#emily’s list
Out bisexual Nebraska state Sen. Megan Hunt, who has helped filibuster transphobic legislation in her state, has switched her party affiliation from Democratic to independent.
Hunt has switched because of the media’s hyper-focus on party affiliation and “the lack of support” from national groups — like Emily’s List or the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee — for “liberal candidates in conservative-dominated states,” the Lincoln Journal Star reported.
“The parties are not the future,” Hunt told the publication. “The political dysfunction is extreme and at the national level, the parties are ideologically bankrupt.”
Hunt said her party switch isn’t a reflection of her state’s Democratic leadership and said that her politics would remain on the progressive left. Rather, she accused national groups of taking credit for the legislative accomplishments of progressive politicians in red states, like her, while not financially supporting those candidates.
She also pointed out that in Nebraska’s unique one-chamber legislature, party affiliation matters less than in other states. Leadership roles are determined by a chamber-wide vote, and committee assignments are “divided evenly among Nebraska’s three congressional districts rather than by which party is in the majority,” the aforementioned publication noted.
As such, when national media focus on Nebraskan politicians’ political affiliation, Hunt feels it doesn’t accurately reflect what’s happening in her legislature and also poisons her colleagues’ relationships with one another.
“That totally misrepresents who I am, what I believe, who my colleagues are, and how things work here, and I don’t want my name to be used to contribute to the problem, to continue a narrative that is lazy and inaccurate,” Hunt said.
In a statement to the Lincoln Journal Star, Jane Kleeb, chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party, said, “I, like many liberals, are pushing our Democratic Party constantly from the inside working to build the infrastructure and message across the state. We respect the choices of politicians to decide if our party fits them or not.”
Commenting on Hunt’s party switch, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) wrote on the new social media app BlueSky, “I think it’s brave — people often complain about the 2 party system, but it starts at the state level. She’s trying to educate people on [Nebraska’s system] and how their landscape allows for this. [In my opinion] most 3rd party [conversations] can be unserious [because] they don’t grapple [with] reality. So this is interesting to see.”
State Sen. Hunt has been one of several Nebraskan senators who have filibustered the so-called “Let Them Grow Act,” a law that would block minors from accessing gender-affirming care. Age-appropriate gender-affirming care is supported by major medical organizations like the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics.
Hunt has been put under investigation by the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission (NADC) for a possible conflict of interest because she has a transgender child.
State law requires that public officials and employees disclose potential conflicts of interest, but this refers to when a decision could have “a financial benefit or detriment to the public official or public employee, a member of his or her immediate family or business with which he or she is associated.”
Hunt disavowed the investigation.
“This, colleagues, is not serious,” she said. “This is harassment. This is using the legal system that we have in our state to stop corruption, to increase transparency, to hold government accountable, and using it to harass a member of the legislature, who you all know is trying to do the right thing, is trying to parent her child in a way that keeps that child alive, in a way that keeps that child successful in school and with friends and healthy.”
Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Nebraska are standing up for Hunt. “My colleagues stood up offering support, but I don’t need their words. I need their vote,” she said.
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soovermyself · 1 year
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Sophia at the Emily's List 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Breakfast held at the Beverly Hills Hilton on March 7, 2023 in Beverly Hills, California
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letterstothefutureme · 5 months
Reflecting on Barbie
I grew up playing Barbies. I loved them, I kept them well into my teens. I had a Barbie Dream House and a Barbie convertible.
I also grew up to be a feminist that pretty much rejects the whole traditional feminine construct. My job is Politics.
When I watched the movie, enthralled by Barbie World, I looked over at my “She Should Run” Barbies.
When Matell released the set a few years ago, I immediately bought them. I was 39 but they made me, my job, my world into a Barbie. I wasn’t aspiring to be her, she is a reflection of me.
I’m fucking owning that.
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If you want to be Politics Barbie:
She Should Run
Run for Something
EMILY’s List
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ttpd-chair · 8 months
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chaoticace2005 · 4 months
I, Sir Pentious’s, List of Things to Build:
1. Matching PJs for the Eggies
2. Warmachine that will DESTROY the Radio Demon and get the attention of the Vees!
3. New warmachine after RADIO DEMON!!! broke the last one (Include updated death ray??)
4. Parachute built into hat
5. Advanced technology to spy on the hotel to impress Vox An “I’m sorry cake.”
6. Nest for me and eggs
7. New coat for the radio demon?
8. Cannon to protect me from a flying cat, tall slutty spider, and a tiny… bug? Cannon to PROTECT the flying cat, tall slutty spider, tiny bug, and close female friends that share a room together.
9. Portable elevator. Stairs suck.
10. Device to prevent me from being thrown off a roof again.
11. Armor against dismembered arms. Also Niffty?
12. Gaydar? Whatever that is, I’m currently unsure.
13. Thing to kill a roomba with knives.
14. Device to open bottles for Husk
15. Quiet door opener/unlocker
16. Shield so Vagatha doesn’t stab me when I go into her room in the middle of the night.
17. Way to remove pornographic images from my brain.
18. SAFE bug killer for Niffty? So less knives
19. Way to remove Valentino from this plane of existence.
20. A safe, loving family for Charlotte.
21. Cookies for the king!!
22. Mechanical duck to get in the king’s favor!
23. Way to fix Father-Daughter relationship? (They did this themselves nevermind)
24. Protection from Radio Demon??
25. Device to get the cat and spider to talk about their feelings so I can stop third wheeling.
26. New wall? Make it indestructible.
27. Flowers Chocolates A bomb for Cherri??
28. Way to break demonic contracts for Angel (and also Husk??)
29. Hangover cure.
30. Prosthetic wings for Vagatha (nevermind she has her own sometimes? Would she want ones for when she doesn’t??)
31. Reinforcements for the building
32. Battle armor for the Eggies
33. Angel killing bullets, bombs, knives, teeth?? And cards??
34. General uniform
35. A moat
36. Poem for Cherri?
37. Angel suggested I added “the courage to actually ask Cherri out,” which I must say is sadly accurate.
38. New egg bois? Or way to resurrect the old ones??
39. Evil but still angelic clothing??
40. Way to communicate with Hell
41. Gift to show affection for Cherri and let her know I’m alive.
42. Way to show memories from Hell for Emily and Molly to see (a device may already exist??)
43. Family reunion for Angel (Anthony??) and Molly.
44. A way to get back home.
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eviefrie · 4 months
hello locked tomb fans. have i got a book (books) for you.
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more archive undying propaganda, if this wasn't enough to convince you:
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(but also if you've decided to read the archive undying, i don't know if i would recommend the libby edition? i have my libby set to "legible" and there are some font changes in the print version that did NOT show up in the ebook. obv i liked reading the ebook enough to buy the text, but as @urban-sith put it, he was lost and i was in jumanji)
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dropanostalgia · 26 days
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Hi sdv tumblr, here’s my marriage candidate tier list that no one asked for 😃😃 can you tell I love all of them?
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m4rs-ex3 · 8 months
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i have a lot of templates
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eerna · 5 months
pls recommend me some fantasy romance!
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brionbroadway · 1 month
"does anyone have anything they'd like to plug?" "rocket scientists" never skip the end of a naddpod ep
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sittinginsunflowers · 20 days
so we all know Brennan is never letting the intrepid heroes (or possibly any of his players) have the simulacrum spell ever again after this season, right? like this is why he wouldn’t let Emily have gift of gab and they fucking got him anyway. twice.
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driftingvoid-155 · 3 days
Love thinking about Henry and William just constantly feeding into each others terrible ideas until it eventually just cuts to them sitting in the fnaf 6 fire bc how else did they honestly expect it all to go
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sea-lanterns · 12 days
My ranking of the Fontaine women and how good they are at French kissing. 1 being the best and 7 being the worst:
1. Navia
2. Chiori
3. Arlecchino
4. Lynette
5. Clorinde
6. Furina
7. Chevreuse
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youbutstupid · 1 month
My opinions on Criminal Minds characters as someone who understands that characters have nuance and aren’t just black and white
Hotch: adore him
Rossi: adore him
Gideon: disagree with his decision to bring Spencer to the field but adore him
Reid: adore him
Elle: adore her
Morgan: adore him
Emily: adore her
JJ: adore her
Seaver: (despite what people think) adore her
Callahan: adore her
Todd: adore her (no one can ever make me hate you bestie)
Blake: adore her
Garcia: adore her (huge crush on her)
Alvez: adore him
Simmons: adore him
Lewis: adore her
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hopefuloverfury · 28 days
I know it's kind of an older post for you but I've been itching to see how the bachelorettes cuddle? I really really liked the bachelor's post and want to see more of that thought train for the ladies (love ur blog btw)
Here you go, anon! Soft bachelorettes for the soul. <3
Bachelors are here.
No cut, gender neutral language, and pure fluff. Enjoy!
Maru is a big spoon through and through, but the way she goes about it depends on the circumstance. If you’ve been in the mines that day, or (god forbid) the skull caverns, she’s plastering herself all over your back like a damn octopus and will not let you go unless you really need her to. If you do accept the affection, she’ll trace shapes on your skin, and will lean in to quietly kiss any scarring or bandaged wounds you return with. She’s terribly soft with you overall, even when you’re not actively injured and haven’t been testing your own mortality. During those casual days spent on the farm or traipsing about the valley, she prefers when you lay your head on her chest and let her rub your back. The weight of you helps her relax, and it also gives her the perfect view of your face as you doze off.
Penny is definitely inclined towards the little spoon, but refuses to face away from you, because she wants to be able to bury her face in your chest without her pajama pants twisting around her hips in the middle of the night. She’ll sling one arm over your waist and press her other hand against your chest, just to feel your heart rate slow down as you relax. She doesn’t move a ton in her sleep, but she does frequently wake up with her arm halfway up the front of your shirt. It’s nothing sexual, she just prefers the feeling of your skin against her palm, without the unpleasant buffer of any sleep-shirts. You might even develop the habit of sleeping shirtless, later down the line. She isn’t complaining either way.
Abigail, with all of her posturing and deflecting, is still soft hearted at the end of the day, and this is most apparent while she’s cuddling. As someone who enjoys being both the big and little spoon, she’s great at making the best of both. If she’s pressed against your back, she’s peppering gentle kisses on the nape of your neck, and will try her very hardest not to laugh at you when goosebumps flare down your arms. As the little spoon, Abigail will lace your hands together and press every individual knuckle to her lips until she’s sure that she’s kissed every one—maybe even twice, just for good measure. Mornings spent with her are filled with even more smooches, and she’s never deterred by morning breath or crusty eyes. 
Haley runs hot, so if you want to cuddle her, it needs to be at least 21º/70º. She doesn’t want to sweat like a pig, because it’s uncomfortable and sticky. If you’re okay with that, then she’s happy to cuddle as long as you like. She does prefer being the big spoon, though, because she likes feeling you relax in her arms (and she also doesn’t want to suffocate you with her hair, but that’s neither here nor there). She also has a fixation with your back and shoulders, so being the big spoon gives her the perfect opportunity to love on them with gentle kisses.
Leah is not fond of being the big or little spoon, because she can’t see your face in either position. If she's the big spoon, you’re facing away from her, and if she’s the little spoon, then she’s facing away from you. It’s very frustrating, so she prefers it when you’re lounging between the v of her thighs, with your head supported on her chest and your arms looped around her waist. You’re in the perfect spot for her to play with your hair and trace the shell of your ear with a careful touch, and the way your arms are solid around her is very comforting. It certainly does help that she can stare at you for as long as she likes.
Emily will choose depending on her mood. If she’s a little down, she prefers being the little spoon, but if she’s feeling more cheery, she goes for the big spoon. It also depends on how you’re doing. If you’re injured, sick, or exhausted, Emily will take whatever position makes you most comfortable. However, in the winter she prefers being the little spoon, since unlike her sister, she runs cold and needs an extra layer of warmth. You’re happy to indulge her, though.
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henriettacouture · 30 days
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