#stelena fanfiction
zalrb · 6 months
The First Meetings {SE Fic}
This was fun, though I'm mad I couldn't use all the gifs I wanted.
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Elena stood on Wickery Bridge and peered down to the river below. As she examined the water, she saw it all: her parents’ car skidding off the road, plummeting into the depths. The water filling the car. Her father pounding the window. Her mother unconscious. The panic. The fear. The acceptance. The darkness. And then she woke up in the hospital. Her parents were recovering in different rooms on the same floor.  It’d been a close call. Too close. 
            She didn’t tell anyone about it, not her parents or her brother, not her aunt Jenna, not Caroline, not even Bonnie, but every day since that night, she’d come to the bridge. She’d spent a lot of summer mornings just standing here, sometimes sitting against the railing, writing in her diary, before meeting up with whoever or doing whatever. Like a ritual. She couldn’t really articulate why she did it. She couldn’t really articulate how she felt since that night either. Everyone expected that she was fine because she was fine, her parents were fine, everything was fine.
Maybe a week, a month of being jittery -- that was to be anticipated -- but now, it was time to go back to the way things were, the way she was. The only difference she’d really seen with her parents was that her dad had started spending more time with Jeremy, as if trying to make up for the possibility of lost time. But she and her mom were back to their routine. So she was back to hers.
Suddenly -- a caw. The noise disrupted her thoughts. A crow flew by and perched beside her. Elena startled. A crow on the bridge where she nearly died, how fitting. It didn’t leave. It hopped closer to her.    
“Go away.” 
It started to flap around her. What was its problem? “Shoo!” Stubborn damn bird. She turned to bat it away only to find the crow gone and a dark-haired man standing behind her. Her hand flew to her chest.
“Oops,” he said, his blue eyes glinting. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Elena didn’t answer right away. “I just didn’t know anyone else was here.” 
He was grinning at her. Elena didn’t know how she felt about it. It was playful but there was something else there to it, something that made her a bit uneasy, like she should be ready to run at a moment’s notice. She blinked at him. Wait a minute… 
“I know you,” she said, taking in the leather jacket, the blue eyes, the smile that in a second could turn to a leer.  
They’d met months before. Four months before to be exact. On the night of the crash. Before everything changed. He’d come out of nowhere, just like he did now, and he thought she was someone else, someone called … what was that name, it’d been a ‘k’ name or a ‘c’ name…
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            “I do have a pretty unforgettable face,” he said now. 
            Elena nodded. “D..Da…Damien, right?”
            He paused, something sharp and painful flitted over his face and then it was gone. “Damon,” he corrected. 
            Right. That was right.
“You should be careful out here, all alone.” He gestured around the empty bridge. 
            Not to be rude or anything, Damon, but it’s kind of creepy that you’re out here in the middle of nowhere. 
            You’re one to talk. 
Pieces of the conversation they’d had in May were coming back to her as he said, “Been catching up on the local news.” 
Elena swallowed hard. “Yeah, it’s weird, you know, because all my life, there’s never been a single animal attack and now suddenly it’s like bears and wolves and coyotes.” 
“Oh my!” 
Elena stared at him. 
“Wizard of Oz.” 
“Funny,” she said.
Why did she feel so tense? Why did it feel like he’d cornered her somehow?
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When she’d met him that night, she’d felt … well, it’d been weird,  but it’d been somewhat intriguing. He’d been somewhat intriguing.  You want what everybody wants… 
“Animal control’s been out so it’ll all die down soon,” she said.       
“Unless it isn’t animals.” 
Elena narrowed her eyes, trying to sus him out. “Why? You know something everyone else doesn’t?”
            “Oh, I know a lot more than ‘something’.” 
She shivered. It didn’t feel … her heart rate was steadily picking up. Why was something so simple so nerve-wracking? So stressful? She should walk away but she didn’t feel released from the conversation. He seemed to sense her trepidation because he took a step back and loosened his demeanour, like he was trying to appear non-threatening. He’d done that the last time they’d met too.
            “So what are you doing here? Isn’t school starting?” 
            Elena bit the inside of her lip. “It’s a bit of a long story.”
            “I ain’t getting any younger.” 
            Elena paused. She didn’t know if she wanted to tell him or not, but she somehow felt like she had to. 
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“A few months ago, the night I saw you actually, my parents’ car skidded off this bridge. We almost died, it’s a miracle we didn’t.” 
“You come back to the spot where you almost died?” He raised his eyebrows. “Seems a little morbid.” 
Elena pressed her lips together. “Yeah, I can see how it seems that way.”
“What does the boyfriend think about this? You know, the one you got into a fight with?” 
Good memory.
“Matt?” Elena thought about him showing up to the hospital, taking her hand in his. Then showing up to her house, anxious to make sure she was doing OK. Then his back as he left when she told him… “We broke up.”
            “Figures,” said Damon with a shrug. “Seems too much like a country bumpkin for a gal like you.”
Something in Elena switched and her tone grew firm. “I was in a weird headspace when I talked to you that night but I would never talk down about Matt. OK? You don’t know him so you shouldn’t either.” 
He shrugged. “I just call ‘em like I see ‘em.” 
“But you haven’t seen anything.”
He squinted his eyes at her and Elena didn’t really know what that meant. She couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t hurt her but  she couldn’t be sure that he would.
“You’re right, you know, I should get to school. Don’t want to be late my first day.” 
“Want a lift? I got a sick ride.” 
“Thanks,” said Elena slowly, picking up her school bag. “But I’m kind of taking a break from cars…” 
“Suit yourself.”
His eyes twinkled and Elena smiled somewhat awkwardly before taking off down the bridge, and when she was sure she had enough distance between them, she slowed down and exhaled, before picking up speed again at hearing another caw.  
She’d made it to school quicker than she thought she would. People were still outside, finishing homework or gossiping or playing hacky sack like they were in some weird retro movie. Elena stopped walking, taking a moment to properly breathe and unclench from her talk with Damien or Damon or whatever on the bridge, and glanced around for Bonnie or Caroline. 
“Look out!”
Everyone looked around, and then up. By the time Elena followed suit, it was too late. A football. Spiraling in the sky. It was soaring toward her and in a second it was going to connect. With her face. Elena already knew it was going to be bloody. Bloody and embarrassing and painful. 
Someone was calling her name. “Elena!” Maybe Matt? “Elena, watch---”
Out of nowhere, someone came in front of her, catching the football before it could hit her.
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He wasn’t even looking at it. His head was turned toward her, his eyes peering into hers for any hint of impact or injury. She could get lost in those eyes -- that brilliant green. She was lost. Elena’s lips parted.
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“You saved me,” she said, with a gasp of disbelief. 
“You all right?” The boy’s tone was soft but his expression was focused, intent on her, and almost smouldering with concern. She could do nothing but blink. It took her a moment to realize that she was actually holding her breath again. It took her another to realize that it wasn’t because she’d almost been pummeled by a football. 
“Sorry! Yes! Yeah, yeah, I’m --- thank you.” 
His gaze lingered for a second before he turned around and threw the ball back. It whipped through the air at a speed Elena didn’t think she’d seen before. She chuckled. She couldn’t be sure if it was because of the adrenaline or because she was impressed. 
“That was incredible. How did you throw it like that? How did you catch it like that?”
            He shook his head. “I saw that it was coming toward you, and I just reacted, I guess.”     
Elena felt suddenly and unexpectedly embarrassed, as if that had been the most intimate thing she’d ever heard.  She was vaguely aware that they had an audience but she saw no one else, just blurs and shapes, this boy’s chiseled face the only thing she could see clearly. 
“So, does my hero have a name?” She hoped he could sense the playful irony in her tone and her eyes widened slightly at the possibility that he couldn’t. She spoke quickly to fill in the silence. “Mine’s, um, I’m Elena.” 
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He smiled at her, his eyes glinting with … what was that? Amusement? Charm? Was he charmed? Did she charm him? Why was her heart beating so fast?
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            She nodded and bit her lip nervously. “I’ve never seen you around before. I would’ve remembered.”
            That last part was unnecessary. Oh God.
            “Uh,” he grinned, like he didn’t know what to do with the compliment. “I’m sort of new here. My family has roots in Mystic Falls, I was born here but I moved away a while ago. I just came back.”
            “Just in time,” she said.
            He looked at her curiously. “For?”
            Me. Wait, what?
            “Uh, well, our football team is in desperate need of saving. And with reflexes like yours, we might actually have a shot at not being a complete joke this year. Tryouts should be this week.” 
            Stefan made a face, like he wasn’t certain.
            “You should do it for your moral fibre,” she continued. 
            He laughed at that.
“No, seriously,  wasn’t it, uh, Camus!” Elena said his name like she was answering a question on a game show. “Wasn’t it him who said everything he learned about morality and obligation he learned from football?”
Stefan licked his lips and Elena did her best to keep her gaze eye-level.
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He smiled. “He wasn’t talking about American football.”
“There’s non-American football?” 
Elena cringed. “Oh. Right. I knew that.”
He shrugged it off. “Common mistake.” 
            He was kind. Elena brushed her hair from her face. The bell rang and everyone started moving toward the building.
Stefan gestured in front of him. “Shall we?” 
Elena couldn’t help but smile but tried to control how widely. “We shall.” 
They started toward one of the school’s entrances and even walking side by side, he kept his attention on her.
“So, you read Camus?”
“Yes. No. Well, I’m trying.” Elena couldn’t understand why she was rambling. Maybe she’d stop if he’d stop looking at her. 
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“I had something sort of happen to me a few months ago  and it - uh - it - it changed things for me, not everything, a lot of things. Well, maybe not a lot of things, but some things…” Why couldn’t she just shut up? “So I’m trying to do … things.” Elena, she admonished herself, stop saying ‘things’. “Kind of like a New Year’s resolution just not on New Year’s…” She pressed her lips together and closed her eyes, shaking her head slightly. If the universe had any decency, it would open up a hole in the ground that would swallow her up.
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“That didn’t make any sense did it?” 
            Stefan grinned. “I get it. You have a new perspective now and because of that, you’re trying to do things you wouldn’t have before.” 
            That was exactly right. “Wow, you make talking look so easy.” 
            “Years of practice.” 
            She laughed at that. She didn’t remember a time laughing this much, this genuinely in such a short period of time.
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They were in the hallway now and Stefan had stopped walking. Elena had the horrible feeling that he was going to head in the opposite direction of her and that it was time for them to go their separate ways. 
“Thanks again,” she said.
“Any time.”
            She moved to continue the way they’d been walking the same time he moved to walk down the opposite way.
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They did that a few times before he stood to the side and let Elena pass.
            “Thanks,” she said, hunching her shoulders, embarrassed.
            She should keep walking. It would be smoother that way. Cool. Indifferent. Unaffected. It’d be what Caroline would tell her to do. She was almost around the corner. No, she couldn’t help it. She felt drawn back. A pull. She had to see him one last time. She turned her head and felt a jolt when she saw that he’d been watching her the entire time. 
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The rest of the morning went by in a bit of a haze. Truthfully, like most of her days since the accident. And then everything suddenly brightened to a sharp clarity just before lunch. History class. Her eyes went right to him when she walked into the room and she felt locked in even though Stefan didn’t seem to notice her. Before he could catch her staring, before Matt -- who she’d realized a second too late was also in this class -- could feel any worse, she sat down.  
Mr. Tanner had been droning on for fifteen minutes but Elena wasn’t paying attention. She couldn’t even if she wanted to --- her thoughts wouldn’t let her neither would her body. Everything in her seemed to respond to Stefan’s mere presence being in the same vicinity. As if she were being called to. Which was crazy, she thought, because she didn’t even know him. 
            Casually. Very casually. She turned her head to glance at Stefan. A second later, his gaze met hers and embarrassed excitement bloomed in her chest, making her turn away immediately, a smile lingering on her face.  
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“Am I boring you, Miss Gilbert?” 
Mr. Tanner saying her name made her flinch.
She wasn’t expecting it and so answered without thinking. “Kind of.” She was snapped back into reality when she heard the rest of the class titter with excitement. “Sorry, no, I didn’t mean---”
“No, no, you spoke your mind, don’t be a coward, own it. Let’s do something to correct your disinterest in my class.”
“Mr. Tanner, really…”
“Pop quiz,” he said, leaning against his desk. “The Battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle?”
            Elena had no idea. It had to be a lot, right? It was a battle. “A couple hundred at least.” 
            “Are you guessing?”
            “Well, I’m trying,” she said helplessly. 
            The class laughed.
“It would impress me more if you just owned up to not knowing.”
“OK then, I don’t know.” 
Mr. Tanner sighed. “I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break.”
“There were three hundred and forty-six casualties,” said a deceptively light voice. “Unless you're counting local civilians.”
            Elena looked behind her. Stefan was looking at Mr. Tanner with a pleasant expression on his face.
“Thank you, Miss Gilbert.”
Stefan smiled. Entirely un-intimidated.
“Your name?” 
“Stefan. Stefan Salvatore.” 
“Salvatore. One of the Founding Families.” 
“Distant relative.”
Elena saw Matt mutter beneath his breath. It looked like it could’ve been ‘of course.’ 
Mr. Tanner nodded, as if deciding on how he would play the rest of the scenario. “In any case, you’re correct. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle.”
“Actually, there were twenty-seven, sir.”
Mr. Tanner raised his eyebrows. “Twenty-seven?” 
“Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss.”
Elena felt suddenly moved by that. Something in Stefan’s tone, in his expression told her that he was no stranger to loss. It was almost like he could feel the pain of that day as if he'd lived it.
“The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner.”
Elena’s mouth fell open in gleeful shock and admiration.  
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Mr. Tanner’s eyes flashed. “Cute,” he said. “You know I let it slide before when you swooped in to save Elena, no doubt to impress her, even though I didn’t call on you to speak but I won’t tolerate rudeness. Pack up, go to the office.”
“Well, don’t get upset at him because he knows more about your subject than you,” said Elena. 
The class tittered again and Stefan shot Elena an amused expression. She pressed her lips together to keep from smiling.
Mr. Tanner let out a nasty laugh. “Well, isn’t this sweet, the lovebirds defending each other. You can join him in the office, Elena. Come on, let’s go.” 
Outside in the hall,  Stefan was already walking in the direction of the office and Elena reacted. 
“Hey,” she called out. 
He turned around. She didn’t really have a plan. She just didn’t want to go to the office and she didn’t want him to go either. She wanted time. She realized right then and there, she would probably always want more time with him. 
Elena walked over to a door and pushed it open. She tilted her head -- you coming? He grinned. 
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They decided to walk around the track, spending a few moments just ambling next to each other  as the sun beamed down.
It was weirdly comfortable. Elena didn’t feel the need to talk to fill the silence. It was also strange how calm she felt. Earlier, being around him made her nervous, light-headed, and now she just felt ... anchored.
She’d never experienced that before.
“Bit bold of you, you know,” she said finally. “New school, new - well - old town, but first day and you’re already making trouble?”
“Well, I live on the edge.” 
Elena giggled. “I can see that.”         
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“What about you? Mouthing off to a teacher on the first day? Very edgy,” he said, deadpanned. 
She snorted. “Well, I nearly died. What’s your excuse?” 
He turned to her then and Elena mentally kicked herself. 
“That the thing that got you on your not New Year’s resolution?” he asked. “What Tanner was talking about?” 
            Elena brushed it off. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.” 
            “Why not?”
            “Because it’s…” 
            She glanced sideways at him to see if he would just change the conversation to something else he wanted to talk about but his expression was interested. Open. 
“My parents and I got into a crash last May. Over on Wickery Bridge.” She shrugged. “That’s it, that’s the story.”
“Mm,” he said. “Maybe that’s what happened but it’s not the story.” 
How did he know that? 
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“You don’t like talking about it.” The way he said it, Elena knew he wouldn’t press the subject if she didn’t feel like continuing.  
“I just don’t really feel like I can say anything about it,” she found herself saying. “I lived, you know, I survived. My parents survived. I shouldn’t…”
“Have feelings about it?”
Elena had never really thought of it like that before.  “Everyone’s just so ready for it to be in the past, you know?”  
“A car crash isn’t a little thing. Nearly dying is the most transformative thing you can experience. It’s OK if you’re not OK about it right now. There’s a lot to process.” 
“You know, I go to the bridge everyday? The spot we skidded off and into the river. Morbid, right?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “Seems like you’re trying to keep a promise to yourself. Going to the bridge helps remind you of that.” 
“Yeah.” The word barely came out as a whisper.
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How did he know that? Know her? Elena felt … recognized. And bare. Yet … safe. This. Was. Crazy.
“A promise…” She repeated. “And that’s the other thing too, it’s like it’s made me restless. Like, I got a second chance, a miracle, who gets that in their lifetime, you know? And I don’t want to waste it. But everything seems dumb and superficial now. I just want to live, you know, live with … with, uh--” 
            She nodded. “Right.”
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“In my experience, it’s the dumb stuff, the small stuff, that’s what makes up living. By all means, if you want to climb Everest, climb Everest, you know, but going to a concert or a pickup game or …
            “Family night,” said Elena.
            “Who says you can’t do those things passionately?” 
            Elena didn’t remember when they stopped walking but they were standing now
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and the feeling … that feeling … of being recognized had deepened into something more acute, more intense and she felt the urge, the need to be that person, that space for him. Right then and there, she wanted to pour into him, and wanted him to ---
A crow cawed. 
Breaking the reverie. 
Elena turned sharply toward it. She couldn’t be sure but it seemed like the same one from the bridge. As soon as the thought entered her mind, Damon’s face flashed before her eyes, and she took a deep breath in. Stefan touched her arm. She wanted him to keep her hand there forever.
“You OK? Where’d you go?”
“Nowhere,” she said. “I’m here. I…” She took another breath and looked around for the crow. It was gone. “The crow … it reminds me of someone. Someone I saw earlier, before school.” 
“Someone you know?” 
“No. Not exactly. I’d met him once before.” She closed her eyes, searching for the words to describe what was happening to her. “I don’t know, since then there’s just been this feeling in the pit of my stomach. It went away for a bit, when…” When she was talking to him. When she was relaxed. “But it just came back. It’s like something I can’t seem to shake.”
“Sounds like he made an impression.” 
She looked at him. “There are better impressions, believe me.” 
            Stefan’s eyes searched hers and it happened again. Immediately. He was drawing her into him and she was falling and falling...
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“Hey, your face. Is there something---”
            “Sorry.”  Stefan shielded his eyes from her. “Sorry, I … sorry, I’ve gotta go.”
            Elena watched Stefan walk away, his stride swift, and felt a sharp stab of disappointment that they were no longer talking, no longer in the same place together,
            A few seconds later, the bell signalling lunch rang. 
The moment Elena opened her locker, it was slammed shut and her best friend, Bonnie Bennett, was standing beside her. Elena let out a sigh of relief. “Bonnie! Why did you--?”
“You and the new hottie. The whole school’s talking. Dish.” 
“There’s nothing to tell,” said Elena casually. Too casually.
Bonnie looked at her. “That always means there’s something to tell. And I can tell because---”
“Because you’re a psychic now?” 
“Because I was sitting by the window in calc. and I saw the two of you walking around the track. And you two were vibing. Don’t deny it.” 
“Oh, please.” 
“Aimee Bradley said that he defended your honour in Mr. Tanner’s class. She said he cussed Tanner out and stormed out of class..”
Elena made a noise of disbelief. “Since when did you listen to Aimee Bradley?”
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Bonnie shrugged. “She’s not the only one saying it.”
“That literally did not happen! He just---”
Elena was interrupted. 
“Well, your nose doesn’t look broken,” she said, nudging her way between Elena and Bonnie. 
“Hi, Caroline.” 
Elena exchanged a quick look with Bonnie who tried to stifle a laugh. 
“And what do you mean my nose doesn’t look broken?” 
“Oh, everyone’s talking about how Matt threw a football at your face to get back at you for dumping him and the new guy beat the shit out of him on the green.”
“What!” Elena looked at Caroline incredulously. “Oh my God, guys! Nothing you’re saying happened! Someone --- not Matt, he tried to warn me -- threw a football, it almost hit me and---”
“And the new guy saved you from massive embarrassment on the first day?” said Caroline. “It’s just so typical. There is a finite amount of hot guys at this school and when we finally get new blood, you get there first. You’ve already dated the captain of the football team, you had this encounter with some mystery man---”
Elena unconsciously tensed at the memory and Bonnie looked at Caroline pointedly, who closed her eyes.
“Sorry, I’m a bitch,” she said. “I shouldn’t have brought up that night.” 
Elena sighed, half-exasperated but already on her way to forgetting the insensitivity. “I never said that guy was hot by the way.”
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“Oh, please, mystery men are always hot. It’s like a rule,” said Caroline, apparently over her brief bout of contrition. 
Elena addressed Bonnie. “You know I actually saw him again today before coming to school?” 
Bonnie shook her head. “Really?”
“Yeah, the vibes were … weird.”
Bonnie squinted. “Weird, like, dangerous, weird?” 
Elena opened her mouth but didn’t say anything . “It was definitely intense. But not like…” Not like what she’d felt when she spoke to Stefan. “I don’t know, it kind of made me queasy?” 
“Butterflies,” said Caroline, throwing up her hands. “So, the sexy, dangerous mystery man gives you butterflies--”
“I never said--”
            “And now you’ve got the other mystery guy who actually goes here saving you on the green like some freaking knight?”
Elena rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic. He caught a football.” 
But even when she tried to minimize what had happened verbally, physically she felt her heart thud and a jittery, giddy flutter in her stomach that made her want to laugh to get the feeling out.
“And stood up to Tanner on your behalf,” said Bonnie. 
Caroline shook her head like she was severely disappointed in Elena.  “You’re being so greedy.”
Bonnie snorted and rested her head on Caroline’s shoulder. 
Elena opened her locker again.  “Look, I’m not even thinking about Stefan.” 
            “So the new guy’s name is Stefan.” 
“I could be talking about the mystery man on the bridge.” 
“You’re not, I can tell by that big, dumb smile you’re trying to hide,” said Bonnie. 
Elena popped her head out from behind her locker door and gave Bonnie a playful grimace.  
“Anyway. I’m actually thinking about Jeremy. I haven’t seen him anywhere. Have you two?” 
Caroline rooted around in her bag for some lip gloss. “Elena, if I ever start caring about the comings-and-goings of sophomores, shoot me.” 
“That’s Caroline-speak for ‘no’,” said Bonnie. “And I haven’t either.”
“I’m kind of worried. He never skips school.” Elena pulled a contemplative face. “Bonnie, do you mind if we, like, quickly go over to my house to see if he’s there? I’m sure there’s something in the fridge we can eat so we won’t miss lunch.” 
Caroline made an expression as if Elena had said the dumbest thing she ever heard. “In all of the times we’ve skipped school, when have we ever stayed home? He’s probably at the stoner’ pit or something.” 
Bonnie snorted. “Yeah, Jeremy, a burnout. Please.” 
“No, he could be at home. I don’t know, all summer he’s either been on his Xbox or pining after Vicki Donovan. Maybe he’s pretending to be sick and he’s still in his room.” 
“If he’s been pining after Vicki Donovan then he’s definitely at the stoner pit probably trying to impress her..” 
“Caroline!” Bonnie gave her an admonishing hit on the arm. 
“What! You know I’m not wrong.” 
“Don’t be mean just because you’ve had a thing for Tyler since fifth grade.” 
“Shut up.” 
            Bonnie laughed. “Elena, I’ll give you a lift.” 
“Since when was your family pack rats?” said Bonnie. 
            They’d made it to Elena’s house and walked into the foyer. The closet beneath the stairs was open and there were a bunch of boxes around the door, crammed with what looked to be junk. Papers. Dusty journals. 
            “I don’t know, this wasn’t here when I left this morning,” said Elena. 
            “You think Jeremy took it out?”
            “Yeah, but why?”
            Bonnie shrugged.
            “Jeremy?” Elena called. 
            When there was no answer, she walked into the living room and didn’t see him there or in the kitchen. 
            “Some leftover spaghetti in the fridge,” said Elena to Bonnie. “I’m just going to check upstairs and then I’ll be right down.” 
            Bonnie nodded. “OK cool. I love pasta night at your house.” 
            “It’s the oregano,” said Elena, grinning. 
            She headed up the stairs. She could definitely here talking. Low talking. But it wasn’t coming from Jeremy’s room. She turned around.  It was coming from her parents’. It was the middle of the day. Neither one of them should be home. Elena felt like suddenly she shouldn’t be up there. Something was wrong or secret or … She walked slowly down the hall toward the room. The door was nearly closed, but not quite. She peaked through the crack. Jeremy on a chair. So, he did stay home. And then … Dad. He let him stay home? And then … was that … was he holding … a stake?    
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misschanadlerbong · 6 months
When Stef Met 'Lena
PART 1 | <next>
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Elena was laid off from her last job due to her boss unable to pay her any longer. Elena had been searching for a job ever since, and then she discovered The Salvatore Industries. They were hiring or looking for a receptionist. Just the job for her. They had been her savior, she desperately needed this job. Rent money doesn’t come from out of thin air.
Elena Gilbert is described by many as stubborn, hard working, kind, and gentle. From a young age she strived to at least try when attempting at something which she carried with her into adulthood. And according to Caroline Forbes that was exactly what Salvatore Industries needed. Heart, kindness, and the strive to work hard. And that was exactly the receptionist they needed. Not what most people expect right? A receptionist needed those qualities? Yes, at The Salvatore industries they wanted and needed good people, people who carried about what they were doing. And Elena Gilbert was the perfect candidate.
There was this musical ringing, the phone rang several times before Elena reached it. She picked the phone up and answered with “Hello?” 
“Elena hi! I have wonderful news you got the job! Your first day is tomorrow please meet me at The Salvatore Industries near the front lobby. The address once again is 523 Mystic City Avenue. Can’t wait to see you then!” Caroline beamed and hung up the phone. 
Elena felt relief wash over her and then dread. Elena rubbed her temples in exasperation “She didn’t tell me who my boss is? Oh well this is gonna be fun,” Elena tried calling Caroline back again to get some answers to her questions but to no avail she did not answer. She tried again and all she heard was that loud and weird beeping sound when you call someone and they’re on the phone with someone else. Elena was irritated but instead of focusing on the negative she goes and calls Bonnie. 
Elena dialed Bonnie’s phone number 876-435-778. All you could hear was the ringing and how it paused and started to ring and pause once again until Bonnie picked up. 
“Bonnie guess what!” Elena exclaims enthusiastically. 
“You got the job!” 
“Yes I did! I got the job!” 
“That’s amazing Elena! I’m so proud of you!”
“Aw, thank you Bonbon.”
“You're welcome! Tell you what, how about I drop you off and it’ll save you the trouble of using more gas.” 
“That sounds like a plan Bon, also apparently I start tomorrow.” 
“That’s quick, but I can still drop you off, don't worry.” 
“I should have known it wouldn’t be able to get rid of you that easily.” Elena teased. 
“Kidding.” Elena giggled and Bonnie laughed alongside her.
Bonnie and Elena finally arrived at The Salvatore Industries. Bonnie parked in the parking lot, “Here we are.” Elena looked at the building nervously. “Don’t worry, You’ll do fine!” Bonnie gushed. Elena grinned at Bonnie feeling confidence wash over her. 
“Take a deep breath and keep your chin up.” Elena smiles softly and replies with “I will, don’t worry.” Bonnie smiles and says her goodbyes as she rides off leaving Elena by herself. Elena takes a few deep breaths, even though she already had been in the building it didn’t ease her nerves. But she tried to do what Bonnie wanted her to do. Keep her chin held high. She walked towards the building. Was it larger than the first time she saw it? No, but it felt larger. 
‘It’s just my first day, what could possibly go wrong?’ “Ugh who am I kidding?” Elena lets out a sigh and walks in the building. The moment she steps in the building a man greets her. He’s tall, he has black hair, pale blue eyes alongside a pale complexion as well. He gives her a cold and hard look. She wonders ‘Is this my boss?’ ‘If he is, this is gonna be interesting to say the least…’ 
“l know what you're thinking, I’m not your boss.” Elena nods slowly but then looks even more confused,“Then who are? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” “I do mind actually!” Elena looks down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry sir, the women who interviewed me didn’t tell me who he was or anything like that. She said she would meet me here.” “Leave the poor girl alone, she didn’t know there’s no shame in that.” The woman she interviewed me a few days ago says, I believe her name was Caroline if I’m remembering correctly. She leans her head to look at Elena and replies with “Come with me, it’s time to meet Mr.Salvatore. And don’t worry it’s not your fault for not knowing it’s mine entirely for not telling you.” 
Once they had moved to the elevator away from the man. Elena whispers “Thank You.” “For what?” Caroline asks, confused. “For saving me from him, he does not like me very much.” Caroline leans closer and says “He doesn’t like anyone.” Elena giggles and replies with “That makes sense.” Caroline smiles back at her. Just as Caroline pressed the button for floor 102 a man stopped the elevator before it closed. The man walked in and walked towards Caroline smiling gently at her. ‘He seems sweet and cute. Wait what if this is my boss? I can't think like that!’ Elena mentally scolded herself for thinking in that way’ ‘He had dark blonde hair, forest green eyes that had a romantic glint that shined brightly, and he had a soft smile that lit up the room. Oh my god, Elena! Stop thinking that he could be your boss once again!’ Elena thought to herself.  He stood by Caroline and conversed in small talk with her “Good morning Caroline! I never did get the chance to ask you but how has the interviewing been going?” 
“Well, Mr.Salvatore it's especially great since she’s standing right behind you.” Stefan whipped his head around to get a better look at Elena. His gaze softened when his eyes met her. He smiled at her, charmly. He reached his hand out, motioning for her to shake his hand. She gladly took his hand and shook it with just the right amount of firmness. When Stefan touched Elena’s hand he must have felt how gentle it was while when Elena touched him she must have felt how soft it was. They’re eyes never left one another, they were like in this haze of admiration. They both thought to themselves ‘You can’t think like that she’s/he your co-worker!’ 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss…?”
“Miss. Gilbert, Elena Gilbert. And it’s a pleasure to meet you too Mr.Salvatore.” She smiled kindly at him and he smiled back with just as much warmth. 
Caroline intervened and asked “So are you ready for the tour, Elena?”
Before Elena could respond Stefan answered “Why don’t I show her around, you already have done so much,” He grinned at her, “Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you're very considerate.” She smiled back at him. 
The elevator dinged and Elena and Stefan moved out of the elevator. “Elena?” Caroline called, “Yes?” 
“If you need anything, don't be afraid to let me know.” Caroline gushed sincerely, grinning brightly at Elena. 
“I will Caroline Thank You,” She smiled back at Caroline with just as much sincerity. You could see it now, the start of a new and wonderfully blossomed friendship. 
“Anytime.” Caroline pressed the first floor button and the elevator, leaving the pair alone. 
Elena turned to Stefan “Where do we start?”
Stefan turned to look at her as he said “My office, your area, and a few other places as well.”
“Where’s my area?” Elena asked. 
“In the lobby area, where you came in there’s the front desk and that’s where you’ll be working.” Elena nodded in understanding.  
Stefan led her to his office area, “This is my area or my office area.” In the background of his office you could see his book shelves full of so many different types of books.  And his desk was in the middle, it had this glossy look and it was a shade of dark brown. “Wow, it's beautiful.”
“Why Thank You. That’s very kind of you.” Elena smiled at the complement.
“Now, let me show you to the lobby area,” He smiled softly at her as he led her back to the elevator. They both stepped in and he pressed floor one. 
“You know Elena-” Stefan started, turning to look over at Elena. “You don’t strike me as someone who would be a receptionist.” 
Elena smiled softly to herself, she must have felt her cheeks blushing as she looked down, “Life got in the way and it was expensive, and I felt like I could do good becoming a receptionist even if it’s in a different way than I wanted to originally,” 
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Mr.Salvatore?” 
“Ironically enough at first I wanted to be a Doctor as well.” 
Elena lifted her eyes from the elevator door back to his eyes,“Why didn’t you?” She inquired.  
“This company needed me especially after my father died and I couldn’t look away. I had to help.” Elena smiled with genuine compassion as she praised “Mr. Salvatore you are truly a kind man and a compassionate one too. That was quite noble of you most wouldn’t do that.” Elena voiced gently, Stefan looked at her with his vibrant smile and gleaming green eyes and thoughtfully replied with “Thank You, Ms.Gilbert you truly have a kind soul and I am lucky to have someone like you here.” 
“No, it's quite the opposite. I'm honored to be working here because I was laid off from my last job and I was worried I wouldn’t find one this time for rent, but luckily I did. In the way you all were my savior I couldn’t Thank You all enough.” 
“I’m glad you will be working here especially since we need someone like you, someone who cares.” Stefan praised, passionately. 
Elena smiles at the compliment,“Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you’ve been so welcoming and caring I can’t help but feel excited to start.” 
“I’m pleased to hear that.” He said with humility. Stefan was quite grateful she was going to be working here, ‘I wish we could find more people like her kind and caring, I’m just thankful she is here,’ ‘I’m very grateful I got this job, I have a good feeling about this job,’ They both simultaneously smile to themselves wrapped up in their own thoughts that was until the elevator dinged and they were back at the first floor. Elena jerked a little, Stefan looked over at her worry spread across his face. “Are you alright?" He asked, with panic in his voice. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
 “Sorry, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts.” Elena placed her hand on her chest, trying to regain her composure. He smiled at her researingly and she smiled back feeling a sense of warmth fill her chest.  
He turned to look back at her as he led her to her desk. “Here we are Ms.Gilbert.” 
“Thank You Mr.Salvatore for your help,” She replied politely. 
“Anytime Ms.Gilbert let me know if you need anything at all.”
“I will, Thank You Mr.Salvatore.” Elena said, and Stefan walked away heading toward the elevator, planning to go back to his office. Elena watched as Stefan a sigh escaped her lips, she must have felt a tinge of blush come across her face as she turned away and started to focus on settling in her new desk area. 
Just as she sat down someone came up to her, It was a woman. Elena asked, “How can I help you?” 
The woman was timid but still spoke up “I-I was wondering if I could schedule a meeting with M-mr.Salvatore I’m one of his clients.” She said, shakily. 
“Of course,” Elena looked at the calendar behind her and noticed July 7th was open for meetings. She grabbed a pen and wrote ‘Meeting with-’
“What’s your name ma’am?”
“My n-name is Alexia Branson.” Elena wrote her name on the calendar, “You're all set Ms.Branson, give us a call if you need anything.” She smiled warmly at the women and she thought to herself ‘I have a great feeling about this.’ She smiled to herself as she watched the lady leave and she went back to work. 
@queenofstelena / @wiidestdrearms
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queenofstelena · 9 months
The Vampire Diaries fanfiction masterpost/masterlist
(aka a list of all of the fanfictions I've written so far)
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Humanity is a funny thing, isn't it?
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: What if Elena was able to convince Stefan to turn on his humanity when she lured him out of the party?
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None
Genre: Romance, lots of fluff
Word count: 900
Completed: Yes
Notes: it used to be called What if...
Murder One
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: What if Elena said she had no romantic feelings towards Damon. What would have happened?
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None.
Genre: hurt/comfort, romance, angst to fluff. Not a lot of angst just a little bit at the beginning.
Word count: 800
Completed: Yes
Notes: Slightly edited title that's about it.
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: Stefan picks Elena up for prom and stelena are hopelessly in love with each other. Aka fluff ensues.
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None.
Genre: Fluff, romance.
Word count: 585
Completed: Yes
Notes: Used to be called Prom. I feel like you can tell why I changed this.
Stelena one-shots
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: One-Shots about our favorite epic love! 💕 Requests are open if you want to request please PM me or comment! I won't be writing anything above-rated T! Some of the one-shots in this fanfiction you can find on my profile. Also this may be updated in the future with other one shots!
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 6/6
Warnings: None.
Genre: Romance, fluff.
Word count: 3k+
Completed: Might add more one-shots but right now on ao3 it says it's "completed"
Notes: Just a book full of all the one-shots I've done of stelena. I have them posted separately as well.
But with you I'd dance in a storm In my best dress (A Taylor Swift songfic)
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: Songfic (Fearless)/An AU - All Human It's a wonderfully rainy day Stefan and Elena were journaling. But for once Elena was lost for words and Stefan has a spectacular idea that they should go out in the rain.
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None.
Genre: songfic, proposal, romance, fluff.
Word count: 1k+
Completed: Yes
Notes: I've edited this title at least 3 times.
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: Hi, I wanted to request a one-shot where Stefan and Elena are dating and Caroline Jealous and she manipulates and makes Elena insecure. (This is a request I got on Wattpad and I decided that I wanted to post it on here as well!)
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: Caroline's is a little jelly.
Genre: Romance, hurt/comfort.
Word count: 1k+
Completed: Yes
Notes: it's called eternal but I think on the stelena one shots chapter it's called eternity or something like that.
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: Elena's nervous to tell Stefan she's pregnant but does it anyways what will Stefan think?
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: Elena's a little anxious.
Genre: Fluff, romance, pregnancy.
Word count: 651
Completed: Yes
Notes: Based off one of my friends fanfiction, a little continuation if you will.
The Epic Loves
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Damon, Tyler, and Caroline go on a triple date. But of course Stelena have a forgetful moment but Bonnie and Caroline have Elena's back, they help and then they go on the triple date and live happily ever after! :)
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None.
Genre: triple/double date, fluff, romance.
Word count: 1k+
Completed: Yes
Notes: Who doesn't love a triple date right?
Dangerous Liaisons
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Summary: Redone version of the events that happened in Dangerous Liaisons. Aka Elena doesn't love Danon and even through all of Stefans protests she brings him back or turns his humanity on! Fluff ensues! Heheheheh!
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None.
Genre: fluff, angst, romance.
Word count: 1k
Completed: Yes
Notes: Another AU to one of the episodes. It may say Dangerous Liaisons AU on another fanfic website that was listed.
First Day
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Summary: Requested by a friend of mine on tumblr: hey hey Mae! I have a fic request for stelena. As you write such good fluff so I was wondering if you would write a stelena fiction where they have a child (preferably a daughter because father daughter relationship>>>) and it's the very first day of her school and it would be the first time she will be away from her lovely parents for such a long time and Stefan is apprehensive about sending her to school and is also kinda emotional. Elena on the other hand is mentally storng as she knew this day had to come, so she has to comfort both Stefan and their daughter. Both of them go together to drop her off in school and Stefan is also kinda crying in an adorable way, overwhelmed by the thought of her daughter growing up so fast 😅✨💕
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None.
Genre: fluff, family.
Word count: 700
Completed: Yes
Notes: Father daughter relationship >>>>>
Blissful Night
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: Elena and Stefan watch sappy Hallmark movies but things don't go as planned.
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None.
Genre: Fluff, romance.
Word count: 405
Completed: Yes
Notes: Forgot about it for months couldn't remember what I was originally gonna do so I just did whatever.
Autum Love
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: A poem about Stefan and Elena and how they fell in love in the season of Fall or Autumn.
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None
Genre: Poetry, fluff, some angst sort of.
Word count: 119
Completed: Yes
Notes: A very short poem. Haven't written poems in a long, long time not sure how I feel about this.
A wonderstruck Christmas
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: Human AU Elena and Stefan stay at the Gilbert lake house for Christmas. They open presents and Stefan surprises, Elena, with a very special surprise. AU where Stefan never died, Elena is still human along with Stefan, There are both 28, Damon and Elena never dated, and Elena's parents are alive.
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 3/3
Warnings: None.
Genre: fluff, romance.
Word count: 2k
Completed: Yes
Notes: I took forever to complete this without any good reason. Originally called enchanted Christmas.
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Summary: Elena is blasted into the past by a spell gone wrong by a mysterious old lady aka a witch. She wasn't in any time period like the '60s or '70s she was sent to 1864 to be exact. Little did they both know this had been fate to land in the past. But will Elena stop Katherine? What will happen when they find out she's from the past? What will Elena do?
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 3/?
Warnings: Some kissing but that's about it.
Genre: Romance, time travel fix it.
Word count: 8k
Completed: No
Notes: Working on the latest chapter. That's about it.
The Beginning of their epic love
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: The beginning of our favorite love birds aka how things could have been different and with a twist. Stefan gets to guts to ask Elena out on a date when they first date it may seem a bit rushed but I think it's adorable!
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 3/3
Warnings: None
Genre: Romance, fluff, date, human au
Word count: 2k
Completed: Yes
Notes: Orginally called The date or a date so you can probably see why I changed the title.
Elena's Love for Autumn
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: Elena's point of view on her love for Autum.
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None, does include my distaste for how some people see Fall but I also understand that everyone is untitled to their opinions.
Genre: Poetry
Word count: 139
Completed: Yes
Notes: This was supposed to be an original story about my love for autum but I wasn't sure if you could publish orginal stories on fanfiction.net so I made it in a tvd/Elena poem instead. Edit: I realized I spelled Autumn wrong I will fix it.
Stefan's Heartbreak
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: A poem about Stefan's thoughts on Elena post-breakup.
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None, but a little angsty.
Genre: Poetry
Word Count: 72
Completed: Yes
Notes: Thought I'd be fun to do another go at poetry! :)
Who Caroline Forbes is
Wattpad | AO3 | ff.net
Summary: A short poem about Caroline Forbes.
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: None.
Genre: Poetry
Word Count: 50
Completed: Yes
Notes: I was thinking about my other poems I wrote and thought why don't I write one about Caroline!
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hydesjackiespuddinpop · 11 months
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Title: Love Story
Rating: Not Rated
Pairings: Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore
Length: 475
Summary: Stefan proposes to Elena after several years of dating.
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What if... (A Stelena Fanfic)
Summary: What if Elena was able to convince Stefan to turn on his humanity when she lured him out of the party?
Stefan's POV
"Bhhh." Elena puckered her lips together, looking at the sky, I noticed she sat laid out messy, on the bleachers."I used to know every constellation, how did I forget them all?" I walked up the bleachers putting my hands on my hips.
"Your drunk, you need to go home," I said firmly as Elena looked over at me laying her hand loosely on the bleacher, reaching out to me. "Fine!" Elena said in defeat. She then said, "Let, me find my car." she stood up unbalanced walking, towards the railing she then bumped into it making a clanging noise it rang for a few seconds.
"Your joking right?" I said, watching Elena carefully. "Uh, oh it's the fun police," Elena said putting her hands up in defense.
She then continued to say, "I thought that ripper Stefan was supposed to be the life of the party?" 
I scoffed when she said this. "Yeah, all right I'm driving you home come on," I said, motioning for Elena to follow as I started to walk down the bleachers. I realized she climbed to the other side of the railing I turned around and looked at her.
"What are you 5, get down!" I said trying to convince her to get down.
Elena smiled drunkenly, "Why? Are you afraid I'm going to fall?" Elena lets go for a second and grab onto the railing quickly. My heart skipped a beat as I watched her almost fall.
"Oooh, that was close. Klaus would not be happy with you." Elena said tipsily, as she pointed towards me.  Something in me twitched almost aching and worrying. 
"Your hilarious!" Stefan said, I raising my voice trying to get her to attention. "Look, Stefan no hands." Elena lets go for a second but quickly grabs the railing. I tilts his head watching Elena carefully. Something in me snaps knowing what's about to happen. She then lets go again, she leans back and falls.
"AHHHH." She screamed, she reaches her hand out, I quickly run with my diligent speed and catch her. "Uhh." She thuds into my arms. Before she knew it she was safe, on the ground in my arms. Her hands were wrapped steadily on my back, she open her eyes slowly and looks up at me. I slowly helped her up into a standing position. "I knew you'd catch me." She breathes harshly, for a second watching me.
I looks into her chocolate brown eyes and she looks into my forest green eyes "Please, turn it on I know there is still good in you with or without humanity. Why? Because that's who you are in your heart in soul Stefan, your a good person who cares, who just lost their way long the road." Elena said, cupping Stefan's face "Please." Elena whispered softly.
"I've hurt so many people, innocents," I said. "But that was Klaus, he manipulated you into wanting the blood and he compelled you." Elena said softly. "How am suppose to come back from this?" I ask, raising my brow and looking strait into her eyes. "We'll, get through this together like we always have." She said unclutching her hands and intertwining her hands into mine. "Well, do it together." She said softly. 
"I said I know you'd catch me, that wasn't Klaus that was you wanting to help me." Elena said. "I know there is still humanity left and that is why I need to do this. To prove to you that there is good, love, compassion."
Do wha..." I ask but was interrupted by a soft and tender kiss. I wrapped my hands around her waist and she wrapped her hands around my neck. She pulled away after a minute, she looked strait into my green eyes and smiled she then said "That, you would have pulled away if you had no compassion and humanity left. I smiled as I felt like a curse had been broken just like in a fairy tale. I smirked and then said "So, your not drunk?" Elena laughs, and hits me playfully on the shoulder. I wrap her into a bear hug and spins her around. "Ahhhh." Elena squeals and then become a giggly mess.
Narrator POV
Alaric came running he was side tracked by some of the drunk teens. He raised the the vervain dart to only realize Stefan was tickling Elena and laughing with her. "So, you turned his humanity back on?" Elena and Stefan looked over at him and smiled and both replied "YES!" Alaric smiled and walked back towards the party.
"Let's head home we have some catching up to do and we need to tell everyone what happened." "Definitely." Elena said. "But first I would love a kiss from my prince charming." Elena said leaning in to kiss Stefan. "Ah, Yes my princess." Stefan said with a smile and leaned in to a Sweet tender kiss.
The End
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elenascollection · 1 month
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Absolutely love this outfit from season 1 episode 8. Its the juicy couture purple zip hoodie paired with the true religion becky jeans (she wore them in multiple episodes throughout season 1)
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Found this on ebay in a sizs XS for 15$ + shipping, absolutely amazing! The colour is darker in person but the lighting messes with it a little.
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Also have the screen accurate (aso) as seen on True Religion becky bootcut jeans in a 25. Got these for 16$+ shipping.
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anonair · 1 year
𝐀 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 - 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐀
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𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: smut 18+
𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮: layastone22love (on wattpad)
𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙.
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: After the most beautiful wedding, Stefan thought it would be an amazing idea for him and Elena, his new wife, to have some alone time in a cabin in the woods. As the fire heated up the room, so did Elena by sparking an intense amount of passion in Stefan. Quickly, things take a sexual turn that leave both of these newly weds satisfied.
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blj20000 · 2 years
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Stelena 🤍 what do you like about this couple?
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zelazyhomosapiens · 8 months
apparently julie plec said that if nina had stayed on the show, stelena would’ve been endgame.
are there any fanfics based on that? 
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furiouslyyours · 2 years
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How cute are season 1 Stelena tho 😭😔
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zalrb · 11 months
Sacrifice {SE Sired Fic}
I know there were a couple of requests to include a few things but this is already an extremely long fic and it’s JUST focused on the SE angst so...... but there are a couple of threads of things that might get a continuation if I write a second part. Hopefully it’s nothing but angsty goodness :)
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They were sitting and entwined. Elena's legs were wrapped around Stefan, her hands holding his back, and his arms encircled her. Their flushed, sweat-slicked bodies were bare and pressed to each other, rising and falling together in unhurried, deliberate movements as their noses touched, their mouths opened against each other as they shared their gasps and moans, their breaths, as if they were one person.
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Elena never wanted to close her eyes but found that she couldn't help it at times when he moved slow and deep and brought her a pleasure so intense she had no choice but to close her eyes to crest the feeling. He put his lips to her shoulder and she brought hers to his neck, kissing his skin when she felt the soft graze of his fangs that made her hold onto him even tighter. Even astride him like this, she ached for more of him and shuddered with the anticipation of him sinking into her and then ---
Elena woke up with a gasp and when she blinked in the unfamiliar surroundings of her motel room and realized Stefan wasn't beside her, that gasp shuddered out to a sob. She curled onto the bed, gripping the scratchy sheets, and heaved violently as the cries wracked her body. 
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She couldn't stand feeling like this. Like there was a slow tearing in her mind, in her very core that had yet to rip her completely apart. She never thought she'd feel this kind of pain again and she thought that it might kill her.
But she couldn't go back.
Staying away was the only way to keep her and Stefan alive.
                                          ONE MONTH EARLIER
Rebekah cursed herself for her sentimentality. When Elena Gilbert was hauled into the cell across from her, she had relished the thought of watching her suffer a slow, excruciating death. What she hadn't considered was what it would be like to watch Stefan hear the woman he couldn't forget, the woman he'd protected with everything he had including his last shred of humanity slip away. She also hadn't considered what it would feel like to watch Elena struggle to hold onto life in the cell right next to the man she had risked so much for.  Or maybe she had. In her mind, it was entertaining, a form of punishment so satisfying it would lessen the tragedy of her own demise. Instead watching them tugged at her, got at her. She couldn't help but be swayed by the sheer obviousness of their love for each other. It made her feel bad and hopeful at the same time; their intimacy filled her with a longing to experience that kind of devotion.
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Stefan was saying, "I love you so much" and Elena had begun her confession: "Do you even know why I was on that bridge?"
Unexpected guilt had blossomed in Rebekah's chest. It shouldn't have mattered to her but it did. She'd thwarted their reunion.
"I was coming back for you, Stefan. I had to choose and I picked you because I love you."
It would be sickening if it weren't so sincere. Elena's body was weakening, her breathing becoming more and more laborious but Rebekah could see that even in the midst of a physical breakdown, she was at peace. Being next to Stefan, choosing Stefan had made her at peace.
"No matter what happens," she was saying. "It's the best choice I ever made."
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Rebekah watched Stefan cry, watched as the urge to touch him made Elena place her hand against the brick wall between them. "God, it sucks that I can't see you right now." 
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Her own nagging urge to help them be together, to right the wrong of her interference became more and more insistent until she found herself signalling to Stefan that she would help him help Elena transition.
And she did.
The moment after Elena rubbed some of the guard's blood on her tongue, she felt different. More. She remembered how she felt only seconds ago but now those emotions were extremes; the mourning for her human life, her anger - rage - toward Rebekah, and her ... love. It was the strongest feeling of all, it was almost like it had depth and dimensions, like it was too intense, too big for any one person to contain. The truth of her decision to be with Stefan being the singular best choice she'd ever made in her life made her want to go to him immediately and love him with a dedication that would never make him doubt the magnitude of her feelings for him for even a second.  But she could hear ... was that Matt? And Damon?
"It should've been you!"
The sound of bones crushing. Gurgling. No! Elena rushed out of the barn and pounced on Damon, pushing him off Matt, her rage bringing out her fangs and the veins on her face.
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Damon stared up at her for a second before he pushed her off him and got up in one, smooth motion then stormed off. She followed him, knowing Stefan would find Matt and take care of him. She could trust him to do that. She could trust him with anything.
 Elena kept pace with Damon as he walked to his car.  "You were going to kill him!"
"Yep," he said. "Guy just won't die."
They stopped walking and Elena stared at him incredulously. Looking at his irritated, unapologetic expression,  it was as if something snapped into place, as if Elena was really seeing him clearly for the first time.
"It's my choice, Damon, why can't you see that?" 
"It's a little hard to keep track of all your choices lately, Elena."
He was childish. Always so childish. "You asked me to choose so I did," she said firmly. "And I made the right choice."
Damon turned his head away, as if stricken but Elena continued. "Stefan wanted to save me first and I know what's happening is eating him alive. I can see it. But right now," she pointed toward the barn, "he's feeding Matt his blood, I can hear it. I can hear him tell him to live his life. Even though he’s frustrated, he’s telling Matt not to give up, to get up everyday and live, because he respects me, he respects life."
"No, I respect life," he spat. "I would've saved you in a heartbeat and you would've gotten to grow up and have the life that you wanted; the life that you deserved. And I know that I didn't use to get that but I do now and I wanted that for you, Elena, and I would have gladly have given it to you and let Matt die because I am that selfish. But you knew that already."
Elena shook her head at him, almost relieved in how pointless this all was. "I do know that. And I also know that you never got it and if you don’t get it now, you never will," she said. "I could never have had those things if Matt died. It would have never been the life I wanted without him alive. And you can’t think that far ahead to see that. Stefan can."
Damon narrowed his eyes at her.  "Was it ever really a choice?" he asked. "Between him and me?"
Elena bit her lip. "No."
She sighed then said softly, "You don't love me, Damon."
He glared at her. "Don't try to make yourself feel better."
"That's not what I'm doing." She made a soft exasperated noise. "Look at what you were about to do to one of my oldest friends. I chose to save his life and you were about to take it, you were about to spit in the face of my choice. You..." she shrugged. "You don't consider anything I want, you don't take my feelings into account, you just do whatever you want because you need me to be alive for you."  Elena spoke calmly and simply, as if she were explaining something to a child, which only seemed to inflame Damon. "And I - I get it but ... that ..." She shook her head. "That isn't love, Damon, that's obsession. Like with Katherine."
"Screw you."
"Maybe you can't see it but I can now. Everything is so clear."
Damon rolled his eyes. "Spare me the newfound enlightenment, Elena.”
"You loved her for over a century, Damon, you carried her for over a hundred years, and then you came to town and ripped it apart for her, and she didn't care." Elena watched as the pain of the memory flitted across his face. “What did you do with all of that? Where did it all go?"
He ground his teeth together but didn’t answer, and walked away instead, leaving Elena to stand confidently in her choice.
After they watched the sun rise, Stefan and Elena went back into her room. The intention was to sleep but instead, they lay on her bed, facing one another, their eyes fixed to each other or else taking in the features of one another, communicating in silence. They twirled their fingers around each other, savouring the feel of their skin touching, of being able to do things like this again, of nothing standing in their way of being together.
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It was as if Stefan was caressing the entirety of Elena’s body -- the sensation was overwhelming; she could feel the movement of his touch between her legs, and she ached to feel the power of him solid within her, to feel the magnitude of them; she hadn’t realized just how much she missed the love they made during their time apart. The pangs of desire she felt were so acute, she was lightheaded but the only desire stronger than her physical one was the desire to keep looking at him, to study him, bask in his gaze. He was there. With her. Again. Always.
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They stayed that way for hours until they finally drifted to sleep.
Stefan spent the next two days, teaching Elena defence, teaching her how to hone into her hearing and how to block everything out, how to use compulsion. First, he’d had her watch him hunt for prey and then he suggested she try it on her own. She managed to catch a deer and feed and the act of harming it had overwhelmed her with guilt.
He wiped the blood from her mouth. “Hey,” he said quietly. “You did it. I know it’s hard, but you can do this.”
Teary-eyed, she nodded at his words, internalizing them, believing them entirely, almost like gospel she had to follow.
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His certainty that she could get through this had become her certainty and had improved her mood significantly, allowing her to move on to the next part of his regimen: vamp speed.
 It was not going well. In the best possible way.
“Just concentrate, OK?” Stefan put his hands on her waist but Elena started giggling.
“I can’t. All I can think about is your hands on my body.” 
“Oh OK.” 
Stefan took his hands away, and when she cried “No, no, I didn’t say to take them off!” he smirked at how the absence of his touch made her reach behind and put his hands back on her waist. Her honesty filled him with mischief.
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“It feels good.” 
He rested his head on her shoulder. “Yeah?” 
He started moving his hands over her arms, deliberately slow. This was, after all, a teachable moment. “What does it feel like?” 
Elena inhaled -- he expected her to speak when he was doing that? But now she could tell him what she’d wanted to tell him the day before. “Like you’re touching every nerve of my body…”
Stefan pressed his lips against her ear. “Everything is heightened.” His voice was low and controlled and Elena wanted to jump out of her skin.
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He liked that. He wanted to do this slow, wanted her to feel him everywhere, wanted her to bask in the pleasure he gave her until she couldn’t stand it and just had to have him right there.
“Taste, touch, sight, smell...”
He stopped talking and decided to show her, doing nothing more than kissing her neck and running his hand along her waist and her hip over and over to drive home what the simplest touch could do to her senses, spurred on by the way her breathing turned shallow, the way she swayed, rocking back into him. His restraint was a throbbing pain but he was too aroused by the way Elena responded to his touch to even consider ending his teasing.
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Elena was dying. He was killing her slowly. Deliciously. She felt the grazing of his teeth on her neck and it sent her over the edge, she couldn’t take it anymore, she had to have him. Now. Right now.  Elena succumbed to Stefan’s seduction a second before he was about to give in himself.
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She turned around to kiss him and he was already lifting her onto him, using his speed and slamming her against the nearest tree, kissing her ferociously as she climbed off him. 
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Off. Everything needed to be off. Now. Stefan unzipped her sweater. Elena rid him of his shirt, kissing his chest. He brought his lips to hers, baring his teeth, the taste of her lips making him feral.
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His voice was a growl. "Let's do this all day." 
"Yes," she gasped. "God yes." She kissed him fervently. "Nothing will get in the way of this."
Stefan chuckled and Elena gripped his hips, pressing him into her and her enthusiasm made him greedy. He was fast, so fast, tearing off her sweater, pulling down her shirt and he was kissing her throat, her chest so that she gasped and held him, bringing him even closer, as close as she could, burying him in her bosom.
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"I mean it," she said, lifting his head so she could hold either side of his face and look into his eyes. "I'll kill anything that gets in our way."
She leaned forward to keep kissing him but Stefan inched away from her, his face was flushed and his eyes were inquisitive and searched hers.
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"What is it?" She was impatient for him.
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He paused and swallowed hard then --- "Let's continue training."
Elena sighed, leaning her head back against the tree and groaned, whining. "No" -- Stefan brightened slightly -- "But I don't know, I guess you're right."
Stefan’s stomach dropped. He staggered backwards, his entire world collapsing around him, everything was off-kilter. God, what had he done? What was he doing?
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Elena inched forward but every step she took toward him, he took a step back. “What is it?”
He cleared his throat. “"What do you want to do?"
Elena looked at him. “I don’t - I -you said we should train.” 
“Yes, but what do you want to do? You, Elena?” There was a hint of frenzy in his tone, his expression.
She shook her head, confused. She wanted to feel him against her again. She wanted him close. "I just - I just want to be with you. I don’t care what it is, I don’t - if you want to train, let’s train. I just---” 
Stefan didn’t know what to do with himself. He started to put his hands to his face then put them behind his head. “Something’s come up,” he said suddenly.
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“What do you mean? We’ve been together this entire time.” 
“I forgot I had to do something.” 
Elena didn’t believe him. “Stefan.”
“I won’t be long,” said Stefan. “Don’t worry. I’ll drop you off at Caroline’s.”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “Why Caroline’s?”
“I just think it’s best.”
“OK,” she said and furrowed her eyebrows when he winced after she agreed.
He started putting on his shirt. “You ready to go?”
“Brave of you,” said Klaus. “To walk right into the lion’s den.”
Stefan had rushed into the Mikaelson family mansion to find Klaus painting in the living room. 
“I need to talk to you,” he said.
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Klaus didn’t turn around to look at him. “I’m afraid your chatting privileges have been revoked in the wake of you and your idiotic friends trying to rid the world of me.”
“I’m not in the mood, Klaus.”
“I don’t remember asking.”
“It’s about Elena,” said Stefan.
Klaus scoffed. “Naturally.” 
Stefan couldn’t bring himself to say the words but he didn’t need to. Klaus stopped painting.
“You think she’s sired.”
He stilled. “How did you know that?”
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Klaus chuckled and turned back to his canvas. Stefan didn’t have time for this, he thought about rushing him.
“You know what I said to your brother when you were going through your recklessly stupid suicide mission when you were arrogant enough to go up against me? He told me you were crazy. I said whether or not that’s true, the kind of love you have for her never dies. Elena has that same devotion to you. I reckon that’s why Rebekah and her unbelievably inconvenience of a bleeding heart helped you save her. What do you think happens to that kind of love when someone is turned? It creates a link.”
Klaus said this like it was an inevitability, the most logical conclusion but Stefan couldn’t fathom any kind of reality in which he had Elena thralled to him, it was antithetical to everything he ever wanted and the thought of it alone made him ill. 
“How do I break it?”
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Klaus chuckled and shook his head. “Do I look like a witch?”
Stefan did rush forward, turning Klaus around and grabbing him by the throat. “Don’t bullshit me,” said Stefan fiercely. 
Klaus smirked. “I knew there was still some ripper in you.” 
“You are over a thousand years old, how do you not know this information?”
Klaus easily pried Stefan’s hand away from his throat. “Maybe because such information doesn’t exist.” He broke Stefan’s hand, making him cry out in pain and fall to his knees. 
“There is no way to break the bond.” 
“I don’t believe you!” he yelled, holding his healed but sore wrist.
“Oh, come on, Stefan, it’s not the end of the world. Free will is overrated.” Klaus knelt down next to him and smiled. “Weren’t things much easier for you when you were under my control? You wouldn’t be experiencing the pain you are now if you just left it that way.” 
Stefan shook his head, a stubborn refusal to accept what he’d just heard. “I will find a way to break it.”
Klaus stood up and returned to his painting. “Ever the optimist, aren’t we, Ripper?”
Elena was on edge. Stefan told her not to worry so she was certain nothing happened to him but he still wasn’t with her and his absence made her uneasy. She couldn’t keep still. Caroline watched her fidget and tilted her head.
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“Elena, I’m sure he’s OK.”
“I’m not worried about him.”
“Then why are you so anxious?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “I don’t -- I’m not worried about him, OK? I need you to know that, I’m not worried.”
Caroline furrowed her eyebrows. “OK I got it, you’re not worried.”
“Good.” She sighed and put hands to her head. “I just… I don’t know, I hate being apart from him. And I always have. But this is like, i’m---” Elena couldn’t find the right combination of words to express what she was feeling. 
Caroline understood it to some extent. She remembered how it felt to turn, how the draw to certain people, one person in particular, was so strong it was uncontrollable. Reason had told her to stay away from Matt but neither things mattered against the power of what she felt. And yet this was something … more. Elena was on the verge of tears.
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Suddenly, the door opened and Stefan walked into the living room. 
Elena strode over and hugged him. Stefan’s arm was already outstretched to receive her -- it was an instinct he’d wished he’d quashed.
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He looked at Caroline. “Sorry, do you think, um, do you think I could talk to Elena for a second?”
Caroline nodded. “Yeah, of course.”
She left the living room as Stefan gestured for Elena to sit back down on the couch. Elena was grinning. “You know she’s just going to eavesdrop.”
“Right,” he said with an awkward grin. Still, it was best to have the appearance of privacy. “Elena…” He just had to do it. “Elena, you’re sired to me.”
For a second she didn’t say anything. “What?”
“You turned with my blood in your system so…”
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“No, wait, I don’t understand,” she said. “Caroline isn’t sired to Damon…”
Stefan nodded, anticipating the confusion. “Caroline didn’t love Damon as a human. You loved me,” he said flatly. “You love me.” 
“What about Katherine and Damon then?” 
Stefan shrugged. “I don’t know. Apparently this is a one in a million thing. Klaus said---”
“You went to Klaus with this? How could you trust him after everything he’s done?”
“Because he’s not wrong about this,” said Stefan, shaking his head. “I know he is. I’ve already seen the effects of it.” 
“Stefan, you would never make me do something I didn’t want to do.”
“Not intentionally but you can’t live with this over your head.”
Elena nodded. “I agree.” She touched his arm. “So we’ll figure it out. We’ll find a way to break it.” 
Stefan moved out of her hold. “Yeah, I will.”
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Elena looked at him, at his drawn, emotionless face. To anyone else he would look distant and impassive but Elena could see the pain he tried to obscure. “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice hard.
“What,” she said more forcefully. “Are you doing?”
He sighed and then looked at her, resigned. “You know it has to happen.”
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Immediately understanding what he didn’t say, she shook her head. “No.”
“You know there’s no way I could ---”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
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Stefan looked at her, all pretense of stoicism gone, his expression pleading. “It’s not for good,” he said.
Elena closed her eyes, gritting her teeth. She was at war with herself. One part of her knew that Stefan wasn’t breaking up with her, that he was only protecting her, protecting them, that he was doing what he always did, but another louder, much more urgent part of her panicked at the thought of them spending anymore time apart.
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They’d already endured months away from one another and now that they found their way back to each other, admitted they’d never stopped loving one another, would always love one another, now that she’d been in his arms again, kissed him again, now that the hell of their separation was over, the thought of that being taken away for a second time was unimaginable. She couldn’t do it. 
“How many times are you going to do this? You did this at the Mikaelson ball,” she said angrily. “You did this over the summer. You did it last year---”
“It’s just until I figure this out.”
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“We will figure this out! I’m not just going to sit around and do nothing.”
Stefan cleared his throat. “OK so then you can see if Bonnie has any information and I will work it from my end and---”
“You’re missing the part where we do this together.”
Stefan took a deep breath. “Elena--” 
She was shouting. “What did you think I meant when I said that it was me and you? Always? Always, Stefan, does that mean nothing to you?”
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He looked at her sharply. It means everything to me. But he didn’t say it. Elena searched his eyes, waiting for a response and when he refused to give her one, she couldn’t help but start to cry, and everything in Stefan shifted. 
He touched her face. "No, no, no, don’t cry,” he had said it without thinking but the second he did, Elena took a shuddering breath and stopped.
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Stefan started shaking his head.“See? This is exactly why we can’t be around each other.”
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Elena reached out to him. “It was a mistake--”
He stood up. “And how many more am I going to make? And you … are you even thinking about how you feel about all of this or is it just about me? Because I know you’re not OK with this but you’re so focused on me.”
“Don’t patronize me.” 
“This can’t continue,” said Stefan.
“And it won’t! We’ll figure it out together. It’s what I want and I know it’s what you want too.”
“It’s not,” he said definitively. “It’s not what I want.”
Stefan almost faltered at the betrayal on Elena’s face. 
“You’re lying,” she whispered.
“It’s not what I want,” he said again. “I mean it.” 
He left and when he was sure he was out of earshot, fell apart.
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Neither Stefan nor Elena slept much anymore and instead spent their days poring over research; Stefan drove around finding leads that turned out to be dead ends and Elena and Bonnie contacted witches who were either unresponsive or who didn’t know anything at all. Somehow, each day, Elena successfully fought off her urge to run over to the Salvatore Mansion and demand Stefan see her, demand they continue their conversation, demand he stop being an idiot and be with her, but she couldn’t quell the urge to communicate with him at all.
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She would wrestle with herself, with the thought of whether or not Stefan wanted to hear from her but then end up texting him relentlessly even though he never replied.
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Yet, Stefan thought, Elena always seemed to know when he reached his breaking point and couldn’t take ignoring her anymore, and that was when she’d call instead of text. He’d pick up and say nothing and she would remain silent on the other line and for the half hour or forty-five minutes or hour they were on the phone, they’d do nothing but listen to the silence of the other, able to glean just enough of what they needed from the type of quiet communicated over the phone,  and then Stefan would eventually find the strength to hang up. 
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The phone calls were their own form of torturous comfort but the dreams were even crueller yet Elena didn’t know what she’d do without them. In the moments she did get to sleep, she always dreamt, and she was sure Stefan dreamt the same dreams at the exact same time. The dreams in which they were together and luxuriated in their reunion. In those dreams, he had her against that tree and didn’t stop. He unleashed the frenzy of his passion for her, angling her to plunge deep, to make her feel him everywhere so that she was gasping and sighing with the sensation of him hard and strong and so completely within her, his movements an indication of how much he’d missed her, how much he’d wanted her.
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In those dreams, she had him pinned beneath her and gave him pleasure that dared him to ever leave her again, putting her hands atop his as he reached up and felt her, kneaded her, then  she stifled his moans with her kiss as she swayed atop him, bared down on him, catching his pants and curses in her mouth, riding him until he begged her to stop and to keep going, grinding on top of him until he was spent and undone, until he vowed to never, ever leave her again. 
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She didn’t know how, but she just knew they were dreams they shared because those were the nights Stefan came to the house. She could hear him outside, hear his racing heartbeat, hear his ragged breathing. Knowing he was there, hearing evidence of his presence wired her body and made her clench her sheets and it took all of the self-control she had not to go to the window.
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She knew the moment she left her bed would be the moment he’d leave the porch, not allowing either of them the tortured comfort of a glimpse of each other.
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Going to Elena’s on the nights his body was not only aching but screaming for her was always a huge risk but Stefan couldn’t help himself. Those were the same nights he needed some sort of proximity to her otherwise it felt like the desire for her would kill him. He never went in and he’d never go in, not until this was all settled, but he’d look up at the window and remember the nights and the mornings he spent in that room, in that bed, under the sheets, holding her or entwined with her and the moment he felt his self-control ebb, he’d leave and deny himself the release of even a sighting of her.
Unfulfilled desire increased an already intense focus on finding answers. It drove them both to a feverish determination that obliterated everything else. But it also made it impossible to do anything for certain stretches throughout the day. Stefan could hear her moans; Elena could hear his panting; they could both hear each other’s soft declarations of ‘I love you’ ‘I’ve missed you’, and in their minds’ eye, see the pained ecstasy of a climax on the other’s face
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they’d remember those moments from their actual unions, feel the frustration of the other’s absence all over again, a hundred times over, and Stefan could do nothing but sit entirely still as a storm of longing raged within him
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while Elena would find herself breaking down from the unfairness of it all. 
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Caroline had witnessed a particularly volatile outburst after Bonnie left to meet Stefan to exchange some grimoires for some founders’ journals -- they were at a place of research where they figured they should each go over what the other had read in case they could find something the other missed. Jeremy decided to join her and didn’t feel comfortable leaving Elena alone so he asked Caroline to be there with her. At first Caroline was glad Elena was sleeping but then she woke up, looked around, and hit her dining room table in frustration, smashing it in half. Horrified at the extremity of her reaction, Caroline told her she needed to find a way to get a grip.
Elena was furious. “Don’t treat me like that, Caroline.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like I’m pathetic and my whole world revolves around some guy.” 
Caroline shook her head. “That’s not fair, I don’t think Stefan is just ‘some guy’. I know who he is to you. But I also know who you are to him and I know he wouldn’t want you doing this to yourself. It would kill him.” 
“Getting rid of the sire bond also means getting rid of anything that can screw with my free will. Don’t you get how important that is?”  
“I get that more than most,” said Caroline.
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Elena saw Caroline’s eyes momentarily cloud with memories of Damon before she blinked away the remembered pain and immediately felt shitty. 
“That was …” Elena shook her head. “I wasn’t thinking when I said that. I don’t even know what you went through or how you got through it. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” said Caroline. 
Elena nodded. “I’m sorry.” 
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“I  know,” said Caroline patiently. “And I know how overwhelming everything feels when you’re new, you never knew heartbreak could feel like this, I get it.”
“I just…” Elena pressed her quivering lips together, trying to keep herself from crying again. “I just want everything the way it’s supposed to be,” she said. 
“I know.” Caroline hugged her and Elena started to cry.
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 When Bonnie walked into the Salvatore Mansion with Jeremy in tow, he knew it would be a difficult visit.
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Jeremy looked pissed and he knew he wouldn’t grace him with the same kindness Caroline did whenever he’d see her. Caroline had taken over teaching Elena about vampirism and Stefan had given her pointers to help with the instruction, then he would ask about the progress of Elena’s hunting, of her speed and hearing, her use of compulsion. Caroline was kind enough to only report back the necessities and limit her opinions to nonverbal eyebrow raises or loaded nods. Jeremy did no such thing.
“So, what exactly is your plan because you know that this is killing her, right?” he said.
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Stefan looked to Bonnie for help. “Is he right?” He knew the answer but he couldn’t think about it. If he did, he would lose focus, and focus was what he needed to end this all for good, and needed someone to help him keep his concentration. 
Bonnie pulled a face. “Do you want me to lie?” 
“Bonnie…” He said desperately.
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She looked at him sympathetically but Jeremy shook his head. “I don’t know why you’re lying to yourself, you know it’s as bad as I’m saying.” 
Bonnie shot Jeremy a look. “Jeremy…”
“Well it is! You know that it is!”
“Elena’s strong,” said Stefan. 
Bonnie nodded the way Caroline would’ve. 
“Nothing, I’m just … I’ve stopped her from running into a burning building for you.”
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“I’ve seen her jump into wells for you.”
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“I---” Bonnie shook her head. “It’s not in Elena’s nature to stay away from you, Stefan.” 
He didn’t say anything right away. His mind went back to one of their desire-tinged nights but this night had utterly wrecked him when he heard her crying in her room and the strength it took to wrest himself from her house had made him vomit before he broke down himself, bashing in the steering wheel of his car. 
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“I thought out of everyone you’d understand this,” he whispered.
“I do,” she said earnestly. “It’s the right thing.”
“Is it?” said Jeremy. 
Bonnie and Stefan looked at him and Jeremy gesticulated, frustrated. “Don’t look at me like that. Sometimes the right thing isn’t actually the right thing. I’ve never seen her cry this much. Even with our parents, with Jenna, with Alaric, she - she, she goes numb but this? This is something else.” 
Stefan cleared his throat to keep the emotion out of his voice. “Becoming a vampire heightens emotions and---”
“Don’t brush this off,” said Jeremy. “Don’t make this seem like another symptom of her turning. And it’s not the sire bond, this is her!”
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“That’s not what I’m trying---”
“Take responsibility!”
“He is taking responsibility, Jer!” 
Jeremy glared at her. “You would take his side,” he said before storming off. 
Bonnie sighed, watching Jeremy leave and then looked back at Stefan. “He knows what you’re doing is the right thing. It’s just hard for him to see his sister in pain. It’s hard for all of us.” 
“Elena in pain is not what I want,” said Stefan quietly.
Bonnie regarded him. “I know that,” she said, touching his arm. “I know this is just as hard for you and just as painful and just as lonely.” He looked at her to see something like understanding in her expression. “It’s even lonelier when you’re the one making the hard decision.” 
He put his hand on top of Bonnie’s and squeezed, grateful for the sympathy. 
“You’ll find a way,” she said. “Nothing ever stops you two, not for good.”
“Yo.” Stefan looked up from the mess of papers on his desk and caught the car keys Damon tossed at him as he walked into his bedroom. “Come on, let’s go.”
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“Road trip. You’re driving.”
“Damon, if you’d been here, you’d know I don’t have the time---”
“Whoa, whoa,” he said, raising his hands. “Did you forget the agreement we made? She chose you, I left.”
“But you didn’t leave town,” said Stefan. “You’ve been here the entire time, you’ve just made yourself scarce.”
“And now I’m making myself un…scarce. Look, the drive is going to help with the sire bond.”
Stefan looked at him. “How?”
Damon shrugged. “There may be a witch in NOLA that may or may not know how to break the sire bond. I kinda bumped into her in the 40s.” 
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“Why would that happen?”
Damon sighed heavily and took his time speaking. “It had been suggested that I was sired to Katherine, I wanted to see if that was true.”
Stefan rushed forward and grabbed Damon by the shirt. “You mean you’ve had this information the entire time?”
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“Yes,” said Damon.
“And you didn’t think to tell me?” 
“Well, I thought about it and I was going to, but a part of me, the lesser part of course, enjoyed watching you struggle and then I realized I was being a dick and so now I’m here.” 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Elena is in hell right now, Damon. And you have information that could potentially end it?” 
Damon’s expression turned ugly. “Maybe I wanted her to be as miserable as I was for a little bit. Not my proudest moment.” 
Stefan stared at him incredulously. “How could you be so fucking childish?”  
“Look, I’m doing the right thing now, OK? Because as much as I want to, when it comes to Elena, I can’t be selfish with her.”
“That’s all you’ve ever been!” Stefan yelled in his face. “The fact that you don’t see that is…”
“LOOK.” Damon pushed Stefan away. “Are you coming to NOLA or not?”
Stefan gritted his teeth.
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Stefan was walking over to Bonnie’s. The words the witch Damon took him to, Nandi, had been ringing in his head nonstop, tearing and ripping him, pulling him apart: “You want her free? You have to set her free. Tell her to live her life without you and never think of you again, to stop caring about you, and then leave her. That's the only way around the sire bond.”
He had confronted Damon afterwards.  “You knew this didn’t you?”
Damon shrugged, which meant yes. 
“You’re a bastard, you know,” said Stefan.
“You wouldn’t have believed me if I told you myself,” he said. “You have to admire the irony, though. To break the sirebond, you have to invoke the sirebond? What oh what is Mr. It’s Your Choice going to do in this situation, I wonder.” 
Stefan had then punched him repeatedly, unable to contain the anger that had been brewing in him since he’d revealed he’d had information about the sirebond the entire time. 
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But still, he needed to get a second opinion, needed to talk to Bonnie about the possibility that there was just something, something they were missing.
Bonnie had told him he could wait for her at her house, that she’d be there in around twenty minutes. He had just stepped into the foyer when the door opened again. He knew even before it opened, from the gait, the scent, the way she breathed, it wasn’t Bonnie. 
“Bonnie, I found another one of the founders journals and maybe---?”
Stefan was going to speed away but it was too late, Elena had seen him. She was halfway through the door and Stefan was deeper in the foyer but their gaze, both anguished and relieved, was fixed to each other, charging the air around them with yearning.
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Elena walked into the foyer fully, closing the door behind her, and it didn’t take long after that. They were in close proximity to one another for no more than a few moments and their bodies were already syncing to each other, their heartbeats had found the same rhythm, they were breathing in tandem.
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His body was hard and sore for her and hers quaked and throbbed at the sight of him; the words they wanted to say but dared not to hung between them but the reality that they knew each other well enough to know what those words were meant they were communicating anyway and it was too much. All too much.
Stefan had to get the hell out of there. Elena had to get him to stay.
He made a noise and then shook his head, looking away from her.
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“How long are we supposed to go on like this?”
Stefan opened his mouth to say something but closed it again, now determined to keep his gaze averted. 
“I can’t do this anymore,” her voice came out in a rush. She closed the gap between them. “I swear to god, I’m going crazy.” 
He knew she knew he felt the same way but he couldn’t tell her that, he had to keep as much distance as possible but Elena was getting frustrated. "This is what you used to do when we first got together! Do you know what it's like when you can't even look at me? It’s like when you were with Klaus."
A time he would never be able to forgive himself for, a time where he’d hurt her deeply. He couldn’t hear that. Stefan's eyes shifted toward her and the power of his undivided attention made Elena's breath catch in her throat. His gaze was tortured and burning and fierce with a yearning he was trying desperately to contain and Elena was determined with everything, everything she had to make him fail.
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She respected his resistance, loved him for it, but she also couldn't help the overwhelming, singular urge to disregard it, make him disregard it too. She wanted to unleash his longing and bask in it. She'd been left alone with her memories and imagination for too many nights and she simply had to feel him.
Elena didn’t give him the chance to think. She launched forward and kissed him hard and deep
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melding herself into him and he made an urgent sound and slipped his hands up her waist, lifting her shirt, so he could touch her skin, feel the curves of her body. But he was still holding himself back -- Elena knew what it felt like to be really felt by him, to be explored and his restraint incensed her, made her physically shake with impatient craving.
"Please," she whispered urgently, pressing herself to him, wrapping her arms around him, kissing him, nipping at him, biting him. "Just please. Please."
A low rumble vibrated in his chest in response. Her neediness for him aroused Stefan beyond reason, triggering a base instinct to do nothing but fulfill that need. They weren’t in his house or hers but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he satiated her hunger. Without warning he lifted her onto him, making her squeal into his mouth,
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and pressed her against the front door, relishing having her pinned to him after so many days, so, so many days without her. He continued to kiss her until her lips were swollen, until she was moaning and clawing at his back, demanding more, demanding everything, until the strain against his jeans was painful ---
He ripped away from her, panting heavily. Elena slid down the wall, heated and gasping and wanting. 
She watched him back away from her and slowly shake his head. "I'm sorry," he panted. "I'm sorry."
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The guilt on his face was unbearable to witness. "No, Stefan--"
His eyes were squeezed shut. "I shouldn't -- I shouldn’t have -- that was selfish --”
"Look at me. Stefan? Look at me. I love you ---”
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He was shaking his head. "No, no no, I can't do this, Elena."
Suddenly, he took off. 
Elena followed him.
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Stefan rushed into the Mikaelson mansion to find Klaus splayed on a sofa, reading a book. He raised his eyebrows. “Is this becoming a regular thing?”
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“I need to talk to Rebekah,” said Stefan. 
Elena came in right after him. “Stefan, what are we doing here?”
“Rebekah, where is she?” he said again.
Klaus shrugged but then Rebekah walked into the room and at seeing a pained and desperate Stefan and a confused and harried Elena, she rolled her eyes. 
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 “Oh my god,” she muttered. 
“I take it he told you,” said Stefan.
“And believe it or not, Stefan, I don’t care about your sirebond drama. Not everyone’s lives revolve around the teenage soap opera that is you and your friends’ lives.”
Klaus laughed and turned a page.
“I just.” Stefan took a deep breath. “I just need - I need to see if you can do something, something I can’t.”
Klaus peered up from his book and regarded him. “You’ve figured it out, haven’t you?” he said, smiling. “The only way to break the sire bond.” 
Elena looked at Stefan. “What is he talking about? There’s a way to break it?”
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Klaus smiled slowly and widely. “You haven’t told her?” 
“Stefan?” Elena moved toward him. He moved back.
Klaus closed his book. “He has to sever the connection with you, make you not love him anymore.” 
Something in Elena’s mind shattered.
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Klaus cocked an eyebrow at Stefan. “You haven’t done it, though.” 
“I’m weak,” he said quietly.
 “Don’t say that. You can’t say that.” But he wasn’t looking at Elena, he was looking at Rebekah. “Could you do it? Make her forget?”
Rebekah looked from Klaus who made an expression of surprised interest to Stefan and then laughed. “Excuse me?”
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Elena's head snapped toward him. "What?"
"Erase it all? Every memory?"
She was going to kill him. "Stefan. No."
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He didn't look at her. If he looked at her, he would break. 
“Well I’m a bit insulted, Stefan. Why wouldn’t you ask me, your old bedfellow?”
Stefan took a step toward Rebekah. "I said, could you do it?" he asked fiercely.
Rebekah tapped her chin in faux contemplation. “I could,” she said, nodding. “I could take away every bit of love she has for you.”
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Elena was frantic. She rushed toward Rebekah. “You wouldn’t,” she pleaded. “You helped him. You hate me. You tried to kill me. But you helped save me.” 
“Well, I was drugged with vervain at the time,” said Rebekah. 
“No, you did it because you saw how much I love him. It moved something in you. Why would you take that away?”
“It’s the only way to break the sire bond, love,” said Klaus.
“Exactly.” Stefan’s voice was barely a whisper.
"No, stop!" She whipped toward him. "Don't I get a say in this? Were you just going to have them do this?"
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He closed his eyes, pained. "Of course not, I'm just thinking of all of the options."
"How could forgetting you ever be a fucking option?” She was shrill and bewildered. “How I feel about you? That's mine! No one gets to take that away!" Elena felt herself coming apart at the seams. Her incredulity started to bleed into anger. "How dare you think that my feelings aren't my own!”
“I know that they are,” said Stefan.
“So then why aren’t you fighting for them?”  
“I’m fighting for you.” He could barely speak.
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“No, you don’t get to make that decision for me! After everything we've been through? After everything we've meant to each other, after everything we've survived, you're going to let this get between us?" 
She was in front of him now, holding either side of his face, forcing him to look at her. 
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Her face crumpled and her voice came out high-pitched and thick with emotion. "How could you do this to me?"
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The pain in her voice tore right through him. "How are you supposed to live supernaturally beholden to me, Elena?"
"It doesn't change how I feel!"
"Who cares?'
She recoiled. "W-what?"
He let out a strangled breath and tried to look away but her grip wouldn’t let him. "It doesn't mean anything, not right now."
"No." She shook her head. "No, it's not going to work." She bore her eyes into his, refusing to let him try and hide the truth of how he felt.
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“You think I don't know you? How many times do I have to prove it, you're not going to run me off! You've never been able to, even before the sire bond."
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Stefan was no longer able to keep from crying. She wasn't making this easy for him, it was cruel. And he loved her for it. 
"What does that matter when you won't know what choice is yours and what the bond is telling you to feel because of something I said or because  of a look on my face? Elena, I can't," he lowered his head, breaking. "I can't do this to you. I can't. I would rather give up what we have than keep you this way. I can’t."
Elena watched as the full extent of Stefan’s pain came to the surface and her anger gave way to a rush of sympathy. She could never stand to see him hurt, it twisted her.
“OK,” she said finally. “OK.” She whispered, rubbing a finger across his face. "I understand," she said. And she did. This was why she loved him.
He looked up at her, hopeful and thankful. 
She pressed her lips together and then brought her face to his. Elena was grateful that he allowed himself a goodbye kiss, to torment and sate himself on the feel of her lips one last time.
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 He took a shuddering breath and looked at her and she said again, "I understand that you'd do this" to assuage his guilt. Then ---  "But I wouldn't."
And then she snapped his neck and raced out of the house before anyone could understand what was happening. She didn't slow down and continued to run, her vamp speed taking her as far as she could go, because she would rather leave than lose his memory.
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misschanadlerbong · 5 months
When Stef Met 'Lena
<previous> | PART 4
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One week later
Elena felt empty inside, the whole in her heart ached deeply. She regretted her decision, she kept thinking of all the what ifs. What if she did that, what if she did this. She couldn't stop thinking about it all. She couldn't stop thinking about how she regretted it with every bone in her body. His voice echoed in her head “Okay, okay. I can completely understand how you feel and why you feel that way. So, I guess, have a nice day ahead Ms. Gilbert.” Elena shook her head trying to push away the memory. She rubbed her temples, she was trying to get away from the haze she was in but to say the least that was not easy. She took a deep breath and positioned her computer chair around to get to work. She started by looking through the files for the meeting with Mrs.Branson next week. She studied each one carefully until she found the exact one she needed. But the file didn't want to come out. She stood up from her chair reaching for the bottom of the files but just as she reached all the files came flying out and landed on top of her. Causing her to lose her balance. She landed on her back with a thud.
She groaned as she tried to sit up, that was until she heard a familiar calming and warm voice. Stef. “Need some help?” Elena looked up to him, reaching his hand out. Elena layed there frozen from shock. “Well?” He raised his eyebrow. “Oh uh yeah…Thank You.” She took his hand as he pulled her up. 
"Is there anything else you need Ms.Gilbert?"
"Yes, actually I was wondering if we could talk?" Elena asked her eyes pleaded with him desperately. 
"Sure, right this way Ms.Gilbert." Stefan wasn't what to make of this. He didn't know what to believe. But at the same time he couldn't help but feel hope break through his heart as he heard 'Lena utters those words. But he also wanted to protect his heart which is why he was exceedingly formal. Stefan moved to the side, pointing her towards the elevator. 
They both moved in the elevator. They both simultaneously reach for the button but just as they both reach out they touch each others hands. They both look up at one another and stare deeply in each other's eyes. And then they both look down in embarrassment, both of they're cheeks turn rose red. But then their eyes meet again, Elena's eyes showed sorrow, remorse, and most of all regret "I'm sorry." She whispered. Stefan eyes showed happiness, forgiveness, but most of all love. "Why are you sorry?" "Because I rejected the only person I've ever loved because I was scared." A smile curved on his face as he stepped closer to her. Elena continued her rant "And I can't believe how incredibly stupid-" Stefan placed his pointer finger on her soft lips trying to vanquish her worries. He muttered this softly, "Shhh, it's okay 'Lena." He cupped her face, trying to comfort her. "I forgive you it's okay." Her eyes lit up as Stefan confessed this. They both giggled at one another, "So does this mean I can kiss you now? You don't care right?"
"Oh you most definitely can. Who cares about what others will say!" 
Elena wrapped her arm around Stefan and he cupped her face. "Good." Stefan smiled as he leaned in slowly and ever so carefully. When they're lips brushed it felt soft and warm. It felt perfect, wonderful, everything you could wish for. But it wasn't just what you wished for it also felt perfectly right. Like after all this time the right pieces finally found its missing piece. 
The end. 
@wiidestdrearms / @queenofstelena
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queenofstelena · 1 year
But with you I'd dance in a storm In my best dress (A stelena and Taylor Swift songfic)
Summary: Songfic (Fearless)/An AU - All Human It's a wonderfully rainy day Stefan and Elena were journaling. But for once Elena was lost for words and Stefan has a spectacular idea that they should go out in the rain.
Notes: Never accept anything less from a swiftie! I couldn't not write a songfic without including a Taylor Swift song! :)
Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert
Warning(s): Nothing but fluff
Rating: General Audiences
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Hope you enjoy <3
There's somethin' bout the way
The street looks when it's just rained
There's a glow off the pavement
You walk me to the car
And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there
In the middle of the parking lot
Oh, yeah
Elena was curled up on the couch tapping the end of her pen on her diary. She was at a loss for words at that moment. While Stefan was sitting on the armchair writing away in his journal. Perhaps the problem was she needed inspiration. Oh, what oh what could inspire the brunette.
Stefan noticed, she hadn't written much and looked up to say "Can't think of anything?" He asked softly.
"You could say that," Elena responded with a hint of agitation.
"I have a perfect idea to swipe that mug off your beautiful face!" He said sweetly, smiling as he stood up.
He moved toward Elena he grabbed the diary and the pen and sat the objects to the side and then grabbed Elena's hands pulling her up. She looked confused. He paused for a moment and then went on to say. "And it might inspire you!" Stefan pointed towards the window.
We're drivin' down the road
I wonder if you know
I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now
But you're just so cool
Run your hands through your hair
Absent mindedly makin' me want you
"We can't go out there, it's raining!" Elena said, shocked by Stefan's spontaneousness.
"Yes, but it'll be fun, and we won't be there long enough to get sick so don't worry!" Stefan said smiling, trying to convince her.
"I'll right, I'll go grab the coats!" Elena said in dramatic defeat. Elena and Stefan always loved to joke around like this, it was dramatic but that was the exhilarating part! That's the great part about being together they love laughter and making each other smile. She ran upstairs smiling cheekily as she grabbed the coats.
Stefan's face lit up into a smile as he watched her run upstairs. Little did she know there was a surprise waiting for her there.
And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why
But with you I'd dance in a storm
In my best dress
Elena's POV
So baby drive slow
'Til we run out of road in this one horse town
I wanna stay right here in this passenger seat
You put your eyes on me
In this moment now capture it, remember it
As I walked into the room I noticed the coats were on the bed instead of the closet. "huh, odd normally he puts them away. He must have forgotten." I thought, as I went over to grab our jackets.
As I lifted the jackets I found a surprise waiting there for me. There it was a small black velvet box.
I stared in shock for a moment and then regained my posture. I grabbed the small box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful small diamond ring.
I covered her mouth in shock, a hot tear came streaming my cheek when I realized Stefan was going to propose!
While this came as a shock to her it didn't shock Stefan. He planned this out for weeks that's why they came to the lakehouse. He thought he should wait until it was a rainy day to propose, he always thought they were magical. Of course, he wasn't planning on leaving the jackets on the bed but he grabbed them this morning just in case it rain and left it there by accident.
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why
But with you I'd dance in a storm
In my best dress
Oh, oh
Stefan watched through the doorway and said "From the moment I met you, you were my light in my dark, my rock, my true love, and epic love, but most of all you were my soulmate. The moment I met you I knew you were the one, falling in love with you has been the greatest gift I could ever ask for. Will, you Elena Gilbert marry me?" Stefan vocalized.
Well you stood there with me in the doorway
My hands shake
I'm not usually this way but
You pull me in and I'm a little more brave
It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, it's fearless
"Yes, I will marry you!" I cried, quickly hugging Stefan as he spun me around. I laid my head against the crook of his neck softly. I smiled happily as his arms were wrapped around my waist.
"Before I put this ring on your finger would you like to dance in the rain?" Stefan pulled away and offered. I smile as brightly as before "Yes." I responded.
"Why, Mrs. Future Salvatore would you like me to carry you sparkling rain?" Stefan asked me.
My face broke into a smile as I affirmed "Why, yes Mr. Salvatore I would love that." I giggled as he carried my bridal style downstairs into the rain.
Oh, yeah
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why
But with you I'd dance in a storm
In my best dress
Elena moved out of Stefan's arms moving into position to dance. He placed his arms on her waist while Elena placed her arms on his shoulder. Rain poured softly, on their faces as they swayed together.
The sunset glistened onto their skin but they didn't notice all they saw were each other. Elena softly giggled, Stefan loved her laugh it was like a sweet, blissful melody to his ears.
Elena loved Stefan's forest-green eyes they were full of mystery and compassion.
They continued to sway and dance together until the rain stops yes, they forgot the jackets, and yes they got an extremely bad cold but it was worth it. It was worth every hour, minute, and second. Why? Because love is fearless. Dancing in the rain was another memory they could look back on and think fondly of.
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why
But with you I'd dance in a storm
In my best dress
Oh, oh, oh yeah
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hydesjackiespuddinpop · 11 months
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Title: Stelena the Bamon fancouple
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairings: Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett/Damon Salvatore
Length: 736
Summary: Bonnie and Damon just came back from their first date. Little did they know, they had a funny surprise waiting along for them.
(Fun fact: this was the first fic I ever wrote)
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freddieslater · 1 year
“You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home” (I know it’s a Miley Cyrus song but Taylor wrote it) for Elena x Stefan?
From the moment that Elena opens her eyes, she knows it's going to be one of those rough days. Rain pounds relentlessly against the window. As if it wasn't bad enough that she had to wake up at four in the morning on a Monday. 
It's then that she realizes. Her alarm isn't going off. She slides her phone off the bedside cabinet and nearly flings herself out of bed when she looks at it. It's nearly seven. She needs to be at work by seven.
Groaning lowly, she goes about getting dressed as quickly and quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb Stefan. When she glances over at him, one leg in her pants, she finds him sleeping soundly. His hand is in the middle, his fingers outstretched like he's looking for something. Elena smiles.
She moves around to his side of the bed and presses a light kiss on his cheek. He hums but doesn't stir. He needs the sleep as much as she does; his new job has been working his freshly-human body into the ground, but she can't really complain when he comes home in his paramedic uniform. There's something incredibly sexy to her about them both being in the medical field. 
Her final alarm finally goes off in her hand. Shit. It's five to seven. Time's up. She's definitely going to be late again. It's not a habit she wants to keep but the hospital can be draining, and sometimes she just sleeps right through. Hopefully, Meredith doesn't kick her ass too hard for it. 
She drags herself out the door and into work. It's hectic. She's on her feet the entire time. For just a second, she finds herself thinking that she wants to quit and just go home to take a long hibernation coma. Maybe medicine just isn't her field.
But she knows it isn't true. She loves it. It's almost... exhilarating, being surrounded by such practical chaos and dealing with problems that she can fix. Because they have a fix. Nothing supernatural. Just normal patients being treated by a normal doctor.
At the end of her shift, she goes through the motions of changing out of her scrubs for the final time that day, zoning out entirely. There's always a reluctance in her to go. It doesn't feel right. What if one of her patients needs her? What if there's an emergency? Sometimes she considers just taking a nap in the on-call room. There's nowhere more important for her to be than right here. 
That is until she reads the text waiting for her every evening like clockwork. A sweet, tender promise for when she returns home. The word sticks out to her and pulls a smile from the depths of her sleepy self. She was wrong. There is definitely somewhere more important for her to be. She goes home, to Stefan, who will always be there, waiting for her or vice versa. No matter what happens in their day, they always find their way back home. 
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elenascollection · 2 months
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Another beautiful find, aso as seen on screen accurate to the henley hoodie top Elena Gilbert wore in season 1 episode 14, Fool me once. Its the American Eagle thermal henley hoodie in navy blue.
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Was a long journey of finding this. I had the eggplant version in my bag more times then i can remember and it always ended up getting sold so fast! Wasnt gonna pay 100$ to a reseller tho. Found this screen accurate colour on Depop a couple months ago. Bought it right away! One of my most worn Elena Items for sure!
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Also seen on season 1, episode 14. Is the highly sought after aeropostale henley top with ruffled front. Almost impossible to find especially in this colour! Guess who still managed to get her hands on it tho! Got it from another collector in my size! . Its so flattering and body hugging but i dont have the heart to wear it regularly since its so valuable to me.
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