at it. They enjoy the experience together though, and Lurien has Hegemol's first painting hung up in his room.
I'm not super the best with open ended, general things, but if there's anything specific you'd like to know please feel free to ask!! I feel like I have so much in my head but then when I go to write it all, it just blanks haha. Thank you!
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madlad-sadgal · 9 months
Goldenheart AU Pt. 4
Finally got around to doing part 4 of this AU, and this time we are exploring Nimona's backstory. Also, I highly recommend checking out the first three parts otherwise some things might not make sense. (If anyone had already read Part 3 (Bal's backstory) I updated it because I think the story makes more sense like this, so I suggest checking it out again!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Well then here we go, Nimona's backstory. And please don't hesitate to add on to this in the tags or replies or send me a message about ideas you might have!
Quick warning, there's discussion of malnourishment at the beginning.
Nimona's parents weren't the best really. They neglected their only child and provided only the basic needs they might need to survive, and Child Protective Services were contacted after many people noted how thin and malnourished they were, so they were placed in the foster system
They never stayed with the same family for long, their love for chaos and energetic attitude being too much for many
They adored animals and have often brought home snakes, frogs, etc. They've also tried many times to get into cages at the zoo, which always drove their foster parents crazy.
They had been fostered by these two kind people for around two weeks when a boy around ten years older than them arrived. His name was Ballister.
They had never had to deal with older kids before, much less 16 year old kids, but they assumed scaring him away or infuriating him was going to be as easy as it was with their past foster parents and that he was just an added obstacle
It really wasn't
When they tried getting into the basins at the aquarium, Vivian (foster mother) just snatched them away and brought them to the shark exhibit, something she new they loved and they spend the rest of the day there
When they tried getting into the cages at the zoo, William (foster father) picked them up and brought them either to one of the shows where they could watch birds or into one of those cage tunnels where the lions are all around you
And whenever they messed with Ballister's stuff or stole some things from his room, instead of getting mad, he'd ask them if they wanted to learn how certain things worked or offered to give them the thing they stole (he thought they liked them when it really was just to piss him off)
It was all annoying, the fact that none of them seemed to mind their chaotic nature, but in a way, it was also... freeing?
Before, everyone told them that they would need to act more lady-like in the future or that they needed to "tone it down" basically forcing them to keep all their energy inside until they exploded, usually with anger
Now, they could run around all they wanted and talk for hours at a time about how sharks are cool and someone would be listening at all time
They also really liked Ballister who always shared information he gathered about things they enjoyed and never minded when they corrected him about facts they go wrong
He talked a lot about a past friend of his and swears it was the Ambrosius Goldenloin, but they don't believe him
(They also quickly found out that the best way to piss him off was to play freestyle jazz, but they only took advantage of that a little)
They also quickly realized that they connected with music. Because while Bal preferred the bass and Nimona the drums, those instruments went pretty well together and they always had fun watching videos of combinations of those two
When Nimona turned 7, her biological parents had their rights terminated as they were unfit to care for a child, and Vivian and William offered to adopt them, and it didn't take long for them to agree. It was a long process, but eventually Nimona became their official child, along with Ballister who was adopted by them not long after
When Bal turned 17, a little less than a year after he arrived in the foster home, their foster parents bought him a bass set, and he was absolutely giddy
Nimona may or may not have been sour about it, but their parents promised them that they'd get their drum set one day, so it was fine
Sure enough, around three years later, Nimona got their drum set on their tenth birthday, and Vivian and William never said a thing about the loud banging that could be heard throughout the house while Bal helped them learn
Then, two years later, Bal was 22 and Nimona 12, and they both wanted to help their parents with the rent because money was starting to become rough and Bal saw how it was live on very little money and didn't want to go through that again and Nimona loved their family too much to see it crumble down
They both knew that little jobs at the park or with the mailman wouldn't cut it this time, and they also knew they had talent when it came to their instruments and music, but being just them two wouldn't cut it
That's when they met Meredith Blitzmeyer
Alright, I'm stopping it there, next is Meredith's backstory. Again, don't be afraid to add onto this!
Also, I'm thinking of writing a fanfic about this, so if I did, would anyone be interested in reading it? (I'll most likely write it anyways, but I'm still curious).
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