vasilik29 · 4 months
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Арт к сборнику драбблов СотриМик, которым я занимаюсь. Это часть с названием "Чудной".
А вот и сама работа:
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zashiyamadaaaaa · 1 year
This morning I finished drawing this drawing, I am very pleased with the result, because when it was just a sketch, my husband and I could not come to our senses, this harmless face does not deserve any punishment for its pranks! My husband probably thinks the same
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modern-inheritance · 4 months
I was gonna put Angela, but then realized that woman probably hasn't sneezed a day in her life.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
The thing about Present Mic that I love the most is, despite the fact that he has three jobs, you know he would be the first person to be there like “Can we please stop romanticizing the grind and start romanticizing this” and just point to the scrunkliest cat (named Pad Thai) that he rescued from a takeout box in the alley behind PYHU with a pink studded collar sunning themself on a particularly comfy stretch of carpet.
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wizardheart83 · 2 years
Follows Gil-galad in the night and day after he returns to Lindon, having left Eregion at the end of season 1. He attends to the most vulnerable of his people and reads a report passed to him by Galadriel from a soldier, a former warden who’d been stationed at Ostirith. (Stand-alone work in an anthology, can totally be read on its own)
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shutthefckup69 · 9 months
i need a buddy, i want someone to hold me accountable to my weight loss. does not need to do body checks or anything. literally just someone to help me get to my gw.
dm me, must be 18+ pls
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skelebunnn · 11 months
૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა hiii!! I'm Bonez, bun, or anything else ya wanna call me!! Pronouns in bio<3
this is my newest, and third, vent account!! First two got d3leted, so I think I've had five in total lol! My other one is as follows; @bl00dbath-bunny n that's it!! Well, there's another, but I can't spell it lol.
Sw; 205.5 lbs
Cw; 170.0lbs
Gw; 169.0lbs
Gw; 140lbs
Gw; 111lbs
Ugw; 90lbs♡
16, 17 in September.
I'm struggling with s3lf h4rm, 4n4 and m!4 (can't tell which is which so yeahhh), as well as a horrid obsession with a boy♡
I'm also neurodivergent!! Won't tell you how tho :P Love ya, dm me if you wanna be friendsss♡ Can't be on this acc much though>_>
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micvonmessenger · 2 years
Branch Guide Elfs by MicVonMessenger
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joelslegalwhre · 1 year
Paddock Pass pt.3
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One of max‘s love languages (at least in this fic) is physical touch, don‘t try to convince me otherwise. (I didn’t include the country/name of the gp by purpose, please don’t be confused haha) Sooo are you ready for some angst, some drama and a good time? Buckle up friends, it‘s gonna be a bumpy ride.
(You ever get distracted by Pedro Pascal tiktoks and spent an hour on your phone?…I‘m asking for a friend)
Thank you so much for the love on the first two parts! I‘m beyond grateful for every comment, reblog and like🩶
pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader, dad!toto wolff x reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: angst, fluff, toto being a bitch (or is he just a protective dad?), bad dad-daughter dynamics, unapproved relationship, cursing, insults, mutual pining turning into more, max has fallen head over heels, they act like an old married couple and don‘t even notice, kissing, light make out session at the end, not proofread
summary: After a horrible qualifying, Max manages to win the race. When he sees you afterwards, and looses all of his elf control. Which Toto doesn‘t welcome one bit. Oh what a simple kiss can do. But was it just that, a simple kiss?
Masterlist || taglist || part one || part two || part three
"Sorry but this is P15 Max, P15." his race engineer spoke through the radio, "Yeah, of course it is." Max answered annoyed. What should it have been? P1? Surely not, after his engine had started misfunctioning and in the end stopped working all together. He had the best lap time of them all, but with ten minutes left of q2, someone else would eventually drive faster than him. 
As he got out of the car, you could practically feel the bad mood he was in. Everyone who knew Max, could. And if it was you who just got out of your car, not being able to finish the qualifying that was looking so promising, you would've wanted to punch something. 
It was surprising you, how 'calm' he stayed. Max had temper, and you liked that, but sometimes it got a little out of hand - him kicking the car or not talking to anyone for hours -. Not this time, though. 
When he came back to the garage, his car still parked on the gravel, he took off his helmet, and walked straight to you. "You coming with me?" he asked, helmet in one hand, running the other through his slightly damp hair. "Yeah, of course." you nodded and got up from your seat. 
You followed him out of the garage, trying to keep up with his fast steps. He was practically running to the Red Bull facility. 
Max noticed your attempt to catch up to him, and slowed down, waiting for you. "Sorry." he said and continued walking, his steps still quick, but manageable. 
As Max and you were walking to the Red Bull facility, all eyes were glued on the two of you. Everyone eager to get a shot of Max.
You felt Max's fingers brush against your own, intertwining them with yours. It was his way of trying to stay calm, the warmth of your hand soothing him and helping him, not to do something he'd regret later. 
You felt your cheeks getting warm at the gesture. You loved when he did that. It was an indication of the trust that he had in you, like a security blanket. 
"Max?" you asked him, your voice quiet but still loud enough for him to hear you. "Hm?" You looked at him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, "You'll win the race tomorrow, it doesn't matter where you start," you gave him a lopsided smile, "You always win." 
His want to kiss you almost got the better of him. All me managed to do instead was to brush his thumb over yours, holding your hand just a little tighter than before. 
"And that's the last corner before the straight!" the commentator almost screamed into the mic, "I can't believe he did that," he continued excitedly, "That's it! Max Verstappen wins the Grand Prix, starting from P15!" 
You shot up from your seat, throwing your hands in the air. "Yes! There you go!" you shouted as if he could hear you, the excitement overwhelming. The garage was going insane, everyone hugging each other, cheering. You were right in the middle of it all, and it felt like a fever dream. You told him he'd win, but it was a lot of hard work to actually cross the finish line as first. 
You let out a deep breath, smiling at the TV as you saw Max driving back to parc fermé. All the mechanics and the rest of the team got up to gather there. "C'mon!" one of the mechanics nudged your shoulder, smiling at you. You mirrored his expression, following them outside. 
Max was still wearing his helmet when he ran towards your group and jumped into the crowd of mechanics that were shouting, whistling and cheering. When he was back on the ground, he shook hands with Christian, and some others, before he noticed you.
You still had a smile plastered on your face, that said "I told you." and even though he had his helmet covering most of his face, you knew he was also beaming.
Max slung his arms around your frame, lifting your feet from the floor, as he pressed you against his suited chest. Your arms found their place around his neck, and you hugged him as close as you could, with the helmet between you. 
When you let go of each other, you grasped his arms, something you did when you were excited or nervous, he had noticed. "You did it!" you squeaked and slightly jumped up and down with his arms still firmly in your grip. "You. Did. It." your voice was so full of joy and excitement, but above all you were so immensely proud of him. 
"You told me to," he said with a grin in his voice, as he freed his arms from your grip just to hold them in his again, "I couldn't disappoint my best girl." 
Just as he pulled you into another quick hug, you hoped that he couldn't feel your heart beating faster than his car passed the finish line. 
„"You better not." you joked.
You watched him going back to weight himself with his gear, taking his helmet off and running a hand through his hair, as he did so often. But after he did that, and put his helmet to the side, turning around. "Sorry," he said to the lady trying to talk to him, miles away. "I forgot something…"
Max almost ran back to the fence, where all of you were standing. You gave him a confused look, silently asking him what he was doing. 
The moment he reached you, still standing at your spot in the front, it turned into a curious one. Every part of your body was shaking, not knowing what to expect. 
„Is everything al-„ 
Max shut you up the second his hands cupped your face and his lips crashed down on yours. 
The kiss wasn't soft, and it wasn't harsh either, but full of desperation and longing. Full of all the emotions both of you had suppressed over the last months. It was perfect. 
Feeling his lips touch yours was a feeling like no other, you felt safe, protected and loved. You felt so much love through it, and if his hands wouldn't still cup your face, holding you up, your knees might've just given in.
As you parted, Max leaned his forehead against yours. "More than alright, actually." he whispered. 
Max didn't want to leave you there, he wanted to take your hand and go somewhere more private. Somewhere he could finally tell you just how much he loved you, how badly he needed you. 
"And now our winner, Max Verstappen!" He took a deep breath before he got onto the podium, waving to the crowd. He heard people cheering and whistling, and when he looked down to where you were standing, he couldn't contain his smile. You were holding your hands on both sides of your mouth, cheering him on with a loud "Whooow!"
You saw him looking at you and shot him a big smile, holding both thumbs up. 
Max chuckled as he took his place in the middle. When the anthems were playing, all he could do was stare at you. 
But soon all the bliss was gone, when Max was back in the garage with the trophy sitting on one of the tables, both of you seemed to remember that you were in fact not alone when you had kissed. 
Max had his arms wrapped around your waist, while you drew shapes on his arm. "Are you angry?" he sounded concerned.
"No!" Your answer came out quicker than you could think, and Max immediately let out a relieved breath. "Max," you almost whispered, "I‘d do it again, if that's what you mean." You were afraid to look into his eyes, so you kept your gaze fixed on his arms, "I don't care who has seen it, if my Dad did. I mean he probably did, and," Max interrupted your rambling by placing his fingers under your chin, making you look at him, "Babe," there it was again, the one small word. But this time you noticed it.
"Look at me." he continued. Max's voice was soft and quiet as he caressed your chin. "Don't worry about him, okay? We're in this together, and we'll manage it just fine." 
You knew he was just as worried as you were, but the way he tried to calm you made you love him even more. Love. You loved him. Max Verstappen. The boy who you never thought of saying so much as a "hello" to, accepting to just live with the crush you had on him. 
Your hands found his neck, and you slowly pulled him towards you, "Okay." was all you whispered before connecting your lips a second time. This kiss was shorter, a peck on the lips almost, but it was just as perfect as the first one was. 
"You ready to go?" he asked against your lips. "Mhm."  you answered, but your voice didn‘t have the same tone to it. 
The moment you intertwined your hands with Max's, you could hear your name being called, or more precisely, shouted.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. "Here we go." 
Max gave your hand an encouraging squeeze.
"We got this." he kissed your hair and you both started walking towards the happening. 
Your Dad wasn't allowed to step foot into the Red Bull garage as someone from Mercedes, and there were already several securities keeping him from doing so.
Which didn't stop him from talking. 
"Du kommst jetzt mit." he told you to follow him. You knew his emotions were all over the place, when he started talking in his mother tongue. You could understand it most of the time, he raised you after all, but you rarely answered him in german. Since Max knew a good amount of german, he understood what he was saying. 
You didn't want to draw too much attention to the situation - clearly impossible - or start a fight right in front of them all, so you just dragged Max along with you as you followed Toto.
He seemed to know where he wanted to go, he was practically running. You just looked back at Max, giving him a look of "what the heck is this going to be". 
Max cared about you, more than you knew, more than he should be able to after just so little time. And if Toto just said so much as a wrong word or raised his voice, he could not hold back. The thought about what could follow for his work, long forgotten.
Toto stopped in his tracks so suddenly, that you almost ran into him.
"Are you done running now?" you asked him, already annoyed with how he was behaving.
"Oh I am, but trust me I'm not done with you, Fräulein."
You hated the word. He only ever used it when you were in trouble, and whenever someone called you it, you felt small. 
"Don't cal me that." you said coldly, "You know how much I hate it." 
"You know what I hate?" his voice sharp as he spoke, „When my daughter whores around with the opposite team. Like some Boxenluder?" 
Did he really just call you a pit babe? You could just scoff at him. It hurt that he seemed to think of you that way. 
„So that's what you think this is, Dad? Whoring around? Are you serious?" your voice didn't come out as strong as you wanted it to. 
"I took your pass and five minutes later you're hanging around his neck?" He almost spit the word 'him' out, as if it made him sick. "I really thought I raised you better than this, walking through the paddock sucking dick." 
Every word you wanted to say before that, got stuck in your throat at his words. What did he just say? 
"Dad, do you even hear yourself?" you whispered in disbelieve, and hurt. 
"Don't you dare talk to her like that." Max was on his last nerve now, and you could feel it. His whole body was under tension, and his hand was twitching towards yours. 
„Oh so you're going to tell me how I should do things now? Who do you think you are?" Toto mocked him. 
"Oh, I will if you don't stop acting the way you do." Max started, "Treating your own daughter like shit, just because she's not your clone," he let out a bitter laugh, "That's the lowest of the low." 
"Max," you whispered, looking up at him, taking his hand. But he couldn't let this go on. 
„If you don't like me, that's okay. It doesn't matter. But I swear to you, if you don't stop with this bullshit, treating her like she committed high treason, I'll find a way to get you kicked out of here." His voice was bitter, and you knew he meant every word.
"And trust me, I will." 
You've never heard him talking so coldly, threatening.
"Oh yeah right. Because the whole fucking paddock is yours," your hand tightened around Max's at the words leaving your Dad's mouth. "Dad." you said firmly. You hadn't raised your voice once since this started - much to Max's astonishment - but Toto didn't seem to care as long as you didn't shout it in his face. He wanted to say something else when you snapped, "Dad, dammit, listen to me for once!"
„I'm sick and tired of you acting the way you do! I can't change who I am, god I've said this so many times, I'm sorry that I'm not the kind of daughter you'd like to have." At this, you could see something in your Dad's facade start to break, but you didn't care anymore. 
"And you know what? I'm not at all sorry for being with Max. Believe it or not, but he has shown me more love in the past month, than I think you ever could." you felt the tears burning in your eyes again, but you could also feel Max's strong hand around yours, soothing you a little. 
"I'm a grown adult, Dad. So I would very much appreciate you coming to terms with the situation. And if you can't, I'm just sorry for you." 
Toto took a deep breath, but before he could say anything, you added, "I don't expect you to suddenly love Max or be okay with whatever your problem is. But if you love me just the slightest bit, just try to, Dad." 
Without anything further, you took Max's hand in yours, gaining a sour stare from Toto. And you couldn't care less. 
You left your Dad standing in the little corner between the motor homes.
"Are you okay?" Max asked with a worried tone. "No." you answered him quietly. 
Of course, you weren't, but Max wanted to make sure how you felt. He began caressing your hand with his thumb, while he was guiding you to the Red Bull motor home. 
He walked straight to his drivers room, knowing it would be quiet and private. "Hey Max, do you have a second?" Helmut waved at him. "Not now okay? Sorry." Max shot him an apologizing smile, but when Helmut's eyes wandered to you, he understood, giving the two of you an encouraging nod. You tried your best to smile at him, before Max led the way up to his drivers room. 
You've been in there several times, but this time, you were happier than ever for this small space of privacy. 
"Come here." Max  patted his lap. He had already sat down on the small couch on the other end of the room. You walked over to him and cuddled up in his lap. He was warm and his smell engulfed you. You took a deep breath. 
"Thank you."
Max looked down to where your head was resting on his shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around you. "For what?" 
"For putting him in his place, for sticking up for me," you nuzzled your face deeper into him, "For being there for me, I guess." 
You could feel Max moving underneath you, and then you felt his lips on your hair. "I'd do it again, as many times as possible. I hope you know that." 
You looked up, still in his embrace. "I do." A small smile crept upon your lips. 
You looked into his eyes, and all you could see in them was honesty and, you dared to think, love. Your hand gently cupped his cheek, and you run your fingers over his stubble.
"Can you please just kiss me now?" you whispered to his lips, as Max could only stare at you. 
He wasted not a second, reuniting his lips with yours. 
The familiar feeling of his lips touching yours, almost made him groan into the kiss. 
He had watched you walk through the paddock for years. The thought that you'd never be wearing one of his team shirts stung with him, but he'd be happy to just talk to you. That's all he ever dreamt of, and now look where he was.
You parted your lips from his, just for a second, to swing your leg over his lap to straddle him. "You have no idea how long I've dreamed about this." Max said, his eyes taking you in while his fingers tucked a stand of hair back behind your ear. "Yeah? Then why are you still talking?" you teased him, but letting him know that you felt exactly the same when he silenced you with his lips. 
Getting to taste you as his tongue moved over the softness of your lips, he could've died happily right then. The sounds of content, mixed with small moans of pleasure filled the room as you deepened the kiss. Max hands had found their way to your waist to pull you even closer. You enjoyed every second of it, the way his tongue felt against yours and the overwhelming feeling of contentedness. 
Panting heavily, you were forced to pull back. Your foreheads still touching, eyes closed.
"I'll always be there for you, I promise." Max whispered against your lips. His hands cupped your waist, drawing little shapes with his thumbs. 
Your own hands were placed in his hair, gently caressing him.
You placed your lips back on his, a silent promise that you would, too, not leave his side.
🩶taglist: @emturtles @xcinnamongirl @starsanova @idkiwantchocolatee @moonlightts2 @topguncultleader @lpab @larastark3107 @sinfully-yoursss @alwaysclassyeagle @formulas-bitch @daddyslittlevillain
here‘s my kofi if you‘d like to leave a tip 🩷
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clerichs-xi · 3 months
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taps mic. is anyonw still here. hello. this is my bg3 tav dante he likes playing with/manipulating people as well as proving hes better and smarter than them. hobbies: chasing after that pale elf vampire ass, thinking abt battle tactics and general scheming and planning. and also being a vampire caprisun btw
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howlingmadness · 5 months
Walk into Tolkien, D&D, Dragon Age, etc elf fandoms.
Tap mic.
Say "Elves should have facial and body hair "
Watch as countless terrified of the concept weaklings are fainting.
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winterstorm032802 · 10 months
Ahem. *taps the mic* Haters of Rayla? *rolls up sleeves* That's the funny thing. *begins to be held back by two people as I grab you by the collar* THEY DON'T EXIST! THEY DON'T EXIST! I WILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO HATES RAYLA! HOW CAN YOU HATE RAYLA!? SHE'S RAYLA! *struggles to keep holding your collar as people try to pull me off* IT'S RAYLA! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! YOU CAN'T HATE HER! SHE'S AMAZING, BRAVE, STRONG, FEARLESS, SHE'S A HERO! IT'S ILLEGAL TO HATE SUCH A PRECIOUS ELF! I WILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO HATES HER! *starting to be dragged away* SHE'S RAYLA! SHE'S AMAZING AND IF YOU HATE HER I WILL FIGHT!!!! MEET ME AT THE STORM SPIRE I'LL THROW HANDS!!!!!!
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zashiyamadaaaaa · 1 year
I love to draw the elf Zashi and the witcher Aizawa! This is my second comic I'm drawing, so I don't know for sure if I'm doing it right / Я люблю рисовать эльфа Заши и ведьмака Айзаву! Это мой второй комикс, который я рисую, поэтому я не уверен, правильно ли я это делаю... А ещё я в последнем кадре забыл два меча
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modern-inheritance · 13 days
Tapetum Lucidum
Toying with the idea that while elves already have stellar night vision, they have a rarely used tapetum lucidum that is a part of an internal membrane that they can consciously move into and out of place inside their eyes for making everything even more visible/luminescent. Would lead to weird color intensities (original dragon bond addition again) and its not used frequently by any of them since they don’t really need it, but sometimes an elf will be normal and then they get reflective eyes while your shining a light on them for a second. Then it’s gone. Sorta a vestigial offshoot from the dragon bond fucking with elves genetics and physiology, and drawing in more of the additions I like to do with the whole ‘bond had greater effects than the elves like to let on they’re almost halfway to dragons themselves and they’re…not always okay with that.’
Urgals have tapetum lucidum in MIC btw. Dwarves also do but it’s a bit different I’ll have to work on it.
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dark-elf-writes · 7 months
Mic absolutely covered in glitter: this is the skin of a killer Shota
Aizawa: If you call me a spider monkey we’re getting a divorce.
I have a cheap blond wig, some sunglasses, a full thing of body glitter, and enough makeup to draw on a shitty mustache don’t tempt me
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
No one ever told Lucretia how hard it would be to get employees for your supposed-to-be-secret organization. Even harder with the fact that she couldn't even step around it like the Fantasy FBI could. All her opening lines sounded incredibly suspicious. Was she supposed to just walk up to someone and say "so you ever wanna capture those war-starting magic objects that you have no memory of?" She might actually be reported to the Fantasy FBI and that would put a bit of a dent in her "saving the world and stopping the Hunger" plan.
Instead, she had just been just kind of… going up to anyone who sort of seemed like a good fit and tried to make it sound as less shitty as possible without giving them a headache made entirely of Voidfish static. And it was working! Not as well as she'd want it to, of course, but she would take what she would get.
Maureen, obviously, had been there at the start. Lucretia couldn't exactly have a giant moon base without someone with enough money to build the giant moon base. Technically, technically, she was paying Maureen for it and she felt moderately bad about fucking up the economy with her transmuted gold coins (you pick up a thing or two about counterfeit currency when you're on the run from the apocalypse and also living with Taako and Lup), but not bad enough to stop doing it. Besides, the dang thing wasn't even up in the sky yet. Maybe she'd confess after, but it was too important to let out right now.
Then, she had Lucas, unfortunately. The side effect of working with Maureen. But she had other notable employees as well. Killian was probably her strongest asset right now, purely from her role as a Regulator and not a Reclaimer. Her Seekers were few and far between- she couldn't really hire anyone with too high of an intelligence stat, lest her whole plan be discovered. The few Seekers she did have were… well, they were working on it. The Reclaimers themselves… yeesh. It was hard to fill the role without losing too many to the Light's thrall. She didn't want to have a goddamn death trap as a job.
But right now, Lucretia wasn't looking for a Reclaimer, a Seeker, or even a Regulator. Today, she was looking for a bard.
A pathetic bard, if she could. There was only so much nonsense Lucretia could feed Fisher without going moderately to severely insane. The goal right now was to just find someone. No one that would be missed down planetside when they finally got up into the air, no one whose fans would be eagerly awaiting a new release. Just a plain ol' regular bard.
This was the fifth seedy bar Lucretia had visited in the past week. This time, it was in a little town called Water Way, just off the sword coast. The wind was howling when she arrived and it snapped the door shut behind her when she entered.
It was even more grim and disgusting than usual. A group of dwarfs was gathered at a booth, laughing and hollering jokes at each other. There was a couple in the corner engaging in some hanky-panky (that was the technical word for it, Lucretia was pretty sure). The unoccupied booths were still dirty from the last patrons. The barkeep raised a hand to greet her, still clutching a dirty dish rag.
"Here for a drink?" he called.
"Not at the moment, I'm afraid," Lucretia said. "I'm here for the, uhm. The open mic?"
"Just missed it," the barkeep said, lowering his rag. "Though, we've got another in two weeks' time, if you've got somethin' you're looking to perform-"
"Oh, I'm not- I wasn't planning on performing," Lucretia said. "Just listening. But if no one showed up-"
The door snapped open again. Lucretia thought it was just the wind for a second, until she turned and saw a young-ish half-elf in the doorway. He was much too dressed up for the occasion, with a fancy shirt and a poofy hat with a feather in it. He was dripping as if he had fallen into a lake on the way over. In one hand was a violin case. In the other, damp sheet music.
He seemed to realize that everyone was staring at him and shuffled a few feet further inside.
"Uhh," he said. He cleared his throat. "Did I, uhm, did I miss it?"
"I said to be here at six, didn't I?" the barkeep said, sounding faintly annoyed. "Can you tell time, Johann?"
"Uh, yeah," he said. "I just, uhm, got… sidetracked."
"You look like you fell in the ocean," the barkeep said.
"You're not- you're not super far off-"
"It doesn't matter where you were," the barkeep said. "It's nine now, anyhow. No more open mic."
"It's not like we're missin' much!" one of the dwarfs' hollered. Johann winced, and the barkeeper ignored the comment completely.
"But I wrote a good one this time," Johann said, holding up the soggy sheet music. Lucretia could see him blush in the dim light. "I- I can do it without the sheet music. I have it memorized."
"Two weeks," the barkeep said like they had had this conversation several times before. "Be on time. You want a cuppa?"
Johann looked torn for a second, but ultimately sludged up to the bar. He deposited his violin case on the counter and his soggy sheet music fell on top of it with a splat.
"Actually," Lucretia said, "I would like a drink."
"Atta girl," the barkeep said. Lucretia grimaced but went to sit anyway. She took the stool next to Johann, who was slumped over the bar. "What'd'you want?"
"Cider," Johann said, with the emotion of a depressed seal.
"I'll take a cider, as well," Lucretia said. Johann glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. The barkeep nodded and set the rag over his shoulder, disappearing into the back room. The gaggle of dwarves chattered on across the room. Lucretia tapped her fingers against the bar. Eventually, she built up the confidence to say, "so you play the violin?"
"I'm not interested in a hookup, lady," Johann said.
"Oh, fuck no," Lucretia said. "Sorry- no. You're- gods, no."
"Uhm," Johann said. Okay, okay, okay, back on track Lucretia.
"I'm just- I'm trying to find a bard for an… organization I'm forming," Lucretia said, a little bit quieter. Secretive. Cool. Collected. Join my secret shitty moon organization, please? "I figured an open mic would be a good place to start, but I was a little too late, it seems. If you still wanted to perform, I wouldn't mind seeing what you can do."
"…you're choosing all the wrong words for convincing me this isn't a hookup," Johann said, squinting at her.
"It's not," Lucretia said shortly. "That- again, sorry, no thanks. Can I- how would you like to help save the world? Is that a better opener?"
"Cheesy, but a little better," Johann said. He sit up a little and his hat dripped water onto the bar. "Save the world how, though? I'm not gonna be joining some- some Fantasy Avengers shit, lady, I got stuff to do. You see these arms?" He held out his arm, which was dripping wet and skinny as a starved kitten. "I'm not exactly Iron Man over here, you can't expect me to be some kind of musical tank."
"Not at all," Lucretia said. She vaguely wondered if this is how Davenport felt, hiring her. No, that train of thought wasn't productive at all. She needed more gravitas. That would fix all her problems. "All I need you to do is write."
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