#elena x vanessa
puzzlebean · 1 year
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Here is part two of my Femslash February 2023 masterlist! I had a lot of fun creating all these works and I hope people enjoy reading them 💗
Sunrise [Avatrice, Warrior Nun, 100 words, General]
Ava and Beatrice watch the sunrise together.
Home [Danbeau, Marvel, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Sometimes Carol feels like a shell of who she was. Being around her family helps. At least she's home again.
Ice Cream [Bishlova, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Yelena and Kate go on an ice cream date after their mission.
Everything Has a Reason [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
It feels like fate somehow, Kiko thinks.
Among the Stars [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Alisha has a hard time with everything that happened but then she meets Kiko and things start looking up.
Wedding Night [Gwen/Morgana, Merlin BBC, 100 words, Mature]
Gwen and Morgana enjoy their wedding night.
Coffee [Wenclair, Wednesday, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Wednesday likes sweetness when it comes to Enid.
A Safe Place to Stay [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sarah provides Sharon with a safe place to stay. It becomes so much more than that.
The Best [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sharon is very much in love with her girlfriend Sarah.
Serenade [Sharon/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sharon sings for Natasha and it sounds like love.
Darcy’s Person [Jane/Darcy, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Jane is Darcy's person.
Crush [Clary/Rebecca, Shadowhunters, 100 words, General]
Simon teases Clary about her crush on his sister.
Everything Gets Better With You [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Kiko is looking foward to going on another date with Alisha.
Opposite Sides [Bishlova, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Yelena can't help but like Kate.
It's Okay [Carol/Rogue, X-Men Animated Series, 100 words, General]
Anna doesn't trust herself to not hurt Carol again.
She's Special [Jessika/Rey, Star Wars, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Jess knows there's something special about Rey.
Welcome [Lulli/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Lulli hears Vanessa's thoughts. They are not unwelcome.
The Future [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Vanessa asks Elena to be her roommate.
Close [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena is glad she and Vanessa have gotten close.
Tattoos [Pepper/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Natasha wants to belong to Pepper.
Happy [Jessika/Rey, Star Wars, 100 words, General]
Rey asks Poe if Jessika has mentioned her.
Not A Mystery [Daisy/Hazel, Murder Most Unladylike, 100 words, General]
Hazel realizes she has feelings for Daisy.
Day Off? [Deb/Pam, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
Deb wants to enjoy a day off with her wife but they are interrupted.
Never [Allison/Lydia, Teen Wolf, 100 words, General]
Lydia loves Allison even though she will never have her.
Agonizing [Johanna/Rachel, The Sandman, 100 words, General]
Johanna knows she must leave Rachel.
Totally Adorable [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena and Vanessa make dinner together.
Understood [Jacqueline Box/Stat, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
No one understands Stat like Jacqueline does.
Passport [Monica/Wanda, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Monica goes on the run with Wanda.
Last Forever [Aneka/Ayo, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Ayo thinks about when she first fell in love with Aneka.
Indulging [Lucienne/Gault, The Sandman, 100 words, General]
Lucienne thinks she deserves to indulge every now and then.
Proud of Her [Deb/Pam, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
Pam is proud of her wife.
Proposal [Avatrice, Warrior Nun, 100 words, General]
Ava asks Beatrice to marry her.
Fortunate [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena is happy with the way her life turned out.
Carefully [Wenclair, Wednesday, 100 words, General]
Wednesday and Enid talk about Enid's parents.
Desires [Sharon/Emma, Marvel, 100 words, Mature]
It's pure lust. Sharon is okay with that.
Devoted [Mary/Shannon, Warrior Nun, 100 words, Teen and Up]
It's hard to love the Warrior Nun.
Changes [Daisy/Amina, Murder Most Unladylike, 100 words, General]
Daisy learns that some changes are good. Amina is one of them.
Hold Me [Wanda/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Natasha takes care of Wanda after a hard mission.
The Light [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
No one knows Sharon like Sarah does.
Can't Wait (It's a Date) [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Vanessa asks Elena on a date.
A Dream [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Alisha is happy with the way her life turned out. She hopes Buzz finds the same.
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Better Days ~ Chapter Eleven
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin  x ofc Elena Madison
Characters: Frerin, Elena, Carol, Ashley, Vanessa, various other hospital staff and patients
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.7k 
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow@quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep @court-jobi @masterofhounds
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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“Dr. Durin?”
Please let this be a dream. I just closed my fucking eyes.
“Dr. Durin?”
“Dr. Durin!” Leigh’s voice rang with sharp impatience. 
Nope, not a dream. He fumbled his way up from a semi-thick muck of sleep to mutter, “Yeah?”
“You’re needed in the ER.”
“Why this time?”
“Eight year old in respiratory distress coming in.”
“Can’t Gillis take it?”
“She’s not on until eight.”
Frerin lifted his arm to squint at his watch. His eyes didn't want to focus at first, so he brought his wrist a little closer to make it easier on them. Ten to four in the morning. “Where is McElroy?”
“Out with the flu.”
“Shit. Okay,” he sat up, rubbing his eyes with one hand as he reached for his lab coat, draped over the foot of the sofa in his office with the other. “How much time do I have?”
“They’ll be here in five.”
He got to his feet with a groan, trying to ignore the dull ache in his lower back. “I should just switch specialties,” he muttered as he dragged on the coat. “I spend more time down there than I do up here anyway.”
“So talk to Reese.”
He glared at Leigh as he tugged his hot pink stethoscope from beneath the pillow to drape about his neck. “You’re not helping.”
“Was I supposed to be helping?”
“Yeah, actually.”
“Sorry, Dr. D.”
“Yeah, yeah…” He and Leigh parted ways at the desk and at the elevator bank, he pushed the down button. When the doors slid open, he stepped in, hit the button for the ER, then sank back against the wall with a yawn. 
The doors slid open into chaos, otherwise known as a normal Saturday night. Sidleburg was in the more western part of the state, but like everywhere else, it was growing more and more developed every week. It wouldn’t be long before Sidleburg Memorial would be every bit as busy as the hospitals in Newark, New Brunswick, and Trenton were. And with the same traumas the more urban areas saw as well. Gunshot injuries had increased by about thirty percent in the last six months alone, according to data reports. Little by little, even the rural areas had urban problems.
He came around front desk. “You paged me?” 
The young woman working there was unfamiliar to him and she offered up a shy smile. “Dr. Durin?”
“That’s me. Jamie, right?”
She nodded, tucking a wayward lock of dark brown hair behind her ear. She was the most recent hire and she looked almost embarrassed to have paged him. “I’m so sorry to bother you, Dr. Durin. But it’s a little kid.”
“It’s okay. That’s why I’m here.” He squinted at the board while reaching for the right forms to clip to a board. “Who else is on tonight?”
“Dr. McDonald, Dr. Walker, and Dr…. Cooper?”
“Coerper, but close enough.” He smiled. She looked nervous enough as it was and the ER was was always a baptism by fire for new clerks. “This your first night?”
She nodded. “Yeah… It’s been… interesting. It’s really busy down here tonight.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.” Red lights reflected off the walls as an ambulance pulled up and EMTs jumped out. “Carol, give me a hand?”
“As if you had to ask.” 
He smiled as she took the clipboard from him, then followed him to meet the EMTs. “What do you have?” he asked.
“Lilah Hernandez, eight years old in respiratory distress. Mom said she was diagnosed with asthma two months ago, but it’s been under control until tonight.”
“Okay. Let’s get a weight check first.” He smiled down at the little girl with wide dark eyes who looked utterly terrified as she struggled to breathe despite the oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. “I’m Dr. Durin, honey, and don’t worry, Mom’s right behind but until she gets here, I’m going to take good care of you, okay?”
Her dark eyes were wide and almost glassy with fear even as she nodded and managed a roughly whispered, “Okay.”
“Good.” He slipped the earpieces of his stethoscope in and slid the diaphragm beneath the fuzzy pink pajama top with unicorns on it. As she tried to grab his wrist, he said, “No, no, honey. Let me listen, okay? I have to hear your lungs.”
“No, don’t…”
“Shhh… It’s all right,” he told her, then glanced up at Carol. “She’s eight, so that would be roughly forty to seventy pounds and she’s tiny, so I’m guessing maybe fifty, fifty-five pounds, so that would be what? Twenty… five kilograms? Get me two-point-five of albuterol continuous nebs.”
“You got it.”
The doors banged open and a disheveled looking woman, also in her pajamas burst into the room. “Lilah? Oh, my God…Honey…”
Frerin looked up at Jamie, who stood with the woman. “This the mom?”
Jamie nodded. “That’s what she said, but she—”
“This is my daughter,” the woman interrupted. “Please… just help her!”
“We are.” He looked back at Jamie, who’d gone pale. “We’ve got it from here, Jamie.”
“Oh, thank god…” she breathed as she hurried out of the room.
The small fingers on his wrist tightened and he glanced down to see Lilah’s eyes had grown wider still and she breathed more heavily now, fogging the mask as she shook her head. Frerin looked over at Carol. “Take Mrs. Hernandez to the waiting area, Carol?”
Carol nodded and passed the clipboard to Vanessa. “Of course. Mrs. Hernandez, if you’d just come with me. We should let the doctor work.”
“No,” Mrs. Hernandez said, jerking back as Carol reached for her. “I want to stay with my baby!”
“Mrs. Hernandez, it’s better to wait outside.” Carol caught her by the elbow
“No!” The woman swung about and shoved Carol, who slammed back into the tray of equipment, knocking everything to the floor. 
“Call Security!” Frerin told Vanessa as the woman tried to grab Lilah off the gurney. He swung about to put himself between her and the little girl, gritting back a curse as the woman’s fingernails bit into the side of his neck and raked along his skin. 
“You give me back my daughter, now!”
The doors swung open and hospital security caught the woman to drag her off Frerin, and as they pulled her from the room, he called, “I need that albuterol.”
“Got it.” Vanessa wheeled the nebulizer over. “What was that all about?”
“I don’t know.” Frerin ignored the sting in his neck as he focused on Lilah, who had a bluish tint to her lips now. “You’re going to be okay, sweetheart, I promise.” 
He glanced up at Carol. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” She picked up her clipboard and made the notations on the chart. “You?”
“I’ll live.” He slipped the mask up over Lilah’s nose and off her head, then held out the nebulizer. “I need you to put this in your mouth, okay? And then just try to breathe normally. Can you do that?”
“I—I think so…”
“Good.” He let her take it and as she put the mouthpiece in, he added, “That’s it. Just breathe like you normally do.”
She inhaled and promptly began coughing, so he took the mouthpiece back. “It’s okay, Lilah. Clear your lungs and we’ll try again.”
She nodded, then slid the mouthpiece back into her mouth. This time, her breathing remained relatively smooth and calm and her color began to return to normal. Frerin smiled, smoothing her hair away from her face. “Why don’t we see if your mother has calmed and little and we—”
“She’s not… not my mother…”
Lilah shook her head, her eyes shimmering with tears. “She’s not… my… mother…”
“Okay. It’s okay, honey, you just concentrate on breathing.” He looked over at Carol. “Get SPD over here now.”
“I will. You should have that looked at,” she gestured to her neck, “it’s bleeding like crazy.”
“I’m fine. Get the police, okay?” He turned back to Lilah. “It’s okay, honey. You’re safe here now.”
Lilah nodded, leaning her head back, and closed her eyes. Frerin met Vanessa’s gaze. “Keep an eye on her, okay? I’ll be right back. Get me if anything changes.”
“I will.”
He straightened up, patted Lilah through the blanket, and then left the exam room to join Carol at the phone just outside the door. She glanced over, then reached to snag a gauze pad off the cart on the far side of the hallway and handed it to him. “I’m on with SPD and that is a mess. She did a number on you.”
He sighed softly, taking the gauze pad to tear into the wrapper, and pressed it to the damp spot on the side of his neck, wincing at the hot sting that burned through him with the pressure. 
“Yes, hi, this is Carol Kingsley in the ER at Sidleburg Memorial. We have an eight year old girl who might have been kidnaped. Security has the woman posing as her mother and we’ve got the child in our care right now.”
Frerin peered in through the doors to see Vanessa talking to Lilah. Carol broke through his reverie with a soft, “They’re sending someone over. A girl matching her description was reported missing just outside Hamilton a little over a week ago.” 
“Wonderful.” He looked back at Carol. “How bad is it, really?”
He drew away the gauze, which was more scarlet than white and Carol winced. “It’s pretty bad, Frerin. Come on, let me clean it for you. When was your last tetanus shot?”
“Six months ago. I got bitten by a four year old who thought he was a vampire.” He followed Carol into an unoccupied exam room. 
“Lucky you.”
“Yeah. But I’d rather deal with that than a full grown woman losing her grip on me.”
She moved to the counter, taking out fresh gauze and reached up to take a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the cabinet. “So, what was the deal with the mystery woman you brought in today.”
“Elena?” He smiled, tugging his collar away as he leaned his head to the side. “She’s… it’s tough to explain. I’d say she was a woman I’m seeing but—ow!” He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth at the sudden burn of peroxide on his neck.
“Sorry about that. It might sting a little.”
“Anyway, go on,” Carol pressed the gauze to his neck.
“I haven’t actually taken her out anywhere except for coffee this morning.”
“She looked familiar.”
“She and her daughter were in here last week. That’s how I met her.”
“Nice. Hitting on a patient’s mom?”
“I didn't hit on her. Not here, anyway. I bumped into her in the gym and asked for her number there.” He sucked in another breath as Carol swiped gently along his neck. “Tell me it’s stopped bleeding, at least.”
“I think so. Let me just bandage it for you.”
“So, are you seeing her again?” Carol moved to the counter once more, rummaging about in a drawer for a large bandage.
“Yeah. We’re going out to dinner tonight. I’m just hoping I don't fall asleep halfway through. I’m not twenty-five any more.”
“You’re hardly old, you know.”
“I know.” He smiled as she smoothed the bandage into place and then turned to meet her gaze. “But it’s taking its toll, the overnights.”
“Nah. You don't look tired.”
“I hide it well.”
“Dr. Durin?” Jamie poked her head around the door. “SPD is here to talk to you about the Hernandez girl.”
“Okay. I’ll be right there.”
Carol stepped back. “Go. I’ll go check on Lilah.”
He moved to the door and grabbed the handle. “I have to admit, this was not on my ER bingo card.”
“Hey,” Carol called as he stepped through the doorway, “ are the rumors true?”
He paused. “What rumors?”
“That you’re possibly opening a pediatric ER down here?”
He smiled. “They might be. I’ve been down here enough lately.”
“For what it’s worth, I think it’s a great idea.”
“Thanks, Carol. You realize, I’m going to pull into to work it with me if Reese gives it the go ahead.”
“It would be a nice change. Go, your detective is waiting for you.”
“So, what time is dinner?”
Elena smiled across the table at Alyssa. “Seven. Can I trust you to not burn the building down?”
“I think I can manage.” Alyssa got up to go to the fridge. “What are you wearing?”
“I don’t know. Jeans. A sweater.”
“For a date with Dr. Hottie?”
“Mom.”  Alyssa grinned. “I can do this all day, you know.”
“Okay. You win. For your date?” Alyssa tugged open the fridge door and reached in for the bottle of orange juice. “I mean, I know he’s been here for dinner and you met him in a crappy ER, of all places, but don’t you want to look hot for him?”
Elena rose from her chair to go to the Keurig. “I haven’t really thought about it. It’s been a long time since I was on a date. And I’m not so sure I can pull off hot.”
“You went out with that accountant last summer.”
“That was not a date. That was a mistake.”
“He was a nerd.”
“What? He was!” Alyssa brought the OJ back to the table and sank in to her chair again. Pouring a glass of juice, she added, “And Dr. Durin—see, no Dr. Hottie this time—is not a nerd. Let’s finish breakfast and I’ll find you something to wear. And trust me, Mom, you can definitely pull off hot.”
Elena smiled. “Thank you, but I think you might be a little biased.”
“Well, yeah. You’re my mom. But really, you still have it, Mom. I wouldn’t lie to you about that.”
Elena wasn’t quite as certain, but it was nice her daughter thought so. Still.. “Lyssa, I can dress myself.”
“Yeah, but I’ll make you look good.”
Elena chuckled. “Fair enough.”
Her cell rang then and she picked it up, smiling as Frerin’s number came up. “Good morning, Dr. Durin.”
“Yeah, I wish,” he said, and she winced at the sheer exhaustion woven through his voice. “I hate to do this, Elena, but I’m going to have to cancel tonight. I’ve got to pull a double.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Disappoint swelled within her, but she fought to tamp it down. “What happened?”
“We’ve got two docs out with the flu and one on vacation. So, I’m between the ER and Pedes today, and strictly in the ER tonight until tomorrow morning. And I’ll be a zombie by then. And I hate to do it, like I said, but I’m in a bind and trying to get something off the ground here, so I have to earn myself a few brownie points somehow and this is it.”
“Well, that’s what happens when you’re in charge. And it’s okay. Dinner will wait.”
“Yeah, but I didn't want to. I was looking forward to seeing you tonight.”
“Me, too. But another time.”
“Definitely.” Voices chimed in behind him, and then he said, “Shit, I’ve got to go, Elena. I’ll give you a call when things slow down, okay?”
“I think you should probably take a nap instead. You’re in for a long shift.”
“Don’t remind me. I’ll talk to you.”
“Bye, Frerin.”
She clicked off and sighed as she set down the phone. “He’s got to work tonight to cover for someone.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Mom.”
“Yeah, me, too.” She stood up and picked up her coffee cup as well. “I’m going to go jump in the shower.”
“I’ll be here.”
Elena smiled as she turned and padded down the hallway to the bathroom, where her smile faded. She’d been looking forward to going out with Frerin, looked forward to what might happen once they were alone once more. To say she was disappointed didn't even begin to describe  how she felt.
But there was nothing she could do about it. And it was just as well, really. She still had plenty of quizzes that needed to be graded before school tomorrow. So instead of eating Thai food with an incredibly sexy pediatrician, she would do that instead. It really was for the best.
At least, that’s what she tried to tell herself.
But she was full of it and she knew it. 
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sky-bunnyyy · 7 months
To be completed / Current asks
Regressor! Stefan Salvatore Moodboard
Cg! Ratigan & regressor! basil Moodboard
Cg! Sam winchester x semi verbal, transmasc regressor
Cg! Aaron Hotchner headcannons -✨ anon
Regressor! Misty day moodboard
Cg! Vanessa x fox regressor Mike Schmidt
Regressor! Elena Gilbert headcannons
Cg! Stu Macher x little! reader -✨ anon
Cg! Mickey (scream 2) head cannons
Cg! Finn balor moodboard
Cg! Castiel x masc little! Reader head cannons
Regressor! Divina Clare moodboard
Cg! Carl Gallagher one shot
Cg! Tate langdon head cannons
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Little Women (1994/2019) Part 3 is now LIVE
We’ve reached the final part of our trilogy on Little Women, and the time has come to say good-bye to the March sisters and co… But not before we’ve thoroughly discussed these adaptations one last time!
So join us once more as we examine how the two films treat their male love-interests, how Gerwig reimagines the concept of the ‘family’, and as we question who, or what, we should be directing our criticisms towards when we critique these movies.
Can Little Women be a ‘story for every generation’? Or is this the wrong question?
To hear our views, hit the link in our bio, or find us on all good podcasting apps 🎧 [headphones emoji]
[falling autumn leaves emoji; leaf emoji; stack of books emoji; Christmas tree emoji; falling green leaves emoji; tree emoji; snowflake emoji; snowman emoji; scroll emoji; handwriting emoji; feather emoji]
📝 Shownotes: 📝
📼 Preread text (Rowan Ellis, https://youtu.be/SMFll3aIbmo)
Primary Sources:
📚 “Little Women” (1868, 1869) by Louisa May Alcott 🎞️ “Little Women” (1933) (dir. George Cukor, 📜 Sarah Y. Mason and Victor Heerman) 🎞️ “Little Women” (1949) (dir. Mervyn LeRoy, 📜 Andrew Solt, Sarah Y. Mason, Victor Heerman) 🎞️ “Little Women” (1994) (dir. Gillian Armstrong, 📜 Robin Swicord) 🎞️ “Little Women” (2019) (dir. + 📜 Greta Gerwig) (https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/little-women-by-greta-gerwig.pdf) 📺 “Little Women” (2017) (dir. Vanessa Caswill,  📜 Heidi Thomas) (Masterpiece: PBS)
Secondary Sources:
📰 “Life Magazine: Little Women: A Story for Every Generation” (Meredith Corp., 2020)
📜 Amatonormativity (https://medium.com/the-science-scholar/opinion-amatonormativity-the-damaging-pedestal-of-romantic-love-d70cc0585b0f) 📜 Grady, Constance, “The power of Greta Gerwig’s Little Women is that it doesn’t pretend its marriages are romantic” (https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/12/27/21037870/little-women-greta-gerwig-ending-jo-laurie-amy-bhaer) 📜Nicolaou, Elena, “Why Greta Gerwig's Little Women Movie Radically Changed the Book's Ending” (https://www.oprahdaily.com/entertainment/a30186941/little-women-ending/) 📜 Mendelson, Scott, “Box Office: Greta Gerwig’s ‘Little Women’ Tops $100M” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2020/02/06/box-office-little-women-tops-100-million-greta-gerwig-saoirse-ronan-florence-pugh-oscars/) 📼 “Little Women: Laurie & Jo” (https://youtu.be/osdVRusNGgg) 🎞️ “Divergent” (2014) (dir. Neil Burger, 📜 Evan Daugherty, Vanessa Taylor) 📼 “Greta Gerwig, Representation, and the Universal Girl” (https://youtu.be/0p-cBSqIDbQ) 📼 “Why Neurodivergent People Relate to Jo March” (https://youtu.be/x-j5XK1wpyo) 📼 “How I Wrote Little Women — Greta Gerwig's Writing Advice” (https://youtu.be/vG906HuUz38)
📱Social Media Handles📱:
IG:     @liliannapod Twitter:     @liliannapod Tumblr:    @liliannasprereadmediathek
🎹 Intro Music 🎹: "Wall" by Jahzaar, licenced under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  
🎹 Outro Music 🎹: “Waterbeat” by DJ Lengua, licenced under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
🎹 Transition Music 🎹:
“Warm Piano Logo” by Music_For_Videos – Pixabay
#LittleWomen #LouisaMayAlcott #JoMarch #AmyMarch #BethMarch #MegMarch #Laurie #GretaGerwig #Barbie #BarbieMovie #SaoirseRonan #EmmaWatson #FlorencePugh #ElizaScanlen #LauraDern #TimothéeChalamet #BobOdenkirk #GillianArmstrong #SusanSarandon #WinonaRyder #KirstenDunst #ClaireDanes #ChristianBale #MoviePodcast #podcast #queer #FeministPodcast #QueerPodcast #LiliAnnasPrereadMediathek #LiliAnnaPod 
#trans #ace #DisabledRepresentation #DisabledRep #disability #disabled
#MerylStreep #AdaptationTheory
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
Best Fighting Games of All Time
I made a similar post in the past but ever since then I got into more fighting games and fell out love with some others but I also went back and played some older ones that may not have been as good or as bad as I remembered and also the hype for some of the newer ones died down so this is my updated list.
Tekken Tag Tournament - PlayStation 2 - 2000
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Mains: Nina, Jun, Anna
Score: 8.5 / 10
DOA2: Hardcore - PlayStation 2 - 2000
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Score: 9.1 / 10
Mains: Helena, Tina, Kasumi
Virtua Fighter 4 - PlayStation 2 - 2002
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Mains: Aoi, Vanessa, Pai
Score: 9.4 / 10
Tekken 4 - PlayStation 2 - 2002
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Mains: Nina, Christie, Jin
Score: 7.9 / 10
SoulCalibur II - PlayStation 2 / GameCube / Xbox - 2003
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Mains: Ivy, Sophitia, Yun-sung
Score: - 9.2 / 10
Tekken 5 - PlayStation 2 - 2005
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Mains: Nina, Anna, Christie
Score: 8.8 / 10
SoulCalibur III - PlayStation 2 - 2005
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Mains: Ivy, Setsuka, Tira
Score: 8.6 / 10
Virtua Fighter 5 - PlayStation 3 - 2007
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Mains: Sarah, Vanessa, Aoi
Score: 8.5 / 10
The King of Fighters XI - PlayStation 2
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Mains: Mai, Kyo, B. Jenet
Score: 7.5 / 10
SoulCalibur IV - Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 - 2008
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Mains: Ivy, Amy, Setsuka
Score: 8.5 / 10
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - PlayStation 3 - 2009
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Mains: Fei Long, Chun-Li, Ken
Score: 8.7 / 10
Street Fighter IV - Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 - 2009
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Mains: Poison, Yang, Elena
Score: 9.3 / 10
Tekken 6 - Xbox 360 / PS3 - 2009
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Mains: Nina, Zafina, Anna
Score: 7.9 / 10
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Onine Edition - PS3 - 2011
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Mains: Yang, Elena, Chun-Li
Score: 8.6 / 10
The King of Fighetrs XIII - Xbox 360 / PS3
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Mains: Mai, Mature, Vice
Score: 7.8 / 10
SoulCalibur V - Xbox 360 / PS3 - 2012
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Mains: Ivy, Viola, Ezio
Score: 7.9 / 10
Street Fighter X Tekken - Xbox 360 / PS3 - 2012
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Mains: Nina, Poison, Christie
Score: 8.3 / 10
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Xbox 360 / PS3 - 2012
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Mains: Nina, Kunimitsu, Anna,
Score: 8.2 / 10
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate - Xbox 360 / PS3 - 2013
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Mains: Helena, Kokoro, Rachel
Score: 7.6 / 10
The King of Fighters XIV - PS4 - 2016
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Mains: Mai, Luong, Mature
Score: 7.9 / 10
Tekken 7 - PS4 / Xbox One - 2017
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Mains: Nina, Anna, Zafina
Score: 8.1 / 10
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition - PC / PS4 - 2018
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Mains: Poison, Laura, Menat
Score: 8.8 / 10
SoulCalibur VI - PS4 / Xbox One - 2018
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Mains: Ivy, Setsuka, Kilik
Score: 8.4 / 10
The King of Fighters XV - PC / PS4 - 2022
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Mains: Mai, Luong, B. Jenet
Score: 8.2 / 10
12 notes · View notes
elenarodriiguez · 2 years
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seven sentence fic july masterlist
we’ve made it guys just about thirty one fics in thirty one days (none of which were rushed, not at all)!! they have all been cross posted onto ao3 so please give a comment/kudos if you haven’t already seen read them on here!
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road trip | chicago med | ava character study
seashells | criminal minds | emily x penelope
fairy lights | chicago med | crockett x sarah
postcard | black widow | natasha & yelena
picnic | chicago pd | hailey x jay x kim
reunion | criminal minds | derek x penelope x spencer
storm | agents of shield | fitz & jemma
strawberries | chicago med | ava x sarah
clouds | heartstopper | elle x tao
photos | agents of shield | bobbi x daisy x hunter
necklace | chicago med | ava & connor
smile | stranger things | nancy x robin
candle | chicago pd | hailey x jay x mouse
yellow | chicago med | ava x connor x sarah
silence | grey’s anatomy | amelia x kai
wish | heartstopper | charlie x nick
kitchen | chicago fire | kelly x stella
cardigan | agents of shield | fitz x hunter
stay | criminal minds | kristy x mae x matt
perfume | marvel | mj x peter
sandcastle | chicago pd | erin & voight
lonely | agents of shield | bobbi x hunter
lantern | heartstopper | darcy x tara
startle | marvel | natasha x sharon
moon | chicago pd | kevin x vanessa
dream | criminal minds | elle x spencer
sunlight | stranger things | nancy x robin
tears | agents of shield | bobbi x hunter
braid | heartstopper | charlie & tori
painting | agents of shield | daisy x elena
wave | the falcon and the winter soldier | karli & sam
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remixinc · 1 year
JBL X GIANNIS ANTETOKOUNMPO - HUMBLE KILLER (Director's Cut) from Jackson Tisi on Vimeo.
Director: @jacksontisi
Starring: Giannis Antetokounmpo
A @fela.tv Production
Executive Producer: @tajtheblacklion & @fulianepetikyan COO: @deanrosen Head of Production: @boxwinefather Integrated Producer: @mikayla.fasullo Operations Manager: @livswayze Production Manager: Nicholas Langhoff Production Coordinator: Ben Krutzik 1st AD: Jonny Winnecome 2nd AD: Trinidy McMahon
DP: @aidenulrich 1st AC: @spencer_aston 2nd AC: Jai Mansson Steadicam: @loren_hamilton
Gaffer: @jakelyon513 @hungrylyonlighting BB Electric: Clay Simchick Electric: Chris Marks, Steven Thompson, Steve Gruszecki Board Operator: Paul Schaefer
Key Grip: Scott Quimby BB Grip: Kenny Somerville Grip: Paul Bodi, Zorba, Ben Hogue Rigger: Terry Brannan Grip Driver: Frank Byrne
Audio Mixer: Sean Egan VTR: Nolan Treolo
Production Designer: Gene Reuter Lead Man: Kenny Siebert Prop Master: Julia Lazarski Set Dresser/FX: Patrick Housfeld Art PA: Mike Olen
Wardrobe: Shanna Stackle Wardrobe Assistant: Vanessa Andrew Hair/Makeup: Kim Goodwin
Sound Design & Mix: Andrew Harris @vapormusic Sound Producer: Kailee Nowosad Additional Sound Design: Levi Considine
Titles: @forthandbackstudio
Editor: @nick.yumul at @nimiopere Colorist: @aubreycolor VFX: @cameofx @sergiimashevskyi @madnomad.collective Post Tribe Allan Amirkulov
Office PA: Daniel Greinke Production Assistants: Matthew Batta, Nick Heftrig, Evan Sawyer, Kristin Sullivan, Adam Smith, Eric Mitchell
Photographer: @illgander 1st AC: Patrick Haley Grip: Spencer Ortega Props: Steve Roeder
ANNEX88 Chief Creative Officer: Andre Grey Creative Director: Reggie Van Nurden Associate Creative Directors: Tiffany Scurlark, warren Creavalle Head of Production: Melissa Tifrer Executive Producer: Joe Maire Senior Business Manager: Suzanne Voss Business Manager: Terry Phan Executive Managing Director: Elena Grasman Group Account Director: Karen Props Account Director: Quinn Levin
IMPROBABLE MEDIA Head of Content: Nick Mason Head of Business Development: John Budish
0 notes
dailyelenagilbert · 4 years
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He is very capable of being a first grade jackass.
137 notes · View notes
godserpent · 4 years
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Does it get tiring being so righteous?
77 notes · View notes
intomusings · 3 years
﹒﹒   female   names   masterlist     !
in honor of my second milestone on here , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+ female names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
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A : aurianna, addison, alannah, allegra, alina, alma, andra, avril, abella, arizona, annalise, amelia, aspen, alejandra, ayla, ales, alessia, anessa, asia, aline, adrienne, avery, armani, adaline, arden. 
B : blaire, brooke, brooklyn, bruna, bettina, bianca, becca, bella, bonnie, brielle, blake, bodhi, beverly, bambi, bronte, billie, briar, bria, birdie, brighton. 
C : catalina, cerise, celeste, celene, carson, camila, cecilia, callista, cadence, cassie, carmen, cali, charlie, camryn, camille, clara, claudete, chantel, chachi, capri, cove, chanel. 
D : diana, devi, dylan, daphne, dani, delphine, dahlia, delia, darcy, dawn, davina, dove, daisy, delaney, dua, darya, delilah, dixie, dior, dulce, dina, dayana. 
E : ember, eloisa, eleonora, emara, elena, esme, emery, emmeline, elsa, eva, evie, emmy, estelle, esther, evelyn, erin, eliana, everly, emerson, elle, ezra, eiza, eden. 
F : florence, franny, fiorella, faith, fiona, faye, farrah, freya, fern, flor, frankie. 
G : giulia, giulianna, georgia, ginny, grecia, giselle, genevieve, gabbie, grace, genie, gaia, giada, gemma, geles, genele, gia, gwendolyn, geneva, gracen. 
H : hazel, holland, helena, harlow, haven, hera, haley, houda, heidi, hana, harley, honey, hera. 
I : isobel, ivana, irma, irina, isadora, imogen, isla, ivy, inessa, ibiza, irelynn, iliana, ilana, indya. 
J : juliet, jayden, jordyn, jelena, jodie, jennie, jade, jesy, josie, june, jada, jemmye, jacey, janelle, juniper, jayla, jaliah, jewel, jane, johanna, jolie.
K : kendall, kensington, kennedy, katya, karlie, katerina, kailani, koral, kai, kaia, karma, kinsley, kylie, karina, korinna, karla, kemi, kate, kerigan, kali, kiyomi, kouvr. 
L : lourdes, leandra, london, lucia, luisa, logan, lena, leonora, larissa, lydia, lorelai, lylah, lettie, lottie, lalisa, luna, lara, lia, lorena, livia, layla, leighton, lyra, lola, lainey, laurel, luella, lumi. 
M : maricela, mariana, maeve, mabel, mila, marbella, maia, melody, mimi, monet, malauna, mira, mallory, millie, marla, mia, marvela, marni, madelaine, maleia, magnolia, maren. 
N : nilsa, nutsa, nini, naomi, noa, nevlyn, nathaly, nicolette, nadira, nicola, nova, nany, nala, niaye, nyla, noelle, nathalie, 
O : olympia, orianthi, octavia, opal, oriana, ophelia, orion, oakley, odessa, odette, odelia. 
P : paola, paris, peyton, phebe, priyanka, paislee, paloma, pandora, parvati, piper, perla, pearl, pia, priya, pilar, paxon. 
Q : quinn, quintessa. 
R : rowan, rylie, rosalie, roslyn, raquel, rose, reign, renata, raegan, reyna, ryann, raya, rhiannon, ria, rue, rhodes.
S : serena, serafina, sawyer, sylvie, sol, samira, sloane, silver, sutton, stella, saanvi, sab, seren, seven, sophia, star, skye, sabina, saskia, summer, stormy, salena, sage, sonny, solange, sahar, sumaya, shelby. 
T : tatum, tayler, tara, torre, tia, thea, tyra, truly, thalia, taryn, tampson, tayli, talya, teala, tala. 
U : uma. 
V : valencia, violetta, venus, verity, vanessa, venecia, vinnie, vida, vivienne, valentina, velora, vera, venice.
W : willow, winona, willa, wanda, witney, westlyn, windsor, wilhelmina, wren. 
X : ximena, xiomara, xashary, xena, xyla. 
Y : yovanna, yves, yara, yvette, yasmin, yesenia, yensi.
Z : zara, zion, zoe, zahara, zharia, zella, zendaya, zakiyah. 
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Better Days ~ Chapter Ten
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin  x ofc Elena Madison
Characters:Frerin, Elena, Carol, Ashley, Vanessa, various other hospital staff and patients
Warnings: Some streaming up of car windows…
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.7k 
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep @court-jobi @masterofhounds
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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Frerin tugged the earpieces free to drape his stethoscope around his neck. “Okay, she can go up.” He smiled down at the girl on the gurney. “Connie, has anyone been able to reach Keira’s parents yet?”
“Not yet, no.”
“Would you—”
Connie smiled and nodded. “I’ll go up with her, Dr. Durin.”
“Thanks.” He looked down at Keira. “How are you feeling?”
“My ankle hurts.”
“Yeah, it will for a while. Connie,” he looked back at the nurse, “let’s get Kiera something for pain, okay?”
She passed him back the chart and he scribbled out orders for prescription strength ibuprofen then passed it back. “Okay, Keira, you’re going to go up to Ortho, where they’ll fit you for a boot.”
She nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Durin.”
“No problem. Just next time your girlfriend drops a CD and she’s driving, don’t let her try to pick it up.”
“I won’t.”
“Good.” He turned to Connie. “Has Ortho been down to see Hailey Miller yet?”
“I don’t know,” Connie said as she followed Keira out of the trauma room.
He bit back a sigh as he peeled off the exam gloves and tossed them into the trash. Keira was the last one from the MVA to go up, and she was the least severely injured of the people involved in the crash.
Rubbing his eyes with one hand, he left the trauma room to go back out on the floor, which was thankfully calm now, and returned to the front desk. “Jerry, get me Ortho, will you?”
He waited for Jerry to hand him the phone. “Yeah, hi, this is Frerin Durin down in the ER, we have a ten year old girl with a fractured leg who’s been sitting with us since last night because someone up there hasn’t been bothered to come down and assess her. So, either get your ass down here or I’m coming up there and trust me, you do not want me coming up there. Am I clear?”
“Dr. Durin, we’ve been swamped up here—”
“And we’re just as swamped down here. Don’t give me that excuse, just come down here and take care of this little girl!” He spun about and slammed the phone down, rubbing his eyes with one hand once more. “Christ, I hate dealing with incompetents.”
“Are they coming down?”
He lowered his hand as Vanessa came around the end of the desk. “We’ll see.”
“There’s a woman in the lounge, says she’s with you?”
“Yeah, Elena.” He looked in the direction of the lounge, feeling more than hint of guilt at how long she’d been waiting for him. Not quite how he expected the day to go so far. “Things are calm enough now, so if no one needs me any longer, I’m going home.”
He didn't wait for her to answer, but pushed up from the counter and skirted the desk to head toward the lounge, where he pushed open the door to find Elena curled up on the sofa, asleep. He crossed over to her, sinking onto the edge of the sofa, and gave her a gentle shake. “Elena?”
“What?” She sat up, wincing and grabbing at her neck. “Oooh…”
“Sorry, honey,” he said softly. “I didn't mean to startle you.”
“Oh, no, please don't apologize.” She sat back, rubbing her neck. “I only meant to close my eyes for a second. For a lounge, it’s really kind of cozy.”
“I’m sorry about this. Two kids involved in a car accident in addition to the ten year old still waiting on Ortho.”
“It’s okay. Trust me, I’ve spent worse days.” She lowered her hand. “But, you probably just want to go home now, I bet.”
He smiled, shaking his head. “You’d lose that bet.”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you always going to ask me that?”
He leaned in and brushed her lips with his, and while he’d meant it to be just that, the moment they met, instinct took over and what was supposed to be a quick kiss instead deepened. She slid a hand along his neck to send chills rippling through him while her lips parted and her tongue swept along his. 
“Dr. Durin, Ortho is here for—oh, excuse me.”
Frerin drew back at Vanessa’s voice and turned to see her in the doorway. “Who’s here?”
“Uh… Petruzzi, I think.”
“Tell him I’ll be there in just a minute.”
“Her and will do.”
As she let the door close behind her, Frerin turned to Elena. “Sorry about that.”
“You’re not going to get into any trouble, are you?”
“For this?” He shook his head. “Not likely. Let me go yell at Dr. Petruzzi and then we can get out of here.”
“No hurry.”
He brushed her lips again and stood. “You keep saying that, but I know you’ve got to be bored out of your mind.”
“Stop. I’m fine. Go and yell at your orthopedist.”
He winked. “I’ll be right back.”
With that, he made his way out of the lounge and to the front desk. “Nice of you to show up, Dr….?”
“You realize, we’ve had this ten year old kid down here, with an unstable ankle fracture since midnight. Care to explain how no one in your department could be bothered to come down for the consult for almost twelve hours?”
A hint of a flush swept along her cheekbones. “We’ve been busy, Dr…. I’m sorry, I didn't get your name.”
“Durin. Head of Pediatrics. Who’s your attending?”
“Harris, but she’s in Hawaii until after the first.”
“Look, I get you’re busy, but guess what? So are the rest of us. When you’re called for a consult, especially when the consult is for a child, you get down here as soon as you possibly can and you do not make anyone call you a half a dozen times, got it?”
“Dr. Durin, I—”
“Got it?”
“Where is she?”
“Curtain One. She jumped off a top bunk around ten, Mom brought her in—”
Dr. Petruzzi snatched the chart from him. “I’ll find her.”
He turned as she marched past him, and called, “Thank you!” as loudly as he could.
“Damn…” Vanessa said softly. “I’ve never seen anyone chew her out like that before. Nice job, Dr. D.”
He looked back to see Vanessa, Ashley the desk clerk, Carol, and one of the med students whose name he didn't know all staring at him. “What? The ankle fracture is a kid. No kid should sit around in pain for any longer than they absolutely have to.”
“Still, Petruzzi’s the golden child of Ortho,” Ashely said, “and she knows it. I wouldn’t mind seeing you take her down a few more pegs, Dr. D.”
He chuckled, glancing at the clock. It was almost one. At this rate, he might as well just stay on until his shift started in five hours. He’d hit that point where he no longer felt tired at all, and knew from experience, it was best to just keep moving now. 
But, Elena also waited for him, so… 
“Okay, it’s slowing down now, so I’m going to head out. But, let me know if Hailey Miller doesn’t go up sometime in the next hour. If I find her still down here come six o’clock when I’m on, Dr. Petruzzi will not be happy with the hell I’ll raise.”
Ashley smiled. “I’ll let Jamie know when she gets here.”
“Thank you. And with that, I’m going home. Vanessa, who’s on tonight?”
“You’re covering the ER again?”
“I’ll be floating back and forth, wherever I’m needed.”
“Well, you’ll be on with Walker, Coerper, and McDonald.”
He nodded. “Full house tonight. I have the feeling I won’t be down here much.” He glanced back at the lounge again. “Okay, I’m going before I get sucked back in here.”
“See you later, Dr. D.”
“Call me if Petruzzi doesn’t take Miller up.”
“Will do.”
He turned to head back to the lounge, where Elena was at the Keurig machine, making a cup of coffee, and with a soft sigh, said, “I’m sorry about that, Elena.”
“Don’t be.” She tossed the wooden stirrer she’d been using into the trash. “How did it all go?”
“We didn't lose anyone, so that’s a win right there. I’m sure I’ll be hearing an earful from whoever is the attending in Orthopedics for chewing out one of their residents, but so what else is new?”
“Are you telling me you fight with the other doctors here?”
“When I have to, sure.” He moved over closer to her. “A ten year old who came in at midnight last night is still waiting down here to go upstairs. I get pissed when people—when doctors—ignore anyone, but especially when it’s a little kid. And they know it.”
She smiled up at him. “And what happens when they know it?”
“I’ll probably hear from Reese and when I explain, it’ll all blow over.”
“Chief of Staff. Look, you don't care about all this boring nonsense so—”
She cut him off by pushing up onto her toes and pressing her lips to his and without thinking, he slid his arm about her waist to pull her closer still. A soft groan rose to his lips at the sensation of her breasts firm against him and instinct took over as he slid the hand that had been on her hip, down over her left cheek, where he cupped it to pull her flush against him. Her lips parted, her tongue slicked slowly along his, while heat wafted through her spandex leggings to sink into his palm.
Elena pulled back with a murmured, “Stop telling me I don't care about what you have to say.”
“Honey, you kiss me like that again, and I’ll spill all the deep, dark secrets this place holds,” he whispered back, his heart hammering his ribs and his blood warming as it slowly headed south. If they were anywhere other than the doctors’ lounge, he’d be tugging her tank up and over her head and somehow, he didn't think he’d stop there.
She smiled. “This could be interesting.”
The door opened again and Carol strolled in. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“There’s nothing to stop,” he replied as he stepped back from Elena. “We were just leaving before something else happens.”
“Then you better hurry. Sixty-three just called. Rolling up any moment with a construction accident. Ten foot fall.”
“Do you need me to stay?”
“Nah. You’ll be back here soon enough.” 
“Good.” He reached to link his fingers with Elena’s, his heart actually skipping a beat when hers tightened about his. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“I’ll be here. I’m pulling a double so Connie can go to her niece’s birthday party.”
“Lucky you.” He looked over at Elena. “Ready, or do you want to finish that first?”
She smiled. “We can go. I’ll take it with me.”
The rain let up by the time Frerin was easing the Infiniti into a parking space in the lot behind Croft’s Café, which was only a block or so from the gym in one direction and the hospital in the other. 
As she settled into a chair at one of the corner tables, she smiled at Frerin. “It was interesting watching you today, such as it was. Is it always that crazy?”
“No, not always. We’re shorthanded in all departments right now. Covid burned a lot of docs out, we’re always in the hole with nurses, and there’s just more and more patients it seems. I don't mind being down in the ER, though, I have to admit. There’s a certain energy down there you don't find on the floors.”
She traced her fingertip about the rim of her cup. “So, why not change specialties?”
“Now?” He shook his head. “Nah, I like where I am. Pedes is home for me. Although,” he looked up, “Reese did approach me about setting up a pediatric ER a few weeks ago.”
“Yeah. I told him I had to think about it, but it’s got merit. We could use one, since Sidleburg’s gotten so much more built up over the last few years, and I do like being down there, so I wouldn’t mind running it, either.”
“So, what’s stopping you?”
“Honestly? Time.” He lowered his cup, his blue eyes serious. “Last winter, Flynn, my oldest, had some trouble at school because of what his mother did, so we were all in therapy for a while. And Toni… she’s…”
“If you tell me I can’t possibly be interested in this, I swear I will kick you,” she told him softly, stretching her leg to nudge his foot with hers. 
That earned her a sheepish grin. “I won’t, so please don’t. Things between me and Toni hadn’t been good for a long time, and the kid last winter wasn’t the first time she’d cheated on me. Truth is, and I don't want this to sound like a cliché or anything, but in all honesty? We probably should’ve never gotten married. I told you that, right? That she got pregnant when she—when we—were nineteen?”
Elena nodded. “Yeah. But, it happens.”
A dry laugh bubbled to his lips. “I’m well aware of that. But she and I weren’t a couple. I thought she was cute, and I didn't mind a hookup, but I also didn't expect a family. And she didn’t, either,  I don't think. It wasn't what either of us wanted, but her family… anyway, that’s where we ended up and we tried to make it work. At least, I did. I don’t know if she ever really did, since she saw no problem going behind my back whenever it suited her and when I called her on it, somehow I  ended up the bad guy in it. And yeah, I was probably a shitty husband in the beginning, between med school and residency and boarding, I barely had time for sleeping and eating, never mind being a husband and father.”
“Did you ever cheat on her?” 
He didn't say anything for a long moment, but then sighed. “I know you’re going to think I’m an absolutely asshole, but yeah. First time she slept with someone else, I figured what was good for her would be fine for me. But you know something? It wasn’t. I mean, the sex was pretty good because there’s something about breaking the rules that just makes it that way, but when it was over and I was on my way home, it just left me feeling empty. And then I’d look at Flynn or Maura or Jake and man, I hated myself for doing that to them. They didn't ask to have this happen. They didn't ask for any of this.”
Elena wasn't exactly sure how to respond to his confession. It unnerved her to a certain extent, given her own history, but at the same time, Frerin owed her nothing. They weren’t a couple. They hadn’t even gone out yet, really. 
“Look, I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear, but—”
“No,” she interrupted, shaking her head, “it’s okay. I appreciate the honesty.”
“No, I do. I mean it.” Her gaze fell to his hand, long, thick fingers curled about his coffee cup. “We all make mistakes.”
“Yeah, and it was a mistake. And I came clean to Toni about it as well.” He met her gaze, his eyes direct. “I hope it’s not going to make you change your mind about going out tomorrow.”
She smiled and shook her head. “No. I like Thai food too much.”
“Fair enough.” He winked and reached across the table to cover her hand with his. “I’m not a serial cheater, Elena. I learned my lesson about that and sneaking around sucks.”
As he spoke, his thumb traced lightly along hers and she couldn't deny the way just that simple caress sent a delicious flutter through her, one that made her heart beat a little faster. His eyes softened as he added, “I should probably get you back to your car. I’m due back at the hospital in a few hours and while no one said anything to me before, I probably smell weird so I should go home and shower first.”
“You smell fine, but it’s probably not a bad idea anyway. What do I owe you for my coffee?”
She reached for her wallet in her bag and when she came up with it, he said, “Put it away. I got this. I asked you out.”
“Let me split it.”
“No. You get the next one.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. It’s just coffee, Elena.”
“Okay. But you definitely let me get the next one.”
Back in the gym parking lot, which was only half full by now, Frerin pulled into the slot alongside her car and eased the transmission into park before turning to her. “I’m sorry you got  dragged into the hospital with me, but I had a nice time otherwise.”
“I did, too, and it’s interesting to see you at work, Dr. Durin.”
A grin played at his lips. “I don't know how interesting sitting in the lounge is, but as long as you weren’t too bored, I guess it’s okay.”
“Nah. And no one gossiped about you, either.”
“Well, that’s a good thing. I try to keep my private life and my work life separate. Although I don't doubt I’ll be pelted with a million questions about you once I go in later.” 
“You think so?”
“I brought a mystery woman into the ER. Yeah, I definitely think so.”
“Oh, I’ve never been a mystery woman before. I like this.” She smiled, tucking a wayward curl behind her ear. “I should let you go and wash off the funk, huh? Are you going to have time to get some sleep?”
“Probably not. If it’s quiet I can nap in the on-call room tonight. If not? Won’t be the first time I’ve pushed through on no sleep.”
“Be careful, okay?”
“I’ll be fine.”
She leaned over, and he met her halfway, his lips soft and warm and slightly damp as they captured hers. His hand curved against her cheek, the warmth from his palm sinking into her skin as his thumb swept lightly along it. Her lips parted at the teasing pressure of his tongue against them, and as it stroked along hers, she fought down a sigh. He certainly did know how to kiss, his lips moving leisurely against hers, his tongue caressing hers to draw it back into the welcoming heat of his mouth. 
He broke the kiss, sweeping his lips down over her jaw, down along her neck, and as he moved into the slope where her neck met her shoulder, he playfully nipped and she gasped at the the sensation that rushed through her. 
The car’s interior grew warmer by the second as he caught her hand in his and tugged to draw her over the console and as she settled against him, he wrapped his arms around her to pull her flush. Her knees sank into the leather on either side of his hips, another shiver rippling through her as her body met his. Lycra and cotton left very little room for mistake and there was definitely no mistaking the very prominent bulge now pressing up into the apex of her thighs, nor was there any mistaking the way that very prominent bulge sent a ribbon of fiery desire weaving through her. 
She rocked against him, her breath hitching as his arms tightened further and he sighed softly beneath her, his hands easing beneath her tank to skim along her back. To slide over her ribs.
His lips claimed hers again in a slow, deep kiss as he curved both hands about her breasts, his thumbs sweeping in a slow circle about each nipple through her sports bra. Her fingers found their way into his thick hair, where they twisted as her nipples tightened beneath his touch, and that same fiery desire billowed forth like a fire about to rage out of control. 
His fingers tightened on her breasts, kneading them with a slow and steady rhythm that had her itching to let her own hands wander over him. She wanted to explore him, to see where he liked to be touched and stroked, to find out what would make him moan softly beneath her. 
He drew back then, breathless, his eyes as they met hers smoky blue and heavy-lidded as he whispered, “I should let you go, but damn… I don't want to.”
Breathing was tough for her as well, what with her heart racing so fast and arousal twisting every fiber into sensually aching knots. Still, she shook her head. “Me, neither.”
“But this is probably not a good idea. Not here, anyway.” He smiled, letting his fingers graze down along her sides. “And even if we didn't have to worry about one of the Karens in there catching us,” he gestured toward the building, “I don't have any condoms with me and I’m assuming you don't either.”
“I don’t, no. I haven’t fooled around in a guy’s car since I was nineteen years old.”
“Then we should probably stop.”
“But I don't really want to.”
She smiled. “Me, neither.”
“But we should.”
He smiled, his thumbs trailing lightly along her spine. “I’d really like to keep going, though.”
“We will. Because I’d really like to, as well. But for now…” She bent to kiss him again, and then carefully climbed back over into the passenger seat. “I should let you get home and shower and maybe take a nap.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he told her. 
“Yes, you will, Dr. Durin.” She leaned over to kiss him once more, then climbed out of his car, smiling as he waited for her to get into her own car and pull out before doing the same. Her head still buzzing and her body still tingling from the feel of his hands on her, she drove home in a bit of a daze, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, she couldn't wait for tomorrow night to get there. 
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decennia · 3 years
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dina's grishaverse + through heaven's eyes (@elenapetrova)
starring: hera hilmar as vasilisa ustrashkin, natasha liu bordizzo as katya starkov, alicia agneson as ida ander, emilia clarke as sigrid ander, thaddea graham as neyar kir-kasem, and harrison gilbertson as brahms brekker
featuring @tessasocs: summer bishil as reyka kovacs, danielle rose russell as alya sokolov, vanessa morgan as perse fahey, banita sandhu as laila bakshi, devery jacobs as nikita dulik, priscilla quintana as elena volkov, lindsey morgan as tasya satvik, and jarod joseph as jonah visser (x)
TAG LIST: @perfectlystiles @sgtbuckyybarnes @lupinblack @hughstheforcelou @anna-phora @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @lost-in-the-shelves @raith-way @randomestfandoms-ocs @lizziesxltzmxn @akabluekat @chlobenet @stefelias @phoebestarks @zeleniafic @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @kazinejghafa @dandyylions @jinxsflame @hiddenqveendom @jewelswrites-ish @lokitrasho @lukespatterson @stanshollaand @richitozier @ocfairygodmother @claryxjackson @luucypevensie @fragilestorm @noratilney @foxesandmagic
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elldell1204 · 4 years
I Always Have Your Back - Jay Halstead x Reader
Anonymous:  Drabble challenge Nr. 17 - “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion”? With Jay Halstead Thank you! 😊
Thank you so much for the request! 🥰 I do have to confess that this is one of the most recent requests, but I got so inspired by the prompt that I felt I just needed to write it. Don’t fret! I do have ideas for the others, it’s just finding inspiration, but they will be coming soon. I hope you enjoy this one, I’m super proud of it! ❤️
(slightly inspired by this Linstead fic on Ao3, feel free to check it out!)
Warning: Mention of drugs, implied attempted rape (not graphic), mention of sex trafficking. Don’t read if this will upset you! 💕
wc - 7,464
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You’ve always hated when the criminals fall through your fingers. Just when you think you’ve got ‘em, all ready to be wrapped up with a bow and sent off to Statesville, something crops up and (wrongfully) gets them off the hook by the skin of their teeth and they walk, but not without a smug grin over the shoulder at you first.
That’s why for the past month, whilst you’ve been trying to find incriminating evidence on a suspect in a missing persons case, every little thing just pisses you off. It’s like the case is all you think about, night and day. You even dream about it in your sleep, though it’s more like a nightmare. Trying to solve this case has been like torture for every member of the Intelligence unit, making everyone more irritable than usual, resulting in arguments and eyes that shoot daggers being a daily occurrence. Something which didn’t exactly help your already rocky relationship with your partner, Jay Halstead.
It wasn’t like you didn’t get along. In fact, at work, it was the complete opposite. He was the best partner you’ve ever had, seeing as you both worked liked clockwork as a duo and even got praise from Voight after a case one day saying you were the best partnership he’s ever had in his unit. You hated to admit it (and even then you never did out loud, only in the quiet of your own heart), but you’d actually fallen for your partner, something you vowed never to let happen in your lifetime as a Chicago police officer. You wanted a successful career, not be the ‘slut’ who throws herself at every male cop she works with. You’d seen many a colleague go down the road of dating a partner, and nearly every time it ended badly, but even worse for the female half of the relationship.
But every day, the little things he did or said just made you want to throw caution to the wind, push him up against the wall and kiss him breathless. And sometimes you thought you saw the same glimmer of lust in his eye as you felt.
Only, he acted like he hated you. Well, not exactly. He was nice to you, cracking jokes with you and being friendly, but whenever the conversation steered anywhere close to flirtatious, he often caught himself and put up a wall. A cold, icy wall; the complete opposite of anything you would associate with Jay Halstead. You loved the cheeky, boyish side of him, but the iron clad exterior really broke your heart, mainly because to you it meant that your love was unrequited and the partner you cared for so much was having trouble opening up to you, shutting down before your very eyes like he would when a case hit a long-forgotten nerve. Though your spirits were dampened every time it happened, you understood, especially after Kim told you the story about Erin and Jay’s downwards spiral after she left. You wished you knew him before Erin, because according to Kim, he never used to be as angry at the world. Before, he knew he could do some good, put in his bet and that helping one person would mean something. You knew he still did, but that need for justice wasn’t quite satiated anymore. It was as if, over time, the job had dampened Jay, and he needed help seeing the sunshine again.
At least that’s what Voight had told you, not in as many words, when you’d been with the unit for a few months. According to him, you were the person that coaxed the raincloud away from over Jay’s head, bit by bit, so that he could start to enjoy the sun again. Jay didn’t notice at first, but when he did, that’s when he started reverting back to the colder version of himself when things got too close to the dangerous waters of flirtation.
Lately, neither of you had gotten within ten feet of what could be considered flirting, let alone friendly jokes and conversation, and it was all thanks to this case. The unit was tasked with finding out what happened to seven young women, all addicts, who let their addiction take over to the point where they couldn’t afford their next meal when they suddenly go missing. Like, off-the-face-of-the-earth, vanished-into-a-cloud-of-smoke, left-no-trace missing. You made huge progress within the first week, finding out that all the girls were supplied by one common dealer: Elena Perez. A forty-two-year old, divorced woman who owned her own restaurant in a pretty nice area in the south side. You found she was a ‘business in the front, party in the back’ kind of dealer, so to speak. Only, you had no way of getting to her without raising her suspicions. For weeks you did surveillance, watching two different girls approach her restaurant and walking away with a bag of white power in their hands, each on different nights to the other, until one time when they entered but didn’t leave.
Which meant you were back at square one.
Every other attempt to gain more info was met with a dead end, so walking into the precinct this morning, you didn’t feel too hopeful. You were one of the last to arrive (not that you were late, you were actually half an hour early), trudging up the stairs to the bullpen with two to-go cups of coffee in hand from your local coffeehouse around the block from your apartment. One was for you, seeing as your energy levels were pretty low, and one was for Jay, half because you wanted to cheer him up and half as a peace offering after the argument you both had last night when you were both frustrated, getting absolutely nowhere in the case after combing over all your notes from the past month or so. Let’s just say you were glad you were the only two left in the bullpen, and the door to the break room was closed to avoid any prying ears.
Yours and Jay’s desks faced each other and were the closest to Voight’s office, with Jay’s back being to it. You made it to yours without passing out from exhaustion and placed Jay’s cup in front of him with a small, sorry smile on your face. Jay eyed the coffee before looking up and mirroring your expression, and that was all that was needed to repair the very minor crack in your bond (one that seemed to be needing repair too often during this case) before getting on with your day.
It was only ten or so minutes later when Voight stormed out of his office and over to the board at the top of the stairs with a tempestuous expression, his bad mood only amplified in his body language. His exit prompted the rest of Intelligence to jump up. Well, jump was an understatement, given that you were all the definition of defeated. Jay came and propped himself on the edge of your desk, whilst you spun your chair to face your boss.
“Tell me you have a lead, any lead. I don’t care if it’s less than a shoeprint, we need something to go on.”
He glanced round at each and every one of you, showing a steely glare before moving onto the next person. No one had anything. You’d had an idea for a while now, but you knew it was immensely dangerous, and therefore you decided you would only bring it up as a last resort. Now seemed like the right time.
“I know this won’t be favourable,” You began, and you could feel all eye direct their attention to you without even breaking eye contact with Voight. “But I could go in undercover?”
“No.” Jay all but shouted. You immediately diverted your eyes to your partner, an anger bubbling deep in your chest. “Absolutely not. It’s a huge risk. We don’t even know what she does to the girls! In my opinion, that’s way too dangerous and downright stupid.”
He had his jaw set tight as he spoke, making you wonder how the words didn’t come out more strained than they already did. His arms were folded tightly over his chest, his fingers gripping his biceps so hard his knuckles had turned as white as paper. In hindsight, you realise that he had your safety at heart, and he meant well with his words, however, at the time, all you could see was red, mostly thanks to sleep deprivation.
“Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.” You seethed, and your partner looked at you like you’d just shot him in the heart. You turned to face your boss before continuing. “Sarge, you know about my work from Vice. I know what I’m doing, and I’m one of the damn best undercovers in the entire department. And what else do we have to go on? This is our only hope at finding those girls.”
Before Jay could refute, Voight agreed and told everyone to begin prepping, dishing out tasks to everyone in the unit. You were whisked away by Hailey and Vanessa to put together your cover story before you could even look at Jay, let alone discuss what the hell you had just gotten yourself into.
Twenty-four hours later and you’re now Riley Hensley. It was your cover from the last bust you did in Vice, which was luckily still intact, so you managed to slot right back into it, even getting your old job at the corner store back within minutes of talking to the owner. You were sat sipping one of the worst coffees ever to touch your tastebuds whilst reading over your pseudo-life. You’d arrived at your undercover apartment last night with just a scruffy duffel bag to your name, and it was then that you’d realised it was the smallest apartment you had ever set foot in, and you’d lived alone in New York straight out of college with a student’s salary. Once you got there, you set it up a little more to your taste, putting a few personal touches to make it seemed more lived in.
The rest of the team had left you to do your thing back in the district before you went under (which consisted of a lot of psyching yourself up and getting yourself in the mindset of your new character), getting busy with setting out surveillance plans and shift changes and places to put bugs. You managed to have very small and brief conversation with the team before you left last night at 7pm to spend your first night in the apartment. Most were quick goodbyes and ‘stay safe’s, but Jay’s was different. You felt a little bad about your earlier encounter, but now wasn’t the time. For all you know, that could have been the last time you ever spoke to him, so you didn’t want to waste it on possibly unnecessary apologies. He seemed repressed, like there was something he wanted to say but just couldn’t find the words or the strength to do so, but the encounter ended up being more friendly than you had interacted with each other in weeks.
He handed you a little zip up bag, telling you it was full of Narcan in case you were accidentally dosed. You had taken it, your fingertips brushing against his for less than a second, but enough for you to feel comforted. You thanked him, and he gave you a small fleeting smile before his eyes went back to his feet. “I don’t doubt that you know what you’re doing, but please, be safe.” He had said. You had to hold back tears. You didn’t want to cry in front of him, but you felt guilty for snapping at him earlier and you didn’t know how to apologise (damn your sleep-deprived brain). You also felt the urge to just tell him everything; your feelings, your favourite moments with him, how much you were going to miss seeing him every day. And although you desperately wanted to throw your arms around him and hug him so tight you might stop his lungs from working, you just nodded, and he walked away, leaving you to go back to reading your files, or at least try to.
Now, after surprisingly one of the best sleeps you’d had in the last month, you were nearly ready for your first meet with Perez this evening. You were dressed in a tattered hoodie you usually only wore to bed, some leggings that had begun to thin out from wear and a pair of canvas pumps that had a hole in the front. Your usually pristinely-kept hair was looking more like a rat’s nest than an actually rat’s nest, and you were planning on going for a run or doing some sort of workout before you went to the meet to work up a sweat and make it more believable that you were an addict in withdrawal. Also, the bags and dark circles under your eyes from the recent sleepless nights actually worked in your favour.
You were so engrossed in reading the file and going over your plan that the knock at your door startled you more than it should have. You stood from your chair at the kitchen table, pushing it back under before stepping carefully over to the front door. You peered through the spyhole, being surprised to see your partner stood outside. You assumed he had brought you something you had forgotten, but you had to let him in quick before anyone saw and suspected anything, so you opened the door and roughly pulled him in by his arm.
“Nice to see you too.” He joked as you stuck your head out of the door and looked around for anyone, but being satisfied that there was no one there, you came back in and locked it before turning around. You could tell he was surprised to see you looking so…not you. He lifted an eyebrow as he looked you up and down, and if it wasn’t for how worn down you looked and how self-conscious you were of your appearance right now, the action would have sent a heat straight to your core. “On second thoughts, maybe not.”
“Well, I am trying to sell the ‘utterly broke drug addict’ act, so you shouldn’t have expected a ball gown.” You shot back, teasingly.
“I wasn’t, it’s just so different to how good you look normally.” He said, walking over to your couch, unaware of what he just let slip out. It made your mind race ridiculously fast, just like your heart, but you realised he probably didn’t mean it in the way you hoped he did.
“As much as I am enjoying your company, what are you doing here?” You went and leant up against the wall facing him.
“I’m here to let you know it’s not too late to pull out of this.” He looked straight into your eyes as he said it, so deeply you were worried he might have seen how nervous you were under your brave facade.
“Well, I’m not going to.”
“Y/N, it’s too dangerous. We don’t know what Perez does to the girls. She could kill you.”
“I know how to handle myself, Jay.” You squinted your eyes at him, as if you thought he was speaking utter nonsense. Really, you just didn’t want to think about the possibility of him being right.
“But you won’t have back-up in there with you.”
“I’m not a damsel in distress, Halstead! You don’t need to be my knight in shining armour. I know what I’m doing, and most of the unit will be outside at all times in case I need you, anyways.”
“Don’t do this, Y/N. We can find another way in-”
“Don’t you see? I have to do this! There is no other way. I owe it to the girls and their families to find them and stop any more from getting hurt. If I don’t, I won’t be able to live with myself. So let me decide what I can and can’t do, Jay, please.”
You didn’t realise you were both shouting now, not until you noticed how out of breath you both were and that Jay was now very close to you after standing up to have the shouting match. You could smell him, that mix of eucalyptus and cedarwood you love, so close that if you were to reach out a hand, you could grab the back of his neck and pull his lips to yours. You even think you might have seen his eyes fleeting down to your own lips for a second. Only you didn’t act on your desires. Instead, you walked over to the kitchen, wrapping your arms around yourself in some sort of hug, keeping your back to him.
“I appreciate your concern,” You practically whispered, so quiet you were unsure if he could even hear you. “But I’ll be fine. Plus, you have my back. You always have my back.”
You turned slowly to see that he hadn’t moved an inch, only his eyes had followed you to where you were, excruciatingly far from where you were mere seconds earlier.
“And I always will.” He muttered in reply. He began to walk towards the door with soft steps, passing you on his way, unlatching it when he got there, but before he could open it, he turned back to you once more. “Stay safe, Y/N. I need my partner.”
And with that, he was gone, leaving you to slump down into the couch with your head spinning, in the same place he was sat before, desperate to savour the faint scent he left behind to calm your nerves.
The first thing you noticed when you turned onto the street was the van. It had “A. Johnson & Sons Plumbing” printed onto the side of it, the vinyl sticker peeling slightly at the edges with age. It was one of three the 21st precinct owned, each one a different company on the outside, but practically the same layout on the inside. You knew they were watching the visual and listening to the audio that the tiny camera and microphone picked up in your necklace, whilst the unmarked car that housed another two members of your unit would only be listening to the audio.
You checked your work phone before you left the apartment with just your undercover burner, being met with a message from Hailey telling you how Jay had pushed for the first shift in the van, which made you smile. You kept that close to your heart as you walked down the cold dark street, getting closer to the restaurant with each step.
“Everything okay?” You said a few feet from the restaurant after checking nobody was around you.
“All good. Do your thing, Y/N.” Hailey’s reassuring voice came through the small earpiece you had in.
You pulled open the door to the front of the restaurant, immediately aware of how out of place you looked in your scruffy clothes compared to the smartly dressed patrons dotted around at their tables. You caught one of the waitresses’ eye, who, after scrunching her nose up at you, made her way over.
“Table for one?” She asked you, her voice a little strained as she looked you up and down with a slight hint of disgust. You really were a sight; sweaty from your run, shaking and scruffy in an attempt to sell your act.
“I’m here to see Ms Perez?” You asked, your eyes frantic, unable to focus on anything. At least that’s what you wanted her to think.
“Um, I’ll go see if she’s busy. Wait here.” The waitress said before disappearing through the doors at the back of the restaurant.
You had earned some interest from some diners now, being the topic of a few hushed discussions and wary glances. You knew that it’d be caught on the camera you wore, and you could only imagine Jay’s massive eye roll at how sheltered and rude they were acting, which calmed you slightly and made you smile on the inside. You saw the waitress returning, looking uneasy at the news you were about to receive from her. You expected what she was going to say before she even opened her mouth.
“Ms Perez gives her apologies, but she’s very busy right now. She said to ask you to leave.”
You began to plead with her, quietly but not too quiet that you wouldn’t appear erratic and in need of a fix, but she didn’t budge, and so you left with a huff, your hand shaking as you reached for the door handle.
You’d expected this to happen, seeing as the same had occurred to a girl you saw when you were doing surveillance. You followed what she did that night a few weeks ago. You looked behind you to check if the waitress watched you leave, which she hadn’t, so you turned to the right and made your way to the back of the restaurant to where the deliveries went. It was even darker down there, with no streetlights to illuminate your way, only the mild moonlight. You made it to the back, seeing nobody to stop you, and so you entered through the door that you assumed led to the corridor where her office was. You were right, as the second door on the left had a plaque on the door that read “Ms Elena Perez, Owner and Manageress”, and so you knocked.
“Enter!” You heard from inside, the call muffled by the door. So you did, timidly opening the door and stepping in. She hadn’t looked up from her computer yet, so she hadn’t seen you, but you definitely saw her. She definitely wasn’t your average drug dealer, that’s for sure; dressed to the nines in her figure-hugging dress, a scarlet red that reminded you of fresh blood complemented her caramel features perfectly. The same shade was painted onto her lips and her nails, like a wolf who had just feasted. If you weren’t so confident in your skills, you would have instantly been intimidated, and so that’s the front you put on. You hugged yourself with one arm, trying to make yourself as small as possible, whilst the other was busy scratching some imaginary itch on your arm. You immediately dropped your focus from her before she got suspicious, your eyes fleeting around the room at where you could place a bug, but to her, you would just be acting like a normal addict going through withdrawal.
She probably expected you to speak first, thinking you were one of her staff, but when you stayed quiet, she raised her eyes. At first, they were imitating the kindness a good boss might show to her workers, but when she saw it was a drug addict, the one she had told to get lost, her eyes became icy with manipulation. It was like she was a lion and her prey was about to walk directly where she wanted it.
“I thought I told you to leave.” She questioned, standing as she tilted her head at you. With her heels, she was definitely taller than you, something she must have took pleasure in.
“Please, Ms Perez, I was told…I, um, I need…” You began, mumbling and stumbling over your words.
Game time.
“A fix? Anyone within fifty feet of you would be able to tell that. But why would I be able to help you with that?”
“Um, Rachel said you could help me? I was clean until I lost my job a few months ago, but then I slipped back into old habits and I’m really struggling with money right now, I thought you might be more understanding than other…you know…and let me pay you over time and in other ways than money.”
“I don’t usually.”
“Please.” You beg, meeting her eyes properly for the first time. You see her consider it, because her eyes seem to go to a dark place, and you know that you were right in going with this approach. It followed the pattern of the other girls, so it was your best bet after all.
“What’s your name?”
“Riley. Riley Hensley.”
“Okay, Riley. I hope I can take you for your word.” Perez concedes, walking over to a safe she has in the corner of the room, typing in a code to open it and then pulling out a little dime bag of a white powder. “Heroin?”
You nod, beginning to act excited. Before you can say anything, though, she reached out her empty hand, palm up.
“Give me what you have on you today, and I’ll see what you owe.”
You stuck a hand into the pocket of your hoodie, grabbing the crumpled-up bills you had brought with you. Two tens. You put them in her palm, and after inspecting them, she handed you over the bag, which you took eagerly.
“This is enough for today.” She held up the bills before walking back to sit down. “If you come back to see me, don’t go to the front again.”
“Yes, yes, of course, thank you.” You nodded before leaving quickly. Perez thought she had laid the bait, and you had snatched it right up, when really it was you who had her right where you wanted her.
It went on like this for a week or so; you bringing the right amount for what she gave you. But it soon became a deal of you bringing whatever cash you could scrounge with anything valuable you had to offer. For a while, the bags got bigger and bigger, fuelling your faux addiction, until the value of the items you brought decreased and you had no cash to your name.
You had gone a couple of days without seeing her, pretending that you didn’t have anything to give, and so when you turned up tonight with a measly pair of tarnished silver earrings that ‘belonged to your mother before she died’, she didn’t seem pleased.
“You realise these aren’t even worth ten bucks, right?” She laughed in your face to degrade you. You began to fumble with your fingers.
“They’re real silver-“
“I don’t give a shit. I’m not giving you anything.” She shrugged and sat back down at her desk.
You looked at her, dumbfounded and desperate. “Please, Ms Perez. I need it.”
She didn’t even acknowledge you.
“Ms Perez, please, I’ll bring you something better tomorrow, I promise.”
She seems to perk up at your words, looking up at you with what can only be described as an evil smile.
“I don’t take promises as payment, little girl.”
You sighed audibly. “You know I keep my promises, Ms Perez. I always have before.”
“If I give you something now, you promise me that you will come back here tomorrow with something worth it?”
You nod eagerly.
“Okay then.”
She stands, getting you the same size bag that she gave you the first time a few weeks ago. As you take it from her, she grips your forearm hard, making you yelp in pain.
“You better keep your promise, girly, or you’ll have to pay me back another way.”
You whimper your consent to her, and, satisfied, she releases your arm. You left quickly, rubbing at your arm. It was definitely going to bruise. Once in the fresh air, you took a deep breath, going over the encounter in your head. ‘Pay me back another way.’ You felt a smile tug at your lips. You were getting somewhere.
Walking away from the restaurant, you saw the familiar van parked at the end of the road, so you said, “Pull round the corner. I’ll meet you there.”
You saw someone get out of the back and walk round to the driver’s side before the van drove off. You carried on the same way, and when you got to the van, you opened the back doors and got in, finding Adam and Jay sat waiting for you.
It was the first time since he came to your undercover apartment that you had seen Jay, but he looked a lot rougher than he had that day. His hair was messier, his eyes more tired and he looked overwhelmingly worried. But you didn’t have the time to ask him how he was doing. You knew you were close to finding the much-needed answers, you just had to keep going.
“Wow, you look rough.” Adam teased, and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Ha ha, funny. Did you hear all that?” You asked.
“Yeah, we did.” Adam replied, serious this time.
“Another way to pay her…” Jay repeated what he heard, and you saw a sliver of hope flash across his face.
You nodded, the same smile you had earlier returning. “Yeah, I really think we’re getting somewhere.”
“Just…be careful, Y/N.” Jay met your eyes, and you could read a million more things he wanted to say to you right now, but you both didn’t have the time.
“I will. I better be going, then.” You said, slipping out of the van and walking back to your apartment, a little more bounce in your step than you had before.
Another week went by, and each time you met with Perez, you brought next to nothing, but she always said very little at all in protest. You knew it wasn’t enough to pay for what she was giving you, but she was being extremely lenient. Of course, you did this on purpose, wanting to see what the alternative form of payment would be, but you were beginning to give up hope after seven days. That was until you turned up tonight, at your usual time, and Perez wasn’t alone. The man in her office wasn’t one you ever saw before, and you knew that the team in the van would be running him through facial rec to put a name to the face.
“Who is this?” You said to Perez, glancing between them both. He was tall, rather muscular, good-looking, the same caramel skin and dark hair that Perez had, but they didn’t share similar features, so they definitely weren’t related. You might have been attracted to him if you didn’t know what he was probably involved in, or if your heart didn’t love someone else.
“This is Nicolas.” Perez replied, the same evil smile she wore so well was resting on her face.
“And why is Nicolas here?” You decided to go with the sassy approach.
“You owe me.” She stated simply. “Nicolas works for me, in a different branch, so to speak.”
You furrow your brows. What the hell is she on about? “And?”
“You are going to work off your debt.”
Your eyes go wide. “I can’t, I already have a job.”
“At the convenience store. I know. But it isn’t paying you nearly enough to pay your debt. Plus, we’d provide you with whatever you need.”
“Of course.” It was Nicolas that spoke this time. His voice was smooth, comforting even, but it still put you on edge. “You can start tonight. You’d earn a lot of money with your body.”
“Um, I don’t know…” You mumble, starting to back towards the door. Nicolas began to walk slowly towards you. You’d expected some sort of sex trafficking, but didn’t think this was how you’d be integrated into it.
“Y/N, don’t go anywhere. We don’t have GPS on you, it’s not safe for you to go mobile.” You heard Jay through your earpiece.
“I need to go quit my job at the store. I don’t want to leave on bad terms. I promise I’ll come back tomorrow, and then I’ll start working for you.” You tried to compromise, but both of them had a hungry look in their eyes.
You knew they weren’t going to budge. You had to escape. So you turned to run, pushing down hard on the door handle when you felt Nicolas grab your arm. You tried to thrash around to get him off, but when that didn’t work, you threw your head back, hearing what you assumed was his nose crunch with the force, which worked.
You swung open the door, ready to sprint, when this time you were pulled back by your necklace, which snapped off, and two arms wrapped around you from behind, stopping you from going. You began to scream, knowing the team would be starting to move in, but you had to hold your own for maybe thirty seconds. Only, you didn’t have that, as you felt the sharp jab of a needle in your thigh, and suddenly you felt an overwhelming urge to sleep, your eyes feeling heavy and every muscle growing weak. The last thing you saw was darkness as some sort of bag was pulled over your head.
You felt groggy when you began to stir, the feeling starting to flood back into your limbs, but still you couldn’t move. You looked around with fear-filled eyes, realising you were alone in a dingy basement. It wasn’t big enough to be that of a warehouse, more like a normal house. You listened hard for any sounds, but all you could hear was the occasional car driving past, nothing distinctive.
You tried to move, getting jolted back as you rolled over. You looked to the wall, finding a chain than lead to some sort of cuff on your wrist, and you knew then that you were stuck there until someone came to find you. You felt a chilled draught rush over your skin, and when you looked down you saw you were only in your underwear, sprawled out on a filthy mattress.
Immediately you felt violated, and you had yet to feel any pain associated with what you thought they would have already done to you. Still, you were angry. Upset. Furious. Disappointed in yourself for being in that position, the one where you couldn’t escape. But, even in hindsight, you couldn’t think of anything you could have done differently to save yourself from this situation, besides wearing a GPS tracker, which none of expected to need.
Your only hope was the team had caught the licence plate before you were driven off to wherever you were. For now, all you could do was wait. And with waiting came thinking, something you barely had enough energy to do right now, but as soon as your mind flooded with the thoughts of your friends and family, you were more than happy to use whatever power you had left on them.
First, your mind went to your family, the last holiday you spent together, all the time you spent without thinking once about work. Next, you thought of your unit, how they were like your second family, the fun you had each day with them, even when you were dealing with the worst mankind had to offer. The laughs from the after-work drinks at Molly’s in celebration as jokes were shared around the table. And then, you thought of Jay.
Why the hell hadn’t you told him before you left? You knew this was one of the most dangerous operations you had ever been on, and yet you were too cowardly to let him know your feelings. You didn’t want to think like that right now, though, so your mind just went to him. His jokes that made you laugh so hard you could barely breathe, his little chuckle that was like a music to your ears you yearned to hear every day, the way he was able to comfort you like no one else after a rough case, making you content and at peace with the world once more, a feat that wasn’t easy to achieve when the darkness hit you hard.
It was then that your little reverie was interrupted by the bolt on the door being slid across, the heavy metal clanging sound reverberating around the room, or was it in your head? You were still a little fuzzy, after all. The footsteps sounded menacing as whoever it was made their way towards you. You were trying to focus on their face, but it was proving to be more difficult than it should have been.
“You’re awake.” The voice was familiar, not overly so but you had definitely heard it before. You saw the hand coming towards your face in a blur before you felt it, but that did nothing to quell the sting when it collided with your cheek. You managed to supress the cry of pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. That’s when he gripped your jaw roughly, his fingers and thumb digging into opposite cheeks to give you that ridiculous pout to humiliate you. “Ah, I expected you to be stubborn. No need to worry, we’ll wear you down and fuck you so hard that by the end of the week, you’ll be begging for mercy through tears. Call it your initiation.”
You took a sharp intake of breath at the words, and he chuckled darkly. Your eyes finally focused, seeing the same caramel skin and dark chocolate hair you mistrusted earlier.
“The ketamine still wearing off?” He laughed, throwing your face down with ease. That’s when you heard him start to unbuckle his belt. “That should make the next part easier then…”
It was like the adrenaline began to surge in waves through your veins at those words, and you began to thrash around, smacking away his hands and screaming bloody murder until your throat felt raw, but you didn’t stop. He grabbed each ankle in his hands, tight as vices, and still you lashed out, kicking your legs, trying to connect with his body anywhere you could. There was absolutely no way you would go down without a fight.
He'd managed to pin your legs down with his knees when his fingertips found the fabric of your panties, your arms still flailing with purpose in his direction, and before he could pull them down, the metal door swung open, crashing into the brick wall with a crack.
Nicolas got distracted, turning his once hungry eyes away from you to see the cause of the noise, which allowed you to dislodge a leg from underneath him, wrapping one and then the other tightly around his neck before squeezing them so hard you were surprised you didn’t break it.
You were still crying, still so flooded with adrenaline and the overwhelming need to survive that you jumped at the warm hand placed on your arm, beginning to lash out at it once again, when the hand turned into an arm, and then two, wrapped tightly but not overly so around your torso, prompting you to let go of the man you had now knocked out cold. You felt a hard chest meet your back, calming you and somehow you knew it was safe to let go, to just cry, to let it all out.
“Ssh, Y/N, I got you, I got you.” The voice was warm, inviting, comforting, one you loved so much, one you trusted with your life.
“Jay.” You whimpered in between cries, and his arms loosened slightly at your realisation. You turned ever so slightly so you could tuck your head into his neck, the tears still flowing. He rocked you gently in an effort to comfort you, but he knew you needed to get this out of your system.
You were still crying when you felt the blanket wrap around you, when you were practically carried out by Jay and into the back of a car, still sat in his lap with your head nuzzled into his neck, craving that familiar eucalyptus and cedarwood smell that would calm you. You had relaxed by the time the car pulled to a stop, and you were helped into the pristine building and onto a gurney, a hospital gown placed onto the bed for you to put on whilst everyone cleared out of the room with a few lingering looks your way before the curtain was pulled across.
You did just that, giving yourself a moment to reflect before opening the curtain. You were safe. You were unharmed, mostly. You were shaken up, but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t work through. You were okay.
“I’m ready.” You said as you pulled back the curtain. You were met with a warm smile from Natalie before you got situated on the bed.
About an hour later, after you had endured countless tests and a visit from Dr Charles, your team was given the go ahead to come in to see you. They walked in with caution, but at your bright smile, they seemed to relax.
“Did you find the other girls?” You got out before they could even ask you how you were, which earned a chuckle.
“There’s our Y/N,” Adam laughed. “Always straight down to business.”
You merely smiled and shrugged before looking around at each member, expecting an answer.
“Yeah, we found all of them upstairs in various rooms. Looked like the start of a sex trafficking ring, so we did good to catch it early, but it was all thanks to you, Y/N.” Hailey was the one to provide you with it.
“Don’t be silly, we all worked hard, and we did it together, although I do expect a couple of days off, boss. I’m exhausted.” You laughed along with the rest of the room.
“I’ll see what I can do.” Voight smiled at you genuinely.
You saw everyone’s eyes fleet towards Jay, who was yet to say anything, when Vanessa coughed lightly. “Well, we’ll give you some space to rest up. See you soon, Y/N.”
You thanked everyone for coming, exchanging goodbyes as they all walked out one by one, except for Jay.
He had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans, his eyes looking anywhere but yours until everyone had left. When he finally looked up, seeing you smiling at him, he relaxed, taking a few steps towards you so he could sit on the edge of the bed.
“Hi.” He said a little sheepishly.
“Hi.” You replied. You felt a small blush creeping up your neck.
“How are you?” He asked, lightly checking you over for any visible injuries.
“I’m better. They didn’t…do anything. Like that.”
“Good. Otherwise they wouldn’t be leaving the cage for a couple of days.”
“Yeah…” You smiled weakly. There was a little bit of tension in the air. You weren’t used to being so close and open with him, but it felt…nice. “How’d you find me?”
“We saw the plate on the van as it sped off but couldn’t get back to the car in time to tail it. We put a BOLO out and started canvassing, but it was a couple hours later when we found it in the driveway of some house, so we thought we were too late. Luckily, we weren’t.”
You nodded along slowly before the silence resumed, but not for long. “Thank you.” You whispered meekly.
“Hm?” He furrowed his brows as you locked eyes.
“You know, for getting to me before…”
“Y/N, I told you I always have your back, and I meant it.” He said, and you saw something in his eyes you had never seen before.
“I know.” You hummed, and you felt an overwhelming urge to tell him. To tell him how you felt, that you had loved him for months and were too scared to say anything. “Listen, Jay, I need to tell you something.”
“I do too, Y/N, and I know, I’m the same, but not now. It wouldn’t be right.”
You didn’t feel deterred or ashamed. You completely understood him and wholeheartedly agreed. Although you weren’t sure if you were going to say the same thing, you just nodded, but you craved that comfort you knew he gave you, whilst also wanting to reassure yourself.
So you reached out your hand for his, and he met yours, interlacing your fingers together, his thumb running gently over the back of your hand. He lifted it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your skin, letting his lips linger there longer than would be considered just friendly, before lowering them back down to the bed. He leaned forward, not to kiss you, put to place your foreheads together, an action that seemed more intimate than a kiss right now. He lifted his eyes to yours once more, and looking into them, that’s when you knew for sure.
You loved Jay Halstead, and Jay Halstead loved you.
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tessasocs · 3 years
May I have a complete itemized list of all your Grishaverse OCs and their FCs it's a matter of life & death pls and thank you also I hope you're keeping hydrated and know that I love you and think you're wonderful ✨
Awwww thank you Dina! Uno reverse!
also hold up, let me find my list of SaB ocs cause there are a lot
THROUGH HEAVEN'S EYES SERIES: These all take place in the same universe and I adore them so much.
Reyka Kovacs in Kings&Queens&Vagabonds (FC: Summer Bishil). A Suli Tidemaker with a secret. She was taken from her family forcibly after Anya Mayakovsky discovered she was Grisha and has been living in the Little Palace for the past fifteen-ish years. She hates Ravka, especially the royalty, and thinks that there needs to be necessary change. Her speciality is Ice, and she fascinates a certain Shadow Summoner. The Darkling requests her at first because she's powerful but eventually is drawn to her because of how much they have in common. Reyka's ultimate goal is to free the Suli people from Ravka and help them escape assimilation. Eventually, this changes. Her best friends are Zoya and Vadoma, another OC of mine. DarklingxOC
Perse Fahey in TBD (FC: Vanessa Morgan). Jesper's twin sister who was interestingly not born with any Grisha power, this comes into play later. When she and Jesper left Novyi Zem, she found herself in trouble and was bailed out by a crew of pirates led by a man named Sturmhond. She became indebted to them and joined their crew, eventually working her way up to being the First Mate and Right Hand Woman. She's excellent with a sword and can hold her own against Grisha as well. When we first meet her, she's helping Jesper and Kaz by offering up a Heartrender to help Alexei reveal who the Sun Summoner is. Her story eventually comes to a head when Sturmhond asks her to betray Jesper and the Crows and bring Alina to him instead. We don't get much of her journey in the first season, but she plays a very important role in the upcoming books, especially Nikolai's duology. She eventually becomes besties with Genya in addition to Tamar and Tolya. Nikolai x OC.
Elena Volkov in Glory&Gore (FC: none yet). A Grisha who has no idea who or where she is, Elena wakes up in Ketterdam after being saved by Sankta Ulla of the Waves from a shipwreck that was carrying her to be sold as an indenture. Of course, when she wakes in Ketterdam, she's found by the person who wanted her as an indenture in the first place (Dreesen) and is made to work for him. She's a Squaller who studied at the Little Palace under Zoya and Reyka. She's very talented and can create storms almost unconsciously. I'm still unsure where I want her story to begin just because I'm waiting until season 2 comes out, but as of right now, she's the seventh addition to the Crows when it comes to the Ice Court heist. Kaz is intrigued by her and sees her powers as useful, although Elena has no idea why. She becomes besties with Nina and Zoya eventually, and maybe Alina?? Idk yet. Kaz Brekker x OC.
Side OCs include:
Vadoma: an Inferni who was also stolen from her home and eventually becomes Mal's best Grisha friend.
Anya Mayakovsky: A Corporalki who is older than Baghra herself, supposedly alive during the time of Ilya Morozova. Reyka and Elena's teacher.
Laila Bakshi in Salvation (FC: Banita Sandhu). A Grisha who managed to escape indenture all by herself and turn the House of the Blue Iris into a safe haven for Grisha escaping the war. She's known as the Lady of the Night/Lady of the Underground and can entrance anyone she meets, particularly men. She's a very talented Grifter and can adopt any personality or ethnicity to match her needs. She and Kaz used to know each other before they ended up on bad terms until they're forced to work with one another to kidnap Alina Starkov. Laila, however, has ulterior motives for going across the fold and one of those is revenge. Kaz x OC
Jonah Visser in Salvation (FC: Jarod Joseph). Laila's oldest friend and the son of Arken, after the death of his father, Jonah vows revenge on the Darkling and helps Inej on the final scene in the skiff. He's Arken's messenger on the other side, posing as a Raven soldier in order to scope out Grisha who want to leave. He's a minor OC but becomes important later on. Inej x OC.
Tasya Satvik in Outlaws (FC: Lindsey Morgan). Jesper's childhood best friend who was forced out of Novyi Zem when her father was hunted down by Ravkans for being a Grisha and escaping the war effort. They fled to Ketterdam where her father and mother died to the plague that infested the city and Tasya was eventually found by Pekka Rollins, who employed her as his spy. She gets exposed to Jurda Parem a couple weeks before the Sun Summoner heist and Pekka forces her to go on the job and bring the Sun Summoner back to him or he'll take away her fix. She has plans to escape Pekka once she's across the fold, but oh no she and Jesper have feelings for one another so he gets her to stay. Jesper x OC
Alya Sokolov in House of Memories (FC: Danielle Rose Russell). I haven't really focused much on her in a long time, but basically she's Kaz Brekker's younger sister who happens to be a very specific kind of Grisha that's never been found before. She's like Rogue from X-Men and can copy any Grisha's powers. She becomes disillusioned with Ravka and joins the Crows when she sees her brother among them at the Winter Fete.
Nikita Dulik in Made of Stone (FC: Devery Jacobs) Another Kaz OC what a surprise haha. Her story is actually pretty interesting in the fact that she's sort of like a Ghost. She's officially dead according the wall in West Ravka, having been killed going through the Fold. Since then she's been known as an incredible Escape Artist, able to sneak into anywhere and get out without so much as a whisper. She also has a skin condition that makes it impossible to touch anyone, so perfect for our touch averse boy.
Please feel free to crossover with any of them!
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elenarodriiguez · 2 years
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febuwhump masterlist
well i did it - 28 fics in as many days (and yes i did burn myself out in the process!) totalling to almost 34000 words! i don’t quite know how i did it, but i did & that’s the main thing! so in case you missed any, here’s a list:
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head wound | chicago pd | hailey upton x reader | 1054
failed rescue attempt | chicago fire | stella kidd x reader | 1333
blood loss | chicago pd | kim burgess x jay halstead (burgstead) | 1168
nightmares | criminal minds | penelope garcia x reader | 613
“let me see” | agents of shield | bobbi morse x reader | 951
natural disaster | chicago pd | vanessa rojas x hailey upton (upjas) | 1742
“i dreamt you were alive” | chicago fire | leslie shay x female!reader | 1129
no anaesthesia | chicago med | crockett marcel x sarah reese (sockett) | 1364
kidnapped | chicago pd | kim burgess x jay halstead x hailey upton (burgtonstead) | 1214
“how long has it been?” | agents of shield | daisy johnson x reader | 938
“i’ll never forgive you” | marvel | sharon carter x reader | 906
spiked drink | chicago med | sarah reese x connor rhodes (rheese) | 1884
won’t regain consciousness | chicago fire | matt casey x hallie thomas (mallie) | 1290
can’t go home | hawkeye | kate bishop x maya lopez (bishpez) | 1132
hidden scars | agents of shield | leo fitz x daisy johnson (fitzdaisy) | 1143
"does that hurt?" | chicago fire | sylvie brett x reader | 685
self-inflicted wound | chicago pd | jay halstead x reader | 1066
forced to watch | chicago pd | erin lindsay x reader | 1844
black eye | agents of shield | melinda may x reader | 759
shrapnel | chicago pd | greg "mouse" gerwitz x jay halstead (moustead) | 2322
help them | chicago fire | matt casey x reader | 679
restrained | chicago fire | matt casey x stella kidd x kelly severide (stellaridesy) | 1512
"don't leave!" | chicago med | ava bekker x sarah reese (reesker) | 2590
too weak to move | swat | chris alonso x reader | 982
muffled screams | eternals | druig x makkari (drukkari) | 1060
"please don't do this" | private practice | cooper freedman x charlotte king (charcoop) | 950
shower breakdown | agents of shield | daisy johnson x elena rodriguez (quakeshot) | 677
presumed dead | criminal minds | elle greenaway x spencer reid (reidaway) | 888
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blue-weekends · 3 years
music tag game + questions + phone photo meme game
i was tagged a while ago by the lovely @adrianne-lenker. thanks! here we go.
rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then choose 10 victims.
Dance Dance by Cage the Elephant
The Game by Echo & The Bunnymen
Southern Rain by Jake Bugg
The Headmaster Ritual by The Smiths
The Death of You and Me by Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
I Don't Need Your Love by Brody Dalle
Na Na Na Na Naa by Kaiser Chiefs (i miss this band!)
If We Never Meet Again This Side of Heaven by Johnny Cash
Metal Postcard (Mittageisen) by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Pathetic by blink-182
why did you choose your url?
i decided to finally change it yesterday and had no idea what to put on... so i just went with Wolf Alice's third album, that i've been listening non stop since it came out. plus, the name sounds good and remakes me think about having the blues, which i always do.
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
i do have one and it's @vanessa-ives. a long time ago i decided to organize this blog with just music and musicians, so a created another one to post about movies, tv shows, art... AND EVA GREEN.
how long have you been on tumblr?
i feel ancient... since 2010.
do you have a queue tag?
why did you start your blog in the first place?
to obsess over music and musicians.
why did you choose your icon/pfp and header?
well... i've been listening to Wolf Alice a lot and i really adore Ellie Rowsell. i think she's amazing. and her looks just keeps getting better and better. i don't know if i want to be her or date her.
whats your post with the most notes?
a really ugly gif of Noel and Liam Gallagher from an interview in 1994 that i made a LONG TIME AGO. i was never good with ps, but i always tried (still do sometimes!)
how many people do you follow?
1068 - i'd say 80% of them are not even active anymore.
have you ever made a shitpost?
no, don't even know what that means.
how often do you use tumblr?
dailysh...? from time to time, i stay a while out of it. usually because i'm too busy with work and study.
did you ever have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
no, i rarely even talk to people.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
i look at it and don't give a fuck. :)
do you like tag games?
yes! to me, it's a nice way o interact with mutuals and get to know people.
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i have no idea.
do you have a crush on a mutual?
no... not at the moment.
Phone Photo Meme Game: choose one picture from your camera roll without downloading to sum up your personality
i can't choose between these two:
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ok. tag 10 people? i don't think i have any contact with that amount of people in here...
tagging: @ginnythegoat @bluevveekend @candromeda @elena-ferrante @holdoncallfailed @rule-britannia @glowinginahuddle @sonicyouth1990 @funeral-wave @hausderluge to the tagged ones that will propably wonder "who the fuck is this": hello! we're mutuals and i like your blog. :) to all the tagged ones: do it if you feel like it, of course. X
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