#elena gilbert interest call
taleswritteninterest · 11 months
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Please like or reply if you are interested in interacting with Elena Gilbert from the TVD series. This means I can spam you with memes and tag you in starters using her. Likewise, you are free to do the same.
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taleswrittena · 1 year
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El.ena Gil.bert (TVD) interest call! Please like or reply to this this if you're interested in writing/plotting with Elena. Keep in mind this is not a starter call but instead something that lets me know if you're interested in starters, memes, or plots from Elena.
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kasagia · 1 year
Heyy so I read your one shot called together and it made me think of a similar request what if the reader is also elena's younger sister but she never wanted to be a vampire and she used to date stefan in highschool instead of elena like in the imagine but what if she doesn't completely break up with stefan so she and klaus have a secret affair and then one day elena catches them and she ends up kicking her out and it also happens to be the same night stefan learns the truth so he kidnaps her and drives her to wickery bridge like he did with elena in season 3 and ends up turning her in front of klaus when he arrives and then klaus takes her to his mansion and convinces her to feed when she doesn't want to and promises to protect her It would be great if you could write about this<3
Cheater on the bridge
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Elena's sister! reader, Stefan Salvatore x Elena's sister! reader Summary: You've been sneaking around with Klaus for several months now, cheating on your boyfriend, Stefan. You feel terrible about it, but you're afraid to break up with Stefan because you don't know how he'll react to it. However, Elena finds out about your little affair. And everything goes to hell. Warning(s): the reader betrays Stefan, death, blood, turning into a vampire, curses, Klaus Mikaelson, etc. Word count: 5,2k
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You knew you were doing very wrong and awful thing. You had a sweet, loving boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore, who would do anything to see you happy. You had great friends and family, good grades in school—you were living your teenage dream.
But then you met Klaus Mikaelson.
And you wanted more.
As soon as your eyes met, you felt that shiver of excitement run down your entire body. He too, without knowing why, became interested in you. Y/N Gilbert. The doppelgänger's sister, the girlfriend of Stefan Salvatore, whom the Mystic Gang wanted to protect at all costs from all this supernatural shit.
But then, when Stefan walked over to you and, placing his hand on your waist, led you out of the Mystic Grill under Klaus' watchful eye, you knew your life would never again be the peaceful routine you were used to.
And you were excited about it.
When Elena would have given anything for a normal, peaceful life like yours, you had an overwhelming urge to go on a dangerous adventure. Create amazing, exciting memories. And Klaus noticed it. He noticed how you were suffocating in this structured relationship and in the perfect life of an ordinary man. And he was going to take advantage of it.
In your defense, you resisted him. Really.
You sent back all the ridiculously expensive gifts like dresses, jewelry, a car, and your own horse when he found out you were taking extra riding lessons after school.
So Klaus changed tactics. He started sending you pencil portraits he'd drawn, leaving little notes with compliments and poems he'd written (the guy was amazing at praising your beauty). And you, being forever that girl locked up in the fantasy world of books and appreciating a good old Jane Austen or Brontë sisters book romance, fell into his trap.
So after he courted you, saying so many beautiful words and leaving thousands of small gifts, you gave in to him.
The tension between you must have snapped one day. And it was exactly on your 18th birthday that both your boyfriend and friends forgot about this important day for you. But Klaus remembered. And he took you to fucking Norway so you could see the Northern Lights for yourself. Let's just say the day ended so well for both of you that you made use of Klaus' long-lost villa and stayed there all weekend.
Klaus turned out to be more than willing to keep you in his arms for longer.
It was supposed to be just a one-night stand. One thing he would point out to a vamp getting on his nerves the next time he got a chance. But one night turned into two, three, four, and honestly? Klaus has already lost count of the number of times one of you ended up in the other's bed.
There was something about you that delighted Klaus and drew him to you whenever you were in each other's presence. The worst part was that neither of you could resist this strange force that drew you to each other. Of course, only for you. You didn't want to break your cute boyfriend's heart, but you couldn't resist those gorgeous blue eyes, alluring lips, and talented hands of a powerful, terrifying hybrid that somehow wanted only you in his bed and by his side. Klaus, on the other hand, didn't care about anything other than making sure you were somehow in his presence every day. Whether it was just a few minutes of conversation, lunch, dinner and breakfast, or quick, hot, stolen moments in your bedroom.
The guilt grew inside you every time you were close to Stefan. You swore to yourself that you would sever whatever ties tie you to the hybrid, but every time you saw Klaus, whatever rational decision you made just got lost in your mind.
You were too busy with Klaus' overwhelming feeling on your body to care about anything else in the world.
Over time, your trysts turned into something more. You talked to each other and enjoyed the mere presence of the other without having to do any "adult stuff".
You were starting to feel more than lust for him. And it terrified you. But you were too deeply into Klaus Mikaelson to just walk away from him. To let go forever that feeling of excitement every time you sneaked up on each other and the overwhelming feeling that only a hybrid could make you feel. Klaus has destroyed you for any other man. And you both knew it. Just like the fact that you had control over him too.
And now, lying with him in his bed, snuggling after very long hours of activities, you realized one thing: You fell for the devil, who was sleeping peacefully while holding you close to him.
You shifted slightly in his arms so that you could cup his cheek with your hand. That damn handsome face was the cause of all your moral battles going on within you. Because how could you fall in love with a man who sacrificed your sister in a ritual and nearly killed your aunt Jenna? How could you love someone who threatened to kill your loved ones? And most of all... how, despite his many sins, were you able to still see in him the shadow of humanity that he carefully hid from the world?
"I can almost feel your cerebral convolutions burn out." he muttered, snapping you out of his thoughts. He opened one eye, staring at you searchingly. "What are you thinking about?"
"About you. I feel like I've only been thinking about you lately."
"Is that wrong?" he asked, propping his head up with one hand and playing with your hair with the other.
"I don't know yet." you whispered, staring at him. You could spend the rest of your life like this. Lying next to this captivating 1,000-year-old vampire. The question is, did he share your feelings?
"So let me reassure you and say that you, too, appear in my head more often than I could possibly allow, love. Thinking about those beautiful lips or enchanting eyes has nearly ruined my plans more than once."
"Always so good with words."
"And in many other things, my little human." he murmured, leaning in to cup your lips in a tender, slow kiss.
That's how things were with Klaus: slow, tempting, irritating, until the flame between you, fueled by those little banters, started to grow to the point where you both burned each other. And it was a feeling you never wanted to deprive yourself of. It doesn't matter how unethical and unfair it was to the people close to you.
The ringing of your phone snapped you out of this haze of pleasure. You somehow pushed Klaus away from you and reached for your phone on the nightstand. Elena. You groaned. The last thing you wanted was to talk to your sister.
"Be quiet for a minute, please." you asked the hybrid before you answered the phone. "Elena? What's going on?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm home and you're nowhere to be found. Where are you?!"
"God, take it easy! You didn't let me finish. I'm at a friend's house." Klaus raised an inquiring eyebrow, smiling and barely holding back a laugh. You punched him lightly in the chest, making him chuckle louder.
"Is it a male laugh? Who are you with? What friend is this?"
"This is Bob! You know Bob from my English class. We were writing an essay together. I told you about him, didn't I?"
"Just go back home. We need to talk." you hung up, staring furiously at the man below you.
"I asked you!" you screamed, hitting the hybrid with your pillow as he burst out laughing at you.
"I'm sorry, love. But you're a terrible liar."
"Well, I'm good enough for Elena to believe me. You should be glad. You won't have a group of angry vampires storming your house." you said, throwing the pillow back into place and laying down next to Klaus again. You could have stolen a few more moments with him before returning to that circus known as your home.
"Love, you know very well that they wouldn't have the slightest chance against me." he bragged, giving you a flick on your nose which made you giggle.
"Yes, yes. You are a stunningly handsome, powerful hybrid that everyone trembles before in fear."
"I know it perfectly well, but you don't know how wonderful it is to hear it from your lips." he murmured, pulling you to him by your chin for another kiss.
"Nik. I have to go home, you've heard by yourself."
"Stay a little longer." he murmured as he kissed the way along your neck and shoulder. "I'll find you an excuse."
"You kidnapped me last week. They won't fall for it for the 5th time."
"That's what you said the last time. And guess what..." he murmured, biting into the sensitive spot under your ear.
Before you got lost in each other again, you pushed him away, straddling him. He didn't care at all, continuing to kiss every inch of your exposed skin.
"I'll come to you in the morning before you're even up. Maybe I'll even skip my class."
"I hold you to your word." he murmured, sucking on a hickey just below your collarbone. You groaned, grabbing his blonde curls. "Now run away. If you're late tomorrow, I'll come get you myself, love."
"I hold you to your word, the mighty hybrid."
"Elena, I'm home!" you shouted as you stepped over the threshold. You set your bag down by the entrance, looking around the house for any sign of your sister. "It would be nice if you would answer since you've already brought me here."
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of juice. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a note stuck to the fridge.
I went away with Damon for the weekend, Jeremy is staying with a friend tonight. Don't do any parties. Elena.
A whole house to yourself for the night? That could only mean one thing. You took your phone out of your pocket, smiling to yourself.
"Klaus? What are you doing tonight?"
"No! Don't even tell me that you did it!" you laughed with the hybrid as he told you about one of his feuds with famous people.
You really wanted to see him throw an apple at Einstein.
"You know me, love. I'm not famous for my angelic patience."
"You are not famous for anything angelic at all."
"We're very brave today, aren't we? You know that teasing the original hybrid is not a good idea." he murmured, cupping my cheek with his hand and caressing my lips with his thumb. "First, you ran away from me sooner than I wanted, and then you told me to come here as fast as I could."
'Aren't you happy to be here?" you asked, putting your hands on his shoulders and playing with his hair.
"I am…" he pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist. "But I'm not yet your boyfriend, who you could boss around."
"Yet?" you asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow.
"Yhm... yet." he murmured, catching your lips in a greedy kiss.
You moaned at the familiar, wonderful feeling of his soft lips on yours. You grabbed his necklace and dragged him into the living room with you.
With your wonderful grace, instead of sitting with him on the couch, you tripped over the coffee table. You groaned in pain, breaking the kiss and grabbing your sore leg. You would have fallen if not for your lover's strong arms.
"Fuck." you groaned, knowing full well that soon you'd have a new bruise to add to your collection.
"My clumsy little human. Come here, let me look at your terrible wound." he knelt down in front of you with a smirk, rolling up your trouser leg with unusual delicacy for him.
"Hey! This little human is capable of bringing the most powerful vampire on earth to his knees before her. Don't you dare underestimate me."
"Never, love." he murmured, before putting his lips to the spot you hit, making you shiver as soon as his plump lips made contact with your skin.
"I can kiss it better, but we both know that my blood is more effective."
"No! Only humans ways." you screamed in a panic. Klaus' wounded face quickly made you feel remorse for your sudden outburst. It wasn't his fault that you didn't want anything to do with the supernatural, and you certainly didn't want to take the risk of having vampire blood in your system. Typically, such a person ended up dead, waiting for his transformation. Even though your lover and boyfriend were vampires, eternity wasn't for you. "But it would be great if you took me to my bedroom."
"I don't think you're so hurt that you can't move on your own, love." he said with an amused smirk.
"That's because you've been invulnerable for a thousand years. You don't even know what a life-threatening condition I'm in right now. The only cure is my comfortable bed and your warm arms around me."
"Well, then I have to make sure my favorite human survives." he took you in his arms, laughing at how quickly you wrapped your hands around him.
With the skill of stealth practiced over months, he went straight to your room. Even knowing that no one but you is at home. It's just that both of you are used to hiding from the eyes of your friends and his family by now.
From the scowl on Klaus' face as soon as you entered the room, you could tell he looked again at the photo (of you and Stefan kissing) on your nightstand that he hated.
"You should burn it." he grunted, setting you down on the bed and standing tense in front of you, obviously not going to join you.
"It's a picture of me and my boyfriend. If he suddenly disappears, Elena and gang might get suspicious."
"Next time Kol and I fight them in here, I'll make sure it lands in the fireplace."
"Mr. Mikaelson... are you jealous?" you asked with a mischievous smirk, pulling him to you so that he was straddling you.
"No." he murmured as he kissed you and knocked the photo frame onto the carpet with one hand. "We both know who you really belong to. And one day, when you pluck up the courage to drop our ripper... I'd be happy to tell him what I've been doing with his sweet, tempting, resourceful girlfriend." he bit your neck, making you moan as he grabbed his shoulders. "And believe me, love, I'll tell him about all the beautiful sounds you made for me."
"Nik..." you moaned, grabbed his hair, and pulled him into another desperate kiss.
Too lost in each other's touch, lips, and scent, you didn't notice that someone had entered the house until your room door opened.
"Y/N you can't even imagine what Damon did. Y/N?!" your sister screamed as soon as she saw you making out with her worst enemy. "What are you doing?! And with him?! You're dating Stefan!"
"You want me to leave you two alone?" he asked, not bothering with the angry brunette. He watched you with obvious concern in his blue eyes as you tried to control your horror at the romance being wasted.
And by whom! Months of careful hiding, only to be discovered by Elena.
"Yes! Get out of here, Klaus!" your sister screamed, trying to push him out of the room, to which the hybrid didn't react at all. He just stared at you, waiting patiently for your response.
"It's okay. You can go. I'll call you later." you assured him with a gentle smile. Klaus stared at you unconvinced for a moment, but finally nodded and left, not forgetting to kiss you on the forehead and shoot Elena a murderous glare.
You sighed as the hybrid left the room. You knew you could feel completely safe with him when you were alone. But with the equally furious (and impetuous) Elena in the same room? Hell would break loose. And you doubted your sister would be lucky enough to survive this time.
"What the hell was that?! Do you have any idea what you're even doing?! YOU'RE CHEATING ON STEFAN! And with who?! The original who nearly killed me and Jenna!"
"Are you finished? Close the door behind you, you're making a draft."
"Is that what you meant? Were you trying to make me mad by making out with him in our house? You could at least spare Stefan the embarrassment and break up with him before you fucked Klaus like a whore."
"Really? Are you trying to make this about yourself? God, you're more fucked up than me, Elena. At least I don't put myself at the center of the damn universe."
"You're cheating on Stefan, you really don't see that as a problem Y/N?!"
"Well, you and Caroline have been drooling over him ever since he got here. He'll probably find comfort in either of you pretty quickly. I doubt he's particularly grieving for me." you tried your best to lie to Elena, but the truth was, you were afraid of Stefan's reaction.
Lately, Salvatore has been flooding you with various date propositions, texts, and phone calls. At one point, Klaus threw your phone out the window because you couldn't focus on him. He got a huge, angry lecture from you, and from then on, he allowed you a short text to dismiss your boyfriend while you were with a hybrid. But you knew you couldn't hide the truth any longer. It hadn't been fair to him from the very beginning of this secret, forbidden affair with Klaus.
"You know what. I'm sick of you, Y/N. Get out of here."
"Get out of here. Maybe Klaus will take you in. Honestly? I don't care. You don't deserve an ounce of attention. Not after what you've done."
You gave her an incredulous look. You shook your head in amusement, laughing as you passed a very serious and pissed off brunette.
You didn't want to make your sister (and yourself) any more angry. So without saying a word, you just took your car keys, wallet, and phone and left the house.
You dialed Klaus' number in the car. You patiently waited for him to pick up as you drove out of downtown Mystic Falls and headed towards his mansion. You were hoping he'd put you up for the night until you found a way out of this sick situation.
You knew that your cheating on Stefan with Klaus was a huge blow to the younger Salvatore, something he didn't deserve at all, but Elena overreacted by kicking you out of the house. It was just between you and Stefan (and maybe also Nik). Your sister had no right to make such a drama linking your falling in love with Klaus to wanting to throw her off balance. It wasn't your fault that most of the hot guys wanted to kill her.
"Hello, love. Is everything okay? You looked quite terrified when I left. Are you sure that you don't want me to come to you? I can always get in by a window..."
"No. Actually, I'm on my way to your house. Will you have any free beds for me?"
"We both know that my bed is the most comfortable and sufficient for the two of us, love."
You were about to say something funny to his taunt, but suddenly something jumped out in front of your car. You screamed, trying to swerve and avoid the thing, but you ran straight into a tree. After that, there was only darkness.
The first thing you felt when he regained consciousness was blood slowly trickling down the side of your head. You groaned, pressing your hand to the bleeding wound.
Surprisingly, the first thing that popped into your mind after the accident was not to check your health. You were worried that Klaus panicked upon hearing you hit a tree over the phone, probably smashing your car. You could only think about Klaus... at least before you noticed you were still in the car.
"Finally you woke up. I was afraid you crashed into that tree so hard that you died before I planned it." your head shot towards the driver's seat, where your boyfriend's voice was coming from. You groaned as you made a sudden move.
"Stefan?" you asked in surprise as your eyes widened. Wait... dead? He wants my death? You looked around in panic, realizing that the vampire had tied you to the chair.
"Did you forget about me? I heard from Elena that you found yourself a new boyfriend. Klaus, really? I didn't expect you to stoop so low."
"Well, I couldn't go any lower after dating you anyway." you said, coughing up blood.
"I gave you some of my blood so our fun wouldn't end too soon. I also invited Klaus. He'll be sitting in the front row, watching you slowly die, suffocating underwater." the speedometer showed 180 km/h. And Stefan was just accelerating. Your heart beat faster in panic as you tried to find a way out of this situation. Preferable one that doesn't include your drowning.
He must have switched off his humanity the moment Elena gave him the fucking good news. That's why you were afraid to tell Stefan about it. You didn't want his "dark side" to go outside to play. And now you were paying a fair price for your many lies. You were just fucking hoping that Elena would feel a hell of a lot of guilt when you died.
"Stefan. Listen. I know I cheated on you and did the worst possible thing to you by hiding in corners with Klaus and still giving you hope. I should have broken up with you the moment things started happening between me and Klaus, but I didn't. And no apologies from me can make up for that, and you have every right to be mad at me, angry, crazy. But if you kill me now, you'll never forgive yourself. You know I'm not going to become a vampire; I'm going to die the moment this car goes down in the water. Are you ready to have one more innocent soul on your conscience, ripper?" you asked in a broken voice, fearing for your life. It wasn't supposed to end like this.
"That's the thing, Y/N. I don't care anymore."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw us drive onto that famous bridge, where he saved your and your sister's lives. How ironic that your life was to end in exactly the same place and by the same man who had saved it there earlier.
You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to fall, when suddenly Stefan stopped the car. You opened your eyes, sighing in relief.
Klaus came to save you.
"This is probably the moment you should run away while you still have your head on your shoulders!"
Stefan pulled you out of the car by your hair, his hand on your back dangerously close to your heart. He stopped a few steps in front of Klaus, who looked surprisingly calm for him. At least for someone who doesn't know him. You could see fear and anxiety in his eyes, the way he gently clenched his jaw, and the stance he assumed.
"I think this time I'm the one with the advantage." you groaned in pain as he dug his hand into your side. You felt blood start to trickle from your new wound, staining your already bloody and torn shirt. The hybrid wanted to move, but suddenly ran into some invisible barrier. Bonnie must have cast a spell on him. Klaus growled a warning as Stefan's fangs were dangerously close to your neck. "One wrong move, and I'll do my ripper trick on your new toy, Klaus."
"Let her go. It's me you hate. You want revenge on me, not on her."
"You both deserve to be punished. Whatever I do with her, I'll get revenge on you in the process. You care so much about her, Klaus? A weak man who wants to live a gray, boring life? You'd get bored with her eventually. Actually, I'm giving you a beautiful gift. With her death, she will become a vampire. All you'll have to do to transform her is to pour blood down her throat. And believe me, Y/N, your lovely Klaus will rather make you end the transition than let you die."
You couldn't cry. You promised yourself that your fast heartbeat and trembling would be the only signs of fear that Stefan would notice.
"If you don't let her go now, I'll kill everyone and everything…" you didn't hear the rest as your neck was broken like a twig under Stefan's hands. And your body fell to the ground with Klaus' loud scream.
Coming back to life after death should be a dramatic, suspenseful, and overall poignant moment. In your case, it was like waking up after a very long nap (probably after some big party, judging from your headache).
"Y/N!" Klaus' worried gasp reached your ears the moment you moved slightly.
You groaned as the light from the bedside lamp in his room illuminated you. Klaus' bedroom. He had to move you here after Stefan broke your neck. Salavtore broke your neck. You must be in a transition process.
"I'm here, love. I'm not going anywhere. You're safe. My siblings are chasing the Salvatores and their gang all over town. I'll make sure none of them ever hurt you again." he murmured, kissing your forehead and pulling you closer to him. "I swear to you, you'll never have to be afraid of anyone again."
"Niklaus." somehow you managed to break free from the clingy hybrid's arms and sit on his bed. You clutched your head as the world around you began to spin. Klaus' warm hand cupped yours, anchoring you. After a while, everything stopped. It was just you, breathing heavily with a very worried 1000-year-old vampire by your side. "I can't stay with you. I... I can't be a vampire." you whispered as tears began to fill your eyes and all the stress from tonight began to turn into a terrifying panic.
"Love..." his pained look only intensified your despair and tears.
"No. Nik I-I can't live forever. I can't feed on the blood of innocent people... I... I don't want to die." you clung to him, crying into his chest like a little child.
You felt one of his hands wrap around your waist, placing you on his lap, and the other soothingly combing your hair.
"Shhh.. you don't have to be afraid, love. I'll be there for you, whatever you decide—even if these are your last hours. I'm not going to leave you alone. I don't want to convince you of anything, but if you decide that forever doesn't seem like such a bad idea, just know that I'll make sure you're not going through this on your own. I will help you control hunger, deal with overwhelming emotions. I can even steal blood from hospitals, hunt squirrels, or give you my own." you burst out laughing, imagining him running around the woods looking for squirrels. Klaus smiled at your laugh. He wiped the tears from your cheek with his thumb, looking at your tear-stained, snotty, and reddened face with great tenderness. "Being a vampire doesn't have to be so terrible. You have the whole world in front of you. And with me by your side? I'll make sure that you enjoy every second of your eternity. Only if you want it."
"What if I turn out to be a ripper like Stefan? Or my character will change completely, and you won't want me anymore? What if my darkness dominates and destroys my humanity?"
"I'll always love you, Y/N. Nothing can change that. If you end transition, I'll keep an eye on you. I won't let any of the things you're worried about happen. You have my word. You're everything that matters to me." you decided not to bring up the fact that he had just confessed his true feelings to you for now and instead buried your head between his neck and shoulder.
"Don't say that line. I only associate it with Elijah." you whispered with a smile, inhaling his scent, which brought you calm and safety.
"I could have predicted you'd focus solely on that sentence." he snorted indignantly, placing a kiss on your temple.
You sat there in silence for a while, hugging each other and soaking up each other's warmth. Klaus was drawing patterns on the exposed skin of your arm. Only now did you notice that he had changed you into his clothes. A strange feeling flooded your chest, warming your already flushed cheeks.
A persistent thought in the back of your mind snapped you out of this sweet moment between you two. You could have it forever. His arms around you. His lips on yours. His whispers in your ear. It could all be yours for eternity.
And maybe you didn't want to be a vampire. Maybe you wanted to live a normal life before, with your family, children, husband, boring job, and terrible boss. But now that Klaus has offered his eternal protection and affection?
You were too covetous to let him go. Too greedy for his affection and devotion to follow your beliefs. And so you have (willingly) gone against yourself since the beginning of this relationship. So what bad could happen this time? At least you'd be still alive.
"Okay." his intent gaze moved from your skin to your eyes, raising an eyebrow questioningly. "You've stuck with me. I'm gonna feed."
"Are you sure, Y/N?" he turned you around in his arms so that he could look at your face, searching for even an ounce of hesitation and uncertainty.
"Yes. After all, someone has to make sure you don't kill them all before they get what they're due. You are not famous for your patience."
"We will punish them. Together." he said, handing you the already prepared bag of blood from his nightstand. 0 Rh-. His favourite. You felt the hunger overwhelm you.
"Together." you agreed, taking the sack and groaning while sucking on all its contents. Klaus interrupted you from time to time, wanting you to slow down.
As you pulled away, Klaus took the empty bag from your hands, throwing it behind him. He gently stroked your cheek with his thumb, watching with fascination the changes slowly taking place in you. He couldn't wait to introduce you to his world.
"For always and forever." he murmured as he slid the daylight ring on your finger. You smiled as you saw the initials of your name and his surname carved into the lapis lazuli stone.
The son of a bitch must have been prepared for this a long time ago.
"For awlays and forever." you promised, sealing your fate by placing a fervent kiss on his lips.
From then on, you were a proud member of the Mikaelson family. And honestly? You haven't regretted your decision for even one second.
Certainly not when you both took your revenge. Or when Klaus proposed to you the right way. Or when you got married. Not for a brief moment of your eternity together.
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angelsworks · 1 year
Hi, hopefully you are doing well. Can I please request a headcanon of yandere Mikaelsons brothers (separate) with an understanding and sweet obsession? Where despite the reader knows who they actually are, they accept them for who they are and loves/loyal to them no matter what? Thanks a lot
Sweet Obsession Yandere! Mikaelson brothers (seperate) x Willing! Darling
TVD Masterlist -> Here
Type: Headcannon
Summary: What it’s like for each of the Mikaelson brothers to have a willing darling.
Warnings: 18+, mature themes, yandere themes, kidnap, coercive behaviours, stalking, etc
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For a darling to be willing I think they’d either need to be blindly naive, have a low self esteem or just not care, or find it incredibly charming.
The blindly naive darling would see everything their yandere did for them as loving, kind and normal. They wouldn’t care that childhood friends don’t call anymore or any guy you talk to disappears.
Or they’d have low self esteem. They’d be surprised that anyone would take an interest in them. Especially when there were girls like Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennet in mystic falls.
The just not care darling would do exactly that, just not care. They’d be extremely nonchalant with everything their yandere did. Isolate you? Good you like being alone. Move you to their house? Great, rent was getting expensive.
The final darling would have to be a little crazy themselves. They’d twist everything their yandere did into something romantic. They’d see their lover as their Romeo or their Clyde. Ready to do anything to protect their love.
Klaus Mikaelson
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Out of everyone in Mystic Falls, Klaus takes an interest in you.
It surprised you. You weren’t exactly the most stand out person in the town, nor the most pretty by your standards.
He approaches you with his charm dialled up to a million. He flashes you his smile and you feel yourself swooning.
It’s not long before you go on a date with him. It of course being one of the most romantic nights of your life.
Yet you can’t get over your insecurity. This won’t last. He won’t stay.
Once he finds everything out about you he’ll get bored and leave. His Interest will dwindle and you don’t think your heart can handle it.
So one night you invite him over. Tell him of your concerns and propose that you try to tell him everything he wants to know.
That way he can decide sooner if he wants to leave.
The logic makes sense in your own head, yet seems completely ludicrous to Klaus.
How could he not be enamoured with you.
But he plays along. Spending the night asking you as many questions as his heart desires.
He’s not used to someone being so open and honest with him. You’re putting everything on the table and he can’t help but admire you for it.
Your attempt to scare him off only draws him in.
He makes this clear to you with gifts and gestures.
He gives you a intricate promise ring, so you can see that he plans to stick around for a long time.
When he says forever, he means forever.
Slowly but surely any doubts you have about yourself and Klaus’ intentions are washed away.
It gets a to a point where nothing he can do scares you off. Killing, intimidating, hunting. Regardless of who it is, you don’t care.
You’re more than happy to talk him through any of his plans. You become his confidant, his safe haven, his other half.
Regardless of any objections you have, he makes you move in with him. Giving you your own room in his mansion but demanding requesting you sleep with him.
And you do, every night.
You lay still as he buries his nose into your neck and sometimes even his teeth.
Marking you as his for all to see.
Elijah Mikaelson
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An uncaring darling wouldn’t really understand or care that what Elijah was doing was wrong.
He’d watch you for a while going about your normal routine. Completely oblivious to the original vampire stalking you.
Maybe you do see him one day, you smile and wave politely. Which makes his heart beat and head swoon.
When he approaches you he can’t control himself. He takes you immediately. To a place isolated from anyone willing to help you. His family home.
While you sleep he plans for any negative reaction you could give him. What he’d do if you rejected him, screamed, tried to fight him.
Imagine his surprise when you wake as if it’s completely normal. You walk from the room and make yourself comfortable on the sofa. Turning on the TV and quickly finding your favourite channel.
Elijah tries to explain the situation, but you show little interest. Little emotion to being kidnapped.
You hum and nod at him as he tells you he’s claimed you as his, he’s a vampire, you are to live with him now.
He even makes up some more outrageous claims to get a rise out of you. Like his plans to drink your blood, claim your body, fill your womb.
Still you don’t react, too engrossed in your show.
Finally you turn to him and ask if he has any snacks
Bewildered he complies and fetches your desired food from the kitchen.
The rest of your relationship carries on the same.
He does what he wished, you stay pliant. Why fight him, when he’s given you nothing to complain about?
Sure you have limited freedom. But the man had private jets at his disposal. One call and you could be jetting off to Paris, Milan, New York. Anywhere you want to go, Elijah has it covered.
Similarly, anything you desire, the man is waiting with his credit card. Money is no issue for him and he’s happy to spend it all on you.
Over time you do grow fond of the vampire. Enjoying his attention that is forever on you. How deep his obsession goes.
You find little to grumble about and plenty to enjoy.
Elijah is more than pleased with your response to him. Enjoying how easy it is to do things with you.
Having you willing is such a pleasure.
Kol Mikaelson
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A darling just as crazy as Kol would work.
Any crazy thing Kol would do to prove his love, you’d triple.
It became sort of like a competiton between the two of you. How crazy could you get?
Arguments over nothing would lead to glasses thrown and rough fucking on the nearest surface.
Despite his yandere tendencies, you love each other like they aren’t even there.
Maybe that’s what draws him to you.
Your complete lack of sanity.
It’s perfect actually.
With you he feels truly accepted.
At first you didn’t even realise he was flirting with you. The two of you exchanged snide remarks and quips.
Only much later in your relationship did you start to exchange more loving words.
To be honest with all the insults you were sure Kol hated you.
He was always where you didn’t want him.
At your job, at your school, at your house.
His incessant attention lead to an argument between the two of you, then quite a dramatic kiss.
From then on Kol became a lot more bearable.
To the point you were able to feed into his more murderous tendencies.
Finn Mikaelson
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You loved Finn, yandere traits and all.
You loved the fact that he cared about you more than anything else (well next to his family of course)
You loved the fact that you could share all your interests with him. He’d sit, listening intently, hanging off your every word.
For him he loved the fact you would explain the world he’d missed to him. Showing him culture of the last 900 years.
Together you learned about history. Exploring the world together.
From the moment Finn found you he knew he had to have you.
His own little encyclopaedia.
Together you watch all your favourite shows and films. Explaining all the behind the scenes facts you know about them.
Eventually you do probably realise how possessive Finn can be.
But you fail to care when he loves you so.
Treating you as the sun that warms the earth.
Something unrivalled by any lover that’s come before him.
Previous lovers and even friends have critiqued your ability to ramble. Often becoming disinterested in your topics of interest.
So to have this original vampire who has been alive (albeit the majority of time in a box) for 1000 years, to pay attention to you, to listen to you, to love you.
That makes any negative of loving Finn Mikaelson completely worth it.
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talesofmysticfalls · 8 months
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We are currently searching and accepting all mod applications! Please fill out and submit if interested! - 21+ Only - Highly Canon and Oc friendly - No Character Limit - Friendly to all - Politics are not allowed - LGBTQ+ friendly - Trolls banned on sight - Many roleplay channels including states! - Multi and exclusive shipping! - Semi-lit to Literate roleplay server, 4+ sentences! - Roleplay events & server events, including hysterical group crack roleplay. - Watch parties of TVD, including favored Episodes. - Roleplay shipping/character discussions - wines-days and vc banter!
(BE WARNED: This server branches off from seasons 3 and 4 for TVD, thus some things might be a little divergent, however, we promise to maintain as close to canon as possible!)
First Group Rp Lore:
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The peaceful town of Cold Spring, New York has been thrown into chaos by a series of vicious animal attacks. The violent incidents have caused widespread panic among the townspeople, and as a result, a small group of Lycans has been forced to leave the place they once called home. The once serene and harmonious community is now behind them, the pack arrives at Mystic Falls, GA.
In the town of Mystic Falls, a rogue werewolf has been stalking the group, causing chaos and murdering young women. The town is now in a state of panic over the so-called "animal attacks". As the community comes together, they meet new faces and form new bonds.
Some Questions remain, However:
What is going to happen next? And who will be willing to put an end to one petty Werewolf?
- Damon and Stefan Salvatore
- Elena and Jeremy Gilbert
- Caroline Forbes
- All of The Mikaelsons
- Tyler Lockwood
- The Donovans
- Bonnie Bennette (And many more <3)
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elejah-wonderland · 5 months
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_elejah au
Love is in the Air
_tvd fanfic_Part 1
a/n: this is a light-hearted, romantic little story.
New Orleans
"I am all packed" Elijah said to his sister Rebekah on the phone.
"Why Rome?" the blonde asked.
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"I just had this idea for my next book. And I need to go there to get the feel of the city, do some research at the archives." Elijah said.
"So, it's going to be another murder mystery with historical background?!" Rebekah stated.
"Burning Wings was such a great success and now they want me to write a sequel," Elijah said, "and a couple of nights ago I had a dream that kind of set this idea in my head to put the plot in Rome."
"Well, I hope it will not all be work- after your divorce you have done nothing but work."
"I plan to take time off and enjoy the city. Stefan is gone with Valerie to visit his brother and his wife Rosalie in Amesterdam and I got his apartment for a whole month." Elijah explained.
Rebekah sighed a little as her brother mentioned her ex-boyfriend Stefan Salvatore.
"I am sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned him."
"It's ok. I just- it will always be hard cuz- you know - I messed ut up and now- ok- right. When is your flight?" Rebekah asked.
"Tomorrow morning. I will call you when I get there." Elijah replied.
"All right. Have a great time. And try not to just work." Rebekah said and with a little bye and Elijah's promise that he will also take time to enjoy his holiday, they hung up.
Pressing the search button, the latest articles with the news popped up. And the picture of the woman he had met ten years ago as he visited his sister, who was studying in the prestige old private  Mystic Falls College for liberal arts, now stared at him.
His eyes smiled seeing the photo, which was clearly from one of her premieres as she was a famous actress.
And then he saw the article headline.
Elena Gilbert rumored to be secretly engaged to Mason Wood.
Elijah sighed a little and not reading further, swiped the page off and went to a subject he was interested in.
In Florence, Italy
Elena walked in her hotel room followed by her personal assistant  and manager, Jo Parker.
"Thank God today was the last day of the shoot. Can you please reschedule everything  for at least a week?!" Elena said."I am so going away and I don't want to know about anything. Please."
"All right. So, what shall I book you? Bali?"
"No. I already made my own arrangements." Elena said.
"What? I didn't want to ask - but - are you seeing  Mason again?" Jo asked.
"No. Well, we hooked up again- and that's all" Elena replied waving away with an insignificant huff.
"Right. Do you want me to say something about the non-engagement? It's all over the internet"
"No. Just leave it. It will blow over. Especially when they soon see him with Erin." Elena explained.
"Erin Lindsay? Seriously?" Jo now asked.
"A couple of days after our hook up I saw him with her all lovey at the same hotel." Elena said followed by a little sigh.
"Oh, sweety - you still thought that -"
"Yeah- I kind of thought that maybe the hook up would be - but things were over with us ages ago- I don't know why I  thought that there - and I am not even in love with him really - anyway, enough of it."
"Where are you going?" the manager asked.
"Rome." Elena replied.
"Rome?" Jo was surprised.
"Yes. And I am going incognito. I got Francesca's keys to her apartment. I need to get away from everything and everyone. Take a week off- maybe two." Elena replied.
"Ok. I have something for you to read. Liv is still negotiating to get the rights to do a movie, but it's nearly in the bag and Tristan is very interested in producing this," Jo now got a book out of her bag, adding,"it's a historical thriller and you would be playing Angel, she is a 15th century librarian, who investigates a murder involving an ancient curse. The book was No.1 everywhere!"
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Elena took the book and looked at it, muttering,"Elijah Smith?" and then turned the book around. The face on the back now made her heart jump.
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"Interested? The book is really good - there are so many twists and turns - I could not put it down till I finished it. There is a very ambiguous cliffhanger at the end - and apparently there is going to be Burning Wings 2- Elena?"
"Ha? What?" Elena now snapped out of her momentary daze.
"Yeah" Elena said breathing in a gulp.
Jo smiled a little, gathering why Elena got a tad bit taken in.
"He is such an eye-candy, right?"
"Yeah" Elena said and put the book down on the table.
"What's up?"
"Nothing," Elena replied, "ahm- I want to go shower and I think I will hit the bed."
"All right. I will see you at breakfast? Shall I rent- a- car for you?"
"Yes, please. Thanks, Jo. Sorry, I am just so wasted."- Elena now said rubbing her neck a bit.
"I know. Don't worry. Ok. See you in the morning." Jo said and then taking her bag from the chair left the actress's room.
As the door clicked on the way out, Elena now shot a look at the book, flashing back to the past.
Ten years back
"May I?" Elijah asked politely for the seat on the bench.
"Yes" Elena said removing the books so the man could sit down.
"Maybe it appears odd that I want to sit here though the other bench over there is empty, but it's too exposed on the sun and it's such a great shade here under this oak" Elijah said as he sat down.
"Yeah- it's crazy hot today," Elena replied,"and it's only May"
Elijah's eyes now descended on one of the books - "Roman Tragedy", and then a guide book on Rome. "Ah, Rome - such a great city."
Elena now swayed her look from her book she was reading.
"Have you been there?"
"Yes, last summer. With my sister Rebekah and my brother Kol." Elijah replied.
"Rebekah is your sister?"
"Yes. I am here to meet her. And she specificly said  - to be at the White Oak Tree. She is running late. You know her?" Elijah explained.
"We are in the play together." Elena replied.
"Oh, really? She didn't say anything about it. Is she any good?"
Elena nodded a little.
"Not that great, ha?"
"She is, and she could be excellent, but she seems not to care that much. Ok, I shouldn't  saybanything really."
"Oh, you're ok. She is my sister and I love her, but I know what she is like. She excels only at things she really is passionate about, and if she is not - well, she can be superficial."
"Yeah" Elena slipped.
"She wants to be a designer, she told me and I saw some of her designs - and they are amazing. Her show is the evening. But I guess, you know that?!" Elena said.
"Yes, that's why I am here." Elijah now said.
He then saw Rebekah approaching and he stood up. And just before he went to his sister, he turned to the brunette, introducing himself, "I'm Elijah."
"I'm Elena." the woman said.
_to be continued
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
Thank you so much! I loved the Elijah Mikaelson x Female Gilbert. It was exactly what I was looking for. So creepy but to hot at the same time. Also I was wondering if you could do a part two to my request. Maybe she wakes up the next morning and walks downstairs, holding the bear. Elijah is there and tries to kiss her. Except they get interrupted and he whisks her away. As for the nicknames question I think Elijah would call her Lovely or Lovely Girl. Or My Queen. As in Queen of his heart.
Ahhhh!! I’m so glad you liked it!! I sure can! Also, I love those nicknames. I could totally see Elijah say those to his lover. Thank you so much!
Relationship: Elijah Mikaelson x Female Gilbert Reader
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Warnings: YANDERE, obsession, slight kidnapping, forced relationship, Elijah is kinda creepy, but handsome as hell, cussing
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— — — —
Loving Gifts Part 2
Not a wink of sleep was given to me the whole night. My body kept jolting to every little sound echoing in the quiet room, regrettably thinking it was Elijah spying on me. I felt bad thinking the way I did about him. He was a very kind gentleman towards me. Even after everything that my sister, Elena, has done to him – understandably to each other – he has still kept his word with her. But deep down…I have this terrible feeling that he’s not showing the real him around me. His aura seems…darker.
My head started to hurt from the abrupt thoughts running through my head. With the sunlight now shining through my window, I figured now was a good time to get up and get ready for the day.
The new teddy bear I got last night from the handsome original vampire was held tightly in my hands. I felt very close to the object already. Not because of Elijah being so kind, but because it really reminded me of the one I had when I was younger. A very special stuffed animal that was given to me by my mother, who is now gone from my life. 
I make my way down the stairs, lightly yawning from the lack of sleep. When my bare feet feel the hardwood floor on the ground level of the house, I flinch at the surprise visit from none other than Elijah Mikaelson. 
I tip toe to him. “E-Elijah? What are you doing here?”
He smiles at me softly, his hands messing with his formal tie. “Good morning, lovely.”
I jerk at the nickname. Lovely? When did he decide to start calling me that? Although I felt the pet names were making our friendly relationship go a bit faster than I thought it would go, my heart started beating faster and my cheeks felt warm. Damn these feelings and my ungodly single teenage self.
“Elijah.” I say his name once more, almost in a threatening manner to get his attention. “What are you doing here? What if Elena – or Alaric – see you?”
He watches as the teddy bear in my hand flings around in the air with my hand gestures. I noticed him staring and cleared my throat, casually bringing the toy to my stomach to hold still. “No need to worry. Your sister, and your guardian, aren’t here at the moment.” He steps closer, his warm breath fanning over my cheeks.
Elena didn’t come back last night? What’s going on? “I don't understand…” I mumble. I’ve slowly realized Elijah’s pattern. He’s always appearing wherever I’m at. And with Elena telling me to stay away from him, it’s exactly the opposite of her demands. What was once time to time meetings with my sister of seeing Elijah is now him constantly seeing me without my sister around.  “Why are you doing this? What's so interesting about me?”
A breathy chuckle leaves his lips as he smiles. His hand reaches to my messy bed-head hair, pushing  a lock of it behind my ear. My spine shivered at this contact. “Because…you are the queen to my heart…” 
I couldn’t process his words at the moment. His eyes closed as his face got closer. His giant hand cupped my cheek to keep me still. I didn’t realize what was going on until the front door was flung open. 
“(Y/N)?!” Elena calls out as soon as she notices the situation. 
Elijah froze when hearing my sister's voice, not even pulling away to look at her. A flash of annoyance and anger passed over his eyes in seconds. 
Fear coursed through my body, realizing what exactly was going on. I don’t like him like this. I don’t want this. I’ve never wanted vampires to be in my life. My hand instinctively pushes against Elijah’s chest, his body not even budging as I do so. 
“Elena!” I managed to say her name before a firm arm wrapped around my waist, my vision blurry for a few seconds. What was once my family living room and kitchen was now an unfamiliar cabin home. Unfamiliar furniture surrounding me as I look around. “W-what…?” I stumble out of his grasp, my stomach churning at the sudden move. 
“I apologize for my abrupt actions. I didn’t wish for your sister to…get between us.” He says casually. 
I felt so dizzy and sick to my stomach. Not just from the fastest walk I've ever done in my entire life – even though I wasn't walking – but from the constant danger alarm blaring in the back of my mind. 
“E-Elijah…why am I here? Why did you…” I couldn’t even form words. A hard wall is suddenly pressed up against my back, not allowing me to back away further from the vampire. 
Elijah smiles gently at me, but It didn’t make me feel any better as he got closer. “You forgot your ring,” He completely ignores my questions, “So I grabbed it for you. It’ll be important for tomorrow, after all.” 
He takes out the ring from his suit jacket pocket, his other hand grasping my right hand and putting it on my ring finger. “T-tomorrow…?” I stammer out.
“Yes. Our wedding,” It felt as if my eyes were bulging out of my skull, “You’ll be my Queen tomorrow.” 
The constant butterflies flying in my stomach started to get worse. My ears started to ring out of nowhere, unable to hear Elijah’s words as he kept talking. He tricked me. That ring was an engagement ring. 
And I accepted it.
I couldn’t comprehend Elijah's soft lips connecting with the crown of my head as he kissed it softly. I couldn’t feel his hands holding onto my head tightly. I could only hear the sound of my heart beating a million miles a minute and my breath leaving my body quicker. 
I couldn’t comprehend the darkness taking over and my body falling limp into Elijah’s arms.
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thatfanficstuff · 19 days
Not About You - 36
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Pairing: Damon Salvatore x ofc
Warnings: nope
The next day, Lucy sat in the passenger seat of Damon’s car as he pulled up in front of Elena’s house. “Why are we here again?” she asked.
“Because I want to find out why John Gilbert is really in town. Last I knew Elena hated him so why call him for help?”
“Maybe because she couldn’t get the Salvatores wrapped around her finger like she was hoping? Who cares?”
Damon sighed. “I do because he could be a problem. We have enough of those without new ones showing up.”
“Okay, so why am I here? I could be watching a movie in my pjs eating ice cream right now.” She pouted.
He grabbed her chin and turned her head to face him before pecking her lips. “You are here because I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight for the next hundred years or so after yesterday.”
Yesterday had scared her as much as it had him so she wasn’t about to argue with him. Not yet anyway.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He jogged up to the front door which opened quickly. A moment later he was heading back to the car. Elena followed after him calling his name. Damon ignored her and got back in the car. “He’s not here.”
Lucy smirked and huffed a laugh. “I gathered.” She glanced at Elena and back to her boyfriend. “Are you really just going to ignore her?”
The teenager was now leaning on the hood of the car, glaring at Damon while she continued to say his name.
He rolled his eyes before putting his window down. “What?” he snapped.
Elena stomped over to his window. “What do you want with John?”
“It has nothing to do with you,” he answered.
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Of course it has to do with me. Are you trying to get him to help you stop the sacrifice?”
Damon sighed. “Sure. Let’s go with that.”
“I’m going with you.” She tried to open Damon’s door only to find it locked.
Lucy simply arched a brow at the exchange and shook her head. Maybe John Gilbert would be more cooperative if they had a hostage. Lucy climbed out of the car and leaned her seat up so Elena could get in the back.
“Seriously?” Damon muttered.
Elena scowled. “Oh hi, Lucy. I didn’t notice you. I really need to sit in the front. I get carsick. Sorry.”
“Listen, the only reason you’re getting a ride is because I’m offering you one. So get in the back or walk. I really don’t give a shit.”
The doppelganger narrowed her eyes but kept her mouth shut and crawled into the back.
Nobody spoke during the drive to the Grill until Damon reached over to link hands with Lucy. He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it.
Elena made a noise of disgust from the back seat.
“Is there a problem, Gilbert?” Damon asked.
“I just didn’t realize you two were so close is all.”
“Then you’re an idiot,” Lucy stated to end the conversation. The girl was either blind, stupid or trying to stir up shit. With her, who knew.
They parked near the Grill and Damon held Lucy’s hand as they walked inside. John Gilbert noticed them immediately, his gaze moving between them and Elena. Damon led the girls over to the bar. “I want to talk to him alone.”
Lucy nodded, not having any interest in speaking to the man again. Elena, however, laid a hand on his arm. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Day, I think I should go with you.”
Damon stared at her hand in disgust before brushing it off. “My name is Damon, not Day or whatever variation you can think of.”
Elena rolled her eyes and huffed. “I mean it, Damon,” she said emphasizing his name. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
Lucy bit her tongue. Her boyfriend could handle himself.
“But stupid is so much more fun,” he said with a wink in Lucy’s direction. She bit back the urge to laugh.
As he started to head to John’s table, Elena grabbed his arm again and stopped him. “I mean it. Control yourself. Be the better man. I know you can do it.”
His jaw worked as he glared down at her. Lucy pushed herself between the two of them and looped her arms around Damon’s waist. His gaze shifted to her and his features softened as he traced her chin with his thumb. “You do what you need to do, Day. I’ll grab a seat,” she said, deliberately using the nickname, and kissed him gently before pulling away.
He smirked then crashed his lips against hers and she opened her mouth to grant him access when he traced her lip with his tongue. Their kiss was unhurried but passionate and Lucy had all but forgotten where they were when Elena cleared her throat, interrupting them. They pulled away and Damon pressed one more quick kiss to her lips before heading toward John Gilbert. Lucy followed him with her gaze.
“You can’t just give him free rein like that, Lucy. You don’t know what he can be like,” Elena said from beside her.
Lucy glanced in her direction. “You don’t know anything about him. About either of them. You have some fucked up image in your head of what they’re like that is completely wrong, I assure you. Damon is not a horse. He doesn’t need to be broken or reined in. I’m pretty sure by his age, he’s figured shit out. He doesn’t need my permission to be himself and he sure as hell doesn’t need yours. Excuse me.”
There was an empty seat at the bar which Lucy claimed, turning her back on Elena as she did so. She ordered a bourbon and waited for her vampire to get done threatening the male Gilbert. It wasn’t long before Damon arrived and compelled the person in the seat next to her to move. After he’d gotten his own drink, he took a sip and turned to Lucy. “Thank you.”
She arched a brow. “For what?”
“For what you said to Elena.”
She shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal and to her it wasn’t. “I fell in love with you just the way you are, not some romanticized version of you. I don’t need you to be anything other than what you are.”
“God, I love you.” He kissed her temple and she sighed in contentment as she leaned her head on his shoulder. His phone went off and he read the text before handing the phone to her. “Looks like we’ve got a rescue mission, beautiful. Let’s go.”
She read Stefan’s text informing them about Caroline’s kidnapping as she followed him out to the car. “Why is there so much damn drama in this town?”
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As they neared the location Stefan had sent them, Lucy opened the glovebox and changed out the clip in her gun.
“What are you doing?” Damon asked, his voice tight.
She glanced to him with a lifted brow. “Wolfsbane.”
He shook his head. “Absolutely not. You are here strictly for post-rescue comfort.”
She thought about arguing or complaining about being left out but in the end she simply gave a nod. The tension visibly flowed from Damon with her agreement. Once he parked, he gave her a kiss, handed her the keys, and darted away to help his brother rescue Caroline. Lucy pulled out her phone and texted the situation to Elijah. Hopefully he could send help.
A short time later, her phone alerted her that her Original uncle wished to Facetime. She accepted and gave him a little wave when the call connected. He narrowed his gaze as he looked at what he could see around her.
She rolled her eyes. “I’m in the car like a good girl.” She turned the phone so he could see for himself.
She found him smirking when she turned the phone back. “How unusual for you.” He laughed when she glared at him. “I have sent Jonas to aid your Salvatores.”
Relief flooded through her. “Thank you.”
“Of course, little one. They are yours and you are mine. I will assist where I am able.”
They spoke until a knock on the window made her jump. Damon gave her a smile and she said her goodbyes as she leaned over and unlocked his door. “Caroline?” she asked once he was safely inside.
“She’s okay. She’s riding home with Stef.” He started the car but turned in the seat so he was facing her. “So, funny thing happened. Jonas Martin showed up and knocked out all the werewolves.”
“You don’t say?”
“He said ‘Elijah sends his regards’. Don’t suppose you had anything to do with that?” he asked with a crooked smile.
“Of course I did.” She shrugged. “It was a way I could help without being in danger.”
“Yeah, well, the witch saved our asses. Remind me to thank Elijah later.”
When they arrived home, Lucy sent Damon up to shower while she threw together food for everyone. Firstly, she headed down to the freezer to fetch blood for the vampires. Deer for Stefan and human for the other two. She warmed two bags for Caroline, the microwave going off just as Lucy heard the front door close. “Blood,” she announced.
Stefan and Caroline joined her a moment later. Lucy placed the blood on the counter and moved around to hug Care. The blonde held the blood bag with one hand and embraced her friend with the other. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” Lucy whispered. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Once Caroline finished the first bag, she dropped it and wrapped both arms around her best friend. Finally, they pulled apart.
“Drink the rest of the blood and the both of you get cleaned up. I’ll stick a pizza in the oven and we’ll have a sleep over in our room. The bed is big enough for all four of us, something I really don’t want to think about,” Lucy instructed, her nose scrunching.
Stefan chuckled and tugged Caroline away to his room. Lucy put the pizza in and warmed up blood for Damon. She took it up to their room so he could have it while it was warm. He was still in the shower and she looked him over from head to toe. “Well, hello you.”
He smirked. “You’re welcome to join.”
“Hmm. Tempting, but I have a pizza in the oven and Stefan and Caroline are coming up for a sleep over.” She handed him the blood and waited for him to finish so she could take the bag with her. A hollow gong sounded throughout the house. “And the doorbell just rang.”
Damon handed the empty blood bag over. “At least we know it’s not Elena. She would have just walked in.”
“That’s not as funny as you think it is, Salvatore,” she called over her shoulder. As she disposed of the bag in the kitchen, the bell rang again. “Oh, just fuck off already,” she muttered.
Opening the door revealed John Gilbert on the front porch. “Why?” Lucy asked.
The man blinked a few times. “Damon and I didn’t finish our conversation earlier. Can I come in?”
“No.” She moved to shut the door but he pressed a hand against the wood to stop her.
“Now, there’s no need for that. I think we got off on the wrong foot. We all want the same thing. We should work together,” John coaxed.
Lucy tilted her head as if she was contemplating his offer. He smiled and dropped his hand. She smiled in return though hers held an edge his didn’t. “You tried to kill my boyfriend. Do it again and I’ll kill you myself. Also, I see where Elena got her manners. Call next time.” She slammed the door and flipped both locks.
She turned to find Damon in only a pair of pajama pants watching in amusement. She shrugged. “Did you find out anything from him earlier?” she asked as she headed back to the kitchen.
Damon trailed behind her. “Not really. Let’s just focus on blondie tonight. We can worry about the assorted Gilberts tomorrow.”
They gathered pizza, drinks and snacks and headed up to their room to find the other pair already snuggled on one side of the bed. They put on a movie while they ate and slowly Caroline became more herself. By the time they fell asleep the girls were snuggled together with their boyfriends on either side of them. They had never felt safer or more content.
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misschanadlerbong · 7 months
When Stef Met 'Lena
PART 1 | <next>
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Elena was laid off from her last job due to her boss unable to pay her any longer. Elena had been searching for a job ever since, and then she discovered The Salvatore Industries. They were hiring or looking for a receptionist. Just the job for her. They had been her savior, she desperately needed this job. Rent money doesn’t come from out of thin air.
Elena Gilbert is described by many as stubborn, hard working, kind, and gentle. From a young age she strived to at least try when attempting at something which she carried with her into adulthood. And according to Caroline Forbes that was exactly what Salvatore Industries needed. Heart, kindness, and the strive to work hard. And that was exactly the receptionist they needed. Not what most people expect right? A receptionist needed those qualities? Yes, at The Salvatore industries they wanted and needed good people, people who carried about what they were doing. And Elena Gilbert was the perfect candidate.
There was this musical ringing, the phone rang several times before Elena reached it. She picked the phone up and answered with “Hello?” 
“Elena hi! I have wonderful news you got the job! Your first day is tomorrow please meet me at The Salvatore Industries near the front lobby. The address once again is 523 Mystic City Avenue. Can’t wait to see you then!” Caroline beamed and hung up the phone. 
Elena felt relief wash over her and then dread. Elena rubbed her temples in exasperation “She didn’t tell me who my boss is? Oh well this is gonna be fun,” Elena tried calling Caroline back again to get some answers to her questions but to no avail she did not answer. She tried again and all she heard was that loud and weird beeping sound when you call someone and they’re on the phone with someone else. Elena was irritated but instead of focusing on the negative she goes and calls Bonnie. 
Elena dialed Bonnie’s phone number 876-435-778. All you could hear was the ringing and how it paused and started to ring and pause once again until Bonnie picked up. 
“Bonnie guess what!” Elena exclaims enthusiastically. 
“You got the job!” 
“Yes I did! I got the job!” 
“That’s amazing Elena! I’m so proud of you!”
“Aw, thank you Bonbon.”
“You're welcome! Tell you what, how about I drop you off and it’ll save you the trouble of using more gas.” 
“That sounds like a plan Bon, also apparently I start tomorrow.” 
“That’s quick, but I can still drop you off, don't worry.” 
“I should have known it wouldn’t be able to get rid of you that easily.” Elena teased. 
“Kidding.” Elena giggled and Bonnie laughed alongside her.
Bonnie and Elena finally arrived at The Salvatore Industries. Bonnie parked in the parking lot, “Here we are.” Elena looked at the building nervously. “Don’t worry, You’ll do fine!” Bonnie gushed. Elena grinned at Bonnie feeling confidence wash over her. 
“Take a deep breath and keep your chin up.” Elena smiles softly and replies with “I will, don’t worry.” Bonnie smiles and says her goodbyes as she rides off leaving Elena by herself. Elena takes a few deep breaths, even though she already had been in the building it didn’t ease her nerves. But she tried to do what Bonnie wanted her to do. Keep her chin held high. She walked towards the building. Was it larger than the first time she saw it? No, but it felt larger. 
‘It’s just my first day, what could possibly go wrong?’ “Ugh who am I kidding?” Elena lets out a sigh and walks in the building. The moment she steps in the building a man greets her. He’s tall, he has black hair, pale blue eyes alongside a pale complexion as well. He gives her a cold and hard look. She wonders ‘Is this my boss?’ ‘If he is, this is gonna be interesting to say the least…’ 
“l know what you're thinking, I’m not your boss.” Elena nods slowly but then looks even more confused,“Then who are? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” “I do mind actually!” Elena looks down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry sir, the women who interviewed me didn’t tell me who he was or anything like that. She said she would meet me here.” “Leave the poor girl alone, she didn’t know there’s no shame in that.” The woman she interviewed me a few days ago says, I believe her name was Caroline if I’m remembering correctly. She leans her head to look at Elena and replies with “Come with me, it’s time to meet Mr.Salvatore. And don’t worry it’s not your fault for not knowing it’s mine entirely for not telling you.” 
Once they had moved to the elevator away from the man. Elena whispers “Thank You.” “For what?” Caroline asks, confused. “For saving me from him, he does not like me very much.” Caroline leans closer and says “He doesn’t like anyone.” Elena giggles and replies with “That makes sense.” Caroline smiles back at her. Just as Caroline pressed the button for floor 102 a man stopped the elevator before it closed. The man walked in and walked towards Caroline smiling gently at her. ‘He seems sweet and cute. Wait what if this is my boss? I can't think like that!’ Elena mentally scolded herself for thinking in that way’ ‘He had dark blonde hair, forest green eyes that had a romantic glint that shined brightly, and he had a soft smile that lit up the room. Oh my god, Elena! Stop thinking that he could be your boss once again!’ Elena thought to herself.  He stood by Caroline and conversed in small talk with her “Good morning Caroline! I never did get the chance to ask you but how has the interviewing been going?” 
“Well, Mr.Salvatore it's especially great since she’s standing right behind you.” Stefan whipped his head around to get a better look at Elena. His gaze softened when his eyes met her. He smiled at her, charmly. He reached his hand out, motioning for her to shake his hand. She gladly took his hand and shook it with just the right amount of firmness. When Stefan touched Elena’s hand he must have felt how gentle it was while when Elena touched him she must have felt how soft it was. They’re eyes never left one another, they were like in this haze of admiration. They both thought to themselves ‘You can’t think like that she’s/he your co-worker!’ 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss…?”
“Miss. Gilbert, Elena Gilbert. And it’s a pleasure to meet you too Mr.Salvatore.” She smiled kindly at him and he smiled back with just as much warmth. 
Caroline intervened and asked “So are you ready for the tour, Elena?”
Before Elena could respond Stefan answered “Why don’t I show her around, you already have done so much,” He grinned at her, “Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you're very considerate.” She smiled back at him. 
The elevator dinged and Elena and Stefan moved out of the elevator. “Elena?” Caroline called, “Yes?” 
“If you need anything, don't be afraid to let me know.” Caroline gushed sincerely, grinning brightly at Elena. 
“I will Caroline Thank You,” She smiled back at Caroline with just as much sincerity. You could see it now, the start of a new and wonderfully blossomed friendship. 
“Anytime.” Caroline pressed the first floor button and the elevator, leaving the pair alone. 
Elena turned to Stefan “Where do we start?”
Stefan turned to look at her as he said “My office, your area, and a few other places as well.”
“Where’s my area?” Elena asked. 
“In the lobby area, where you came in there’s the front desk and that’s where you’ll be working.” Elena nodded in understanding.  
Stefan led her to his office area, “This is my area or my office area.” In the background of his office you could see his book shelves full of so many different types of books.  And his desk was in the middle, it had this glossy look and it was a shade of dark brown. “Wow, it's beautiful.”
“Why Thank You. That’s very kind of you.” Elena smiled at the complement.
“Now, let me show you to the lobby area,” He smiled softly at her as he led her back to the elevator. They both stepped in and he pressed floor one. 
“You know Elena-” Stefan started, turning to look over at Elena. “You don’t strike me as someone who would be a receptionist.” 
Elena smiled softly to herself, she must have felt her cheeks blushing as she looked down, “Life got in the way and it was expensive, and I felt like I could do good becoming a receptionist even if it’s in a different way than I wanted to originally,” 
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Mr.Salvatore?” 
“Ironically enough at first I wanted to be a Doctor as well.” 
Elena lifted her eyes from the elevator door back to his eyes,“Why didn’t you?” She inquired.  
“This company needed me especially after my father died and I couldn’t look away. I had to help.” Elena smiled with genuine compassion as she praised “Mr. Salvatore you are truly a kind man and a compassionate one too. That was quite noble of you most wouldn’t do that.” Elena voiced gently, Stefan looked at her with his vibrant smile and gleaming green eyes and thoughtfully replied with “Thank You, Ms.Gilbert you truly have a kind soul and I am lucky to have someone like you here.” 
“No, it's quite the opposite. I'm honored to be working here because I was laid off from my last job and I was worried I wouldn’t find one this time for rent, but luckily I did. In the way you all were my savior I couldn’t Thank You all enough.” 
“I’m glad you will be working here especially since we need someone like you, someone who cares.” Stefan praised, passionately. 
Elena smiles at the compliment,“Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you’ve been so welcoming and caring I can’t help but feel excited to start.” 
“I’m pleased to hear that.” He said with humility. Stefan was quite grateful she was going to be working here, ‘I wish we could find more people like her kind and caring, I’m just thankful she is here,’ ‘I’m very grateful I got this job, I have a good feeling about this job,’ They both simultaneously smile to themselves wrapped up in their own thoughts that was until the elevator dinged and they were back at the first floor. Elena jerked a little, Stefan looked over at her worry spread across his face. “Are you alright?" He asked, with panic in his voice. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
 “Sorry, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts.” Elena placed her hand on her chest, trying to regain her composure. He smiled at her researingly and she smiled back feeling a sense of warmth fill her chest.  
He turned to look back at her as he led her to her desk. “Here we are Ms.Gilbert.” 
“Thank You Mr.Salvatore for your help,” She replied politely. 
“Anytime Ms.Gilbert let me know if you need anything at all.”
“I will, Thank You Mr.Salvatore.” Elena said, and Stefan walked away heading toward the elevator, planning to go back to his office. Elena watched as Stefan a sigh escaped her lips, she must have felt a tinge of blush come across her face as she turned away and started to focus on settling in her new desk area. 
Just as she sat down someone came up to her, It was a woman. Elena asked, “How can I help you?” 
The woman was timid but still spoke up “I-I was wondering if I could schedule a meeting with M-mr.Salvatore I’m one of his clients.” She said, shakily. 
“Of course,” Elena looked at the calendar behind her and noticed July 7th was open for meetings. She grabbed a pen and wrote ‘Meeting with-’
“What’s your name ma’am?”
“My n-name is Alexia Branson.” Elena wrote her name on the calendar, “You're all set Ms.Branson, give us a call if you need anything.” She smiled warmly at the women and she thought to herself ‘I have a great feeling about this.’ She smiled to herself as she watched the lady leave and she went back to work. 
@queenofstelena / @wiidestdrearms
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elenascollection · 25 days
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-Season 1, episode 5-, The Vampire diaries. You’re undead to me. Also known as the Carwash episode. Elena Gilbert wore this Miley Cyrus x Maz Azria henley hoodie with multicoloured buttons. She paired it with the famous guess lace cami top in white. Another fan favourite outfit!
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Just recently found this beautiful piece in the screen accurate color in a size S. Can now call myself a proud owner of it!
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I also have it in the alternative grey color which I’m planning on selling. Shoot me a message / comment on here if you’d interested or check out my ebay: ajdafinds. Its a juniors L and would fit M-L best.
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thedemiseofdj · 28 days
Random Ass Vampire Diaries Opinions/Ideas
Just because I can. I didn’t mean for this account to be so focused on vampires lmao. This is mainly about characters I have strong opinions on so I might not have as much to say about certain characters. I also haven’t seen every episode nor do I remember every episode I have seen so call me dumb if one of these takes or ideas is dumb
Elena Gilbert
Is it just me or was one of Elena’s most consistent character traits making people forget about trauma when she could easily just make it hurt less. Like she does it with Jeremy in season one and herself in season six. Vampires in this universe have been shown to be able to compel people to have heart attacks so it’s safe to say that they can make extreme emotional trauma just not hurt as bad
Piggybacking off of that a little, Elena should’ve been the one to stake Vicki in season one. It would’ve given her a reason to have Damon compel Jeremy to forget the whole thing and it would’ve added a whole new layer to her relationship with Matt
Elena should’ve been allowed to be a main villain when she turned her humanity off. I’m thinking she should’ve teamed up with Silas because in theory he could bring Jeremy back
Elena consistently defending/staying with Damon even as he continues to do horrible shit right under nose is very odd. Like at some point girl just stand up(I’m not anti-Elena, Damon or even Delena, it’s just weird that this girl with a strong moral compass wouldn’t just leave Damon)
Bonnie Bennett
Mistreated as shit
There were plenty of moments where she should’ve been able to get stronger on camera(this is just this bizarre idea that I have of Bonnie escaping the prison world by absorbing it like Kai absorbed the anti-magic spell)
They should’ve just let her and Damon at least hook up once if they weren’t going to date
Caroline Forbes
Were they trying to set up a possible Caroline/Alaric thing in season seven? Because that’s what it felt like and it was weird
Stefan Salvatore
Kind of a douche at times but otherwise I liked him
I swear to god, in the later seasons they just kind of forgot that Stefan was a ripper
Damon Salvatore
It was weird watching him constantly flip flop between edgy, murderous bad boy and Elena’s soft boy. Either his progression into a love interest should’ve been slower or, since he was a very evil guy for decades, just have a bunch of shit he did back then gradually come to light
Matt Donovan
I fully believe that the last time the writers had any clue what to do with Matt was the whole Mabekah plot line. I also think that Matt should’ve left with Rebekah
Matt’s whole “I hate vampires” thing didn’t make sense because he spent a whole summer between seasons traveling around the world doinkin’ Rebekah so it just comes out of complete left field
I think Vicki’s death should’ve affected him way more blatantly(again I haven’t seen every episode so I might be wrong).
Jeremy Gilbert
The whole Brotherhood of the Five thing could’ve worked if they did anything to establish the brotherhood as any different from regular hunters besides the magical tattoos. Like I know that Jeremy got super strong but outside of him lifting those kegs it doesn’t really come up. Especially since the other hunters relied so much on traps
Could’ve been a really interesting addition to the story if he were used properly. Me personally, I see Jeremy being used to showcase that Elena is willing to go to darker places if needed to protect the people she cares about
Other Random Thoughts
Season five was way too overcrowded with plots, it didn’t need three main villains. Get rid of Wes Maxfield and make Silas the main villain. The Travellers should’ve just been his cult of blood witches or something
Lilian Salvatore should’ve been the main antagonist of Season seven
A vampire turning their humanity off should’ve kept vestiges of the character’s personality.
I don’t think Vicki should’ve been a drug addict or if she was, it shouldn’t have been the reason she was such a volatile vampire. It should’ve been that being a vampire is hard and Vicki just couldn’t handle it
This isn’t everything that I have to say, but it’s something. I also want to clarify that I do in fact enjoy the Vampire Diaries, my brain just can’t help but nitpick things and think about how they could’ve been done differently. Let me know what y’all think or if I need to elaborate on some of this
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papermccn · 8 months
Finally I make a starter & plot call! Anyways you can find all my muses down below ; and whether they chose to come or not.. and if they're open to some not aliving. Also limit is 3 per mun, and 5 starters per muse ! 🖤🧡 I'll probably drop all pre event replies when it comes to the event starting BTW!!
elena gilbert- went willing, probably curious. - open to death that doesnt alter her memory. -4/5 hope, stefan, katherine, elijah
Eric Northman- went, finally something interesting - not open to death; open to get hurt if u can - it helps he's 1000+ and immortal. 1/5 faye
homura akemi - can't see her willing to go, unless she knew madoka went and ofc she has to protect her gf. - open to non memory altering death- 0/5
jinx, - went 100 percent , she loves chaos. - open to not memory altering death; she just remembered. -3/5 freddie, silco, judith
Nami- 100 percent is too much of a scaredy cat to go- is horrified she appeared there anyways. - willing for some death- no altering her memory -3/5. zhuyin, molly, zoro
richard gecko - didn't care to go- pissed he wound up anyways - - open to death, 1/5 seth
tifa lockhart- she's too smart to willing want to go- is now being super protective of people she cares for. - not open for death, 1/5 aerith
lip gallagher- didn't wanna go, gimme death. 1/5 fiona, rikki
veronica sawyer,- heard cornmaze and figured it'd be stupid - boy was she wrong.. open to death, 0/5
finn the human,- 100 percent wanted to go, loves an adventure.. open to not memory altering death, 0/5
princess peach - didn't wanna go. Now is worried about shego, keeping herself on guard. -1/5 jasmine
Tamora mitchell, she went, was curious.. anything over homework right ?? - open to memory altering death, 2/5 peyton, kat
teucer- curiosity might kill this dude, wanted to go and check it out- big mistake.. open to death, give childe some character development aksl jk jk, 2/5 childe, yoon chi woo,
isabelle - was too busy working to go!! Grind is 24/7-- is scared but will glue themselves to mika. 1/5 mika
nezuko kamado- she willing went - she wanted to see something new - now she's scared >:[ will protect people if needed . - open to non memory altering death, 0/5
harriet hufflepuff- went with lily for a date- kind of a big mistake but she's happy to be with their cute coworker. - no death, 5/5 salazar, godric, gregoria, hadley, harvey
amber freeman - willing went , why not have an opportunity to potentially attack someone- I mean why who she went for fun-- open for death. 2/5 jill, billy
Tina belcher- lbr just found herself there.. is confused but it's exciting. - no death, 2/5 bob, louise
misa amane - went to get some good pics for insta- now regrets it. - open to non memory altering death. 0/5
gwen stacy - didn't want to go, open for death, 1/5 peter
erica reyes,- went for some fun, open to death, 1/5 peter
dinah laurel lance,- didn't go willing, open to death, 0/5
bond - was trying to get out of his comfort zone, big mistake. , no death, 1/5 pei ming
Mary- went for the heck of it, no memory altering death, 2/5. Heidi, noela
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queenofstelena · 7 months
When Stef met 'Lena
| Part One | <next>
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Elena was laid off from her last job due to her boss unable to pay her any longer. Elena had been searching for a job ever since, and then she discovered The Salvatore Industries. They were hiring or looking for a receptionist. Just the job for her. They had been her savior, she desperately needed this job. Rent money doesn’t come from out of thin air.
Elena Gilbert is described by many as stubborn, hard working, kind, and gentle. From a young age she strived to at least try when attempting at something which she carried with her into adulthood. And according to Caroline Forbes that was exactly what Salvatore Industries needed. Heart, kindness, and the strive to work hard. And that was exactly the receptionist they needed. Not what most people expect right? A receptionist needed those qualities? Yes, at The Salvatore industries they wanted and needed good people, people who carried about what they were doing. And Elena Gilbert was the perfect candidate.
There was this musical ringing, the phone rang several times before Elena reached it. She picked the phone up and answered with “Hello?”
“Elena hi! I have wonderful news you got the job! Your first day is tomorrow please meet me at The Salvatore Industries near the front lobby. The address once again is 523 Mystic City Avenue. Can’t wait to see you then!” Caroline beamed and hung up the phone.
Elena felt relief wash over her and then dread. Elena rubbed her temples in exasperation “She didn’t tell me who my boss is? Oh well this is gonna be fun,” Elena tried calling Caroline back again to get some answers to her questions but to no avail she did not answer. She tried again and all she heard was that loud and weird beeping sound when you call someone and they’re on the phone with someone else. Elena was irritated but instead of focusing on the negative she goes and calls Bonnie.
Elena dialed Bonnie’s phone number 876-435-778. All you could hear was the ringing and how it paused and started to ring and pause once again until Bonnie picked up.
“Bonnie guess what!” Elena exclaims enthusiastically.
“You got the job!”
“Yes I did! I got the job!”
“That’s amazing Elena! I’m so proud of you!”
“Aw, thank you Bonbon.”
“You're welcome! Tell you what, how about I drop you off and it’ll save you the trouble of using more gas.”
“That sounds like a plan Bon, also apparently I start tomorrow.”
“That’s quick, but I can still drop you off, don't worry.”
“I should have known it wouldn’t be able to get rid of you that easily.” Elena teased.
“Kidding.” Elena giggled and Bonnie laughed alongside her.
Bonnie and Elena finally arrived at The Salvatore Industries. Bonnie parked in the parking lot, “Here we are.” Elena looked at the building nervously. “Don’t worry, You’ll do fine!” Bonnie gushed. Elena grinned at Bonnie feeling confidence wash over her.
“Take a deep breath and keep your chin up.” Elena smiles softly and replies with “I will, don’t worry.” Bonnie smiles and says her goodbyes as she rides off leaving Elena by herself. Elena takes a few deep breaths, even though she already had been in the building it didn’t ease her nerves. But she tried to do what Bonnie wanted her to do. Keep her chin held high. She walked towards the building. Was it larger than the first time she saw it? No, but it felt larger.
‘It’s just my first day, what could possibly go wrong?’ “Ugh who am I kidding?” Elena lets out a sigh and walks in the building. The moment she steps in the building a man greets her. He’s tall, he has black hair, pale blue eyes alongside a pale complexion as well. He gives her a cold and hard look. She wonders ‘Is this my boss?’ ‘If he is, this is gonna be interesting to say the least…’
“l know what you're thinking, I’m not your boss.” Elena nods slowly but then looks even more confused,“Then who are? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” “I do mind actually!” Elena looks down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry sir, the women who interviewed me didn’t tell me who he was or anything like that. She said she would meet me here.” “Leave the poor girl alone, she didn’t know there’s no shame in that.” The woman she interviewed me a few days ago says, I believe her name was Caroline if I’m remembering correctly. She leans her head to look at Elena and replies with “Come with me, it’s time to meet Mr.Salvatore. And don’t worry it’s not your fault for not knowing it’s mine entirely for not telling you.”
Once they had moved to the elevator away from the man. Elena whispers “Thank You.” “For what?” Caroline asks, confused. “For saving me from him, he does not like me very much.” Caroline leans closer and says “He doesn’t like anyone.” Elena giggles and replies with “That makes sense.” Caroline smiles back at her. Just as Caroline pressed the button for floor 102 a man stopped the elevator before it closed. The man walked in and walked towards Caroline smiling gently at her. ‘He seems sweet and cute. Wait what if this is my boss? I can't think like that!’ Elena mentally scolded herself for thinking in that way’ ‘He had dark blonde hair, forest green eyes that had a romantic glint that shined brightly, and he had a soft smile that lit up the room. Oh my god, Elena! Stop thinking that he could be your boss once again!’ Elena thought to herself. He stood by Caroline and conversed in small talk with her “Good morning Caroline! I never did get the chance to ask you but how has the interviewing been going?”
“Well, Mr.Salvatore it's especially great since she’s standing right behind you.” Stefan whipped his head around to get a better look at Elena. His gaze softened when his eyes met her. He smiled at her, charmly. He reached his hand out, motioning for her to shake his hand. She gladly took his hand and shook it with just the right amount of firmness. When Stefan touched Elena’s hand he must have felt how gentle it was while when Elena touched him she must have felt how soft it was. They’re eyes never left one another, they were like in this haze of admiration. They both thought to themselves ‘You can’t think like that she’s/he your co-worker!’
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss…?”
“Miss. Gilbert, Elena Gilbert. And it’s a pleasure to meet you too Mr.Salvatore.” She smiled kindly at him and he smiled back with just as much warmth.
Caroline intervened and asked “So are you ready for the tour, Elena?”
Before Elena could respond Stefan answered “Why don’t I show her around, you already have done so much,” He grinned at her, “Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you're very considerate.” She smiled back at him.
The elevator dinged and Elena and Stefan moved out of the elevator. “Elena?” Caroline called, “Yes?”
“If you need anything, don't be afraid to let me know.” Caroline gushed sincerely, grinning brightly at Elena.
“I will Caroline Thank You,” She smiled back at Caroline with just as much sincerity. You could see it now, the start of a new and wonderfully blossomed friendship.
“Anytime.” Caroline pressed the first floor button and the elevator, leaving the pair alone.
Elena turned to Stefan “Where do we start?”
Stefan turned to look at her as he said “My office, your area, and a few other places as well.”
“Where’s my area?” Elena asked.
“In the lobby area, where you came in there’s the front desk and that’s where you’ll be working.” Elena nodded in understanding.
Stefan led her to his office area, “This is my area or my office area.” In the background of his office you could see his book shelves full of so many different types of books. And his desk was in the middle, it had this glossy look and it was a shade of dark brown. “Wow, it's beautiful.”
“Why Thank You. That’s very kind of you.” Elena smiled at the complement.
“Now, let me show you to the lobby area,” He smiled softly at her as he led her back to the elevator. They both stepped in and he pressed floor one.
“You know Elena-” Stefan started, turning to look over at Elena. “You don’t strike me as someone who would be a receptionist.”
Elena smiled softly to herself, she must have felt her cheeks blushing as she looked down, “Life got in the way and it was expensive, and I felt like I could do good becoming a receptionist even if it’s in a different way than I wanted to originally,”
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Mr.Salvatore?”
“Ironically enough at first I wanted to be a Doctor as well.”
Elena lifted her eyes from the elevator door back to his eyes,“Why didn’t you?” She inquired.
“This company needed me especially after my father died and I couldn’t look away. I had to help.” Elena smiled with genuine compassion as she praised “Mr. Salvatore you are truly a kind man and a compassionate one too. That was quite noble of you most wouldn’t do that.” Elena voiced gently, Stefan looked at her with his vibrant smile and gleaming green eyes and thoughtfully replied with “Thank You, Ms.Gilbert you truly have a kind soul and I am lucky to have someone like you here.”
“No, it's quite the opposite. I'm honored to be working here because I was laid off from my last job and I was worried I wouldn’t find one this time for rent, but luckily I did. In the way you all were my savior I couldn’t Thank You all enough.”
“I’m glad you will be working here especially since we need someone like you, someone who cares.” Stefan praised, passionately.
Elena smiles at the compliment,“Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you’ve been so welcoming and caring I can’t help but feel excited to start.”
“I’m pleased to hear that.” He said with humility. Stefan was quite grateful she was going to be working here, ‘I wish we could find more people like her kind and caring, I’m just thankful she is here,’ ‘I’m very grateful I got this job, I have a good feeling about this job,’ They both simultaneously smile to themselves wrapped up in their own thoughts that was until the elevator dinged and they were back at the first floor. Elena jerked a little, Stefan looked over at her worry spread across his face. “Are you alright?" He asked, with panic in his voice. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
“Sorry, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts.” Elena placed her hand on her chest, trying to regain her composure. He smiled at her researingly and she smiled back feeling a sense of warmth fill her chest.
He turned to look back at her as he led her to her desk. “Here we are Ms.Gilbert.”
“Thank You Mr.Salvatore for your help,” She replied politely.
“Anytime Ms.Gilbert let me know if you need anything at all.”
“I will, Thank You Mr.Salvatore.” Elena said, and Stefan walked away heading toward the elevator, planning to go back to his office. Elena watched as Stefan a sigh escaped her lips, she must have felt a tinge of blush come across her face as she turned away and started to focus on settling in her new desk area.
Just as she sat down someone came up to her, It was a woman. Elena asked, “How can I help you?”
The woman was timid but still spoke up “I-I was wondering if I could schedule a meeting with M-mr.Salvatore I’m one of his clients.” She said, shakily.
“Of course,” Elena looked at the calendar behind her and noticed July 7th was open for meetings. She grabbed a pen and wrote ‘Meeting with-’
“What’s your name ma’am?”
“My n-name is Alexia Branson.” Elena wrote her name on the calendar, “You're all set Ms.Branson, give us a call if you need anything.” She smiled warmly at the women and she thought to herself ‘I have a great feeling about this.’ She smiled to herself as she watched the lady leave and she went back to work.
Tagging: @misschanadlerbong
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cancerian-woman · 9 months
How do you think Bonnie's life could've played out if 1) Abby actually decided to make up for being a deadbeat mother and 2) the dynamic with Abby/Bonnie/Rudy being a healing family unit (after Grams death especially). Like even with the whole being a witch thing and all... cause Abby didn't like it and Rudy said he lost Abby to it. It's an interesting dynamic.
❤️ reading all your YVD/TO insights and having these discussions with you.
Stay easy and safe 😘
oooh nice!
As I said in my post with Lucy I think one huge factor that would be eliminated is A LOT Bonnie’s grand sacrifices. Yes, how loyal, protective and maternal (in a sense) Bonnie is amazing. It’s great, but what is she getting in return from her friends? Nothing.…
Abby and Rudy would both have to show not tell Bonnie that they care and will be there for her. It has to be consistent. Rudy’s job was mentioned that he was a traveling Pharmaceutical Rep. Abby was absentee. Bonnie went so long without parental guidance we can assume after Grams. Therefore neither Abby or Rudy can’t just show up and force control over Bonnie when it’s defined uncontrollable for them. Rudy, Abby and Bonnie would need to communicate more. Abby’s presence makes Bonnie uncomfortable and the only way to get over that is by being there physically. Abby’s “my daughter is done helping Elena Gilbert” will hold weight. If she’s around.
The Bennett-Hopkins needs to be honest with each other. Tbh, I don’t think Rudy liked any of the Gilbert’s. None of them. Not for Abby and certainly not for Bonnie. He could explain why he disliked the Gilbert’s and that could lead into how the Petrovas x Bennett’s are tied together but it’s never as beneficial for the Bennett’s as it is the Petrovas well-being. Now Abby needs to admit she doesn’t like the burden of being a witch. It’s hard, Bonnie said so herself. Abby ran from it to protective herself but in doing so she forgot to protect Bonnie. Bonnie could benefit from hearing Abby’s struggles as a witch. I’m sure if they gave the story some room Abby and Miranda could’ve been just as similar to Bonlena’s friendship. Bc how do you ask your friend to drop everything to help save your child…like whut. Well, we know where Elena gets that from lmao. Abby could explain why twice she tried to strip Bonnie of her magic. Did Grams do it to her when she was “out of line?” Lastly, Bonnie NEEDS to call them out. They can’t separate Bonnie from her magic. It’s who she is they have to love her for who she is. No matter who came into town Bonnie was always going to be a Bennett witch. They can’t love her on terms and conditions. Grams was the only one who loved both Bonnie as a witch and Bonnie as her grandchild. Bonnie has to be vulnerable and let them in. Lessen some of her independence to be dependent on her parents. Open up room for separation from her friends.
I think Bonnie would still make plenty of mistakes. She was 17-23/24 throughout the series. She’ll still give more for people who don’t do the same for her. Mess up with magic. I just think they’ll be more self reflection before she jumps into things for her friends. In a healed life for the Bennett-Hopkins, Rudy won’t let things get swept under the rug. He’ll call out would’ve called out how he thinks something was off with Bonnie like here. You can tell in his face something was off with Bonnie. Abby would call out the repetitive patterns in Bonnie’s friendships. Imagine Bonnie telling Abby, Elena tried to kill her. She’d have to work to break this cycle that Abby set her up for since she wasn’t around as a child. She could start with helping Bonnie get ready for prom, being there for graduation. The Bennett-Hopkins working on healing I don’t see Bonnie being able to die for a summer and going unnoticed by everyone, she wouldn’t have been left in the prison world so long, Rudy wouldn’t have died in front of her and by Silas. The anchor plot would’ve been different. While Abby/Rudy plays more of an emotional role in Bonnie life’s she could learn that she doesn’t need the MFG, she shouldn’t give so much into people who give very little into her. Or demand that they start caring for her and doing something own their own for once. I could see the Bennett-Hopkins moving in together to undo that 17 years worth of trauma.
Thank you! I love reading your thoughts and metas too! Bonnie fans are so small compared to most of the fandom and we’re always ignored. But I just love our little fandom ❤️.
Thank you for the ask!
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touchedbydestiny · 4 months
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@little-elena commented my starter call || accepting
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           every older year had the opportunity to volunteer as a tutor for the younger years that started new at university. this was a program sarah volunteered for because she thought it was good and because she had benefitted from it as well when she started. not everyone was chosen because there was always a balance between supply and demand. surprisingly, however, sarah was chosen to become a tutor and she had already met up with elena gilbert a few times.
           "what electives do you have to choose from? to my knowledge, the offer changes every year. personally, i would recommend something you are either interested in or useful for later in the major. i wouldn’t take anything that might seem easy - that’s usually just an illusion."
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elejahfanfic · 1 year
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_dream of love
klaus x elena_
ft. elijah & tatia
a/n: a very au story. Klaus is not (yet) the big bad wolf. Elijah doesn't know he is a Mikaelson. He is Elijah Smith, as he was taken by a witch as a baby from Esther.
I always turn everything upside down.
This is a Klena love story.
_the klena manip below is not mine.
New York
Elijah Smith sat down at the table of his lavish penthouse apartment looking at the photo of his bride to be - Tatia Gilbert.
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There was not a day that he didn't miss her. Not a day passed that he did not go to sleep with the thought of her or woke up with his heart beating for his loved one.
Though he had all the money in the world and had spent every possible way he could think of to find her, it seemed that some greater power was holding all his efforts back.
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"Hey" Elena walked in the lounge, greeting her  her sister's fiance.
"Hello." Elijah said putting the photographs and letters back in a box.
"You didn't sleep." the brunette stated the obvious as Elijah's ragged look, and crinkled shirt were proof enough.
"Everything just - we were supposed to get married two years ago on this day. And - oh I wish she never went on that expedition."
"Yeah - but you know that she had to go. She breathed archeology. And she is such a free spirit." Elena said, her own heart aching for her twin sister.
"Yes. That is one reason I fell in love with her. She was so full of life," Elijah drew a sad breath,"and I don't believe that she is gone."
"And you think that they will help us find her? And that they would not want anything in return - just the amulet"
"I sincerely hope so. Right," Elijah got up and now took the box, "I will get some sleep. And - you can stay here as long as you like."
"Thanks. But I will look for an apartment. It's about time"
"Damon came looking for you, and I told him not to come calling here again. He was drunk and pretty violent."
"Thank you, Elijah. I am really sorry about - the idiot." Elena said apologetically.
"No problem. I am happy that you finally have opened your eyes regarding this guy." Elijah said.
Elena nodded and turned towards the big window, gazing out, her thoughts swayed to another man and the Ball in New Orleans. 
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New Orleans
"What do you mean, you're packing your bags and going to New York? You don't know anyone there." Rebekah Mikaelson said to her half-brother stunned as he announced to the blonde that he was leaving.
"Marcel is there. I talked to him and he says that I can crash at his place till I got on my feet. If there is a place to make it as an artist it's there. I got to at least try. You are going away soon with your rich fiance and I will be left alone here anyway."
"Yes" Rebekah sighed, "you do. I don't know why you are not letting Stefan help you. He's got connections - he said that your paintings are good."
"You know how I feel about his snobby friends - and I want to make it on my own. Exhibit with a Gallery that finds your work worth the while. Get a proper art dealer." Kol said.
"I get you. You want to do it the hard way. And I respect that. But Stefan is a good guy -"
"Rebekah please - I know that he is - but - this is something I got to do by myself."
"All right," The blonde nodded, giving her brother a semi-hug, "I will definitely come and visit you."
"I am sure you will." Klaus put on a charming smile and now kissed his sister on a cheek as a small bye. 
"Here" Rebekah took out a wad of money from her purse, "please take this."
"Bex, I'm fine." Klaus refused the money.
"I know that you are. But New York is really expensive and - you will need this. You will give me all of it back when you are famous painter - with interest." Rebekah joked shoving the money in her brother's jacket.
"You bet I will. Thanks, sis." Klaus now took his bag hearing the horn of Jackson's car go. 
With tears in her eyes Rebekah motioned to the man to go and he left.
Well I've been out walking
I don't do that much talking these days
These days
These days I seem to think a lot
About the things that I forgot to do
And all the times I had the chance to
I had a lover
I don't think I'll risk another these days
These days
And if I seem to be afraid
To live the life I have made in song
It's just that I've been losing so long
In the cab that headed to the airport, Klaus looked out of the window, his thoughts now fast escaping into a daydream.
He traces her lips lightly with the tip of his finger. As she pouts slightly he feels the urge to kiss it, to wrap her up in his arms and listen to her gentle breathing.
This feeling is so strange. Could it be love? No. Though it stretches throughout his whole body. It's overwhelming.  And yet strangely makes him feel complete. It feels like he is in a dangerous fire, yet completely safe at the same time.  It feels as though his heart is dancing around his chest. He feels so light, like he is on top of the world yet his heart is constricting and it feels as if there's no oxygen in his lungs.
It's strange – frightening even – how one can go from someone being a complete stranger, to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that one was able to live without them. 
Will he ever see her again?
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